r/EntitledPeople Karen MOTHER Spends MY LIFE SAVINGS!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom steals my self-started college fund for sister's birthday so while growing up i found myself having a horde of entitled parents step and otherwise my mom was great most times but still felt entitled to my stuff as i was her kid onto the story when i was a kid after my twin brother got diagnosed with cancer i became obsessed with saving money for my future i figured if only one of us got to have one i'd have to make it awesome enough for the both of us he's in remission for 10 years next month but at the time i didn't know he'd live this meant on every holiday i found myself saving all the money i got because i was going to harvard i was going to have an awesome career and zero student debt i'd also mow lawns weed gardens as well as tutor and babysit kids when i got old enough at the point this story happened i had a happy 10k saved up not enough for all of college but only 3 000 less than my total loans for college i was also not allowed a bank account because of my age and no one wanted on one with me this meant i had roughly ten thousand dollars in 100 bills i'd trade smaller bills with my mom in my closet in a shoe box my mom had my sister when i was 14 and she was born very early 27 weeks and spent most of her first year in and out of hospitals so my mom has dedicated her life to making my sister's life the best it can be one day shortly after my sister was born my mom asked if she could borrow some money as they would be short on rent that month due to my mom and stepdad being at the hospital so much and having their savings depleted i made her promise to pay me back and handed her 500 from the box and told her to put it back in said box when she was to pay me back i checked two months later and she had paid me back cool then my sister's birthday rolled around it was an amazing feat that she had made it to one year my mom was ready to have a huge party she rented out an entire aquarium because my little sister loved ariel she got my sister a custom made dress that looked like ariel's pink one from the movie huge cake from the best local bakery tower of presents the whole nine yards near the end of the party she announced that she had taken notes from my thrifty saving and had started my sister a high interest savings account with one thousand dollars at the moment so when she turned 18 she'd be set she also informed family members that any money she received as a gift today would go there we weren't wealthy by any means so i figured that my stepdad's parents wealthy old money had paid for all of this i was 15 at the time this happened and with a permit from school i was able to get a part-time job i went to put my first check in my shoebox and i had noticed it only had one envelope in it versus the tin i had i opened it up expecting to count one thousand dollars but it was only 374 dollars showing whoever took it had the foresight to put back what they didn't use i had an absolute panic attack like fell to the ground screaming and hyperventilating crying unable to speak panic that's when my brother came in he wasn't sure what to do so he got my mom she got down on my level and soothed me to where i was able to communicate anything she asked what happened and here's the exchange roughly we've got entitled mom we've got me we've got my twin brother entitled mom now what happened everyone is alright are you okay me robbed we got robbed what do you mean honey i started crying again and i said i only have three hundred dollars i noticed my mom became slightly less comforting and her tone became slightly nervous entitled mom 300 did you take it she was referring to my brother brother no why would i steal from op i didn't even know she had money well op i'm sure you lost it no 15 year old needs ten thousand dollars anyways we'll get you a bank account that way this won't happen again me i didn't lose it well you must have thrown it away then or something that's when it suddenly clicked how my sister had such an awesome party me mom please please tell me that you didn't take it for sister's birthday my mom got defensive and started talking like and this is the best way to describe it a guilty don gone ronpa character during the rhythm minigame mom i would never what would i even use it for your sister has had a hard life you would be lucky if that's where your money went you even got the money from us only part of it but whatever i remember distinctly putting 500 in your stupid box brother oh my god mom's a thief i'm not the thief i've given everything so you kids can have the best lives i was at the hospital every night with you i shaved your head when your hair started falling out this continued and would be a lot of typing but you get the jest me mom you gave me that money because you guys didn't have rent twin brother that's missed twin brother out this is between op and i woman to woman she pushed my brother out and locked the door behind him entitled mom sweetie one day when you become a mom you'll understand that you'd do anything for your kids when god gives you two sick kids who get better you want to celebrate them don't you want your sister to have a good time doesn't she deserve to go to college one day you're so smart and strong you don't need help like the other two you'll probably get a full ride anyway i was in tears and too shaky enough to talk i just sobbed in the fetal position she continued to talk at me for a while but i don't remember much other than waking up there for school the next day with my comforter on me and twin brother sleeping in my bed with his blanket and pillow i never got any money back but after buying a small safe with that paycheck instead saved up more and worked two jobs when i was 16 so i could have money i ended up with about five thousand dollars after having to pay for my own car and insurance to get to and from work and a few other things have any of you guys ever had your parents take something that belonged to you and what would you do if you were in this situation please let us know she did nothing wrong if it belongs to my kids it belongs to me karen didn't like my answers to her questions even though i was relentlessly honest i'm telling you about one event but i must have a retail face because i'm approached so often i wear a suit at work when i call in at any shop on the way home i leave my jacket in the car so i'm just wearing a shirt and a tie i couldn't tell you how many times people assume i am staff if they're civil i'm civil if they're struggling i'm helpful if they're rude i have fun the reason i remember this one is because i've said all of these things separately before but this was the first time i got them all squeezed into one single interaction it just went so perfectly it will never happen again i had called into a large supermarket to pick up birthday candles i first saw the woman being very rude to another customer for no apparent reason she was just impatient and the other customer just wasn't moving fast enough for her liking so she was insulting her let's call her karen as she turned i saw the missile lock in her eyes as she spotted me she glumped over my way i decided to enjoy it and settled on being deadpan literal as a plan i looked away karen excuse me me why what have i done what she paused for a second looking like a dog that had been shown a card trick then angrily asked can you help me me i couldn't possibly know i don't know what you want where do you keep your eyelash curlers me i don't keep them anywhere yes you do i've seen them before i'm certain i don't i've never owned any my eyelashes managed to bend all on their own i'm more than happy with the bendiness of my eyelashes huh what no idiot i mean this shop where in the shop are the eyelash curlers i haven't got a clue why not i refer you to my previous answer i never use them karen ah are you trying to be stupid me no it's effortless this is insane are you going to find out where the eyelash curlers are or would you prefer that i speak to your manager me i'd say neither but if i had to choose i'd go for option b what you want me to speak to your manager no she shakes her head in an angry confusion and says you just said you did me no i didn't you asked me which i'd prefer if i was offered a rectal exam or a slap in the face i don't want either but i'd prefer the second to the first see how it works she stood in silence for a few seconds with her mouth open and the deepest frown she then built up to a shout with this is ridiculous me i completely agree where is your manager i'm not exactly sure but my guess would be at home with his family ah you'll be stupid who supervises you here at this store right now she actually stamped her foot twice when she shouted right now me nobody what why not me because i don't need to be supervised i haven't needed supervision in a shop since i was about nine years old oh my god it's like talking to the wall i could see that her shouting had attracted a member of management she was approaching quickly karen why aren't you helping me me why would i i think i saw a slight hint of understanding spread across her puzzled face you do work here don't you no why didn't you say so you didn't ask me until now the manager arrived just as karen shouted into my face you're a [ __ ] manager to karen madam please lower your voice and stop talking like that there are kids in the store manager to me what's happening sir me i'm not really sure this lady was being rude to another customer then she approached me and started to interrogate me about my personal grooming habits she wasn't happy with my answers and started to spit shout at me karen no that's not true i was shouting because i thought he worked here manager whether he was an employee or not you can't talk like that you can't treat customers or staff like this we do not tolerate it it's not my fault he's an idiot if he had she was interrupted by the manager please stop shouting the manager pressed transmit on her radio and said security urgent code 4 aisle 14 manager to me are you okay sir yes i'm fine i just needed birthday candles could you tell me where they are karen what the heck is going on manager to garen stop shouting if i have to warn you again you will have to leave the store manager to me they're on aisle 22. me okay thank you i started to walk away meanwhile karen was still shouting two security staff turned the corner and passed me on their way to karen i could hear her shouting for another 30 seconds the next time i saw karen i was standing at the self-checkout she was being followed out of the store by security staff she was complaining into her phone loudly but unclearly about the shop the staff and some [ __ ] as she left empty-handed do you think that [ __ ] was me i was wishing so hard for her to look left and see me but she didn't if she had shouted at me regardless of what she said i was going to raise my little box of candles and say yes thanks i found them the whole thing was so funny i almost broke and nearly started laughing when she stamped her foot in time with right now i've been mistaken for staff dozens of times but i've never had it go so perfectly probably never will don't expect a sequel have any of you ever played a