Lucifer Exposed - Josh Herring

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isaiah 14 12 how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning howarth thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit ezekiel chapter 28 verse number 2 and then verse number 11 through verse number 17. the bible said ezekiel said son of man say to the prince of tyrus thus saith the lord god because thine heart is lifted up and now i said i am a god i sit in the seat of god in the midst of the seas yet thou art a man and not god though thou set thine heart as the heart of god verse 11 through verse 17. moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyrus and say unto him thus saith the lord god thou seelest up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty that was been an eat in the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering the sarges topaz and the diamond the barrel the onyx and the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and the gold the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee the day that thou was created thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and i have set thee so thou est upon the holy mountain of god the house walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and now has sinned therefore i will cast the s profane out of the mountain of god and i will destroy the o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire verse 17. thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty that was corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness i will cast it to the ground i will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee sorry for the length you're reading but god wrote it i want to preach to you from the subject this morning lucifer exposed lucifer exposed i'm after every demonic spirit in your house in your mind near your baby in your body and i promise you that when we are done there will be a mass deliverance and a breakout will take place in this altar call and in the next service also would you run unleash some faith right now and begin to worship god and open up your spirit and i find every demonic power that would hinder anybody from a breakthrough today in the name of the lord jesus christ loose the gift of faith on every man every woman every boy and every girl and we give you glory and praise and honor in jesus name would you clap your hands to the lord if you've got expectation oh he's good and he's worthy hallelujah you may be seated oftentimes things that we see physically are a result of things that have manifested spiritually beforehand um the bible said that the spirit of god job said hath made me and the breath of the almighty has given me life so i am what i am physically because of what took place spiritually before we ever had physical things take place on the earth the bible said the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light and so physical light followed a moving of the spirit even jesus christ could not die on the cross physically until he said father into thy hands i commend my spirit and when he released his spirit then his physical body followed afterward david said create in me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me because i know if you take care of the spiritual problems the physical problems will follow afterward you'll deal with that also sin is a result of spiritual failure we can blame adam and eve for everything that we struggle with but before he physically ate of the fruit in that tree that day there was a spiritual sin that took place when lucifer the angel of the lord said i am gonna be like god i'm gonna raise my throne up and the angels or the stars are gonna be beneath me and everything is gonna bow down to me and a spiritual sin was kicked out of heaven and now physical sin consumes the earth because spiritual things often times dictate what spirit or what physical things that you see how they manifest in other words what i'm trying to say is this spiritual exposure 101 is this what you see is not always what you see remember when uh jesus said to the disciples who who do men say that i am and peter said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus said flesh and blood physical hath not revealed this unto you but my father spirit which is in heaven and six verses later peter is rebuking jesus and saying you're not gonna die on the cross you're not gonna die for us like that and jesus turns to him and says get thee behind me satan first he just said that you're hearing from the father this revelation you've got of who i am the father told you that and now he's saying you're the devil he knew he wasn't the devil and he wasn't the father but jesus knew the source of the words coming out of peter's mouth your spouse is not your enemy sometimes the devil can talk through a loved one and you can hate the loved one but the enemy is at work in the house remember when job when satan said i want to attack joe and god said go ahead i'll remove the hedge do whatever you want just don't touch his body and so he comes down and kills job's kids and he kills job's servants and he attacks everything he has and then job keeps worshiping god and the devil comes back to report to god that must have been a bad day right there for the devil when he came back and stood before god and said well it's not going very well and god's told the devil he said do you see how job is holding on to his integrity and the devil said yeah but you let me touch his body he'll curse you to your face and so he said go ahead so here comes the devil knee he attacks job's body and he curses him and he attacks him and everything is boils from his head to his feet and the next verse job's wife walks in and says dost thou still hold on to thine integrity oh i'm preaching better than that don't paticate me she she didn't why does she care about his integrity it's not integrity she's worried about that's the devil talking through her because god had told satan no matter what you do to him