Rev. Josh Herring - A Place Called Hunger

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and praise the Lord everybody but it Flores mister we gave her the floor as a handkerchief we gave it to his wife Saturday night when he put it on his body he felt something touch him 20% of his kidneys were functioning Saturday night he's in here tonight the power of the Holy Ghost we ought to think the lots of miracle that's cute but it's still a miracle from God amen praise the Lord thankful to hear that excited about what God is doing and we honor bishop and sister foster if you love them would you get loud and clap your hands on a man anyway I heard he tore it up at Houston this weekend as I assumed he would and you're so blessed to have their leadership somebody said a man but I'm a beautiful wife and family here with me tonight and feel direction from the Holy Ghost the book of Job chapter 23 book of Luke chapter 1 and Luke chapter 6 say thank you for the hospitality the staff has provided our family we truly truly appreciate it and it's been a great great revival amen I think if I've got it right after Sunday when I was told 282 people filled with the Holy Ghost praise God wonderful wonderful wonderful amen more to come Joe 23 verse 12 neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food Luke chapter 1 and verse number 53 he hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty Luke chapter 6 and verse 21 blessed are ye that Hunger Now for you shall be filled blessed are you that weep now for you shall laugh I want to preach I've been studying throughout the day today and feeling a witness a strong witness and the Holy Ghost was trying to write it all down before church tonight I want to preach to you a place called hunger a place called hunger Lord Jesus I worship you what you're about to do I take authority over in his spirit that would hinder what's about to happen tonight and starting from tonight going forward in this churches future in Jesus name help people God corporately and individually in Jesus name and somebody shout a man you may be seated there is a place where the atmosphere shifts there's a place where direction manifest in your life or answers come to the surface where miracles get in motion where God gets involved this place is called hunger hunger for God there are people all over the world that are hungry for something right now all over this room people are hungry for peace blessings Direction favor acceptance position but there's one thing people are hungry for more than anything care to guess what that is that was funnier than one laugh but still y'all must be sleeping tonight we won't sleep when we're done trust me food is the thing that everybody wants more than anything and if you think I'm lying let's see how long you can fast because food is to think your flesh craves more than fame more than money more than position you want food everybody's an eater in here praise the Lord few people hunger for God at the level that God wants them to hunger for I was praying today ask the Lord how come no matter how hard I beg everyone to show up to outreach the same 50 show up and he said this to me no one can be hungry for revival if they're not hungry for me first you cannot hunger for revival if you're not hungry for God hunger for God produces hunger for revival and if you do not hunger for God you do not care about revival white people hunger for things of this world more than the things of God but the things of God are what ultimately stops the attacks of the world releases the blessings into the life of the saint of God and helps the child of God I feel to tell you more than anything if the revival continues two days two months or two years in this church it's going to have to be fuelled with prayer and fasting corporately throughout the weeks not just once in a while y'all are sitting on me tonight aren't you it's easy to pray during church but if there's gonna be a real breakout revival a spirit of prayer and fasting has to hit the body of the church to where no matter who's preaching I want to get a hold of God like I've never felt him in my life fasting and praying is truly the definition of hunger for God if you say you want the Lord but you never fast you never pray well your words are right but the actions do not back up the words if you say you want God more than anything but you eat nine meals a day and you talk to God twice a week the truth goes quiet now the truth is food is what you want I've come to preach something and release something in here there is such a thing as sitting in the spirit of fasting and the spirit of prayer I figured I get for amens right there because we don't want to go here but real revival in the church when that fasting gets a hold of people and they start to pray can I say it like I want to say it that prayer room needs to have people in it every day of the week not just Sundays and some of your do not like this tonight wow I wish at all you that believe this the prayer room needs to be bill we need people praying Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday don't get must be strong and I but don't make me come up here and sweating my guts out and Bishop come beg us the worship if there's no hunger in your house for revival during the week I'm wasting my time if you don't really want to witness to someone I'm wasting my time you don't really want to reach someone and if you don't want to fast it just guess what there are places that do you read about powerful people in the Bible they all had one thing in common they fasted they proposed as fasted forty days twice twice you know I went a second time is that for the first time he slipped in the flesh to pretty quick killed for all those commandments down broke him and he said too fast again