Rev. Josh Herring - The Perfect Pattern of Prayer

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I've been waiting to do what the Lord has told me to do tonight for about a week I want to impart something tonight if you I'm not expecting you to shall a lot tonight if you have pens and paper you might want to write a lot tonight and if you don't you might want to watch it or listen to it over and over because we're going to talk about the perfect pattern of Prayer tonight a perfect pattern of Prayer and we're going to go in to prank the tabernacle and I promise you one thing your prayer life if you get a hold of this your prayer life will go through the roof tonight and you'll never be the same again in fact I used to tell this message active tonight I'll never be the same Exodus chapter 25 and Hebrews chapter 8 we're gonna go to Exodus 25 and verses 8 and 9 and then Hebrews chapter 8 verses 3 through 5 exodus 25:8 9 Hebrews 8 3 through 5 I'll be giving you a lot of stuff tonight so just get what you can I can answer questions later or something Exodus 25 verse 8 let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them like he's dwelling among us tonight according to all that I show the after the pattern of the tabernacle someone say the pattern of the tabernacle and that pattern of all the instruments thereof even so shall you make it he brews chapter 8 and verse 3 through 5 Hebrews 8 3 through 5 for every high priest is ordained to offer gifts sacrifices wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer for if he were on earth he should not be a priest seeing that he that there are priests that offered gifts the court the law verse 5 we serve under the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for see saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the Mount I'm going to talk tonight about the perfect pattern of Prayer I want you to get your spirit open so God can help you get prayers answered we're gonna go deep tonight so just get ready look back Lord I pray right now for people to have divine attention I pray that people would be connected to what you're about to impart tonight and that you would take us this atmosphere that we feel we know we're near the Holy of Holies and I pray that this would go home with us tonight and this atmosphere would start to dwell in our houses ito Baraka taya in Jesus name I pray and somebody said Amen you may be seated when you pray you need to have a plan God is organized and it is disrespectful to come to God unorganized in your prayer now there are times we come and we pray desperate prayers obviously but I'm talking about in your daily prayer life if you do not have a plan of how to pray well that's why we're talking tonight but you need to have some kind of plan when approaching God here's why if you just wing it every time you won't breakthrough every time number one you'll fall asleep a lot of the times you'll repeat yourself over and over and you won't get anywhere and you'll pray the same things over and over and there usually be your needs your requests your situations and then you're done so there are different patterns of Prayer you find in the Bible patterns for people the Lord's Prayer for instance and you hear that all the time people praying about our Heavenly Father hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done wait there that's a pattern of Prayer when you take each statement and you pray certain things about that and then the armor of God prayer where you pray the armor of God on your life when it comes to warfare and then the I believe the perfect pattern of prayer is the tabernacle prayer this is a model the tabernacle was what the Lord told Moses to bill in the wilderness as his sanctuary and he would come out of heaven and dwell among the people the Tabernacle in the wilderness was a physical replica of the tabernacle that is in heaven and so God told him what's in heaven I want you to build and design on the earth and if you get it physically in the earth I'll come down and I'll dwell among the people there are 40 verses that deal with creation and there are over 400 verses that deal with the tabernacle and you're about to learn how to pray and when I heard this the first time from old elder GA Mangan when he had all these things he prayed this every day for what 60 years Bishop and when you when you heard this when I heard this it blew my mind because I thought I had a prayer life I thought I was doing right and then when I realized the depths and the places I could go in prayer by praying the tabernacle I've never been the same again and so I started doing in fact this is the commercial but I did it one time for 250 straight days and in that process that's when God called me on the forty day fast and all that stuff started shifting in my life it started with the tabernacle prayers it just came into my life I was desperate to get ahold of God tired of not breaking through tired of not hearing his voice and then when this came to me I studied all the things that the elders spoke about and I wrote them all down and as much as I could and I'm going to present that to you the best that I can tonight and if you have some writing information write down what you can but get it in your spirit because this is gonna help you pray like you've never prayed before most of us pray to God bring our lists bring our needs and then wonder why God does not answer them that's because we are