he will not let go of integrity oftentimes what you get attacked with has a spiritual connection to it see a carnal person can hear a preacher preach right to them and they'll say they'll come up to the preacher afterwards wow you know everything about me you're so awesome you're so amazing you're so wonderful and they just praise the preacher but the spiritual person knows that preacher is just a physical vessel that the spirit of god is flowing through to speak to the need in your life a carnal person hears about someone dealing with suicide and they say well they're just under so much pressure they've got all this stress and all and that's partly true but a spiritual person knows if someone is dealing with suicide there's a demon somewhere near that person because that is a spirit there's been a few songs this morning on the spirit of fear let me talk about that for a second the spirit of fear is afraid that's why it's called ready for this the spirit of fear god's not giving you the spirit of fear fear is a spirit and it is afraid and this is how it torments you it's afraid it comes to you screaming it watches things that you've you've had in your life or things that you do and it starts screaming things of fear it's actually afraid you have power over it but it's afraid but if you listen to it it starts saying things that it's afraid and then you open up your spirit to it and now it comes in and now you're afraid and this might happen and this might happen and this is gonna happen i gotta leave the lights on and this is gonna happen and all of a sudden you fear things that will never happen because you opened yourself up to a spirit of fear and now you're walking around physically afraid to turn the light off at night because a spirit is in your house when you could just say talk all you want to i rebuke that in the name of the lord jesus and that thing would have to leave your house and go somewhere else someone needs to kick a devil out of your mind right now we cast out the spirit of fear with perfect love the bible said why are you saying all this because i just want to take you to my text that the first person ezekiel is talking to is a physical person the prince of tyrus was a king there he was an actual person tyrus is a city in the mediterranean the phoenician on the phoenician islands the mediterranean coast he's a real person and this human being said i am a god sounds familiar doesn't it i sit in the sea i'm gonna do all these great things in fact he was so wise later on ezekiel said you're wiser than daniel he was he was brilliant and he let his giftings go to his brain and so he's describing this and he said this is what you're saying but then he goes down to verse 11 and said talk to the king of tyrus also not a human and he begins to describe lucifer because ezekiel heard from god god said these words aren't coming from this man that's an old spirit that thinks he's god so let's describe who the devil was before he was the devil help you got your notebook ready and your faith out because here we go the first thing you've got to know about the devil that before he was satan lucifer was full of wisdom probably the wisest angel god ever made lucifer was not dumb i hear preachers gonna say the devil's so dumb no you're the dumb is not an ignorant fool now his wisdom is perverted and corrupted and polluted but he is not ignorant or dumb he watches humans for a living if he was dumb or ignorant he would tempt you with things that don't bother you if you've never smoked a cigarette and he walked up to you after church and tried to give you cocaine that would be dumb because you would not fall to it you've never tasted alcohol i'm pretty sure that after church today you're not going to be tempted to go by the bar on the way home and get hammered well maybe after this message you might i don't know but most of you wouldn't he tempts you where he's watched you fail he's not bringing the cocaine if you've not done the cigarettes but wherever he sees weakness that's why you can get the holy ghost and still struggle it's not that the holy ghost is not real it is real but if the enemy knows this is what you always give into let me see if the door is still locked so whatever you struggle with is where hell will always knock until you prove that that door is locked once and for all well you you're missing me preacher i don't drink and i don't smoke and and you got the longest tongue in the church i'd always like to come down here when i start getting real well i don't do any of those things but you know everybody's drama i'm gonna find every devil in here if i was the devil and you were glued to people's dirt and you love to find out flaws in people and and then tell them hey i'm praying for you what you mean when you actually mean i'm praying on you and i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna tell everybody about your stuff be careful someone always tells you they're praying for you hey tim what's going on i'm praying for you praying to my friends if the enemy has watched you always get involved with people's problems guess what you're always going to see people's problems until you get off of social media probably i'm not saying get off it but if you're glued to it and can't read your bible but you know everybody's dirt on the third row you don't have to amend me i know i'm right the enemy watches where you're weak well i don't gossip and i don't smoke and i don't drink and i'm holy and and you don't worship some people it's almost like you think they think that they're there like i've arrived i'm so spiritually mature that i no longer am required to worship like you peasants i am here you're backslid you don't have to like me you can hate me all you want me i'm just going to tell it truthfully if you get to a place of spiritual maturity to where you no longer need to praise him you've got a spirit in your house convincing you that you're something that you're not because if it had not been for mercy and grace