went back up a second time didn't blow it the second time Elisha fasted forty days David fasted Esther fasted three days no food no water I'm gonna get really in trouble right now I mean this could shut the revival down but fasting means to not eat we think I know this is gonna get me in trouble some of y'all heroes out here that if I don't eat sugars and meats I'm fasting because we think Daniel did that you need to read it in the original Hebrew if you think Daniel did that he was 13 when he went ten days with pulse he was 82 when he did not eat the Kings meat read in the Hebrew he did not eat at all in other words at 13 he got on to something that he realized God answers when I get hungry for him and the older he got the hungrier he got for God in the church today we usually fast and pray when we first get in and then we just exist as we age for God Daniel said the more I age the closer I want to get to him the older I get the more I want from God when's the last time you were at the place called hunger when's the last time you crave nothing more but a breakthrough in this presence when's the last time you did not care about anything but hearing his voice feeling his touch when's the last time you look forward to fasting you look forward to praying or do just look forward to all the people getting the Holy Ghost and I'm gonna be very straight with you they will not stay in a culture that does not pray they will not stay in a culture that's just okay we'll only get with it at Bishop Tulsa we have got to create the atmosphere that's why God keeps having me preach on prayer I feel it you know he's trying to stir the culture to pray more that may be normal you and you would need to but in this type of revival with the people he's drawing in it's going to take the church going to another level in prayer and fasting to keep the people wanting to be there they're not looking for hype they're not looking for flesh they want something real they want to feel power they want to fill up knowing ting they want to feel the holiness of God Esther fasted Daniel fasted Jeremiah fasted I say a fasted Pauls the Bible said was in fastings often and even Jesus fasted you want to preach some powerful read Matthew we all think you went to the wilderness too fast and said he went to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil in other words he knew an encounter with hell was coming so he said I'm not gonna eat until I get victory over that demon that's coming at me I just gave somebody a key right there let's fight the devil in their house or in their mind Jesus that I know he's coming I know he's circling he's gonna try to meet me I'm not gonna eat till he shows up cuz if I'm fast when he shows up I'll defeat him in the very purpose that he's trying to accomplish and even when the fast was over he was done and he hungered and the devil said turned these rocks into bread he said not gonna happen why because you never let a devil tell you when it's time to eat you never let the devil tell you when it's time to engage your flesh you you never let the devil tell you it's okay you've done enough to relax now you deserve to sit there and not stand up tonight and not worship you were there Sunday you helped out you can be a statue tonight the devil lotion when after you consecrated you agree to chill with him we need a call too abnormal consecration in this day an hour every church goes on the Daniel fast cracker barrel vegetable plate extra okra extra fries one guy told me he gained ten pounds on the Daniel fast what a beast that a guy one time tell me I'm my wedding I picked him up in the airport I'm not gonna say he would hit picked him up and he said hey Mans go yeah I'm breaking a 30-day fast I said 30 days 30 days bro Anthony I said we're good friends right he said yeah I said I can tell you stuff right he said yeah I said you've gained a lot of weight in the last 30 days you sure you haven't eaten he said I fasted everything but breads I said wait a second breads like anything with dough it's like fight Pizza don't the cheese don't the sauce don't the meat it byte cookies that take out the chips I just whatever I got to do I was like wow I want that anointing I me pray against the diabetes first of all it's amazing what we call it fast now I think there's things that we consecrate absolutely but it's because you don't drink a Pepsi does not mean you're fasting that's the real fasting is pushing the plate away saying god i hunger for you like job said more in other words Joseph I'm more hungry to hear his voice than I am to eat dinner tonight that's true fasting I'm so desperate that's why people don't do it they're comfortable they've got money they're happy they've got a nice house they've got a good car that runs I don't have to be an outreach I don't have to be desperate job says you let some hell get in your house and you'll start praying Lord nothing matters more to me than the words that come out of your mouth fasting I told the prayer meeting company so fasting activates warfare fasting weakens the devil it weakens the devil fasting brings demons out demons that are resisting you I'm gonna tell some stories to help though hope I'm alright here because I'm out here tonight with you ok fasting exposes where hell's hiding my friend was was a Chicago pastors and he gone some fast and he said what's the key to going on long fast I told some things pray to Him on the phone he said I'm starting tomorrow long as fast hit that was five days launched a 21-day fast the next day 21 days finishes it gets to the pulpit there's a lady on the back rope in there six months claps her hands comes to the altar with everybody away no one knew she was the wish they just thought she was a guest the second he finishes 21 days takes the microphone