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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled parent tries to coach own daughter on how to treat retail staff rudely so this is a story about my own mother yep she's the entitled parent about two years ago i bought the most comfortable bra i had ever bought before i only had it for about three months until the underwire broke free and it started to poke me which really hurt it happened at university and when i got home that afternoon i told my mother about it it had cost me sixty dollars and was only three months old so maybe it was just effective they really should last longer than three months so i was going to go to the store and ask for an exchange or a refund the only thing was i did not have a receipt i took good care of my stuff so i did not think to keep the receipt i also was not a part of their brand's customer rewards service as i only bought products there once in a while if they were on a sale so they could not look up a name or membership or profile with them i told this to my mom and wondered what i should do well that's not okay my mother started you do know what to do right let them know that it is illegal for them to sell faulty products do not leave the store until you have that refunded if the cashier says they can't refund it without a receipt then ask to speak to the manager they'll sort you out my mother never worked in retail herself but i at this point in time had been for about four to five years i know the annoyance of the phrase can i speak to your manager and was not going to enforce that on an innocent civilian no i'm not going to do that i replied that would just be rude well i could do it for you then i'll just say my daughter bought a defective product which is illegal to sell and we demand a refund because according to the law no we're not going to do that either it's not the cashier's fault that it happened to be defective so i'm not going to treat them like it is i'll just go in explain my situation and ask what their policy is about refunds without a receipt so you know what ladies and gentlemen that is exactly what i did i walked in found the cashier and explained that my sixty dollar item broke in three months and i did not have the receipt in the friendliest and kindest way possible because i know how much working retail sucks the lady said that she did need some proof of purchase and asked me what day i bought it on she was so kind and lovely as well i pulled out my phone opened my banking app i looked at transactions three months ago and found the date of the exact sixty dollar purchase i gave her the date she typed that into her computer and found a transaction on that date for sixty dollars which was no doubt mine she printed that off scanned it and refunded the original purchase all while a different attendant found the same item in my size off the shelf and brought all three color options to me in case i wanted the replacement in a different color i chose the original color thanked both ladies for their amazing help and walked out of the store with my new and non-defective item see mom you can have a social interaction without belittling retail staff acting like a know-it-all and god forbid demand to speak to the manager just be kind don't mess with a sweet old lady's cat when the neighborhood has a kid who knows everyone a little about me first i was a scrapper as a kid and knew everyone in the neighborhood i made money babysitting kids and knew the older kids because i was permitted to roam i'm also one of those people that people will tell their darkest secrets to and i had earned a lot of trust in my neighborhood i was a pack leader and people generally did what i said okay enough about me on to the revenge this is an old story back from when i was young i can't remember the exact age but it was around 9 or 10 which would be the early 90s i lived in a small neighborhood there were not many kids and the ones there were mostly older the brunt of the community was older people the neighborhood was built in the early 40s and filled up with people after ww2 and many of them stayed there on the block south of me was this old jerk who pretty much hated everyone if something that was a kid's like a ball or a frisbee and the kid asked for it back he would destroy it right in front of them one time a kid parked his bike in this swale city-owned property that was outside the home and this jerk took the bike and destroyed it this jerk has a major vendetta against cats we did not have a feral cat problem but many people including my own had cats that were indoor slash outdoor we were not on the main road and there was little traffic most of the cats didn't go far from home usually just went out chasing pigeons and a few garter snakes that were around they always came home at night unless they ended up in this jerk's yard he started by trapping cats and taking them to the pound many families in the neighborhood would get calls about their cats being turned in and having to get them my family who were well known at the pound my mother was an animal lover to an annoying extent and we were there often would get calls to inform us that one of our cats was there when jerk found out that trapping cats wasn't getting rid of them as when he escalated he started poisoning them but many lived because the symptoms were caught early enough so he escalated again and that is when crap got serious suddenly cats all over the neighborhood were dying and no one could figure out why it wasn't until the cat of a sweet old lady got out of the house she was indoor only but got out during a package delivery three days later the cat showed back up sick this woman was not poor and this was a costly cat angora i think maybe persian it was a white fluff ball and this woman loved that cat she took the cat to the vet and it was determined that the cat had a belly filled with glass but the damage was too massive and the cat died while at the vet's office this woman was furious she got around to the neighborhood and it was me who told her that i thought i knew who did it i thought this because my mom and i were frequent visitors to the pound they told my mother who it was that kept bringing our cats and with a little prodding we found that all the cats that came from our neighborhood were brought in by the same person i told this wonderful older woman who i thought did it and she was furious she got in her caddy and rolled up to this jerk's house and confronted him i was a bit of a free roam kid back then had to be home by the time the street lights came on so i made sure to ride my bike over to see what the fireworks would be like she rolled up and pulled in his driveway got out of the car and pounded on the door i mean pounded jerk opens the door and she begins softly saying that something terrible had happened to her cat and that she was just going door to door trying to find out if anyone knew what happened jerk responded with a reaction i wasn't close enough to hear everything that was said because of this jerk's hatred of kids but i was close enough to hear what happened next sweet old lady went from 0 to 100 and .001 seconds she poked her finger in his chest and said i think it was you you cranky old jerk i know that you've been taking cats to the pound and i bet you are the one that killed my princess yes that was the cat's name this jerk just smirked and said yeah glass and cat food and some catnip will always work to get those destructive beasts out of the neighborhood i will keep on doing it and you can't do nothing to stop me sweet old lady hauled and slapped this jerk across the face and turned around and walked back to her car i was good friends with sweet old lady and often spent time at her house after school because she was alone and needed some company she was always very kind to me when i went over next i asked what happened after she left she told me she called the cops but without concrete proof there was nothing that they could do when they spoke with the jerk he admitted to trapping cats and taking them to the pound but never said anything about the glass sweet old lady was beside herself because she wanted justice for princess i got an evil grin on my face and said don't worry you'll get justice she looked at me and smiled and nodded her head you see this all happened in the first part of october i knew just about every kid and teen in the neighborhood free roam thing and i told all of them what happened the total was about 20 of them with 12 of them being teens who could drive and had their own incomes i told them all what we should do i laid out the entire plot and we all worked to get things that we needed when halloween rolled around i was unfortunately not able to fully participate in this because i sadly got grounded for getting into a fight with a kid in the neighborhood halloween night about 15 people late in the night converged on jerk's house as luck would have it he was not home at the time his car was still there but a neighbor relayed to the group that he had left in a car with someone else the group shattered every window and mirror in his car once the windows were broken they opened the door and destroyed the interior they poured sand in the gas tank and did something to the engine block don't remember what they broke every window in the house including a sliding glass door in his backyard all screens were shredded and they put super glue in all the door locks and super glued the mailbox shut once the screen was torn they gained entry they didn't steal anything but they destroyed the inside of the house they spray painted everything including the words for princess on a wall inside the home polaroids were taken and i got to see the destruction they also just to put the cherry on top egged and teepeed the place this from what i was told took about three hours in total and neither the neighbor next to him or across the street said a darn thing or called the cops the group left and went back to their homes like it was just a typical halloween night i found out from the neighbors i was very well known in my neighborhood and people tended to tell me things with ease that the total amount of damage was around twenty thousand dollars this was 1991 so a ton of money and it seems that the group destroyed some very precious things that he had now the one thing that they did that i am not proud of as they dumped the urn that contained his late wife's ashes i think that was a jerk move but i still believe that he deserved it this jerk was furious but no one saw a darn thing it took him about a year to get everything fixed he told the neighbors that his car insurance would not cover the damage to the car and he had to buy a new car and the car was one of those old lincoln land boats that probably had another 15 to 20 000 onto the total police were called but there was nothing found this was before dna and all that fancy csi stuff so it was pretty dust for prince and be on their merry way he tried to go after sweet old lady but it fizzled there was no proof she had anything to do with it the great thing about all of this there was never another cat that vanished from the area the jerk died about a year before i left the neighborhood at 18 from what i heard from a neighbor he was raging about what happened to anyone who would listen once i was able to roam again i was able to get the polaroids from a friend who gave them to my mom in a sealed envelope i went to sweet old lady and showed her the pigs she just smiled and gave me twenty dollars she lived for another three years she was wonderful during that time i wish i still had the polaroids but they were lost when i got kicked out of an apartment due to my jerk eggs but that is a story for another saab entitled mother yells at me for ignoring her son when she invited him to eat lunch with my friend and i this was a few days ago and i still think she's crazy as a backstory my mother has this friend who's very anti-video games let's call her entitled mom and has a son who i'm friends with nice kid growing up she would just invite her son to eat dinner with us without even telling us nice kid would just show up to be fair he would usually text me giving me a heads up that his mom is too lazy to make him dinner so he's been told to come over i thought that was very entitled and strange but my mother didn't seem too busy anyway back to the story my mother had some coupons for pizza so she told me i could order some pizza for lunch and have a friend over to play video games or something while she goes to work this is exactly what i do i ordered pizza and my friend comes over to play competitive cs go with me on our laptops while we eat when playing competitive cs go you get banned from playing competitive matches for a certain amount of time this will be important later then suddenly i hear a knock on the door apparently somehow entitled mom found out i was getting pizza and playing video games with a friend knowing that we were playing video games i'm still not sure why she would get him to come over anyway he just shows up and i let him inside he explained his mother found out i was getting pizza and playing cs go with my friend i didn't want to turn him away so i let him eat some pizza with us to not be rude we talked to him in between games after an hour he leaves and i don't give it another thought after maybe 20 minutes i get a call on my phone at first i ignore it but it rings again and again until i check who it is my heart sank when i saw the caller id then she sent me a very angry text call me now thinking it could be very serious i pick up the phone entitled mom excuse me but why did you ignore my son when he came over for your playdate me um he said you were playing your stupid video games uh sorry i didn't know your son was coming so i started a competitive then you pause it and talk to him he walked for 15 minutes to get to your apartment what's wrong with you it's a two-minute walk me i'm sorry i can't pause what do you mean you can't pause a game to talk to my son don't tell me you can't pause a game i played pac-man before and i can pause don't lie to me me it's an online game with other people and my friends including a friend that came over to my house to i know that but you knew my son was going to come for your playdate me i don't understand what you want me to do nobody ever invited him you just got him to show up yes but you must pause your game i'm sorry but i'm not going to leave a game just to play with your son by leaving the game i give an unfair disadvantage to my friends on my team at an unfair advantage to the other team this was no use i honestly think it would be easier to teach calculus to a plant and for that plant to end up going to harvard or something this crazy person had an extremely thick skull you know that's what the corporate man wants you to think video games are not your life your parents did a really bad job raising you you need to have some manners who do you think you are talking to you know what give me your laptop i need to teach you some manners i hang up i really don't know what she wants me to do her logic is oh i invited my son to your house and i want you to drop everything and play with him so this crazy lady actually came over and scolded me again she said it was rude how i hung up and she says i need more manners she basically repeated herself for 10 minutes and after her lecture she asked for my computer i of course said no because i have to take online classes um no i'm not asking you i'm telling you to that crazy lady then barges into my room and sees my laptop on my desk and tries to take it since it's a giant laptop i tell her it's a really old laptop from 2003 and it's for an antique laptop collection okay where is your video games laptop i just told her to get lost and she just left realizing she might not have the right to invite her kid to my house for dinners anymore so she backed off a karen tries to get the owner's daughter fired this was about two years ago when my dad owned a pub i was 14 and old enough to chirp in by taking orders for the restaurant cleaning tables etc and one day we had just opened and my dad had gone down to the basement to change one of the kegs as i was sitting at the bar talking to our new employee showing them what to say my dad had taught me himself and the employee was barely out of college the employee asked if it was okay if she quickly went to the bathroom since there weren't any customers it was only four pm and the locals normally started pouring in at six so i said it was okay as i'm drinking my cola karen arrives excuse me me hello karen i want a list her drink and be quick with it me i'm sorry i'm not working she cut me off stop lying i've seen you clean the tables i know you work here me shocked i'm sorry miss karen but i'm not working today and even if i was i couldn't get you your drink since i'm not allowed behind the bar stop lying you're here so you must be working get me my drink me miss karen i she cuts me off again you're so rude i know the owner you know i could get you fired at this point our new employee returns i'll call her nice employee nice employee hello welcome to our inn what can i get for you get me the owner i want this girl fired i gave the nice employee a look that basically said get him my dad i was holding in tears at this point a nice employee could see that nice employee i'll just grab him from downstairs one moment karen good turns out my dad had been upstairs the entire time karen had been here and heard it all dad what's the meaning of this he firmly asked karen karen mr r this employee of yours needs to be my dad cut her off my dad firmly she's not my employee karen what but i've seen her clean up and take orders and dad cuts her off again that's because she's my daughter karen turns to look at me who is still trying to calm down and speaks if you really are his daughter then why couldn't you get me my drink nice employee me and my dad were shocked and in disbelief by this but i managed to speak me almost in tears i'm 14 i can't get that for you karen went pale and before she could speak my dad did now get out of my pub you're banned for the rest of the month we haven't seen her since mainly because about 10 months later my dad sold the pub why deaf people don't like rude people i'm a delivery driver for a pizza place i had a delivery to the far corner of our delivery district 15 minutes from our store the customer ordered a no contact but did not leave a tip yet meaning i had to get this guy to come out and sign a paper to leave a tip very much not no contact it's kind of silly when people do that but in the past i've never had an issue with that combo i should preface this by saying i am extremely hard of hearing bordering legally deaf i can't understand speech over the phone through most audio like speakers or microphone online videos even just watching tv and i heavily rely on lip reading and subtitles when american sign language is not available so a ring doorbell is not an option when