Jeff Arnold - Experiencing What God Wants You To

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[Applause] thank you so much okay praise god praise the lord everybody thank you for letting me be with you today and uh my goodness i i go to a lot of places i see a lot of faces and your praise group has got my geritol bubbling wow i mean that one guy was running around here before i told the bishop i said man that guy's gonna be out of gas by the time this thing's over wow and uh it's it's so enjoyable to be with you i have been shut down for almost a year because of the coronavirus thing and now we're kind of back on the road and traveling every place and doing whatever we can and i'm very happy to be with you i have i have four hours of a sermon to preach [Applause] i gotta i gotta do it about 35 or 40 minutes and uh so i would like to help you if i could okay my mantra has been for the last 20 years in pentecost you need to be able to go to heaven from your last church service and if if you're not excited about the one you're in forget about going to the next one i i i heard a a statement made by a a preacher and he said if you don't plan on doing any more with the time god has given you now why would god be foolish enough to give you some more time all right i got a plane to catch so you're safe i'm reading from from first samuel okay chapter 30. if you want to turn there with me i'll do my best to take care of this here uh verse 1 it came to pass when david and his men were come to ziggler egg on on the third day that the amalekites had invaded the south and zig lag spitting zig lag and burned into fought with fire had taken the women captives and they therein slew not any neither neither great or small but carried them away and went on their way and so david and his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire and their wives and sons and their daughters were taken captive then david and the people with them lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep and david's two wives were taken i know you got to get this because to us names are nothing jeffrey bill mary kathy it's nothing it's just a name but in bible times when they maim people names they had specific meanings to them and he said so his two wives were taken a hinnom and abigail now you can read right by that and say big deal a hinnom and abigail but there is a tremendous revelation there the two women that they took here's what their names meant abigail's name meant joy a hinnom's name meant grace the adversary if he can steal your grace you'll lose your joy okay he's there he don't need your money he he he wants your emotions he wants your faith he he wants to mess with you okay well that one that one over like a lead balloon let me okay so he says and uh david was greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him see the bible is a very present story when the leader or the preacher does well god gets the credit when all hell breaks loose and you're in trouble let's kill the preacher and that's what they did they lost their kids their family everything and what did they do they attack david duh it's so crazy now watch this is so powerful i i know what i'm doing please i just look stupid i'm not stupid i just look stupid so they started they said to spawning him because the people's were greed everyone for his sons and his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord and and david went to abitha the priest the hillafel's son and he said pray bring me hither the ephod and abbatha brought the ephod this is so powerful and david incur inquired of the lord saying shall i pursue after this troop and shall i overtake them that's funny david asked two questions god gave three answers because god will always give you more than you asked for he said shall i pursue will i overtake now watch what god says okay pursue you shall overtake and then adds his his little sweetness and without fail recover [Music] all powerful so when you read the rest of the story when you get down to to verse 18 it says and david recovered all and rescued his two wives i want to preach to you for a little bit tonight i was going to preach this at general conference but they didn't ask me i was going to preach it because of the times but it's been canceled i was going to preach it at north carolina camp meeting but they didn't ask me so i'll just preach it here okay [Applause] here here's what here's what i want to talk to you about experiencing what god wants you to experiencing what god wants you to lord bless the preaching helping to be a blessing let the gifts of the spirit operate heal save and deliver and set free in jesus name everybody said amen you may be seated thank you now most of you are asking questions right now well what what exactly does god want me to experience well now that you've asked me i will tell you you ready recovery i appreciate you five baptists has just clapped your hands let me try it again recovery [Applause] for those of you that are not excited about the bible i will i will read to you the interpretation of mr webster now he doesn't preach for us and he doesn't have a license but he wrote a neat book with lots of stories and words in it and i looked it up in the dictionary it says recovery to get back something that has been lost or stolen whether it be property self self position whether it be joy faith a return to health a regaining of something has been taken away whether it's control or composure to regain or retrieve or to get back something that has been lost if you can understand this when you read the bible 66 books in the bible from the first page to the last page it is a record of