r/EntitledPeople Karen MOTHER Calls Cops on Me for PICKING UP My Girlfriend!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom calls the cops on me for picking up her daughter who is my girlfriend and an adult this happened about five years ago my fiance and i have been together seven years this month we were hoping to get married this year but might postpone due to the circumstances we were reminiscing some old stories yesterday when this one came up and she suggested i share it she was my girlfriend at the time and at the time i was fully aware that her mom was a few fries short of a happy meal but this was the pinnacle of her behavior if you guys enjoy this story i actually have a few more i shall share if you like we've got entitled mom my future mother-in-law we've got my girlfriend ellie we've got the police officer and we've got me ellie and i weren't living together at the time she just stayed over from time to time when she could i took her home after she had been staying with me a couple of days and was heading to work but shortly after just before getting to work i get a phone call from her and i can tell she is in tears apparently when she got inside entitled mom immediately blew up on her about being gone for so long even though it was only two days and she told entitled mom when she was going to be gone and kept in contact with her while she was but ellie just sort of brushed it off and went to her room entitled mom's house was pretty much your stereotypical crazy cat lady house house badly decaying cats all over the place going to the bathroom in random places and whatnot and when ellie gets to her room she realizes while she was gone the cats went to the bathroom all over a pile of her clean clothes but whatever ellie decided to just bag them up and she would wash them next time she came to my place her mom didn't have a functioning washer at the time and apparently that really said untitled mom off entitled mom apparently thought ellie was bagging her clothes because she was planning to go back to my place that night to stay another few days so she stomped into her room grabbed the bag ripped it open and flung the clothes all over the room along with all of the cat dudu while screaming at ellie that she's not going anywhere that's when ellie ran outside and called me she was so upset and didn't know what to do her mom had been doing crazy stuff to ellie since i had been with her but up until i just helped her however i could while not getting involved and not saying a word to her mom i told her to go ahead and get the things she needs and i'll take her to my place she said she would love that i told my work i was gonna be late due to an emergency and turned around to go pick her up when i pulled back up to the house ellie was in the driveway crying i went and hugged her told her it was gonna be okay and that she could stay with me as long as she wanted so she went back inside to get her things as i was standing outside waiting i heard the door open again and went to help ellie with her things but oh it's our mom entitled mom comes stomping out with her hair crazy and frizzled and an old nightgown she beelines for me and gets right in my face entitled mom with an extremely thick high-pitched southern accent my daughter said i need to come out here and ask what you think of me i knew that was a blatant lie as ellie would never instigate this you got something to say huh you think i'm trash don't you huh that's what you think isn't it again up until now i had completely kept my mouth shut and was trying to maintain that but this lady was up in my face freaking out and was tormenting the woman i loved so i finally looked at her and broke my silence me why do you treat her like this entitled mom what do you mean that's my daughter and i worship the ground she walks on me oh really so calling her names is worship yes i've heard her do this with my own ears i would never say anything like that me getting rather irate bs i've heard you say it entitled mom explodes get your butt off my property okay i almost never find myself in situations like this so i'm not used to it i say that because after she said this i pretty much saw red i'm not proud of it but i just started shouting at her everything i could possibly think of at the top of my lungs while she went back in the house but thankfully that only lasted a few seconds and i immediately calmed down so finally ellie comes back out with her stuff we put it in the car and i assume it's over but ellie turns to me and says i'm sorry but we can't leave yet me why not ah mom called the cops i sort of had a feeling that would happen no big deal so we just sat and waited for the cop to arrive after about 10 minutes or so a cop car pulls up right when he does entitled mom comes out of the house and oh my god yes she was doing exactly what you think she instantly puts on the fragile brittle old lady act hunched over walking slowly the whole gig and of course when police officer asks her what happened she has to pitch her entire medical chart to the guy ellie will tell you this woman has been terminally ill for 12 years so when she finally gets done trying to milk this poor guy for sympathy she tells her version of what happened sir he came onto my property and verbally attacked me he's awful to me sir and i've never even done anything to him he's turned my daughter against me and is trying to convince her to leave at first he seemed somewhat sympathetic to her until he turns to ellie officer ma'am this is your boyfriend ellie yes sir okay and how old are you sir i'm 23. this was my favorite part because the officer looked up from his notepad with a look of wait what obviously he was thinking ellie was a minor or something based off of how entitled mom was acting but quickly realized just what he was dealing with eventually he turns to me okay sir please give me your version of what happened i did so funny side note at one point officer looks up at me and says you look really familiar do i know you it actually turned out that the officer and i had gone to high school together once we recognized each other we laughed and shook hands this was hilarious because out of the corner of my eye i see entitled mom has a big scale on her face as she sees me getting friendly with the officer but anyway officer puts his notepad away and turns to me just fyi he says the following with this heavy tone of i know that you are fully aware of this and don't believe you are in the wrong at all but i have to say this as a formality officer well op she doesn't want you on the property so be aware that if you come back here you technically can be charged with trespassing do you understand this as i've explained it me absolutely sir entitled mom but sir i want to press charges officer he didn't do anything illegal ma'am but he verbally assaulted me i understand that and while that was ill-advised he slightly turns to me and gives me a small gesture with his hand and i nod in agreement it's not something i could arrest him for he agrees he will not come back on your property without your direct permission ah okay fine whatever ellie come back inside ellie what no you heard the officer op is leaving and you're staying here officer whoa ma'am i didn't say that at all but but your daughter is not a kid ma'am she is a full-grown adult she has every right to do whatever she wants i'm a mother she lives under my roof i told her she needs to stay here so she needs to stay no ma'am that's not how it works if she wants to go stay with her boyfriend there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop her entitled mom starts the fake crocodile tears and stomps in the house in defeat ellie and i think the officer got in the car and left we've been living together ever since believe it or not entitled mom isn't really much of an entitled mom anymore over the years since that day entitled mom has actually decided to make an effort to try and improve herself i guess she realized that if she didn't make changes she would lose her relationship with ellie so entitled mom started taking advantage of her medical coverage and went to see her psychiatrist and got medicine for mental illness she actually had as opposed to the ones she would make up since then well she has actually gotten way better she takes her medicine regularly and has a boyfriend that is an extremely kind man and treats ellie as though she were his own daughter so basically entitled mom isn't really an entitled mom anymore we actually get along very well and we see them frequently and we help each other out whenever we can we actually look back on the early years when she was in fact entitled mom and laugh so not only is everybody getting along well we can actually share the cringe stories and happily laugh about them if you guys would like to hear some more let me know i think that's the most beautiful ending that i've ever seen in an entitled parent story it was a horrible ending but she stopped being a karen she started being nice to people and respectful exactly it's a cold-hearted world and the only way to survive in it is to be brutal and demanding to speak to people's managers bingo half the class fails the midterm after cheaters copy me i don't have a problem helping classmates i really don't i even tutored several classmates during my final semester of undergrad because they needed the help they all ended up passing their classes with my assistants this story comes from a particularly tough business information systems class during my undergraduate education the students in this class were mostly non-technical business majors so this new material wasn't at all similar to anything we had learned in other classes needless to say most of the students were struggling including me i still had a 4.0 in college at this point though i finished with a 3.99 and was willing to put in max effort to keep my stellar gpa i started studying hard i made my own quizlet sets i read the book every night i finished assignments a week early and i did outside research after grinding it out in this class for about a month i was working on an assignment in a room designated for quiet homework time and that's where our story begins several other students from my class were there and working on the same assignment i was on judging by the size of exasperation the irritated whispers and requests for help they weren't having much success having studied relentlessly for a month i was having an easier time of it as i got up to go get some water from the fountain in the hall a classmate asked for my help i told him i could do that and i'd be right back i returned a few minutes later to find what i can only describe as a bunch of busy bees happily working away this was strange since they were hopelessly stuck two minutes before but whatever my classmate tells me he figured it out without me now i'm not an idiot so i know the five people in this room probably copied my work off my computer when i went to get water scumbag move number one but as it turns out no one in the class needed help the next day or the day after whoever in the study room had stolen my work had forwarded it to most of the class scumbag move number two i don't mind being helpful but i hate being used so i made a plan to get back at the people who had stolen my work it didn't take long to organize my plan and carry it out here's how it went one i changed an answer on the next assignment by multiplying by negative one fifteen hundred became negative fifteen hundred on this question the next week i left my computer in the same place as before and went to get water just like i had done the week before seventy five percent of the people in my class of forty people put negative fifteen hundred as the answer to question three which was definitely incorrect i began studying relentlessly for the midterm our professor had said he wouldn't adjust the weight of the test if everyone scored particularly well this class was difficult and no one was expecting anyone to score over 75 percent so all my classmates figured the weight of the test would be adjusted my plan was to wreck the curve even though it's not a curve and deny everyone the adjusted weight by producing a sufficiently high score i recruited a classmate who hadn't stolen my work to study with together we aimed to score high enough that our professor couldn't adjust the weight of the midterm here's how it all played out no one who copied me realized the answer was incorrect every last one of those idiots submitted the wrong answer for question number three this next part surprised me but my classmates began insisting the class was unfair too difficult or rigged and launched these complaints at our professor one day after class i had the following exchange since i was the last student out of the classroom professor op do you think this class is too hard me honestly the class is hard but if people spend as much time studying as they did complaining they'd be fine they really need to just get to work professor i thought the same me deciding spur of the moment my next move i also happen to know that most of the class incorrectly copied my work on the last assignment question three should have a net income of fifteen hundred not a net loss of fifteen hundred i put down the wrong answer initially everyone copied me and then i changed the answer later i think you can reasonably conclude that anyone with negative fifteen hundred as the answer cheated off of my incorrect work professor i figured they all copied but i didn't know you were the source anyway thanks for your candor and your dedication to the class i didn't cheat so i don't know what happened to those who did but depending on the class they would either get a zero for the assignment or a plagiarism citation so they got one of those fast forward to the test day and i'm ready to go i know since most of the students are business majors they need 70 to pass the class because it's a required course hurting them on the midterm will go a long way in helping drop their grades i take the test i'm the first one done and i leave pretty sure i've done enough to deny the class the exam weight adjustment a week later we get our exams back tests are distributed all around me with scores on the top and red ink 68 71 70 66 75 67 and these are the smart students someone on the end of my row takes a test from our professor and lets out a sigh as he begins passing a test down my row it stops on my desk 93 percent i've won some idiot in the front of the class so is there going to be a curve professor nope me what was the high score professor 93 average score for the exam was 71 so a good number of people didn't get a passing score maybe they made up for it on the final and passed but i don't care i got mine well just goes to show you cheating won't get you anywhere can't believe all of those stupid students cheating on a test like that my angel would never do such a thing i don't know karen you sure about that how dare you crappy boss will forever regret trying to bring the thunder back story i started working in care of the elderly before i graduated school at age 17 as a temp worker and after i graduated i basically worked full time for several years finally got steady employment at age 23 i take pride in my job and even though i didn't study medical stuff i've always made sure i know everything i need to know to do a good job with online classes certificates reading up on medications treatment recommendations etc everything was going well despite me having four different bosses in the first five years of work no one wants to be the boss here economically speaking it's a sinking ship since it's government-run and dependent on tax money then friendly boss lina joins the story she asked me to move over to a new department the state was now by law obligated to provide short-term care she had previously run the emergency care unit at the local hospital and she didn't take crap from anyone she let us workers build up and run the department because as any good boss should she realized that we knew better what we were doing because we were doing it day to day and what worked best for us as long as we stuck within the laws regulations staff requirements and budget of course everything was amazing for almost two years every month i did the schedules for all 15 of us workers i did daily planning for all patients i was in charge of all documentation and all new guidelines and protocols being implemented since the care provided was brand new in our area then the day of the great sadness came when lena declared that she was leaving since she'd been offered a job as the head chief of the local hospital all of us were devastated to see her go but i mean good for her that's when super jerk kaja enters our story she was already the boss of all the normal elderly care units where i had worked before i'd already moved on to short-term care before she was hired as boss and we had heard exclusively bad things about her we heard she would always do what she thought was the right thing to do which was almost exclusively wrong because she was under qualified had no experience from the actual work and was just a jerk in general our first staff meeting she told us either you're with me or against me and the people who are against me i drown in the local lake okay great start i then tried to explain to her that with our previous boss we'd work with trust since lena had an understanding that us workers actually knew what works best in our own department and kasia instantly shut it down no i'm the boss i set the protocols i decide how my departments run me yeah of course but i'm just saying we've been working like no i'm the boss i'm in charge and so it began kaja started changing the schedules the protocols the staff requirements the daily rehab schedule the food schedule not joking by the way and she lowered the required medical competence to work at our unit this means there were people working with us who had no prior experience in the job had no prior experience in the field barely spoke the language etcetera keep in mind we had dementia evaluation palliative care stroke rehabilitation and so on kaja started to try to micromanage everything we did literally