approaching God the wrong way there's a way to approach God if you want God to do what you're asking him to do can I get a witness in this building you must come to him and approach him he is a king he's not your friend he's not your brother he's not your peer he's your father and the key of heaven and earth so approaching him is very very important how you do it so you enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and you enter into his courts with praise whether you're coming into church or you're getting up tomorrow morning and you're coming into your prayer meeting always sattaiah always enter the prayer meeting praising God and thanking God for what he's done that's cute little golf clap anyone can come back him for the stuff but he's far more likely to hear you when you do what the word sin and the word said when you come before me you enter praising me you come before me thanking me I don't want to do something for you if you're not thankful for what I've already done for you is there anybody thankful for what the Lord has done for them enter through escapes with thee that's why when you come to church you don't come to sit you come to praise oh shut up you come to worship you come to a door because that's Bible so you enter the tabernacle with praise and thanksgiving other three layers for the tabernacle is the outer Court there's the inner court and there's the holy of holies the outer court the first piece of furniture that was placed in the tabernacle was the biggest piece of furniture v square cubits long and free square tube it's high it was it was far greater in size than any other piece of furniture put in the tabernacle in fact you could place all the other pieces of furniture inside this first piece which was the brazen altar of repentance there was no steps up to this altar there was an altar that you came to first that's a very powerful statement by the way there are no steps to repentance you just bring repentance to God you don't have 417 steps before God forgives you you come to the altar and you repent of your sins that's how things start to change in your life and so on this brazen altar the priest had to offer a sacrifice had to kill an animal tie it to the horns of the altar set it on fire and burn it before he was ever allowed to do anything else flesh had to die at the brazen altar of repentance step number one in your prayer life you master you enterprising God you must go to the brazen altar and you must start repenting of your sins it's not a time to ask for a new car to ask for a new job it's time to deal with the things in you that no one knows about it's crying but that you need to deal with it was a death place it was the place of slaughter it was bloody at the altar it's not pretty at the brazen altar you don't want to do this with your friends around because that's the brazen altar you're gonna call yourself every name in the book you're gonna deal with every issue that you know you struggle with because at the altar the only place where flesh can die is that an altar of repentance and so you don't just bypass it Lord forgive me for all my sins you stop who shut up and you deal with what you have in your my whether it's pride or rebellion or lust or greed whatever it if it's unforgiveness if it's bitterness if it's anger you kill that before you take on your day you don't pray for brother so-and-so you don't pray for sister so-and-so you don't pray for your wife to repent or your husband to repent you're dealing with you only right now and until flesh dies you stay in the flesh so you'll go into your in the flesh if you do not kill your flesh at the beginning of the day when I get up at the beginning of the day and I kill flesh it's a far better day with God than it is on the days where I'd get up and I do not kill the flesh that altar is the most important place of prayer it's the place where they would light the fire and it would be lit daily morning noon and night the fire was burning and this is where flesh was killed and if you want Bible go read Romans 8 36 or 6 verse 6 Colossians 3 to 5 and 8 Galatians 5:24 first Corinthians 15 31 where you have to die daily the Bible said I present my body a living sacrifice in other words everyday so cut the man there's anointing up here when I come before God don't let me come with my list let me come saying Lord kill everything impure that's in my heart in my mind in my spirit in my life I cannot face the day with the sin in my heart that's why he said before you go anywhere in my tabernacle which is a replica of what I've got in heaven you come to that brazen altar of repentance and he wrote that he said this and I wrote it down how much the kind of glory do you want in the Holy of Holies for what you put on the altar of repentance determines what you will find later in the Holy of Holies at the end of this journey in a moment while you're gonna see about how God will answer prayers on a daily basis and breakthroughs on a daily basis and feel God like you've never felt before but the most important thing is not skipping by your repentance even we pray for the Holy Ghost if you've noticed that every time I've had the bishop lead us in repentance you know why because we can't just bypass repentance and back the miraculous so from the top down we take repentance seriously and we expect God to forgive us and then God guess what God blesses the repentance he did it Sunday when 37 people were filled