Where Is God? - Victor Jackson

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[Music] and welcome to the pentecostals of deland sunday morning service before service starts we have a few announcements we have a kids service this friday at 7 p.m at the church [Music] next sunday is our church picnic at gemiini springs immediately after the morning service head on over to gemini springs for a great time bring your own food bring your own lawn chairs bring your own drinks and bring a smiling face ladies conference is right around the corner april 22 to the 24th enjoy the service [Music] [Music] they say these chains will never break [Music] but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never change [Music] they haven't seen what you can do [Music] so much power in your name so much foreign [Music] how do we [Music] no matter what there is [Music] bring thee yes um yes [Music] we glory [Music] [Music] we trust in you [Music] we trust in you every [Music] say he's trusting you god you have the final thing we trust you [Applause] [Laughter] me [Music] [Music] yes we do jesus we believe because you said it you said it i believe you said it is you said it it is is it is [Music] yes we we do [Music] miles [Music] inside he's a pain taker [Music] where there's a better life if you need freedom or savior he's a [Music] do you know the chain breaker this morning we you need freedom you need [Music] oh yeah yeah but there's a better life you need freedom [Music] jesus if you believe it if you receive it if you can feel it somebody [Music] somebody testify [Laughter] somebody testify [Music] he's awake [Music] [Music] if you need freedom if you need freedom or save it he's a prisoner shaking or if he's not changed he's a chair breaker got on the fly i said i said i'm gonna do whatever it takes to make sure i get to the land no hurricane stopping me no pandemic stopping me i'm gonna get here and uh so i landed at seven o'clock this morning praise god [Music] amen and uh amen and so i'm just i'm ready to go i'm ready to go amen and so i'm fueled you know my calling fuels me and uh what a privilege it is to be here why don't we all stand for the reading of the word of the lord i'm so thankful for uh pastor hires and his wife and family uh their example uh in the florida district and beyond their example to me and my wife an example of faithfulness and commitment to this wonderful message and they love people and i'm so thankful for their kindness over the years they have been overwhelmingly kind to me and my wife and we love and appreciate them and as we travel they've got family in wisconsin get to go see them i was actually just in memphis and i saw uh holly hires i saw her uh there and she didn't think i remembered her or anything and i hadn't been there in like three four years but i was in the pool but i was like oh holly what's going on i was like you're you're married now you and jimmy what it was in the front of everybody she was just like just smiling i was like that's florida blood right there i said that's my i said that's my family right there [Applause] amen and uh the impact that this church has had on so many great ministries brother uh baptists and so many people out of this church that are being such a blessing to the body and we love and appreciate them give honor to my beautiful wife louisa and my son james asher uh let's get into this aren't you just happy to just see people you ever thought you'd be grateful for that like the pandemic just made us grateful for the little things you know i'm just you wake up and you're like man i thank god for my lungs you know it's just [Music] you know it's like when you go through the storm you just start thinking god for just stuff you never thanked them for you you never used to even think about your lungs covert hit you're like amen feeling good praise god uh job chapter 23 job chapter 23 and verse 8 and i pray that i can be a blessing to you this morning i'm excited to have the opportunity to preach this evening and man i'm just so i'm telling you i'd have fought a lion or a bear to get here this morning i'm telling i was i set my face like a flint if anybody tried to stand in my way i was going to tackle them come on somebody oh i'm serious guys and uh i'm so so happy that god worked it out and uh let's get into the word of god job chapter 23 and verse 8. job chapter 23 and verse 8. behold i go forward but he is not there and backward but i cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but i cannot behold him he hideth himself on the right hand that i cannot see him but he knoweth the way that i take when he had tried me i shall come forth as gold my foot hath held his steps my his way have i kept and i have not declined neither have i gone back from the commandment of his lips i have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food but he is of one mind and who can turn him and what his soul desire is even that he doeth last scripture verse 14 for he performeth the thing that is appointed for me and many such things are with him i draw my thought out of verse 8 9 when he said i go forward but he is not there and backward but i cannot perceive him on the left hand where he does work i want to preach on that subject and this crisis that job is in on the subject where is god where is god uh why don't you lay your bibles down everyone close your eyes and lift up your hands and let's ask god to speak in this house lord jesus i thank you for your people i thank you for the hunger that i feel in this place what a sincerity and desire that i fill in this house god i pray that you would release a blessing