General Grievous | The COMPLETE Life Story | (Canon & Legends) Part 1

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listen to me jennifer i do not care about your politics i do not care about your republic i only live to see you die what's up mena nerds this video will be the complete life of kaiman jai shalal later known as general grievous covering each and every event from both canon and legends we'll see how the tragedy of his story is only rivaled by darth vader as he would see the loss of his loved ones become a god warrior to his people saving his species but only to lose his body and become a cyborg puppet strings pulled by the evil darth sidious we'll understand the cause of his hatred for the jedi and see just how complex this man really was going from an honorable warrior connected to the gods to a soulless one a cyborg that was only concerned with victory at any cost beyond the sense of good and evil no honor only rage willing to sacrifice anything and everything to provide him another chance to fight so to start this story let's head out to wild space down to the tropical world of kali home of the kalish species the exact year he was born is unknown but given that their lifespan is similar to humans recan reason that kaimun jai shillaw was born sometime around 6 dby being close in age to obi-wan kenobi his species were red-skinned reptilian humanoids whose entire culture revolved around war and their religion tribal wars had been constant throughout their history with warriors slaying each other with their shony spears or ligged swords and later when they got their hands on some alien tech the most ubiquitous weapons were the zerka arms outland rifle this was not a plasma firing blaster rifle but a form of slug thrower meaning it fired a solid projectile like a bullet shilah's father noted that the boy's gift for anger could be shaped into a great warrior and trained him in the slug rifle as soon as he could walk because at this time in their history the kalish were in the middle of the huk war for generations his people had suffered endless attacks from the technologically superior insectoid species the yamri the kalish name for these space-faring slavers was the huk meaning soulless bugs people whose entire culture bred them for war against each other were now struggling to survive against the high-tech weaponry of the invaders and the one thing that all kalish tribes try to preserve the most were their burial sites ancestor gods had glorious temples and it was believed that great martial victories could ensure one a spot in the heavens perhaps even becoming a god themselves in the afterlife by the time sheila was eight years old he was already considered a great marksman and had 40 confirmed huck kills by 22 he had killed so many of these alien bugs that the tribes were starting to see him as a sort of demigod throughout the war shamans would play a crucial role in keeping people connected with the meaning of their dreams and their ancestors and at this point in the war his father had been slain by the huck leaving his moo moo skull mask to his son one night shall dreamt that he had hunted amumu a sort of boar native to kali and had slain it with a pair of leg swords upon awakening he donned his father's mask and headed out to the jungles to slay the moo moo and this was the first time he laid eyes on ronduru lij kormar a female kalish wearing a crab back skull mask and bearing two lig swords who struck with the significance of his dream that he was wearing the muumuu mask he was the hunted one to be slain by this woman not literally not the loss of his physical life but she would kill that part of him that wished to fight alone the death to his old warrior bachelor side their relationship would be complicated and not fully understood by most other kalish but most knew them as lovers and the shaman saw them as the embodiment of an ancient kaleesh parable of the dreamer also being the dreamt one which is what the word shalio literally means he was both the one having the dream and being dreamt of by her and when these two united into one shalal and kumar were the stuff of huck nightmares she increased his proficiency with blades he trained her to be a deadly sniper and together they were deadlier than entire tribes the warring with the huck was at its peak and despite hundreds of thousands of dead bugs that now fertilize the forest of clee these high-tech aliens were still unwavering and chillal's life would change forever after a seemingly routine attack on the genua beaches with their swarms the huk were able to drive a wedge between them separated kumar was surrounded and suffered a violent death being ripped apart by the huck's barbed sheer weaponry her body was dumped in the sea as the soulless ones moved on to consume the next tribe shall all knew his soulmate was lost but he was driven into madness at not being able to find her body if she could not receive a proper burial her soul would be denied an afterlife and she would never be able to gain her rightful place as a warrior goddess none of the shamans could calm him down and in his despair he set a course for the island monolith at best me the site from which the gods ascended into heaven the sea journey was considered impossible but he was able to solo navigate across the violent sea at the holy site he pleaded with the gods to raise kumar out of the waters to find her and give him one last chance to look upon her face and after what seemed like an eternity his cries received no answer at the sight that represented the physical connection to the heavens the gods were silent he had never had to accept defeat but eventually he was forced to make the perilous journey back home doing what he could to try and remain powerful for his war-torn community he would attempt a normal life taking 10 wives and fathering 30 children but nothing could get his mind off the injustices done to him by the huck in the silence of the gods he was no longer the one the shamans had spoke of the dreamer and the dreamt one he was no longer a pair of joined opposites with this woman he merely grieved her he would reject his symbolic name accepting that it was his lot in life to be the tormented warrior the grievous one but he also decided that he would not be the only one to suffer the man who now called himself grievous decided to take command of all kalish tribal war efforts unifying their people by approaching nazorshra the most elite of all the warriors spread across the planet taking the title of kagon a supreme commander and warlord his vengeance-fueled united force was finally able to get the huck to flee off world he was able to capture many of their spacecraft contacted other space-faring alien species for transports and advanced weapons of war and for the first time in countless generations the kalish were on the offensive kagon grievous was able to conquer several huck worlds raising them to ash slaughtering entire populations as the insectoids watched the borders of their slave empire constricting on all sides next was the huck home world but just as grievous was about to taste victory by putting an end to the killers of his father and lover the enslavers of countless of millions of kalish over centuries now and only just now was a time that the jedi and republic thought it was wise to step in they saw the kalish people as the space-faring monsters imagining and insulting irony as the only way the kalish were even able to get into space was by capturing the slave ships that had been taking away their loved ones for countless generations a slave trade which this noble republic and jedi order did nothing to stop but since the huk had allies sympathetic to them in the senate politics would be the new oppressor of the