Rev. Josh Herring - Lucifer Exposed

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Isaiah 14:12 through 15 and Ezekiel 28 verse 2 and then verses 11 to 17 I felt this one all week long keep trying to shake it off try to shake it off all day went through I don't know how many messages today in prayer going through the notes but the Lord would not let me leave this one Isaiah 14:12 how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which tits weakened the nation's without us said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit that was pretty quick Ezekiel chapter 28 verse number 2 4 and then verse 11 to 17 son of man say into the Prince of Tyrus thus saith the Lord God because thine heart is lifted up and now has said I am a God sounds familiar doesn't it I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the Seas if thou art a man and not God though thou set thine heart as the heart of God verse 11 moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say unto Him thus saith the Lord God thou seal us up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty thou has been an art and eat in the garden of God and every precious stone was thy covering the Sarge's topaz and the diamond the Beryl the Onyx and the jasper a sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and the gold workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the day that thou was created thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set thee so that was the pawn the holy mountain of God thou has walked up and down the midst the stones of fire that was perfect in thy way from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and now as sin therefore I will cast thee as profane of the mountain of God and I will destroy the old covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire verse 17 thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty that was corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy bright nasai will cast me to the ground I will lay thee before Kings that they may behold me thee now some of you're probably thinking what in the world is he reading that for on Friday night and I want to preach to you from the subject Lucifer exposed Lucifer exposed like Bishop said early it doesn't matter what the need is tonight the Lord can deliver you from whatever it is or whoever it is that's binding you but before I even dare preach we need to change the atmosphere a little bit right now so we want to step in a little bit of worship that's all right so grab your neighbor by the hand if you would and just begin to pray with me that God would do his will in their life and in your life tonight that God would speak individually like he never has by the authority the Word of God released that word into our spirit released an anointing into our life we worship you and praise you have your way right now change the atmosphere right now I take authority over any spirit that would hinder a breakthrough in any household any marriage any situation spiritually physically financially emotionally grab your weight tonight we pray in the name of Jesus would you clap your hands the Lord one more time and which you worship the Lord one more time God is in the house and something's gonna happen for you in Jesus name I five your neighbor and tell them let's roll you may be seated oftentimes what we deal with in the physical is something that's already manifested in the spiritual for instance this world physically that you live in nothing happened physically until the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters and God said let there be light and physical light erupted because of a spiritual move of calm there's all kind of verses in the Bible that prove things physically happened due to a move of the Spirit of God job said I am Who I am because the breath of the almighty have made me the Spirit of God has given me life so I am Who I am physically because of something that took place spiritually David said created me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me if you deal with my spirit the other issues I'm dealing with willful dominoe and you'll take care of them Jesus Christ could not physically die until he said father into thy hands I commend my spirit and when he released his spirit then his physical body followed after and died what are you saying what you see is not always what you see what you hear is not always what you hear sin is the result of spiritual failure someone might be physically committing sin but if they are there's been a spiritual failure it's taking place well before the physical sin took place in other words you can blame Adam and you can blame Eve for what you struggle with now but before Eve ever ate an apple there was a spiritual sin that took place on the earth when an angel known as Lucifer said I'm gonna be like God and he released spiritual said in the earth and now physical sin follows spiritual exposure what you see and what you hear is not always what you see in here a carnal person can walk into a church service and the preacher preaches right to them and the carnal person will walk up and say it's like you know my life were you in my house today did you hear what I was going through it's like you know everything about and they'll praise the physical vessel the preacher it was never the preacher a spiritual person knows that that preacher is a physical vessel that the Spirit of God is flowing through to get to the circumstance so let me just say this when you're dealing with people in situations if we are caught up in the carnal we're not always connected to what's really going on in the spiritual your wife is not your enemy your son