"The Seven Prayers of Submission" Evangelist Josh Herring

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[Music] and praise the Lord everybody you've honored a pastor had a ball appreciate him so very much for all he has done for the kingdom of God globally and in this community as well and such an honor to preach behind this sacred desk and I'm so thankful to be here with you on to my beautiful wife and my children for the years of traveling and believe I've received some direction from the Lord for you tonight wherever you may be in your home or in your vehicle I have two places of Scripture I'd like to go to the book of James chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 and then a page or two over first Peter 5 verses 5 through 7 James 4 verses 6 and 7 and first Peter 5 5 through 7 I give honor to all the ministry here at a PLCC thank you for having us today the Bible says in James chapter 4 verse 6 but he giveth more grace wherefore he saith God resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you 1st Peter chapter 5 verses 5 through 7 likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yay all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble thank you humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he careth for you I want to give you tonight something the Lord gave me in the prayer closet and that is the 7 prayers of submission the 7 prayers of submission and I pray that if you can get this this will help you that walk in Supernatural spiritual authority over the spirits of the enemy that attacked you and your family wherever you are right now would you join me in prayer get your family near if you're with them at home I feel the angel the Lord just brushed by me just now Lord Jesus have your way in this room tonight and I pray whoever I am speaking to that you would take over every atmosphere in every home every vehicle every situation and I pray Almighty God that you would release your absolute authority in every crisis going on both in this church and in this nation and in this world I pray God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you would have your wait tonight Lord use me as a vessel that gives you glory and honor tonight and in Jesus name I pray a man there's something powerful about understanding the will of God is for you to walk in spiritual authority it is the will of God for you to walk in the for team against anything the devil brings against you God desires for you to have dominion over everything the devil attacks you with the God desires for your reactions to be reactions of authority when you are attacked by the adversary it is the bait of Satan to get people into arguments into division but if you're going to argue argue like an angel when Michael wrestles Satan over the body of Moses he did not get into an argument with him but instead instead said to the angel Lucifer the Lord rebuke thee in other words Michael knew if I tried to argue with this angel who's got a great voice the devil himself we'll win the argument but if I speak from the position of authority that I stand in in my submission to the God of the entire planet then the god of that planet will black back me up in everything that I'm fighting for which at that time was the body of Moses on this earth in other words if you're going to fight the enemy you want to fight from a position of authority not a position of trying to prove your power I believe it is the will of God no matter where you are at home right now that you have dominion over every spirit that attacks your family over every spear that attacks your children attacks your marriage or attacks your mind it is the will of God that you walk in Dominion against anything hell brings against you and there is a pathway to Authority and that pathway is submission and it's kind of like when Elijah walked around with Elijah Elijah had this great Authority he could call down rain he could call down fire he could raise the dead no one else had ever done that before he walked in a dimension no human being was walking in and Elijah it's the privilege of walking with this great man of God and Elijah the Bible said took water and poured it on the hands of the man of God water that would have quenched his own thirst he said I'd rather the water go through the hands of the man of God in my life and hit the ground and look like a waste than for me to consume the water and quench my thirst and you read that you think nothing of it until years later when he gets the mantle of Elijah and half the miracles Elijah performs involved water in other words God gave Elijah dominion in the dimension where he served in submission if you will serve in some you'll walk in Dominion where you are submitted that's why I could smile a river and it would open why can't L name it tip seven times in the water and the waters gonna heal that leprosy in your body that's why I told the people surrounded by the enemy dig ditches fill them full of water the enemy will see it full of blood story after story where Elijah walked in Dominion because at one time he was submitted in that dimension so the pathway to Authority is submission but let me say this the pathway to submission you're just starting the Holy Ghost and getting baptized and you're instantly submitted the pathway to submission is humility yeah like what mother brother Hernandez and brother stonking both told me the same story different times I guess God needed repeat it to me and they said there was a preacher one time a young preacher that was in a big little church and he was excited to preach there and he he kind of strutted up to the platform and struggled across to the front of the pulpit and he strutted the whole time he got to there when he started preaching he bragged about himself and when he got done bragging about himself he tried to preach and he flopped and when he got