r/Entitledparents “ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 46"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom calls the cops on me for trespassing on my own land cast we've got me we've got the typical entitled mom we've got frank unlucky neighbor the owner of entitled mom's house and the father of entitled mom's baby daddy grandfather an 83 year old farmer who takes no crap and cops one two and three backstory for most of my life i was raised by my grandfather nothing was wrong with my family life or anything just a few sets of circumstances that's a whole other story in itself we live in a suburban area surrounded by woods and he owns about 10 acres into the woods with the boundaries clearly marked by stone walls one of these stone walls separated my grandfather's land from a cul-de-sac and up until now we have had zero problems with any of them in fact my grandfather was usually more than happy to give permission to neighbors who politely asked him to use his land given they had a good reason one of these neighbors had asked my grandfather if he could dump the sticks and leaves in his yard over the stone wall my grandfather agreed as he rarely uses that part of the property anyway this will be important later my grandfather is very healthy for his age and still strong as an ox that being said he has a few minor health issues including vertigo spells so i've been trying to help him around the yard more and more as well as just stay active outside away from the crowds with this thing going around recently i've started the project of cleaning up the underbrush around the wooded area a large pine had fallen a few months before and almost hit one of the porches in the cul-de-sac my grandfather cut up the tree and removed the pieces in the neighbor's yard but it was too deep into the woods to pull them out with a tractor this led to me going back to that pine tree and trying to clear a path back to the house from there i was behind the stone wall cutting and pulling up saplings when i hear the glass door of the cul-de-sac house open and an angry lady storming out onto the porch in a bathrobe she was much younger than a typical karen i would say mid-20s entitled mom what are you doing here you can't be here me um why not because you're trespassing you think you can just hang out in the woods behind my house with my kids inside get out of here before i call the cops at this point i'm just looking at her trying to figure out what to say i mean i get it it can be a little weird seeing someone in the woods behind your house if you haven't seen them before me ma'am i'm sorry if i scared you but my family owns this part of the woods i'm just cleaning up back here remember me and my grandfather were back here a few months back to take care of that tree that fell down i just need a clear path so we can get it out of here at this point i thought it was purely a misunderstanding entitled mom don't be ridiculous those were laborers my boyfriend's dad hired you don't own the land my boyfriend's dad owns all this gestures with her hand now i'll tell you one more time to get out before i call the cops now i'm thinking i might be dealing with a genuine idiot as outside our property boundaries the woods are owned by the town water plant and don't have public access but i'm also taken aback that she referred to us as laborers me guess you're going to have to call the cops then because i ain't moving i don't care what you your boyfriend or your boyfriend's dad says i shrug as i lean back against the wall and pull out my phone to call my grandfather to tell him where i was he tells me he'll be there in a few minutes and to hang tight she then dramatically proceeds to call 9-1-1 and tell them there's a shady individual on her property refusing to leave and she's afraid for her life i start getting nervous at this point even though all i have on me is a hooked branch cutter so i call up the police non-emergency number briefly explain the situation as just a land dispute that got out of hand and that i am unarmed and waiting on my own property and that i have never left my own property he assured me that it would be settled when the officers arrived which didn't help my nerves just then i hear my grandfather pull up and see him walking through the yard towards us entitled mom what stay back you can't come in my yard grandfather growls keep your mouth shut you dumb broad he growled as he walked over to me and climbed over the wall so he was on my side grandfather now who the heck do you think you are and why are you yelling at my granddaughter entitled mom my boyfriend's dad owns all of this and both of you are going to get arrested for trespassing my grandfather let out a dramatic indignant laugh oh did he tell you that well you're in for quite the shock and your boyfriend's dad is in for quite the talk after them yelling back and forth for a few minutes two cop cars pull up and three officers come walking into the yard as soon as they do she starts screaming again about how we have no right to be in the woods behind her house where we can see her family inside cop one looks to grandfather sir do you own this property behind this wall grandfather yes sir i do pulls out his wallet to show his address cop one eyeing the license sir this address is for down the street me correct but if you look on google maps it shows the property boundaries of that address reach out through the woods and end at this wall i hand in my phone which already has google maps open showing our exact location within the boundary of the property cop2 yup she's right so what were you all doing back here if you don't mind me asking we explained the situation of the tree and how we were working to remove the remnants meanwhile the other officer was taking a statement from entitled mom grandfather i know the owner of this house he's a good guy i gave him permission to dump his leaves and stuff behind the wall but i've never seen her before so i don't know where she got those crazy ideas but i'm definitely going to have a talk with frank when he gets home cop one she already called him up and he's on his way do you mind sticking around for a little until he gets here grandfather sure we got nothing to do the cops walked us to my grandfather's truck where we waited around 10 minutes for frank to pull in when he did he immediately walked over to the truck frank what's going on someone was hiding out in the woods are you okay did you see him to clarify we have had an issue in the past with people running from cops and hiding in our woods it took a second for us to realize he thought that maybe entitled mom saw one and we came to chase him out me not exactly at this point two cops are around us again but being two old guys who obviously pose zero thread they're noticeably relaxed and kind of let them talk it out frank explains that entitled mom is his granddaughter's mother and his son had made some mistakes and currently both were staying with him while they tried to find a place of their own he thinks maybe his son told some lies to make him look better grandfather well i hate to say it but your son made some big mistakes she's crazy frank oh you have no idea the other cop is still talking to entitled mom who won't stop screaming about not wanting us being able to see into the living room especially my grandfather a creepy old man my blood is boiling at this point my grandpa is the type of person who would gladly throw his life away to save a kid even as strangers frank heard this too and ordered entitled mom inside at once he told the cops he needed to have a talk with both her and his son about their living situation but they might want to remain nearby in case she tries to call again for whatever reason me and my grandfather are given the clear to go but leave our contact information found out later that week that entitled mom was getting evicted for a number of reasons with this little incident being the last straw he's also filing for custody of his granddaughter because entitled mom refuses to get a job yet still has money for things she doesn't need yet keeps asking frank for money to take care of his granddaughter i really feel bad for her in this situation but i have no sympathy for entitled mom whatsoever entitlement at its best employees lose their entire career over three thousand dollars worth of jewelry without disclosing too much information i work at a store franchise as a cashier among other small jobs around the store i open the store relatively often or at least work early in the morning we also hired a cleaning company to clean the store with their industrial equipment and they are also employed by a few other large franchises to clean to avoid doing it in front of customers they come in in the middle of the night and have their own key and alarm code to enter to kind of stage this story i should talk about a smaller incident that happened a day before the main incident happened a co-worker and i were talking about how all the jewelry in our display had sold about three thousand dollars worth and we were wondering who had bought that much jewelry turns out our store cleaners were caught on camera stealing the jewelry in the middle of the night at least three thousand dollars worth on top of that we realized they have been stealing for years so now there are years worth of camera footage to look through to calculate how much they actually ended up stealing as my company is suing them i'm assuming it adds up to more than five thousand dollars worth of product they will also be going to jail for theft over five thousand dollars also of course our company informed their other employers so it is more than likely they have lost all their contracts and who knows if they were stealing from them as well personally i don't think that amount of jewelry is worth your entire career and income but what is done is done and now they have to face the consequences of their actions it's unfortunate because i have met and spoke to them on multiple occasions so i know them quite well i never imagined they were capable of doing something like that do you think those employees should be forgiven and given another chance or do you think they should go to jail please leave a comment letting me know i don't work here i just want to play warhammer this happened about a year and a half ago i just started playing warhammer painted up a nice little army and met with my friend bob at my local store to play a round or two besides the store manager tina all names changed because of reasons bob and i were the only people at the store we set up the table for our game had some banter all was good tina needed to get something from the back room so she would leave us alone for a minute she knew bob and me because we were regulars and everyone here knows each other on a first name basis while we kept preparing our game it was shortly after tina disappeared that she would come in i will call her susan because karen is overused and she didn't look like a typical karen and she came straight for bob and me we didn't pay her any attention because it would happen occasionally that curious people would watch others play while waiting for service the following conversation will be paraphrased from memory she then started in this annoyed tone excuse me shouldn't you be servicing customers instead of playing games i look at her ma'am i don't work here but somebody will be there for you in a minute susan yes why would you be here at this time it was somewhat midday on a work day if you don't work here hearing the commotion tina comes back and asks susan what she needs help with susan you can't help me girl get your manager i want this rude idiot pointing at me fired tina has already had enough of this ma'am i am the manager of this store and i do not approve of you harassing my customers calm down and tell me what you need or leave my store immediately susan now with her full attention on tina and poking her with a finger how dare you and that's all she brought out before tina grabs her wrist put her in a police hold and tells her now listen to me i don't care who you think you are but neither will i tolerate you harassing me or my customers nor are you allowed to touch me you are banned from my store and if i ever see you in here again i will call the police bob would you open the door please after bob opened the door susan was escorted out and we all had a short moment of head shaking before going back to what we were doing have you ever played any games like warhammer or dungeons and dragons if so what were they please leave a comment letting me know mistaken for a cashier at the local wally world cast we've got me a ptsd veteran we've got karen we've got assistant store manager and we've got nice police officer anyways i was at the local friendly neighborhood wally world with my service dog sister nephews and cousin we were doing a little bit of shopping we were going around the store for what seemed like hours my service dog was getting a little restless and needed to go potty so i told my sister and cousin that i was going to take service dog to go potty and let him get some water and a nibble after that we would be up front when we were done then we left to go take care of business we were outside a good 30 minutes then we go back inside after i cleaned up as soon as we walked back inside a woman who looked like a certain character from snow white walks up to me and service dog and said well it's about time you come back to work don't you know that mutts are not allowed in the store now tie that mud up outside and get behind the register and ring me up i have a kid at home and i need to get back to him yes that woman called my service dog a mutt first of all he is a full breed german shepherd and clearly wearing his service dog vest second i don't like being spoken to like that by anyone so i looked at karen and said i'm sorry ma'am i don't actually work here i'm a customer just like you are i she cut me off how dare you lie to me do you know who i am i could have your job just like that snap's finger me ma'am three things first i am not lying to you second no ma'am i don't know who you are and i don't care third you can have it now back off and leave me alone i don't work here now buzz off and bother someone else you jerk note i was taught you show respect for everyone that is older than you but this old lady had picked the wrong time and person to mess with i'm a veteran who suffers from ptsd hence the reason for me to have a service dog back to the story as soon as i started to yell the assistant manager comes up and asked what was the problem your employee is yelling at me and threatening me not to mention he has an attack dog that is about to bite me i want him fired that dog put down and a 95 discount now oh i will sue assistant store manager ma'am i apologize for the trouble that you experienced i'll take care of this immediately to me sir is it true what karen said me the only thing that is true about what she said is that i yelled but if you watched the cctv you would know why i don't nor have i ever work here assistant store manager sir i'm going to have to ask you to leave or i will be forced to call for the police me no need i'll do it for you gets out mobile phone and proceeds to call the police they arrive and i tell them everything two other people who witnessed this whole thing told the officer what they saw and heard one officer goes to check the cctv the officer was shocked when he comes back officer it seems to me that you are not in trouble sir you've had a bad day and you were in the right karen is placed under arrest for harassment of someone that is disabled interference of a service dog in the middle of its duties and shoplifting i was having a panic attack while this was going on and service dog was trying to get me to focus on something else like he was trained to do but karen was trying to get service dog away from me of course that only made things a lot worse than it already was i don't know what happened after that because my sister and cousin came through checkout and we left my sister asked me what was wrong and i told her just the small details because my nephews were in the car she just laughed and reminded me that sometimes i do look like i work at wally world not this time however i was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that had my unit printed on the front oh the joys of dealing with a cairn at the local wall-e world note the town where this particular wally world is located has laws against the harassment of someone with a disability and interfering with a service dog this is why karen was arrested as soon as the police arrived karen tried to get out of the store with her buggy without going through checkout that is why karen got charged with shoplifting after 30 years the cairns break me this incident happened 20 years ago i was 30 years old i have written elsewhere about my encounter with a karen and work basically telling my boss i was a junkie and was trying to rob the restaurant being called this because i have familial tremors that make my hands shake thinking i was going through withdrawals because she had seen me take my medications my boss was training me to be the general manager of the restaurant but first i had to learn all the stations the back of the house prep cook fry cook kitchen manager and now for the front of the house busboy greeter and onto server station customers did inquire about my handshaking i told them what it was but when i am focused on a task they do not shake for two weeks i served customers their orders without so much as one drop of water spilled and then on one of our most busiest days of the year they entered for cairns and were seated in my section i gave them their waters waited a bit and when i thought they had had enough time i asked if they were ready to order they said yes then as i wrote their orders they noticed my hand shaking i walked to the kitchen and i heard whispers from them did you see his hands shake ask for a martini shake it not stirred i bet the kitchen saves money on blenders as always i take a deep breath and let it go all my life i was made fun of because of my familial tremors in school kids would slap my lunch tray out of my hands and say you need to get those shaky hands under control when i would pick up my tray sometimes they would spill milk on my head but i learned to take it because being bullied had followed me all my life i came back with their salads and soups and as i walked away i heard a crash two salads were on the floor a karen shouted look what you did you spilled our salads your hands shake so much it rattled the table and knocked our food off of the table you should be on disability you are a danger to yourself and others i took a deep breath i told them i couldn't have knocked them off from this distance well you placed our salads on the edge of the table with your hands shaking knocked it over it was probable i may have i was really wiped out from serving i apologized and cleaned up the mess as i did a karen asked for a new server but everyone was slammed as i left i heard more comments customers were looking at me and if you said it wasn't my fault they saw everything i forced a smile and told them i know i returned with the karen's two salads saw some of the mess i missed from the previous salads as i knelt to pick it up i felt a bowl of salad hit me on the head and heard a glass of water knock over and felt it spill on my head the karen screamed to talk to mr s the owner they spewed lie after lie about how clumsy i am i shouldn't be allowed to work in public mr s asked me if what they said was true even though he knew it wasn't for the first time ever the bullies had won my voice cracked as my eyes watered up all i could do is barely say no when a customer spoke up for me i couldn't take it it was the first time a complete stranger stood up for me as i walked away i heard mr s say get your purses get out of my restaurant you jerks as i made my way to the employee restroom trying to keep it together as tears dripped off my cheeks i rushed through the kitchen and into the restroom and cried and cried a 30 year old adult man crying non-stop 30 years worth of pent up tears anger and sorrow i didn't realize it but i had been in there for half an hour i walked out of the bathroom the kitchen was dead quiet i clocked out and as i walked through the dining room i heard light murmurs and felt eyes on me i told mr s i would see him tomorrow mr s patted me on the back and said sure thing i wish this had a happy ending but it didn't i returned to work the next day and nobody spoke of it since neither have i until now the customer is not always right so i'm a bit of a veteran when it comes to working retail it was my first fourth fifth and sixth jobs after all my first one was at a well-known supermarket famed for their cheap prices and never seeming to have enough cashiers when you need one i was assigned to the garden department to begin where i stocked move items cash people out the like occasionally i would cover a shift as a cashier when someone called in sick and i honestly didn't mind there were fans blowing on me a welcome blessing in the dead of oklahoma summer and the people were generally nice generally anyone who's ever been to the garden department at this franchise knows that the cash registers are small i mean fit a few things on at a time small like no conveyor