The COMPLETE Life of Cad Bane (Canon)

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i'm your worst nightmare pal i've taken down so many clones over the years once you figure out one the rest are easy let's do this right here right now what's up my nerds this video will be the complete life of cad bane in canon putting every book comic show and movie all in chronological order breaking everything down from his psychology to his weapons his ship and droid assistant a man who was once the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy yeah it's not like it was back in the day almost makes me wonder if i should fly off into the sunset somewhere and let you take my place as the best of the hunter in the galaxy sure you too mask that book comes from the audiobook star wars the clone wars stories of light and dark which is an especially amazing treat for any clone wars tv show fans out there as they use the voice actors from the show to do the narration this book is a collection of short stories extending upon and filling some of the gaps from the show with plots following everyone from ahsoka rex count dooku maul and more you can get it free using the link down below thanks to our sponsor audible sign up today to receive one month free giving you access to their entire plus catalog containing everything from podcasts fitness meditation and sleep aids on top of their library of thousands of audio books i think these audiobook versions are the best versions of these stories as the sound effects subtle music and outstanding narration really put you in a galaxy far far away if you love it as much as i do and stay on after your free trial you will get one credit every month to apply to any audio book you want and those credits roll over each month so you never lose them if you cancel you still keep all of your credits and can still spend them whenever you wish as well as having access to all the audiobooks in your library forever some of the highest rated star wars content is waiting for you down in the link below visit metanerds or text meta nerds to 500-500 for one free audiobook in a 30-day free trial but with that let's begin the complete life of cad bane going back to the year 62 bby 20 years before the battle of naboo the newborn screams were just one of millions across the orbital space station new tayana this station was built by the duros to escape from the inhospitable surface of their home world a planet ruined by millennia of over-industrialization and war there were decent parts of the space station if you had enough credits and then for the wretches like the bane family there was the descent ghetto much like the lower levels of coruscant the inhabitants felt abandoned by their government and grew jaded as they watched criminals prosper credits ruling everything around them while their friends and family were cut down in crossfire bane grew to hate the law man and the criminal equally willing to work with either to advance himself and ensure that he didn't go down as just another anonymous statistic a dead youth in the descent ghetto and he quickly found his niche in bounty hunting starting with bail jumpers and lower level thugs it was nice to be able to use violence legally a great cover for any other shady jobs he did too as cad learned throughout his 20s that the police were hesitant to meddle in the affairs of a guy who kept them with a steady supply of perps this of course made him a prime target of the gangs which is why cad bane had to develop a persona understanding the theater of it all settling on a look that both fit his style and rugged origins but was also uniquely and instantly recognizable combine that with an error for dramatic duels in the streets and the quick draw skills to pull it off and you had the makings of a legend by his late 20s he had outgrown his hometown and credits started pulling him across the stars his kind often found themselves in the same circles seedy cantinas full of all sorts of aliens and vices and he would come into the acquaintance of galaxy renowned hunters like aura singh and jango fett the mandalorian who was universally recognized as the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy and it's unclear when he came to dawn these tubes but it is interesting to note that he had almost all of the tech of a mandalorian just more covertly he didn't look like an obviously heavy armored war machine just a dusty gunslinger while having wrist mounted variable munition launchers packing a flamethrower gas launcher darts and stun weapons and instead of a jet pack he chose the more subtle rocket boots and it's possible that the material of the coat and hat were made from some sort of blaster proof or at least stab proof and shrapnel resistant material he wouldn't have that iconic rocket of his rival django but nearly everything else was accounted for here while lulling the enemy into a false sense of security which perfectly matched with his combat style even with the helmet of course he didn't have the hud display assistance but also his enormous duros eyes were not restricted either but without a helmet he could still breathe in space with these tubes a breathing system that would be attached to the nostril slits that ran down by the eyes and the system would automatically engage if bane wanted to approach the target via spacewalk protect them against gas attacks or smoke and even guard against explosive decompression in the event of a ship being damaged and rapidly losing its pressurization he also specifically decided on this system when he heard more details about other hunters encountering jedi though the order considered it a dark side ability there were times when a jedi would force choke someone and you can imagine everything came out when a jedi was fighting for his life combine that with django's tales and personal hatred for the jedi and learning of the mandalorians long history against these sorcerers wielding their invisible magic weapons bane hoped this breathing system would help ensure oxygen was forced into his body even if his throat was being crushed on top of all of that even if there wasn't an emergency it provided the advantage of something like an athlete hitting supplemental oxygen providing more endurance and recovery and so bane packed all of this into the look of a simple outer rim gunslinger from 40 bby on the galaxy was experiencing political tensions that all feared would eventually lead to war and just months before the battle of naboo kadbane would find himself working with a mysterious force user the red-skinned man he met on narshada was no jedi in fact the contract was to help kidnap a jedi padawan from an auction being held by the zrexis cartel for this job he subcontracted singh tech and vordilio and after helping maul escape from a brawl with some cantina wannabes he took the client to the radix gang ship that they had captured keeping their protocol droid alive maul went to work trying to extract intel on the location of this auction and we see why droid torture was such a widespread practice as the smarter the ai the better they got at hiding information but it also meant they developed more complex reactions like fear so after denying a lowly protocol droid would know anything about a secret meeting once its eyes were plucked out it started singing with the intel they headed out to the dracul system far outside of republic space to attend the underworld star-studded event as maul meditated singh aired some of her concerns with the hunter who was 11 years her senior she doesn't like that maul seems more capable than them he couldn't actually need their help and bane takes a mentor's tone and says hold on to those suspicions aura they're healthy they'll keep us alive i've been thinking our friend might have hired us as patsies more than allies as they make their way through the main floor of the facility brushing shoulders with representatives from all the major crime syndicates bane