Extreme Faith - King David's Faith

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Church will you join me in welcoming the whole wide world to open door church on a windy night big time Burleson Texas boom booyah welcome everybody and call you guys blessed welcome welcome welcome at the beginning of this year I started preaching on Wednesday nights on on the importance of extreme faith because this this year is a year of having a different kind of faith not the kind of faith that has got you through things before but a different kind of faith and as soon as I start saying that immediately there will be people that will raise their you know their Vulcan eyebrow and say well isn't all faith about salvation no all faith is not about salvation there's a faith that is unto salvation but we're not talking about the kind of faith that God gives us to be saved okay that's not what it is we're talking about we're talking about walking in faith we're talking about doing exploits of faith we're talking about doing something that heaven is hoping we will partner with God to actually carry out and we're not talking about normal kind of faith we're talking about different kinds of faith we're talking about extreme faith I'm with tonight I'm gonna talk to you about three keys to King David's extreme faith and I was going to spend a long time in first Corinthians 13:13 three things that last forever faith hope and love and the greatest of these is love but I want to before I get off into any of that there are just some things I want to just tell you that that just as far as like history I love history because I love humanity history is actually the study of people that's basically what history is is it's the study of people and if you don't like people then you probably don't like history I have no need for human beings I'll tell you that or if you're from Itasca Texas you're like I have no need for books and such I'm just teasing alright so when I look at the study of human beings throughout the years whenever I do that I'm amazed at people that actually do exploits or sometimes guys people just do things that are just so impressive it's just they're just impressive human beings one of my favorite heroes of all time if you're gonna hang around me you're gonna have to put up with me and then I'm gonna end up talking about David Crockett before it's all over with I love me some Davy Crockett he was born on August the 17th and I caused my I make my staff celebrate Davy Crockett Day on August of 17th of every year I'm not making that up we get a little cake and we all sing happy birthday to Davy Crockett I love David Crockett when I was a little boy I was I was I'm still mesmerized by my dad my dad is here tonight and he's an elder in our church and my dad has been the Commissioner of the Tarrant County Historical Commission for forever and you know those are the guys that put up the the little signs everywhere that says you know this happened here and that happens there so my dad had a whole house full of Texas history books and I would read all of his Texas history books and I loved I just I don't know I just I just love all things Texas I just do and I grew up loving that kind of stuff and I I kind of felt like after studying once I read my 6th or 7th book on the Alamo I kind of felt like man I felt like I knew something about the Alamo I felt like as a matter of fact sometimes they'd feel like I was actually there and I remember being a little boy and and I learned this speech the famous Davy Crockett speech which would never Davy Crockett never even said the famous Davy Crockett speech it was actually an actor by the name of Nimrod wildfire I kid you not brother's name was Nimrod wildfire and he went around doing this poem in this play called the Lion of the West and people saw it and they thought that it was actually David Crockett but it wasn't David Crockett it was just owned em rod wild fired he'd say I'm a screamer and he had this whole speech about how he could dive deeper swim further and come out drier than anybody else and all this crazy stuff that he was something kind of like Pecos Bill or maybe Paul Bunyan or larger than life but the problem was is that it actually stuck with this guy who is a real life guide he was just a normal guy and people didn't have television people didn't have radios back in those days so people would tell Davy Crockett stories and David Crockett became a rock star before there was a such thing as rock stars this next Wednesday is going to be March the 6th and on March the 6 is the day that the Alamo fell and for the past 20 years or so I have been down there at the Alamo on March the 6th and I always take a group of guys down there with us and we get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to be out there at the pre-dawn service that they have actually on the Alamo grounds and one of the things that I do is I say thank God for the people that stood their ground here thank God for the people who could have left and didn't leave thank God for the people who screamed back at the darkness and said not on my watch when David Crockett actually arrived here in Texas he didn't come down here to be a hero he came down here to be a politician he was actually a 50 year old man and haven't been to war since he was a kid and he came down here and just arrived at the Alamo just a few days before Santa Anna showed up with several thousand true soldiers and there weren't any true soldiers and now I know they were all frontiersman and people who didn't play and anybody else's sound sandbox and there he was stuck and there he was and on March the 6 Santa Anas boys made it over the north part of the