i'm behind the camera i also need to make clear i was born with my hearing and lost it gradually starting at 15 and got to my current state by 18. i don't sound deaf i am in speech therapy to keep my voice from weakening due to my hearing loss i arrived at the door of my delivery and did my standard put the throwaway box down then our hot bag then the order on top i noticed the ring bell was already activated and there was an extremely garbled voice coming from the speaker i couldn't understand what he was saying so i just did my normal speech and waited i told him he needed to sign for it and to please come out to sign as i stepped back to give him room nothing i told him i'm deaf and i don't understand what he's saying to me so if he has something important to say he needs to open the door so i can read his lips i'm still trying to be as polite as i can be because this is a half hour round trip and i needed that tip he still won't come out and after almost 10 minutes of nearly begging this guy to come out he refuses so i let him know i'm returning to my car with his order because he's not coming out i gather everything and return to my car and contact my manager asking her what to do in this situation as he isn't coming to the door has not tipped and i don't know what he's trying to tell me as it turns out as i was texting my manager the customer had called her and complained about a driver pretending to be deaf and refusing to just leave the food and buzz off turns out every time he spoke to me it was to just go away becoming increasingly aggressive about it i could understand that his voice was coming aggressive but again i had no idea what he was saying so i stayed my wonderful manager immediately sides with the customer telling me to just leave the food at the door and forget the tip at least having the courtesy of reciting every insult and accusation this customer is hurling about me to my manager even saying that the guy has proof of me lying about being deaf because i can speak clearly manager knows my story and my level of deafness but instead of explaining why the accusations are wrong she just sides with him i end up leaving the order with no tip wasting almost 50 minutes with zero pay at all for it i got chewed out by my manager for my disability and how this mess she's dealing with is all of my fault i couldn't even defend myself because i'm pretty sure my disability and needed accommodations are very much not my fault i tried speaking with the gm the next day about the issue to get his input and figure out what exactly went wrong so this won't happen again but as i explained the situation from my point of view he immediately brushed me off saying the customer paid for the food and he can do whatever he wants after that i'm furious because of this and i'm tempted to either quit or get the ada involved because of this issue but i don't want to as well because of the timing and i can't afford bills without this job due to people asking why i pushed for the signature slash assuming why i'll just put it up here one more time i was not trying to guilt him into tipping me i was not harassing the guy into coming out to give me money it is a legality reason and nothing more the point of signing an untipped invoice is to state that the invoiced amount is all they intend on paying or they intend to pay a little more than that which goes to the driver due to a string of tip fraud issues in my area our store has cracked down on having a signed receipt so we can't add fraudulent tips management has made it very very clear that at their discretion drivers can be suspended or even fired for not coming back with a signature tip or no tip entitled mom complains about not being able to take her toddler on a 300 foot tall roller coaster for context i am a big coaster enthusiast and i've been following coasters since i was like four years old i loved going to hershey park in six flags new england when i was a kid still love going there in 2016 i visited the roller coaster capital of the world cedar point it was an awesome trip and i got to ride a lot of great coasters my favorite was maverick however this experience was a doozy one of the largest coasters at the park is millennium force it's a whopping 310 feet tall and hit speeds of 93 miles per hour with a coaster as extreme as this you would think twice about trying to bring your kid on it right well we've got entitled mom we've got our younger kid we've got our older kid we've got poor employee and we've got the annoyed stranger now to this story it was our second day at the park and we were heading over to millennium force i was very nervous to ride it for the first time we got to the beautiful millennium force ride sign while we were admiring the coaster i noticed something going on by the entrance where the employee was checking height i could see a woman with two kids on her sides one looked about nine the older one and the other looked no older than four i thought it was a bit strange but i didn't think much of it until i heard this entitled mom why can't my kid come on employee i'm sorry but your kid is nowhere near the height requirement he was going to sit on my lap so it will be fine stop being such a control freak i thought to myself control freak oh this is gonna be good shorter kid mommy that ride looks really scary entitled mom oh it isn't that bad mommy will get you on it employee i'm sorry but this goes against all of our safety protocols how dare you keep my kid from writing this he's wanted to ride this all day and you are not going to stop him all the kid mom he has been saying all day about how it's too scary shut up will you poor employee look older kid is tall enough so i can let him through but i can't let your other kid on the ride no no no she tried shoving past this guy but he wasn't budging you know how tall and fast this ride is right yes i'm not blind you jerk annoyed stranger can you please shut up i turned around to see a guy who looked like he was in his 30s coming towards the entitled mom annoyed stranger if your kid isn't tall enough that's too bad how dare you speak to me like that you have no idea what it's like to be a single mother of two kids he has always wanted to ride this ride and you are not going to stop him the kid looked terrified just looking at the thing annoyed stranger look at him he looks like he's about to pass out you shut your mouth while all this was happening the woman at the photo booth had called security and let's just say she got a quick trip out of the park i ended up talking with annoyed stranger he was chill and talked about how he knew how to deal with kieran's from experience i just felt bad for the poor employee who probably has to put up with this crap on a daily basis moral of this story entitled parents plus height requirement equals ear torture i learned later that she tried pulling the same thing at valravn too security warned her if it happened again she would get kicked out this was before the millennium force incident so security definitely kept their promise no karen i cannot help you go to the bathroom in high school i worked for a national movie theater chain while they've since changed them the uniform at the time consisted of navy blue trousers and a red polo nearby in the same plaza there were several restaurants and fast food places among these was a panda express during my 15 minute break i'd been at panda and in line ordering and waiting to pay for my food i was minding my own business and hoping that i could get out of there quickly enough to have time to inhale my orange chicken prior to darting back to the box office when my break ended i'm a bit zoned out so i become rather startled upon hearing an abrupt accompanied by a tap on my shoulder i turned and took in the sight of what we all know now to be a karen me oh sorry was i in your way this is my default line of thinking and i have terrible social anxiety karen i said i need to go to the bathroom me pointing um well it's over that way i think i know that obviously me confused at this point because i'm not at all in the way of her getting to the bathroom and now she's admitted to knowing where it is i don't know what karen starts shouting i need the key at this point it's time for me to pay for my food remember i'm on the outside of the glass counter and waiting in a line i figure maybe she's trying to get past me to ask the cashier for the bathroom key so i step back and make room for her to go ahead of me she doesn't karen i asked you for the bathroom key do you not know how to do your job i finally realized that she thinks i'm employed there i guess maybe it's because my work shirt is red and so are the employee uniforms there me awkwardly pointing at the cinema logo on my polo i'm just on my break i don't she must not have looked at the gestures i'd made to the uniform of the company i'm actually employed by karen is this your manager turns to the cashier your employee is so rude just because she's on her break she's refusing to help me go to the bathroom she needs to be fired cashier ma'am she doesn't work here will you be purchasing a meal our restrooms are for customers only karen sputters then turns and storms out of the place to terrorize some other establishment with a public restroom they totally allowed people to use the restrooms without buying food by the way i think they just wanted to have her leave the store because of the scene she had just made entitled mom calls the cops when i wouldn't give any stake to her son this happened maybe about a year ago the weather had been nice and i just gotten some sirloin steaks i haven't used my grill since the previous year so i decided now would be a good time to try it out for a few days a group of construction workers had been busy working on a new house it's built now and it's pretty nice way too expensive for me though but it had been hot and or rainy almost the entire duration of the build and they were working their butts off the whole way through so i decided to be nice and after going over to the site i yelled for them to come get some free food when they went on break they were incredibly grateful there were about five workers present and four of them showed up for the steak while the others passed i had enough for everyone including one for me and we had a nice time chatting and getting to know one another one was a veteran of the marines back in the early 80s he's friends with my grandma now one was even related to the sheriff of our county anyway amid the conversation we heard an excuse me from the other side of the fence my neighbor is this middle-aged woman with a super weird son he was this influencer who loved to go on social media and post about weird hobbies and lived off his mother's paycheck every week while living on her couch he was also in his mid-thirties there she was on the other side of the fence we've got entitled mom we've got the grown kid we've got construction workers one and two and the police officer entitled mom my son was wondering if he can have some steak too me sorry i don't have any left but you have enough for all of them yeah i do if he wanted some he should have came earlier no you should have bought enough for everyone construction worker one look lady this guy was nice enough to cook steak don't you have work you should be doing work or two we're on lunch ma'am she soon left in a huff but not before shouting that she was calling the police i was the only one who heard that i think so i asked the relative of the sheriff if there was really anything the police would arrest me for of course he said no in his words there are no laws against not sharing i asked if we should tell her that and he again said no again in his words it would be the most fun they've had on the job ever since they started building that dang house note i actually did have an extra stake i was just saving it for later sure enough after the construction workers went back to the site who's to show up but a police officer no lights so it's a non-emergency but he parked right outside entitled mom's house both her and her kid walked out and greet the officer i walked out on my own lawn and entitled mom pointed straight at me i can't quite remember everything said here but she was accusing me of discrimination because i left her 30ish year old son out of our little steak party i swear it was like a kindergarten lunch officer obviously shook it off warned her to not get the police involved in something so ridiculous again and started to leave but i said wait officer are you hungry officer well i haven't had lunch yet why me may i offer you a steak i knew it you do have more steak i demand you give it to my son now officer and i demand you go back into your house before i arrest you for disturbing the peace and possibly harassment but you can't do that he can't do that tell him son her kid uh i just wanted some steak entitled mom officer you have to do something about this this man is performing a crime against my son we both actually laughed officer said something along the lines of have a good day and i led him into my backyard i had to give him the steak raw since he had to go back on his patrol but we had a good laugh entitled mom and her kid finally went back into their house and every time that i see them nowadays she scowls at me while her kid just pays no attention i occasionally see that same officer from time to time and every time i see him he asks me the same thing did you remember to share today get your brats away from those ducklings before i do this happened when i was in a quaint country pub garden in the east of england the place is stunning countryside dotted with local pubs everyone knows who is a local every summer the pubs are filled with rude disgusting people and their brats story time i had been out in the lovely flowered pub garden a few times already as i was drinking beers on a gorgeous sunday afternoon with friends every time i went out i was thrilled to see this lovely white mother duck tending to her baby ducklings there were about seven of them and the pub staff explained that this mum duck comes back each day to get food from the staff members and to chill in the sun with her fluffy ducklings i am back in the pub with mates when an entitled mom and her four snotty loud disgusting brats enter they proceed to make loads of noise and generally ruin the vibes we ignore them after a while i walk outside for my final smoke and i'm followed by entitled mom and our brats it turns out entitled mom smokes too we ignore each other and immediately her brats spot the mother duck and her babies they all squeal and run over to the birds to be honest they were so loud i looked at the mom already expecting her to say something reasonable like calm down guys you don't want to scare the babies but instead she just washed her brats fondly i watched the mother duck panic and try to usher her babies away from the entitled kids but they all ran up and surrounded the birds trapping them all in a corner by the wall they then proceed to start grabbing at the ducklings and roughly trying to pick them up the mother duck and her babies start to quack and panic outraged i look at entitled mom and see she's still smiling at her brats as if this is the sweetest thing in the world so i turn back to the entitled kids and shout don't touch the ducklings just look at them entitled mom turns to me with an angry face and says how dare you speak to my kids like that they aren't doing any harm i look back to see all the entitled kids still grabbing at the ducklings and distressing the mom one of the entitled kids is even picking up a baby duckling by its wing i scream put those ducklings down now you little jerks the mom turns to me with a death stare and starts to say if you talk to my babies like that again at this point i look at her with an even deadlier stare and i say in a shaking voice that duck is a mother too and if you don't do something i will the mother looks at me like she's gonna argue but saw that i wasn't kidding she shouted her brats over and stormed inside i watched the ducks leave the garden looking panicked when i got back to my table my mate said the woman was making a complaint about me to the bar staff they came over and said the entitled mom told them that i threatened them i told them her entitled kids were grabbing the ducklings and i politely asked them to stop i denied the threat they asked entitled mom whether her brats had grabbed the ducklings and she said they only wanted to hold them they wouldn't hurt a fly the bar staff told her and her brats to leave and when she kicked up a fuss they said those ducks are locals lady buzz off entitled mom yanks off my beanie revealing my bald head to her entire family this story includes gee my good friend entitled mom my friend's entitled mom and me so i struggle with this disorder where you use hair pulling as a coping mechanism when things get stressful in life at the time this happened i was almost completely bald because of it i had patches of wiry regrowing hair and some completely bald patches it was not a pretty sight and i wore a beanie 24 7 to cover it up luckily i had really supportive and understanding friends who did so much to cheer me up on a daily basis so my friend g invited me around to her house for dinner one night i had known her family since primary school so i was aware of her mom's strict dinner table policies they were pretty acceptable no coats hats elbows on the table etc but i figured my friend had explained my situation to her and she would understand this was definitely not the case she was visibly uncomfortable with me wearing the beanie as we sat down to eat entitled mom would you mind taking off your hat at the dinner table me immediately uncomfortable considering how to explain the situation in front of g's younger brother gee mom it's okay just leave it entitled mom snaps don't talk back to me like that this is my dinner table and i don't allow outdoor clothes during meal times me entitled mom i'm really sorry but i'd prefer to keep it on for personal reasons entitled mom gets up this is ridiculous just take off the hat when i didn't budge she grabbed the top of my beanie and started to pull it off my hands darted to my head trying to resist she went to make a comment about me being childish but promptly shuts up as soon as she revealed my battered patchy and bald head her mouth kind of hung open for a second or two as the rest of the table stayed silent gee bless her was furious with her entitled mom yanked my precious beanie from her hands and quickly rushed me away from the table nothing much happened after this incident my friend was really apologetic for her mom and i was honestly too shocked and embarrassed to know what to say she discreetly let me out of the house because i wasn't comfortable in that environment anymore later on i know that my mom had a discussion with her i don't want to get into a whole other story with this but entitled mom started to exercise her gossipy caring nature around the other parents in