shows his street wits snapping off a comeback to keep the trand oceans at bay when zebs rexus makes her entrance it would be the first time any of them ever saw the new colocoid droid unit known as the droidica she brings up a hologram of the jedi padawan eldrikadus while maul had already secretly slipped away and was at the holding cell maul had been so driven mad by sidious's training that he was filled with an unquenchable thirst for jedi blood frustrated with his master waiting for the right moment to reveal the sith he hoped to capture this padawan and slaughter her purely to fulfill his bloodlust after they regroup they talk about the plan to kidnap her from whoever wins the auction and with some calculations they predicted that the zigerian slavers would be the most likely to have both the credits and motivation to win bane would lead the ambush rushing into their ship and silently killing their crew with the swift use of a vibroblade while on the floor the zygerians were elated with their victory and they walked right into maul's trap bane's hand hovered over his ll-30 blasters but maul moved like a flash to the ship using the force to crush the slavers and even choke one out with his cloak bane waited calmly to let these two wizards trade their blows galaxy was a strange place and bane knew that to get out of this mission alive he would have to roll with the punches while maul interrogates the padawan the hunters are in the cockpit with bane lying back with his feet up singh wonders how he is staying so calm there's nothing he can do now but says to keep an eye out for opportunity to escape from this mission or even kill maul this is punctuated by an explosion in their engines and we see that zeb was worried that some of the criminals might be unscrupulous she had contingencies in place and now that the ship was aimed for a crash landing she was happy to tell her guests that the auction was not over merely entering a new phase as a hunt all reports show that the padawan and her captors were alive and stranded on the nearby moon as always bane kept his cool and was unfazed by these life-threatening surprises and when he saw mull and the jedi walking towards him he just says that he was starting to worry how he was going to get paid they see the ships descending on them and the plan is to have the force wielders run off in one direction while the hunters stole a ship and scuttled the rest sabres were deflecting blaster bolts while bane used his confidence to lure a trand ocean party into a trap playing on the enemy's ego and getting their leader to want a one-on-one duel with the quickest blaster in the galaxy while vordelio left on the lizards with blades out and sing fired away with the sniper bane flew up with his rocket boots and rained down death and scouted ahead to see the lizards that stayed behind to protect their transport singh seized the weak way ship nearby and bane decides that even though the trans-ocean ship was fast the pirates should have more loot and he chucks some smoke grenades on the lizards and zips up to them with blaster snapping this all got the weakway's attention allowing the rest of the gang to sneak up and take them out sing hopped in the cockpit of the flying saucer and bane rocketed up to regroup and he reminds them that their client said to take out the other hunting ships so that was exactly what they did he could have slipped away and even maul was shocked to see that they returned they knew that much like with jango fett to rise to the top of the bounty hunting profession you had to combine cut-throat independence with obedient service to the client cadbane helped maul taste his first jedi kill and though the sith detected no noticeable force connection in bane he liked what he saw and did reward the duro's loyalty months later the battle of naboo would break out further pushing the separatist movements across the galaxy and he would find himself working more and more with jango to the point that the man's son boba fett dreamed of one day working alongside legends like bane during these years leading up to the outbreak of the clone wars bane made another ally a techno service droid named toto 360. practical and a bit of a status item for the boy from the slums over duro as the droid could operate a ship conduct menial tasks even if it protested but most importantly helped with the technical aspects of a job slicing into systems and other droids or through tiny spaces even bane's droid looked simple but was expertly specialized for the life of a bounty hunter by 22 bby the galaxy would forever change with the battle of geonosis which finally ignited the galactic political powder keg his line of work just got a whole lot more dangerous and more lucrative than ever before and bane got the unexpected news that the best car covered mando and had his head sliced off by a jedi and jango's timing couldn't have been better a perfect moment in history to be the undisputed best bounty hunter in the galaxy a time where the clients weren't just thugs or cops but galactic super powers with trillions of credits his reputation got in the attention of darth sidious sith with seemingly endless credits and connections in a year into the war and 21 bby he would bring bane's talents to the heart of coruscant days earlier ahsoka tano's failure to obey orders during the battle of felucia got her removed from the front and placed on guard duty in the jedi library while bane was solemnly staring out of the window in the upper levels negotiating with darth sidious perhaps your reputation has been exaggerated i want a world-class starfighter with elite weapons cloaking devise the works oh and triple my usual rate bain moves to his droid helper and smiles when he places the security chip provided by the sith and to his back claiming he was fixing a memory issue that droid was having while also placing a small explosive we've been having memory crashes that is preposterous i have no memory of any crashes oh my goodness i have no memory of any crashes and we see how bane had no respect for this faithful little servant i am a techno service droid not a butler droid damn it toto you are what i say you are his accomplice arrives at the apartment a claudite shapeshifter named cato he casually points out a dead jedi lying in the chair a task that for other hunters would have been such an impossible feat that it would have placed him into a new bracket of hunters but for bane this was just a small first piece of completing this job the claudite touches the body and now takes the look and voice of the jedi and together they make their way for the jedi temple complex kato calmly walks in and has to be rude to ahsoka just to be left alone all while bane is calling out through their earpiece once the shapeshifter makes it to the computer terminal she is able to point them towards the best place for toto to use sidious's chip to make an opening while she also interferes with the sensors if it wasn't for yoda picking up on a disturbance in the force it is likely that bane would have pulled this all off completely undetected kato is able to hack into the ventilation systems stopping the fans as they pass through though when one abruptly activates we hear one of the rarest sounds in the universe fear in cadbane's voice narrowly escaping they make their way down to the holocron vault but cato was detected by the librarian though she would be quickly dispatched and mimicked now bane and toto were at the laser grid the final defense before the greatest repository of political secrets suppressed history and force occult knowledge in the entire galaxy this grid comes down but bane and his droid have to slice the last grid on their own and before he goes through the doors he sends a worried toto off to the communication center the communication center will be crawling with jedi why do i need to go in there now as bain makes his way into this sanctum sanctorum a place most jedi would