More on Dreams and Visions | Pastor Troy & Pastor Otis

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Church will you join me in welcoming the whole wide world to open door church on a Wednesday night boom alrighty then guys if you would please open up your Bibles to jutsu job chapter 33 job chapter 33 job 33 is where we're at whenever I the book of Job is is a crazy-cool boat book it's considered to be the oldest book in the Bible a lot of people think that the book of Job was written you know the Bible is not in chronological order as far as the books are concerned and then many of the books themselves are not in chronological order like The Book of Daniel is just whack there's a first chapter and then the second chapter and then the third chapter I ought to be the fifth chapter and the seventh chapter ought to be though whatever you know it's just all messed up you know it's just all all over all over the place and that proves that it's prophetic because like in the Book of Isaiah whenever he gets super prophetic sometimes he speaks in first person sometimes in a second person sometimes in third person tense and then sometimes he speaks some pretty present tense sometimes in past tense and sometimes in future tense you're like what's happening here right just craziness like what the heck or as the eunuch said in the book of Acts who the heck can understand this he went who in the world he was reading the book of Isaiah and you know how when you read in the car you start getting sick well so he's reading in the back of a chariot he starts you know man pull over I got chariot sickness so they pull over and he's reading this book of Isaiah that he just bought in Jerusalem and that's where Philip comes walking up because the Lord said go meet me there in the middle of nowhere and he got up in the middle of the night and it said Lord don't you know that there's nobody there man he got up and left and that's what makes Philips so different he didn't have to have an understanding of everything he just had to know it's God and and if I could just speak into that because I felt the Lord as soon as I said that that a lot of times we cannot have peace with God because we because we don't understand everything and you know actually it'll actually act counter to how the Spirit of the Lord is working with us because when you're dealing with your understanding you're dealing with your soul right and your soul is in the process of being redeemed and it's not redeemed now look your spirit is 100% redeemed it's saved as it's ever going to be saved your soul is in the process of being transformed and someday your body will be completely saved right now your body is still in a fallen state and is still subject to gravity no no no need to comment on any of that so oh what a caveat on it though but I'm not so but the day is gonna come where our bodies are going to be redeemed and we'll have the same kind of resurrected body that Jesus himself has that can fully walk around and have dominion here in the first heaven but can also walk through walls sit down and eat but it's not subject to all the things that human bodies are subject to and that's gonna be a good day smart ion that's gonna be a good day has anybody imagined what your weight is gonna be in your glorified body have any I'll ever done that because I have 105 Wow [Laughter] that's that's that's fun so job is a super old book and it may very well be the oldest of the books and at the time you have to understand that when it whenever you're reading these books these old books of the Bible you have to understand the context of who the book is written to and who the audience is supposed to be and I want to tell you man the book of Job is a trip the book of Job is is really really really something and and the book of Job is very very offensive to a lot of people the whole idea poor job getting his life messed with because of these spiritual forces beyond his control and this whole you know you have to understand that with you are you saying pass the story that didn't happen no no I'm not saying that that happened but saying in the context of the world that he lived in that made perfect sense then okay like well that don't make sense to me now well that's on you amen but in the context of the world that that book was written in thousands and thousands of years ago that was a mind-blowing revelation and it made perfect sense to the reader at that time the culture was completely different how people understood was completely different and the effect that it had upon DIF that the effect that it had upon people when they came across this story it was received differently than how I'm sure it's received today with that said it is still a fascinating story and it's incredible thing and then one of the things that happens is there's a there's a whole lot of wisdom in the book of Job that is not God it's the wisdom of his three friends and people just quote it in quote unquote it said that's what the Word of God says it is what the Word of God says it's what the enemies of God say in the Word of God and people are so stupid they don't know the difference of that one of the things that blows my mind is that people will say well if it's a god thing it'll happen and if it's not a god thing it won't happen and like really yeah that's a verse in a Bible yes and it was Gamal il that said that it wasn't a disciple of Jesus that said that and it was it was the boss of Saul who whenever he got converted he changed his name to Paul and he was murdering Christians when Gamal il was his boss and see the idea of the Pharisees was this let's don't assume any responsibility in cooperating with the Spirit of God whatsoever and how we'll do that is we'll blame it on the sovereignty of God that away we don't ever were never responsible because if it's God thing and what happened and if it's not a god thing it won't happen that way our hands are clean people still do the same thing today they're like well you know what I really don't feel the need to have the cause to save girls out of sexual trafficking because you know that you know the will of God you know oh really so it's the will of God to have rape well it must be because rape happens in the world well does rape happen in heaven because that's how the will of God like what are you talking about our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven anybody getting raped in heaven today No then there should be none of that here which means since we have Dominion we have a responsibility to snuff that out but religious