REPLAY: Crankworx deuter Downhill Innsbruck presented by Raiffeisen Club

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh yeah come on [Music] yo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to race some downhill baby how's it going thanks for joining us mountain bike fans of the world no matter where you're joining us from we thank you this is day four of competition out here in beautiful innsbruck austria for the fifth year in a row this has been one of our favorite stops on the world tour kind of crazy to think the last two crank works events have actually taken place here 2020 event just taken place last october and we're over the moon to be back we've had three fantastic days of competition everything from pump track slalom dual slalom speed and style and yesterday we saw one of the best slope style competitions in the history of the sport finally getting all the world's best competitors together on one course after such a crazy season last year and we're gonna do the same thing right now for downhill and uh we're excited to be be able to bring this to you on a course that you know we walked today we really enjoyed it i'm your host cam mccall and i'm going to be joined in the booth by my buddy over here andrew needling nathan we had a pretty fun little course walk today we had a little spare time what'd you make of the course conditions after walking it well i'm excited it's been a great crank works week but it's not over yet one of obviously the most exciting events for me is the downhill and we've got a great course here this year there's been a lot of rain on and off but the course is in great condition there are a few slippy routes and it is getting beat up so i can't wait for the action to take take place yeah we're looking forward to downhill and what a week we've had so far i mean a lot of a lot of surprising moments in all the events we've had and a lot of big news a lot of exciting news that we've been able to share with the world anytime we get to talk about the future with a little bit of certainty we get excited and right now i think there's a chance we might have some more information to share we are uh we are joined at the moment by gjorg spatzia who's been involved with all the different events that have taken place in innsbruck for over the past 15 years and you know yesterday we had karen the ceo of innsbruck tourism up here she gave us a good piece of information and i feel like i'm looking at the look on your face you might have some more information for us as well georg thanks for joining us yeah thanks for having me guys um well first of all uh it's been an honor for us uh doing it two times in eight or nine months and um we can't actually uh wait even though we're still running we can't wait to get to 22 and we've got the date set in the calendar so um today we're going to announce it's the 15th to the 19th of june everybody can book in uh uh their dates their holiday right now and everything and we've got your we've got your hotel rooms covered already thank you georg so uh you know we had karen up here last night and it was it was really exciting to find out that uh 22 we're gonna be back and what about the future what does the future look like is there any chance of extending past 22 or yeah well actually we've got a couple of meetings in in autumn to extend for two more years um this event these days now have definitely set the stage for a good uh for for for a good negotiation ship but uh i'm confident we will we will prolong another for for two more years um but now we're gonna you know we're gonna collect all the dates all the uh all the numbers and then we're going to convince uh that crank works needs to stay uh the home base in europe here in amesbury yeah georg well thanks for all that you've done to make it possible to have this event twice in the past nine months so and it's great to be here uh in person as opposed to in a studio at a strange hour of the night so thanks for everything you do georg we really appreciate it and uh it's about time to start taking a look at our course for the deuter innsbruck downhill presented by ralph ison club no better way to do it than strap a camera on one of our top racers so let's check it out hey guys it's me vallejo and this is my teammate jamie edmondson we're here at crankworx in sproke and we're going to do a gopro coos preview for the deutsche downhill presented by rivalson club good let's go so so [Music] oh what a track what a track deuter downhill innsbruck presented by rob feissen club and based on the way the schedule worked out you know the first world cup of the season was just a week ago in leo gang i really enjoyed watching that i'm a big fan get up early whatever 3 a.m i don't care i'll make some coffee i'll get in there and i look forward to listening to uh the voice of downhill you know that guy rob warner what a what a character guess what we got him right here check it out rob warner ladies and gentlemen this is a real downhill race thanks for joining us rob nice to see you ladies thanks it's great to be here my first crank works downhill we walked the track earlier yeah we're in the mood for this aren't we we are we're all primed up and ready to go yeah so thanks for joining us i feel like we just got lucky we got lucky because of how all the schedules have synced up so you get to do this and of course two weeks until you'll be out there in leget for the next world cup what do you make of all the racers who decided instead of just uh i don't know heading them words eat or something and just training on their own they came here to compete at crankworx what do you make of that well yeah for me you know it's got to be a good thing it's a strong strong start list today of course because a lot of riders at the moment aren't able to travel freely so why not come and race why not keep your skills up there's been a lack of race in pre-season there's been a lack of racing for what the last two years so these a lot of these riders are grabbing every opportunity and we have very much got some of the best downhillers in the world in action a day here in innsbruck which i think is going to be a treat have you been enjoying your time here rob i mean you've maybe watched a little bit from afar the past few years but just being here checking out how many different disciplines we have the festival atmosphere we ever going to see you back or what you like it i love it i mean it's fantastic just to hang out and the pressure's been off you know world cup weekends are a pretty busy affair but i think probably i've enjoyed seeing all the different riders in action and the fact that you know so many riders can do so many disciplines but of course to actually sit and watch the slope style in reality like i mean i can't actually work even in slo-mo what what are they doing your mind is like yeah the bike's going one way the riders go in the other then they stop in the air and then do it all back i mean it's insane i've honestly i can't actually believe the skills those guys have got it's the levels they reach is insane we checked that box we exposed rob warner to something he hasn't been exposed to which there's probably a small list of things you haven't been exposed to i've been exposed to a lot i'm glad we were able to do that so one thing rob's talking about how many different disciplines there are out here they all pretty much cater to different types of bikes let's take a look at what type of bike the racers out here would typically ride for a downhill race this is kind of like you know the formula one version you know the mountain bikes version of formula one downhill racing so talk to me about the bikes that you're gonna see out there rob well that's right 200 millimeters of travel they're a long travel bike they're a big heavy bike compared to what the bikes we've seen in action for most of this week they're very specialist slack angles on them they're a lot longer than the bikes we've seen in action i mean you know a downhill bike actually even a ride on the flat sucks this is a bike made purely as you say for the pinnacle of downhill racing it only really works when it's going fast down something steep and the bikes have changed a lot over the last few years andrew they have like rob said you know the angle's a lot slacker so that fork it's really good but as he said unless the course is steep they're really sluggish but um some riders have actually changed their suspension setup since leo gang because it's not as steep here and a lot of riders they're mixing those wheel sets so that's nice someone like troy has really figured out that a mullet setup is better for him and his size so it's going to be interesting to see what sort of setup changes the riders have got for this track yeah frame uh frame linkage wheel sizes everything's been evolving so crazy and the riders just keep getting better and better every season let's take a look at the list of riders we have for this deuter downhill innsbruck presented by ralph bison club pretty star studded so we've got one of the most stack filled we've seen in a long time time georgia astil comes from all sorts of backgrounds she's claiming she's a bit more of a free rider but she writes all sorts of things she's going to kick things off but emily siegen teller no stranger to a world cup podium or a crank works podium matilda bernard our pump track specialist katie winton throwing her name in the hat now when we get to the sharp end of the racing tracy hannah who has retired from world cup racing so rob is actually in the booth with her a bit she is almost undefeated here in innsbruck but look at that valley hall looking to win against one year last year she really shocked the ladies they knew she was coming but she came hard and then down at the bottom our current world champ she backed that up last week in front of rob's eyes she took that world cup win didn't she just yeah incredible to see her you know the world championships last year and they're going were a pretty filthy affair but to come back and to back it up winning on the same course in different different very very different conditions like you've got to be feeling pretty good coming here today yeah and there were a lot of keyboard warriors which is fair you know a lot of girls did crash but she stayed on her bike well she was the only woman actually in those world championships that didn't fall now if that ain't skills what is yeah you know that doesn't help people saying well if someone else stayed on but you know what she backed it up she won her first world cup race in those stars and stripes the discussion is over done that's right so that'll be pretty pretty great to watch valley hall out here you know she won last year like you mentioned and then uh just last week that was interesting cammie on the on the hot seat there and then valley having a crash and so now they get to go head-to-head again just a week later so i'm looking forward to seeing that and that's how we're going to kick off the show here today with the top racers for the women's category like you were talking about rob a bunch of racers from different backgrounds that's what the strength of a crank works festival is and you see racers out there like georgia actual and katie winton who are you know following the enduro world series but then matild bernard she was out here winning pump track just a few nights ago and she comes from a bmx background she's throwing the leg over the downhill bike trying to get some of those points for queen of crank works so andrew you commented on georgia astell a minute ago saying she's you know really getting into free ride she's out there for formation she's gonna be our first racer on course out of canada georgia but let's not forget she has won the longer bonds of donald in whistler before she was also six in rotor in 2020 so no slouch on the downhill bike and she's also doing a few ews races look this track is all about carrying speed so someone from the ews background should have a bit more fitness because it is very physical out there yeah it's the top section is not the steepest actually like you say you've got to carry a lot of speed up there work with the ground 7.8 back then of that split so a little bit of work for her to do yeah a lot of work for it to do but if someone's fit enough to do it at the bottom she could pull some back because the bottom is definitely quite flat it's key to carry speed it's key to not miss your breaking points but another thing is later and we'll see it in the men's race is they're going to be going so fast the timing of some of these hops and bumps is going to be key mckenna mentioned that he said the timing is critical oh yeah that's right when you get to the sharp end every 10th very much more time there she's nine seconds back so not going to be her best run here today last couple of turns for it so georgia approaching the finish line right now hot seat occupant michaela parton georgia will cross the finish line 9.8 seconds back in eighth place [Music] these times are gonna come humbling down there's michaela parton thankfully uh back in action after a big crash actually ended last year you can see these bikes how much different they are to anything else we've seen this week look at that fork moving so much travel there you know you're not going to see that compared to a slopestyle bike maybe 100 mil and the suspension is so stiff guys that had to really stiffen up their suspension this week though leo gang was a lot steeper you know you need a lot more traction but here you've got to pump so much so i think they're going to ramp up a lot on the compression maybe even change your spring rate [Music] i would think the riders are itching to race yes some of them got four races in last year at the world cup but this year i mean dean lucas is one of them we'll see later he's been sitting at home for over a year yeah i mean he's doing five races in a row and he's you know normally we normally see races do two or three then they need a break to really yeah yeah but i think they're so hungry they're chomping at the bit to get some racing action and prove to those sponsors why they're getting paid as well you know and it's still early season a lot of these riders are still kind of trying to find a level you know i mean especially you've had a bad race in the game you don't quite know where your speeds at it's all about that and down and finding that level you know of course yeah race speed i mean this is going to be interesting race because they don't have a qualifying like you know seeing them so we can't even gauge who's looking fast or not no that's very unique they come in at this finals run absolutely blind they don't know whether they need to find five seconds i suspect we're going to see them more all out for that there's bernie kerr he's a man that wouldn't save anything because you know it's not a world cup there's a star-studded failure there's a lot of bragging rights and i spoke to danny and i said no you're going to give it a go he said why wouldn't i i said well i think some riders sometimes save it or they can't get that hype but i think danny's a type of rider and he did mention to me well i have been here twice i said i know you've won each time you've racked it up yet so he's the type of rider doesn't care what race it is when those beeps go he's going to give it his all no you know that's how it is it's like some riders you know what it's like as a professional downhill you need to ride you need to race and you want to push it because you want to win you don't want a bad result to go to the next say the next big race with a lack of confidence but also you don't want to get injured in a season well so it's always like like all these sports we're lucky enough to commentate on it's a balance right yeah you're you're on a fine edge aren't you and i think i don't think everyone showed their full cards at league so like you said here if they can go away with a big result that's going to give here we go rob look who we have next up in the gate emily c gonzalez that's right the swiss woman been out of action really the last couple of years with big knee injuries but uh on a day a phenomenal performer as you said andrew no stranger to world cup podiums and these racing drones man the coverage we're getting off them is unbelievable are we watching star wars or sonic the hedgehog yeah is you yeah that's awesome but she's also no stranger to a crank works podium her best finish here is a third place so 3.5 seconds back while not in touch there with the leading time i'll tell you what mikayla park has put down a good run there then before william local she won't mind the rocks on this track but see gonzalez can she open up down the bottom so important to carry speed on these flat turns here yeah and it's a tough track to let it all lay out on the line here because any wrong mark here you'll lose so much momentum to the finish rod yeah don't say one crank works [Music] excuse