never set eyes on his devoted little droid was serving his role as decoy the jedi assumed that the invader was hoping to get info from the hub of the jedi war strategizing room but window realizes toto has a bomb while kato had been discovered and captured by ahsoka but by sacrificing his two allies bane is able to don a jedi robe and calmly walk out the front doors again he could have got off easy if kato hadn't felt betrayed bala rapal that's who baine's next target is and windu reveals the hunter surprising and sinister true target what's on the crystal a list of every known force-sensitive child in the galaxy the next part of this job required capturing a jedi to access the holocron and to help with this sidious made sure the confederacy supplied bane with a fleet packed with hundreds of battle droids and starfighters a force stronger than some planetary defense fleets bane had come a long way his forces captured jedi master bola rapal alive but were met by venators which eventually destroyed two munificence but they knew they had to infiltrate baine's flagship if they wanted to rescue the master ropal was locked in a force field injected with torture drugs and electroshocked by the magnaguards admiral yalarin was shocked by anakin's unconventional use of military equipment using the ventral hanger to drop down via walker and as they crawled over the ship they are met by vultures showing their versatility magnetizing and acting as vehicles to return fire on the republic tanks van gogh's the torture rope paul but the jedi is shocked to death always keeping his calm he is confident that they will be able to capture another one of these force freaks newt gunray is furious over the loss of so many ships but bane knows sidious will take care of everything you have already lost four of my ships one authentic jedi holocron and the memory christian i was after when my benefactor gets this he will compensate you for your puny fleet as the att's approach bane sees that two jedi are with the clone troopers and knows this will be his key to activating rapul's crystal and the holocron he shouts like a proper general to organize his droid units but leaves him on the bridge to be captured while he ran to organize other units near the munificence cannons spread out while you take on the clones i will separate the cheddar and lead one of them away ahsoka pleads with her master to just destroy the entire ship holocron and all since they had found that the master was dead but anakin is set on returning the prized jedi relic when they spot bane they fall right into his trap the hunter activates his magnetized boots and cuts the artificial gravity clones are picked off while they float through the air and while the droid's targeting systems were less thrown off by the weightlessness the firefight is intense in the room filled with highly explosive artillery shells when r2 is able to get the gravity back on bane loses the holocron momentarily but is able to quickly recover and get some shots on skywalker to keep the distance while ahsoka is eager to pounce bane runs through the halls and activates the blast doors behind him and to make it worse a stray bolt finally hit one of those shells pinning anakin under the rubble you're not much of a challenge jungling i got you right where i want you soka was always fearless even at 15 years old she had already faced general grievous now she looked into the eyes of the greatest gun in the galaxy as bane snapped off a shot she deflects it perfectly right into bane's offhand drawing blood on this legendary hunter she was likely just happy to have deflected it at all but it could have been purposely aiming for this exposed part of his hand avoiding the blaster-resistant material of the clothing but he's able to close the gap dodge the saber while kicking it out of her hand though ahsoka does lock up his arm and use her martial arts to take him down i'm not impressed but as will be cad bane's mo this is just a ploy seeming to lose in order to draw the target closer particularly with these jedi he ended the fight before she could draw on her force powers appearing defeated at her feet he snatches her leg and delivers a jolt that knocks her unconscious anakin had recovered and finds ahsoka's not responding to the comms in bane's captivity he reveals another little specialized piece of equipment oh i wouldn't do that those binders have been specially designed for jedi and he explains that he will play on the jedi's bond with their padawan as anakin storms in bane is unfazed and tells the jedi general he will comply if i activate this control the outside airlock will open and she will be sucked into oblivion ahsoka pleads with anakin to let her go but bane didn't even realize how effective this would be pulling this on the jedi with the strongest attachment issues in the order no master don't do it i can't let you die ahsoka how touching the jedi would use his powers to unlock the data and as he goes to walk out anakin tries a last-ditch attempt to stop him but bane is able to rocket boot away and making it into the hangar he contacts new who is not too skilled at hiding his wishes to betray the hunter maybe you should transmit it to me now then i can send another ship for you no thanks viceroy and the pair of troops that walk up prove no match for his quick draw they were perfect for his escape putting one of the humans into his clothing while downing the trooper's full armor making sure to wait until anakin was in view to see the decoy bane get blasted off the rail the republic forces packing into the shuttle and narrowly escaping as the munificent was blowing to pieces making sure to pick up the clone armored bane his brothers complimented him and make sure he heads to the med bay but one of the trooper's keen eye noticed a small puddle of green alien blood and while ahsoka was trying to help the wounded soldier not realizing this was from the wound she inflicted anakin puts it together a second too late and bane gets a small modicum of revenge with a swift kick to the tagruta's gut he shows his immense proficiency with all variants of starfighters as the v19 is highly specialized and only for the new clone army yet he operates it with ease taking off in a blink and docking with a hyperspace ring before they can lock it down he was now free and had the list of the galaxy's most force sensitive children into the hands of darth sidious the sith saying that the next mission would be to round up some especially promising specimen bane makes light of this saying kidnapping kid seems beneath a sith and a hunter of his caliber but sidious snaps back among the children of the jedi there are no innocents sure sure as long as i get paid it makes no difference to me first stop happened to be a child that was visited by the rhodian jedi that he had just tortured to death bane is acting like a jedi recruiter and uses the device to send the mom into a trance while he grabbed the kid those pesky supernatural abilities of the real jedi always poke through in annoying ways and they had a group meditation to locate bane on rodia kenobi rushes in as bane is fleeing and is unable to prevent the hunter from escaping via the rogue class 4x38 that he named xanadu blood from here it was off to the natalin home world glee anselm where he was successful in capturing another kid delivering them to mustafar before flying off to naboo but the jedi had been tracking him you weren't the child i was expecting to find ahsoka was hoping to redeem herself after that last mission but this time he was sure to strip away the saber before blasting at her ahsoka rolled behind cover and bane rocketed through a window only to have anakin jump on him and short out the jets sending them tumbling down to the streets below where the padawan was waiting with the emerald blade inches away from his head he was surrounded and taken into custody for the first time since the days of his youth back home they take