New Beginnings 2018 Night 3

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I would like to just you know time time is already short and so I want to invite brother Caleb up here brother Caleb would you come on up here guys brother Caleb barley I don't care where you sit man just long as it's closed I want you closer than Nick was sitting you have better hygiene than he does thank you serious man get your hands off me being rather presumptuous I told Nick you know Nick was like hey man do you think I look all right and I said Nick I'm strangely attracted to you right now it Nick was just looking at me and I was like dude you know I'm just kidding all right and he goes this way said he goes on that pastor Troy owned it away from me man that's supposed to be on all the only crazy water out here man ain't no one in that got a spirit you think I had have you ever been to a church like us in your life have you ever seen anything like this before but I really really like it [Applause] like man brother I I want to just tell you man I haven't you hear last night was just it was a wonder to us it really was I you know I I had already you know I'd already knew about all this and we'd actually been playing the Salemba in my house this week and I already knew the story and I mean I'm the God that brung him here hello so I'm just like I'm like man I'm just like you know okay no I think it was more powerful last night than it was even the first time just the realization that the Lord would give you a dream of a people that nobody knows about an undocumented people group and that God would give you the download of how to create an instrument that nobody has only a small group of people has ever heard that only the thin anonymous job Manavi and thin anonym i've got going on tonight you know okay I'm sorry about to start being stupid I'm thinking of so many funny things right now it's just not appropriate we need to stay on track so anyway man you built that instrument which that instrument is crazy cool I mean it looks like a dream it it is you know it's 360 it has 36 strings all the degrees all of the strings are 10 degrees apart which equals 360 Enoch walked with God 360 years and he was not 360 is a per very very very prophetic number everything that is prophetic is in fact circular it's the will within the will it's when Jesus preached in circuits he was preaching prophetically all of the old-time prophets and judges they went in circuits okay and that's the difference between me and I'll tell you what brother Ted van Landel more argue man he's still in here brother man me and Ted had a talk it must've been a TED talk I mean it's such a silly mood tonight I want to say a feeling I want to say we really crazy things on I mean I need to calm down if there's Liana a because I promise you she's telling me no right now wherever she's at okay I can't find her which is awesome but brother Ted was like hey man you know that there's a big difference between linear timelines and circular timelines I'm like yes of course but go ahead and tell me and he's like well you know on a Gregorian calendar you know we look at our calendars and a Western mind thinking is all about timelines that's why all of our calendars have lines on them but the Jewish understanding their time is much more cyclical and circle and that it is much more about it's going to repeat and there's gonna be a new layer and there's going to be another layer and that's how revelation works and that's how prophetic revelation works it's here little line upon line precept upon precept faith to faith Lord of glory everlasting and everlasting deep on the deep yeah that was pretty cool one you're gonna preach that somewhere aren't you give me critics give me credit for that so go ahead on west instrument and you know like most instruments you have like you go from one end to the other end like piano goes from you know low notes to high notes and guitar goes from low notes to high notes and most of the musicians that have looked at this instrument they're like how do I even play it because you're not playing from end to end you know you're not playing like that and it that's really how our spiritual walk is you know we're not just from A to B you know we it's not that simple a lot of times like when we're in a boat and we travel from one island to the next island there's a lot going on there's waves there's the current of the wind that's coming through there's all this these factors that are happening you're not going to go on a straight line you're gonna you're gonna yeah go kind of left and right and up and down a little bit to get there and that's just how our spiritual walk is we have to realize that hey man for the sake of everybody that wasn't here last night would you take just a minute would you play a song and come over here man come here I want you if I could yeah one I want to show a couple of things and these are the hammers by the way guys that he made for me this is mine thank you very much oh yeah these are the hammers that he that he made for me aren't those cool can you guys assume in on that sir zoom in on that one right there yep look at that that is crazy crazy crazy cool and it's just crazy and so he made these hammers now he actually learned how to place you can imagine that when he made this he couldn't go to somebody to say how do you play this