trick on a karen and if you haven't would you if you had the chance please let us know i'll be the one playing the tricks around here oh come on won't be taught by a girl so he got fired so i used to work for my grandparents on an oil farm in texas i was 17 freshly graduated from high school and had moved from the midwest to texas to live with my grandparents and work on the oil farm they worked for doing some easy data entry the building was essentially a 10 building on the job site where my grandma and i the only two office workers besides my grandfather who was the foreman worked basically when the new hires would come in that had missed the initial hiring round i was the one that would make sure all their paperwork was in order and that they had all of their osha classes finished and if any safety training hadn't been done i would just put in the vhs tape and confirm on a written copy that they had finished it under my instruction this went on for two months and with no issues until one fateful day a regular florida man record in all came in as a new hire and came to my office to finish his new hire paperwork once he was in my office i found he had no safety training to speak of and i informed him his next day or two would be spent in my office watching safety videos all of this was paid of course he immediately flew into a rage screaming about how he wouldn't have some girl teaching him how to do his job which again i was a 17 year old female at the time i now identify as non-binary and was only going through company standards and osha rules with him i went to my grandfather who was my boss at the time obviously very confused and uncomfortable and unsure of how i should proceed to which my grandfather said you want to fire him cue my excitement my grandfather follows me to my office and i as a 17 year old get to fire this grown man sitting in front of me i start directing him to gather his things and leave and he starts up a huge fit yelling at me before he noticed my grandfather standing in the door with his gun holstered on his hip my grandfather usually kept this locked in a safe on the ground or in his truck i hadn't realized until after he had pulled it out just for me and very quietly then he got up and left the most satisfying moment of my life have you ever had someone mistreat you like this and if so what did you do about it please let us know i get mistreated by cashiers everywhere i go so i talked to the managers entitled mother wanted my 1500 euro pc build for her son so basically i am a 20 year old percussionist and i'm getting myself into digital music i'm just a newbie but i wanted to try it out i had the possibility of buying myself a rather high-end gaming pc since i worked a bit and i had some money to spare i'm also a bit of a gamer big lie i'm a total gamer so i decided to mix digital music and gaming and build a machine that could help me with both now here's where the choosing beggar comes in i live in a condo where my neighbors are a family of three with a kid who's around 10 or 11. i've talked with them quite a lot and i've helped their son choose his first personal computer two years ago but since now warzone came out his pc wasn't good enough and he needed a new one his mother the choosing beggar knew that i was building a computer and decided to knock on my door this morning here's the conversation hey i was just looking for you you're building a new computer are you me um yes why oh my kid says that his isn't enough and i was wondering if you could help him out me great i can suggest some parts and help him build one just tell me what's the budget notice that i wouldn't ask for money since he's just a kid and our families are in good terms choosing beggar oh here's the problem there's no budget me i can spend how much i want on his configuration no i was thinking that you should just give him the one you have now you're too old for games anyway aren't you i was still building the computer at this time and i couldn't believe what words had just left her mouth me why should i i'm building this pc for myself with my money here's where a lot of predators helped me in my last post and my social anxiety didn't kick in me again i will not give your kid anything choosing beggar but why you're in university now you don't have time to play games me you don't know how much free time i have and that's none of your business oh come on you're an adult now adults don't play video games adults do play video games and again what i do with my free time is none of your business you know you're never going to get a girlfriend like this and girls don't go after men who play video games me are you for real her tone was strangely kind at this moment and it just made me angrier of course just give it to kid he's still a kid and he needs it me good afternoon choosing beggar at this point i was so angry that i wanted to punch this jerk in the face but i just slammed my front door shut and walked back to building my pc basically this lady just wanted me to give my 1500 euro pc to her kid because i'm an adult and i need a girlfriend i mean i am single right now but i firmly believe that gaming is not the cause of that i want to thank the redditors that commented on my last post here the one about entitled mom wanting my drum set the words about my social anxiety and on how to act in certain situations really helped me out this time and i was able to react in a more calm and collected way even though i was angry as heck really thank you speaking of video games do you like video games and if so what's your favorite video game of all time we would love to hear from you my son loves fortnite and he plays it on his nintendo switch how to deal with a rude karen like a pearl one thing you need to know is i have some severe anxiety issues but this story happened maybe six or seven years ago before i developed the problem so i was a bit more brazen back then anyway i was shopping at this big blue store famous for their selection of cairns when i passed by this sweet little old lady she asked me to grab a case of soda off of the top shelf this is nothing new because i'm six foot six and people ask me to do a lot of stuff like this i also live life by the golden rule you are taught as a kid treat those how you want to be treated i got the soda for the sweet old lady and asked her if she needed any more help she declined and thanked me so i started to walk away to grab the other things on my list as i was walking down the aisle looking at my list trying to decide where i should head to next i heard two words shouted at presumably me you boy i look up and see this abomination of a karen sneering at me she had the classic haircut probably weighed more than me as an already overweight super tall giant in leopard print leggings and a shirt that she was probably three sizes too big for she had only said two words to me and i already didn't like her remember how i said i live by the golden rule well that works both ways and since she was rude out of the gate that must mean she wants to be treated rudely also i just wasn't exactly sure how to be rude to her yet get that soda off the top shelf for me now i'm in a hurry she said to me while her volume was turned up to 11 so i said i don't work here if you want me to help you i'm going to need a hero please first she shrieked obviously you work here i just saw you help that other jerk wow just wow now she insulted that sweet old lady after being rude to me then i decided what i would do based entirely off of what would be the funniest thing to do oh i'm so sorry about that which soda did you want again she pointed aggressively at a case of fresca on the very top shelf i grabbed the case off the shelf and went to hand it to her she muttered finally right before she grabbed it from me i quickly put it back on the top shelf and without looking at her just slowly walked away to do the rest of my shopping she shrieked a bit about finding my manager and getting me fired but i was just giggling to myself i ended up taking my sweet time shopping hoping she would show up with a manager just so she would embarrass herself more but i never saw her again i wonder how her family reacted to hearing the story of the rude idiot walmart employee she encountered that day speaking of soda what's your favorite soda of all time please let us know i could really go for a diet dr thunder right now temp principal demands me to shave my beard has it backfire on him it's high school and all us kids are returning from our two week off vacation sure enough we have an assembly in the pe building we all go in and i look to the front to see the vice principle and our main attraction of this story from here on out i will refer to him as professor why you may ask well to put it lightly if he didn't fit the stereotypical arrogant smug glasses down nose uptight professor from a high-end school then i don't know what is even his own stance had this i am so much smarter than all of you combined matter as all us kids find a place to sit the vice principal gets our attention he lets us know that professor will be our temporary principal for three months while our own principal would be away so we should welcome him to our school then it was the professor's turn it even spoke down to us thank you vice principal while i am new to this school i am from this other school as i expect nothing but the best from them i expect the same from you in case anyone is wondering the school he came from has one of the worst reputations in our region so why he walked around like he won all the nobel prizes was beyond me we were shortly dismissed fast forward to lunchtime and i am in my usual hangout area with my friends i should point out that i had a well-trimmed beard at the time i'll explain later why this is important as i am just chatting away when i see professor walking towards us i see him and thought you know i should welcome him so that's what i did me hi professor professor have a shave he didn't even look at me it wasn't even a request it was an order a sharp bitter order he just kept on walking like he owned the place while i just stood there shocked knowing in that moment that i was going to be in a world of hurt with him the next day my name gets called over the loudspeaker to go to the front office sure enough i do there i get ushered to the principal's office where professor is standing there he just points to his seat and i sit down as i do he starts you will shave again in that sharp bitter order tone um no you will shave knee in a jerk way no [Music] professor slamming his hands on the table i told you to shave so you will have a shave that's still a no professor collecting his stance but still firm it's against school policy to have any kind of facial hair so you will shave i smile like the cheshire cat now i promised you why i had a beard and in this short intermission will show why i was smiling you see this was my one real time i was ever rebellious in my school years and that i didn't know the school policy apart the basics this little line was used on me prior of him by the vice principal and a fellow teacher what i responded with was the same i gave to professor and to the vice principal prior prove it show me where it says in the school policy that no one can have