Going Deep: Interview with Josh Herring

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all right praise the lord everybody you you're okay brother herring you can hear us okay i am yes sir awesome well pentecostals of fort st john we want to welcome everyone for joining us online tonight for this discussion with this great man of god brother josh herring and what a great message we heard on sunday and we're going to be talking a little bit more about that but just make sure you greet everybody online as people are jumping in and please use this time to comment and if you have any questions i'll try to catch them i have a few for brother herring so we'll do our best but it is so good to have brother herring with us and um just wanted to kind of give a little bit of a backstory to this i guess i i felt in my spirit after the passing of our dear friend and prophet brother eli hernandez that it was important for us to find and to fill that voice in our lives and in our church brother hernandez meant so much to us brother herring and i just felt that we we needed to find uh that voice and so i began asking god for direction like what what what would you have me to do and and i remember um brother chris green who's a friend of ours as well uh he shared with me your passion brother herring for going deeper through prayer and fasting and i began listening to your messages preaching and and when the lord called me to my first 21 day fast i i gleaned from your messages bro like it was it was it kept me going like inspired and challenged and it really did help me in my extended fast while i was listening to one of the messages you had mentioned brother hernandez as being a mentor in your life and and then you begin telling stories that were familiar to us and god just put it in to my spirit that i had to connect with you somehow and i didn't know how so i begin praying okay how do i get a hold of brother josh herring in one of your other messages i i heard you that you were connected to a good friend of mine brother jim blackshear because you are from alaska right um yes sir so i said to myself i i need to call brother blackshear and see if he can hook me up with your contact well the very next day guess who calls me brother jim blackshare and so after our conversation i said hey i'm trying to i'd like to get a hold of brother josh herring would there be any chance that you had his contact number and he said yeah sure i'll text you uh his number and so the long the long story that's shorter i believe that god has brought you into our lives brother herring for such a time as this and to help us launch into the deeper things of the spirit of god and anyone that's listening tonight brother herring imparted to us on sunday that the deep waters are calling and i believe proceeded to draw us a map where to find the deep waters and the treasures that lie therein and i've got five pages of notes brother herring i mean i re-listen to the message i we put it down somebody suggested we needed to make this a pdf and and have it posted now we're all looking forward to your book um but i i encourage anybody that's listening tonight go go back and listen to that message because it is powerful so brother herring we're hungry for more up here in the north country and you have wetted our appetite for more than we've ever imagined and hebrews chapter 11 and 6 says he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him and so i just want to give you the time tonight brother and share with us if you could a little bit of your personal journey that led you into the deeper things of god and and then maybe just kind of impart to us some of the treasures some of the rewards that you have found when you have went deeper in god so i'm just going to give it to you bro you just give us whatever you lay on your heart okay well thank you pastor mclaughlin and it's a high honor to speak to all of your people and and i hope that those that are watching um i hope you give high honor to your pastor on a consistent basis and uh because he is a great man of god and i've heard this from several people so it was a high honor to hear from him some people call and and feel uh you know connection they feel i'm supposed to be there or speak to their people but um and i don't i i don't feel it most of the time to be honest but i felt it instantly when i read the email from pastor mclaughlin and then when i spoke to him on the phone so i definitely feel a connection and i don't know how how much i can help if you had brother hernandez it's like having a uh you know you've had the you had the the polished product of everything the one that you know uh walked in these layers of heaven so uh you've you've fallen several layers you must have fallen in the lord's eyes several layers for him to bring me to your attention oh you might want to raise raise the bar uh for what you're um what you're pursuing but uh it's an honor to speak to you uh my journey to uh deeper waters is is not complete i don't have any i don't uh don't feel like i'm in the deep i feel like on the shoreline trying to get there i do my best just finished a 25-day fast yesterday and i i just want to one want the lord to take me into into places and trust me with things so i would say that i've always had a desire since being in the ministry to to see the things of the lord when i got called to preach i was playing baseball in college and i was running from god and in that process of time the lord i came home and the lord from kentucky to alaska and the lord called me to preach and so i left all my belongings at the school in kentucky never went back to get them and i somehow uh started preaching and so the day before i turned uh well the day before i turned 18 i felt like something was happening and so i'm 18th birthday i was working at a moving company in anchorage about 45 miles from where my dad pastors and turned 18 the next day i was on my way to work it was in a snowstorm and i was driving a friend's truck and i lost control of the steering wheel and i began to swerve all over about 60 miles an hour all over the icy roads and i was headed towards this bridge where there was this inlet of water it was frozen obviously middle winter but it was underneath it and i was out of control and i just was screaming and finally i hit the guard rail head-on and i it knocked me out and i woke up and i woke up on the middle of the bridge didn't know uh where i was my name i obviously had a concussion and so i pulled the truck off the road and went down the ramp underneath the bridge and you you wouldn't even know i was there if you were driving on that highway and uh some this is before i had a cell phone dating myself i'm