"The Art Of Creative Warfare" - Josh Herring

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hey [Music] [Music] i am just passing through earthly treasures but i found my home with you you are the one i want you are the one i need this one can have it all it can take everything [Music] you need jesus to give me jesus the one who broke these things and took away my shame there is [Music] this world is not my home i am just passing through earthly [Music] i treasures my hope in you you are the one i want you are the one i need this world can have it all it can take everything give me jesus give me jesus is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are forever you are my treasure you are my treasure the only thing is you are forever you are forever you are the one that i run you you are my treasure you are my treasurer you are my treasure you are my treasure heaven and earth oh [Music] there is only [Music] is hey hey [Music] you can do with one word the mountains move [Music] when you come breathe to life [Music] is [Music] [Applause] every enemy must fall so we will stand and we will fight that every road would be made right there is power in this room [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] every enemy must fall so we will stand and we will fight and every road would be made right there the lord is [Applause] [Music] is is we're shouting to the nation your love is your spirit fills our streets we're shouting to the nations your love has set us free where the spirit of the lord is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] let's keep that hand clap of praise going for a few moments here this morning why don't you take a moment to deliberately invite the presence of the lord to have his way here today god's got something special in the works let's open it up right now every hand raised in this house lift up your voice and say father i'm opening up i'm ready god for whatever you want to do somebody praise him with your words right now sometimes we let the hand clap do it for us somebody praise him with your words hallelujah [Music] [Applause] somebody woke up this morning and when you prayed before you got ready you were trying to plan out the day and you prayed and said god i need something today i need you to meet this need today well you can feel the presence of the lord begin to stir the waters it's time for somebody to dive in god's got something for you today let's give him another hand clap of praise we need to get ourselves ready for this this is already a good day it's about to get a whole lot better [Applause] would you look around and find somebody to make feel welcome in the house of god today look around tell them it's good to see them let our guests be made welcome here today [Music] so [Music] please [Music] pastor dean told me this morning he said we knew that something was going on he didn't feel well the last night of men's conference and he woke up this morning feeling horrible and uh we prayed for him during first where just please continue to pray for him throughout the day we're praying that he would bounce back and feel the presence of god move on him we need our pastor feeling well amen we're excited over to have the herrings back with us brother josh herring his wife janae their four children are with us is your father with you too yeah he likes to slip in there in the back doesn't he just try to keep under the radar i knew that that's okay we don't want to embarrass anybody we're pleased to have you all here today the presence of god's brought you here for us if you were at men's conference and you were blessed by that message that he preached would you give a rowdy amen real quick that was incredible our first monday prayer due to this busy weekend with men's conference with our evening service here tonight our first monday prayer has been moved to monday may the 10th that is next monday so you can come up already tomorrow night if you want but there might be a smaller crowd we will be together next monday may the 10th next sunday is mother's day may the 9th and if you purchase flowers for your mother your wife etc you will need to pick those up immediately after our 11 o'clock service so not first word but after the 11 o'clock service and if you missed pre-order a limited supply of roses will be available to purchase if the ushers would come down to help us prepare to take the offering we're about to go back into worship and after another song we'll relinquish the pulpit to brother herring but again ladies prayer has resumed for those of you who've been wondering ladies prayer has resumed meeting every tuesday at 10 o'clock am in the multi-purpose room so ladies prayer that was going on if that was a part of your routine we'll make it a part of your routine again it is back and uh lastly we do have just as a reminder to everybody we have a 6 p.m service here tonight once again with brother herring and we're gonna have a powerful move of god just brace yourself and get ready for it already let's pray over the remainder of this service could you just get ready to worship let's all stand to our feet if you would we're going to bring down our offering here in a moment let's get in the mode of worship already father we want to prepare ourselves right now we want to make you feel honored in this place today god we want to put your put you in your rightful place of honor in this place today god we want to do everything that we can with our worship our praise our songs our prayers everything has to be pointed to