recovery the entire bible is a story of recovery from way back when adam first sinned he recovered he could have died but the lord killed an animal and spared his life and covered him with the coats and he recovered from that and from there all the way through and i asked the lord i said lord the bible is a book of recovery why and i felt like the holy ghost said to me he said because i'm the author and i'm the lord of recovery no well let me help you you you people doing your little mount rushmore impersonation it's really impressive and you're super glued to your seats you're really impressed do you realize you wouldn't be in the church if you hadn't recovered you wouldn't have any joy if god had let you experience recovery if it had not been for the lord who was on our side we'd be lost forever hallelujah hallelujah said you didn't sit down so sometimes you just need to turn around and say i i need to get back what i've lost you know some sometimes you and i can still be saved but lost our joy we lost our faith we lost our expectations i don't know whether i told you this but i say it all over pentecost expectation is the birthplace for the miraculous you're not going to experience a miracle if you don't expect it i'm going to i'm going to preach until i resurrect the dead no no no no stay just stay stay with me just for a minute this is this is powerful i'm giving you stuff there they won't teach this to you in bible school because they don't know it and i don't teach there they're very foolish they need to let me teach there i just look stupid i'm not stupid now you're going to get this i'm going to make a statement going to kind of fry your north carolina minds right now but you'll be okay listen to me the promises of god are not enough now just stay with me you know you don't have to fake it eighth day no you don't do that you're ready when god gives you a promise promises from god are not self-fulfilling when god gives you a promise it is a revelation of divine intention what he plans on doing and then he steps back to see whether the promise will inspire you to act remember james said faith without works is dead and belief without behavior is a disease say sit around i believe in jesus i believe in jesus that'll get you as far as from here to the bus station i believe in jesus well what are you doing about what you believe [Applause] yes i'm not trying to be rude i'm just trying to be jeffrey okay you understand i told you promises are not self-fulfilling they're revelations israel was pregnant with the promises of god god had promised them the promised land he told them i give you the title deed to canaan it's yours it's a done deal you're ready but they would not act on the promise and they died outside the promised land so we can walk around all day long i've got a promise i've got a promise they had a promise and they died holding the promise in their hand outside the promised land very very fortunate for you i can't have see you people wait a minute what is this more wires my god you get electrocuted up here it's a trap okay just sit down just a second there there's something else i want to tell you this is so powerful david this is mind-boggling to me one of the greatest revelations god ever gave me if you read two chapters previous david has run away out of canaan and is now in philistine country he's living in ziggler because he's tired of being chased by king saul that happens to all of us we get tired of problems we get tired of situations we get tired of of unfulfilled prayers unfulfilled expectations we get so frustrated but you got to be careful when you're frustrated don't make a major decision just stay with what you know is true but david now you got to get me because this is this is the bible david made a decision i'm going out of canaan and i'm going into the philistines land and saul will get tired of chasing me and saul did once saul found out he was in the land of the philistines david experienced a temporary relief when you walk away from the things of god you may experience a temporary relief but it's only temporary all hell is fixing to break loose in just a little while now now i got some uh yeah oh there's my redhead and my redhead i love that dress that's so pretty are you ready this is so powerful the scripture says that david was in zig lag two chapters before he was in zig lag one year and four months now last time mathematically that's 16 months one year and four months this is powerful there are 150 psalms 150. in all 150 psalms david never wrote one psalm one song or one prayer was ever recorded while he was in zig lag not once and i asked the lord i said how come he didn't write any psalms i felt the lord said to me because my people when they live in fear and disobedience to music stops [Music] the joy stops the music stops [Applause] 16 months there's not one record that david ever made a prayer not one time 16 months he's he's like half backslid you see he lost more than his wives and his daughters he lost his peace he lost his faith he lost his job he became self-confident instead of god trusting that happens to all of us sometimes or another we walk away from the stuff we know we shouldn't walk away from and then we wonder where's our joy where's our faith where's our expectation this this is so powerful to me this is so powerful now they talk about killing him they're going to stone him because they're all upset and david the bible says encouraged himself in the lord and calls for abitha the priest and says come here bring me the ephod this is mind-boggling this ought to encourage you you folks that are super glued to your seat now's your chance to come out are