YOU ARE NOT DEFINED BY YOUR MISTAKE! | Rev. Jeff Arnold (New Preachings)

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praise the lord everybody well another day and another dollar a million days and a million dollars so honored to be with you again and i had such a wonderful time with you folks last night wow you were you were so non-canadian it was fun i mean you were just so receptive and responsive and i just feel like i have a mandate this morning i talked to you last night about the power and peril of perception probably probably going to go into maybe part two of that theme and probably will not be as dynamic as i was like i thought it was pretty dynamic last night maybe it was boisterous but uh i've got my i've got my fishing gear on this morning and uh and i feel like i really do i feel like god is is wanting us to experience a great catch and so for you that are saints and sanctified redeemed of the lord this these thoughts this morning ought to turn your motor on to be more thankful and more appreciative for those of you here that possibly are not yet in covenant with god in in a greater degree or you you need something from the lord this order this ought to just open your heart and make you so happy yes sir i got no axe to grind i'm not going to beat up on anybody i just have something i feel like the lord dealt with me about so if you have your bibles and if you don't i have mine i'm reading from the book of hosea chapter 11 hosea chapter 11. and thank you once again brother woodward brother layman you've been so kind to me uh and commend this wonderful praise group my lord that's just fantastic you just you're just wonderful amen okay you ready you got it yes sir okay i'm gonna start with verse one when israel was a child then i loved him and called my son out of egypt and as they called them not him as they other words their neighbors the pagans the heathens so they went from them and they carried they sacrificed with them and sacrificed unto balaam and burned incense to graven images i taught ephraim also to go taking them by their arms but they knew not that i healed them i drew them with cords of a man with the bands of love and i was to them as they that take off the yoke often on their jaws and i laid meal meat unto them he shall not return unto the land of egypt but to the assyrian shall be his king because they refuse to return and the sword shall abide on his cities and shall consume his branches and devour them because of their own counsels now watch this and my people are bent to backsliding from me though i called us them to the most high none at all would exalt him how shall i give thee up ephraim how shall i deliver thee israel how shall i make thee is atma how shall i set thee is my heart is turned within me my repentant are kindled together i will not execute the fierceness of my anger i will not turn to destroy ephraim for i am god and not man the holy one in the midst of thee and i will not enter into the city now that's something usually most preachers don't preach from hosea except for gomer and hosea but but this is a powerful powerful challenge and and i want to i want to talk to you i know i'm going in this realm again you know about perception but i want to i want to talk to you on the subject deliverance from a deity in debate deliverance from a deity that's in debate now i realize it's hard for us to accept the fact that god would have any divisions in him because he's perfect in everything he is and does yet our salvation came from divine turmoil the words amen you folks haven't been to church much so you don't understand that okay lord bless the preaching and help me to be a blessing in jesus name you may be seated thank you thank you god this this this reminds me of why i don't go to libraries i've tried three or four times in 70 plus years to go to libraries and they make me so upset because i can i can hear my heartbeat i can hear the guy on the other table just rustle the pages of a newspaper and it's so quiet i was born and raised in new york city i'm used to elevated trains subway trains buses tracks i'm used to noise uh brother woodward has been down there with our church family and i always take him to my favorite place paisano's and and i have my own office i own that booth there and i'm there three or four times a week and and people say i have a very nice office and i never go because it's quiet and also when people find me there they want to talk to me it's funny how people want to counsel you at their convenience and i just i i like the noise i hear the dishes rattling i hear people taking orders i hear people talking and to most people they can't think i can think in noise i have a hard time sleeping because it's quiet i try to turn on that thing with the fog or the music or something or rainstorm or something because i just i need noise i just function with noise now i i i hope i don't bore you with what i'm fixing to tell you you have to understand something right now if i don't say anything else that you have such value and such worth to god irregardless of how stupid you might live and how crazy your life may have been and how many dumb choices and bad mistakes you've made over your life right now you have such worth and such value to god that you need to grab a hold of that yes yes you need to understand that our worth and our value was the reason for the incarnation now you're not getting it yet okay i need to get a different sermon i'm gonna re i'm gonna read something for you you're not scaring me i'm going to read something for you i wrote this down i read this this was so powerful it's a true story a professor at a university teaching a bioethics class presented a situation to his students now watch this and here's what he said this is the family history the father has syphilis the mother suffers with tb their first child was born blind their second child died the third child was born deaf