me that's my uh my bad so lost another second she's over four seconds back parton has put in a storming run yeah she's in first as it stands now come on so michaela pardon yeah good run from her so you can tyler goes fourth then 4.3 back for her in touch but uh fair gap really i would say on this track yeah as you can see that knee break she is nursing herself coming back from injuries and you need it but some riders really need a lot of bike time some races under the belt to find what their race speed is i know it is a delicate injury a knee reconstruction you can't really rush it you can't take any chances with it recovery of another surgery is so long i believe she's opted not to have surgery on that second uh second injury so that's probably why we're seeing her wear that brace there which give her a lot of confidence yeah and the older you get it's tougher and tougher to come back from injuries they take longer and you need more patience than when you're young excited and the body heals quicker speaking about being young and excited right here i'm sure our next competitor is excited to throw a leg over a downhill bike she's a pump track specialist she took the gold medal in pump track just two nights ago and now until bernard out of france trying to hand it downhill an attempt to get some queen of crank works points yeah matilda it's only a third year lead it's got some decent french down your result so she is getting stronger and stronger on the download but she is a force to be reckoned with on a pump track coming from a bmx background so it's going to take a bit of time but someone like jill kittner was able to do it five seconds back though it's gonna take him more than this race to find out yeah that's right look good up the top as well we've seen so many riders come over from bmx it's like they're from mountain bike down it's almost like the core sport i mean it's changed a little bit more in recent years but back in the day all the top down had come from bmx it's crazy to watch that transition too you mentioned jill kintner and i i mean i knew of her as a bmx rider and her you know brother paul and then to watch her just become so successful on a mountain bike it's got to be a great role model for somebody like mathilde yeah matild look she is drifting back she's over six seconds back but she is new to downhill she's new to the elite ranks of the sport so nothing to be ashamed of coming over the line slots into fifth place it's a strong one not too bad she won't be too disappointed with that but mikayla parton leading a great run then for michaela parton although there is still quite a few fast women at the top of this thing we got quite a few left and you can see just how hold out this track's been getting as the week's gone on the riders have been on it big holes appearing everywhere making it harder to carry speed in the turns they tend to want to stand you up yeah that's a key factor there's not a lot of line choice but you've got to be really really specific on where you go into the turns because as rob said it's getting deeper and deeper and it's where it's soft you don't gain momentum so 10 more competitors left in our women's field here at the deuter downhill innsbrick presented by raw fights and club next on course we had a chance to catch up with her earlier guys this is katie winton and she is actually on an enduro bike not a downhill bike short travel single crown fork oh mistake there there's getting drifted into that soft spot we saw it when we walked the track earlier the track is blowing out a little bit big holes are forming as we said but great to see here before the first ews enduro world series race next week getting some practice in on that bike and you know let's see what she can do 4.16 back so showing us that the enduro bike she can make it work yeah and it was so funny speaking to her she's used to one or two runs and then she goes racing so she did a walk of the track then she did a warm-up run and this is what do i do now i'm ready to race but these downhillers you know they're doing averaging seven to eight runs definitely on first day practice maybe five or six on day two two warm-up runs and then a race so katie winton one of the top enduro riders to ever throw a leg over a bike she's got some great results here so just getting a bit of practice in five years of course on trek split with them at the end of this start her own team moxie xl and said you know it was a lot of work but now she's done it she's her own master again and she's absolutely loving racing so yeah it goes into fifth place 4.8 back for her then yeah she was in good spirits eh kind of yeah you know ride to the beat of own drum if you will [Music] two scottish women having a good chat there in the finish area but you know obviously you're looking at that fork there you can see how much shorter travel it is than the downhill bikes it's gonna been a rougher ride down for her yeah there's a few spots that it will be actually better the pumping and stuff but as you said it's getting rougher right so every time she hits a big hole and that fork bottoms out and uses all its travel sap some more momentum so the dyno bike overall is gonna be a quicker race machine if you're up to high enough speed though especially the fatigue also of having a little less assistance out of the suspension right great point let's not forget i know rob and i are hopping on but cam mccall is a real student of downhill as well that's a key point spella horvat then from slovenia now and abyss finished sixth place in innsbruck so what will she be able to do today getting a little bit caught up that's a we're going to keep an eye on that right-hander at the top there it's flat it's blown out and you get it wrong all your speed's gone and that speed you need to carry all the way down this section so you know you can probably see now why the time gaps are opening up a little bit more yeah rob it's so key there's long straights as we were walking it you know there's a one two turns critical section and then there's long straights and as you said she's lost over 12 seconds she's a smaller rider it's really hard for her to carry speed that's why troy brosn's blows me away with his technique because he's light it's tough to carry momentum on the flat spell up horrible having a good run out of here taking a time through these tight turns down the bottom a few pedal strokes in here and there that's going to make a difference on the clock [Music] but she's 14 point back then at split two so uh yeah long way into the red for it today so still bleeding time here to the finish speller horvat what will the time tell us she's drifting back parton has put in a storming run though she definitely did 3 26 for her so pardon from running hoagie segan tala in fourth and that woman there horvath there going into fifth place interesting to see so much woodwork on this track that's something you don't get at a world cup race yeah definitely but it's good because they've been a lot of bugs here especially last year fabio vipmer had a famous crash i've seen in a bog over the past i mean i do respect his writing but that was funny to see you know it's it's sometimes hey there's a there's a german word that i mess up but it's called shortened fruit or something like that and you take pleasure in someone else's misfortune and i had a big chuckle via verbic a former queen of crankworx she is on track already holding good speed here hopping those roots trying to not stop energy and there as rob said that turn is critical if you could actually set up a little bit higher you could gain so much momentum into a long straight jet this racing drone bringing us some awesome footage the canadian champion fifth year actually in 2019 so knows this track 2.9 as well into the red so she is in touch there verbeek yeah fifth in rotorua before the wall got in lockdown it's a challenge for her though she's had a big week she's been on all sorts of different bikes she would be so fatigued here and she's got to bring it all together on a really physical track but she is a former world cup downhill racer actually stopped actually in 2017 [Music] and the leading of partners time goes by then so 3.8 so losing 0.9 of a second between splits one and two so in touch actually but michaela partner has laid down a great run here fair burpee coming down to the line then the canadian isn't going to go fastest it's fifth place for losing a little bit more time down the bottom well i mean coming from fort william she would definitely be fit strong to be out if that's your home training ground fort william i always remember that track and it was just the most brutal thing i mean if you paid me to go have some uh say away from a race training runs there i wouldn't take you up on it no i only enjoyed it when i was forced to go down it and really be focused because it was so physical so rough and you need like you literally need a van full of wheels and tires there you know so i asked my brother i think i did go through a whole van you know when you really have to commit you can break a lot of stuff there so at any crank workstop all eyes were on via verbiage of course she was the queen of crank works in 2019 and after that experience she feels like she'd like to have more consistent results across the different disciplines you know she's more of a downhill specialist but it would definitely behoove her to get some stronger results on the pump track the slalom and you know that's what she has her sights focused on hoping to try to get that crown back but right now on course canada's casey brown this is a woman i feel can do absolutely what she wants on a bike an incredible talent and getting inside that route there and there's the high line that rob was speaking about that is critical she's carrying good pace here yeah you can see it over jumping that jump up there as well so brown pushing on here i could see casey doing well on this track this is gonna be fun to watch let's see what will the time tell us she's a lady that can do well on any bike and any course you almost wish you would just focus on one but then you would miss all these amazing video parts that she does the red wolf formation that she was part of what a talent on a bike and i love that she's able to kind of show the goals that you can ride multitude of bikes you don't have to dress like a racer race like a racer you can do it all oh she's lost six seconds already though rob yeah over six seconds i must have made a mistake i would think that we haven't seen it wouldn't be too hard to do on this track yeah maybe not a lot of race prep for we didn't see it leo gang anything like that so that race beat for her you know this was probably her first race run all year in 2021 [Music] roots to catch you out really hard to carry speed through those flat turns she's got a smile on her face anyway well eleventh coming off 11th in leo gang so you know what that's some big pace so next up take a look very exciting just going into the elite category here last year her first elite world cup was last week of course the fans are gonna be cheering for valley hall we caught up with her earlier to check out what she's riding take a look [Music] hey it's matt galion from rockshox and valley's mechanic and here's patty's bike check from maxis she's writing a track session uh the new version uh 2021 frame alongside we have a rockshox suspension setup it's a black book program so mainly we'll develop the suspension with the guys back in the office to make the the bikes pre-died for valley the combo of tires we on uh on maxis tires like minion ghf in the front ghr2 in the rear we are having a test pilot rear tire which is mean it's it's basically a bigger tire we have a 2.5 instead of 2.4 and we are running a 3c compound so super soft on the side and then a bit harder on middle she really likes this tire and since the beginning she she used it and now she's pretty comfortable with and then she has a lot of confidence with the tires so that that's the most important things for rider so yeah that's it that's about his bike and i hope you enjoyed it watching valley hall's maxis bike check there really has to make you think you know with this level of support that she's having now on this new team yeah it's god it's just like a science experiment with this level of talent she's already got so much experience and you know that injury last year obviously still plaguing her a little bit we interviewed her earlier in the week she said she was going to get it checked out so she's going to be on point i was interested to hear that actually i thought she would put that injury far behind her but as you said she didn't take part in pump track actually after the jill stalum anyway let's see what she can do then the sensational valley hall of women expected to smash all the records in women's downhill really i think that's fair to say such a talent so much speed fastest qualifier last year's world championships in league fastest qualifier last week at the world cup hasn't made it stick yet though no and that injury is definitely not slowing her down on the bike she might be managing it a bit but on the downhill that's why she pulls seven up she's sitting up as you see there you go that's why we're talking and hyping her up believe the hype with valley hull seven two seconds into the green incredible she blasted into the elite ranks right here in innsbruck last year looking to back it up valeo she's seven seconds up and parson who had two top tens at the world cup last year she has world cup pace but valley is showing why she's the phenom that is she's absolutely incredible 8.7 up now so just extending yeah this is a huge margin for her doing more damage here valley hall that all-around bike skill the pump tracks the slalom being able to pump down the track valium this is going to be a huge run are we witnessing the winning run here it could be it's a 301.06 to be 9.8 into the green for harler then so mckayla pardon finds herself a distant second no one really look at that nearly 10 seconds into the green it's huge yeah that is honestly could be our winning run yeah she did it last year tracy hannah retired so how focused is she camilla blanche i'm not sure this track is going to really suit camilla to be very honest well we know she's stealing from that and technical tracks that's we've seen that and lee again the last couple of years but she's going to be up for the challenge today well she'll be riding high on confidence hey rob yeah there is so many things that go into downhill and confidence and and how you deal with it is one of the biggest factors and it's great you know to see camellia riding you know she's the downhill world champ won a world cup last week here taking part in pump track for the first time said it was incredibly strange trying to set off without a chain it takes a while to get used to it yeah i don't know so veronica vidma excuse me yeah it is i think excuse me felina excuse me my bad the italian another woman who had a great ride at those world championships last year until she fell away from her bike and uh expletive came out of her mouth luckily in italian oh my goodness but she was fourth year last year in 2020 coming over six in leo gang she could challenge the time but valley hall oh seven seconds basically eight seconds rob so valley halls put in a storming run as we expected on the next page of the book valley hole to date nowhere near on pace the italian champion note farina and looks to be carrying great pace down here yeah they did a lot of work on their bike they actually went up after practice yesterday i saw the mechanic with the shock pump they wanted to do some more testing see if they can optimize that bike for how much speed you need to carry leading some more time 8.6 seconds back the second split [Music] last couple of turns then definitely not going to challenge the time of valentina hole will she be able to slide a second place though you can see the gaps there for yourselves yes she does 9.7 back well i'm going to say what a great run from michaela parton actually you know farina one of the best fastest women of the world cup races yeah you know she's put two tops in last year at the end of the year in the world cup 11th well that's you know that's the great thing about being here at crank works it's probably slightly less pressure cooker than a world cup you can really take your time get up to speed yeah and they taking a run on the pump track that takes their mind off thinking about the track and that's the hardest one of the hardest things at the world cup there are millions of hard things but you just so mentally drained thinking about the track how can i go faster what should i do all right here we go take a look four to golden tony seagrave no missing her in that pink kip and on the world cup podium last week so one of the fastest world cup races seven downhill world cup wins to her name this woman and when she's on she's very