people don't want to hear anything about that because they want to have a halo on top of their head while their butt sits on a chair and they do nothing except gripe and complaint amen so don't be caught up in that mess don't just just don't be caught up in it well in the book of Job there's something instrument there's something interesting here in 33 and it says for God may speak in one way or in another I like how the King James puts that one for the Lord speak at the once yet twice yet man perceive it that not right but the modern and by the way it's not more holy if you read it in the language that we use 500 years ago that's ridiculous it is absolutely ridiculous there's nothing wrong with using a newer translation the same people who think that the King James is holy and everything else are the same people who think they have absolutely no responsibility in looking up the words again it's all religion and religion blames everything on God and blames you for everything so I'm just telling you but I learned the Bible through the King James and I happen to love the King James now I don't speak in King James right when I'm yelling at my kid when I'm yelling at my kids thou shalt not taketh thou shalt surely find my wrath I don't do that right but I do like King James and so you guys are just going to put up with me because that's how I learned the Bible okay and it's how I look up scriptures but but a modern translation says for God may speak in one way or in another yet man does not perceive it in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men slumbering upon their beds then he opens their ears then he opens the ears of men and he seals their instruction in order to turn man from his deeds and concealed pride for man he keeps back his soul from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword I'm gonna go to the very end of this and back all this up okay when it says that God wants to keep your soul from the pit and your life from perishing by the sword perishing by the sword is an ambush against you and perishing by the pit is a trap that is set that is set for you so this will literally keep you from ambushes and from traps okay let's back up a little bit more it says in order to turn man from his deed and conceal pride from man there are certain things that you will do simply because you're walking in Pride and when how God will keep you from doing that is deal with your pride okay there's certain things that you just think you have the right to get away with because of this or this or this or this but as soon as you get it I don't have the right to do that then you're not going to do that okay now verse 16 he opens the ears of men and he seals their instruction me and kiff were talking about this verse today sealing their instruction and I alluded to that in the prophetic Wednesday and we have a prophetic Quincy every Wednesday at 12 o'clock high noon and we've been doing it live for four years and we were going through this today and this whole thing of sealing their instruction it's very interesting to me because when you seal something you close the lid you put your signature on it and you say you do not open it right seals their instruction do you know what I think that this mean well this means when it says he seals their instruction and streams he gives you a grace to remember the dream okay so is there anybody in here we're gonna stop her out here and we're going to claim this word is there anybody in here first of all let's just let's let's do this since we've been talking dreams as I've been going after it can anybody see an increase within your dream life can you can you do that wow that's great that's encouraging guys let's just act like we're in a little living room right now so is your is your dream life in the increase of your dream lives is it is it that you're having more dreams or is it that they are much more prophetic somehow what would you guys say how many guys would say that it's more dreams okay which is great and how many guys would say that it's more prophetic okay all right that's that's excellent okay is there anybody in here that you say you know what I just can't tap into this thing because I cannot remember my dreams is there anybody like that awesome awesome I want you guys to stand up I'm gonna pray over you the Word of God says in job chapter 33 which was the only Bible anybody had for a long long time besides the stars the constellations in the heavens for those you guys hadn't been around here you think I just blaspheme the devil did not invent the constellations God Almighty did and they are all the pictures of redemption okay so stick around here and you'll find out about all that cool well that kind of cool madness now this was the only word that people had for long long time in in the 33rd chapter which they did not have chapters in because the Word of God is worth the war the Word of God is one and our Hebrew brothers and sisters keep it one they take that very seriously which is really cool however this has been around for thousands and thousands of years that God says that in a dream and a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men while slumbering upon their beds that's when he opens the ears of men and seals their instruction so I'm we're all gonna pray over you for this listen there's there's nothing wrong with you there's nothing wrong with you and you haven't been left out of this we could do the same thing around this has anybody in here ever not received a word of knowledge then I would ask you to stand up I would say there's nothing wrong with you nothing wrong with you but this is something that you can tap into amen we're gonna go after this I would say is there anybody in here that you've never sang in a spiritual in in a spiritual way you'd say no I've never done that arts there's nothing wrong with you but that is available to you and you can go after that same thing is this when it comes to your dreams and when it comes to remembering your dreams there's a promise in the Word of God in job chapter 33 that says God will seal your instruction does that give you big hope amen that's a word of God man so I'm gonna pray over you first and then I'm gonna have you guys repeat something after me so father God I want to lift up all my friends that are here tonight and King Jesus sir we come to you Lord and father God sir for whatever reason rather it's a soul thing a physical thing or a spiritual thing father God sir my friends have not been able to remember their dreams not been able to grasp it that there