belt small so you can imagine that we don't get many people bringing cart loads of items there right wrong this particular story is about an entitled old guy who brings a literal card full of stuff to my register keep in mind these things are meant for potted plants and the like so just seeing him come to my register irks me however i need a job so i put on my customer service smile and start checking him out things seem to be going great until i get to the part where he's loading up dairy products onto the counter eggs check milk check yogurt what's this this old man has taken a four pack of yogurt called a blister pack and physically broken half of it off so now it's a two pack to complicate matters the type of packaging only has one barcode and that's on one of the four cups of yogurt specifically one of the two that he has presumably left in the dairy department me sir i don't think i can sell this item it's damaged and i can't find a barcode entitled guy what do you mean you can't sell it this is the store name isn't it me well yes but well your first mistake there was telling someone that you can't sell them something at your store your store founder would be rolling in his grave by the way you treat your customers me sir as much as i want to sell this to you it's supposed to be in a four pack of yogurt this is a two pack meaning it's been damaged and by company policy i'm not allowed to sell it even if it wasn't damaged it doesn't have a barcode so i couldn't scan it yeah i know it's supposed to be a four pack i broke two off because i only need two me sir those four packs are two dollars for four of them there's two there so that's a dollar me sir that's really not how it works don't tell me how things work i know how things work here i want to speak with your manager by this time a fair amount of people have gathered behind him i'm the only cashier on duty in the department at the time and are understandably upset either way he wanted my manager i called my manager via our little keypad my manager gets there five minutes later asking what the problem is i explain my side while the old guy is butting in saying how horrible of a cashier i am yada yada when i show my manager the offending item again noting how it is supposed to come in a four pack and i can't scan it without a barcode i expect him to agree with me and at least void out the item nope instead he listens to the old guy rings it up as one dollar then proceeds to finish checking him out the entire time saying that the customer is always right oh if i could have slapped them both i would have i know sam walton founder of walmart coined that slogan but it's wrong oftentimes the customer is an entitled lazy jerk that doesn't know anything stick that in your pipe and smoke it walton what do you think is the customer always right please leave a comment right now letting me know entitled mom demands my handicap parking spot and calls the police this happened about a month ago i have many stories dealing with handicapped parking bit of background i lost my leg when i was younger due to an accident so i have had a handicapped barking permit since i started driving i'm in my 30s now and quite heavily tattooed and often wear shorts when not freezing so pant leg doesn't get caught in the knee joint of prosthetic i have some political and music slash punk stickers on my car the interaction went something like this cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got kid the son of entitled mom probably eight or nine and we've got the nice stranger i pull into the last handicapped spot that was open at the grocery store parking lot as i'm getting out car stops behind me and entitled mom gets out and storms over to me you need to move i need this spot me i'm sorry you need to move your car i need this spot my son just got done with basketball practice and he's tired and worn out so we need this spot by the entrance me i'm sorry but i've already parked and i have a tag to park here i'm not moving entitled mom all you liberal punks are the same you only care about yourselves probably using someone else's tag because you're lazy me i'm not the lazy one here if you open your eyes you can see that i have a prosthetic leg now i'm going to do my shopping i thought that would be the last of that but 15 minutes later i'm turning into an aisle and accidentally bump cards into entitled mom entitled mom how dare you you did that on purpose that's assault i'm calling the police me i'm sorry i didn't see you plus i promise you it wasn't on purpose i had no idea you were there liar just like you are lying about being an amputee so you can steal parking spaces me can you not see the fact i have a prosthetic leg it's fake you probably have your leg bent up me yes it is a fake leg it's a prosthetic i guarantee you it's missing i try to move past to continue shopping entitled mom you are staying right here you still assaulted me with your cart you could have hurt my kid kid mom let's just go see my son wants to go because he is hurt hope you are happy kid turns bright red mom that's not true nice stranger is everything okay here entitled mom this punk assaulted me with his cart and is pretending to be disabled nice stranger pretending to be disabled can you not see his prosthetic leg i've been in this aisle the whole time it sure seemed like an accident i think you should go on your way and stop harassing people entitled mom pushes past me almost making me lose my balance but i say thanks to nice stranger and continued with my shopping and didn't have another run in with entitled mom speaking of grocery shopping where do you get your groceries at and have you ever seen any cairns there please let me know entitlement 35 000 feet in the air i bring you one of the most exhausting encounters i've ever had in my life one that puts my patients to a test and made me consider quite seriously attempting to open a plane emergency door to take the plane down alongside my sanity intro the year is 2017. i'm leaving my country for the first time on my own to attend a work convention in the usa i don't handle flights well not a phobia thing it's a physical thing the change of altitude messes me up plus i was nervous because it was my first time on my own going the furthest i'd ever gone outside my country the flight which was going to take off around 1pm got delayed to 1am the next day i was tired of going and returning from the airport and then going again i just wanted to sleep i put the headphones on and find that the plane has a great music collection i pop black star the last album by david bowie and let myself be lulled to sleep by the thin white duke himself the cast we've got me we've got entitled mom and we've got her kid the story 3 a.m 35 000 feet over south america i managed to sleep guided to the land of hypnosis by the liquid velvet voice of ziggy stardust when suddenly somebody from the other side of the hallway the plane had two columns of seats on each side of the hallway shakes me awake entitled mom excuse me me entitled mom excuse me i wake up my eyes darting around the darkened cabin attempting to focus on who was talking to me finally i get my bearings and see entitled mom a woman around 40 to 50 years old extremely thin to the point of looking unhealthy with a twisted bird's nest of auburn hair atop her head she had poked me with her long fake green nails and was wearing a somewhat flimsy floral dress that clearly was at least a couple of sizes too big for her she had orange skin shirley from getting her tan out of a can rather than the sun and had big 50s style sunglasses the ones with the colored oval frame entitled mom sorry i didn't want to wake you up but i need help me wait what i need help i can't figure out the screen she pointed at the screen in front of her the same one i used to get my dose of major tom i was a bit confused and a little bit bothered by her actions but i was raised to be helpful or attempt to be helpful so i tried to help her whispering to avoid waking up other passengers me what's the problem i don't know a lot about how this works but i'll try to help entitled mom perfect just tell me how to put on a movie for my baby i start explaining at least i attempt to guide her as much as i can while wondering where's her kid maybe went to the bathroom because the seat beside her was empty or that's what i could perceive through my drowsy eyes i finally managed to get the movie she wanted to watch dr doolittle the eddie murphy one and attempt to sleep again she didn't even thank me i turn around and ball up attempting to sleep again i don't know how much time passes before she wakes me up again excuse me her emerald claws poked my back once again excuse me what i turn around now a bit upset she now has a blanket over her shoulders surrounding her body entitled mom my baby wants to see another movie he's very nervous it's his first flight me i'll help but you should talk to the flight attendant i was trying to sleep sorry it would be the last time and i didn't want to bother her she seemed to be sleeping when i went to the toilet once again i gather my patience and attempt to help but i realized something there is no kid once again the chair was empty i realized she had the blanket the last time and soon i realized who she was talking about her kid starts barking i stop in my tracks and see the head of a chihuahua popping out of her blanket yes people she was talking about her dog as this airline allowed small animals into the cabin i stop in my tracks and i look at her i look at her in silence for a long time she looks at me not understanding what's happening and then tracks my eyes that are locked on her dog she smirks and chuckles trying to pass it off as something fun i don't even say anything she sees my eyes and realizes the gig is up i silently turn around trying to sleep again putting good old jareth on blast to avoid any further interruptions from the entitled mother and her kid speaking of dogs do you have a dog if so what kind please let me know found the rare manager karen through ubereats i had an incident in my rookie days last year as a food delivery guy for ubereats where the instructions for pickup said use the drive through or walk in for food so i went to the drive-through and i encountered something i never knew was real a karen that is the manager and gave me an unnecessarily large amount of crap for daring to clog up her mcdonald's drive-through line instead of walking in it evolved into that kind of conflict where the person has some parts in the wrong but must get the final jab at you to be in the right in their la la land in their head manager karen why are you here me um i'm here to pick up an order like i said to the speak i mean why didn't you walk in oh um shows her the phone with the mcdonald's instruction zoomed in trying to be calm and polite through my anxiety but she looks mad sorry this is my first time here the app for pickup instructions says drive-through is allowed well not at my store it isn't i don't care if this is your 100th delivery i have customers you're blocking and wasting time you're getting rid up on the app for this from how she's acting probably an empty threat because she'd have no patience to figure out how also can confirm i never got a negative review there me keep showing the app and pointing to drive-thru or in um miss i'm just following what my app says all you have to do is go online and change the instructions for your store i think this is the default karen yeah crossed arms you know how busy i am i'll do it if i see fit but don't you dare come to the window next time me i won't i told you this is my first time here and just following the instructions like they tell me to you better not can i just have the food now fine she practically tosses the bag and cup at me and slams the window window clerk gives that try working here apologetic look entitled mother owned an online store a brief backstory i own a company that specializes in various wedding services and last year i decided to add gift boxes to the list of services we offer you know those ones that brides and groom sometimes give their bridal parties the morning right before the ceremony however i didn't really want to do them myself and therefore set out to find an affordable supplier that could put the boxes together and sell them through my company sounds simple continue reading so i came across a website that offered this service their products were slightly cheaper than many other suppliers yet not so cheap that it looked suspicious the turnaround time for their products on the website said 5 to 10 working days which seemed fine to me i wanted to see the quality of their products first so i placed an order which included one of just about everything they were selling as far as they knew i was a groom buying things for my wedding i got the invoice straight away paid it got an email back from the owner stating that my payment had been received and she'll let me know once my order has been dispatched so far so good now i'll admit this was something i wanted to do but it wasn't a massive priority in my life therefore i didn't even notice when she missed the 10 working days cutoff time nor did i notice when 20 working days had passed i mean every now and then i'd remember tell myself to follow up and then forget about it again it was after more than a month had passed that i eventually remembered to follow up with her and was super polite literally just asking if she perhaps had an update to when the order would be dispatched it took her about three days to respond asking if i could please forward her the proof of payment again i did so she took another day replied that she vaguely remembers me but asked that i please send the invoice again as she couldn't remember what i had ordered i did so upon receiving the invoice she said that the waiting period is five to ten working days when i pointed out that it was already more than 30 she said it wasn't her fault that she couldn't find my order at this point it felt almost pointless even arguing with her as it was obvious i definitely would not be using her as my new supplier but i had spent quite a bit of money on this so i still wanted my product another 10 working days passed and no updates i followed up again this time she responded saying that she had unfairly been forced to pay taxes and therefore didn't have money to order from her suppliers i told her that was tough but not really my problem cut to her switching over from emails to whatsapp and the rest of her correspondence being mostly voice notes cue voice note number one where she yells at me and says that she's never dealt with anyone as impatient in her life and she feels so sorry for my fiance with weekends included i had been waiting about 50 days and the that's not really my problem was the only time i had been even slightly rude i messaged her that that was a slight overreaction she voice noted back paraphrase slightly as i no longer have the voice notes but pretty close you have no idea what i've been through lately my child has been in the hospital and you think you're more important than he is i can't believe people like you exist you make me sick i was slightly taken aback by this now i should mention i had placed this order so long ago that i had actually forgotten what her business was called and now i was quite curious to go look it up on facebook i asked her for a link to her facebook page she replied with another voice note that is so typical well i have a business and you have a business yet you think i didn't facebook stalk you so if you write one word about me on facebook i will destroy you and your business my lawyer is going to take you for everything you own i actually started laughing at that one sending a voice note back and asking her to please tell me what she thought she could possibly sue me for she voice noted again i am a single mother and i'm sick i've been in the hospital and i don't have to take this from you so go go review me on facebook forget you forget you i said i would if she wanted me to but i still couldn't remember the name of her business she replied again i'm not going to tell you the name of my business so you can slander me you're sick in the head i shrugged went into my email and quickly looked up the name of her business i found her facebook page quite easily the reviews were actually quite good up until about a month before where the general theme was basically that she wasn't delivering and screaming and cursing at clients i thought about adding one but it really wasn't my style i messaged her again telling her that i found her page but if she had please just either refund me or complete the order then there would be no reason for me to write about this she replied calmly this time that she appreciates my patience and she'll have the order ready for me to come collect in a week i pointed out that i had paid extra for shipping so i shouldn't have to come collect it and she replied with that thumbs up emoticon that i did test so very much so another week goes by and again nothing i left it for another four days and then messaged her she replied saying that the order is complete but all the couriers are on strike so she can't send it this was a complete fabrication as i work with couriers constantly and definitely would have known if there was a nationwide courier strike however i wanted to get this over with so i replied and told her that i'll just come collect it myself then she replied asking when i said i could come the next day she replied saying that was impossible as her father had passed the night before and they were in mourning i hate it when people do that because yes it's obviously a lie but on that one percent chance that it isn't i replied i'm sorry for her loss and i'll contact her again on monday monday comes i contact her again and ask when i can come collect she says wednesday i say cool wednesday morning i message her and ask what time and she replies that today isn't convenient i reply back that this isn't going to take time i will drive up to her gate she can hand me this package and i'll be on my way she replied voice note again no offense but after the way you have treated me i don't feel safe being alone when you come and i need my husband to be here i laughed again replying that i thought she said she was a single mother cue her phoning me and screaming at me i actually don't recall what she said but somewhere in between it was decided that i could come the next day the next day i message her to ask a time she says she won't be available but she'll personally be bringing the order to me the next day i reply sure whatever the next morning i message her what time i can expect her she says she has to collect her kids from school at 1pm so she'll come after that i point out that i very strongly suggest she comes before that because the afternoon traffic on the highway is going to be insane on a friday she replies that she doesn't mind the traffic and her customers always come first at 12 30 she messages me that she's on her way to collect her kids and she'll come straight after i was truly shocked thinking that this was finally almost over cut forward to 4 pm and nothing i message her to ask her how far she is she replies that the afternoon traffic was too much and i was being unreasonable expecting her to come deliver it in traffic like that i replied fine so when are you going to deliver it she replied that she'll come the next day i replied that i wouldn't be home but gave her my then girlfriend's number and told her to simply call her when she's on her way i came home the next evening and of course she hadn't come i messaged her the monday asking what had happened she replied that they had guests all weekend and she didn't have the time hearing this i told her that i really did not want her product anymore and that i would really appreciate a refund cue another voice note paraphrased again forget you you grunt i have gone out of my way for you and now you want a refund no no no you will not get a refund forget you my child was in the hospital all weekend and i don't have time to deal with your garbage above that forget you i hope your business goes bankrupt you grunt at this point i was done dealing with her and said fine you win keep the money and go well she replied that she's not a criminal and she's bringing my stuff through right now because how dare i treat her like she's a criminal and she always puts her clients first i replied that i really didn't want it anymore and she could save herself the trip she replied that she's on her way and i blocked her about a month later i was entering my security complex when the security guard said he had received a delivery for me i wasn't expecting anything so i had no idea what it was imagine my surprise when i saw that she had actually come to deliver the product even though half the groom items said bride and half the bride items said groom the next day i got an email from her asking me to please review her business i didn't but her website and facebook page have since been removed i hope she's not doing business under a new name because i feel for anyone that has to deal with her i really don't work for the court i used to work for a large county a busy one with almost 25 000 civil service employees and over 70 departments all in various offices spread out across the 12 plus different large buildings i was just one of many office