and love you'd be in hell right now just like i would be so let's not forget where we came from someone ought to praise him right now just to shake that thing off you i'm gonna give him glory whether i feel like it or i do not feel like it hallelujah david said i will bless the lord at all times doesn't that feel better well i just don't feel it kick that devil out of your head that's a spirit working well i'm just tired we all get tired but when i'm in his presence and i can't worship him something's wrong with me when i'm overwhelmed by my circumstance at home and i can't give him glory right now and his something's wrong with me apparently i think my circumstance is more powerful than his presence when truthfully if i get into his presence and i begin to glorify him it bleeds into my circumstance and what i felt in here moves to out there where i'm struggling and peace can intervene so he's full of wisdom and then he said oh by the way he was perfect in beauty it wasn't that he was now you don't picture a human being this is a spirit and he wasn't that he was he was it was a it was a beautiful thing to look upon it was perfection he was covered in diamonds and gold and emeralds and sapphires car bunk all these beautiful things and he was perfect in beauty why do you think vanity and beauty is such a stronghold why do you feel beautiful in church and ugly at the mall quiet there boom why do you feel like it doesn't matter who's looking at me at church and i'm going to give god but everywhere else i go and i'm all for looking nice but why do some people struggle with beauty on the outside being the most important thing i'll tell you why because a spirit comes in and convinces them that it's what matters most is the opinions of those watching you on the outside and not the opinion of those the one looking on from the throne and i've got to make sure that you look at me why do you think beauty is on every ad i'll tell you why why is vanity so popular why is all these why why is this so real in our why is fashion think there's not spirits behind the fashion world you're insane why do apostolic holy ghost-filled believers why are they more concerned with fashion and impressing you than impressing him i'll tell you why there was once an angel named lucifer who was perfect in beauty and so now he goes around with perverted corrupted beauty telling everyone that you've got to do this and you've got to impress this and you've got to do this and show this and wear this so everybody will look at you you don't have to get with me but you're uncomfortable right now and hell loves nothing more than a child of god in the presence of god ready i'm going to say to feel condemned over their beauty or lack of beauty physically over what the blood has done for them spiritually time i checked if you've been born of the water and the spirit you were made in his image how can you let a devil tell you that you are not beautiful young lady how can you let a spirit tell you sir that you've got all these flaws and no one care it's condemnation from a devil that wants you to be consumed it's a spirit and you know you know lucifer hates hate if you want to keep reading about what the devil is going to look like in the future just keep reading isaiah 14 because it describes what he's going to look like one day and one day he's going to look like the bible said a carcass that's been tr trampled over that a sword has gone through a bloody garment he's going to look pretty bad not very beautiful i was just wanting to remind him of that right now that you won't be as pretty as you once were and we'll be on the streets of gold worshiping god and you'll be in the flames of fire because what you did to people was a lie he's a deceiver he's a liar and then it said oh this is where it gets good the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee the day that that was created he said inside of lucifer was tabriz as tambourines and pipes a pipe organ it wasn't that lucifer could play the organ or the tambourine it was that he was the organ he opened his mouth music came out oh it's gonna get good we're bad do you know that after lucifer and the choir got kicked out of heaven there's not been one recording in the scripture anywhere where you find angels singing ever since oh he's wrong hark the herald angels sing glad you love the song not true homie never said the angels sang glory to god in the highest it said they said because the sound of music has left heaven why do you think it's powerful why do you think when you come in a sunday morning nine o'clock and tired and they start singing some songs about the lord and all of a sudden you feel something and you didn't feel you felt tired and exhausted all of a sudden the tear coming down all of a sudden you're feeling i'll tell you what you're feeling heaven is looking down at what used to be up there and it only comes now from down here so when you sing your song to god it gets heaven's attention oh they arrested paul and silas and they beat the daylights out of them they beat their legs they beat their backs they beat their arms they bound their feet and they bound their hands but the one thing the devil forgot to do he forgot to bind their mouth at the midnight hour paul said i feel like singing and god said i feel like moving anytime somebody can start to sing of the glory of god the power of god will manifest physically because of what's going on spiritually somebody clap your hands and let your song out elaborate that means the opposite is true if your song doesn't glorify god oh music is worship well i just can't stop i just i was in louisiana i had to say it like this you know that song that you or your ex-girlfriend killed the dog and you weep and cry i just love that song it makes me think of my ex girlfriend you're married oh i just love the way that hip-hop song makes me feel sensual go ahead and sit on me demons behind the songs there's a problem if i can come in here and not sing to him but if i went