you are you ready here's what here's what he says bring me the ephod and he turns to us and david inquired in the lord now now pastor i don't want to be rude but but this is mind-boggling to me that is either the greatest act of goal or the greatest act of grace he has not talked to god for 16 months he says shall i pursue will i overtake the next verse says pursue no debate no probation no insult no temp he god is ready to answer god is ready to deliver god is ready to give you what you have lost hallelujah maybe you said maybe sit down that doesn't do for you what it does for me there's been times when i have fallen short when i have disobeyed when i've acted stupid and i've been wrong had bad thoughts said things i shouldn't have said and i went to prayer and i found god was [Music] ready it's ready if you read isaiah 38 the bible said that isaiah the prophet came into hezekiah and said set your house in order for thou shall not live thou shall die now when you get an edict from the mouth of god it's over baby you you turned in tbn or anything you want it's over god says you're fixing to kick the bucket well the bible says isaiah walks out hezekiah turns his face to the wall and starts crying and boo-hooing and saying i'm trying to live for you and i've done good and i've had revival i've tried to restore godliness lord don't bump me off don't kill me please and before isaiah is off the porch god said hey isaiah go back and tell him i've seen his tears and i've heard his prayer and i'll add to him 15 years now this is powerful this is i don't mean to be offensive this is powerful when the prophet told him a negative report thou shalt die he accepted it when the prophet came back in and said god's going to give you 15 years he said i need a sign let me go over here to the cheap seats let me go in [Applause] you understand that when god says i'm going to kill you i believe that when god says i'm going to heal you i don't believe that he said what shall be the sign this is so powerful god is so merciful he says you need a sign i'll tell you what i'll do to convince you that i'm telling you the truth i'll reverse the solar system and the bible said he proved he made the shadow go back so many degrees he literally reversed the entire you got a god that can move anything to help you [Applause] he knows that sometimes our faith is weak and our faith is shallow but he's willing to give you a sign shall i move the shadow forward shall i move the shadow backwards well if going forward is normal give me something that's abnormal so he just stopped the rotation of the sun and turned around and made it go back the other way i wonder how many times in my life in your life god has done miraculous things and we didn't even know it [Music] are you staying with me yet she said i'm i'm i'm going as fast as i can i got all this stuff i got to preach this is so powerful i am please forgive me i need therapy i'm not the standard upc guy i need therapy i'm whacked okay but but but the only thing i give as a grounds for my apology is i'm a recovering sinner i'm a recovering drunk i'm a recovering whoremonger i'm a recovering jailbird i'm a recovering liar i wish i had some people in this house that have experienced some type of recovery if it had not been from the lord who was on my side there ain't no telling where i'd be right now [Applause] i don't mean to be rude i'm here as your guest but let me tell you something i travel for a living i'm all over this nation listen to me i see okay your congregation is hyper man my my geritolism i mean it's it's amazing but i preach all over this nation and you can't believe how many people supposed to be baptized in jesus name have the holy ghost and they're as happy as a bucket of mud i tell people all the time if you got the holy ghost why don't you tell your face it's the joy of the lord that keeps me going you don't know like i know what he's done for me hey you don't know like i know how he set me free he brought me out of bondage into his marvelous light i got to praise god i got to sing i got the clap has nothing to do with emotion has everything to do with i'm recovered [Applause] sit down sit down i'm going as fast as i can recovery should not be strange to us we recovered from wars we recovered from tsunami hurricanes earthquakes we now we're in the process with the covet we're trying to recover from this world epidemic recovery is known by the way last time i checked hospitals are so crazy they even they even earmark a room called recovery room now how can a hospital have a recovery room and a church not have one you know what i think i think the church the body of christ it's god's recovery room for people whose lives have been messed up for people who have gone through troubles and setbacks [Applause] now maybe that's that's the reason why we have different levels of spirituality in the church because some people recover faster than others am i making sen i'm going back to the chiefs i got to watch over he's trying to kill me just you understand me listen to it i'm gonna make a statement this is powerful this is powerful you ready when he said shall i pursue will i overtake the lord said pursue god gave this to me i didn't steal it from nobody i didn't take it from the internet i'm the only guy in upc i don't even own a computer i don't own a computer i don't own an iphone i don't own an ipad that stuff bothers me everything starts with i [Applause] i don't even like that company called apple because they got a bite on the side of that that tells me that's coming from eve's problem [Applause] okay so you can have your computers and play with your antichrist toys do all