The LEGEND of Jango Fett | COMPLETE Life Story | Part 1

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five million was it or much more if you'll come with me to camino to be cloned what's up meta nerds this video will be the complete legends life story of jango fett unlike with the kodi documentary where we combine the canon and legends lore django's story has a lot that simply is mutually exclusive the most obvious is his upbringing for sure jango fett and legends is mandalorian and was one of the single most important mandalores throughout the entire history you would have to look back to the times of the ancient mandawa day to find anyone that could rival his legacy i think it's pretty cool that there's such a big out of universe debate on who is and isn't truly mandalorian how that should be defined and so forth because that was a huge debate within mandalorian culture inside of the lore as you will see with the conflicts that were raging when django was still just a young boy so these videos will cover each and every bit of lauren jango fett from birth through death and even look at how his son bobo would carry on the mandalorian legacy and strengthen their culture let's go back to 66 bby on the outer rim world of concord dawn within the mandalore sector the newborn jango was taken home by his mother and father to their farm the phet family farm was one of several large and highly productive farming operations on the agricultural world of concord dawn something of the bread basket of mandalorian space the ancient crusading mandalorians of the old republic era had conquered this world thousands of years ago and the people that immigrated here became the ancestors of this now mandola world though not a luscious planet these were a hard-working people that were able to turn the arid terrain into a surplus and though in the outer rim crime was never a problem here the mandalorian culture instilled a strong sense of self-reliance training in both hand-to-hand combat and weaponry for each and every member of the population the people of concord dawn were known throughout the galaxy to be both incredibly tough and honorable this planet was ruled by a governor who oversaw the journeyman protectors a law enforcement group that upheld the mandoa codes of honor one anecdote comes from horvak who ate a human convict from concord dawn but before he devoured him he was told that the laws there were so strict that even cheating in games is a capital offense so this was the environment jango and his sister arla grew up in we also need to keep in mind that in 738 bby the jedi launched the attack on mandalore that would result in lasting environmental destruction pushing them into the biocubes and dome cities that now dot the lifeless deserts omaha had always been a vibrant green and blue world and culturally this war gave rise to a faction called the new mandalorians these were pacifists who would eventually produce those like duchess sateen who reigned during the clone wars but there were still militant-minded mercenary mandos throughout the galaxy on concord dawn the journeyman protector in charge of the district containing the fetz farm was a man who went by the name jaster moreal remember the law had things on the book that could see you executed for lying so when jaster learned of the deep corruption of a superior officer he felt bound by duty to kill him the other superiors did not agree and had jaster exiled from concord dawn upon which he would join the mandalorians that were still acting as warriors not the pacifists who were growing in strength on mandalore while phet's father would fill the new opening in the journeyman protectors this was all decades before jango's birth sometime around 90 to 70 bby and those warrior mandos had splintered into two groups that were now waging a full civil war and so now you had three factions of course they each believed that they were the true mandalorians but jasper morel understood branding enough to call his forces the true mandalorians and they were fighting against death watch led by torvizla the deathwatch mandos wanted to up their violence return to the lost age of mandalorian crusaders who set the galaxy ablaze during the time of the old republic believing that might made right anyone who could not defeat them was by definition their inferior and deserving of subjugation while the true mandalorians followed what was called the super commando codex a new code of honor for these new times now the term mandalore meant sole ruler in the mandala language a term that dated back to mandalore the conqueror over four thousand years ago as leader of the true mandalorians jaster muriel took up the title mandalore and with this he wanted to reaffirm the warrior codes but with his own twists he and his followers felt that the old ways were too violent there was no honor in being a bloodthirsty marauder blindly tearing through anything that came before them deathwatch and vizzle claimed that this was the very definition of mandalorian and of course claiming the name true mandalorian was just a semantic trick to distract from the fact that this jaster character was changing what it meant to be mando in 58 bby jasper mariel found his forces in the middle the pacifist new mandos thought he was too violent death watch thought he was too weak and this civil war would come to concord dawn jasper's forces were being routed and he was now being hunted on his homeworld bizla shouting out quote you can't escape me jaster i'll burn all your hiding places to the ground and execute anyone who helps you days later we see a young jingle fett making his way through the fields noticing odd footprints in the mud his father would startle him and remind the boy that he needs to get to work fixing the harvester and stop playing detective when jango asks what the basket is for his dad says it was for a beggar in the fields the boy would go on to work repairing the machine under the hot sun when a group of armed men descend on him they ask if he's seen any strangers around these parts and after a brave response the leader threatens to kill the boy we see that even at just 8 years old young jango is very observant he admits that he had seen some tracks of someone wearing soldier boots and that his dad was taking food to someone but this information the thugs forced the boy to lead them to the fett family farm the mantos fan out and cover the area using the threat of a blaster to the boy's head the father comes out to confront vizsla and death watch they subdue him and violently proceed with their interrogation battered and bloodied jango sees that his father does not back down instead stating that he is a journeyman protector that he is the law death watch is unimpressed and grab jango by the hair saying quote answer me or your kid