wall that Barret was defending that William Barret Travis was defending and before long in a matter of less than two hours they had over round them and killed every last one of them whenever they killed him they didn't just kill him they killed him they put them up on bayonets and they played with their dead bodies then they piled them all up in a pile and they burned him into ashes and then Santa Anna made his troops marched over their ashes on the way out and when we say it was a defeat it was a defeat that's worse than any defeat that you've ever suffered it's as bad as things can possibly get but it's an interesting thing is that when you go to the Alamo it's not a place of shame it's a place of great honor you're like well why is that how could it be that that when we go and when we stand in the shrine of Texas that were not in a place of shame that has suffered such a terrible defeat and the answer is very simple and it is a kingdom answer and if you've been redeemed you understand the language I'm about to give you and it's this yes they lost the battle but they did not lose the war and there have been places that you and I have been in where we had been so badly defeated but yet God Almighty gives us a crown because he says you know what I don't give you shame because you might have lost the battle but you still have won the war there's a tremendous work of redemption this innit and one of the greatest messages and life messages that God has ever given me has been through the person of David Crockett I'm fascinated with warriors with Sam Houston I love American revolutionaries Sam Adams George Washington warriors and lawmen like Texas Ranger Frank Hamer I don't know if you guys know about Frank Hamer but I'll tell you right now Frank Hamer something else they chased Bonnie and Clyde from one end in this nation to the other end of this nation for three and a half years this brother had been retired they pulled him out and three months later they were dead on the side of the road he's like can I go back to my retirement now Frank Hamer if you've never if you've ever studied the Texas lawmen and I want to encourage you to study Frank Frank Hamer daddy how many official kills did he have 52 he got in 52 gunfights and one the brother didn't play I'm big fans of Eliot Ness who single-handedly stopped Al Capone Eliot Ness who said I'm gonna get you and he got him I'm also big fans of like entrepreneurs like oh I don't know Bill Gates and Larry Page and it's amazing what Mark Zuckerberg has done uh if you're somebody that loves people who are creative in people who who do amazing things business-wise you have to be a guy that loves Mac and appreciates what Mac has done and you also got to be somebody that sooner or later man you're gonna fall in love with the exploits of a brother by the name of Richard Branson a few years ago I got a phone call and I was coming back from the capital of Texas and I was invited to be the pastor of the day over the state of Texas and I went down to the Capitol building and was got my chance to spin men you guys y'all shoulda heard my prayer you could look it up and it's awesome because I quoted all these Texas history guys in um in my prayer and it was confusion to our enemies in the name of Jesus always awesome it was it was awesome I was literally coming back from that and got this phone call and the phone call was we've invited you to come down to Necker Island the British Virgin Islands to meet with Richard Branson and to give a speech on how to do amazing things with very little and I said well let me pray about it okay God gave me a super quick yes and guys if you know anything about Richard Branson's island it's called Necker Island and it is in the British Virgin Islands and if you want to go there and stay there it cost sixty thousand dollars a night to stay there and I got to spend five nights for free there around the most influential people on the planet Earth a couple of these guys that I just mentioned this guy Larry Page one of the founders at Google was there and I spent five days with Larry Page I could go on and on and on there was some some very some amazing people were there and I got to bring the kingdom there and it was amazing I it was it was really a showstopper for me it was something that changed things for me because because I was anointed for that and I felt the presence of God the entire time that I was there and I wasn't scared the whole time I was there one of the cool things that when you're in when you're in in Richard Branson's library is all the books that are in his library are from people who have visited there he doesn't have any books in his library from people that have not visited there so right next to Bishop tutus book I put numbers that preach right there [Applause] famous musicians I I'm a musician and I can't help but love musicians I'm just I'm blown away at what people accomplish as far as music goes and one of these one of these cool things that that I like to think about is I like to think about you know there's this there's this cool thing that people do there say hey if you could have dinner with ten famous people living or dead who would that be right and for me I would have to have a million dinners because I would have to have I would have to have Texas history night I would have to have world-famous lawmen night I would have to have warrior night I would have to have famous authors night right I would have to have famous musicians night right you guys with me I would have to have entrepreneurs I'd have to have explorers in frontiersman but here's the deal any single one of those tables King David belongs there any of them there is never