is a big difference and somehow in that waking period the shift is so huge that they cannot remember when they're awake what was happening whenever they were asleep so father I stand up on your word and according to Job chapter 13 verse 4 chapter 33 verse 16 we declare in the name of Jesus Christ father God sir that your word says that you will seal our instruction so I pray father God sir that you would open the ears of every single one of these people God that are watching and listening and I pray King Jesus sir that you would seal their instruction and see to it that nobody steals it and god I just released that into this house and I thank you for it you're just so good so everybody here repeat after me say King Jesus I ask you sir to open my ears and seal my instruction whenever I dream in Jesus name Amen hallelujah yeah it's good stuff okay well I got so much stuff and I what I'm going to do is I'm just going to ask Pastor Otis to come up here guys pastor Otis is in the house where you come up here come on up here man of God danten danten danten uh you ever pay attention if you guys ever just break out in theme music like I just did am I the only one in here that does that because all my grandkids do it and they just bust out in a theme you know I'm noticed I revert to dragnet every now and then Duncan I'm done I'm done I oh that's what I just did yeah that was good the streets of San Francisco Wow okay I thought I saw in a long time man combat without beretta remember that song beretta don't go to bear with no price on your head no no don't do it how are you sir I just remember the bird you mirror the bird the bird was cool yeah you about the bird about the bird the bird bird bird yeah another song listen you don't mess with me I know every song man what was the name of that bird man I have no idea I don't remember I remember what the name of the alligator was in it was Crockett's alligator in Miami Vice it was Elvis buffer give me an alligator inland Amy Miller's okay how are you I'm great so today did you by the way was able to catch my my dream interpretation thing today you actually know those knees go say that prophetically I knew you were eating see that's what you call counseling is eating no man so I mean before we do this and before you get off into some dream interpretation and talk about dreams and go through those kinds of patterns and things I know that you're signing people up for school again I am okay right on so tell us tell us what that school is and tell us what people can expect what is the school of Kingdom equipping there's there's several alumni and students in here right now stand up if you're educated that just graduated awesome awesome hallelujah very very good but yes school of Kingdom equipping is it's a prophetic school you come to this school and you learn how to hear the voice of God in ways it's kind of like in business you have income streams right yes in the school of prophetic we teach you how to have communication streams from God all kinds of different ways to hear God and as pastor Troy has so aptly taught you concerning hearing your journey hearing God in your dreams and all the different ways it's just it's just kind of like that it starts September first so you're going to want to get signed up you can see ginger out there in the foyer and she can tell you what you need to do to sign up for that school it's gonna be awesome it's going to be very awesome okay right on so did anybody catch our dream interpretation that we did today and yeah it was it was good stuff right at what was it what did i do today is prophetic was deep listen up I've been busy man I and I'm honestly I'm having trouble even knowing what day it is and it's good stuff I promise you man I mean I'm digging it right yesterday morning I was telling you guys we we we worked until 2:00 or 3:00 o'clock in the morning and then and then we were here we had an outstanding staff meeting you were part of the staff it was crazy good and then after we did the staff meeting then we did I did 10 videos for prophetic numbers so those of you guys who are partnering with Troy burr ministries we're about to load up ten new numbers right on and so those videos will be ready for you here within the next within the next three or four days or so and then whenever we got done with that I filmed a virtual pastor for the Sunday that I'm going to be gone later on during this month and did that and then when I got done with that then I went and did the the youth conference last night and then got back here at about eleven o'clock and just crashed in the couch and then got up here this early early this morning and we had our prayer time and our prayer teams were here and then we put together our prophetic word for Wednesday and then as soon as we got done with that we had a huge meeting a huge financial meeting I'm also working on a commentary through the book of John and I have a team of people that meets with me on Wednesdays and we spend it by the way what chapter are we in mom we're in chapter five right now so we're in chapter five and we're gonna knock this out and we're gonna we're gonna knock it out and then in the afternoon pastor Jerry got back and oh and we did some radio today and then pastor Jerry got back and I had a really huge financial meeting with him today and then to put together this work for tonight I mean so here we are so I'm just telling you that that for those of you guys like I've been trying really hard to get a hold of you you can't I mean you just can't I'm sorry we have a whole staff of people that you can get a hold of but I mean my day is scheduled literally from early in the morning until late at night every single day now and like well that's just crazy oh you ain't seen crazy amen wait until a year from now when we're on 30 or 40 networks Amen on 30 or 40 television networks and it's just it's not impossible it just has to be scheduled or not it just has to be scheduled and then there's teams of people I meet with and dude you have to bring your a-game whenever you meet with those people you can't just walk into gold I'm tired I don't really know what I'm doing here and there's a whole roomful of people going oh you're the one called this meeting like oh no I don't do that I don't remember what I did so you got it you got to bring it man you just got to bring it so so that's why I fear somebody's like man I've been waiting for two months to see you probably be another two or three months just quit whitening and see somebody else here because I'm already committed and