will be wearing your brains tears pour out of jango's eyes but just then a blaster bolt whizzed by and directly through the visor of the armored mando everyone is stunned jango looking at his dead captor vizsla whipping around only to see mama fett with a smoking blaster rifle his father knows this is the boy's only chance shouts for him to run and more tears fall as jango sprints into the tall vegetation as he gets deeper into the field he is snatched up by another band of armored blaster wielding mandos but they opened fire on the death watch thugs that had chased after django and back at the fett homestead we see that vizsla heard this firefight in the bush he decided to burn down the fields to chase the true mando forces out and as for django's family vizsla coldly says that they should be quickly put to death so that they could just move on his father mother and sister were just a side note a bunch of inconsequential objects in this way he has them senselessly killed and tossed aside in the fields jaster was mobilizing his forces and turns to the sobbing boy to tell him simply that his family was dead he would need to come with the mandos to survive and though devastated young jango sees that he has to spring to the rescue as the true mando forces are becoming lost he pushes past jaster and leads the way knowing which trails to take through his family fields the boy leads them into an irrigation tube and django says that they could travel through the tunnels to exit on the other side of the farm though jaster's second in command mantras worries that they might get boiled alive they would emerge and the truman forces said that they need to catch vizsla as he resupplies and again the eight-year-old boy steps up showing his incredible bravery and intelligence he says he knows where they will be selling food and power cells in the nearest town jaster asks the boy if he can chew and when he gets a yes he says that his father was a good man for teaching jango how to use a blaster in the dusty streets of town death watch storms in on their armored personnel carrier looking forward to two days of pillaging and conquering one of the mando's would act as a [ __ ] and once pushed he whips around and blasts through the armor at close range jaster and montross were in position to encircle them raining down fire from all directions providing django the opportunity to run underneath the vehicle and place an explosive once clear he gives the command to detonate the apc the explosions engulf the streets in flames and shrapnel and as jango runs he sees the mando's sharpshooting death watch left and right and then he notices that vizla's second in command was cowering in shock the boy raises the blaster to his head exclaiming you killed my family the only response he gets was matter of fact saying they were just casualties of war kid before a hidden blade pops out and nearly severs the boy's head jaster was searching the battlefield but sees that vizzle had escaped jango was now scrambling for his blaster and in this very first battle he is able to whip around and get a shot into the man's chest his whole life had changed forever in just a few hours he was now an orphan and had taken a man's life but this was the story of many foundlings that were adopted into the ranks of mandalorians jaster places a hand on the distraught youth showing he was proud but saying they needed to go now taking the boy into his arms and picking him up jaster asks if he feels better now to which jango replies not yet jaster knew that this was a mandalorian answer over the next six years jaster would raise jango as his adoptive son his suit of armor would be mostly green with red accents with the armor on his shoulders and knees being yellow a look that would be adopted by his son decades later he would now be 14 years old and granted his first leadership role and we see that all respected him among the ranks in their mothership that served as their base of operations his close friend silas knew that jango was excited about being given a squad jasper calls a meeting and says that since this was jango's first time as squad commander the mission would be a simple extraction quarter defense was paying these mercs to save one of their rookie squads that was pinned down on the inner rim world of quarter six the report said enemy forces were poorly armed and disorganized and second in command montross gives the units their objectives jaster would be in charge of the ground forces clearing out the lz and as jaster moves with his squad to the dropships he turns to his adoptive son and says to make him proud montross is mobilizing his unit but turns to the young man to make an odd statement feeling the need to remind him that jaster was not his real father but this loyalty between them could cloud his judgment and maybe hurt his ability to make the right decision for the clan a mistake montross hopes jango will not make with this strange send-off the dropships race out of the capital ship hangar jango reminds his boys to check their ammo and to keep an eye on each other he wants to make sure his first command sees each of his brothers home but within seconds they get hit by a flurry of ion cannon fire their ship had lost all power and was forced to make a crash landing though this was a rough start jango tries to keep them focused as the ramp descends these first seconds of his battlefield command several of his men are killed instantly blaster bolts to the head dropping them at his feet and the 14 year old commander tells his units to find cover in the muddy trenches django was furious with their ally's poor intel the enemy forces were both well armed and highly organized the drop ships were all being peppered with bolts from mounted weaponry the mandalorians were one of the toughest forces in the galaxy pushing ahead with gauntlet flamethrowers engaged and soaring overhead with their iconic jetpacks jango pushes forward and tries to calm jaster but his casualties keep increasing forcing him back behind cover jaster calls all forces to regroup on django but montross and the flyboys want to push the fight to the mounted guns the mandalore gives a direct order to retreat but this is ignored montrose's forces do kill several foes but an enemy grenade kills many of his men even he would have died if jaster had not come to the rescue still the leader says that they are retreating they cannot continue with a plan that was based off of bad intel and as they make their way down the hill jaster calls his second in command's plan idiotic but notes that jango took initiative and used this distraction to sneak around the target his unit made its way through the forest and was now in an open area where the allied security forces were supposedly in hiding waiting for evac just as they step into the