with the Holy Ghost after we rip that's why Peter said repent and be baptized every don't even try to be saved if you're not gonna go to the altar of repentance first so the first play and it's gonna be a different time lengths each day you might get with different things each day there might be something you deal with every day for a while but you go there every day and you repent every day and when you're done repenting you put it on the altar or you put it on the cross whatever how do you want to turn you place it down the more that you burn the more flesh that you slay the more that you kill at the altar the greater your breakthrough will be throughout the tabernacle pray when you're done repenting the next place the priest would go was the labor of water the labor of water was where he would wash the blood from the flesh he just killed and he would wash the blood off of his hands and off of his feet if he just talked about this and when you go before the Lord after after you've repented this the Bible talks about we are washed by the Word of God so here's what you do after you've repented you get your Bible out and you read your Bible until you wash your flesh from the sin of your life when the priest would look into that brazen labor of water he could see his reflection from the copper from the brass he could see his face until he put his hands in the water and the blood from his hands calls the water to cause stop him from seeing his reflection in other words when you wash yourself in the word of God you repent and you read your Bible until the flesh is no longer in the picture and you feel God cleansing you of things in your life you're not done at the labor until the flesh is gone oh I'm gonna get it real real straight with you for those who can't read your Bible once every five days when the preacher takes his text on the screen have it brought your Bible to church in six years you cannot please God and expect God to answer prayers when you do not let the word wash you you cannot expect the word to wash you if you've never read it and the greatest place the word will wash you is in your mind what's gonna be quiet but if you've got an impure mind if you've got thoughts all the time that are sinful you need to get in your Bible more and let the word why know some you don't like that's why you're not responding but that word will wash the thoughts whether it's fear whether it's lust whether it's pride whatever it is if you'll let the word get in you it will wash away the elements of the flesh so it might be Psalms 51 for you every day you don't know where to read to to get washed just go to Psalms 51 that's the chapter David wrote when he had sinned create in me a clean heart we're new a right spirit within me he all these verses forgive me of my transgression I take not your Holy Spirit from him he speak open before God if you don't know what to read to repeat just read that and if you still feel carnal keep reading but read something read until you're dealing with you here's why you're about to pray for everybody else you're not you're not pray for your up yet oh no we don't just go repent and pray for us we're about to repent and go pray for everybody else but before we are eligible to pray for anyone else we must remove the fleshly part of us so that what the Spirit of God can pray through us for other people I can't pray for you if I'm not dealing with me I am praying from a fleshly perspective if I'm praying for you and not dealing with me so I get up and I deal with me before I can pray for you and so what the priest would do after he washed his hands Bishop and you know more than I do on this after he washed his feet then he would put on the priestly garments he's about to represent men to God and God to men and on those priestly garments there were at the base of the garment at the hem of the garment there were there were fruits and bells that were tie on the pavement of the garment of fruit and then a bell of fruit and then a bell this is a symbol of the fruits and the gifts of the Spirit the fruit obviously the FIR the spirit the Bell was a symbol of the sound of the Spirit why they wear bells because if you did something wrong as the priest and you tried to go through the tabernacle and you did not go the proper pattern you skip the altar or you skip the labor God would kill you before you anywhere near the inner court and so they had bells on not for the priests sake but for the people outside the tabernacle to hear that the priest was still alive they could hear or for the Holy Ghost they could hear the sound of ministry in the house of God they hear the sound of the priest pleasing God they could trust what the priest was doing because they heard the sound of life here's where you pray for the fruits of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit to lead you before you pray for others Lord let this day be let by you consume me with the fruits of the spirit love joy peace longsuffering goodness gentleness meekness temperance pain let me be consumed with the fruits of the spirit if someone meets me today let them feel the fruits of the spirit let me be led by the gifts of the Spirit if there's someone needing a word from you or direction let me be led by your voice let me be sensitive as I entered the tabernacle who I'm supposed to pray for this morning here we go before he would even enter into the inner court there were five pillars holding up the