much on pops out of theirs kept it high carrying good speed up here i would say yeah she'll be really good on a track like this riding with her brothers and kade on those small bikes they're really learning to optimize the ground so tony though not finding her race speed too early in the season oh she's 1.6 back so she's in touch she said though she's been coming back from injuries to trying to find her focus trying to find her race speed and as we said this is a perfect place to find it yeah nearly missed two seasons really that shoulder injury from fort william a couple of years ago nasty ankle injury last year came back they recovered two podiums at the end of the world cup season last year you know she is one of the big hitters in the women's just 2.5 back yeah losing a little bit more time but she's never raced this innsbruck track so she is at a bit of a disadvantage against someone like valley hill who's put a race run on this is not you know it's just so challenging to never have raced it so she does go second bringing that deficit right down then 3.2 back for tony segre which to me shows just how quick valentina actually went today yeah that run is an incredible run but tony's like we said she's never put a run rundown on the clock here that is a really respectable run to build some momentum what's interesting in the b is our next lady which we'll see soon she's retired from world cup racing right so how focused is she is she so relaxed and she's got so much history on tracks like this can't she just put one down for us or has she not really trained too much in the offseason you know yeah i don't know actually with trace yes she seems you know she's amazing in the commentary box i do know that joining me though in the women's races there's tiny though it's a good run for it another factor of course this week especially on last day it's been tiring and it's been hot here all week right i mean that's brutally hot air away yeah so maybe for valley pulling out of that event due to the foot could have been just something to use to say you know what i'm going to focus on i know i'm probably not going to get a medal here so i'm just going to conserve my energy i mean we've been equal parts ringing our shirts out due to sweat as we were ringing our shirts out due to rain storms it's been a crazy week full of every different type of weather you could ask for but we've been able to get all of our competitions underway without a hitch and an absolutely stellar crank works festival out here in innsbruck austria maybe not for that guy but for the rest of us not the best week for him he's still in good spirits but the track really has done well considering there was a huge storm hailstorm downpour it really handled it well and it's made it more compact but some of the roots there's some shiny roots there and if you're not aware which one you can really lose a front definitely easy to get caught out yep thankfully no rain in the air looks like we're gonna get through this final today yeah it was funny chatting to mick i looked at him i said hey course is pretty dry and he said yep for now and i said so you've heard the rumors like i have he's hit here well it does come down about this sort of time every day the humidity builds up treated to an incredible lightning storm yesterday well guys let's take a look at where we're sitting in the standings right now with just a couple riders left to drop into this course so that just shows you the austrian valley hall has rocketed into the hot seat there 301.06 a full three seconds ahead of tony segrev who's won world cups before been on many podiums but is battling i think a bit of confidence and race speed coming off some injuries and farina rounding up the top three a full 9.7 seconds back [Music] yeah big gaps on that leaderboard but it's valentina hull the austrian very much leading [Music] but what a week we've had up here in the mountains it's so nice to be to see so many different disciplines in action all in one place [Music] so what's been the best for you rob seeing the like the slopestyle up close and personal yeah yeah it's not his head like crazy right well it's so different to anything i'd normally experience to see what they do is just absolute madness let's have a look back at uh valentina holes run then the leading run so far this is the woman leading at the moment so uh rob we get a chance to look back at valley's run here kind of analyze it a bit tell me what you're noticing well of course the aggression the style of her and actually you know talking to tracy hannah as well who said that it's not just about what an amazing bike rider she is she's also got the maturity at such a young age to to be able to deal with the pressure i mean all eyes are on valentina hole everyone's talking about you've got someone like rachel atherton you know doing stories about her they respect her already and she's so young and i know that her and rachel actually talk a lot they chat a lot valentina looks up a little bit to rachel asked for advice and of course at this moment i know it's a bit separate we must say massive healing vibes to g atherton rachel's brother who's had a big crash but apparently he's going to be okay he's he's getting better already he's very much out of the woods i believe no we were going to talk about in the men's field but i'm glad you brought it up but valley hall she's able to carry so much speed we saw at the top she was hopping over roots into the backside so that she didn't get momentum sapped so she's got a really good racecraft on this track oh yeah she's such a complete rider and like you said the head i don't think that was a pressure issue back at leogang i just think she was so confident pushing right to there and she just overdid one of the turns but i don't think she was kind of you know caving under pressure so nina hoffman only one woman left after this what can hoffman do 1.5 back so she's in touch and that's impressive because we were chatting off air and nina hoffman had a huge crash in leo game suffered a concussion decided to not race but a last-minute decision and i'm glad she took that decision head injuries are no joke they need to be taken so seriously but she's taken the proper protocol she's rested she's only 1.9 back so this is a great run from nina hoffman taking her first world cup win last year that's right she'll be very happy with this pace close to valentina hurley after you see a crash last week and hard on the pedals one of the most aggressive riders pumps it down to the line just over two seconds into the red but a strong a second place finish for nina hoffman just the world champion now left at the top so she's in for a top three finish today yeah guaranteed top three finish she's really just stepped up she's one of the top five ladies consistently and she's going to be vying for win so that's amazing nina i'm glad she took that rest and it's paid off so like you said she's very aggressive look at this hopping out of the rocks eyes as far forward as she can be carrying a lot of momentum off these boardwalks she was actually that world cup win you mentioned she was the first german female downhill winner of a world cup in 25 years yeah incredible for germany incredible for her it's great to see a lot of new names in the sport she's not the only hof to be big news in germany i can tell you yeah great to see her you know a woman who's just getting better and better nina hoffman only 24 years old so a big future ahead of her as well and she hasn't competed in innsbruck either so great run you know this this track here in crank works we don't have qualifying like you do in the world cup so you've got to kind of do your own timing you've got to watch you've got to gauge your race to speed that that's a pretty good run i wanted to ride at the top riders share times i bet there's a bit of that going on there's probably a bit of that going on with a little bit of adjustment which way you adjust the time depending who you're going to tell depends who you are but uh yeah you know i did a three two i did a three nine you know yeah it wasn't a great run yeah but i made a couple mistakes i made a couple mistakes in the woods but i did hear there are some riders they feel they caught up other riders in practice runs so yeah probably probably a good opportunity for some mind games so the reigning world champion of downhill cami at belarge in the star here we go then what can she do can she contain valentina harley today first in leo gang so riding high on conference that was a mere week ago camilla blanche knowing known for her oh there's a mistake there that is a crucial crucial turn to carry speed into this long straight these tracks have really long straights and if you mess up a turn you lose a lot of time so expect it to maybe be back at the split yes three point second oh i can't even speak oh man she's three seconds back just over three seconds yeah that's gonna be a tall order to pull that back but after the weekend she had last weekend she knows the forms there the speed is there very much and as you say you know steep technical stuff is where this woman really excels camille bellanch yeah and you can see in some of these tunes she's maybe breaking a little bit light late still standing up the bike in the turn and you just don't carry momentum and valley hall was honestly flawless in her run so camilla our current world champion and coming off a win in leo gang where's she gonna finish she goes fourth so nearly five seconds back for a while a good run but no one having an answer for the austrian here today there is valentina hell incredible and that's going to give us some great confidence going forwards now yeah back-to-back wins here in innsbruck she won last year it was amazing to see but now she's just proving herself as a race winner and i think that'll help after last week's disappointment [Music] the world champion unable to do anything about valentina's time there's a lot of pressure on your shoulders riding in that jersey they speak of the world champs jersey curse but you know what between her and rhys they've honestly made that thing a myth of the past so um pretty good ride from her i did think that she wasn't gonna be able to kind of touch valley's hall on a track like this like you said you feel she's way better suited when the track gets steep that's right absolutely well everyone enjoying the sunshine it's been a bit old for me cam it's all right for the for you californians or you know what i mean but it's in the south sure enough rob i take your shirt off before it gets too sweaty and wet and i can see through it no one wants to see that wow what a great performance out there from valentina hall making it two years in a row you know this is definitely like you say it's gonna get her right back where she needs to be between the ears after what happened last weekend yeah unbelievable ride for her valley hall stomping her authority on this racetrack over two seconds winning to nina hoffman tonight seagrave in third camilla in fourth and eleanor rounding up the top five and strong right from michaela parts what do you make of that that's a great ride for her yet still a young woman you know still finding her way in the sport of downhill she's right in there with some of the biggest names in the sport so yeah she's going to go away happy so not a bad first broadcast for you over crank works downhill rob yeah i'm enjoying myself great to be beside you and uh and cam here it's absolutely amazing yeah thanks for having me somebody see gonzalez 14 seconds back bailey goldstone look at that jackson goldstone's sister traveling out here supporting the bro getting some racing under her belt as well that's awesome to see and via verbic in 10th and rob for us her intense spot gives us some queen of crank works points for the whole season maybe not her strongest discipline but she does rack up a few points for that overall great so for our tracy hannah fans out here who just looked at our standings going well what happened to tracy she had a crash on course luckily she's back up in action which is great and you know she's had so much success out here and obviously we've really been enjoying her in the commentary booth with you rob but here's a look back at the crash and i was going to think it was going to be she did that really difficult right under so well there oh i hope it's not on this jump you're carrying a lot of speed into this jump yeah right before that next drop no way that is a high speed section so she's jumped into the bank not sure exactly what's happened but she's driving she's okay right yeah we know she's okay so good news for tracy but that is a fast part of the track to hit the deck on that's a ronic annoying uh race back off to say you're gonna retire get away from the pressure get away from the danger but we always knew she was gonna have some fun and come up to these crank works events well congratulations valley it was just eight months ago we had this identical interview after you took the win for the 2020 event you did it again here making it two in a row congratulations how's that ankle feeling you sat out of the pump track you said you wanted to just make sure you could get it checked up that it would be ready to go for downhill is it feeling good well thank you first of all i hope tracy is all right the crash looked a bit nasty but um yeah angkor is doing okay i mean it's gonna take a while to stop starting but i mean walking is the worst so riding is okay so it's good well good we're we're not uh you know we we don't want you any pain but we want you you know feeling good on that bike and this is probably gonna help you feeling good in the head going into leg would you say yeah for sure i mean this track was kind of hard to race because it was so fast and i knew it's going to be super tight i mean also the heat i'm not used to it at all so i'm like totally tired now and today but yeah it's all right it's good well get in the shade valley congratulations on making it two years in a row and we really look forward to watching you drop in leger thank you so much a massive future in front of valentina help but uh yeah you know she won every race the first year she was a junior i think she might have got beaten a couple of times a year after but you know there's never been as much chat and in all the time i've been doing commentating on down and all the time i've been involved in i don't remember any as much spin on anyone coming up from the junior rank been fun the past few years actually you know watching the world cup elite women drop and then going back in there googling trying to find junior women's stats and just comparing the times it's always you're like this is going to be real when she gets into it yeah well that's right and i believe that she did actually as a junior have a couple of times that were right in there should we say against the elite times of course is a different time of day you can't make a comparison it's a different category but yeah the pace is strong but you know what else she's learning to do and that's to deal with pressure and win even though she might be the favorite in junior and get used to it you still gotta go through your preparation now you're expected to win right so she's learning to win so all she wants to do is replicate that into elite ranks so i think that's going to be really tough for the other ladies because that's all she knows is right right that's a step ahead of the game when you've already you know become you know associated with that feeling of winning that process of winning so yeah it's a big science experiment it's going to be really fun to watch it play out yeah it is it's going to be incredible to see i get the feeling when she starts winning she might be really hard to stop yeah i think that's a pretty safe safe bit and you know what i mean like yeah when she turns that corner and gets the confidence under her belt like rachel did you know like those people that go on the run like aaron gwynne's done um you know but once the kind of wheels start falling off it's interesting to see who can actually get back to you yeah you know getting to the top they say is the easiest but staying there on that mountain is so tough but she's got many years to kind of climb and get to the top because she's so young yeah that's right she is yeah it's interesting the women's field at the moment rachel's out of course having a baby you know five-time world champion the winner of 39 world cup right say that again yeah yeah she only won 39. can you imagine you know but that dominance as now means that you know it's a much more open anyone has got more chance of winning now bike park innsbrook a lot of trails out there and of course they just keep building more and more trails each year but the one we're holding this deuter downhill innsbruck presented by ralph bison club on it's called straight one and here's a little bit of a diagram of the routing of this course we