the fourth child was born with tb the woman is pregnant again and the parents have come to you for advice so the students formed groups and begin to talk over the turmoil and the history and all the stuff that was going on as what the parents should do all the students in the class decided it would be best to abort the child the professor said congratulations you just killed beethoven i'm not letting that go i said you just killed beethoven because they people make decisions that because something bad has happened and something wrong has happened that this person has no worth i'm here to tell you everybody in this house can bring music to the kingdom everybody in this house can assist you don't have to be a liability you can be an asset and i'm sorry about your childhood and i'm sorry if you were molested i'm sorry if you were raped i'm sorry if you were mistreated but you have value and you have worth and irregardless of what might have happened in your life god loves you [Music] now just just bear with me i know it's sunday morning whatever that means but i've got some few things i want to tell you right now now you can get excited on sunday i know you're waiting for sunday night yeah but sunday morning okay supposed to die before sunday night suppose some idiot shoots you in a mcdonald's i always have problems reading the paper or listen to fox news where a guy said i don't want to live no more so he she shoots three people shoot yourself stupid don't shoot the i don't want to meet some jerk in a restaurant somewhere says i don't want to live and he shoots me i got a plane to catch i got things to do we're living in a messed up world they told us in gainesville and 85 of the people that are in our jail that my wife and another lady teach bible studies every thursday night 85 percent of males and females have been sexually molested or raped have been brutalized and because of that the psychiatrists say those people feel like they have no value and no worth and they live in anger and resentment and they strike out we should not do that we should i'm sorry that you've had a bad childhood i'm sorry things have messed you up i'm sorry your wife left you your husband left you whatever i'm so sorry for all that please hear me in the sight of god you still have value in the sight of god you still have work am i am i live in the movies am i in the movies right now i'm in the movies okay listen to me you pentecostals wherever you are forget these sweet people they're listening you you tv addicts you internet wackos let me tell you something if i know about a curse in the pentecostal thing and i know your executive board and general board and you got more degrees in at the moment and all that kind of stuff fine but i'm going to tell you something the curse in pentecost is we have raised a generation of elder brother spirits and the elder brother spirit is simply this i always define you by your mistake i always hold you hostage by something you disappointed me about remember the prodigal son came home he wanted to meet his father before he met his stupid brother because if he met his brother his brother would have kept him off the farm thank god we don't have to deal with all these elder brother things we can meet the father and we can come to the father and the father will not bring up our yesterday and the father will not bring up our past [Music] i i'm sit up i'm going to tell you something rev in in the fear of god and all these internet all this jazz whatever you're doing fine let me tell you something one of the greatest things god ever spoke to me about after i made one of the biggest blunders in my life i was pouring my heart out to god and i felt like such a jerk and i disappointed people and i let people down and i got messed up and went the wrong way and said things maybe i shouldn't have said her in the way i've said it and i just poured my heart out and if i ever heard the voice of god i heard it that day when the lord said son you must learn something i will never define you by your mistakes i will never define you by your errors he said i leave that to your people i leave that and then he told me he said your movement is filled with preachers that have the elder brother spirit i'm gonna tell you what every one of us have so many warts have so many skeletons in the closet have so many mistakes we've made big or small we ain't got no room to define anybody else we ain't got no room to say well i remember when you got pregnant well i remember when you were doing oh the devil is a liar when you when you experience the love of god and the mercy of god you don't have any past now i'm not i'm not giving license to people to live loose and to be immoral and to be vile of vulgar i'm just here to tell you whoever you are in this house if you've had a lousy yesterday and a bad past there's hope right now please be seated it doesn't matter to me this i'm not going to try to resurrect the dead i'm just going to talk to you you got to hear what i'm saying every person here needs to meet the love of god before they meet the law of god because if people are taught restrictions and restraints and different changes in lifestyle but it doesn't come out at first having an encounter with the love of god you produce frustrated people you produce people that always go well i don't know why i gotta do that why i can't do that like see that's not the issue if you ever encounter the real love of god it will be easy to live for god it'll be fun to live for god because you've been saved from a devil's hell you've been saved from a disaster you've been saved from a horrible destiny so when you know that god loves you whatever he asks you to do is a piece of cake i appreciate the six of you to clap and i'd like your other 400 to say something right now you got to hear me baby we're loved by a love that will not let us go we're loved by a love that never stops loving us i'm making a few