curtain of the inner court that the priest had to go through these five pillars to get into the inner court ot a man who prayed this every day for sixty years said he those five pillars are the names of God wonderful counselor mighty God the everlasting father and the Prince of Peace and so what he would do is he wouldn't just rush into the inner court he would stop at all five pillars now this is gonna help you big time this is gonna help you pray longer okay the first pillar he called wonderful and he would stop right here and he would just praise God for how wonderful he is you never go wrong telling God your the wonder of it all before I do anything I want to offer the Holy Ghost I want to exalt you I could not do anything without you here's where you thank God for blessing your family for giving you health in your body for protecting you here's where you tap into the channel of Thanksgiving as you are oh I feel God right now as you are declaring him to be so good to you it's really hard to complain when you're telling him you're wonderful to me I don't deserve your mercy and I don't deserve your grace and I don't deserve your love but every day that I wake up it's a symbol that you're with me and I feel your mercy and so I'm gonna praise you for how wonderful you are spend as much time there are little time there as you want the more time you spend the better you feel number two he's wonderful and he's the counselor oh boy here's where you pray for counsel for your day Vesta Megan said this anything you do not bring God into for counsel hell is authorised to counsel you about so GA manga would say he'd say I would pray right here for everything about my day which roads do I take what time do I leave order who I sit by at lunch who do I call what do I do order my facial expressions my responses order what I say it counts on me on this counts on me on that council me on my finances council me on my health council me spiritual matters you can pray a long time right here for wisdom and guidance and direction right now you are telling the Lord I need you to guide everything about my day if you've got an encounter or conversation you're dreading you need to pray that morning for God to counsel you he is the counselor a lot less lot more people willing a lot less counsel if they rent met the counselor every morning I'm just saying the reason why a lot of people want counsel after church every service is because they don't get God's counsel with making up to pray in the morning and none of you are responding right now and I'm not saying you don't need pastor's counsel you do but I'm telling you if you get up and pray every morning for God to counsel you about every little detail you wouldn't drain pastor every single service what should I do tonight do let me tell you if you'll just pray about God directing you they'll be less drama preaching way better than your responding right now [Applause] the truth is a lot of people don't want counsel they want attention oh that was good boy they do they want attention and don't ask for counsel when you're not going to obey the counsel he's the counselor so every morning I need his cup Lord on the road before we drive anywhere before we drive one I'm telling God protect us from road rage protect us from accidents from road construction from police from hydroplaning from engine trouble I'm count Brent Council for my car vandalized well you can do it too but I print any way possible protect us counsel me I need your thoughts not mine and then you go I'm gonna leave you alone you go to the next pillar the mighty God boy this is where you begin to praise him and you begin to declare that you know he's true and here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and you begin to worship Him and this is where you pray imprecatory prayer which are prayers against the enemies of truth you pray for apostolic doctrine to be released you pray against the spirits of the world can I get real with you right now here's what I do right here I pray it's Islam I pray it's Scientology I pray it's atheism I pray it's satanic cults I pray it's right the ISM I know some of you are staring at me right now but those are not truth those are things leading people from truth and so I pray God bring those things down destroy those things in people that have preached to in their ears in their minds in this city in this building I don't know who's tapped into what so I just pray against it oh boy you want a prayer life here it comes and you just start praying against anything they would salt itself against the one true God he has all power you have all authority you're able to do anything God you can say anyone there's no spirit out there that can conquer you and you just keep it released truth down or at least your name let the name of Jesus be unleashed across this planet let the name of Jesus get in every country in every schoolyard every jobsite every cave every enemy's territory let the truth get loose you're the mighty God Post number four fourth pillar everlasting father here's where you pray for the Forgotten for the suffering because I'm about to find where y'all be praying here's where you pray for the handicapped the homeless the homebound the institutionalized the incarcerated the widows the widowers the orphans the parents tried to make it single parents kids with one parent you can pray a long time here and by the way you can break through here real easy