clearing deathwatch erupts from under the brush and opens fire django immediately recognizes them and has to catch his friend silas up to speed but the bad blood between vizsla and jaster django would personally kill many of them with blaster explosive and flamethrower before telling his mandalore that their friends were behind this whole botched mission jester asks if he sees vizsla and right on cue his archrival emerges from an enormous vehicle the mandalore says that they would have been safely off world by now if montross hadn't rushed ahead and declares that if they do survive montross would no longer be a part of the true mandalorians this the fires a rocket that scatters them as montross soars above his leader he says that he's done taking orders he leaves jasper to die and within seconds the laser cannons from the death watch vehicle ripped through the mandalorian's armor disintegrating his knee to immobilize him followed by several bolts through his torso in the cockpit vizsla says to himself that he can finally wipe the name jaster moriel from mandalorian history jango had emerged from the forest just in time to witness his adoptive father's death but his friend pulls him back from rushing into the bolts vizsla was too much of a coward to fight his sworn enemy honorably and upon seeing django's unit he peels off in his vehicle and flees the scene jango makes his way over to their downed mandalore removing his helmet to look into the eyes of the man who saved his life all those years ago meanwhile at the lz we see montrose rushing the forces to evac claiming jango had died trying to rescue jasper but as they are aborting the dropships they see the adoptive sound come over the hill mandalore lying dead in his arms mantra says that if he wants to honor jaster he should realize that as second in command he should now be the leader but jango says they cannot follow someone who let their mandalore die alone on the battlefront and blasters raised all around him montross realizing that jango's act of bravery over the years had won the hearts of his fellow mandos he is outraged that his coup had failed bested by a 14 year old young man but he has no choice but to flee all the true mandalorians recognized jango fett as jaster's legacy and to honor him he would now sport the black and red markings of their fallen leader django would reign as the new mandalore for the next 18 years all the while never giving up on his burning passion to get revenge on the man that had killed both his entire family and then his adoptive father this rage honed him into a weapon rivaling the greatest mandalorians in their thousands of years of warrior history finally he attracted vizsla to the outer rim world of galadran they were hired by the governor of this world to put down a local insurrection and the rebels were all killed with a dazzling display of deadly limbs blasters and rockets victorious fett would make his way to the governor's castle where we see the leader of this world was trembling with fear django took this job because he knew that the governor was secretly funding the rebuilding of death watch blaster raised he calls out this alliance and demands to know the location of vizsla when the governor pathetically denies any knowledge his eyes give away a clue looking off to the corner of the room out of the curtains rushed the cowardly sect of mandos blaster bolts flying through the air and tearing apart the plush quarters as the mandalore ducks behind a column and shouts you've crossed the wrong man governor before using the jetpack to fly through a window he sends some parting shots back at deathwatch but before he can escape this shows his own sharp shooting skills and lands a bolt into the jet pack it smokes and sputters out but vizsla doubts that his enemy is dead just then the jedi emerged in their consular class cruisers as per the governor's plan with death watch he begged the jedi order to help him claiming that the mandalorians were killing political activists and vizsla says to tell them that jango was ordering the deaths of women and children too before vizsla promises to go and provide those bodies to show the jedi as evidence back in the wilderness we see the mandalore dropping out of the sky but making a relatively safe landing in a snow bank but the fall had damaged his comlink and jango knows that the jedi may be the only warriors in the galaxy that could give his forces a tough fight he races through the snow trying to call out to his commander but nothing is getting through a jedi named dooku was leading the strike team and they already had the location of the mandalorian camp long before the ships even landed encircling the warriors position as jango frantically tries to make his way down to his men the jedi activate their blades and dooku makes his introduction reading off the accusations informing these hardened professional killers that they were now under arrest and when dooku's padawan kamarivosa says that if the mandos want to fight the jedi will end it quickly fed orders his men to open fire to kill her first he knows that he cannot allow these saber-wielding sorcerers close in on him but is surprised by how efficient the jedi were at sending bolts back to the mandalorians quickly the mandalore has to change the plan ordering a shift to explosives and as rockets come flying at the circle of jedi they are forced down into the pit where jango's forces would suffer their first losses his second in command miles soars above them to rain down fire from above but a quick reacting jedi would leap up to intercept severing the mandalorian in half the two pieces of his friend falling right in front of django enraged it would seem to embody the ancient war god of the mandawade out of weapons he used his bare hands to rip a jedi from behind and strike at their spine pick up a rock and bash in their skulls and uses athleticism to outmaneuver and headbutt a sixth jedi a critical wound that would cause a hemorrhage blood spewing out of the jedi's mouth before he fell dead before effect this killing of six jedi with his bare hands was enough to solidify django's notorious reputation throughout the galaxy but he would fall to his knees knowing that he was surrounded dooku's team had killed all of the other mandalorians in jango's eyes these are the only true mandalorians left in the galaxy the name fett would now be infamous throughout the jedi order and dooku stared at the carnage that also cost him half of his jedi a mission that he thought was just the latest of the council's poor decisions dragging the jedi into a corrupted position as political warriors dooku would turn fed over to the governor of galadran who then sold him into slavery while also backing the rise of death watch from the rank of mandalore the sole ruler of the mandalorians