you want to that's that's your business but but god gave this to me he said tell my people you can never possess what you're unwilling to pursue we can sit on our backside all day long hear sermons read bible but if we don't go after what we've lost if we don't reach for what god promised us to get back you can't get it back [Applause] remember i told you the promises of god are not enough they're just revelation of intention designed to inspire us watch this david said without fail thou shalt god said to david thou shalt without fail recover all you ready he's got a divine promise if you read the rest of the chapter he had the fight from twilight to the next twilight to get back what he lost so when you get a promise from god you gotta understand you're gonna have to fight to get it you're gonna have to contend with the adversary to get it it's yours by divine etic but you have to pursue it [Applause] am i making sense yet okay i can't sit you understand what i'm trying to tell you watch this and you will never pursue until you're persuaded it's available this is so powerful i'm sorry i'm i'm taking so long with this but you know i'm i'm worse than any drug addict now i never did drugs i was a drunk and a hell raiser a pool shooter and a gambler and a honky-tonka but i didn't do no drugs okay but we have a lot of ex-drug people and drug pushers in our church and and i noticed that when druggies do something now you probably don't understand this because you're all chased you all come out of your mother's womb talking in tongues you don't have any idea what i've done but but drug addicts when when they want to get high they do what's called they do a line they they lay this stuff out it looks like sweet and low but it's sweet and high and they and they put a line down and they take a little straw and they go and they escape from reality well i don't do drugs i don't do coke i don't do marijuana i don't do any of that stuff but there are times when i'm discouraged and i'm down and out but what i do is i don't get on the internet to talk to people because i don't even know how to do it here's what i do i do a line great is the lord and greatly to be praised if god be for me who can be against me no weapon formed against me shall prosper nothing can separate me from the love of god [Music] [Applause] greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world [Applause] i am more than a conqueror through him who loved me and gave himself to me [Music] sit down i'm going as fast as i can the this is so powerful if you read genesis i don't have time to hit all this when you read genesis said they attack sodom and gomorrah they captured lot his wife and all his kids and all his goods and abraham armed his his people into service in his house and he went after these kings and the bible said and he got back all the goods plus lot his wife and his children because god is a god of recovery and it doesn't matter how bad it looks doesn't matter how dismal it looks you remember the guy who was chopping the wood in second kings and the exhale fell in the water and he turned around he said i'll ask my master for it was borrowed he said well tell me where you lost it there's the key every one of us really know where we lost it but we're not willing to admit it and you can't quit until you admit you can't possess until you confess in order to experience a miracle required honesty and humility here's where i lost it and he showed he lies to the prophet right here now watch when you get ready to get something back and recover your adversary is going to show you how impossible the situation is how improbable the situation is why because that that that axe head had went all the way into the bottom of the jordan and the jordan was pure muddy river they couldn't see nothing and elisha is just a symbolic thing he takes a piece of wood and sticks it in the water that's a picture of calvary's cross put the cross in the water and you can get back what you've lost and the bible says and the axe did swim if a if a piece of iron can experience a resurrection people can experience a resurrection [Applause] i i i i don't know whether i'm doing good or not i can't tell somebody needs to yell at me right now i want my stuff back i want my stuff tell the devil i want my stuff back i want my children coming back i want my joy back i want my expectation back i want my faith back sit down i got i i appreciate you folks you're so easy to preach to and i keep going over here because these people are quacked these people are whacked over you superglued people scare me i do want to upset you right now i do ready it ought to be dangerous sitting next to a pentecostal you sit down next to somebody that's experienced a recovery in their life and wanting another they'll probably knock you in the head they'll probably knock your wig off they'll probably dance on your blue shade shoes now the people that i see across this movement that don't worship very much and don't get excited i am convinced they've not recovered anything [Applause] people have to recovery from divorce had to recover from bankruptcy they haven't recovered from broken health why do you think we go through surgeries even experimental surgeries why do we take medicines and what have you because we're wanting to recover recovery is a part of our life but it's like the lord spoke to me he said i am in charge of the greatest recovery for i can get people to recover from sin and i get people to recover from sickness and i can get people to recover from depression and i can get people to recover from discouragement and i can get i can help people recover when they think they have no faith