everything she cancelled all the activities we did for the whole business like pub nights for the elderly movie nights summer cafe outdoors walks store visits everything all without cost to the business she stated that we're no longer allowed to finish the schedules on our own and give us two weeks less to finish them which means we now have one week to input the schedule try to settle it between us 15 people and then hand it to her she'd finish it and hand it to us the day before it went into effect and 8 out of 10 shifts weren't covered or we were six people working the same weekend supposed to be three so i told kaja that i've been managing the schedule for years and was happy to keep doing it and that she'd still have it two weeks early no i told her that our activities were 100 within paid hours and no strain on the day-to-day normal business and we want to keep doing them no i told her that we'd prefer to keep doing things as we'd been doing them for years because it worked very well no obviously i was upset so were my co-workers but they never spoke up that was my job i guess there were a lot of incidents that i'm not going to bother bringing up but just imagine that anything we ever wanted to do for our patients or the people in the dementia units or for the well-being of any of the staff was just no one thing that had been consistent since i started working there when i was 17 27 at this point in the story is that when you apply for vacation or any kind of leave you input the leave request and then you request attempt to cover your shift and then you inform your boss that you've done both things always been like that always so i did i requested a day's leave my mom had a doctor's thing in a town a few hours from here i input the temp request and then i walked to the boss's office and informed her she loses it maybe because kaja's boss was there i don't know but she starts yelling telling me that i'm not allowed to request temps that's her job i stand there and take it like a good employee and just say okay won't happen again big surprise for her when the next staff meeting comes around there suddenly weren't any staff on the actual ward and a local politician was set waiting with her mother who was being committed to my award that day for over two hours i wonder who made sure they were arriving at that time on that day i told my boss's boss exactly why there weren't any temps scheduled for the meeting kaja got fired will make me smile for the rest of my life that boss sounded like a real piece of work i thought you sounded amazing that's exactly how you treat your employees never let them start thinking they're smart and know how to get things done it goes right to their heads to their heads huh sure wouldn't want that to happen i just hope that poor boss found another job once they fired her i hope she found some help dealing with her problems sounded like she had a lot going on shut up mr reddit can i at least get your number sure thing so this didn't happen to me it happened to my coworker but i was at the register right next to her when it happened cast we've got my friend my co-worker we've got the old man and we've got me this happened a few years ago when i was 17 and my friend was 18. we worked at a grocery store that had four registers set up in groups of two so me and my friend were the ones on two of the registers meaning we shared the same behind the counter space we both have customers in line and are checking them out i can hear everything going on as we are literally two feet away from each other enter old man old man looked a lot older than us so he's obviously too old to be hitting on an 18 year old but that's exactly what he does paraphrasing because it's been a few years but you get the gist old man hey there beautiful friend and customer service voice hello how are you today old man better now that i get to see someone as gorgeous as you friend that's nice did you find everything okay oh yes yes i did winks at this point i'm only half paying attention to the person i'm checking out and focusing on the conversation happening behind me because gag old man can i take you out on a date friend no thank you your total is come on please i'll take you out somewhere nice you can get all dressed up and fancy friend no i am not interested here's your receipt can i at least get your phone number gorgeous friend sure thing she proceeds to grab one of our store's business cards that obviously has the store phone number on it hands it to him and says here you go have a nice day old man is angry and grabs his groceries and storms out i turned and asked my friend if she was okay and everything and she was a little shaken up but told me that she was glad she got to mess with him not sure how many other customers heard the interaction but we just laughed about it and went back to our work hey karen have you ever had to deal with something like this some creepy old guy trying to get your number from you no for some reason people don't really talk to me unless i'm the one to initiate the conversation gee i wonder why one cent obviously makes a huge difference back in high school i worked for a fast food place not to name names but i worked for the us east coast equivalent of the place that had a smiley yellow star as the logo at the time i was there we had a deal on this apple pie turnover thing we always just called them pies regular price for one was 99 cents and the deal was two for a dollar someone way above my pay grade in the company made a rule that we were to automatically do the deal whenever someone ordered pies and then gushed to the customer that they essentially got one free pie cue the karen i had just finished the lunch rush and was taking care of the last few stragglers when she came up all she ordered was a pie per the rule i rang up the deal as soon as the little price screen flashed to apple one dollar she lost her mind karen excuse me i said a pie me well ma'am we have a deal where you get two for a dollar and since no no no i said one you are trying to steal from me me not at all ma'am the pies are regularly priced at 99 cents and the deal is one dollar so you get a pie for free heck no you just said they're 99 cents you're trying to steal from me some people don't have a penny more to spend and you are trying to rip them off me but ma'am after taxi you are a liar and a thief where is your manager i begrudgingly get manager and karen starts screaming about how i'm trying to force her to pay more for things she never asked for and how i was likely going to try to pocket the difference slash steal from the company manager well it says here you're getting two pies and after tax that's 105. karen well i only want one pie and she's trying to overcharge me i want this fixed now manager i twitch trash goblin please ring a customer up for one pie only i do so and the price after tax comes out to 105. karen insists that we're still wrong and manager ends up telling her to buy the pie or leave karen tries to demand the two-pie deal and manager sticks to well you demanded me up here insisting you only want one so either pay or leave a perfect example of what happens when karen makes a big deal out of nothing oh buzz off mr reddit she ordered one pie and the stupid worker tried to give her two for the exact same price after tax no it's the principle of the matter you wouldn't understand you don't understand anything about me i sure don't karen and i'm hoping to keep it that way i did exactly what my floor manager wanted me to so a little bit of backstory a while back i was in a wheelchair my legs were so painful i wasn't able to stand on them and i had pain attacks at night which would last for hours on end doctors couldn't figure out what the heck was wrong with me until i got even sicker i started not being able to hold in food only liquids when i went to a specialist and did a blood test it turned out i had a gluten intolerance celiac disease when i stopped eating gluten i was able to walk within a few months turned out i have another disease affiliated with celiac disease called gluten neuropathy it means that when i ingest gluten my nerves are affected to this day when i gluten the pain returns and i have a really hard time walking now i work at a company as a help desk employee i help people having technical issues with their internet so to say due to what's been going on we work at home every other week last week was a week i was supposed to work at the office so i've told everyone who needed to know about my affliction i also told them about my trouble walking when i ingested something i shouldn't have so last week i ate something containing gluten i cannot for the life of me figure out what it was but it was clear as day the night before i had to go to work i went to bed with a lot of pain and i knew it would get worse the following day i told my partner i would ask to stay home if i had a lot of trouble walking the next day came around and it happened like i thought it would i was in so much pain i needed my walking stick to get around so around 8am i called my floor manager and told him and asked if i could work at home he told me a lot of people wanted to work at home for the most stupid reasons and told me i should come to the office so i did instead of calling in sick i mustered up all my strength took some heavy pain meds with me and started my journey to the office now normally it takes me about a half an hour but because i had a harder time walking than my grand grand it took me more than an hour i arrived at the office 15 minutes late and ran into the floor manager when i was taking my things out of my locker at this point i should tell you how i looked at that time wide as a sheet hair in a messy bun shaking from pain and leaning heavily on my walking stick the pain was so bad i was wincing and almost couldn't stand my floor manager was floored he took one look at me and his mouth fell open wide he muttered something about not knowing it would be this bad and talking about my other colleagues and how they asked to work at home for small things how he had to treat everyone equally etc i worked a full day colleagues watching over me getting me everything i needed and taking awesome care of me i heard one of them say how ashamed my floor manager was about making me come to work and how his response was everything i'd hoped for needless to say he told me whenever this would happen again i would have no trouble calling in to work at home karen demands i give her my eyeball for free little backstory i'm getting into the voice acting industry i've bought many things to help me set up a booth at home including something called a chaotic eyeball the eyeball karen is referring to the eyeball is basically a recording booth in a ball it's awesome and it works wonders highly recommended for anyone who needs to record anything podcasts songs etc it's basically a portable recording booth there are two types of eyeballs the normal chaotica and the fat boy the fab boy only fits the blue yeti microphone which is the mic i had it broke i had bought a gently used microphone off a friend and he also gave me his eyeball which fit the mic i bought off of him since i didn't need the fatboy anymore i decided to sell it on facebook marketplace cast we've got me and we've got karen the story i put the eyeball on the marketplace for 100 which was reasonable price considering i got it for 215 dollars and if anyone knows anything about the eyeball they know it's worth every penny i posted pics of the eyeball as well as it on the microphone so people know it fits the yeti and only the yeti and said that the microphone was not for sale as it was broken couple days go by and i get a message from karen she said that she would like to buy it for her son who can use it for his gaming channel she also asked if the microphone came with it and was willing to pay extra i told her that the microphone was broken i was just using it for scale to show it fits she said that was fine and was still interested in the eyeball everything went great we set up a time and a place to meet the next day we meet in the middle between our locations we show up and greet each other i show her the eyeball and then she says and the microphone like i said on facebook the microphone is broken i was just showing that it fits around the mic well why sell it if it doesn't come with the microphone in the picture poor customer surface ma'am i said in the post that it didn't include the microphone well give me the eyeball for free since it doesn't come with a microphone i'm not going to do that it's worth over two hundred dollars but it's just foam i could make one for five dollars then if you're not interested in paying me 100 i'm just going to leave i kept my cool even though i want to do a snarky remark karen then starts having a bit of a tantrum stomping her feet and whatnot we were getting some looks but people didn't say anything mainly because of the town we live in probably thought she was crazy give me the eyeball now i know people think we're crazy for the 100 for free no ma'am i'm not going to do that now since you are not going to be buying it from me i'll be on my way sorry for wasting your time have a great day i then walk away eyeball in hand and head to the car she then follows me to the car i was borrowing my aunt's van she stands in front of the van and glares at me she puts her hands on the hood and starts tapping her fingers on it i couldn't help but giggle at how ridiculous she was being i've met karen's before but never one like this i then get a buzzing on my phone it's from marketplace someone asking if it was still available i don't take it off until it's been given to the buyer i replied with yes the person responds with if you can bring it to my place then i'll give you 125. i was more than happy to do so they gave me their address and i said i was on my way i just had to deal with karen she was still standing there glaring me down but god or whatever being that is out there was on my side that day the car that was behind mine pulled out i had a way out i was thankful we met at a grocery store parking lot since she still had her claws on the car i had to get her off i didn't want her to fake an injury or anything i honked my horn and she jumped up i then backed out and drove off i took the long way to the person's house just in case she followed me mind you my aunt has the same vehicle as every other mom in this town so she could have mistaken any other one for me but just to be on the safe side i get to the other person's house and the exchange went off without a hitch they were more serious about the eyeball use and i appreciated that plus i got a little extra for my troubles got home and blocked karen i'm so glad karen didn't follow me but wouldn't that be funny she tries to follow me but she starts following someone else with the same car as me and gets all the way to their house then gets mad that it's not me and goes all carrying on them like she'd expect them to know where i live so karen what'd you think of that one oh i just feel bad for that poor lady not getting the microphone that she was supposed to be getting come on karen the listing specifically said the microphone was not included well then why did she put a picture of the microphone it was just to show that it was compatible with it oh shut up mr reddit she's just lucky it wasn't me that day she wouldn't have gotten away and i would have made her day much worse yeah karen you tend to do that get me your supervisor now ma'am i am the supervisor so for some background information i work in a retail chain and live in the uk where it is law that if the person in question looks under 25 then you have to ask for id for items such as lighters etc it's also law that if the person in question cannot provide id then you have the obligation to decline the sale even if they are with someone who can produce id and vouch for them you still have to decline the sale because the person wishing to buy the item cannot produce identification hope this makes sense we've got the entitled mother we've got the daughter and me so on to the story on this particular day i was standing at my till waiting for any customers enter entitled mom and daughter entitled mom put all her shopping onto the till and i began scanning she was pleasant enough and her transaction went by smoothly having paid for her items daughter proceeded to put her items onto the till she had a dog toy and a spray paint now in the uk you have to be 18 to purchase spray paint don't ask me why because i have no clue so i scanned through the spray paint and the computer screen turned to red it informed me that i needed to make sure that the person in question was of age to purchase this she looked young i reckon she was 18 but because she looked under 25 i still had to ask her for proof of age also the cctv is watched over when it comes to items being purchased with age restrictions someone is paid to watch over these sales to make sure that i am following procedures and am not letting anyone underage purchase such items if i am found to have sold such items to a miner i could be looking at being fired and criminal prosecution with this in mind i say the following me sorry ma'am this item is age restricted do you have any proof of age on you the daughter looks a bit startled but looks through her purse and doesn't find anything daughter i don't have id on me i must have left it at home i am 18 though me sorry ma'am i can't authorize the sale without id if you bring id with you next time i'd be more than happy to authorize the sale the daughter shrugged inside daughter oh well i'll come back another time i'll just take the dog toy then i was about to scan the dog toy through when entitled mom enters the conversation you seriously need id for spray paint me yeah it's the law you have to be 18. but my daughter is 18. she may be 18 but i still have to ask her for her id because she looks under 25 but she is turning 19 in a week again ma'am that may be the case but without id i cannot authorize the sale that is ridiculous sorry ma'am it's the law daughter stop mom it's okay i can come back tomorrow we are not coming back tomorrow at this point