him to a nearby venator for interrogation habene shuts the conversation down and takes a jab at the jedi's moral weakness what are you going to do jedi torture me and he's surprised to see that indeed they were willing to do this in a way he had never experienced ahsoka watches on worried as three of the most powerful jedi in the order combined their abilities for a potent force mind trick i will take it nearly broke through but he was able to conjure up enough willpower to keep his autonomy though when they break he appears shaken and promises to take them to the children i've had enough of that i'll take you to the holocron anakin and ahsoka were sent away to update the chancellor and windu notes that he is well aware that this was a trap bane wasn't broken by the mind trick but like with the first fight with ahsoka merely seeking to appear defeated and take advantage to draw them in range of some hidden weapon sidious was monitoring his specimen on mustafar via hologram and orders his medical droids to start the slave procedure that will set these children with the greatest potential in the force on the path to being treated as biological weapons crafted by darth sidious into eyes and the force that will monitor all regions of his future empire bane had taken mason obi-wan to his hideout in a remote space station in the outer rim and once inside he tricks windu into activating the automated defenses a battery of lasers and cannons open up requiring both jedi's complete attention bane escaped through a hidden door and within seconds was blasting off in an escape pod the jedi now had zero leads on the children luckily for them ahsoka's sharp mind and anakin's mastery of ship computers allowed them to deduce the location of bain's secret client they cautiously arrived on mustafar and were able to rescue the children before the self-destruct sequence sent them crashing down into the lava oceans below still in 21 bby bane would get an unexpected surprise anakin had repaired toto 360 in hopes of finding more information on the bounty hunter's location but the tenacious and incredibly loyal droid found a way to escape and get back to serving his old master and the next job came from the daimyo of tatooine jabba the hutt with toto and another droid an up-and-coming ig-86 hunter named helios 3e they went to coruscant to secure the plans of the senate building bain was not told this yet but it was all part of a grand plan to free jabba's uncle zero from the republic's max security prison to free this vip he would have to drive a hard bargain and the first step involved these senate building plans monitoring senator amidala's movements he tracked her personal droids running an errand for her and sent toto to separate c-3po from r2 with the promise of an oil bath droid spa they are able to get 3po into their getaway vehicle and off to baine's torture chamber while r2 is being pampered here bane lets the ev series take over but even after painful shocks everything says the droid was telling the truth he had no floor plans just a useless protocol packed into his circuits but the droid characteristically blunders and talks too much revealing r2 is trusted with that kind of info go fetch me his little pal the ig-86 and toto chased the astromech through the streets and r2 could have escaped but he heard his pursuers saying they will just give 3po a slow and painful death so r2 revealed himself and the eevee torture droid is able to extract the plans bane makes sure that there are no security alerts over these two lost droids wipe their memory and dump them back in the street they'll find their way back home we can't have anything looking out of place can we and he would make a triumphant return to jabba's palace i've been eating my full payment now but jabba laughs and asks him to stay on for the next part saying he could name his price before ordering everyone out and contacting the hutt council to see what should be done with zero zero holds in his possession some dangerous information dangerous to the hutt council when he hears them asking who could pull this off he knows that was his being at cue service i'll take on any job for the right price for this assault on the senate building bain would call on his largest team yet with commando droids helios 3d and 3e shahan and rabino and of course ora singh the crew would fly right up to the private senate hangar and the guards approach warning that they will open fire if these visitors do not comply with their orders as bane keeps them talking and focused on their strange brazen visitors sniper bolts ripped through the air and through the plastoid armor while the other hunters cut down the rest and bane makes sure to take out two by hand snapping their necks to leave the armor pristine so that the commando droids could don the armor and move in this was bane's second assault on sacred halls of the republic infiltrating two of the most secure locations in the galaxy and once inside he was able to easily kill the unsuspecting troops casually tossing a grenade into the senate guard chamber before heading over to the senators as long as everybody behaves this will be quick and famous i for one have no intention of listening to this kind of insolence padme wants to fight them but bale notes that they have no weapons there was nothing they could do but she was secretly carrying anakin's lightsaber with them all secured bane makes the call to palpatine sorry to bother you chancellor but i've taken control of the east wing of your senate building i'd advise you to free zero the heart from your detention center the old man's obstinate at first the bane proves his point by cutting the power i'm in control i make the rules now exploiting a security feature that would automatically seal all the doors which now meant everyone was trapped where they were it's the planning behind these jobs that shows why bounty hunters of this caliber like himself and the late jango had such a level of fear and respect throughout militaries operating in a way that would rival most elite special forces out there and while he waits for the panic to settle in he notices the beauty of the senator from naboo aren't you all for young and pretty to be a senator anakin the bane of bane's existence would interrupt and the room erupts in blaster fire without his lightsaber the hunters were able to capture him and bring the jedi to the senators while arne fritel was escorted to the max security prison to deliver zero's pardon and after a few minutes the slug comes arrogantly sliding out insulting his former captors the entire way while bane got confirmation that he was free he says goodbye to the chancellor and places tripmines to pin the captives in senators generally i beat you all the most respectful farewell coruscant guard secure palpatine while a pair of lats dropped down to capture the terrorists swarming out with blasters raised but right into another trap that would just embarrass them i'm afraid it is you who have been foolish with your senators lives one false move and the east wing of the senate building goes up in smoke holster bane's plan works so well that after killing dozens of elite guards taking senators hostage in their noble hull ordering around the most powerful man in the galaxy he just walks away and rides off into the sunset but he's also not above making fun of the gluttonous slug's weight it doesn't look like prison had to adverse an effect on you before he decides to add a little more infamy to his legend by hitting the detonator to blow up all the senators he didn't have to do this and would not know it yet but anakin had been able to get them all out of the blast radius just seconds before it went off this parting move shows just how cold bane was willing to kill them all just to build his reputation of course the main suspects behind this were the hutt council so kenobi and quinlan vos were tasked with going to nalhata to investigate kenobi wants to be