getting i'm older than i think i am and so um so i was down there pastor mclaughlin and uh some random man came by probably an angel the lord wow or at least an angel was with him and he came down and drove off that ramp and he said i don't even know why i came down here and uh he said you okay and i i told my i don't know and he said you want to call someone he gave me a cell phone and uh i called random numbers and none of them made sense and i didn't know what i was doing so finally the lord helped me i dialed the number it was a guy in my dad's church and he was he was two minutes away of all of all places and and so he came down and got me and uh i uh that night i just i just told the devil i said uh you know if this is how it's gonna be then you then we're gonna have war and i told the lord i said if this is how it's going to be and this is how serious hell is then i don't want to have a ministry that just talks about what happened in the bible and what happened another minister's life i want to see it yeah if the dead were raised in the bible i want to see the dead race if the uh if the i want to see i want to see the outpourings of the holy ghost i want to see these different things so uh and i was of course you know just inexperienced and before i went on a lot of fast you know there's there's always so much flesh we're always dealing with and in fact brother hernandez told me i know if i mentioned this in the uh in the uh session sunday but brother hernandez told me a few years later he said uh the lord's gonna call you to pray and fast more than anybody in your generation wow and i said wow he said no don't get in awe of that you have more flesh than anybody in your generation oh my yeah it was a rebuke backhanded i didn't see it coming he blindsided me with it he blew outside of me a lot of times yeah uh one time i was and i don't know why i'm on this stuff but one time i was do it he was preaching in the area the night that his angel uh came to our home um but before that i i i was on the church softball team was in florida and even though i was evangelizing you know i'd play softball during the week and so i we had a softball game tonight he was coming to stay with me stay with us and so you know looking back 15 17 years ago i should have not gone to the game and uh you know spent time with the prophet but instead i invited him to the game okay you know me just competitive and um so we so we're out there playing and uh uh i um i get a base hit and i run around first and i pop something pops in my leg and it's like oh man i blew my hamstring out so i ran away second and my hamstring ended up being just black as as charcoal but i i knew i couldn't walk so i was limping and i came back in and he he was leaning over the fence i remember his hand leaning over by behind home plate kind of between the home plate the guy was leaning in the fence and he knew i was hurt and he when i was walking after i scored limping home he was just like this and uh and so i and i got in the dugout he walked through the dugout and he said you're so full of pride oh he said he said you should be going home and resting and the lord's trying to tell you to stop this stuff but yet you're just so full of pride that you have to keep playing so i was like and you know you think i would have stopped then but no i kept playing you know and uh well on the way home it was awkward and it was it was a lot of correction and what i needed to work on and oh that's awesome but i'll tell you this i'll tell you this when i got when my wife got pregnant with we have four kids i had tried several times to fast i probably see i'm 38 now so we're married in 2008 and so i would say 2006 or so i started getting i was 22 23 okay been evangelizing through four years and i really started getting hungry i was just tired of what i was not seeing and so i started fasting three days five days six days and uh still wasn't getting anywhere but uh when uh i started you know trying seven days eight days nine days but then after we got married uh i i went 10 and then 11 12 13 and after the 13 is when i got called to the 40 and um i went 40 when she was pregnant with our first son and the reason i think i knew the lord there's two things that i noticed about that fast one was um the lord let me do it uh if he goes if you go 40 it's a god god's called you to it he carries you all the way through it and i think he let me because i had been banging on the door so much trying to fast yeah you know doing all these different fast i kept just coming out i wanted i wanted i wanted and so that was the first thing and then the second thing is he knew that the spirit world would attack my son that was going to be born and so it was it was it was uh it was it's been a lot of attacks on my kids from from demons and so he um he uh let me go on that to cover my son that was gonna be born and so i uh you know just i tell people everywhere and i'm sure if you you know i may have said it something but have something worth fasting for if you're gonna go long have something bigger than the suffering and the sacrificing that you're uh committing to god because it'll keep you on the altar when your flesh is okay that's enough yeah so yeah you said something on on sunday you made a statement said you choose you may choose the sacrifice but not the way that you suffer can you kind of like is this always true or could you speak to that a little bit a little bit more yeah it's usually true and the reason is is um we've all heard how you can't nail yourself to a cross it takes someone else to do it yeah but you know basically you have to have it you have to have a um you know i i used to preach a message called secrets of the spirit world okay and basically uh it was from a fast that the lord showed me uh he took me into a vision and he showed me us uh i was in this room and there was this door in the ceiling there was a door in the ceiling wow of the room okay and i'm on this time and this is gonna we're about to go are we are we cool to go deep now it's going deep that's our that's what we're doing okay all right okay so so uh he uh he showed me this this door in the ceiling and um he showed me in in the in the in the vision or whatever i was i don't know i was in a hotel but i remember in division i wanted to get to that door it was the next level and i couldn't get to it and so there was a ladder and i started climbing the ladder and climbing climbing climbing until i got to the door and um and then the door opened and i was on the floor and so of this next level the vision ended so i um i didn't understand it all and and i wrote it all down and if you get stuff like that write it down yeah i don't i