been anybody like King David King David is something else King David is such an amazing extraordinary human being that God Almighty decided to call himself the son of David I want you to think about that for just a second yeah I just dropped the mic mic drop everything I do is planned so if you have if you have famous musician night King David's got to be there he's on the greatest if not the greatest musician that the world has ever seen if you have famous author night who's sold more books than the Book of Psalms right what if you have famous warrior night what if you have famous King night a military leader not what about famous prophet night doesn't you name it the brothers sits at the front of the table because he's off the chain he's crazy the exploits of David are in fact a great wonder he's larger than life in so many different levels he's a Renaissance man before there was such a thing he's a single greatest warrior King musician politician lover worshipper dancer brilliant strategist builder of cities a judge full of wisdom a prophetic seer he's got it going home David was a man ahead of his time he was filled with the Holy Ghost and danced before the Lord a thousand years before the one twenty were in the upper room and the Holy Spirit fell David was in fact much much much greater than anything that anybody can imagine as a rock star I'm going to give you three prophetic keys and insights that the Lord has been showing me over the past couple of weeks as I've been praying about father I want to have a heart like King David I want to be a man after your own heart how can I have faith like that what what does that look like and the Lord has been showing me some some keys because I'm in praying about the keys of David which is something completely different and I found a whole bunch of different levels of prophetic things when it comes to the keys of David you know Jesus himself says to the Church of Philadelphia I'm the one that holds the kings of David within my hand and behold I set before you an open door that none can shut right but there's also well but I'm about to Donny stop guys open up your Bibles if you would please to Psalm 16 open up your Bibles to Psalm 16 so I'm just after 16 is where we're at and I'm gonna start at verse 5 he says Oh Lord you are the portion of my inheritance and of my cup and you maintain my lot for the lines have fallen unto me in Pleasant places yes I have a good inheritance I want to stop and just tell you that these first two verses he's actually a lot has to do with a lottery it's where we get the word lotto from has to do with how the numbers fall to you right and then it also says here - he says he says and the lines have fallen unto me and godly places and you give me a good inheritance so he's like God the way things fall to me and the way things line up for me I give you credit for all those things and one of the extraordinary ways that King David had faith that so few of us have is this he anything he had he wasn't afraid to give it to God because he believed that God would give it back to him in a way that it would line up for him he truly believed that if he trusted God with his life that the favor of God was going to be upon his life in such a way that things are going to line up for him and that the lot was gonna be favorable for him the way that things just fell to him can I just tell you you could be somebody that leaves that up to chance or you can believe that all things work together for good amen and King David was into that way before the rest of the of the church was ever into that he believed it then he says in verse 7 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel my heart also instructs me in the night seasons this is very interesting because he's talking about the difference between day and night the Bible says in the Book of Psalms it says that God Almighty well it says the glory of God is is to conceal a thing but the honor Kings is to search out the matter and then in another place whence it talks about if God's going to conceal something or if he's gonna bring nighttime on it it's because you're supposed to go into deep things right the Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God in the firmament showeth his handiwork day in the day at other speech and night unto night it gives knowledge so daytime is for hearing God's speech and nighttime is about is about thinking God thoughts okay well I want you to look at this verse right here he says I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel that's daytime my heart also instructs me in the night seasons he's like I've learned how to communicate with God in places of light and in places of darkness I learned how to communicate with God in a way where the voice is clear or or how to find it through a thinking process where I'm partnering with God in my thinking that's a different kind of lifestyle isn't it guys okay then in verse eight he says this I have set the Lord always before me because he has that because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved we're gonna come back and we're gonna visit that verse 9 therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices my flesh also will rest in hope for you will not leave my soul in Hell nor will you allow your Holy One to see corruption you will show me the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy and at your right hand are pleasures forevermore friends in the midst of all this scripture and while I was reading on this this week and going through this I couldn't get away from this one key that just jumps out and it's this if you were gonna ask King David if you were gonna have a night of world famous