done preaching he left with his shoulders hung down his head hung down and walked out and when he walked out he walked off the platform and an elderly lady met him at the base of the platform and she said had you walked up the way you walked off you would have walked off the way you walked up in other words humility is the key for the favor of God brother Hernandez who just went on to the Lord it's terrible from even other people he would he would teach me things on humility all the time and he would say that humility is the dress code of the kingdom of God that's why the Bible says to be clothed with humility if you don't get that you go nowhere in the kingdom of the Lord he would tell me heaven operates through humility well hell operates through pride and therefore if you are operating in pride or humility you will quickly determine and see the efforts of the team that's near you if you are operating through pride you have more demonic activity around you all the time because hell is attracted to pride but heaven is attracted to humility heaven is attracted to people that do not think they're worth anything but for the mercy and for the grace of God here they are and they're thankful is there anybody watching that is thankful for what the Lord has done if it had not been for the Lord none of us in the kingdom it's why the Bible's that humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you in due time in other words that's a pass code for favor I want you to put that down of your home I want you to write that down humility is the password to favor or the pass code into the dimension of paper if you want favor humble yourself under the mighty hand of God lower yourself when you don't have to and it gives you and gives God access to exalt you later on in life because he now sees that you have humbled yourself under his mighty hand he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty if we will lower ourselves under God's will and God's power we will find the favor of God in our life and you cannot be submitted without humility because a submitted spirit comes from a humble spirit people that are never submitted always reek of pride people that are not submitted to the man of God to the leadership of the church or to God they always reek of pride because it sits Lucifer and satanic Lucifer was the one who originated pride when he would refuse to submit himself to God Almighty but instead said I will be like the Most High let's satanic and therefore that's where pride originates from and that's why God hates a proudful look because as soon as someone starts to look proudful causes that reminds me the look I received Angell years ago but humility is the key to submission the Lord showed me seven things to pray every morning and these seven things if you will pray them daily before you talk to your spouse before you talk to your boss before you make a phone call or send a text before you do your morning prayer before you read the word I want you to understand these are seven things that can help you walk in authority every day of your life every day if you will vocally pray this out this won't take you long at all but it will help you number one vocally every morning submit yourself to the Word of God every day when you wake up let the enemy know let your flesh know I am submitted to the Word of God here's why if you're not submitted to the word you will be submitted to your own emotions and your own feelings and your own reactions and your own opinions and your own mentality about your own views about things but when you say everyday I submit myself to the Word of God you will realize and you will be able to admit sometimes I am wrong about people about situations and therefore I let the Word of God Trump my feelings for in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the entrance of my words bringeth light the Bible said the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword it's so quick it's so powerful thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path no you may not be shouting over that but if you'll do it you'll get checked every time you're wrong because the word will be alike to you and let me just say this you can't submit to it if you're not reading it don't say you're submitted to if you read it whenever the preacher takes his text and that's it because that's not submission submission of the word is I put it in my spirit I submit to what it says how do you can submit to something if you don't know what it says so you submit to the word let me give you something else for free here the Bible said in the armor of God in Ephesians talking about the the different dimension of the armor of God which is a pattern of Prayer also about the way that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and then it says the next first praying always and so before you even tap into prayer he's talking about putting the armor of God on when you're fighting the devil and the last thing he tells you to do before you pray is to get the sword or the word here's why that sword creates a pathway for your prayers to go up let me help you right now anytime you feel to read the Word of God vocally out loud and you don't even know why you're doing that it's because stuff is in the atmosphere that would hinder your prayers from going up and therefore when you start to read out loud you swing the sword in the atmosphere eCos a shuttle and you create a pathway for your prayer to go up when you read the word silently the sword goes to work in wordly on the flesh that's in the way of the prayer that's why it's powerful to read your Bible when you are praying because the sword can create pathways in the spirit for your prayers to go up to God number two submit yourself vocally to the name of Jesus this will keep you from pride because if you submit anything in your life to the name of Jesus no