Clone Commando Gregor | The COMPLETE Life Story | (Canon & Legends)

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sarish yes yes i remember now so many soldiers were dying what's up mr nerds this video will cover the complete life of cc5576-39 aka gregor we will see each and every event in his life in chronological order taking us from a clone that was born to unwillingly serve as sith lord his time with one of the most elite units in the grand army of the republic in a life that repeatedly shows how close the clone brothers were constantly giving their all to fight and save each other if you like videos like this you will love the giant selection of star wars audiobooks on audible by using the link in the description or by texting meta nerds to 500-500 you can try audible free for 30 days giving you access to any one of these titles as well as the plus catalog which has tons of free books and podcasts if you want to hear the story of how the clones came to be created i suggest a darth plagueis novel take a listen for yourself so you can hear just how high quality these audiobooks are damask found that won't do have you considered using a more acquiescent species knee timor asked which would you recommend one of the placid species tythorians for example or kamasi the mask shook his head neither species would suit my purposes what about humans and there are tons more clone wars novels following jedi sith and major events all which give so much more detail to the lore and will fulfill that need for more clone wars era content well of course there's also some of the greatest star wars novels ever made coming from the old republic and imperial eras especially with the new canon thrawn series even if you cancel the titles that you picked up are yours forever your credits roll over from month to month and you can download these titles to listen to them even when you're offline it's easy to listen to either on the computer or on your phone with the audible app that's how i usually do it with features like drive mode having a simplified display and i especially love the ability to quickly bookmark and take notes and you can see just how many i took on plagueis these are just a few of the incredibly useful features in the audible app and something that makes audible the best way to get these star wars stories 30 days free to check this all out just use the link in the description or text meta nerds to 500-500 to get started i'm sure you'll love it as much as i do but with that let's get back to gregor all clones were bred from the template of the deadliest warrior in the galaxy but the clone commando program was one that jango fett had to push the kaminoans to agree to using his connections with mandalorian bounty hunters across the galaxy to create the koi valdar the 100 warriors that raised the clones in mandalorian traditions everything from tactics to war chants they would personally train the advanced recon commandos or arc troopers but with the temperament of individuals like alpha 17. the kaminoans saw the utility of specialized clone squads but wanted this second batch to stay more creative and deadly in how they carried out their missions but actually be designed to be more obedient than the standard trooper while providing more intensive battlefield and psychological training to take full advantage of the biological edge that these soldiers would have over any programmed droid unit cc often denotes clone commander but could also signify clone commandos along with the designator rc for republic commando the commandos were put into squads of four known as pods which was derived from the ancient kaminoan warrior squads that hunted the iowa tanwii would be deeply involved in the development of the commandos working alongside the koivaldar especially khao scarada and hualan val one of the most famous commando squads was delta squad while gregor was assigned to foxtrot one of twenty five hundred squads within the special operations brigades led by jedi general arla ginza broke up into 20 commando groups five companies of five troops each with five squads and then each of those squads having four members with one sergeant within each squad gregor achieved both the rank of captain and also served as the sergeant of foxtrot group protocol was that over the course of the war as members were lost squads would be combined like with omega squad which had members from several different squads and the ultimate amount of squads left by the end of the clone wars is unknown their armor and loadout was as specialized as their genetics and upbringing with the dc-17m interchangeable weapon system and katarn-class commando armor the blaster was more of a variable munitions launcher being a modular design that allowed the rifle to be reconfigured to fire a grenade which could be both an anti-personnel or anti-armor round and a form that could fire a solid projectile encased by the energy bolts of a standard blaster that with the attachment of a variable 1020x scope turned this weapon into a sniper rifle powerful enough to take out nearly any droid variant or fierce species the kataran armor was made from a more complex material structure than the standard trooper armor which was itself far superior to the plastoid armor used by the later stormtroopers and the katan was also used with the unique clones of clone force 99 this material was then infused with a special chemical that bonded to the armor to make it even more blaster-resistant and then on top of that there was a built-in deflector shield projector along with the backpack that was filled with ammo and medical supplies including back to injections that could be rapidly and easily administered via injection ports in their hands the helmet had a built-in antenna more streamlined than those on helmets or backpacks and this connected them to hq and to their own squad providing mission and terrain data as well as the status of each of the squad members the black under suit monitored their vitals telling their user and their comrades how close they were to death and the power levels of their energy shields there was also a targeting computer that could detect