any facial hair when you do i will gladly shave mine off and i expect that you will enforce the policy on yourself he had a beard also the other male teachers and some of the ladies too oh i can be a jerk when i choose to be or want to or just in general professor quickly backpedaling in his statement the policy is for students me still being a smartie it's school policy professor therefore the teachers must also follow it too professor is glaring at me rage in his eyes clearly never been spoken to by a student if you do not shave you will get detention i smile yet again why the school i went to was in a small town surrounded by other small towns i lived in one said small town that was a 30 minute drive away my only way to and from is one of the school buses my mother before i even started high school told me that if i got detention she by no means would pick me up i took that to heart me looking at the phone you want to dial or shall i professor looked taking back slightly but quickly got back to his normal self and got my mother's number the two talk as i am just watching his face go from determination to confusion to anger to confusion again and then defeat he hangs up turning to me furious he knows i know full well what my mother said to him then he gets an idea you won't get detention but for the next week you will get in school detention i was confused as i never heard of such a thing so i asked him what it was he told me that next week this was on a friday the start of second period recess third and fourth period i would be placed into detention where he expected me to do my schoolwork i look at him noticing the obvious flaw in his so-called genius plan he was punishing me by giving me free time professor smuggly now i will give you three days if you shave so what do you say i stand up i'll see you next week professor monday comes and sure enough i go to my in-school detention which was just in a small room next to the front office and the principal's office that was used for parent and teacher meetings i go in and spend my time just doodling on the whiteboard as i came to realize that i wasn't being supervised during my whole time in there tuesday i didn't even bring any of my school work just some drawing books and my game boy as i said in the front office waiting area two students see me student one hey op what are you doing here oh i got in-school detention in school detention i then explained what it was which both of them just laughed by how sheer stupid it was wednesday and i have two new inmates who are they student one and student two thursday we had two more by friday there were seven of us after my time was up i get called to the principal's office again and there's professor all smug-like so did we learn our lesson me with the most straightest of faces nope professor now furious get out i shrugged and left needless to say he didn't bother me after that my little story went wild through the school as more and more kids were getting in school detention because of him he soon stopped doing it after a month because the students that were getting it to what i can recall was in their double digits i was glad when he left so here i am in my 30s and yes i still have a beard now if you like this do let me know and if you want to hear more i got two more stories mr grumpy and the legend the myth and the horror of the red dragon hey karen can you read us our newest review we just got on itunes certainly tinkerbell sammy says you make it so i can enjoy reddit while having dyslexia i have dyslexia along with some medical issues so it's great to be able to listen to all the really good reddit stories it's also nice when i am drawing or playing on my switch so i can listen and play at the same time i listen to you all the time on youtube and now i can listen to you better on the go with the podcast thanks tinkerbell sammy we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes christian holier-than-thou entitled mom tries to manipulate me i gave her a taste of her own medicine this story happened earlier this week to preface this ever since the lockdown started my church has been having meetings online via live stream this has extended to small groups which are now done through zoom meetings this particular week was much like the others in terms of small groups bible talk cracking jokes and discussing pop culture however joining us this week was my friend's aunt from out of town the entitled mom of the story who from what i heard had a tendency to have a holier than now demeanor at one point of the chat we got to the topic of hobbies i took the moment to discuss my hobby of gaming my big mistake of the story i talked about my gaming collection of different gaming consoles super nintendo n64 gamecube playstations 1 2 3 wii switch game boy color and games that i've collected over the years which my friends found to be fascinating so on to the story cast we've got me we've got entitled mom my friend's aunt and we've got my friend so about 40 minutes after small group i get a phone call from my friend's phone number i picked it up only to be greeted by his aunt entitled mom hello op me entitled mom what a surprise well i'm calling you from friend's phone because i wanted to talk to you about something me okay what do you want to talk about during small group you mentioned that you had a collection of video games and video game systems me yeah what about them well you see it's just that strong christian men like you shouldn't be wasting time playing video games you should be dedicating your time towards getting married starting a family and teaching them the ways of god and the bible me dumbfounded wait what entitled mom remember the bible tells men to put away childish things and video games are definitely under that category me disgusted so what are you suggesting i do with my collection then entitled mom you should donate it to a child in need better yet my son loves video games and his birthday is coming up so you should give it to him i'm sure he'd be grateful me starting to get real angry i'm not sure i would feel comfortable doing that entitled mom i will tell you what i'm in town till wednesday i'll call you back tomorrow this gives you plenty of time to pray about it hopefully god convicts you to man up and put your childish things away good night now hangs up i sat there for a good 15 minutes with anger stewing in mind over the audacity of this entitled mom i wanted to call her back and curse her out until a light bulb went off in my head at the moment an evil grinch grin had crept across my face my mind had just formulated a perfect response to entitled mom's request the next day i spent the day waiting for friend's aunt to call me in the evening the moment came i saw my friend's number ringing on my phone and the evil grinch grin came back to my face me why hello entitled mom how are you today i'm doing well have you thought about our conversation from yesterday me why yes i have entitled mom what did you decide me and my best jolly holier than now joel osteen voice well i prayed long and hard about what you said and i spent some time reading the bible entitled mom and me well growing boys are very pivotal to the future of the kingdom of god and building a relationship with jesus is very important to their upbringing in all honesty video games are just going to be a distraction to him and time spent playing them is better dedicated to learning about the bible but that's remember entitled mom the book of proverbs tells us to start children off on the way they should go and ephesians tells us to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord so unfortunately i will have to pass on gifting your son my gaming collection however i will gladly send you a children's study bible and a dvd collection of veggie tales to friend and he can send them to you entitled mom but wait it's not going to be an issue me cutting her off but still in my jolly holier-than-thou voice i'm sorry entitled mom but i have an important dinner arrangement to go to goodbye now hangs up i turned off my phone after that to make sure that the entitled mom couldn't call me back later on that night friend sent me a message on facebook apologizing for his aunt's behavior apparently she took his phone behind his back to make both calls and he got really upset when he found out about what entitled mom was asking of me but at the end of the day i still have my collection and my hobby mario kart anyone speaking of video games what systems do you like to play or do you stick to pc please let us know your favorite console of all time my son just loves the nintendo switch and i love stealing them from people i want the original price worth of value the other day i had a couple of middle-aged women that came in for return claiming their phone screen protector was defective and that they had purchased it earlier that day they installed it themselves but there's a strange adhesive that's dried and fixed to the plastic definitely not their fault it's a cheaper protector marked down from forty dollars to ten dollars on clearance not a big deal it's an easy replacement sure i say it's defective we'll return or exchange it for you thank you woman a replies are we able to swap it for one of the forty dollar ones we can get you one of those so i select the appropriate glass protector and ring it at the till thirty dollars plus taxes is the difference no that's wrong she decrees that's not what i'm paying is it that's correct forty dollars minus ten dollars equals thirty dollars that's how much you owe woman a but the one i purchased is regularly priced at forty dollars you should give me that value for the protector back me did you pay 40 for this screen protector well no but that one she points to the defective plastic discarded to the side of the till isn't any good and i want the value of it back you're getting the value of it back we can swap it for the same one if you'd like and we can verify that it's in working condition hoping to provide a solution but it's met with an indignant no there's no way to check if the plastic is damaged before you unpeel it otherwise i would have seen it beforehand let's check and so i open the case and voila the plastic is perfectly intact okay so you're going to install it for me on my phone sure it's a 15 charge for us to install it we're happy to do it for you but it's zero for me because i'm such a great customer she was in fact not a great customer nope i can swap the protector or i can refund you the money i want to speak to your manager sure i'm the senior employee in our electronics department what do you want to speak about the management for this department won't be in until tomorrow the management on duty are from different areas and they will tell you the same thing i can offer you a refund for your screen case or exchange of the value you paid but i'm not giving you 55 dollars worth of product for free when you've only spent 10 dollars here is there a store manager i can talk to let me call over miss manager she's management after a minute miss manager comes over to speak with the customer woman a hi you're the manager this man has been presenting himself as management and he is refusing to help me i wanted to exchange this phone screen and he's not