to your car right now and turn the radio on bring it i promise you that if you want real deliverance it'll get on your phone real deliverance says i'm sorry i don't have place for that in my car because i want to worship the real king not the fraud that wants my praise and my glory and my mind and my attention you know yeah i know so i know i'm telling the truth i don't know if everyone likes truth you know the devil plays that music and he just says come on come on then you come to church and don't feel anything don't feel like praising today i had one guy tell him one time i know you had everyone come the altar and he was a saint in church he said you want everyone to pray and i know i sat there he said i didn't feel like praying today i said i hope god doesn't feel like coming back today because you're going straight to hell if he does i feel like praying you've got the holy ghost been baptized in his name delivered from sin you don't feel like praying to him would you rather feel a car accident listen let's break out of flesh and say whether i feel like it or not he's worthy period i don't even deserve to be alive right now he's worthy of that you know a couple years ago in the usa today the director of the some movie where this they made they remade this movie where this little kid is watching this tv screen and static is on the screen and devil's come out i don't know the name of the movie it's no what the usa guy said that the director in the usa today he directed the movie and he said that the television screen is a portal to the spirit world it's not the screen's not the problem it's what you put on it the portal the more screens in the home the more likely demons can get in what he said not the not a preacher the director of the movie here's the deal ready 10 just just 10 years ago bishop can go back further than this just 10 years ago if i preached on angels and demons everybody was on the edge of their seat you know why people sleep through it now they're used to watching it at home zombies don't bother them walking dead doesn't bother them these evil things are normal then you wonder why your kids have nightmares well i'm going to preach it i bet if what you were watching on that screen if you knew three hours later was walking behind your couch you wouldn't put it on that screen it's gonna get quiet but i'm gonna dig it out of here right now you cannot watch sir 20 straight hours of crime shows and then wonder why you've got anger the next day i'm i mean this is brilliant isn't it i'm just mad you're mad because you've been letting a spirit entertain your mind of anger and violence what does steve gallagher say in the intoxicated with babylon the average american sees 9 000 sexual scenes a year you can't watch garbage and not struggle yes yeah oh i found some of you right there you cannot watch sexual scenes and then wonder why you're tempted when you're at work dad you don't have to get with me it's okay get mad all you want to i'm not after you i'm after every devil in your house that wants to hide out and keep you bound from what god wants you to be and who god wants you to be kick that thing out of your house kick that thing out of your house joshua said as for me and my house we shall serve well this happens all the time i'm not i'm not making fun i have moms bring their teenage son to the altar he's like will you pray for him clearly yes i will mad first thing i want to ask him how deep into the online gaming world are you when's the last time mom or dad checked your games you're playing with prostitution and drug dealing and all these different things that you're not telling them about you just say it's a fighting game or a shooting game and you wonder why junior don't feel jesus some of you teenagers are mad at me right now because dad's coming to your room this afternoon you want to kick the devil out kick him out of every room of your house don't just kick him out of your room mom and dad go to your son's room go to your daughter's room and say nothing is hiding in here nothing of the world i was preaching in tampa florida one time it was a sunday morning it was like halloween i think the pastor got up and said hey tonight we're gonna have deliverance service anything you've got in your house that could be connected to the demonic world anything that would bring a signal in anything stat buddha statue and your question in truth anything things that bring signals to spirits hello wake up that's what he was saying wake up people you got stuff in your house that can signal spirits to come in he said go through your house bring it up bring it tonight to church deliverance service he said preach on deliverance i said okay normally i ask god for direction but okay i'll do that so i come to church that night and there's trash bags all over the altar i mean people had some stuff one trash bag was duct taped that's funny to me because i'm like you really are ashamed of whatever's in there like a pair of scissors well anyway but nobody's seeing this stuff you know that person dropped it off like four hours before church too so i get there and there's all these trash bags of stuff and i'm getting ready to preach and right here on the front row where you are man there's this probably 20 22 year old guy and he's got uh basketball shoes basketball shorts basketball shirt i never saw him before he's got this beautiful tambourine i like tambourines if you can play the tambourine and every musician said amen there are some churches i go to where people bring their tambourine because they think they are part of the music team they've not clapped on beat in 12 years that was an accident one time they feel like they're sent by god to help with the music department it's getting quite if you've got a tambourine in the pew just tuck it in so so he's got this tambourine doesn't play the whole song service bishop doesn't do this let's sit there the second i stand up and say let's turn to he stands up and goes oh my god no big deal