that's what that's all about I whenever we were small church man I kept meeting with anybody anytime and that's obviously pastors love to do that I love to do that but that's just not my role anymore so you guys are gonna love me through that right hey growth equals change right change equals loss loss equals pain but we're gonna grow right okay all right hallelujah I forgot what I was talking about you were talking about scheduling I'm on staff and I have to schedule so you know you're gonna have to offer really really really honestly you know when you came onboard with us you thought that you knew what all we did but you really didn't have a clue no idea and there's and there's no and there's no point in trying to explain it to everybody and unless you live this kind of lifestyle you really don't understand it I would have never understood it there were when I told you at the beginning of this guys I was telling you something I get offended at my schedule I just get mad at it and just go well dang who can live a life like this people that are at the top people who instead of saving one or two girls save millions and millions of girls that's who lives like that amen so you just got to get it you just have to mature and be able to deal with the offense of the things that King Jesus is inviting you to rule and reign over amen and it's just a different kind of mindset and I'm acting like I've got it down Oh No the brother does not have it down I promise you there's there's 40 or 50 times throughout the day where I just saw going yeah then I'm okay the past destroy the thing I've noticed about to you what you do with resistance is you turn it into leverage I do and that's that's a really really good skill that you have to develop it's it's good to just have your fighting pants on all the time and just really and certainly I mean it's just good to like if you're going to like here's the deal if you're thinking about changing your business okay I'm like I need to enlarge my business if you think it's going to be more comfortable when you do that you're deceived like but then I'll have more money and then I'll have more this and I'll have more that and dadgummit I should be a whole lot more comfortable no remember there's a reason why King Jesus calls the Holy Spirit your comforter because the Holy Spirit is going to lead you into crazy places until out crazy places that crazy woman right there just sold our house I'm talking about next level nuts solar house getting ready to go move to Central America because she's like God coming I'm going okay well I ain't stopping yet III refuse to protect anybody from Jesus I ain't gonna protect anybody from from Jesus and so I'm surrounded by crazy people in and I want to just say it's good when you step over the threshold and when you go into the Promised Land the first thing that happens is you go to war the promised land is warfare you don't want any war then you just stay in the wilderness and you wander around not having a clue every single day you know there's miracles there and there's food on the ground when you wake up in the morning there's a cloud by day there's a fire by night but friends if God's best and if God's biggest was living spontaneously by miracles then he would have reversed that and that would have been what Promised Land living yes Promised Land living is strategic warfare it's just good man that we know these things because otherwise you're gonna think Oh crazy hip or I'm hormonal I'm not even a woman and I'm hormonal okay so today I and we just have some great Victorian Robert Rodriguez and I they had this dream and I interpreted it and I met them while I go and I don't even really know Victorian Robert where are you guys right on so so was that interpretation right on was that like a rod on prophetic word for you guys does that just encourage you guys so much man thank you for being transparent enough to share that Ken I'm gonna share with the house is that okay so this was the dream again I don't know these guys the dream was a couple of days ago a dream that I was sitting in an airplane and no one else just me and all I saw was myself leaning over in my seat assume in the crash position because the plane was about to crash right and I interpreted that and I told myself first of all you're not alone amen first and foremost man you're not alone and just because God has brought you into a higher place this part of you that thinks it's just got a crash there's no way this thing can fire that's how it's going to crash I know it is so I going to assume the crash the crash position get out unbuckle your seat belts and move about the cabin and do not assume that this thing is going to crash this is going to get you to your destination amen and so to me that's a warning dream about how you're dealing with the high-flying things that Jesus is inviting you into and so what's real is all of us have a poverty mentality that has to be dealt with all of us do we have poverty mentalities where where Jesus is inviting us into richness and then we have these poverty mentalities verse 2 where you say ok well if it gets up it's it's just going to crash because everything I do always eventually crashes okay that is your history that is not your destiny that is not your identity amen do you have any you have anything else that you would say yeah you know the shortest distance between two points is a straight line and the best way to do that is an airplane so the things that the Lord has for you is I believe that he's going to expedite those things so don't be afraid of those things don't be afraid of the things that God has has showing you or God is going to do with you because he's going to take you there quickly and you're gonna go straight to it you're not going to have to go around all these mountains you're gonna go over them so hallelujah it's good work so this this woman who's watching right now her name is Jen Dickinson Newell and I don't remember what state she was from do you remember what state she was from she's she's from somewhere I don't remember but anyway she gave this really weird dream and this is what she said she challenged me and she said you won't be able to interpret this can I tell you something you don't double-dog dare me I don't know who this woman thinks she is no Jim no honey no okay I'm just playing obviously but I I gave her I did it live today and she sent me this text that is huge going oh my and she went way out of her way to verify how awesome this was how awesome the prophetic interpretation wasn't so this is what