giving me the value of it back miss manager well he knows more about this than i do what did you say i repeat the same thing i've been saying for the last five minutes we can refund you your money or you can put the ten dollars towards a different screen protector miss manager that sounds reasonable to me which option would you like woman a this is unbelievable your other locations don't treat me this poorly i want the value of my case it's forty dollars me we're offering you the value back you paid ten dollars you get ten dollars just because it's on clearance doesn't mean you get the original price back woman b come on let's just take our business to the other store they at least know how customer service works woman a agrees and the pair leave without returning their screen protector they had spent 20 minutes arguing about me okay have a nice day do you think they should have let her do the exchange a lot of places actually will just to get rid of the problematic customer but what do you think please let us know of course they should have she deserved it my dad says he'll pick me up at dark well he hasn't picked me up so it must not be dark this happened about 10 years ago now and i have a good chuckle about it every time i pass the place in my car i'm a pretty meek guy so this is probably the only rebellious thing i did in my entire teenage life my dad owns a farm and being his son this meant that i had a job when i was a kid whether i liked it or not mostly i understood this but that didn't mean i had to like it i resented having to spend my entire days of summer vacation dawn to dusk and a tractor when it came time to harvest alfalfa which we did about four times between spring and fall basically imagine a teenager with adhd forced to sit in one place for 14 hours and you'll understand how it felt honestly if i wasn't a total introvert i might have snapped sooner so anyway it's the second day of harvest i've spent about 20 hours in total in a haybine by this point over the past few days and i ask my dad which fields to cut next and i ask him when i'll be done hoping in vain that i can leave and go play video games or whatever this is where the titular line comes in i'll pick you up at dark little does he know that my little teenage heart is clenching with righteous anger for all this wasted paid time so several hours pass and i'm understandably getting pretty irritable it starts getting dark and guess what no sign of my dad at the time it was becoming a bit of a recurring joke in my family about how my dad was always late so i knew i was in for the long haul then it occurred to me and the malicious compliance begins my dad said he'd pick me up at dark and he wasn't picking me up so that must mean that it wasn't dark yet and what don't you need if it's not dark outside that's right headlights so i continue going back and forth on this wide empty field squinting as the light continues to fade after sunset and stubbornly refused to turn on the headlights i can easily see the edges of the field of course but everything else is blending in pretty well i start purposely and accidentally leaving some shark fins which is what we call the mistakes that having operators leave between rows when they don't get any alfalfa a few small shark fins per field are fine even expected but these are on a whole new level my dad shows up after around 30 minutes of total darkness i forget our exact conversation but i do remember the result after asking me why i didn't turn on the lights and me telling him why he laughed uproariously and i still remember it fondly to this day i never did get any punishment i'm not even sure he understood the extent of the missed alfalfa it was dark after all and it was hard to see in the dim moonlight but whatever it was just a few rows i however liked to think he was a little proud of me because i was the type of teenager who never got into mischief i asked him about it recently and unfortunately he has no memory of the incident oh well i however will probably remember this little bit of malicious compliance fondly for the rest of my life it might have been pretty insignificant and motivated by laziness but it was also the first time i really stood up for myself against an authority figure have any of you guys ever lived on a farm and if not would you like to please let us know i need to have neighbors close by so that i can use them when i need stuff no i am not staff and no you can't crash my dad's wedding about a year ago my dad was getting married as it was his second wedding he did not want it to be a huge event and neither did his fiancee thus they decided to have their wedding with just 17 guests at the bookstore where they met oh it was cute and i wanted to throw up he asked me and my sisters to guide the other guests to the room where the ceremony would be held since we were there early to set up the bookstore was something of a maze as bookstores often are my dad's wedding was being held on the second floor so my sisters and i were stationed at various places on the first floor leading to the stairs which were hidden in a little corner in the back my sisters and i were dressed up but not wearing name tags or aprons like the people who actually worked at the bookstore that did not stop a parade of people stopping by and asking where to find certain books i don't know what it was about my appearance in particular but most customers came to me instead of my sisters i get that i was standing in a particular spot and that i could have looked like i was there to answer questions but the staff were busy shelving books dusting making coffee and generally being busy so i would have been a pretty lousy staff member just standing around like that one customer in particular approached me and asked if i knew where the painting that used to hang in the store was now i answered that i did not work here and was simply guiding guests to the room where my dad's wedding was to be held the man looked incredulous and asked me several more questions about the painting including who the artist was where the medium was the size of the painting and what the subject was after i answered that i did not know any of those things he was satisfied that i did not in fact work at the bookstore he then proceeded to say how much he loved weddings no matter who was getting married he asked where the wedding was being held and if he could go take a peek i answered that that would be really weird given that it's a private ceremony and my dad would probably appreciate it if he didn't he laughed it off and said ah well i'll come by and crash the wedding later i just love weddings so much i practically begged him to not crash my dad's wedding even just to watch because there were so few guests that it would just be painfully awkward to have some random man smiling in the back after a few moments of us going back and forth and him promising he'd be there whether we liked it or not he finally agreed to leave the wedding alone he stayed for a suspiciously long time in the bookstore watching all the guests come in he smiled ridiculously as my now stepmother walked in with her dress and headed upstairs provoking her to ask me and my sisters who was that creepy smiling guy standing around watching the entourage we responded he's just some guy who really likes weddings and asked if he could crash yours to our great relief he did not show up at the ceremony but the whole time i was worried about it sorry for being distracted during your wedding dad have you ever been to a wedding and if so did you like it please let us know oh i just love crashing weddings especially when the food is good must attend interview in person i was working for a university in the uk as an admissions officer when i decided to apply for the role of senior admissions officer in the same office i submitted my application and didn't hear anything for a while a week or so later i was abroad for a week to visit my family when i received an email to confirm that i got invited for an interview the next day at 9 00 am i replied and asked if we could postpone the interview until monday because i'd be back by then but they refused the lady who refused was my current manager and she knew i was abroad so i didn't think this was very fair i asked if we could do the interview over skype instead but she also refused this the interview time was set and if i was interested i would be there otherwise it's my loss i was ticked off as i couldn't believe how inflexible they were i started re-reading the email again and decided to go through the attachments to see what i had to prepare for the interview i noticed they added a travel expense form which stated that if you travel from five miles or further you could claim your expenses being abroad in europe is definitely over five miles so i decided to drive to the airport booked the last flight which was 350 pounds for a one-way flight got a cab from the airport and stayed in a hotel near the university as my house would have been at the other side of london i made it to the interview in time and they were shocked to see me as they obviously didn't expect me the interview went well but i did not get the job when i handed in my expense claim form i was advised that it only applied to uk travel and they refused to pay i asked them why they sent me the claim form when they knew i was traveling in from abroad and said that nowhere on the form did it state it was for the uk travel only they said it was their policy but i was not allowed to view said policy i was due a lot of money so i decided to file a freedom of information request for them to provide the policy this appeared to be a historical policy and as they could not send me the evidence they decided to pay my travel expenses which came to a total of over 550 pounds the policy has been updated since i don't work here lady i used to live here two weeks ago i was helping my dad install several new sets of doors to our old house we moved into our new house just over two months ago and we've been renovating our old house to rent out rather than try to sell it due to current circumstances we've basically completely redone the house aesthetically with new paint new flooring even some upgrades to make it more attractive and warrant a better price for it we made the decision to rent our house through a property management company the company basically acts as a middleman that handles any issues with attendance so my parents who own the house aren't acting as direct landlords and since we were just about done cleaning up the house to make it attractive to potential tenants and that it passed inspection our last minute door change was approved by the agency one of the employees from the company was offering tours to potential tenants they had organized by appointment it was around noon that the employee had just done the last of our rounds with potential tenants for the day and she offered me a small stack of her personal cards so anyone who came through interested in our house could call her to arrange a tour i took the stack of cards and put it in my pocket promising i'd hand the cards to any potential tenants who expressed interest about an hour or so passed and i'd taken a break to have some lunch i was sitting on the porch and looking out at