let the power of god fall on them in a special way let the church be edified lives be touched by the anointing of the holy ghost in jesus name amen can you clap your hands to the lord praise god amen hallelujah amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord thank you so much to this wonderful choir uh the worship team and carell thank you for leading us into the presence of god give honor to the media team who i've been calling the heroes of the hour spending so many hours behind the scenes throughout this pandemic working hard thank you so much for your help where is god job he was a perfect man he was a man that was upright he hated evil he loved god the bible says that he sacrificed to god 10 times a day 10 times a day he entered into the presence of god and he sacrificed to god he had a love for god he had a passion for the things of god unbeknownst to him his sacrifices his faithfulness his commitment got the attention of heaven and they began to have a meeting they began to discuss the life of job and satan shows up and god looks at satan and says have you considered my servant job there's no man like him in the earth and satan says take everything that he has and he'll curse you to your face and all of a sudden in one day job loses everything he loses his reputation he loses his family he loses his his livestock he loses his money and the first thing he did was worship now the question is how can you worship when you've lost everything it's because he didn't lose everything he still had his relationship with god and his relationship with god was sufficient when everything that was taken away from him he could still stand up and lift up his hands and say blessed be the name of the lord because if i have him i've got everything and if i don't have him i've got nothing come on somebody he got a revelation [Applause] ah whoo that that's what got him up on his feet that he had uh a relationship with god and there what do you do with a man when you take everything from from him and he still has a commitment and a devotion to god his trust wasn't in his money his trust wasn't in his reputation his trust wasn't in his family his trust was rooted and founded in the presence of god after that happened god said look look at job he he still holds on to his integrity and satan said skin for skin all that a man has will he give for his life touch his body and he'll curse you to your face the last trial that job went through was how he responded when his health was threatened my god you're going to throw me out of here this morning crazy how he responded when his health was threatened and job is now overwhelmed with boils with the disease that that had never happened before we've never seen that before and he still worships god the devil doesn't know what to do with somebody that even when your health is threatened and the world is in fear come on somebody if you gotta worship him in your kitchen you're still worshiping him in the [Applause] you don't care if you had to watch service online come on somebody you are cooking beans in the kitchen come on listen in the pastor say amen preach it he doesn't know what to do with somebody that will not stop worshiping god [Applause] he loses everything loses his health loses everyone close to him and his friends come and try to accuse him saying there's something you did wrong to deserve this after several chapters of them debating with him talking about how somehow there's some sin in his life for this to happen all in a single day losing everything finally job confesses and says behold i go forward but he is not there and backward but i cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but i cannot behold him he hideth himself on the right hand that i cannot see him while job is in the middle of this tragedy he begins to lift up his voice to heaven where is god where is god when i'm losing people that i love where is god when i'm battling with depression and anxiety in the midnight hour where is god while i when my kids are suffering and i cannot console them where is where i'm battling fear and i'm battling worry and i don't know what's going on in my where is god when i lost my job that i gave my life to where is god when i can't hear anything where is god when we go through a battle when we go through a storm and it seems like heaven is silent and we think that we are forsaken and we cry out god where are you they told me that you were real they told me that you loved this they told me that you speak out of heaven but i can't hear nothing where are you when i'm in the middle of this pit in my life where is god job asked that question he goes i'll go forward he's not there behind i can't find him no matter what i do uh nothing alleviates the pain where is god he was looking for god he was looking for god on the right hand he was waiting for the right hand of god to come into the middle of his storm and turn everything around he was waiting anxiously waiting for the right hand to split the sky and begin to answer prayers and begin to turn around what the devil meant for evil and turn it around for good he was waiting on the right hand of god to come in and turn some things around he was looking for the right hand of god now you have to understand that god is a spirit which means god doesn't have a physical right hand he's a spirit that he but he uses anthropomorphic terms or human terms that men can understand to relate to him so we can't really understand the incredible splendor and majesty of god so he reduces himself down to human terms that you might have access to understanding what he can do for you what am i