if you're serious you want to break through you can really break through what you start to pray for people that are sick people that are abandoned people that have been kidnapped you want if you really want to feel something stop at the everlasting father pillar for a while and just pray you're the father that saves when no one else can save you know where the man is right now on the bridge you know where the lady is right now with a bottle of pills you know where that kid is right now in the orphanage trying to cuddle up and there's no blanket you you want to pray here you can pray it's very easy bishop to tap into intercession right here and then guess what some days you'll pray and you'll be just and the other day somebody's need will jump at you and you can't get their name off your mind and you begin to weep oh god if you do anything that they heal that guy touch that or I don't know what's going on but protect him you see where no one else sees you love where no one else loves you see the drunk at the bar you see the guy who done the drugs you see the gang member you you can go all day here but it's up how much do you want to pray he's the everlasting father that means no matter where from beginning to end and beyond he's gonna be the dad to everything he's gonna care about what I don't care about he's gonna love where I don't love he's gonna reach where I can't reach and the fifth pillar is the Prince of Peace now and I could go back to the Midwest and probably I haven't hurry here Prince of Peace and here's where I pray for Israel immediately is the Bible said to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem so right here I you gonna do it like me but I immediately going to print for Israel you should pray for Israel every day those who bless Israel I will bless those who curse Israel I will curse so whether you feel anything or not pray for Israel now I'm telling you the truth I've pray for peace in Israel then I pray for peace in America God you're the Prince of Peace we need peace in that pray it's terrorism in this nation I pray it's spirit that would rise up to attack our nation attack our leaders I pray for peace in the Middle East someone's gonna do it I know it's quiet here like like I'm gonna speak in a different language to you I pray for peace in the church peace for our leadership peace for our families here's where you pray for peace for your spouse peace for your kids piece for your loved ones piece at your job you can find a whole lot of things to pray I need the Prince of Peace in that situation in this situation we need them in America in Europe in age you can pray forever here we need peace now I have but even we have not even gone into the inner court much less the Holy of Holies an hour up to right here no more don't ever say after tonight that you don't just don't know how yeah you do I'm letting it out and when they would come through that fifth post now they enter the inner court and there were different pieces of furniture fact was stood up like a cross if you read you see the pictures of and the first piece of furniture inside the inner court was the candlestick why because without light the priest is going there in the dark so he would take the fire from the brazen altar the candlestick was the only item that was made without measure they don't have exact cubits of height and how how wide it was it was made with no wood it was pure gold and the candlestick there was oil in the candlestick and the seven seven different tops of the can and the priest would light that with the torch and their light up the entire and her core and so the oil obviously the type of the Holy Ghost was fire and so right here until you like the candlestick you're blind approaching God so after you praying all those things you are now praying God fill me with your spirit I need to be a light in this dark world set me on fire don't let me leave my house a carnal person but when I leave this place let people see you in me don't let them see me though I feel God right there let them see you my job is not to show Who I am my job is to show who you are so I pray let the oil of the Holy Ghost fill every crevice of me let it feel every part of me of my fine of my heart could show me with your fire you're a lazy to get the hole that goes right here by the way release if I hear the worship God till you're speaking in tongues you're the light of the world without you I can't see anything without you I can't go anywhere without you I don't know what I'm doing I need you to light up my life I need you to be my eyes I need you to guide me I need you for vision how can I give vision to others when I can't see myself set me on fire let the light get in me burn everything in me that I can't see this dark let the light get in my soul make sense and from there the priest would go to the table of showbread now devilish your bread 12 loaves of bread on the table two rows of six there's two things here about the table of showbread that the elder said he said you've got the bread and you've got the table which holds up the bread the breads the Word of God so guess what you do you get your Bible back out before you read your Bible to wash you remember now you read your Bible to feed you why because you can't live feeding on the spirit you need to feed on the word these emotions in the altar are powerful but they will keep you till Sunday oh it's quiet some of you are looking at me like