she stands up and starts cursing him oh it's quiet not everyone that comes to church wants revival I had him cursed me on the backroom cursed my car I've had all kind of stuff but when she started doing that he went back to her cast the Devils out of her Manor raised her hand and God filled her with the Holy Ghost for six months she was undercover trying to attack his church but the second shot Ella hiya somebody decided fast and pray hell had to manifest and have been released power do you want the real thing fasting activates warfare I told you a few weeks with the prayer meeting when Daniel fasted in Daniel 10 that's when the demons and the angels started fighting they didn't fight till somebody fasted why there's nothing to fight for but when someone says I'm going after it I've got an answer I need to get from God that causes Heaven and Hell to stir and when that angel came down for Daniels prayer he listened that demon that I fought to get here is gonna try to fight you on the way back and he's got a friend of his a prince from another nation that's gonna try to block me in other words I called the prayer meeting that night he held Laura abandoned their post in a different nation the Prince left the nation of grisha to come help the other demon fight over Daniel's fasting one guy or one lady makes up their mind I want revival and I'm not gonna eat until something happens I'm gonna pray I'm gonna fast I'm gonna get ahold of God you talk about stirring things up but you know why it's hard because we want it but we also want our flesh to be satisfied so we're actually slowing down our but now we can't fast all the time obviously but on the updates the ones that never fast never pray and say I want revival let's just be real no you don't because real revival manifest when some whether it's individually or at the church in the youth group at the home at the job it only manifest when we put the flesh down and say whatever I've gotta do to get you involved I'm gonna show you I want you and you can eat the rest of your life let me ask you something what's gonna reward you more the pizza or the answer from God it's quiet tonight because I'm drawing the real line here fasting is what health fears more than anything fasting makes a coward and Elijah turn to a profit against Jezebel fasting is what causes Moses to walk off a mountain and a space glowing hunger for God James Kilgore's parents when they wanted revival when they've been they got their in their City and nothing happened the his mom and dad for 30 days straight prayed 24 hours a day his mom and dad won't would pray and when the one would get tired the other would start 30 days towards quiet now 24 hours a day and when that 30 day ended revival exploded this God can not ignore what someone says I'm after and I'm not talking like I'm after I'm gonna go after it like I've never gone after it either we are gonna really go after her we're gonna stop acting like we wanted because this place needs to be filled I am believing God that this place should be bill that the people get the Holy Ghost should be staying here and sit be staying in the atmosphere it's straight preaching tonight you came to the wrong service burple be one time was so hungry for God he locked himself in the church for 29 days and when he came out the congregation gasped for air not because he was so frail but because there was a light around his body it scared them half to death one time verbal beam was on a fast and verbal beam as a kid begged his dad to go to the altar every service and his dad would never go and his dad died and went to hell and years later verbal beans preaching and he's on a fast and he goes and drinks the big thing of water and he thinks to himself I wonder how long it's been since my dad tasted water and he threw the water down and finished the fast without it oh it's quiet this is what the old timers did they wanted it they wanted it they didn't just talk like they wanted it they wanted it I remember years ago I would pray God let me fast let me fast like I'm never fast and I would make it my mom I'm gonna go I'm gonna go certain amount of days and I would never get there I want to go eight days I would go seven then the next time I wanted to go nine days I went eight next time I went nine days next time I went ten days and 11 and 12 and 13 after the third day I was like Kent this is gonna be a slow pace God and then one day driving home I'll never forget it after church Sunday night Florida engine air driving through the forest late at night phone rings preacher calls it was July 13th or 14th I believe maybe fifteen five years ago I have enough years ago and the preacher calls and he's talking me and he says you know I preached today about how you can only climb the top of Mount Everest three weeks out of the calendar year last week of April first week of May and a week in October the rest of the time the air does not open up the wind is so severe at the top you can't even try in fact even in those three weeks that last 2,000 feets called the Death Zone and you most people died on Everest in the Death Zone right there even when the weather's open that's how severe it is and he said I just preached to say that when the window opens you got to go for you got to go as high as you can you got to reach for it and he starts talking and as soon as I'm standing here the holy ghosts are talking to me and I couldn't even hear him talk and the Lord spoke to me and said you'll start July 29th you will go 40 days you'll finish September 6th this is your window I said I've never even gone more than 13 days he said this is your window this is your Everest beside started praying and God gave me the strength to go that weekend I'm telling us for a reason two weeks and three weeks and on the