the firing pattern and trajectory of any weapon held by the user and generate a targeting reticle on the hud this glowing blue visor also incorporated digital electro binoculars and night vision modes the entire suit was sealed to the outside world with multiple filtration systems that could extract oxygen from even the most toxic environments and supplemental oxygen in the backpack that could be pumped in during space missions other features included a retractable vibroblade in the knuckle plates a chronometer in the forearm while new variants of the armor would come out over the following months making it more resistant to the verpine shatter guns hand-held railguns that fired projectiles then greater resistance to grenades and eventually a night ops armor variant that was coated in electromagnetic scrambling material that not only made it invisible to sensors but it altered the visual spectrum as well making it nearly invisible to the naked eye and due to the secretive nature of the role none of foxtrot's missions have been declassified by the republic or leaked by slicers all that is known is that they were attached to the 212th attack battalion led by jedi general obi-wan kenobi and commander cody since the actions of gregor's squad would have been similar to delta and omega by 20 bby they would have seen two years of missions that included assassinations hunting down vips behind enemy lines search and destroy missions and in some cases retrieval of bodies and clearing areas of any threats like with savage press's attack on the jedi temple where delta squad retrieved the master in padawan and reported that the mysterious attacker was no longer there and this new class shuttle would have likely been the most used vessel whenever they didn't have to be anonymous as the nu was like a step up above the laat transport when you needed a more heavily armed and armored hyper space capable ship to cross the galaxy all commandos would personalize their armor paint jobs and it seems like gregor may have had his match with the brothers of the 212th it is highly likely that foxtrot group was with the 212th during the battle of umbara using their abilities to take out targets within the capital while the 501st captured an enemy air base and supply depot once the capital was taken the battle of umbara which saw some of the most intense fighting and heaviest republic losses of the clone wars finally came to an end with a victory unbelievably their next mission would be even more devastating as the 212th with foxtrot group was deployed to sarish this came on the heels of the republic recapturing the wealthy world of duro which the separatists briefly held after their blitzkrieg the outer rim sieges that grievous rolled into the brazen push to the corellian trade spine to capture this important republic world this campaign would cement grievous's place in the nightmares of republic citizens but the grand army was able to finally strike back and push them back further and further until sarish they descended through the atmosphere in a swarm of laati and laat carriers with att's but the separatists had finally caught their footing and dug in determined to put an end to the republic's counter-offensive thousands of b-1s and dozens of dwarf spiders and homing spider droids worked to take out the troops and tanks while the cis took full advantage of the terrain placing anti-aircraft guns along the mountain ranges kenobi put his faith in his arc 170 pilots and hoped the force would be with them as they tried to take out the guns and clear away for the transports kenobi would split the bulk of the ground troops with cody and while the commander was able to make it past his pocket of resistance one of his squads came too close to the mountain range and was shot down in the attempted rescue cody was nearly killed when the guns were trained on him but after some of the squad survivors shot the droid down cody hopped into the gunner's seat and used it to take out the clankers nearby kenobi was facing even more intense resistance and would actually end up being listed as one of the casualties of this battle being struck in this push to establish a small lz this hard-fought victory was short-lived as grievous was willing to pump a seemingly endless supply of mechanized monsters to put an end to the republic's spree of victories with more republic forces flowing into the lz the separatist reinforcements encircled them in the 212th started suffering some of the highest casualty rates of the entire war foxtrot commandos were tasked with eliminating some of the key cis units propping up the enemy strength but were pulled back due to the sheer amount of clones trapped in pockets throughout the mountainous terrain gregor was frantically trying to find a way to evac a large group of wounded brothers when every member of his commando squad was killed by another droid wave rushing in the mountains were echoing the sounds of digitized vocoders blaster and rocket fire and the screams of his dying brothers then absolute silence and darkness gregor came too on the outer rim world of abafar complete amnesia had removed any conscious connection to his life story like being born as an adult to him his first memories were that of the white saiyans and orange skies of his new home quickly to be met with the face of a celestin named borkus the chef claimed to have saved him and was generous enough to give him a job as a dishwasher at his diner and even provide him with housing that gregor could never hope to afford but on a mundane day a small frog would herald the call to adventure as gregor's path to redemption was set off when he took out the trash uh i'm sorry i didn't see you there colonel mieber gascon a silken if not a true frog knew a clone when he saw one and assumed the trooper must be doing some undercover op way out here in separatist space you are a clone are you working undercover i don't know what you're talking about ironically this could have been true for a clone with gregor's specialties but the amnesiac was utterly confused though look at the first sign of the past memory being called up through his psyche as gascon