can i can i preach it for you i know where are you can i preach a female watch this this is so powerful now those of you that hadn't said anything yet here's your chance they go after them he says without fail thou shalt recover all so he arms his troops and he takes off after these guys if you read the rest of the chapter i don't have time for the baba said they find this guy wandering and they bring him to him he says who are you he said i'm a young man of egypt and i am a servant of a malachite this is powerful this is so powerful and he said he had not eaten or drank water for three days and three nights so he's exhausted walking in the wilderness and been on a three-day fast the bible says that david gave him water gave him a piece of cake and then gave him a clump of figs that he could eat okay and his spirit came again now this is so powerful this don't turn your motor on you need more than stp you need a major overhaul you ready he says uh what are you doing out here watch what he says he said three days ago i fell sick ready here it is if this don't help you baby you can't be helped ready for this and my master left me and it's like the holy ghost spoke to me and said tell my people i will never leave them i will never forsake them i will never turn my back on them i don't care how bad the situation is i don't care how many times they promised and they failed i don't care how many times they've suffered from things tell my people when they fall when they get sick when they sin when they mess up i will never ever turn my back on them and walk away from them we are god's people forever [Applause] now maybe that doesn't do for you what it does for me but since i've been saved i said things i wish i hadn't i've i've done things i wish i hadn't i have felt things i wish i hadn't but i went to pray god said yes sit down i'm not trying to turn this into a carnival i'm trying to help you with this this is now your homework assignment you go read isaiah 38 you read isaiah 38 that's why hezekiah is sick and he turns around the lord said i'm going to heal you the bible said isaiah the prophet comes to hezekiah and he says lay a lump of figs on the boil and thou shalt recover fine now he's he's got a promise but he's got to do something i believe in keith no no no you got to do something you got to act on the promise now here's what's amazing this is so powerful hezekiah we read isaiah 38 hezekiah says this is i wish i was young enough i'd like to run i can't jump off here you need a parachute you ready watch what he says he said so i went to pray here it is and the lord was ready to save me now i want to ask you something the last time you failed the last time you were picking low cotton the last time you messed up the last time you shot yourself in the foot spiritually when you went to ask god was he reluctant or was he ready i think we serve a god that's on his tiptoes right now they're saying ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and you shall be open god is ready right now to heal to forgive to encourage to deliver to save i'm trying to i don't mean i love you folks less but this this electrocution stuff is scaring me over here and i got to stay over here sit down just a minute i got something else you got to read so you got a homework assignment you got to read isaiah 38 take you five minutes and you read the rest of the psalm of first samuel 30 that's all it is but the bible says that when he brought the guy down he said can you take me to the people that stole my wives and kids and burned my city down yeah if you don't deliver me to my master yeah i will if you read it he says they go down and when they came over the hill the philistines watch this we're dancing i wish i could do the moonwalk said they were dancing they were throwing down they were doing the cha-cha they're doing the mashed potatoes they were they were having a party they were readers says and they were laughing and they were singing and they were partying and they were dancing and it's like the holy ghost said to me tell my people when your adversary steals something from you he throws a party over it that's why when the prodigal son recovered came back the father threw a party for him and when you reach to recover something you're going to cause god so much joy he's going to he's going to throw a party over you recovering [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah can i preach a few more minutes where are you preacher human sit down in just a second i want to read your scripture that's the most mind-boggling scripture it's over in second kings 5. bible said naaman was a mighty man with his master he was a great man he that's what says he called him great even though he was lost he was great and he was he was in charge he was the general the host of the syrian army but he was a leper okay now watch this is mind-boggling you can help me with this you're smart you can help me with this okay you can tell me on the way the airport what this means but that's mind-boggling because i didn't figure this out yet the bible says and they had a little maid who was a p.o.w a prisoner of war she was stolen from her mom and dad she was stolen from her home she was taken as a slave and a captive into the land and she became the maid to naaman's wife she was a slave that is what blows my mind though she was a slave though god allowed terrible things to happen in his life she never became bitter she wasn't sour she wasn't rude she wasn't well wish to god you kill that jerk i wish you'd give his wife aids i wish you'd kill these suckers see the greatest thing you could have is a good attitude and and she she's got a great