you right now god because we're aware that you've got a purpose you have a plan you have a divine inspiration that's about to sweep through this place god we anticipate everything that you have for us make us ready we prayed in the name of jesus christ and what everybody say with a little enthusiasm in jesus name [Music] hmm i don't wanna be afraid every time i face the ways i don't wanna be afraid i don't wanna be afraid i don't wanna fear the storm just because i hear it roar i don't wanna fear the storm i don't wanna [Music] [Applause] [Music] till i'm [Music] i will trust [Music] i'm not gonna be afraid cause these waves are only ways i'm not gonna be afraid i'm not gonna be afraid i'm not gonna fear the storm you are greater than it's roar i'm not gonna fear the story is the voice [Music] foreign and let faith rise up whole heart believe that faith rise up [Music] rise up in me [Applause] [Music] [Music] rise up [Music] peace [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you speak peace god you speak peace over every situation you speak it over my mind you speak it over my home god you speak it over our pastor lord speaking over our church lord over our city god we speak peace [Music] let it rise [Music] now raise your hand rise up jesus rise up [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] peace [Music] the peace [Applause] let it rise oh faith my faith [Music] amen aren't you glad to be in the house of the lord this morning don't you clap your hands in magnifier the name of the lord jesus hallelujah we worship you we love you somebody take a moment and lift up your voice and worship him right now put some words with your hands and magnify him we love you we need you thank you for the peace of the lord that we need in our lives we bless your holy name we bless your holy name [Music] amen what a great opportunity to be in the presence of the lord today what an honor to be in the presence of the lord every time we can be in his house together amen give honor to pastor dean who i love very dearly and let's just before we start let's just specifically pray right now that god will reach down wherever he's at and touch his body can you raise your hands and speak healing right now lord whether the authority of the word of god the power that's in the name of jesus christ we speak healing into pastor dean's body right now that an angel the lord would come and visit him and touch him and make him hold god we pray against every ache every pain whatever's going on inside of his body we come against it by the authority of the word of god and the power that's in your wonderful name lord jesus reach down with virtue and make him whole and we give you praise for it happening in jesus name somebody clap your hands and thank the lord we're going to believe god in faith [Applause] [Music] amen if i can get some more monitor guys i'd appreciate it my voice is hammered and you can turn me off out there that's fine amen do you love your pastor this morning i hope you do i'm so thankful for him his wonderful vision for this city also leading the men of louisiana incredible men's conference we just came out of incredible uh services and give him on and give honor to pastor ryan dean who i love also his family give on to my beautiful wife janae and our four kids who we're going to try to keep quiet all through church in jesus name one of them has the holy ghost the other three still need it so we're we're praying and uh give on to my dad who pastors in alaska and flew down to be with me this week a long way and then we drove from florida here once he landed and so it's he's probably exhausted but i'm glad he's here with me today uh if you have your bibles the book of first samuel chapter 17 in the book of john chapter 1. first samuel chapter 17 verse 41 through 46 and then john chapter one verses one through five wonderful weather we're having today i woke up and everything was fine and then i got everything out to the car and a hurricane decided to land at the hotel and then it followed me here waited till i got out and it descended upon me like a dove or like vultures or whatever just it was powerful louisiana rain is no joke huh first samuel 17 41 the philistine came on and drew near unto david and the man that bear the shield went before him when the philistine looked about saw david he disdained him for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance the philistine said unto david am i a dog that thou comest to me with staves or with sticks and the philistine cursed david by his gods that's when david knew he was going to win right there and the philistines said to david come to me and i will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air to the beast of the field then said david to the philistine thou cometh to me with a sword with a spear and with a shield but i come to thee in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom thou hast defied this day somebody say this day will the lord deliver thee into mine hand and i will smite thee and take thine head from thee and i will give the carcasses of the host of the philistines this day into the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth and that all the earth may know that there is a god in israel john chapter one verses one through five john chapter one verses one through five in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not i want to preach to you this morning from the subject the art of creative warfare the art of creative warfare lord jesus thank you for what we've already