REPLAY - Snowboarding Slopestyle Semifinals at Burton US Open 2018 - Men's Semifinals

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/honcooge 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

So ridiculous, why didn’t Yuki Kadono ride in the Olympics?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chickenbreast12321 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome everybody to beautiful Vail Colorado the 36th annual pert and US Open snowboarding championships men's semi finals under way I'm Jack Mitanni sitting beside snowboarder magazine editor and snowboard experts been doing this for 20 years Tom monterosso Tom we just witnessed an incredible start to the event with the women's semi-finals what are you looking forward to now I mean that was of women's final let's be honest that was absolutely unbelievable came down to the second run for a lot of those girls they put it down when it counted most now we get ready for thirty two of the best men's slopestyle riders in history it's gonna be insane and here's a look at the start list right now as you mentioned the best in the world I mean every single one of these riders 32 they're taking 10 into finals on Friday so this will be a heated competition Chaz golden and the veteran Luke went Ulm in the up-and-comer semi to buck the Belgium Nicholas Baden so much style and right there numbers 15 and 16 Rene Rinna congas and frig off Tischendorf the hardest names to pronounce and snowboard history's snowboarding with some of the hardest Chargers in this field speaking of hardest Chargers Kyle Matt coming off of Olympic silver medal and big air John hankies made its debut last year in the Junior Jam yep Brock crouch Sebastien 2-ton Olympic gold medalist and big air and then look at the bottom of the screen the last three mark is Cleveland Mark McMorris Olympic slopestyle gold medalist the young red Gerrard every single person that you just looked at on this list has what it takes to make it into the finals and they're only taking 10 Tom yeah so that what that means is that means it's gonna be an incredible show for all of you because this will be a no-holds-barred fight on that course today fist up the 36th annual the progression has gone through the roof this is an Olympic year which usually means that the riders have just continued to push the sport and I promise you this will be one of the craziest events we've ever seen go down right now this weather's perfect the course is perfect we watch practice it's looking good yeah the course is absolute unbelievable this is the same course the ladies rode if you tuned in for that broadcast you know you're in for a show if you're just getting first eyes on this course there are two rail islands to start that offer plentiful variety of things that you can ride so many different ways to hit stuff the guys at snow park technologies this year they wanted to maximize creativity on this course Jack 100% and look at this feature number three and really skinny narrow takeoff there with the option I hit it like a jump and you're seeing so many different arrows because you can take this course in so many different ways 65 foot jump straight shot and then you can go straight over the top or you can hit it like a halfpipe from the side let's get into the judging town yeah so what's cool about this is every single feature is scored on a 0 to 10 basis so gone are the days of riders being able to just kind of breeze through the rails and then get all their points on the jumps every single feature counts so you get a total run score of 60 that's if you get it perfect flow score is 40 now what they do for the 40 or for the flow score is that's an overall impression that's a direction you spin how well you land and how long you hold your grabs two runs Tom that's right only two runs they'll be three runs and finals but only ten of the 32 will be making them and there's a look at the course sun is shining weather is sweet in that chorus just full of options for these riders the best snowboarders in the world at the final event of the season now the weather is absolutely incredible here 30 degrees Fahrenheit 3 miles an hour for the wind and of course the condition as you see is sunny it is gorgeous out there this is a perfect perfect day for a perfect event the most prestigious event as we make our way to the top of the 36th annual Bert in US Open snowboarding championships here in Vail here we go Tom it's gonna be such an incredible event I mean you got guys like Chaz Gold Aman who's 30 years old he's been doing this for such a long time then you guys got guys like Judd hankies who's just at the start of his career so you literally have the entire spectrum of slopestyle snowboarders here this kid right here Marcus illumise dad really really talented kid coming out of Norway yeah he's gonna put on the show speaking of putting on a show burton US Open hashtag is always a show make sure to drop your photos your questions your comments Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn snap chat email phone we're all over the Internet and the best part about a webcast it's a conversation with the entire world let us know you got questions you don't understand what we're saying when we say ruthless gnarly stomped or fault hit us up and we'll let you know what we're talking about and if you are so inclined and you got your smartphone out chances are you do if you're watching this download at the burton u.s. open app stay up to date of all the happenings here in Vail Colorado if you can't be your here to check it out in person I'm actually uploading a photo to my Instagram right now so drop your questions comments hash tag written your sopin and here we go run number one for the men so switch hard way 270 from Marcus Oh limbs dad this gives a machine on the rails very talented jumper as well come into that third rail island front blunt 450 out I didn't switch to that first jump all bustling around switch backside 1080 to the cab sending it to the deep end fortunately not able to put it to his feet there [Music] snowboarding seventy Finals snowboarding has ever seen I mean between the course the weather and the Ryder field it has to be it's unbelievable look what we saw with the women they rode so well this morning and it's actually warmed up quite a bit even since this morning so it'll be interesting to see how the snow conditions change if they do if anything they might slow down a little bit which of these guys yeah it's good the course is incredibly steep I actually rode through the course yesterday just riding down those landings is scary it's intimidating it's so fast so that's how fast you have to go in order to clear these job well a lot of the girls today where we're sending you really deep on some of those jumps in turn I think maybe they were trying to slow down a little bit we saw some of the girls knuckle a couple of the jumps but then four run to everyone pretty much nailed the run and the best that make our way back to the top to the veteran Chaz Gold him in the buzzer this is almost like the return of Chuck G's got really angling some injuries didn't make the Olympic team but now he is back and more psyched than ever I remember I was probably eight years old watching Chaz at the US Open this is probably 20 years ago yeah remember Chaz won the US Open one year in Stratton there we are maybe ten years later let's see what we got it's same start to his run super technical on the rails back to seven he holds on coming in all nice takes the narrow takeoff huge back rodeo off which you have double 12 gets it around and having an insane run right now perfect flat backside 10 perfect style taking the creative approach here with a huge frontside oh that was insane he is amped right now no I met on that final jump we should point out that that jump can be hit from any direction and the reason they built this course with those Zog sides the so riders could do just that I think the days jack of slopestyle contests where it's just rail rail rail jump jump jump I think they're kind of over yeah you know I just don't want to see that judges don't want to see that they want to see how you utilize the entire course of Chad's did a really good job of that this run look at how far he takes off the side of that jump I was scared is gonna slip off but nope I'm just gonna throw a cap double 12 and I had it perfectly backside 1080 mute that right there from jazz golden I don't think he was gonna let go I was worried about it chopping his fingers off there and then taking the side of the bottom Chaz Goldman not a stranger to halfpipe either yeah 31 the neap on open one here yeah he's an incredible writer there is one because a couple years ago where Chazz made finals in slopestyle and the US Open so it's really good yeah I don't know I mean maybe Stolley could do it now but there are not many guys they could do it all right so check with us up seventy one point to say hello to your new leader yeah Chuck gee I'm really putting it down think about it second Radley drop puts down a 71 I mean that's you know what I'm gonna be honest that is the disadvantage of dropping early with such a large field yeah is that they really set in the bar for the judges so the judges don't want to score too high or too low so he's hurt you that they gotta take care of the score they got to keep it pretty conservative because if they blow it out throw it out of 92 that's not leaving a lot of room for other people to get higher scores so Chafee the seventy one point two and here we got Mill our switch backside 270 into the front blunt 270 now Chazz was the first rider we saw takeoff on that really really skinny lemons opted for the pole jin.o switch the final hit sorry second last hit and then a switch backside talk so back-to-back 12 12 that's what it's gonna take I mean they're taking only ten of 32 so we're gonna see ten of trouble Merson sand runs we've ever seen this year yeah so Clements unfortunately not able to put it down on that final jump right there that was a real technical rail track too hard way if you were to try to announce that entire trick is roughly dust by the time you were done talking so technically this kid there's that switchback 12 double cork grab it melon right there got away from them a little bit up they're not showing that final jump no worries - men's 9.60 a throwaway run he's got one more run to go and a lot more riders the most famous history of the year was 2014 Mark McMorris was in first place which was unbeatable at the time you dono is the first robber at US Open history the Lambs back-to-back 1620s in a run we announce now that was ridiculous that was almost like a miracle on top of the course with mark and I was like hey you won and then that happened but that's helped get us to where we are riders like you think you don't know this kid and he actually wasn't at the Olympics so definitely coming in with some serious fire under if to prove himself that he's still here he's business he might have some tricks that nobody else knows about fun fact about you kiddo no recently attempted oh [Music] okay I'm gonna go ahead and say you can squat around 40,000 pounds to be able to land that falling out of the sky from that height now let's take a look a little closer here these tricks somebody's a note about Yuki is his rail game is just as good as his jump kick he's so good a riding rail so smooth so much style from one 450 out on the pole Jam and now here is where you got to pay attention check this out tab 1260 that's his setup trick find you then the frontside 1080 right there here's the backside triple cork 1440 Mike nothing unbelievable the impact on that backside triple cork 1440 so huge trick score for you dono 46.6 he doesn't make finals with that that was absolutely ridiculous so you dono 17 years old one of the future phases of slopestyle riding here on course having run so far double cork with the loop Winkleman right there final jump Nick was made in heaven insane run right now the front 12 hail that was a really good run for Luke Winkleman right there bib number 77 I'm sorry Luke Winckelmann I'm sorry folks not nick bannin blue like Winkleman he does ride a lot with me she's gonna say so much style half cap tail press back three out Luke putting down an insane run is that enough to take out Yuki right now I don't know if it is I mean to be totally transparent here I think if you key had put that run down and it was a run too and they were already a bunch of scores him it might have been in the high eighties Yuki's run was absolutely incredible but he can't really score too high if you're the judges on run one because then that stifles the progression of the rest of the event here we go scores coming in for Luke Winckelmann the young gun 43 on the trick scores the blow scored cut him 70 4.5 where you go not a bad way to start this thing off Skrillex help me out Eric Bushman out of the US of A back 270 270 out on feature number 2 he comes the pole Jam or it's like 270 out coming in switch to this first job going to the moon cap 12 and hold on but still don't forget Eric Beauchemin two years ago in the Ninja Turtle outfits Oh and not even sticking around for a score to come in is already on the lift he was hungry I don't know if you remember two years ago Eric bashment dressed up as a ninja turtle got down to the bottom and was served pizza at the end of his run yeah that was pretty all-time and US Open moment right there all right so let's see what went wrong here he's going for the cab 1260 there just can't quite hold on Matt will end it for Eric bushman's first run all right and we have a very special guest in the studio very special guest yes and gentlemen the CEO of Burton Snowboards the pioneer one of the reasons that we are here today folks Donna carpenter Donna the 36th annual Burton US Open what are your first thoughts it just gets better and better chat every year and it's like being home yeah it really is it's a huge family what a community that you have been over the years how many US Opens have you been to 36 that is unreal edible how does it change from the first one to the 36 wasn't riding the seas the first one was at suicide six did Woodstock Vermont and it was a race down the hill and we turned over although snowboard racers are still winning very cool experience [Music] great job I think other than the women slopestyle it was acquainting halfway up finish yeah I thought it was just terrific the fans were amazing you know more snowboarders and skiers very cool yeah it's about 60/40 70/30 Jack and I were talking how cool is it to go you know from the Olympics which is this you know big worldwide mainstream spectacle that really does you know wonders for snowboarding exposure wise but then you come to the open which is the most respected snowboard contest - snowboarders worldwide and it's just such a cool paradigm you know you see someone like red who you know goes and wins a gold medal but he wants the US Open wind I think that's what makes snowboarders special first of all their personality they ask red like what are you gonna do after the Olympics he's like going snow boy right exactly I feel like events like this dude this is a snowboarders event the longest running event in snowboarding this defines our community yep absolutely and unfortunately right there Ryan stossel not putting putting it down on his first run yeah Chandler hung narrowly missing the US Olympic team but he's been at the US Open many times before really really promising young upstart in the slopestyle world right now as he drops into the first 2:17 off Donna can you even like even know what these tricks are involved nowadays with how you're absolutely perfect day snowboarding what would that [Music] an insane run right there about the US Open it's actually where I met my wife nine years ago when it was back in strap this year we brought our seven month old daughter out to