thing so he invented the instrument and then he had to figure out how to play it which is crazy cool and then and then you had to invent the songs because you can't go to somebody and say a song okay would you would you have a seat I don't know if we have a camera on this or not but but I'm gonna show it am i which camera are we zooming in on can somebody tell me that anybody okay we rarely not thanks because somebody just makes something up because that'll be cool for somebody said a force over for know your for right there there's four right there okay this is something that that he did for me and I want you guys to see this I don't know if you can zoom in on that okay this right here he actually so that so that I could see what the keys are okay and this is bird's-eye maple yep bird's-eye maple they made that out of okay what's cool is he made a little arrow which is right here so that I could match the thing because he knew that I needed help and he's a lot like my teachers that are like Troy you just need to put that right there sweetie it's okay wait did I do it right okay so I did do it right okay that's good yeah thank you okay now here's what's cool here's what's cool okay so so like so like here's this is G so once you guys to check this out these three strings here represent G and the strings underneath it are sympathetic strings and what's cool if you're like hey dude we're playing in sync that's okay because all you do is do this and now you're in C are you with me but what are you are diali an A okay no problem is no big deal I'm just moving right there that's insane okay dude you don't move your hands all over the place you just turn the thing around to wherever your key is at shut up that's genius dude when I saw that that's stupefied me it gave me hope that I'd be able to play it it really did okay so I'll go ahead and take this off because I know that you don't need this I know that you also like it too it's a different sound if this is on or if it's off something like stepping on the other pedal on the on a piata and the bow who forges this metal for you and what kind of metal is that yeah do that because we're about to have to get close again and that's just awkward originally I was the first few celebs that I made I was I was hand beating them out of metal but now I have a friend who's in Wisconsin who makes my bowls for me and there they met they're made out of a nitride steel so it's basically a type of low carbon steel that's been put in a type of nitrogen gas oven and it makes it sound like ceramic but it has the structural properties of metal well of course that was what we're all thinking right guys like yeah I can see that so super geek you're not just geeky man are you kidding you like the one person on the planet Earth who could have pulled this off man that's crazy that's insane all right so so when you begin to tune it up and when you begin to do it which by the way meant putting those tuners underneath was so genius that was so smart and when you begin to tune it up you begin to do it and then you begin to play it when you heard that sound that was the first time really anybody on earth had heard that sound and forever but you had already heard it you'd heard it in the dream well hey man would you please release a sound from heaven that's given to the people of Asia that God Almighty has restored literally a people group literally through this instrument guys we're literally reaching a hundred thousand people through the doors that have been opened up through this instrument here we go we're gonna test it out make sure that word we're plugged up now we can hear you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Laughter] we declare dreaming in the name of Jesus we declare dreaming on you in the name of Jesus that this is the year of living the dream that this is a dream this is year the Dream Team it's the year of your dreams realize in the name of Jesus it's the year that the wait is over it's the year of weighty words in the name of Jesus Christ it's the year of next level apostolic in the name of Jesus it's the year of maturity in the name of Jesus it's the 18th year declare that over you that it's the year of bread which is the year of abundance it's the year of your enemy is bread to you this year in the name of Jesus yes it's the year of jars being broken and the sounds of Gideon going forth it's a year of the enemy being defeated it's that year it's the year of accelerated trajectory in the name of Jesus Christ it's the year of the eyewall in the name of Jesus it's a year that the place that you've hated becomes the place that you love in 2018 it's that year and I declare dreaming over you in the name of Jesus has there anybody here that you've already been having wild dreams just since we started this week you've already had some all my gosh way to go Doug I got I got to hear that they've been so many people that I've been tell me dude I'm just starting to dream like a crazy man well this we're going to be unpacking that literally all this month and in fact the thing just about every Wednesday night that we're here I'm gonna be doing dream interpretation this whole month and we're gonna be going big-time big-time into dreaming one of the next level relationships that God has given me mom I'm scared I'm gonna lose now you hang on with that brother cuz you know how I