attitude even though she was a p.o.w and she was a slave and god i wish i had time can can god trust you with trouble you little wussy does does the does the wind always have to blow with your neck and rather your face are you always walking downhill instead of uphill i think many of us we love god but we lack trials to make us what we ought to be because god can't trust us with trouble the minute you get a little trouble you leave you throw the towel and you quit [Applause] so so god trusted this little maid with terrible trouble she's a prisoner she's a captive now that rep pastor listen to me this is mind-boggling i've never written a book i got y'all i don't play on the internet i can care that's about all that trash i'm not against it i just don't care about it that's your business you you play all you want to that's fine i don't care flip about it i don't care about anybody knowing i'm in the bathtub i could care less that my friends i i'm out cutting the lawn what are you doing oh i'm here playing with my bird the bird give me a break i came here from atlanta came into atlanta 90 of the people in atlanta on the concourse were doing this and i want to say they just shot your mother they killed your father they kidnapped your two kids we're raising a generation where people don't count people would rather deal with people on the internet than face to face because they're in it [Music] [Applause] now watch this this is powerful i'm am i doing good am i doing it i can't tell i i'm not used to preaching to the living dead okay watch this this little maid ready pastor this is your chance to get on your feet ready watch watch what he said she said would to god my master was with the prophet in samaria watch this for he would recover him she had no ill will towards naaman no ill will towards her don't have ill will towards people that hurt you you can save them you can be used by god to help them and encourage them don't have a wrong attitude because people mistreat you [Applause] okay sit down okay sit down i'm asking the pastor i got his attention i can see you here's what i want to know oh great theological guru here's what i want to know where did she get that kind of faith according to the bible not one person previous to that chapter in the entire old testament not one person is recorded as ever being healed of leprosy not one person not one person when jesus was talking to the new testament he said many lepers were in israel in the days of elisha the prophet but only naaman was healed many widows were in the land with elisha only one widow was the prophet sent to he turned around like he slapped the jews in the face he said nobody in the old testament was ever healed of leprosy i want to know where the lady got that faith because she had no precedent to lean on [Music] now here here's what bugs me you ready she had nothing to lean on that's not us we got records of people being healed we got records of people being delivered we have many testimonies of people being healed and delivered and set free it ought to be easy for us to believe that god can recover somebody [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to i'm going as fast as i can uh uh what what's the scripture i gave to you flash excuse me i shouldn't say flash uh pastor shouldn't say flesh that's so rude flesh is it is this oh that's in second kings you're going to second kings three yeah chapter eight go ahead read this can you read have you got a can you read it well you're looking at me funny can could you read it let forget it i'll quote it forget it i'll quote him here's what happened here's what happened the prophet told this widow woman the lord has called for a famine for seven years and he said i want you to leave canaan and go to another place wherever you can find and dwell there because god's called for a famine for seven years the bible said she went to a foreign land and she lived there for seven years now this is mind-boggling to me at the end of the seven years the bible says he was going to read it but he can't he said he said here's what happened said she here it is she returned to talk to the king that she might get back her land in her house she's on her way after seven years loss i don't care how long you've lost something [Music] if that woman in one moment can get back seven years of loss you can get back anything that you've lost in a moment of recovery if you'll go to the king and you'll talk to the king and you'll ask the king to give you back what you have lost [Applause] see i'm almost done the bible says and that and she turned around he's talking and gehesia is talking to the king and he's talking about how elisha raised this young boy from the dead and here comes this chick walking in and elijah says hey i'm paraphrasing that's the babe that's the kid that's that's the kid he raised the dead and the king said is this so he said yes he raised my son from the dead and he turns watch in one moment no debate no probation no anything he turns around restore everything that he's lost over the last seven years [Applause] if an earthly king would do that for his people what do you think heaven's king would do for his people who ask in faith and expectation and want to recover what they've lost [Applause] i i didn't give you the other scripture i'll quote it you go over to second kings i mean uh second samuel it's right after this episode the bible said saul is in battle with the philistines and it's going bad against him ready and the scripture says he's running for fear he takes his sword and commits suicide said he stabbed himself and he fell down on the ground if you read that story it's only eight