the open for her first US Open ever so she's actually strapped to my wife hiking around up there somewhere watching slope style full circle yeah it's pretty cool you just opens the reason I got into snowboarding in first place ooh how is that Stratton I remember watching the junior jam and then watching the band yeah yeah and then I was yeah year after that was like I have to go I have to compete I have to be a part of this yeah younger brother and I so Donna thank you for all that you've done with that talk to me a little bit about sustainability I know sustainability is a huge effort of your of everything that Burton's done talk to me a little bit about how sustainability pertains to the USO pink jackets our mission has always been bigger than us right it's been about the sustainability of a sport and what's right for the sport and you know I used to say we grew up in opposition just game we kind of fought the man and now we've got to turn that towards global climate change that's what we're we're literally fighting for our winters and it's bigger than us it's bigger than our sport we can use that boys so you know we've done and I I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking up if I didn't feel like we were doing and is this as a recent or as Burton always has sustainability I pull the team together behind the curve to actually become leader yep people back in Burlington Vermont that really know what they're doing yeah they make the world look it they make our sport world look good and then of course Powell is a big partner what do we do with POW out here yeah we've got for anybody out here you can check out their tent or whatever and they've got a booth a phone booth where you can call your senators and congresspeople they have the numbers there they vary issues right there and it's really interesting because we've learned over the years that these senators and congresspeople they take phone calls much more seriously than anything emails or whatever so we need to get people engaged you can register to vote Mary's going to be big I mean that's how we're gonna make the biggest change these midterm elections coming up in November yeah do your research find out what your elected representatives stand for and then make your decision yeah both photo yeah don't complain afterwards if you don't man so talk a little bit more about the event so it's a carbon-neutral event with the goal of zero waves for 2020 and what that means is you measure everything from the gas going into the trucks building the pipe you know to the electricity for the band you measure everything and then you offset that by investing there to balance out this conversation real quick back onto the competition Seb a de Bock from Belgium yes a bit about really really talented snowboarder kind of deal a little bit of a hand injury he said he went down on ten it's a little swollen like it in practice yeah how to be honest he was doing double front flips and there it is right there off a narrow takeoff John drawn dart from Seb a DuPont going to big fortunately having such a solid run semi no seven a buck is the snowboarders favorite too he is he's the guy when he drops in every rider with a bib on it's kind of like period the rest look down the course and then when the contest is over the guy that everybody wants to hang out with including Mark McMorris always seeking out save a for a good time yeah very very cool kids said baby buck unfortunately that won't be enough for run one but he's got one more coming up as we're gonna go back up to the top Nick Baden is gonna be dropping in after sip a debuff here's the replay of today's run here double front flip that takes some serious courage I mean let alone just riding off of this thing look at how I can really see how narrow it is that thing is two boards like wide Donna I dropped my load from your standpoint I mean you were literally there on day one of the USO coolest thing ever did you ever think that it would become this crazy of triple corks 1440s always believed that it was going to be the riders the sport that's why we invested in the riders and that's the motto total had a rider driven you don't Rider driven from the beginning so we do well I should say we came from credit Kalyan yeah of course yeah all right Nick Baden on course right now switch frontside 270 and then switch boardslide bretzel out the Nick Batum this kid thrives on creativity and style he is riding every single inch of this course backside 1260 now coming in switch baby now this is gonna be really interesting to see look at the loud everybody clapping another one of the riders favorites it's gonna be cool to see where the judges put this because Nick utilize the course better than any rider we've seen today so we will see how he's gonna be rewarded for taking such an unorthodox approach to his run hardwick have 270 and then switch boardslide pretzel out a lot of riders would go same way 270 on that Nick ops to go a different direction than frontside 720 nose grab right there looking out low-speed lands to the edge of that landing he's another one of those video game characters where some of the tricks that he does doesn't even look real unbelievable what I really like about Nick - is he's just he's got so much snowboarder in him it just kind of does whatever he wants to do all the time and I think that's really cool because you match that litter you know incredible talent and it creates a kid like Nick he's so fun a huge trick score 44.5 77.7 moving up in the second place the smile on his face Nicholas baited so dönitz car carbon-neutral event this year we're also working towards zero waves in 2020 that's the goal by 2020 and we've made a lot of progress and we triggered with some great volunteers what's possible what what can be recycled that's amazing all these signs will be recycled into iPod pieces what there's so much that goes on at the events that nobody knows about it's so hard to tell a million stories but I mean it's really important for us to not only be doing it but to be sharing what it takes to make for example there's a phone down there where you can call your state representative to fight climate change I mean that's incredible at a snowboard event but that's what needs to be happening exactly because we love winter there are millions and millions of other people who love winter we gotta protect it you know Jeremy Jones likes to say that you know we're the first generation to see the effects of climate change having a chain best and the last generation to be able to do something about it yep responsibility you know like I said we've always felt responsibility to the sport and to the athletes to the community well you guys have done a great job thank Jake for us say hi to Jake for us and thank you so much Donna for watching you think or is he out there just right pretzel out is after hanging out with us now ladies and gentlemen there you have thank you so much all right hero pay at Ontario how cool is that what a hero how amazing is that just about as amazing as the honey badger rope eight on tree drop it in for his first run oh and unfortunately going down on that second rail yeah ropa another one of those riders who's kind of like a go-for-broke type of dude like there's no there's no break in his automobile it's just a Quan giant gas pedal and he just goes for it all the time hundred and ten percent so rope is gonna finish out his run just take it nice and easy end it with a backside five into a big old cab 5 so rope a is gonna have to look for his second run to try to get up and into that top 10 right now still in the first place you dono followed by Nick Baden Luke Winkelmann Chaz gol de Mond Chandler hunt Eric Beauchemin Clemens mill our Marcus elimb Stubb rience tassel and Brandon Davis that is your top ten right now but it is sure to mix up by the end of this run and run - as we are almost halfway through here run one we kind of got the meet in the lineup coming a little bit I mean the red Gerard's the Mark McMorris is the septuagint Shane runs you two still up there on the top makes us bait and is rewarded second I like to see Chaz Goldman's up there that second run we're seeing so many riders that we didn't see on the grand stage of the Olympics because for the Olympics it's more countries involved they have different qualifying regulations and stuff like that for example the u.s. you're only going to get the seat before best US slopestyle big air riders tonight they're missing out on kids like Brock Crouch like Chandler hunt so I think the Olympians they're coming here kind of have a good time try to try to get a US Open win of course but guys like Erica let's reduce the difficulty Olympics they kind of have a bit of a point to prove they're coming in with a little bit of a chip on their shoulder so I think they're gonna step up their right riding like walks you know someone has what it takes not putting it down I'll tell you what though Tom I haven't turned around in a while I just turned around pretty packed in Vail right now guns out guns out looks like Spring Break Cancun out there right now get the Pacifico tent going up bertin pop-up shop and almost bunch of kids wait it's really beautiful day today here in Vail Colorado Mike's portable should we just call it some out there join the party go to the VIP tent yeah look at that sun is shining on the best slopestyle course you could possibly imagine you're just tuning in this is the Burton US Open snowboarding championships in Vail Colorado about halfway through as Emil loose lepton takes the stage for his first run out of 232 riders down to 10 what does he got starting things off for the cab 270 on 270 off frontside 270 [Music] regular here fact Canon rail ports live yeah that ball holds on luckily his edges are sharp catches it there with his heels but 10 I jinxed his edges right there was out that was just a frontside seven I think something might have gone wrong I think he wanted boy than a frontside 720 but unfortunately I think he just kind of pulled the ripcord and called it a run he's gonna look toward his second run to get up into that top 10 so ml all Sletten definitely a veteran contender he's got an errand style big air went under his belt multiple X Games multiple US Opens we take a look his replay run see if we can notice anything that went wrong for that frontside 724 ml old slender drop it in next we got the finish phenom Rennie Rinna congas he is strapping in right now getting ready to take his first run here on this slopestyle course to the most got some fans down there I remember those days that was me a long time was getting Shaun White's autograph on a backpack I got Terry Hays autograph but I could tell Terry I did not want to give me an autograph at all [Music] bring them in man when when Terry a talks snowboarding listens bring them in I would love to all right let's get a quick recap of where we currently stand about halfway through Run 1 we got you dono still your leader followed by Nick Baden Luke Winkelmann Chaz Gold Amon Chandler hunt Eric Bushman sitting in sixth place Clements mill our in seventh Marcus a limb stabbed in eighth place olympian rience Castle in ninth and the man you just saw ml all slept in in 10th if the contest were to end right now that would be your top ten but it is not even close to over Jack we've got a long day and I've got Marcus Cleveland we got Mark McMorris we got red Gerrard I mean do you think that with them being up there watching the run so they're gonna switch up the strategy or you think they're still gonna stick with what they got you know I think guys like Marcus Mark McMorris and red they're just gonna send it like they would I don't think they're gonna do much switching up I think even if someone puts down a score in the high 80s before they drop in they're still gonna do the run they were gonna do because it's probably if they put it down it's a score that could probably get in the 90s 100 percent or 90 percent and if you guys are watching to make sure to hit us up bertin hashtag US Open I actually just posted a photo on Instagram and if you want to drop your comments join the conversation ask us a question what do you want to know you want to know what a pretzel out is we'll explain it to you as we look now at the course with a beautiful beautiful beautiful sunny day here in Vail Colorado as we make our way back up to the top Britany Reina congas this kid is a trip he is so fun to watch snowboard I got to watch him ride this year at the Dew Tour then he is a wild man he is gonna attack this course right now for its wide - switch frontside boardslide bowl jam right yeah coming in switch off the side double puts it down that is not easy to do I see a lot of similarities between this kid and like a nick faded super creative kind of does whatever he wants and has it to put a fun when he snowboarding and that's what this is all about we had the opportunity to talk to one of the judges earlier and he said you know what this is we don't want to judge us like your typical slopestyle course where it's rail rail rail jump jump totally we want to see creativity style we want to see landings perfectly let's see it all one might say not in terms of how the tricks are done but in their ideology one might say a looseness to to their run a little spontaneity rather than just riding straight down the hill start to finish zigzag in a little bit come from the side yep land in the wrong spot once in a while keep it going I like it do it do it no footer take your bindings off maybe that's the progression is worth cheat on challenge yes there's that switch frontside double cork 900 that scored real well with the judges in the backside 1080 double court so far we've only seen one in triple cork today from you dono who's your current leader which is crazy because I was standing there during practice and it was triple or triple core triple core all landed we're still not at the end of our field yet which is where a lot of the hard hitters are not to date myself he's too wildly any practice you see the bridge rocking the backpack right now trying to innovate and get creative in every different way possible yeah this kid came to super Park last year and was without a doubt one of the standouts he actually won the super unknown award cuz it just kind of came out of nowhere it was one of the standouts of the event and we asked him why he wears the backpack and he said it's because his favorite character in the video game skate - max wore a backpack that's amazing and you know what gucci mane actually wrote a song about him after i get the bag whats in that backpack probably some Clif bars yeah maybe Apple to go yeah bro Pacific going for after the event who know these g-shock watch or a Toyota snowboarding's greatest mysteries what's in the bag fridge yeah they called the fridge a teeny fridge ah what if in his second run he went too big and then just all of a sudden pulled a parachute out of it is that what it's been the whole time could be she's been like he's just waiting for this debuted neatly packed parachute just gently bring him back to earth or a jet pack what if he just you know it's looking like he's gonna case a jump and all this let's just look at this double backflip fully laid out then he rides along with Hal door helgesen one of the best snowboarders on earth rides for the same board company as Howell door yeah he's just super fun to watch snowboard yeah I just love anybody that's you know doing something new creative even if it is just alright so that will not be enough for fridge eyes but you will see him again before the day's end for the day's end spigen of days and there's so many amazing things going on in Vail all of the music events Damian Marley's playing and there's so much going on it's almost hard to keep track of which is why I've got this app that I've been falling along with make sure to download it it's the burton