suddenly the entitled mom comes up with a genius solution to buy the spray paint and bypass the law i'll buy the paint for her i'm over 25 that means i am lawfully allowed to buy it me unfortunately you can't because i know you'll be buying it for her and if i authorize that it is still illegal that is bs i want to buy spray paint me sorry ma'am i can't authorize you buying the paint because i know you're buying it for your daughter you don't know that i'm buying it for my daughter yes ma'am i do because you literally said five seconds ago you would buy it for her so now you are lying to a customer the daughter tries to drag entitled mom away daughter mom leave it me ma'am i am not lying to you i am telling you what you said and what the rules are well i am going to go to the other cashier and buy it there me that is fine ma'am you can try that but they will give you the same answer i am giving you because i have to notify them of any customer trying to slip by the rules the entitled mom read in the face managed to slip past her daughter and get right up to my face press her finger into my chest and scream get me your supervisor now i am going to report you for lying as she finished screaming i wiped her spit off my face calmly pointed to my name badge and smiled and in the best retail voice i said hi i am the supervisor of this establishment i hear you wish to make a complaint about one of our staff how may i help you her face went from red to purple in a second i genuinely thought she was about to hit me when her daughter stepped in daughter how much is it me for the dog toy alone that will be 3.99 the daughter paid me five pounds and told me to keep the change i smile and in my retail voice said thank you for shopping with us today we hope to see you again soon have a great day entitled mom forget you and with that she was forcibly led out by her daughter the next day guess who comes in the daughter alone with her id for all you shoppers out there two things please bring your id with you it's easier for everyone and if you have an aggressive parent please refrain from bringing them with you have a great day karen can i ask you a question what why is it that some people think the laws don't apply to them well sometimes the laws are stupid but it's the law and we all have to follow it so why don't you karen because i don't have to look mr reddit don't make me angry you won't like me when i'm angry are you ever not i don't want to be on the news don't put me on camera i was standing in line to get into the supermarket today and the person just before me was a surly older gentleman who was not wearing a mask or facial covering and appropriately wearing a biker jacket with a big patch that read forget helmet laws the store has someone at the door usually a teenager or an elderly greeter whose job is to ensure everyone entering the store has a face covering per their nationwide corporate mandate and under our state law as the man arrived at the greeter who could not have been a day under 65 she said excuse me you need a face covering to enter he said to the old woman in this macho authoritative voice no i don't it's okay and tried to walk into the store the old woman goes actually sir you do it's not just policy anymore it's the law and he starts spouting off about how it's an unconstitutional law and how the greeter isn't in a position to enforce laws a minute or two passed and people further back who can't see what's happening at the front of the line are getting restless they begin to try and see what's happening the guy is saying look you're holding the line if the masks really do work then everyone who's wearing one is safe right and if they don't then why do you care and she was getting kind of desperate at this point and said well sir because i could lose my job if i let you in there this is where i come in i hadn't spoken up before because this was a big guy and i'm just a student who's no good in a confrontation i figured adding myself to the mix would only make the situation worse so i took out my phone and started recording i figured he would be less likely to do something violent to the greeter or escalate further if he knew he was on camera here's what i had forgotten i was wearing a shirt from a 5k that was sponsored by our local news so had channel x eyewitness news and a huge print across the front the guy's wife goes good lord howie the news is filming what if my work sees this so he turns to me and starts telling me he doesn't consent to be on tv and starts making a speech how we're all treading on the constitution not respecting people's rights to bodily autonomy or privacy i'm trying to tell him i'm not with the news and he's like i don't care if you're on the clock or not i don't want to be on camera and i won't be forced to wear anything i don't want to wear when did we forget that this is america now this is where it got crazy the line stretched all the way around the buildings and people towards the end were realizing it hadn't moved in a while and we're coming up to investigate an even bigger more macho guy comes lumbering up and asks what the problem is sees this guy going off at the terrified elderly greeter me shaking holding my phone and is like sir sir what's the problem right now people are trying to shop the masculist guy tells him and i quote get away from me this here isn't your business the more macho guy proceeds to whip out a badge and identify himself as an off-duty police officer and that the law is in fact his business first he tries to have the cop arrest me for putting him on the news without his consent but i just played dumb at that point my adrenaline was through the roof and if i had been able to retain presence of mind i would have left by that point and shopped somewhere else the biker guy is now saying to the cop this isn't what you went into the academy dreaming about man is it you're not stopping bad guys you're facing regular people to go against their beliefs cop said no one is forcing you to do anything sir you are free to make your own choices you can put on a mask or you can go home decide what you would like to do because there is a line here the biker guy keeps saying he isn't doing anything illegal and he has a right to shop in a public business and the cop just shakes his head and starts quoting the official law that this guy is breaking at him but the biker guy is just talking over him at that point and the cop realizes he isn't getting anywhere so the cop says look i don't want to escalate this but you're not giving me a choice in this situation if you won't leave of your own volition you're trespassing and starts explaining what will happen the biker guy is ready to stand firm and says he knows he's in the right but his wife is smarter and says howie are you insane the man's a police officer and very ashamedly apologizes as she forces him to leave with various threats took nearly 15 minutes to get into the store caused a major backlog of shoppers and made poor elderly woman fear for her safety just wear the mask or get your groceries delivered i mean seriously people of all the hills to die on what is it with some of these folks who just don't want to wear a mask again if it's something we don't want to do you can't make us this is just another example of how some folks over complicate things when you don't have to well i can't stand people like you who under complicate things how about that mr reddit made a jerk redo an entire school year during the final trimester of my last year in high school we had to do a group project that needed to be finished by the end of the trimester and was evaluated and graded in front of a jury of teachers instead of an exam i was paired with the biggest jerk in class imagine a really entitled arrogant jerk every time we were supposed to work on the project he would have some excuse to not show up and demand i would work on it alone to make sure the project stayed on track in the beginning i tried to complain and talk to the teacher but she would just say make it work it's your project after a while i stopped planning work meetings altogether he would call me to ask how the project was going and i would say something like yeah it's going well i think it's almost finished or i'll send you the presentation to prepare for the jury little did he know i had a trump card in my hand the project counted for 40 of the final grade me doing well in the class already got about 55 of the other 60 so even if i got a zero on this project i would still pass the class the jerk had less a lot less after it became clear he was just going to use my work to pass the class and the teacher didn't care i decided to throw out all work for the project and keep the jerk in the dark that last bit went a lot easier than i expected as he was happy with me telling him that everything was on track and the last week before the jury presentation things became harder the jerk wanted me to send the presentation so he knew which part he had to present i managed to stall a few days with excuses but two days before the jury presentation i finally sent him an email with the powerpoint which was actually an mp3 file with a changed file extension the next day i switched off my phone in the evening i called him back with the excuse my phone had issues and he was panicking that there was something wrong with the powerpoint i told him not to worry i will check it out tonight and have a working powerpoint for tomorrow i would come to the school at eight a.m so he could practice his part of the presentation before the jury appointment at nine am the next morning i arrived at school a little before nine am having switched off my phone again when he saw me he approached me with a mix of panic and anger but before i could explain anything we were called into the room with a jury for our presentation i just told the jerk to not worry and let me do the talking we greeted the jury and i started the introduction the original idea of today was for us to present our project xyz but since i already have enough points to pass the class and mr jerk over here couldn't be bothered to put in any effort i decided to skip it and instead have a nice day off today that concludes our presentation thank you for your attention i just walked out on four confused teachers and one jerk with a mouth open so wide it looked like he was trying to eat a club sandwich vertically naturally there was some backlash in the days after that teachers called for an explanation but in the end recognized i was a good student and i indeed already passed the class without the project jerk was angry that he had to study over the summer for a re-exam all in all i was happy to have graduated and looked forward to going to college the next year after the summer i heard from friends that jerk failed his re-exam and that that combined with other bad grades caused him to have to redo his last year karma is a jerk edit i see some comments about the teacher so i think i'm misrepresenting her here i didn't have the feeling she was a bad teacher i think she just wanted to give us the chance to work out this problem ourselves experience is the best teacher after all i'm also assuming she thought we worked something out after i stopped complaining when i had my plan well that just goes to show you whenever you're part of a team you have to work with that team and pull your weight unless your teammates are beneath you oh come on karen what are you talking about it's true mr reddit sometimes people are beneath others i mean just look at you and me the bosses should have just paid me an extra 150 an hour after high school i started to work at a coffee shop whilst i started my studies at university the owners of the coffee shop were a cool couple in their 30s the shop was cool with awesome deep house music awesome customers and the vibe was awesome getting underpaid wasn't a big concern of mine i also wasn't paid penalty rates for working weekends or public holidays compulsory in australia at first working for them was awesome i met some amazing friends who i'm still friends with now and learned some good skills which i'll use the rest of my life as i was studying and living out of a home i did have an increase in bills so my hours stepped up i went from 20 hours a week to about 40 hours a week on top of full-time university study as the uni work piled up i needed to take some time off for practical classes assessments and my own self-care this caused some tension between me and the bosses as it was only a small coffee shop and now as my job role had increased to opening and closing of the store banking stock ordering and training of staff i was needed to be there a lot of the time i'm not one to say no so i made it work for some months often causing me to do 13 hour days at work and then four hours of study when i got home at this time i was getting tired stressed and a bit irritable and i crunched some numbers and worked out if i earned an extra 150 an hour it would mean that i wouldn't have to come into work for the annoying five-hour shift i hated and my wage would stay the same beautiful it was around the one year stage of working there that we had a meeting about pay increase after a lengthy discussion it was decided that no i wouldn't get it due to tax slash superannuation expenses from the employer side after this talk there was some serious attitude problems from the two bosses but these would only last a couple of days the female part of the couple had serious bipolar and would come into work super happy and in a fabulous mood and then turn instantly if i dropped a plate or made the wrong coffee her mood would then go back up after two hours i was walking on eggshells around her and was always dreading her epic mood swings for the next year i worked my butt off both at work and university i took on extra shifts when needed and helped volunteer at the local homeless shelter in my spare time over this year i met some amazing friends at work and we would often go to house parties or out to dinner and we built a really good friendship the bosses for some reason didn't like this it was coming up to christmas the busiest time of the year especially for a coffee shop in the shopping center we were making the first coffees at 5 a.m and turning the till off at 9 00 pm we were the backbone for every retail employee in that shopping center me and three good friends were ruined after every shift and we decided to sit the bosses down and ask for a pay raise we were over the moon when they told us they would raise it one dollar an hour but that's as far as the budget could stretch due to being a small business over the next year we all juggled 40 to 50 hour working weeks on top of full-time study whilst the bosses went on month-long trips to europe and the usa they bought a new house car and boat and were living the life while we struggled to pay rent on time one of my friends got a job offer that was too good to turn down so she left she would always come in and tell us about how good her new job is and all of her spare time and we all got instantly jealous i was desperate to have some spare time and a decent paying job my grades were also slipping so i was on the hunt for a new job and ready to get revenge i asked for character and employment written references so i could start applying for interns that would be coming up in the following year absolute bs i got advice from customers in relation to work health and safety and employers law i also built a strong rapport with a number of employees and customers to ensure that if the ship went down i had people on my side the time has come where i got a new job working in an admin role for a law firm completely different pace than what i'm used to but i welcomed it with open arms as i was a casual the bosses didn't want us to sign any contracts so they could evade money for the tax offices etc i decided a better way to do them over was to quit unexpectedly on a busy saturday morning i made sure that i did this on a day that my three besties couldn't work and wouldn't get dragged through the mud or deal with the bipolar mood of my bosses about six months have passed working in the office where one of the head solicitors dealt with employer slash employee disputes i would read emails coming in and out and realize that i'm entitled to be back paid for the loss of income i teamed together with my three best friends from the shop who had all left the coffee shop and we decided to each write them a letter demanding to be paid the money we had lost over the years we each paid for a private delivery company to deliver our letters separately but on the same day to our bosses and giving them 28 business days to reply to a request this then caused them to go to a solicitor and spend a ton of money for advice before replying we got our replies which stated they were unaware that they were underpaying us and were open to pay us five thousand dollars each straight up or we could go through our pay slips and time sheets and request a different amount but that would be at our own expenses the three other employees decided to take the five thousand dollars but i knew i was entitled to a lot more and requested 3.5 years of payslips and time sheets when i requested all these documents it was in the middle of our winter university break i had no plans or holidays booked so i decided to sink my teeth in i went through four years of salary entitlements for retail and hospitality workers and through all the pay slips to work out how much i was owed about two weeks later i had a figure just shy of 30 000 i typed up a nice letter and photocopied 250 pages of my payslips and workings out and sent them to my old bosses this time with a return date of seven business days otherwise legal proceedings would commence i was calling their bluff i had no money to buy a coke let alone a solicitor seven days had passed when i received a letter outlining that they will require a further seven days and have compensated me with five hundred dollars or the late turnaround beautiful it is in the seven days while scrolling on instagram that i saw one of my old customers from the coffee shop was now attending this new and cool coffee shop that had opened