am alright thank you one of my one of the next several friends that God has recently put hooked me up with as a brother by name by the name of Steve Maddox Steve Maddox worked in ministry for about thirty years with the late John Paul Jackson who's a renowned all over the world as literally the apex of Revelation when it comes to dream interpretation and prophetic dreaming if you guys ever look up John Paul Jackson you'll see and then of course his show was on dreams and mysteries because whenever he passed away Steve and Ginny continued to carry on his television show for several years and they had all these really next-level people and then for some reason they invited me in on that and it was crazy that they let me in on that but I was I got to do two full seasons of dreams and mysteries and I want to tell you now Steve and Ginny are actually working here at open-door Church and they're working on our television show which is called times and seasons that's going to start next fall amen so hey man you want to be on my TV show man so guys I want to introduce my good friend let's go and let's invite him up here Steve Maddox is here brother Steve come on up here if you would please brother Steve Maddox oh here he comes here he comes Steve Maddox Steve Maddox I mean next time next week is not when we're up here we had yeah once you sit there as long as it's not here I don't care sit there man so you got a I'm in next next Wednesday whenever we do dream interpretation I need you if you would man to bring that video that cowboy video that you shot Maddox oh my gosh are you gonna let me be in one of your cool cowboy videos say yes that's what my grandkids tell me yes yes yes that's how my grandkids ask me Papa I have a question for you say yes okay that's exactly what they do it cracks me up man well whenever we talk about dreams brother Steve you know you've been somebody that you know you have taught churches how to do dream interpretation you and your wife Ginny pastored a church of thousands of thousands of people in California and and you have been on TV all over the world you know way next level people and people come to you about dreaming and now you here in this house and so you brought your anointing with you bad and I bless it man and and and since then really true that me and I've been having way way way next-level dreams I mean talking profound craziness like oh my gosh oh my gosh kind of dreams you know one of the things that we were talking about with brother Caleb is is it okay to say about the dream within a dream is okay just to mention that okay so we were talking about you know whenever he tells his story of the dream one of the things that he doesn't always tell everybody just because it takes a long time and it's real it's it's intricate and it's got a lot of stuff and it's kind of clumsy but what's real is your dream was actually your dream of that it started off as one dream and then the dream you went to sleep and you had a dream within a dream and then you woke up from that dream of the Salemba and finished the other dream and then woke up okay so I never really I don't really have any kind of skill set for a dream with it because that's a dream within a dream which produced a will with in a will okay so so what do you you know you coming around John Paul and when they were talking about a dream within a dream have you seen that kind of phenomena before have you seen that yes so what does that mean what is that well I know it's making weird noises sound offering up well work on be happy see what happens with people so I have around me I run them I went out and everybody what happens with the dream within a dream is you interpret the dream within the dream first it's like an algebra problem you write even and then you interpret the outside but like we were talking a bit really I think a lot of what happened to me the dream that you had was literal it was like very self explanatory it was like a debt like you said you received revelation from heaven he's received the dimensions the whole way how to build this who was the first person filled the Holy Spirit David I think no I don't know no it was the guy who built the temple right and right who what's his name the craftsman yeah he an annoying to create things I don't mind telling you if I don't know hey ain't none of these people know it's like this we're all family go ahead the same spirit came upon you and so to me it was kind of a and dreams are symbolic it was almost to me like a vision because the other parts that you don't tell where we're really like you were in a place and the spirit and you saw something and then you were given direction as to what to do and to me so it's it's it's like it's really like a dream but it's it's also like a vision so and that's you know basically in a dream and a vision of the night right to say that we quote the Lord job total three things I knew that one right so I think he it was more of a vision and revelation than anything but it was brilliant and it's awesome to see the dream become reality yes I mean that's just not there it's crazy but it's very it's very self-explanatory it's strange John Paul II used to tell me that and I'd be very confused because I hear a dream and I I wouldn't make any sense to me and he goes well that's self-explanatory you'd be like so but it really is if you see what's