delicate as the hutts were republic allies but vos's telemetry told him that zero had recently held a cup in this room and bane walks in just as the jedi were leaving moments later they learned that zero had been broken out and bane steps forward to offer his services to a group of huts that are tired of the money pit that taking care of zero has become eventually both the jedi and bane track him down to teth where zero had hidden the records of the hutt council meetings in the tomb of his father zero had manipulated an old fling that was working in the hutt palace in order to break him out but she turns on him knowing that she was getting played the heartbroken singer blasts the slug and takes the record back to the huts for a generous payout bane and the jedi meet over zero's body and kenobi is set on bringing him in for the senate attack well now that you mention it the separatists are paying a million credits ahead for a jedi this battle against two of the greatest warriors in the order would be the greatest test of a lifetime of training with martial arts weapons and gadgets and toto he knows he has to run and create an opening getting space with blaster fire while he rockets away forcing the jedi to pursue over the rocky spires bolus wrap up vos's legs and the powerful blasters keep kenobi cautious before bane separates him by blasting away at the rock and voss pounces only for toto to grab him by the neck allowing bane to display his acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat skills dominating vos and knocking him down to a platform below as he raised his blaster to collect a cool million but kenobi rushes in just in time to send bane tumbling back losing one of his guns while toto scooped up vos's blade the little droid went in for what would have been the greatest surprise upset in combat history but obi-wan sensed the attack and spins to snatch the saber and send toto off into the distance bane rockets up to fire on the dual wielding kenobi only to have a deflected bolt knock his gun away too parting shots came from the dart launchers and obi-wan leaps in front of the hunter to deliver a powerful kick but like with so many other jedi battles this too was a trap that is so hard to perceive because of the combo of madness and confidence it required kenobi thinks he had him but with that kick bane rips vos's saber out of his hand and then after a short exchange of strikes the jedi again thinks he won the exchange by disarming him but this only extended kenobi's arms that it could be wrapped up by bane in order for him to deliver the same powerful stun that took down ahsoka obi-wan was at bane's mercy and he callously kicks the barely conscious human we can assume that he would have been killed or captured if voss did not recover he was able to intercept bane knocking off his hat with bane unleashing the flamethrowers to push him back with kenobi recovered as well just as the fight was leading up to the zandu blood bane knew it was time to leave and raced off world leaving these two elite force-wielding warriors with only a cadbane hat as a souvenir though in the year 20 bby republic intelligent networks were finally closing in on him but in typical bane fashion he let them appear to best him in order to execute his next move darth sidious had been working with dooku on a plot that would shake the security of the republic and moral of all was this plan's architect he hired bane to free him from prison and hoped this would work as a test to see if the duros could be brought into the conspiracy bane's plan would have him return to the very same max security prison he had freed xero from letting it appear like the law had finally caught up with him the problem was that the republic had picked up on some details of a major plot involving evol and they concocted their own plot to make it appear like rakko hardine had killed kenobi with a sniper bolt a top secret mission that was hidden even from anakin and involved a revolutionary new design technique to make obi-wan appear like and sound like the man who just sniped him kenobi in the appearance of hardine arrives at the prison and we see both how being a jedi killer strikes fear into some of the other criminals but it also resulted in upstarts trying to test you a dynamic that jango and bane had used to their advantage to rapidly accelerate their career and when morale took a liking to hardin and invited him to his cell to meet bane he made sure the human knew the way kat bain killed jedi was different any imbecile can kill a jedi with a lousy sniper blast you want my respect you do it face to face when obi-wan checks in and reports on bain's involvement yoda realizes that they underestimated him foolish we were to believe bane's capture was without purpose later in the cafeteria hardine gets challenged by a 12 year old boy named boba fett bane was disappointed to hear how the great jango sun was so foolish and sentimental he went on an insane vendetta taking hostages and destroying capital ships not even trying to make a single credit just to settle the score with mace windu foolish but admittedly fearless so he got boba fett to start a riot by scrapping with the new guy when jardine got the upper hand the boy's trandoshan friend boss jumped in and the room erupted in chaos always cool-headed he sits at the table with moralo a few seconds longer explaining that everything was going as planned they let the other inmates frantically attack guards and look for escape routes but bane was headed right for the morgue and although there are no details on when this happened he reveals that he was locked up here before not the first time i've broken out of this stink hole they are sent down to the crematorium and when the fail-safe alarmed the operators that the bodies still had vital signs they went to check and for their trouble were brutally beaten and blasted with their own weapons from here there were only a few more guards between them and freedom working their way to commandeer a police craft and trading this out for an indiscrete freighter as they race off bane makes sure to put hardine in his place smacking him for hesitating on killing a guard it shows that he was suspicious of their new accomplice it wasn't for me we'd still be stuck in there yeah funny how that worked out to cover up their trace and earn their trust the disguise kenobi takes him to now huda and makes sure to go just fast enough that the ship will make a crash landing so where they would survive but the ship would be damaged take on water and be submerged in the swamp leaving no trace after it was dragged down val was impressed and it was a short walk to the wretched hive of scum and villainy that was the capital of the hutt empire before they got a ship they needed new clothes and the most important accessory of all now all i need is a new hatch trying to blend in your hat sure makes you stand out i don't like to hide under a helmet after a slick comment about bane being picky by the shop owner pablo he grabs the man and threatens his life stealing the hat and clothes he now had some light body armor but no weapons so they sent jardine to find a ship while they got blasters and when they returned hardina just purchased the transport but they noticed pablo and some guards rushing towards them and bane finally gives hardine his payment here's your reward i'm not killing you kenobi would be tortured but explains that he had put a tracker on the ship so hud security was able to quickly catch up and shoot them down by covertly calling on the force kenobi would be able to escape and calls back to windu to have the bounties removed so that they can more freely move throughout the galaxy bain and naval were able to evade the hutt guards after the crash and made it back to the city to find hart dean gloading bane was furious and suspicious but the story of hut favors and calling in some debts here in the city was plausible they didn't really have another