minions i did my job mostly budgets for one small office it was years before i had a clue about what all those other offices did however occasionally i would run into people who assumed that the county badge i wore meant i'd automatically know the details of whatever specific department they needed support from the setting on this occasion i had to park in the very back of the massive employee parking lot shared by two major county buildings one building was the courthouse and its offices the other was a large structure with a few dozen different county offices i didn't work at either office i was just headed to the large structure for finance training i was still very new to the job so i was a little more dressed up than most people slacks and nice shoes trying to make a good impression everywhere it was a busy area lots of people coming and going so when i saw the scruffy looking guy on a sidewalk at the edge of the parking lot i didn't think much of it he looked slightly better than the homeless guys that wandered nearby so i assumed he was just someone else moving through the day until i had this conversation the cast we've got me we've got scruffy looking guy we've got various onlookers who just made it more awkward the conversation i parked and opened my door but sat in the car for a few seconds making sure i had everything i needed scruffy looking guy hey i didn't respond i didn't know he was talking to me hey hello at this point i was getting out of my car and realized he was talking to me i started to think he might be one of the homeless folks after all i figured he'd ask for money next i picked up my cup of caffeine and pulled my laptop mag out of my car hey scruffy guy started to walk towards me oh hey hey you work for the court i shake my head while shouldering my bag no i don't sorry i gave him a nod goodbye before i turned my back and walked away quickly heading toward the county buildings i had to get to the training on time i was only a little startled when scruffy guy caught up with me and walked beside me keeping pace people looking for public services in the wrong place is very common i often had to point people in the right direction scruffy guy it's okay i just need to tell them something i put on my helpful customer service voice and pointed towards the courthouse building sorry i don't work there you should talk with someone from the court there's an info desk inside oh come on you work there i was still hurrying through the parking lot with scruffy guys still keeping up i really don't i just need him to change up my lawyer i keep walking but i stared at him in surprise for a few seconds at this point i was wondering what he did to need a court-appointed lawyer i wondered if he was out on bail and i really wondered who the heck approaches someone in a parking lot to request a change of attorney no he's an okay guy he's just not doing things right i need a new one i kept walking trying not to let the surprise and rising concern show on my face still baffled he's talking to some random person in the parking lot about this still wondering what he did to need a court appointed attorney me i'm so sorry really i i don't scruffy guy continued to follow me come on just help me out it's your job me now past the parking lot and trapped at a crossing light the other people at the light were pretending not to listen in but i saw people pause and scrolling on their phones to furtively watch scruffy guy and i i really don't deal with that you need to talk with the info desk at the courthouse i'm talking with you can't you tell him no i don't work for the court i don't know how you stop just stop don't try that you got a badge that doesn't mean i work for the court anyone who works for the county has a badge i gestured towards the people around us waiting at the crossing light most with badges they all looked away and suddenly became very busy with their phones again scruffy guy walked with me across the crosswalk and followed as i continued to the building scruffy guy stop playing you work for the court holding all that paperwork dressed up and everything bet you're a lawyer me i'm not you are aren't you no i you could be my new lawyer i finally stopped on the sidewalk leading to the doors of the building raising my voice getting startled looks from various people passing by me i work in budgets not for the court not everyone with a badge works for the court huh but you do work for the county yes so you know people at the court i sighed but managed to pull most of the customer service voice back into place i'm sorry i don't i really don't work with the courts at all and i never have i have zero information on how to get a new attorney you should really go over there and talk to someone that's what i would do scruffy guys stared at me apparently finally comprehending i started walking away again pointing to the courthouse entrance we just passed just go through there to the info desk scruffy guy standing still calling after me okay i walked away again almost to the doors i called back over my shoulder take care scruffy guy now yelling after me hey well can i get your number then more people were giving us strange looks at this point i just looked back at him then just shook my head in total disbelief and kept walking hey i didn't hurt anybody i'm a good guy several people started slowing down to watch my fellow office minions hoping for a little drama i shake my head again open the door to the building and hurried inside without responding scruffy guy shouting from outside the door as it shut behind me well forget you then uppity jerk security came to the door when they heard him yelling and asked if i was okay i said i was fine security stepped outside and scruffy guy hurried away but not towards the courthouse my finance training was as boring as it sounds i never saw the guy again entitled mom thinks my pokemon card can blind her kid cast we've got entitled mom we've got nice kid he wasn't entitled at all we've got store owner and me pokemon card collector i was at a shopping arcade that specializes in nerdy stuff legos goku figures pokemon cards etc i was at a shop that sold pokemon cards on the shelf not just booster packs but loose cards like exes gx's full arts rainbow rares etc i took a card out from the shelf it was a full art kobelion gx very rare and went to the counter to pay then the entitled mom and nice kid came over to me and this conversation happened entitled mom excuse me but did you pay for this card me yes ma'am yes okay whatever but can i request that you don't show this card to my son me uh what i was not directly showing the card to your son entitled mom no i meant don't look at the card at all you could possibly blind someone now i was very confused by what she meant exactly what did she mean by blindness me i'm sorry could you explain why i shouldn't look at the card when you look at the card the light from the card bounced into my son's eyes and he almost got blinded it's a safety hazard if you think about it for your information the cards on the shelf were under a really bright mini spotlight so it looked really nice displaying them and so extra light would bounce off to grab customers attention however this happened when the card was already taken out of the bright shelf her son was not affected by the light whatsoever plus pokemon cards aren't that reflective and bright me i'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable with the card you don't have to buy it entitled mom where's the store owner let me talk to him he's over there by the counter i point to the counter entitled mom then walks over to the store owner the owner is just saying how rude and annoying she was and i hoped that store owner would handle things because he was pretty strict after about a minute when i had to go pay the owner came over to us with entitled mom owner so what's the problem entitled mom entitled mom this card is going to cause someone to go blind in the store my son almost got blinded by the light store owner opie what card is this me it's the full art kobelion gx entitled mom if it's the one where the person playing with it does not care about safety then that's the card okay now everyone in the whole store heard that and was in shock especially the owner calling someone who does not care about safety is a total no-go especially to a card collector slash player like me owner listen lady if you ever insult anyone here in this store again i'm going to be talking about you to the arcade owner and you will be banned from this store understood whatever let's go nice kid nice kid but i want to buy a card shut up let's go now that entitled mom is gone we were able to buy the card in peace i left the store with my precious full art kobelion gx and went back to the mtr what we call the subway or metro in hong kong to a restaurant for dinner i saw another post about someone thinking a symbol can blind someone and now i have a similar experience to share with you moral a pokemon card will not blind you even if it's super shiny pokemon cards aren't even that shiny anyways speaking of pokemon what's your favorite pokemon of all time please let me know dispatcher refuses to send van in for maintenance gets forced to change my tire while i enjoy dinner on company time this story is one of how a lowly delivery driver got to royally irk a dispatcher waste his time get four hours of overtime meal paid for and a free beer so i was a driver for a little company that rhymes with slamazon i had been there for several months by this point and had developed a reputation of being very serious about vehicle maintenance we aren't talking like washing them or what not but cleaning out urine bottles fixing broken wiper blades installing lights to replace the burnt out ones or other stuff that would indicate you actually remotely care for your driver's well-being seriously guys i had a van once with no working lights of any kind and its passenger side door fell off its hinges right in front of my dispatchers and they still sent me out needless to say some trips were better than others but this particular time well it was a doozy you see friends i was considered a problem driver by some for being obsessed with vehicles being kept road legal i had not caused any issues other than this we had dispatchers that were promoted up after a month and after hitting mailboxes cars and other kinds of insanity but i was always skipped over this naturally irked me to no end and i was looking for better within six months of starting i was there for nearly two years naturally all my requests for the essential equipment and urine bottle removal was denied so i'd buy bulbs for my van and pull them out after my route was done so i could put them into the next one the next day and i chucked the bottles out on the record kinda gross but better than smelling it in the hot georgia sun in the middle of summer in a van with sometimes working ac this nonsense continued for the entirety of my time there of course this event however was the first of many times i decided to get back at the dispatchers for messing with my routes and giving me the worst vans and so on you see this van had the lights that were bad broken ac shook like crazy squeaked smelled gross door didn't properly lock so anybody could have stolen packages from it and not much could be done and to top all of this off four bad tires like metal bands exposed and one bulging out the whole day i babied this van as best i could putting air in the tire a few times and just barely finishing my route with some daylight to spare so 10 hours on the road down and an hour and a half back to the distribution center i get underway and get about halfway before i felt the tail tail shake of a tire going out well here we go i say to myself and scan my surroundings i'm on the interstate and not very far from an off ramp so with what little tire i have i limp off the ramp and go to a parking lot which is right next to an applebee's perfect block all things considered i call dispatch and give my exact location and tell them what happened the conversation goes as thus we've got me chuckitbucket007 and we've got the dispatcher the jerk me hey i got a flat over here at my location dispatcher what how me because you sent me out in a van that needed tires dispatcher fine whatever everyone has gone home so you're gonna have to wait till i get there me sure that's fine i'll stay clocked in then dispatcher uh-uh you finished your route so i don't see why you would be on the clock me because i am still in command of this vehicle i have the keys and if you want me to give it back you are going to keep me on the clock i had called the company hr and explained everything before i called dispatcher and they insured me that my time would be recorded dispatcher fine i have things to do tonight so we gotta hurry up perfect time to mess with this guy after giving him extremely vague directions while i enjoy a steak meal and a large beer on the clock and no hoots given anymore he finally finds it i go out there and see that he has brought the smallest saddest most not usable for the task jack in the center me well get to it you made me leave with this van and you can change the tire dispatcher you were driving it and i interject me drivers are not allowed by company policy to perform repairs to the van he had yelled at me previously for doing this with the bulbs only dispatch management maintenance and the repair shop can repair the van so i walk away to finish my meal while he tries to fix this flat with a jack barely able to lift the front of the vehicle and needed bricks and other items to even go high enough in total i wasted 4 hours of his time cost him time to smoke up and he missed the game that he apparently had money on i got my meal effectively for free with the hefty overtime i got that week as an extra smackdown corporate came in and fired the manager assistant manager and this particular dispatcher for failure to maintain the vehicles to dot standards and for mismanaging the dsp delivery service provider after my lovely chat with hr during the incident i showed them the text messages and some of the recorded audio i had taken of dispatcher being a general jerk a week later and we had a tent management comprised of corporate operations that would oversee the vans getting replaced with less crappy ones training new management and of course giving training on what to do if you have a vehicle fail like that and granting drivers some maintenance permissions entitled mom demands i give her spoiled kid my blanket during a drill so fair warning this did happen a bit ago but i wasn't permitted internet at the time this all went down i was at a rehab facility for those with mental illness and or behavioral issues i have really bad ptsd and depression and i was in a really dark place which is why i was there our parents weren't allowed to stay here with us but parents did come and visit occasionally and today a girl's mother was visiting her this girl wasn't very well liked she acted spoiled entitled to everything and would routinely insult other people she's the entitled kid i'll call her martha the whole group was glad to be away from martha while she visited her mom in a separate area i was one of the older kids i was 16 while martha was 15 and the other girl involved in the story we'll call her may was 14. may and i were particularly close mae shared a name similar to my younger sister and was the same age so i saw her as a younger sibling figure and took care of her a lot while she was 14 she acted a lot younger so i kind of ended up caring for her especially seeing as the staff could be quite neglectful of our emotional needs on this particular night i was laying down in my bed it wasn't super late it was only around 8 30 visiting hours for parents end at 9 ish but i happened to be pretty tired and was laying down half asleep and then my ears were invaded with a blaring noise someone pulled the fire alarm meaning we had to evacuate the whole huge building this had happened twice before so i was rather prepared kids happened to pull the fire alarm here a lot looking to cause trouble or escape or whatever it was pretty cold and rainy out so i threw on my shoes and grabbed a blanket i had brought from home i was sensitive to noise and got overwhelmed pretty easily so evacuating a crowded building full of people and noise wasn't fun especially considering how i had hit my head on the way out so my head was already pounding while all this was not very fun neither was sitting out in the cold damp atmosphere afterwards a kid tried running away and another tried fighting a staff member so i was naturally pretty on edge at the time as were most of the other kids martha and her mom were talking about something or other i tried to keep as much distance as i could between us without getting in trouble then mae came up to me she was barefoot on the pavement in her pjs she hadn't managed to bring anything outside with her i felt bad so i opened up my blanket and let her in so she could stay warm she didn't even have shoes so this was the least i could do i did my best to comfort her through everything that was happening when mid conversation martha approached us and began tugging on my blanket a moment passed and she looked at me and said can i come in now considering that martha was fully dressed totally okay called me fat on multiple occasions and made fun of mae's brother and made her cry i decided to say no sorry i can't fit anyone else martha continued to try and get in my blanket but i had no obligation to her and it wasn't a particularly big blanket it didn't even cover my mattress or reach my feet when draped over me and i'm pretty short after pestering me for a bit martha huffed and walked off and i assumed it was over until her mother came over with her hanging back a few paces now it's kind of super against the rules here to speak to any kids who aren't yours here so i was surprised when this lady started talking to me the staff were tied up with the runners and the fighters but our conversation went something like this the mom went up to my face and began speaking to me in a raised tone of voice again i'm noise sensitive so not fun her let my daughter use your blanket me i'm sorry but no nobody else can fit and the other girl here doesn't have shoes her but my daughter is so cold i think she needs it more than you two do keep in mind that this blanket is mine something i brought from home to this place me i'm sorry miss but it's mine i can't give my blanket to your daughter this lady is now holding the hem of my blanket like she's about to yank it from us and is full on yelling at us mae and i are flinching she's scared and i'm really bad with yelling her you can't hog this blanket all to yourselves if you can't share then you should give martha the blanket at this point her yelling attracted a few staff members who weren't caught up with all the behavioral kids who told her that she wasn't allowed to talk to us she kept complaining about how unfair it was that i had a blanket and her poor dear daughter had to freeze i spent the rest of the drill comforting me who was crying because she had been yelled at entitled mom parks in front of my house and fails to realize her own hypocrisy i'll try to make the backstory quick but there's a few things you should know before i get to the story my neighborhood is all street parking with no lines or signage you can park anywhere but there are some unwritten rules that us neighbors tend to follow to keep the chaos at a minimum i'll explain further down i actually posted in this sub about the same woman in my neighborhood previously if you go to my post history she's the woman who yelled at my now husband for parking in front of our home giving such reasons as nobody knows you you're new we weren't and i have a baby anyway time passed and we became friendly ash like i would wave and smile if i saw her because you know don't crap where you eat anyway since that last story i have become a mom there is a very coveted parking space on the corner in front of our house that my nice neighbor usually left her car parked in eternally she never moved it but after my son was born she ended up needing to sell that car that she never drove and told me to park on the corner as much as i like i was extremely grateful for this everyone else in the neighborhood respected this as well not because they had to but because they were very kind to us after a few months of parking bliss entitled mom decided to take advantage of the situation she lives with her now 10 year old son in the house directly across the street from me the one unwritten rule i mentioned before that all my neighbors respect is that we don't park on the sides of the street opposite our homes our street is all town homes and houses are in close quarters with multiple drivers per unit if there isn't parking on the main street then we usually use the side streets now because this rule isn't a law i wasn't too mad at this entitled mom for parking in the corner spot that my neighbor and i were sharing she can legally park wherever she likes but day after day of this happening and having to lug groceries and my heavy baby carrier down the street back and forth i started getting exasperated she was also making my neighbor on my other side upset because she wouldn't pull all the way up to the corner and he wouldn't be able to fit his truck in the spot behind