felt have your way today in this place i thank you for the message we heard in the first word what a powerful word the lord i pray today that you would let me tag into the holy ghost what's going on in this atmosphere and in this church use me for your glory i pray we give you all the praise and all the honor and if you love him would you clap your hands to him one more time amen we love you lord jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the words you're all waiting for you may be seated my wife's already sitting heaven is creative in everything that it does the first thing god ever did was was create and so we as far as we know it and so we understand that he is the creator and and before anything else that's what he is what he was he needs nothing to give you a miracle he does not need some kind of matter or substance or source or a resource god will take nothing and cause something to manifest that's why he's god he doesn't need our help some of us think we need to hook him up with our miracle and and tell him how to answer our prayer but the truth is he needs no help at all he is the creator he can take nothing and cause something to manifest and that's why we praise him because we know that no matter how bad it is and how how limited we are and how hopeless it feels if god breaks into the situation a miracle can happen every single time that's why you're here this morning no matter what you're going through you believe that god will get the last word in your situation he's the creator and just like heaven is constantly creating hell is reacting and you it's funny how creative and reactive are the the same letters are in these two words but those two words describe the strategies of heaven and hell heaven is creative with everything it does hell is reactive with everything it does the devil doesn't have the power to create he's constantly reacting and that is the desire of the enemy is to get the child of god living in a reactive mindset where everything gets to you and gets to me and we react to it i'm not preaching to you a message that i personally have mastered because we are all flesh and blood but it's the desire of the enemy to get us constantly reacting the demons do not know everything i know some people praise the devil for everything's wrong in their life but the truth is the devil didn't make it rain out there thank you to all three of you but it's the truth the devil's not in charge of your house he's not in charge of your marriage he's not in charge of your kids the demons do not have the power to create trouble they react and cause things to stir in daniel chapter 10 when the demons saw the angels coming that's when they started causing chaos in the atmosphere hell does not know if you're going to leave the parking lot and go left or go right but hell does know when heaven is approaching the situation therefore they react aren't you thankful chateau that you have a god that will approach the situation it might cause some confusion it might cause chaos the devil might attack you but it's because they are reacting to what god is going to release in your life we do not serve the great reactor we serve the great creator and the reason i'm telling you these two things is because it is the will of the enemy to get you and i to constantly react and they'll use anybody somebody was blaring their horn at me yesterday at starbucks and they praise god and i waited 20 minutes in line and finally got to the place to order and ordered the coffee i liked to get and they didn't have it it's starbucks you serve coffee but they didn't have the coffee and then i went to chick-fil-a and got the kids food and dad food and janae food and me i thought food and then when they gave us the food guess whose food they forgot yesterday was a great day reaction and we all can be in the flesh i know i am in the flesh too much and can react when something that's because the enemy wants us to do that like he talked about this morning the news brings emotions to you to get you to react in sadness in fear and anxiety in depression in panic in worry why because if i live in those dimensions i cannot speak creatively what god can do because i'm constantly repeating or responding to what's coming to me i know it's not going to get much shouting but the reason why we ought to read our bible more than we watch the news is because the bible causes creative thoughts to come into our spirit where we believe god's still god and somehow nothing shall be impossible unto him and greater is he that's in me that he that's in the world and no weapon that's formed against me is able to prosper you can't get that on the news but if you get that in the word of god you will see creative anointing coming to you in the spirit world the weapons are not bombs guns swords knives the weapons are words you don't find angels and demons fighting with gumps they're spirits but you do see them fighting with words when michael and lucifer fought over the dead body of moses the bible said michael did not use a railing accusation against him but said the lord rebuked thee in other words they're fighting over this dead body of the great moses and it was a war of words for who would win the body of moses why because everything that you see in this world that was made by god except for humans was made by his mouth his words spoke everything into existence in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god there's only light outside right now because god opened his mouth in the atmosphere and spoke