kalish people despite being painted as a bloodthirsty warlord a mass murderer and conqueror and his role as kagon he would try to keep up the offensive being so close to stopping the huck threat once and for all and even with the vastly greater military force of the republic grievous actually kept up the assault for some time only succumbing when the mysterious magician warriors known as jedi knights appeared he was entrenched at the sight of their energy sabers which the jedi were able to use to turn the tide of war and push the kalish forces back to their homeworld they then put in enormous fines and established punitive trade embargoes making it so they could not join the galactic market in peaceful free trade grievous was fuming at being beaten just moments before his total victory and watched as the republic policies led to mass poverty and starvation as all off-world trade came to a complete halt and then the banks came in san hill chairman of the intergalactic banking clan personally made an introduction to the famed warlord the bank that backed the republic credits the government that had slandered and defeated him wanted to hire the infamous warlord as a commander of their private droid army he would go from demigod to debt collector sand hill said that the banking clan would absolve the entire debt of the kalish people if only he would fight for the igbc stunned at what seemed to be just the latest of cruel tricks the gods were playing on him grievous reluctantly agreed and the bank actually kept their promise no more debt and even showed their political pull in removing all embargoes while actively promoting trade to his homeworld it was an odd path towards saving his people but grievous was willing to accept his fate knowing he was essentially the slave of the banking clan but at least he would be the last kalish to ever know slavery and he would be fully faithful to his mute masters turning their droid forces into one of the greatest militaries in the galaxy at that time the igbc had ranks of the bactoid combat automata known as b1 droids as well as the gat and ig-227 hellfire while also having enormous fleets with starships like the munificent class and hard cell transports grievous immediately hated the b-ones as being useless and downright insulting to what it meant to be a warrior it was the embodiment of the soulless high-tech principles of these aliens of the galaxy at large out of touch with their gods their dream realms and their own souls the virtue and honor that could only be gained by striving with your own hands not using your mind and credits to create toys to play war while you sit in some posh office that being said the bankers forbid him from working with organic troops out of fear that the charismatic kalish warlord would turn them against him organixx not having that convenient kill switch that could be activated with the push of a button but understanding his frustration count dooku allowed sand hill to provide grievous with a droid model that was far superior to the b1 and the kalish came to respect the ig-100 after some time programming them in the combat scene during the huk wars he said that they could fight as ferociously as his zasra commanders he grew to become unsettled by the fact that these things of dura steel and wires were free of many of the weaknesses that came with the flesh after some time he felt that he was surrounded by advanced droid versions of his top warriors and the bankers were more than happy with the ruthless efficiency of their new debt collecting force this easily could have been the end of his story being a corporate warlord that just kept the credits flowing into the vaults of the igbc and occasionally proudly looking back to see his people prospering but the huck could not leave his people alone in an unbelievable move they had launched a new wave of attacks that would try to take back areas that they had built up on kali and in these strikes they either accidentally though some kalish thought purposefully desecrated the sacred burial mounds and temples these bugs that had terrorized and enslaved his people for their entire lives had found ways to attack them in the afterlife and when the republic again did nothing grievous went into a fury abandoning his position with the banking clan's droid army he rushed back home to prepare a counter-offensive sand hill was put in a difficult place he could not allow this betrayal to go unpunished but also this kalish was to find a specimen to just kill off so though he considered hiring an assassin he thought this was too brash instead he contacted pogo the lesser the archduke of geonosis and overseer of droid factories together with count dooku and his shadowy superior darcidius they all devised a way to permanently enslave this great warrior but also to ensure that he would be as controllable as a droid with assurances that a cybernetic body could be constructed with the facilities of backtrack armor workshops and the sith promising that they could manipulate his mind through the force the plan was put into action grievous had just rallied his zasra and together they boarded his ship the martyr heading out to bring the fight to the huck once and for all shortly after takeoff an ion bomb planted in the shuttle was detonated ship failures caused a series of explosions and dooku activated a remote control of grievous's ejector seat saving the asset they were all after while letting the transport full of his warriors plunge down in the genua sea the same sea that had consumed kumar years earlier all of his elite generals died in that crash and grievous had suffered internal injuries that were causing hemorrhaging they sent him in the shock but dooku was there to personally recover the unconscious kalish and he used an obscure sith heart stun ability to keep his heart from failing while grievous was unconscious holding onto life by this force application to his organs the sith also used his dark arts to implant ideas in grievous mind when he came too he was certain that the jedi were responsible for the death of his zaasra in their fears of grievous return they launched a pre-emptive strike to save their evil allies the huk his magnaguards had responded to the explosion and dragged his body into a shuttle containing an fx series medical droid which was able to sustain and sedate him for his trip to geonosis dooku arranged for the midichlorian rich blood of sifo diaz to be extracted from its frozen corpse transferred into grievous in order to aid in this manipulation poggle the lesser personally oversaw the gin ocean scientists that extracted his eyes brain and spinal cord transferring them into the geranium alloy body that was based on the krath wardroid a synth skin and gut sac was created to house the rest of his remaining organs and it needs to be pointed out that his physical body was not destroyed by the explosion he was just knocked unconscious and he did have internal bleeding but that was fixed quickly he could have remained in his body but this project treated the noble demigod as just another piece of matter to be molded at the will of its masters the body was discarded and even the brain was altered to their wants they lobotomized areas of his memory to cut his connections to his people and culture the superstitious silliness deemed unnecessary for their new warrior and then adjusted areas dealing with equilibrium in order to better command his new body followed by surgical implants in his eyes to sharpen his vision and the only thing that didn't mesh perfectly were his lungs when grievous came too he was told that his body was destroyed by the jedi's attack along with all of his elite warriors sanhill explained that he was the one to sponsor this project to save the