don't do it enough sometimes i should do it more but you want to remember details um that will make sense later so i i wrote i wrote it down and then i was getting up early and praying and and you know going after and fasting and and i went to this conference a couple weeks later and i was one of the speakers and in the conference uh i made a uh there was a my pastor at the time uh he he turned and grabbed my hand the opening night on the platform and he held my hand for 20 minutes praying praying for me and uh it was a powerful moment and in that same conference two powerful elders in the movement very powerful elders that are well known and very extremely annoyed they they laid hands on me okay and they imparted you know they imparted um one part of resurrection anointing and one imparted uh you know everything he had which he has a lot of authority and so it was a unique moment i was like man this is pretty you know interesting so then i preached my deal and and then i started getting attacked and someone uh someone um not mock but someone um you know basically corrected me uh after my message to the to the conference that night in their message and uh in front of four or five thousand people and came at me pretty hard and then another pastor across the country attacked me that night and and then two more pastors attacked me and i didn't understand pastor mclaughlin what was going on the conference ended friday night and sunday morning is when i was when i was in a church service two days later and that's when uh there was a young man 17 years old in the service that was start throwing up blood on the altar and he ended up dying and he died was dead eight minutes with no pulse and i walked up to him and touched him and said jesus and god raised him from the dead and so um i didn't understand it all i and i just and so i thought um i was kind of the next week i was having a hard time getting up to pray and uh for a few weeks i was and i was just in in a weird state like okay what just happened god you know um i wasn't thinking about the vision i wasn't thinking about the door and the ceiling i was just thinking about what happened at that conference you know i had these incredible powerful moments where these imp powerful men prayed for me i had these vicious attacks that were national and then i had this you know this incredible breakthrough where we had the dead race and so the lord came to me and uh and he began to tell me he said do you remember the door in the ceiling and i said yes and he said i want you to write everything i'm going to say down wow and so here's what happened he said the doorway is an entrance to a new level he said there are rooms in the spirit world there are rooms like a skyscraper and they're and we call them levels or dimensions or you're going to a new level you're going to need you're going into a season but they're rooms and he said anytime you're about to go to a new room there's a doorway connected to the room and the doorway is a sacrifice that you must make because the door is attached to the room so it'll be something connected to the atmosphere of that room i said what do you mean he said well if it's going to be a season or a room where there's financial favor there's probably going to be a sec a financial sacrifice you're going to have to make if there's going to be a room of authority and power there's a fast you have to go on if it's going to be a room of revelation there's going to have to be uh prayer and so all these different things just i was like okay i get it okay again i'm still not thinking about the conference i'm not thinking about what happened i'm just thinking about this doorways we're talking about the doorway and so i'm okay yeah to sacrifice into a new level and so always pay attention when you're about to when you're getting called to abnormal sacrifices okay because abnormal sacrifices are entrance points into new dimensions and so uh if it's your if it's your routine to fast three days a month and you're on your three day fast that's not you're not at a doorway okay that's when you get called to that 21 like you talked about which is a doorway to okay and so i said okay he said so there must be a a consecration to get through the doorway he said i said what's the latter he said the latter is early morning prayer wow every day you get up to prayer in the morning you take a step up the ladder toward the doorway i said okay understood and then he said but you don't just consecrate through the doorway i said he said you must be cut to go through the doorway i said well what do you mean he said you cannot go to a new level of spirit with the same amount of flesh that you have come on so i have to use people to cut you for you to get into the next level through the doorway wow and then he said and the third thing is you must be covered when you go through the doorway by people who operate in the dimension you're headed to yes sir and he says so pay and then he goes so when your pastor grabs you and prays for you that's not some little thing right that's the next dimension seeing you coming up and when you get cut by people that's the spirit letting people do this to remove flesh and when you're on this consecration and it's all at the same time because you're entering a new dimension wow and so he said to me when you were covered by those great men of god uh and you were consecrating and you were being cut you were connecting to this anointing where you were going to raise someone from the dead two days after was over and and so i didn't i was okay and so i thought well this is so interesting and he said to me when you get to a new level you're on the floor of that level whereas you might have been on the ceiling of the prior dimension now you're on the floor so the reason why it's essential to be covered coming into a new dimension by people that operate in that dimension is that if you try to come into a new dimension exposed they're going the spirits are going to chew you up they're waiting for you but when they see people that thrive and that anointing escorts you into that dimension in the spirit they can't hurt you and so i said understood i said my one question god is how come i can't pray how come i can't get up and pray if i'm in this new level shouldn't i be closer to you and he said the reason you can't pray is because you're on the floor and you're not climbing i said okay he said the reason why prayer in a new level is difficult is because you have to pull the ladder from the last level into this level before you climb it to the ceiling and when you're pulling the ladder up it's basically spirit spirit world term for you're struggling with your prayer life in the