is not your enemy the enemy is trying to divide you from your son but he's not the enemy and sometimes we get confused and we think the person causing the problem is the adversary that's not how it works at all it's amazing out Jesus knew this before we did it's him it blows my mind he actually know these things remember when Peter and the disciples were around him and he said who do men say that I am and Peter said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and he said flesh and blood physical had not revealed this to you but my father spiritual which is in heaven and then six verses later Peter is rebuking Jesus and Jesus says get thee behind me Satan now six verses earlier he said the father speaking through you and now he's saying the devil speaking through you he knew Peter wasn't the father he knew Peter wasn't the devil but he knew the source of the words coming out of Peters mouth and we've got to be careful when the enemy starts talking in our house that we understand that's a spirit trying to divide what God is trying to heal I've been praying remember when the devil attack job and he comes to reports to God and God said how'd it go and the devil said well and he's still praising you but you you let me touch his body he'll curse you to your face and God sees God he's holding on this integrity in DC yeah but you let me touch his body he'll curse you to your face go ahead here he comes down strikes job's body here comes job's wife this house still retained nine integrity why does she care about integrity she's not the one talking joe said in fact you talk like a foolish woman I see you but the words that are coming to me through you I don't recognize that being you that's a spirit that's in this house oh I'm coming to you tonight no matter where you are it is time to make sure that even if you can break through sin here if Hale is allowed in your house nothing really matters you've gotta make sure that if it's shouting time in here I'm gonna shout at home too I've got the same anointing in my house that I do in the altar why are you saying all that because in our text Ezekiel is listening to God in God so there's this Prince of Tyrus who was a king um it rules the Taira City and the Phoenician Coast the Mediterranean Sea this city this king of Tyrus known as the Prince of Tyrus he is starting to open his mouth and say stuff like I am a God I sit in the seat of God I'm gonna do this and so he said mark him but then he says stop talking to this Prince of Tyrus talk to the king of Tyrus not a man and he begins to describe Lucifer before he was the devil buckle your seatbelts Church is beginning now and he begins to describe what the enemy that you fight every day what he was and who he was and what he did before he was cast out of heaven number one the first thing about the devil you have to know when he was made as an angel he sealed up the sum and the Bible said he was full of wisdom I hear people sell them with a devil so dumb no you're dumb anyone that says the devil is dumb and ignorant just ignore them now his wisdom is perverted / polluted corrupted but if you think he's dumb they're crazy he watches humans for a living if you've never smoked a cigarette and he tries to make a drug deal with you in the parking lot after church that would be dumb quiet tonight we preach on shout and miracles we'll all dance if if you've never tasted alcohol I'm pretty sure after church tonight you're not going to the club on the way home but he watches the thing that you do struggle with that's why you can get the Holy Ghost and wonder why you're still struggling it's only ghost gives you power over it but the devil will come check the lock every once in a while to see are you living what that Holy Ghost is inside oh it's fun well I don't smoke and I don't drink and I don't chew and I don't fornicatin I don't worship she put that in there so well he's not hitting me I don't do any of those things but let's just disco a little deeper here maybe you don't smoke and maybe you've never drank and he's never bothered you there maybe you're the one that can't stop talking about everybody in church and guess what if you're the one that talks about everybody he's gonna always show you stuff going wrong to talk about y'all aren't shouting some on priest like I'm at home right now and when he finds something that stirs you up in the flesh or stirs me up in the flesh that's the doorway he'll always try to come through until I prove to him no matter what you try that door is locked if you're always gossiping about your neighbor it's time tonight to get delivered from what your tongue is trying to kill well I I don't talk I don't talk about people I just I just type it you keyboard ninja you warrior you beast you you mighty vicious coward because if the enemy can do something if he understands that the only thing I've got to do to keep Josh from reading his Bible is to get him on his phone scrolling through social media 9 hours a day then guess what he'll bring the phone and social media it's quiet in here right now 9 hours a day to keep me from walking in the spirit somebody needs to shut the lion's mouth tonight it's I'm ready for revival in myself in my walk with God in my mind [Applause] he's full of wisdom he brings to you where he's watched you fail if he sees a pattern of failure that's where he continually comes that's why you have to know where you're fallen and be honest and be real and said I can't allow myself to get near that or get near this other people might be fine with it but if you know that's the doorway that trips you up don't act like you're all fat in the flesh jesus said flesh is flesh you