happened and here's the dream you go okay I you totally get it there's really no symbol there's not very many symbols in it I mean I guess unless you call that a symbol but anyway I'm a little bit off I'll tell you something that happened and I don't know what really what to do about it but during worship the hand of the Lord came on me like and I don't know what to do with it I'm trying to I was gonna run up onstage during worship I'm security guys what she talked about it I know they would have so they don't know me well yet so I've almost been arrested a few times but I had maybe I should just say it now I'll just tell you two short dreams but one uh something very profound happen I don't know what's how this is going to impact you guys but I had this dream and hopefully this helps some of you who here has dreams with celebrities in them anybody that kind of thing so I have a dream that I'm hanging out with the edge from u2 and we're going to let me see they give my notes here so I can stand point the go to some friends house and I'm walking in and some people I haven't seen in a long time and he's with me and and I'm I'm in there and in the dream because I interpret dreams a lot I kind of understand what's happening but there's still this interesting way that the people respond to it and how many know what the edge would represent what what what represents the edge my prophetic gift I got my edge back right remember the Prophet who lost his edge and and Elijah made the accent float and he got his edge back so is interesting so I just so and it's weird I chose these two dreams but I really felt like tonight that happened that I got my edge back I tell you the hand of the Lord came on me and I thought okay I haven't had that kind of revelation in quite a while because I've been building a house and actually that's how that other prophet lost his edge she was helping build a house look out man okay so I thought well that's all I'll get you divorced to build a house you got well I'm talking about the house of the Lord okay I know which and and let me tell you something now it was interesting because normally they don't switch the atmosphere like they did it was very abrupt and that was prophetic because what I'm about to tell you this other dream everything's going to dramatically change in an instant and it's not going to be smooth and I'm very sorry this this this to me is a great word but it could from the emotions I had in the dream it could be upsetting to some because it's very it's very deep and it's very rich and it's gonna change a lot of people's lives here so let me let me read it and just tell you what the Lord said about it you're gonna have some both of you more understanding but I'll tell you a the Father give me a favor to say this I'm sorry I'm just so overwhelmed with the Lord right now do it god I was taken into this gold room and when I got into this Gold Room you were there Troy and that my first thought was okay not this again because and and I'll tell you why and it's funny but it's all gonna make sense so this is this is a lot of fun so the don't laugh too hard cuz well actually laugh now because there could be crying and so this room is a rite of passage and it leads to something this isn't a place that we live this is a place that we pass through and this gold room has to do with faithfulness with your finances and it's interesting because I would I was so overwhelmed I didn't realize when that goal when we were in the Gold Room a door opened and then I realized we're at the open door but Troy opened the door today and and here's here's the awesome thing is that he opened it up so that we could get through it because I saw a lot of people stuck in this room I had part of the revelation of this dream but very little and because at first I was when I saw it I thought okay this is this is not good in the dream I thought okay this is not a good place to be but then I realized okay that was because a lot of us have been jaded because a lot of people have taken advantage of the body of Christ and they use principles of the Bible to get money and they've actually built houses inside that gold room but that gold room is a place that you pass through to the open door which is where we go in and out and find pastor Wright with the Lord in other words there's other things and what I saw on the other side of this gold room was incredible joy and peace and freedom and it's actually the place of our destiny but here's here's the kicker guys and and and it was here's the thing we have to get over being jaded about giving money and this is such a weird word for me to say I never talked about finances I just because you know it just it's really not part of my ministry but I'll tell you this is the word of the Lord so some of you aren't giving because you've seen so many people take advantage and you're like they're not gonna get my money again and you've made a vow in your heart and others of you have done very well but you've built a house inside that room and you think that's where your life is but that's not where your life is your life is through this open door and I'll tell you what the door is open I wanted to wait on this because I'm telling you I just received this as I was sitting back there during worship and I wanted to be able to articulate it more and sound better but I'll tell you it's a now