her things started escalating when i found out that my nice neighbor was really mad at this entitled mom and i think may have confronted her about it possibly on my behalf i was trying not to stoop down to entitled mom's level by getting mad or yelling about it but things escalated even further when i heard her yelling outside my window it was hot out my car was parked in the corner spot and i was sitting in my bedroom at my desk by my open window when i heard this jerk keeps parking in my spot i looked up and saw her walking from the side street on my side of the street and chatting with another woman about it very casually i was so shocked i actually laughed because i had suspected she was barking there not out of a lack of spots in her side of the street but specifically because she wanted that exact spot and i was right my husband told me i was crazy i couldn't wait to tell him about it when he got home from work and we had a good laugh about it the final event so far that encouraged me to make this post happen several months later we've been playing this game of who gets the spot all winter and now my son is nine months teething and generally giving me a pretty hard time most days so i will admit i'm not in the best mindset at the end of the day my husband calls and tells me he's on his way home with groceries i went out and moved my car so that he could park his car there and we could all quickly unload the groceries together i swear by the time i walked back up to my house this entitled mom had slid right into the space i had made again i know i can't be mad because you can park anywhere you want legally but at this time of day i had absolutely had it so i confronted her nicely i know her name so assume when i say entitled mom that i'm saying her name i said excuse me entitled mom hi how are you entitled mom hi good and she keeps walking away i'm guessing she either didn't want to talk or thought i was just being nice and saying hi me hey would you mind moving your car i actually just moved my car out of that space so that my husband could park there and we could unload our groceries entitled mom that doesn't make it your spot me no you're right it doesn't i'm just asking for a favor so that we don't have to haul our groceries several blocks from our house entitled mom the spot was open and i took it me yes i know but i'm asking nicely if you would please allow my husband to park here this time entitled mom she points across the street to a spot that is open almost directly in front of her own house and says there's a spot right there me i never park on the other side of the street why don't you park there i think she caught on to what i was saying but not saying so then she comes at me with the excuses again just like eight years ago listen i have a child and oh yeah i have a nine month old so i totally understand why it's so helpful to be able to park close to your house she just stared at me for a few seconds looking annoyed i was hoping my face looked calm and neutral but who knows i'm awkward as heck she didn't say anything else after that she just left entitled mom demands i give her precious angel my laptop so for those of you who don't know i travel a lot because of business my second to last flight i had is the one i'll be talking about four months ago i was on a delta airlines flight from jfk airport new york to lax california a few minutes after we took off a boy started running down the aisle beside my seat he looked like he was about five or six so it didn't matter to me much except for the fact that i was wondering where his parents were he kept going on for about 10 minutes until a flight attendant told him to sit down it revealed that his seat was directly behind me which kind of sucked because i didn't know if he was going to have a tantrum in the middle of the flight after we reached our cruising altitude i decided to pull out my laptop and watch some netflix as i couldn't do much more than fiddle with the settings this was around the time that boy started running down the aisle again when he reached the front of the plane and began running towards his seat he stopped and looked at my laptop the following conversation ensued boy whoa is that an ipad me nobody it's a laptop it's a mini computer do you have any games on it no i use it for work when i'm traveling then what's that he started pointing at my screen it's a movie since i can't do any work right now i started watching this but if you're not using it why can't i use it buddy the answer is no i can't trust you with it because i don't know if you'll damage it or not okay fine he seemed to understand so he walked back to his seat i put on my headphones and unpause the movie about two minutes later i feel a tap on my shoulder and the crap storm began entitled mom excuse me why did you tell my son he can't use your laptop me because i don't know if you'll damage it or not plus i just got it oh come on he won't do anything he's been good for the entire flight then why has he been running down the aisle he just wanted to get some energy out it's a long flight you know can't you just give him the laptop for 10 minutes so he can play some games me ma'am i don't have any games on here i just use it for work all i have is netflix and roblox for those of you wondering why i would have roblox i downloaded it before a previous flight i was on with my nephew so he could play some games while we waited at the gate entitled mom i knew you had games on it just give it to me so he can play some games she started reaching for the laptop i slapped her arm away for the last time your spawn can't use my laptop i've explained it more than once your son is not having my laptop i did not give you permission to use it the answer is no and that's final by the time i got that out of my mouth a flight attendant noticed what was happening and came over flight attendant what's going on here me she he stole my laptop and tried to hurt me kicked him off the flight now me first off that's not true your son asked me if he could use it and i said no so he complained about it to you and here we are now second you tried to grab my laptop so i slapped your arm away third i turned the laptop off then on if it's your laptop unlock it entitled mom fiddled with random letters until i got locked out temporarily i then turned it around put in the right password and boom it was back to the desktop screen flight attendant ma'am sit down immediately if you hesitate or do anything else to escalate this situation we will have authorities waiting for you at the gate do you understand entitled mom look down as if defeated yes i put my laptop away and waited for the plane to land when we landed i grabbed my luggage and got off the flight as fast as i could i didn't see entitled mom or the boy anywhere so i assumed the police were waiting for them when they got off speaking of roblox have you ever played that game do you like it or not really please let me know poor assistant manager just trying to do her job but won't let me do mine backstory i'm an electrical engineer for a steel company the owner who i work for has a sister and brother-in-law that own multiple mcdonald's knowing that i also do the it at my company my owner one year around 2006 or 2007 came to me with a problem his sister was having in her home office where she ran her business no problem side work i go to her house and clean everything up get her stuff back up and running and continue to do that each month because she is really clicky and tends to mess stuff up bad due to impatience fast forward to 2008 and the recession hits i'm over there one day and casually mentioned that my wife was looking for daytime work now that our youngest son is in school she is promptly hired a month later and they decided to move the office to a real office instead of her luxurious really it was basement there was nothing in this office at all it used to be a plumber's shop i'm promptly hired to put on a retainer to get the office up and running new computers new printers server all wiring remote access all the bells and whistles it took a month fast forward about 10 years later and my wife is now the office manager i'm still on a monthly retainer for all it work needed i've also over those 10 years helped in some stores when new things pop up like adding things to the network to be able to use our local university's college kids stipend cards etc all the store managers know me although regional managers know me the director knows me and of course the owners know me heck we all go out once a year on a bus trip to cleveland or some place and party together now the nighting question my wife and i had just gotten done having a few drinks after work and we were making our way back to our house about six blocks away when i decided to go get a dinner box from one of our mcdonald's for us and our two sons still living with us two big macs two regular cheeseburgers ten piece chicken mcnuggets and four small fries i pull into the drive-through and place the order the young lady instantly comes back and says they are not accepting credit cards currently and can only accept cash i'm confused for a second because cashless as they call it only goes down briefly around 2am for some audit or something my wife says it's 9 pm i have cash on me so it isn't an issue i get to the window and pay and ask about cashless being down to the girl who me or my wife don't know mcdonald's turnover rate you get it she briefly mentions something about one of the readers being knocked over so i just say okay i'll be right in she looks at me a little curious but says nothing i park in walk in the side door with my wife to try and sort out what's going on when the young lady says that i'm not permitted behind the counter i get it you don't know me or my wife so i ask her to get her shift manager real fast she does and just my bad luck it's an assistant manager that had just recently been promoted and i don't know her either nor does my wife i try to explain that i work it for the office which she can see if you look over my right shoulder out the window and that i was going to look and see what was going on with the cash list to try to get it back up i introduced my wife by name and mentioned that she's the office manager at the main office and i point and can vouch for me she still isn't letting me behind the counter i'm not angry or upset about this as she really is just doing her job and nicely as well i nod understandingly and pull out my phone i swipe through my contacts and stop at the store manager and bring it up and show her asking if we should call her by name i swipe through my contacts again to the regional manager and do the same thing showing her my phone and calling her my name i then do the same thing with the director of operations and then both owners i finally just said pick one i know cashless is the main payment method and every moment it's down costs quite a bit the light bulb went off and she nodded my wife the beautiful social butterfly she is strikes up a conversation with the newly promoted assistant manager and starts talking shop as i head to the drive-through to begin diagnosing things someone had accidentally knocked over one of the card readers and they aren't small a quick inspection revealed that the port had somehow got multiple of the contacts bent some were shorting together i'm assuming the ones that were shorting were causing the main hub of it to flip out so i set about trying to bend the pins back into shape somewhat i plug everything back in reboot it and voila cashless is back in five minutes the assistant manager thanks me and i just say to leave a little note that i was here and what i did my wife says she'll also mention it in the office to the regional managers i got an atta boy from the owners for that one and a free chocolate shake entitled mom demands bride be less happy on her wedding day so let me preface this saying this is my mom's story not mine i don't know all the details because i know it's a painful memory and i don't want to make her relive it the characters will be my mom entitled mom entitled sister and my dad my mom is the youngest of two girls she and my dad went to high school together but didn't start dating until they were both in college it was a chance meeting that they ran into each other in a bar cute story still happily married and in love 23 years later it all started when my mom got engaged my aunt was so upset because she wasn't engaged first even though she was older throughout all the planning she was pouting and kind of cold towards my mom so the day of the wedding comes my mom is getting ready with her bridesmaids she is marrying the guy she has had a crush on since high school she has her perfect venue and she's wearing her grandmother's my great grandmother's dress everything is going absolutely perfect until my aunt starts crying my mom tried to comfort her because she is the most selfless woman in the world even though she was getting married in mere hours she was focused on her sister a little while later after my aunt ran off my grandmother pulled my mom aside like i said i don't know every detail but the conversation went something like this entitled mom hey you're really making entitled sister upset my mom confused what did i do you're way too happy and it's making her upset that she didn't get married before you my mom pardon me entitled mom can you just be a little less happy my mom was in shock this was supposed to be the happiest day of her life and here was her mother telling her to be less happy so her sister didn't get upset my mom's whole life she was always told to set her accomplishments aside so her sister felt special too when she was younger she was told by her parents she would never go to college because she had a hard time in school dyslexia and add before professional help was available my mom defied all odds and graduated with a master's degree can you guess who got all the glory for graduating from college you guessed it my aunt and on this day my mom wasn't having it my mom look mom i'm sorry that entitled sister is upset but today is about me and the groom we're happy and i'm not going to hide that or pretend i'm not just so entitled sister won't be sad today is the happiest day of my life and i'm not giving that up for anyone my grandmother shut up after that she did give my mother a disapproving look though i don't even need to have been there to see it my mom still gets them all the time after that the wedding was perfect my mother still talks about it with stars in her eyes now my mother still has to deal with their crap sometimes but she also has told my dad and us kids two of us are adults now to help stand up for her she's very happy and i'm so glad she stood up for herself there are a few stories like this that i know about but this one makes me the saddest i'm just glad she didn't let it ruin her wedding day i told my mom about all the support she got in this post and how many uploads it has and she got so happy joking that she was reddit famous and was so overjoyed that everyone was so kind would you ever act less happy if someone asked you to please let me know entitled mom thinks if my garage door is open she and her bratty son can search for and take what they want i've been lurking here and have been afraid to post because i'm awkward and don't know if my stories will be as well liked as everyone else's so here goes i am posting from my phone so it might be some mistakes the stars we've got myself from about 16 years ago i'm 28 so i was 14 at the time we've got entitled mom my neighbor from across the street a self-entitled mother we've got b5k her five-year-old kid who's obsessed with other people's stuff the scene my garage during the summer between 7th and 8th grade my parents would go to work and leave me with a giant list of chores so overwhelming i wouldn't even try also i live in texas so it would sometimes be too hot to try one day to avoid being crapped on i decided i would attempt to do the chore clean out the garage my parents hoard crap and they get upset when they can't find what they want and my stepfather just buys crap and doesn't even try to put it somewhere so it's my job to organize the garage so that my mom can actually park her car i'm moving stuff around for a few hours and i'm sweaty and hot and all it looked like i was really doing anyway was just removing the mess i came across my tricycle from when i was younger i put it outside on the driveway so i can try to find a place for it later i decided to take a break and go inside fix some lunch a couple minutes later i hear rummaging in the garage and something break i thought it was my cat i look it was b5k sounds like a star wars droid name searching through the place looking around like he just found good treasure me hey b5k where's your brother he's grounded till monday me well you should go home and play with him what did you break kid looks like he's gonna cry me listen i don't play unless your brother is there too please go home so i closed the door i thought that was the end of it i go back to my food and vh1 music videos when i'm done i go back outside and i notice something is missing the tricycle is gone i knew who took it b5k so i get on my bike and ride it around the block i catch up to b5k in almost no time at all he tried to start pedaling faster but it's a tricycle so it's not like you can do that i want everyone to know this this was no plastic thing that leans back this was made out of metal and looked almost like a very small bike so anyway i yell at the kid to stop he starts crying and ignores me i pedal up to him and get in front of him he rides into my bike and falls i don't help him up but i take my trike back i put it inside the house and then go back outside to finish up in my garage now from across the street to the left i hear b5k yelling to someone i assumed it was his older sister she was a year behind me and didn't usually care about the stuff he complained about so i expected her to come over here and just give me a little crap playfully and then go home i go back to my chore and then i feel someone prod me between my shoulder blades i assumed this to be his sister so i turned around ready for a pretty smile and a sarcastic chewing out i was ill prepared for this because it was entitled mom in all her rage entitled mom what did you steal from my son me nothing my son says you took something from him while he was playing where is it me i didn't give him a thing he tried to steal my tricycle where is it not telling you you could have heard him me i look at her very confused he was only playing give him his tricycle back his tricycle he got it from my garage well you're too old for it me look lady i'm just trying to finish a job so that i don't have to worry about it please walk away i pulled my flip phone out of my pocket and called my mom entitled mom promised to have my truck back when my mother came home and picked up her little thief and left did you ever have a tricycle of your own or how about rollerblades skateboards or a scooter please let me know my uncle's entitled ex-girlfriend ruined the day i was born my parents have told this story numerous times and i have relayed it on occasion to anyone who found it interesting although in this case the person of interest isn't an entitled parent per se she wasn't at the time but who's to say so now over 20 years later i believe it still fits for this subreddit by the time i was born my parents were already familiar with the birthing process as they had had quite a few kids before me my mother knew how she wanted to do it and who she wanted to be there for it at this point it was practically routine my father's brother is a great guy but kind of a pushover in romantic relationships he had been dating around for quite some time but none of his previous girlfriends had ended up being marriage potential unfortunately neither was this one at the time of my birth nobody had really met his girlfriend they had heard of her seen her maybe once or twice but the relationship hadn't been cemented yet it was late on a wednesday evening when my mother awoke my dad and announced that the baby was on the way they quickly packed up their things calling nearby family members to let them know they were on their way to the hospital my grandparents arrived around the same time as them as well as a couple of my husband's brothers by this time my mom had been in labor for several hours and was just about to enter active labor she determined that only she and my father would be in the room for the birthing process that's when entitled girlfriend spoke up as my mother was being taken into the room entitled girlfriend what about me my dad what about you aren't you going to invite me in the room too my grandmother i don't think that's entirely appropriate oh come on i'm a woman so i know what it's going to be like in there i can handle the screaming and everything my subservient uncle that's not the point entitled girlfriend what are you talking about i'm about to be family too i have every right to be in there dad it's not your decision to make uncle i'm sorry but entitled girlfriend whining baby you know it's my birthday she wasn't lying it actually happened to be her birthday this baby's being born on the same day as my birthday it just proves i'm meant to be in there it's like a birthday gift for me dad i'm sorry what entitled girlfriend if i'm not