the for rent sign when a lady came trotting down the sidewalk she looked at the sign and then looked up at me the stocky hispanic kid in jeans a t-shirt and some vans and marched her way up the walkway to the house lady excuse me are you doing tours of this rental i'd like to see the inside i stood up brushing off one hand to dig through my jeans pocket and pull out the company ladies cards to peel one off for her me the company actually just finished tours for the day but they gave me these cards here's the lady managing the property you can give her a call and set up a tour of the property lady can't you give me a tour me i mean i don't work for the company so i can't give you any official tour better for you to call the company and set up an appointment they're the professionals lady you don't work for the company then what are you doing here me installing some new doors the company told us it was okay so we just so you do work for the company she said this as if she just riddled out some great mystery me look lady i don't work for the company my dad's the owner of this property and he arranged with a company to handle the renting of this house i'm helping him install new doors so the house that i grew up in can be more attractive to potential tenants now if you want a tour you can call the lady handling the renting of this house here's her card have a nice day the lady just looked at the card looked at me and something must have clicked in her head because she just took the card and walked off the rest of the afternoon went pretty smooth i handed out about a dozen cards to other people who were interested in renting and the lady handling our house called my dad to thank me once we got home speaking of house upgrades what was the last upgrade you did to your house we'd love to hear from you we just got a beautiful piece for the living room that says live laugh love one of my favorite sayings karen calls cops on amazon driver this just happened yesterday and i am still trying to gather my thoughts i was driving a route that was given to me when i came into a neighborhood where there were some cones on the road close to the curb to let other drivers know that kids were playing outside these cones were the small regular orange ones with a light at the top of it to make them more noticeable the kids were playing in the yard and it was very big to run around in without running into the streets they were nowhere close to the road at all despite what people have said about amazon drivers we usually do follow the rules since we have people at the warehouse including amazon watching us i was driving a little below the speed limit since i saw the cones on the road and wanted to be respectful apparently this wasn't slow enough for the mother who was outside watching the kids she decided to start walking to my van and for her safety i started slowing down so i didn't hurt her since she was getting closer to my van as she is walking she is yelling at me entitled mom slow down there are kids playing outside and your reckless driving could hurt someone me no i was driving the speed limit plus your kids are nowhere near the road i can see your cones and know that the kids are playing i don't care if they are in the road or not you need to be more considerate of other people than yourself this carried on for a few more minutes me telling to her and her yelling to me i didn't want to deal with her anymore so i started driving off she decided to get in front of my van in the middle of the road to stop me from driving i yelled at her to move and she put her hands on her hips to say i'm not going anywhere i didn't want to deal with this crazy lady anymore and needed to deliver more packages so i turned my van to the left and then she moved to the left i turned my van to the right and again she turned to the right at this point i am a little past her driveway so i started backing up and she started yelling at me more i know your job is hard but you need to listen to me me please just go away you need to stop driving so fast at this point the father comes outside and tells the mother to calm down and stop yelling as i am backing up i barely touch one of the cones on the ground the father starts yelling about how i destroy his cones and how expensive they are and tells me how i owe them money for the cone i park my van and the mother is extremely close to my van now i open my door to look at the damage and the mother jumps in front of my door and then starts crying that i hit her with my van you hit me with your van i can't believe you hit me entitled father i can't believe you just hit my wife i'm calling the crops on you you're not going anywhere i get back in my van and call my dispatcher to let them know what was going on so i didn't get into trouble for being late to my next drop our deliveries are time-based and we can get into trouble if we sit too long the police arrive and they come up to me and ask about what happened the father and mother jumps in first entitled mom this man was speeding down the road at a high rate and i tried yelling at him to slow down he almost hit one of my kids then he got mad at me telling him to slow down and reversed his van and destroyed our cones then he slammed his door into me hurting me in the process entitled father i paid a lot of money for those cones and this guy destroys them all because he got mad at my wife the cones are to protect the kids from drivers like him he needs to pay for my cones me you both are lying i was driving a very slow speed when the mother decided that i was going too fast and stopped me in the middle of the road then when i tried to leave i accidentally touched one of the cones not even damaged and the father started yelling at me and called you guys as for hitting her she jumped in front of my door as i opened it i assumed to falsify her getting hit the officers looked at the cones and see that there is no damage to it and then went to the mother and told her police officer you know it's illegal in the state of texas to stop a moving vehicle in the middle of the road you are not allowed to block any kind of traffic if anyone has to pay anything it will be you paying a ticket i asked the police if i may go and he said yes i really don't like losing time and didn't want to be there longer than i needed to i don't know what ended up happening to the mother or father but i wish i could have remembered their address just so i could put a little piece of paper on their door that reads haha entitled parent has no courtesy so the entitled parent of my story is the worst kind of them all it's the kind you can't get away from because it's my own mother today we went over to my grands apartment for lunch a thing to note is that in my country it's common to have maids but my grandparents and my family until recently don't have any this is important for later into the story my grandmother is very active in the church so there was an event today and no one else wanted to go so i went instead before heading to the event i ordered a pizza for the family because no one wanted to cook the event lasted for about one and a half hours mostly just waiting around for the priest to show up and chatting with my grandmother's friends once it finished we packed up and headed back to her place since we took so long everyone else ate already and it was just me and her left eating at the table after we finished she was the only one cleaning i tried to help but she insisted i didn't meanwhile my mom was sitting at the sofa not moving mind you they left a bit of a mess as well now this is where the no maids comes into play for a good 9 months we only had a cleaning lady come on weekends at first i was the one cleaning the house and the dishes and we would have the laundry done on the weekends i soon got tired of this because my mom was a mess it would come to a point where she would leave plates cups and utensils in the sink bedside table dining table anywhere she could put them really all unwashed for days sometimes weeks her laundred clothes would be stacked on chairs and the side of her bed she would never sweep her room or wipe any of the surfaces she had dogs that just left and would let their poop accumulate in the backyard mind you she would never walk the dogs at all and one of them is a lab that was wildly untrained and out of control she even bit my dog but that's a story for another time and these dogs managed to go from fat and fluffy to skinny little things because she forgot to feed them basically she was operating as if we still had people to pick up after her whenever i would lecture her about it she would say those aren't mine i didn't use those or when she couldn't use that excuse don't worry i'll get to it we got into a huge argument because she didn't want to even look for new maids and stated well we can just clean the house ourselves the point was she couldn't even clean after herself i realized that during the time we didn't have maids she would spend more and more time at my grandmother's house all those times my mother didn't come home while we were maidless this is what she was doing to her she was leaving her 65 year old mom to clean by herself while she relaxed on the sofa watching tv she basically had a free maid to cook and clean after her this was probably going on for the longest time and i couldn't fathom how someone could just leave their mother to do all the work it was one thing to be lazy in your own home but in someone else's my grandmother afterwards started folding clothes so i started helping her out meanwhile my mom is still relaxing on the couch when it got really late like 12 my sister wanted to leave as she was the one driving my mom took forever to get up my sister got so upset she left so what does my mom do she then asks my gran for a glass of water when she was literally five steps away from the kitchen after a while i told my mom to hurry up because sister was waiting for her and it looked to me like she was taking her sweet time she then snapped with a yeah wait my foot is wet when she was done she was still looking around not caring about how long she was taking when we finally left the condo 15 minutes later we went down and had to walk and look for my sister a bit because she moved the car when we got in my mom threw my sister's bag out of her way so she could sit my sister's laptop was in the backpack and of course my sister is mad and says what the heck don't throw my things my laptop is in there hand me my laptop now mom is huffing and shoves the bag to my sister my sis hadn't put the car on neutral so i tell her to give it to me so i can check it while she drives after i make sure it's okay my mom asks for the laptop and she shoves it back into my sister's bag she's still upset for no reason i can tell because of the way the laptop thuds when it's tossed into the bag and i can hear her zip the bag roughly she doesn't even apologize and huffs and puffs in the back seat i proceed to drown her out with rap music this is the other entitled parent that i think receives little attention and exposure the kind that believes they don't need to have basic courtesy because we're family and when you live with someone it's obvious you'll see them at their worst her words it's the kind that chirps away at