whatever maybe just understand i start reading my scripture no big deal i start preaching when everyone stand up and clap he'd sit there when they would sit down i'm like no big deal okay i'm good i come down here and i'm talking about the power of deliverance that god wants to get in your house and then i stop i'm looking everyone and he gets up and he does this around me with this tambourine kind of a big deal i'm like god hands are fist i will be done i'm from alaska bro i mean hands are fist i think he said fist i'm not sure i don't have clear direction he's just running around screaming at me with his tambourine i'm like god you you either move him or i'm gonna move him so he sits back down and i'm like go back to i keep preaching i come back down here he comes at me staring at me i'm like bro i will jack you up right from this whole church i don't care i i i do not care they are they never bring me back i don't care in this long time he sits down and i just start walking back here and like right around here there was this the break between the two sections of pew so this section would be back and this section would be close and there'd be an aisle right here so i'm kind of like in the middle of the aisle just yelling at everybody god's gonna do this and god went through that all of a sudden apparently i didn't know it he took off running with his tambourine and he comes as hard as he can right into me boom and i i i was a shortstop and i just my old baseball reactions i just turned grabbed his tambourine and threw it seven miles into the back wall punk i said stop it right now and he bolts out the back door when he ran out the back door instantly a young lady over here starts screaming and runs to the altar and starts dumping pills all over the altar and i said what is going on here he the pastor said that's my number one soul winner she's one of more souls in this whole church combined but she started getting depressed and anxiety and she started taking this prescription medicine hasn't won a soul since and that was just the beginning all of a sudden i've never seen a deliverance service like this take place people started running the altar throwing things on that one lady i guess it was a makeup bag it looked like a ups truck she threw it by my face i'm not sure if she was aiming at me or not but she didn't throw it in my feet she threw it real deliverance will get in your purse don't go there preacher a lot of us come to the altar for everything except the thing we should be at the altar about oh god god bless me god give me a job god save my kids and god's going when are you going to conquer that addiction that you've been sitting there dealing with for 20 years oh you don't you can't get mad enough right now the more angry you get the more likely there's a devil near you right now because if you're really angry then you don't want me near anything that keeps me comfortable you know all of a sudden people started people i mean this one guy grabbed his laptop and broke it on the all it was crazy i was like they really want to be delivered i never have seen this before 14 years of traveling every single week oh god help me i've never seen this but i prayed for deliverance and i opened my eyes and when i did i would say a hundred to 150 people were slain on the floor in the spirit and it was the most incredible thing people were getting held against they got healed and i got done with church and my wife walks up to me your wife can tell you things nobody can tell you some of you guys couldn't even blink at that just now you were just like no one tells me nothing sir she's like go get the car huh and my wife said you should go apologize to that kid with a tambourine he could have been simple or something i'm like i don't see him she said you know it ran outside look out the window don't see him she said josh i said you don't want me to talk to him she said just try to find him i said okay fine so i look don't see him walk across the parking lot to the p there's another building the pastor's office and i walk in with the dj and the pastor has this office where he's got this little little narrow you know two foot by six inch window you can see inside the door one like one of those windows back there on the back doors and uh i go to the pastor's office i look in and homeboy is telling on me to the pastor where i come from snitches get stitches that's all i'm gonna say that's all i'm gonna say who likes a rat no one i'm like dude there's only one door i am the way you're going to cut i will sleep here tonight my family will move here and we will live in this foyer until you come out we will starve to death waiting on you he's in there i was like oh dude i cannot wait for you to come out of here there's no crowd watching now so he comes out and said hey i want to say something yeah you better talk fast he said i know you're a real man of god i said how do you know that he said i told myself if he's a real man of god he'll take my tambourine away from me i said what he said i'm a drag queen at a gay club and i said and satan sent you here he smirked at me i said because there's someone in this church struggling with that evil spirit and you are trying to distract them from their deliverance on purpose they smiled again and i said keep smiling you're headed to prison he went to smirk and when he did i said in the name of the lord jesus greater is he that is in me than he that's in the world and as i'm standing here the kid flew in the air against the wall and landed and kept laughing three months later they arrested him and took him to prison let me tell you something when god tells me to preach this message i don't care what devil is in your house or in your head or on your baby they will leave when we are done here they are they are so nervous right now because if you really want to be free and you really want to be on fire and let's stand right now i feel the holy ghost no music right now for at least a little bit you know what the