statements here so you can you can do whatever you want remember you got to meet the love of god before you meet the law of god the rules the restrictions fine two you need to understand that while sin violates god's laws sin wounds hurts god's heart if you and i could understand when we have some debatable something we're going to try to do or watch or listen to or whatever we need to make sure that we're not hurting the heart of god see now people say well he's god he can't be hurt i don't believe in that kind of god i don't believe in that i believe god i know he deals with us through that anthropomorphism where he takes on human traits but i'm telling you what you are saved today because of the debate from wounded love you're not getting it yet yeah i'm making you think i'm so sorry i shouldn't make you think you should just just play your little pentecostal game you just don't you get it the only way sinners in turmoil can be delivered is to have a god in turmoil yeah you're not getting it yet watch when god looked down at israel just like he did at the human race he said my justice demands their punishment but just before he could doom and damn and condemn some other aspect of his being jumped up and said and mercy pleads for pardon and there's this debate going on in the glory world justice mercy punishment pardon and guess what wounded love won i will not judge them i will not punish them i will not write them off i am going to forgive them and i'm going to heal them and i'm going to give them a chance to turn around whoa i i can't take any more of this silent stuff if you believe god loves you do something [Music] come on yell it back to me i'm loved by a love that will not let me go i don't care how many dumb things you and i make dumb mistakes we make the love of god is on our trail the love of god is following us everywhere we go why because you have too much worth and you have too much value to be lost [Applause] before you're seated before you see them turn and look at your neighbor or the people that are super glued to their seats turn around and look at them and say just just look at him and said god's in love with me get your hands off me get your mouth off me get your eyes off me the king of glory is in love with me [Music] you you you can sit down you can sit down you see when you and i willingly sin we are insulting the love of god that wants us to win at life and so what happens is when we openly sin we insult that love and we break his heart and we wound him because we are the recipients of wounded love the only reason the incarnation took place was because of the debate in the heart and mind of god they deserve to be lost yeah but i desire for them to be saved they deserve to be punished yeah but but i desire for them to be pardoned and i i want them to be forgiven oh i don't know about you see i was i don't mean to be rude doc but i was a hell-raising honky-tonker i was a whoremonger i was a liar i was a cheat i closed the bars i packed a gun i robbed places i've been in jail not boasting just happened to be there that's all and my life was a disaster and i was sitting in a bar stool and i was getting half drunk and you could believe me if you want to or not but i am persuaded right now 40 some odd years later that before i took my life and before life took me out god had an angel sitting on that stool next to me telling hell you can't have him you can't have him he's got a destiny he's got a ministry he's got to walk with me i'm going to use him yeah but he's a liar he's a cheat he's a whoremonger yeah but i'm not finished with him yet when i finish with him he's going to look like me act like me talk like me don't you get it don't you get it there was turmoil in the heart and mind of god when he should have punished israel he turned around and said but mercy says pardon them we we have a hard time pardoning people you didn't say now we have a hard time pardoning people well you know i i have the privilege of pastor i used to pastor a wonderful church in gainesville and and yet there'd be times when we'd have people come into our service now if you're that please forgive me because i can't see past the fourth row so i don't know what's here but we have people that'll come in we had someone recently come in that guy had more tattoos on that he had skin and not only that i don't mean to be rude but now we got these babes these females they're all wearing tattoos up the neck down the leg across the chest whoa and this guy comes walking into church and he's got a ringing lip right here and he's got he got a ruby in his mouth and when he talks he goes and i'm thinking what have you got a disease what is your problem i'm i'm sitting there and i'm i'm watching these tattoo wackos come in they got big one had these big rubber tires in his ear on both sides like this like a monkey could swing on it you know just like i'm saying man here i am praying for doctors and lawyers i'm praying for rich people for entrepreneurs and i'm getting people sleaze bags and they're sleeping under the bridge and they're in whorehouse and honky tonks and i'm gonna what are you doing he says oh i just love them yeah right i said why and and so we have this people just looking at me and and i watched the pentecostals not here because you're all saved but back where i come from when when some of those people come in and and some of them smell like a dead dog and i watch the pentecostals do this and they almost got the whole pewter themselves you're not getting it yet and so one of our ladies who's about as hypocritical as you can get jumps out of her seat and starts running down the aisle just dancing doing the watusi man and i'm sitting up there and i said that chick couldn't tell the truth standing on the bible looking at jesus and here she is doing her shouting it made me so mad i want to spit at the floor i said you you jerk you i'm just sitting there getting so mad at