choice so he agreed to continue the mission of getting eval back to dooku with this latest ship hardine purchased all this time skywalker had been tirelessly working to avenge his master and finally had tracked them down to a refueling station not far from now huda using a t6 shuttle anakin was able to force him towards the surface of a nearby moon and once he was close enough he jumped onto the hunter's ship prompting bane to rush out to meet him it's my turn to kill a jedi encountering a rage-filled skywalker was one of the most dangerous things you could do in the galaxy while they fought kenobi had to try to keep bane alive while also protecting anakin so he used the ship's blasters to cause explosions in clouds of smoke to disorient both of them and then smashed right into ahsoka and the ship above sending them into a crash landing in the cloud that enveloped them anakin would close in on hardine but bane wrapped him up before the jedi could inadvertently kill his master though the chosen one would jump back and kick the hunter to free himself call his blade back and deflect the shots from bane's carbine closing the distance with each shot bane without any of his usual attack or weapons was finally overwhelmed death would come quick and in these last seconds he shot his hands up as anakin brought the blade down only tackling his friend in this moment saved bane's life an unlikely ally that earned jardine a tip of the hat he decided to let the man finish off this well-earned jedi kill face to face as it should be but when he just choked him unconscious bane went into shoot but was stopped by ahsoka leaping into the fray maraluival tells him that the ship was still operational and he knew it was time to go yeah lucky we're in a hurry little ladies they'll have to dance another time shortly after they arrive at sereno landing in count dooku's compound the separatist leader greets them with a squad of magna guards and explains that he is hosting a trial to see who will be chosen for the ultimate job and a tense bane speaks to the count in a way few would ever get away with enough small talk i want my money that night they meet the other contestants all infamous hunters but bane locks in on one of them nice hat where did you get it [Music] now with a good luck charm he was all set when dooku arrived to introduce one kimbo your bounty tallies were second only to one last season cad bane dooku then revealed the unique selection device a large cube simply called the box which would expose them to a series of deadly obstacles and traps from poison gas to moving blocks with deadly lasers and electrifying rey walls from the operator's room dooku notices that hardine is the one solving the puzzles the best and helping bane but when a jealous of all comes into the box to force hardine to his death by giving him a blaster without enough ammo bane intervenes to save his life if you're gonna kill him do it like a man dooku takes control of the box and wants to have hardine beat eval to death in order to show that he was both cunning and cruel enough for the mission but when he refused to kill the defeated enemy dooku announced that the trial was over stating matter-of-factly something of galactic importance tomorrow you will kidnap chunks of palpatine and though of all was behind most of the planning the operation was under new management the council knows that dooku was aiming to strike during the festival of light on naboo for this job bane would ditch the coat and their first move was to take a warehouse near the city center with the hunters and dooku gathered round he explains how things were to be kept in order each device tells you your position and essential details about your part of the plot their advantage would be in the first use of a new holographic disguise matrix it was a full color overlay that could fill in areas behind you so that you could take the form of something smaller or scale you up to being as large as a rancor as they depart dooku pulls bain aside to warn him against a bad feeling he has about hardine these imitation senate guards and the rest of the hunters move into position which gives kenobi a chance to tip off windu that evening this ceremony begins and the raid shield is activated for the speech but in the middle of the glorious presentation the parwan hunter uses his unique biology and electrosarum injection which allowed him to pass through the ray shield and overload the generator the explosion sends the crowd running and mace orders the guards to evacuate the chancellor the romans shocked anakin unconscious but when he tried to escape kenobi uses his single shot to bring him down while a disguised hunter puts a hologram matrix on palpatine while changing his own to make him look like the chancellor then bane disguised as a neimoidian noble walks up to what looks like a downed guard and was able to drag him off while the jedi swarmed the fake palpatine anakin thought he saved the day only to be punched in the face while the vault pulled up in the getaway vehicle and bane couldn't pass up the chance to rub it in they race to the meetup location to hand the chancellor off to dooku but bane starts to realize the plan was falling apart when hardin shows up too early he's even more suspicious and kenobi knows this is where he has to put an end to this plot pulling his blaster and moving to take control of palpatine but aval grabs him and tosses him to the side bane rushes up to kick him in the face before pulling his blaster and firing away with force assisted acrobatics he was able to roll and dodge the bolts bane rocketed up but kenobi knew he had to end this now leaping up to catch the hunter's legs and pulling him down before whipping him into a vault the defeated bane woke up to a blaster and an anakin and windu rushing out with sabers raised in just a couple days bane had looked death in the face twice now and he burst out when hardeen's true identity was revealed i should have known something smelled wrong about you from the start he didn't know it yet but they had all been played and sacrificed by dooku who wanted to have it look like this massive plot had been foiled at the very last moment relaxing with the hunters in custody palpatine takes the night off with minimal security to recover in a naboo palace reviewing the past day's madness with anakin dooku ambushed them when they least suspected it and a plan that would have made bane proud if he wasn't the one getting played bane was fuming as he was thrown back in the max security prison on coruscant but he did like seeing boba the balihana like me can't afford to have friends but this kid was all right plus i owed his father jango a few favors he laughs at the idea that only this boy could speak to him with such bluntness and make demands any of these grown men hardened criminals would have been gutted for their cockiness but bane was coming to like his bravado and explains why he doesn't have the credits sitting down to explain to boba and boss this insane failed mission that could have ended the war my allowed 30s and blasted him right in the heart except i missed i'd seen hardy move pretty fast before but now he was impossibly fast did i fast he goes on to tell boba how times have changed almost makes me wonder if i should fly off into the sunset somewhere and let you take my place as the best of the hunter in the galaxy but the boy had a charisma that was surprisingly motivating telling him he can't leave the profession just yet because boba already had plans on escaping and a lucrative new job on the horizon one that he could use bain's help with sounds pretty good i said and anyway i won't be ready to hang up my blasters until they give kanubi his reward right between the eyes they would all escape one day and we see that one of bane's nice stream of income came from keeping a copy of the jedi temple layout acquired during that holocron heist one of these was sold to separatist captain rakum