pushes he confused gregor goes back to work and at the end of the day he works up the nerve to ask his benefactor about these clones as someone told me i was a clone today they insisted a clone this restaurant owner found a man unconscious and a shuttle borkus was nothing like the heroic commando he did not rush to find a way to save this man instead he saw a slave an amnesiac that could be manipulated gascon had discovered that the separatists had captured an operational venator and had set down with a new class shuttle his droid unit d squad knew this was their way off world and back to the republic as long as they could get this cloned to help them they track him home and r2 hollow projects a recording of one of gregor's brothers what you're telling me that there are more of these clowns millions a whole army's worth when gascon tries to get him to realize that he is greater than this current life gregor argues that he owes everything to the chef all i remember is waking up on a transport somehow he crashed on abafar and well mr bulker says i have amnesia the colonel calmly explains that all clones have an identifier code in their wrist and with a quick scan by r2 they are able to pull up a short summary of the clone a clone commando your file says you were reported missing in action during yes yes i remember now so many soldiers were dying gascon decided to give him some space to process the revelations of his past life and he comes out looking reborn i figured at least looking like a soldier might bring back some more memories until we recover my equipment anyway gregor suspects his equipment was hidden at the diner and as the group starts to search borkus comes in dragging a crate looking for this the owner grabs the blaster and wants to prove that gregor is completely broken no longer the hero the strangers were claiming he was still having these psychological blocks on his instincts and training luckily the droid allies move in to help him grabbing the blaster and subduing the man gregor goes to sort through these relics from a past life staring into the helmet adorned with markings commemorating forgotten acts of heroism he gears up donning the katan armor and readying his dc-17m before rushing to the landing pad with his saviors activating the hud display in the helmet gregor uses the macro binoculars to spot the venator and atmosphere i'll cover you and clear the way colonel you all head straight to the shuttle i'll take care of those clankers he might have amnesia but the muscle memory was there and the bolts are accurate as he takes down each b1 with just a few bolts and even drops the b2s while the droidicos only serve to jog his memory i forget to remember how much i hate these guys but by putting that creative cc mind to use he is able to make his way around to the shuttle did everybody make it and just like on sarish commando gregor runs into the fire to rescue his allies m5 and gascon were pinned down but with this powerful clone blasting away the squad was able to make it on to the new class where they urged the commando to retreat with them don't worry about me you made me remember who i am i'll make my way home i promise now go he's doing what a soldier does sacrificing himself for the lives of others in a brilliant display of what made the commando so elite he is able to keep the ways back by seamlessly combining his weapons armor tactics and creativity to cause explosions of rhidonium that thinned out ranks long enough for d-squad to make it far enough away and knowing that this rhidonium was planned to be used in a sneak attack against the republic gregor keeps fighting until he causes the entire landing pad to explode this blast was intense but the hermetically sealed armor work of high-tech art which was the katarn did work to keep gregor alive he would indeed make his way back to the republic but as this was in the final months of the clone wars it is unclear if he ever took on any more missions while brother fives had uncovered the true purpose of the clone army and the war rex would be able to act on this information and would secretly go around telling select brothers the truth and aided them in the removal of their inhibitor chips it is unclear if the brain damage that gregor suffered was due to the massive explosion or the dangerous surgery to remove the biologically grafted chip likely it could have been a combination of the blast strong enough to give him amnesia then that second rhidonium blast followed by the brain surgery whatever the cause the result would plague gregor with episodes of quote mild insanity along with an altered voice and temperament as well as a general carelessness and silliness no matter how serious the situation seemed by the year four bby gregor and his brothers rex and wolf were retired on a modified att walker spending the rest of their days living off the galactic grid hunting jupas to get by rex had tried to maintain connection with ahsoka and help with her efforts to build up the rebel alliance but communications were abruptly cut off one day a group of four set off on the remote planet of silos and when they approached the boy called out rex's number well that's my birth number they're clones stop jedi they've come for revenge that's right mario i've got you down stand down troopers now wolf was instantly sent back 15 years to the moments of order 66 the instincts that the jedi were the bad guys overtook him and gregor raised his blaster in turn but both were talked down by rex as soon as ezra mentioned ahsoka rex lets them in and they decided to trade info on good locations to set up rebel bases for their help in hunting down gregor's most sought after jupa one e nicknamed big bongo in one of these abnormal mildly insane bouts of thinking gregor tricks his habit to being live bait for the enormous beast gregor's complete lack of malice combined with the sheer joy at their capture worked to calm down even zeb and while gregor and rex were enjoying their visitors company wolff worries that they will be punished by the empire later that night sabine finds that the clones had blocked incoming messages from ahsoka and had informed the