in the room for the birth then how are they going to name the baby after me dad looks at uncle who appears to be just as surprised at her question what the heck grandma they are not naming the baby after you we're here to be supportive and you're making a scene it's not fair dad walks into the room with my mom honey you would not believe what i just heard uncle's crazy girlfriend thinks we're naming our baby after her my mom why does she think that dad laughs apparently it's her birthday mom pauses what time is it almost 11 pm why my mom no way in heck i'm delivering this baby until midnight and she held true to her words she didn't start pushing until my dad confirmed it was midnight entitled girlfriend complained the whole time about how it was taking so long and she wanted to hold the baby but she ended up leaving before the baby was officially delivered major kudos to my mom who managed to remain calm during the birth and have me when she was good and ready entitled mom thinks i'm not old enough to see jumanji too i'm 14 but i've been told since i was 13 that i'm short for my age and have a bit of a baby face and i'm cool with that a lot of people are nice when they find out my actual age but it upsets me when people are just stuck up jerks about it so here's one of those times bit of backstory my mom's friend is a manager at a local regal cinemas downtown and they've known each other since high school and they're the best of friends it's important to the story to know that he was at my 13th and 14th birthday anyways on to the story cast we've got me we've got manager buddy we've got entitled mom slash ticket receptionist so about a week after jumanji 2 came out and i wanted to see it for the first time it was saturday i asked my parents if they could take me my dad said he couldn't because he was called for an emergency meeting at work and my mom said she wasn't feeling well my mom gave me 25 to go by myself so i took an uber and got to the theater 15 minutes before the movie i went inside and pulled out a 10 bill and this is how the following conversation went me one ticket to jumanji please the entitled mom early 30s stared me up and down from face to face entitled mom i'm sorry are your parents here me a bit confused no why isn't it obvious kiddo you need to be 13 and up to see this movie note that i was 14 during all this crap me chuckling oh i'm sorry this happens a lot i'm 14. entitled mom now getting upset don't lie to me young man you're clearly 10. please leave i'd never let my kids watch this movie me also getting upset no i'm 14. i get it i look young for my age but i'm not lying you need to leave before i call the cops you are trespassing i literally dare you to entitled mom actually called the cops entitled mom looking smug there i called them you little jerk at this time manager buddy came out of his office and walked up to us and stood next to me manager buddy what's going on here a woman came to me and told me there was some conflict out here entitled mom with a dramatic voice this kid lied to me about being 14. manager buddy looked to me and this is what happened o.p it's great to see you again can you tell me what's going on me sure i tell him everything including what she called me and when i was done he looked at entitled mom with the most intimidating death glare i've ever seen entitled mom is this true entitled mom now looking nervous yes you do realize what age he is right ten no he's fourteen i was at his birthday entitled mom is silent what other crap did you do i i called the police you called the police on him i thought he was ten he he wouldn't leave when i told him to entitled mom we've talked about this twice you don't call the cops on kids you call me first and tell me to come down to sort this out entitled mom is silent manage your buddy with a calm voice op go see your movie it's on me me okay thanks the movie was great i've always loved kevin hart anyways after the movie i went to manager buddy and here's what happened hey op don't worry the cops were called off an entitled mom was arrested for harassment and disturbing the peace did you like the movie me heck yeah but one question does entitled mom actually have kids yeah unfortunately manager buddy and i both laughed hard at that entitled mom didn't get prison or jail time but she got three months of therapy two times a week and 100 hours of community service clarence karen a special breed in college i was working at a bookstore the company was christian owned and they made a pretty big deal about it and all their merch was geared towards that clientele so one fall they were having a huge sale a lot had been moved to clearance in our store and several bonus coupons were in that month's mail out this woman entitled woman came in with her husband they had filled i kid you not 12 handheld baskets with junk and i mean junk a lot of it was clearanced because it was damaged or broken in some minor way i patiently rang them all up secretly excited how the sale would look on my numbers for the week i made small talk about the weather and her items oh this candle smells nice like usual and i thought all was going great at the end of the purchase i asked if she had any coupons she handed me a 20 off her entire purchase and i scanned it it brought the total down from over 500 to about 450 dollars because it only applied to the non-clearance items as explained in bold letters below the big 20 text entitled lady that coupon is for 20 off you didn't take 20 off me the coupon can only take 20 off the regularly priced items ma'am i hurried to scroll back through the running list on my screen it looks like it took 20 off all of the non-clearance items entitled lady huffs and digs in her bag producing the sale ad and handing me several more coupons one was able to take an additional 10 off a book it was book specific and another took a few dollars off but her total was still well over 400 another coupon was a buy one get one free buy two clearance items under five dollars get the third free i looked back over her purchase and saw she had about thirty five dollar or less candles and other smaller items like bookmarks highlighters etc me i can scan this coupon but it'll only save you about five dollars if you'd like i can take off most of the items that are under five dollars but i want to buy them all me i understand that let me explain i know how coupons work you don't need to get snotty with me i sighed and scanned the coupon why did that only take off five dollars i bought more than three items young lady i plastered on my teacher face and smiled me as i was trying to explain it's only good for a total of three items per transaction if you'd like i can remove the other items from this transaction and then scan the rest up separately that way you're still getting the same amount for free i should probably mention that doing so was way against company policy but as my assistant manager was always saying we don't get paid enough to care when people are mad over five dollars just make it work entitled lady so why won't it work on this transaction scan it again you must not have done it right me i can scan it again but i can see that it won't work no matter how many times i scan it the coupons that work and the items they apply to turn green and if it doesn't work a big error message comes up and it'll say in red that it doesn't apply with a brief explanation of why the system is saying it won't work because it has already been applied to qualifying items lose the attitude i don't deserve this i'm spending hundreds of dollars in here fix it at this point i wanted to throw my computer screen at her but i know manager definitely gets paid enough to care about that instead i plastered on another smile me i'll scan the coupon again and if you'd like to step to the side here i'll show you my screen so you can see that it doesn't work that way no matter how many times i scan it i'm not going to do your job for you make it work i scanned the coupon again and surprise it didn't work me as i've said it's not going to work this way again i'm more than happy to remove the items from your purchase and ring them out as separate transactions but i can't make the computer accept the coupon well that's not what i want i want to buy these items so i wouldn't have picked them out would i now i'm just done me i've found that's why customers generally select items yes she blinks at me and i'm now smiling with true joy i've managed to silence her for a moment me if you'd like i can go get my manager and see if he knows anything i don't i know he doesn't but i figure i can offer anyway and pass the buck to him entitled lady you should have offered that sooner go as i'm walking to the other side of the checkout kiosk i hear her say to husband hopefully manager is more competent than this jerk i go up to the manager and he leans in and i start to explain but he tells me he's been listening to the whole thing and i'm right don't worry we were pretty close friends outside of work and he knew i didn't mind confrontation at all but he was in law school so i knew entitled lady had it coming in some way i handed manager the coupon and hung back while i labeled new merch manager tells the entitled lady what seems to be the problem ma'am entitled lady is now in full-on caring mode that cashier is inept and because of her i won't be buying anything she should be fired i expect better service from a christian store manager i'm sorry to hear you aren't satisfied with our procedures may i entitled lady cuts him off and rage explains what's happened surprisingly accurately and manager nods along sympathetically entitled lady and your employee said you might be able to get the coupon to work so i expect you to i did the math and this shouldn't be more than 200 so i won't be paying more than that i trust that you can see to it that i get what i want that's your job manager i will certainly do everything i can manager scans the coupon and once again it's rejected let me call her over here he waves me over and asks which way were you scanning the coupon instinctively i swiped my hand in front of the scanner like i was holding a coupon left to right manager well that's exactly what you're supposed to do now i can tell he's messing with her let me try it this way he scans it right to left nope still won't work let me see meanwhile entitled lady has this smug grin like i'm about to be taught a lesson manager inputs the code manually and turns the screen all the way around showing her the error manager if you'll see here this coupon has already been applied to as much merchandise as corporate allows so entitled lady then turns and storms out of the store this store is pathetic i won't ever be back if a customer wants to use a coupon you should let them husband follows her to the car agreeing with her when the door closes manager turns to me and we're both nervous relief laughing grateful the store is otherwise empty manager sent me to lunch saying we'd reshelf her stuff in a bit halfway through my break he comes in the back room manager guess who just came back apparently entitled lady sent husband in to buy everything full price no coupon for anything i worked at this store for another year and she did the same thing about six months later i saw her coming toward my register at the same time manager did caught his eye and went nope yours and ducked under the counter to run to the back of the store manager wasn't happy with me but after we both had left that day he said i couldn't say this on the clock but i was only mad about earlier because you ran before i could best manager ever karen pays 90 euros for 300 euros of groceries at self-checkout before we start just the heads up this is the story of my brother so this happened yesterday march 20th and my brother was working it was around 7 pm and there was this entitled lady who had her cart just fully loaded with a lot of stuff nothing wrong with it but at the self-checkout she scanned a few items and she left 90 euros i believe this was seen on cameras and they called in my brother and his co-worker to stop her while security was on their way my brother and his co-worker were near her my brother and his co-worker went to the exit to stop her and the conversation goes like this my brother can you please stop here is it correct that you didn't pay for these items she obviously denied his co-worker we saw it on the cameras lying doesn't get you any further entitled woman i'm not lying my brother security is coming so please wait here entitled lady it's unfair all those people with loads of groceries and me nothing you arrest me co-worker yeah but they paid for it now the woman made fists and pushed her card away and said this is unfair and was ready to give my co-worker and my brother a punch and was willing to fight and was about to but before that happened the security came and took her down and she was now on the ground not unconscious or anything she then got taken away by the cops and my brother and his co-worker left to go work again and that was about it this isn't a dog daycare a while back i was working in an office that allowed dogs it was an open floor plan and since customers never came into the office we kept the dog food and water bowls right by the front door just because it was the most convenient space and no one else would see them but us who worked there of the six of us who worked in the main office area i was the only one who didn't have a dog no pets policy at the apartment and always felt horribly left out to make matters worse across the way was a doggy daycare one day a very frantic woman came in and she had an absolutely massive dog with her usually the only people who came into the office were associates who had appointments with someone working there but it was rare they brought their dogs she ran up to me and said do you work here and i said yes how can i help you and she said i wasn't sure if you took walk-ins but i read online i could just drop him off i tried to call but no answer i didn't know what she was talking about at that point and i said come again who did you call exactly thinking if i could just saddle her off to whoever she came to see i wouldn't have to decipher her problem she said well it doesn't matter now look something urgent's come up and i really need to leave him here here's his food he likes and i'll be back in a few hours and at this point i wasn't thinking of the doggie daycare i thought maybe she was a friend of someone here i said well alright can i get your name please and she said her name and then asked if i needed her to sign anything and i was so confused at this point i just said why would i need you to sign something and she left almost immediately so i took otis the dog to the back and showed him to my coworkers and no one knew the woman or dog i was worried she wouldn't come back but at the same time my wish for an office dog had been granted and otis was supremely chill all he did all day was lie around and drool onto his own ears i just freshened him up every now and then took him out every couple hours and he was happy as a clam on a big cushy dog bed we thankfully had an extra of he just loved attention from anywhere he could get it at the end of the day the woman thank god came back she said thanks you're a life saver how was he and i said he was a champ and was about to say but why is he here when she said that's a relief most kennels say he gets anxious around other dogs i heard you operated at a much higher capacity i was thrilled to see you had so few clients in the room at one time so how much do i owe you and that's when i realized she thought we were a dog daycare now i probably should have corrected her but i loved my day with the office dog and i did want to get paid for supervising this strange dog all day i just threw out the number that sounded fair and appropriate that'll be twenty dollars i said she replied really in this very high tone and i couldn't tell if i had overshot or undershot but she paid me and left my co-workers were laughing hysterically when they realized what had happened and we thought it would just be a good story for the future but the next week she came back she said we were so much more affordable and less overcrowded than her other place that she was happy to use us i was glad for the company so i just took him i didn't think there was any way she couldn't have at least some idea we weren't a dog daycare the whole ordeal was so strange i just figured don't question a good thing i was much younger and dumber then not long after otis started getting dropped off two sometimes even three or four days a week i was in heaven he was such a love and he made fast friends with the delivery guys and visitors one day we took our office christmas card photo and otis was over that day so we included him in a santa hat it was pretty great but it turns out otis owner was friends with one of our clients who i guess happened to have the card out on her table or was kind enough to display it alongside her other holiday cards because one day otis owner came in holding the card and walked up to me and said i can't even believe i'm asking this but is that my dog in this photo this isn't a dog daycare at all this is just an office isn't it she said it with a note of surprise as though she was looking around and putting it all together for the first time no coincidence that this was the first time she wasn't in some crazy rush either she was like then who are all these other dogs and i explained i was terrified she was going to demand her money back or worse take some sort of legal action against us for misrepresenting ourselves as a dog care business or complain to corporate instead she basically said why didn't you ever say anything and i explained we just really liked having otis around she stopped for a minute and seemed to be thinking and said is that right and i said yes and told her the story of how i was the only one in the office without a dog so loved the company she seemed a little flummoxed to her hesitant understandably because the whole ordeal was so weird she turned to my coworker and asked if i was telling the whole truth i don't know why she thought my co-worker also a stranger to her was any more trustworthy than me but hey strange times co-worker backed me up so she said i wish you'd said something sooner could have saved me a lot of embarrassment with my friend back there all right i have to get going see you at 4 and she left otis i couldn't believe it i said so he can stay and she replied where else could i find someone to watch him one-on-one all day for 20 and off she went otis stayed my office dog until his family moved away luckily right around the same time i took a new job speaking of dogs what's your favorite dog breed of all time please let me know stop sending your kid over i am not a babysitter at first i wasn't sure if this was an entitled parent story because i think this woman is just plain crazy but after reading a few of these i have figured out that crazy and entitled are one in the same years ago this new neighbor of mine she had recently moved to a house on the next street over kept trying for the better part of a summer to use me as a free babysitter it started when her kid who was a really well-behaved kid and about seven showed up at my door at 7 15 in the morning we were all just waking up and getting around so i told him that my boys weren't ready to play yet and to come back in a few hours that is when the kid told me his mom had gone to work this seemed a bit odd to me so i brought him in and tried to call his mom this was the time of only landlines sure enough she was gone so i brought him in and fed him breakfast he stayed with us the rest of the day and he got along well with my two boys who were five and ten i had only talked to his mom about two times so i had no idea why she would think this was a good idea when his mom came home i walked him over so i could talk to her i told her not to do that again i told her that i would be willing to watch him on occasion if asked first but not every day her response was well what else do you have to do all day this kind of took me by surprise i tried to tell her that i work at home on commissions she rolled her eyes and told me that being an artist isn't a real job and besides i was married so i didn't need to work i should have pointed out to her that she was married and working but i felt myself getting angry and i didn't want to argue with her just don't do that again i said to her you have teenage kids home for the summer have them babysit she frowned at me and said they work i said so do i then i went home the next morning at 7 15 the kid sheepishly shows up again once again i bring him in and feed him breakfast and later lunch once again i took him to his home and once again told his mother to please not do that again she actually tried to tell me that it was my neighborly duty to watch him and i told her that if she sent him tomorrow i wouldn't be there because of a doctor's appointment she said that as a babysitter i should have given her several days notice about this i angrily told her i was not a babysitter and then went home the next morning i made my 7 a.m appointment blood work that is why it was so early i did some grocery shopping afterward and it was about 10 am when i got home the poor kid was waiting for me on my porch he had been there for nearly three hours and the little