up in my area i decided to go in and get a coffee when i realized that this new coffee shop was now also owned by my old bosses as i ran out of the store i bumped into another customer who told me that my old bosses had purchased the store just as i was leaving and had since also purchased a nearby coffee shop with intentions to make it into a bar interesting after some negotiations back and forth it was decided that the final figure they would pay me would be twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars plus superannuation approximately four thousand dollars i agree that as they were a small business i would receive these payments in a weekly installment of around 650 dollars for 42 weeks fantastic shortly after the payments began rolling in words started to get out to the other ex-coworkers and current employers of their three businesses and therefore the letters started to roll in apparently they had been underpaying staff over all three businesses for a number of years and therefore had received a ton of letters due to the influx of money owing letters they ended up having to sell all three businesses their beloved bmw their boat and downsize their house shame they now both work at a local nursery delivering plants to customers whilst i travel the world shame what is it with some of these bosses who refuse to pay their employees what they're worth oh shut up mr reddit these employees think they're worth so much more than they actually are and how do you figure that karen well if you have the privilege of bagging my groceries for me you should be grateful and not expect anything in return karen yes you're an idiot would you like karen to make a special video for you come visit us on our fiverr link pinned in the comments below karen dumps cookies on the floor gets forced to clean up after herself the grocery store i work at instituted a policy that lets us stay open an hour later for medical professionals and emergency services you know nurses and the people who respond to 9-1-1 calls we close to the general public at 9 and from nine to ten is supposed to be a time for the aforementioned people to come in and shop unobstructed also thought i'd mention that we open an hour early for senior citizens unfortunately karen had her own interpretation of this policy we've got me we've got entitled mom karen typical haircut mid-thirties we've got the manager six foot five easily 300 pounds west african immigrant not the type of guy you want to mess around with it was 9 45 pm 15 minutes until close and i was restocking eggs when entitled mom pushed her cart filled to the brim with groceries her newborn baby was sitting in a car seat in the front of the cart entitled mom me hello ma'am how can i help you where are the cookies they're in aisle 12. would you like me to take you to them yes that would be good since aisle 12 is pretty far from the eggs i decided to make some small talk since we were trained to do that me i think it's really great what you guys do for society entitled mom thanks so you are a nurse oh no i'm a mom moms are the most essential workers wouldn't you think we weren't allowed to call people out for not being an emt or something so i agreed we got to aisle 12 and she started taking cookies down from the shelf and putting them in her cart as she was walking away from the shelf she bumped it with her cart and the entire shelf of cookies fell down i had spent an entire hour leveling that shelf and now all of my efforts were gone and instead of apologizing and helping clean up she said oops i'd help but i have to get going my kids are waiting at home and just walked away just to clarify the shelf itself didn't fall down but all the cookies did i knelt in front of the pile of cookies defeated i started putting the cookies back up as her cart squeaked away i would have gone after her but my store is very committed to the whole the customer is always right thing i started putting the cookies back up which would honestly take another hour and a half because of the sheer amount of cookies on the floor about 15 minutes in my manager comes by and freaks out about the cookies but then he realizes tflj martis wouldn't just knock down all the cookies right so he asked me what happened me some lady bumped her card into the shelf and everything fell down manager what me yeah so i'm cleaning it up don't worry i'll be fast manager oh heck no where did she go me down the aisle he took off like sprinting i didn't follow him because i wanted to finish the cookies before my shift ended so the following interaction is second hand from one of the cashiers he managed to catch her going out the doors with her cart full of groceries this was about 1005 now past close manager hey you yes my stalker tells me you made a mess in my cookie aisle why i don't know what you mean i wasn't even in the cookie aisle manager i can see the cookies in your cart um i'm sorry i need to go i'm an essential worker manager what kind of worker a mom manager my mother back in nigeria she worked 12 hours a day after my father passed and she still had time afterwards to clean up her messes entitled mom no really i have to go manager go clean up the cookies but who will watch my baby and my groceries you can bring it with you so your baby can learn how to take care of his own messes entitled mom reluctantly goes with manager and comes over to the cookie aisle where i'm still slaving away manager tflj martis get up me okay manager turning to entitled mom now clean up the mess it took her until about 10 45 but it would have been a lot longer if manager hadn't felt sorry for her and so he and i started helping her at the end she apologized to me and manager and she actually paid for some of the broken packages we helped her take her groceries to her car where she apologized profusely again i'm happy there was actually a good ending to this and karen ended up learning her lesson and apologized i just wish it was like this for every karen so karen would you have helped clean up those cookies if you were the one who knocked them over oh come on mr reddit you know me so i'm guessing you wouldn't of course not that's what employees are for karen wants a male server alright so this happened back in july a little background first this is the first steakhouse in our wine industry driven town we aren't even a year open i was part of the beginning staff members that helped open it's a little controversial among the locals because the company adds a 20 service charge already added on it's a part of a large corporation on the other side of the mountains and it's just a company policy servers technically get 15 and then it's supposed to go to the kitchen and busters and hosts and it helps pay for health insurance all lies anyways fridays and saturdays are super busy because it's prime rib night so you have to be quick to flip tables so i 28 female worked as a bartender and server in the bar section because i was good at flipping tables one friday night i was set with two karens who clearly had too much work done and very flirtatious with the guys you can probably see where this is going me hello are we still waiting for two more karen too yes we are me alright can i get some drinks for you bread or appetizers while you wait karen too no we'll wait all right fine with me i'm busy i'm about to be in the weeds so great take your time then i got a four top that was sitting right next to the cairns i go through my usual spiel with the specials blah blah and then i asked if i could get some drinks going and i can't remember their answer because all of a sudden i hear oh so they get service but we don't me swearing in my head calling them all sorts of names putting on my best customer service smile and i ask oh can i get some drinks going are we still waiting for two more karen too clearly embarrassed i called them out and the other table heard oh no we aren't waiting for any others and we're still not ready through my gritted teeth and best smile alright i'll be back in a few i pull the settings and head to the bar which is about 10 steps away i put down the extra settings turn back around and one of the mail servers is getting their order my restaurant manager who hated me snapped at me restaurant manager why is so-and-so taking their order why aren't you doing that why can't you do your job me well i just asked if they were ready and they told me they weren't i was literally there five seconds ago so i don't know what's going on he always gives a disappointed shake of his head the server comes up to me hands me the order i'm mad rightly so i get their order in and go back to check in with them and they just brush me off like i don't even matter then the general manager is making his rounds but he only talks to people he knows or pretty women the next thing i know he's coming up to me full force now the general manager is the gordon ramsay of this town and he's tall and has this disappointing look all the time everyone's scared of him you can't please him he's not pleasant to work for i have another story about him i overhear them dragging me through the mud karen too we haven't been getting service all night general manager takes two strides over to the bar and says they just told me that they hadn't been getting any service what the heck is wrong with you why aren't you serving them what is going on with you they said a lot of other choice words i'm gapping like a fish thankfully the head bartender steps in and goes to town head bartender she has been serving them she goes over and checks with them all the time but they're being rude and clearly don't want a woman waiting on them she's been doing her job and i don't know if you notice general manager but we're really busy so if you don't have anything else to say can we get back to our jobs i was like oh you got served the general manager took over their table for the rest of the night thank god man those sounded like some horrible customers they did nothing wrong they simply wanted a mail server well karen sometimes we can't always get what we want not true mr reddit i always get what i want especially at the expense of others am i right now you're starting to understand excuse me what have your brother and mother done to deserve an invite to your wedding that i haven't my dad met and took up with my stepmom when i was three my bio mom had disappeared off into the big blue ocean on a yacht for the third time not believing my dad when he said if you leave the kids and i again we are done by the time she returned three months later my stepmom had decided that this rather wealthy handsome and charming man was a catch and sank her claws into him to her credit she was also taking care of three kids three four and six however at this time we had people to do everything for us nannies for us kids a chef who everyone called fish people to come clean the house there was a ballroom and a library and a giant teak spiral staircase yes it all sounds so grandiose and silver spoon and it was but we lost all our money by the time i was 10 and lived in a tiny house and dad had to work disgustingly long hours in order to keep the family afloat stepmother dearest floated from fancy to fancy one minute she's opening a coffee shop the next she is selling aromatherapy oils or she is selling swimsuits and sunglasses basically my dad would bankroll these ideas and the hope that she'd start contributing to the income but everyone in the small community disliked her so much they tended to avoid her that is except the men she was hooking up with she had a lot of affairs to the point that even i an oblivious kid and still a pretty oblivious and trusting adult thankfully my husband is a good person though he does love to jump out at me from behind doors and almost make me wet my pants understood that there was something not right going on eventually she went one step too far and my father finally left her in the pettiest most perfect way six months after this my eldest brother got married she attended with her son my awesome little brother intel i wrote about this in a previous post so we'll shorten it here she basically wanted to bring my 11 year old brother to an after party at my house cried and stormed off when she was told no had spent all her money on wine at the bar and so a family friend had to give her cash to make her take little bro home in a taxi after this she told anyone that would listen that i'd made her so unwelcome that she wouldn't be attending my brother's other wedding in the community we are from however the reason she didn't attend was that she had expected my dad to pay for her to go and he told her to buzz off after this i went no contact with her i moved from australia to england for love after five years the man i moved here with proposed totally unexpectedly because we were quite happy living in sin and we just bought a house considering all the family from oz would be coming and i have a ginormous family likely because there's not much else to do where we are from we set a date for 18 months time and notified everyone quickly so that flights and accommodations could be booked i set up a group chat with everyone invited so that those who were coming could discuss who stays with who make plans for trips out etc little brother is in the group he's 17 and finishing high school living with his mother she doesn't believe in privacy and accesses all his messages she obviously finds this chat and starts to go frisbees i receive an email from her it is long even longer than this mammoth story and full of passive aggressive digs she was livid that she wasn't invited my favorite lines from it were the following i just want to know what is it that your little brother and your biological mom have done for you to support you and your relationship that i haven't done i took great pleasure in replying little brother is coming because he is my brother bio mom is coming because even though we have a fractious relationship she has reached out to me with love and apologized for her behavior and i quote directly from the email she gave birth to me and that counts for a lot i just had my first child i was willing to forgive the sins of my mother after she did that three times over you are not coming because even though i attempted to build bridges with you you willfully ignored my olive branch i am happy to work on a relationship again but you need to admit your behavior has been downright bs ladies and gentlemen she was speechless at last i assume she was as i received no reply and no further contact little brother said that she told him she's not buying me a wedding gift terribly sorry to inform you ex-stepmother we requested no gifts all we wanted for our wedding was to have the people we love there guess we got the gift of your absence though when was the last time you went to a wedding karen oh my eldest daughter just got married in april really how did it go oh it was awful the cake was despicable the music was trash and nobody even looked at my dress well did your daughter like it oh how the heck should i know why would it even matter what she thought of it if you don't like it quit message received loud and clear for almost eight years i worked at a popular u.s chain restaurant which specializes in breakfast food that may or may not heavily feature various flavors of pancakes over time several managers came and went but the one who stuck around was the latter climbing brown nosing gm who will call hope a narcissistic control freak mommy dearest knockoff hope had the most grandiose opinion of herself she had a way of making please and thank you sound like forget you i did my best to get along with her although when dealing with someone who thrives on conflict the best often isn't good enough she made it clear it was her way or the highway her off spouted catch phrase was if you don't like the way i run my store quit among hope's countless trademark annoying traits included breathing coming into work wasted and talking smack about everyone to guests and staff alike she often delivered orders without allowing any response then concluded those interactions with okay okay as if that couldn't get any more obnoxious her faux sincerity was almost always accompanied by an annoying crypt keeper cackle then she'd roll her crap brown eyes toss her mouse brown hair over her shoulder and walk away funny story one christmas i was unlucky enough to draw hope's name for the secret santa gift exchange i seriously considered buying her a batch of wire hangers with a card simply saying no wire hangers ever i decided against it for the simple reason that it was no secret that i did not like her it would have been totally obvious who bought her the gag gift i was one of those highly valued employees but the way i was treated completely belied the compliments and accolades i received such as my schedule being flipped without my consent day off requests being denied while new employees usually the married and or single moms and hope's drinking buddies got preferential treatment always taking the side of the guest when they were angling for a free meal etc perhaps the worst was the bullying and pettiness among certain employees it was like high school for example once another employee poked me in the face right in front of hope and sunny the drunken assistant manager i filed an official complaint and nothing came of it this is one such occasion where they couldn't claim ignorance my complaint made it real and they had to address it address it they did they saw me as a whistleblower neither hope nor sonny could have cared less about staff morale it was typical of both of those embittered hags to accept hearsay as fact they rarely did their diligence in getting both sides before plotting a course of action oh and plot they did unfortunately the following shows they responded to my complaint to workplace bullying with malicious intent it was at this point i began receiving customer complaints most of the time hope and sunny would take the word of the so-called customers or the service passing on the complaint without offering any proof of the discrepancy had ever occurred i later came to learn that complaints were completely fabricated it was really a co-worker just trying to