fourth week on the 28th night after preaching in Florida and three services on a Sunday we went back to the house and Sunday night me and janae she was pregnant with Jude and I'm shaky and I'm weak and I'm laying in the bed I'm reading johannah's book on fasting he's trying to go to sleep and I'm reading that and I fall asleep about three o'clock in the morning and I have this nightmare and in this nightmare this people are cursing at me and attacking me and I wake up and I'm laying in bed my eyes open and not in my head but audibly I hear a voice speak I'm in your living room right now I roll over to grab my wife and for 10 minutes face the face with a demon from hell 28th night believe it or don't believe it I don't care I couldn't say a word I was frozen stared at me and after ten minutes of sheer fear I whispered Jesus and it disappeared and the Lord said it took you 20 8js days just for hell to worry about you being on their turf at all what you call real revival it's not real revival I'm about to show you what real revival is and from that fast thousands over ten thousand people now have received the Holy Ghost that dead have been raised two times you can't convince me that there's not power would you battle to it to think about it I know for a fact that when you make up your mind I want it I'm going after him I want to get ahold of God that's when things shift you want to get real on that fast the Lord told me there are 13 cities in America where I will pour out my spirit in the last days greater than other cities at the number four city on that list was Dallas Texas and I do it then five years ago that I would be here in a revival where God's Holy Ghost right there where God would do a greater works than any Church in the area someone needs to wake up and realize that is watching and hell is watching what are you doing what am i doing the Dallas Airport a year or two later in a layover headed to preach in Louisiana finished 15 16 there get awfully fast and the airport in my layover at DFW and my flight was getting ready to board on the phone with an evangelist friend of mine Bobby Wayne I'd gone to the restroom I'm talking to him and I say these words here was faster than two I said bro this you bastard and praying the devil's know us they know us we pray and fast they know we've got the power I walked out of the restroom as I walk out I hear these words behind me they know us they know us they know us I turn around there's a man standing at the urinal he says we know you he starts to cuss at me and command me to leave this place and I said in the name of Jesus I rebuke you right now the man fell over and he stood up and rubbed his hand and he said I'm so sorry certainly what I said I'm sorry it wasn't him it was the devil's that knew there's something destined shut up he cut paloma that's why I'm so intense I'm not here for to church I don't care what people say about me you weren't there when I was pushing it down Saint John I want revival more than I want anything and I'm telling you in the Holy Ghost then a spirit of fasting and prayer will be released in here tonight oh I'm telling you right now people are about to fast like they've never fasted he was about to pray hours that they never prayed before the Lord is about to impart it here because there's something that we must go deeper in to climb higher in the revival when you know this is straight bridge this is the real stuff tonight okay bridges everywhere but when you get an atmosphere where it's this crazy and it's this intense and it's this real hell looks for carnality anywhere and the reason I preach them so straight the last couple weeks is because the harvests are manifesting on Sundays cannot keep going if the if the spirits that are working Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday and are keeping us from praying and fast if they control us we'll see the harvest and the little walk out will lose it I believe with everything in me it's the will of God that this harvest stay in this building stay in this house that God's not doing this revival accidentally I don't think God is doing it accidentally I think God's doing it because one man has been preaching it in prophesy for 36 years and I believe me on a shadow of a doubt if the people will say we're not just with you when you preach but we're with you Monday when no one's around and we're with you Tuesday afternoon with no one's there in the prayer room and we're with you Thursday night stand your feet and feel the Holy Ghost right now fasting will break the back of the enemy it's the thing that no one wants to do and the reason is it's the thing that works the most it gets you out of the flesh and into the spirit faster than anything you might go through a day or two of being grumpy well that's fast but I get a migraine it's called your detoxing call me you're not dying you're detoxing it's all the sugar coming out I'll do it but I just don't feel you're detoxing after day 3 I'm not trying to give you a sign day but your body goes into ketosis your body starts getting energy to the hunger goes away that's the physical part of fasting you enter a place where your body starts to feel good on day 4 you don't start to crave food like you did they want to but the reason why more people in fast on day one day two and day three is they think the headache is the body saying don't fast it's the body saying you need to fast there's something wrong physically that's the side the point but spiritually when you break that voice say don't do it don't extend don't beyond and you go beyond that now you tap into the world that hell fears you tapping into now you're walking in the spirit when you go witness for someone now you're dangerous everywhere this God's gonna kiss I get it some people cannot