moment now I'm not you know we need to we need to make some changes because I want to be free and 2018 don't you we have to get free and I'll tell you what where your treasure is there your heart will be also hey guys we can't stumble over this anymore we cannot serve the Lord and Mammon we can't we have to get free we have to totally get free and I'll tell you what we have a wayshower and the door is open here at this church I'll tell you what I what what I saw today what went out to all the different people and not only that this little girl that was the most emotional thing I've ever seen a church was getting the money raised for this little girl to have a home so unbelievable we've done that and and that's amazing but and so it's strange for me to bring this word but I know it's the word of the Lord so there's people in here though in you're stuck in that room there's two ways to get stuck one is because you're jaded and you don't want to give and the other one is because you've built a house in there because you're like wow this is great I'm working some principles but you're not free to go in and out into the pasture and to really what life is all about and so I really I really don't know how to tell you to respond that other than my prayer is that your heart because of the emotions I had during the dream and then what I just received here that your heart would be softened I pray that it would be your hearts would be softened because I'm telling you this is a this is a door of opportunity this is a moment like and don't it we can't harden our hearts this there's so much more to life and and I'm telling you it's it's it's it's very important for you to hear this I will tell you one more thing and then all that Troy are my brother here add to this but a friend of mine was was going through a church were where the pastor had passed away and he had to kind of close the thing down and he was going through all the records of the church and he noticed that all the people in the church that gave and because he had to deal with all the finances he noticed that all the people that didn't give they had all these issues that they were never Frieden because he had seen the church for a decade and all the people that were freely giving their life was different and I'm telling you they were stuck in that place because they didn't know who to serve so we just got to get free and and we got to let the Lord change us there because that's really I'm telling you it's one of the keys for some of you that's holding back your destiny your call your life but I'm telling you there's there's a place of joy and peace and wholeness that you haven't experienced because you're still deciding who you're gonna serve and and and that's all I should say about that what I think a real big part of it is just about understanding security and understanding what it is it makes us secure I think it is it pastor Gloria is it proverbs 18 that says gives you the gut gives us the power to gain office proverbs 818 is that right it said look at proverbs I know it's 818 Scripture I guess when the Bible says that the Lord gives you and I want to tell you I have God Almighty has given me and by the way he gave it to me in a dream yeah I know exactly when it happened it happened in November of 2015 I had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ I was asleep and I had a dream a way next level dream and God and Jesus gave me something and it had five sides on it and I was holding it and I held it to my chest and I was looking at I was looking at Jesus face to face in this dream and as I held it to my chest to cherish it it just started to go inside my chest and then it disappeared and I said that gift you just gave me went into my heart and he said yes he pointed at me and said yes and then the dream was over and and I knew when I woke up that it was five-sided which is apostolic the gift you know was five five sided and I also knew that the first I knew that I was going to discover what all five works that I was going to end up unpacking it but I knew the first side of it was the power to gain wealth and this was at the time this is in November of 2015 and I never said anything to the church but I was in the midst of a huge crisis the church was in a mess we were in a mess I didn't say one word that's none of y'all's business it's the Lord's business I was like you know what people don't come to church to hear me beg and plead for money I don't get a burn do that that's not what people come here for and I'm not gonna say nothing about it I'm just gonna I'm just gonna believe the Lord but I knew when I woke up things are different for me now I knew that I knew I had the power to gain wealth and I want to tell you there's some things about that and guys if you guys could if y'all could find that scripture that proverbs 818 if you could please Deuteronomy 8:18 you didn't help me out pastor Gloria what happened she is awesome well Deuteronomy 8:18 guys I'm sorry about that I did get to 818 right though I think I should get credit for that if that's all right thank you thank you thank you thank you very much well that's this is the 18th year and this scripture absolutely belongs to us in 2018 I'm telling you it does we're gonna jump it up there we're gonna get up there any second now they're all working on it this is a big team of people there's