morning you're having a hard time getting up because it's not it's not climbing yeah and getting closer and closer to the next level it's work like why am i struggling to pray why do i not feel anything like why can't i get up it's because you're in a new level but you're on the floor and to get to the next level you have to yank that old prayer life and pull it on and pull on until it's till it's established and now you start to feel i'm climbing and so you're overwhelmed and you're getting hit by stuff and you feel the spirits around you and you don't know why you're being attacked and you feel like con condemned you can't pray what's going on it's because that that prayer life that connected you to this dimension is still in the lower dimension so you have to take that prayer life and start establishing it in the dimension you're in to get to the next level you know brother herring and so often because of all of those you know attacks or feelings or struggles so many people quit in that process of of of climbing or going to the next dimension it's kind of like the concept of liminal space you you can't you can't go back to where you came from but you're not quite where you're meant to be and it's it's considered i read in a book hell in the hallway it's it's the process of getting from where you were to where you are and so many people give up in that hallway or in that going into that through that door pulling up that ladder establishing your prayer life again because sometimes we think like we're doing something wrong yeah we take we take it on ourselves and in fact if you if you're halfway up the ladder and you you'll you're you know if you and this as this this and this this is just spirit world terminology i wish brother hernandez was here he he had a different language he spoke in the game of the spirit world that we're all trying to learn but uh he basically when you uh when you hear someone say something like oh i'm gonna do i'm gonna fast one day or i'm gonna one day i'm gonna pray all night one day i'm going to whatever what they're actually saying is i'm not near the doorway right now i'm not i'm not close to a new level right now whenever you hear that they're going to someday they're sitting on the ladder they're in the they're in the hallway uh debating if they should keep climbing yeah or not they want to go higher kind of like this message i'm preaching on the intoxication of entertainment and how pharaoh was constantly being entertained and then he told moses and treat the lord for me because you can entreat means to intercede so basically you can't be entertained and intercede at the same time you can't you can't go higher in the spirit or deeper uh when you're distracted and when you're wanting to quit so getting through those emotions those ups and downs of of wanting to quit and continuing to do radical sacrifice continuing to to have an anointing that pushes you even if you feel like you're not doing anything that's how you get through it yeah but there are a lot of people that you know they enter this and they don't know anything about what i just talked about and they wonder why this is too hard it's just so hard well it's hard because you're going to a higher level of spiritual activity and so you know when when you start praying and fasting daniel the demons are gonna they're gonna it's not gonna be easy so so you know it's like well i'll just stay down here on on the on the floor well if you stay down there on the floor and you never attempt to climb then you never see the things that you always hear about you never experience them you never have the the favor goes up the the encounters go up the revelations go up the authority goes up uh the humility must go up that's right um discernment has to go up and so if you don't want to climb you're going to just stay in carnality eventually you're going to start looking back down yeah for sure and and you're going you're and you're going to end up looking down at other like you know uh other levels and and uh falling off the mountain if you want to call it like that so so when you when you're going into the next dimension or climbing to a new level you're putting forward to you like the rewards the of the sacrifice or the suffering that you're enduring like jesus looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured endured the cross right so it's okay for us to we're putting forward that we know that we're going into greater things in god we're going to experience greater things in god we're going to absolutely do greater things in god sometimes i feel like we we we think it's too prideful to imagine big things in god is that is that something that that you've seen us struggle with oh yeah yeah we all have i think you know i think that there's something about you know well uh what am i what's my motive in this yeah right and motives are motive motives are huge when it comes to getting closer to the lord you know are you wanting to be used because you want to see all this stuff happen or you want to be used because you want to be seen while it happens right right so now understanding that we have to we have to get into that place where our motives are in check which is why you know before you get the open door you go on the fast you pray because you kill that greed or that that motive for personal um you know your personal agenda uh to die and if the personal agenda is stronger than the actual mission or is the is the mission of the mission then ultimately the mission gets aborted and you don't you don't get the open door yeah because um because the lord is trying to is trying to get you to a place where it's like you know you realize okay my motive was incorrect here and when motives are incorrect god has a way of you know like i said blowing up our plans yeah to get to get our attention but there's absolutely nothing wrong with uh wanting to get closer to the lord and wanting to see these things that he does and now he will test you and that's kind of go through the cutting and the you know whatever uh but he will test you um you know i had i had it one time i was there was a i was a day speaker at a conference it was a very big conference and i had three people call me and prophesied to me that one of them and one of the night speakers would cancel and they would the conference would move me to a night very unique prophecies i was on 12 days of water and three times i had these these exact words and well you know there was probably seven or eight hundred people that would come to the day service and there's probably four to six thousand that would come tonight wow so it was obviously a much different atmosphere at night yeah and um and so a lot more faith