warriors or world famous prophets or world famous seers or world famous writers or world famous musicians or world famous leaders if you were going to have a night of any of that any of those kinds of nights and sitting there at the table as King David and if you asked him you said mr. King David sir what are one of the greatest keys of your success I really believe with all my heart he would say what he said in verse eight I have set the Lord always before me and because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved I have set the Lord always before me what does it mean to set the Lord always before you and this is the key to have an extraordinary faith as this you don't be involved in anything that you can't see where God's at in it now let me let me just kind of just let me just kind of just pack this just just unpack this just a little bit because you never get involved in anything that you don't go now where's God adding this okay so one of the keys to having a to having a marriage is this you're never allowed to think about your life without first thinking about your spouse if you have your married life and you have your life you will soon no longer have a married life well I don't believe that that's because you're stupid you're gonna find out you're gonna find out I'm telling you well this is how it is two men we're walking with King Jesus you don't have the God part of your life and then your life you don't do that you set the Lord continually before you in all things in every single part of your life you don't have any part of your life that God is not involved in and if you can imagine a big part of your life without God in it there's an issue now you're like okay I'm thinking about some crazy things I don't think God's involved in oh that's because you don't know God start talking this kind of talk with teenagers and tell them hey listen guys I want to tell you something you don't want to get a you do not want to get addicted to pornography like the rest of the world is that is not for you as a matter of fact invite the holiness of God into your sexuality what yeah if you think the devil invented sex you're stupid come on there needs to be there not needs to be any part of your life that you're not inviting the glory of God into your life no part of your life so this way said he said I've set the Lord continuing before me I've decided not to do anything without recognizing the presence of God in everything that I do and absolutely everything that I do I want to recognize the presence of God in this sea listen guys if you're religious you believe that God hates your humanity so you're not allowed to be human that's because you're religious quit it God does not hate your humanity God Almighty loves your humanity so much he made himself to become a human he was not God pretending to be a human he was actually God who made himself to be a human being and his name is Jesus so so you need to know that God does not hate your humanity do you hate your your child's humanity whenever your child has a bad dream and cries at night do you beat your child over that you're not ever allowed to be scared at night no you understand that that's a part of growing up you understand it that's just part of it right you don't hate your child over those kinds of things well friends God Almighty does not hate your humanity and you need to learn how do I acknowledge the presence of God in every single part of my life if you can't go to a movie without Jesus then don't go to the movie now I'll tell you this brother here goes to movies and I take Jesus with me in their eye I want to tell you in fact Jesus has ruined so many of my awesome movies because I hear a sermon and it'd be it'd be ungodly it'd be like you know what this movie is I'm about to walk out and all of a sudden they say something like oh that was the Lord talking to me like oh you're one of those come way worse than that I'm a way worse than I can't drive down the road without God talking to me through out the through through the numbers on the back of every dadgum license plate I can't I cannot I cannot go and sit down in a restaurant without just listening to what people are saying and hearing God talk through this conversation in that conversation I set the Lord continually before me everywhere I go amen and I am constantly thinking about where's God at miss where's God happened that where's God okay and this is a deal if I can't find God in it it does not mean he's not there okay if God is hidden in something then that means I need to do a heart check okay see the way that God moves back and forth within our lives is through hiddenness and manifestation sometimes God is manifest where you see him and it's all about him but sometimes God is hidden where it's all about what he's doing within you amen hey listen you need to learn how to get mad without running God off let me tell you one of the most useful things you have is to get mad like oh that's not the Lord oh you're a pansy you be you be a limp-wristed christian for the rest of your life or you can take on a holy anger and say that makes me so mad that is not the Heart of Jesus that is not God and I'm not gonna stand for that not on my watch no I have to do something about that right if the if the only way you can get mad is to be carnal dudes you need to learn how awesome it is to be mad with Jesus because I can tell you something the Bible doesn't say that Jesus just threw a fit and beat people the Bible says he fashioned a whip how long do you think it took him to do that he went mom huh yes sir I'm gonna beat that brother like a redheaded stepchild and I'm gonna turn over this thing here and wait till