he was now just another anonymous slave working in a spice ship it would be two years in this soul-crushing environment until one fateful day when pirates became his unknowing rescuers his chains were broken in the firefight the moment he saw an opening he grabs a blaster and blows away his overlord before using the chaos to commandeer a ship to make his escape heading right back to galatran the governor got word of jango's escape but did not have time to prevent the fallen mandalore from getting what he came for all these years the governor had jango's armor on display but he didn't leave it in the original paint however stripping the black and red coats to show the polished metal and adding new blue accents as he says to his droid assistant while rushing to his personal museum quote i didn't spend thousands restoring that suit to have it stolen by that thug the true owner the last of the true mandalorians was already ready for combat and in the gleaming armor tells the governor to give up the location of vizsla the governor knows that this madman was not playing around and tells him that death watch was headed to corellia moments later in vizla's flagship his engineer tells him that he's detecting a starfighter and in just seconds the vessel crashes into the engine array this single precise strike had disabled their sublight engines and their life support systems were quickly fading in the command bridge window they spot what looks like a missile only to have vizsla realized to his horrified surprise that it was fed wrist rockets blow through the transparent steel window as usual the cowardly mando pretender was fleeing down the corridors hoping the blast doors would cut jango off but that trusty jetpack shot him into a roll that resulted in a swift punch to the jaw fett knocks him down and pulls his dual west star 34 blasters on him but bizla shows that he was leader of his forces for good reason he could fight when he wanted to stripping the blasters away saying quote i guess jaster didn't finish her education before i killed him so let me show you how to open a man's throat with your fingers but the attack on the vessel was leading to chain reactions of explosions throughout the ship a blast separates them and stuns jango which his arch enemy takes advantage of delivering an elbow to the throat and leaving the once mandalore to go down with the ship he orders everyone to evacuate on escape pods and just as he opens the door to his pod he senses the blue devil launching himself at him uttering only a pathetic no before jango grabbed hold of him and proceeded to beat him senseless the entire way down to the surface of corellia but vizsla would use the crash landing to break free from fett and then run and hide in the bush and as jango emerged he opens up with a blast from his flamethrower vet boosts over the spray and drop kicks his enemy to the ground local predators the dire cats were taking notice of these two food sources and watched as fett delivered blow after blow knocking vizilan to a river but in a split second he would get a whip cord shot off to wrap up fett's legs pulling him down into the water with him with his legs bound we see that jango loses his advantage his blade would come out and pierce jango's skin another cowardly move the faux mando used poison against vet something that was making it nearly impossible just to stay conscious as it would then grab a large stick and proceed to bombard jango's helmet eventually knocking it clean off instead of finishing the kill he gloats telling the adoptive son that jaster would be disappointed and thinking back to that day in the hangar when jaster looked at him on his first mission and said make me proud jango calls on something within him gets a second wind and activates his own gauntlet blade with this rage he spins around and cuts open vizsla's belly his arch enemy for 20 years now the man who killed both his family and adopted father was now trying to keep from bleeding out he tries to act tough but django tells him that he won't kill him but they will as the dire wolves launch from cover to devour vizsla alive denying vizsla a respectable death at the hands of another mandalorian though vengeance was sweet felt the darkness of death consuming him as well the poison would leave him unconscious for about 12 hours jango thought surely he was going to die but he comes too with a group of horrified children staring into his eyes his vision comes back and with a pounding head he stumbles to his feet noting that the beast must not have devoured him because the poison made him smell like he was already dead and rotting when the kids asked where he was going he replies simply to find a job his journey so far was a small scale version of what happened to the mandalorians thousands of years ago once their mandalore was broken and defeated by revan they all split up into smaller clans becoming bands of mercenaries taking odd jobs falling a long way from their massive and terrifying armies of conquerors so though this mandalore was still alive he had no people to lead whatever was left of death watch were his enemies and he felt no connection to the pacifist's new mandalorians he too would become a bounty hunter and just as he rose to become the greatest of the mandalorians he would start his climb to the title of the best bounty hunter in the galaxy with the help of this updated gear a lot of this was already in the suit but thanks to the governor wanting to show off it was all in new condition starting with the boots they had magnatomic adhesion allowing him to stay in place when in 0g something that helped a lot of droid units and which would later be incorporated into the clone troopers the knee pads each had rocket dart launchers a nasty little trick when locked in melee combat and on the thighs rested a pair of west star 34 blasters this little silver beauty was a modern marvel it packed more power than most blaster rifles out there a damage output that was only rivaled by the later dl44 a weapon that was banned by the empire and was one of the many things that made han solo so deadly to help with his quick draw he further modified the gun to be lighter by removing much of the handle this little button would indicate when the power pack was running low but the west star 34 packed a punch and could fire hundreds of bolts before needing to be replenished which was made incredibly easy with these combined tabana gas and power cell cartridges in one unit these cartridges were so small that the pouches django wore on his belt could contain more than enough ammo for any mission this sash underneath is actually to honor the position held by his father and adopted father before that as it is the traditional sash binding of the journeyman protectors a nice integration of his two backgrounds