you're lost right now and the ones that are lost don't have a prayer life or a reading life when you pick up your Bible on Thursday Friday and Saturday guess what it sustains you and you're not coming in starving with a bad spirit Sunday morning negative and mad everyone the church but when you've been in your Bible feeding on the Word of God strengthening yourself so you you read here until you're full you're reading for strength oh that first stanza who thank you Jesus I received that from your reading the promises of God your reading whatever the Lord says and you keep reading until something jumps out and when something jumps out that's not your flesh that's not the devil that's God saying this is for you right now and you take that word and you go into your day all the joy of the Lord is my strength or rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rich I'm gonna rejoice today I filled with joy why because the word fed me this morning so you read here two chapters five chapters 30 chapters it's different every day and then you don't just leave the table of showbread the table holds up the word so what's the table that's the ministry presenting the word holding up the word so now you pray for Bishop you start with Bishop you go to this church you start with him right there you start praying God has strengthened my bishop today give him whatever he needs and his body his life his home his finances whatever he needs and you pray for the ministry and you begin to pray for whoever stands out to you and that you pray for revival across the world pray for the missionaries pray for the pastors right for the evangelists pray for revival in Europe and in Asia India whatever your mind will go all kind of it'll be different every day and if nothing stands out you just you just name the place of God send revival to Australia Center viable to South America every preacher preaching the truth I pray for them for their faith for their family for their finances what are you doing you're driving the devil crazy right now because you're literally praying a covering on people he's trying to attack he's trying to destroy and every time you get up even though they don't know it this strength is coming to them from somewhere because someone in Dallas is getting up and instead of praying for themselves their same God that missionary in Japan would super Leon I didn't think about that would you please cover him right now would you please strengthen him right you are praying the table of showbread everyone that holds up your word that left their life to preach your gospel would you bless them would you protect them would you empower them would you give them favor and names we'll jump back that's why you prayed for the fruits the gifts the spirit earlier it's different days different names yesterday morning I'd be praying for pastors in Virginia I know that's prayed for but it was real deal I was weeping I didn't know who it is I just start with a superintendent name is to me names like your name and said God there's someone I don't know but whoever he is right now that began a war for him I don't know who I'm praying for but I know I'm in the spirit and if you really want to help somebody get in the spirit and this is the process of doing this all right tonight we're going deep I mean this so when you're done with the table of showbread you go to the altar of incense this is the last piece of furniture before the priest would go in the Holy of Holies right bishop so this is this is the last place before now you're ministering to God and to people this entire time praying for everyone else but you and this is the last place you're gonna minister to the Lord before he ministers to you and so here at the altar of incense they would take that fire from the brazen altar of repentance and they would begin to light that fire and they would give God worship this is where you praise him and give him heart worship deep worship this will lead you into intercession for your kids to be saved for your family to make it there was four ingredients that they would put in thee for the incense to offer God stack the Annika galbanum frankincense it would mix these four ingredients burn him at the altar of incense stack tea is an ingredient that comes from a tree different places of a tree anywhere in the tree it can show up Annika from the depths of the Red Sea some some theologians say it would come from the scales of fish others say it would come from the this on the on the floor of the of the Red Sea but it would come from the deepest part of the Red Sea galbanum was resin that comes from a tree only when the tree is broken frankincense was what they would put early on the child's life like when that Wiseman brought frankincense to Jesus what does it all mean one you come anywhere anytime Sakthi anywhere in the tree Annika for deep places galbanum from broken places frankincense early what does it what are you telling God right here gone I give you anytime anywhere deep broken worship early in the morning oh boy this is good you're telling the Lord right now I'm giving you a mixing stuff I'm mixing early morning prayer with the deepest part of my soul I'm giving you a broken worship I'm nothing without you in fact right here the priest would take off those priestly garments and go back to that white robe that he had at the altar of repentance here's where you take off all your titles all your accolades all the