TESSAI, THE KIDO MASTER - Bleach: Forgotten Characters #1 | Discussion

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the one aspect of bleach that i think is the most continuously praised you know long after the series ended is its wonderfully diverse and rich cast of unique characters literally hundreds of them all with incredibly unique designs personalities histories powers all of that sort of thing and that's truthfully one of my absolute favorite things about the series as well one of the things that really hooked me about it were these you know wonderfully crazy but completely compelling characters um and you know it's amazing how far you can dig you know how deep you can dig into this series and still find something of interest you know you peel away the main core cast strip away the captains the espada execution the vizards the stern ritter all that sort of thing and right you know even beneath all of that a character with you know very little screen time can still be fascinating and a character like that is tessai sukabishi a character who basically does absolutely nothing in the canon manga and yet he's so interesting so rich with a compelling backstory and there was just a wash of potential with this guy and while that is a great thing it's also kind of frustrating you know it's frustrating that he never really gets a chance to shine in the story um and so today this is the first episode of a series i'm kind of calling tentatively bleach you know forgotten characters characters that were truly interesting and intriguing but yet were kind of left by the wayside intentionally or not and i thought tessai was a great place to start with that because he is a character who i think suddenly became very interesting towards the end of the iran car arc and then nothing was done with him um and so i think yeah we definitely want to start this with tessai but there are probably more characters to talk about in the future i have no idea how long or in depth this series could actually get but obviously if there is another so-called forgotten character you would like me to discuss in this way please let me know in the comments and before we begin of course if you haven't hit subscribe yet guys make sure to do that now you're in the perfect place for bleach content just like this every single week also if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up as well i really appreciate it and it does also really help as well it helps it get more exposure on youtube and allows it to reach more bleach fans just like yourselves and if you want to take that support for me a little step further we do have a patreon where you can support what i do here on this channel you can get videos like this one early and you can also support me for as little as a dollar a month um and i really would just appreciate um your support and to everyone who is already doing that as always with every video a massive thank you goes out to all of you on screen right now so i would absolutely classify tessai sukabishi as one of bleach's unfortunate forgotten characters he just doesn't really do anything in the story despite being around since bleach's earliest days you know tessai is introduced in that agent of the shinigami arc alongside kisuke urahara really in truly some of the earliest volumes in the series you know he kind of comes in around the same time and meet characters like khan and from the very beginning you get the impression that maybe there's a bit more to this guy who is he why does he hang out with the already very shady character urahara someone who we also at that point knew nothing about but were very intrigued by and so tessai by proxy is an interesting character he really doesn't do a whole lot but his design is really quirky it's really cool obviously at this point in the series he is quite unquote just a human character living in karakura town but he has a design that really helps him stand out there's something mysterious about the glasses you rarely see his eyes and that's a cool technique that's used a fair few times in bleach but with test site there really is that air of mystery to him an air of something lurking beneath the surface like i said he doesn't do an awful lot but he does get a couple of cool moments to kind of showcase what he's all about and there are a couple of little hints in these early days as well to perhaps his true nature or his true kind of skill set shall we say perhaps his biggest moment in the series particularly in the present day timeline is in these very early stages when he helps ichigo with his shattered shaft training as the encroachment process occurs we get to see tessai use some you know wield some truly incredible keto now of course this is before kedo was really a thing in the series it had been used a couple of times rukia used it for instance pretty much within the first chapter i think but tessai does some really cool stuff here using bakudo 99 part one kin and then part two banking to restrain ichigo as the holification process kind of occurs this very very um early embryonic stage and i think this is definitely i think it's pretty safe to say a period of the story where kubo was really coming to grips with some of these concepts some of these brand new concepts that the world was being introduced to for the first time but i do think that he definitely intended for tessai to have some kind of secretive history some kind of additional role extended role and that's why he gives him such impressive abilities the fact that the bakudo were already numbered tells me that kubo had that idea for a numbered ranking hierarchy within those spells from the earliest days and for tessai to be pulling off these 99 abilities clearly showcases incredible prowess another moment i absolutely love for test site as well it's quite small but it's during the big kind of bloodbath skirmish that's going on as the kind of