stir the pot this whole horror story came to its climax when a crazy now former employee circulated a rumor that i refused to wait on an elderly african-american military veteran because i was prejudiced being one myself i respect all veterans this accusation was out of character and completely out of the blue it reeked of sabotage it was too outlandish to be anything else so the write-up came i was absolutely furious as my suspicions that i'd been set up were confirmed both hope and sonny would not let me get a word in i finally got their attention by stating in a raised voice that i had a right to half my say surprised at my assertiveness both went slit-eyed and rather smugly said go on i pointed out to them that all of my guests love me several of my regulars are hispanic or african-american and in nearly eight years of employment never once had i been accused of being prejudiced or bigoted i also pointed out that one of my regulars a married african-american doctor if my hands were free would run up to me give me a big hug kiss me on the cheek and hold me so tight i felt like i was being suffocated pope and sonny were having none of it i also pointed out that the drama starting liar who filed the complaint against me had been fired given her predisposition to lie the validity of her accusations should be questioned and the write-up destroyed based off their surprised expressions it was clear i had exposed their complicitness in creating a hostile work environment but they refused to take the bait completely done with it all i flat out bellowed i am not nor have i ever been prejudiced i'm pretty sure the entire store heard me then i went for the zinger that lingers you have no idea how many black guys i've dated you could have heard a pin drop the amanda the creole prep cook was walking by the open office door when i let out that line and she nearly doubled over with laughter there were two training managers facing away from us while they were on the computer doing online courses they almost collapsed onto the keyboard then turned around looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces sonny's face went beat red hope's face turned white and her eyes widened you know what hope remember how you said if i didn't like the way you ran things i should quit goodbye i didn't give them a chance to respond my shift was about to start in less than seven minutes i took off my key fob laid it on the safe emptied my apron put everything in a takeout bag did an about face and walked out echoing have fun trying to cover my shifts it was exhilarating and liberating all at the same time it was like the end of private benjamin when goldie han walked out of her wedding and threw away her veil except i've never worn a dress just kidding yes i have aside from returning two weeks later to get my final paycheck i haven't set foot in there i have no reason to go back i have a new job at a wonderful company with great bosses that value me as an employee and as a person i actually look forward to going to work now i never thought that was possible double plus they don't expect me to be an emotionless robot so karen have you ever been so upset that you quit your job on the spot like that job i've never had a job really no why would i do you think i'm some sort of a peasant oh come on karen that's not very nice most of us have to work there's no way we're gonna get everything we need in life by just complaining to the manager about it oh don't be so hard on yourself mr reddit perhaps you just need a little more practice karen needs to mind her own business as mentioned in prior threads i'm a grocery slash delivery vendor who stocks brand specific items for supermarkets but i'm not employed by any of the stores directly i have a route of stores to visit and pull products from the back of a specific brand of food and refresh the supply most name brand beer sodas chips snack cakes and other brands employ their own workers who aren't store employees after reading this subreddit a bunch i've started to scope out where in the store the over-the-counter reading glasses sections are in case i encounter any of the extra special host beasts who insist that specifically i must help them so i can lead them there to help them pick out a pair yesterday at walmart there was a little old gray-haired man shopping who would occasionally head spasm rather violently like he had just been stun gunned in the neck and each time would shout very loudly i know from watching a cute tick tocker who has a less severe form which resembles his motion that this could simply be tourette syndrome people with this seem to have a signature verbal yelp but don't have any cognitive choice in what the yelp is the tick talker has a pretty cute yelp and explains some aspects of their own variety and experience in some posts so this guy wasn't hurting anyone but would just occasionally jerk his head very violently but catch himself each time and would shout at a really high volume in the moment of surprise as he went around shopping he could be heard making this shout from eight plus aisles over he wasn't interacting with anyone just minding his own business and going off a shopping list like any other person he came down on a somewhat crowded aisle i was working on at the time and i just let him be but saw the other people staring and giving him some space i understand also that some who have this experience a higher frequency of ticks if under additional stress than just the normal frequency alone such as by being judged in public by it so i just let him do his thing as he rounded the corner out of sight a few people who were near me on this aisle muttered that the man was obviously crazy and that he shouldn't be out in public and might hurt someone i explained a little about the possible condition and that this could actually be a pretty big milestone for him personally being brave enough to go out in public and trying to control it and being able to handle this dress of the stairs and whispers and that if people could stop talking about him it could actually help reduce his outbursts possibly one feral snob of a lady comes over to me a little while later after he had moved on several aisles over clop clopping in her business carrying shoes the wrong direction down the aisle and not wearing a mask naturally and on a mission she sternly barked at me about him and told me that he needed to be removed because he was frightening other customers i told her politely i wasn't employed by the store and that i didn't have any say and who gets removed i tried explaining that i hadn't seen any frightened customers myself yet before getting cut off as she flapped her mouth blubber at me again about how concerned she was that he was going to hurt someone and that he didn't belong out in the public i was tempted to say that if anyone needed removing it should be her via her own two cloven hooves right out the door with that attitude i was under a time crunch and didn't really have time to find a ladder to climb up in order to clock one across a chin that high up in the air i just dismissed her away again that i am not employed by the store there's nothing i can do about it i stated that i had seen him for about the past hour and he hasn't made any sign of hurting anyone and that he's just and then glared at her with eyebrows raised and leaning toward her minding his own business she squinted at me and scowled and then klopp clopped away and i didn't hear anything from her again my main regret was not having available time to ask him if i could gather up what was left on his shopping list or help in some way carry on the good fight mr man i'm on defense for you wow my heart really goes out to that guy oh whatever if i had been in there i would have dragged him out myself what the heck especially if my angels had been with me they could have been scared which could have been a perfect opportunity for you to explain to them that sometimes people have certain conditions that make them do things like that you know teach your kids why would i do a thing like that my husband is an attorney i used to work in the electronic section of a toy store the holidays are to say the least a tad busy you know especially with the amount of sales and whatnot going on and we had a lot of sales our sales items especially for video game accessories tended to go fast the problem came when there were items similar or comparable one would be on sale while the other wasn't and it made a big mess of things a lady came in one day packed store and lots of chaos and one of the things she picked up was a video game controller cover i scanned the item and it comes up as fourteen dollars that doesn't sit well with her lady the sign says it's twelve dollars why are you charging me fourteen me the sign is for a similar item not this item the sign even indicates the manufacturer lady well this controller cover was underneath that sign and i want the discount me calmly ma'am i can't give you that discount customers pick up things and put them down in the wrong places all day in this store we can't give discounts based off of that i couldn't even make the computer process the discount if i wanted to don't argue with me my husband is an attorney get to manage it to fix this me ma'am it's going to be a while before a manager can get over here even then she's going to say that you can't get this discount call them over they will fix this my husband is an attorney i call the manager over and proceed to be absolutely useless i can't leave my register to help people because i'm already mid-transaction i can't scan her next item or delete the item i just scanned dumb safety measures and it's taking forever for a manager to come around because there are people who actually need assistance all the while the lady in front of me is staring at me muttering nonsense and reminding me over and over that her husband is an attorney i'm just sitting there wanting to snap back with and he's going to sue a store for a matter of a two dollar discount of course he was stupid enough to marry you so maybe he will either way i'm darn sure we can afford better lawyers than the lady who can't fork over two extra bucks but i keep my mouth shut my manager comes and listens to the lady to my horror she approves the discount and immediately leaves because she's flustered and doesn't want to deal with her i scan the next item from the cart lady that's not the right price either me having had enough it's not on sale these are right over there points and the price is displayed clearly if you want this change too i'm going to have to call a manager again lady fine i'm done i don't want any of it she leaves her few items at my register i have to call the manager back over to cancel out the sale and take the stuff to be put away my manager is of course miffed that the lady was able to waste so much of her time oh and no we never heard from this mysterious attorney karen i gotta say this story really reminded me of you oh how kind of you mr edit thank you i really admire how she was able to get the discount karen that wasn't supposed to be a compliment it's just too bad she aborted her mission like that i would have demanded the manager again and demanded more compensation for everything that cashier put me through i guess it's a good thing you weren't there that day karen you got that right mr reddit entitled mom takes a five dollar tip from an ice cream shop first post on this subreddit this is for the re-army so this was a long time ago when i was about 11 or 12. now unfortunately this mom is my mom i love her but at times she can be pretty entitled this story needs a little backstory so here we go when i was 11 or 12 i was in southern california with my mom's side of the family my parents are divorced so my dad was in the midwest at the time my dad is a really good tipper at restaurants he's given people 100 tips he tries to give people a good amount if they give him good service tens 20s 30s and 40s we're not super rich or anything but he tries to help people out if they give him good service he understands people have mouths to feed and rent to pay however if you don't give good service then no tips so as a kid i'm used to seeing my dad give people good tips and inherited that from him when i was in cali my dad still sent me money because i was there for the summer it was about forty dollars which was a lot to my little kid brain i didn't spend it recklessly because i was always one of those kids who saves up now that that's over on to the story i was at this beachside series of shops with my family which consisted of my mom entitled mom me and my cousin there were others including my entitled grandma but they're not important to the story so because it's southern cali it's naturally very hot especially in the summer there was an ice cream shop nearby that my mom said we could go into and get something so jay and i go in order our ice cream and i tell her that i'm gonna pay the lady who gave us our ice cream was super nice so like my dad i wanted to tip her they had this cute mason jar for tips i used a 20 and the amount i got back was five dollars and like a quarter so i put the five in the tip jar and the girl was really surprised she kept asking me if i was sure i wanted to give her the tip and i said yes so i left with my cousin and told my mom about my good deed she had the opposite reaction i had hoped for she yelled at me saying i had wasted five dollars and demanded i go back in and take the money back when i refused she dragged me into the store told the lady i meant to give her a one and that i was confused and made me put the money back in my purse as she dragged me out without leaving her attempt if that lady ever sees this and we meet again in some strange way i'll give you a twenty and sorry about my mom anyways i hope some of you guys like this story how much do you usually leave for a tip when you go out to eat tip what's a tip you know like the tip like like thanking the waitress or the waiter oh i don't believe in that they should just be thankful that they have a job karen you're so mean well you're so nice and i'm not very fond of nice people i pay rent so i own this house backstory my parents used to own a house on a big piece of land when my older siblings went away for college the house felt too big for our needs so my parents decided to sell the house but not all the land they built a smaller house on the part of the land they didn't sell a few years after we moved to a city two hours away and kept the house as a place to go during the summer my parents decided to rent the house as it was well located and had a really nice view renting it meant that they could use the money towards the mortgage and taxes enter our karen karen and her boyfriend rented the place so she could be closer to her work from the start my dad made it clear the place was for rent and my parents planned on living in that house after retiring at that time both of them planned to work for at least another 20 years plus they would of course notify karen in advance when they wanted to take back the house so she would have plenty of time to find a new place in return they asked that she notified them in advance should she wish to move out so they could find a new renter the lease also stated that my parents would have some of their things in a locked storage in the basement as well as in a shed on the property and that they would always call karen before dropping by to get something out of the storage which was in the basement and connected by the garage so they wouldn't even disturb karen for a few years karen was an okay renter she paid the rent through a check each month she smoked inside and didn't take care of the land but my dad didn't make a fuss about it real trouble started after around 12 years every few months karen's checks would bounce back my dad would call her to ask about it karen would profusely apologize and rectify the situation then it became every other month until it was every month finally my dad had had enough and called her about the lease and the rent during the call karen argued that since she had been paying rent for the past 12 years the house was now hers my dad was shocked since that came out of nowhere he tried to explain to her that she was renting the place like they had agreed on since the beginning karen went on a complaining fit about how she had paid so much over the years and she was the one living there and taking care of the place which she was not at all therefore it should be hers she threatened to take my dad to court now where i live there are many laws which protect the renter and it can be a real pain to deal with when you have a nasty renter my dad hired a lawyer to make sure everything was in order after a meeting with karen when the lawyer was present she realized she didn't have much of a case since all paperwork concerning the house was at my dad's name and the original lease clearly stated that it was a rental my dad offered to break her lease should she wish to after the whole debacle but she wanted to stay in the house he made her sign a new lease where it stated again that this was a rental and that should she not pay or cause trouble again my dad would give her the shortest possible notice of eviction allowed by the law karen is still renting the house after almost 20 years my parents are not close to retiring yet i do hope it won't turn crazy when they decide to take back the house what is it with karen's and taking things that don't belong to them i think that lady deserved that house like she said she'd been paying rent for a long time but that doesn't mean it belongs to her that's why it's called renting oh shut up mr reddit what do you know i know that i do my best to stay as far away from karen's as possible well apparently you're not too good at that a pre karen meme karen in the wild background i'm from the uk and this happened to me about 10 years ago reading other people's stories i thought i would add mine to the mix so i worked in a shopping mall for a small independent chain they made alternative clothing mainly my uniform consisted of a t-shirt with the store's logo on the front shop was called punky fish so it was of a