took the gondola up earlier today we walked down it and uh what do you make of this track rob well i thought it was amazing it's technical you've got to carry speed on it you know what i mean it's like um you've got to be accurate you can't get caught in those bogs it's like any downhill race really but i feel like the mistakes here i don't know if you agree andrew might be punished a little bit more because it hasn't got on a few spots there's not that steep gradient to really get you going again i would 100 agree i think when you make a mistake saps a lot of momentum and they compound sometimes if the track's a bit steeper you might lose split second or two in a turn but you can just late break and make it up be a bit more aggressive here the time is gone i think normally hey something happened i'm gonna be more aggressive here it's gone it's too late you ain't making it up and you know walking it down as well there's so many routes and gaps and little backsides to catch and it might be the rider that just times everything up yeah and there's not that much space to pedal up there you know what i mean it's like you've got to pump the ground you've got to work it that's why i like someone like troy mckenna's going to be strong they can really make incredible ground speed yeah you know and if some of them are going to go for a gap that someone didn't see you can actually gain a second or two in a straight i mean this yeah we're leading over to men's now and i'm just looking at the rider list brosnan bruni vergier wilson cheerio keep going danny hart wallace do it i mean look at it yeah this is a mini world cup right here today it's going to be fantastic this to see hey there we go let's do this and it's magnus manson then the canadian rider coming back from a broken femur but you know finn isles fellow canadian told me that this man has got every bit of the pace to win a world cup he's just got to make it happen he has he's a strong canadian right and he's in the canadian open i've seen him there and he really put some guys to shame he's got a third place so he has got a crank works metal and you see he's aggressive really aggressive rider takes some cool lines yeah and he's within touch he's only point one back yeah this is exactly what he needs to do right here you talk to any of the riders out in bc and they just talk about magnus manson with the amount of potential i remember years ago when mike reading was team manager of fox he was like wow this kid i got to pick him up and you know and with injuries and things the cookie crumbling the way it has he hasn't really shown his potential yet so this is exciting to see him within reach one point well just a second back then on the man in the hot seat at the mall at the moment oliver but look at him on the brakes hard around that trying to hold a tight line oh slipping more time well that might come into play later in the day then those last couple of turns look like they're quite slippery 2.4 back from magnus manson but oliver's while leading at the moment then early stages of this men's final yeah we've got plenty more riders to drop and as rob said we have got a stacked field it's going to be exciting to call all the world cuppers the crankworx riders the king of crankworx former is in the field as well got a variety of riders coming your way definitely got some of the world's fastest downhillers today i can't i'm looking forward to what they can do charlie harrison unfortunately won't be starting he broke his arm last week but brooke mcdonald's coming back really back on form really over that injury i just i hold my breath every time i watch brook rice yeah do you know what i mean i'm crazy and more than the injury he is honestly wanting to be known for his speed on a downhill bike again he is honestly sick of you know no we all talk about it it's an incredible beat but now he's like enough of that yeah yeah i was on top tim basically again can you just talk about how fast i'm riding now which is obviously look at the last page danny hart lucas shaw reese wilson tyrion vergiere bruni brosnan wow i mean that is amazing right yeah we've got so many world champs there like yeah like reese and danny what's that two three plus four yeah three plus four seven good at your math yeah getting good now hold on i was just checking because loic's got another one but i think it's a junior i didn't want to count i think that's good [Laughter] and great to see this man back in the races sal that weird 2020 season and didn't have a great time last week and leah gang actually got red flag did his qualifying run which uh is never easy to deal with a degree he's up he's 1.6 up a new mindset for dean lucas after missing the whole of 2020 so a challenge for him but he was looking for redemption after last week dean lucas looking to go into the hot seat here a man who's been twice third at world cup races and he goes fastest by just over a second then so dean lucas your new leader here in innsbruck with a great looking run 242.7 now the time to be he's had a third place in innsbruck before in 2019 so no surprise with his pace on this track but what was a big challenge for him was coming to leo gang of missing a whole season and he had some horrible luck there so great ride from him good mindset it's paying off almost the first time he's got a time on the clock this year as well so be happy enough with that we'll look back at the start of dean lucas's run here so the strong australian he trains harder than a lot of men out there he carries great speed on the bike there you see it racing drone can barely keep up with him pumping every backside he can find oh fast up there going deep i mean it's a yeah it is fast to the top down through the trees no room ferrera they're right up against those trees as well looking for lines yeah so exciting already dean lucas jumping into the hot seat that's only second person we have dropped all right this guy adding his name to the downhill start of course a fixture on the crank works world tour the 2017 king of crank works adrian larone looking for some points he's really upped his downhill game i don't know if you've checked his instagram lately yeah he's really been working staying really high there that's the line rob and i've been talking about you need to stay high out of the soft dirt and this one as well wow going deep but he jumped way to the left so that he could open up that turn so adrian ron not known for his downhill race pedigree but an incredible bike handler and he will be able to carry really good speed definitely on the top half of the section gets up nice for that turn there maybe getting a little bit stood up on the exit of it and you know you're going to see you've got to flow through those turns if there's any hesitation you're losing time and it is 7.2 back so let's just say not really a downhill specialist this man no that's a key point rob you've actually got to be really patient in this bottom half of the course even though you're under the clock you've got to go slow to go fast as they say so 21st place for him a little way back but man i think has enjoyed his weekender don't you fair to say who hasn't enjoyed that weekend there definitely he likes you right yeah he's a writer that's often tough on himself if he doesn't get the results but he's changed his attitude and i think he's realized you know he can't be too hard on himself long week everyone's out to try to have fun yes there's hardware there's prize money there's sponsor obligations but great to see him on the downhill adrian leuron a former king of crank works amazing yeah if you could have turned the temperature down by about 40 degrees it would have almost been perfect are you still going on your heart bridge man we don't we don't like we don't do well in the heat look at this guy look at this guy was sweating are you dripping on your ipad it's got a waterproof case just for occasions like this he's like a damn broken record next to me the rob warner 65 degrees waterproof ipad case get them online at rob [Laughter] so adrian larone would like to get back on top king of crank works he did it in 2017. he was the world champion pump track in 2019 and he won in innsbruck we saw him that was where we saw things change for larone he was so calm cool collected and chill like it was just a complete departure from you know when we've seen him be too serious and so he's kind of settled into a nice groove and it really shows a positive impact in his riding so what will the story be for 2021 from adrian larone luckily we got a lot of events coming up and we're going to be able to see yeah that is a key thing the attitude the way you deal with the diversity at a long week like crankworx and i think that kind of new strategy he was conscious about it he mentioned it to us you know he's trying to have more fun he's trying to get through the week with a smile on his face not be so hard on himself and it paid off i see a smile right there so obviously carrying that positivity into the 2021 season make sure to stay involved online once we end the broadcast the story still goes on follow crankworx on instagram use the hashtag crankworks to share your experience maybe you're hanging out on the watching with your friends let us see it how about that drone pilot yeah come on probably a bit better than me with a drone you've got to go oh no we'd have the soldering iron out already have you had one and lost it already i did go and stuck up a tree yeah let me say goodbye to that one so there you have it dean lucas in the hot seat 242 and then as we go down magnus manson a little bit further down that we thought he's a really strong rider from canada all right here we go next up lucas cruz rob yeah let's see what this young man can do then young kid out of canada he uh in 2019 oh guys we've actually flipped over to jacob dixon from ireland yeah jacob dixon on track then this young irishman actually had a great start to his year with our 20th place last week look how quick he is in there look how far he's gone there mastering deep so he's clearly carrying really big steve speed what will the time team he very much is within a second then well that is doable from here on down that is but it's gonna take a clinical execution of this run jacob dixon from ireland finished fourth here in innsbruck oh coming off the 20th oh and no mistake we need no mistakes if you're going to challenge that time though rob [Music] so what can he do through these tight turns still under a second foreign pulling a few hundredths back into this last turn yeah if he's aggressive through here he can maybe make it back he's got point line to make up what is the time going to say hard on those pedals he goes second then well he did pull time back on that bomb section but not enough point eight five dean lucas leads but dixon's gonna be happy with that strong ride from him strong strong ride from the irishman but dean lucas can breathe a sigh of relief he's kept another rider off that hot seat so hard on the pedals there we did see a few mistakes here and there not maintaining as much momentum as he needed in this bottom half of the track [Music] look at that right over the top of that stump that's accuracy look how close the wheels get to the rocks that's a help when you talk about precision these downhill riders the speed they're going where they can put the bike it's a matter of inches hey and they're going so so fast and you know you're going that quick and if you're a centimeter wrong sometimes that can be the end of your run but there's your top eight at the moment separated by less than three and a half seconds i believe you know the times are going to get tighter as this afternoon goes on we're going to see a lot more riders filling those gaps there look at the two swedes there in third and fourth henry kerr intense niederberg up 15 for that man noel niederberg he's been around for quite a while he does ride the pump track here at crankworx so you drive from him [Music] yeah the times are only going to get tied to that podium is going to be separated by so few seconds [Music] ben cather throwing his head in the mix here that's good for him stefan golicky out of south africa coming back from huge injuries as well so nice to see him put a solid race under the belt here there are a lot of riders come down already eric irmish the yt rider there he's a man with an interesting bike doesn't it yeah take a look at 30 spot right there guys no way alan cook in 10 seconds within 10 seconds of the lead great ride from him i mean that's good for an x games bmx gold medalist can turn his hand to the uh mountain bike nicely talking about it he's older than me he might be older than you or you catching you maybe no i don't know yeah [Laughter] no that's great for alan sitting down there less than 10 seconds back we were talking about earlier in the week if he were to kind of just make a list of all the different bike events that he's done in his career it'd be pretty mental how far he's spanned in the spectrum everything from x games dirt x games big big air now crank works downhill be pretty cool to see him line up for a world cup downhill someday yeah i mean tons of enduro racing oh you know i'm looking at my list here rob yep there we go it's true it is the man the myth the legend brooke macdonald he is back he's back from injury but more than that he is on pace and tired of us talking about that injury so yeah no one else would be but he's telling me that he feels as good as he did in 2019 rob and a man that can push for the win today definitely brooke mcdonald the winner here in 2019 oh goes deep off there sap to the left as well if you notice and those tiny little differences they can add up on the clock but he's 1.8 back yeah yeah lost a little bit of time time to dean lucas brooke mcdonald he did win yeah in 2019 the return to racing was here in innsbruck last year so this is a special place to brooke macdonald but this is where he's going to tidy it up and get hard on the pedals [Applause] 2.2 back then for mcdonald now then so bleeding a little bit more time for brooke but still within touch here two seconds back great to hear the crowd getting behind him one of the most popular riders on the circuit brook macdonald a true charger and he goes in the fourth 2.1 back today so pulling a little bit time back there in that last split but that just shows you dean lucas has a strong time brooke mcdonald on top 10 pace last week in leo gang until he had that unfortunate crash but one i'm going to say one the most aggressive rider on the circuit man he is just an absolute phenomenon and how how on earth do you come back again not to mention the injury i know he's over but like how can he come back and be this committed the mental strength he had to learn how to walk but isn't that the biggest that's the biggest thing yes he's physically strong he did the training but to get in that mindset to push at speed again with everything he's been through well it's unbelievable yeah a very very unique character that man so if you're watching this downhill getting inspired you want to get out there smash some rocks for yourself leah's going to show you exactly how to do that take a look so george we're probably pretty gnarly rock section here um out on the trail bikes and we've got a few roots in a corner to contend with as well what tips have you got for us about riding rock sections so rock sections are essentially quite similar to root sections um obviously you don't want to be hitting any of the rocks especially if they're slippery on like a bit of an angle that will um push the wheel off and take you offline and sometimes your wheels might move around but as long as it's kind of within an area that they can ping around but keep straight look ahead and keep your body loose and relaxed nobody likes to think about going down on a rock section but if the worst is to happen i want to make sure i've got a good set of knee guards especially one with a more of a hard shell on the surface just to stop the rocks going anywhere they shouldn't be whatever that's great there you go i mean makes it sound easy right easier said than done dean lucas knows a thing or two about smashing a downhill bike through some rocks and it's paying off right now he's occupying that hot seat but we got i want to say somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 riders left in our deutero downhill innsbruck presented by rough ice and club and it's going to continue to heat up by the minute you know we've got crazy few racers in the final seven yeah we have and some more big names actually before that absolutely i mean the next the next yeah the next few i mean that's right lori greenland's upcoming sam blankinsop bernard kerr bernard kerr i mean you know he could definitely go well today yeah there's some big big names in this field today but dean lucas looks like he's put down a scorcher he'll be happy enough with that how long is he going to be able to