kalish's life and eagerly wanted to hear about sand hill's talk of working with one count dooku a man who would be the future leader of a military force that sought to destroy the republic and jedi dooku granted grievous the title of supreme commander of the droid armies and gave him his first lightsaber a blade once used by dooku's closest friend saifo diaz he had become a twisted creation of contradictions shalal the dreamed dreamer would become such a powerful warrior directly as a result of his connection with the gods honoring them through valor on the battlefield living in the spirit and physical world simultaneously was now just a technological creation a puppet serving the will of man no gods no honor hating the jedi yet serving a fallen jedi with a jedi's blood keeping him alive and fighting with the weapons of a jedi and despite all the force powers to manipulate his mind and surgeries to restructure his brain he still hated the b1 battle droids in the first weeks after his surgery he also hated the look of his droid body the memories of his old life must have been calling to him from somewhere deep in his psyche because when dooku referred to him as a droid he snapped and slashed every ig-100 droid in the room to pieces he then demanded to have a mask made to resemble the moo moo skull passed down by his father and have himself and his personal magnaguards cloaked in the style of kaleesh warriors but even with these outbursts the plan had worked they had an incredible tool for the coming war in 22 bby the clone wars would emerge on his second homeworld his cyborg home of geonosis and this tool was finally unleashed on the republic in the depths of the geonosian catacombs a horrifying demon that slashed troops in half crushed through their armor with his metal limbs a flurry of destruction that flew through the narrow tunnels resulting in the murder of his first jedi not a single soul would live to tell the tale and with this impressive first victory dooku's faith and his creation was cemented he decided to train grievous in all seven forms of jedi saber combat though both were frustrated that even with the blood of sifo diaz he had no connection to the force still dooku noted that grievous learned quicker than any of his previous apprentices oh he still had preference for his more powerful force-wielding chiss general severon's tongue but when she suddenly died only a month into the war grievous became dooku's prime apprentice and he would finally make his introduction to the jedi four months into the war during the battle of hypori expert command of his droid units had completely surrounded the republic forces and the glimpses they had of this mechanized monster struck fear into their hearts my forces are totally destroyed new droid little he's unstoppable hold up and wreckage of an acclimator six jedi including coyote mundi shakti and ayla sakura were terrified when they realized that this being would be coming to face them alone and what grievous says you can hear the echoes of a once noble warrior respecting these fellow fighters a warrior's death padawan could not take the suspense and rushes out to confront the threat only to be crushed under grievous geranium claws the battle that ensued show how he was prepared to deal with force wielders and how he had mastered his new body performing strikes and opening up angles of attack that were impossible to flesh and bone monu would have to hold him off long enough for captain four to arrive with his arc trooper reinforcements screaming across the battlefront in laat gunships once the clone troopers located them they see that the powerful jedi master had been stripped of his weapon and was about to be cut down before they opened up with an incredible barrage of fire grievous is forced to run and due to having no force abilities he could not deflect bolts of this volume but his body did give him great speed and he was able to outrun and outmaneuver them for some time giving him kills on the elite arc troopers though the laat eventually pinned him down long enough to allow forto to evac the jedi survivors though mundi realizes the threat that this creature would be for the remainder of the war no we must pursue general we can't the survivors will die but forto's decision was the more prudent one as mundi had already been disarmed and ayla and shakti were in critical condition in his official debut to the jedi order grievous had killed four jedi in solo combat collecting each of their lightsabers as trophies and this was only the start of his war on the jedi order on coruscant muni would tell the harrowing tale of a new cis general and we see that the council was so shocked by this defeat that they feel grievous could turn the tide of the war this general grievous is changing the shape of the war yes we need more knights i suggest that in this time of war we forego the trials and promote my padawan anakin to jedi knight their fear forced the jedi to change their own rules which had been in place for millennia rushing some padawans past their trials to make them jedi knights using their battlefield performance as proof enough one of those being anakin skywalker this battle earned him the infamous title the butcher of vaipori grievous had gone from a powerful warlord of wild space to the bane of the galaxy's largest superpower two months later he would lead the invasion of nadim in the outer rim being able to establish a strong aerial blockade and heavy troop presence on the surface republic forces would be able to defeat the gunships overhead but luminara unduly and seisi tinn's troops appeared like they would be slaughtered in a cavern as grievous forces rushed their position at full speed hoping to overwhelm them padawan barissathi decided that her only move was to have her troops fake their death the b-1 scanned the battlefront and determined that there was no threat and marched forward cis forces pushed ahead to the republic held village and their droid vehicles were blowing the enemy to bits only to start receiving fire from the rear grievous droids were surrounded offi's men blasting away while the droids were in confusion followed by her master leading a charge over the canyon to put a nail in the coffin the general had suffered a total defeat outraged at this first loss in cyborg form he smashes the hollow display and is forced to make a rapid retreat off-world knowing that this loss came at the stupidity of the b-1 droids something that worried him that very first time he laid eyes on these simple insults following this dooku wanted to test grievous against his commanders ventress and durge upon the count's trenchant space station rivas would ambush the pair striking durge first with his electro staff ventress tried to get away but was smashed by the butt of the staff the battle would move throughout dooku's personal museum and durgis flail would catch around the cyborg's neck ventress following up with her saber strikes before durge struck him in the head a punch that sent him flying across the room but as they closed in grievous showed his skills as a swordsman stabbing durge before decapitating him and turning to confront the force-wielding dark acolyte ventress is enraged to be failing to what appeared to be a jedi cyborg demanding to explain who he was calmly he outmaneuvers her grabs ventress by the throat and says i am the future choking her unconscious as he muses over the weakness of the flesh body he asks dooku if he can toss the bodies out into space but his master says they'll still serve a purpose and informs the cyborg that with this trial he was now the supreme commander of the entire droid army of the cis being second to only count dooku himself grievous would see several more smaller victories this