the end she did give me an apology it was awkward but i accepted it it wasn't karen it was me just a little background i conked my head pretty hard on an f-18 fighter jet back in the navy i currently have some mild memory problems and kind of go into phases where i'm awake but i can't really tell what i'm doing it's an odd sensation when i'm tired or didn't eat well i just go into this phase where i'm physically competent i could juggle knives and tightrope but not tell you how many fingers you're holding up or repeat your name when you tell me to my face all this being said it wasn't nearly that bad which makes me feel terrible you see i'm six foot seven inches tall i wear my hair very short so the massive jagged scar on my head is very visible until people hear me talk they usually shuffle away from me and hold their purses kids or whatever closer and try to stand near someone else it's a little offensive but i can't blame them books and covers and all but i do look like a bad guy now this story is simple i was running out of food in my fridge and i just got off a 12 hour shift i didn't need much it might sound gross but a super easy fast food is hummus and hot dogs if you get the higher quality hot dogs slather on some hummus and a line of mustard it's great but still clearly bachelor food so i go to this place that sells bulk food mostly for mom and pop restaurants or big church events that kind of stuff i go there because you can get these great hot dog buns 3 bucks for a 24 pack then you get like half a gallon of really good hummus for 15 bucks it's great but i almost instantly made a horrible mistake i came in and just 20 feet in to my left is the bread and the buns i come in and notice a woman it's been a long day and i'm very hungry so i only vaguely notice she's wearing mild business attire just like the employees and some sort of blue apron just like the employees and to top it all off she's in front of the hot dog buns shuffling buns off of her cart and onto the shelf i walk up and grab the last bag of hot dog buns on her cart and loudly playfully announce yoink she turns around and stares at me as if i just stole her purse something triggers inside me and i know something's wrong i'm still trying to keep up my happy tone despite how tired i am and it takes me a full five seconds of this poor woman staring at me worried and almost shivering when i finally notice her cart has eggs milk frozen items energy drinks and a few other various items in smaller amounts and her purse is on the card and the apron is actually a blue stripe on her shirt i nearly break down apologizing carefully placing her hot dog buns on the cart and keep apologizing thankfully she either was nice or realized how upset i had made myself with this mistake and finally has to all but grab either side of my face and say it was fine right into my eyes i still felt horrible i'm huge and i have to be so darn careful not to hurt people just going about my daily life and i hate scaring innocent people i can be mean when i need to but i really hate being the bad guy i got my buns and my hummus still looking down and barely even paying attention to the world around me letting the embarrassment and pain grind away at me when all of a sudden i hear a playful voice say yoink and suddenly my hummus is gone i look over to see the woman smiling and laughing before she hands it back and tells me don't tear yourself up it was an honest mistake and you handled it really well i still tear myself up about it but it was a big step in the path of feeling better got screamed at today by karen over an avocado i'm full of bitter fury so if you're a vindictive person you may enjoy this little backstory i work for a gourmet burger place everyone who works during this has seen the inner jerkness of the general public grow and grow we've been slammed and understaffed because three-fourth of our staff decided to quit when this all went down and every 10 minutes our phone rings with some dumb jerk asking are you guys open what time do you close tonight can i order random thing not currently offered first of all google answers every question you ask just google the restaurant our menu is on the website our website is on google so anyways after having the phone ring with the same crap every five to ten minutes at least and often having three or four calls come in at the exact same time my phone customer service voice is slipping i'm not rude but i don't have the patience anymore to be all chipper and peppy over the phone today i get a call from a guest let's call her jerk so jerk calls and asks to order i politely direct jerk to the online ordering platform because it will let you know what our new menu is and we've been very busy so it will help us get your order out more quickly jerk says she can't put blue cheese on her burger i tell jerk i'm sorry ma'am we don't have blue cheese right now anything you can't find online we don't have jerk says well i wanted guacamole on my burger but that button isn't there either quick separate thought guacamole and avocado are two different things i've worked as a server for years you give somebody avocado when they ask for guacamole and a crappy person will not hesitate to mess up your day with their poor social etiquette so anyways i begin to say to jerk we actually don't sell guacamole ma'am we did for a while but only for one month as a special but we do not have avocado i only get as far as ma'am so she cuts me off and says i've seen burgers with guacamole or avocado or whatever that stuff is called so i responded to her completely ignoring that i was interrupted because what else is new oh avocado yes ma'am we do have that if you don't see that online it's an issue i'm so sorry i'll go ahead and take your order once again cutting me off she says why would you split hairs between avocado and guacamole are you stupid i respond well guacamole and avocado aren't technically the same thing and third interruption in a row this jerk screams at the top of her lungs through the phone don't you be a jerk to me i say for the first time not trying to hide my irritation don't yell at me i've done nothing to deserve that she yells some more about how they're the same thing i explain if you asked for guacamole and i gave you avocado and you were upset by it it could cause me to get an unnecessary uncomfortable situation and then showing her truly undeniable stupidity and lack of self-awareness she retorts what are you talking about who would get upset with someone over avocado at this point my voice is flat and clearly upset but i'm still not being snarky or rude just abrupt i retort people yell at food service workers about all kinds of things karen says clearly you've had a hard day i respond it was fine until a minute ago what can i get you the rest of her ordering process she's very quiet and much more respectful i hope i broke her i hope that realizing how mean she was she broke down crying i hope her husband leaves her and her kids don't call just to be clear i don't actually have a legitimate problem with people calling and asking what time we close or if we're open i know times are crazy it just gets kind of annoying due to how often it happens but i just wanted to get my frustrations off my chest mistaken for a caterer at my own wedding party my wedding party was very informal we wore sports jerseys a lot of family and friends of family came including a batch of people that i didn't even know which got a little weird because we still only personally invited everyone and told everyone to let us know if they have a plus one and it would be fine for us to invite them this is so we could track catering expenses and space concerns it was a rough day and i was very limited in support and was taking care of most setup and issues myself in a party of roughly 80 people it felt more like work than a party the time finally came where i could rest when issues were taken care of about halfway through the party the sun was beginning to set i sat down in the corner and wiped the sweat off my face and looked over at the food everyone had eaten except me so i was ready to finally dive into the food that i paid for some woman i've never met in her late 20s asked me to bring a plate for her kids me i'm sorry ma'am i want to bring some stuff for my wife and start eating myself lady oh caterers can bring their families to events like this me somewhat confused at her response the caterers here are a family business so sort of isn't it inappropriate for you to eat food someone else paid for me confused even further but giving a chuckle i paid for it i'm sorry who did you come here with lady oh really you must be the party planner are you a friend of the grooms i was invited by the groom me chuckling again no i'm the groom oh i'm sorry how embarrassing you're the groom hey nice to meet you i sent invitations by name but we also requested feedback for the plus invitations i don't believe i sent you an invitation i think everyone invited more people than we initially wanted oh okay am i in my kids okay to be here i'm actually sister's friend's friend they said it was okay oh yes that will be perfectly fine we have much more food than i had thought it won't be an issue nice to meet you i came to the table with my wife and her grandmother and we finally ate my wife to me dang girl you flirting with all the ladies at our wedding party or what i know that a plus one of a plus one that was uninvited is generally uncool but there was no need to stress it everyone had a good time and there was actually too much food sitting at computer store actually was good advertising a bit of context since a few years i've been learning about building pcs and built some i also like to help newbies to gaming choosing components and building their first machines sometimes they pay me some or give me a bar of chocolate or something i was still younger at the time and i was a ceremony master in an academy at my school so i was in a suit with a tie after it ended i was waiting for my friend to end his classes so i went to some computer store which dress code was also suits without ties so i was walking around mostly thinking i saw that cpu ten dollars cheaper on the internet and came to pre-builds which are really not the best there like putting good cpus and motherboards that don't allow you to modify the computer in any way so you would most likely spend much more money on upgrades and etc after some time a lady came in with a 14 year old kid and began looking on those pre-builds as soon as i saw it i wanted to help them because they could get much better pcs at the same price but i'm kind of an introvert most likely i'm unable to start the conversation with strangers so i just moved to the next one but after some while they approached me lady excuse me could you help us choosing a good computer for my son me of course what would it be used for as i said they have to break this stranger barrier i can speak normally now it's strange lady well learning of course i saw them looking at computers about one thousand to fifteen hundred dollars so certainly not the case mostly kid talked her into more expensive ones me would you like to play any games too if yes which ones kid yes i like to play these games i saw that that pc has good components for it me not all i suggest you ask someone who works here about more specific parameters lady so you don't work here her cheeks turned kind of pink probably got a little embarrassed me no i don't however if you would like i can build a computer at a much better price than those ones here's my number in the end i built him a much better computer than what the shop offered and earned 20 bucks which i didn't ask for so happy ending even though the story might not be as interesting edit i did steal that one customer from the store but in most of my builds i use some parts from them usually they have good prices for cpus and gpus so i'm even getting them some money they wouldn't mind not selling one pre-build entitled mom has a problem with me volunteering at the hospital cast we've got entitled mom we've got the nice kid we've got medical assistant mom and me backstory i volunteer at my local va medical center i used to do it at first just to see what it was like now i enjoy it i signed up for a clinical and administrative job for different days and i enjoy both of them both of my parents work in the medical industry one of them being on the front line of what's going on i went shopping so i don't go too insane from being stuck at home those who have badges from working in a hospital can invite more people to person max and even get a discount me knowing that i volunteered at a hospital decided to do an experiment my parents and i came with our badges and masks on and we were all let in everything was normal we were just shopping and talking about our garden my mom and i were asked to get frozen fruit because i like to mix fruit in with my protein shakes until the gates of heck have opened right when i turn around with my frozen strawberries maskless entitled mom stops me right in my tracks and eyes my volunteer badge entitled mom shouldn't you be at home me why are you asking me this you're a volunteer you shouldn't be out here me neither should you you're not wearing a mask nonetheless following the distancing rule at least i have a paying job that's when it hit me me are you saying that i shouldn't be here because i'm not getting paid for what i do exactly you are exploiting the benefits of working in a hospital let the real workers have their benefits me i don't need a paycheck for working in a hospital it's something i enjoy doing that'll change soon medical assistant mom turns around seeing a strange woman in my face so she approaches us hoping to dissolve the coral i can sense the mama bear in her already my mom i'm sorry but what's going on entitled mom finally actual medical personnel can you tell this poser to get the heck out of here well hopes of dissolving it peacefully have gone out the window my mom excuse me you cannot tell my daughter that sneaky intelion can count as medical personnel as she also works with patients does she come in contact with patients with that horrid disease me thinking playing that card me the volunteering season is closed until it dies down see she is a deadbeat what kind of parent are you letting your kid be entitled you oughta scold her me coming from a karen my mom an entitled mom's kid laughed she gets in my face and yells at me i don't know who you are but you better not disrespect your adults if you love your mother so much then take that badge off and get the heck out of here entitled mom leaves but her kid stays behind nice kid hey man sorry about that my mom is just scared because of what's going on she saw you with your mom and she got angry and wanted to check to see if you should be here or not personally i like that you volunteer at a hospital me thanks you should try volunteering at the va when the season opens nice kid maybe i will sometime nice kid leaves to go catch up with their mom after that my mom and i returned to the cart with the frozen berries i've met karen's before but that's because they hate me for having colored hair liking anime or listening to metal never have i ever had an encounter as bad as this landlord refuses to pay me back my deposit ends up regretting it after i take him to court back in 2018 i had a temporary internship in california at a large tech company so i took a recommendation from a friend about a room for rent it would be living with five other people but otherwise it looked fantastic with spacious common areas multiple huge tvs huge amenities community rec center with a pool short drive times to multiple places of interest all for 650 a month utilities included i contacted the landlord he seemed fine on the phone so i sent him my security deposit to move in a month later when it came time to move in i discover a few caveats that came with this low rent price the common areas were all dusty none of the three large tvs worked properly if we wanted access to the rec center and pool we'd need to pay the 80 a month membership fee and all of the short drive time estimates were exaggerated unless you were speeding at two times the speed limit whatever it's not the end of the world especially at the relatively low price i'll survive but then it got worse in the coming months landlord decided to charge us an extra 20 a month for paper towels and public cleaning supplies landlord only checked the community mailbox once a week when he was in town and refused to trust anybody with the mailbox key as it starts to roll into the summer in june landlord decided that ac cost too much and we were using it too much so he removed the thermostat from the wall um okay one day some of us tenants confronted him when he was at the house since landlord also slept at the house about one day a week and i'll never forget his words as he rushed out of the house it's legal for me to do this and i don't care since i don't have to live here well sir forget you i'm tilted as heck at this guy's obvious money grab from six tenants well it turns out he's right he legally doesn't need to provide air conditioning so the next day i purchase a high btu-free standing portable air conditioner that exhausts out of the window this thing was luxury of course i pumped my room to 65 degrees fahrenheit the lowest setting we have a couple other minor disagreements that wind up with crappy landlord texting me that it's fine if i wanted to break my lease and move out early perfect when landlord finally gets a whiff of my ac setup he comes to my room to complain about my ac unit i reply curtly it's legal for me to do it and i don't care since i don't have to pay for electricity he leaves and later sends me a text yeah okay unbeknownst to landlord i'm taking his move out offer seriously and this whole time i've been rallying the troops all the tenants have been upset about everyone's living situation so with some minor encouragement i managed to convince two of the other six tenants to move out at the same time as me they were on a month-to-month agreement i finally submit all our notices of intent to vacate at the same time barely a week after my previous conversation with landlord he is mad he was just trying to get me out of the house but now he has three rooms to fill instead of just one i ask about my legally mandated pre-move out inspection in no uncertain terms he told me to go forgive myself he said he's too busy to perform an inspection hmm well that's illegal but okay time comes to move out i found another room for rent much closer to the office for only one hundred dollars more per month we all move out and i text landlord about my security deposit no response i text again no response okay i see where this is going i spend days and days reading the law compiling evidence and screenshots and listing the laws that were broken the smoking gun was the statute that requires a pre-move out inspection and a list of things to fix and itemize lists of