matter what comes to give your name glory or your name fame or your name attention or your name hydration and exaltation it will have to go through you to the name that you're submitted to the opposite is also true if you do not submit to the name you submit to your own name but when you live a life of submission to the name of Jesus when stuff comes at you that's got a name on it you recognize that no matter how powerful the name of the attack is whether it's anxiety or anger or fear or hatred or whatever it is when that thing comes at you you realize that the name is above every other name and at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth so therefore you know if you're being attacked by anxiety anxiety it's not as big as the name of Jesus and therefore you cannot submit yourself to the anxiety trying to get inside of you because you've already submitted yourself to a higher name I hope you're not bored watching number 3 submit yourself to the blood your is something very powerful that's never getting preached we got a lot of people that plead the blood but don't submit to the blood it doesn't work to plead something if you're not submitted to it the blood has laws you were bought with a price let me just break it down every morning when Moses said look we're about to leave tonight we're going to leave Egypt death angels coming down everybody get that land kill the lamb put the blood on the doorpost remember that and if the angel comes to your house and sees the blood he won't kill your firstborn but then Moses said something else and make sure you stay in the house because the blood doesn't work if you step outside it's covering that's why you can't get baptized and continue living like a demon and wonder why the devil's attacking you he loved whattaya because the blood has laws and if you want to keep protected from the enemy you've got to stay behind the blood line that's why you can't do everything your flesh wants to do because it's outside the blood and when it's outside the blood it exposes you to the enemy but when you say flesh I was bought with a price you bit up in the morning you tell yourself you say self no matter what you try to do to me I am submitted to the blood you can cast out the devil but you can't cast out your flesh you gotta train your flesh you can't tell your flesh as much as you want this you're not gonna have this because it's outside the blood well I just it's a spirit no it's an addiction well the devil keeps bringing the same thoughts at me every day I just keep struggling with it no you're not putting it enough for the Holy Ghost underneath the blood you're covered by pure stainless blood that washes away all sin and all you have to do to remove the fog is put your flesh underneath the blood and then when the devil tries to come you plead the blood and when you plead it submitted to it it works that's why elders can tell you story after story after story of pleading the blood and it works why because they were living a life submitted to the blood as my friend rashida Collins said you can't cast out something that you entertain in other words you can't have authority over something you keep inviting in if you want to have to met you know friend you've got to put it underneath them before you have to submit yourself to the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God and here's why if you do not submit to the Spirit of God other spirits can come at you demonic spirits human spirit your own human spirit but the Spirit of God when you're submitted to it it brings you Liberty where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty brethren Ana's used to say Liberty is not a thing Liberty is a location where the spear of the Lord is there is Liberty in other words you can find a place every day why for the Holy Ghost what's attacking your family and if you get the Spirit of God in your house there will be Liberty there will be peace and there will be joy we've got too many apostolic walking around with their head down but I can't do anything for God the devil stopped me wrapped up he does not have you wrapped up you need an invasion of the Spirit of God in your house tonight and it will give you Liberty in your home that's why it's not a bad thing to pray every day until you get a breakthrough it's not a bad thing to search for God every morning until you're talking in tongues whether you do it or not just I'm not judging that to say it's not a bad thing to make that your goal every morning to pray until you're praying in the spirit why because you're about to leave and got into your day would you not rather go out into your day walking in the spirit then walk in the spirit shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh so if you're falling to the lust of the flesh you're not walking in the spirit number five here at home write it down submit yourself every morning to the angels of the Lord I know that some preachers love to preach they command angels and I like to laugh at that it's not biblical to command angels the Bible said he gives his angels charge over you goes against the chain of command the aims of the lord encamps round about them then why just telling us what to do you might think you tell them what to do there's reason why you're talking big and don't actually see them angels are given authority over us it's a good thing Bay to submit yourself to the heavenly guests that are near you because they see things you can't see they know there's their sin to protect you from car accidents from crazy stuff and it's a good thing to say Lord I submit to anything that from heaven that you've sent to me why because if you submit yourself to the will the Lord the angels of Lord you can have whispers in your dreams wise men that give you a different direction home you can have someone show up in your fire shadrach that you had no idea was there