a lot more miracles etc and so i had these three words that i was going to be i was going to be doing you know this night so i fasted and fasted fasted and uh and then i got the call from from the church and they said listen someone has canceled and i thought the next words were going to be can you cover for them in that service but night speakers cancel and they said and we're going to bring so and so in um to do this and it was a peer of mine and younger than me and less experienced and not close to me and by the way that's the danger right there yeah uh is is competition and and and you kill competition by connection and you kill connection by competition see if you're connected to someone you won't compete so good but if you're if you're competing with them you won't connect with them but we weren't connected and so instantly my flesh rose out and the lord said now do you see your real motive oh i let those people tell you that to let i i told them to tell you that because i thought well these guys lied they these guys told me i was gonna get you know they because i it was pretty specific yeah and he said i told him to tell you that just to test your heart to see if you wanted attention or if you were gonna stay humble on the fast and you instantly drifted into i'm gonna do this night service and he said so i purposely did that knowing this other guy was gonna do it to see to show you your heart and what it was really hungry for oh man and oh it was painful oh that was a painful lesson and he came in he did excellent and you know what we're we're we're he and i today are super close we're we're almost best friends we're very close friends and so the lord i don't think has to teach me that lesson hopefully at least but not with him anymore but it was a valuable lesson to to show me what my motives were now powerful that's different and it's like this one time i said god i want to see you pour out your spirit i want to i want to see these crusades happen where there's massive outpourings of the holy ghost and i expected the lord to say oh you know hang on yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna do it through you or yeah keep keep going and he said do you want to see them or do you want to be the preacher oh and i said yeah he said you want to preach them you didn't ask me to let you be at them you asked me to let you preach them and so these are things you deal with when it comes when you're really going after with where god reveals your motives but if he can get through those fleshly motives and you die on the altar and say i don't have to preach if i can just be there when it happens i can just serve i can just yeah then he'll open the door you know and now we have a crusade plant in wisconsin with 80 churches right now uh the entire district you know uh half of them going to meet in the milwaukee area and they're the rest of them we're going to watch online pentecost sunday night thousands of people i don't understand i'm in over in my head i don't even know how to i'm trying to learn how to plan this it's so massive i don't think a district has ever even tried this in the history of the united pentecostal church so that's a you know i know that he's he's he's testing me it's awesome it's exciting but he's testing me you know to see if he can trust me to help you know organize this and get it together and and stay out of the way uh with with fleshly motives so yes i want the things of god i have a list every time i go on a fast i want great things to happen i want god to give us favor i want god to do all things but ultimately sooner or later on the fast your motives will manifest and if the motives can get on the altar with your flesh then god can give you what you're asking for powerful man it's so good so when you before you go on a fast i've heard you talk about this before you make a list now how do you you know you briefly mentioned it but how do you kind of put that list together do you like you know are you praying for a length of time or just something that god's laid upon your heart is it personal is it like what kind of a list are you compiling before you go on to a fast great question and i'll say that i've noticed in my three long fast i've had three faster considerably longer than the rest of them including the one that i just finished is one of those three that on the three long ones the list came to me okay uh he told me i was going on a fast and all of a sudden he just like it just dropped down in front of me and i just knew okay this is what i'm fasting for i don't know when each one's going to happen when when each answer is coming i'm not going to put a time limit on it i don't know the details that's something that hernan has always taught stop trying to figure out the details right right so i would uh i would just okay like the first the fir the 40 that i did he told me there'd be outpourings in 13 cities in america and he named he gave me the 13 cities i didn't understand it i had no connections to any of them and the next year the number one city on the list i got called to preach there made over 400 people get the holy ghost wow in five weeks i had no connection there i but i knew it was on the list he told me and so in most of those cities i've been to and now and seen outpourings and i had no connections to any of them so uh that was just one example but i've noticed that on other fafsa not as long i my lists take longer to write so my signal that i'm going along is if i get my fast my list immediately okay my list comes and i know like there's 12 things or there's 10 usually i'm in between 10 and 15 things on my list and if i get all of them at one time he's calling me longer longer and if i if it takes me a couple days to write out well i'd like this to happen i'd like that to happen it's going to be in the 7 to 14 day range of a fast but if it's going to be 20 days or up uh 21 days are up it's going to be it's going to be a list out of nowhere and brother hernandez you know he was so sensitive to the holy ghost when i was on the 40 uh he called me on day i was like 17 and he he said what are you doing and i said oh i had spoken to him in over a year i said oh i'm in i'm in uh south florida church and he said no what are you doing in your consecration you just crossed my radar and you've been crossing it every day what are you doing oh wow and i said uh well i'm on a fast he said what what dare you want i said i think it was like 17 i said 817 said are you going 40 and i said yeah he said yeah god wouldn't put you on my radar unless you were going 40. and then he started revealing he just started telling me things that were coming and things i was going to deal with and he just he