physically fast and those I'm not preaching to those tools and I understand that I understand that completely but you can pray more if you can't fight you can pray more what would happen in here I listen don't get really crazy if everybody in this room fasted one day between now and Sunday I think we'd be sowing God we wanted we wanted we wanted I think we would be show in heaven and we'd be showing hell watch out I think I'm going to say boldly I think we've had more encounter Saturday during outreach positive and spiritual I think we have all time you know why I think hell gets nervous when a church says bring it we are ready to step into that world and tap into that type of revival no matter what you do here's two rules I preach my preaching about fasting rule number one when you're gonna go on a fast always check in with him first cool that why you're fast needs to be covered by your authority why cuz fasting takes you to the spirit world don't go to the spirit world uncovered it's rule number one he says yeah now you do it every says he says yes you're covered rule number two ready always unless God spoken specifically to start tonight always pray for when God wants you to start might say September 21st he might say July 9 I don't know but pray and God will give a date to you and here why but you can start to build up yourself in the spirit before that day gets there and the more consecrated you get before a fast guess what ready the longer you can go on a fast reason why you can't go along in this fast if you're not praying beforehand is because God's protecting you and you cannot go deep in the spirit world uh not secrete it like saying I want to sign up for the Marines send me to the war right now and you've never been to boot camp for training you're gonna go get but gods that's why prayer every day reading your Bible there I know this is practical tonight but it needs to happen and that's why that's called training and the more you do that guess what when it's time to step up and game day shows up and you're there to do this and you need answers and you need prayers then guess what you've been training for this and you cannot wait to step into this because you're going somewhere let me add one more thing to that any time God and I'm writing a book on this any time God has caught me on an extended fast I always do two things I always right now to list the prayers a request that I want God to answer they're not they're not small things I mean I read a big list and and I pray that list every day and sometimes during the fast answers come crazy answers after the fast answers always still every time I pick bless to go on a long fast and I've prayed about big things every single time God has intervened and answered huge prayer requests that I'd never fasted for before pray for a bunch and nothing ever happened fasting is literally like pushing fast forward on a VCR it speeds up favor in your life fasting speeds up favor something that a door that had opened five years from now can open next month if someone says I am ready to reach for God like never reach for God and the second thing you have to do this fill your mind with the word of God don't fast and then beat on social media all day long don't faster be on Netflix all day long you've got to put the word in as much as you can each day cuz the more you put the word in the more your thoughts are God thoughts and not flesh thoughts and flesh will say I'm hungry for food but the Spirit says know you're hungry for answers you're hungry for a breakthrough you're hungry for your kid to say the same you're unreported then I feel the Holy Ghost in here right now I feel like something's about to happen beyond the altar call beyond the building tonight I want you to close your eyes if you have a genuine need or a few needs that you've prayed about and nothing's happened yet raise your hand tonight humbly say this it's time to step up the prayer into the dimension of fasting fasting is fuel for the fire of prayer if you are not believe the Lord Tobi's a couple years and them to say this is he told me this he told me whenever I tell you to preach this which has only been four or five times whatever I tell you to preach it so they told me at the end whoever is hungry I will let you impart the spirit of fasting in the atmosphere and people will come back and fast longer they've ever fasted and walk in deeper places and I cannot tell you if it's been one it's been a thousand people they have come up and told me that fasting thing I had never gone more than a day I went five days never gone more than three days I went eighteen days I went twelve I don't know what it is I just know God loves it people say I want it I want more than just lip service men I feel the Holy Ghost up there tonight I want to go deep in consecration if Daniel did it and Paul did it and David did it and Elijah did it and you did it God I want to go if you think God can answer that prayer and if you want to believe God to strengthen you too fast for the answer would you come stand up here right now a total of a shut cut time I do not say that any so enough if you think I'm probably repent to you because I'm not trying to I'm just telling you what I know beyond anything else in my life I know this works I know this works I know it works I remember him that 40-day I know one of my prayer request was for my brother and his wife and the divorce papers were signed and the ninth day of the fast was the court date you know the ninth day I remember saying come on God I know you hear me and I remember when they called us that we've ripped up the papers I can tell you story after story after story of miracles that happen in my life and my family in our ministry with our children oh sure he'll fought but all did heven