fish that resembled a slightly altered angler fish with a chain and an eyebrow piercing the t-shirt was black fish and writing in gold with studs on it it also read punky fish how can i help you on the back you could wear anything on the bottom half my go-to was crushed velvet leggings and converse at the time anyway to get to my store i would usually park in a multi-storey space and walk through one of the big department stores that were always connected to it this time was the turn of marx and spencer's any non-uk residents who are not familiar it's an old-fashioned shop with clothing homeware food and beauty products their uniform is a black and green chile polo or shirt with smart trousers and shoes this is important walking through i have my bag in hand as well as mcdonald's i had picked up on the drive-through and a drink in the other here goes the story we've got me and we've got karen me walking through the store minding my own business drinking my drink stops for a second to check my phone karen sharp finger prodding me in the shoulder excuse me me turns to see angry karen bit taken aback because of the prodding yes karen did you not hear me or something i've been chasing you through the store me remembers hearing someone shouting excuse me several times i heard you yes but didn't realize it was for me what's the matter thinking maybe i dropped something or whatever karen's face is now red and purple what's the matter is that how you speak to customers this is disgraceful first of all you ignore me then instead of how can i help you you say what's the matter me i hate confrontation the penny hadn't dropped yet because she thinks i work here okay how can i help you karen is still angry i want this in this size for my daughter there is no sizes that i need get one for me me penny dropped miss i don't work here this was obviously the wrong answer you're wearing a t-shirt that says how can i help you me yes it also says punky fish twice it also has it on the front i do not work here this is ridiculous i'm a pain customer i don't care what your t-shirt says i need a size small for my daughter at this time enough commotion had gone on that a member of staff came over in full uniform staff what is going on here karen this girl will not assist me i want to speak with whoever is in charge this is ridiculous rudeness and bad customer service employee looks at me looks at my uniform miss she doesn't work here me starting to wonder why i'm still standing here looks at the employee and smiles i'm going to get to work now can i leave her with you sarcastic grin karen you can't go anywhere until we speak with the manager me okay well my shop is out the side door by the restaurant and up towards starbucks my manager isn't in today but i will let the assistant manager know you'll be by to complain about clothes we don't stock and my attitude it was at this time i left the poor employee with karen and made my way to my actual place of work i didn't look back but i could still hear her shouting about behavior rude staff and competence shouldn't be wearing tops that say you can help sorry employee that i left you with her i explained the story to my assistant manager we laughed then she said well if she turns up i will be sure to let her know i let you have a verbal warning not to be rude to customers and marks and spencers sometimes it seems like karen's just really have it in for employees wrong employees are lazy they don't want to help us most of them will be glad to help you if you're just nice to them ah this is where you're wrong mr reddit being nice doesn't get you the things you want in life you know you might have a point there karen i've been pretty nice for a long time and now i'm stuck in a room with you entitled mom tries to manipulate her way to the front at checkout counter a little background i work and live in dubai and most of the time i shop from carefour close to my apartment here that's the closest thing to walmart we have evening hours in the supermarkets and malls can get pretty crowded this happened three weeks back so i was getting some groceries on a sunday evening after work the queue for cashier in the evening was pretty long fun fact sunday we work here weekends are friday and saturday since i'm living alone and i hardly cook i had around 14 items which is mostly the snacks i indulge my evenings on so i was there getting close to the cashier there was just another guy in front of me with a shopping cart full of stuff and i was on my phone talking to a friend excuse me mister i heard someone talking to me close to my left ear i told my friend to hold on and i turned around there was this entitled mom with a kid now the kid's not entitled by any means she was too young to even talk i told my friend on the phone that i'll call her later since it wasn't anything important me yes ma'am you mind if we go before you we are in a hurry and entitled mom looks 40 points to the basket in the kid's hand it's a small basket with some chocolate and a coloring book so i look at the eight or nine people behind me in line and no one seems to have a problem judging from their faces me sure no problem you can go ahead now entitled mom doesn't say thank you which doesn't matter to me anyway she cuts in the line the guy currently at the checkout is swiping his card and the cashier is bagging the stuff entitled mom suddenly turns around and waves her hand and starts yelling entitled kid come over here here surprised as me everyone in the checkout counter turned around only to see the entitled kid with a trolley full of stuff literally more than 100 different items for sure everyone in my line combined wouldn't have that much stuff to check out me excuse me miss i was under the impression that you had two or three items to check out but this is a bit too much and i can see no one in the line would approve that most of us have been waiting here for over 15 minutes entitled mom what are you saying i was here before you i was genuinely shocked i was like what me no you weren't i was a bit confused like maybe she was there and told me to hold the place or something and i didn't notice because i was on the phone now already a couple of people are having big trolleys on the checkout counter which is pretty narrow so entitled kid who is about 14 comes by pushing the cart through the line in a forced manner like literally he was not giving a hoot and doing it by force so there's one bald guy he was on the phone all the time i thought he didn't care or he didn't even notice the whole thing but he just happened to stop the cart by holding it when entitled kid was trying to squeeze it past him bald guy you're not gonna cut the line not today entitled kid mom this jerk is stopping me now the entitled mom storms past me and goes to the bald guy who the heck do you think you are bald guy look these people are nice might let you get away with your crap but i'm not gonna let it happen and you need to teach your little jerk some manners entitled mom i was in the queue ahead jerk and don't you dare preach to me on parenting bald guy no you weren't entitled mom ask that guy me you tried to trick us into thinking you got two items to cut the cue this time i was sure that she wasn't in the line before me by just looking at her face it was literally the face of someone who thinks of themselves as i am so smart the rest of you are stupid so i can get away with anything entitled mom i was here before you jerk weren't you staring at my butt pretending to be on the phone the whole time me now that's it you're not gonna get on this q or any queue today without waiting your turn jerk i would have stared at a pack of sour candy as opposed to her and i hate those candies i really wish that i could have come up with this line there at the moment so we hold the queue and call the manager to my surprise everyone else was calm and supportive and one guy actually said like maybe it would have been quicker if we let her go first but let's wait and get this crazy lady sorted out after a few minutes the manager shows up manager what's the problem entitled mom i was on the queue first and these two are not letting my kid through pointing at me and the bald guy another guy on the queue bs she was cutting the line saying she had only two items and her kids showed up later with a truckload manager just looks at everyone to see the nods to confirm his words manager then asks the cashier and she confirms the same entitled mom these people are lying manager it's safe to assume that you were cutting the queue then assuming everyone else is lying ma'am so you have to step out of the queue and start in the end of any queue bs she turns towards me you liar and then she tried to grab my phone maybe to break it i don't know i withdraw my phone and hand out a reflex manager that's it you're done we don't want you in here anymore apparently they can ban customers inside a store so untitled bomb was removed immediately by the security and the manager apologized to everyone for their trouble the whole thing took about 20 minutes of everyone's time and that was it why do so many karen's have such a problem standing in line because we have better things to do mr reddit you mean like trying to take people's nintendo switches and their ps4s i used to work here lady background i used to work at a convenience store in my college days one famous for its partially frozen slurpable drinks we were located just off a major highway in south florida so we got a ton of traffic day in and day out with plenty of regulars each day i worked there for a few months until a string of robberies started happening at various convenience stores in my area to paraphrase will smith one convenience store got hit too close to mine and my mom got scared and said you're quitting that job and finding a different one much as i loved that job and hated quitting my mom was right and the store did wind up getting robbed about a week after i left nobody was hurt though i left on good terms with my boss and co-workers found a job at a local grocery store shortly after that the story after class one day i decided to pop into my old store for a drink and some snacks bear in mind i was wearing a red and black polo that looked distinctly different from the store uniforms but used the same basic color palette i was rather chatty with the clerk while i did my shopping i set my snacks on the counter then walked over to the drink dispenser grabbed a cup and before i could turn the nozzle to start pouring that half frozen delight i hear the familiar call of the wild karen behind me excuse me me yes karen can you pour me a large red one me i guess i poured her one and started pouring one for myself and i need some taquitos and some scratches too me cool sounds like a fun afternoon for you karen walks off to go grab something and i head up front to wait for my cashier buddy jeffrey to finish ringing up a customer so i can also check out a few seconds later karen steps up and stares at me for a minute i felt her eyes on me and asked her politely yes ma'am i thought i told you i wanted taquitos me yeah and scratchers and aren't you going to get them for me me no i can't what do you mean you can't i'm not allowed back there to handle the food or the lotto you'll have to wait for him points at my friend to check us out first excuse me i'm a paying customer and in a hurry you work here so i take priority over you me huh i don't work here i'm also a customer and i got in line before you karen don't lie i know you work here i've seen you stocking shelves me oh i used to work here a while back but i quit some time ago maybe that's why you recognize me very funny now quit being lazy and do your job it's bad enough you're lying but you're not even smart enough to realize you're wearing the uniform so i know you're lying me irritated at this point really of the two of us who's the smart one look at my shirt and compared to his do you see the style differences or lack of a company logo karen looks back and forth between me and jeffrey who's trying really hard not to laugh at my situation we had a brief exchange of looks between us where i asked him to help me out and he basically said heck no this is too funny after a few seconds karen gets flushed clearly embarrassed karen oh you don't work here me ding ding ding we have a winner karen well then why did you get me my drink when i asked you you're just confusing people now me no i'm a nice person and helped you because you asked for it you are clearly not since you lack basic manners to say please and thank you or even apologize for the misunderstanding karen to my friend why didn't you say something then jeffrey you kept yelling i couldn't get a word in edgewise and he can handle himself karen goes quiet and sheepishly asks my friend to get her taquitos and lotto scratchers which he does while clearly suppressing a grin after finishing ringing me up i grabbed my stuff and hauled off to the side the register was right near the door so i'm waiting there karen pays for her stuff and tries to walk past me avoiding eye contact just as some final salt in the rudeness wound i opened the door for her as she left and said after her you have a nice day now ma'am after karen got in her car and pulled out my friend doubled over and laughed laughter at my situation i threw a twinkie at his head for not helping me out then demanded a free taquito in my best imitation of karen for the inconvenience jeffrey if you're out there reading this you're a jerk and i miss you hope everything worked out for you wow it sounded like that karen really wanted her taquitos and why wouldn't she taquitos are the best man they are pretty good oh i love gas station food mr reddit to be honest i do too we might have to go get some in a little while perhaps we can terrorize some employees while we're there hold on now karen don't get ahead of yourself compliance with the postmaster about five years ago i moved into my house and i received an astonishing amount of junk mail for the previous owner the elderly lady i bought the house from retired and moved south but spent most of her time here thus over half her life signing up to every conceivable amount of junk mail and magazine possible i've moved many times and it never was much of an issue but the amount of mail received per day was insane i live in a remote area low population under 1 000 people per town around here i have a pretty large mailbox on the street thing is heavy duty thick steel plow trucks can throw ice and snow on it all day and it doesn't care but it's two to three times the size of a standard mailbox in three days this mailbox would be full we get the mail once a week only thing that is coming in the mail in today's age is a statement that you've already seen online or some form of nastogram which no one is in a hurry to read so once a week in today's day and age is pretty reasonable least for these parts of the world the amount of mail was so out of control we were losing valuable garage can space and we couldn't always toss out all the mail received due to room in the can so i took a stand and used a black sharpie and wrote return to sender slash individual no longer at this address the postal worker didn't appreciate this extra workload and would leave everything in there untouched as a result they never checked the mail for new outgoing mail anything addressed to us that actually live here would be left at the post office for us to pick up out of spite the post office was intentionally being lazy and not following the rules i only know this because i was upset enough to actually look up the regulations and procedures for this which they weren't adhering to anyway when i called and complained to the postmaster the postmaster said they would not remove the mail from the mailbox i said understood it's a federal offense for me to tamper with someone else's mail you refuse to take ownership i have no choice but to place this pile of mail each day on the ground by the mailbox the postmaster said what i was hoping for but it would blow all over the place and become litter and you would be fined my reply i personally wouldn't be fine it's not my mail however anyone that would inquire about the litter i would explain your personal position on it despite the responsibilities noted on subsection a paragraph b stating how to handle this situation how do you think that's going to go your call the postmaster hung up on me couple days later after the mail piled up out there the postal worker stopped at first they had one of those little hand claw grabber things but it just wasn't cutting it due to the amount also it rained a lot the night before each time they would grab a bit of mail they would have to carry it over their lap getting water all over their lap they finally had enough and physically got out and shoveled every last bit of it into a plastic bin and heaved it in their jeep this was five years ago to date i've only received two to three items of mail that didn't belong to me when i write return to cinder that mail is collected immediately never heard a peep from that postmaster again that would be horrible to keep getting mail from people who don't live there anymore i would sue the post office if that happened to me oh can you see the post office oh mr reddit you can sue anyone how do you think it is that i've never had to work a job how i double dipped on the same scholarship in my university there are usually two regular award periods each at the start of a new term during them a ton of scholarships and awards are up for grab additionally throughout the year there are special scholarship applications because the donors want the money to go out right away in my second year one such scholarship opened in december its requirements however were way more than it's worth but any free money is good money the donors offered four awards each valued at five thousand dollars for the best students in engineering the eligibility criteria included a two-page essay on your leadership qualities and community contribution and two letters of reference from professors on top of a minimum 85 percent degree average keeping in mind that this is december which is the month of finals students are