this was her dream Dolly Parton came to my house he's got my attention right now dolly parton came to my house then she says which was not actually in my house and then she gave me things from her house and then she lists those things an old fashioned electric fan and then she left that for me at the top of my driveway and then she handed me in umbrella and then she gave me a gift card and the gift card was for one hundred and fifty dollars and I could only spend it at Dollywood and when I opened up the gift card it had a note written from her and she handed me this and it had four lines on it I don't know what it said but it wasn't encouragement for something what do you got well I'll tell you when I when I read this we were all talking about it and I read this no way I know what this is and I want to tell you it you have to be able to get past the weirdness of things and just break it down into very sim into a very simple thing the first thing that catches my attention is she was at her house but it wasn't her house and Dolly Parton showed up and gave her things from her house I want you to think about that for just second now if you read that in a scripture and the Lord put a troy in a house which maketh not his house and unto Him appeareth dolly pardon who bringeth great gifts from herethe house you'd be like okay I got that I got to figure that out okay so that's like a riddle right so the house that she's in is a new house it's not her house she doesn't recognize it but it is her house it's a place that God has for her that she does not recognize okay then Dahlia shows up and gives her things from her house in her world okay guys what world is Dolly involved in right so she's a musician she's an actor she's all kinds of crazy things she's a huge entrepreneur she's she's a genius actually on tons and tons and tons of difference she's a she's a Renaissance man that is a female I mean she's something else okay so but basically more than anything she to me she represents music okay and then from her world she says I'm giving you a card to spend in my world only and it's 150 right guys how many chapters are in the Book of Psalms 950 what is the Book of Psalms it's a praise worship she gave her she gave with with the 150 by the way the the very end of Psalms one fit with Psalms 150 says let everything that has breath praise the Lord right and then with the card is four lines okay if da Lake Cardinal if Dolly Parton is right in line she's writing a song and the song that she has given her to to encourage her to write has 150 attached to it which is songs and hymns and spiritual songs and the only place that you can spin this gift is in my world the music rim and that one hard was it now I mean it that that wasn't hard and like that's pretty that's not Mike come on what else you got what else you got well what about the fan that she placed at the top of a driveway all right so Kip what would you say that the driveway represents I tried to set you up failure oh okay we have a great value for shame here I don't know if you guys realize that whatever what do you think what do you think that the being at the top of the driveway right next to the garage represents well being at the top of the driveway your your ministry has a pathway yeah your ministry has a pathway and this this lady this is speaking a favor toward her it's correct Dolly Parton wrote a book and wrote a song called cultivate coat of many colors that's right coat of many colors and so I believe that this this is the there's there's the fan that's blowing to the wind of the Spirit got it there's the umbrella that's overshadowing the overshot so you got it you got it so this lady is has received a dream concerning God's favor toward her when she when she actually she contacted me and I'm telling you she wrote I mean this giant thing of you have no idea how ride on that that is okay friends here's here's someone tell you the Lord is speaking to you and he's unlocking things for you rather in dreams are rather in your everyday life where he's prophetically speaking and he's bringing heaven into your earth and you're not gonna miss it anymore amen you're just not gonna miss it anymore and I want to just encourage you and I want to say this to you that this is such a prophetic hour right now this is a time that the Spirit of God is stirring people's hearts and stirring people's imaginations in such an incredible way and that God is offering in God is offering you into a life that you've only dreamed of and he said no I was serious and you need to hear me say that guys listen when the Lord put that on your heart he was serious it wasn't just something stupid you were thinking it was God being serious no no I want to do this let's do this thing let's make this thing happen all right so I'm gonna let's be in you interpret one so here's a new one Rhonda Davis from North Carolina and in that cool guys that we have people all over the world that's literally watching us that hangs out at our church and wish that they could live here in that cool right on by the way those here in California were the last California please turn out the lights okay here we go every new neighbor I have is a Californian hey dude and like hey man okay my I like California's my wife said California can I please say that cuz I'll be in trouble if I don't say that I actually love California okay Rhonda Davis from North Carolina as I was drifting off to sleep just stop what do you think right there that that means if you haven't even hardly gone to sleep yet and you're already into a dream mode what what would you say that that speaks to you you have any idea have you ever thought about the timing of it like the difference between a waking dream I don't even know what you call as I was drifting off into sleep dream got speaking to you as you become still hmm dang record ribby eyeball me as I was drifting off to sleep I saw a white rectangle envelope and I turned the envelope over and I saw the amount $50 written on it and it was bulky and I looked inside and I saw a whole lot of $1 bills and I thought how in the world did they get that much money in this one little envelope and I thought I need to put this into a large brown envelope and then I see then I see a lot of lights and a whole lot of people and I thought wow there's a lot of people over here and then I woke up yep that's xanax no it's not it's not $50.00 worth yeah $50 first as an offence I mean you have to have fun with this stuff right on okay so just your overall impression just what do you think this dream