her i'm sitting on the you guys don't sit up here see i s we have we're it's lonely up here i feel like elvis are you lonesome tonight man if i fail i fail alone up here and and and i'm sitting on the pew and and and the holy ghost speaks to me spirit of the lord just brings these thoughts into my mind and what are you doing i said i'm doing what all pentecostals do i'm judging and i began to inform the lord because he didn't know that babe's a hypocrite she don't have tithes he don't come to church half the time she's got a tongue that needs a driver's license and here she is doing it i didn't mind her doing it out in the toilet but don't do it up here where everybody can see your nasty hypocrite cell now watch this this happened to me see god god loves me because i'm stupid and i'm honest about being stupid and because when i mess up i'm able to confess some of you people have never confessed i'd be terrified you act like like you got everything right in your life and while that that crazy chick come dancing by i'm sitting up there doing a slow burn i pray for you you get aids that's what i'm going to pray i'm going to give you the gift that just keeps on giving said you hypocrite and the lord speaks to me and he says well she's worshipping me what are you doing i said lord she's a hypocrite i said most of the people in this house are hypocrites most all the people in this house have got some issues in their life that they need victory over but i take worship and praise from anybody who's trying to be sincere yes sir i don't care what kind of skeletons you have in the closet i don't care how many times you've broken vows and you fail god if you make a friend if you make a fresh effort to god god will accept it god will accept it and i think he's worthy to be praised i think he deserves our praise [Applause] okay can i can you sit down can i talk a little bit here i wanna there's there's three wonderful scriptures one's in ezra one's in psalms and and one's in job and they all basically the same thing he says know you're not that the lord has required less of thee thy iniquities deserve and then psalms 103 about 8-10 he said he has not punished us according to our sins nor rewarded us according to iniquities but as a father pitteth his children so the lord pities them that fear him not them that have it all right but then that want to have it all right remember what he said blessed are they that hunger and thirst at the righteousness they shall be filled it didn't say blessed are they that are righteous he said no no blessed are they that want to be righteous blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after i wish i could get a witness in this mausoleum here this morning and get you to tell me there are times in your life you wish you were better [Music] there are times when you wish you didn't have impure thoughts and bad attitudes and react the wrong way anybody in the house besides me you can honestly say either shouting or standing up or dancing whatever you want to do that god has rewarded me less than my sins deserve god has rewarded me less than the mistakes that i've made are you ready somebody needs a shout but i'm still here but i'm still here and i'm not going to let anything or anybody separate me from the love of god i am steep i am still here did you get what i said old reverend did you get that that sinners in turmoil need a god in turmoil and i'll prove it to you from the scripture you can sit down i'm almost there proving the scripture he said my heart is turned within me what it literally says in the hebrew i'm in upheaval because my holiness and my righteousness it says judge punish but that aspect of mercy and tenderness and goodness and kindness says pardon forgive restore reconcile man i wish i had a witness here right now with them stinking bunch of hypocrites those pharisees brought that woman in john 8 i always get a kid they call her the adulterous woman where's the adulterous guy you can't commit adultery by yourself it takes two to tango now you may not believe me because a lot of people don't believe me but i'm telling the truth anyway i asked the lord about that because the bible said that they caught her watch this they got pretty explicit you talk about rated x this is rated x he said we caught her in adultery watch in the very act shakamo and i asked the lord i asked the lord i said lord how did they catch her in a sexual act in the very act of adultery and i felt the holy ghost said to me i sent him i said what i sent him you sent those schmoes to catch that lady in a in an immoral act yes i did why would you do that i intend on forgiving her you got to hear me because sometimes religious people are really stupid and i'll show you how stupid it is these people were stupid they were stupid they said we've got somebody guilty i know what we'll do we'll bring him to the feet of jesus you're stupid you don't want to bring the guilty to the god of grace you know don't want to beat the fallen and the failed to the god of glory you're as dumb as you can be because he is not going to condemn he is going to forgive he is going to pardon because grace is greater than guilt [Music] i wish i could get you on my side right now please be seated i know i'm going all over abraham's fig tree i'm so excited about this you have to forgive me i'm 72 years old and i'm in love with the one who loves me now it may mean nothing to you because all you care about is your hair your dress and how you look and all that stuff but but this morning god dealt with me and said love you god got your back heard your prayer of repentance you're forgiven i love you so much i won't let hell have you i won't let the people who have the elder brother spirit destroy you i'm not saying we're not guilty and we we don't deserve some kind of correction or punishment but the turmoil in god's heart in this chapter turns around and said my repentings are moving in