just read my mail like he was like he was there the whole time uh and he knew what i was fasting for just he was just so sensitive to the spirit and it was he was across the country you know and he and he named some things that were just so detailed i thought wow he so my point was that he said in that conversation just know this if it's a long fast it's always going to be for other people if god calls you to a long fast especially 40 40 is always for others yeah moses fasted got the commandments got the law and and jesus fasted him and healed everybody elijah fasted and when anointed everybody he said so when you get called to a long one it's always for other people's benefit in other words god can't take you on a deep place in the spirit a long consecration when your agenda is personal or selfish so when i do get my list i try every time i want to go 40 every time i want to go 30 even though i don't you know i don't but i i i prepare like i'm going to go long sure because i'd rather be prepared to go long than be prepared for one or two days and god want me to go along and so but my but my point is that i uh i try to make the list as least about me as possible i mean if i am praying for something for me i'll be very general with it you know like favor or something with whatever but but uh but but but i'll be very specific with other people's needs um like with this last fast you know obviously the state of wisconsin and what's about to happen in that state so for that state you know that a lot of this fast was for that state my boys to get the holy ghost and uh that was on my fasting list my seven-year-old boy my five-year-old boy to get the holy ghost and my five-year-old just got it last weekend so so he had a men's conference i didn't even know he got him he was up john jumping up and down and after church he said daddy i'm speaking in this other language and a baby talk and so i love it it was on my list you know so i love it uh so and now a lot of things on the list have an answer it hasn't haven't been answered yet but i don't put a time limit on it because uh the longer the fast the longer the list take to manifest but the longer the rewards are from a long longer the fast the longer the rewards last right and you you talked about i've heard you in in messages like you stay sensitive if god says the fast is over or or if if you've seen everything that you set out to accomplish in the fast or see in the fast it's time to end the fast so so we can say 21 today if you start getting answers like on day one or two you're not going long okay yeah because because it's not that's just your signal if you start getting answers on day one or two and you've got 10 things and they're getting answered he's letting you know i'm moving quickly on this and uh and so it's when you don't get answers for a while that lets you know this is this is this is more long-term there's more things coming than you know are coming and you get released from a fast by either the lord uh either the lord telling you uh that it's over and when i when when he does that basically every desire to fast leaves my body uh it's not that i'm hungry or i want to eat right um because you you're hungry and you want to eat the whole time that's right but the desire to fast is stronger than the desire to eat okay when you're when the spirit's carrying you on a fast desire to fast is stronger than the desire for the pizza and so uh but when all of a sudden it lifts off you and it's like it's like i'm done yeah and it comes out of nowhere it comes out of nowhere every time it comes unexpectedly every time yep and it's like you're done and if you keep fasting when he says you're done um because and the reason why we do that is because we're not sure sometimes like well you know i thought i was supposed to do 21 and it's day six and how am i done on day six when i thought he told me to go 21. and so we'll try to go into day seven and day eight but the human will can only last about five to seven days in the spirit world that's just something uh wow the human human spirit can last five to seven days i believe on this last fast the lord told me to stop on day 20 and i ended on day 25 and the reason is i believe i was i was i was so focused on everything and the schedule i was intense preaching traveling your state that i was that i felt the only reason the desire to fast didn't leave me i told my wife like i for 20 days the lord carried me yeah i just felt so good i it was just weird it was the easiest fast i ever had then after day 20 i felt like something just dropped me boom huh i was like all of a sudden climbing with a million pounds on my back and i even asked the lord like did you just drop me being funny and uh when he called me off the fast on day 25 i thought i wonder if he tried to call me off after day 20 because it went from super easy to super hard um not that it's not now if you're like on day two it's like it's really hard it must be the lord calling me off so that's your flesh detoxing okay yeah but like like you know when you go far if there should be this strength that just like gets stronger and stronger i'm not stopping i'm not stopping and if it all of a sudden stops and the lord's then you're done and so he stopped it and you know the danger of fasting past god is what i call it is where you nothing you can ever get past god but you god has this finish line he doesn't tell you what it is sometimes it could be day 12 or day 9 or day 30 and this is the finish line and when you cross it and you and you know you're released from it and you're done and you your your flesh is keep fasting and then if the motive is like if i if i lose my focus from my list and my mode if it comes like to lose more weight or to um to get a certain number yeah uh and i lose the burden for what i've been what i've been wanting to happen i need to pay attention to that like that's now my that's fasting past god now my flesh is is growing while it you know was just decreasing but now it's growing in the danger of going past god and you are you're not feeding your flesh food but you're feeding your flesh pride yeah you're feeding your flesh greed yeah and whatever and so now now you're you're in danger of temptation or you're in danger of pride and spirits coming at you because now you're alone on your fast because the spirit of the lord has stopped oh man and and now you're on your own samson and you don't even realize it you know i i've never heard this before brother herring like until you're until hearing you preach and you talk about it you share it i remember the interview you did with brother ray mcdunkin i mean you guys talked about things i had never heard before and i was in