moving up we see this vest under the armor plating this was an extra layer of defense to protect his vital organs an energized blast dissipation vest that would scatter the energy of blaster bolts working much like a bulletproof vest in the sense that it might not be harmless but at least life-saving and this is actually something that the much boohood stormtrooper armor did as well each of the gauntlets were essentially interchangeable weapon mounts and jango's standard loadout was a projectile dart shooter whipcord thrower retractable blade and variable munitions launcher now looking at the helmet these two small triangular objects are a part of what was called the pineal gland sensor system which worked with the hud in the helmet to essentially allow fett to see behind him and under the helmet were these coverings over the ears that connected him to various com systems some of which would be connected back to the slave 1 which were also made to protect him from sonic weaponry while the targeting rangefinder is a mando classic giving all sorts of environmental data and helping with target acquisition the jetpack was an iconic mandalorian symbol and we see that he used both the z6 and jt-12 model they have a lot in common but the main difference was the type of missile loaded into the top these things over here and the thrust exhaust and gambling thrust nozzle positions a neat feature is that this missile can be swapped out for a variety of different types of explosives and even a grappling hook though this equipment all helped to accent his deadly set of skills his first year would have a major setback and 41 bby jango would somehow lose his armor the exact details of this are unclear but we learn of this through a woman named chica tol someone who had been jango's lover for these past months and who helped him recover the suit only to be separated from fat when pirates attacked their vessel next time we see him would be 9 years later 32 bby the same year as the battle of naboo a terrorist group known as the bando gora were crippling industries crucial to the republic darth sidious knew that they were led by a fallen jedi and understood that any variables in the galaxy that he was not in charge of could prove to be a threat to his plans to bring about the revenge of the sith he would contact his own fallen jedi the count who had become darth tyranus to task him with the mission of eliminating the bandogora after the briefing dooku asked if his lord has any updates on the clone army our cloners require a host you must find an ideal specimen perhaps among the galaxy's most dangerous mercenaries i shall accomplish both of these tasks with a single stroke master he would post a lucrative hit on the leader of the gora attracting the most elite hunters in the galaxy at this time jango was in the middle of a republic contract closing in on the lifelong criminal migo ginty he finds his target commanding the borek in a pit fight in outland station a popular waypoint in hut space using the viewfinder to zero in on his target he eliminates both of the bodyguards with those powerful westar 34s scaring his target off the platform and down into the pit django would calmly descend with his jetpack twirl his blasters back up to mikko dead or alive miko but the crafty criminal used his neural remote to make the enormous bug take a swing at the mandalorian an attack that sends the pack flying off into the crowd but the armor absorbed the blow and fett transfers the momentum into a roll back onto his feet the carapace was so tough that it would take dozens of blasts to finally bring the creature down then jenga would have to give chase through the space station blasting away miko's allies only to have him escape via stolen speeder as the force would have it this merchant was also selling a jet pack that he had just picked up from the arena and django kindly asks for it back i'll take that off your hands how much you're offering your life after another chase through the shipping zone fett sees that miko has made it back onto his ship a tri-mark 7 called the long shot at this point jango was already considered the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy by most and miko surely heard the legends of the mandalorian that killed six jedi with his bare hands but a part of him wonders if this was just a myth he decides that with the ship's laser cannons and rocket launchers there was no way jango could survive but with a decade of use with this armor and tech fett was nearly unstoppable using the jetpack to evade while sending bull after bolt into keyship systems the long shot saw complete failure a fiery wreck smashing down jingle walked up to his target i hate to admit it but you're worth more alive yes i'll get you for this fact meanwhile we see that another man wearing mandalorian armor was completing a bounty of his own mom frost i can pay you double the man who had betrayed jester mariel had found himself in a similar position to the punk kid he once despised and again he must have been driven mad at how this younger man was again demanding more fear and respect back at jango's hangout on the outland station he collects his bounty from his toidarian associate rosada you're short ross not trying to swindle me are you hey you're forgetting my finder's fee and she says that she already has another bounty for him tossing a hollow projector onto the table greetings jango fett i am tyrannos you are one of a select few chosen to participate in a special hunt for a special prey the tordarian is stunned five million republic credits five million wow that could make you for life but she is afraid for django saying this bandogora group was too dangerous even for him that no one sent after them has ever come back alive worried about losing your finder's face now that's not fair you know i worry about you django is not afraid and asks more about how this group works roz says she thinks they're behind the new death stick craze and remembers that there was a small bounty on a death stick dealer on coruscant and as he leaves we see that the toidarian knew of the bad blood between fett and the other mando seeming hunter i wouldn't be surprised if you ran into mantras on this hunt i'd be surprised if i didn't this bounty centered around another relic of his past it's unlikely that fett would have known this but komari vossa was the one that he called loudmouth in order to be killed first back on galatran the apprentice of count dooku who fell to the dark side before her master over coruscant django emerges from hyperspace in his amphibious interstellar assault transport or aiat a model of ship that was the precursor to the laat it was called jaster's legacy and at this point it was on its last legs sputtering through space something that ross thought was ridiculous