sit there in that hot seat so george brannigan now from one fast new zealander to another this man twice on world cup podiums and actually missing out on a world cup win by just less than half a second some time ago and fast around that difficult right really fast yeah strap yourself in if you think bulldog is aggressive george brannigan going huge then if you've seen his edit from queenstown you'll understand what we're talking about this man is not scared to send it on a downhill bike no he's not oh time ticking by there there might be a mistake from him come on come on george he might yeah he may be a mechanical we don't know it could be a flat tire and i've seen many of those on this track this week though yeah it is quite smooth hard pack not too many rocks sticking out but george brannigan unfortunately we hope he is all right if he has crashed but that might be one of his downfalls he sends it but he often crashes and he's not as consistent as some of the top top performers no that's right but on his day wow he can mix it with the very best of them man how about that drone shot at the top though where we're just feels like we're riding right along with george there and of course we've got a lot of great coverage on this track we don't have every square inch of it covered so something could have happened out of view there but you know what we do have is this crazy drone angle and this overhead view giving us some perspective of what it's like to be hanging out here in innsbruck austria for crank works innsbruck 2021 this guy is uh he's got some money he's a little better than rob apparently watch this oh why you got that in your office no no definitely no cause that one the all right there he is and it does it looks like a front flat of the few that have had an issue here you are going faster in erasure and sometimes those rocks do creep up oh yeah unlucky for george front flap man he looked to be on pace those first couple shots so sam a blanking stop there another new zealander the new zealand national champion this man why does he have gloves on that's unbelievable for him yeah never wears gloves must be the heat i rest i think no no it's the rules the ixs rules these guys yeah they have to have gloves on they have to have elbow pads on so some of them can't even ride like that so sam blankensoft lacking a bit of form but also one to miss the season last year second in rotor in 2020 before the lockdown so he was on pace before the world went into shutdown fast through there former winner of a world cup sam blankenshop you can mix it up with the best of me on any bike then ews as well the garbonzo long dh in canada not to mention a former king of crank works absolutely and of course that world cup win was here in austria at the legendary track of sladming a little while ago now to go now 2.1 into the red then for blankie but a good run though blinky looking for some confidence after leo gang and missing a whole 2020 season so blinky amazing fourth place rip two back one of the most stylish downhill races of all time right two seconds it's the glove drag that's right without the gloves would have been a very different story for him yeah i mean that the grips the cockpit the brakes must feel so foreign to him so what we're talking about blankenstop refuses to wear gloves no matter the conditions unless he's forced to by law it's like shoot wearing shoes on a beach to him putting gloves on been around a long long time sam blenkinsop 32 years old now from christchurch in new zealand and he has won crank works dhs so solid run from him building some momentum some race speed some confidence there what's the time well we can hear you i don't think i'm gonna shout to you what the time is but you're in fourth place blinky so you hear you'll hear this later yeah if you yelled up he could probably hear you rob you want to tell him how he's doing i hear you man i wake up in the morning and i'm like oh rob is within 10 square miles it's really me am i that loud i love it so there's your leader at the moment dean lucas enjoying himself what do you make of that haircut i think it looks a lot better than it did last week yeah it was pink but he was doing it for charity i mean which is great don't get me wrong was that a side reason to do a pink here because it's awesome and there's that flat front the riders use tubeless tires there's no tubes in those tires and a lot of the small punches like like a normal kind of a puncture they have a fluid in them that rushes through the hole and will fill it but you know on a downhill bike you normally get a tear atari hard enough then there's not much you can do about it and if you're on aluminium room sometimes you ding the room so bad that the bead it just saps all the air out of there so it's a big challenge for the riders and that's the thing with world cup hey look what we got here on screen bottom left alan cook we've had an island cook spot is he 10 seconds back all right so alan cook he's been joining us hip here all week for the events and now he's racing but andrew you're the one who's got the telestrator now what do you make of these lines if you're racing down here trying to get a good time what would you choose well as you can see there's an obvious outside line here and then there's also an option an inside line here but the challenge is this course we've been speaking about there's long straights all the way down here and you want to carry momentum so often i'll look to go outside so as you can see i'll look to go around here while we're just having a little malfunction with a telestrator but that's fine so around here around the outside and that carries more momentum to a long straight and we've been speaking about it all broadcast and we will it's like an eminem song or something around the outside on the outside exit speed baby all right look at this this drone angle is insane oh we're live this is larry so greenland pushed it out it was like something from return of the jedi watching him go through those trees there and sending it high up on that bank which means he's where you can see for yourself how fast he's going carrying huge paid he's 1.8 back so he was aggressive at the top but dean lucas has done something special i'm surprised at that from greenland actually the way i saw him do that top section perhaps a mistake we didn't see big gap in it there as well an amazing rider lori greenland yeah really happy that he was able to help develop that bike new carbon d.h bike for them on mondraker he's so excited about putting some input in so within touch here 1.8 so not losing any more time so all the damage will track for laurie greenen sprinting to the finish yeah foot out on that last turn then here comes greenland he goes fourth 1.7 back so the gaps getting smaller here the riders getting faster but dean lucas i'm going to say has laid down a scorcher there he's taken out some big big names yeah he has and these big big names were on form coming off leo gang they've done well here in the past laurie was fourth here last year so we know he's on pace look at that hopping in the backside just what the riders are sometimes able to do rob what you've seen is if there's a lot of rocks and it's very bumpy if you can carry enough momentum and jump all of it that's the key to this race that's right the holes hitting them all those edges definitely take pace from you green and scent spent more time on the downhill bike this winter than ever feeling better than ever i mean he's won a world cup in the past don't be surprised to see him do it again this year i would say the man from bristol in the uk one of the most laid-back people you'll ever meet until he gets on his bike so 20 riders now to go and this is tayo erlangston now the south african national champion has been giving it big to the go to greg menard i've actually seen a video of him calling him out saying that he will destroy him in a race this year what do you think andrew i don't know it's a big call it's a big call it's a big call the south african champion race is so well at home going big he's not scared to talk about it give it a good go but i won't repeat what that video said but he's three seconds back from what i'm thinking though if you're going to call the goat i honestly think we should put a wager on that i've had a word with greg i think we're going to put some money on the line if you want to send me a direct message i think hundred dollars a race sounds pretty fair and uh we'll see what greg says about that i think he'll take on the bet i think he might i think he might but he was 16th here in innsbruck so joking aside tayo erlinson is a really gifted rider on the bike dark fist downhill you name it this man can ride it he's a youngster from south africa just trying to find his feet on the world stage he's had some top 20 qualities at world cup but not quite sparked a result so 3.3 back for him and i could promise you that he was he was in bed early last night i actually drove him home from the from the after party for the uh slopestyle rider so he said no i got race tomorrow so he's taking it seriously well you kind of have to if you're going to call out the goat greg mannar you might have to start backing up some of that smackdown the pressure on his shoulders i would say now i don't know you know what i mean greg minaj has only won 22 world cup races yeah and his podium strike greg is pretty uh impressive incredible absolutely incredible good to see another fast down on it from south africa though there's not many of your needles though over the years really no i mean we've got some great riders don't get me wrong but the challenge is to be able to pull off that speed when you come over here get the support from teams and all those sort of things so taya as you see our national sleeve he's got some great pace i'm honestly sometimes surprised that he doesn't show more of it but i think sometimes we've got just less experience the tracks are shorter it takes a lot of time to get up to speed on these world cup and crank works tracks absolutely different thing all together kaia hearn then from australia this man still a young rider in the elite ranks yeah only his second year in the elite solid finishes a world cup junior winner so we know he can do it just trying to find his feet here in the elite ranks i love that turn there eye on to that banking champion i believe as well yeah let's have a look at the clock looks like he's a little bit back carrying a bit of speed we didn't get a split there and again good pace down into there as well yeah you can see the operation he is yeah and he came into that turn a little bit tighter actually but sometimes a turn will just hold you up you know if you go out wide it can be more difficult to drop back into the line and he's 2.1 into the red then for kyogre and the australian 1.8 back and split one so definitely a good middle sector for him but he's not going to challenge that time of dean lucas crosses the line in seventh place times are getting tighter and only two seconds back and he's in seventh position but as you said rob sometimes the outside line the racing line it develops over the week it gets too many holes in that sap your energy so adjusting your lines is also key [Music] and let's take the course be about as dry as it's been wouldn't it all weeks the first day we haven't had any rain when we walked it down actually we could see it starting to blow out get loose get slippery there was a good chance of rain in the forecast today too right about in our window for our broadcast it was supposed to maybe trickle but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen [Music] a downhill bike you can put it almost anywhere you want it takes everything in its stride they're incredible these bikes these days so back to the top now for the american nico malali and a man who actually had a big injury last year great to see him back riding and back on pace yeah doing great things for the us scene of downhill building tracks holding races he gets a lot of racing under his belt so for him it's not going to be a challenge to get up to race speed he's been under the clock a lot here in early in 2021 been on world cup holding the high line there he's lost plenty time though rob 2.8 seconds back at our first split long way into the red for him he won't be able to turn that around before the bomb i'm gonna say sets up a little bit wider than that left good speed through though like you said andrew you know you've got to break before those turns and try and carry speed through them and down onto those next straight of course everything on a downhill race tells you to break as late as you can and it doesn't matter how long you do it for you it's such a hard you know to go i need to break now before you need to kind of the carrier speed it's really hard to get get your head around goes into ninth place then for mulally absolutely i mean even when i ride to this day i'm always talking in my head oh you've messed that breaking point up or you've braked too late and everything about you wants to push be aggressive but you've really got to be patient if you go too fast into a turn you can lose upwards of two three seconds honestly if there's a long straight coming out of it yeah absolutely jet as easy as that it's got to be the biggest adjustment factor for anybody you know we've seen a lot of riders transition i mean aaron gwynne being one from motocross into downhill and you know completely different breaking points in those two sports so that's got to be one of the main hurdles when somebody transitions over isn't it yeah that would be one of the biggest challenges hey robbie in a motor you've got the engine that can pull you out you don't have to carry that much just no you don't have to do outside lines and also on a motocross bike you know a lot of the time and i've ridden both a lot it's so different because you sit down in a turn whereas on a mountain bike generally has stood up as we go to the top for joe breed and then well this man was on sensational form at the ixs it's not a race actually in sladming fastest time on day two most of the world's best were there and fly it across there inside that rut nicely yeah and don't be deceived by not a race all those riders were putting in hot training times and they were getting multiple runs a day so it was a pretty fair playing field so joe brennan on a new bike here on the ns bike oh it looks like yes it looks like an issue maybe he did seem to come in well 4.7 not carrying as much speed as i thought he would no no it did he was on the pedals there weirdly and didn't look like he was going that quick so i would say this man's definitely had a problem somewhere hard to see now what it could be but that turn just before he comes into view is gravel so if he had a slip out there he would have lost a lot of momentum could have been that but joe bredon is one for the future i really like his riding style his work ethic really likeable lad yeah from north wales a man who actually trained to be a professional footballer back in the past oh dear i was thinking if he was going to go off that drop no foot it wouldn't have been pretty breeden goes into 23rd well he'll be disappointed with that [Music] and there's the top eight at the moment so 2.7 now separating them and less than a second between dean lucas and jacob jacob dixon in first and second [Music] yeah he's gone down you can see the dirt on his left arm there so that's unfortunate we saw him come into view it might actually have been that turn though yeah because he came super slow over that rise but he was on pace to have a crash and only be what 4.7 back head masters now then well a man who gets fast on an enduro bike and incredibly quick on a downhill bike as well coming off 11th at leo gang no slouch on the downhill bike it's impressive because he had a huge injury in the offseason less than three months ago breaking all sorts of bones so he hasn't had a lot of dynamite time but he says it's kind of helped him he's motivated he's excited to ride the big bike so he's 2.1 back ed masters getting ready for the ews next week doing all sorts of racing here in crank works [Music] loves his bike ryden gets up high on that route there and fast i'm gonna say through that turn yeah hard on the pedals he's one of the fittest riders out here he was testing his ews bike after training yesterday and i must say he's definitely got the best golf swing out of the pivot team that's not and that's not saying much but he has and then most is hard to the finish here two and a half back then at the second split and he was second here last year and the year before so this will be a bit disappointing for him goes into eight but he was in the dual final earlier in the week nearly i would say he was right there in the wheel the wrong side of that pole but it was close for him yeah that was impressive uh takes the pressure off getting a medal early in the week but he has been focusing on