US Opens app promise you your entire US Open experience will get much easier more organized and you want to be in the know because there's some cool things happening just like this next rider Tom this is your boy Takeru Otsuka at tsuki Japan 16 years old I've got Birds rats for Burton Snowboards first time I've actually seen him rot I've heard about him before people say he's absolute madmen and from everything I'm seeing I would say those people are correct this kid is a really good snowboarder frontside double cork 1080 right there one to hold oh the landing wild we're gonna be havin Brock crouch last year all the way to the bottom and landed at same get the riders I lifted him up on their shoulders that's probably loves his legs after that unbelievable so a solid run right there yeah Takeru Otsuka and this is you know just another reason that the open is so exciting because I've I think I've been to 20 just about 20 US Opens every single year from my first US Open to this year I've emerged from the open with a new rider on my radar like a new soon-to-be superstar and that's what's so cool about it is it's just this amazing platform for professional snowboarder yep that burden has a really cool platform but Kilroy Gilroy crew so Atsuko part of the Kilroy crew this link Lake Luke Winckelmann Wow cats look at that backside trip report 1440 scored a nine point three out of ten seventy six that ought to do it Kilroy team a Luke when Clemente died a little bit too bad all right so Nick Baden still in second Luke Winkelmann in fourth watch these 76 is in third go down to 10th by the time we're done many riders to drop Kyle Mac came in just watched him take home an Olympic silver medal and big air let's see what he's got here run forward transfer 50/50 back one out gap 270 switch boardslide 270 from Kyle back into the switch double cork back well that was insane almost reverting holds on getting back to his line Oh double like Michael Chuck off that bottom hit right there looked like he kind of improvised on that too because I'm the second line jump he kind of bobbled at the bottom and then fully just feared a double Michael Chuck someone who is taking creativity to the next level here in snowboarding so much swag as the kids would call it and the cork on this switch backside double cork now singing unreal just like fell out of the sky I called it a 12 because it looked like it because the axis was so off there's that frontside 1080 tail grab there's a little bit of a bobble and then he just veered riders left and then went double michael chuck they're almost double barrel roll that is a huge trick score at there 42 points sevens first trick score there in the middle seventy four point seven okay alright so in fourth and fourth I think if you take out the two little bobbles he had one of the rails one on one of the jumps I think that scores in the eighties we talked about this a lot earlier the first runs or when you're absolutely incredibly nervous and then it gets better from there as we saw the women semi-finals this morning making our way back to the top Judd hankies fifty-fifty frontside 360 coming out of Mammoth Lakes California Maggie's 60 onto the down rail super technical trick to just throw in the middle of the slopestyle run Wow one of the most huge switchback 12 puts it down perfect coming in regular off the toes run Ted puts it down perfectly having a run right here tom Judd hankies can he put I can hear that in the studio from here that was large that was absolutely mental from Judd hankies right there what Oh run incredible by far the best rail section we've seen today yeah look at this Lansing perfectly locked into that 50/50 and then boardslide under flip out just look at the like the confidence in his riding too you can tell he just spots and landings I got this yeah you know what I like about Judds style is he's just so compact and squared up all the time plus he's 15 years old spinning off his toes you don't see a lot of riders doing that these days video level that he's already at one point six at seventy three point six our correction on the age sixteen years old for Judd hankies thing fifteen sixteen of our youngest competitors out here today and Sebastian to talk coming off the gold medal big air at the Olympics yeah that was a really big win for sep 2 2014 he wants this US Open win as much as he wants a gold medal and it's bragging rights heading into the summer it's the end of the season and he's got a lot of momentum you know leaving Korea with a gold medal to come here to the US Open super solid run final hit Oh [Music] perfect perché Ortiz Yellin real in that a player that was set to stop run that was just his s let's put one to the feet real quick and you know get a good score on the board get up into that top ten and then move on from there that trance right that's a big transfer a fifty fifty foot board 270 out then hard way to 70 on that second rail Island right there check this out squared up between the bindings boardslide for 50 out and then the frontside double cork 1080 ya these live ranked scores are coming in really high for step two - back side triple cork fourteen forty from Sebastian to taunt forty five point four for his trick score he's gonna be in the 70-75 point or so that is good for face the scores are close right now and the level of riding right now is a final basically what we've seen thus far all right so sub two - really good first run score we're gonna head back up to the top one of the most exciting riders in the field kid that I'd love to watch snowboard Rock crouch 18 years old coming out of Carlsbad this kid is not afraid to send it down to the base Lodge he knows no double knuckles see Brock Crouch when they get scary 50/50 forward slide pretzel drop Crouch coming in switch half cab on backside 360 off boardslide 270 with a tail grab their dial King I like that frontside 900 you don't see a lot of those these days in slope style contests revert to 14 you know Brock actually rock actually I just love hearing what they have to say I wouldn't mind about a food poisoning here and there if I could snowboard like that right I would take that dream I think I would take that trade ten times out of ten I just love this kid this kid's been around since he was five years old always just a giant ball of energy and now he's really grown into himself he kind of way from lately he kind of went from like the token little guy at Mammoth flapping around and as one year he just kind of showed up and you're like whoa Brock you're like an adult now yeah and he was snowboarding like this it was pretty cool to see the style yeah he's an incredible surfer too yep I mean he goes from the snowboard event where he gets he's from Southern California he gets on the podium and then he goes down to so counting wins the surfers oh he's a really it's a Brock Crouch that's a throwaway run for him back up top representing Canada Tyler Nicholson we saw his his former his later his better half yeah Jaimie Anderson she qualified first today in the women's field and slopestyle yet Tyler really technical on the jumps which sounds crazy to say but there's small slight in turkey season is driving like double grabs spinning off potatoes spinning super fast everything is grabs for a long time yeah there's like the triple cork phase and he just stayed flat for games and just just watching his land he just lands with authority yeah when he sometimes registers a seismic activity 50/50 backside hold it together put it down lucky for him he is dating Jamie Anderson you know there's always two chances for a medal that's right always and there's always the obvious that she will go home with one of those takes the pressure up out here dog wants it bad the super proficient backcountry snowboarder - which I always like to see when he's not competing he's you know traveling and competing he's up in Whistler like sledding around building backcountry jumps very similar like Mark McMorris yep he aspires to be a contest rider but an all-around a really good snowboarder as well that will be enough for Tyler Nicholson right now here's the question can anyone in this first run do Kika don't know he's been in first place since he dropped four it's crazy well let's see who do we got left to come right now I'm gonna go with a few people can former friend for his friend Harry okie kunitake from Japan only 16 years old that's what it takes the youngest competitor in the field five more riders left to go to it carioca has nine riders left what is it there's something in Japan they produce incredible snowboarders they just love snowboarding I mean I remember when they used to have funny pond open and he'd go there and just that was at the beginning of the Japanese domination and they just love snowboarding yeah kind of all started with azu at the open yeah cause if at the open definitely put snowboarding on the map for Japan that was absolutely ridiculous backside triple cork boots avoided to cap off a stellar first run unreal so let's check out this rail line half cab on transfers over to frontside boardslide getting a 6 you're looking down this SLS judging so every single one of these hits has to be done perfectly as you see the live ranking on the side so that hit right there not a good hit for him but let's see some of these jumps 8.0 that's a solid score right there out of 10 front side double cork tab this huge that was ridiculous seems like double cork ten most people when they go that far they kind of give up and they just let it go you know it's kind of accept imminent injury really well here we go and some riders like Jamie Anderson even when she goes far she still commits and goes elite stop mode 40 on the trick score and a big flow score 30 point two so it's gonna take a lot to get up into that top three right now and look at this you look at the top three you keep you don't know Nick Baden and Takeru Otsuka that's your top three right now none of those kids competed in the Olympics so that just goes to show you how the US Open really does draw the best in snowboard not a far gap from first to ten currently in 10th place karaoke with seventy point two five and then Yuki ten points ahead in first incredible here we got tour gear bird room in my opinion as a fan of snowboarding this kid won the Olympics so much fun over there and represented snowboarding in such a good light my accident comes up early it still saves it bounces off the knuckle of to a stop and now hopefully we'll just gives the crowd what they want to see will we see the switchback 5 to mythic it looks like it oh we will you love that trick at the Olympics when he did that that was more viral on social media than anything I've ever seen that was in social media the guys are tuning in hashtag Bert and USO pand I'm seeing a bunch of comments coming in right now Kate Webster oh one favorite US Open Trix ever Wow remember Michael took the double Michael Chuck back in the day in the US Open pipe you know what I'm gonna have to go the first time Danny castling it back to back nine oh I was there live just as a fan it was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life Kazuhiro McTwist yeah when he wrote down the middle of the halfpipe that was pretty cool there's been some insane moments at the assaut remember when Chris Gotti Lego Terry Hawkinson Danny Davis here in Vail did that there's like four years in there yeah that was absolutely insane I'm still though I'm sticking to it Danny cast back to back like that unreal so what are your predictions for who will make it to the finals got some scores might be a little easier you Kiki don't know Nikolas bait in I'd say Mark McMorris I'd say a lot of the people yet to go I think Reds gonna make it I think step to that there's still so many guys to go yeah it's it's not a contest until run one is over that's the way we're looking at it we got to see all of Run 1 in its entirety and then we're gonna make our predictions this kid right here absolutely incredible snowboarder lion Ferrell hailing from Hawaii the only rider here in the men's field from Hawaii don't forget to hashtag Burton us open it'll populate all in one spot you can relive the open on social media you can't be here in Vail in person so Lian Farrell one of the most exciting young riders in the field today on the third final chip feature boardslide coming in switch nap 1264 Lian feral right there there is front side double cork 1080 snap Travon throws another 360 triple 1440 backside triple cork fourteen barrel you think he was watching Johnny tsunami back in the day yeah probably the Hawaiian surfer snowboarder what a run for Lian he's a phenomenal skateboarder - yes really really good skater yeah when he drops in I was down in New Zealand at the skate park everyone just stops and watches yeah he's good so there's the boardslide for 50 out heading into the jumps here front side double cork 1080 I like how he witnessed at around at the very last second but he doesn't necessarily let go of his grab to throw his hands above his head either which a lot of people have to do in order to get it around he holds it together so not a huge trick score of 34.4 all right so a 60 1.8 that'll be good for 12th place for Lion Pharaoh not just goes to show you right now what the level is I mean it all started with you Dona putting down 81.5 that just set the bar so high yeah so early that it told the rest of the field like all right we're gonna make top 10 bring your a-game now Chris Corning a member of the u.s. Snowboard Olympic team and this kid had his big introduction to snowboarding at the US Open just a few years ago that was not a snowboarder year going into the first part of your rail it did not affect him one bit held it together I'm surprised perfect back rodeo off the bull jam right there backside 900 right there cap yep well according to three stomps Chris Corning I was like it's over for Chris Cornell nope I was hope that because he held together yeah then went wrong let's see here it is you mean you don't even see anything happen I mean nobody could have just been by the microphone with a bell run has commenced I got a sickness switch back nine eight more cowbell I got a fever front side 14 Hill pumps his legs back up slaps his hand on the ground not a hand rack just so much stomp that his hands just smack the ground see what's it gonna be huge trick score 44.7 oh this is gonna be big eighty one point one Wow second rider to break into the eighties Chris Corning's got to be happy about that I think if you're in the 80s you're gonna make it through in the top ten but so I want to talk to early literally half a point below you don't know it was that close put that half the points but I be the pain it could have been all right here we got max Perot silver medalist and slopestyle in the Pyeongchang games he wants Redemption he wants a US Open win yeah he's one of these by far the most serious competitor in snowboarding he takes this very serious he's at the gym he's on trampolines he's training all day long and as you can see on the bottom of his snowboard no matter what happens it's not having any bad days this is what he's known for high flying aerial snowboarding frontside double cork 1080 into the backside 12 coming in switch this is gonna be the switch frontside double for 12 so really really good run from max per row right there so he is confident right now regardless if this gets him up into that top spot and will get him into the top ten for now but he put one to his feet and now he can just kind of let his foot off the brake for a run - and see how high you can get up in those standings I think this is gonna score really well there's that front board 270 I think this is where he's gonna make up the majority of his points frontside double cork 1080 check this out backside double cork 12 then on the money booter right there cab double cork 1260 so back-to-back 12s in run one of semi-finals