saying you just tell god and say god you're good he's like boy you're not even close you say god you're awesome he's like no you're not even close i am greater than good i am greater than awesome i am greater than anything that you can say about [Applause] uh god is so transcendent and so infinite that he has to give you language come on he he relates to you in terms that you understand if you're a construction worker god will speak to you through the construction site if you are a banker god will speak to you through the numbers uh if you're a gangster god's like yo you want the holy ghost [Applause] you serve a god that's willing to come down where you are and give you an understanding and revelation of what he can you don't have to know the whole bible come on somebody you don't have to know all the theological concepts for god to come down and give you an understanding [Music] [Applause] amen amen amen so when he says the right hand and the ancient near eastern custom the right hand it means authority it means dominion it means preeminence everybody wanted the right hand and the ancient near eastern custom they would use the right hand to speak the blessing over their eldest where they would receive the inheritance of the family everybody wanted the right hand because it was the right hand where god released blessing and the right hand that blessing was released to the next generation as a matter of fact the right hand was so important that when joseph saw his father jacob bless his two sons that that jacob put his right hand on the youngest son he wasn't supposed to do that he was supposed to put it on the oldest son manasseh but he put the right hand on ephraim the youngest and put the left hand on the oldest and he began to pray over them joseph was so angry that he put the right hand on the wrong son he interrupted the blessing process and he said stop put the right hand on the oldest who he was willing to fight for the right hand everybody wanted the right hand when it says in the new testament that jesus has set down at the right hand of god it doesn't mean he is sitting on a physical right hand it means that he is sitting in the place of authority he is sitting in the place of preeminence that he is the only potentate and what it's saying is that jesus is sitting now meaning his work at calvary is finished that he never has to be pierced for us again because the battle has already won come on somebody [Applause] he sits down at the right hand of god because the work is finished come on your healing is already settled in heaven come on everything's already settled in heaven he sat down at the right hand of god and that's the problem when we're going through a storm we're always looking for his right hand to come in and just change everything and we get discouraged when we can't find him job said behold i go forward but he is not there and backward but i cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but i cannot behold him when you cannot see god moving on the right hand it means that he's already working with the left hand y'all gonna make me preach here this morning the right hand is the result the left hand is the process the right hand is what god does in your situation externally the left hand is what god is doing in your situation internally the right hand of god is when god brings his power with the left hand of god it's when god is developing character [Music] [Applause] uh and when we can't see him it doesn't mean that he's not working and you're waiting for him to turn your life around and turn everything around and you get discouraged that it hasn't turned yet but if you will look closely at your spirit you're gonna see the left hand of god beginning to do something in your heart he's beginning to take the pride out of you he's beginning to take the doubt out of you he's beginning to develop a character on the inside of you come on somebody [Applause] with the left hand he is purging your spirit come on somebody is taking bitterness out of your spirit he is taking unforgiveness out of your spirit he is taking it out of your spirit with the left and he will not reveal the right until you survive the process on the left [Applause] and he hides the right hand of power until he's done working with the left so i gotta get this out of you if i give you the blessing of the right hand right now it would destroy you so i'm going to use the left hand to posture you to get you in a position come on holy ghost where you can handle the blessing it not go to your head [Applause] when god shows the right hand too soon and people get blessed they just walk out real quick like god ain't done nothing right now jesus i'ma let you in and do a little something uh it's gonna hurt a little bit damn oh lord but this is for you this ain't for me come on you the one that want to be blessed and go to a higher level okay well just lay down for a minute and let me work on your spirit and get you in a position where you can handle it [Applause] he hides the right until he's done working on the left and we see in the life of job that he was a perfect man he was an upright man but the problem with job was that he knew he was perfect that was the problem he knew that he was a good man and when his friends began to accuse him something arises out of the heart of job that we didn't see at the beginning of his life in job chapter 1. look what it says after his friends question him look what comes out of his heart job chapter 13 verse 1. job chapter 13 verse 1 and 2. look what it says it says lo mine i have seen all this mine ear hath heard and understood it look what he says what