speaks of can it can mean Jubilee 50 yeah Jubilee going from the smaller envelope to the larger album low means prosperity increased prosperity what do you think it means that once she went from the little envelope to the big envelope that a light turned on and she sees a group of people there well of course obviously the LAT is enlightenment it's you know where the loss of your understanding become open and do you know you know what speaks to me it speaks of some kind of financial network does anybody else bear bear witness with that being one dollar it's it's one of the things it's one of the things that God is doing today within the body across this one the greatest revivals that have that is happening right now in the body of Christ is in the business room I'm telling you it's absolutely real that people that Christians in business are networking now in an incredible way and God Almighty's given us brand-new income streams and he's given us a prophetic wisdom towards business there's a revival that's going on in business right now and I want to speak to everybody in here that owns a business and tell you man I have my phone has been ringing off the hook with people that own businesses that are just tired of the battle of it and just like man I'm so beat up and and and I I'm not talking about one or two people I'm I'm talking about multiple people in multiple different states and completely different kinds of businesses just a wait guys there is an attack against our businesses right now because there's an incredible breakthrough and Kingdom significance that is coming through our businesses and do not give up this is not the time to this is not the time to throw that away and I I'm just telling you man there is a huge attack how many you guys can see even though there's not a lot of press on it right now that there's been a huge over term within within the United States concerning abortion this year I mean you guys can see that right and you remember last year guys we went to the 818 event in downtown Dallas we went to the Federal Building in downtown Dallas which is where roe v wade actually happened right how many guys saw that there was a terrible shooting that was there and there's warfare at that federal building this week okay if that was a dream well what would that mean are you with me so there's warfare concerning the whole abortion thing within the United States and literally it's manifesting at the physical building right now the physical building there's literally it's manifesting there so I can see that well I can see just exactly like there's this huge thing that's happening to the hearts of Americans concerning abortion where they're like we cannot stand with this I'm going to tell you listen guys I want to just tell you if you're standing with abortion you would be considered a Belle worshipper in the Old Testament the only way you can worship God in only way you can worship the got a bell which is the prelude to Islam by the way it's a moon God and the only way that you could worship Bell is sacrifice babies the only way you could say that you are free is to sacrifice babies the only way that you could say you were blessed is if you sacrifice babies the only way you could say that you were protected was to sacrifice babies and it's bail worship is what it is and I want to just tell you listen that that there's no place in the body of Christ for that say well that's your political no I am sorry that is not my political spin that is the Word of God and I'm and I'm not gonna back off on that no like well I'm sorry we can't be friends I'm not trying to be your friend amen I've got so many friends I don't know what to do with them I'm trying to get rid of this guy I'm not trying to be your friend I'm trying to bring life amen and just take me and do not do not stand with that trash do not but there's a huge I just like that there's a huge movement that's going on within the United States supernaturally that's having to do with the Spirit of God it's coming in and overturning this thing and I'm so grateful there is also a huge revival that has taken place in businesses right now a tremendous revival we're next level information is coming to business leaders godly business people next level information is coming to them they're increasing their business they are stepping out in whole new ways and then they are getting beat up out there and guys I want to tell you the the oh my gosh I'm just I'm sorry but I gotta preach this okay me and Jamie Galloway talked about this all last week and the role has always been let's find business people and get the business people to support the church we need to change that let's find business people and have the church support them we need we need to change that that needs to be that role needs to be reversed now where we don't need to look at business people as if they are a paycheck and a resource to us we need to look at business people as if they're some of the most important people of influence in the world that we live in and the Spirit of Living God is upon them and we need to be a resource to them amen telling you man it's one of the things that we're working on guess we're working on putting together a bunch of business ministries in this in this church that do nothing but just support people that have businesses and man we're we're looking into all that we're trying to figure that out right now okay I got it I got time for one more what time is it oh my gosh is 8:40 my hot tubs getting cold how about this how about we just spend five minutes and I want to ask JD to come up here and start banging on the keys making his racket come on man I sure do love you JD ransom ransom I didn't know you were here man hey didn't you just get back from overseas today and so of course you made it here tonight where have you been little brother Vienna and Austria stand up father I thank you Lord God that he will not lose what you've given to him over the past few days and then father God said that you have truly done something within him God that you've tweaked something that you've changed something and God you deposited something within him God that he's carried back over here and God nothing's gonna be able to steal that nothing's gonna be able to confuse him nothing's gonna be able to deter him no distraction is going to be able to nibble away at that thing but God the the confidence that he has in his life to find the pleasure of the Lord in the joy of his life Lord God Almighty God that you're greatly increasing that confidence and God I do see