step up did the Lord evermore move I their boat least say I wouldn't be preaching this revival tonight and be blessed to be preaching to this church at all had not been for fasting fasting I begged God Lord open the door Lord let me have revival I have the faith point and he said you have faith for what you've not consecrated enough or it's time to build a bigger altar Abraham he finally had to build one big enough for his family to fit on you finally the big one big enough for his boy to fit on and he said the sacrifice and everything but now I'm gonna build an altar big enough for Isaac that's what gets you the favor Abraham building a bigger altar which you just before we pray right now for the release of this wood you start to pray right now and check your heart check your mind make sure the Lord it's clearing anything out of the way right now get yourself in a receiving position in the spirit God I'm ready Don I want this I want to go beyond where I've been I'm tired I feel stuck if you feel stuck I'm preaching to you right now if you feel like the answer hasn't manifested I'm preaching to you right now heal about touch catania there's some answers only fasting brings there's some answers only fasting brings you can pray about it to your guts fall out but some things only happen when you fast there's a place called hunger there's the place called hunger some encounters only happen on the mountaintop Moses that's it pray right now I'm gonna pray in a moment and release something in this atmosphere but I feel the Holy Ghost right now let's set our hearts for if you need to go farther in God if you're not involved as you need to be it's time to go beyond yourself it's time to pin your flesh down and say you will not dictate what happens you will not control me you will not tell me when I'm weak you will bow down to the Spirit of God the Bible talks about a generation two people whose God is their belly homo - hush attire help us God - get to a place where my stomach doesn't dictate what I do in the spirit help me get to a place where my stomach does not dictate how far I go in the spirit give me a mind that's more powerful than the flesh that I live in here's what's about to happen right now it's very similar to a prayer faith but I feel the whole that goes when I pray this the Lord will release a spirit of fasting in this atmosphere and God will call several of you different times different days and Bishop will take it in a moment and he'll direct what needs to happen this revival but I'm telling you right now a spirit of fasting is about to fall upon a lot of people in this altar a spirit of prayer is about to fall on people who've not been praying a hunger for God an old place that someone used to visit frequently an old place an old place memories of when I was hungry for God memories when no one out worshiped me memories when no one was hungrier than I was memories would no one wanted more than I did memories of when I was so desperate I didn't care what anyone thought about it I had to get an answer I had to get it where are you Daniel where are you Esther it's time to go back to that place someone's waiting on you too fast some family members waiting on their answer and you have the key to the door someone can't fast for their need but you can here's what we're about to do in a moment in a moment I'm going to ask you to raise your heads and raise your hands in a moment and when you do it but I ask you to begin to worship God and I'm gonna have bishop lay his hands on me while I pray so I'm covered and when I'm done praying I'm gonna release the spirit of fasting upon you in Jesus name and when I'm done doing it you start shouting the name of Jesus with everything in you on purpose for that fast to fall upon you and for those answers that you need to manifest and they're gonna manifest would you agree with me right now it's in the room right now would you raise your heads would you raise your hands bishop would you come cover me right now by the authority of the word of God and by the power that's in the name of Jesus I pray release right now about normal consecration and a spirit of fasting to fall on your people now in Jesus name shout jeez [Applause] release it God right now release it honker release a hooker release out [Applause] [Music] safar starts begging I receive it I receive I received [Applause] [Music] [Music] Uluru on da da da da da da an another rhodium boishakh yo-yo to rodea vishaka an Elan oh no Rudy on da da da da da Chaka hallelujah hallelu [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes yes hallelujah hallelujah yardang that may have your attention that may have your attention I want to tell you how long time this message is today at six o'clock I looked at the clock the Holy Ghost had spoke to me and said it's time to fast I have not talked to this preacher about this and this was the scripture he preached Jo 23 and 12 I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food today it was proverbs 29 in verse 7 and 8 two things have I required of thee deny me them not before I died remove far from me vanities and lies give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me I immediately went looked with that those words meant the convenient for me food convenient for me convenient food there was three things that I found and the Hebrew it literally means it's of my allowance and then it goes on it's a prescribed portion it is a prescribed like a prescription that you would have filled at a drugstore a doctor would write you out of prescription if you don't want vanity in lies and you don't want poverty or riches then you need to be fed convenient food convenient food it's a prescription it's that prescribed portion it's that prescribed action and so tonight as I read this his text