seer and he used this to bomb the temple in a plot that almost killed a young caleb doom we also learned that one of the things that always bothered bane was how he became the greatest hunter in the galaxy he knew that many believed bane could have never taken out jango he was just lucky that mace did it for him bane was robbed of a fair fight between them his status would always be questioned and figured that if boba was really the perfect clone replica of his late father perhaps he could help the boy take his father's place train him to be in the discussion of greatest hunter in the galaxy and then kill him settling this debate once and for all for one of their missions bane would swap out his iconic coat and hat perhaps an indicator that his clothes were made of some standard blaster dispersing material but not good against the kinetic power of a slug rifle which fired a solid bullet or the gadarfi stick with this hard armor dawned he would ride with boba to tatooine via bain's new larger gunship the justifier bane was hired to rescue a kid that was captured by the tuscans and held by a powerful shaman that sported a baby crate dragon skull once on world they acquired dewbacks and set off to track down the clan and overnight setting up a camp in the dune sea with a nervous young boba scanning for the feared and bloodthirsty raiders bane calmly be says are you sure yep we are completely surrounded boba brags that it doesn't matter he can kill them all but the elder hunter explains that it was better to take this tracker and get captured it was the only way to find the tuscan camp as the sand people rush over the dune boba does kill many of them while bane stays out of the fray i do hope that young boba will be all right don't worry toto he should be fine as long as the sand people are hungry eventually they would go on a string of successful missions but these annoying little mando traits kept popping up the kid was growing his own club the crates claw and something like a mando clan of old with the ancient symbolism and everything but far worse for the silly and dangerous ideas like protecting the weak bane was growing tired of it and during one mission he wanted to make sure boba knew his place by seeming to turn his friends against him always fighting for those in need that's a quick way to wind up poor or dead and probably both and it seems like boba may have learned a thing or two from bane after all all of this apparent defeat and betrayal was a setup the boy looks to bosk who says maybe boba and bane should settle it with a duel so that's it just you and me then boba had his full mando armor and a pair of blasters like his father before him but bane was the fastest gun in the galaxy he didn't lose but he didn't win either he couldn't process the fact that boba had been the first to ever match him though he did leave a massive dent in the mando helmet one that would forever be a reminder that bane would have killed him if he wasn't clad in bheskar something that would be a testament to his legacy by all who looked upon this dent though bane had his own scar from this fight he too was struck in the head and this may be proof that the hat did have some sort of blaster resistance soft armor that would have still transferred the blow to the skull as we now see he has a metal plate attached to the breathing suit doesn't seem to be surgically attached to his skull but attached to the suit that he would always wear into combat adding protection to this weakened area when the smoke cleared it was obvious that times had changed lady luck was clearly with the kid and perhaps he was right about what he said to boba across that prison table he was matched in a duel and just weeks later the credit printing machine that was the clone wars finally was out of order even the jedi order was destroyed supposedly there was not a single jedi left in the galaxy those inept clone troopers robbing him of his favorite prey and thinking kenobi dead he lost that chance at revenge that would motivate him through the dark lows of his career and since he wanted to see people praising boba as a legit replacement of jango just to kill him and prove cadbane was always the best it seems that these motivations aligned for a sort of semi-retirement he would still be seen in action but not nearly as active as the younger generation like embo sugi dengar bosk and of course boba he was only risking his life if the credits were enormous and one of the last rodeos connected to the clone wars came from the creepy kamino and cloners while the empire was hoping crosshair could lead troopers to capture the traitorous bad batch bane used the battle to slip in and kidnap the precious specimen likely having no clue that his target omega was a female clone made from jango fett's dna with hunter and the girl separated he steps forward to duel the leader of bad batch i've taken down so many clones over the years once you figure out one the rest are easy he wasn't about to lose to some test tube accident in the exchange hunter was hit square in the chest while toto took a blaster bolt to the knee though bane won this round we can see he is not wearing his iconic coat but stylish light armor and witnessing hunter's recovery it is frightening to see just how powerful the ll-30 pistols are the bolt passing through the katan class commando armor causing him to black out and still struggling with consciousness minutes after his specialized suit struggling to keep him alive as his allies carry him to safety with omega stunned and placed in the cell aboard his gunship she starts talking with the wounded droid while bane contacts the kaminoans alive so i expect a premium see that she stays that way prime minister lamasu directs him to meet umborovio but in transit the girl had manipulated toto into letting her repair his foot using bane's poor treatment of the droid to her advantage as they set down in the abandoned kaminoan floating city he realizes that the girl had deactivated toto and escaped he was able to catch up to her as she was desperately trying to find a terminal to contact bad batch but as he brings her to the drop off he sees tan wee lying there dead the scientist and friend of omega and nala say had hired another bounty hunter to intercept the girl before the kaminoans would execute her fennec hello payne you got no business messing with my score nala say was fine with shand killing lama sue and stealing the bounty money she just wanted to prevent omega from being brought back to kamino while bane tries to convince fenic to give up toto snatches the credits while bane opens fire he would toss a thermal detonator but she kicks it right at the droid the explosion knocking all the credits loose plummeting down to the surface bane pursues but is nearly killed by a mine alive but unconscious toto tries to shake him out of it before leaving reasoning that his master would be happy if he could finish the mission and catch the girl when bane recovers he catches up to omega and is intercepted by fennec and sees that her acrobatics and martial art skills were incredible he does his best to fight up the upstart finally flipping her over and landing a powerful kick to her head as he catches his breath he sees omega escaping with a kamino and podship and orders toto to bring the justifier around starting to see fenic recover he unleashes the flamethrowers but again she makes excellent use of the bolus wrapping it around his arms perfectly before kicking him over the ledge his trusty rocket boots save his life and he sprints through the city back to the landing pad yelling at toto why he hasn't gotten the ship ready yet they appear to have been sabotaged the lost of boba and now this upsetting defeat was really bothering the 43 year old hunter the next two decades would be much quieter for him waiting as boba did rise to fill his father's boots some in this era would remember the tales of the notorious bane immortalized in graffiti