business strategies upon my brother not just straight not just spontaneous things to walk around just like God you've anointed him Lord God defines you here and defined you there and to find you there and got him he just goes around in the crazy places and prophesize to people but God I see you also God moving him into some some incredibly strategic places and father God sir that you put keys of business within my brother's hands and then lord god amighty sir that he is it's not gonna be he's not gonna be like me and wait until he's in his 50s to have business sense their Lord gotta my sir that you're giving him the mind of Christ concerning the mountain of business and God that he has a prophetic ability to prophesy concerning business I pray Lord God Almighty sir that you would speak to him God concerning markets and I pray father God so that he would know when markets are going up and when markets are going down I pray father God sir that he would recognize trends and timelines that have to do God with business and I pray Lord God Almighty sir that people would seek his counsel from all over the world and I see that and that is a word that I have for you that I that the phone is going to start ringing and and incredible next level people are going to start seeking your counsel because they trust you because you're not going to manipulate them you're not going to want something out of them you're not going to try and steal them a certain direction but you're going to know what the father's love is towards their hearts and you're gonna know what the father's business is concerning their businesses and how strategic they are within the kingdom you take that word and you receive that in Jesus name Amen hallelujah yeah yeah yeah right on right on right on Oh Robert will you and your bride stand up for me please [Music] thank you Lord father I just I love my friends and that sweet girl I've known for almost forty years you were a cool kid by the way you were you were a cool kid father I thank you Lord God am i sir for my friends and I thank you God that that you loved them and that she blessed them and helped them and God just there's so many things God that are right within their life Lord God that are also difficult things but that they're they're the right battles to fight and God I know that while they just like me and everybody else in this room God that we have been guilty of all fighting the wrong battles father God sir you have given them good battles to fight good battles to fight and I pray father got served that they would find your joy in the joy of your presence on those battlefields and keep them off of battlefields God that they do not belong upon I [Music] when I was just praying for you Robert I heard the word buy out I just heard that word [Music] and I think that there's going to be some next-level opportunities in your life and you're going to be coming before God saying Oh God give me wisdom about this thing because I have this opportunity and I have that opportunity and that you've been a guy that has worked hard your whole life you've worked so hard and you've done a lot of things by yourself and I just I really and truly see the Lord bringing people around you to support you and that there's been some things in your life that you've been like I've always been worried that this might happen again or that might happen again and if it does I'm going to handle it but I hope that it doesn't happen again I'm just telling you man the Lord is closing some doors on some loose ends just he's just closing some doors the key of David belongs to you Isaiah 20 to 22 if you've been seeing 2222 everywhere that's where that that's what that is yeah so father see to it Lord God a'mighty that they are in the right position at the right time at the right moment with the right kind of mindset to clearly know how to strategically move into things God that they never thought that they would be able to move in and I thank you for father in Jesus name Amen my brother and my sister back here sister ginger my brother man when you got to stand up right back here please as y'all stand up please the two of y'all together father I thank you Lord God Almighty I think you got for you who for who you have made them to be God and for their faithfulness and I just that's a word that God has given you both a Grace and a god-given ability just to be faithful just to be rock solid in that for years and years you guys have been faithful in the midst of very shaky places and unstable things and that you've dealt with the onslaught of criticism you've dealt with the onslaught of people thinking this or thinking that or just you know people just getting in your business and it wasn't none of their business you've been really disappointed with people that you've stood with that fell out and I really feel God's heart towards you with in the things that you've remained faithful and that you could have got so mad and that you could have just said you know what mine it just doesn't make any sense to serve God the way that we do but that doesn't enter in that just doesn't enter in into y'all's hearts that you're like no we are people of God and we're going to serve the Lord have you I think that you I might be losing my mind have you have you recently moved your business are you about to move your business or anything about what what you say you you just got a new building okay I did not know that I give you my word I'm man of God I it's God Almighty as my witness I did not know that of the natural but I do see the Spirit of the Lord moving you into an enlarged place and it's not just about the size of the building it's about the impact and the footprint of influence that you're making and I see you have an influence on I see you have an influence on people who think that they don't have a place in the body of Christ and you're going to show them no no no you're perfect for the kingdom you're perfect for the kingdom and that your job and your workplace is just as much of a ministry as what I'm doing right now that it is a ministry and I believe that you already know that amen and that God says that's your minister you pray over it and you steward it just like I have to stirred this church but I really hear the Lord saying I really and truly do that that you're moving into a sweeter time I mean I just do and as God increases your impact and as he increases your influence that there's been a lot of things that you've always wanted to see happen but you're just like I know that these things can happen and I just really and