about 25 people trying to figure that out right now they're running around there yelling and screaming they're spilling coffee everywhere oh my gosh oh my gosh are y'all not gonna be able to do that and I while I'm still young is it possible that we could all fill in that time right now with this I'll tell you this this is very difficult and awkward because you're the most generous group of people on the planet so I know this word well yeah this word isn't for everybody but this is life and death for some people this is a game changer I'm telling you we can get free and it's okay we're we're family it's okay we can get free together this is there's no shame in this but it's just it's an invitation from the Lord to get out of this cycle you're stuck in it's like the same things gonna happen that happened last year if you do the same thing right yeah you don't want to do the same thing we don't want to you don't do the next thing so amen so and then you know we can't hoard up things if the Lord is blessing you we're he's blessing you to be a conduit to give away like it's the same thing I'm blessed with a prophetic gift everywhere I go it doesn't matter where I'm normally prophesying I love prophesying out in shopping centers and on the streets way more now than in the church and I love that as well but I can't imagine just not saying anything to the people that I'm around when I'm hearing the Lord for their lives because it could help somebody do you understand it's the same as giving it's just the same thing so weird and you know what and the word could be in that it doesn't have to be the gold rim is a rite of passage so it doesn't have to be your finances but that's part of it for some of you I know that I saw it but it could be why aren't you telling people when I'm telling who are those people when the Lord says he gives you a word and you're afraid to say it raise your hands come on immediately that's up that's okay there's a lot of people there so we're talking about yeah different we have to freely we've received we have to freely give you understand it's good and let me tell you one failure I had of many but I'll tell you one right now I was asked by the leaders of this church not to prophesy from the from the platform it was up there and I was speaking with a couple of guys and I saw this young man and I had the word of the Lord for him and I didn't say it and I was just the same as right now I was overwhelmed with the Spirit of the Lord I'm like I have to tell this guy this thing and I didn't do it because what be I was listening on me it wasn't Troy he's nice yeah this was about 15 years ago yeah I mean I'm not I know you 15 years I didn't feel I didn't mean to make it look like that probably look like that especially through the people watching I hate this now he but tragically this young this this guy committed suicide and I went to his house and they they wouldn't let me get to him to pray for him I didn't realize it was it's against the law here for you to go and touch a body because I was I wept like I've never wept in my life and I said Lord never again we have to be able be idiot we had all these things I'm telling you and it's easy and and such as you have you give unto them freely guys watch if you would please so once you look at Deuteronomy 8:18 okay and you shall remember everybody say remember and you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you the power to gain wealth now I want to just I want to just throw this out there to you and this is this is how I live my life and this is this is what I this is what I understand in anything that I have I have to remember that it doesn't belong to me I'm merely stewarding it it belongs to God and he's the one who gave it to me whatever I have in my life whatever I have whether there's whether it's influence on people or its disposition or if it's money whatever I have it doesn't belong to me he's trusting me to Stuart it's him and he's trusting me with it right and I have to remember that so that's actually a worldview is what that is okay that's actually about a whole perspective of how you look at your entire life you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you the power to gain wealth what he doesn't give you is wealth what he gives you is the power to gain wealth are you guys with me on that so what we do is we always come before the Lord and say Lord just give me wealth give me wealth give me wealth but actually it's him who gives you the power or the grace of God to be activated in the actions of what you do so just like all my brothers walking around or while caleb is doing his gig well I'm doing the things that I do that there's a power on me to be a giver whether it's money or whether it's just my life right on guess when I see the scripture right here and when it says that he gives you the power to gain wealth and then he says this that he might establish his covenant which he swore to your father's as it is this day there is some unfinished business that God wants done for Abraham through us amen there's some yet unfinished there's there's some promises that God gave Abraham better still not yet fulfilled that he wants to fulfill through us now here's the deal if God gives you something he expects you to give it back it's the parable of the talents I gave you that what did you do with it how did you investment and