deductions within 21 days or else landlord loses the right to withhold any of my deposit in addition he would be subject to treble damages if he's found to be acting in bad faith i text again and again i give him plenty of leniency and i even cite the laws so i can prove in court that i'm acting in good faith and landlord intentionally ignores the laws that i made him aware about landlord probably thinks i'm a young pushover college student who won't follow through with legal threats well sir we're going to court because i'm petty as heck when it comes to people trying to do me over i file in small claims for 650 plus treble damages plus court costs landlord files a counter claim of two thousand dollars for damages to the property claiming i caused flooding and i broke the microwave okay buddy in response i gather testimonies from three of the other tenants and i build my case into a 40-page packet of evidence complete with page numbers a table of contents and descriptions for every screenshot and photo i make three copies of everything and submit it to the court and the defendant landlord the court date is set for november and i leave the state just before christmas so just in time to appear in person landlord thinks if i'm no longer in this state he'll automatically win since i'm not willing to fly back to california well unbeknownst to landlord california courts offer an option to appear by telephone he starts filing to request to postpone the trial a total of three times the third request is finally denied because even the courts are getting tired of his crap final date is january court day comes and i get the call i'm sworn in and then connected to the court i'm given time to present my case unfortunately i didn't prepare a script so i kind of summarize the events and explain why i deserve money then landlord gets time to defend himself and explain his counter claim he doesn't prepare anything either and ends up rambling about random crap that doesn't help his case at all for example he spends a lot of time explaining how another one of his tenants was crappy and so his behavior was justified he doesn't even have a sliver of evidence for his counter claim when the judge asks for it the judge asks a few more questions and announces that he'll review the evidence and will get the decision in the mail a couple of weeks later i get the judgment saying i'm owed 650 dollars landlord gets nothing well dang no treble damage is for me however it's just my luck the landlord is a jerk that won't accept defeat he files an appeal for who knows what it's granted redo trial is scheduled for may this time i'm 10 times more prepared once again i'm sworn in and then they connect me to the courtroom speaker this time i have a hashed out script that i read making sure to emphasize how often i inform the landlord of the law how often landlord knowingly broke the law and how i offered so much leniency and so many opportunities to do the right thing once again landlord doesn't prepare anything but instead rambles on so much that even the judge tells him to get back on track multiple times landlord claims i caused water damage and he had to replace all the carpets the judge asks for an invoice or receipt he has none landlord claims i broke the microwave so the judge reads him the three witness statements that all state i didn't break the microwave landlord says they're all lying he still has no evidence whatsoever at this point the judge clearly sounds done with his crap and says we'll get the decision in the mail and the call ends a couple of weeks later i get the judgment i mowed eighteen hundred dollars and landlord still gets nothing well dang would you look at that his appeal did not quite work out for him he goes from owing six hundred fifty dollars to owing me eighteen hundred dollars being the jerk that he was he files for a mistrial claiming i was not sworn in and that i lied in my testimony denied outside of court landlord offers a payment plan of 20 a month which will take 7.5 years to pay back or otherwise he refuses to pay off okay i see how collecting my money is going to be i figure out he banks at boa by looking up the checks i gave him for rent and seeing where they were cashed i filed for a rid of execution that will allow me to perform a bank levy it's granted so i prepare a packet for the los angeles county sheriff's department to go to boa and take his money lacsd serves him with papers and orders boa to freeze his account after his allotted time 30 days to contest the seizure lacsd seizes the money plus 10 apy interest plus share fees i finally get the glorious check in the mail 20 months after moving out i'll probably frame it total 1 893 dollars and 91 cents tips for situations like this find a small claims guide there's a plethora of helpful information out there because everybody wants you to win even the court wants you to win at least in california they offer a free in-person small claims advisory clinic where employees advise you and walk you through the whole process making sure you know the process and what to expect document everything have conversations through text or email if possible for easy screenshots photograph everything even if you don't think it's important because the landlord might just claim you damaged it do your research on the law know what is legal and illegal and know the penalties for violations compile evidence against your landlord and cite the laws that they are breaking the easier you make it for the judge to see that you're right the more likely they'll side with you get supporting witness statements it changes the case from he said she said where the landlord is calling you a liar to a 4 vs 1 where the landlord has to call everybody a liar just don't commit hearsay have them appear in person or have them sign and submit a declaration follow procedures to the t last thing you want is for your evidence to be thrown out because you didn't send a copy to the defendant at least 10 days before the court date come to court prepared and remember to plan properly judges like people who are on top of their stuff if you come to court unprepared thinking that you can just talk your way to a win it will be dead obvious don't expect the process to be quick it'll take a while for your landlord to get their comeuppance but it'll be worth it at the end of the day the courts want you to win it'll just take a while brother steals my life savings i'm a 31 year old male and currently serve in the british army i come from a very poor and broken family my brother is 30 who also serves in the army but a different core to myself he lives directly opposite my father's house and lives around 250 miles away i wasn't raised by my parents and brought up by my grandparents who were both retired and living off of their state pension so money was hard but they did what they could and i'm thankful i worked on a local farm since i was 12 to get what other kids had and often enough money for food my brother martin was raised by my father and stepmom who provided for him well i have several other siblings who my mom raised there's eight of us in total i only talked to one of my siblings who is my half-sister sarah martin is everything i hate in a person mean big-headed gloats and the world evolves around him all of my mail goes to my father's house this is normal for people who serve over the 10 years i had managed to save just under 35 000 pounds which is a huge amount to me i have lived a simple life saving where i can and volunteered to deploy on operations which we get a bonus for doing i have officially spent over 4.5 years not sleeping in my own bed to achieve this and my dream of owning my own home which is something unheard of in my family upon returning from my last operational tour the time came to start looking for a home i set my budget got an aip agreement in principle and found an area i liked when the time came to start moving my money to a separate account to my shock and horror i discovered my account had less than 50 pounds in it i felt sick horrified and crushed i called my bank hoping it was just a mistake it wasn't there had been a number of withdrawals and transfers made over the last six months that had cleared the balance the only information they could give me was a statement showing the account it left and the account number that it was transferred to i spoke to my stepmom who has the info of my account to find out if she had moved it as she went through the account she had noticed the account number was my brother's my blood is boiling now i called him and let loose on the phone and after a swift exchange of insults he admitted to taking it for those wondering what his excuse was and i kid you not you don't need the money you don't have a family probably wouldn't ever have one either and it's selfish having all that money and not sharing it he earns above national average lives comfortably shoves it in people's faces for example when it comes around to christmas him and his wife like to post on social media how much they've bought they literally lay it all over their living and dining room floors stacked high and there's no room to walk as a means to gloat to people who do not have the means to buy as much as them here comes the revenge i'm back into no contact with him however i am fully aware of a few things martin's wife claims he lives with his mother so she can claim state benefits for her and his three kids i took leave from work for three weeks and go visit my father and stepmom i record my brother stopping at his house every single day and wrote a log of when he left and returned my stepmother also informed me he isn't working much because he has told his sergeant major his wife and one of his kids are seriously ill and he needs to be home to take care of them to clarify they are not they are in good health in the british army you get paid full whether you're off work ill family issues etc a perk of the job i sent this information to the department of work and pensions and they launched their own investigation asides from being a benefit thief i then call his sergeant major after a discussion and a few emails of a social media link which is covered in videos of martin and his wife always drinking partying and a lot of geotagging he is called back to work immediately from what he's told my dad he was given a two-year promotion ban and an 800 pound fine i do not know how long he had been doing this for he was also moved camp very quickly after this his wife has also been ordered to repay a year's worth of benefits back to the taxpayers big win for the little people lastly he also wrote off his shiny new car which is probably where all my money went as for what he's stolen from me i've spoken to a legal expert in fraud who seems willing to take my case and i want to fully press charges and reclaim what i can my father on the other hand has told me not to take this route and proclaims if i do it it will undoubtedly affect his kids and his ability to get work if he ever left the military due to gaining a criminal record he has suggested we talk about a repayment plan as he's been punished enough which i know it will never be repaid i'm at odds with the guilty feeling in order to take it to court i'd have to lodge a formal complaint however i am bitter it's crappy i worked so hard all of these years to improve my situation in life just to have it all pulled from me i'm thankful i've still got my health but life's not been easy and i feel just like giving up i will update on my decision later try to scam me out of my bond become blacklisted from renting instead so this happens around two years ago when i first moved to australia after six months of backpacking around asia i landed in melbourne and couchsurfed for a few weeks at my friend's place whilst i was getting on my feet and finding a place to live after a couple of weeks searching and working i stumbled across what i thought would be the perfect opportunity for somewhere to stay the room was advertised on housemates.com and i'd be living with another girl and her two dogs amazing i love animals what a bonus so i move into my bedroom in the two-bedroom townhouse in a nice suburb of melbourne two months rent up front and a 1081 dollar bond i've never rented before so i admit i was probably a little naive and a bit too trusting i transferred over the total amount to my housemate who was the renter of the property i move in and everything seems grand a couple of weeks later i start to realize the person i'm living with is a terrible human being she hasn't bothered to train her second dog so it goes to the bathroom all through the house chews the wires out of the back of the tv and apparently it has a taste for drywall as well she doesn't wash her clothes on a regular basis and is just altogether a bit grimy but i keep my room nice and the rent is reasonable so i stay a few months later my soon-to-be girlfriend comes back from traveling europe to be with me and we decide it's probably easier and cheaper if she moves in with me i ask the girl i'm living with if that's fine and how much she'd like us to pay rent wise considering there's another person moving in we settle on a price and carry on now this is where it hits the fan it's coming towards christmas time i have a flight booked back home to england to see my family and my now girlfriend decides she would like to come and see my hometown as well now to stay another year in australia when on a working holiday visa you have to complete three months of farm work or work in a regional place my partner's parents lived in such a place in australia so we decided it would be best if we moved out of the place we currently were went to england for christmas then move into her parents place so i could get work for my second year visa after telling this to the girl we were renting with she tells me well you forfeit your bond then we have a massive argument where she tells me that the bond wasn't paid to the bond authority and it was a safer net for her in case i decided to leave without notice bear in mind that this is at least a month before we're due to leave i even offer to find her a replacement which she declines anyway we come to the agreement that she will return my bond when i leave on the night before we drive to the airport me and my partner walk into the house to find her with four of her friends in the main room smoking with no doors or windows open and both dogs in there the smoke is unbearable so i tell her to open a window and that i need my bond back now before she forgets she ignores me and carries on with her friends we fly to england have the best holiday and then move back to adelaide so i can start my farm work i told myself i'm not going to get the bond back and i try to come to terms with this however it seemed to be once a month it would pop into my head and it would infuriate me beyond rational levels so every time it comes to my mind i send over a text of hey where's my bond can you please send it over with my banking details and the amount no reply a few more months passed like this with me messaging her and no reply i tried her facebook but she had blocked me so i can only assume she blocked my number as well anyway i'm do a trip to melbourne to see some friends and have a good weekend which obviously reminds me this jerk owes me money so i look up the property online find the real estate agents and send them over an email in the email i told the real estate agents of how i paid bond to the girl i was living with thinking it would be sent on my behalf and of everything else that had happened to the property whilst i had been there dogs chewing through walls smoking in the house pets in there and also illegally sub letting her room out to me i didn't realize this was a thing until my girlfriend mentioned it i received an email back the next morning asking me for proof of rent and bond being sent and proof of residency which i sent over and they said they would be in touch whilst i am in melbourne i receive a phone call from the estate agents telling me that they had been in contact with the girl and have arranged for her to send me my money back now she hadn't blocked my partner on facebook so we knew she was on holiday in the states so that 1081 dollars would hurt karma ensues a week later she texts me and asks if i'm happy that i got her kicked out of her house and blacklisted from renting in melbourne yes i am enjoy moving to another state pay people what you owe my parents used me to cheat on their taxes this is the first of likely many stories i will be posting on here since i grew up with fairy entitled slash insane narcissistic parents one aspect of the overlord relationship that my parents had with my brother and i was that they were always using us for money even when the only money we had was a 20 bill we got if we got straight a's they would still borrow from us to pay for gas or stop a check from bouncing and then never pay us back the worst incident happened sometime in my early teens one day my parents came home and excitedly announced that they had opened up a pair of bank accounts in our names and had deposited 2500 in each they told us this money would be available to us once we reached college age as you can imagine my brother and i were ecstatic i fantasized about using that money to buy my first car someday or investing it in a mutual fund something i had recently learned about in my budgeting class at school fast forward a few weeks later i mentioned the money to my brother and we started discussing the different ideas we had about how we would each spend the money someday my mother overheard us and scoffed what are you talking about that's not your money and you're not getting a car i was so horrified i felt like my heart stopped what do you mean you said you opened the bank accounts in our name that doesn't make it your money your dad and i set up those bank accounts to fix a problem we were having with filing our taxes tears in our eyes and devastated my brother and i reminded her that they had told us we would get that money once we went to college oh that's just something your father decided to say because he thought it would make you happy she then laughed i can't believe you actually thought we would give you kids 5 000 sure enough we spoke to our father and he confirmed that they had closed the bank accounts and taken the money back he also laughed thinking it was pretty funny you guys actually bought that i'm afraid i have no karmic ending to this story other than as they say a life well lived and the fact that i refuse to give my parents money ever i have many other stories that i'd like to share so i hope you'll enjoy reading them mother lies takes money from me then gets done over financially backstory so i'm 19 and i've been living with my mother for a good three to five years i was put into foster care at a young age and don't remember living with my mother at all before moving in with her she would tell me how great it would be for me to live there and how i would be treated with