defenders of karakura who at this point are basically just urahara and his shop um are kind of fighting off a bunch of hollows after uliyu calls them all in for his trial with ichigo essentially during the massive menos grande spectacle and it's just a wonderful moment where tesla just palms this hollow straight in the face um and kills it immediately it's just a really really cool moment and again it's that kind of visceral brutality from him but again with the kind of stoic face the deadpan expression like he's done this a million times before that just really made me want to see more from him and unfortunately see more we really don't um that's basically it for his involvement in the first part of bleach in the soul society arc he's really only there to help them arrive back safely in karakura after they've achieved their mission and then moving on into the iran car arc which really blew the doors wide open for the series in terms of its scope and its scale and test site is very quickly being left behind here with very very little to do and again that's kind of true for the urahara show 10 in general but you still get standout moments for characters like uru right at the start there when she takes on ill forte grandes but tessai is really given very little room to shine again we do get some idea that he might be very skilled with the kind of magical abilities of bleach as he uses a pretty impressive kaido to heal uru because she has been seriously wounded by ilford like when you go back and look at that especially in the manga she has been just absolutely impaled by this colossal horn very similar um in kind of scope to you know chojiro for instance in the thousand year blood war arc that kind of level injury and he's obviously able to heal it now of course she's not a normal soul but it's still an impressive um showcase of what he can do nonetheless and yet in terms of the present timeline that's kind of all he does in the iran karak which is so so strange because it's during this time that kubo is really starting to make good on the hints that he has been leaving the breadcrumbs he's been leaving in the earlier parts of the story about the histories of the otherwise bumbling adult idiots of the karakura town you know you're supposed to think this is it's quite a it's quite a normal fantasy trope for a story revolving around teenagers around kids for the older generation to also essentially be a bunch of hidden badasses who had some kind of connection to each other and to the main villain in the past and that is exactly what kubo does here it's a trope i absolutely love i love the idea of the younger generation fighting the older generations battle and succeeding and tessai is a part of that you know it's around this time that kubo is revealing things about ishin that ryuken is introduced into the story um and so the iran karak is a conduit for that trope to really come into full effect and we do get that with tessai but just much later on during his most i would argue pivotal moment in the series which is of course turned back the pendulum but considering the amount of fighting that takes place in karakura town during the iranka invasion at the start of this arc the first third it's really surprising that tessai doesn't come into his own until term at the pendulum which happens right before fake karakura town essentially at the beginning of that final third of what is a massive story arc one of my biggest critiques of kubo as a long time fan of the series something i've seen happen again and again is incredible ideas and wonderful concepts great setup that kind of leads to nothing or very very little very little payoff and that's exactly what happens here with tessai in the term at the pendulum mini arc set about a hundred years before the present-day storyline where we learn essentially the origin story of kisuke urohara the vizzards yoruichi and why why the setup is how it is at the start of bleach we also learn the origins of tessai as well and we actually find out that in that slightly earlier incarnation of the goatee 13 we get to see the kedo corpse actually involved in the storyline something crazy is going down people are disappearing shinigami are now starting to disappear and also you know kisuke's vice captain hiyori sarugaki is out there somewhere in the woods something really bad is going on yamamoto has convened the captains together for an emergency nighttime meeting and he's also included the captain and vice captain of the kedo corpse tessai and hatchy this is cool this is so cool the kedo core captain like we've never ever seen this position again never again in the present day storyline um he looks you know he looks awesome he has this great blue robe blue and gold robe this huge extravagant collar he's wielding this incredibly alien looking weapon he looks like a wizard he looks like a sorcerer and it's just so neat to see that the keto core functions in essentially the exact same way um as regular divisions do within the goatee 13 because at the end of the day you know why wouldn't it it is its own thing they have their own insignia um but as a as a division the keto core is criminally under explored in in the series um and this is the best we get and so it was really cool to actually see tessai involved like that in such a way and it's fascinating for us as readers to see the upper ranks of this new this hidden division essentially explored and it's also intriguing as well for the other captains there in the in universe law seems to dictate that tessang is really not seen a lot um even ukitake and kyoraku kubo obviously making a point of having two of the oldest most experienced captains um make a remark ukitake says you know it's been a very long time since we've laid eyes on you tessai and kiraku says you know he feels honored by tessai being there that's kiraku of all people so this is a really big deal you know a really