compliments you get and yoke oh shut up you're telling Lord I'm nothing I'm nothing without you I worship you my family needs you I don't have the answers I love you I adore you I bow down to you you're everything to us we need you today we need you in our life my kids need you to take off I'm not enough to protect them in fact I'm not their protector you're the protector you just assigned it to me I have nothing without you go back to Psalm 51 you don't believe it and God said what pleases go a broken and a contrite spirit so when you give God broken now you're getting close to the Holy of Holies you get close to where God dwells where there's no warfare you're getting close to where it's just gonna be you and him you're getting close to where you can bring notice I haven't brought my needs up yet but I'm getting closer to the place where I'm allowed to so huh when they would come to the Holy of Holies the veil cover the Holy of Holies the veil had four posts holding another elder Megan said this mark Matthew Mark Luke and John where the veil was torn in those Gospels you had access into the Holy of Holies and that's where you think of for everything he did and when he came on this earth and Matthew Mark Luke and John you thank him for every miracle you think if we're ever parable that he taught every time he talked about heaven every time we talked about praying and fasting and giving you think about for everything he mentioned for every time he raised the dead every time he healed the crippled you just thanked him for things 2,000 years ago and you're still thanking him for bartimaeus getting his eyesight you're still thanking for Lazarus coming out of the grave you were the only human in your in your street or in your city probably for thanking God for stuff he did and of course you thank you for the cross thank you thank you for the what he did for saving you from your sin oh I don't even deserve to be in the holy of holies you're the only one that ripped that veil and now you're letting me have access to you and they would go on the Holy of Holies and here's the last thing they would do before the Shekinah would hit them they would go the first thing they'd get in the holy holy was the mercy seat they put that blood from that sacrifice of repentance on that mercy everything I repented for God I need your brush in everything I repented for way back at the beginning this morning when I prayed I need your mercy in here's will you pray for the mercy of God on your life on your health on your kids on your wealth on whatever you play for the mercy of God the mercy seat angels are there this is what that they would put that every time that blood on the murder you thank God for his blood your bloods the only thing that washed away my sin if your blood wasn't there I'd be headed to hell right now I need your blood covering I need mercy every morning and after you're done there I'm hurry I'm really hurrying so so much you go to the Ark of the Covenant this is where God dwelt now here we go inside the Ark was three things the pot of manna the Ten Commandments and Aaron's rod that budded pot of manna daily provision every said pray give us this day our bread now you start to pray for the provision unique who's guilty of getting up and saying we need a financial breakthrough today God seven seconds into the prayer meeting no one raised their hand in here but I'm still telling the truth but when you go through this pattern you don't bring up anything you need until you've addressed everything about you and you pray for everyone you could possibly pray for and you've praised him so much that it's all about him and you come before him nothing meeting his mercy and grace and how you say okay God hears the needs that we have we need this financial need this family man and you bring the needs for the provision and next to the pot of manna was the ten commandments first five were to God next five or to what you should do here's where you pray God don't let me break any of your Commandments let me live under the covering of your word if I break it lets you if I break any Commandments let your mercy and your blood cover me but I pray that I would live by your law that live by the Word of God but the word would be my direction today I wouldn't sin against you with my mouth or with my mind or with my eyes or with my ear with my heart I don't know kind of shame I thought I even though you still got need you're still reminding God I want to walk in the spirit when I'm done with this prayer meeting I want to live pleasing you I want the word that's why you got to read the Bible you can't walk in the word if you don't read the word I want the word to control my thoughts and then Aaron's rod the rod that budded which I can for joining the message on that with almonds and the blossom and powerful stuff but the rod was in there that miracle rod that rod that he threw down and water turned into blood and he ate the Serpent's with it all those different miracles in Egypt and Moses would talk and Aaron would stretch out the rod and miracles would happen it represents the miraculous the authority of God here's where you start to pray with the authority of the name of Jesus for miracles that only God can do here's where you practical man this says to leave this person in the name of Jesus Christ I take authority over every spirit attacking my kid attacking my mind you there's no Devils here now you are alone with