where is my return on the investment rather it's a word from the Lord amen rather it's an ability to build instruments rather if rather it's a heart for the nations rather it is supernatural influence what did you do with that does the world look more like heaven or does it look more or does it look more like hell since I gave you that whether it's money or whether it's a family or whatever it is that thing it's amazing thing you know that you would see me in a golden room because you know I've been so poor for so long you know and then in 2015 the Lord gave me this thing and I mean part of the five sided gift that God gave me was the power to gain wealth and I woke up knowing I'll never be poor again I mean I I'm serious I came back and I got what the church board and I told the church board said you know what this whole thing is expedited we're gonna be out of our mess I talked to you everybody that we do ministry with and I told everybody said listen I want you I want you guys to pray for me because God's gonna do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ask her thank in 2016 I got five new income streams in 2016 five new income streams there was a five-sided gift by the end of 2016 I had five avenues of money coming to me it just came to me you know and I I want to tell you I have that and I want to tell you why why I have that it's to give it it's not to build something for me it's to build the kingdom this was for God don't mind me having nice things I promise you he don't and that's a new revelation to me to you by the way I've really been scared to death you know like oh my god what if what if i bali in a nice dress i hope there's not a church split over it because we've gone through that the very first church split we ever had was over a dress that I bought Liana and man dude we've been four years I hadn't been able to buy Liana a single dress in four years we had been you we had been using used clothes to give to Liana because we were so poor and I saved up my money saved up my money I actually went and preached in San Antonio and they gave me $300 to preach and that was like a million dollars to me then and I drove through Victoria Texas and they have a mall in Victoria Texas and I all in the Annis Club I bought all of her clothes if you ever see Leanna wearing anything I bought it and I bought and she listened and when she tries them on they fit perfectly I know what that woman looks like I'm telling you she has never had me get to Cleese never one time have I ever got clothes for her that was too small or too big I'm like Forrest Gump that's all I have to say about that hallelujah well let's go back to the gold room real quick to the gold we're trying to help people understand dreams so you're the one who took us off on this weird Trek we kept we could talk about a long time ago man so so we're in a good room I'm in a go to room and what I'm saying was what I was what I was saying was being in that place being in that place is literally it's like an office okay it's like it's like a prophetic office okay but it is an office of stewardship is what it is exactly of opening up doors and closing doors that got on my trusty life and I want to tell you guys such as I have I give unto you yes and and I share everything that I have with absolutely everybody and when you saw me in that dream did you already know me then did you know me whatever okay and how long had we known each other whenever the Lord showed you that I don't remember but it but it wasn't very long no and they had I haven't yeah and I've seen I've seen that place with several other people but like I said a lot of people live in that place so I'm trying to explain this there's a lot going on in the dream so some people set up their house there and that's not where we're to live that's not the point of life is not to get a lot of money because then Google would be at the top writer the Facebook guy or whoever it's it's it's to live your purpose and I'm telling you in order for us to walk in our purpose our calling and understand that and for our children to walk in there's our grandchildren we have to get through this this place and so there's two ways to stumble in it one is to just learn the principles of finances and get a lot of money saved up for yourself and think you did the right thing and the other is to not want to participate because so many people have abused this especially in the Western culture but we're in a different house and it's a different day and so there's something there with the poverty spirit and then with somebody in it but you know what you can have 10 million dollars in the bank bank and still have poverty spirit yes right you can what we're talking about it's crippling yep it will kill you and it's the same thing if you're in a line and the Lord's telling you something about the person in front of you and you don't tell them that were we have to stop that yeah I'm just telling you that's it you can't afford that you can't hold that word and to me that's even worse than normally that's my total focus is always provoking people and getting them to be bold enough to take a step of faith and to say something to somebody and you could be wrong because it's embarrassing right I mean heck I'm up here with this dream telling you what I think it means you guys might not think of that guys way off look what