that is ridiculous forty point five in the trick score meet a big flow score to bump up their 71 five I don't know if that's enough there's no it's not now he's in ninth right now with some serious heavy hitters to come so max surprised a good spot but somebody who isn't a good spot who do we got Tom we got Carlos Garcia tonight how you doing buddy I'm doing great man we're having to shake his other arm because his right hand is in a sling what's going on dude I took a slam yesterday just messing around with the boys him down to the pock I was just at the top the small part what happened I was uh I was riding this you know what what happened sorry I was riding this um this gap with a with a flag tip and I was falling ridden and he kind of tapped in to win one way and then the flag swung around with the wind and as I tried to go and tap the pole the material kind of just hooked onto my board no sharp having a run right now folks yeah Carlos you've written with this guy before Darcy Darcy is like an all-or-nothing - oh yeah das is a champion like he can ride everything and it's crazy you've seen it with X Games getting second and then winning the fair in style like that's that was some impressive things - yeah - take out you know he's such an incredible Rider we were saying at Aaron's style they just had a street style contest in LA Darcy and Kyle Mack were the only two riders there that had podiums and an Aaron style before and then Darcy went in one a rail chair basically so yeah he's such a good all-around snowboarder I mean it was crazy that he held on to that at the end anyway we were like cheering cuz he held on then he went and clipped the fence a little bit so we hope he's alright but yeah he look like he's already got up cheered and thought he was gonna pull something that you pulled and hit the fence there at the flagging Jack my style da see what is this you can see in this riding just from this run look he's got such impressive rails and jumps Archie was someone that we didn't get to see at the Olympics here so you know that's what makes this event so great is it's not just the top few in the country that makes the Olympic team it's everybody who's the best no workers in the world this is the biggest competition in snowboard history 36 years and running but you were out in Korea I mean you had an incredible incredible performance they have big air especially yeah I mean we were like the two last that the first in the last event so we had the whole time in Korean I really enjoyed slopestyle like that's my favorite event and then yeah made it through the finals and kind of did my did a good run but not the best that I could do and then I wanted Redemption on that on that switchback 16 and big year so gosh Dawson Darcy look at that he was holding on for so long I thought he had it you know I thought he was gonna pull back you know everybody he's okay Wow Darcy's been dealing with an ankle two years now - so yeah Carlos we were kind of saying like you know the Olympics is this big mainstream hundreds of millions of viewers snowboarding or partially snowboarding event but but the US Open is kind of like this snowboarders snowboarder totally everyone even though we've just come off on the gnarliest competitions of our lives if I'm looks what it's just so much more relaxed and you know you can have so much more fun that's just like a happy like sunny event that everyone is always those who come to how is it sitting on the sidelines right now is it tough for you coming off it incredible Dave you there yeah it is it's tough man Mike I would love to be out there riding with all the boys but I guess it's part of it you know like yeah and even though it's on something like silly like that it's still so part of snowboarding that's like sure having fun up just messing around the park is just as important as riding down the course of learning would you play a track what do you think of the course I mean you were riding practice right yeah I thought it was awesome like you see like saala yeah you can make have some creative lines and I think that's really awesome to see a course like that yeah I feel like a rider like Stalin almost has a bit of an advantage on the course like this because he's so adapt adaptable it's so versatile any kind of approaches thing Oh super creative Instagram account him and the gimbal God have just been putting out incredible edits lately yeah those two stop Oh Holly solid run yeah this guy has fun you can just see it even at the Olympics he was just cruising around doing his own thing riding down on Tyla down the bigot landing that was pretty funny well oh yeah that's right well ultimately like that really it sounds cliche but that really is what snowboarding is about like it started off we just wanted to have a fun you're so cliche Tom still still to this day I mean if you're having fun no matter what you're doing you're doing it right in snowboarding by the show I think having fun breeds progression 100 yeah when you're in a good mood you're feeling good the sun's out everyone's throwing down it just pushes you to go a little bit further and especially at an event like this where the further you go the bigger the reward you're gonna get so there's that frontside 1080 from stall a song back into the back side 12 [Music] then on that final jump here we have the switch frontside double cork 12 the cab 1260 damn laying it up I think this is going to be a pretty high scoring rub for stalling out further adue huge trick score 46.5 70.1 that'll put him in third place all right so you dono still your leader Chris Corning sneaks up in the second install this is when these kids get an introduction to what their future could be I remember being a kid getting the autographs and being like I want to be I want to be that guy won this contest is amazing for that you always come down here and see me well qualifiers and finals is always a huge turnout and that's something that makes this contest fun as a as a rider you know you get to come down and people appreciate watching yes so I appreciate watching this guy I appreciate it watching him win the Olympic slopes now the young 17 year old red Gerrard made his big snowboarding debut here two years ago I remember out of nowhere he just threw a triple cork on the bottom jump he's never tried it before he stomped it two years later now is the current owner of an Olympic gold medal I remember running over and tackling him into a into a big grateful Bridge after he did that Red Bulls are flying everywhere I mean in such a short amount of time as progressed so much and here is first run read Girard boardslide to switch frontside boardslide to the backside 270 he snowboards so he's going so fast he's got it because he's small too now watch this I like how he's hitting huge gotta live off the toe knee off the side into the backside triple or something about this course is there's so much speed and like the landings are so steep it's so steep so you can you can kind of make those mistakes pretty easily I noticed a lot of riders in both the men's and the women's field we're landing in the sweet spot of the landing and then putting on the brakes yeah and they still had a little too much speed they were still sending it deep on the next one yeah it's a fast course and it's like it plays havoc with everyone you know it's always it's always in the back of here but yeah and I guess that's to have a little too much speed is always better than to not have enough speed yeah it always adapt to that for sure that's why you see people who are massive here and it's kind of nice because we're used to riding courses that don't have any speed and we're always milking it for all it's worth but to have a course where you can just let it rip and yeah that's like someone can sit on this well I mean go again read look at his eyes he's like oh my goodness that was that supposed to be a double right there not a was trying you just wanted to do the definitely no excuses listen to all the kids you know that's funny is that he's the same age as all these kids his homework there the true hero yeah exactly all right so not enough for read Gerard but fear not he gets one more run we got two riders left to drop in the first of two runs Mark McMorris followed by Marcus Cleveland and the friendly rivalry that have developed over the years between those two riders have been pretty interesting to watch mark is kind of the current king Marcus is maybe the prince yeah be king yeah we shot in the X Games being here two years ago where Marcus stomped a quad cork and then we got back to the top and McMorris was like you know what you're gonna try it I'm gonna try it here we go all right mark Morris full time winner of the US Open multi time of X Games gold medalist 2018 Winter Olympic bronze medalist on course right now switch boardslide 270 coming into that first jump this is gonna be that switch back 12 Oh perfect front double ten one two three oh wow I'm just gonna go ahead and say it say hello to your new leader [Music] Marcus wanted to put down oh man to be sitting up there for that long - from his last practice run to the time he dropped he was probably up there for a good 45 minutes just inside his head trying to calm his nerves you must feel good what's it like up there in the riders thing is it pretty chill or is it pretty tense no it's it's chilly everyone everyone's kind of just enjoying themselves because I mean what else is there to do it's not there's no point stressing out yeah we travel around the world with each other you know like that crew dudes at the top it's just like we're all best mates it works it works perfectly up there then what what feed are you guys watching up there you watch the webcast yeah yeah we watched your webcast so really everybody in the Ryder stand big shout out to all you guys keep it fun up there calm cool and collected how I'm gonna head on over grab a Clif Bar keep yourself energized that's the way cork 14:40 from Mark McMorris I mean we can't leave out the part of mark story to where he was almost he was almost a goner less than a year ago we did talk too soon seventy nine point four hey he's happy with that but so I would be happy with it's a good run you know life definite definitely seems like it'll be enough to stay in that top ten even though we could have said that in the women's event earlier and Zoe was in second and then still good even make so much he can add speaking of rails this kid Marcus did the most insane thing I've seen on the top feature and in training yesterday or the day before are we gonna see it today you think I don't know it'd be pretty risky but uh check it out on his Instagram it's insane yes entertainment I mean some of the child must wish that we could like see him not do a run for the judges put a run for the people his knuckle tricks some of the things that he does you've never even thought possible on the snowboard I don't even I don't even look at 11 hits the knuckle backflips what and here we go our final rider mark is Cleveland starting it off nice and smooth 270 won't even call that sneaks it around able to hold it together jump number one Oh switchback 10 Markus Cleveland whoa cab six day I'm 16 no big deal oh my god into a backside triple perfect so an incredible ending to his run Wow everyone on the top like if you start off dicey all you're thinking your head is bad I really need to step up right now was this the trick that no no it's not so you guys have to go check it out and let's check he actually invented that like core core 50 artists it's crazy still gets a seven point eight let's even affect some of the flow score but good trick score that one really held on 5.2 not a great trick store it's exciting to watch a run like this because you think they're gone and then come back that's what's cool about slope style it's like the whole run as well what counts you know but it's a little different than back in the day in fact that you could get away with a lot more now that every single trick is scored individually every feature is scored individually and so yeah I gotta be perfect I think it's how this is about my huge favors for snowboarding because you can break it down to make really see what's working it does eighty two point three in crisp corneas are your top three heading into run to follow McMorris star lays on back keeps a look at your standings Nick Baden Takeru Otsuka Sebastian - Tom currently sitting Luke Winkle majors place to be look outside of the top ten the ax / o Jud hanky so close being in there Chas what thought was going to be in there your burger are 26 Brandon Davis 29 7 to buck in 30th and rope 8 on Terry rounding out that top 32 we're gonna take a quick commercial break when we come back we've got Carlos Garcia in the studio we're gonna pick his brain a little bit stay with us toughest red driver up here beautiful sauce face some of the Burton riders October big ass jump good ass weather bad ass routers one I call my soldiers just coming oh my god let me shine with the light saw I saw five and four pipe out right I'm gonna need account with no flaw picking up my dime is no flaw nice yeah the fight boat Geico all I gotta do a make 1 car when I'm walking that block beat back he never did frog bastarz night cause we know that you go break it so they put on my coat at the chief we just got on the roller my life was written in but like a codex [Music] [Music] welcome back everybody to the Burton US Open snowboarding championship it's our lucky day we have somebody who we would have seen out there probably in the top ten right now but unfortunately Carlos Garcia tonight you got a torn a seat yeah I actually partially separated it so it's only it's a great tool which is minor I don't need to do anything has it been tough for you just sit down or is it kind of nice with the level of riding that you've seen so far it's uh you know it's always tough luck I'd love to go ride and it's a perfect day and all the boys having fun so definitely missing out but at the same time I never get to watch Conte it's I'm always out there doing my thing so uh to have time just to take a step back and enjoy it's nice what so what did you think of Run 1 I mean it was crazy all the way up until the end there yeah I mean it's it's insane like the level of riding for qualities is crazy this year's huge and you saw Yuki like his run what was it three or four years ago that the ten 16:36 that's crazy and it was insane I'm pretty excited to see what he has to offer and then Marcus Cleveland with the cab 16 and qualifies first try that's insane yeah that was insane Marcus Cleveland just from the clouds let's take a look at this run the very last rider to drop ends up as your first place qualifier after run one almost went down to get off of this trick right here bowling saves down you really did save it and right into that realm I wonder if that was the rail he was even going for but this is where his run really picked up steam Patrick is so hard I thought he was gone he kind of disappeared for a second and yeah you don't see many people doing switch backside double cork tens they usually go 12 yeah now that I understand cap 16 off that second jump there so much control Wow that just look easy he makes he just makes it look so what was your run gonna be did you have a rundown before you hit the to play the transition hits I think all the side hits the first time I ever hit one was here three years ago so I was pretty keen to try some stuff up there but I also loved that first section with the with the transfer rails either side I like I think that's the coolest feature in the course is it a lot harder to go off the side because of the angle that you take off you're already kind of like halfway and then you have to land flat it's a little bit confused conduit it's like yeah it's like taking off in a half fight but you don't have to worry about out so you can kind of