you every day with the small things they do because they can't empathize with anyone but themselves hey karen can you read us our new review we just got on itunes bubba says very epic the easiest way to browse reddit twice at the same time irate epic gamer out of karen nice thanks bubba we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes give my son a backstage pass bit of backstory i 21 mail work for a private company that gets hired out to work load-ins and loadouts for gigs that happen around my city and sometimes further afield our main client is the arena in my city we don't work directly for any of the venues we get hired by and we also have strict rules when it comes to the performer whose gig we're working at if we should meet the performer or a member of one of the bands other than a polite greeting we're not allowed to initiate a conversation unless they do it first a speak when you're spoken to kind of rule this will become relevant later there's also three groups of people who work at these gigs the stage crew that's us who will be wearing a hard hat a high visibility vest a random shirt cargo trousers or cargo shorts any colors and steel toe capped boots the security guys who wear a yellow jacket with the company's name on it with black trousers and boots and the arena staff who wear a black polo shirt or hoodie with the name of the arena sewn on and black trousers and boots this is also relevant later a bit of backstory on the entitled mom she's a friend of my mother's maybe in her late 40s or early 50s she has a son who's maybe 15 or 16. i'd never really spoken to her before this point other than a polite greeting if we bump into her at a supermarket her and my mother will talk for ages if this happens and she seemed nice enough my mother is also the humble brag type of person she'll brag about my sister's accomplishments and my accomplishments to anyone who will give her the time of day for example the other day i found out i had passed my college course and will be heading down to a different city for university later this year as soon as i told my mother she was straight on the phone to various friends to tell them she's far from entitled though so before the lockdown restrictions a band who is fairly popular especially with the younger people played a gig in our arena and i got the call to work at the gig the day before the gig my mother got a phone call from entitled mom i was in my room doing whatever and my mother knocks on the door and says op it's entitled mom she wants to talk to you she hands me the phone and goes back downstairs me hello entitled mom hi op your mother tells me you work at the arena now me sort of i work for a private company that the arena hires to set up shows and tear them down cool will you be working at the concert tomorrow me yep entitled mom cool kid will be attending the show with his dad would you be able to get him backstage afterwards he'd love to meet the band quick side note here the arena doesn't do backstage passes and they don't let the public backstage after gigs some bands will offer vip upgrades to their tickets where you get to meet the band before the gig and sometimes some other cool stuff as well not every band does these though they're also usually quite expensive i got a vip upgrade for a gig for my mother for my birthday last year which included an exclusive soundcheck performance q a with a band photo opportunity and a couple of other things this was 75 pounds on top of the 35 pound ticket me we don't work directly with the band usually we don't even get to meet the artists we work with have you checked to see if the band are doing vip upgrades i don't think they are plus it would probably be really expensive the ticket price was bad enough me fair point sorry i don't think i can help you i don't think the arena does backstage passes and don't normally let members of the public backstage entitled mom is clearly annoyed by this okay can you ask around tomorrow at the load-in shift me nope the arena probably won't budge unless your kid is really ill or in a wheelchair how damn you speak to me like that hand me back to your mother i go back downstairs and hand the phone to my mother entitled mom tells her that i was rude to her and refused to get her son backstage my mother told her that she'd deal with me and hung up the phone she then told me that entitled mom threatened to come down to the arena and give me a piece of her mind she then told me to not worry she knew i wouldn't be as rude to her as she was making out and that she probably wouldn't follow through on her thread the next evening i arrived at the arena with a couple of my colleagues at 9 30 pm about half an hour before our call time our call time is usually half an hour before the show finishes to give our boss time to make sure everyone who said they'd turn up has turned up and so we can find out our role for the load time lighting stage trucks etc get our color-coded hi-viz which we occasionally get to keep and wear at future gigs and our sub crew manager for whichever role we've been given can explain the game plan for the shift the security guys also don't let us in until our boss arrives with a list of who's working that shift so once we were suited and booted we headed to the gate to wait for the boss and i lit up a cigarette and scrolled through my phone about 10 minutes before call out of the corner of my eye i saw entitled mom storming up the path of the side of the arena towards me i put my phone in my pocket and prepared for the verbal storm i was about to endure entitled mom op your mother said you'd get kid backstage after the gig hand me your pass she held out her hand expectantly i don't have my pass yet the boss hasn't turned up anyway my pass is a work pass so unless kid wants to work tearing down the show it was a heck of a show to set up so it'd be even more fun tearing it down sarcasm my past is worthless to you i'm pretty sure he's too young to work it anyway you have to be 18 to work for our company surely you had a pass for the morning give me that me that was for the morning it's expired now entitled mom turns red at this point one of my colleagues notices the commotion and heads over colleague hey op what's going on before i could get a word in entitled mom yells in her face this boy said he could get my son backstage after the gig and now he's refusing to let him in give me his pass colleague whoa whoa whoa i'm not the boss i don't have the passes his pass is a word pass we're not even allowed to speak to the band let alone ask them for favors entitled mom started yelling a blue streak at my colleague and then got the attention of the security guard security what's going on here entitled mom he said my son could get backstage to meet the band and now he's saying no the security guard glances at entitled mom then me then entitled mom and then me again with a suspicious look on his face security is that true sir you know the rules in regards to this sort of thing me no i've repeatedly told her i can't get her backstage even if i wanted to security ma'am i'm going to have to ask you to leave quite frankly he's not my staff and i don't care if he gets crap from people but his boss definitely won't appreciate anyone harassing his employees like this entitled mom i'm not leaving until my son can go backstage the security guard lifts up the walkie-talkie in his jacket as if he was about to summon more security to physically remove entitled mom before he could press a button entitled mom gave off a massive and stormed off as she was leaving everyone else around started bawling with laughter and she turned around and shot us a glare that could kill thanos if looks could kill and we all unanimously gave her the finger that gave those of us that were there a good laugh and a bit of pre-work entertainment and really boosted our morale for the entire shift so thank you entitled mom your entitled idiocy meant we went to work happy have any of you ever been to a concert if so what concert was it we would love to hear from you ariana grande for the win hero manager takes revenge on terrible repeat customers i waited tables back in the late 90s sunday was always busy right after lunch this one couple was there every sunday sometimes just the two of them but often with five to ten others they were very demanding rude and never left a tip after drawing a huge zero on the tip line they'd hand in the credit card receipt to the server and say sorry we only tip god on sundays we tie that church their bills ran from 200 to 600 from that day on servers refused to wait on them arguments ensued and the manager finally agreed that he'd be the one to serve them the customers thought he did this because they were special these people drank a lot bellini's margaritas and daiquiris fruity drinks you couldn't taste the booze in ten times out of ten they'd complained that there was no alcohol in them and demand another shot we said fine but told them they had to pay for it they'd argue complain moan huff and puff and finally relent the kicker was that they wouldn't just accept the shots and shot glasses so they could add it themselves they demanded the original drinks be taken back to the bartender because they wanted a professional to do it the manager ever so patient would then collect all their glasses and haul them back to the bar meanwhile they'd send their food back berate any employees walking by because the room was too cold or too warm toss trash in the center of the room and then demand discounts for everything one sunday i was at the bar waiting for drinks when the manager plunked down a tray with six daiquiris all returned by that table the printer rang out as he had put in an order for shots to be added to them knowing the habit they had of returning their drinks he had asked if they wanted an extra shot before putting the drink order in they acted offended and accused him of trying to force them to spend money on something they may not need so he went through the motions of bringing them out having them taste it and the eventual complaint that they were too good to have alcohol in them the bartender reached for the tray of drinks but he stopped her he smiled asked her about her day so far she replied and they bsed for a minute then he picked up the tray and started walking back to the dining room the bartender started to say something but he said loudly thanks so much and kept walking he delivered the daiquiris back to the table where they all sucked on their straws and agreed it was much better when the bill came as usual they didn't tip him a penny at the end of the shift the manager called for an impromptu meeting we all converged in the bar area and watched as he went behind the counter and poured several shots of rum he handed them out to us and then held his own up to toast this shot is compliments of table 44 today their way of apologizing for treating you all so terribly and that's how it worked every sunday afterward they came in demanded more booze paid for it thought they got it and then after we closed the staff enjoyed a drink on their behalf those who didn't drink or calmed a meal those horrible people were finally banned months later after throwing a plate of food on the floor because their fries were not crispy