words and the words let there be light were released from heaven and there's still light six thousand years later that's the power of words what are you saying heaven knows the power of words hell knows the power of words we are human beings living in the flesh and we sometimes forget that in the spirit world words are more important and more powerful than anything one preacher said if you're constantly speaking negative words bitter words angry words pessimistic words when you need to speak words of power nothing will happen because you've been using your sword for the other team i'll let that sink right there in other words if my words are constantly ongoing negative then when i need to cast the devil out of someone when i need to cast the cancer out when i need to believe for a miracle my words are betraying me and god saying wait he's swinging the sword on our side now but he was and we're all guilty of it there's no perfect people in the room i already saw the sign out there if you're perfect you can leave you don't belong here actually if you think you're perfect you really do belong here you need this message homie before david ever got to fight physically with goliath he had to endure a war of words from all kind of people when david showed up to the here's why david's so awesome here's why david's amazing when david came to that battlefield and they're all hiding out 40 days 40 nights go light this 10-foot bear is challenging everyone and mocking them and they're all hiding in the caves the bible said when david showed up he shouted for the battle now you have to be a little cray-cray see we shout for the victory if somebody gets healed up here we'll shout if someone gets the holy ghost we'll shout we are professional post-miracle shouters if we see the walls fall if we see the kid pray through if we see the doctor report change we're going to praise god david said i'm not shouting i'm shouting because i get to fight yeah see it's hard to run somebody out of church that's jacked up just to fight the devil it's hard to run somebody out of church that's been through drugs been through rehab been through suicidal thoughts been through depress been through depression you can sit down and look down your nose at them all you want to all dignified and backslid but i promise you when you've been to hell and back you do not care what the negative voices think about you you've been through something and you're just excited to be in the kingdom i'm just excited to still be able to fight i'm just excited to still be able to shout he shouted for the battle he's like oh it's gonna be bloody yes it was a little twisted i see why he was alone he's just pumped we're gonna fight yes i like those type of people because when everyone else is hiding that's the kind of person that walks up when you're feeling terrible like god's still good you know i don't want to hear that i want you to pout with me i want to tell you how bad everything is and you try to tell them have you heard that person you're trying to tell them how bad it is and they keep constantly speaking life no i need to introduce you to some people it's like oh it's been terrible oh it's all right uh you don't know what i went through yeah but god's so good stop i want to complain and you try to make them your sounding board and all they do is talk back to you that it's not over and god's going to get the last word and it's going to be all right don't get me wish i we shouldn't get mad at those type of people those people are david's in our battles that know how to bring a different tone into the atmosphere than what we're listening to usually those are the overcomers among us [Applause] so the first war of words was with eliab david's older brother and david shows up he's so pumped to be that and alive starts using words he said well why are you even here punk that's josh terms but he said i know thy pride and the naughtiness of thy heart so the first thing david shows up to is accusations he's pumped to be part of the of the revival and instantly somebody in the church starts using now the same a lie of that is hiding from god he won't fight goliath but he'll fight his brother be careful about people that won't fight the devil but will fight you all right it's quiet they'll skip every service they can but they don't mind talking bad about pastor i'm losing happy it's okay be careful about people that never can never seen a miracle never pray never come to the altar [Applause] never move never shall never fast but they have something against somebody every time you talk to them it's the spirit of a liab that says i like to use my words against my brother but i'm really afraid to fight the enemy i'm gonna wait on you p.o.b.c you're not my enemy if you're my my brother and my sister you're not my enemy you're on my team i'm on your team the devil is our adversary we have to fight together against i need you you need me he said oh you're so full of pride oh now here's the here's here's that's what we read here's what hell's doing react david react defend yourself which is what almost all of us would do every dude in here i believe if you got called out by your brother across the aisle you're so full of pride i'ma wait on y'all just watching this yeah oh really oh well you're so full of david said i refuse to react because my mission is not with a liab it's with goliath and held shakka does not want you to get to your goliath and i cannot fight goliath if i get into a war with a lion oh how can i defeat the giant in my life if