just let it let it run just well know there were a couple you know wild cards and surprises in there you know tour gear burg room kind of exploding on the knuckle a little bit but catching himself and then Darcy Sharpe unfortunately went down and caught a little bit of the fence but it was a really exciting run one there's a lot that happened a lot more to happen and run to that Center are dredger are currently sitting in 29th yeah 20 yeah this Olympic gold medalist 29 yep that's why this is cool to watch you know like everyone is yeah it's hard to be consistent in the sport and that's why it's so sick to see people like doing well that you don't usually see do well or some people exactly that are constantly doing well that they are the people to look out for right the amateurs become pros the pros become legends here at the open - this kid is unreal he's such a pleasure to watch snowboard and I think he's one of my favorite riders in it in the field today yeah he's really fun super exciting rider to watch Oh way to jinx him Carlos man now you know how it is we feel bad I feel like it's our fault sometimes yeah now coming in switch switch backside 1080 bloopers for the Marcus olam stop how important is it Carlos to pop off of these jumps ah I think it's it's more of a style thing like you see people that are doing tricks that's like if people pop their tricks it just looks that much more impressive you know especially when you're here watching it you see the difference so easily but even like Etac on TV as well just like does it make it harder it does make a hard land at times but I think it also sits you up better for the tricks I think popping your tricks just as a makes it look that much better I mean it's one of those distinct differences you can tell too between a rider who pops really hard and maybe a rider who kind of sucks up the lip a little bit more fins yeah they just go higher they go bigger and it just looks more spectacular 100% and it's hard like when you're thinking about like doing one of your hardest tricks up a job it's like sometimes the Bison you want to think about is trying to pop it but exact lets you figure it out it's the best feeling yeah I can so now you're 20 years old you're still a young gun who are some of the riders that you looked up to oh man I I looked up to Kazu quite a lot when I was growing on him and Macau bang were like my two favorites know what is growing so much yeah so like to come through and be here with a bit at the beddin house I kind of do not they have done and kind of doing all that stuff is crazy to me you're kind of surreal to be 20 years old and at the level that you're at right now yeah it feels surreal and my being from New Zealand not many people have done it so it definitely is it's crazy I look back and yeah what about this guy Chas gold oh man yeah this is 18 but without this girl yeah but mrs. Chas is I'm 19 years old so he's been he's alive as many US Opens as you are of age yeah that's a legend that's a show yeah we were we were almost saying this is like kind of the return of jazz golden well he has a kid you know like little rocky yeah oh so like I know there's different pressures when you're when you're trying to support a family but he's just out here like enjoying it you know we'll probably see rocky in the Junior Jam like two years I mean that must be cool right to have a kid and have your kid watching on sure Rocky's just eyes are wide like oh yeah Diddy is telling me a story that they were at the gym and he was walking out and rocky the kid looked up at the guy at the disc and he's like with a protein they're just like rocky you're cracking one-liners he fully knew that he was like giving these guys a little bit of grief I was just like back then his name is rocky says a lot about Chaz - yeah yeah sure true fighter I mean yeah Chaz was that the quintessential underdog the year he won the US Open he wasn't favored to win and that was windowless I can open that you had to go free thing go qualify his Cimiez and finals and he was doing halfpipe at the time as well exactly so he had what like five days or more of straight competition no he's from New Hampshire so when he wanted in Stratton I was like with red one the Olympics I don't think that's gonna be enough for Chaz in to stay in 13th place there you're looking at Clements mill our he's spots out of that top 10 sitting in 21st say that some slates table but if we can clean it up it's got what it takes yeah Clemmons is really really fun to watch it spent a bunch of time with them that the Aryan style and it's Brooke last winter in his hometown he showed us around it's a super nice stomping it back 12 into the switchback 12 back to fall you see a lot on those switchback twelves and your body's kind of leaning into the landing and I did the exact same thing at X Games actually came up short on the back 12 and because it's hard to see that last but exactly yeah I guess it jams your ankles more than anything but what would you use - it fell out of a three-story building on my face it's fine let's go back up and do it again Carlos what would you say is the the biggest difference you've noticed in the New Zealand snowboard team and the u.s. Snowboard scene I think well we've had like a really amazing group of like backcountry snowboarders in front of us like Nick Brown net kind and willjack ways and we've kind of learnt from those guys heaps you know and coming in through the like through a younger generation the pocket GU drone has been so much better yeah and over the time so I think that's kind of what we needed and those guys did a lot of contests as well and they kind of gave us their their bits of advice and yeah I think the main thing is being from New Zealand it's a lot harder to be noticed and a lot harder to get onto proper teams and stuff like that so it's just about like sticking with them just trying to have as much fun as you can it's hard to stand down still a long line man people come to take boys to chase the sheep I know but it was school I mean I grew up going out to New Zealand and back in the day they had snow Park which was just the training grounds for all the snowboarders now was that was our summer so everyone would go down and so were you pretty young when it snow park was going on in yeah I brought snow back for three years straight and I saw the best kid down there actually cut a lot yeah so I remember seeing him do it back back 14 on the last jump I just actually did it at Aaron Stalin really what was that this kid is insane so Yuki kid oh no got bumped on the first place by Markus evil and on Marcus's first run solids he wants to get back into that first run for 450 out so it looks like he's going similar to his first run there's that half 1260 right there is he gonna go back to back 16 get in the chicken salad his style you see you see a business knowledge stuff but they didn't see him do stuff like that is very like you can appreciate that a lot and he makes a frontside 5 or a frontside 10 look just as easy yes so it doesn't compromise the style as the tricks get harder yeah that's and that's hard to do you know people like so many people just they're like oh I know this this tricks gonna score well so I'm just gonna hock it and hope but right he's got that yeah he's got the right attitude well he's got like the right reasons to be snowboarding you know what he just loves it I'd say he's like oh look at that gravity was insane alright so you roast beef chicken salad I will most likely be seeing you ski in finals but I'm not talking too soon because earlier today in our women 7 final Zoey was in second place after the first runs and then by the end of the competition was one spot outside of seven that's tough man almost worse when you're one spot out that you do not want to be in 10th place so sick to see him on the burning quarry team as well seeing all the shoots they do just to watch about 20-plus riders go you just don't want to be in 10th place at this point in this event such good style on on the rails and then you see him doing their front 12 we did on the bottom last time that's a scribe what it's like being a rider on the bubble I'm sure you've been in that position the cutoff is eight you're in eighth place and you got a bunch of guys to watch what's it like well it's tough because you don't want to see any of your any of your buddies full you know you just they're trying to cheer them on and whatever happens happens you kind of just got to be like you wanted to fall a little bit but not get hurt you know I just want them to like Han dragon what if there's a US Open Championship on the line and your best friend's about to drop in or do you want them to fall ah I don't know I mean I've never tried to tell us always say no just for the BSA could you say that internally though it's just so nervous dropping in because you know it's like you're either oh it's all or nothing you know right right a lot of energy at the bottom of the course right now the kids just having a blast down there that's what I remember most from the US Open because I've probably been to the US Open more as a spectator than I have an announcer and just the energy either on the deck of the pipe or at the bottom of the slopestyle course it's unlike anything else in snowboarding really it's unbelievable all right here we got Eric Beauchemin the goofy footer he's the only one using those a double yeah it's pretty hard to finally get something sick though you call that I don't know I come in the Train train tracks train track [Music] just pick it out as we got the Euro rail so there's the cab 12 from Eric Bolshevik or that second jump Oh holds all this time frontside 1080 what is it gonna be on this final chill backside Wow the hands go up that goes what Derek Grossman wanted backside 12 rides away clean now it's up to the judges the first rail right there judges give it some credit where it's deserved backside 270 on 270 off then switch boardslide 270 off check this out switch frontside 1260 just getting it around putting it down to his feet nice and clean look it's a big trick score on that to 8.6 this right here is where you don't want the replay but still holds on so Eric bozeman putting down a good run interesting 45 lowest score it's gonna be seventy five point eight not bad at all Luke Winckelmann gets pumped out and Kyle Mack is now your new Bubble Boy is still a run to go Sebastian to taunt in ninth place is still a run to go this is getting interesting so Ryan state'll representing Team USA over in Pyeongchang just a few weeks ago currently sitting in 27th place it's not heavy - rather than a 1:1 heat kind of format like this because you got so long to wait yeah boardslide 270 so Ryan Basel coming in the jump line able to bully around I think he's just gonna kind of have fun with it now just a mellow Miller makes sense so Ryan stay so unfortunately his US Open do you have any like techniques or things that you do like when there is an hour or so in between runs like is there any like mental things that you picked up with along the way I tried to like I try to take as me less as I can in between yeah that's just another just another run you know so this like they tell you like be back by this time like how do you make sure you don't miss that run I guess I guess you kind of you have to check in a couple times but like it's funny their eyes the start is always so anxious to get you there and you always kind of know that you'll be sweet sir do you have any superstitions I'm pretty I'm pretty mellow at that stuff I try and keep it pretty pretty easy I mean like sometimes I just try and yeah just try and snowboard another day so what about visualization how important is visualization in sport like snowboarding it's kind of hard to like get away from it cuz you're like you're always thinking about tricks you know I I'm more thing like it's more and I'm like at home doing nothing yeah I say what is it what is the night before a big contest I used to be so bad I used to be a farm overnight before hanging up and you're sweet but it's yeah do you keep do you actively think about it or do you just try to put it out of your head until the following day I mean I just try to put it out in my head I try not to think that it's hard not to though especially like you're trying to fall asleep dude it's like don't think about a banana it's like you know somebody got a banana yeah Carlos says me think about bananas right now oh damn they're having a run right now folks chance had an awesome season he I'm adjust myself loose things just to go there only missed out yeah I think I still think he's had an awesome season like it's not it's not all about the Olympics you've got a lot of it you got to look at everything you know and like he did really well at Capri at their big year and just riding in general it's been sick to watch him like yeah yeah Chandler's a really talented kid he's got a long career in snowboarding that's for sure yeah this is definitely like the right step in the right direction yeah I think I want to go ride his backyard in Park City yeah I think let's set that Snow's you actually got to go out there and filmed the real snow next games real snow at his house no way yeah it's such a good time JP Walker was there really is cool man it's got a cool house mini-ramp in the garage Wow explains why he's got his own TF and he can sleep there house that wasn't even Chandler all right so Chandler hunt gonna stay in 17th place that'll be it for the youngster from Park City here at the US Open as we head back up to the top tell us what you know about Seb a debauch Carlos oh man this is a legend this kid this is a legend he's at the tallest guy in the field and he's also probably the gnarliest guy in the field yeah what is he like 6-3 6-2 I don't know like you'll see in this run exactly what surveys are back I'm super excited to watch because he has something super special for this one oh there was he on both rails there he was semi heard this wasn't coming to go here we go damn has that trick in his sleep and unfortunately not on the road number two I think three front flips and one run one for a record hole Rick batter sure would be proud Oh sad baby that sucks because he he does like different rotations like you saw in this fish run with that back row do nine yeah that's you don't see that as so inconsistent like in one of those dudes that you see riding before himself from thanks going to say that he enjoys rather than stuff that people want to see about that backside nine kind of like rodeo style is almost like more of a backcountry trip we will see that more in a video part than you do in a slope style room yeah a hundred percent which is a hard trick to do you know it's rescued too during the contest and we see like semi to risky stuff all the time which is why he's like super excited the giant - what does he eight-foot minors and he's like both of his hand it's like he smashed his hand and and breath a couple days ago and then his his other hand he broke it x-games so he's got like two busted he's got a good story going where he drew a smiley face oh yeah he's calling a mr. Potato hand he's just taking photos of it in weird places warnings for the right reasons this kid right here Nick Kaden currently filming a video part wall also on the contest circuit not easy to do not need to do if anyone can do it if this kid currently sitting in sixth place so not super comfortable in the six ball he is in the top ten as of right now we ended up you heard him at the top saying he just wants to clean it up and he does and I go 78 with Stahl a right above him at 79 who's two points away to take him down McMorris and I back his kid as well looking fresh right like he's got to go to soccer practice right he's running late throw the Brita ways often they rip the pants the brake just ran into the suckage oh that was sick yeah he's kind of like hanging off