can dress it up all you want to your still flesh everyone in this building I don't how long your dress is how nice your suit is flesh is flesh and we all need the Spirit of God good super life he's wise but you serve the king of glory who pulls you out of darkness and pulls you out of fear and pulls you out of your mass you can't fight on your own but if you get God in the fight anything is possible [Music] somebody clap your hands and worship the king hmm full of wisdom and ready perfect in beauty why do you feel one way in the altar and another way at the mall it's good it's good preaching why do you feel self-esteem in here and insecurity out there because there's a demon there's a devil who was made perfect in beauty when we picture a person it wasn't a person it was a spirit that God covered in diamonds in gold and sapphires all these different different emeralds and jewels covered him he was perfect in beauty and so he tells this church he tells the world he tells everyone that it's beautiful it's beauty that's important more than what God did it on the inside it's what matters on the outside and he'll said I believe it matters on the outside God's Way but I think the devil tries to come to people and attack their faith and attack their joy and attack their peace because of something that they can't fix physically listen to me God made you in His image and if God thinks you're beautiful and if God thinks you're perfect then you ought to praise God for what he did in your life who cares what that guy thinks who cares what that girl thinks the Lord made you the way what the Lord made you in fact if you keep reading Isaiah 14 you'll find out what the devil is gonna look like in his future a garment that's been trampled over and putting a sword thread and hit a bloody mess he don't want to talk to you about that all right let's go deeper he was perfect in beauty and he said the workmanship of his tablets and of his pipes was prepared in him the day he was created it wasn't that he could play the tablets of tambourine it wasn't he could play the tambourine and it wasn't that he could play the pipe organ which is what pipes is in the Hebrew it was that he was the tambourine and he was an organ and so when Lucifer opened his mouth the sound of music came out and that started going to his head in fact the word said he was corrupted by the reason of his brightness here's what happened you ready every time he started showing off and singing and playing all those jewels although sapphires would light up heaven and he thought he was lighting up heaven he wasn't the light he was reflecting the light he was never the Sun he was the moon and when you think that you're the thing that everybody needs and everybody should listen to you've stepped in alignment with Lucifer and you're no longer reflecting the true light you're trying to think you are the light we can't have revival if there's pride deep in our spirits that we're better than everybody else and everyone needs us if it had not been for the mercy of God can I get a witness in here everybody in this building would be on their way to hell right now but the mercy broke darkness but he would play the tambourine he would be the Tim he would be the organ and I've got a little point for you most people don't preach or believe but it's true when Lucifer got kicked out of heaven you'll never find the issue the Bible after that were angels ever sang again oh he's wrong hark the herald angels sing you're wrong it's not the Bible it said the Angels said but you won't find angels singing and playing when Lucifer and the choir got kicked out why do you think on a Friday night after working all day and you feel nothing you come in here and you're exhausted and you're worn out and you're tired and they start singing it and they start playing it about the reckless love of God and it starts to get to you and you start to raise your head and you feel care what do you feel say what your feeling you're feeling heaven looking down in the atmosphere because what's going on in here is what used to go on up he said I'll give you a song that the Angels cannot sing so when you sing to God and you praise Him it moves heaven that's why I don't like to sit by non worshipers this worse it moves heaven and non worship moves hell oh I wish I had a witness right there worshipers will stir up heaven in the atmosphere and non worshipers will loose demons in the atmosphere remember when they beat Paul half to death beat his back feet his legs bound his hands and bound his mouth his feet the one thing they forgot to do was find his mouth and they said you're dying tomorrow and Paul said I feel like singing and God said if he's gonna sing I'm gonna move in the atmosphere cuz I can't reject it when somebody hope I was somebody in this house with a hole it goes what gets your song back what gets your joy back what get your faith back [Applause] Isaiah said say go parrot don't have a miracle yet but I got a song and if I can sing I'll find the miracle that's what hell hates it wouldn't he beat you half there and you're coming the house of God and you're tired and you're weary and you're exhausted but you say if I'm in his house I'm giving him praise if I'm in the atmosphere I'm glorifying him I'm exhausting him he's so good to me I found most to you but for the few of you that don't sing in here but sing to every song on the radio oh it's quiet now y'all should have ran him into the guy if you know every song authorized by the world and will sing with that but won't sing in here guess who you're praising take it or leave it I'm preaching right to you well I just laugh the way that beat makes me