me my heart is turned within me because of the way the antics were and their stupidity i really in my holiness and righteousness i need to judge them and yet here's this pity and this mercy and delight of kindness turned around and said but i loathe to judge people i love to forgive people now i know we make a big deal out of us talking in tongues and we make a big deal out of jesus name baptism and rightly so and we make a big deal about how we live and how we look and there's nothing wrong with that but i wonder when the pentecostal movement is going to start making a big deal of how we love i'm on live screen live what that whatever the antichrist stuff is that's what we're on and they're probably watching us now so they're there and when i get home they'll be all ticked off fine i've got a wonderful family in our church they've been with us for years their daughter is a pain in the neck and she's a rebellious little rat and and she's just talent challenges everything and she won't listen to mom and dad and her dresses get shorter and her chest gets out further and she's dressed like clarabelle the clown she's painted up like some kind of fool and she just she don't believe in that pentecostal jazz fine and so what does she do she leaves our church and she goes messes around with some that just got out of jail well he's got you know he's got the the morals of a barnyard dog he's salivating all the time and so she's going to prove to her mom and dad that you know she can handle this well she gets pregnant the minute she gets pregnant flash leaves and now she's pregnant guess where she heads and rightly so i think some of the reason why some of our kids get in trouble they go to their dirty friends sleeping under the bridge is there's too many elder brother spirits i think anybody that messes up from our churches i think they ought to be welcome here i think they ought to think this is a refuge i'm not saying we're justifying misconduct i'm just saying we're justifying grace and forgiveness and mercy and restoration and healing and deliverance let me try it again god would rather forgive you than punish you god would rather restore you than ruin your life say sit down sit down and so so here she comes into the search now she's made a mistake and she's going to have a baby she has no daddy he has no husband and then it's thrown on me she wants to dedicate her child to the lord i went what was that she wants the dead well now me being a jerk sometimes they go don't do that crazy and like the lord says what's your problem what's your problem would you like me to bring up the junk in your record jacket would you like me to show on the tv screen all your thoughts and all your actions she needs mercy now you're going to give her judgment it was like god just went slap slap so i turned around and said what date you want to dedicate to baby we'll dedicate the baby we'll dedicate you listen long as there's life there's hope as long as there's life there's hope and if anybody needs the church that little girl needs the church right now and if anybody needs their friends they need the friends in the church right now just because we show love and mercy that doesn't mean we justify their mistakes but we do justify god's grace and god's desire that god would rather forgive please be seated i i hope i'm i'm not hurting your doc in any way okay i know where i was i was back at john 8 and and these pinocchio folks who stuck their nose in the tent said oh my god that chick is having a sexual orgy here oh my god she's violating the law and the law means more to us than she does please hear me pentecostal movement i thank god for the church i thank god for the institution of the church i thank god for the body of christ i thank god for the traditions and the teachings that we have but let me help you sometimes they have to be laid aside for the worth of a soul remember what jesus told them that day when they were mad because he healed on the sabbath he said which of you having a sheep fall into a pit on the sabbath will not lay hold on and bring it out right he appealed to their monetary lust he challenged their sabbath-keeping with look a person is more valuable than a sheep and is more valuable than an oxen and is more valuable than the world he said the whole world's not worth the value of one soul and he he got them so mad about that he said therefore listen this i'm gonna try to reach you living dead right now how much better they see it didn't do nothing for you he said how much better is a man or a woman than a sheep you would move heaven and hell to get that sheep out of the pit oh yeah because that's profit and loss that's money i'm not interested in money god said i'm interested in souls i'm interested in divine destinies and how much more how much better is a person than a sheep and if you would do what you could to get a sheep out of a hole why can't god do what he wants to do to get a soul out of sin they get a soul out of trouble to get somebody out of the mess that they're in you've got to hear what i'm trying to tell you god's on your side baby he's on your side he wants you to win you got to hear me just i'm sorry i'm all over abraham's fig tree this morning crowds make me nervous yucky yuck yuck you ready let's get back to the lady i i i feel so sorry for her i mean they're dragging her down the street she got caught in a very bad situation she didn't have time to powder her nose she didn't have time to put a nice long pentecostal robe on she's she's going down the street dancing about dressed in a band-aid and they're just dragging her like she's a piece of meat because sometimes to religious people a mistaken person is just a piece of meat and they drag her down and do the dumbest thing you could ever do they dropped her in the feet of jesus hey we caught this lady in the very act i can see jesus say i know i sent him oh you bunch of pentecostal pinocchios yeah i