you can have somebody come into a lion's den and things they should destroy you can't even talk to you because you're submitted to heaven humble yourself if there's an angel near Lord I submit to whatever he's here for you don't this let me just say this God does not dispatch angels because they're bored he dispatches angels for a purpose every time and a reason and then what type of angel they are and so when they're near you whether you see them or not it's a good thing to let them know every morning Laura there's angels and there I submit I submit my family to them whatever they're wanting to do whatever they're here for let's let it happen number six submit yourself to the will of God every morning wake up and submit yourself to the will of God why because obviously sometimes your will and my will is not his will and with your will is strong like is anyone watching online have a strong will let me ask your spouse is anyone online have a strong will your will is strong but if you submit your will to his you can pray things not my will but thine be done your will sometimes does not want what God wants but here's the here's the flipside of that if you submit yourself to the will of God anything that tries to come against you that day that is not the will of God cannot do what it came to do as you're living a life submitted to his will God knows I'm submitted no God is not you can to sit there and say God knows I'm submitting when you're living crazy and doing stuff that you know it's not the will of God if you know you want God's will you need to tell him every morning I submit myself to the will of God for me today and that will keep things away that are not the will of God and number seven here's the big one everybody every morning submit yourself to the man of God every morning this will keep you from bitterness from pride from drama from anger from jumping from church to church because submission to your man of God kills anything that would try to elevate you above the words coming through him to you what's quiet and I can feel it right now and I'm gonna dig it out there's something powerful about letting hell know you can't do what you want to do to me because I've got a shepherd that I'm submitted to that I'm praying for that covers me and that thing may feel like you may not get you spots you may not talk in tongues but you need to let the enemy know everyday if you're gonna get to my kids and my marriage we have to go through my pastor because I am covered by the man of God I am submitted and here's why I should pray all seven because if you pray six of the seven the devil will look at the one channel you're not praying and come at you every time if you're submitted to the pastor and the will of God and the angels and the Holy Ghost and the blood and the name but you never read your Bible you will always always distract you all day every day to where you could be on your phone eight hours reading everything but the Word of God but then all of a sudden and when you go to use the word against the enemy why doesn't it work because you're not living a life submitted to it really coal used to pray every time holy ghost outpourings would pray by the authority of the word of God power the name of Jesus receive the Holy Ghost you know and for miracles and there's a lot of preachers that use that as a formula now they'll get militarist by the authority word of God in the middle of church nothing happens you know why they think it's a formula but what they don't know is every morning before Billy Cole was step into that pulpit that night to preach and to declare people getting the Holy Ghost he would vocally say I submit myself to the Word of God and he would privately submit to it and publicly walk in it and you cannot publicly walk in something that you're not prideful eye for the Holy Ghost not privately submitted to so if you want to stand up and declare God's gonna do something submit yourself to it before anyone's around and God will back you up when you prophesy but don't get up and declare things if you're not submitted to it when no one's around why are you saying all this because the word said submit yourselves unto God resist the devil and you'll flee I want you to get this if you get nothing else get this okay if the devil is attacking and you're resisting and he's not leaving it's not a faith problem it's a submission problem because the word can't lie it didn't say build up your faith resist the devil and he'll flee because faith doesn't cast Devils out submission doesn't in fact Jesus said by the finger of God I cast out Devils he just neither so connected not my will but thine be done devils get out of here this submission brings the authority that's why the Centurion said Speak the word only my servant shall be healed I know the power of authority I know the power of submission and I help somebody watching right now if you want power over diseases and power over the demonic world and power over attacks in your family you've got to increase your levels of submission and when you increase your submission you increase your authority submission does not make you weaker submission makes you stronger and mightier than you could ever be with your own will and your own giftings here's what I feel to tell this church right now everyone watching I fail to tell everybody this here is the test the Lord is going to give you this week the Lord wants you to bless your pastor this week to let the enemy know you cannot come do to me what you've been doing because I just got closer to the man of God than I've ever been now it's sad that I have to clarify this but let me clarify it blessing him is not saying pastor I've got something I need you to go to Orlando and pick it up it's for you that's not blessing him that's stressing him you know who you are blessing sister had a ball is not saying hey I'm gonna