guy was scared and hungry that night when i took the kid home i was angry i told her how this kid was scared and alone she actually said that she had told me i hadn't given her enough time to find anyone else and that his being alone was my fault i pointed at her and said i am not a babysitter don't send him over again that night this woman had her adult nephew call me to scream at me for not being home when his poor aunt dropped her son off how dare i leave a kid alone like that i told the nephew that his aunt knew i wasn't home so it was her that left the kid all alone i said that i had repeatedly asked his aunt not to send the kid over anymore and i was not a babysitter this nephew freaked out at me when i said that and i hung up on him screaming at me this worked for two wonderful quiet days then right back to it i tried everything but this woman insisted that it was my neighborly duty to babysit and would tell me as such finally i decided that to solve this problem i would just get a job outside of my home and that way she would have to stop i was too much of a pacifist back then i no longer am i landed an interview for a position at the local library and i was ecstatic i told the woman to keep her son home because i had arranged for my kids to stay with their grandmother while i went to this interview the next morning i drove to my mother-in-law's house and took my kids inside when i went to leave i found this woman's kid waiting for me in my car she had actually followed me there and put her son in my unlocked car and then zoomed off while i was dropping off my boys my mother-in-law wasn't the most flexible person in the world and she adamantly refused to watch an extra kid i had to cancel my interview i was livid i toyed with several ideas at this moment i could take the kid to her job and leave him with her or i could call the police and cps i really wasn't sure how stable this woman's job was and i didn't want to get her fired and when i went to go call the cps i chickened out because it really wouldn't be fair to the kid besides i had heard really scary stories about cps in the end i just waited for her to come home i left the kid at my house with my husband and i stomped over to her house and met her before she even got out of the car i shouted at her i told her she was dense stupid moronic and crazy i told her that she had lost me my job interview and if she sent her kid over to be watched again i was going to call cps and the police i told her that she was violating my space and if it took going to court to get her to knock it off then so be it she then put her hand on her hip and in her most snotty tone she said well if you didn't want to sit with him all you had to do was tell me i really do not know how i kept from punching her right then and there this comment was so crazy i turned on my heels to start stomping home when i saw her husband pulling up now this was the first time i had ever met her husband he worked at a job that only allowed him to be home on weekends i can't blame him i wouldn't want to be around her either but when she saw him she turned tail and ran into her house he saw that i was upset and asked me what had happened i told him told him all of it especially the incident at my mother-in-law's the poor man was shocked he had been told that i was being paid and he had been giving her money to pay me he had no idea all this had been going on and he was very very apologetic over the whole thing in fact he apologized again to my husband when he came over to pick up his son finally finally she stopped sending her kid over later i heard from others that she was bad-mouthing me and warning folks about what a horrid babysitter i was but i took that as a favor i didn't want to babysit any of the kids other than my own and i still hate doing so the kid came over only once in a while after that to play with my kids after he called first to get permission exactly the way it should be done i'm sure his dad had something to do with that because the kid only came over on weekends this is one of a few stories i have involving this crazy lady her only entertainment in life seems to be seeing how bizarre she can act in this neighborhood i'm luckier than my other neighbors in the fact that she leaves me alone now and i'm very happy with that karen has a total freak out at walmart this this i will never forget i used to work at my local walmart but i only worked there for three months then quit because i couldn't work the schedule i was on i worked the graveyard shift that means i worked from 10 pm to 7 am fun i quit because i would sleep all day and be up all night have no time for family or friends and i couldn't do that nor was i able to switch to the day shift since there were no openings for the day shift after three weeks of me quitting i returned to do some shopping and to return my vest and name tag i was standing at the customer service waiting for the general manager to come get the vest and tag as i was waiting this woman aka karen walks right up to me and crossed her arms and snarls at me me can i help you karen yes i've been waiting for you to stop talking for nearly an hour me i've been here for five minutes what do you want karen i need help i want to buy a tv but i can't carry it me uh i don't work here lady the customer service girl holds in a giggle as she tries to calm down the karen yes you do you do work here i saw you just a month ago working here me i quit like three weeks ago i no longer work here if you want help how about you lose the bad caring attitude of yours and ask nicely for help before demanding someone no wonder why people think you're a jerk we had problems with her multiple times karen goes on and on how she's gonna get me fired for this and how she knows the general manager me go ahead i don't care i don't work here i put the tag and vest down on the counter and did my shopping the general manager comes up and fist bumps me as it was our way of saying hey to each other he tells me what karen said and laughed general manager i swear that woman is crazy i try to tell her that you don't work here me that's what i told her manager don't worry if she does anything she will be banned i finished up my shopping and what do you know karen lost it on the manager for being so inconsiderate of her being harassed by me the next thing she knew she was banned for giving him problems interviewed someone who claimed to have done my job at my former employer when i worked there nine years ago i work for an it consulting firm a minor part of my job is to perform phone screens on perspective hires i have a long background in it so i'm used to resume padding i try to judge a person's actual technical ability their ability to fit into our company how they would do as a consultant and try and get a gauge of their character we have a wide spread of technical prowess on staff so i focus on the person after years in i.t i think i can do this pretty well last week the owner sent a resume and called me to do a phone screen of a prospective employee i happily agreed not having read the resume i finished my evening and went to bed the next day i read the resume this guy claimed to have worked at my former employer a university nine years ago when i worked there doing my job as a student worker working to gain two master's degrees in two years before you start laughing keep in mind this will mess with you you don't expect this level of dishonesty on a resume i started asking myself when i actually worked at the former employer what i may have missed what could have happened i actually reached out to my former co-workers about this person i managed a lot of the student workers but not all of them so i thought maybe i was forgetting someone nobody knew him it was suggested that perhaps the resume had formatting errors or he was talking about the wrong university there is another school in town with a very similar name so this is not unheard of i decided to give the candidate the benefit of the doubt but i wanted to be sure about my former workplace i called the registrar's office to verify the degrees after much checking we could find no record that he even attended the school i should have called off the interview but at this point i was still trying to give the benefit of the doubt i called him on time and started the interview as normal i explained the position told him this would be a technical interview and answered his first questions we started going through his resume and i asked the technical question relating to his claimed experience that is when i first heard the mechanical keyboard i cannot be certain no video but i am fairly confident that he was googling the answers to questions i was asking i adjusted and started asking follow-up questions that would be too hard to quickly search for he was unable to answer those after a few minutes we got to my former employer i asked who his supervisor was i have never heard of the person he claimed i let him know i worked there at the same time he was claiming in the i.t department like he was claiming he responded with oh crap i explained briefly that i was the person that would have been his boss and that he was claiming to have done my job he tried to tell me that he worked in a different building this is when i got mad i told him that there was only one it department for this rather small school i had to stop myself from calling out all the crap instead i just ended the interview i wasted 45 minutes of my life well he wasted it i called the employment agency that recommended him and told them everything including the bogus degrees i then called several other agencies and gave them the scoop complete with his linkedin account and resume that showed the same false information the odds of me interviewing this jerk were insane i find this both ridiculously funny and infuriating apple's holier-than-thou attitude is their undoing in court about a year and a half ago i was having issues with both my macbook and iphone and went on to schedule a genius bar appointment this used to be an easy task you just went to the support side and scheduled one but over time apple has foolishly attempted to reduce the load on the genius bars by putting up various roadblocks to getting an appointment i assume they've just decided that this is cheaper than hiring more staff and that most of the customers are rabid enough to still buy apple tank despite the blow this causes to decent customer service after finally jumping through a number of hoops to get a genius bar appointment i'm prompted to enter my apple id and password i'm told that since it's been 3 months i need to change it for what is now probably the 10th time since having that apple id i can continue to use it on the app store and icloud and stuff but if i want a service appointment i must change it having gone through this for the last several times to get an appointment i finally hit my wit's end decided it's an unnecessary step to just get my product serviced and escalate the matter through the better business bureau apple's initial response to the better business bureau is a form letter saying that i need to just change the password because it's in my best interest for security reasons and that they won't make any exceptions i respond again indicating that this is bad customer service and incongruent with the apple credo customer service principles that all employees are trained in their next response was that apple considers this matter closed i hate that response it's corporate speak for you're not worth our time anymore go away the better business bureau closed the case shortly thereafter i do some research and determined that through my applecare plus policy that i was paying for on both devices there was actually no catch-all clause for why apple could refuse to service the device there were several exclusions but arbitrary account security requirements were not part of them i filed suit in small claims court for replacement value of the laptop and phone here's when things got interesting i show up to the court date and the case is called i come up to my podium and at the defendant's podium appears the manager from the store i used to work at it was in the same county as the court but significantly farther away than an apple store that was actually a mile from the courthouse i never confirmed this but i think apple didn't pay attention to the details of the complaint on the form just did a name look up and assumed that because i had previously worked at the store that this was some employment dispute the judge asks me to explain why i am suing and in about a minute i'm able to concisely explain that apple was putting up an unnecessary and extra contractual blockade to me getting a service appointment for my broken devices so i was suing to replace the devices the judge then turns to the store manager who has arrived at court in a t-shirt and jeans i'm in a full suit out of respect for the court but before asking for apple's side of the story asks if the manager is a lawyer the manager says he is not the judge says that since my state's law requires that only a chief executive or registered agent can represent a company in court or they have to hire a lawyer to remove it to a higher district court the manager responds that he understands but that he's happy to set up a genius bar appointment right here right now at my convenience to get the products repaired the judge deems this reasonable we agree on a time for me to come into my old store for service and the case is continued for two weeks out on the chance that things don't work out i attend my appointment and the technician is able to resolve all of my issues and in addition a senior apple technician contacts me by email to indicate that he's overridden the password expiration requirement on my apple id and i will never have to change it again cool deal but i'm still out 60 dollars for filing this court case to actually get things moving along i appear for the continued court date and the same manager appears again too the docket is especially busy on this date and we have a different judge who is slashing through cases no nonsense we're called and i indicate that while we were able to resolve the problems with my equipment since the original trial and am no longer seeking replacement value for my products i should not have had to sue apple to get this type of treatment that aligned with their contractual obligations to me as an apple care plus customer and believe that i should be awarded the 60 dollars in court fees the judge turns to the store manager and asks if he has a lawyer manager says no judge 2 gives him the same spiel manager retorts that he still believes that the court fees shouldn't be apple's responsibility because blah blah blah and judge pressed for time turns to me and says i assume you don't want to have to come back here again for them to get a lawyer i say no thinking that he's going to give me the full sixty dollars but instead he says okay then you'll just split it so that we don't have to waste any more time on this thirty dollars to the plaintiff according to my state's laws a prevailing party gets all of their court costs as such i really disagree with the way the judge handled that splitting it because he was in a hurry i reached out to apple's paralegal who had emailed me right after the original trial to confirm the genius bar appointment cite the relevant law and say that the judge was pretty clearly in the wrong and ask apple to just cut me a check for the full sixty dollars otherwise i'd have to appeal which was an extra 125 dollars they would surely lose and then owe me 185 dollars i was more or less appealing their common sense they didn't have any responding that they would follow the court's judgment only and cut a check for thirty dollars i think their pompousness continued in assuming that i was bluffing about the appeal so i appealed since the small claims court is a subordinate of the district court it actually got appealed to the highest court in the county the circuit court this is big boy court no bsing i appear for my court date and again the same manager shows up judge is a bouncy guy in a bow tie clearly had his coffee and is pleasant to everyone i present my case that the lower court only awarded me partial costs and the state law required that i get the entire amount since judgment was entered in my favor judge turns to the manager are you a lawyer he says no but he has a letter from apple's chief legal counsel saying that it's okay with them that the manager represents them the judge does not like this and his demeanor changes instantly apple does not decide what you can or cannot do in my courtroom you need an attorney so we'll probably need to continue this case judge turns to me do you object to a continuance for the defendant to get an attorney i say yes i do your honor because they've actually been told three times now that they need to have a lawyer and they keep disrespecting this court by sending the same layman to argue on their behalf judge turns to the manager and with a sarcastic grin and obviously fake it's out of my hands hand gesture says sorry judgment is entered in my favor for 185 dollars as if that wasn't good enough after 30 days apple still hasn't paid i reach out to the paralegal again and they say they are still looking into their options as if they were going to appeal to the state supreme court which had to have been done within those 30 days again apple thinks that they are too good to follow court instructions or do what's best for them but they seem to have forgotten that i used to work for them i have my credit union look up one of the old ach transactions from my payroll and i asked them what bank that was drafted from they tell me wachovia i go back to court file garnishment proceedings against apple via wachovia i was able to skip the discovery portion since i already knew where they were keeping at least 185 dollars and wachovia of course cuts me a check within days karen breaks my phone because i refuse to hand it over cast we've got entitled mom entitled kid nice dad and me so on to the story about five years ago i was at a family reunion with over 60 people i had never met i was bored so i started playing call of duty mobile on my brand new iphone 6. i had worked hard to get that phone all summer i played for a few minutes and saw entitled kid who was about 10 i think a few feet away from me looking bored out of his mind staring intently at me me feeling bad because i was feeling the same way beckons for him to come over when entitled kid comes in he watches me for a while which i don't mind then after about 30 minutes he asked me my account name entitled kid pulls up the app on his phone can you tell me your account name you have lots of stuff me sure it's username you can friend me if you want entitled kid writes it down on his phone okay what's your password me no i'm not telling you this is my account understand i have spent over 50 dollars on this game and many hours on it as well so you can understand why i did not want to share it with him entitled kid's face turns red he gets mad and storms off after a few minutes i think i'm in the clear when out of nowhere here comes entitled mom what have you done to my kid me he wanted my game password and i told him he couldn't have it trying to reason with karen but i would gladly help him make an account on his phone entitled mom brushing off the last line and what is it me i told you i will not give it away it's my account and i've spent money on it how dare you why are you being so disrespectful after further arguing she realizes that she cannot get my password and she asks how much it was worth entitled mom well how much did you spend on it me thinking it's starting to end because she's starting to calm down 50 or so dollars entitled mom what i'm not spending that much on some game just let him use your account me getting angry because i do not want to give this lady my account no ma'am i am not going to give you my account information entitled mom is so mad and taken aback she rushes forward grabs my phone and throws it at the ground i was so shocked about what just happened and i realize it's quiet i look around to see people staring at us entitled mom grabbed entitled kid by the arm and stormed off soon after many people were reassuring me when nice dad came over he told me that this was his wife and that he would pay for my phone a few days later a package arrived in the mail sure enough it was an iphone 6s and even better after all the other family reunions i've never seen entitled mom or entitled kid again and i'm still friends with my dad to this very day what did i take away from this 1. i have no idea why someone so nice would marry a jerk like that two i now have a better phone and a crazy story three i will never be like karen in my life speaking of iphones do you like iphones or not really entitled dad tries to bully me at the comic shop allow me to set the scene this all happened when i was 17 when i was working at a comics and collectible store in my small town we were a very tight-knit store family and about eighty percent of the customers we would see in a day were our regular customers on the day in question my co-worker will get to him later was taking his well-deserved lunch in the back room away from the main store although i was pretty new at the time i was fine handling the store by myself for an hour or so