the middle of an extended fast and i was i think was day eight or day nine and you were talking about getting released and i was having a hard day and i'm like okay god you know but he never did release me but he did on i was going 21 and on day 19 i felt that the same thing that you described and i never would have known it unless i had heard you share it so so powerful what you're what you're telling us brother herring it's it really is it's i i want to thank you so much for sharing this with us well thank you for saying that but you know and just so you know you know if you stop on day 19 you wanted to go 21 but you obey that voice of god you know or whatever you know it you you'll receive the rewards of 21 right yeah yeah and we're fixated on 21 because daniel did 21.40 because jesus moses and elijah did uh and but but ultimately if you obey i had a friend of mine pastor mclaughlin who uh he was he was just hungry for god and he was just a freak he was like man i've got to do it so he went for he was his first he went 21 they went 40 with water only i mean just man and on day 39 on day 39 god called him off it and he right there yeah and he said he literally and he was so discouraged he was beating himself up and i said he said why would i quit i said you didn't quit god stopped you god tested you and then of course he the lord called him to a 40 and he did 40 uh multiple times but but he was just it was an ultimate test i mean i guess i can't say at that at that i can't say that i would um it would be very strong right god on day 30 i mean you know you'd have to you'd have to like threaten me i'm gonna put you in a grave okay i'll stop because it's it's you're right there you know you're right there so so when you're going on an extended fast what do you like how many days do you give yourself to prepare your body and what do you do physically you know spiritually like what do you what are some of your first steps when you know you're about to go on an extended fast i plan it out weeks ahead oh wow uh oh yeah i i'm not one of these guys it starts tomorrow um i have done that uh but i i want to become the fast before i go on the fast i want the fast to consume my mind i want it to be the thing i'm focused on i wanted to every time i take a bite of food to be thinking about at six o'clock on this day you'll put the fork down at midnight on this day you'll put the fork down and so i i'll plan it out um this last one started january 15th at 6 00 p.m and i think i was looking at it at uh i was looking at it in early november wow and so and i and um i was planning on january 5th to start and i got covered um at the end of november and we were off all of december because if we were sick my wife and i and so i was just coming out of it in the first week of january i asked the lord will you will you still bless it if i start 10 days later and so i started 10 days later on the 15th but i i wanted to start the 5th so just to give you an example i not now there if it's a precedent let me just preface that by saying if it's if it's a pressing need uh you know if someone's in the hospital if there's a you know if something's serious then then we go because it's like you know family member something's going crazy we we we're being attacked let's just go but if it's like i want to go into a season of consecration i plan it out and the reason is is because i want to become the fast and i want i want the lord to know that i'm i'm not i'm focusing and and something that i always do when i'm going long is i start praying the tabernacle prayer uh weeks before i start and the reason i learned that when i did when i did the 40 i was doing the tabernacle prayer for a couple weeks every morning and then all of a sudden it carried me through the 40 and then i did it i totally like 250 days in a row tabernacle prayer every morning and it just strengthened me so uh when i went 21 i noticed i was in accident i was doing the tabernacle prayer i went 21 days which was longer than my other fast and so i won this 25 i started the tabernacle prayer for a month or two before it's not the tabernacle part that you have to do it's that it's kingdom praying right because you're about to go into the into a deep place in the kingdom and so your motive has to be kingdom kingdom kingdom right right what's gonna happen in the kingdom what can god do through my life through my sacrifice for the kingdom and so you start praying kingdom prayers kingdom prayers not my will but thine be done praying for the nation praying for the orphans praying for the missionaries praying for other preachers praying for others others others others others why because you're about to fast long and we we just discussed what happens when you fast long it's for others so so i start getting in a mindset and i don't do the tabernacle all the time but i'm going to go on a fast that's that's like the that's my signal and that was a question that i had for you so that's awesome yeah that's my personally that's my signal the the the tabernacle prayer uh and the um the list and the list comes after you started in the tabernacle prayer wow and so it's like boom and so every time i feel to get to the tabernacle for i get nervous like are you about to here it comes no like no yeah yeah i feel through the tabernacle i'm like this is a one-time deal this morning or i don't i think it's like five six seven days in a row yeah i'm like oh what's gonna happen if it gets if it gets a month in a row i know i'm climbing the ladder and it's it's coming what about physically brother heron like what what do you do do you do anything physically to prepare i've done it right and i've done it wrong [Laughter] you know you're supposed to eliminate red meats and caffeines or you know sugars i should say sometimes you fast and people drink coffee so i i have drank coffee on his past before because i was just in the battlefield i didn't have the luxury of being in a wilderness and being alone i was preaching 20 times in 30 days so but um you know i you know detoxing is the thing and so three days before you want to start pounding water three to seven days before a gallon a day uh because you know i've told this so many times but the headache you feel on day one two and three of your fast is not the devil attacking you it's your body detoxing and you're entering ketosis on day four right so because you're tapping into ketosis and your body's gonna start burning fats out of sugar uh you know you're gonna have a terrible headache so so prep before that headache detox yeah yeah because because the hardest days of the fast physically are days one through three and so if you you can do something beforehand to to lower the pain you're