devil hates and this kind of no now when i preach on the holy ghost i have everyone come forward i pray the prayer of faith and i have altered workers lay hands on people when i preach on the healing people come forward we all shout jesus when i preach on deliverance the lord has told me this that when it's time to be delivered you don't have people lay hands on each other you have them lay hands on their own head because if you can get victory right here if you can get a made up mind right here you can get determined right here there's not a devil in your house or in your life that can stay comfortable and stay relaxed because you have just transformed your mind and when you pray for your own head don't lay hands on me when your hands are shackled don't pray for me with your addictions and your strongholds don't lay ants take god deliver me when you're bound but when god touches you some there are people that devils just come out of them immediately they didn't even know they were possessed but when they laid hands on their head and started screaming the name of jesus every stronghold fear suicide anxiety depression all this stuff that was resting in them has to leave and cannot come back because there's something about the delivering power of the name of jesus whether it's physically in your body or in your mind when it comes to you it has more authority and more power than every devil in your life who would be honest and say whether it's a loved one or it's so personal or it's in your house but there's been signs of demonic activity near you maybe sound you'd even know about till today all right let's be real let's come up here right now and stand if you're physically able don't pray that just come stand up here oh if i was the devil i would leave right now because when someone can step out of the pew they're acknowledging that your days are numbered hell in this household they're still coming behind you so get as close as you can if you can to the front so that people behind you can get up here too if it's possible thank you i know it's sunday morning i wanted to preach on the holy ghost i've been but all week long this thing has been in my spirit that i am sending you to kick out everything in those houses that's holding people back from what they are called to be what they are called to do one little minor stronghold can hold somebody hostage from a major destiny all their life and one minor change in an altar call can bring major favor in ways that you never dreamed it could happen i know some of you are up here you always come up here for different reasons blessings or or pastor said let's all pray together we're all a family but i'm asking you to be up here for the thing that you need to be up here for right now i know those are moments we all need to come to the altar for but this is the moment where i'm asking you to deal with that stronghold the bible said that we are to pull down don't move if you just watch them and you sit there and hope they go away and you pray god you got to pull it you got to do something beyond sit there you got to reach for it you got to reach at it and you got to begin to pull you're coming down you're coming down addiction you're coming down fear you're coming down drugs you're coming down pornography you're coming down well whatever it is whatever it is this is the beginning of a major revival i feel i feel like this god's going to do something greater than what could be had or could happen before because when someone deals with the spirits they are officially serious for the kingdom of god they officially want it they officially are ready to go after it and now god can answer prayers here's what you're going to do i'm going to pray a prayer of faith and i'm coming after every devil over your head over your kids head in your body in your head in your house at your job and your loved one's life i'm coming after them in jesus name all i'm asking you to do is when i'm done i'll tell you to shout jesus and when you lay your hands on your head i'll be praying as you lay your hands on your head and when i'm done i'm asking you to shout jesus as long and as loud as you can and when you begin to shout instantly strongholds will fall all across this church across this city across families lives it's happened every single time god's told me to do this get it right now the thing you need god to break you free from or break your kid away from your parent whatever it is and lay your hands on your head right now and get your faith out in god that something's about to change something's about to shift right now in the spirit in this church corporately and individually in your life and by the authority of the word of god and by the power of the name of jesus every spirit of fear every spirit of suicide every spirit of doubt every spirit of false doctrine every spirit of homosexuality every spirit of unbelief every spirit of depression every spirit of oppression every spirit on a loved one every spirit of anger every spirit of divorce every spirit of violence every spirit of racism every spirit of hatred i come to you in the name of the lord jesus every spirit of lust every spirit of pride every spirit of perversion i curse you every spirit of alcohol and drugs every spirit of anxiety every spirit of deception and lying and jealousy and insecurity in the name of jesus you can go right now and leave them alone at the top of your lungs would you shout jesus pray in the spirit right now over your mind over your baby over your family over your loved one over your job in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every demon get out of this room right now every demon get out of this room right now ushers ushers open up the back doors for me right there please i command every devil to leave this sanctuary right now in the name of jesus every devil get out of here and stay out of here get out of the bag inshallah let their mind go let their baby go let their sanity go fear get out of here i curse the spirit of