respect and yada yada yada well since i started college things went ahead my whole life i always wanted to go to college for art but my mother convinced me that it was stupid and so i chose to go for a business degree i got into my state's business and marketing honor society during my last year of high school for having a 98 average in all five of my business classes my first semester of college everything started out fine then the end of september hit and i got a reimbursement from financial aid let me add my mother is on ssi for minor disabilities and hasn't worked in the past 18 years she has arthritis and fibromyalgia so apparently she can't work i got public assistance that i never knew about since i was never allowed to do paperwork for anything i thought we only got food stamps but apparently she lied and said i was paying a couple hundred dollars for rent so she could get more money so she was getting nearly five hundred dollars a month for my needs i never got anything unless it was christmas and 350 a month for food stamps my boyfriend had to buy me food because i was never allowed to eat at home and didn't want to get a three thousand dollar meal plan on campus anyways i got a healthy two thousand dollars back from financial aid which i originally planned on spending on clothes i hadn't had a pair of fitting jeans since i lived with my mother a laptop for school and food well apparently every time i get money it belongs to my mother she demanded i give her most of the money so i spent fifteen hundred dollars on some jeans for me and a brand new ps4 system ps vita ps plus and a bunch of ps4 games from my boyfriend i know that sounds reckless of me but he's paid me back for it she was upset and belittled me till i gave her the rest of the money for rent and bills and food she went off and bought her boyfriend crap i was mad because obviously that's just not okay i just pushed through the semester and kind of sucked it up like i usually do february came along and pretty much the same thing happened she demanded my three thousand dollars i got more this past semester because i only had to pay for one textbook to pay for rent electricity the wi-fi food and everything under the sun she got mad when i refused to give her more than three hundred fifty dollars i went off and spent the money on my anniversary including outfit gas two meals and some gifts a new phone my phone barely worked and was seven years old and prepaid my phone plan for the next few months i also bought myself some food for when i was home she was irate how dare i spend money on my boyfriend and not the woman who birthed me i tried staying away from home as much as possible driving around with my boyfriend for the most part but every time i came home i would get yelled at well march was when crap hit the fan i needed my medicaid card they put cash assistance on that card for convenience and birth certificate for a program that helps people get jobs in the area and she wasn't having it apparently saying i needed them was being rude and disrespectful i ignored her for the most part and kept insisting that i needed them right away because i had to leave she gave them to me after half an hour of me telling her i needed to leave and just started yelling at me so i left for a few hours and i got a call from my caseworker asking when i would turn in timesheets i had to get a signature from each teacher stating i was in class to keep my insurance benefits and the food stamps i didn't know about the cash assistance and she told me i could lose the cash assistance if i didn't i asked her what she was talking about and she told me i got approximately 500 a month to pay for rent and other things i needed i informed her that i never knew about that and she was very upset that my mother was using the money on god knows what she told me to change the pin on the card and to not let my mother touch it so i changed the pin on my card went home and my room was torn up my clothes were everywhere my old laptop was missing my christmas gifts from my boyfriend were gone i was very upset i told my mother that i wanted my stuff back and she just threw everything at my door i started packing my bags because i was done with her garbage she demanded i give her my medicaid card back since she keeps everyone else's she got in my face threw my glass onto the floor tried throwing my new phone and was just screaming at me till i gave it to her i have post-traumatic stress disorder so i panic when someone is even slightly loud after she went to the store and tried buying something with it she came home and started shoving me around demanding i give her the pen i was just like my father i was garbage for buying jeans that actually fit me for once in my life i was trash for liking the presents i got for my boyfriend and not from her i got pants that were two sizes too big and very low rise for christmas yeah no etc etc she actually hit me because of it so of course i was dumb and gave it to her someone for some reason called the cops and they showed up shortly after and her and her boyfriend started telling them i was manipulative and a pathological liar i showed them where she'd hit me and tried explaining that she took my medicaid card but they didn't care the cops never care because supposedly my mom's boyfriend has put half of our local police force into the hospital after the cops left my mother said that my boyfriend who has done nothing and has only been supportive of me throughout this was a criminal and that he was not allowed to enter the house again then she said i had a new curfew of 6 pm i had a class that ended at 5 and it took me 2 hours to walk home so that was stupid and if i left the house i was to never return so i left my boyfriend took me to a homeless shelter specifically for teens and young adults that were in bad situations and had nowhere else to go i got my own apartment with the potential of getting a roommate at some point and i honestly have never felt better in my life the following day i go to get a new card and my mother had taken out two hundred sixty dollars at five am with the help of my oldest sister i had four dollars to buy food for two weeks before i could apply for my own food stamps and cash assistance case most of the time i only had water and i would eat every three days at my boyfriend's house i didn't eat anything for a week before being able to get food stamps i wish i had gotten a job but having eight classes one of which was six hours a week for a measly one credit took up the majority of my time the college suggested i withdraw to focus on my mental health i was afraid of leaving my new place because i didn't want to be attacked by my family or my mom's boyfriend i went from seed my therapist for half an hour every other week to seeing her for an hour every week she suggested that i cut contact with my mother permanently even though it meant losing a good three thousand dollars worth of stuff i bought myself over the past 12 years i got paid to babysit and take care of the farm while in foster care i was so upset about losing all 40 of my stuffed animals they really meant a lot to me and they kinda were the only things that had helped me calm down from a panic attack i know it sounds immature but i've had most of them since i was about eight years old then something popped in my head while i was applying for my own food stamps and cash assistance case the revenge i realized that i could easily report my mother for welfare fraud not only had she been taking my 500 a month but she had lied and said her boyfriend and her didn't share food and were roommates she paid to use other people's food stamps so i did just that i went to our state's website and reported her for fraud adding when she took the money from my card at 5 am that one day i went into detail gave the exact location of where she did it and everything i said she used other people's cards all the time which was very true and how she demanded my card whenever i had it a couple weeks later i get a letter from the department of social services they accidentally sent it to my address instead of my mom's thinking she moved along with me i opened it and i read that she was denied public assistance denied medical insurance and denied food stamps she met the requirements for getting them but because of my report she lost everything but ssi as far as i know what probably helped was that i told dss she stole my card and requested a new one and the lady at the front desk was mortified i found out she took the money out later when i set up the card online and saw all previous transactions for the past year she's out 850 a month more than her ssi and out of her health insurance which was paid for by the state all because of me and i boasted about it to my therapist my therapist actually congratulated me because i'm very shy with people so to report something like that was very unlikely of me unless you get me very angry not sure if this was appropriate here but it took a lot out of me to even be able to do this thanks anxiety entitled mom forgot her kid at the supermarket for two hours cast we've got me we've got my boyfriend we've got annie entitled mom's daughter she's about three we've got the man at the help desk we've got the nice dad and the entitled mom we've got police one and two important note i live in a fairly small town so many people here know each other this happened last year mid-june we were on a break from school and boyfriend and i decided to get some snacks for a movie date as one does we go to the supermarket and start grabbing our stuff we were debating which cider i'm a lightweight i should grab when i see annie enter the aisle she looks scared and she was crying a little bit as anyone with a little bit of a heart would do we leave the cider for now and go to see what's the matter me hey there are you okay what's wrong annie looked up at me mehmann mommy in french me oh have you lost your mom she sniffles and nodded me well we're going to help you find her is that okay with you i'm me and this is boyfriend what's your name annie i took her by the hand and walked up to the help desk while boyfriend paid for the groceries we didn't get cider i notified the man working the desk that annie had lost her mother he was very kind and asked for annie's name and family name so he could make a call on the microphone which went about like this man the little annie x has lost her mother could the mother of annie x present herself at the reception desk annie was set on a little bench that was facing the exit that way she could have seen if her mother was about to head out it was rush hour friday around 5 pm so it took boyfriend a while to pay for everything and get to us by that time another message was sent around the store poor annie was scared as she kept asking where her mommy was we tried to entertain her the man allowed her to read a book from the book aisle to prevent her from freaking out too much after one hour she claimed she was hungry which seems fair since it was probably around 6 pm we didn't have very healthy food with us but gave her a little snack a sponge stuffed with chocolate shaped like a bear this went on until an hour and a half after the first call was made the man who worked there pulled my boyfriend and i aside for a minute saying that they were obligated to call the police because this could be a case of abandonment this was a relief in a way because the police would know how to take care of her a little better about 10 minutes later two policemen showed up and came inside boyfriend employee and i were first asked about the situation annie was asked a couple of questions too officer one hi annie i'm officer i'm here to help you find your mommy annie is mommy in trouble no don't worry she's not in trouble and neither are you if we want to find her quickly i'm going to need to know what she looks like do you think you can help me annie nodded and described her mom's hair color eye color and very roughly what she was wearing mostly colors since she was only about three well shortly after that a man and a woman entered the store while the man was running like crazy and the woman walking slowly behind him the man was calling for annie looking so worried this prompted annie to look up and her face lit up she ran up to them screaming meh man papa mommy and daddy in french nice dad hugs her and looks so relieved he was apologizing to her so many times the police still asked to see both of their ids just to confirm that they were indeed annie's parents but that seemed to be more of a formality since annie was the one to recognize them officer 2 asked them what happened and what we heard shocked us entitled mom well i was doing my groceries but annie was being annoying so i sent her to look at toys and well i just forgot she was there and went home it's only when nice dad came home from work that we noticed she wasn't there officer 2 miss you do realize that your daughter could have been taken and if these two hadn't been there gestures towards us who knows what could have happened to her well then it's fine why make such a big deal out of it why did you two even call the police are you trying to get me arrested boyfriend we didn't call the police employee did because it's apparently store policy we didn't know what was going on this could have been a case of abandonment entitled mom was not pleased by this comment clearly how dare you are you telling me i'm a bad mother is that what you're insinuating young man before boyfriend could reply nice dad gave her a look that would make anyone shut up right away i bet he's a teacher after a bit more talk the little family were allowed to leave and so were we nice dad thanked us profusely for our time we went home had our movie night but i think about that sometimes this woman was so careless with her kid and baffles me karen's of the world my siblings are not my kids hello these stories are from a few years back but it still happens occasionally to this day i was 15 years old when my mom started having my half siblings so by 16 to 17 the three of them were toddlers and behaved well enough to go to walmart story one i live in louisiana public schools have a uniform the night before mom asks me if it's okay if she picks me up from school to do a whale mart run i agree this uniform has a red polo shirt slags and mandatory badge with your grade you're in school with your name and picture i usually take off the badge when i go somewhere after school or cover it with a jacket i forgot to around 3 p.m we're at walmart mom has one sibling in a basket and i have the other two in my card i'm mostly pushing my siblings around the toy aisles when mom suddenly remembers she needs something from the other side of the store so i'm alone with the two of them i'm pushing the cart back and forth when this older lady comes into the aisle i'm in with her own kid in her cart i make eye contact but i'm far more invested in keeping my siblings calm i noticed this woman has a bad blonde dye job long fake pink nails yellow wrinkles and the hair cut before i knew what it was she's dressed southern classy style but obviously doesn't have the money to actually be classy as in obviously fake jewelry and it's big and heavy looking i've gone back to my siblings at this point as this lady approaches me she's karen and i'm op karen glaring at me are these yours she motions to my cart me thinking she means the toys my siblings have dragged into the card well not yet i laughed nervously what do you mean these kids are not yours yet oh i thought you meant the toys karen looks at my school id then back to me aren't you too young for kids how old were you when you had them me well actually i was 15 when sibling won was karen starts shrieking 15. now i have bad social anxiety and it's worse when someone is yelling at me so i'm shaking a bit she starts going off on this tirade about how i should have waited until marriage that i better marry their dad soon and that i should drop out of school to take care of them me finding the idea of marrying my stepdad repulsive enough to have the courage to yell ma'am that would require me marrying my stepdad this is not alabama karen freezes now around this point my mom returns in a hurry and tells this woman sternly to leave all of my kids alone karen's eyes get all bug-eyed realizing that i'm one of those kids she mutters one of those non-apologies and leaves mom treats me to ice cream story 2 senior year of high school so i'm 18 years old go to walmart with my mom and my siblings similar setup as the last one i remembered to cover my badge with a jacket this time my mom has my brother and her cart and goes to get something my sisters and i are looking at dolls i'm trying to convince them that they don't need the barbie with the big set i think it was a house but they keep putting it into the cart anyways dk is dense karen while my back is to the isle this woman apparently came into it with her own kid now her kid is one of those brats that points at things and goes i want that and expects their mom to put it in the card i can hear this kid pointing at various dolls she then points at the one in our card and goes i want that one karen hey you do you work here now to be fair a chunk of staff go to the same high school they have to wear the same slacks at work some wear their school jackets to work the only way this lady would be able to tell i didn't work there was my shirt i turn enough to see her and that's when she also sees my siblings she's dressed almost the same as the first karen only she has pink in her hair to look young karen shrieks oh my god you have children me ma'am please don't yell i do not work here i unzip my jacket to show her the school shirt she also sees my student id karen's still shrieking oh my god you're too young me ma'am please you're scaring the kids she starts entering a similar tirade the first karen did that i should have waited i need to marry their daddy that i need to drop out because being a mom is so much more important than a piece of paper i've tried interrupting her several times but she only shrieks louder i see a big burly man walk down the aisle towards us i realize he's in uniform for security security firmly ma'am if you do not stop yelling you will be escorted out shrieking still how can you be a good christian man and not react to the sins before you security loudly and firmly ma'am she then turns around and actually looks at him she freezes a bit but turns back to me give me the toy me what i bet you can't afford it if you have two kids give me the set me angry and yelling they're my siblings just give me the set security firmly puts a hand on her shoulder and whispers something to her she goes pale security almost marches her out the aisle i do my best to calm down my sisters who are brave enough not to cry my mom shows up soon after and sees me badly shaken up i tell her what happened as we get treated to burgers entitled karen throws an apple at me gets kicked out this story begins when i 20 male was shopping