verses turns around he turns and looks over his shoulder he says hey who are you and he said i'm a young man a malachite he said come stand on me for my life is yet in me lest the philistines come and abuse me or torture me he said kill me so the amalekite takes his spear and sword and stands on saul and kills him takes the crown takes his royal bracelets and brings them to david as if he's going to get a reward because he killed the king and he turns around and he said here's here's what the lord showed me see god's got to show this to me i'm not smart he's got to show this to me he turns around he says how is it you were not afraid to put your hand against the lord's anointed please hear me pentecostals even when people have walked away from the truth and leaders have acted like a stupid bunch of fools don't ever put your hand against them because the anointing is still on them even though they're in disobedience [Applause] david said how dare you have tilled the king here's what the amalekite said and the lord spoke to my heart and said tell my spirit tell my people beware the spirit of the amalekite what's the spirit of the amalekite here's what he said for i was sure that he could not live after he was fallen and it's like the holy ghost said tell my people the spirit of the amalekite wants to make a decision about your future i want to make a decision about your future i say no matter how bad your wound is how terrible your failure is how messed up your fall is you can recover from the worst mistake you've ever made you can come back from a damage and an injury that you have made don't let somebody else tell you you can't recover [Applause] i i'm almost done i'm sorry i'm not preaching good i i really usually preach really good in fact sometimes i even buy my own tape i'm just really really ready for this don't let it a malachite determine whether you can come back secondly sometimes when you're picking low cotton don't listen to your own stupidity in the book of job and in the book of jeremiah two times it's recorded these words my wound is incurable that's a lie from the pits of hell i don't care how terrible your mistake is i don't care if you made the same one 40 42 times i don't care if everybody in upc says you can't make it don't don't you get it a church is nothing but a hodgepodge of recovered people i once was lost in sin but jesus took me in and then little light from heaven filled my soul [Applause] i was never in the yearbook as the man most likely to succeed i was in the yearbook of the as a man most likely to go to jail i was a hell-raiser i was a thief i had a dirty mind i had a dirty mouth i was a crook i was stealing since i was 10 or 11 years old i i couldn't tell the truth standing on the bible looking at jesus and here i am in the middle of my drunken affair almost getting a divorce from sister arnold and and the lord of recovery comes into the room and says i'm going to forgive you i'm going to fix you i'm going to fill you and i'm going to use you [Applause] i need some recovered people [Applause] i didn't say we have everything right i just say we have experienced the recovery [Applause] i'm almost done see i i was a terrible drunk and and when you go to aaa now that doesn't mean apostolics anonymous and when you go to aaa and you go they ask you to testify everybody that stands up and testifies here's how they begin hi my name is such and such and i'm a recovering alcoholic well here i am telling you right now in front of you god and everybody my name is jeff arnold and i'm a recovering drunk i'm a recovering sinner i'm a recovering jailbird i'm a recovering liar and i may fall down sometimes but i'm in the process of recovery that's what holiness is it is the process of total recovery okay i gotta i gotta catch a plane i gotta catch a plane i think i'm finished yeah i think i'm finished i just um let me see page one page two page three page four page five page okay so just give me one more minute dave we know the story david unfortunately in a low time in his life he he lusted after another man's wife bathsheba he ended up taking her to bed getting her pregnant then turns around like a hypocrite and kills her husband with the sword of the ammonites and then acts just like a pentecostal praise jesus i love the lord and and for one year he's playing a hypocrite if you read song you don't you people read the bible when i say that sometimes you look at me like see you have to turn off the internet for a minute and read the bible it's got a lot of great stories in it [Applause] now the lord loves david so much and david won't confess if you read psalms 32 verses 3 through 5 he said all day long thy hand was heavy upon me my moisture dried up my bones roared what is he saying he's on a conviction he's miserable food has lost its tape the tv is not enjoyable videos are not a hap he's just miserable because god's got his hand on him listen to me when conviction doesn't work god's got one more trump card he'll send the preacher right in your face and he turned around and under conviction couldn't get him to confess miserable couldn't get him to confess feeling shame and guilt couldn't get him to confess nathan go go talk to stupid go talk to stupid right now and he tells him the story about the little you lamb and how that the guy took the poor little guy's lamb and david's flipped out now suddenly he's righteous i can't believe that would steal that poor guy's one little lamb that guy needs to pay back fourfold in fact that guy needs to die it's amazing how righteous you become when you're not guilty and and the prophet turned around and said you're the guy he said i blessed you i