and then just he cleaned that trick up a lot from his first run and this is his own dude forty five point one sample 7.5 the kid asked for his jersey Niko's Nick Baden will stay in that spot drop it next to your buddy there exact they can Brandon the good mates us to drop right after each other in these big contests how they work that's hot split 50 cab too but Brandon also with a broken hand riding with a broken hand right now and up until this morning when I guess he went off physio he was rather just with an open seat bring his broken hand unreal do you think he was trying that the Shaw even if he was trying that someone's like you should tell the the judges okay Reaver tauf the last purpose it's set yet full switch rail rock Brandon Davis would've loved to see him Kyle Mack is still the Bubble Boy you guys want to see more of Baden and Kyle and brand and their sweet kind of episode series on shred box called me in projects oh yes probably one of the most well respected kind of edits that come out so you guys should chew it up yeah super super cool little web series they have go in there speak up whenever I see one of those come out of one all right so Brandon Davis we stay in 21st place we head back up to the top and the wait rope a Tom Terry grandpa grandpa the honey badger is hilarious why do they call him the honey badger have you seen that video no fear he's like a little look-alike Laurenti guy [Music] hates kirb is with this tape look at them uppers take a little nap and then BAM honey badger go phazon three run number 202 the elbows that's late back three off switch boardslide under flip it's heading into the dish having a run folks final jump will we see the cap 14 perfect well that was a run every single hit faults what a legend I was talking to it okay about his run last night he was saying wanted to pull out the back 12 and he ended a couple of years because he's been like doing back back 10 back 14 kind of things yeah sick to see and learn that run pretty sweet run as well yeah one of the first or one of the only riders we've seen take on that elbow without transferring over just going all the way through it I will be and um did you have the opportunity to hit this feature right here from the side yeah yeah it looks fun yeah that's really special it's it was really hard a couple first rainy days so they say what the wind was pretty tough but sick and last year they had it on the other side so it's nice to see them like mix up the sides and make it and a different every time right so just tricks favoring regular and goofy it's always been Mike one of the most creative courses of the year so I guess F also makes it super fun to come to because you know you're like you can look at this course and it's gonna take time to figure out yeah it's not something you can just be like sweet I know my rights seventy eight point one huge score rope eight on Terry yes grab tile Mac just gets knocked down to eleven but he's dropping Kyle max drop and then about five riders so he gets the last chance Wow up next we got Eric roulette sitting well outside that top ten did not have the Ronnie wanted to run one well let's happen and run number two which we call new grams I can appreciate a good all right so Eric will let him he put it down top cap on 50 52 front board link cap to $70 back to switch I'm cab on backside 360 off so good well mine definitely known more for his jumping abilities backside double course 1080 oh my goodness and again goes a little too far no put the wax on his board but it looks like it's going fast Nimbus 5000 Eric will that going for it you got to give him that unfortunately not able to put it down having fun on that last hit almost like a la Travis Rice back in the park oh yeah flipped late 180s very cool trick I was looking very promising for him here up in the rail section there's that backside double court 1080 and unfortunately on the next jump you kind of went down Oh had fun with it I just went wrong got the light backflip light one that's the thing isn't it yeah right here it was like oh wait I'm Way too far in my rotation and oh oh no somebody sent me this clip for my answer [Music] oh no xxx you climb down Oh xxx they were dead last that Becky the judges were respected that 1982 this is shot of Gregg Dhaka right there creative director reduction we have to thank for where Burton is as a company today the look the feel the fashion such a really good friends with John Mayer really ever seeing what John Mayer is wearing it's mostly because of Gregg doctors and I went to Japan with Gregg one time and like went to his hotel room everyone in Japan was like sending and things to try on it was like actually like ml all slit definitely not the run he wants here this is the US Open after all does look racial wind is picked up just a little bit Gordon yes fans had a tough one man like hey he's broken his collarbone like I think two or three times in a row it's yeah it's a pain man he's always one of the favorites out here and like for him to have like missed out on the Olympics and he's doing well I was he actually came out to Korea to cheer on the boys and I caught up with him and he was in a good space and he was like enjoying himself and very cool sometimes it's it's good to kind of resi it and like well it sounds like again it sounds like he had a surgery that made him like stronger that he once he recovers he's gonna be a better than he was before and let it heal naturally I thank him in yeah he had that surgery and he was he's hideous feeling way better after surgery way stronger sir and he's still he's in his early 20s alright so ml all Slayton will not advance to finals as we head back up top for rent arena congas this dude is so fun to watch snowboard he's currently sitting at Junior Worlds and SLE when he was maybe 15 yeah or younger yeah and we were playing foosball and he just had the biggest grin news and since then he's just been like why my favorite snowball he's such a cool of energy I saw the could do toy this year for the first time here in the team challenge he represented Rome yeah there's like this modified Knight challenge I think his first hit he just like like defying physics he doesn't go to 70 on the job just asking for it let me landed with like the prey Hannibal I wonder if it's gonna say backside 270 on the show like actually right now the trick collars like and the prey hands emoji this should throw motives and emojis would be yeah maybe just tricks just emojis here's that capsule cork 900 that's a really tricky trick to go for it when Irina congas try saying that five times fast really really cocky Vova very shy to be on camera klaudia you'll see her in finals she had an amazing second run the whole second run for the women and just raised the bar so high I think Gucci minutes to reach out to this next rider right here and have him do his music video for I get the bag you get the bag and fumble it I get the bag and flip it and tumble it pretty much what do you do it about the man he's gonna flip it tumble it that's you know what's in this bag I mean awesome once but I can tell you guys it's gonna get a tattoo of a fridge if he wins I think that's enough oh that was watch outside I mean the Lord The Legend and lore of what's in the backpack just built I've heard so many crazy things I've heard it's one smirnoff ice I've heard on your back I've heard it's full full of stuffed animals I mean that big smart you know if he falls in his back it's pretty comforting yeah I think he has some snacks in there surely it's next it would have been funny if he just you know all the riders when they show up to registration they get a Burton u.s. open backpack stuffed with all of the sponsor contributions swag it's been funny if he was rockin that says his cheek what's an idiot yeah we were saying earlier maybe it's a jetpack you know if he's coming up short he could just or if he's going too deep he rocks a parachute I was sick watching the mobster team last spring like but asking stuff because they have like such a young new crew with they do and how though like leading leading the charge and they just got a van in my crews drown here we go oh my goodness you legend the three-headed with a backpack and a fourth-place leaves gets up into the top and now Sebastian to taunt its bumped out of the top ten with still one run to go that is why the US Open is awesome because a rider like Sebastian Teuton can't get bumped out by a rider like the fridge right here Marcus Cleveland still your leader followed by you dono Chris Corning frig off bumping up into fourth Mark McMorris tall a Sawbuck repeat on Terry Nick Baden Takeru Otsuka in Eric Beauchemin currently sitting in a loose those stores are man wow that's a pretty exciting top 10 yeah yeah you look at some of the names that are not in the top dollar sure I mean Darcy sharp mind you look at Tyler Nick red Brock Crouch Tyler Nicholson man or Garrett's it's gonna be crazy really crazy I mean are we gonna see what we saw earlier this morning where the end of run number 102 it's just gonna completely shake everything I think it is I mean right now Carlos if you're you know someone like red Gerard or Kyle Mac is the pressure building for you right now are you feeling the heat yeah I mean like waiting this long to have another lap as a it's those boys have it you know they've done this many times and like it's just about snowboarding just go and snowboard you know it's like don't you don't even think about too much yeah they're young guns but they have the mentality of a veteran they've been doing this a really long time for sure and I I guess they are they're pretty innovative feel like the stuff they do and they're thinking I think they think more about that than they do about like waiting for ages and Jack I just wonder if they're watching along and I'm like wow it looks like the backpack is good luck maybe I should strap a backpack dude this kid also ripping that for the burden hillary team yeah this sweet buncher itis and it's sec to see him do well came out swinging in run one he was all the way up at the 5th place spot he goes fast now he's in ninth so he's definitely gonna want to bump up a couple spots where he got riders like red Gerard Kyle Mac Darcy sharp not in that top down cap 12 front 10 double perfect fixes the goggles and the straps no big deal then uno dos trees to the bottom landing anybody oh my god with a hole in the landing why don't you he just lost his lens he made that big he's given brach crash a run for his money yeah that might have been further that's as far as you can go I don't like insane it's got that human legs congratulations Takeru you are now one inch shorter I was out of control you just fell from the sky almost to the flats and the front end was massive as well like we're just talking like Japan is producing some absolutely unbelievable snowboarders and they're coming with the US Open there you know there was a 13 year old Japanese girl that made the finals today in slope style yeah this kids 16 it's just it's absolutely mental how could these kids are yeah they're really good and I personally think they have amazing style yeah they're always just so tight I think first week in Vail Colorado then he just puts his arms up in victory that is like it's just a Spartan 81 point three in it does bumps up to third place my well deserved that's committed you know a lot of like a lot of times we're saying when you know you're going too far you open up and you see it you just commit to like sitting in the back seat but it was like I'm not taking no for an answer on that four point eight earthquake all right now we got Kyle Mack who got bumped out of the top ten he currently is sitting in 12th place now Carlos if you're Kyle do you put it all on the line or do you just put down a run that you're pretty sure you can land to get you in the top ten not today like if you like the level of ridings pretty today so I don't think I don't think Kyle's got got a safety round you go because personality his personality is azolla Niall Mack truck front 50/50 back one judges love that trick remember on the trip square oh did that falls out at sea seventy style points we fold with the hopping what Kyle back in you dealing with mocking skin and all the boys and it was such a good time man oh that trick doesn't even look like he's trying it it just said it nowhere that's a hard trick to land man but yeah if you grab Scion on the back 12 the last like 540's I'm completely blind yeah this is a sweet one as well you don't see anyone that is an upset right there for sure Kyle unbelievable showing from Kyle Mac though in Carlos you called it you can't hold back at that point I think I think hit Kyle's trick selection as well as like pretty unique and so it's not some like not easy stuff to do you know it's like you're putting stuff out there as you don't see before well they you don't see often you know so yeah that's also plays a big part of that like watch this the whole thing's switchback 9 there but you went all out yeah switch shocked well that's what he knows it's what he wants to put down let us use it Olympic silver medalist just one of the most die-hard snowboarders there is really as dedicated his life to it and he's won the US Open before yeah two years ago two years ago and again that was like his big introduction to professionals launched so many careers and solidified this kid won the Junior Jam yeah he's been he's been out filming with the Absinthe as well that was pretty sweet fortunately coming off that burst rail yeah I think I always think it's really cool when you know kids like Judd and some of the contest kids get into that filming rail right at some point you were saying you know New Zealand's pretty so many good backcountry riders do you see yourself kind of start to tiptoe into that territory is the show on the show I'm actually lesson learned the trip to to Oslo and then to Austria I took to go and start filming a full part so very cool going out there with Marcus I don't build up folk stuff I'm actually gonna link up with Alec Austria and we stick the ride with them and and check out some stuff very cool yeah awesome and it's nice to have a change of pace you know it's been a crazy year with the Olympics well and my car yeah it'd be nice to just completely switch it up and go film and have fun with those guys what is something different what's the difference in mentality for you know starting a season heading into the contest circuit as opposed to going into a season filming a video part well I don't know I I've never filmed a video far this is gonna be my first full part yeah but I think the main differences a contest you have a deadline that it's done you know you're done then you're on to the next one where is it when you're filming apart you almost counts for a lot more it's gonna be there forever you know so it's like you got to kind of plan out your season according to like a trick that you want to learn into a contest that you're gonna do so I think it's it's special in a different way but I think it's it's gonna be super fun I honestly I can't wait up almost like a short contest a little more short term let's get through these five days let's try to win yeah video parts a little bit more long-term to daunt holy moley and 11 plays right now kind of freaking out sorry I just kind of went like full shock right now I'm super nervous you know wasn't happen toots hey that check is nolle because that gap from from the middle rail off to the lake yeah pretty big man I was hoping to see him in the finals so Kyle Mack in Sebastian to taunt your Olympic silver in gold medalist and big air unfortunately not qualifying for the finals right now Eric Beauchemin still sitting Wow how else do we have to go are you with your Eric punishment that is a very pretty emotional you're probably pretty comfortable because he's just one of those kids he's very chill