for such a well-paid merc and she dropped some insights that you would normally have to pay a psych droid for you ever think maybe you hang onto that ship those memories because you're looking for someone to take under your own wing with his briefing he takes the old ship into a traffic lane and descends to a landing pad in the upper levels making his way into a club that the target was known to frequent when the bartender is resistant django consults with his negotiators listen friend i'm giving you a chance to save your club the club would erupt in blaster fire but eventually he would find the dealer wrapping him up with his trusty whip cord the troubled youth knows he's in way over his head and trades his life for the location of the warehouse that supplied the psychedelic substance fat would sneak his way into the facility but the way this whole operation is run the connection to the terrorist group this enormous bounty it all had jango suspicious i've got a feeling these aren't ordinary death sticks i'm transmitting a sample to you taking a sample he sends the data back to raz for analysis while jango was blasting through the guards and working his way deeper into the warehouse she confirms that these were no normal death sticks they are laced with high levels of some unknown and untraceable neurotoxin the trail would leave him into a carbon freezing facility where he stumbles upon his past at montross it's been a long time django again it looks like we're after the same thing he had captured the local drug lord and froze him already but used the process to kill him a lengthy blaster duel would force montross to flee and django believes that an operation this large couldn't have been pulled off without the help of some corrupt politicians and with some searching through groff's computer he's able to find his next target jango's deadly ballroom brawl had scared a senator from ryloth i went out you hear me oh well what do you know senator drill the hunter would make his way up to the plush apartment tower and dangles the politician over the ledge though a bounty hunter he is still driven by a strong mandalorian sense of honor remember his father was the journeyman protector that filled the shoes of jasper mariel after he had been exiled for killing a corrupt official now it was django's turn after senator trell told him that the supplier was a dug on the planet malistaire where public security forces show up in a gunshot and fett chooses to let gravity decide this corrupt senator's fate dropping him over the edge and then blasting away the gunship before making his escape back on his ship he consults with raz to learn more about this target in order to get an audience with him ross suggests capturing someone subalto put a hit on problem is that this guy was incarcerated on uvo iv but django we are talking about a maximum security prison it's just another job ross i'll slip in and out before they notice he's missing while he punches in the hyperspace coordinates django asks about montrose and roz pleads with him to leave this dangerous bounty hunter life one that can only end with his death django dear you'll work too hard you got money why don't you meet a nice girl settle down have a kid he won't live forever you know merging in the asteroid field of hugo four we see jango had mastered the trick of riding a ship's signature in space following close behind a cargo ship that was making its approach to the prison complex captain uh my scopes just picked up a ghost image and our sensor wig probably another glitch by quickly darting off at the exact right moment he was able to covertly set down on the asteroid he knows this one will be tougher than normal and make sure to attach a fresh rocket to his jetpack as he sneaks deeper and deeper into the facility it comes across a worker named smooty who tells him some of the terrifying history of kamarivosa and her rise to become leader of the bando gora on some barrier moon beyond the outer rim say he seen the same jedi girl locked the heads of him two prisoners in some bizarre rituals it takes vet to the level containing bendix fuss but is shocked to see another bounty hunter beat him to the target her method sent the whole facility on high alert but jango can tell that they will have to work together careful django trust no one isn't that your model in order to get out they would have to shut down the shield generator and so he contacts that worker smoothie who tells him how to do it but notice how the professional killer is worried about this plan that may hurt his newly created ally what about you come on don't worry about me stranger [Music] on the other side after setting the main reactor to blow he makes his way to the nearby hangar to commandeer one of the patrol ships to get himself this female hunter and their target safely away from the prison the ship was a fire spray 31 model craft made by kua drive yards for patrolling the dangerous asteroid field prison complex after liftoff he spins around and sends two torpedoes as a parting shot setting off a chain reaction that not only took out the other ships that might have given pursuit but much of the asteroid itself montross gets an alert of this escape and notices sabalto had a bounty on someone there reasoning that this must be django working the lead on the bando gora case back in the fire spray 31 the huntress introduces herself i'm zam mozelle you must be new to the business why because you haven't heard of me no because you're reckless and as they debate the merits of her plan he points out that her recklessness cost him jaster's legacy this babe is a big improvement over that relic she's a fire spray pursuit special one of six prototypes manufactured for the prison she's the last of her kind now that goes on to explain how now in the republic records this would be a dead craft i've deactivated her transponder they'll assume she was destroyed with the rest we're in the clear he makes his first jump to light speed in the craft that would come to symbolize fett as the pair pull up to malistaire he explains why she will be the one to make the delivery and how he will sneak his way back towards the bolto's compound after eliminating some dug guards he meets back up with zam for a second there i thought you were going to blast me don't worry you're still more useful to me alive thanks a lot jango would rush into the compound in search of the death stick factory eventually discovers the criminal's throne room after a firefight the doug flees down a secret passage a shoot that leads right into the drug processing center zabolto doesn't stick his landing starga was dead but he would still have to blast his way out of this enormous underground facility eventually coming upon a ship that was used to transport the illicit goods he thinks he can