incredibly busy studying and taking exams while professors are preoccupied with grading dealing with leniency requests and such needless to say there are a few students who would or could apply fortunately for me i already had two reference letters ready for a competition i was in earlier in the year i only had to ask the professors to readdress the letter which they happily did i got the award and the money was applied directly to my tuition account fast forward to january's regular scholarship period when i was applying i noticed the same special award was reopened for application my guess is that they didn't have enough qualified students the first time my initial thought was oh i got the award probably can't reapply but upon reading the fine prints there was nothing that prevents me from reapplying just to make sure i sent an email to the award committee asking about it came a short reply email that said just comply with the award terms and conditions if they didn't say you can't then go ahead i saved the entire application instructions and this email then submitted the same package as last time i didn't think i would get it again but i was throwing a squid at the wall to see if it sticks it did i got the award and the money applied to my tuition account on top of all the other scholarships i got a check back totaling almost five thousand dollars about two weeks later i got two of the same email asking for a bio and a picture to be included on the donor's website half an hour after the emails i got another one that basically said something along the lines of hey you weren't supposed to apply for and get the same award twice in the same academic year we will now have to deduct the money from your account but in a more professional way i forwarded them the go-ahead email along with the award terms and conditions in my email i also politely pleaded with something along the lines of hey you said i could i don't have money to pay that five thousand already spent it on textbooks it isn't fair to punish a hard-working student for faults not their own i also responded to the two biorequest emails separately with two different about me paragraphs that basically humble brag about how hard i worked and how much i deserve the money a couple days later i got an email allowing me to keep both awards they said the admins have advocated to make up the golden scholarship category to put me in in the email they also have a lengthy paragraph justifying why i deserved it probably to avoid admitting that they messed up as a result of this the general scholarship guidelines at the university were updated to stipulate that no student will be allowed to get the same scholarship more than once during an academic year karen pulls a reversal not my story one for my fiance happened early today she was at the walmart in our town doing some shopping i'm not a big fan of heading into stores right now and it has never bothered her i'm way more nervous about getting sick sue me on her way in she got stopped at the door this isn't particularly odd given the current state of things the policy for this walmart or all of them i'm not sure is that not too many people should be in the store at a time and that makes perfect sense most people customers and employees alike are wearing their masks and gloves so generally the environment seems quite clean after waiting for only a few moments she was let in the store was slightly crowded despite the attempts of keeping a low population but my wife had decided that there was one item she wanted more than anything anything else sugar-free pudding not for me that stuff makes my stomach turn wading through the less crowded aisles she made her way into what she thought was the pudding aisle but alas a horrific lack of glucoseless savory soft sweets were seemingly absent so only slightly deterred the rest of the grocery shopping took place detergent paper towels hot pockets and food in general came for a while after getting literally all the other groceries she tried to find another aisle for pudding one that didn't exist so she made her way back to where she had started this journey and there she was atop a pedestal in front of all that delicious desirable pudding karen she was tall blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail she seemed older not the typical age of a karen but one could be forgiven for a slight moment of mistaken assumption that she was an employee she stood atop a metal stepping ladder that had a card attached to the front with a myriad of boxes on stock waiting to be introduced to their shelves however something caught my fiance's eye the boxes were full of baking supplies flour baking soda the whole nine yards all of which belonged on the other side of the store this card and ladder combo wasn't even supposed to be in this aisle and there was no other employee in uniform nearby so she clearly didn't work at the store unless walmart had introduced some kind of plain clothes division she had her ungloved hands reaching all the way back into a box of probiotics a shelf that given the woman's height the stepladder wasn't technically needed she even had her face only a few inches away from the product without a mask on trying to read whatever she thought was on those bottles my fiance ever the non-confrontational woman she is kept her mouth shut and simply watched the woman take the probiotics out look at them put one on the stocking card but every other one back and continued to mess with them and then the horrifying moment struck her eyes scorched around and landed on my fiance i don't work here she scoffed dismissively and then turned back to continue her ministrations which left fiance baffled trying her best not to look like she needed anything she didn't mind waiting for whatever this karen was up to as the pudding she wanted so desperately was gonna be there by the time she was done getting to know the bottles of probiotics after another minute or so of waiting the woman turned again with a loud huff knowing that the pesky nervous shopper was still standing there awkwardly do you need something i don't work here my fiance finally squeaked out a little i don't mind waiting which dragged another sigh out of the lady ah unbelievable if you have a problem learn to ask someone who works here next time she stomped stomped stomped her feet down the three metal steps onto the floor of the aisle and pushed the cart forward with such a ferocity that the orange aisle marker if you freak with the store you certainly know fell to the ground with a clap the fall had been enough to bust the corner off of the sign but the karen had her sights locked not on the broken property the carnage laying at her feet but instead of my fiance with the speed and fear of a mouse my fiance finally obtained that half liquid half solid gold that she had been wanting so desperately the sugar-free pudding like she was holding the holy grail and a boulder was about to roll her over my fiance dipped out of the aisle stepping over the broken piece of sign in the process and fled the scene before she could get too far she heard the last of the woman's whining more maskless huffing and puffing along with another set of stomp stomp stomps to surely start messing with the probiotics again but oh no this isn't where it ends as my fiance was at the self-checkout slowly bagging her groceries to make sure she had as few bags as possible another horrid incident with this lady began now to set the stage let me be frank my wife has a peculiar way of handling herself in public she always had her head down fiddling with a fidget cube in one hand and stacking groceries with the other to the untrained eye she'd look far less independent than she really is as the karen wound up finally deciding what probiotics she wanted she came around the self-checkout area with only that single bottle whatever half liquid half solid gold she had good for her now the self checkout lines have a generally short length even spread out across most of the little area they're in with only one person to take care of any malfunctions or bagging errors short staffed likely mccarron bottle in hand upon seeing my fiance once again practically bee-lined to the assistant my fiancee has a massive baby face issue going on so the next thing she heard wasn't surprising excuse me this kid needs someone to help them do you know that i had to help her in the back because you aren't staffed enough i should be getting paid for this at this point she loudly protested a hair flip going along with her tirade oh uh the assistant clearly caught off guard asked is that your daughter another scoff no if she was i would be even more upset how little help you have here so do you mind before the assistant could come and help my socially inept fiancee she managed to let out a uh sorry i don't need any help before practically breaking the joystick off her cube in a mortified moment of fidgeting are you sure the karen roared out less like a lion and more like a boar because you sure took plenty of time just standing there and waiting for me to help you do i look like an employee here she gestured to the floral short-sleeved shirt she was wearing at this point the self-checkout assistant seemed to somewhat understand what was going on and tried to redirect the wild animal's rage ma'am if you like i can talk to my supervisor about getting you some coupons for your help tactful upon hearing that she had finally be paid for all the work she did she let out one final relaxing sigh yes that would be wonderful she folded her arms bottle of probiotics sloshing again in her hands gosh i'm so sorry everything going on right now just has me so worried she emphasized this with a sniffle rubbing her nose against the side of her hand yeah real worried regardless of whether or not the karen got her precious coupons my poor wife to be decided that she didn't want to stick around for the festivities quickly finishing up her bagging and not nearly as compact as she'd like she made her way out of the store after paying the terminal in fact the fact that she had three bags filled up two thirds and not fully two filled bags is what she was most upset about upon getting home really puts things into perspective wow that karen really had a thing for her probiotics didn't she oh i love probiotics i take them every morning before i do my zumba entitled mother refuses to pay so for about three years i was between 12 and 15 years old my dad owned a pub i'm from the uk and until my health got bad i used to chip in the majority of the time cleaning washing up serving waitressing etc so this story takes place when i was 14 on one of the busiest nights halloween for those of you who don't know halloween is chaotic for pubs normally i would have stayed upstairs my dad lived above the pub just minding my own business sitting at my dad's desk sometimes answering calls for him since he was downstairs helping the staff cope however on this day one of our servers had called up saying they weren't going to be able to do their shift since their kid had become ill this was understandable these things happen the shift they had was normally called the graveyard shift midnight until we closed anyways so there weren't many customers right so i could cover it wrong oh i was so wrong when i got downstairs to cover the shift there were still loads of people and this is where it began i was taking the drink order of someone when entitled mother walks in with brat one and brat two it was midnight mind you brat one was about four years old and brat two was seven i saw them made the mistake of making eye contact and then went back to taking the customer's drink order i asked nice customer so you want two of these drinks correct nice customer yes thank you me all right i'll add it to your bill already had four drinks between him and his buddy think entitled mom starts screaming from the other side of the room excuse me me and my babies are thirsty yes she actually said that me one moment and i'll take your order i go to the bar and give the bartender nice customer's order as his order is being prepared i walk over to entitled mom and her brats me hello how may i brat one cuts me off get me a cola me a little annoyed one cola got it anything else rat too i need lemonade now me looking at the entitled mom and what would you like ma'am entitled mom who was looking at her phone whilst her babies ordered get me in orders the most expensive beer we have something like stella i can't remember too well me okay so you want i list their order would you like to pay now or open a tab entitled mom looking at her phone i don't care tab me okay i'll go get your drinks i went up and gave the bartender her order and took nice customer's order to him after about three minutes her order of drinks were done and i brought them to her not moments after i set the pop on the table she screamed what's this that's your kids drinks ma'am excuse me i didn't order those for my babies me yes but your kids ordered them and when i read the order back you didn't say anything so i assumed you were okay with it entitled mom i wasn't listening they're kids can't you see they're too young for pop brat one but mama i want that drink you said i could have anything i wanted i know baby but pop isn't good for you if you want something sweet have your packet of wine gums for those of you who don't know wine gums have one of the highest sugar contents of all sweets in the uk and are really bad to give kids then entitled mom turns her attention to me honestly i wasn't expecting her to give me trouble and asked to swap the drinks out entitled customers have asked this before and i guess it's what she meant but entitled mom turning her attention to me take the pop i want two fruit shoots me okay ma'am i'll grab them now with that i took the pop to the bar took the fruit shoots to her and asked me would you like your bill entitled mom still looking at her phone while brats one and two are eating a huge bag of wine gums yes yes me cash or card cash she then hands me a 10 pound note before i can even tell her that her tab is eleven sixty she looks at me when i don't leave and snaps why are you still here go get me my change me sorry ma'am but you still owe 160. what do you mean i still owe money i paid for my drink and my baby's fruit shoots me but you still owe money for the pop your kids ordered now normally i would have took the pop off the bill or let her only pay for one if she was a regular or if she had something when they first ordered the drinks so we didn't make them but she was so rude and her bratz had made a mess of the table leaving me with more cleaning up than i already had before entitled mom my babies didn't even drink the pop so i don't have to pay for it i just looked at her and spoke ma'am and a firm tone you owe 160. pay up or i'm getting the owner i was so done with her bs and wanted to cry out my frustrations but i just gritted my teeth instead plus my dad would be able to handle her much better than me good then he'll explain why a kid thinks she knows better than an adult that was it i had already dealt with one care in that week which meant i was on a short fuse so when she said that i was done with dealing with her i grabbed my radio from my apron pocket everyone on duty had one and spoke me into the radio dad can you come to x section i have a problem customer who won't pay oliver bill her face turned white when she realized she was in fact speaking to the owner's daughter before he could even come she opened her purse producing the money she owed threw it on the table it fell on the floor picked up brat one and stormed out with her brats barely touched her beer but brat2 put the fruit shoots in their halloween sweet bags my dad came asked where she was and i explained he let me and the bartender have the untouched pop and poured the beer away he was proud of me for how i handled this one without him and how i didn't cry the last karen i dealt with brought me to tears and my dad had to intervene always clear your memory card before pawning an item a lady who will call leech for reasons made clear at the end spent a year helping her best friend psycho harass my family and i over a custody spirit leach wasn't related to the family at all just a friend with an affinity for causing drama she would make fake profiles along with psycho and tried to fish information about us out of friends and family just some real nasty stuff leech would take the online harassment further than psycho which never made any sense to me because i never had a personal problem with leach we had known each other back in grade school and were even casual friends she used our past history to try to weasel into my friends list but i already saw that she was helping psycho slander my name online and didn't buy into her malarkey she then tried copying my display pictures and making them into ugly memes any post i made public was instantly captured and mocked on her stepmother's support page leach was dating the best friend of psycho's husband her boyfriend had a daughter from a previous relationship and leach was a proud and attentive stepmother most of her identity revolved around being a stepmother the page on which she posted the memes she made and posts she stole had been running for a number of years and had nearly 10 000 members she created it herself she and psycho also started a handful of other pages for the sole purpose of harassing and mocking us a couple i had to have legally removed police were involved in everything this had been going on since before march and for christmas that year my wife's grandmother got each of the great grandkids at 3ds to save some money she went to a pawn shop for some gently used consoles and games this is where karma had delta sweet hand nana had purchased 4 3ds in total the one my daughter just happened to get had a memory card inside full of photos upon a quick scan i realized the people looked familiar it was leach and her boyfriend over and over dozens of photos some a little sketchy why else would i be given this opportunity of course i was meant to use them right i immediately get to work uploading every photo and file and set up a fake email account with bits