i'm fighting you all the time how can we have revival if we can't get along how can we see explosive growth if they're always mad at somebody in the church there comes a time you might be right i'm proudly full of pride but i still believe that god wants to bring down the goliath in my life so i'm here on a mission react david they've said no i better not i better not see elia but watched david grow up so he obviously felt this way for a reason he felt like dude you're you are so full of yourself and he why are you you're just showing up to show off and he voiced it and oh the pressure of defending myself and david ignores it wow what a testimony that is that was the first victory right there goes to king saul i think i can fight that i'm going to take that giant out king i want to fight goliath second round you are unable to you're just a kid he's been killing people like you since he was a kid he kills people like you for a living there's nothing like it's one thing to be attacked by your brother it's another thing for your brother to say i don't believe in you at all i don't think you can do it oh now there's a different reaction test it's how do i prove i can and david starts talking well i i uh i did kill a lion saul should have shut his mouth right then when did you kill a lion with your bare hands bro i know we got some awesome hunters in here let me know the next time you strangle an alligator with your hands 12 14 feet long some of you are like wanting to do it right now it's preaching my language and i killed a bear it's all said all right that's impressive but if you're going to really defeat goliath you need to wear my armor in other words even though you're trying to defend yourself with words i still don't believe in you i only will believe in you if you do what i tell you to do to defeat be careful about listening to people that know how to fight the enemy but never really fight the i'm enemy about asking people about advice on fasting when they've never fasted talking about praying well let me tell you about having a prayer life and they've never prayed so if you're going to win the battle you have to wear my armor and david said here's the problem king it doesn't fit me i i don't know how to i don't know how to use this stuff i've got this rag and rocks and i i know how to use that and now he's trying to figure out a way because this this level of warfare is it's not see before it was a temptation to defend himself like come on defend yourself you're not full of pride they were it was being attacked the first layer but this layer it's it's discouragement because when your hero doesn't believe in you it's one thing if your brother does but it's when people you look up to don't believe in you there's this unseen pressure to prove to the hero that i can do it but the hero the more you try to convince him or her with words just ah well i know better use this and so he puts it off i'm not gonna do it and he runs out to the battlefield here we go and now he's face to face with goliath and before the fight ever started the third round of a war of words began and goliath attacked david first with the words before anything else and he said are you kidding me you're sending me a kid with a stick goliath is almost 10 feet tall historians say his armor weighed around 232 pounds probably more than david weighed he had a man carrying who's afraid of who by the way he has a man carrying a shield in front of him david has rocks goliath what you have no chance isn't it funny how the enemy can start repeating what people that you looked up to said that discouraged you the enemy knows how to dog pile when you get in discouragement they start repeating word oh i feel the holy ghost they start repeating words others have said to you and it's a totally different story now but it's the same words totally different person but the same words you can't do it you're unable you're you're you're a loser from nowhere you'll never be anything you're a failure you know what you've really done you know the mistakes in your life you're never going to amount to anything and they just start repeating what saul has been saying now i will say this that david i'm sure if you now i know where all of us i'm going to talk to the guys for a second i know we know we're men but if you're standing face to face with a 10-foot gorilla or goliath and he's got all these weapons and he's known for killing people you might have a little bit of fear inside just some you're staring me down like uh-uh i don't believe you because this is the champion of the world at that point and he's talking trash to you i think every guy in here would be a little nervous and so david i'm sure is tempted with a reactionary statement to say well oh he's he is he's he's probably right i only i only do have a stick oh my goodness look they just pointed out that i only have a stick and rocks but instead he looks back and starts speaking words at the enemy see if it's your brother saying you can't do it you've got to have you have to be honorable and be humble and take it and if it's someone you look up to saying i don't believe in you you've got to hang your head and just try to be humble but when the devil says you can't do it when the enemy tells you you're a failure when the enemy says you're not going to win this battle don't you dare sit there and be quiet and let the devil speak down to you because god is on your side and if god be with you who can be against you and david said you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield but i come to you in the name two most important words he said right there we're with and in you come to me with i come to you in your protection is with you my protection is on me in other words i am surrounded by something that you cannot break through with all of your weapons with all of your words with all of your soldiers something is on me that will not let you defeat me this just came to me but i remember a few years ago in houston pastor ryan we were in a service youth pastor was from bangladesh and he was telling me his testimony how he was raised muslim in bangladesh and he said he and his uh i think his four siblings he moved to america at 18 and met a pentecostal girl and found the truth got the holy ghost got baptized and lived in america he said for 16 years from 18 to 34 he would go back to bangladesh once a year and when it was time to go to mosque he would make up a an excuse why he couldn't go and his dad who was in devout islam he realized okay something's not right every year you keep you keep skipping out but he was afraid to tell his dad what happened so his dad went to a warlock a male witch high power in bangladesh paid lots of money gets in front of the male witch the warlock and says i've got a son and i is troubling me something's wrong and the warlock said how many kids do you have he said five he said okay i have to have pictures of all five if i get pictures of all five i'll tell you their name their address what they do for a living where they go to mosque everything dad went back it's five pictures first one this one's named such and such he lives in los angeles he does this for a living he goes to this mosque on this street yes this one she lives in bangladesh she goes here she did yes verse four he nails their names addresses where they went to mosque brings up the upc preacher sets his picture down the warlock says i can't see it who is it because it's my size well i can't see him on the picture warlock gets this bowl and puts all these ingredients in it stirs it up this cloud pops up in the air warlock looks at the dad and says i don't know how to tell you this but whoever this is is covered by a word called mercy and i can't see through the mercy to say anything against oh i know we're pat when you under the name there's nothing the devil can do the name is greater than everything he has against you and the dad called the son and said would you please tell me what mercy is and the son gave him a bible study they tell you there's nothing as powerful as the name of jesus so i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom thou hast defied now here's where it gets creative he said this day the lord is going to give you an our hand and i will take your head from thee here's the problem david just prophesy i'm going to cut your head off here's the problem dave you have no knife you have no spear you have no sword he's speaking an answer that he does not have the resources to make happen he's speaking an outcome that he does not have any means to make happen oh i'm we are good at well if god does this then i'm going to make it and if god if god lets the enemy attack me then but hopefully god takes care of it david looks right at goliath and said i'm going to cut your head off how david saw goliath's weapon ready when he was tempted to respond to the words instead he stared at the weapons and he said wait a second if that's what you're going to attack me with then i already know when this battle is over the weapons you have will be mine and i'm oh i will defeat you with exactly what you attacked me with what does that mean if it's depression oh i don't know if i'm gonna make it oh i just can't everything's so dark i'm just so discouraged there's no hope that's reacting creative anointing says this to the enemy when this battle's over i'll deliver people from depression lay my hands on them and they will be set free i wish somebody would get it right now creative anointing says you're attacking my marriage when this is over i'll pray for other people's marriages and god will restore them oh you're attacking my son when this is over i'll pray for somebody else's son and they'll be delivered because i see in the spirit that your weapons will be mine [Applause] somebody ought to get creative right now and speak death and life are in the power of the tongue doctor gives you a bad report you ought to start saying the name of jesus i'll lay hands on somebody else and they shall be healed they shall be healed it's creative anointing it's creative warfare the devil hates it when you use your words in the spirit [Applause] [Applause] i feel the holy ghost trying to move on somebody right now stop repeating all the discouraging words the devil's putting in your spirit and open your mouth and say i'm gonna pray and someone's gonna be delivered someone's gonna be healed someone's gonna be changed i'm gonna use my words in a creative release [Applause] here no more [Music] some of you ought to join what's going on over here right now in the holy ghost i don't know what your protocol is on sunday morning but you ought to get in the spirit somebody there's something breaking over here somebody ought to pray until it's not your words of doubt and not your words of discouragement and your words of grief and your words of anger and your words of hatred but it's the words of the spirit coming out of you there's going to be life there will be answers there will be miracles god is going to come through come on somebody break out of it right