cool way of you know really helping the reader feel the gravity of the situation is involving a faction that we see very little of and it's just awesome that it's tessai really integrating him nicely into the history of soul society although yamamoto wants tessai to go to the site of the battle kiraku ends up circumventing that and getting his vice captain lisa sent instead so tessai is momentarily spared the fate that awaits the visas hachi goes essentially in his stead but it's really cool because tessai very quickly works out that kisuke is going to go anyway he knows exactly what kind of a man he is because of their shared history which is something we'll get into in just a sec um and so he kind of waits in preparation in the shadows for kisuke to make a move and despite kisuke's riatsu concealing cloak tessai is still able to discern his location but rather than turn him in he has his back and they go to the site of the battle together tessai remains mostly on the back for the verbal sparring between kisuke and eisen that takes place is pretty much just between those two but as eisen attempts to escape the scene we get probably um tessai's coolest moment where he fires a chantless hardo 88 hiroyu gekizoku shin 10 raiho which he just absolutely blasts her eyes and this incredible massive beam and although this video is about the the manga i love how love love how this looks in the anime as well whether he fires it and then it kind of fires again from another angle then another angle and you get the kind of sense that this is a huge huge deal attack um and it looks really cool i like the idea that i guess he's trying to stop eisen but if that had hit him that could probably have just obliterated him but of course eisen uses danku and manages to escape attempting to take eisen out with harder 88 might be tessai's coolest moment but perhaps his most impressive comes very soon after kisuke seems to have an understanding of what's going on here even if it's a rudimentary one he knows that the vaisards are currently well they're not the vizards yet but they're quickly undergoing hollow vacation and they might be doomed unless he acts quickly and so tessai resolves to help him do that in his most dire hour of need despite the pretty serious consequences of doing so and so tessai tells kisuke to cover his ears and close his eyes as he's about to use two forbidden spells to move all of these bodies in one go without being detected and so combining two forbidden keto spells ji kanteshi and kukanteni probably butchered that but that's what they're called tessai summons this massive bar of light which essentially allows him to freeze time and move space he just takes the entire uh portion of ground that these bodies are piled up on and literally teleports it essentially to where it needs to go and freezes time within that space so as to halt the hollow vacation for as long as he can and by teleporting them as they are they are able to move undetected at least for the time being but both these spells carry with them the sentence of life imprisonment of course as we know while kisuke would be successful in effectively saving the lives of the shinigami he would go down as a criminal in the eyes of the sole society justice system and tessai takes the fall with him now tessai is not quite as severe he's only sentenced by the central i say only by the central 46 of the crime of using those forbidden spells but he is sentenced to the level three prison within the soul society while kisuke is sentenced to the the abominable crime of hollow vacation murder conspiracy all that sort of thing and he's exiled to the human world forever more to become a regular human of course these uh these punishments don't come about because yoruichi manages to bust them out of there and then together they go into hiding in karakura town using untraceable giga and kisuke resolves to make things right essentially hiding away with the visas while of course eisen and his cronies continue to live our life pretty happy as they continue to work on their machinations in the soul society i mean it's been said before that the term about the pendulum mini arc is the best writing in bleach it's not hard to see why the whole arc is very tragic very emotional very well handled very well plotted it's highly satisfying i think seeing where these characters come from it's awesome to see tessai was the keto core captain decides to stake it all to help kisuke in that real moment of need that is a truce of darkest hour of soul society moment and he is uh set up by eisen and thrown under the bus and it's kind of crazy to think that the soul society loses the keto core captain and vice captain in the same night and it's also as well so chilling to see how willing the central 46 is to just bring down the hammer on even the most respected individuals among the goatee 13's upper echelon seeing the kido core captain someone who clearly is so respected be just immediately sentenced to prison just for using those spells i know it is forbidden but the central 46 have a bit of a habit of not listening to people um it is pretty tragic but it's cool as well to see that devotion tessai has to kisuke and perhaps more importantly to the idea of the big picture which is something we've talked about before with uh with urohara specifically and how they are focused on this big picture idea of the good of the world and this is why i find it so strange that kubo barely uses tessai at all and especially after this he's basically never seen in the series again he does come up briefly later which we'll talk about but he is barely seen again and i think that's such a strange omission that's very very weird especially since hachi obviously makes a reappearance with the rest of the vizards in the fake karakura town fight and that fight is as effective as it is because of the emotional stakes of turn back the pendulum and tessai