all worked to spread his infamy even republic news outlets were now referring to him as a night slayer after more and more reports of this metal monster that was slaying jedi with their own signature weapons with this new position he was also given command of a new superweapon a subjugator-class heavy cruiser titled the malevolence that could fire a pair of fleet disabling ion blasts grievous lost his organic body after an ion attack and now he hoped to deliver the republic a series of devastating losses early on in this war the first strike was in the foo system and then he would strike over a dozen more systems attacks in which the republic lost every ship involved plo kun would head a task force in a trio of venators to try and eliminate the super weapon in the abner gato system before he engages he informs skywalker of his position and dooku is there to personally monitor the general's command of this prize ship another successful test wouldn't you say count we must keep our position secret send out the hunters i want all of those life pods destroyed dooku doesn't want there to be any witnesses in order's rocket droid search teams deployed to eliminate any survivors that might be in the escape pods we see that the jedi are discussing the loss of contact with closed forces but assume that he is likely dead just like with the other attacks they ordered not to jump to his last location but skywalker agrees with his padawan that they must investigate arriving in the system in his ship the twilight when grievous sees that he's lost contact with the search team they worry that there were indeed survivors and rush over to see the freighter trying to flee the enormous ion blast was launched to try and stop the single ship but the expert piloting by skywalker allowed them to get away dooku had told his general countless times that there could be no witnesses and departs the ship in anger saying that this failure would be reported to darth sidious your failure is most unfortunate i will have to discuss this with my master to make up for this loss grievous won on a killing spree blasting apart medical transports in the outer and mid rim when dooku hallows in to speak with him we see that grievous was learning to appreciate the disposable nature of the droid army the care of this jedi show for their troops is a weakness a weakness we shall continue to exploit dooku tells them that they will strike the kaleida shoal's medical station which contains 60 000 clone troopers and we see that grievous ability to keep the ship a secret was reestablishing dooku's trust with him i feel very confident leaving the ship under your command general and the general is sure to completely and immediately destroy all escape pods this time target those escape pods i have a reputation to uphold the republic is worried that these attacks are nearing their secret medical facility suspecting that this was their next target a fleet was scrambled to intercept as soon as the malevolence pops out of hyperspace it unleashes its ion cannons disabling several pelta class medical frigates and then being able to get off a shot that took out half of the y-wing squadrons but grievous is unconcerned with a few pesky starfighters and turns to fire on the medical station underestimating the powerful ally that is the force and the piloting skills of the chosen one kenobi arrives with his fleet and the venators open fire on the heavily damaged ship as it limps away on its subly engines the quick republic cruisers are able to close in on him and the turbo lasers are quickly turning huge sections of the malevolence into space debris do not compound your failure this day by allowing our prize warship to fall dooku's banking clan allies trapped senator padme by arranging a meeting to discuss peace dooku supplying the coordinates for the malevolence and using the ship's tractor beam he was able to capture this republic vip and the jedi immediately call off their attack skywalker and kenobi would lead a strike team and in the hyperdrive chamber grievous would meet the galaxy renowned jedi general general kenobi and we see some incredible strength that his body afforded him and he's enraged that obi-wan got away he picks up and slams a droideka skywalker would be able to rescue padme while kenobi was forced to try and lose grievous in the complex rail system that was used as a transport in this massive ship when the jedi get back to their ship they give the all clear to open fire on the malevolence and grievous knew he had to flee the general would take to his personal starfighter the soulless one a name that referenced the huck but also this fallen spiritual state that grievous found himself in if he lost the superweapon he hoped to make up for it by killing these two a jedi and the senator by shooting down their freighter but again skywalker's piloting saved them and the b1s call out to their general in a panic as the ship's navic computer was sending them into a nearby moon grievous knew this must have been manipulation by kenobi or as padawan screaming at them to reset the nava computer but it was too late and this incredibly powerful prototype super weapon was destroyed when dooku hails his general to get an update grievous is in such a state of defeat that he actually cuts off this call from his superior needing time to think up what to do and what to say next it is unclear what grievous did to regain his master's trust but he would soon after face off against a pair of jedi on the planet anath and bakura eventually this led to a campaign that led to six separate major victories for the cis in just one month as grievous went on a streak to prove himself he burnt down entire cities on ordmantel and captured the valuable hyperlane routes connecting the core to planet's bespin kessel and mancala this blitz in the outer rim helped them to consolidate cis power in this region and cut off major republic suppliers of tabanagas and spice after suffering a series of disastrous defeats at the hands of general grievous the republic's foothold in the outer rim is in jeopardy next he wanted to cut off their spy network pathway was home to the bothans the millennial long masters of intelligence the bothans were supplying both sides with intel but the cis was willing to force exclusivity on republic intelligence picked up on the arrival of massive separatist fleets nearing the bothan system they deployed general skywalker to intercept grievous closes in but knows that the venator should be too powerful to attack from above so he makes the bold decision to navigate through the asteroid ring revis knew that the republic would not risk sending larger ships to flank them but skywalker's creative thinking placed several att walkers in the asteroids with grievous's decision to put all power in the forward shields the walkers had a clear shot at some of the munificent's weakest areas the general was coming to understand how this cis war machine worked resources were endless and everything was disposable and he was getting good at telling exactly when the tide had turned without a word to his b1s he races to a starfighter to make a hurried escape where he was nearly shot down until the force appeared to be on his side for once as debris disabled the jedi ship this allowed the general to regroup and take command of a nearby flea while the cis had secretly arranged for skywalker's new fleet to have a spy droid in the form of an astromech one that would replace the lost r2 unit r3 activated anakin's tracking beacon and grievous is ready to pounce on the solo jedi he knows that even dooku fears and respects the power of this skywalker and is desperate to prove that he was a great enough warrior to kill this jedi watch everything but the human evades and