now break out of it right now use your mouth as your weapon use your words you ought to stand to your feet all over the building and you want to open up your mouth and release something god's going to heal me god's going to touch my baby god's gonna save my child god's gonna touch my grandchild [Applause] there's gonna be rewards from this war you're in i want you to hear the holy ghost there's gonna be rewards from the war you're in you're not going to survive it and make it through but you're going to reap the enemy's weapons when this thing is over if you will use your words in the spirit you will reap the weapons of your enemy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want you to lay hands on someone beside you right now i can't go on there's something moving in here right now or something trying to get loose in this atmosphere speak life to somebody right now life come on come on get louder than their discouragement get louder than their anger get louder than their doubt get louder than their fear get louder than the voices of hell i want to worry but i'm going to worship i want to complain but i'm going to shout i want to cry but i'm going to dance i want to ask god why but instead i will speak to the enemy that when this is over i will have power over everything you're attacking me with [Music] [Applause] i want to show you the power of your word stay standing i'll show you the power of your words watch this the very first thing hell ever tried to do to mess humans up was words hath god said what the devil told eat hath god said before that happened god told adam to name everything dogs animals elephants tigers leopards bears whatever watch this god gives him a wife he doesn't speak life to her he doesn't name her like he did every animal he just said woman bone of my bones flesh in my flesh watch the one that he doesn't speak life to goes to the tree gets the fruit gets deceived we all fall into sin okay god not the devil god goes on a cursing rampage you're gonna do this this is gonna happen to you and oh by the way when it's over you're going to die god curses them with death watch the next verse pastor ryan adam looks at his wife and calls her name eve for she is the mother of all living eve's name means life wait god just said death adam looks at god and says i speak life to her he's not challenging the devil he's challenging the creator he's not he's not fighting a mad demon he's fighting a mad god i speak life to her and the next verse god stops cursing them kills a lamb and starts covering them because even god can't resist it when you open your mouth and speak life because it reminds him of creation in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god all things were made by him and the life was released from his mouth and when you start speaking life [Applause] you remind god of himself we have got to stop speaking we have got to stop speaking what the devil is speaking to our spirit like he said this morning stop posting and repeating reposting people's stuff with curse words in it it's anything to get us reacting but when you step out and say huh god's gonna do that god's gonna heal god's gonna heal that kid god's gonna save them you are reversing the tide in the atmosphere you are telling goliath your days are numbered because i see the weapons you're using against me and what you're using against me must be where hell attacks is where god will use you the most they're attacking your finances you want to thank god something's going to happen in your finance they're attacking your mind you want to thank god you've got the mind of creativity something good they're attacking your kids god's got plans for your kids it's just reversing the tide i wish a mom would let loose right now i wish a dad would not care what anybody around them thinks because god has plans for my lost son for my lost daughter for my sick child i don't care what the devil says i speak life you're the head and not the tail you're above and there you go that's what i'm talking about you're above and not beneath god is with you god is with you god is with you and he asked i wish somebody would just break protocol and say god i thank you for the miracle coming to my family oh clap your hands all you people and david says shout unto god with a voice of triumph [Music] some of you want to get out of the pew you might as well do it you know what god's telling you might as well do it you might as well come up here and start speaking life thank you for miracles thank you for blessings thank you for favor god's gonna come through god's gonna get the last word [Applause] foreign come on somebody pray the holy ghost the devil doesn't know what you're saying pray in the holy ghost it confuses the enemy throw your rock david throw your rock david throw your rock david [Applause] [Applause] somebody in the back go ahead and worship god like you're the only person in the building somebody in the pew ought to put the phone down and put the worship up and say lord i've got to get an answer i'm going to speak until something changes i'm going to declare peace when there's peril i'm going to speak joy when there's destruction i'm going to speak life it's sunday morning but it feels a whole lot like sunday night in here it's sunday morning but it feels a whole lot like sunday night up in here somebody i'll not wait for later on to speak you want to open your mouth and declare it now well i don't want to offend the enemy well apparently you already know there's an enemy because of what he's