death he called him i cursed the threat of death in this church in the name of jesus i curse the thread of death in this church in the name of the lord jesus christ god right here touch her right now in the name of the lord jesus you're going to never be the same right now this stronghold is attacking it's letting go now peace peace is coming peace is coming god has this god has this i dare you to get real right now i dare you to get real i dare you to go after what you need to go after right now every musician go after it every singer go after it you need a breakthrough too let god touch you right now let god touch you right now i decree and i declare the spirit world that the army of god in atlanta west is going to their houses today to take authority over anything that hell has had in their houses every man you step in the door your house and you say i am here in the name of the lord jesus this house belongs to god this family belongs to god every spirit get out of this house get out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody praying in the spirit right now somebody confuse the devil and pray in tongues right now pray in tongues let there be a transformation let there be a revelation let there be a demonstration now lay hands on your neighbor now oh here we go here we go one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight would you pray for your neighbor right now would you pray that every stronghold would be broken right now would you lay hands on them and declare that god is going to interrupt this thing god is going to give you a miracle god is going to intervene speak with authority don't ask it tell it say get off that person let them be free now in the name of jesus pray with the holy ghost use what you have father right here right now in the name of jesus in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus every elder get a breakthrough every musician get a breakthrough every single get a breakthrough i dare you right now to pray with the spirit of god interrupting everything don't let hell in your house get hell out of your mind it's time to be who god wants you to be you're a child of god you're a child of god you're bought with a price you're bought with a price you're too valuable to let hell do what they want to do in your life hell has been dictating your actions your movements way too long all they have to do is bring up this and you act this way all they have to do is say this and you act that way enough is enough get control over your mind get back in your bible let the bible declare what's truth in your life stop letting say what they want to say get your head in the word of god and peace will come to you from the prince of peace from the peace speaker he said i know the thoughts that i think towards you and they are thoughts of peace and it says to give you an expected end in the hebrew that expected in means this to give you the things that you really desire to happen the things you really want god to do that you don't think are going to happen now he said i know the thoughts that i have towards you not the thoughts he wants to give you the thoughts you've been feeling in your spirit you want in the holy ghost you want in your family's life he said i've been thinking about that too all you have to do is break the chains off so his thoughts can come in here his word could come in here it's time for some of you to get back in your bibles this one chapter a week or if i get around to it every other day that all that's saying is that's not a priority to me and that's why hail's coming in and out in and out like clockwork but you get back in this man i'm feeling god on me right now get a bible on city and play it in your house out loud the devil hates that play it right by your kid's room you want to get real with hell you can do it you want to chase the spirit out you can do it but you can't do it comfortable you got to meet you got to put the armor on and get serious and say one of us is going to go sooner or later either i'm going to die fighting you or you're going to die before i die you're going to get out i am going to stand here and fight you to like paul said when you put the armor of god on and when you've done all the stand stand therefore having your lawn skirt about with truth put on the breastplate of righteousness the helmet of salvation shod your feet with the gospel of the preparation of peace get the sore of the spirit and the shield of faith revival in this church starts with revival in your house revival in your house starts with a revival in your mind you're not a failure i rebuke condemnation you're not a kumo i curse abuse i curse every memory of abuse making you live with low self-esteem and low confidence i curse that right now you are bigger than that you are greater than that you outlive that you survive that you've got a testimony now be what god wants you to be live by example be a leader be anointed one more time as pastor comes can we throw our hands up and let the devil hear us with a shallow victory in this place right now someone shout with some victory right now let him know you're not staying in my house you're not staying in my life not staying on my baby that's it let it flow right now right out of your heart let it flow out of the depth of your soul right now go ahead keep it up a little bit now there's a spiritual surgery taking place here today that we desperately need there's a house cleaning taking place that we desperately need i said let's lift up our voice again let's lift up our voice and praise out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water you need to let the holy ghost flow out of you long enough to wash out some of the junk and the stuff and the sin let it wash you clean amen go ahead enter into the spirit of the lord right now
Channel: Atlanta West Pentecostal Church
Views: 7,606
Rating: 4.8943396 out of 5
Id: 9HD1FA5t8Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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