gave you saul's house saul's wives i gave you the kingdom if you read your bible once in a while if you'll read your bible the lord chews him out and says i gave you this and i gave you that and i gave you this watch what he says and if that had not been enough if you would have asked me i would have given you such and such other words god is ready to bless god is better to recover god is ready to restore but you got to ask and he turns around he says pray for me preacher i've sinned if you read your bible the next verse says and the prophet turned around and said the lord has just put away your iniquity that's right now that doesn't sound like reluctance i i don't mean to be rude am i on the internet am i all right well i'll say it for all you folks that worship on the internet thank god neither david nor the lord were in upc you just take it to headquarters here's why had he been in upc and god had been in upc he would not have recovered him he would have put him on probation [Music] [Applause] i'm going to put you on probation until i'm satisfied with your repentance who the blankety-blank are you if we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us and the blood of jesus christ cleanses us from all sin and all unrighteousness we serve a god who is ready [Applause] you can stand up with me now i i think i've preached long enough i you understand i'm not trying to be rude upc i'm a part of upc i'm not going anywhere but but i have dealt with enough people who have unfortunately made bad decisions i just dealt with a wonderful man who was a preacher and his wife was gorgeous she was a beautiful lady had three beautiful children he ended up getting himself in a an affair which was unfortunate his wife divorced him he lost his ministry he lost his wife he lost his kids he came to hear me preaching at a conference and he came all the way down and he said i heard you preach about refuge from despair and i'm in despair and i need you to talk to me brother arnold because i just want to be saved i don't need the ministry i don't need to pulp it i lost my wife my kids i made a mess out of my life so i go to church at the church after this he told me i'm not lying he came right to me i was preaching the camp meeting we stayed in my cabin for a few hours and i talked to him and and he said every church i go to the pastor makes me sit on the back row and he tells all the people in the church have nothing to do with him don't fellowship with him don't go eat with him and i'm sitting here going that's about as anti-christ as you can get and he says all i want to do is worship and be saved but but i'm always being held hostage by the mistake i made so i said to him i said son when you repented did the lord forgive you oh yes i said the issue's over when david prayed that day at zig lag said shall i pursue will i overtake he said pursue overtake without fail recover all god didn't put him on probation until he was pleased you see when you're forgiven you can be forgiven in five seconds when you violate trust trust takes a longer time with humans to get it back but not with god not with god when peter lied and denied and ran away the lord the bible said the lord met him in private and let him experience recovery because he is the lord of recovery guess you know why we love simon peter's preaching on the day of pentecost we're listening to a recovered man i i wish i'd have preached better i don't know how to preach any better this what i'm trying to tell you sweet wonderful people what a wonderful church you have here watch god wants you to experience what he desires for you recovery now if i'm not saying you're lost what can we are we allowed to have an altar call because all this this covert junk you know people are crazy everywhere says talking masking i'm fine six foot apart what i'd like if i could just for five minutes those of you that honest enough to say somewhere in your life you have experienced some aspect of recovery maybe you're not totally recovered maybe you've got some other issues but you've experienced some type of recovery i'd like you to either start praising god where you're standing or come to the altar and just give god some thanks for the recovery that you've already experienced we can't undo what we've done but god can give us recovery god can purge us god can cleanse us god can heal us god can deliver us hallelujah you've got a master that will not forsake you though you fall down though you get sick though you make terrible blunders he will not turn his back on you he wants you to experience recover to get back what you've lost your praise your joy your faith your expectation i don't know i'm in the process of recovery i think we are honest are going to be recovering until the rapture takes place and as you walk in holiness god's going to show you another air that you need more recovery in but even though you haven't had anything through everything recovered you're still his he's still in love with you he still cares about you he doesn't want you lost would you would you begin to pray for just a few minutes you're ready you're gonna you're gonna sing you're gonna sing come on come on save me i can't go over there don't ever say your wound is incurable don't ever say that you can't be fixed the devil is a liar don't ever let some amalekite tell you your wound is too bad and you've fallen too many times and you can't get back up mike has said rejoice not against me all my enemy when i fall i shall arise
Channel: The Worship Place
Views: 22,886
Rating: 4.9092283 out of 5
Id: rVqBvdcBwPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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