sent you i had you stick your nose in that thing yeah why why this why because the woman knows she's living a life of failure and shame and degradation and she knows she's not welcome in their religion or in their church now i'm not trying to turn this into a whorehouse and i'm trying to say well let anything go no we have standards and god has standards and that's fine but our standards should not be so strong to say you're not welcome right i heard the bible say neither fornicators nor effeminate nor abuses themselves with mankind here we go and such were some of you but now you are washed now you are justified now you are sanctified in the name of the lord and by his spirit if anybody in this house has been forgiven anything i want to hear from you if you've been forgiven since you've been saved i want to hear from you [Applause] i'm loved by a love that will not let me go huh i'm almost there excuse me bro you ain't got to pay me i'm a millionaire it's fine listen and they bring the woman and and jesus the bible says stoops down on the dirt like he didn't hear him and they start accusing him hey hey jesus we caught this chick in the very act of adultery in the very act and moses said that a person like that ought to be stoned what do you say he just keeps going i don't know what he's saying like you know you're taking stupid to a new level you keep pushing me i'm going to put your life up on a tv screen and when they keep going and keep going i love what jesus says and he raised himself up boy that's a revelation that's a prophetic picture he raised himself up and he raised himself up and i like what he says he just smirks out and goes all you schmoes that have no sin beat her up is that funny how jesus can say something to you and shut your mouth like he did with that woman at the well remember that woman at the well who came and asked for a dream jesus asked for a drink of water you know god can ask you a question that will shut your mouth he turned around and said go call your husband i ain't got a husband that's right you've had four of them the guy you're shacking up with now is not your old man that's right isn't it funny watch this she was living in sin shacking up with a guy who didn't have the decency to give her his name and yet before she oh god you're going to shout on this one lehman or i'm never talking to you again you ready and before she got her life cleaned up he offered her living water [Music] i said he offered her living water she was shacking up her life was messed up maybe there's something in your life this morning that is messed up he's still offering you living water he can help you correct it later you ain't got to get everything right in your life to receive the holy ghost to be baptized in jesus name all you got to do is ask for mercy and forgiveness and repent now we pentecostals we emphasize a lot about cleaning things up but i don't think we're wrong on that but he offered her living water and she's shacking up we wouldn't do that we get people coming and living together we got to get them separated we got to get them a 10 week bible course so we got to do this and i'm going let me let me try it again i heard that old guy say this 30 minutes ago you got to meet the love of god before you meet the law of god if you do not meet the love of god the law of god will frustrate you [Music] i'm back to my story john 8 i didn't i haven't lost it and he stood up you people that without sin cast the first stone on them and and the bible says they begin to depart from the oldest to the youngest why because the oldest guy had more sins he's practiced a life of sins especially religious sins right i wish i could have been there with a tape recorder you know what i would have loved are you are you shouting now are you doing good are you just doing your staring thing you okay you got this guy as a pastor you ready when he said you that i would have sent cast the first stone i wish i would have had a tape recorder to hear the sound what sound thud thud third third third third third and the only one that had the right to throw a stone didn't throw a stone he said where are thine accusers has no man condemned me no man neither do i condemn thee go thy way and sin no more [Music] god wants somebody in this room this morning to start over to try again not to be held hostage by mistakes you have made i left my watch at the house i don't know what time it is tell me what i can't see the clock i'm half blind what is it please be seated i i'm struggling to try to reach some people i'll i'll go into a carnal level i'm sure i can reach you now you ready any any parents in the house come on don't be embarrassed then you pick it up yeah i got a kid the stalk didn't bring it doc you ready parents how many parents besides me have had your children act stupid violate what you taught them go do things you asked them not to do now while this is me this i'm on live stream five my dad was an old german he was made out of cast iron and steel my mother was a irish gal mclaughlin and and she was sympathetic and kind and tender and you never wanted the old man to find out what you did you wanted mom to find out what you did because the german guy from the luftwaffe and the gestapo when he found out that you just robbed something or you broke a window or you gave a teacher trouble at school judgment's coming i specialize in pain i'm gonna correct this because when certain people have certain attitudes their response is always anger not mom mom she was disappointed that i did what i did but she wasn't angry she was hurt i tell you what two of the the most terrible words in my life i could ever hear from mildred arnold was when she would say oh jeffrey and i got so small i could walk under a pregnant ant with stilts i felt so my dad would just go wow bang just you're in the house for seven years get in here but my mother would turn around and say how could you do that