I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food I went dear God in heaven is he getting ready to preach about fast and that's what God was dealing with me and I felt and he'll has fought me all the way up to this church till I got here tonight and I thought it was three days that I have fasted before this revival I don't think I fasted since this revival is started and everything he was preaching tonight is why it's been weighing in my spirit and the Lord spoke to me - fat Wow so I look up my necessary food it's an appointed portion convenient food was prescribed but necessary food is an appointed portion and his word is more than my appointed portion I'm telling you right now there's families that are getting ready to have the curse that has been on you for generations are gonna be broken by this fast I'm telling you right now some of y'all are struggling with things you're up against it with these things but when we come and it means more to us than riches and vanities and lies and it's more to us than my appointed food some of y'all already know where you're gonna eat tomorrow you already know where you're gonna eat on Sunday it's already mapped out it's an appointed time to eat but it's got to be caught you and the words you speak this word that is written this prescription that he has written and and this preacher chain tonight and hence giving it to us so my mind not started and I made some notes okay I might have the staff have them have some fast and have the men have some fasting and that that's how my mind operates but then when I get in here and he starts preaching I had them come up on the platform I couldn't sit still I couldn't be quiet and then I had to go get the Bible I wanted this prescription now I wanted this right here with me I won't adhere when I laid hands on him I put the word on him come on somebody but I'm talking about I'm not gonna come and say okay well we're gonna let the staff fast or the men or the women we're going to know I'm letting God do this tonight God has opened it into some of your eyes right now there's some of y'all right now that you resisted there's some of y'all right now that your flesh has rose up and you know in the spirit God told you to a fast but your flesh is warring and say well I can't do that I've got this to do I've got that to do let me tell you this is greater than any trip this is greater than anything you've already planned oh god I want God I want God I've already got meals planned to meet with people some high important people in this community but you know what I'm doing I'm telling them we gonna have to change that because I got something I want more than you I got something I need his word come on somebody come on raise your hands to God let's pledge ourselves again and afresh and anew come Oh some of y'all do you need to break that flesh spirit off of you you need to break that carnal carnal spirit you need to break that Oh lust of flesh up you need to break down that pride of life and the lust of the eye and the lust of the flesh up you need to bring your flesh under some submission come on come on come o prayer will connect us to God but casting will disconnect us from the world that oh come on somebody prayer will connect us to God but fasting would disconnect us from our worthiness from our carnality come on somebody somebody say yes [Applause] I'm telling you right now remember on that Sunday when we gave that offering I gave my contingency fund I try to keep three months contingency fund I gave every bit of it he said give it without a question Kim if I've got it wrong tell me did you not come to me and tell me today that one month from today I'm to receive a check that I knew nothing about that will more than triple more than what I gave him what I gave was more than five decimal points our numbers when you get get it out there I'm not telling how much it was but it's rule or help me Jesus there's only been one other time I gave that kind of money and that was when we moved in this building and God blessed me way beyond that but now she said she read me the letter that I had no idea that was coming Shakman I still don't understand it I still I gotta go back I sign my name on it to get it yeah did you mail that today first thing in the morning had its mail are y'all hearing me god blesses now he's told me to fast he's called you to fast now will we do it are we gonna give in at the first little headache I love that message tonight I love that I'm telling you that's why we prayed for this man while we pray for that family because God is called this church tonight just be another church hey they're watching us asking about it I get calls every day there won't to know what's going on what's happening how is it missionaries have called me Wow what's going on in Dallas I was praying and the Holy Ghost laid you on my heart are y'all hearing me I have preachers call me and say I don't know what's going on but you've been heavy on my heart what's happening I said man we fightin Devils but don't worry we're whipping him because greater is He that's in us then he that's in the world are y'all hearing me sorry you ready lay your hand on somebody there you you might not even know come on come on come on come on pray a prayer of faith right now hallelujah pray speak against the carnal thought speak against that doubt and unbelief speak against lusts of the flesh lust of the eyes the pride of life come on right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah let the spirit hallelujah come on somebody come on God's calling some of you to three days a festive God's calling some of you to five days seven days he's calling some of you for longer than that come on make up in your mind hallelujah I didn't come to play I didn't come to go through the