art across the galaxy but there was almost unanimous support of boba's claim to the title of the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy there was no record of bane ever working with darth vader or the empire that was just left to members of the old crates claw but he would take smaller jobs here and there until the galaxy was shaken up once again in four aby in one year that bag of wrinkles palpatine was dead along with his annoying little empire and the fat slugs of the hutt council the pikes were moving to seize the throne as lords of the underworld and bane thought he better make his way into their court five years later and 9 aby bane was tasked with helping to ease the way for the pikes to conquer tatooine taking it from daimyo fett the marshall cobb vance of freetown was proving problematic taking a zero tolerance policy towards spice being moved through his little plot of sand and even after killing some pikes and destroying their shipment bane came in peace the pikes just wanted vance to take a bribe and stay out of the coming war even at 71 years old bane kept the theatrics knowing it was a weapon of its own makes the long walk through the desert to show he was calm and in control whatever fett is paying you will match and all you've got to do is stay put and let things play out the human was a great gunslinger but no cad bane you should have never given up your armor when the deputy flinched bane was quick enough to blast cobb and turn the gun to the sidekick firing away before the human could even draw his blaster and for the locals he gave cold simple instructions tatooine belongs to the syndicate as long as the spice keeps running everyone will be left alone that night he reported back to his pike employer where the mayor was growing worried over the escalation of violence and the pike mentions that boba's tuscan family won't be a problem after they slaughtered the clan and framed a speeder bike gang for it all hearing this for the first time you can detect the concern in bane's voice he knows this would tug on boba's virtuous mando heart strings does fett know that he has no idea but he thinks about it worried that django's boy would surely turn this rage into fuel but it could be exploited i think i have an idea how to draw boba fett out the following day he strides up to boba's position knowing the mere sight of him would trigger a reunion i thought i smelled something pain can see that just like their last mission together three decades earlier the fool was still trying to play the hero a leader trying to build some idealistic warrior clan he knew boba understood this was personal but bane wasn't foolish either before you get any ideas i've got back shooters too and he hoped to make him emotional with the tuscan story you mean the one that massacred your tuscan family and blamed it on a speed bike gang let's do this right here right now it was only fennec talking him down that kept this long-awaited battle from going down right here on bain's terms you're going soft in your old age we all do a barb full of irony and layers of meaning between these two bane was obviously the elder and as duros age at roughly the same rate as humans he was fine with dying this would be the last chance he had at getting his victory after all these years they would prove who was number one a fet or bane and at this time boba was the same age that bane was on the day of their first duel the day that marked the descent of cad bain's legend boba knew the duros was hoping to reverse this and once the battle starts the scorpenec annihilator droids revealed rare clone wars era relics the big brothers of the droidica that would be excellent in an anti-vehicle role shooting down any tanks or ships any secret allies that bobo might have been hoping for as cad bain knew all about the powerful slave 1 gunship with these equalizers stomping through the city preventing any outside aid and keeping everyone thoroughly occupied bane took the surprise of the rancor in stride always unflustered he knows a couple blasts of flames would strike fear into the dumb beast and now it was time for the duel this is my city these are my people i will not abandon them don't toy with me i'm not a little boy any longer and you are an old man i'm still faster than you it may be but i have armor let's find out boba's blaster is already in his hands but bane is able to draw and deliver a bolt right near the weak under armour of the armpit area as he approaches boba counters with a flame blast of his own only to be shot again in the left chest plate sending him flying backwards after all these years he wanted to gloat bringing up the boy's lost father you tried to go straight but you've got your father's blood pumping through your veins and as he moves up he plays on his once role as boba's mentor consider this my final lesson look out for yourself anything else is weakness but as his life flashed before his eyes the lessons from his father to bane to the tuscans it was great irony that bane's tactic would be used against him seeming to be defeated at the foot of his opponent was usually where bane sprung his trap instead of trying to compete with the speed and accuracy of bane with a blaster he was now up close and he can hit him with the style and weapon bane would have had little or no experience against all that calling up the memories of the slaughtern tuscans did was remind him of his desert mentor who taught him the martial art ways of the gaddafi stick whipping it around to disarm bane stripping the blasters and knocking him on his back i knew you were a killer bane knew this was the end but died knowing he was killed by the best in the business fett would have made his father proud and at least for all this mando mumbo jumbo he saw that the profession was in good hands and as fett walked away triumphant we are left to wonder if this is truly the end of cat bane as a little health monitor beeps away his only hope at survival would be to have an ally rushing to his rescue perhaps a little droid like toto or some other hunter if they still hung around after all of bane's abuse decades later cad bane's legacy was retold by hando anaka in his half memoir half playbook the galactic explorer's guide but the most lasting record of his legend was held in the very fabric of the universe the mystical beings from whom the stories of the galaxy far far away are passed down the wills whose connection to the force was god-like even compared to yoda these beings noted that cad bane was a major mover of galactic history a hell of a fate for a dusty womp rat from the gutters of the descent ghetto and that's it for the complete life of cad bane if you like this video the best way to help me out is to hit that like button share it with someone else who will like it comment your thoughts or requests down below and subscribe if you want to see more in the description you'll see links to other videos like this as well as free audio books discounts on amazing metal print art and our patreon and paypal special shout out to our supporters over on patreon especially our 25 tier supporters bill payne oscar jones and renee flores but most important of all remember every gunslinger has his day and the force will be with you always
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 1,106,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cad bane, star wars, boba fett, complete life, complete life of, complete life of boba fett, complete life of general grievous, complete life of captain rex, complete life of cad bane, metanerdz, metanerdz lore, cad bane book of boba fett, cad bane death, cad bane vs boba fett, cad bane scene, cad bane explained, who is cad bane, bounty hunters, bounty hunters star wars, aurra sing, jango fett death
Id: TRp1yRSbIi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 34sec (3694 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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