grievous is left to head to a nearby secret listening post known as skytop station here grievous had arranged to purchase r2 from a scavenger that found the droid in the wreckage once he has the astromech in his possession he tries to ply the unit and even makes a lighthearted joke about something that once infuriated him no need for fear we're all droids here once they ripped the astromech open they see that the droid's memory had never been erased he had all of the republic codes an endless ship and troop data when the scavenger demands to be paid more for this grievous laughs and puts a lightsaber through the man again we see an interesting attempt to win r2 over being nice to him and even a comforting padding on the head don't worry i won't let anything happen to you just then he gets word that the jedi had arrived with the republic strike team and grievous has his magnaguards take position to defend the priceless data while he rushes out to collect more lightsabers when he rounds the hall he laughs at what a pathetic sight he sees an unknowing reference to the fact that grievous had indeed forced jedi like ahsoka into combat out of fear that they were running out of jedi the little one was brave but easily defeated and when the clones opened fire despite a lack of force connection he would be able to deflect a bolt back at one of the troops perhaps a mix of dooku's continued training and the tightness of this space while his blaster-proof alloy body allows him to confidently close the gap he leaps into the group slashing to and kicking the others unconscious grievous lords over this lab-created warrior raising his saber to end the life of captain rex only to have that pesky jedi intercept him at the last second ahsoka just 14 years old only months into her first war was projecting nothing but confidence in the presence of this cyborg warlord but she could tell that his unique abilities and multiple sabers could not be matched ahsoku would flee bringing grievous away from her clone allies and then his spy r3 droid would give up ahsoka's position while the magna guards were showing their elite training being able to keep up with one of the best swordsmen in the order when grievous does find the padawan tries to drain her arrogance and fill her with fear before taking her life but rex detonated the explosives that rocked the station the jedi calls on the force and slides one of grievous's hands down onto the other severing it with his own blade this girl would survive the brush with one of the greatest warriors in the galaxy while the generals saw that this station was beyond saving hopping in solus 1 to make his escape what we often see with him is that this loss is followed by a series of brutal victories to make up for capturing the planets jan fowthal and cothless followed by pushing a major republic counter-strike that attempted to take back nexus ortai three systems were captured in just weeks and dooku and grievous then turned to the clone homeworld on kamino besides coruscant itself this was perhaps the second most important republic world to achieve this would first require capturing the rishi moon outpost which was part of an emergency alert network that could warn kamino of any cis advance by using the cover of a meteor shower commando droids were able to capture the station the droids check in with their progress and we see that ventress had been secretly setting up things on kamino for the coming invasion notice that she does respect her superior in this conversation very good my lord i will await your arrival it was only through bad luck or the force that cody and rex would be carrying out a routine inspection of this base discovering the clone survivors and retaking the station grievous tried sending reinforcements to keep that all clear signal broadcasting but the clones blew up the entire station knowing once this signal died a republic fleet would be rapidly deployed when the venators pop into real space priebus knows his plan must be abandoned for now and it was because of this strike that was too close to home that the republic first issued a dead or alive bounty on the general willing to turn the underworld into an ally if it meant killing this cyborg but dooku had grown tired of this constant cycle of wins and losses and wanted to put his general on notice when newt gundray escaped from republic custody the republic hoped to track him through a device planted on the nymordium and the jedi followed this signal to the third moon of vasik in the outer rim kit fisto is excited to see his once padawan nadar who was another example of that rush to produce more knights due to this threat from grievous congratulations on passing the trials i'm sorry the war prevented me from seeing your training through to the air you were missed master but it is an honor to finally serve beside you as a knight when they enter the enormous castle structure they walk through the dark halls and we see that this rush caused by grievous had hurt the quality of knights endangering everyone i didn't forget to teach you restraint did i my old padawan i'm sorry master i got carried away the signal leads them to a room where they find a hologram of gunray and then dooku explaining that they knew about the tracker that this was a trap as they explored more they find that this is grievous's personal castle but statues that acted as reminders of his former life the noble kalish warrior but also statues that were themselves showing the replacement of limbs they also discover an entire room dedicated to his jedi trophies lightsabers and padawan braids among the collection built up over the years there is concern i've lost your focus lord sidious demands more dramatic results you expect victory over jedi but all you give me to fight them is battlegrounds the general was again being tested just another way that his sith masters knew how to manipulate this proud warrior as soon as he makes his way inside of his home grievous is ambushed by the jedi and clones springing into action with his four limbs each bearing a blade he is able to keep the jedi engaged while his mechanical body fights off the pull from the troops grapple hooks the jedi would be able to slice off his legs but he shows the mastery of his metal form and slips out of their control clinging to the ceiling and out maneuvering the clones to eliminate some more of them before making his escape once in his command center he summons his a4 droid assistant and notices that his magna guards are not active what happened to my bodyguards they were remotely deactivated for recharge i thought you did it he realizes that dooku had set him up to be ambushed being fine with this general getting killed off or pleasantly surprised if he did kill this jedi master but kit fisto realized that without this element of surprise they would be at the disadvantage fighting in grievous castle to try to escape but the reactivated ig-100s destroy the republic shuttle with a rocket though fisto's jedi starfighter is able to get away back in the castle we get an insight into what his longtime droid assistant thought of the cyborg body and we see how grievous had rationalized everything remember his brain had been altered by sith powers and surgery sometimes i wonder why you submitted to the changes i submit to no one i chose them the castle contained hundreds of replacement parts for every aspect of a cyborg body and after a new pair of legs and masks were attached he was restrained to the chair for a short time while the nervous system and wiring synced up all while grievous's pet gore a massive rogwart was trying to defend its home his pet also being a bit of a cyborg with its own enhancements the jedi were able to work to kill it but the new knight is filled with