motion I didn't come just to play around hallelu you want your soul saved you want your family save you want your loved ones saved you want your friends you want the blessings of what he does what he does [Applause] Shekinah he Kyoto Osaka [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus oh Jesus oh my god my god ha ha roboshark I gotta hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah young people don't shy away from this high schoolers don't say well that this is just for somebody else no sir you you fast today some of y'all get fast two or three days come on now oh I understand let's roll up our sleeves come home if you can only fast today well fast today take some nourishment and go again if that's what God's calling you to let's do it if you'll only fast one meal faster meal take nourishment and go again but now why you fasting don't neglect your prayer you're supposed to pray in a fast it's not just doing without food I know it's kind of big right now in the world I mean bodybuilding in such you fast but friend this is a different thing this hidden building this whole physical body this is building a spiritual body this is putting hell on the run come on somebody I won't help and no we're here and we're taking us today hallelujah somebody shout yeah we're getting ready to go takeover reunion tower they said we only have 200 up there well we'll take 200 if I may I'd love to have that tallest building Bank of America building I believe that's what it's called they got a big little ballroom I'm gonna try for it we can get more than 200 in that building it looks out over the city we're gonna pray and we're gonna consecrate we're going to rent buses I got other whole churches that are saying we want to join with you I've already got one one pastor already committed to one forty person bus he said we'll pay for it I said I was hoping you'd say that but I want ten buses to go around this whole city Dallas Fort Worth go around those loops stop every so often and pray and while we're going have somebody on that PA system over the bus tell them all right there's a truth preaching church we're going by that church right now it's about three miles off this road or it's about ten miles off this and it's right there it's this exit we're praying for them we call their name we call that pastor's name we start praying for revival for growth for victory oh [Applause] come on somebody I'm talking red IVA I'm talking broke come on I want to double I want to triple by this time next year we ought to be having two or three services because we can't fit everybody in here are y'all hearing me come home I'm ready to go to American Airlines service for an Easter Sunday because we can't put everybody in are y'all hearing me I know I'm getting way out here now oh no I'm not way out there God can do anything he's just waiting on us we're waiting on God to grow the church and God's waiting on the church he's saying if my people will I will and that's about humbling yourself resistant repenting turning from your evil ways wicked ways and praying fasting he said I heal your land I'll pour out on you come on somebody come home I'm telling you right now there's some marriages that need the Holy Ghost in them I mean I I'm talking about husband and wife that could line up and be some of the most strongest people are y'all hearing what I'm talking about come on it's prayer and fasting prayer faster seek God thank you brother evangelist my god man I was thinking okay I got all day tomorrow I got all day Friday I'll go ahead and start fasting I'm gonna put this thing together but we're gonna have it mapped out we're gonna be I'll be talking to him and then he gets up and said a place called hunger the Lord done done it again what'd I say Sunday he's already done what he said father I thank you for these people god bless now god feel people with your Holy Ghost power if you need the Holy Ghost all you got to do right now is raise your hands the Bible says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost when you receive the Holy Ghost you'll begin to speak with tongues come on let's raise our hands to heaven right now somebody could receive all Eagles right now for the very first time come on there's faith right now there's some belief here right now come on right now people aren't thinking about where we got to go we got school we got work and we got places to go and people to see and things to do know right now people are saying oh Lord Todd your word is more to my lips than my necessary food Oh God feed me with that convenient food I want that prescribed action I want that prescribed portion oh god what you have for me that's what I want in the name of Jesus it's more than that burger it's more than that Mexican food it's more than breakfast lunch and dinner it's more than supper hearts more than a snack how long Jesus bless right now robocar yah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in Jesus name in Jesus name somebody shout yeah are you ready yeah all right somebody ought to be faster than Mars somebody ought to be fasting Friday Saturday and Sunday and here we go all right I trust you come on now am I gonna have to get a piece of paper everybody sign up what days you're gonna pray what days you're gonna fast hallelujah Oh we'll be coming with adults we'll be prepared for allegory I know I did I should have known God was gonna throw no one that Devils fighting me hallelujah thank you Jesus alright y'all y'all better go right now while you can I'm fired up you
Channel: Dallas First Church
Views: 48,921
Rating: 4.9283886 out of 5
Keywords: Fasting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 5sec (4205 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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