they see I'm gonna throw that do it and then I'm gonna he fashioned a whip he's like it's good to be mad so he decided it was good and holy to beat folk with a whip it's in the Bible so he bunch of this we're gonna have to edit y'all know that it'll never fly in Europe European see this lose their mind so number one is he set the Lord continually before him can we all just be determined right now that from this day forward we're gonna do everything that we can do to set the Lord continually before us to be the kind of people like God I don't want to look at nothing without seeing you in it nothing I don't want to look anywhere that I can't see you amen and say no no and by the way I'm taking on the responsibility that I will set the Lord continually before me I'm not leaving that up to somebody else that's that's on me I'm going to do that Lord I'm stepping into this and I know God that you're here with me you're here where are you how can I see you in this God I want to see you in this God God I want to revere your heart in this okay I'm gonna give you the second one the second one guys if you would please open up your Bibles the first sin Yule chapter 30 I'm going to show you the second great key of faith that David possessed something that God's been talking me about this past couple of weeks you know guys can I tell you anytime that God gives you a revelation just like the revelation I just now gave it to you if that was a real Rhema word to you in other words if you heard God speak through that you can't just receive it as a revelation it you have to receive it as an invitation to live that it's not supposed to stay in your head okay it's not listen man you need to you need to actually now decide you know what that's an invitation if the Lord showing me that then within that is the ability for the performance of that word amen let me show you guys the second one First Samuel chapter 30 and it came to pass and when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day everybody say third day mm-hmm on the third day is when all hell's broken loose and all sudden God shows up a lot of things happen on the third day including the resurrection of Jesus and it came to pass when David and his men were coming to Ziklag on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south and Ziklag and smitten Zig leg and burned it with fire Zig leg was the headquarters of King David and it's where they left their wives and her kids when they went off to battle now when they went off to battle they didn't jump on our motorcycles and take off they walked now I don't I don't know if you guys know this or not but God does not trust Jews with horses ain't ain't no horses like why because horses are animals of conquest and he didn't tell them I want you going all over the world he said I'm gonna give you a specific piece of land and I want you to steward that everybody else got horses they didn't get no horses now when Jesus comes back he's coming back with us and we're all on horses why because we're coming back to conquer another world okay you guys with me on that okay so they take off walking these guys had walk everywhere and then they go to war then they had to walk all the way back well they came back and you know I slacked me and they've been gone really I can't wait to see mama oh my god I can't wait to see mom and I can't wait to see my kids and I bet you you know what as soon as she sees me she's gonna bust out a chicken-fried steak you watch you watch and that woman can make some gravy like you never saw in your life my god and they come over the hill and it's burned and destroyed and their wives and their kids have been hauled off as slaves this isn't a little bit bad this is as bad as bad can be it says and they had taken the women captives and they were that were they're in and they slew not any either great or small but they carried them away and they went on their way so David his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire and their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captives then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and they wept until they had no more power to weep you ever had a day where you threw a fit - you passed out David had this day and these were mighty warriors these were people who had just got back from killing other folk in hand-to-hand combat and now they're hugging each other bawling and quality throw a wall I'd fit and scream and holler until you pass out that kind of a day where you never saw this coming this wasn't on your radar I thought I thought we were people that heard God speak how could this happen I thought the presence of the Lord was with us David I thought that you were an anointed man of God that was led by the Lord how could this possibly happen where is my wife God where what happened to my house where's my stuff but what have you done with my kids that was bad and he sees dadgum Amalekites that Saul was supposed to take out and he refused to do so and they're constantly having to deal with Saul not being the man of God that he had been anointed to be can I tell you something when we do not become the people that God has anointed to be the people that we love end up paying for it and David was greatly distressed verse six for the people spake of stoning him because the soul of all the people were grieved and every man for his sons and for his daughters but David encouraged himself in the Lord is God I want to just tell you people just decided there needed to be a killing and they didn't even care who the killing happened and people say I'll tell you how to die David I'll die mister I hear God Almighty speak all the time mister I'm anointed to