at my local grocery store i'm just minding my own business when i hear someone over my shoulder ranting about how soft the apples on display were i turn around and see a lady right in front of me fuming karen excuse me do you know where i can find some better apples i felt all these apples and they're all soft at first i thought to myself why are you even touching all the food during what's going on little did i know the worst was yet to come me i'm sorry i don't work here well you're wearing a mask all the workers here are wearing a mask this is a good spot to mention i live in a very conservative town where people especially the older ones haven't been distancing much or wearing masks and sure enough this lady was no exception me i'm telling you i don't work here now please leave me alone where's your manager i'm personally going to have you fired for this at this point i've had enough and began to walk away this was until i felt something hard hit me in the shoulder this lady just threw one of the apples at me me did you just throw that at me i asked you weren't listening to me so i had to take matters into my own hands at this point an actual employee walks over and sees this commotion and asks us what's going on karen your employee here is being very unhelpful and i'd like to speak to a manager about it immediately what she didn't know is that this helpful employee saw the whole thing and isn't buying a word of what karen is saying employee ma'am i saw the whole thing and i'm going to have to ask you to leave the store now what do you mean i haven't done anything it takes the employee threatening to call the police before karen finally gets the message and leaves the store the employee apologizes profusely and says this isn't the first time he's dealt with that same lady and if she does it again he's going to call the cops for real after that i just continued with my shopping like nothing had happened and was just trying to forget about it looking back i wish i would have said something sassy to the lady as she was leaving but honestly i was just too much in shock of what had happened to do anything my sister thinks 55 dollars covers two months of babysitting this makes me hurt a little because up to this point my sister was the only one i could mildly get along with within my family but i guess she is my mother's daughter so the entitlement shouldn't have been a surprise my sister and brother-in-law are both essential cop and doctor so they've needed someone to watch their kids now that school is canceled and a lot of daycare services aren't around and even then the youngest one had been kicked out of two of them and finding a new one is difficult due to that so i've been watching these kids four to six times a week depending on their schedule anywhere between 7 to 12 hours a day i was told to wait until they got paid then told to wait for the stimulus check to come in and they'd pay me for it at that point and i do have the text it was going to be eighty five dollars a week regardless of that four to six times a week well they got the stimulus check in my sister gives me 55 and tells me that this was for the babysitting i told her what the heck this wasn't what we agreed on i was told that i should be grateful because she has been feeding me no she hasn't i bought my own food intended to have to buy the food that these kids were eating for lunch i was told that it was just like hanging out having fun playing video games with my nephews no it was not and she knows her kids better to know they're monsters they're both destructive it's a hassle since i have to chase one of them around all the time to prevent them from climbing shelves or from getting out the front door because these kids were never taught to mind and when i refused to bring my gaming laptop for the older one to play anymore i told him specifically if he wanted to play on it he'd only touch the wireless mouse and keyboard and play it at the desk but not to touch the laptop so what does he do after getting bored with the one game he begged me to let him play picks up the laptop and runs with it and drops it i screamed at him not my best moment and he had the attitude of a valley girl of whatever accidents happen that's why they're accidents if it breaks you can just buy a new one of which i told him he would be the one to replace the 1600 computer but since that day he's been a whining jerk about me not bringing it over for him to play with i have to deal with these kids all the time and not being able to do a thing about it they are monsters and the only reason i agreed to do this was because she was my sister and she needed the help but i was supposed to be compensated for my time away from my own work i work commission based jobs at home but i can't work on it around them as there's no pause for me to do it i know it'll probably be crappy of me to do if i just don't show up for the next few days until they fix paying me what they at the very least owe me but on the other hand i really just don't want to be around those kids anymore edit they're 11 and 8. falsely accuse me and withhold my pay say goodbye to your business i worked at a small local spa company there was only about six workers there i worked there for a year and a half and only met the owner once but talked to them on the phone a lot she was crazy but that's besides the point anyways i got hired because my friend's mom p was the manager and someone had quit in the middle of their shift so they needed someone fast i worked really well there and learned very fast i was very good at the job to the point where after a couple of months they sent new hires to be trained by me turnover there was bad despite this i didn't get a raise or anything it wasn't a big deal but it would have been nice anyways i was always a closer there would be a list of things i had to do after we closed like vacuum and dust and such janitorial things as months go by p begins to pick apart things a string was left on the rug the candy bowls weren't filled even though they weren't even half gone etc slowly things started to get worse eventually i was being told that i was not cleaning rooms that i know for a fact i had now i admit that once in a while i would forget to clean something but i was getting yelled at for things i knew for a fact i cleaned my other problem was that when my co-workers would forget the same exact things she wouldn't yell at them but would just say try to remember or something along those lines eventually p got other co-workers to lie so that she could report me to the owner many days i came right from school and would be wearing jeans p left right when i got there so after i clocked in and counted the drawer i would go and change into my work pants well other co-workers would lie and tell her i never changed after this i began taking pictures and time stamping them this worked for a little while but then my co-workers would say i changed back into jeans after that picture and when it came to cleaning she would say i didn't clean it well enough etc all of these would get turned into the owner but she wouldn't fire me because they were so desperate for people and no one wanted to work there i wonder why eventually i quit because i had a job for the summer that gave me a lot more hours in my summer job i made the same amount of money in seven weeks that i made in a year at the last place right after i left i learned why p wanted me gone so bad p hired her son my ex-friend because he was too lazy to work a job where he couldn't sit around all day that made me mad but what also made me mad is that they wouldn't give me my last paycheck we were paid in cash i sent multiple emails and text messages to p and the owner that reminded them and then threatened legal action being a high schooler i don't believe they thought i would do anything how wrong they were well there were many reasons i was about this so i decided i'd document every single thing about that place these include eight plus hour work days with no breaks or lunch both of which are required in my state rats in the basement and infestation fake security cameras he faking the amount of money we had to pay her son and daughter for under the table work not fixing things like building framework mold etc allowing temperatures to go above and below the legal limit on bad days it was above 100 or below 50 inside p giving themselves a raise even though they already made more than anyone else there selling client information he compiling clients for another worker to take with them to a new company usually not illegal but the way they went about it was i don't remember the exact details not doing anything about harassment and not paying workers there'd be days where we didn't have enough money in the drawer and the owner and or p would be too lazy to go to the bank so they would just straight up not pay us not only this but prior to me leaving i recorded some of the mistreatment from p believe it or not i even got them to admit to making false write-ups on me there was more but i can't remember what else right now anyways i compiled all of this and sent it in an email to osha it went down in the end both p and the owner were served with some hefty fines and p is even facing jail time right now for fraud the owner had to shut down their business and sell it i don't know if the owner is facing any jail time i emailed every spa within 50 miles so the owner p and some co-workers have been blacklisted from working within an hour of where we're located i never did receive my last payment it wasn't worth going to court over but what came out of it was so much better my taxes pay your salary no they do not this happened three years ago but my friend reminded me of it yesterday so i thought i'd share it was the middle of june and my first weekend off in quite a long time i'd been giving my friend a never-ending rain check of promising to teach her to fish our schedules finally line up weather's perfect it's fishing time we arrive at a local lake it's the type where you don't need a fishing license just a pass for the lake money goes to the city we buy our passes from the concession stand and head back to my car to get the gear i brought three setups one for me one for a friend and just in case it's a really busy saturday morning lots of people we do a mini hike across the lake to get to our spot and get to fishing friend learns quickly we catch a few before the sun's all the way up we're pumped how well the day is going and decide to take a lunch break when it starts to get hot at about 11 we take this stuff back to my car we chill eat hydrate and head back while we're walking back a group of kids break away from their families to follow us around they were all boys four of them three of them were probably around eight to eleven and the fourth is maybe six i'm thinking they just want to watch us fish and they likely told their parents where they were going so i don't even think about it we get back to our spot but the kids are trying to follow us down the hill the top of the hill has a trail if you're careful you can climb down to reach a small landing that's close to the water's edge it was stressing me out watching them try and climb down so i yell up to them to find a safer place for them to watch basically next to us easier to get to but there's a gap in between the landings once they got down they decided to have a rock skipping contest not exactly polite to do that next to people fishing but i let it go then these kids decide to have a jumping contest they're jumping from their landing to our landing back and forth there's only a two foot gap but if they fell they'd definitely get hurt friend is getting more stressed than me watching them makes them promise her to be careful they said what i probably would have said when i was their age fine whatever guys the ringleader of the group oldest maybe 11 then asks me if they're allowed to fish i ask them if they have a pass stupid me they say yes in unison i tell them if you've got a pass you're good to go ringleader puts his hands on my fishing pole that i'm holding still and asks if he can use it i pull away say no bud i'm using it he picks up my just in case poll without asking and says what about this one no that's mine and i don't want you hurting yourself with it little brat gives me an attitude and shouts well what can i use i didn't even know what to say at first but i pulled out old faithful go ask your parents it worked they immediately left about 20 minutes later we hear a large group of people coming down the trail it's the kids in their family and the kids are whispering and pointing at me mostly just ringleader a lady a bit older than me guessing mom angrily makes her way over to the spot and lays into me i don't remember everything but the general consensus is that i'm ungrateful and i need to get shot her words kids are still close so i decide to keep it pg i also have a little issue with my hearing if something is too loud i can't usually make out the sound like if you're yelling at me i'm not going to get every word i explain i can't hear her when she raises her voice she starts yelling louder i'm getting nothing friend is mortified i stare at her until there's a break and say yeah i didn't get a word of that she almost starts to go off again when the guy with her shouts something at her in another language and she stops angry lady did you tell these boys they couldn't fish me no i said just the opposite she's stunned why can't they fish then they're allowed to fish at this lake me they can fish they're absolutely allowed to fish here they just can't use my stuff why not everyone else here is fishing this lake is owned by the city yup sure is blank stairs for way too long you need to teach them to fish me miss i can't watch all of them what if they hurt themselves yes you are my taxes pay your salary no they do not yes they do i pay taxes and taxes pay for this lake and they better not hurt themselves because if they do you think i work here more blank stares me miss i work at place i used to work doing thing i did while i was there even more blank stairs me i fixed computers i didn't but it's easier to say than to explain what i really did silence this poor lady looks so embarrassed as it clicks that i'm just a person fishing on their day off but i don't even get an apology no recognition that she was wrong she just climbs back over to the rest of the family as they quietly speak amongst themselves walking away in their shame when they're finally out of sight friend and i give each other the what the heck just happened look and break into the most beautiful 45 minute session of uncontrollable laughter i've ever had no i absolutely won't come with you to your car so i'm 15 and female this morning my older brother called me because the key to his car wasn't working electric short and he wanted me to wake my dad up so we could bring him the spare that i did so my dad drives us to this 7-eleven parking lot that my brother is stuck in and hands me his card telling me to grab him a coke zero and get myself something to drink and eat at 7 30 am i'm wearing fuzzy slipper boots leggings a sick persona 5 mask that i sewed myself air pods and a marvel hoodie i have cotton candy pink hair and i wear glasses i'm also 5'1 and look way younger than i actually am unless i'm wearing makeup in comes bill bill is somewhat over six feet tall and large i don't know if it was fat or muscle but he was big i don't have social anxiety my dad is a musician so i'm used to being approached by people that i don't know and can generally hold friendly conversation help people who need help stuff like that this guy is not wearing a mask he looks like if guy fieri the dude from duck dynasty and joe exotic had a 400 pound love child he's wearing a sleeveless muscle shirt with the words keep america great on it and a graphic of the president holding a guitar i'm standing in front of the fridge door that had energy drinks in it when bill over here taps on my shoulder i turned around in this moment i felt like derek shepard when the semi truck was coming pure fear the conversation went as follows me hey sorry am i in your way bill you're awfully young to be working here can i see your manager i don't think pants like that should be allowed on the job me now very confused i'm sorry i don't work here do you need help i can get an employee if you need i picked up two orange monsters my ap test is on the 11th and i need to get my sleep schedule back on track so i'm pulling an all-nighter and moved six feet away from the guy i already had my dad soda tucked under my arm bill are you one of them girls who do free car washes can you clean out my passenger seat and come home with me nobody will notice just say you're on your break that escalated quickly for context i'm black slash white hispanic mixed but didn't end up with curly hair or blue eyes i have brown eyes and very thick and wavy dark brown hair me no i'm sorry let me find you an employee bill now it'll be just fine bill then reaches for my free hand which i very sharply pull away i started walking to the front of the store and he follows a few feet behind i put my things on the counter and start to check out bill is standing like a foot behind me employee good morning did you find everything okay me good morning yes i did thank you for asking bill now yelling excuse me excuse me i can see that your friends and all but your employee has been absolutely disgusting to me and i want my gas pumped for free employee sir i'm sorry she's not an employee she's a customer no she's not she offered to help me in the aisle back there sir that was probably just her practicing common courtesy me is your chip reader working or should i swipe bill i want your manager now employee sir i'm the only person here right now the manager will be here at 10 am i'm standing there holding the card and waiting for this dude to back off and grab a little tube of donuts from the counter for my troubles then place it down since i hadn't paid yet build and huffs and storms out gets into a 4x4 with wheels as tall as me and very aggressively drives away as hotel california blares from the speakers i could hear it from inside the store employee the chip reader works go ahead the total is 11.24 cents i left and found my dad handed him the bag and told him my tail we leave on the way home we passed bill's truck i don't think he saw us i hope he didn't we were in a prius 4x4 vs prius never goes well for the prius take the money i give for bills and squander it hope you like the court system i lived with a group of people who i thought were my friends they were two couples and we all lived in the same house for almost two years until i recently moved out there was david and tina and brittany and aj i was the only single person there there was a debate on how we should pay the bills but we all decided to give the money to the person whose name was on the bill david paid the mortgage tina paid the water and electric slash gas and i paid the internet it came