call you up and tell you everything wrong in my life for three hours and then pray for you at the end I'm preaching really good I can feel it funny there's something about saying god what can I do personally to let the enemy know I am submitting how do you do to the work you read the word that lists that that lets the enemy know you submitted the word how you at the name you do declare the name you thank god that's wrong we baptize in the name of Jesus we thank God for our food in his name everything we do that's why you scream the name of Jesus going through the intersection when it cost him because you know that name has all power you submit to the blood by not giving into your fleshly desires for sin you submit to the Holy Ghost by praying and not being satisfied do you break through and get renewed the Holy Ghost all the time you submit to the angel of the Lord by saying God I walk in humility I don't know everything I can't see everything direct me speak to me whisper to me guide me you submit to the will of God by laying your own will down but you submit to the man of God by strengthening him and blessing him what if it isn't neither it doesn't matter what he needs I'm feeling God homie right now you're drawing a lie in the sand letting he'll know you can't cross that line and come through that channel anymore because I am covered by the shepherd of this city and let me just say this you've got a man of God that is known globally it's not known globally because humans he's known globally in the demonic world for a reason and the reason he's known global in the demonic world is because he's been a world changer in nation after nation after nation do yourself a favor and get underneath is covering because he asked look can I just say like I want to say Josh Harry style is that global respect from Hell right now and what you want to be covered by is not someone who thinks they're powerful but somebody who walks with authority over the spirits of the world why are you preaching this because the doors are about to open and is the will of Satan to send division in here if the body will submit itself before the doors oh when you come in here I say it to you you'll never have services more powerful than the ones that are about to happen because you're walking in you to find and submitted like you've never been before if you're at home I want you to stand up in your living room right now it's your family together we're about to pray in the name of the Lord Jesus he loved but unless you show that I'm a sucker and when I'm done praying here's what I feel to do tonight I'm gonna ask pastor to come when I'm done and prayer covering over every person that calls this church home and anything he anything he feels to cover he's got a lot of authority and if you're submitted you're gonna see a protection come over you a peace come over you flavor come to you joy come to you I asked my pastor last week for the congested I said bishop this is all happen just crazy wave of favor hit us and I said what is what does I mean it was it was unexpected crazy stuff and I said what what is that what does that mean what's going on that I don't see he says very simple you've elevated your submission he said and the increase of submission brings the increased of trust from God and God has not up till a hopfield god only god has not given certain people the things they're asking for because he can't trust you with submission yet Lucifer said I got all the gifts and it went to his head but let me tell you something if we will humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and say God I need my pastor and I pray God give me let me do something personally for him but let me show him how much I love him now let me do this for the man of God what you just told hell guess what God can trust me humble yourself under the mighty hand of God he will exalt you in due time casting all your cares upon him in other words you're not allowed to cast your cares on him until you humble yourself before him he's not answering the things you care about there's not enough humility and submission what a shot I'm a higher I'm gonna pray I've come to do this prayer come across this state from Pensacola to do this prayer driving this is why I'm here I know I am here I can feel it and when I am done praying the man of God for this city the apostle to this region period is going to come up here and he's gonna pray and whether you feel goosebumps or not the demons that are near your home are gonna back up the only way they would not back up as if you're not submitted to him but if you're submitted to him I tell you in the Holy Ghost tonight that demons will flee homes of people that go to this church tonight that have been comfortable resting in homes and messing with families because the authority and the fire is about to come out of your pastor's mouth will come down on every spirit that's attacked your family by the authority the Word of God and the power of the name of Jesus I release a spirit submission upon this church right now upon every leader upon every preacher upon every musician upon every singer upon every teacher upon every one used in ministry anyone using leadership and anyone that goes to this church I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that a head shot would be built tonight that hell would not be able to penetrate I command the demons to be blind let's all have a higher and not be able to see you and I pray that you become hidden in humility I pray the demons would be deaf and not be able to hear the things you're praying and try to stop them and I pray that demons would be removed from your house by the same Angels that removed things in the Word of God and I close with this prince of this area you do not have the authority that you claim you have and the man of God that's coming behind me right now has authority