be king mister come and join me and we'll have the hand of the Lord upon us David I love you but you know what you're not gonna yeah you will not survive this day have you ever had a day where somebody tells you you're not gonna you're not gonna survive this I've had that day I have had that day and David is so different in that day because he looks around and how everybody has no hope whatsoever he looks around and I have there's no sound counsel there is no wisdom there is nothing but a raw emotional mob and he says I'll just encourage myself in the Lord he encouraged himself in the Lord is his the second part of his amazing faith how does he encouraged himself in the Lord this way said he says I can't I I've thought about this every way I can think about it and all it does is make me cry until I pass out I've got on to my friends and I've heard everything that everybody can say and all it does is make me want to cry until I pass out so I'll just turn to the Lord if I'm gonna find any encouragement at all I'm gonna have it I'm gonna find it from God so I'm gonna find the strength within myself to say god I don't know what I'm gonna do but I know what I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna run away from you I'm running back to you right here right now this is what I have to do I don't have no other place to go and and here's the deal see they can stay out there and lose they mind because he's the man of God he's the leader he's the one that everybody is actually dependent upon to be the one who say I'm gonna encourage myself in the Lord I'm going to turn to him so he does can I tell you something he didn't do that most folk do when all hell happens on the worst day of your life like this is asked why he doesn't do that see when you ask why and when I ask why we put ourselves in a position of judgment against the Lord our God and that's not where the open window of heaven is when we asked why we are actually accused in God of how could you have felled me like this he doesn't do that I want to just just tell you this that you're never going to have the why's of life answered so don't ask why you don't get the whys of life answered as a matter of fact if there's ever been anybody in the history of the planet earth that deserved to get to have the why's of life answered as a brother by the name of Job and God showed up to him and his way said he said gird yourself like a man you know what that means that means pull up your big-boy pants when God shows up says ah brother pull up your big-boy pants because I'm gonna talk to you about some things and we're gonna see if you qualify for why okay now I'm gonna talk to you about preschool stuff before we get into the quantum physics of why okay how much does the worl weigh how many sands of the sea are they how many how much salt is in the sea hey how can you loosen the bans of Orion well tell me what happened on the day that I created the heavens and and the sons of God all sing together what was a song they were singing because see this is down here and you're asking me up here and you're never gonna get this so I'm not gonna talk to you about this can I tell you it's wisdom to pay attention to what God does not talk to you about there's great wisdom and going you know what God doesn't talk to me about that then stay away from it get away from it now I want to tell you man it gets my attention when God is not talking because I'm gonna tell you God talks to me now I'm not saying he talks to me more than he talks to anybody else but I'm saying that God Almighty speaks to me and it's a big part of my life is me having a huge value for the voice of God and I want to tell you it gets my attention when I can't I I can't find God in this at all he got nothing he's talking me about this this this this this but that can't saying nothing to me about that gets my attention it doesn't mean that you don't get to ask any questions though in Acts chapter 2 there are two questions that they asked whenever the Holy Spirit falls that you need to ask every single time you come to a place where you go what's happening and it's this are you ready what does this mean and what should I do what does this mean means how should I think about this the second question that you need to ask once you once you come before God and you ask when you have a sick lag day that it wasn't on your radar you didn't see that coming you had no idea that that was going to happen and it was the worst oh my gosh the first thing you need to ask is this God how can I think about this because there's a way that God can give you to think about this that is life and then the second thing that you need to ask is what should I do meaning I'm ready to do something I'm not gonna sit down ball up and take a bunch of Prozac and self-medicate and rock back and forth for the next 20 years of my life No what should I do because I'm ready to do something completely different place so David encouraged himself in the Lord and he comes before God he says God I'm asking you for a very specific word I'm asking you for a clear word of direction should I chase after these monsters and if I do well I win yes or no wait stop I'm not just gonna rely on though usual way that I hear God speak I'm going out of my way and he goes to the priest and he tells the priests basically give me the holy dice like what are you talking about I'll see if you guys don't know see if you've been in a religious institution your whole life and you don't know what the Word of God is but there's actually a way that David would hear God speak where he would literally throw a dice on the ground like men of God don't do that well that's how they decided how to