been saying to you so why don't you speak back in any way the weapon may be formed but it won't prosper goliath sword will be your sword david i pray for dominion in you right now to manifest over what you're fighting not so that you can have peace but so you can release it to others i pray for dominion over depression over anxiety over suicidal thoughts over tormenting voices over fear over bitterness over anger whatever it is i pray in the name of jesus that you would not just get the victory but that you would find someone and release victory to them as well and impart what you're receiving what you lay hands on this person beside you maybe pray with your family if you're near him come on dad come on mom help us not to react help us to create [Music] he breathed on them and said receive you the holy ghost he breathed on them receive the when you speak in tongues you're praying the language of the creator [Music] when you speak in tongues you're creating in the spirit [Music] [Music] foreign maybe the devil's fighting you with something different maybe you're always being tempted [Music] you're gonna have a pure lifestyle you're gonna lay hands on people and god's gonna deliver them maybe you're holding on to unforgiveness but you're gonna break that and you're gonna start forgiving people and when you pray for them you're gonna cause others to start forgiving people the spirit of stephen's gonna get upon you and you're gonna forgive people change the atmosphere [Music] maybe he's fighting you with pride but you're about to win the battle and humility is going to come out of the pores of your skin and people around you will say oh man i want to walk like that you won't even know it but the humility will just be contagious [Music] maybe you're exhausted and worn out tired but when you pray that prayer and you you pray one more time there's going to be divine energy coming to you and you'll speak and the exhausted will have strength and you will mall it with wings as eagles and you will run and not be weary and you will walk and not [Music] fade knock him down knock him down keep fighting throw your rock don't wait for the devil to get up on you before you get a prayer life don't wait for goliath to start wrestling you before you get spiritual throw your rock [Music] hila or [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i want you to think about the need you have right now the glaring need the elephant in the room the the glaring situation it might be at home might be a loved one might be something in your body it might be something attacking the glaring weakness the glaring problem the thing that is there the goliath [Music] david said this to him god's going to deliver you into our hands and all the all the guys with you are going to go down too in other words my victory will be contagious my victory will be contagious people that are behind me hiding and worrying are about to come out of the cave people that are scared to death and afraid to fight are about to get their weapons out i'm gonna win this battle not for me but for my brothers that are behind me [Applause] i want you to see it not that you've got a goliath but then when you win the battle it's going to become a domino effect and it's going to be contagious and others around you are going to receive victory you're not just fighting for you right now somebody's hoping you knock that giant down somebody's hoping oh please let him win please let her win audible david said this victory is not for me it's for everyone [Music] i'm stepping out to fight [Music] but this is going to be a victory for the whole body god get us into such a creative anointing that when one gets a miracle we all start getting miracles when one breaks through like over here a few minutes ago when one breaks through we all start you notice how one started shouting and others started shouting because when god gives his victory to somebody he intends on it becoming contagious oh it's going to start off as 120 in the upper room but before the day's over 3 000 are going to be speaking in dubai because victories are for the whole body they're gonna sing let's pray one more time before they do grab that hand beside you [Music] just start speaking life you know you may have no idea what to say i speak victory i i speak peace i i speak laughter i speak joy i speak encouragement i i speak total authority over what there i speak dominion i i speak an end to this battle i speak up let's go ahead and speak in the atmosphere the words are the weapons in the spirit world speak these words into the air he loves what a divine breakthrough [Music] [Music] [Music] belongs to you victory [Music] [Music] good day [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] belongs to belongs to you [Music] [Music] see a victory i'm gonna see a victory [Music] you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 18,812
Rating: 4.9114141 out of 5
Keywords: josh herring, josh herring 2020, rev josh herring, pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, josh herring preaching, Upci preaching josh herring, josh herring preaching 2020, bro josh herring, evangelist josh herring, apostolic preaching josh herring, upci preaching josh herring, the art of creative warfare, give me jesus james wilson lyrics, where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom lyrics
Id: oOXRp0oNUrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 12sec (5112 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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