over your entire kingdom in this area and I pray protection and when the man of God comes to pray right now I want you to pray for him as he's praying for you that God would protect him would you do that may the Lord bless you let's roll here we go in Jesus name in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we're going to tear down strongholds right now in the name of Jesus we destroy every argument in the name of Jesus Lord we come and we surrender and we yield and we submit and as we are yielding and surrendering God you're going to lift up the church you've got to lift up our families you're going to lift up our homes hedge of protection around everyone I pray in the name of Jesus God we commend ourselves to you our minds our hearts our souls our bodies our spirits to be yours completely yours hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of we come in we yield we surrender god I thank you for the Word of God that came forth I thank you lord I thank you for giving us the keys I thank you God for giving us understanding I thank you God for allowing us hallelujah to you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus lord I plead over every home I plead the blood over every family I plead the blood of Jesus pray angels to be hallelujah the angels that are there right now God better standing guard over your home's over our families I pray in the name of Jesus God those angels Lord that have been dispatched by you by heaven to lead to guide to guard to protect to defend every one of them Lord in Jesus name hallelujah to continue Lord directing homes and families continue Lord hallelujah having an angelic covering over our families and our homes I pray in the name of Jesus Lord I pray the word the word the word that come forth like never before the word God to come forth like never before the of Jesus that is proclaimed over all of us through baptism as we submitted in Baptism I praise the name the name the name Hanukkah Shia or er kiya marital gothic Ethan availa Misaki optimal ah hi we are people of the name we are the people of the name and God we do submit ourselves we humble ourselves and we come before you to seek your face to turn from our wicked ways and God we know you're gonna hear us that you hear us from heaven that you hear us from heaven that you hear us from heaven you're gonna heal --heel you're gonna forgive our sin and you're gonna eat our land hallelujah let it be getting our homes God let it begin in our homes let it begin in our hearts huh heal our hearts God heal our homes God heal our communities God heal our cities God heal our state of Florida God heal our land God we need healing from you we need help from above today we lift up our eyes to the hills from whence cometh or help our help cometh from the Lord which made the heavens in the earth hallelujah come on let there be an altar of your home right now let there be an altar in your home right now let there be an altar in your home right now hallelujah you're gonna come and we're going to just continue worshiping God hallelujah we're breaking strongholds were breaking strongholds you're breaking strong those you're tearing down the strongholds of the enemy we are tearing down the strongholds the Word of God came so powerfully and so directly to every one of us giving us the keys to be victorious and we are going we are going we are going to another level hallelujah I pray to God when we come back we don't come back the same as we left but I pray that we come back even in another higher dimension a greater level deeper in God higher in God hair cuz she all of my self I know come on one more time raise your hands that's it submit yield surrender Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah [Music] every stronghold shall be rode you where the pictures have you overcome overcome every high thing must come down every stronghold shall be broke you wear the victors crown you overcome do you hope [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you shall be well over time you will become [Music] okay [Music] to God with the voice of time everyone every month [Music] Oh [Music] every day must be so full shall be now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hold you down star voice in victory don't make your praises [Applause] [Music] hold you down lift our voice in victory make your princess defeat death couldn't hold you boys into crazy [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah I thank God for enemies that have been defeated tonight I thank God for strongholds that have come down but what started tonight I'm going to say it again what started this is a beginning the word that you heard tonight that word that we heard was a beginning of escalation towards greater victory of an ascension to higher heights in God and greater victory so we're going to bind together hallelujah we're going to stay together this week God's going to do amazing things I've proclaimed these times of Prayer he's prayer nights that we're going to be doing God is going to do amazing wonderful things the kingdom of the enemy is coming down the devil's kingdom is coming down in the name of Jesus hallelujah we love you from Cooper City 5201 South Flamingo row all the way to your homes all the way to your hearts we thank you for connecting today we thank you for tuning in and we will be seeing you this week the Lord willing welcome back home to your home at the pinnacles of Cooper City god bless you god bless your homes god bless your families in Jesus name you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Cooper City
Views: 36,521
Rating: 4.9421339 out of 5
Keywords: Pocc, Church, Pentecostals, South Florida, preaching, cooper city, UPC, UPCI, God, Salvation, Acts 238, Apostolic, Jesus
Id: IupNzP7dKpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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