we do half the Loom so but I know the Lord enough after this many years when I was there he overshadowed me you mean that this is very important for some people in here what we're talking about this is I mean very important you have to get this and I'm praying that as we're speaking that the hardness of heart and the dullness of hearing will come off of your life and then know-it-all attitude all those things that the Lord resist he wants to help you he loves you he's for you he's for us but we have to get through we have to pass this test so pass it matter of fact there's a young man in this place who just passed ik this gold room test it's right he was offered a lot of money to go somewhere and think God he didn't do it mm-hmm and so who knows what'll happen but anyway I'm sorry I'm I'm really hammering this but I just feel this is very important for you guys okay so look here everybody everybody stand up let's walk in this okay I want to ask the nonno to come up here Andreas Mingo I keep Roper for you like that so it's important that you pass go trim tests okay so he saw we passed a go trim test today amen it's important that God can trust you with the things that he's trusted you with and that you get it that it's the Lord and you will remember him you will remember him guys when I see a conference that is as successful as this one someday we're gonna laugh at this and go we used to think that that was what a successful conference was all about because when I see a successful conference like what we had I look at that money I promise you I don't think man I got an opportunity I can take as much money as I don't want I could do I'm thinking God is trusting me with this in a big way and that doesn't that doesn't that doesn't make me that makes me happy that the Lord would trust me with that like wow that God would trust me with that amen literally I had a list I had a list that was way over the top and it's literally it's literally an impossible list it's not just a probable or improbable it's literally an impossible and it was you know $40,000 to bring this little girl from India over here was $31,000 for Nepal to be able to take care of the next four months Manning the bridges and also to to sponsor five new kids and and to put furnishings within the home our brand new safe house it was money to Tanzania it was money to Belize it was money to Mexico there were seven different nations involved and I told everybody before the conference guys don't want you feel it I want you to just I want you to tell me I want you to reach way out there and just tell you what are your biggest concerns and what would make the biggest difference and I want to tell you when you tell missionaries that they're like here burn and I was like oh my gosh guys want to tell you today I was able to literally scratch off every single one of those things and write a check to every single one of us it's incredible and I want to tell you I've never been able to do that Steve I always still have a list always I have no list left I've no less no less left so so this is interesting he's seen he's seen some things so so we we know in part we prophesy in part we're seeing things here's the other piece of the word that I haven't talked about and and I think it's for all of us I think this is this is gonna happen but I don't know how this works because of what I just said here there could be some people wondering what's going on but we're all going to get to pass through this room this rite of passage is happening he's good and he's seen some things I want you to talk about it but but there's still some areas for us to work on right we don't want to go back that's okay yeah so as I was sitting there I just kept looking across the the whole room and I kept seeing seeing something like a paintbrush and the Holy Spirit with all of these angels painting purple streaks so for all of you and I was asking the Holy Spirit what is that and he was like I'm painting royalty I'm putting royalty in everyone's hearts and I've just felt my spirit I was like man that's exactly that's exactly what Steve is talking about you know royalty we are a royal priesthood you guys understand I understand that like when we're part of God's kingdom he we're actually part of his royal priesthood amen we walk in in glorious worship all the time moon worship and praise is part of who we are it is us and then out of that becomes a reality of who we are all right it becomes our identity it's like I know we can say that I'm a son or a daughter of God but once you know it you know it beyond do you know I'm saying so it's actually the royalty that that's what God is painting over you right now he's putting inside of you and that royalty is is what passivism is what gets you through all of these struggles in life as well as all of the victories in life it gets you through the the golden room it gives you the access to different things that the Holy Spirit is wants to give you it's like I can even see right now like us you have like an open door to heaven like you have access to go into heaven and get what God what you need so do you guys want that it's for you
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,848
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: gTfNF1qRRh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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