want to dance yeah it's called a sensual spirit I got one a man and a burp on that I'm still in the Holy Ghost that's amazing how the devil will try to convince you that no matter what goes on the house of God give your ears to him as soon as you get in the car as soon as you get to the store as soon as you put your headphones in and the only reason why some people don't worship God in here is because they filled their mind out there with other stuff from the world and they don't feel anything I feel like preaching mom dad if you're wondering why your 16 year old son doesn't feel anything at church but they play video games twenty eight hours a day and there's fighting and murder and there's drug deals on the video game and you're wondering why they don't feel like worshiping there's a demon in the bedroom that you need to get out of the room so the kid can feel [Applause] here's the director of a horror movie now that Mustafa Pritchard director of a horror movie remake some more movie more so kid I guess the been 20 30 years ago and demons came out of screen and they remade that of years ago and the director of the movie in the USA Today said the television screen is a portal to the spirit world in people's homes oh it's quiet now Steve Steve Gallagher intoxicated with Babylon said in his book that the average American sees 9000 sexual scenes a year you can't see that and wonder why you're struggling sir priest says we were going in revival not just think you pray people through this church is going into revival I feel the Holy Ghost right now you can't watch 46 hours of crime shows and wonder why you've got anger the next day some of you are mad at me right now because I'm near your devil I'm not talking about your screen but when you let stuff get in the house I can remember that old I'm only 30 610 years ago if you preach about angels and devils everybody was on the edge of their seat now you preaching about angels and devils people will fall asleep on you you know why they're used to the demonic world in their home but if you will sledge something on that screen and you knew three hours later it was walking up your stairs and into your kids bedroom you wouldn't let that thing I'm not crazy and I'm not mad I'm apostolic as it gets we need an apostolic revival that makes hell get out of our house you know mashallah my hire somebody praise the Lord right now I feel anointing breaking things outside these walls I dare say it but most people go to the altar about everything except the thing that they should be going up the altar about you preach financial blessings the altar will be full preach Holy Ghost and we do it the altar will be full preach miracles altar will be full preach deliverance from stuff in your purse or on your phone cuz real deliverance will get where you think you don't need it but it's gonna get I remember most I remember in Tampa Rashida's before he took before he went to brother David at his victory Church there was a Sunday morning was Halloween and we had crazy chirps and he gets up you know he's wild he's he said he says tonight's deliverance night he said Josh preach deliverance I said okay usually I hear from God whatever help he said it's okay he said he said and if you've got anything in your house that could be a signal to the devil to come in bring it tonight and lay it on the altar he said go through your house today because stuff in your house can send out signals to demon you're welcome here the right there there's a reason they're called unclean spirits I could start right there so sue it so that night people were bringing trash bags one guy had his trash bag duct-taped like everybody was wanting to know what why did you duct-tape it bro like there must be some bad stuff and so and so there was a young man right here sitting on the front row basketball shorts basketball shoes t-shirt about 22 had a tambourine set there the entire church service all through song terms and if you can sit through a CD leading the song service you need the Holy Ghost and her she's going crazy and I get up it to read my text and as soon as I stand is quiet he starts playing his tambourine I'm all for the tambourine if you can play the tambourine mm-hmm there are some people that think they're anointed to play from the Pew anyway if that's you that's awesome praise God lord help us if it helped you anyway and he starts playing tambourine and I think I'm like no big deal no big deal maybe he just doesn't know and then I preach a little bit people would get up and clap their hands and shout and he'd sit there and then as soon as he would die down he'd stand up again and I'm like no big deal okay and I kissed sister father I come off the platform of trying to make a porn on deliverance and I come down to the front and I'm like God can do anything God can deliver you and I'm right up here and he comes around me in a circle and does this kind of a big deal oh my god let me have mercy no mercy and he's just he's circling me I said okay God hands her fist what you want me to do I I'm from Alaska so we just what ever had and so I'm ignoring it and I'm preaching and I try to get my way back in the back there was an aisle in middle and I'm preaching to God can deliver you and apparently he takes off running I didn't see him and he's running around the sanctuary and I'm preaching God wants to deliver you revivals about to break out in this church that hell can't stop no matter what spirits are in here I'm coming after him and God's gonna break this thing and everything's gonna happen we're going to Anu and WHAM he hits me from behind with his tambourine running full-speed and I grabbed his tan iced