you know the same do i know also i am not inferior to you there was a pride that came to the surface he felt like he was better than everybody and god said i cannot release the double blessing when you're in that position so i'm gonna use the left hand to begin to work some stuff out of your spirit and when i'm done working you're going to be in the right posture for me to reveal the right hand and finally after 38 chapters of questioning and doubts and him justifying himself before god god eclipsed his pride with his own greatness and said job can you make snow where did the sun come from job can you bring leviathan out with a hook how do you make an icicle you know what job said lord you know all things i don't know anything and he repented in the ashes and he prayed for his friends and god said now you're in the right position and then all of a sudden the right hand came down on job's life and god gave him twice as much as he had before come on somebody when you cannot see god working it means he is developing something on the inside of you to get you ready for a right oh somebody clap your hands if you believe that [Applause] amen we don't but but honestly we we don't like the left hand because god be convicting y'all god be convicted because when that left hand is working come on before the left hand work you know before covet when somebody put a post on social media that you didn't like you'd be like let's go and then you walk away so yeah you better not say now and then you hear ding i know you didn't respond you want more of this well you as a keyboard warrior come on somebody you got your black belt in keyboard and it was bad that the boy he was eloquent with it too like you you talk like you don't even finish like sentences in real life but on the keyboard bro you you type in the essay uh poetically i disagree the way you paraphrased it i didn't really agree with it and all the evidence is pointing to your lack of intellect and [Applause] uh but but but when the left hand started working help me holy ghost and god starts ministering into your spirit you see that post that you don't like and you're like oh god oh i want to respond so bad i want to i ain't going to do it the lord working on me i ain't going to do it i but but no but they're going to think i'm weak though they don't think i'm weak about let me just scroll past no but no but they saying that for me though they saying that for they didn't name me but there's something about a conversation we had two and a half years ago and it seems like but you know what you're saying i'm not gonna get entangled with it because i know a right hand's coming and i'm not gonna step out of position come on somebody and go through a cycle again come on somebody i'm gonna hold on to god come on i'm not gonna get entangled with the affairs of come on holy ghost because there's a right hand that's coming on my family okay can i i got to help somebody here you know i got to give you a revelation that bitterness is a seducing spirit can i teach you how it works help me lord boy i'm about to run in this place help me ah lord help me ah okay i'm trying to hold it in y'all i'm trying i'm about to let it out hallelujah i'm just uh bitterness is a seducing spirit because when you find out that someone is bitter at you for no reason you ain't done nothing and they mad they bitter at you and when you find out they're bitter at you and they all treating you funny come on somebody you start getting bitter at them for being bitter at you and what bitterness does is it seduces you out of the place of blessing to retaliate and defend but you're under the spout where the glory pours out but it seduces you out from under the covering [Music] to address some stuff and get entangled and you know what it'll never be resolved because you already lost the battle once you got out of position you've got to learn to stay in position you can talk what you want to talk you can say what you want to say but there's a right hand that's coming on my family and that is more valuable [Music] [Applause] [Music] just stay in position [Applause] humble yourself and just take it the left hand has been working in your heart i come to give you a revelation you thought that you did not grow spiritually over the past year i come to give you revelation you have grown leaps and bounds i'm telling you see you've been condemning yourself because of your outward circumstances that haven't changed yet but the left hand has been creating a tenderness in you you used to not really respond to worship like that come on somebody you oh lord we used to have to beg you to worship come on can you please lift your hands look at you but that left hand after you see enough people die in your family come on somebody after you see enough turmoil going on in the world and you can't answer the questions to everything that's going on in your own mind and spirit the left hand just cultivates a dependency where now we don't have to beg you to lift up your hands anymore you come voluntarily the left hand is what god does internally the right hand is what god does externally this is an important scripture that i want to break down you've heard this scripture before but i want to break it down because i feel like this is important for where the body of christ is uh romans chapter 8 verse 28 wave a hand if i'm helping somebody wave a hand if i'm helping somebody don't you love the word of god word of god's amazing so so where is god when you can't see him turning it around on the right it means he's turning you around on the left and if you don't see god dealing with it it means he's dealing