rage at seeing his clone friends dead then grievous gets a call from his master your recent defeats at their hands have shaken my faith in your ability to lead the droid army you deactivated my guards you lit the jedi in here so you would test me again grievous cuts off this call from his superior but does angrily vow to pass this test the jedi are still trying to find their way out and nadar is slicing through the elite droid units intoxicated by the success of these few skirmishes full of rage at his clone losses the knight engages the general grievous looks the mon calamari in his eyes as he mused on the weakness of the flesh using his abundance of limbs to keep the jedi saber locked and pull a blaster out to fire into the night's chest adding one more saber to the collection and turning to issue a threat to fisto who could see the whole thing from the command center the jedi master would slice the computers and since everyone else was dead he summons his delta 7 to make his escape though grievous was eager to get another kill grievous would overwhelm fisto for some time but eventually the natalin would sever the hand containing his padawan's blade you might have been a proud warrior once but now you're just a pawn in dooku's game i wield great power jedi the dual-bladed attacks start to overwhelm grievous and he isn't concerned with a fair fight stepping back to allow the ig-100s to engage this time grievous would be the one to watch as his target fled combat with fisto leaping onto his starfighter grievous would return to his command center to try and pass off this trial as a victory but dooku makes sure to keep the pawn in his place the jedi have been defeated victory over the clones and the young jedi was expected but to best a jedi master this is truly an accomplishment worthy of recognition so there is room for improvement though grievous was fuming at the thought of this shortcoming on coruscant we see that the jedi are shaken to their core with how this one enemy was infecting their order as fisto explains how he saw his padawan changed by it his rage towards grievous being exactly what gave the cyborg the advantage in this war a danger there is of losing who we are as usual this loss would fuel more victories following this up with the death of a master and a padawan on the planet the div after taking their lives he finds the hollow pad that contained intel that brought the jedi to this jungle world it is an ancient jedi temple and finds that he can easily scale the wall and enter its hallowed halls he laughs to himself at the sight of the jedi statues erected to their own glory noting that his statues were actually earned in triumphs over others before slashing through these pathetic tributes continuing through a bridge collapses forcing a quick firing of the grapple hook to make it across this was not the result of age but this entire temple appeared to have deadly trials for any visitor all which were nothing for his cyborg frame he arrives at the sacred center and sees the magical glowing waterfall that the jedi saw sticking his hand through it he feels nothing then each of his limbs still nothing frustrated at these silly jedi tricks he jumps in head first and is baffled by what he experiences seeming to float in space he hears a voice ask him if he comes seeking knowledge proudly grievous claims that he needs nothing but the destruction of the jedi the voice mocks him saying his destruction has destroyed himself then a flash grievous is returned to kemanjai shillal desperate to say how he is so much stronger in his cyborg state that now he strikes fear into the jedi but the voice cuts him off declaring he seeks to destroy a power which he does not understand that he had carved away his connection to it in grievous panics as he watches his limbs falling off as the voice says that instead he has replaced his divine force-connected body with that of a machine a petty form of power that he does understand but that understanding is not strength this experience ends as grievous is so fallen apart that he has disparate organs floating away in space intestines heart eyes and brain all drifting apart the voice says that this material is small he is small and that is all he will ever be grievous comes out of this experience unchanged he furiously slashes at the stream to no avail so he retreats to a nearby cliff and calls in the coordinates to a providence class overhead demanding a complete orbital bombardment be unleashed on this single spot he would stare at the smoldering site for hours as day turned into night saying to that voice quote for all your talk of power you burn just as easily but as he turns away from this mystical site we see the glow of this portal to the force is still glowing bright grievous made sure to distract himself from this experience by launching another series of successful campaigns starting with felucia completely overwhelming the republic forces and his units would have been able to get revenge on ahsoka if obi-wan and skywalker did not force her to retreat from here it would be a devastating strike on doran the homeworld of plo-coon species the keldor a campaign which served the purpose of ensuring that the republic was occupied and would hold off their attack on geonosis allowing poggle the lesser to complete the construction of the ray shield that protected the largest droid factory of the cis dooku could not have been too upset with his general at this point as grievous now commands the larger variant of the requisite class light destroyer using its numerous turbo laser batteries and tractor beam they are able to capture ethkoth's venator grievous storms the bridge with his commando droids stepping back to allow them to do the dirty work and isolate the jedi master grievous engages in saber combat and allows the ig-100s to give him an advantage honor becoming an ever-diminishing idea if his body was an extension of his power he was now seeing the entire droid army as merely an extension of himself the electro staffs render koth unconscious and the separatists flee to the salukimai system rebus could not resist using this opportunity to strike fear into the jedi sending a hollow recording to coruscant declaring his hatred for their kind i do not care about your politics this message was encrypted and untraceable but wolf's keen eye noticed that the master was using sign language to give up their location rebus returned to the bridge to have his tactical droid inform him that a large fleet was about to jump out of hyperspace when venators acclimators and chargers pop out the general is confident in his massive worship becomes locked in once kenobi hails him general i knew one day i'd catch up to you kenobi what a surprise i assume you are here to bring me to justice you know me too well the tractor beam is strong enough to bully the aquadins and kenobi's vessel is dragged up to the massive requisite just as skywalker was performing his risky maneuver to secretly attach his transport to grievous vessel again it would be commando droids that lead the assault into the captured republic ship clearing out the troopers while the magnaguards pushed kenobi to the bridge this was exactly what the jedi was hoping for drawing the general away from ethkoth while skywalker and arigalia made their way to the target as commando droids held them off kenobi was trying to cut through the cyborg facade to get to whatever semblance of a heart grievous might have telling him that he has given up everything he was no longer an honorable warrior just to be dooku's errand boy a futile quest for power a mutilated body and your place is dooku's aaron boy i of the most know droid army the galaxy has ever seen an army with no loyalty no spirit just programming but