empire of their arrival on sea loves rex is genuinely confused but all noticed that wolfe is suspiciously quiet each of these brothers dealt with the galactic scale betrayal by palpatine differently rex was informed enough and worked with jedi longer after the war keeping him sane and knowing who the good guys and bad guys were gregor was damaged and dealt with everything more simply not getting caught up in the conspiracies and grand concepts of war he just knew he liked the people he was dealing with while wolf was stuck in the middle struggling to keep everything in context and worries about protecting his brothers above all else when the empire deployed atats they were shocked to see this new walker variant but they worked together with their jedi allies to push them back and take a walker for their own rex would go to join the larger rebellion but will keep in touch with his brothers in their home base four years later zero bby rex along with former isb agent kallus and rebel leader harrison doula would all travel to this atat walker to recruit these brothers in liberating lothal we've followed them into battle many times well how about one more time eh so you're in 19 years since they had last been in a proper battle during the clone wars now at the age of 64 due to their accelerated aging these vets helped to draw out governor arinda price and once he sets eyes on ezra's mystical allies the loth wolves they're ripping through the stormtrooper forces with the clarity of a madman he is able to see the symbolic nature of our existence more accurately as kanan jarrus the jedi that had butted heads with wolf and eventually helped him to get over the trauma of order 66 that jedi spirit was now connected to the head wolf the symbol commander wolf had worn on his armor for decades and to gregor the significance was obvious can you believe it what the walls you got your wolf pack back yeah they fight just like the boys wolf would stay back with the evac crafts while gregor joined the rest of the group to take the strike to the dome the portable fortress that had been plopped down in the capital of lothal to subdue the planet by issuing protocol 13 they were able to recall all imperial forces but before they could send it up to explode grand admiral thrawn moved his star destroyer overhead and trained all the guns on the city he said that if ezra did not give himself up he would reduce lothal to rubble gregor and their forces decided to blast their way to the power terminals that energized the deflector shield generator now with the entire imperial presence in the structure the fighting was intense especially with thrawn's assassin rook and the squads of death troopers zeb would rush at the nogre assassin while gregor and kallus dealt with the other imps as they recaptured the terminal the old clone still had it and downed everyone in his path but as he hurried to activate the shield and protect the city from thrawn's bombardment one of the weapon tanks that had been shot used the last of his strength to raise his weapon and get off a single bolt that would burn its way through gregor's chest there was no katarn armor this time but the clone's warrior spirit was still incredibly strong though wounded he lunges at the imp and hurls him down into the crackling lightning of the reactor chamber and commands kallus to get that shield on shields that would come up just in time to intercept and nullify the planetary bombardment level of destruction which was being unleashed by the chimera rex's team were able to eliminate their targets and his brother ran over to comfort the mortally wounded gregor it was an honor to serve with you rex it was an honor to fight with you for something that we chose to believe in each of these three clone brothers were able to rise above their intended role as merely biological automata units for whom meaning was supposed to be a concept they would never understand intended to just follow orders in a time when these clones were disposed of by their creators they each found ways to give meaning to their own lives wolf fighting to keep his brothers alive and listening to his brothers and new jedi allies so that he could start to heal from his clone wars era trauma fighting to save lothal with a carefree excitement and smile on his once somber face rex learned that the true fight was against the secret sith who had commissioned him and all of his brothers and he worked tirelessly to help ahsoka and eventually finish the fight on endor while gregor had suffered numerous neurological blows changing him into a man that some believed to have gone insane yet despite this we see the commando hero spirit was more resilient than the katarn armor his first devastating blow suffered when he was trying to save the wounded on sarish then again after saving d squad those strangers who gave him back his life and then again gregor gives it all to save the people of lothal and to help his allies who had given his life meaning to finally fight for what they believed in and that's the complete life story of gregor if you made it this far please help me out by leaving a like leave a comment about this video or something you'd like to see in the future and subscribe if you want to see more share it with people that might like it as all those things really help promote the video on youtube and are the best way to help me out be sure to check out 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Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 112,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gregor, clone commando, republic commando, republic clones, clone wars, clone tribute, wolffe, commander wolffe, commander wolf, gregor death, complete life, complete life of, complete life of general grievous, complete life of captain rex, complete life of boba fett, clone trooper, rex, fives, echo, cody, commander cody, captain rex, republic military, clone trooper profiles, complete life of rex, complete life of cody, complete life of wolffe, complete life of gregor, metanerdz
Id: NypZJ33BXkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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