to the point where i was paying close to 80 percent of the mortgage by myself the entire water bill and about 75 percent of the gas in the electric and i was paying the internet bill by myself i was giving the money still to the person in charge of the bill but came to find out about 10 days before i moved out that the mortgage was defaulted on and the house was in foreclosure also the water gas and electric bills were a constant threat of being shut off and that the only up-to-date bill was the internet while they all saw me struggle to pay these off they were mindlessly spending money during the day which is when i sleep due to working third shift so i never saw the mindless things they spent money on nor did i ever see the mail since they grabbed it before i woke up britney never paid anything as she was having her check garnished due to unpaid student loans but she always had expensive makeup aj never held a job for more than two weeks david and tina were always calling in to work knowing that i wouldn't allow them to go without a home due to our history one day i woke up while they were all out and about doing something or other so i went to go check the mail as i was expecting a package when i saw the bills in the mail so i decided to investigate i opened up the gas and electric bill as they are by the same company to see a total amount of almost four hundred dollars and in risk of being shut off i was shocked and upset i knew right then and there what was going on and i vowed to do them over as hard as i could i had just interviewed for a new job that paid almost double what i was making and i knew that i interviewed well with them so i told myself that if i got the job i would give them a 30-day notice and move out and as it was close to the end of the month and i had already paid them i would be moving out before the 1st of february i got the call with the job offer the next day which i happily accepted i did the paperwork for the background check and it all came back clean the same day i accepted the offer i typed out a 30-day notice and recorded myself with my phone in my pocket handing it to them explaining that i was moving out i started my job and my hunt for an apartment close to my new job which i found within a week of starting i took almost the entirety of my checks set them aside for rent deposit and basic things that i would need i was asked several times to help with the next month's bills to which i said no as i was saving for my own place and that they had plenty of time to come up with the money between the four of them because i was doing it all by myself pretty much on a meager pay rate of eleven dollars an hour before my new job there were a lot of scowls passive aggressive behavior and flat-out attempts to take or use my things or foods without my permission the day came when i finally went and got my u-haul and had a few friends help me move free beer and free lunch are the best payment ever as they shared it all with me i was determined to get it all in one go so i got the biggest one they had and we got everything packed up i took everything that was mine down to my pizza stone which they loved my expensive kitchen knives which they would use and never clean even my toilet paper that i had bought three days prior to because i needed it a few rolls went missing very quick after moving everything i sat down on my couch looked around my cat at my lap and breathed a sigh of relief i happened to be good friends with my previous neighbors and asked them to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary four days go by and i come to find out that the gas electric and water have all been turned off and they were asking to fill up some buckets to manually flush the toilets bathen etc now both couples have dogs which my cat hated as they were both hyperactive as heck but i loved them so i decided that those dogs were in a dangerous situation as they had no water no heat in the middle of winter and probably no food as i had bought the last bag about two weeks prior i hate to see an animal hungry so i called the local humane society and left an anonymous tip about the dogs and how i was worried about them the next day my neighbor todd texted me telling me that the dogs were removed from the home that my previous housemates were being charged with neglect and because of the lack of utilities that these were not civil but criminal charges this was enough for me to smile but i wanted more i knew that david was divorced and had a kid i also knew that he wasn't paying child support i then contacted the local courts and made them aware of the flagrant non-support and that maybe they could help the agency looking for him i provided the address that we lived at and the homeowner was the one who was being looked for from there it came to light that he was almost 25 000 behind which is a felony in this state where i live he's now living with someone on their couch as tina left him the house has been foreclosed on and he has nothing to his name while facing multiple criminal charges moral of the story don't take advantage of a friend who knows all your dirty secrets mother expects me to split my stimulus check with my entitled sibling to preface i just turned 19 years old and my sibling is 20. i wasn't planning on getting a stimulus check due to the fact that i thought i was considered a dependent due to not having a job and such so i was just living my life waiting for when i can get my ged and a job two days ago my mom was cooking herself dinner and i walked into the kitchen to get myself something she asked me if i would be upset if i didn't get all of my stimulus check and she took some of it to pay for my ged and driver's education courses i said that i would be a little upset i wanted to make that decision for myself to feel a little bit like an adult and that i thought i wasn't even going to get one next thing i know she came back in from her car and angrily handed me my check and said that i better be responsible with it now call me unreasonable but that was a little rude but me being me i just brushed it off made myself dinner and deposited it through my bank's mobile app yay i got money for important adult things right wrong it's been two days now and my mother just told me in front of my entitled sibling and dad that i should split my check with my entitled sibling now i like to think i'm a pretty generous person with a big heart i love helping people out and all but my entitled sibling is the least responsible person i've ever met they spend all of their money on junk and knickknacks with no purpose especially since i need to spend the money on important things that will help me move out of this place i said no after this my mom went to bed she said goodnight to my father and my entitled sibling but not me purposefully it was one of the most petty things i've ever witnessed my entitled sibling has apparently been complaining about not getting a stimulus check and is getting upset that i did they're calling it unfair i think it's perfectly fair because i didn't decide the rules for everything i shouldn't have to shell out six hundred dollars to a person that's going to spend it on junk am i the one being unreasonable should i just give them the six hundred dollars or should i actually stick up for myself for once and spend it on the things that i need any advice would be appreciated old lady says i'll be written up for telling her there's no breakfast so for some background i work in a senior living home as a server and i'm a pretty nice person to the residents but when they start yelling at me i tend to cry a little so i don't really confront anyone we've got the old lady we've got old ladies fiance we've got co-worker we've got boss and me story so in my work we stopped serving breakfast at 1pm an old lady usually comes in with her fiance at around noon to eat breakfast but on that day they came in at like 105 pm and they sat down at the table they always do and i went to go take their order me hey old lady and old ladies fiance do you know what you would like or would you like some menus i asked because i know they didn't know what we have for lunch since they never order lunch old lady yes i would like some pancakes and me oh i'm sorry but we don't serve breakfast after 1pm i'm sorry lady what not even eggs or bacon nothing me no i'm sorry but would you like some menus so you can decide what you'd like old lady and fiance nod and i get them menus and walk away to clean other tables and someone else takes their orders i thought that would be the end of course it wasn't and about an hour later they finished and start heading to the front to pay that's when the lady sees me walking away from the front to check on other residents are you the first person who talked to me yes so you're the one who told me there was no breakfast right yes okay come with me to look at a menu before you get written up for being rude to a customer me very confused as to what i did wrong start walking to the table we keep menus on ok opens a menu and holds it in between us right here it says a la carte that means i can have breakfast whenever i ask me um no the times on the menu clearly say that we have breakfast specials from 7 to 11 am and regular breakfast from 7 to 1 pm yeah but that's up here down here it says a la mode that means all day at this point she starts kind of berating me we have been coming here for breakfast for a while and we're not going to have some girl telling us oh you can't have breakfast said in a mocking tone at this point another resident came in and was waiting to be waited on lady now do not go around telling people what they can and can't have i'm gonna give you a smile and you're going to give three other people smiles too one thing everyone knows about me is i hate being told to smile no matter the context i'll smile if i feel like i should now someone just came in don't be rude don't tell him he can't have breakfast and smile at him she then walked away and acted like nothing happened while getting cashed out by my boss and cousin in hindsight i should have went up and talked to my boss right then and there and told her what just happened but i knew i was just going to cry while explaining it so i took the other resident's order and went on break when i told my coworker who was there i cried a little after telling them we sat there making fun of it and saying things like man if she wants she can try to order pancakes for dinner see how far that goes and we're not mcdonald's she should get here a bit earlier one of my co-workers even said i was super nice when explaining that we didn't have breakfast he said that i didn't even need to say sorry anyway only one of my co-workers seemed upset he left the room and went back to work a couple minutes later he comes back in and hugs me saying he confronted old lady and told her that she was wrong and she kept saying that i was super rude to her i didn't want to give them breakfast because i was lazy co-worker do you want to go talk to boss about it our boss is a take no bs from anyone type of person so she usually tells off the residents when they are crossing the line with us old lady oh no i'm very busy right now co-worker don't worry i'll bring boss here that's when he told our boss and he stood near so he could hear and apparently old lady was telling boss that me and coworker were super rude to her we then started joking about it again when boss comes into the break room and tells us what happened boss so i talked to her about it and she kept lying saying that you and coworker were super rude and yelling at her and that co-worker was waving a menu in her face which i know is a lie as i can think of some people who would do that and you two are nowhere near being on that list she kept saying that a la mode meant all day and she knows that's what it meant i told her that's not what it meant and that it meant one by one of what we have then old lady said that i was lying and i told her i wasn't because i made the menu 15 years ago and she just went quiet then to this day old lady has not spoken to me unless it's to give me her order for dinner she never apologized or admitted she was wrong this isn't the only story i have with her in it entitled lady tries to take my surfboard after trespassing on private property so to set the scene i live in a very small beach town in north carolina we get a crazy amount of tourists in the summer months but not quite as much as myrtle beach a large city in south carolina one of the most popular on the east coast outside of florida we get our fair share of native tourists and during my time as a lifeguard i probably got asked 3 000 questions about sharks or jellyfish or stingrays in a day instead of saving people from the water i spent most of my time telling people to stay off the dunes or telling people not to swim up to boats so anyway the cast composed of myself a naive entitled tourist and her naive entitled son so anyway i saw that there was supposed to be some excellent surf one day and decide to head to the beach for a little shredding action my beach access is part of a private neighborhood and is paid for by my homeowners association which means that it is private property once i get up to it i see a middle aged woman and her son who is maybe six or seven standing at the gate holding floats i think great i have a little arguing to do because people are supposed to stay off unless they pay taxes for it to be maintained i walk up and the convo goes a little like this entitled mom hey what is the code for this beach access me well it's a private access are you visiting i haven't seen your face around here where are you staying entitled mom points at a house that isn't part of the hoa it was developed after my neighborhood was me oh that house is part of a different neighborhood that one uses a public access see where the sidewalk is entitled mom oh come on it's right across the street just tell us the code me no ma'am this access is paid for by our own taxes there is a public access literally 50 feet to the left with no code no i demand that you let me in my son through or i will call the police me go ahead in the meantime i'm going to use the public access if you care to join me on the beach then you can follow me on that access i left her and her son red-faced like that and walked to the public access about 10 minutes go by and i kind of forgot about the pair i'm putting wax on my board and waiting for my friend to show up in the meantime i turn around for my board to head down and look at the water and look for a good spot or a rip current and lo and behold i see the kid trying to lift my board and his mom grinning at him keep in mind my board is a nine foot beast that has to weigh at least 50 pounds my dad got it in maui 20 years ago from a custom board store that's no longer open and it cost at least 700 to 800 i run back up to the pair and my usually good nature was out the window me hey lady get the heck off my stuff entitled mom how dare you speak to me like that me i'll speak to you however i want tell your son to stop grabbing at my stuff at this point he had it fins up and was sitting on it which is a massive no-no for surfing it curves upwards so if you put too much weight on it it might snap i yanked it out from under him and he fell forward into the sand entitled mom get away from my son i'm going to sue you until you need to file for bankruptcy me what the heck lady i'm defending my property you can't sue me check my baby just wanted to see it he wasn't hurting anyone at this point her son is bawling and he is screaming something along the lines of mommy he broke my rib me grow up kid lady don't touch my stuff again or i will call the police on you at this point a lot of people around me are angry at the lady and i notice my friend has shown up and has a huge grin on his face when i look away to make a face at him the lady tries to yank the board out of my hands i just let it drop it falls on her and she buries herself in the sand i snatch it back up from her and jerk a thumb at my friend to run to the water i turn to the kid and i say don't turn out like your mother i then turn and run towards the water with my friend and fill them in and from what we can see from the waves the lady is getting shamed off of the beach by other beachgoers most of whom knew me and knew i wouldn't fly off the handle unless it was something crazy that's about it nothing much compared to some of the absolute bs i've seen on this sub but still a wake up to me that people like that exist irritating vegan co-worker takes off his pranks way too far so i destroy her entire paradigm at the time i was a seven year veteran at a large tech corporation senior designer on the communications team by then the senior copywriter went on maternity leave leaving a temp in her place although irritating in a non-descriptive way she presented well and seemed competent enough for later context she was also an uber dog lover and a staunch and righteous vegan there were frequent mutual and innocent team prayings things like replacing a box of diet cookies with a box of crispy creams or covering the laser on someone's mouth like oh you dog you got me kind of things now let me fix that and let you get back to work being desperate for acceptance new temps started taking things a bit far and seemed to focus pranks directly towards me even after a few subtle reprimands from our manager she continued things like slipping inappropriate photos or comments into a powerpoint presentation on the shared drive i was about to give or fake crying during morning stand up just to gauge reactions her novelty wore off fast fast forward to the morning after my birthday she knew i was going to be hungover i got to my desk red-eyed and thirsty as heck grabbed my water bottle at my desk which i always kept full and started chugging like it was going to save my life it was straight vodka at least two full swallows before i realized i go straight for my garbage bin to throw up the slurry of alphabet soup at least six cans of beer and god knows what else she put in there made sure i did her she came in laughing her brains out taking full claim i didn't snitch on her but the story made its rounds to human resources and she was given a stern warning i would have accepted an apology even remorse but not a shred in fact she started calling me pukey mcgee to literally no one's fanfare i let it pass for a few weeks waiting for the attention to die down revenge day finally arrived she always left at 10 am to get a starbucks i took this time to plaster lost dog posters anywhere outside the office she might stumble by on her way back she fell for the bait asking around but no one was the wiser once she was cozy at her desk i went to her car to stage a hit and run with chunks of fatty steak an old leash and collar and a bag of fake fur i went to work i'd share the pig but it's long gone but it was very convincing looked like a leash was caught around her rear passenger axle and the dog got clogged between