and when i would see the tears come down my mother's face i realized it wasn't a violation of rules i had unknowingly hurt and wounded someone who loved me deeply wait a minute when we sin and we do stupid stuff deliberately or unintentionally you've got to grab ahold of this we not only violate law we hurt the one that loves us and if we could learn to understand that actions can hurt god deeply we would not do them we would be careful to make sure we didn't do that kind of stuff am i right am i right so here we are with god gonna deal with ephraim deal with israel judah and he turns around and he says what's this this is so powerful you know very two times very few times in a bible does god ever ask himself a question but he asked himself a question here two or three times how shall i give thee up how shall i bring judgment on you what's he saying because i love you so much but you're not getting it you parents am i right that when your children disobey and disappoint you you loathe unless you're a sadistic jerk you loathe giving your children correction or a spanking or a weapon well we got one lady over here put her hand up and dad put his hand up the rest of you you want to beat the fire out of your kids that's i'm glad i don't live in your house most parents if their brains are working hate to have to correct their child hate to have to spank them even though they may need chastisement or correction because you love them so much but you understand that if you don't stop them from doing what they're doing they end up hurting themselves they're going to end up disappointing the destiny that god has appointed for them so so reluctantly you have to give them a spanking or a correction or a chastisement just think of this god is on record in hosea here and he's saying how shall i give thee up there's a revelation there he said how shall i make you like admira how shall i make you like zeboam i've never heard a sermon on those two god those two places in my life admira and zeboam were the sister cities of sodom and gomorrah they were the two cities of the plain and when he fried all these other guys into crispy critters he fried them too and he said how shall i deal with you like i dealt with them seen i love you so much and i care about you so much how can i and then then the lord just turns around he says three times three times he asked the question how shall i how shall i then he turns around and says watch he's having this debate give him judgment give him mercy give him punishment give him pardon don't cut him no cut him lots of slack he's in this debate it's a god in turmoil which way shall i go and then finally he comes to a conclusion this is what i love it comes to a conclusion he says i will not right three times he says it i will not judge them i will not punish them i will not destroy them watch for i am god and not a man i can make things work better for them i can turn their lives around i can bring deliverance to them i can make them to become everything i want i will not you better thank god in your life that when judgment was coming in your direction god turned around and stopped judgment and brought grace and brought mercy and brought forgiveness and reconciliation can i preach can i preach five more minutes i know that i'm i'm struggling right now i know i am i know i am but please bear with me just for a second the bible says that in chapter 1 chapter 2 hosea married gomer now you may differ with me but i'm right you can differ with me but i'm right when he tells gomer chapter 3 go marry a woman of whoredoms that does not mean she was a uh-uh he had already been married to gomer and had children by her she became unfaithful and left him and he judicially put her away in chapter three the lord turns around and said okay go love a woman loved of her neighbor go love a woman of whoredoms like israel is to me you got to get this god put hosea through the tragic hell and havoc in his family life so he could better understand how god fell towards israel sometimes god will allow you and i to go through some stuff that hurts us and half kills us but it's only so we can understand how much he loves somebody else and how much he wants to help somebody else and he turned around and said go love a woman loved of her neighbor he just says i went and sought gomer and by the time i found gomer she was a slave she was a piece of meat she had she had been used and abused by men all over the place she was just a things he was a haggard old thing and he turned around found her at the slave market can you imagine bidding for your one-time wife he said so i bought her 15 shekels of this half a loaf of barley have what he did he bought her half price because that was the price of a slave and he bought it half the price of a slave and said i brought her back to me now i am convinced he never stopped loving her even though she left but when he bought her back the love may not have been at a zenith but it eventually grew when you come to god your love for god may not be very high but if you will stay with him and learn of him your love can grow am i preaching that bad the debate that was in the heart of god when god turned around and said i i want to save them i don't want to judge them i want to let them go i want to restore them i want to help them want to bless them isn't that why jesus in in luke 19 sat on the side of the mountain and when he beheld jerusalem he said he wept he wept over the city and said to them oh jerusalem all the things that belong to you that were in the agenda for you now they are hidden from your eyes because you knew not watch the time of thy visitation someone in this house right now this is the time of your visitation this is the time for you to turn around and say with the help and the grace of god i'm going to turn my life around i'm going to come back to god or i'm going to come god for the first time why don't you stand with me right