and it was a slow day a few weeks after christmas enter the entitled dad with his unfortunate five to six year old son in tow entitled dad is extremely well dressed visibly wealthy and barely even glances at me as he walks up to the register i don't recognize him which means he's not a regular as he comes in he's holding the box for a mid-range transformers some assembly required figurine the box is open at one end and the frames that hold the punch out pieces are sticking out of the top along with some of the plastic packaging and directions i can hear loose pieces rattling around inside he unceremoniously drops the box on the counter we need to exchange this for another one now if you know anything about small businesses especially ones that sell collectibles you'll know that return slash exchange policies are pretty non-existent we just don't have the profit cushion to make up for it however my boss is a softie and for regulars or in cases of broken merchandise he sometimes makes an exception tentatively i tell entitled dad that we don't usually do returns or exchanges but i ask if there was a problem with the toy and i ask if he has his receipt entitled dad is already on the verge of snapping my son and i couldn't put it together listen to me i'm not asking you for a refund we're just going to exchange it for another one all the pieces are there i shouldn't have to keep every receipt i bought it here you clearly sell these toys and he immediately hauls his poor kid over to the shelves where we display our transformers now i don't believe for a second that all of the pieces are in that box especially since it looks like they stuffed it all back in without trying to even make it fit i'm a non-confrontational type of person and my anxiety was already bad enough at this point so i realize i am not equipped to handle this entitled dad so i go get my co-worker who will call d d is the kind of person that you pitch her when you think of don't mess with me energy he used to be a tattoo artist he's covered in ink and piercings always wears band tees as a dark beard tall and fit etc he carries a stainless steel cane for some leg issues but in his hands that cain looks like a weapon however he's always extremely kind and professional up until the exact second that you upset him even i'm a little afraid of dee to be honest i peek into the back room already feeling terrible for interrupting dee's lunch and tell him i need his help with a customer who's demanding to return a toy he heads back out into the main store area with me and i see his expression go sour the moment he spots the busted open box sitting on our counter d turns to untitled dad and asks so you're wanting to return this toy is that right and title dad absolutely flips his crap no i am exchanging it for another toy because i bought it here and my son can't put his christmas present together he rounds on me what did you tell him i told you it was an exchange d cuts him off steadily approaching rage mode sir i cannot put this back on the shelf it's open the box is bent and we don't sell used merchandise we don't offer returns or exchanges it said so on your receipt when you bought it and title dad is shouting even louder now this is ridiculous i bought it here just put it back in the box then all the pieces are there if i can't even figure it out it's probably defective d is not having it you expect me to accept this on your word that all the pieces are there then sell it to another customer with half the pieces broken out already this toy is for ages 12 and up and if you can't figure out how to put it together that's not my problem if you want a new toy you're going to have to pay for it otherwise you need to leave i'm practically blacked out from fear of confrontation at this point i don't remember the particulars of the rest of their shouting match but i do remember making eye contact with entitled dad's poor kid who looked absolutely humiliated by his dad's behavior in the end he makes it incredibly clear that he's not going to accept entitled dad's busted up toy and that entitled dad needs to leave or we will call the police fuming entitled dad snatches the box back and drags his kid away all the while threatening us with the better business bureau bad online reviews i'm never shopping here again etc etc still fuming himself dee looks over and asks me if i'm alright i nod if that jerk comes back here you come get me okay i nod again and dee disappears into the back room to finish his lunch and no entitled dad did not come back do you have any collectibles or things that you've put together yourself i think those are so cool please let me know karen from my church goes crazy on me okay i should preface this by saying this happened about 12 years ago now i had mostly forgotten about this incident until i read a story about christian entitled parents and went oh hey i know some of those this takes place a few months after i had started going to a new church after my grandmother who i was living with got a flyer for a vacation bible study the church was doing i had enjoyed it and ended up going back every sunday morning and wednesday night we were new to the area and didn't have a church to go to yet so finding what i enjoyed was a blessing i was one of the older kids there at 11 and there was only one other kid there my exact age and he usually only showed up every two weeks or so there was this one girl however that got really attached to me she was a few years younger and her brother was just a year older than her he wasn't nearly as attached but still liked to get me to play with them and these kids were actually the pastor's kids at the time i was really really into yu-gi-oh and my grandmother had just bought me some cards and i was ecstatic i was talking about it to anyone that would willingly listen to me and that meant bringing my cards to church and talking about it with people there this included the girl but oh boy had talking to her about it been a huge mistake once the services were over and everyone was getting ready to leave the pastor's wife comes to me and asks me to come talk to her in another room i follow her thinking maybe she had something for me we weren't exactly well off so it wouldn't be the first time i left with more than i had arrived with anyway i get to this room and inside already are the pastor's mother and another woman from the church whose name i can't remember so i'm going to call her nancy because she reminded me of a nancy nancy was my hero in this situation the pastor's wife sits down in front of me and begins to tell me that she doesn't like the way i was talking to her daughter i'm very much confused at this point because i definitely wasn't being mean or saying anything bad she then continues on to tell me that i should not be talking to her daughter about demons and that's when it dawns on me that she's talking about my yu-gi-oh cards my throat felt tight at that point and i was trying so hard to not start crying right there and then because i couldn't begin to understand why i was getting berated over talking about my cards and i try to explain that it's just a game and a show i like she tells me she knows that but it's still completely unacceptable and she doesn't want me talking to her kids again ever not just about the cards about anything and then she tells me i can go so i rush out of there to the van that brought me there i go home and completely bawl my eyes out the thing was this was about the time my anxiety really got the better of me even if i didn't know that's what it was back then just the thought that i was going to be in trouble with my grandmother and her husband was enough to send me into a full-blown panic attack and lock myself in my room i ended up skipping the next sunday school by pretending to be sick nancy and her husband actually showed up at my home the day after i missed they asked that i don't take anything the pastor and his wife say too seriously that because they're well off and send their kids to a good catholic school that they could be a bit uppity they told me they hoped i would continue coming to the church because they loved having me and that made me feel a little better and i did enjoy going to that church so next wednesday evening rolls around the van shows up and i go to church again i wish i hadn't i get there and church service proceeds as normal but we stay behind a little longer to make christmas decorations before we leave the kids keep trying to talk to me and i try to ignore them the boy once realizing i wasn't going to play with him like usual goes to play somewhere else the girl however does not as i said before she had been quite attached to me and kept trying to get me to talk to her i was afraid of getting in trouble again so i crack and tell her that i'm sorry but i'm not allowed to talk to her anymore she looks confused and hurt which in turn made me hurt she was a sweet kid but i shouldn't have even said that because her mother comes storming over scolding me for ignoring her kid and i'm just so so confused she had literally told me the week before that she didn't want me talking to them at all she then tells me that because i was so rude i could take them into the playroom and watch them while everyone cleaned up the tables and left over supplies and i'm just standing there dumbfounded and trying so hard not to cry she tells me to go on then but before i can say anything nancy swoops in to save me she tells the pastor's wife that actually she had gotten a phone call from my grandmother and that i needed to go home right away she tries to argue that the van can't leave until they're done cleaning up and nancy tells her that's okay because she'll be taking me home i start crying as soon as we get into the car and nancy the sweetheart she was stopped at a gas station and bought me a coco and a donut to try and make me feel better so i was a little less blubbery by the time i got home in the end i was too afraid to ever go back to that church the next time the van came around to pick me up my grandmother had to go out and let the drivers who were also very good people know that i wasn't coming this time or ever again while i hid under my covers too ashamed to face them myself i spent a long time thinking it was my fault that what i had done was inherently wrong i even ended up giving my cards to a friend because i couldn't look at them without wanting to throw up this is the first time i've told anyone outside of my grandmother about this situation obviously looking back now i know i was no way in the wrong and the pastor's wife in no way made sense with the way she treated me speaking of yu-gi-oh did you ever have yu-gi-oh cards of your own or how about pokemon cards entitled parent tries to take my lightsaber so i practice lightsaber fighting as a hobby and have been for about three years being a lightsaber i prefer to practice in the dark because i enjoy the lighting before then i had a stick that i put a handle and duct tape on for practice a couple years ago i finally got a lightsaber from ultrasabers for about a hundred dollars and got really into my practice it's very different balance wise and because i've mostly lived in apartments my whole life i usually go to nearby parks or wait for no one to be outside well one night last fall i was at my local park for some practice of my forms about 10 minutes in entitled mom and her maybe about 10 year old kid came over he was holding one of those flimsy plastic lightsabers in his hand as i realized they were approaching i stopped practicing because i don't want anyone accidentally getting hurt even more so in the dark entitled mom hey can you duel my son he just wants to have some fun me well if he was wearing safety gear i would and if he maybe had a better lightsaber i don't want him to get hurt and i actually practice dueling entitled mom it's not a sharp blade or anything it won't hurt him at this point the kid approaches me and i can barely see that he has extended the telescopic blade me doesn't matter we use protection because with these blades they are very sturdy and in the right hands can actually cause very real damage whack the kid decided to strike my leg it only sounded bad the plastic on those has a lot of give for a reason me turning to the kid don't hit anyone even with a toy weapon unless you personally know them entitled mom don't listen to him the jedi strike people in every movie don't they at this point i realize i'm talking to a psychopath of some sort i turn off the light and start heading back home but that was apparently a mistake entitled mom wait can we at least trade for your lightsaber my son really likes purple me no the blade on this is going to be far too long for him and i paid over a hundred dollars for it oh please you didn't pay that much i bet it was thirty dollars tops and you're not willing to fight why should you keep it if you aren't going to use it me i do use it mostly for exercise right now but i have several friends who want to get their own and i plan to make a club of it and i've practiced the combat steps for almost three years i'm sure i could out duel your son in just a few seconds it wouldn't be the best experience and i don't want him to get hurt that's why i didn't lift my blade when he hit me i'm being kind and now i'm going home i don't know what they did after that but i have since moved and a 20 toy for a hundred dollar pseudo weapon is nothing to ever ask for there are only three they can do what they want okay so a few days ago i went to a bowling place with my dad and my brother because we were bored and we came across two different entitled parents i'll post the second story in a few days so like normal we got our bowling shoes on went to our lanes and beside us was a mom and four girls around three we were halfway through the first game but then something happened cast we've got me we've got my brother we've got my dad we've got entitled kids entitled mom and the bowling employee so like i said before we were about halfway through the game and the people next to us just finished we thought they would pack up and leave but no two games was not enough for them entitled kid one why don't we race the bowling balls down the lane that would be fun and title kid too okay so they grab a few balls and do exactly what they said now i don't have a problem with what they were doing but after they rolled down the lane the balls would get stuck and since we were sharing the balls we didn't have many balls left so my dad got up and politely says excuse me girls the balls you are rolling down the lane are getting stuck and we can't use them anymore so could you please stop entitled kids okay so we continue playing with half of these balls but then the girls start doing it again so a bowling employee tells them to stop but they keep on doing it as soon as the employee leaves now my dad is mad so he gets up again but instead this time he talks to the entitled mom dad excuse me your kids are getting the ball stuck and i have already asked them to stop but they haven't can you ask them to stop entitled mom they're only three they can do what they want so i don't care if you want them to stop buzz off her language kind of surprised me at this point and there was only one ball left so i get up to get it before the kids can take it again but entitled mom can see me doing it and trips me me ouch stop being a cry baby you don't deserve the balls my brother you're being very rude and selfish can we please have the ball and an apology for tripping him over so she gets up and throws the ball at my brother luckily she missed and screams take it then and you know what the entitled kids say next but we want it mom at this point they're being so loud that the employee comes back employee what seems to be the problem entitled mom they stole our bowling balls entitled kid yeah they stole it employee excuse me entitled mom you need to leave right now why they hurt my babies and stole our bowling poles they should leave employee well after i told your girls to stop bowling i looked over to see if they did and i saw the whole thing unfold now leave before i charge you with assault for what for tripping him over and throwing a bowling ball at them now buzz off so the entitled mom walks off and we are happy employee i'm so sorry you had to deal with that if you want i can give you a free game dad thank you so much so we get the balls back and continue playing so the second story will come out in a few days and sorry if there are typos or spelling errors i'm on a mobile device do you like going bowling or not really lady upset because a stranger didn't comfort her in a public restroom this story is a family friends who had the displeasure of working closely with this woman at their job so for a little context this person who we will refer to as entitled parent works with our family friend and is that kind of person who thinks they're friends with everyone they talk to but in reality no one really cares to have them around and title parent also had a pair of pet rats whom she talked about and treated almost exactly like you would human kids if family friend ever mentioned their kid to other co-workers entitled parent would butt in and begin comparing the totally comparable struggle of raising a kid versus rats it's also important to note that family friend loves animals and has many pets so they understand both the struggles of raising people and pets and knows firsthand that it's a completely different realm family friend is also a fairly nice person so anytime entitled parent would bud into these convos flaunting her precious rats they would never say anything to entitled parent now comes the story entitled parent had sadly lost both of her rats and as you could imagine this lady was completely distraught many of us know the pain of losing a beloved pet and family friend was no stranger to it as they've lost many in their lifetime so they sympathized with entitled parent in this troubling time family friend personally reached out to entitled parent sending their condolences to which entitled parent replied with something along the lines of thank you it's just so hard you know i've gone to the bathroom like 10 times today to cry i even left a meeting early because i just can't take this pain later that same day family friend was on their lunch break and a sniffling entitled parent came to join them entitled parent of course began to voice her dismay unprovoked and went on to discuss what travesty had just befilled her entitled parent told family friends she went to the bathroom for yet another cry break and as she sat there sobbing on a public toilet she heard someone walk in the random stranger went along their business and left the restroom normal thing to do right well not to entitled parent i was told entitled parents said something along the lines of that stupid jerk didn't even ask if i was okay or offered to console me what kind of monster do you have to be to leave someone crying in the bathroom family friend was absolutely shocked at such a comment how is not confronting a random crying stranger who is in a random bathroom stall something worthy of being called a jerk even still family friend is non-confrontational so nothing was said to entitled parent entitled parent even relayed this story to other co-workers and hopes for some sympathy to which none was received this type of behavior still continued in the next following weeks according to family friend an entitled parent was getting on everyone's nerves yet nothing was ever said this was the end of family friend's story with entitled parent but even still they still try to understand why entitled parent was like that if it was just entitlement or some other factor causing her to be like this we still have no clue to the answer of this nor the answer to why someone would go out of their way to hide the fact they are crying yet also wish to get consolation for it at the same time my entitled aunt tries to snatch my necklace from me gets told to never come back to our house again this happened to my mom and me a long time ago although i don't remember anything as i was very young before getting to the main story i'd like to give you some backstory on my aunt so we've got entitled anne we've got cousin we've got my mom we've got my dad and me entitled aunt was the only sister of seven brothers so you can imagine how spoiled she was she'd purposefully make her parents buy jewelry and other expensive items which they couldn't afford and keep a family of 10 afloat in short she got everything she wanted and being an only sister daughter had the sole attention and love of her parents and brothers my dad especially really loved his sister and to be honest didn't care for my mom at all he was also the favorite brother of entitled and entitled aunt was married to a guy who couldn't exactly afford her lavish spending and she relied on my dad for everything she wanted the moment my mom was married into the family arranged marriage because that's how things work over here entitled ant got very jealous mainly because of the fact that until then she was the apple of his eye and since my dad landed a pretty good job solely due to his hard work and built his own house not to mention took in his mother and his mentally handicapped younger brother because no one else could be bothered to look after them she could easily leech off of him she would harass my mother for any