search through its logs to see where it has been but this type of craft brings up bad memories from the time that he was a slave looks like a slave or [ __ ] yeah i know as he starts hacking into the terminal montross reappears and as they fight they talk about the moments that changed both their lives how mantras caused the death of their leader and django's subsequent leadership saw the death of all of the true mandalorians after i left you're the one who led the mandalorians to their deaths we were betrayed to the jedi so i heard in the fire fight jango would disable a ship but the mandalorian pretender was still able to run away zam would swoop in on the fire spray and when she puts it together that kamarivosa was the head of the bandogora that fett and montross must have some secret invite to take down this crazed cult leader she wants to know more wait a minute i've heard that name she's that bando gora head case what's the prize fat tell me more than you'd make in a lifetime as he catches her up on the neurotoxins and the drugs wizelle thinks she knows why instant brainwashing django had discovered that voso was on some unknown moon outside the galaxy that there were shipments that were sent to the outer rim wasteland of tatooine working with the hutts to use their vast shipping networks to move the death sticks and mama ross was happy to see jango with a lady friend you didn't tell me your new partner with such a looker she's got nothing on you ross this was one race season after her friend and fellow tordarian watto had lost everything he had betting against anakin poor sapp lost everything in a padres last season his only hope was to get some credits from a finder's fee broadcasting out bounties that were taken out by jabba the hutt personally bette would find himself in the middle of a power struggle between gardula and jabba which would determine who would become the crime boss of tatooine while django was tracking down his target sam would go to gardula to see if there was any evidence that she was the hutt connected to the gora and raz has one final question before they depart did you name that new ship of yours yet she's called slave one perhaps a reference to the rush of difficult memories which jango had just been flooded by on the previous mission seeing that slave ship fett's battle would take him across multiple neighborhoods in mos espa whole blocks and landing pads that were swarming with thugs eventually he would make it to his target and the scum thinks he had jango outnumbered hear that boys he's scared difficult to decide whether any of you live when the smoke cleared the target was dead and django wasted no time throwing him down at jabba's tail the hut gives the credits due but jango pushes for information on the bandogora jabba is insulted to be accused of working with their kind and tells him that gardula would have all the answers he needs this unlikely alliance might prove to be life-changing for the two of them they could pull this off jabba would be the most powerful hut and jango the most powerful bounty hunter he returns to a ship to tell zam of the secret tunnel entrance jabba revealed to him but on the com he hears his ally being captured before all signal was lost you'd have to rush through the passage killing all sorts of local wild animals like the mastiffs and tuscan raiders once he makes it into gardula's palace he finds zam in her cell she says that she was able to spot the vault in a chain around the slug's neck has the key django says to wait here while he completes the mission zam was a newer bounty hunter but she wasn't that stupid the gamorean guards were able to haul phet before their slimy overlord she takes great joy in seeing this hunter betrayed breaking the news that zam was a shape shifter a member of the clawdite species despite what credits she could get for him the slug decides to feed fed to her crate dragon in the pit the towering beast stood ready to consume the mandalorian but jango still had his most reliable weapons his fists and his wits knocking out the green pigs and taking an escape through a small shaft django would have to reclaim all of his gear by relying on his martial arts killing countless guards in his climb up to gardula's suite when fett steals the key off of the hutt's neck she is confused until he asks for the location of kamarivosa a question that makes her laugh in astonishment she says he has no idea what he's facing and refuses to give up any info with the crate dragon screaming in the pit below fett comes up with an efficient way to dispose of this hut a few pushes and the thousands of pounds of slug are sent tumbling down to become food for her own pet but sadly for the dragon this room contained the vault it was simply too dangerous to leave it or any of the guards that showed up alive after they were all dispatched with a flurry of blaster bolts and a jetpack missile with the area clear he makes his way into the vault but the data is encrypted he has to send it to roz for processing and she laments the news that the girl she was hoping would become mrs fed was a changeling all along i should have known better oh jango i was hoping you could get together before he leaves tatooine he goes back to zamcell to call her out for this deception despite her pleas jango just walks away as the slave one prepares to go into hyperspace he gets horrible news about the only person jango actually cared for froze rose do you copy sorry chanco took a while to get her to hand over that data you just signed your death warrant the usually stoic cool-headed warrior was now burning with rage smashing the hollow screen on his new ship and frantically making the jump to allen station jango races in to see her lying on the floor dying surrounded by the destruction mantras wrought he wants to rescue her that there were thermal detonators set to explode set to take phet down with her she was resigned to her fate in her own way she chose to be involved in the violent bounty hunter life too and she doesn't want django to mourn her death but to try and find some meaning in life get those collect your reward just find something something to live for besides the money and the slave one would pull off just seconds before the whole space station was reduced to debris the slave one was now headed to the coordinates ross was able to decipher a compound on the fourth moon of bogdan as soon as he arrives he is swarmed by hundreds of slaves but become violent mind-controlled demons under the influence of the neurotoxin-infused death sticks django would fight his way into their twisted city a death cult that revolved around a strange mixture of dark side energy and spirit divination as this place was known by locals as the moon of the dead being a moon that had been used as a mass grave dump site