gonna go through in days one through three uh it makes it easier to get through that rough spot and you know that right as you first start climbing and then getting into that where your body breaks through and say i'm hungry but it's okay yeah versus like i i have to eat right now and then breaking the fast can you speak to that like what so you don't damage your body because there's some severe health issues that can arise from breaking a fast improperly yeah yeah so i'm sure look i'm i'm admitting in this book i've done it right and i've done it wrong and um i did it right this time you know i vegetable soup and a salad and okay i had a salad again today and so uh but uh when i broke my 40 i didn't have i i had to be honest with you i had not done any research on fasting i just done it and so when i came off of 40 i had like bacon and bean soup and chocolate chip muffins and then i had mexican food the next day like yeah so within 12 hours i was just terrified is just i never got sick i mean i never did i must have the stomach of a goat or something i i never got sick you know i really didn't like it was just weird you know i didn't but but then again i'm like that couldn't have been good for me you know and so this time you know i'm a little older and like and so i'm kind of like okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go healthy here and uh and you know one of my friends mark brown was very powerful and he's also big into fasting he helped me with that about praying for temperance while you fast oh wow so that when you come off the fast you're not just this raging flesh maniac that wants to eat everything uh you know the devil came at jesus with he knew if you eat bread first thing after 40 days you know before you put anything else in your stomach you could kill them uh you can you can kill you yeah and so uh so temperance is something i've prayed for this last fast a couple times like god when i come off this don't let me go bingey everything and just become a you know this cookie monster that has to eat you know non-stop let me let me have some i'm not saying i can't have some some stuff but let me ha let me have some temperance uh with everything and so wow well brother harry we're coming to the end of an hour and i feel like we've just kind of put the pail in the well there's so much more that i have with questions but i i don't believe um that this is our our last time uh to be able to talk and i really we're waiting for these restrictions to lift and i know your schedule is probably going to be crazy when things do go back to somewhat you know easier to get around but we are so looking forward to having you and your family up here and thank you in the peace country and um but there there's so much and there's there's people just throwing questions online it's it's but we'll the lord's going to help us the lord is going to help us and we'll have another time hopefully brother herring that we can sit down um i'd love to but i wonder this church is hungry and the people uh that are tuned in tonight are hungry for those deeper waters that you you were preaching about you talked about tonight and so i'm wondering if you could just maybe close this time together in prayer just and just pray for us and that god would help us to follow his will and there's great things i i can't wait to share with you the things that god's doing up here in the north country it is powerful and um so i'm wondering if you could just leave us with a prayer and um we'll we'll let you we'll let you go the authority of the word of god the power of the name of jesus i release the spirit of fasting right now right now in that church the spirit of fasting upon the body corporately pastor has walked in these places and climbed the mountains and fasted in advance and i pray the same consecrations that he has gone on you will trust the church with now for the revival cannot break forth in that city if one man does it alone but the body must go deeper the body must sacrifice the body must consecrate and so i pray for his church as they're going deeper god to not hold back for the great harvest that's coming to his peace lord is contingent and hinged upon the consecrations that they make as a body and god i pray in the name of the lord jesus christ he blocked any spirit that would come against his people we'd block any sickness any demon any power of hell that would try to rise against them and i pray you'd cover them with angels and i pray that you would send rewards favor benefits revival i pray you'd send financial blessings i pray you lift restrictions off of them i pray in the name of jesus that they'd be able to unite as a body very soon and that they'd be able to do what they want to do in the holy ghost i pray for their city i pray against the prince of that city by the authority of the word of god the power of the name of jesus that the prince's orders would become confusion in the ranks of the demonic and that they would not be able to fulfill the orders that are being sent down due to confusion i pray confusion in their ranks by the authority of your word i speak clarity to pastor mclaughlin give him messages straight from the throne of heaven yes that removes spirits and presences of the enemy and release people from binds and bonds of satan i pray in the name of jesus christ for peace right now to baptize those people peace come upon them lord like never before cover their minds cover their sleep cover their marriages cover their homes cover their children god i pray that angels come by the thousands tonight that the angels invade god with strength in their wings as the people sleep tonight and let the angels begin to remove spirits out of the way give them authority over their city every workplace that they go everywhere they walk in god give them dominion and authority where they go let it be released now in jesus name i pray his name amen amen thank you brother heron we love you man and we can't can't wait to hear from you again and can't wait to meet you in person you and your family and yes sir god bless you we're praying for you this church is is is praying for you that god would help you continue to encourage his people for greater sacrifice prayer and fasting and we're going to see great things in god amen amen god bless you brother herring thank you for joining us tonight amen god bless you thank you pentecost support saint john god bless you you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Fort St. John
Views: 12,655
Rating: 4.9470201 out of 5
Id: -IQivVri5KI
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Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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