with you all right all right oh lord help me feel like i feel like i've been preaching here every week praise god i missed you guys hallelujah where you all been at hallelujah praise god people look like no where you been at praise god amen romans chapter 8 verse 28 and this is what i call the most misquoted scripture in the bible and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose we we quote that wrong a lot you know how we quote this we quote it we know that all things work together for our good right you notice how we slip ourselves into the text it says all things work together for good i don't like that our good no that's not what it says it says good now here's my question whose definition of good is this because you and i have different definitions of the word good based on our upbringing based on our background based on our experiences we have different definitions of what the word good is if i was homeless my whole life and somebody blessed me with a small shed i'm gonna look at this shed that's very small and i'm gonna say god's good man i got elbow room but if i've been living in a mansion my whole life and i lost everything and you come and bless me with that same shed i'm gonna say this is a curse see we have different different definitions of what the word good means so this is not our definition of good this is god's definition of good the greek word for good there is a gafos which literally means intrinsically good meaning it's what happens on the inside that makes the trial good so the success of a trial is not the outcome is what you become in the trial that makes it successful so even if i lose everything god can use it to make me more like him and if he's not changing my circumstances he's changing me and i'm transformed from the inside out you're becoming something in your frustration you're becoming something in your heartbreak you're becoming something in your loss that's what the next verse says for whom he did for know he also did predestinate to be conformed into the image of his son your trial is conforming you into the image of jesus christ all right all right let's go second corinthians chapter four verse eight second corinthians chapter four verse eight who this book is alive second corinthians chapter four verse eight here it is we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our body for which we which live are always delivered unto death for jesus sake that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh verse 12 here it is so then death worketh in us but life in you and the christian life two things are working simultaneously at the same time and that is death and life on the left hand god is working death on the right hand he's working life on the left hand god is killing some stuff out of your spirit on the right hand he is reviving some stuff in your spirit on the left hand he is destroying some toxic relationships and connections on the right hand he is resurrecting dreams with the left hand he is killing self-sabotaging tendencies on the right hand he is working life if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body you shall live on the left hand god is killing some stuff come on somebody killing everything that will try to sabotage you on the next level killing some toxic connections you have but every time you start getting blessed somebody come out of nowhere come on somebody i started saying remember when we used to always bringing you back down to the old level every time you get a breakthrough you can count on it you got a text waiting on you when you get home oh oh you as a church again huh oh you spiritual oh oh you're gonna just break the the years of addictions that you and your family have suffered with come on your mama was an alcoholic you gonna be an alcoholic your grandma was an alcoholic you gonna come on and they try to bring you down but with the left hand god is delivering you from people oh god in heaven i feel the holy ghost oh jesus [Applause] oh lord on the right hand god works the day shift on the left hand he works the graveyard shift he's burying some stuff he's burying some stuff that would try to sabotage you from experiencing the right hand of power and authority verse 13 we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believe therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore speak knowing that he was raised up the lord jesus shall be raised up also by jesus and shall present us with you for all things are for your sakes that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many we're down to the glory of god for which cause we faint not but though our outward men perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a moment worth it for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen but the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal if you look at your life on the outside it looks like everything's caving in it looks like you have no hope but if you look at the things that are not seen and if you look at the left hand for a moment there is an eternal work that god is doing in you and your family oh i wish somebody would clap your hands if you believe that [Applause] [Music] you can't god's been doing any eternal work you cannot i don't care how long you've been living for god with this in your spirit you cannot go to the next level with bitterness in your spirit that's real talk and that's the beautiful thing about god see you can fool everybody else with how you behave how you doing brother you know you mad at them but you got the church letting go down god bless you sister pray you're good god's looking at you like come on