you should pretty chill he's just having a good time but you know red Gerard still left to go rock Crouch crouch or key or burger or Gare Darcy sent me that video clip put it on hashtag burped US Open let's go viral all right up to the top early a 25th place for the first score 36.1 Brack given mad respect tech guru now if you remember Brock Crouch did exactly what we just witnessed talker ado sent it all the way to the bottom of the landing on a triple cork he's got his girlfriend out here too so he's really trying to impress her Brock does yeah very cool little added inspiration there taste a wagon that 50/50 boardslide pretzel out well brick [Music] he's got good style this gets this good reps he really does so another shocker there Brock Crouch not up in that top ten one of the best parts about Brock is if you know he's always having a really good time with a snowboard yeah hey he doesn't stop that's the show and since he's been 5 years old yeah I remember riding with him mammoths and just being like wow this kid before I met him I watched like a video of him when he was like maybe eight or nine that got hurt and Mike I was like yeah this little brother couldn't even really walk but he's just ripping out like that what do you up to you right it's all so funny I was hanging out at the Burton house yesterday just the amount of candy that you guys consume fruit roll-up that's great that's written broadly later brach which is I go rushers we went around we had to go like walk out the village to find candy strips not to mention whole time actually it was just read great just drop dead a little too much candy or Chipotle Chipotle came right up read has a card where he can go into Chipotle with whoever he wants to get whatever he wants for free yeah he just became my best friend yeah Wow Tyler Nicholson final chance to bump himself up into that top ten that's a so far so good frontside 270 on that second rail island 50/50 back rodeo off switch here I think this is gonna be the favorite person to watch land comes down so bolts me just bow my god switch back 12 poops it down saves it yeah it's a sick run you don't see me like you tail yeah well you don't see camp into switchback twelve that's a hot reminds me of Stalin where he's like so adaptable in his snowboarding yep when the majority of the slopestyle contingency went like triple court and crazy yeah Tyler was like you know what I'm just gonna do for teens I've been doing that Wow yeah that's more style to that yeah it's so it's cool just adds a little bit of diversity to the show to the snowboarding it's nice to see like different stuff and generally you see a lot of the same tricks happening and people obviously add their own flair to out of different ways but you're nice to see a completely different way of doing things and a pilot does it really well so it's you know it seems to wash and those flat spins to like once you get up into the 1440 range to like come around and be able to just have the control to just stomp it you know like when you come around from a double triple cork you come around and that's like the natural way yeah now you're just trying to stop so much force and momentum yeah I really got to be in the gym working on those side plank sir let's call them huge tricks girl this is looking good for a trick score I love 78 oh my 78 will only put him in 9th place gets bumped down to top 10 and now Nick Baden is sitting on the bubble you don't see semifinals going down there for like an hour you don't see semifinals where there's so much drama there been so many lead changes and changes to that top 10 since we started and so it's such a funny thing to watch like people a lot of time less shimmies and just go straight to finals but yep you see only teachers of the crew ride and it's so sorry sometimes the most exciting events here we got to see sorry Hiroaki coup d'etat case if you drop it you know it just got to the point now where there's so many good riders there's 32 people that have a chance to make the finals where before you eat up 32 riders you pretty much knew your top ten is good for sure I saw this kid riding in New Zealand actually at katana oh hey he's pretty psycho man he's good he's got some tricks that's for sure yeah you all the time you must be privy to like a lot of really good morning early in the season because riders go to New Zealand Australia the show a lot of times hit your tips and stuff like that okay oh [Music] wow that's the thing this kid has fronted back dribble find about you a 14-2 Mikey yeah as you said there's like a lot of people that come down to New Zealand when it's summer over here and for us that's cool because we get to continue snowboarding and for them it's called this thank you they get to come down and guess who's yelling it sounds very different from here you know they like practice their new tricks there get them dial set the state and then unveil them yeah when the Japanese especially like you see those guys just like I saw it here oh do cab nine front end back 12 on the windiest day of the season at like 9:30 in the morning what it takes so this kid is like he's really good but yeah Zealand's cool and it's nice because you've got a good litter box nobody lives you walk 30 minutes from the top of the left in your bases in the helicopter game out there yeah the Hallyu la Bourdonnais since we had a really good day out there with Simon and jayjay Rea with those who took my best mates survival tour gars best dude this dude is one of those riders where who could finish in 25th or he could finish in first or second like he still was just there's no middle ground you know he goes all out and if he puts his run down it's the best run you'll see all day and that's what I love about this snowboarding he does not hold back ever and he's always having fun when he's strapped in I just may tell the whole place as well that's pretty sweet he did go yeah he just got back right there on the first of three jumps everybody saves it give it to him I'll give it to him back to back I would say if it weren't for that hand guard hand drug I could see him at the top to me I see what the judge is up to say the top ten is pretty stacked right now it's hard to break into he's been riding with actually he did what exactly what I did in Korea and at the Olympics and he just kind of strapped it up and carried on so he's kind of been and then he also heard his shoulder and his elbow before that so he's kind of been riding with a couple negly little injuries but I guess he's just like he doesn't really care he just goes yes like those Norwegians man they're just like Vikings they just have that Viking blood and you better look out yep snowboarding you see like in Korea they found like this little mountain which hardly any of us knew about we just see all the only accrue that's going up and riding and fun I thought that was very sweet it's a torque you're coming to it could be sixty eight point seven or not please I mean that just goes to show we've been talking about it every single feature you got to land it perfectly so we're gonna head back up to the top what do you think of this kid skateboard dude he's from Maui so I mean his dad's actually a professional big wave surf and his mom's a professional website yes yeah that's like a pretty legendary dude yes he's he's yelling and he was like one of the best kind of massive big wave surfers yeah like a modern-day Johnny tsunami anything go big or go home run right now final hit backside triple he's been training all week as a alternate so like he didn't even know he got in until this morning I actually was an alternate I saw yesterday we randomly walked in the village I was like oh I'm actually going right now to find out if I'm even in like as an alternate that's how the S goes to show how many riders there are at these days yeah at this level insane and he's like he's been riding really well he just came off a win a trip to her in Park City and that's it there's a hard contest to win but he was a contender for the u.s. Olympic yeah yeah it was he was traveling around to another world World Cups and I mean yeah it's crazy to see it and he took your spot actually yeah he did I was just like trying to find him on the start list and no that's that's your name no it's good man like I'm sorry that he got to take you got to ride yeah it's nice to see your buddy ride take you out for a nice burger and maybe some lots of uses to be yes yeah it's nice that he got to got to show everyone very selfless of you all right so dropping next sitting in fourth place very comfortably pretty sure you're gonna see him in finals we've got Chris Horning first run score of eighty one point one point on this morning what music you listening to when you ride me yeah I kind of keep it about the vanilla I've got like a indeed I think Chris lessons like heavy metal surely no way you can picture that or or just polar opposite and yet just in the zone boys listen to ya stepping up Oh Chris pointers for learning fences holy cowabunga looking to improve his current 81 I've heard stories about Chris Corning to where like he'll take some of the gnarliest slams you've ever seen get right back up and just get shuttled back to the top of the jump triangle he's like first thing to strap in his last dude to leave the hill yeah that was a really impressive run is it going to be better than his first run score of 81 point one tommy's curly at fourth all he really needs is a point to jump up and at this point you know any improvement from fourth place is only gonna help him out because they drop the riders in reverse order from which they qualify for the finals so the later you can drop better advantage and do have so 45.8 that is a massive trick score out of 60 82 so he does improve into second place he didn't bump though he still he just bumped up his position so he's still got this yeah still same piss on the bubble right nicholas baden is I really want to see him ride finals say he's such an exciting day to watch and got such good good style Perot currently sitting in 16th place he can bumped bump Nick baby out of that top 10 it's gonna be there's only two more riders that can fall come out red and Darcy red and Darcy aftermath Oh max isn't sixties and 16th he got bumped out heading into run - he was in the top ten he's got to land this just like taking a little bit safe up top this is where max on shines here frontside double cork 1080 from max Perot into the backside double cork 12 and even leave the earth uses land of that so perfectly baton say that's great well that was a shocker it was down for it one of the riders we could almost definitely want to put money on to make the finals all right so max Perot will remain in 16th place and now we only have two riders remaining to drop that can shake on this top tap Darcy sharp and red Gerrard the drama bills so who would that take out Nick Baden and Tyler Nicholson so that means roping see nice every stuck up The Cramps grabs his hand I gotta give a shout-out to my fondo as well but for Hondo I want to see him out here next time and he's mr. Dongo funny wet man make the trip out I saw him in LA at Aaron Stein yeah it looked like he was having a good time oh yeah for tapioca balls a day for that kid he loves those things and he's got this he's always got his little Yashica have you seen his book why did she do I get on the copy today yeah I need him check it out very cool yeah hey as Co to say like I'm something from behind the scenes because I think it's a pretty genuine you know yeah let's go alright so there's max Perot you will not see him in the finals we're gonna head back up to the top five riders left to drop two of which are not in the top ten this is one here we go or C sharp coming out of that Darcy took a bit of a scary ball there and run one kind of copped the support and one of those fences after kind of sliding off the course but he looks like he's all good fresh off an Aaron style street style victory last weekend in Los Angeles come on Darcy can he put it down 57 yeah that's a boardslide pretzel looking good so far off the top section so coming in switch look at how far all riders ready takes off from that jelly puts it down perfect coming off the toes but ten knows about it just gets it far enough final hit oh just a little too big it almost looked like he was going for a backrub fourteen triple just kind of decided to pull the ripcord it's also that jumps also hard to judge because you got the side hits either side and you've got this huge table in the middle so you can't see how big you're going until you're like halfway through the trick just terrified it's a little bit of a blind landing there yeah yeah for sure you'll see it I'm on the replay you see this huge table after the jump that's just the parking lot of Vail basically it's not Erik will let put that back foot that he'd Chuck so thanks for coming open the door to the shuttle so will it be enough for Darcy sharp with that revert on the final kicker ago is Lee I don't think so think so unfortunately look at this style on that front tent off the toes get you knows you don't see a lot of people doing front tens off the toes let alone with throwing nose to toes never start a rap sharp unfortunately so now only one more rider that could shake you're crazy man this has been one of the craziest qualities of crazy to watch all the boys just dude finals runs to qualify she's currently sitting in seventh place there's only one rider that can shake up the top ten and Nick Baden is currently sitting on the bubble so let's see if stall a has fun with it and is just kind of content with his seventh place finish making finals or if he's gonna try to climb that leaderboard later it's so much style that first rail cap to 70 on 270 off then boardslide to 70 flawless not quite enough but you know what all new this is the run Scott lease on that will stay in seventh place and you will see him in the finals so now three more riders left to go and this next rider reg are ours is the only rider currently not in the top ten in our next three rider so big moments coming up here at the Burton US Open snowboarding championships look at how much speed they're scrubbing in between the rails and the jump still going so fast this course is really speeding up it's getting a little chillier out there the sun's starting to go down yeah that's making it a lot faster for these guys out here there's that boardslide 270 out and here you see that front side 12 almost look like you wanted to go 14 I think that's what he wanted yeah it's hot man like so he was going for it he wanted me to not yeah he's raping this leaderboard as well it's cool to say yeah he's got his new pro model yeah yeah okay one get their get their current and they get what I think it's cause it represents know what in lots they represent so I was at different ways but all like really probably I think absolutely okay here this is it the last rider that could shake up the top on Reggie he had himself quite a good showing at the Olympics yeah taking home a gold medal and Snape style this is red Gerard come on buddy so much pressure on this run let's see if he can handle it read your arse he's got the squat oh yeah look at that it's always nice they're all looking I'm like to sear them dude you got this boardslide a switch frontside boardslide back to regular backside 270 my going fuge again this time waves is looking good coming in regular back side triple hole together down to this red your arm [Music] professional creativity amplitude [Music] imagine handling the pressure that was on him right there and unfortunately his buddy Nick Baden most likely will be kicked off with a bubble spot their base it's going to be P yeah once friends that when it is no longer not no sharing my candy with you know a slide pretzel out with a grab you could see it in his riding here he was really really paying attention to every