now i don't need to go any further i need people right now to respond to what i'm saying to you he loves you he cares about you and he's turned because he's in turmoil but he he's in turmoil because he knows you're in turmoil just like a parent hurts when their children hurt he's our father and he hurts when we hurt and he wants you to win at life now i don't have no scary stories i i don't have any evangelistic baloney i'm just here to tell you you're loved by a love that won't let you go and i'm a fool to think that i can get you to come and pray over law over restrictions over rules over regulations it'll never happen but if you can meet the love of god the only reason paul became such a great apostle to the gentiles is in acts 9 he met the love of god before he had to embrace the law of god now if if you've never been forgiven well then just play your little silly game but have you ever been forgiven and if god has come to you many times and touched you and said i'm not happy with that can i can i say something i i'm very sorry i'm that you don't have to pay me i i didn't do very good this morning okay yes my daughter [Music] my my daughter dina leanne was just a little girl she's got fire engine red hair she's just six or seven and i was at the at the snack bar in the house and dean leanne come walking in she went right by me she went into the bedroom and slammed the door and like any typical female deana leanne what's wrong nothing i said dean leanne come out here right now come out here she comes out and stands to me and she's looking and i said what's wrong she said i was at school today and we were taking a test and the teacher called me up in front of the class and said that i was cheating on the test i was looking at some answers and she gave me an f and i said okay come here now answer your dad it's as real to me as it was 25 years ago i said were you cheating yes or no she said she started crying she just no dad i wasn't cheating i dropped my pencil and it went over and i just went over to pick it back up but the teacher thought i was cheating i said okay now let me help you with this i said even if you were cheating you're still my little girl and i will never love you less because you disappoint me i said you are not up for adoption and i am not mailing you to tupelo children's mansion it ain't going to happen and as as god is my witness doc when i i want to put my arm around her that little redhead sobbing just fell over on my chest she said oh dad oh dad and i said honey i love you sort of like god with a love that will not let you go somebody here you need to pray and you need to somehow get a new grip on your perception of how much god loves you and that he doesn't want you to be lost even if you are guilty of doing some things maybe you shouldn't have done and if you would like [Music] you would if you would like to feel the embrace of the god in turmoil that is saying right now to every devil and every lion spirit i will not give them up i will not turn my back on that i will not judge them i will not damn them and condemn them i wonder if you had enough courage to leave where you're standing you don't even have to kneel but come up to this altar and if nothing else ask god to let you understand how deep he loves you he's in turmoil now because some of you are in turmoil his holiness says judge him his mercy says pardon them which will it be i'm waiting on you right now if i don't have anybody going to pray i don't have anybody i can't believe some of you senior saints are not running up here you got more stuff to be forgiven of and more stuff [Music] my heart is turned within me the lord said my repentings are kindled because i don't want to punish them and i don't want to chastise them and i don't want to write them off and maybe they are guilty and maybe they are doing things they shouldn't do but my wounded love turns around and says come on come on let's get together come on let's get together the prodigal's father did not bring up the boy's past the prodigal's father embraced the boy kissed him and hugged him and threw a party that's what god's want to do right now for a few minutes the throw a party the throw a party come on believe what i've tried to tell you you're loved by a love that will not let you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he restored jonah he restored david he convicted david don't you understand what conviction is that's not shame and embarrassment that's love doing his greatest work he convicted david because he was being quiet so he said i repented and i confessed and thou forgaves me that's all he wants to do but you got to be honest confess repent ask god to help you god deliver us from the elder brother spirit that defines everybody by their worst moment god is not defining you by mistakes that you made and decisions and choices you made he loves you that's why he had calvary calvary was the results of god in turmoil [Music] and he wanted us saved that he wanted us forgiven and he wanted us restored and he wanted us reconciled [Music] come on i gotta leave it with you pray pray [Music] [Applause] pray pray pray pray pray [Music] [Applause] how often i would have gathered you as a hand of his brood but you would not now your house is left desolate he's wanting to gather you your sin is no problem that's why we've got the bloodshed your sins no problem it's this attitude of resistance and resentment that he can't deal with we have to get rid of that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will not i will not
Channel: IT IS TIME Revived
Views: 6,256
Rating: 4.8502674 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic Preaching, Apostolic church, Jeff Arnold 2021, Jeff Arnold Preaching, REVIVAL MESSAGE
Id: 5h3zma7F0zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 22sec (3922 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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