getting that bike set up for ews doing slalom some of the top downhillers are only doing one event this week so you could overhear him saying to dean lucas he kept getting hung up meaning if you mistime some of these roots some of these jumps those holes the back wheel digs into them and you saps a lot of your momentum physical track all these riders puffing well when they get to the bottom well a real legend now in the start his 20th season can you believe of world cup race in this man mick hannah is on track from kensington australia sister tracy went down in the women's we hope she's okay finished here second in innsbruck he's got many crank works wins podiums he's got a world cup win this man has a decorated cv 20 years as rob said that's an incredible feat in its own to just be safe then he's a bit like greg monarch 37 years old now but so determined and i think it's the puzzle of going fast that keeps him interested good around there as well he's honestly so motivated to get this new bike set up he said he's still learning things after 20 years he's on a bigger bike than he was last year he's got a longer reach losing some speed which is a surprise because this is where mick hannah really excels in carrying speed yeah just .7 though so could be good enough for him to go into second place so uh mchannah flat out where does he cross the line second place pull some time back at the bottom just half a second back on dean lucas that's a good run great run from mccann after 20 years up here still motivated to go fast still motivated to set up the bike wow but dean lucas has a storming run so mick hannah opting for the mullet setup that is a 27.5 rear wheel he said he's just not tall enough for a 29 at the back but he's got a 29er up front says he's working well for him and that's something we're going to see out of troy brosnan and i honestly think that's such a good move for troy and we'll speak about him later in the show so it must be the most popular wheel size choice at the moment in downhill right that big front that smaller rear yeah i mean i think it is a really popular one and i think riders are testing a lot of it i'm not sure on the on the stats but i mean yeah lloyd's gone to it i'm repairing a lot of the riders have gone to it even though they're taller so charlie how are now from the uk teammates with the energy atherton get well g-man and what can he do today on the atherton bike so charlie holding that inside line at the top and that one as well staying out of all the holes and yeah big ups to g atherton we're sending well wishes if you do listen to this thinking about you get well soon my man so and if you're wondering why these riders are just hopping so much it's because they want to catch all the backsides jump all the holes he's on one hard he's attacking now this looks quick that's it coming off some great speed at leo gang as well he just didn't keep it together in the woods there but his top speed was awesome and this will suit him he's growing so hard really is putting one together huge run here for hatton can he maintain it to the finish rob is he going to be dean lucas then so charlie how he comes down to the line and goes faster [Music] he's really been riding a momentum i thought he would have a good run here today because he didn't show all his cards at leo look at him he's so excited he's been putting the work in the offseason and it's paying off yeah he looked quick everywhere we saw him holding incredible pace to that rough terrain managing to hop and time those downsides perfectly so let's look at this so squashing and then if you look here he's going to wow he's actually just holding on he's just pushing through which is one tactic as well it just sometimes you get the back or gets really backed that was an aggressive run it's paid off for him so clinical line choice from him as well execution just clipping that rock with both wheels charlie hand from the forest to dean will be happy with that one thirteen riders to go here at crangwork innsbruck phil at will now from just outside london in the uk a man who spends a lot of his time in greece former world cup podium rider and i think you'd agree with me that one of the most skilled riders out there maybe a little bog there though yeah he's lost some momentum he just drifted down into that soft spot but phil atwell always incredible to watch on a bike i think sometimes he's like an octopus there's just legs and freaking hands going everywhere but an incredible rider slow though 3.6 as rob mentioned he did lose some momentum and the straights are so long here yeah definitely cost him some time there short track this remember not really any room for error on it not with the caliber of ryder we've got here today so he's not cracked the top 10 in innsbruck but he came off a podium the end of last year so bleeding a little bit more time 3.8 back now come back from an acl knee reconstruction oh dear get him back on before you go off the drop phil he did and spread into the line 17th place for him you can't afford any mistakes on a track like this with a caliber of riders we've got on the hill today that's right excuse the excuse of uh very hot up here my voice is dry did you bring eggs up here rob no i didn't funnily enough there's one in my bag over there but uh you can see maybe that's why you're so hot all the time actually they do retain heat like nothing else they warm up your body look this doesn't i don't think this is for the egg topic when you're starting an egg cult you don't want to talk about it too much so jokes aside charlie hatson in the hot seat storming run from him and we go to valentina hol's teammate jamie edmondson now then so this man had an incredible end of season last year with that fourth place in loser ended up 11th overall in world cup in the world cup 19 years old this man part of that new young team what can he do here in innsbruck so awesome to see oh gently big and going inside this is an aggressive line you miss the holes but you tighten up the knicks right and it doesn't help for the left either and it hasn't happened on the clock unfortunately 3.6 back edmondson private tier last year but not anymore what an incredible ride as rob said fourth place in loser world cup his first world cup podium haven't seen much of him at the crank works events from nebby bridge in the cairngorms national park some big mountains around there for him 4.6 back though so not his greatest run today this young man that really could be a challenge if you get too aggressive it's gravel it's drying up let's hope no one loses the front end in that turn [Music] but he'll still need to gain some experience rob yes he had a breakout result but we haven't seen him on the circuit for that long he doesn't know all the tracks he's got to learn the racecraft yeah that's right that's right absolutely you know 19 years old he hasn't got anything to worry about yet got himself a factory team ride it'll come i think don't you absolutely i mean if you can show pace like that as a privateer people are believing in you now let's just hope he doesn't put too much expectations on himself that can be a real big challenge when you move to a factory team well maybe teammate valley can teach him a thing or two about how to deal with those expectations she's definitely the one to to lean on for advice in that department well charlie hand leading and here's his teammate then from austria andreas cole a man who had some great ride at the end of last year as well twice inside the top 20. he got picked up by atherton racing inside that uh nasty blown out right there and getting a few pedal strokes on down here i love this racing drone footage incredible into the holes there we saw edmundson go inside him and he's up one up well colbert on a run out wouldn't he love to do something big on home soil this afternoon so teammate in the hot seat but andreas on fire yeah and racing with the team captain away still managing a fire this is awesome paying tribute to g atherton he's injured at home but we sending well wishes but this is a storming run so far 700 nothing in it absolutely nothing gets the foot out there pushes the front a little bit so carl trying harder as he comes down he's a little bit late on the turn here we come nick and he goes by 0.32 huge run in front of home crowd here andrea's called into the hot seat kicks out his teammate charlie hatton they're doing something right in practice together put a smile on g's face he could use a smile right now that's one thing you can do you can do when you don't have a qualify if you've got a teammate and you trust each other you can potentially do runs together and get yourself up to speed looks like they've been doing that all week of course you know new bike as well remember they manufactured that from the ground up improving it all the time looks like they got it working now here very kind of different design on it 3d printed titanium lugs carbon fiber tubes between them custom built so however you want they can turn about around prototypes quicker than anyone else yeah so you can undersize yeah bike size to match your riding style your technique i think that's quite key and all the development looking like it's finally paying off pretty much yeah yeah [Music] gopros are saying they were the same and there you hear it it sounds like they were riding together and expected to be on the same pace so there you have it andreas colb there he is in the lead wow charlie hatson he's in second and only 1.4 separating the top three rob yeah nothing in it and mick hannah in fourth jacob dixon there in fifth two point three back lorry green and sam blankens are browning out the top eight tight racing brook finds himself three and a half seconds back amongst some other fast company though headmasters as well american nico malali tayo erlangston 16th place for him from south africa jamie edmondson just been in action in there with magnus manson well pink bike is always your source for mountain bike news but you know what they're working on right now they want to be your source for mountain bike tips improve your riding become more efficient they've been teaming up with ben cathero they're going to launch a series pretty soon let's take a look at what you can expect when your weight is centered grip is evenly spread between the two wheels which is good for cornering and braking when you ride steep sections of trail you shift your weight back when riding steeper sections of trail you pitch your bike down this is where there is a strong correlation between confidence and body position i call this defensive position passenger mode you'll know when it's happening because it feels like the bike is just running away from you and it's hard to stay online i've got to really battle with myself to keep things centered so we got 10 more riders to go don't expect to see any passenger mode out of this crew we have some big names that we do rob we really do where do we start i mean we're going to see mark wallace next the canadian bernard kerr very capable of taking the win finn isles the canadian rider i mean we're just getting going heart shaw wilson i mean there's a bunch of current world champs former world champs in the field yeah world cup winners crank works winners i tell you what though i'm really i think what i'm really looking for today though is to see the world champion reese wilson go up against troy brosnan who won last week and of course vergiere came into this season all the talk about loris vergier doing things that pre-season pre-world cup season races no one else was doing like this huge triple a race just i mean he actually in a race in spain or portugal one of the things he won qualifying by four seconds so he has been on another pace a flat tar last week taking him out yeah and also he was the man of the moment last year and if it wasn't for a flight yeah he might have won that title so i really think the momentum was with him then he switched teams yeah it forces you to ride your downhill bike more and he went to those offseason races and when you have other riders saying look you know loris is looking good yeah then you know he's looking good well yeah i mean yeah some of the big names actually didn't start in the finals in that race i'm not mentioning them but you know they didn't want to kind of be defeated before they went to the first oh really yeah i heard a little bit of that as well yeah so psychological this sport isn't it but you know that is that's quite a prospect that is as well but yeah i mean that's been the buzz you know and and everybody had their eyes on loris for that first world cup and so we are kind of we should just get cozy because this is kind of a great opportunity let's not of course the only reason i didn't talk about him a little bit is louis bruni four-time world champion he is riding though with a broken heel at the moment so what can he do today he's here at least having a go imagine that yeah but he's gonna hurt your heels like a broken hill i'm still gonna go race even though i gotta come back you know what's interesting though he says it's not really bothering me here i went to chatham and i was like wanting to try and get that inside info it's got to be bothering you a little bit but he didn't want to let me know about it or he's just forcing himself to deal with it but he said it's not really bothering him at all so we'll see well you know it's an excuse there if he wants it but bruni that's one of the reasons i love him he's so honest he's you know that's why he's perhaps part of his success as well so uh andrew you've been breaking down line choices with that telestrator that was fun i learned something get back on your little video game here and teach us something well rob and i've been talking about it a lot so earlier in the week this line here on the outside was great because you could sit up and then go left you could sit up high and go left however the challenge is that line is so beat up and it's been pushed so wide that you're going to hit that tree potentially so riders are going to have to adjust and set up wide and then cut inside here even though it tightens up this left line and there you have it so a lot of adjustment on the fly sometimes they have to check those lines even on race morning there's a few lines you've just got to make yourself aware that hey i need to change my line now and adapt and of course you know these later riders there's been a lot of riders down the track now since they last saw the course and when it's soft like this and a fair bit of this track's got some loam on it still you know those parts of the track will change before these lads get to sit but that's part downhill racing you've got to adapt yeah very hard to have a perfect run i don't remember ever being on exactly where i was going to be all the way down no no you've gotta adapt and you've also gotta just know that you might make a mistake needles yeah exactly so those are because we didn't have a perfect one yeah we would have if we had perfect you did though those final ten riders dropping in soon and like you say everything's got to be perfect the track is changing let's see what the the run look like the one that's the top time of the day so far we've got a couple minutes to kill right here so let's take a look at our hot seat lap right now from austria's andreas kolb so look how hard he's pumping some of these back sides i want you guys to make note of that yeah he's really using these back sides and not sapping any momentum and why do the riders hop like that needles like why are we seeing him just pick the bike up and put it down again yeah if you don't you end up hitting a bump and then you jump too far and your bike's in the air and you often land in a really bad hole or something like that so they're dictating which hole to hit or which backside to pump for momentum and the pumping of these backsides landing accurately it can even be just as small as a tree root but of course if you pump it hard enough it propels you forwards and that is big part of this track i would say today looking at it especially you know it's not the steepest track so that perhaps coming into play even more but colb has laid down a great run wouldn't he like to take the win out the austrian in innsbruck 241 the time to beat and 10 very fast riders at the top that might be able to do it the last event of the weekend here closing things down it's been an incredible few days here at crankwork innsbruck one of the most unreal settings for a mountain bike race i'm going to say yeah you don't get much better than this there's so much to do around here awesome bike park can only imagine how nice it'll be in the winter having a big city down in the bowl i prefer it yeah you'd probably tell me it's too cold as well so uh the temperature is uh 84 fahrenheit 29 celsius or as we like to call it too hot for rob [Laughter] two up for brits come on you know you know the national uh national topic is the weather