reason she could find she wouldn't let dad buy anything for mom she would make mom do all the work in the whole household including hers and even though she didn't stay at the house she'd bring her laundry from her own house so mom could wash it when mom was heavily pregnant with me and obviously wasn't supposed to do any tenuous work she'd still force her to do everything including heavy lifting mom eventually left to her own home a month before her due date and got the rest she deserved being taken care of by my sweet grandma after i was born mom got a job as a teacher it was her lifelong dream even though she had to pay money to the school for it again it's a government job and this is how it is for everyone here my mom definitely wasn't cheating and was qualified for said job mom having no other way decided to ask dad for the money required which he was ready to give until entitled ant storms in and shuts it down eventually mom had to borrow money from her sister and land the job there's tons of stories about her which i couldn't actually believe because i couldn't fathom the possibility that someone could be so entitled getting to the main story after i was born my dad completely shifted focus from entitled ant to me because i was and still am his only child and title dan didn't like this but knew how much dad wouldn't like it if she did something to his kid as i said dad has a lot of siblings and he was the second youngest so everyone else was already married and had kids of their own when i was around two years old dad's mother decided to buy every grandchild a silver pendant and a special gold one for cousin as she was entitled anne's kid mom bought a nice platinum chain for the pendant with her hard-earned money my dad then decided to buy a nice diamond pendant because he thought it looked good with the chain and switched out the silver pendant entitled ant couldn't afford to buy a matching gold necklace for the pendant so she pestered my dad to buy one for cousin to which he complied this was before she knew what he had bought for me to clarify as far as i know cousin isn't an entitled jerk and i like her a lot few days later she comes over with cousin i was in the cradle and since we had just come back from a wedding i was still wearing the necklace entitled aunt sees this and belittles mom thinking it was fake and brags about how cousin got a lovely gold pendant and matching chain mom didn't say anything and went on with her work dad came home and tells entitled aunt about the necklace during random chit chat entitled then asks dad to give her the necklace for cousin dad says no and reminds her that she just bought cousin a gold chain and titled aunt loses her crap i think she just wasn't used to hearing no from dad start screaming about how her angel deserved it more and that dad should give it to cousin as they didn't have as much money as we did dad firmly said no and tells her how even if he wanted to he couldn't as the chain was bought by mom entitled ant tries to snatch the necklace from my neck which promptly made me cry which apparently annoyed her even more mom swats her hand away livid at the fact that she was not only stealing but hurting me in the process to which she had a whole meltdown bawling about how dad didn't care for her or cousin at all and all his attention went to me dad stood his ground and said no then this person decides to tell dad who literally catered to her every wish how worthless of a brother he is and how his daughter is going to turn up just like him i think dad just snapped at this point he told her to leave his house and how he's so tired of dealing with her crap she then angrily left the house next day she came back again bringing some homemade snacks and sweet talking about how she just had a mood swing and how she was so sorry dad entertained this for a while thinking that she was genuinely sorry but then she tried to ask for the necklace again and the same argument ensued after which she was kicked out and told never to come back to his house again i guess after that she understood her place and that dad wasn't going to bend to her will anymore especially if it was regarding me she passed away a couple of years later my mom rejoiced when she heard this do you get along with your brothers and sisters or do you usually fight with them please let me know karen loses it at the butcher shop i went to the amish stores to get goods because around here there are amish and mennonite not too far away from my city and they have great deals on staples plus they are not crowded and all but ignore me unless necessary the limited stock means most english as they call us only shop there when they are retired or i can't get stuff and they live in the tiny town adjacent to my larger city i got flour yeast and some other things but they didn't have any vegetables or meat that happened since they opened at 7 00 am and amish and mennonite get up early and it was 10 am no worries i'll go to the butcher but the amish butcher was closed so i head over to the tiny butcher in my city i frequent as i know after monday i'll be home for a minimum of two weeks i get there and the coolers are all but bare as are the shelves but i see the butcher is still packaging some items and so i get in the longest line i've ever seen there i read the signs and know the limits so as to not be greedy the man in front finally got to the butcher and apparently didn't read the limits so they have to tell him no several times but he gets the two pounds of bacon they said was the limit leaving what looked like less than a pound of bacon no worries first come first served i only wanted a pound for my family anyways he gets the last brisket and the last of the chicken thighs i'm mentally adjusting order because again he was first he can get whatever he likes halfway through his order i notice entitled mom and entitled daughter are talking loudly behind me almost telling me how i need to order and not order things because they wanted them i ignore them but they keep getting into my personal space and talking about their needs because they're a family because good moms never shop alone it's my turn at the counter an entitled mom says to the butcher can i go first i'm in a hurry my family needs us to get home i care for my diabetic son he says that's up to my batch of crazy she was here first i respond actually i am immunocompromised and my diabetic husband has our kids at home she huffs but knows that she won't be getting ahead of me entitled daughter whispered mommy brother is biodedic entitled mom shuster i order the bacon first saying with a smile i would like a pound of bacon but it looks like it might be shy of that so i'll take whatever's there if that's okay entitled mom loses her crap you can't do that she can't take all the bacon that's not fair my family needs it i roll my eyes and keep going she pokes me you did that on purpose i said very calmly i am a teacher and i have worked with students on house arrest for years so temper tantrums are my daily routine and nothing makes them angrier than a calm rational response don't put your mitts on me and i usually get two pounds wrapped separately so my less than a pound order is nothing i turn around and she starts telling entitled daughter that i'm mean and i'm taking entitled daughter's bacon entitled daughter of course cried and i swear a little bit of butcher's tolerance died then too because he looked so sad i order one flank steak there were four left she said oh look now she's taking the best tube steak it was flank but whatever i order four chicken breasts that i don't pick out and that was rude apparently too as was my request for three pounds of ground chuck in separate packages the guy in front of me ordered three in six packages but whatever then move from the counter as i'm looking at the bits and ends they had pre-packaged i feel a bump on my card and title daughter was trying to take my bacon out of my card butcher sees her as does the man in front of me he was chuckling he was paying probably thinking not my circus not my monkeys the butcher walks over from behind the counter and says very calmly do not take items from other people he was clearly more angry than i so i say i got this kid it's not nice to take things from people entitled mom says don't talk to my girl like that i was legitimately using my nice teacher voice butcher walks over to the cashier who looks appalled and unsure what to do about this all and says something i then walk over and check out butcher pms me later on another app i go there often and he's a friend of a friend he said make sure i get the bacon or he'll call the police he waited until i left before telling entitled mom she is banned from the store and she won't be getting her order she had to make do with whatever she got at the big chain stores which according to my husband's photos he went to get the week's milk and some veggies was next to nothing don't be a jerk to small business owners they'll ban you can't wait to see if i get that kid in my class one day entitled dad sells my 1500 pc and charges me the extra money for a tv okay so this happened a few months ago background i've been saving up for years to get a pc that i really wanted for two thousand dollars however i found one with all the specs that i wanted for 1500 once i had earned the money that also allowed me to get a nice monitor keyboard and mouse i also got a new desk because my old one was falling apart i'm 17 years old by the way anyway in the end i had about 300 or 400 left in my bank account however my entitled parents who created my bank account also have the info to get into it anyways i had all of the things for my pc sitting in the corner of my room while i waited for the desk to arrive this is when entitled dad strikes entitled dad hey op me yeah what is it entitled dad correct me if i'm wrong but what grades do you have right now i think they look terrible me i have almost all a's and one b why i didn't raise you for a b look it's almost a c already it wasn't me i've always had trouble in history i don't see what the whole big deal you're making is this was the wrong thing to say how dare you i raised you when you treat me like this he then proceeded to kick me out of the house and say get out of here until you've learned your lesson i just did what i normally would do whenever he gets moody take a walk to starbucks and play games on my phone for a few hours when i returned home it was about 7 pm i went into my room to lay down when i noticed something wrong my unopened boxes of things for my pc were all ruined i thought he had destroyed it but they were empty he wasn't home either i start to panic when i got a call from him this is how the conversation went entitled dad i hope you're really happy with yourself me what the heck did you do with my stuff oh what do you mean i'm just helping you to improve your grades me no you're not you're just stealing my stuff how dare you accuse your loving father of doing something like that i would never steal from you i just remove your privileges when you're bad me now getting angry what did you do with my computer entitled dad oh you won't be needing that old thing anymore i sold it he then hung up and i can just imagine his smug face later on when i managed to pull myself back together my dad ends up pulling into the driveway he's pulling a big box after himself entitled dad help me out with this me no why should i do that what you should do is give me the money you got for the computer entitled dad it wouldn't be a punishment if i just gave it back to you in fact you're not getting any back at all i just spent it all buying this new tv for myself by the way you're grounded now and i'm taking away your phone and you can't watch tv for at least two months this was just outrageous he not only sold my computer but he's using the money for his own self-benefit he even saw the keyboard and mouse and would have gotten even more money for them if he hadn't taken them out of the box after a few days with me going to school and not coming back until late at night ignoring my dad's yelling at me every night i decided to just check in and see how my monthly interest was going in my bank account to my horror when i opened it up there was only 15 dollars left in it i was sure i had at least 350 meaning entitled dad had done something i confronted him about it and he just said tvs cost more than you think he bought an 1800 tv and charged me what he couldn't make for my pc the moment i get enough money i'm out of here and i bet he's gonna be shocked when not just my sister but i won't be showing up to his family gathering as well entitled dad demands table on christmas so this happened when i was 16 i'm almost 21 now as the title said this happened to me on christmas i worked as a hostess in a restaurant that was in a hotel that was part of a ski resort a little confusing anyway on christmas day we were completely booked literally no space at all for any walk-ins and to-go orders would take at least an hour to make as i'm just chilling at the host stand waiting for the next guest to come in the phone rings i answer it with my usual greeting and i have this entitled dad on the other line since this happened years ago this is a general idea of the conversation entitled dad yes i'd like to make a reservation for six people tonight me i'm so sorry sir but unfortunately since it's christmas night we're booked solid and have no availability however i can do it to go order though it will take at least an hour to be ready let me talk to everyone i'll call back he hung up i go on seating guests and i even had my manager come to see if there was a way we could possibly fit the guy and his family in there wasn't a few moments later the entitled dad calls back i do my usual greeting and he informs me who he is what if we separate it into two tables like three and three or two and four me i'm sorry sir but as i told you before we're completely booked for the night i even had my manager look and there's nothing we can do i'm happy to get you a to-go order though this is outrageous i have to talk to my family again he hangs up i go back to seating people and eventually the entitled dad called back again i greet him with my usual he tells me who he is i suppose we'll do it to go order great it will be at least one hour before it's ready however if you leave a name and phone number i'll be happy to call you when it's ready an hour this is ridiculous whatever we'll have he tells me his order me all right your total will be this much and i'll call you as soon as it's ready you better this is awful service he hangs up i go back to work and kind of forget about this guy eventually his order is ready and i call him to let him know he answered and was very curt with me when he showed up he had a kid in tow probably to help carry the food who was about 10. i took his card gave him the food and everything seemed fine until entitled dad so do you have a table for my family and i to eat this ad me i'm sorry sir but like i told you over the phone twice we're completely booked for the night you're just being a jerk i was shocked he said this since i was 16 just doing my job and he had his kid with him i just kind of stood there for a few seconds me uh i'm sorry you feel that way sir let me get my manager for you i went to my manager's office and told him the whole story he already knew part of it as he had tried to help figure out a way to seat them earlier my manager came out to the host stand with me where entitled dad and his kids were still waiting manager sir my host has told me what you said to her i'm going to wish you a very merry christmas and request you not come back to our restaurant for the remainder of your stay happy holidays with that the entitled dad just stood for a few seconds before walking away defeated i never saw him again and i quit that place a few months later i got a karen to apologize this happened a couple years ago and at the time i didn't know what a karen was luckily our paths crossed at an unnerving time for me so i wasn't having any of her crap i had to make my way to an appointment but first i needed to stop by the postal annex to mail out important documents for my fiance as i was walking towards the door i see this elderly woman trying to hold open the door while rolling in a dolly full of packages i held open the door for her at this point i figured i would have to make myself comfortable standing in line because she has so many packages to mail out as it turned out she worked there it was surprising to me because this woman couldn't be any younger than 70 years old but she acted older i chalked it up to the expense of living in the bay area unless you have a few dozen golden eggs that you're sitting on there's no way you're going to retire so given her age and demeanor she worked at a very slow pace no big deal i already told myself to get comfortable standing in line she was helping the woman in front of me when all of a sudden the karen walks in middle aged woman running around in yoga pants one of those vest thingies you'd wear on a hike big sunglasses and medium length clearly dyed blonde hair thrown up in an i'm important ponytail everything she was wearing was very nice so it's clear she had money after all this postal annex just happened to be in one of the richer cities in the bay area i didn't think anything of her at first but after about five minutes of her standing in line she just bolts past me and goes straight to the counter she tosses her package on the counter next to the woman who is still currently being helped and without saying excuse me she just starts telling the employee that she needs this mailed out here's the address i'll be back in a bit to pay then she leaves without giving the employee the chance to decline i was livid how dare she interrupt another customer and then go on to treat the employee like a servant however there was nothing i could do about it she was gone and i'd most likely be gone before she came back the woman in front of me also happened to be much older in age so between her and the employee things were going slow not a problem because i was too busy thinking about my appointment and worrying about what the doctor was going to say to me first it was one tumor now it was two now it's four am i going to survive surgery do i have cancer will i be able to have kids after or do they have to remove my uterus some of the tumors had fused to other organs will they be able to remove them without harm to anything else i was having an internal meltdown i didn't even notice that 10 more minutes had passed then it was finally my turn i was about two minutes in when a man came strolling in he went to the part of the counter that deals with receiving from what i could tell since this woman was the only employee at the time he would have to wait he just propped himself against the counter and played with his phone five more minutes have passed and i'm starting to realize it's getting close to my appointment time i'm still being patient the employee is having a hard time operating the computer system she kept apologizing it was clear she felt overwhelmed with using it i told her no problem take her time although not ideal i could reschedule my appointment i just didn't want her to feel rushed or like she's doing anything wrong whatever assurance i gave her flew out the window the moment karen came back she made her way to the line and blurted out you still haven't gotten to my package okay i was mad what a jerk though i decided not to say anything unless she continued being a jerk of course she did she started huffing constantly with a face of wine after a couple minutes of her doing so i had enough i turned around and said look we're moving as fast as we can you need to be patient i am actually in a rush i need to get to a very crucial doctor's appointment yet i'm still standing here being patient be patient karen was a little taken back but she still decided to speak but i'm always patient me in a calm yet strict tone tossing a package at the employee telling her to mail it out so that you can leave probably to rain heck on some other employee somewhere else come back and complain that she hasn't gotten to your package yet and then huffing and puffing in line like a kid is not being patient if you are always patient we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we she looked like she got slapped in the face with a reality stick she meekly said sorry and shut up the rest of the time we were waiting after i had finished i thanked the lady helping me turned to karen and smiled and told her to have a good day she said you too and good luck with your appointment i thanked her and left a part of me wanted to stay to make sure that the man at the end of the counter who had been patiently waiting was going to be served next i really hope he was and that karen didn't pull that crap of i was here first even though she left and was gone for about 15 to 20 minutes for the record no cancer safely removed all tumors other organs just have a little scar tissue and i was able to have a kid so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 208,875
Rating: 4.8150926 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: R1_smjHTFy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 38sec (10538 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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