of you to gain the future a future where there are no he may have lost his honor connection to the gods but he shows that he was still driven to be a powerful warlord by getting revenge on the jedi who had denied him his victory on the hook these jedi who were obsessed with their spirit and morality would be crushed by his lifeless droid forces grievous laughing all the way this close quarter saber combat with grievous wielding four blades pushed kenobi to his limits a jedi considered one of if not the greatest swordsman in the order though they seemed evenly matched as if to stress his point the jedi uses his connection to this supernatural force to hurl grievous own bodyguards against him no returns to him giving him one last chance to escape but the general knows he again needs to scurry away desperate to eliminate kenobi by any means he orders that his ship opened fire on the arkurens with him still on it grievous then has to smash his way through cody's men and threw audigalia who tries to intercept him the explosions forced the jedi to give up pursuit while the republic forces scrambled a rendezvous with skywalker shuttle grievous had escaped into a c9979 landing craft after ordering the rest of the vessels to depart for the surface of silucomai as well but debris from the massive explosions crashed into his ship forcing them to fire off the escape pods this was a rapid reversal of grievous advantage from supership to scattered escape pods and admiral ulrin wanted to use this opportunity to finally put an end to this nightmare bringing the entire fleet down to selukimai and spreading across the world to search each of the crash sites rebus hoped to use the comms in the pod to reach cis command but his had been damaged on impact luckily there was another pod a few kilometers away but they would have to make it there on foot grievous found out that it was possible to hate his droid troops even more sir we need to get our power recharged not this again how did your power cells be so depleted slashing through them outraged at the fact that these b1s could be both imbeciles and have weaknesses of the flesh like fatigue by nightfall they were finally able to make it to the other pod and a distress signal rushed as separatists shuttled to their location every second would count as kenobi's forces had detected the general and were closing in att walkers would engage while the jedi nearly cut the general in half but again his saber skills would keep obi-wan off allowing him to scramble up the wreckage and connect his grapple hook to the shuttle flying away before it even needed to land laughing as the bolts harmlessly flew by and here we would see dooku again try the bold strike on kamino itself calling on his two greatest servants both shall be annihilated under my hand our hands general count dooku assigned us both this task ventress had the intel on the location of the clone dna template and would use the chaos to steal django sample giving the cis the ability to create viruses specific to their genome grievous would lead a forward assault straight into the republic's massive planetary defense but kenobi noted that none of this made sense the separatist fleet wasn't large enough and tactics used by the general were odd he seemed to be throwing ships at them to be quickly blown into debris in fact this debris was being pulled to kamino and when it sunk below the ocean surface it was reassembled to provide the trident class of salt ships needed to invade taipoka city grievous would break through the blockade and arrive in his own trident right behind a squad of aquadroids that cleared out the clones when he met with ventress they would discuss the plan of him distracting the republic force and ventress shows that she is growing bolder noting that their shared master has often been disappointed with the general she is flippant and then outright insulting count dooku may have taught you how to swing a lightsaber general but that hardly makes you my equal it follows by taking a jab at his loss of body shall i provide you with a droid escort my dear general there's nothing you have that i could want well the clones were scrambling to defend their homes ventress had been intercepted after she took jjango's template okenobi would again face off against his nemesis grievous was eager to overwhelm the human with his many limbs but obi-wan was done with giving him chances and rubbed in the fact that the cyborg had no connection to the force pushing him back with a series of powerful blows forcing him to flee to a hangar path kenobi was prepping to break through the spinning sabers until a trident came crashing down to break up the fight sending obi-wan sliding off the side and plummeting to the ocean below grievous using his claws to dig and laugh at the thought of this powerful jedi's pathetic demise before stealing a kamino flight pod to make a clean getaway and despite her disrespect the general makes sure to rescue dooku's assassin on the way out for his usual behavior grievous would turn this loss into a string of incredible victories he would take another lightsaber when jedi master sanon was slain during the battle of perrine 2 as well as taking banvar station and the planet vandos calling on his martial background he was able to convince the warrior people the tagorians to secede and when a republic force came to speak with the people grievous quickly killed the republic general those attempt to take rendell's shipyards failed despite throwing massive amounts of cis reinforcements into the rendelling civil war but he was able to work with durge to set up a campaign that would set the corellian trade spine on fire hundreds of individual planets along this crucial lifeline to the core were captured in a blitzkrieg known as operation durge's lance it was during this campaign that general grievous's infamy in the public eye grew even further moving from being known as a jedi hunter to a war criminal feared by every citizen of the republic he would capture the core world of the planet duro and force a public and humiliating surrender from their chief representative live on holonet grievous learning throughout the war the power that came with wielding fear as a weapon he followed this up with an hour-long orbital bombardment of the planet humbarine a founder world to the galactic republic 25 000 years earlier a necumenopolis or planet-spanning city similar to coruscant all reduced to molten rock as even the crust of this world was fragmented by the bombardment then he turned to bio-warfare releasing the leodorvian brain plague in the wemo sector a bacteria that mutated into different forms a b and c which would devour the victim's nervous system within days killing off everything from humans to wall capacites to neimordians adding millions more to his kill count that was now in the billions as this plague cleared out the sector building on this momentum he would open up the year 20 bby with the death of several jedi collecting sabers from padawans knights and masters alike grievous kidnapped ambassador kien in order to draw republic forces into a trap on the planet vandos the first two knights to respond were killed and grievous was able to capture a mon calamari ship that had a jedi master and a group of younglings on board master guarmol was killed as were several of the force sensitive children but many were kept for a much worse fate grievous was working on capturing force sensitive humans to put them into droid bodies a procedure that would be much like his own hoping to remove the weaknesses of flesh while still retaining their powers with the force he wouldn't know this but it likely would not have worked due to the massive loss of midichlorians but luckily for the children they would