God you are submitted more than you can ever be and now you're just praying miracles and you want those prayers to be answered you go through that process God's gonna hear that prayer you pray and there's situations you know about I don't things I know about you don't right now and then when I get to that Holy of Holies my gift that Aaron's wrong man I'm just naming that guy needs to be healed in the name of Jesus I take authority or that disease and I'm just hit them until it breaks and it will break and it breaks and when they would get done right before they would exit they would look up it and woven into the top of the ceiling of the Curt or angels this is where you pray angels of the Lord to be with me today when I go out of this prayer meeting God there are angels in here tonight they're all over this room they're way apart they're all over this room and he's you pray God let your angels go with me today let them go with my kids let angels be with us protect us in the car protect us in the meeting protect us at the store let angels go whoever comes to your mind let angels be with bishop and sister foster today wherever that angels whisper to them things they need to do or things they need whatever they need God let angels be right there with them and now you step out of your prayer meeting into your day hell gonna have a bad day now I just went through a lot of heart if you want your prayer life to go from five minutes to five hours or from 30 minutes to an hour and a half if you could you fall asleep seven minutes into prayer meeting here's a pattern for you you don't have to be bored praying the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much bishop you correct me if I'm wrong but every time I do the tabernacle prayer I break through at least one time if not multiple times every time the Spirit of God will come in my prayer room and bomb me and I will wait before him tonight today I'm just giving example and I'm against the bishop today I was praying and I was on the part of that table of showbread and I was praying for global revival and out of nowhere and I had broken through the whole time I'm just I'm just hit my list and out of nowhere it just came out to be gone every dream Steve Willoughby had for Singapore I prayed for it to break open starting tonight and Steve ability was a missionary to Singapore if he different if you know who he was he in his wife they both died way too young and they were powerful they had worshipped everyone I know it's super bishop they weren't crazy worshippers and they had such a viable and they died of cancer too young and they had such a vision and out of nowhere I began to travail that house tonight I began to wail over what Steve Willoughby promised itis and before long I'm is praying for Singapore and I knew and you think that's crazy but you should try getting in the spirit this God will take you and one day you'd be praying for that and the next thing you be praying so hard for Bishop or for someone across the aisle in the church and you don't even know what's going on in their life or why their names on your mind but because God can trust you because you're praying his way he brings names to you that he knows only what's going on and because you pray he answers the prayer and they'll never know you were the one stand to your feet right now I'm gonna give this to Bishop but I want to pray this on you the best I could there's so much more if I left out he told me he told me like he did with the fasting but if I live it I can impart it I'm living it I'm living this prayer you can do this you can be a prayer warrior you can be a prayer if you want to be stop making excuses there's so many needs out there that we've got it if you're ready to walk in it would you raise your hand by the authority of the word of god and the power of the name of the Lord Jesus I have part the tabernacle prayer right now into people's lives and hearts and minds I pray for prayer lives to go deeper to go longer as of right now I pray that people would have encounters with you starting tomorrow morning that they would never ever have without this message tonight I pray that you would bring people the spirit let them read their Bibles like they've never read I pray for people tonight to pray for others like they've never prayed I pray for deep repentance they struck time to hit everybody in this building until flesh dies and the spirit lives I pray not my will but thy will be done in every home in every man every woman every boy and every girl and I released this right now the name of Jesus anomaly cachaca time does the voice calling me a bit over old rugged tree and it whispers draw closer to me holy of Holy's is available in your house every morning Ark of the Covenant Jesus name power of God miracles I've had prayers bishop where I prayed in the Holy of Holies and in that same day six things I asked for were answered that day that were impossible except for only God six times I've had so many days with two three four prayers were answered the same the Lord has been calling this church to deeper prayer to hold the heights of revival that he's sending to you god bless you tonight Bishop do what you feel you
Channel: Dallas First Church
Views: 80,709
Rating: 4.8591118 out of 5
Id: -3OlPWalZFA
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Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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