truly see you move it into place where you're starting to see those things happen and you go you remember we always wanted to see that happen so father Thank You Lord God for bringing the acceleration into their life thank you God for blessing their faithfulness and God it was you who gave them the grace to be faithful and such in such difficult places and God we give you glory and honor and praise over that and I love you and praise you and thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen one last thing if you if you're somebody and just today or this week you have just been you've just been really stressed out I want you to stand up and just like you know what I've just been so stressed out and I just want to be real I want to be vulnerable I'm standing up right now right on there you go right on right on and just like you know I want to just talk to you just tell you there's a the Lord the Lord does not give you or me anxiety anxiety is the result of how we're actually dealing with something it's how we process something and it has to do with our own souls and I wish I could stand up here and tell you oh man listen this brother right here I'm just smooth know now I act smooth I'm mature enough though I'm not very mature I want to start like picking my nose in front of y'all right now I'm not but I act like I I can handle myself as what I'm saying and I tend to handle myself really well and then after it's over with I close the door and just freak out I'm like I can throw a fit after I get out after I get away from these people like that's faking no no no no because how I'm acting affects those people that's serving it's serving and there's a lot of time I just want to tell somebody exactly what I think and I don't because I think you don't want this person is just having a bad day and it ain't gonna mean nothing to me tomorrow but if I give them a bad day they're gonna have a pastor issue for the rest of their life like well that ain't fair I know it's offensive I told you we all deal with those things well you deal with your world too and there's so many things that are not right that should be right and there's so many things that we should know that we don't know so I'm gonna pray a prayer over all of us over those two issues that the things that are not right will become right and you know what that is that's a prayer of justice and the Bible says in Isaiah that your justice will rise as the noonday right that he'll make crooked paths straight and where there's places where there's deficits and where there's places where there's stuff missing that those holes would be filled in but then also to stuff that you just don't know how to deal with this James says that if any of us asks if any of us lacks wisdom we can just ask God and he'll give us wisdom I mean one of the things that God says just ask me for that and I will just give you don't man I'm telling you it's a big deal because because there's a wisdom that that you could tap into and you need to tap into the only problem is it's probably taking about 2,400 years before you tap into that and since you're not gonna be breathe in Texas air for the next two thousand four hundred years and since you're here for a short time you just got to ask him and he'll just subvert all that time that it takes to finally get there and he knows that he's very aware of your timeline okay so so I'm gonna I'm gonna pray father God sir we repent we repent Lord God Almighty surfer being stressed out and freaked out and balled up and shut down and finally got sir you have not invited us into next level stuff to kill us and you've also not invited us in the next level stuff for us to run away from you so Lord God Almighty we say thank you thank you God for bringing us out of the nosebleed section and putting us into the game where it's much more stressful there's a lot more on the line we're not being entertained this is real we have to make this thing work we say thank you for that thank you thank you now God I pray sir that you would indeed forgive us for our stress and our anxiety and god I want to pray God specifically to different areas in the places where things are wrong that need to be righted I pray God for redemption for every single person here god that's having issues with the Internal Revenue Service I pray father got sir for miraculous things to happen very very very quickly for every single person here Lord God that is dealing with big time family issues and just the just the the perpetual loop of the same problem over and over and over and over and over again a pray God for Redemption God bring Redemption into that make the crooked places straight where there's dark let there be light I pray father God sir for victory in those areas God where we are desperately needing your victory and Lord God for the places God that we have anxiety because we don't know and we want to know and we need to know and we can't figure out how to know well Jesus we stand up on your word and we ask you for that God we stand upon the New Testament which is the book of James that says God that you will dish it out liberally that you'll give us a fifty-pound ahead when it comes to those kinds of things and Lord God we lean upon the Old Testament then Jeremiah 33:3 of three three three verse God where your word says call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things that you just don't know so god I pray God this three three three prayer show me show us Lord God Almighty tell us put it in our mind put it in our spirit God I know it might take centuries for us to finally come to the conclusion of that I pray father God sir that you just reach all the way into that time for him and drag it back into the right now and drop it down into our spirits Lord God do that for us King Jesus God I know that there are things that if we knew it it would change absolutely everything and I pray God for that kind of supernatural knowledge now I speak rest and peace over every single one of us Thank You King Jesus that you have sealed our instruction and tonight is a night of dreaming for us thank you and I love you and praise you and thank you God in Jesus name or about here sir together amen hallelujah guys let's give the Lord a great big praise amen man I need of lead guitar right now okay want a somebody stand up
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 17,040
Rating: 4.9265308 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: oNVvqpHwdGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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