be rescued before they could be transferred to the separatist research lab a group led by the padawan of one of the fallen knights led an attack with several other jedi that was successful in freeing the young lanes but at the cost of their own lives in the process adding two more sabers to the collection during the battle of hanukkah a defoliator chemical was accidentally released that wiped out the ecosystem of that world and grievous saw this incident as well as the use of his brain plague as the key to separatist victory what better way for the army of droids to prove their superiority of metal over meat they could soften up worlds for invasion by releasing airborne chemicals viruses or bacterias that would devastate the population food supplies or destroy crops the enemy was vulnerable in so many more ways in his droid army and grievous petitioned dokuda let him use these methods on a larger scale but to his disappointment the head of the cis denied this an excuse may have been that it would just be bad optics disturbing the populations of the separatists just as much as the republic but although grievous couldn't have known it he had stumbled upon a clue that this war was being tightly controlled by one man that cis or republic victories were each an illusion and winning the war was never a possibility this was followed by the battle of boz pity where grievous would brutally kill master soon bates crushing his head in the grip of his mechanized claws ambushing the man before he could even get to his saber that weapon would be immediately taken by the general and used to slice through the clone troopers all around him it wasn't until mace windu arrived that grievous was finally outmatched just like kenobi mace would use his mastery of the force to overwhelm the soulless one hurling an stap into him knocking the general unconscious only to be rescued by his magnaguards who hurried him off to dooku an embarrassing and abrupt end to his string of victories luckily for his reputation other cis leaders would come under attack in the following days and require grievous to come to the rescue wat tambor would be held up in his fortress when the republic launches a massive attack on zagoba grievous would lead the defense force while watt was under siege he was able to keep the clone forces back but a young bounty hunter named boba fett working one of his earliest contracts for jabba the hutt had managed to sneak into this fortress and fire on wat tambor this get cohen was able to return fire on the boy and he hid while frantically calling out to grievous to come rescue him boba fett was just 12 at that time and though his training with his father made him deadlier than most grievous was able to quickly overwhelm him delivering a blow that sent him flying into a cluster of poisonous zabar fungus the cyborg left bet for dead boba only recovering just in time to escape from battle droids that were set to incinerate his body the battle of zagobo would stretch on for several months the planet eventually falling into republic hands then grievous found himself protecting and almost getting killed by the actions of new gunray he saw this nymordium as the complete opposite of everything he stood for cowardly and greedy this man was an insult to every warrior fighting in the cis gunray was obsessed with recovering some trinkets that he was forced to leave on kato naimoria he returned to his homeworld only to be tracked by republic intel and ambushed by republic starfighters newt would have been space debris if grievous had not arrived to eliminate the pursuers though in this moment grievous had reservations a delay that allowed the clone pilots to fire on newt for some time before ultimately deciding that the loss of gunray would be upsetting to dooku and look bad for his own reputation and could even lead to the republic potentially gaining some intel to grievous's incredible outrage this last concern was realized when the republic captured newt's meccano chair which was accidentally left on kato naimoria during his rushed visit to recover those trinkets republic slicers were able to find records of upcoming plans to attack belderon when grievous arrived in his fleet he was ambushed he would lose almost all of his ships though this battle would see the loss of an astounding 27 jedi and upon realizing how the republic got this intel grievous nearly bashed in the squishy green head of the reckless nymordian only restraining himself out of fear of dooku's response the months of horrifying grievous victories was pushing for a call for peace to spring up on the republic side and padme met with her friend mina bonteri to talk about getting the cis to sue for peace as well and to the secret puppet masters this was an unbelievable and impermissible series of events grievous would be entrusted with getting this war back on course my representatives in the republic are relying on you general see that your droids complete their mission but of course count they will not fail we prepare infiltrator droids to strike at the heart of the republic and when dooku checks in we see grievous is sure to make the moon understand that he is number two in the cis you must hurry the senate is restless i don't take orders just as the senate would be voting to agree to peace terms preventing the need to deregulate the banks or order more troops grievous droids would prove successful destroying a major reactor that powered a large part of the senate district this made the senators more bellicose than ever and the war was back to serving the goals of the sith in part two we will see how the remainder of the clone wars pushed grievous even further away from his spiritual warrior roots how kenobi would become a true nemesis this jedi using his deep connection to the supernatural to destroy the arrogant warrior that had lost his connection with any gods or ideals thanks for watching guys that's it for part one if you liked it please hit the like button that really helps to promote it here on youtube and um subscribe so you don't miss part two putting it together like this really made me appreciate how grievous story is about the loss of soul which is a cool play on his ship's name the solas one it's one of the deeper star wars stories says this is going to be an issue for all of humanity in the future how much augmentation is too much are we losing something by becoming cyborgs and of course this story was supposed to have a parallel to darth vader be sure to check out the description because there's links to other complete series videos like this and links to tons of cool stuff like cool metal print art from display and free audible audio books and special shout out to our supporters over on patreon especially our 25 tier chris garcia cass costello c7 go matthew beltrami sarah dx and bill payne but most important of all remember the huck might have been monsters but we should all thank them for giving us grievous and the force will be with you always [Music] you
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 4,622,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: general grievous, general grievous death, complete life, complete life of general, complete life of general grievous, count dooku, obi wan, kenobi, star wars characters, star wars canon, star wars legends, complete life of captain rex, complete life of boba fett, metanerdz, metanerdz lore, metanerdz lore complete life, how did general, how did general grievous become a cyborg, how did general grievous get 4 lightsabers, general grievous story, general grievous backstory
Id: iyck9AKw1fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 36sec (3576 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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