the tire and wheel well i left the caller dangling out the back it didn't take long before even others noticed the lost dog posters or the car and put two and two together eventually the owner of a white so and so with license plates such and such please come to reception went over the intercom it's on it was delicious she was out in the lot sobbing so hard she was coughing carefully placing all the chunks into a box it took her an hour to gather every precious bit crying the entire time my theory was that she wanted to return the dog to its owner as best she could before calling the number on the poster was a shame there was no owner or dog but she was too distraught to realize it was fake i thought for sure the lack of bones would be a near instant giveaway but to my utter shock it wasn't a scenario i wasn't expecting but welcomed just the same it was just assumed the dog owner had printed the wrong number on the poster because the remains were never returned she had the caller and leash cleaned and posted pictures of her own in hopes of finding the owner given her reputation there wasn't much sympathy offered she took down all her dog lover crap off her desk and kept very much to herself for the remainder of her term bonus that she even left early but not sure if i can take credit for that for certain disclaimer for those that will likely claim she just liked me and wanted my attention i assure you that was not the case there's way more background than just this story even if it were this was in adulthood not grade school edit thought i should clear up a few things based on the comments 1. opie is not a vegan however is a huge animal lover owns several dogs cats and has rescued many animals op has nothing against vegans just the ones that preach it relevant distinction for her personality and subsequent reaction not the reason for revenge steak bits was an easier way of describing a bag of butcher scraps at the time four to make it clear to the ones that thought this was petty revenge for minor inconveniences here's a list of some of the more inconvenient pranks replacing water with vodka was just the last straw hiding car keys then leaving wasted hours of people's lives but was welcome news to cab companies pulling fuses from cars is dangerous again could be fatal brake lights headlights airbags all very important you should think right in hindsight i do regret not coming clean the believability was not expected and i froze but the pranks most definitely stopped when bullies don't get the point from a passive and apathetic authority the only route is to pop them straight in the nose good and hard entitled mom tried to get her daughter my job because i'm chubby i'm female and home from college the stay at home order in my town is slowly being lifted so some businesses are finally opening up my parents require me to have a summer job i'm blessed enough that i get to keep all the money i earn my parents just like me to work to gain experience this will be relevant later but i'm not a skinny girl i wouldn't consider myself large either i'm 5'6 and weigh about 140 to 145 pounds right now and carry most of it in my hips and thighs the freshman 15 did hit me hard though as i used to be 120-ish so today after finishing my last online final my dad called me he told me that one of his friends who runs a heating ac company texted him and that they were looking for girls to work in the office answering phones and stuff i got excited because that's exactly what i wanted so i put on a dress printed a copy of my resume and drove down the ladies inside were super nice and asked me to fill out an application so i sat down to do so and this is where the entitled mom enters here's everyone involved we've got entitled mom we've got entitled girl probably 16-ish we've got me we've got desk lady one this woman is relatively thin which will be relevant later we've got desk lady too desk further back still in the room this woman is plus size which will be relevant later and we've got the boss of the business we're in the south which might be relevant because typically for jobs like this they're looking for a pretty face to sit behind the counter and talk to customers this is unspoken though yes it's awful but hey i needed a job so as i'm filling out an application entitled mom enters with entitled girl she announces that she's here about the opening and her daughter would like to apply desk lady one explains that she'll need to fill out an application and hands her one and a pen they come sit in the lobby right beside me which i thought was weird but i didn't say anything entitled mom tells me are you here for the job as well me yes ma'am you know that little jerk sound people make i ignored her and went up to ask desk lady one a question about the application it was about how professional one of my references for babysitting was when i returned and sat back down entitled mom walked up to the desk does my daughter even really need to fill this out desk lady one it's protocol boss will look at all the applications and decide who to call for an interview is he here i'm sure if he could see my daughter he'd know who he wanted to call desk lady one he is but he isn't seeing visitors right now entitled mom how will he'd know who to hire if he doesn't know what the girls look like lady one well he will need to see their references and will make a few calls before he no my daughter is an aspiring model she won insert local pageant in 2019 he needs to see her to know she's the face he wants to see behind the counter interacting with customers lady one i'm not sure what you mean this isn't a modeling job looks don't really matter oh i know but they do let's face it boss isn't going to want at this point she leans in closer to lady one a chubby girl up here is he this whole time entitled girl is smirking at me in glances as she fills out her application this caught the attention of desk lady 2 as well as me and we both looked up at this point desk lady 2. ma'am i'm not sure i know what you mean oh no disrespect i just know the boss personally and now he'd prefer a new pretty face around the office maybe i'm a little biased but i think there's no question between my daughter and well this young lady for example me no offense honey just trying to save you some time at this point i'm in tears i don't know if it was rage or the sting of her insult but either way i was not going to let her see me cry so i quickly got up and handed my application to desk lady 1 before trying to leave desk lady 2 a plus size lady sweetie wait talking to me lady 2 you say you know the boss personally right to entitled mom oh yes we went to high school together and you know him so well that you know he'd prefer a skinny woman behind his desk well i didn't say that she did but i'd assume so great well i'm his wife and i've worked behind this desk for almost 15 years now and as you can see i could probably drop a few and i take personal offense to what you're saying about my husband and this young lady so i'd like you to wait in the car while your daughter fills out her application entitled mom an entitled girl both stormed out at this point untitled girl took her application so i don't know if she'll apply or not but both women behind the counter told me that entitled mom was a jerk and they'd vouch for me with the boss so i'm hopeful that i'll get the job entitled mom is angry i got my order first cause i ordered online takes it out on the server who i shower in cash i ordered some pasta and mozzarella sticks from a local pizza joint for lunch today i used their google checkout to order and pay and put my info into the pickup notes my phone bings and my food is done so i scoot a mile down the road to the pizza place to pick it up i pull up behind a minivan and call the number get put on hold while she talks to the entitled mom in front of me i can hear the whole conversation because she's using her car speakers turned up to the max and she's screaming into the steering wheel entitled mom i'm here to pick up an order pizza girl what was the name on it helen pizza girl hmm i'm not seeing an order for helen did you place it online or call in i didn't place it yet sorry about that i misunderstood you what can i get you this is why you work at a pizza dive hun rattles off on a long list of stuff including three pizzas pizza girl no problem we'll get that ready for you it will be done in about 30 minutes you can't go any faster my kids are hungry this is the lunch brush i'll put a flyer in your bag it has the store number and next time you can call ahead so we have it ready for you entitled mom hangs up pizza girl immediately picks up my line i give her my name and she brings out my bag it's a small paper bag and obviously doesn't contain three large pizzas as soon as she steps out the door entitled mom starts screaming at her is that my food why are you giving her my food pizza girl this is her order she called ahead i was here first and i already told you my kids are hungry she ordered a head your order is being prepared please be patient she starts yelling at her kids to shut up at this point i'm ready to give this girl a medal because i was barely hanging onto my temper instead i thanked her profusely for my food told her that she was doing an amazing job and tipped her 20 dollars on an 8 order not sure how it went down with entitled mom after that but i hope wherever you are you're having a better day now pizza girl put my friend on the phone now i manage an automotive repair center in the southern u.s this morning i had a very nice elderly lady walk in she was wearing the new formal face mask and rubber gloves and asks us to diagnose a few issues that she was having with her vehicle i proceeded to check her in and she was elected to sit quietly in the lobby an hour later her friend calls and the following conversation ensues cast we've got me and we've got entitled old lady me thank you for calling our company this is me how may i help you entitled old lady yes this is entitled old lady my friend was going to bring her vehicle in for y'all to look at and i wanted to see if she made it in me yes ma'am she's here and we're looking at her vehicle now that's nice can you put her on the phone for me ma'am i'm terribly sorry but with what's going on right now we're closely following the guidelines and that includes not sharing phones i would be more than happy to relay a message to her and relay her response back to you if you would like that's ridiculous she's not sick and you don't sound sick so just put her on the phone i understand that she doesn't appear to be sick but that's not how this works we're trying to keep all of our customers and employees safe by following the guidelines so i will be happy to relay a message to your friend but again we're not sharing phones well bless your heart this is southern speak for you're an idiot you are the rudest and most annoying person i've ever had to speak with now unless you want me to speak with your manager and make no mistake i will have you fired put my friend on the phone now me ma'am i am the manager and i'm not going to continue tying up the phone lines and my time by arguing in circles with you now unless you would like me to relay a message to your friend i'm going to have to say have a great day and end this call well bless your heart i'm gonna call your boss corporate my attorney the local news station me i've had enough at this point and really interrupted her tirade ma'am i have the number for the governor's office and our state and local reps if you would like those also why she said the what's kind of slow and drawn out like she was trying to figure out if i had insulted her or if i was serious you know what we're done i'll just call my friend on her cell phone click she hangs up two seconds later the customer's cell phone rings in the lobby and she asks entitled old lady why she wasted five minutes of my time arguing instead of just calling her on the cell phone to begin with customer apologized for the entitled old lady when we were finished with her vehicle and tipped both myself and the tech that worked on her vehicle for our troubles entitled mother tries to use me to get family discount at the cinema background i'm currently 21 female but i've always had a baby face that makes me look younger than i am i'm often thought to be 15 or 16 and people treat me like a kid until i call them out on it it can be convenient at times as up until two years ago if i went to the cinema and just asked for a ticket agent specific they just automatically give me a kid ticket characters we've got myself and we've got entitled mom so i was 16 at the time but looked around 9 or 10 and was waiting in line at the cinema to get a ticket i forget what movie as it was a long time ago directly in front of me was a family of three at the time you could get a discount if you had two adults and two kids by buying a family ticket which was less than buying three separate tickets there were a few people in front of us and i'd noticed the two parents staring at me and whispering to each other i wear a lot of anime tops so i'm fairly used to that behavior so i mostly ignored it the family gets to the counter an entitled mom very loudly stated that they want a family ticket to a u-rated movie the cashier of course tells her you have to have two kids for that at which entitled mom turns around points at me and says she's with us i naturally look at her like she's got two heads and say no i'm not entitled mom puts on that real condescending smoothie tone adults use with bold kids and says honey don't act up in public just come here while her family cross their arms and stare at me like i just did something wrong i glared at her and walked over to the second cashier and said one adult ticket for the movie and showed them my passport for id the cashier of course charges me and gives me my ticket entitled mom starts spluttering at the worker for allowing kids to buy tickets to those types of movies both cashiers just barely hid rolling their eyes as the one in front of her asked her what tickets she wanted i trotted off to the necessary screen and left them at the counter to deal with it by themselves sir she doesn't work here about six months ago i was at my local health food where i regularly shop enough to know employees faces but not names i have pretty bad social anxiety in part due to the fact that i'm a pretty good looking girl and tend to get a lot of unwanted attention i usually avoid dressing nice and wearing makeup because i would just rather avoid solicitation as much as possible despite the fact that i love dressing up it's also hot where i live which means it's not always practical to wear full length garments on this particular day i was wearing cargo pants and a tank top for some background i've been followed out of the store twice by creeps luckily with no physical harm thanks to evasion and quick thinking by good samaritans anywho so i'm in the small health food store card in hand picking up yogurt along with a few other things an older man in his 70s is standing in front of the yogurt section looking a bit confused i slept in front of him to grab what i was looking for older man i'm wondering if you could help me i'm looking for a special yogurt but i'm having trouble reading the labels i don't really mind because i like sweet grandpas and i'm also in the helping profession he goes on to explain what he's looking for and it happens that i know exactly where his item was because i recently was on keto which requires extensive label reading he explained it was for his wife because she was on a special diet me sure not a problem in fact i was just on a diet that had similar requirements so i understand how difficult it is to find what you're looking for i quickly pick out his product and gave some suggestions to pass along to his wife i had spent a considerable amount of time being polite and wanted to get back to my own shopping meanwhile the store is pretty small and we had been standing in front of a popular area where people were trying to access the products older man oh thank you would you mind helping me find one more thing me sure i'm looking for xyz sure it happened to be in the same approximate area so i found it and turned away when he asked again oh can you help me find abc at this point i was starting to get really uncomfortable because it was pretty clear at this point he did not have a good sense of boundaries my red flag warning started going off employee who knows i'm a regular steps in sir she doesn't work here oh i know i was just asking for help he turns back to me and keeps talking employee sir please leave her alone she's allowed to shop here in peace if you need help ask me but leave her alone oh no it's okay i was just getting her help continues to debate with the employee to get back to me the employee steps in between older man and myself it was a bit of a spectacle since there was a foot traffic jam around us it's a small store and we'd been there for a while i quickly made my way to the front hoping i could get out quickly and not have to see the older man again at this point i'm feeling a bit shaky and ready to just leave as i do another employee who apparently heard most of the exchange also makes her way to the front she empathizes with me and takes me to an open register to have me checked out quickly as i'm paying the cashier starts talking to me he has no idea what just happened in the back of the store cashier nice tattoo what's it about i just ignore him because in my mind there's no way a cashier on duty would be hitting on a customer in front of another employee my back is to him and i'm literally checking out while another customer waits in line behind me a few seconds go by and i look over my shoulder and he's looking at me cashier nice tattoo what's the meaning behind it it's really nice i'm thinking to myself are you kidding me you think right now is a good place in time for me to explain my tattoo you're totally cool with flirting with me right now i gave him some kind of curt answer the universal sign of leave me alone please cash here doesn't get the hint and continues trying to talk to me the cashier checking me out at my register who had seen my previous encounter was completely mortified i rushed out of the store and thankfully didn't run into older man a few weeks later i caught up with the employee who intervened with older man and explained how i really appreciated him standing up for me he was glad to have been there and told me it's important that customers feel safe when they shop there i never saw older men or the flirty cashier again thankfully so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not alright guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 93,703
Rating: 4.8453517 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: t-Lnxl9EeIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 11sec (9431 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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