enough we were glad to see them go but also missed the mini happy hour that they had allowed us to enjoy have you ever sent anything back because it didn't taste right if so how did it go please let us know i do all the time if i'm paying for it i deserve something good i can't fix a fence i don't own a few years ago i was walking my dog past a rowboat club place where they do races and lessons sometimes for events the parking lot gets pretty full and it was one of those days as i walked past the parking lot an angry gentleman got my attention disgruntled rowboat boomer you really need to fix that fence it's been like that for six months he gestures to the fence between the rowing club and house next door which is broken and has fallen across part of the parking lot me confused but trying to be sympathetic i'm sorry i don't work here him i know that but that's your offense so you need to fix it listen i know it broke because of all that heavy snow we got this winter but it's been six months it's taking up two maybe three parking spots me oh that's not my house either he scowls in utter disbelief what do you mean that's not your house me i'm just walking my dog i live half a mile away him i've seen you around there it's not that hard you pick up a phone book you look up fence repair it's absolutely ridiculous every time i come here it's a giant pain in my butt to find parking me that's really annoying but i don't live there so i can't help you him well she's your neighbor then can you tell her to fix her fence me she's not really my neighbor like i said i live half a mile away but you talked to her i saw you talk to her this has been going on for six months and nothing's changed i realized he just wanted to yell at somebody so i finally walked away i wished i threw his phonebook comment at him and told him he should look up any random person and yell at them instead they have just as much to do with this as me yes i am the temporary manager karen's really don't believe you if you look young huh a bit about me so it's easier to understand the situation about a year and a half ago i worked at a grocery store one of many and i got the job as a manager now note i wasn't a full manager i was simply filling in till someone else comes in as i did not have the full training for it i had only worked at the store for eight months but was more than capable of doing a manager's job ordering counting the money closing up and opening making sure everything is up to date i was doing my job i did however look young as i actually was the store i worked in had many rude customers who would walk in looking to cause trouble as if god had sent them on a mission and said go my child ruin some poor cashier's day so a day like any other i'm in the dairy section looking for things that are going out of date the only employees are two cashiers one janitor and me i hear a commotion at the cash registers but since my co-workers are way older than me i figure they can handle the situation keyword figure i hear someone stamping towards me it's like the gates of heck opened and this absolute unit of a karen marches towards me her face filled with anger she takes a look at me turns around and stomps back what i clearly have a little name badge which says op manager i heard commotion again but i am on a tight schedule here so i continued taking out all of the bad cheese not one minute later i hear stomping again and the most annoying squeaky voice she asks are you the manager me yes how may i help you karen no you can't be the manager you are an impostor i know all the employees in this store and you are not one i don't know why she's screaming at me but in a calm voice i say i am the temporary manager is there anything i can do for you she yells i demand the real manager a kid like you cannot be one give me the real manager i try to explain that i am one but she keeps screaming like a pig i tell her that she can call my boss there's a number near the exit on the board and she storms out i hear her complaining about how i'm a liar and won't get the real manager out how there's a kid at the store who is working illegally how i'm incompetent and should be fired if i really work there ten minutes later my boss pulls up explains to the karen that i am in fact a manager and asks again how i could help turns out she ate a whole 24 pack of sausages and only then noticed they were three days till the expiration date not even expired and demands a refund she got kicked out speaking of groceries where do you get your groceries from please let us know i prefer kroger myself wearing combat boots during nursing school back when i was in nursing school we were supposed to wear black non-porous closed-toed footwear with non-skid soles for our clinical rotations that weren't crocs most of my fellow female students wore classic nursing clogs like dasco's encinitas i tried wearing clogs like this in the past and had rolled my ankles too many times to recall so i decided to not go that route for shoes i'm a military spouse a vet myself and half aforementioned messed up ankles so my footwear of choice was a pair of black leather tactical combat boots as a show of support and to make sure i always looked sharp at clinical my hubby always shined up and edge dressed my boots every evening before clinical the next morning the boots always looked professional they were comfy as heck i could bump my toes into beds without breaking a toe and i could wear them all day without having back pain foot pain or rolling an ankle the same could not be said for my classmates wearing more traditional shoes like clogs during the first week of my first semester i had an old school nurse as my clinical instructor i say old school because she believed female nurses should still be wearing crisp white uniforms with that stupid starched hat and that our profession lost prestige when we transitioned to scrubs this instructor got such a b in her bonnet about my boots and decided that my boots were out of regulation that she threatened to take it up with the director and have me tossed from clinical thus failing the program there was nothing in the handbook specifically stating i couldn't wear my boots since it just stated footwear which was black well-maintained non-skid and non-porous check check check check furthermore the pair of boots that i wore were meant to be worn by emts so they were waterproof bloodborne pathogen resistant puncture proof oil proof non-skid and had reinforced toes they were just as expensive as clogs and could handle a lot more i knew i was in the clear and so i decided to keep on wearing them the day after the instructor commented on the inappropriateness of my boots she did a uniform slash shoe inspection to make sure we were appropriately attired i of course was wearing my nicely polished combat boots she failed me for the day based on my boots so i politely objected stating that my boots fell within the definitions of acceptable footwear in the handbook she literally marched me to the director's office like i was a kid caught stealing cookies and demanded i get tossed out for the boots failure to follow program rules and disrespect because i objected to her failing me the program director upon further close reading of the program regs determined that there was nothing that was wrong with the boots they adhered to the standards set forth by the program and that they were honestly safer than most of the shoes the other students were wearing because they were waterproof puncture proof non-skid and had reinforced toes she rescinded my fail and allowed me back in clinical after that i heard not a peep about my boots from any of the faculty the rest of the program fast forward to graduation i had been wearing combat boots since i started and had no intention of stopping especially since many of the vets that i cared for during clinical always reacted positively to them our nursing painting ceremony the event where we receive our nursing school pins and are officially recognized as nurses has an all-white dress code white uniforms starched white hats white closed-toed footwear the word footwear is key the dress code did not state shoes specifically and i knew this same jerky old bat nurse sees me in the hall and makes it a point to tell me i'll have to get some real white nursing shoes to wear to pinning since i can't obviously wear my black combat boots because we needed to have white footwear i politely smiled nodded said that i'd have white footwear and went on my merry way and then wore the all-white doc martin combat boots my infantryman husband bought me as a graduation gift to pinning the instructor stopped me after the ceremony and complimented me on actually getting nursing shoes at which point i pulled up the leg of my white scrubs and showed her my boots the look on her face was priceless have any of you ever worn boots and if so did you like them please let us know i like those boots with the fur apple bottom jeans the angry lady and the chick the first attempt at the time this story takes place i was a young assistant manager of a clothing store and training to take over the store from the existing manager who was moving on to another store that was set to open soon during my training it was made clear to me that we could only accept checks paper checks that should give you an idea when this took place that were drawn on a bank located in our state we were forbidden from accepting starter checks checks where you had to write in the name and address as well as checks drawn on banks that were out of state even if that bank also had branches in our state now the first two were down to simple fraud as there was at the time a thing where people would deposit the minimum amount to open an account get the starter or write-in checks and go on a spending spree it'd take three or four days for the fraud to be found out and by then the person was long gone the last one the out of state thing though well that one was harder to explain see at the time the state i was in had this law on the books that basically stated that if a person from out of state bounced a check then that person would be charged with felony fraud charges even if it was the first time or just a simple mistake furthermore any employee who accepted an out-of-state check regardless of how long they had worked for the company would be fired on the spot so on to the story it's getting close to christmas and business is booming even for our small store it's apparent we're going to make well above what we had projected of making in sales based on past sales i'm doing my thing in the men's department working on selling a suit to a gentleman when a call comes over the pa management to women's apparel for customer assistance okay that's rare usually meant some customer was acting like a jerk to a cashier for something but truth be known that rarely happened usually the customer just came to track down any available manager i passed my sale off to the clerk and head over in the direction of women's apparel dot not her name the women's department manager is standing at the register with this lady who i'll call princess due to how she was acting dot says something to the lady whose face is messed up like she took a massive bite out of a salted lemon and then heads