don't you remember oh i know that you know well you vancouver island has a lot of ride in there this canadian man and again i'm gonna say he's gonna love this sort of technical track gets that high line didn't pump there as much as we saw coal but got some pedal strokes in instead yeah fourth place at worlds last year in their terrific conditions while going deep there but mark wallace looking for that elusive world cup podium he's had crank works podiums but you know what i expect a lot from mark because he is so gifted on a bike he's back 3.3 back just sometimes i think he lacks a bit of aggression he's often in the top 10 in a world cup but not on a podium which he can do well it's been runner up in a world cup race oh yes of course in the in the width yeah yeah you know i think he probably is a rider that is better in the way i've seen him be the fastest qualifier in maribor at the world cup there in the wet as well but 3.4 back now so the pace not there today losing a little bit more time yeah i mean from where he comes you visit him rob it is always raining there it seems so he's really good in the wit great bike ride all around though yeah he is an incredible rider 12th place for him today then for mark wallace teammate troy brosnan upcoming though has to start as the favourite today troy brosnan and he will be the last man to leave the top so uh great to see yeah if you're a bidding man you have to go with troy brosn especially on a track like this his track record the momentum is with him as well [Music] what would you guys talk about if it wasn't the weather i guess you can talk about covert in uk now apparently eggs talk about tires i guess here's what berner curves running 28 in the front of that dhf 24 in the rear curtain another incredible bike ride up i expect this to be an all-out aggressive dynamic run from this man hi there yeah really hi there he's talking about how good he feels on track we were joking about insolent but all jokes aside he's an incredible rider carrying good speed this would be a good track for him he's trained harder than ever yeah that's what he told me oh big mistake from too aggressive they're missing his breaking point it's over for bernard kerbin so more disappointment for him 15th last week but he wanted way more so bernard's gonna have to wait till the next race to show what speedy's got in 2021 the winner of red bull hardline back in 2016 of course that will be back on red bull tv live in uh the end of july july the 24th 25th weekend bernard kerr rider and owner manager of that pivot cycles factory team no idea how he fits everything into a day no well he starts his day at about 4 a.m and finishes it at about 3am the next morning no shortage of energy this guy there's the whole from oh he was 1.4 back near that split as well so andreas colb has a storming run going so there you have it he didn't hop into the back side kind of got backed and he just lost his breaking point game over right there it's the world of downhill it is mostly disappointment i must say there's only one winner there's a fickle sport you've only got that one chance rob i always look at sports and i'm like i feel like you can make some mistakes and get a pretty good result but not in downhill this will be a fast run then from whistler in canada finn isles specialized team teammates with four-time world champion luke bruni the canadian national champion what can finales do here today then multiple crank works podiums finn isles burst onto the scene actually in whistler at these crank works events grew up wow he ran that route all the way around the outside it looked like to me yeah choosing to go through the soft dirt there thin aisles multiple world cup podiums multiple crank works podiums second in road to roa in 2019 can he get that elusive crank works when you an elite he's a rider that puts it all out there every race run sometimes it pays off sometimes it doesn't inside line there for him carrying decent pace but how much is he wanting to get out of lloyd bernie's shadow well it won't be long i don't think before we see finn when a world cup nearly a second into the green so it's massive run then for miles he's up 0.8 up he just needs to keep it on two wheels here he can take the hot seat here rob still just 22 years old then this man gets hard on the pedals down to the line finn isles goes faster by 0.78 well cold now taken down a second place but the margin i'm going to say is big on this track nearly a second that is a big margin but we've still got some heavy hitters to go rob what a run so things hot enough here in england cole now relegated second finale's just taking the lead so much promise this young man yeah he's battled with consistency but he's been putting a lot of race runs together without crashes and i think that's gonna help him it's gonna help that confidence he's figuring out that racecross we always forget how young he is for our accomplished years actually just 21 years old 22 in august so you know a big future ahead of him still gonna sort of say finding his feet a little bit just finding the right pace at world cup level there's not that many opportunities a year for these guys we've got five races this year you know and it's done again yeah there's not a lot of opportunity in and you know what if he's got the pace that's the main thing you need and then you just got to figure it out but speaking of pace multiple former world champion danny hot each time he is lined up in innsbruck he has won this event danny hart wow we know we can have a big run from him strap yourself in get those seat belts on this could be a wild ride and look at him just picking it up and pumping down to wherever he wanted going deep and going inside as well one of the raddest riders on the planet this man new team for him this year but he's 2.9 into the red so perhaps a mistake we didn't see then from danny hart somewhere yeah and his wins were on the old track there's a new track here it's a different part of the hill so danny hart trying to get to grips with this new track here new bike i think it's awesome to see him land on his feet there moving away from his former team kind of before the season at the end i think that hurt his chances last year up yeah definitely affected him 3.5 back now six last week so nearly on the podium in liar gang but uh we're going to see big things i think from danny hart this year as we progress through the season he crosses the line in eighth place nearly four seconds back yeah potentially not of course it can suit that aggression he's a rider that can lay it all down the line he does well in the weight he does well in the steep he does well when it's rough the old track i would say was steeper more raw this one is more about carrying speed and being just critically perfect yeah absolutely you're dead right it's a slightly different track really to some of the steeper ones we've seen but that doesn't make it any easier to ride in many ways it makes it harder to ride and as you say any mistakes will be punished yeah cam we've spoken about it sometimes of course that's easy to ride is harder to ride fast absolutely yeah i mean just watch when we get to whistler most years watching people try to ride the most popular trail in the world but to race it is so incredibly difficult raise an a-line in that area downhill so from the united states of america 23 pound in that front are 26 in the back and we'll tell you why these riders run their rear tires a little bit harder than the front in a moment as we watch lucas shaw now attack crack works innsbruck we've not seen him at this race in innsbruck before lucas shaw kind of returning to form rob i'm really expecting a lot of this rider he's qualified fosters at world cups he's had an incredible race career so far but he was a little bit lackluster in 2019 and 2020. that's right difficult year for everyone last year still finished 10th overall in the world cup finds himself over two seconds back here though and of course you know a man coming back from horrific or what could have been a lot worse but he did break his back pre-season in that uh with that mechanical problem just locking up the rear wheel and sending him over frightening looking crap yeah horrific looking crash so teammates to the goat greg mannar lucas shaw bouncing back from injury gaining a little bit of time there 1.8 back so lucas sure looking to gain some form here as the 2020 season progresses that's interesting there is a little bit of time then to be made between splits one and two sure goes in a fourth 2.2 back yeah the race is not over once we see them at that first split if you can ride a smart fast race down the bottom you can make up some time [Music] take a breath [Music] fast through there right on the edge of the woodwork using every inch of it yeah laying it all on the line where bernard made his mistake there lucas shaw one of the nicest guys in the pits if you ever do come to race make sure you go and say hello and a man who won't mind being stuck in europe for longer than he should of course girlfriend is you landon yolanda neph one of the best female cross-country riders on the planet living in switzerland and she's also just announced an injury shame with her hands she's had a rough go to as well she actually broke crashed at the last world cup in the race right in the race and rode the last two laps in tears so finn isles holding on to that hot seat for the moment we caught up with him earlier and here's what he had to say because last year was such a write-off it was really hard to get to any races especially being from canada because we had pretty strict uh quarantine rules i've only done one race in the last i'd say almost eight nine months i just have to trust that the stuff that i've been doing at home to sort of prepare myself mentally and physically for the racing will work nobody really knows who's fast and where and on race day it's going to be really exciting so the reigning world champion reese wilson in the start what can he do here today finale's time is a good one can reece wilson make any inroads on it so backs up that world champs win with the fourth place and leo gang he was so relieved to get rid of all those keyboard warriors but reece wilson wow he can carry some good speed as well i saw him riding flats i want to talk about it not here but in leo gang so it's awesome to see he's a guy that really strategizes his race runs he thinks about it he thinks about how he's going to get his fastest race run and if that means practicing on flats for a few runs to get a gauge of speed he does that i like the fact that you know he's up there in scotland doesn't make a lot of song and dance in the winter there's not a lot of chat coming out of him getting on with it but as you say clearly prepared for that world cup race last week with that brilliant fourth place a second back today though 1.1 into the red for reece wilson so a little bit back but he's hard on the pedals he's new to innsbruck so he hasn't put a time run down on this course so he's within touch here for all these riders have an amazing week's practice plenty of track time for him it's a new bike for him this year says he likes it he's getting on with it well one point three back so he bleeds a little bit of time there has done a great run here then the world champion isn't going to be our match in today rhys wilson to the line and he goes into fourth place 1.3 back it's a respectable ride for reese wilson first time here at this in brooks innsbruck track and just four riders left now at the top it doesn't really get any better than this race fans brosnan bruni vergier and the next rider you're going to see remy tyrion who on his day can very mix it with the best in the world yeah remy tiran was so good to see right at leo gang he's incredible when it gets steep when it gets gnarly he's one of the best riders to watch and take lessons from so rhys wilson looking good there in the stars and stripes a current world champ coming off a fourth in leo gang a few different lines down through those stumps they're interested to see yeah he chose to go over the one stump and kind of jump next to the other one and some guys are going around keeping the wheels on the ground and trying to push for some momentum and if you watched the women's race earlier and saw tracy hannah crash out she's just told me actually that she's okay just suffering with a bit of a sore knee so good news there for tracy hannah there's your world champion and there's the man leading finales at the moment 240.5 the time to be big margin actually back to second place for colb hatton wilson lucas shaw your top five at the moment but four very very fast riders left at the top news for the canadian race fans who are cheering on finn right now hoping he holds it down sounds like jackson goldstone another young racer out of bc was able to win the junior category here today which is really cool to see yeah another rider for the future if he can focus on racing and we do get him to focus on racing he'll be a real force to be reckoned with but he can ride all bikes we saw him in speed and style and all that as well so new team for this man in 2021 after i believe it was nine years on uh common cell team giant picked up remy tyrion what can he do here today so new bike new motivation roomy tiron says things are all good he's enjoying the trek he's always all smiles most of our favorite frenchman remy tehran yes he's known for steeper tracks but that doesn't mean he can't perform here today winner of a world cup all the way back in 2019 excuse me 13 carrying great speed across there though find himself 2.5 back though yeah a little bit back for him but like we said we expect him to maybe do better on the steeper tracks he is new to innsbruck as well so maybe taking a little bit longer to get used to this track and what the race speed is of course steeper tracks he does perform well he did last week riding he's into the top ten uh the first world cup race there yeah eight for him last week great start this season bleeding some more time there he's 3.2 back getting really tight looking like he wanted to get inside on the grass there a real clever rider remy tyrion very often see him taking different lines from everyone else 3.8 back today though season go or will it be finals as we look at remy tyrion didn't see him do a lot wrong klopp told a different story though speaking of mikana look at that straight over the top of that stump speaking of mikanna as well he said you know perhaps the days of being smooth are gone now you've got a ride right on the edge and some of those riders will get down and that is what we're seeing with a lot of the new right younger riders coming in kind of across all disciplines because it's kind of the way it is right now that's right i would agree the guys in slopestyle they're picking their best run they got two chances and here and donald yes you've only got one chance but if you want to go for the win it's not getting down cleanly anymore no there was a day when you could just hit all your lines be quite aggressive but you could ride it 95 percent in some sections there is no ways you can do that anymore and amury piron was one of those guys that visually shows you that yeah slow-mo close-up look here at our top run so far from finn isles with just three more riders to go and it's great to see some canadians getting down i mean i know that canada's more for me always been kind of the free ride capital but stevie smith's legacy very much in effect there's gonna be an amazing documentary out about the late great stevie smith this year so three to go then loris vergier new team for him this year didn't have a dream debut last week at those uh that first world cup wouldn't he love one here today though to take the win one of the very fastest riders on the planet won the first half of last year's world cup series a puncture kind of took him out of contention there a puncture last week but look out loris virgie's on track and he's clinical with him right he's riding he's always so clean he's aggressive loris virgil the man on the form here in 2021 but he hasn't put a clean run under the clock yet he's really a sucker all right point eight six seven first yeah and we're not surprised the man on the moment from last year minus a flat flat in leo gang but loris vergier is on a flyer here he's up and holds a tight line and then louie bruni said if vergiere can get his head straight no one will touch him is this the year for virginia to dominate i think he might even win now he might even want 50 of the races this year he's 1.4 he's making more time here this is a big run from loris where's he found that much speed tip turn around these last couple of turns set here now the time to be just two riders left will that be enough today and there you have it loris vergier we knew how fast he was riding in 2021 he's just shown us his first clean run under the clock he slots into the hot seat new team new