you've been holding on to a grudge for two years you learned to do a christian experience with a grudge in your heart and you think you're fooling everybody but on the inside you've been in a cycle and you know you've been in a cycle you appear to others like oh god's blessing me i'm getting promoted i'm guy's like no i ain't promoting you hello because you can't fool god with that he said until you let me work oh see some people are so discouraged that the right hand isn't coming they're holding god's left hand like this i'm not letting go of that they hurt me i'm not letting go of that and god said until you let me work hello you'll never see what you could be joseph he was given a coat of many colors and it was a code signifying that he was going to be the leader of the tribe it was a coat of many colors but after he went through some pain wicked hands his brothers put him into the pit they sold him into egypt he went into potiphar's house polish wife lied on him he's running off another coat listen he goes into the prison goes into the palace pharaoh gives him a new coat he he he he interprets pharaoh's dreams listen oh god it tells them a famine is coming all of a sudden joseph's brothers come to egypt looking for food in the famine joseph reveals himself to his brethren knowing what they did to them ripping off the coat of many colors let's go to genesis 45 and verse 22. and this is this is just what i'm going to close with musicians could come if you want to come but i want you to hear this genesis 45 and verse 22. look what happens when joseph reveals himself to his brothers after they tore off his coat of many colors look what he does the bible says and to all of them all of his brothers look he gave each man changes of arraignment but the benjamin he gave 300 pieces of silver and five changes of raymond and joseph said you tore off my coat of many colors so i can later give you coats of many colors you put me through a lot of hell you put me through a lot of stuff i never wanted to go through but he said you didn't send me here he said god did and he said and god sent me here to preserve you so you may have tore my coat of many colors thinking that it was going to destroy me but you tore my could of many colors so i could in turn distribute to you and your family coats of many colors what he was saying is there's not a bitter bone in my body i'm not holding any unforgiveness in my heart i survived the left hand and i'm not going to sacrifice the right hand to get even with people that hurt me everyone stand with me i want you to lift up your hands where you are and i want you to make a decision that you're going to let god continue to work on you and your spirit something is going to come out of this pain [Music] something is going to come out of your tears something is going to come out of your suffering you didn't go through it in vain you didn't go through it for nothing you have not been overlooked you have not been forgotten god is posturing you because there's a right hand coming there's gonna be fruit that come out of this i i want you to pray with the person next to you right now i want you to put your hand on their shoulder i want you to grab their hand i want you to close your eyes and i want you to pray over them and tell them something is gonna come out of this you didn't cry for nothing you didn't go through it for nothing you didn't suffer loss for nothing there's a right hand coming you have not been forgotten you have not been broken for no reason come on that's it i feel the holy ghost moving in this house [Music] oh come on i want you to grab that person by the hand and i want you to bring them to the front i want you to come up front i want you to come find a place to pray with your family i want you to come find a place to pray with your friend something's gonna come out of this [Applause] something's coming out of this you didn't cry for nothing you didn't hurt for nothing you didn't suffer loss for nothing there's a miracle that's going to come out of this god didn't forget about you he's been working on the left hand you've been wondering god where are you in my crisis he said i've been working on you and i've been getting you ready because something's coming that's gonna change your world forever [Music] come on after the holy ghost moving in this house i'm putting the bitterness down i'm putting the unforgiveness down because there's an anointing that's coming there's a power that's coming i'm letting it go today come on don't hold your tears back you don't have to hold those tears any longer let it flow there's a right hand that's going to come down [Applause] [Music] come on that's it come on i want you to pray with the person next to you right now and tell them you're gonna come out of this better that you went in come on pray with the person next to you right now and tell them you're gonna come out of this better that you went in you're gonna come out of this with your smile back you're gonna come out of this with your joy back you're gonna come out of this with your anointing back allah [Music] i have been broken [Music] still i will trust you still i will go withholding nothing from you so here i stand with my arms open wide with my hands lifted [Music] [Applause] my soul to you i surrender over to your will i surrender my mind
Channel: Pentecostals of DeLand
Views: 9,059
Rating: 4.9861593 out of 5
Keywords: apostolic, pentecostal, christian, sermon, message, preaching, victor, Jackson, DeLand, Volusia, florida, upc
Id: gL9DnKCs2Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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