shortstop I grabbed his tambourine and I threw it a long way I said stop it he looked at me and he bolted out the back door and as soon as he ran out the back door this girl came to the altar speaking in tongues dumping pills out on the altar I said who's that rich he said that's my number-one soul winner but she got hooked on meds and she doesn't want anybody and all of a sudden Bishop I've never seen him delivering serves like that people were bringing stuff to the altar one lady through a makeup bag the size of this pulpit I'm like Oh what do you really look like set me free I'm not sure we want you so you can either love me or hate me there's two crowds since fine they're all over the world so so all this stuff I mean people weren't getting laptops and going in their car getting CDs it was crazy and it went in one moment I've never seen it before in America we pray to prayer of faith that everybody was slain the spirit on the floor hundreds of people speaking in tongues I said this is real deliverance real deliverance and so church ended and my wife walks up to me and she says you know you should apologize to that kid with the tambourine I was like I don't see him so you know he ran out the back door said yeah I don't see him so I walk out the back door Bishop walk across the little parking lot to his little office area head there walk in the office pastor Collins had that door with his office in a little window in it and I look in the window and that kids in there telling on me there were the Collins I just say it like this where I come from snitches get stitches that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying there's only one door out bro I'm not going anywhere I'll move my family in this lobby he comes out that door I said I won't talk to you so I won't talk to you Tyson tell you better talk fast babe babe Holy Ghost remember Holy Ghost he said before you say anything I want you to know I know you're a real man of God I said why do you know that he said because I told myself if he's a real man of God he'll take my tambourine from me I said what and then he says yeah I'm a drag queen from a gay club and I was sent here tonight I said Satan sent you here he smirked that man I said there must be a big revival coming I said what you don't know is kid greater is He that's in me than he that's in you he smirked again and laughed full of devils didn't want to be delivered I said keep laughing you're headed to prison with what you're doing went to prison three months later but I told that kid I said you hear me that's a signal to me that revivals about to break out in this church the next time I went back there in one service 83 people were filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost the next time 85 people were filled with the Holy Ghost revival broke out when you really want revival you'll kick the devil out of your house you'll get him away from your marriage get him away from your kid stand right now I feel like going after it right now [Applause] that that breakthrough that you need is in this room right now stop putting it off stop shouting and still been addicted it's not the will of God for you to get temporary touches and go back to the sin every time and thank God's a liar God's not a liar you have to want real deliver you've got to make up your mind I want to be set free from whatever it here's the reason why some people don't get set free they love the sin no matter when I preach it what Bishop and he's got all the authority in the world but it doesn't matter what we preach if someone doesn't want to be delivered they're not going to get delivered but on the opposite is true also if someone comes in here with more Devils than you can imagine with a past greater than everybody else in the building combined if they want to be free there's not a devil in hell or a person in the building that can keep them from being set free turn to your neighbor and tell them deliverance is in this room right now it's for your house for your mind for your marriage for your teenager for everything I feel the Holy Ghost it doesn't matter what the devil is trying to do the breakthrough that you need is in this room right now somebody's going to be a soul winning terrace tomorrow morning in our reach just tonight the chains are coming off and they're gonna make up their mind I'm gonna be as bold as I'm gonna be as bold as that you know why some you don't come to outreach you're chained up by fear you can sugarcoat with all the excuses you want you're chained up by fear you're afraid to talk to people out in public that's why you act one way in here and your undercover agent out there listen to me tonight need to break that fear off of you we're going with you there's nothing to be afraid of the Lord is going with us it's time for revival to break out [Applause] is there about to do about to all come to the altar we're about to all come the old if you've never received the Holy Ghost tonight's your night you're gonna be free from whatever the devil is doing to you God's gonna fill you with his spirit if you're bound by drugs or pornography or alcohol whatever it is tonight's your night to make those chains die in the fire of the altar that's why I tell people get as close as you can guess the fire is up here and when you get near fire snakes die where you getting the fire demons tremble when you get in the fire addictions go down and stay down who's ready for a move of God tonight Shaco top ahsha you
Channel: Dallas First Church
Views: 27,372
Rating: 4.9125681 out of 5
Id: 9xLl8cPQbgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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