single detail at sick that he's hitting both quarter pipe features as well because it's a you don't see me people hitting that and it's hot to do you know I like well then you take you know the contrast in his tricks election he does an inverted cap 5 into a backside triple cork 1440 that's it's blending old and new yeah but she looks like why it's so wise beyond his years I made that the only weight part of his run was that one not the weak but the lowest pot was that came out in the flap and he's still got room to move on 69 3 Wow ok so some enough to get him up into that top 10 read your ideas we unfortunately not making the finals here at the US Open okay and not see him in the Big Show on Saturday Nick Baden is safe their feet that's it just goes to show how that's crazy yeah that definitely retract my statement so now it's the other way around are we so sick to see pay that man like oh it did reps I can't wait to watch your eyes I mean I really it's a win-win like it the bummer read didn't make it the backside triple and his run I landed everything you got 20 Sparky and six not a place he likes to be it definitely likes to win whether it's practice Sammy's finals well and he's got winning in his blood he's strategic he's doing this he won big he wants to qualify first so he could drop why exactly does he has a good switchback twelve on them lands it so clean double syllable grab double double in the back triple India Wow huge that was beautiful that was perfect it wasn't like a single flail or anything looks like he took it a little bit of nyquil passed out just let his body do the work woke up at the bottoms qualify for finals yeah he's just so fun to watch snowboard and you know what he's been through in the last two years yeah I was talking about yesterday remarkable to say the least uh nebari Mark McMorris of all I mean honestly though that's what I said to him I'm like you know what I know you wanted to win the Olympics but the fact that you're even snowboarding that's all that matters and he was so grateful he's saying the same thing and he's just happy to be alive he represents snowboarding well he loves riding his snowboard which is one source that good to the most important thing you just going like a random day with this kid and he just blows your mind with just like the mini the mini park everywhere he just that I would say the clip he just posted from there yeah oh yeah that's real he needs to represent that kit yeah right he said if you say I say the cup that was get huge baggy pants unzip jacket 83 points your new leader takes down Marcus Cleveland who is still set to drop Wow to the very last Rider yeah yeah I know Marcus also likes to to win so I was gonna say you were saying you'd love to see a run for the people and yeah before mark score came in I was like well he might see ya Marsh Marcus qualifies at first maybe we will see rub for the people but I think he's gonna try to clean up his first run and now bump Mark McMorris who's your new leader off that top spot oh my god we got soaking about the gimbal God followed I'm Holly that's how it just ain't a completely different run it's chillin that's sick he's cool one second yeah we just slaughtered the top section any officials taking along news on this tale you will see this run that's sick I respect that hey got to life he's in finest you know he could just take a ride no exact way just just just have fun with it you know because he's I wasn't easy I want to see that follow cam footage of that first real trip yeah do we have that like that lot yeah we gotta get get bored alive camera check this out looks like it comes out of nowhere pretzel out fastest which yeah that's gonna go viral million views on that five morning on his Instagram account like Danny Davis from the pot yeah I ever see the same run twice you know yeah there it is slopestyle semi-finals has come to a rap your top ten is set what a day for snowboarding right right there the level is so incredibly high and it's only getting higher folks because finals coming up on Friday let's hope we get the same whether I mean today was just perfect and here's a look at your vinyl result and how about Mark McMorris coming through in the clutch again not surprised this is his event Marcus Burton boy Chris Corning a third you dono followed by to Cairo Otsuka Dorf Stolley sawn back repeat on Terry Tyler Nicholson so right there that top towel is a really good list of veterans and newcomers you got Mark McMorris Marcus Cleveland you don't know you're used to seeing them there but like it took heroin suka bridge optician door like to see I'm so dizzy fridge right yeah what's new in finals was that the highest level of riding that he has going pace I think he's got a couple other gears another backpack backpack just keeps getting bigger where's the Avalanche airbag Moe's got a baby in the first day the US Open both the women this morning in the mid this afternoon those to me were finals I don't even know what's gonna happen I mean it's gonna be insane and you know what Carlos it's really a huge bummer that you weren't out there but we really appreciate it haven't you in here with all the inside and all the stories and everything so now site you're going the shots I mean I think you got a future in this too man you do not you know one of the big talking points three riders you're not gonna see in the finals Sebastian to taunt macro max Perot and read your art and read your art which we're going to talk about in a second those three specifically absolutely insane usually you used to see in those dudes in the finals but yeah red coming in 20th place after landing a run so let's let's check out the fall here we go this is Sebastian - Tom unfortunately not a put-down going down on the first rail and said is one of those riders that thrives under pressure he's so good at landing one in towns here is Kyle back unfortunately not quite able to put it down on this switch backside and then of course backs off going for that frontside double cord Teddy puts that down but this is where he fails to make it into the finals on this third and final jump right here he is going for that cab to put it down so you won't see those three in the finals but you will see a couple surprises in the finals another rider you will not see in the finals Redmond Girard read Girard fresh story of setting up an Olympic gold I thought he had it I thought the run was great yeah I think I would actually love to see it if you guys gonna hear it talks to his run yes here we go I really want to see his run right here let's see why he ended up in 20th solemn let's bring this rug down here backside 270 didn't really you know connect with the whole rail up try to I'm really trying to figure out me it's just a little bit of a mellow trick maybe that I may be the chilling that wanted to see more it might have been that that it's a tough one because you you have to trade off like a gnarly trick on the first shop like straight over or something mellow oh that's on the side I think that's a tough one because the side hits should be rewarded for but then again if you're just doing the mellow Trek when someone's throwing something crazy on the first jump then it's that's a tough a tough balance you know yeah I mean that's a sign of the times and we saw it in there do the cab double nine off that so I don't know maybe they were just looking for something a little so what does that mean to finals now do you think because some of these other guys now that we're just watching that they're gonna be like whoa the charges aren't scoring the side hits as much so maybe that changes the way that these guys absolutely if you're a rider that's in that top ten you kind of have to look at reds run and how a couple other riders even Nick Baden who approached it from the sides ended up in tenth but I think you have to factor that in the equation and say maybe they're scoring straight over more than hitting from the side yeah I think it's the like obviously the idea would be to do something nollie on the side hit yeah what you would do on the jump to do on the side here and then you're golden background I mean it's it's finding that balance you know that's exciting that's why this course is so second that's why it's so awesome to watch absolutely yeah but I mean the top three Mark McMorris Marcus Cleveland Chris Corning you're used to seeing those dudes in the top three they had more traditional runs let's have a look at those runs right now this is Chris Corning starting things off with a backside 270 on 270 out and then switch boardslide 250 feet on the backside agrees a really technical rail tricks from Chris Cornett backside rodeo off that pole Jim they see the switch backside 900 so he's got room to move this well you know who do a bow because that's a switchback 12 absolutely and then here it is the moneymaker backside triple cork 14:40 roof press Corning that was good enough for an eighty two point two five that is why he qualified in third now this was marked as Cleveland's first run score of eighty two point three and first the whole way until the second last run I want to see that fish rail and his brothers oh yeah yeah from a sick note yeah so where we thought it was over for him in that boom he just switched back ten stops clean yet like we were talking about - these are these guys were hitting two jumps straight end over end they're not coming from the sides top three what so yeah the top three so I really think these riders are gonna have to evaluate how they approach this course anybody feel about that maybe that's the discussion that they need tip with the judges as well because I'm why yeah why even build those why have them in there people are gonna take a risk in the show you need to source and all the creativity that it has and then but of course the story of the day mister Mark McMorris the most dominant male slope style style rider alive right now coming in in the clutch the second-to-last rider to drop he went from being in the top ten to qualifying in the first place let's take a look at his run right here that this is this is classic Mark McMorris like heath medications his best when its feet hurt to the buyers what year is it is it 2015 16 17 yeah it's Patrick was so smooth to switch back to 70 to switch it's gorgeous coming in switch here so much style switch back 12 perfect he makes it look so switch back nine yes so much control so much behind-the-scenes goes into what Mark is throwing is that front side spin yet until you see the small bow you don't know he's grabbing twice exactly and from this fish run he switched up the grab on this back how much harder is it to do a back triple india than it is mute alright it's way harder like it even with back 10 i find i struggling gravity yeah because you have to spend one rate and then you have to go back to grab that's why you see so many people grab mute because it's just like it's just right there you know yeah I think like believe we saw Billy Morgan do the back triple with nose and in the front 14 with the muted toe and I think there was that looked awesome and then you see we're starting to see these like Nalia tricks with bitter grabs and I think that's the best way to support him kid right now one of my highlights of the day there was Taku going just all the way into the parking lot two three oh boy I think he was surprised that he landed his arms feel that long as soon as he hit still going up as he passes over the knuckle yeah the fact that his goggle lens popped out are you kidding me to have the wherewithal do you know how hard it is like if I was wearing those goggles and was shaking my head around jumping off like you know hardest knock lenses out of goggles I've never seen it when someone hasn't fallen it's been 50 feet in the air yeah that was absolutely incredible you must work out that kids a beast he got a call out from Brock crouch before Brock dropped you know the record for longest distance to attacker a drop so yeah we should make it we should make an award for that like longest distance of the last farthest distance biggest freefall you get it you get a mug heaviest attack I know we should be giving out all these like side Awards there's so many amazing things that happen I mean yeah aside the traditional slopestyle runs like all the other things that that were witnessing from here it's just incredible what's awesome is as the years go on and people talk more and more about what Takeru did it's gonna go from he was 20 feet up he was 30 feet up he fell 70 feet it's just gonna like build and build a bill that's like the US Open Legend and Laura that other contests don't really produce a show I don't know if it's a healthy going very true if I said it wasn't pretty amazing to watch like the old days Evel Knievel you know they would just go as far as they can we don't really have that it's nowhere there's no long jump and snowboarding yeah that would be kind of fun there used to be like more quarter pipe competitions you know like hi is there just get a freaking long jump whoever jumps the farthest speaking of jumping the farthest well not really but tomorrow half pipe people are gonna be jumping high far we've been spinning I'm really excited that's incredible the weather is gonna be much like it was today which for a pipe semifinal there's been like the craziest battle for first place to last like five contests the most insane style like their kid is unbelievable and same with Scotty doing the switch back 12 and the switch back 12 one run run that's uh like my boy and that's the most exciting clips yes this looks like last year Pat burger that's your URI yeah yeah last year was one for the ages and this year's shaping up to be the same I mean the level of riding was unbelievable and now looking at the home looking at our scary Scotty James Hirano even Jake yeah absolutely destroyed since last year I mean obviously I would give the Olympics a little bit of credit because it seems like every four years the level of riding just keeps going up up and up and I would say watching that competition was one of the highest level levels of riding I've ever seen and now Compton to the most prestigious event that the open is it's the last event of the season I think tomorrow's gonna be and then in the women's field you're gonna have Chloe Kim Kelly Clark Arielle gold I mean it's the best of the best and that's what the US Open is all about and Kelly Clark not making the podium at her fifth Olympics well I want to especially thank Carlos Garcia Knight my man yeah thank you all for tuning in make sure you tune in same time tomorrow for men's and women's halfpipe semifinals here in Vail Colorado at the burton US Open snowboarding championships [Music] yeah thanks Carlos there works guys thanks dad that's fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we went to Thailand Afton mile control and we hit the abandoned one Highland Afton Alps while control baby Highland Hills Afton Alps abandon rope tow zone wild troll loggin island afternoon bus feel good old wild troll login highly afternoon laughing Buck Hill buck buck Hills throwing a wild wild wild wild now get all control look at this piece of the rope tow rope tow rope told another rope tow rope tow speaking of rope tows a rope tow rope chokes let go rope tow there's one [Music] oh yeah how sick was that so much you
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 768,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, red bull snowboarding, snowboarding, snowboard, snowboarders, travis rice, marcus kleveland, anna gasser, gopro, go pro videos, live, youtube live, live streams, burton, nitro, nitro snowboards, x games, x games 2018, burton snowboards, united states, colorado
Id: 1z4LMq8d7DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 50sec (10850 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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