has an active role in that and yet as far as the manga goes the majority of his extended role is just in anime filler his actual quarrel with eisen is not explored he doesn't help out his allies in the big final battle which is so weird to me especially as he would be one of the premier defenders of karakura town that's just really really strange especially since kubo uses to turn back the pendulum so effectively to give us an emotional connection to the vizards now they whether they disappointed you or not in the fight itself doesn't really matter here what matters is how effectively they are used how effectively you get the sense that they all despise eisen and want to bring him down finally after the injustice they suffered and it's never never really brought up with tessai like you know that kisuke his his exile is kind of revoked and you actually see him collaborating with soul society in the lost agent arc and more specifically in the thousand-year blood war arc where he comes and goes freely integrates with them and basically is allowed to do whatever he likes and despite eisen setting foot in karakura town with the the goal of destroying the entire place and kisuki and yoruichi and ishin arriving on that battlefield to stop him tessai is nowhere to be seen and we can only assume that maybe he is still conscious and is just guarding jinta urudu maybe even the kurasaki family but it's really really weird that he's just not around and yeah he is seen briefly in the lost agent arc he's not completely forgotten yet we see him right at the start as karen is trying to buy something in there he shows up like nothing has happened and then right at the very end of the arc as well towards the conclusion of the battle against execution he's there to help the kind of mentally broken chad and orihime after they've suffered at the hands of tsukushima and then he's never seen again never ever ever seen again the entirety of the thousand-year blood war he is just not in it he's never in it and that's so so weird to me because like i said kisuke plays an active role throughout this arc from the very beginning and and literally boots on the ground keyskate is one of the commanders of the shinigami during that fight during that huge war they probably really could have done with the kido core commander um but he's just he's just not there and there's no explanation for it and that's really why i think he is truly a forgotten character in bleach i i just think kubo had so much to juggle when that when it came to the canon manga that he just kind of forgot about tessai urudu jinta etc because they just don't show up and that's a crying shame um because it would have been so cool to really get to see what he could have done you know hatchi's in the final arc but not an awful lot as well but at least he's there um tessai is just completely gone from the story for the for the last 20 volumes he's just not there and he's not like he's there at the conclusion either so at least in terms of the canon manga that's a real shame um but if if we do get any more chapters if if we do happen to get more of this supposed hell arc if it's even a thing it would be really cool for kubo to rectify that and and bring tessai back and maybe even give him something cool to do perhaps the strangest part of tessa's story for me is the totally throw away but like big deal revelation that he he grew up in yoruichi's mansion with kisuke the three of them grew up together in her mansion and that's that is weird to me like that feels like it comes out of absolutely nowhere and doesn't really service the characters at all i don't really understand why someone who would become the kido core captain this recluse essentially would be growing up randomly with the shihoei noble clan and why kisuke would be there and the whole thing is just so weird and it feels a little bit like to me a tumultuous way of just kind of trying to tie this trio together because they lived together in karakura town for so long that's what it feels like to me and i do believe that kubo mentioned at one point that he really wants to draw wanted to draw the backstory between kisuke and yoruici my this is only my personal theory so it's not fact at all but i think that kubo was almost certainly going to show that during keyskate's battle with askin and kind of ran out of time and we probably would have seen tessai there as well it's no coincidence i don't think that we get major flashbacks for the shinigami in the purnida and lil barrow fight and then nothing in the asking or gerard battles which is really weird um especially since kisuke and yoruichi are both there at the same time in the same fight and we don't get anything about their history which is a real shame and i think that's probably where tesla might have made a reappearance but that's basically it for this video about tessai tsukubishi the mysterious master of kido in the bleach universe the former kiddo corps captain and someone i just really wish we had seen an absolute lot more of i think there was so much more to show and tell with this guy but that's what i mean when i said at the start of the video that you can dive so deep into the cast of bleach and still find you know a character that's just so interesting but unfortunately we didn't have the time to explore in full all right guys but until next time i really hope you enjoyed it hit subscribe if you want to see more like this from the channel and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 74,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach 2021, bleach new anime, bleach tybw, bleach kido, aizen, espada, kenpachi, bankai, bleach 20th anniversary, tessai, tessai tsukabishi, bleach new arc, bleach new chapter, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach
Id: 4IMe7V0meZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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