bike great to see him it's just the pace that he carries and how how easily he makes it look but look how patient he is his breaking was perfect and then he had his eyes looking outside and he committed to that turn there was no hesitation and he didn't bother saying that wide there he kind of just chucked it onto that inside rut but he knew it'd hold him and his corner speed was phenomenal straight line speed as well loris vergia is so fast so clearly new bike working for him new team motivation all coming together here in innsbruck crank works fast around that big long left hander as well and he's forgot to tie his shoe imagine he got that done priorities man smile on his face he'll be relieved man with all the hype changing teams you want to show that new team you still got it the pace very much there for that man so loic bruni next rider in the gate we caught up with him earlier [Music] something that you you feel you build up and then you go for and of course we don't have points overall and whatever involved and uh that's what makes it cool you know you just go for the win or don't go so you just send it full guys down the hill and whatever happens is good but i'm not going down sunday to be second for sure well four times the world champion already this man an absolute phenomenon as we said riding with an injured hill a broken hill from a few weeks ago says it doesn't bother him on the track what can bruni do here today 10th of the first world cup of the year and you heard him he said he's not here for anything but first place there's no points there's no series for him to worry about so like bruni looking to lay it all on the line and by the looks of that gap that hill is not bothering holding the inside there this is fast rob and he's just .37 back then but vergiere was incredible down on this lower section he's gonna lose time there rob drifting wide on the bridge and this is where he could have made up time because he is so smart with his riding if he had to drag a break there to keep it on track it's gonna cost him some serious time no he's lost more time there i think he was not as good as loris out of that left-hander i feel he's going to slip back 1.2 into the red then for the firm you have to be so perfect in the world on another mistake he's going to lose further time well he's pushing hard here today it hasn't paid off for bruny though said 2020 was a wake-up call for him he watched it again this year goes third 1.6 back and now just one man left at the top to stop loris version in this race and there you have it there you have it i think he said i just grabbed brakes on that bridge he was showing his finger i didn't understand it all but here it's going to come so looking fast within touch here getting back and missing his breaking point he ran wide then he definitely had to tap the break man rob you have to be so perfect and he did mention he lacked focus in 2020 he was visually frustrated he's the guy he'll tell you that but then he did go and get a win to end the season soon he's back with a vengeance at the end of 20 but now again lost a little bit of focus there he should know that he's going to run wide there if he doesn't break coming in i think rooney's a rider that rides on passion as well like a lot of the riders i think he was probably really it just was different last year without the fans thank goodness we've got some fans back here in innsbruck this weekend it's great to see the world slowly returning back to normal but yeah it was a difficult season for him yeah you would know cam like you lift your game those slopestyles used to do daniel's well a long time for us but i mean when these crowds cheering you want to go as fast as you can it's an element right that's it's an element and i think the top guys battle the most sometimes the guys that aren't expected to do well they cave under pressure under fans etc one rider left then at the top of the mountain now it's going to be troy brosnan you're going to see next a man who won qualified last week at that world cup race in legang by nearly seven seconds he then went on to take the win coming back from two seconds down and split one brosnan this could be his year very much in the zone there in that incredible uh jeremy mcgrath tribute helmet so brosnan on track then can he win again like he did last week second win in austria are we witnessing the winning run yeah loris verger currently in the hot seat troy brosnan has found that extra race speed he was always the most consistent rider six times third in the world cup but he has won so many crank works events he can step it up when it comes to crank works so bro looking quick i think he might be within touch oh 0.65 back over half a second this isn't over yet though no it's going to take something special if a man can do it it will be troy brosn he can carry so much ground speed he's one of the best riders when it's flat and you need to carry speed so fast around that turn and carries good speed through there he needs to make up point six troy bros and can he do it loris verger curry nazi he's wow he's lost time lowest version was clinical down here yeah over a second back then for troy brosnan it's not going to be his day here today but it's going to be a great ride then troy brosnan sprints to the line and goes in the second place 1.2 back but it's loris fergier who wins craig's work innsbruck a great ride for him version he's been striving to do this for a long time and that is going to give him some real confidence now going through into this season yeah he needed that that's big confidence especially to take down troy brosnan who just took the win in leo gang that is huge for his confidence that's good i think that'll settle him for the rest of the season clinical ride there from lawrence version he wins crank works inwards 20 21 great ride some bad luck and finally some good luck for that man for loris vergier was really looking good last season he was looking unstoppable last season before he had that mistake before he had that puncture excuse me yeah we've done some race reviews and honestly we were thinking he might win 50 of those races to see i think that's that's honestly could still be on the cards now that he's shown his cards very very close there for troy brazen let's take a look back at this run clinical run so troy also opting for that inside line but it's tough for us to see but sometimes if you hesitate and you just drag that rear brake just a fraction you can lose half a second a second just in that next few yards of the track it's you've got to be seamless on a track like this right you know what i mean you've got to go exactly you've got to be seamless so we said you you know you need to be aggressive you need to ride 110 but this track here you really need to be perfect we saw with like he made a mistake lost a second troy if you just drag your brakes in the wrong turn it's over yeah that's right it's crazy crazy that it needs to be so perfect and you're inches from death all right well not fast enough for troy bros and lawrence berger taking the win here's a look at our final standings rob yeah great to see it 1.2 a fair margin i'm going to say that for the win finales 1.5 off the win close to troy brosnan no bruni still riding with an injury really packed in there though those first four riders a little bit of melbourne point seven back to andreas cole the top austrian here but uh yeah great a great great race well there you have it dean lucas in ninth missed the whole of last season mick hannah rounding out the top 10 4.3 seconds back dixon in 11 remy tier on danny hot disappointment for him but maybe not a track that suits him laurie green it and then we see sam bleketzop he needs to kind of get some momentum some confidence going brook mcdonald but the times are tight if you are one or two seconds faster than that time you're five or ten spots better well what a race to say the least loris vergier congratulations my man what a job well done we uh we chatted a couple months ago about how good you were feeling on that high pivot session and then issues last week to start the world cup season what does it feel like to finally get to show your pace this season amidst so much hype everybody talking about wow loris is looking good this year yeah it's been actually pretty crazy because last weekend like for me was a disaster so i needed that like i needed a good race the pace is really high the track was really short so you had to push and i made it so i'm really stoked and moving on to legend now so it was a great couple of days and really happy great to have you out here loris did you enjoy your time at the festival yeah it was actually pretty insane like looking at all the athlete here it's uh it was a great event thank you for that and obviously the the truck was a little bit flat so it was physical but it was good training that's for sure well glad to hear you enjoyed your time thanks for being out here with us congratulations on the win and best of luck for next weekend thank you well what a great afternoon we've had some amazing racing been brilliant this my first ever crank works down and i've thoroughly enjoyed it great to see some of the world's best in action huh yeah thanks for joining us that was incredible but persia clearly fit as well it is a physical track it's flat and that's we we expected it from him i would have put money on him i thought troy would even be a bit closer but maybe some mistakes that we didn't see in vision well you know last week as we say you know going at that first world cup race all the chat was about loris vergier really felt for him actually getting a punch i mean there's only five world cup races a year there's hardly any you know that's not going to help his overall campaign but yeah today signals the speed is there watch out that's a lot of bad luck i mean he was out of the title hunt last year with a flat after winning two and then this year as well but he's he's able to deal with adversity well he's bouncing back i think that's key in the sport of downhill as well with only a few races you got to get back at it you don't have time to kind of be miserable about it well he didn't let him he hasn't let him affect him you know because like having a flat tire not actually getting a result you could come here and go well new team this year i need a result let's put something down that's going to get me inside the top five no he went for it he took the win and that's what bruni's been saying if vergiere gets the mental strength if he can put that right then the man's going to be hard to beat he just proved it the deuter downhill innsbruck was a heck of a ride and a local innsbrucken who knows a thing or two about daughter gabrielle whitmer let's check in with him i really like the wipes here everyone just keeps smiling and i yeah just love it here so good now i'm finally done forever with school it was a really hard journey to to get the a-level exam so it was really hard the stress level is it's completely gone i'm feeling so free and i can finally focus on riding on on world cup racing so it's um so good to finally be out of school to celebrate this one i'm doing the part two of late for school the last one see you on the trails well year after year andrew we don't miss crank work stops what keeps you coming back well why wouldn't i love it the best writers on all disciplines all coming together and having a festival and obviously i love the downhill but it's just a great all-around vibe rob for you your first crank works event what's the takeaway right there the snipe style i mean i spent all afternoon yesterday actually under the ramps watching the riders like i said earlier i just can't get my head around what they do in the air and how they actually manage to get the everything back together like to ride under pressure and deliver that it's just incredible see different riders of a different discipline that are every bit you know they spend every bit as much time if not more as all the top races that i'm used to dealing with so that that really really opened my eyes it was amazing it blows my mind because i think back to 2003 when i did my first slope style contest in whistler on the boneyard and then i stepped back and i look at what happened yesterday and that's what i love about crank works it's something that i've you know been really uh a fan of as a rider and now i'm just a fan as a spectator and a commentator and so that's what keeps me coming back we checked in with all the riders and we wanted to know what keeps them coming back to crank work so we asked them and here's what they had to say what would you say makes the crank work series so special crack works is the biggest stage for our sport i feel like it's the heart of mountain biking it's like the olympic games of mountain biking the amount of different events that they have going on all at the same time get to do a lot of racing that you normally wouldn't do all the combination it's just a unique event i love that about it i think the vibe around this is so good so different to world cup racing it's just like fun event where i want to win but at the same time it's social yeah just take it as enjoyment it's a crazy thing to be involved in and being able to showcase different talents and different ways of riding a bike prank works knows how to put all the pieces of mountain biking love together and brings it all into one place so they all love it for you know an opportunity to compete in their chosen discipline but also a chance to just kind of step out of your comfort zone try to get some points because obviously every season we're tallying up those points for the king of crank works title the queen of crank works title and after four days of competition it stopped number one in the 2021 season we have a leaderboard let's take a look at what that leaderboard looks like well how exciting harriet berbich smith taking the win in the slalom she's at the top of the queen of crank works they're 200 points but jordy scott via verbic they are within touch 195 191 it's all to play for valley hall with a win in the downhill she's only 20 points back look at that you know i have a feeling uh come rotorua she might be like you know what i'm gonna do that pump track she's gonna see how close she is to that top spot if things keep going the way they're going [Music] casey brown down there in 7th always somebody to look out for points in the whip off in the pump track slalom downhill and here's what it looks like for the men andrew well a commanding lead for thomas lemoyne taking that win in speed and style and also a really pretty good run in slope so i think he could have done even better thomas slavic he's a little bit further back but he does a lot of disciplines he's in 120 thomas chenon speed and style points slope style points and there loris vergia hey maybe we get to see him at some more events who knows you imagine thomas des moines 210 points so high above everybody else you know if he would have stomped his second run and slopes out would have been that much higher but you know what after uh yeah look at that we've got a tie there for fifth place so it's only the start it's only the tip of the iceberg for the 2021 crank work season and the stage is set four days of competition under our belt out here and our appetite is wet we just found out that we've got crank works bc happening we've got crank rick's rotorua down in new zealand in november i think that's going to be an even better time to be down there as well we're usually down there in our spring which is kind of them just settling into their their winter almost you know the end of their fall so we're looking forward to a great 2021 season but right now i got to thank all of you for watching without you what would we be doing we'd be talking to ourselves we'd probably still do that too but we also got to thank all the volunteers crank works organization all of the production and everybody who makes crank works possible i've been your host cam mccall thank you to andrew niethling alan cook and of course the man himself rob warner for joining us up here in the booth we can't wait to see you again crank works bc coming up in september we'll see you then good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 483,591
Rating: 4.9313526 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, crankworx, crankworx innsbruck 2021, innsbruck, crankworx 2021, dual slalom, kyle strait, ed masters, tomas slavik, crankworx live, replay, crankworx replay, mountain bike, mtb, mountainbike, mountain biking, crankworx innsbruck replay, vali holl, rockshox, deuters, crankworx downhill 2021, crankworx innsbruck DH, crankworx innbruck downhill 2021, DH MTB, downhill, MTB, Brook Macdonald, Finn Iles, Loic Bruni, crankworx downhill, innsbruck DH
Id: frB-poGYIQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 54sec (8634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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