how to replace Judas and that's New Testament they cast lots for it but well we're not gonna do that because you're a coward you're afraid somebody's not gonna like you because you know you're going after things that are within the kingdom things that are within the Word of God sometimes god almighty will absolutely direct you to do such a crazy kind of thing prophetic key number three and I'm gonna close on this it's just just a scripture I want to give you Psalms 27 verse 13 I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living before I before I go off from that I'm gonna give you the first one was this he set the Lord continually before him that's the first one I gave you the second one is this he encouraged himself in the Lord he didn't have to have an Amen Corner to be a man of God they're friends there's some tests that you just gotta pass that when everybody is encouraging you not to be a man or a woman of God and you've got every reason in the world to twist off the way everybody else does that you don't and that in that place that is so hard that you say no I'm gonna be I'm gonna God God can trust me with this and then the third one and by the way that's what means to encourage yourself in the Lord and then the third amazing key that I can find is that he says this I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord and living guys guys we all need to be full of hope that we're just like you know what you know you're not gonna get me to give up on hope my hope is in the Lord my hope is not in how I can figure things out my hope is that God knows I'm hearing this and this snake in my garden is telling me that this is proof that the Lord has abandoned me but I'm not gonna believe that voice I'm not going to believe that I'm gonna you know what I I would have fainted I would have fallen out I never would have made it had I not believed that God was gonna show up in this life time and change these things to be full of hope hope means the joyful anticipation of good and hope as a choice hope is a choice when you have hope it means that you still believe that you have a choice think about that I was talking LeAnn I was going through I took a whole bunch of my old journals with me on this trip and one of the things that I like to do is I like to retire journals I write so much as so many journals I have a literally have an entire wall at my house it looks like the diaries of a crazy man it it if you open it up there's it's just craziness I do I don't journal in a way that is that is not messy and but I will I will actually retire a journal and then it goes on the shelf of retired journals and then there's a bunch that I'm still riding in and then there's some that I haven't started yet but in the midst of all of my journals since I was in high school I write letters to my kids and then when my kids got born and I could actually call them by name not big huge monster profound letters just in the midst of all of my journaling to stop get a page hey Benjamin I'm thinking about you today you said something so funny this week I'm doing a Bible study right now on this and this note and I want you to know that I praise God for you you're a good boy dad and then go on with my journaling hey Meghan I love that you make good choices it makes me so happy that you're somebody who decides to make good choices your daddy sure does love you dad hey Raymond wherever you're at things are better because you're there I want you to know that I'm thinking about you and I love you and praising God for you I'm out here on a boat out in a million but I'm thinking about you love dad hey Luke I'm sorry on a video this week you're so funny to me you know you're not gonna die if you actually smile love dad well why would I do that because one day I'm gonna kill over and all my kids are gonna go through my journals they're gonna go through those journals and I have been writing letters to my kids since before they were born and now I'm writing letters to all seven of my grandkids and telling them that they're amazing people of God and that the world isn't gonna get them and I'm proud of the lives that they're living that I don't even know about at the time that I'm writing this see you have to be full of hope you have to be somebody that's full of hope that you believe I mean okay can you can you believe that in spite of you your kids are still gonna turn out good what say hey that that's big faith for me can you believe that in spite of the world that your kids and your grandkids are not gonna have to grow up in that they're still gonna be people who love God so you got to be full of hope see this is what King David said he goes I'll man out I never made it not an arrow made him dude I promise you got a falling out and I'll not believe that while I was still alive I would see the goodness of God I ain't waiting until I die to see the goodness of God it is God's heart for me to see his goodness while I am still alive and kicking and you can never ever ever lose that so number one is he set the Lord continually before him number two he encouraged himself in the Lord and number three he was a hope fanatic let's give King Jesus a great big praise [Applause] any area of your life that doesn't have hope is under the influence of a lie there's a snake in your life any area of your life that you have no hope for is under the influence of a lie well as you guys stand up if you would what a great night
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,326
Rating: 4.8911567 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: mzL_3sa8DLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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