for millennia a place various warlords used over eons dispose of the evidence of their war crimes all of this perverse and evil energy was tapped into by the cult's queen the fallen jedi kamarivosa jango would make his way through some of the enormous pits of rotting flesh before moving into the underground catacombs emerging into yet another graveyard he sees the ship of his archrival and his blood begins to boil at an enormous gate he sees montrose waiting to trade words before their final showdown and what mantras is so impressed with concerning the bandogora is ironic given jango's eventual fate with the clone army imagine django the power to send thousands of mindless assassins willingly to their deaths to plunge the galaxy into anarchy the fallen mando taunts fed saying they are one and the same when the west star 34 has come out montrose is surprised he doesn't want to fight like a true mandalorian not the mandalorian way you gave up our ways remember after a rocket and some well-placed bolts the man who betrayed jasper mariel 20 years ago who killed ross the only person jango had been attached to in decades now that traitor to all the manda wade would be left to die pleading that he deserved an honorable death at the hands of a mandalorian but jango callously walks away leaving montross to be ripped to shreds by the mindless bandogora slaves screaming his way into his grave like a wounded animal no honor gengo come back from here would be a trek through the dark caves and miss shrouded canyons the hundreds of goro would be slain but as he entered the evil citadel the mindless grunts were able to overpower the greatest hunter in the galaxy knocking him unconscious and locking him into a torture rack the evil queen would make her introduction the last helmet of a mandalore warrior something i've not seen since i was a jedi i must have cut down 20 of your kind myself he tries to figure out who hired fat and gets in some of the details on how she was captured as a padawan and warped by this cult only to rise and become their leader she moves away she censors another unwanted guest zam knew this was a high paying job and used the tracker she had left from the slave 1 to follow him to the death moon the rookie fails to take the quick shot giving vosa the chance to activate her two curved hill red lightsabers zan blasts away but bolts are deflected one eventually striking the hunter though she felt jango had betrayed her she knows again they would have to work together using the next two shots to free the mandalorian from his restraints jango springs to his feet and gets his west stars back snapping away at the fallen jedi but each bolt is effortlessly sent away as fosa flips to a retreat django rushes to comfort zam and when she shows that she is too weak jango fett gears up ready to honor raz's dying wish and secure the most lucrative bounty hunting contract in history pushing through another maze of catacombs he catches up with the bando gora queen in this small room jenga would have to use his jet pack to secure the high ground the only way to dodge those blades and rain down fire from a position that would be more awkward to deflect this would work to force her to retreat into the throne room where the fire power eventually overwhelmed the jedi her death throws seeing a burst of dark side energy as she collapsed to the floor oh which will it be bounty hunter dead or alive congratulations bounty hunter tyrannos dooku is thoroughly impressed with his performance as jango sees that this is all a complicated jedi drama he wonders why dooku wouldn't just kill her himself to find you this contest brought you to me of course of course five million was it or much more if you'll come with me to camino a chance at immortality to pass on your ways to an army crafted in your image i want the first clone for myself unmodified before he departs he is too honorable to leave behind the hunter that saved his life but also not too generous with the credits we're going to split the bounty 50 50 right don't push your luck there we would learn that all this time jango was completing this mission dooku was doing his research on this mandalorian prospect he had captured one of jango's old friend back from the true mandalorian days a fellow grunt named silas with applying via the use of force electroshock and chemical agents he finally got silas to reveal django's backstory recounting the rise of fete once he got what he needed coldly tells the droid to stop his heart killing this old friend of django just moments before speaking with the hunter after the death of vosa dooku would return to his castle to be greeted by his master lord sidious hailing him via hollow the dark lord wants to be sure that jango fett was the right choice and his apprentice recounts the events of galadran tyrannus still shook by the fact that he killed six jedi with his bare hands and i think here is a good place to pause we have seen jango's rise from farm boy to the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy about to secure the greatest contract in the history of the profession in part two we'll see how the next decade would change fed in the rest of the galaxy forever as he will again become the mandalore raising an army and a child that will become his legacy torn between his warrior ways his role as a father and the struggle for what it means to be a fet when millions of cloned copies claim to be just like him be sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you don't miss it and please leave a like and comment as it really helps promote the video on youtube you can support the channel by picking up some cool star wars metal print art or getting a free audible audio book all linked in the description below there you can also find our patreon and paypal for just one dollar your name could be here and special shout out to our 25 tier chris garcia serif diaz cass costello carlos velez and c7 go but most important of all remember the fate of the galaxy far far away always seems to be decided by dusty farm boys and the forest will be with you always you
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 772,329
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Keywords: jango fett death, jango fett vs obi wan, jango fett death sound, jango fett canon, jango fett canon backstory, jango fett canon history, jango fett history, jango fett complete, jango fett complete story, jango fett complete life, jango fett legends, boba fett legends, boba fett canon, jango fett lore, why did jango fett die so easily, why did jango fett want a clone, why did jango fett clone himself, why jango fett was chosen, why human clone army, clone army lore, kaminoans
Id: Ku_wZ-Vt14w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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