of her information to make it look like hers i joined any and all free dating sites i could think of even downloaded some apps that aren't advertised as dating but we all know that's how they are used in short i plastered her selfies everywhere i refrain from using the inappropriate ones because i just didn't feel right about that implied loose morals was as far as i wanted to take it i answered a couple of messages on each site to make it look more authentic even sharing more innocent enough selfies to prove i was the real deal a while ago i had come across leech's cell number online she had shared it in a public comment and i was in the process of screencapping any post she made about my family i had screen capped that comment too but hadn't done anything with it i was just gathering and retaining all the information i could and my patience was about to pay off after giving a few guys the number i didn't bother logging on anymore that was enough damage i thought it would be easy for her to prove that she had never visited those sites and that they should be able to recognize the photos as being taken with a crappy lens of an early 3ds but then the other boot dropped after a few weeks maybe a month i go snooping on leach's stepmother support page to see if she had anything to say about my antics but it was quiet weird i check out her profile and find all her past posts have been hidden and the boyfriend scrubbed all photos available when i check out his profile there's this gigantic rant about unfaithful people oops turns out leech had been with her boyfriend's best friends the guy psycho was married to his older brother it had been going on for some time and no one knew anything not even psycho if the boyfriend hadn't confronted her about the random text she was getting from guys he never would have seen the other texts that were clearly disguised to hide what was going on being a self-proclaimed stay-at-home stepmom he had visitation every other weekend and two weeks in the summer leach had no interest in holding a job the boyfriend owned and paid for everything including her cell phone when he found out about this he kicked her out of the house and took her phone he pawned it off to pay for the enormous debt that she had put him in the reason the 3ds was in the pawn shop at all was because he needed some extra cash it was his 3ds and he had pawned it for some money for a present for her he wasn't able to pay it back in time and the shop owner resold the item that's why the memory card wasn't wiped or anything i'd say it was meant to be you already have kids you should give me one this is the most manipulative and ugly classes person i've ever met she's married to my uncle let's call her mary mary has pulled a lot of entitled stunts over the course of her life i probably have over a hundred stories that i can share that i know of i don't talk to that part of the family because it's horrible but there are a few family gatherings in which we meet good old mary is infertile she has two daughters one was conceived in vitro and then introduced into her womb the other one popped out of nowhere literally we suspect she bought it out from someone since she has a record of trying this but whatever before having her first daughter when i was around 10 years old my mom broke the news to the family that she was pregnant yay mary wasn't happy with this because she had been trying for years with her husband and wasn't able to get pregnant she always had this sort of competition with my mom and with everyone because she has this need of being the best one in everything she must have the most money the most expensive clothes being more successful in her career having the happiest marriage going to the most exotic places but she wasn't the best she was the only one with no kids out of the seven siblings of the family and she was also one of the oldest wives so imagine her jealousy when the youngest one was going to have her second kid while her and her husband were still child free so she pulled my mother aside one day and told her you know it isn't fair that you can get pregnant before us it wasn't fair for you to have op before your brother since he's older than you but whatever but you know we've been trying for years now and we're just exhausted and we're not comfortable with trying those artificial methods nor having a baby without our blood so since you're family and we know you are not in a financial position to take care of another baby right now what would you say if i offered to pay for everything pregnancy related and after the baby is born i would pay you an amount for keeping it as your brothers and eyes baby of course my mom said no she told me roughly how the proposition went years later but only because i was the one that found out why she was so pushy about buying my brother because this wasn't just a one-time thing she tried constantly to convince my parents to sell them my brother throughout the next five months and even for some months after he was born you see my father is a son of immigrants he has a european bloodline and is very handsome mary also has a need of proving to everyone that she has royal blood and aesthetics are everything to her hence the need to show herself as the best of the best in every aspect of her life and she will not hesitate to do anything to achieve her goal of being the perfect woman with the perfect life this includes pretending she has white jeans she doesn't we live in a very heavily mixed race country she was born in one of the least developed states in a humble family in a small town with only town people that have been working under the sun for generations so all of them are darker she married my uncle who comes from a family that has lived in an island for generations and who is also the darkest one of all the siblings there is no way she is going to have a baby who is white but my mom is one of the most light-skinned between her siblings and she married my dad who has italian and polish jeans and i was born with very pale skin and smooth hair mary's and her husband's hair are what we describe as bad hair not in an offensive way but that's how it's called here it's basically super twisted in thick hair there was a big chance my brother was going to be born european looking you already know where this is going right one day i was minding my own business while in their daughter's birthday party and i happened to wander close to where mary was talking with someone didn't know her and i heard how she openly complained about how her daughter looked and how she wished she managed to convince my mom and dad to just give her their baby there was more said but i can't remember it all and yes my uncle approves of her behavior and patronizes it my son needs to sit here okay so i'll give you some backstory before i start my aunt passed away a year ago this happened at the funeral so i was sitting in the room where the casket was resting i was sitting in a chair away from everyone else and my dad was sitting in the same style chair i was a couple feet away so this was before the service had started and kids were playing around and running around it was a pretty big room and i understand that they're just kids and don't really know any better so one kid was tired and wanted to sit in my chair this was the entitled brad hi i'm really tired and need to sit down can i sit in that chair me no i was here first and i'm waiting for the service to start entitled brat started throwing a tantrum and really wanted to sit in my chair entitled mom eventually heard her son crying and throwing a tantrum and came over to investigate entitled mom why are you crying entitled brad this boy won't let me sit in his chair i'm really tired and needs some rest he continues crying why won't you let him sit in your chair me i was sitting here first ma'am and i'm waiting for the service to start well i think my son needs to sit in that chair me no i was here first i'm not going to give your son a chair for him to rest in your son should be more respectful along with all the other kids this is not a playground well i bet you didn't even personally know my aunt's name i was severely offended by this statement and my dad came over to see what the fuss was about dad what's going on over here your brat won't let my son sit in that chair me i was super angry and fired back first of all i'm 17 and far from a brat your son is the one who is a spoiled little brat dad my son was sitting here first and you have no right to offend my son like that referring to when she said i didn't know my own aunt entitled mom well i'm sorry i didn't know you were related to her eventually my aunt's daughter came over and asked her to leave because she was causing a scene okay i will i didn't want to go to this stupid funeral anyways entitled brat suddenly then hit me and blew a raspberry at me and started laughing so i stood up over entitled brat and scared him then him and his mother stormed out of the funeral home my aunt's daughter was furious i wanted to hit entitled brett so bad but i couldn't because that wouldn't have been right anyways after that the funeral is actually really good and we told stories about my aunt's life and it was a good time entitled mom and baby demand my new 4k pc so i was friends with a kid from my school i thought he was a nice kid but as soon as he saw my new pc he became a begging brat we've got me we've got entitled mum we've got begging brat we've got mom dad and nice dad so lockdown was going to be issued in a few weeks so i invited a few of my closest friends around and their parents as they were friends with mine i have wanted a gaming pc for the past three years and i finally got enough money to buy it my dad wasn't exactly happy but he realized that i had wanted it for a while and would need a pc for online lessons so i hopped onto amazon and bought my pc now on to the story we invited the friends and parents over for a nice dinner it was meant to be a nice gathering and the majority decided on kfc but no baby wanted mcdonald's the baby and entitled mom were begging for all of us to have mcdonald's like jerk we invited you to be nice and this is how you repay us we all said no and we had kfc during dinner the parts for my pc arrived i was so excited that i devoured my food and rushed upstairs to build it my friends came up and since they all liked pcs too we all worked on it together one person did the ram another did the cpu you get the idea so it was finished and everyone left the entitled mom nice dad and baby stayed behind as they were good friends with my parents entitled mom so baby told me that op got a new pc mom yeah he's been wanting it for three years now and he needs it for school baby mom i want a new pce since i had some form of friendship with this kid i told him that he could have a pc brad really me yeah sure entitled mom thank you so much for being so kind brad let's go get it me i'll bring it down for you i brought him my old pc like i said it was bad but could run most games at 60 frames per second 720p i fitted some rgb fans to disguise the looks so if anyone came and saw it they wouldn't know how bad it was however it was considerably smaller baby noticed brad your pc is much bigger than that me i know so where is it here no you said you would give me your new pc me no i said i would give you a pc and this is my old one it runs all modern games at 720p 60. brad no i want the new one entitled mom walks in what's all the shouting about brad op won't give me his pc op you said you would give him your new pc no i said i would give him a pc and this is the one i'm giving him i've been saving up for three years and won't just give it away but you're like 12. you're too old for this pc keep in mind that baby was 11 and she claims to be such good friends with my family when i'm 15. dad what's going on me they are demanding he has traumatized my son after lying to him he said he would give him his new pc dad opie why are you giving your new pc away me i'm not i told baby that he could have my old one and now he's demanding my new one dad to entitled mom yeah that's not going to happen how dare you he is only 12. he is too young note my family aren't really famous but people know us as we are constantly donating a lot of money to help our park and things like that dad don't try and impress people by saying you're our friend when you don't even know my son's age nice dad entitled mom stop you always do this and baby be grateful or don't take it at all baby an entitled mom fine they storm out of the house nice dad sorry about that as he hands me 40 pounds me it's okay and thank you we cut contact with the entitled mom and baby but my dad still goes to the pub sometimes with nice dad no i'm not the manager so this was a few years ago so the details are a little fuzzy backstory before we start i'm a male with a shaved head and a neat goatee i was working overnights at a hotel and my uniform was a suit and tie i have a gold name tag with my name and no logo i needed to pick up a few things at walgreens after work and being right across the street i'm a regular there and i'm on a first name basis with a few of the employees cast includes not real names we've got me we've got bob the cashier maria actual manager and the karen i walk in at about 10 am and immediately pass by bob and maria with the usual morning maria morning bob busy morning just a little small talk since i'm there enough and they can vent to me being a regular i notice it's a little busy so i leave them to work and go to the food section to grab a snack and see that a guest has pulled all of the cans of something off the shelf being a decent human being i put them back and karen asks where the paper towels were and i tell her where they are again being there nearly every day and they were busy i get what i need and go up to the register karen is in front of me and in the middle of a screaming match with bob and maria karen get the manager now there are no cans that will expire next month they are all expiring this month maria yes ma'am i am the manager i'm very sorry but the shipment comes in tomorrow and we can even set some aside for you stop lying you stupid jerk i was just talking to the manager it is at this point karen turns to see me and with a polite excuse me sir can you give me a discount on this can me ma'am i don't work here i'm just shopping you were putting cans away don't lie to me now give me a discount bob ma'am he is a guest karen proceeded to take her can threw it hard at me it misses and shows us her favorite finger as she yells and storms out of the store the cops were called since there was destruction of property and the funny part of this story is the cops show up and immediately come up to me thinking i'm the manager ended up taking my information and maria paid for my two dollar bag of chips still went there every single day and i was always greeted with a hey boss man every time i went in my russian friend versus karen so i currently work at a mcdonald's as i am an entitled young person you'll figure out why i quoted that this mcdonald's is across from a walmart and today i decided to take a shift for someone a good solid eight hour shift actually anyway after work i decided to get some food for dinner and snacks for later at the walmart everything is fine and dandy and everyone seemed to be in a good mood since i just got out of work i was still in my uniform both our mcdonald's uniforms and walmart uniforms use pretty much the same pants or at least everyone in my walmart uses the same pants as us at mcdonald's here the pants are just some black basic pants that are made of polyester and some other material so they look nice it was also a rainy day so everyone was wearing sweaters and whatnot because it wasn't ideal to go outside in this weather after grabbing dinner and snacks i leave the store to go meet a really close friend who was waiting to pick me up outside i load the snacks into the back of my car and my friend asked me if i got my cousin a birthday present because it was his birthday yesterday unfortunately i forgot so i run in and grab a 50 xbox gift card for him coming back out i hear someone say hey you and even though it was rainy and windy i could tell it was a snobby directed tone a karen tone i continue walking to the car and at this point i hear a click of her high heels and the voice again just a lot louder and unfortunately the voice got louder too this karen was behind me and calling for me she gets right up in my face and in a really violent tone said excuse me you better put my cart away you little jerk i reply with a shy and quiet i don't work here this is mainly because i'm small and short and petite and this karen is yelling at me i also don't have good social skills the karen blurps out another but my caught away tiny yeah i know i was called tiny by a kieran thank god my friend was watching because she got out of the car and was like she doesn't work at walmart the karen scoffs and replies back he looks like he does besides he's a young person he can go put that cart away anyway my friend walked over to this karen and was like he is a she and she doesn't work here she's also not your slave regardless of their age or anything my friend raises her voice way higher than this karen who's bickering on how hard it is to push a card away ironic i know and screams out you better take your stupid lousy no no-good over-privileged self over there to that cart return yourself and you're going to put it there the karen just shut up and put the card away the karin was about to open her mouth and say something but my friend just screamed something at her which basically meant go forget yourself or something like that in russian that was that my friend told me she was getting the last word in regardless we drove off and went home to eat dinner and hang out so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not alright guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 241,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: BcitKNVMHks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 20sec (9260 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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