my way mr fox we have something of a problem here dot says gee you think i find myself thinking as dot explains the lady in question had been shopping for christmas gifts for her family and had pulled together close to two thousand dollars worth of various kinds of clothing shoes and cologne slash perfume items what's more she had asked to pay with a check ah so you need me to verify it due to the amount i asked that was another weird little thing with the store checks over 200 had to have management verification or approval to be used it was more of a formality than anything and we tended to just check the id and then initial them before heading back to whatever we were doing ah no well yes but no there's a problem dodd says and hands me the check i glance down at it and see it's drawn on a florida bank and inhale sharply i glance back at the lady who's giving me looks that could kill and back to dot so what do we do dot asks i shrug and tell her that i'll handle things and approach the lady who gives me one look of pure distaste before crossing her arms expectantly well princess asks and then points is my money good enough for you it takes everything in my body not to just say no and walk away well there's a problem with the check i say politely as i possibly can what do you mean there's a problem princess practically yells well i hate to say this but we can't accept this form of payment from you i start i don't finish it though as princess yells why the heck not she then starts interrupting me every time i try to explain before i get a bit exasperated with her and say would you please listen to me for a moment i'm trying to explain the issue to you it's not just a company policy this is based on a state law she looks ready to start in on another rand and i take that pause as she draws in a breath to quickly explain state law says that if i accept this and it fails to go through regardless of if it's just a communication error your bank's closed the day that they call for payment or god forbid it bounces then a felony warrant for interstate fraud would be taking out on you and you will be arrested and charged the penalty for that being a fine of about fifty thousand dollars and a minimum of five years in state prison well my money is good she spits at me figuratively not literally be that as it may i can't accept this i say standing my ground well wally will does she retorts they're able to instantly draw from the bank account we don't have that system here it doesn't hurt that they have stores in your home state and we do not do you have any other method of pain i ask again through mildly clenched teeth as she's getting on my nerves at this point princess just points at the check that's it so either take it or i'll take my business elsewhere i'm done with her at this point and turn to dot go ahead and put that all in the back we'll put it back on the shelves in the morning i say and hand her the check back from the shocked look on her face it's apparent she didn't expect me to actually stand my ground dot proceeds to grab up the items doing as i instructed while i hand princess her check back she just stands there looking like a fish out of water for a bit and then heads outside i figure she's leaving i was wrong probably 20 minutes pass when in comes a couple police officers they head over to speak with dot who calls management back to her department as i approach i see that princess is there along with the officers one of them approaches me and says that princess had called back to report that i had stolen purchases she had made taking them and putting them in the back after she had already paid for them the officers wanted my side of the story which i gave within earshot of princess she ended up shooting herself in the foot about halfway through the officer talking to me as i was explaining the problem to him by screaming tell him that he has to take my check i want my purchases the officer promptly turns on her and asked her to repeat that and she does before he says i thought you said you had already bought them she blinks realizing her mistake but the damage is done the cops are simply done with her they instruct her to leave making it very clear that everything i had previously said about the check was true if oversimplified she however refuses to leave doubling down on the idea that she would force us to take her check at this point it's close to closing i've got work to do and this lady is giving me a pounding headache i want her out of the store pure and simple so i opt to try one more thing i turn to the officer and say i don't want her in the store and i don't want her ever coming back the officer nods understanding the wording here and tells princess in no uncertain terms that she's now trespassed from the store and if she ever sets foot in again she can and will be arrested princess eventually does leave and the saga of dealing with her ends for about six months it was a nice quiet time right up to the point that her door face once more darkened my store's doors speaking of checks when was the last time you actually wrote a check please let us know oh i love writing checks but especially bouncing them no i don't need to see your bank statement hello this occurred just yesterday in the midst of reopening i am the manager on duty in this situation cashier calls me over because she has an angry customer wanting to return a 60 item and have two items price adjusted because after reopening we took large discounts on most of the store her purchase was from before our company shut down i approached with the intention of just giving her the few bucks difference but realized i was walking into a stranger situation immediately ladies start saying a previous manager had accused her of stealing in front of everyone and embarrassed her and said she needed a receipt to take the items back i know there is no way in heck my sweet peer would have accused anyone i noticed she has a photo of her receipt on her phone she had come back in with a photo to try a second time i felt happy i could resolve the situation and get her out but no doesn't in there the photo only included the part of the receipt that showed a charge from her credit card no date transaction info store location etc it was missing all the info i would need to pull up the transactions on my point of sale also our point of sale does not allow our return to a credit card without this info the software literally doesn't allow it and there's no way to override i explained to her that the info i need is missing and asked the lady if she had the bottom of the receipt she said she doesn't have the receipt anymore just the picture how did she suddenly get this picture that she didn't have last time i let her know i would be happy to give her a store credit for the item to return she became more and more angry saying that she had her bank statement and i need to put it back on her account i apologized and explained that our point of sale won't allow me to do that and there is no override she demanded i call someone i let her know that there is no one who can override it i said i could attempt to look at my transactions for that day and see if i could pull it up for her but our systems probably don't go back that far as i leave to go do this i hear my cashier ask if she doesn't mind stepping aside because there's literally a line to the back of my huge store and only three cashiers people can't wait to shop after being cooped up but staff is afraid to return crazy busy lady refuses and says no i will wait right here for her that's when i started getting upset at this lady it's not everyone else's fault that you didn't keep your receipt at this point i actually believed there was some fraud going on like she may have already returned the items and just came in and found the item on the floor and was trying to return it again anyway our systems did not go back that far when i returned she then demanded i call customer service right now for her because she has waited long enough i let her know they were closed but i would try in the morning she then tried to leave the item with me so i could figure it out and then do a credit to her account so she wouldn't need to come in again i then explained that we can't do remote refunds the card needs to be physically inserted into our pin pad i dealt with her for almost 40 minutes with a huge line as we were closing i even offered to let her cut the line next time just take your stupid store credit keep your receipts don't be so rude to hold up 150 other people don't accuse people of saying you stole don't call me a liar that i can't just refund your account where the heck did you get this photo if you don't have the receipt also i noticed she hadn't even brought in the items she wanted price adjusted but i got so caught up in trying to get a receipt info i didn't even address it hey karen can you read us our new review we just got on itunes getty tinkra says it's funny how stories that would usually make me anxious are delivered so calmly i can actually relax and fall to sleep to them love the voices you do for the characters hope you're staying safe and sane and thank you for my daily doses of reddit thanks kitty we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes manipulative power hungry ant torments my family for years costs her three hundred thousand dollars players we've got myself male late thirties we've got sister who's three years younger we've got aunt older sister to my mother we've got mother single mom adopted no blood relation to my aunt we've got cousins three total one male two female i have good relationships with them now mostly my estranged father who had been living several countries over is pretty much out of the picture by the time my parents got their divorce when i was nine due to financial hardship we were forced to live with my aunt and the nightmare of a household we would soon find ourselves in my aunt married into georgia wealth and you can figure out what that means on your own she had three kids and eventually caught her husband having an affair it's a huge scandal she gets the house the kids and a fat payout from the family attorney this is important because my aunt didn't do a darn thing in her life to earn her money her house her lifestyle or basically anything she was born poor along with my mom under her household she was drunk with power years of therapy have allowed me to recognize that certain people when in a position of power get a perverse pleasure in ordering others to do their bidding she was the strictest of authoritarians in every possible way you could imagine chores had to be completed by an exact specific time vacuuming by 3 45 pm dishes by 3 55 pm laundry days for my mother and us kids or tuesdays and thursdays 5 35 pm to 7 55 pm if it was still running she would shut the power off for the two units as we grew older her own kids opted to stay with their father for full-time custody and she had them on weekends even they couldn't stand her when she was in charge and in the house as time passed she got them less and less opting for alternating weekends as high school activities took precedence over time with mother for my sister and i the large six bedroom house was not ours for the taking my mom had to pay rent as well as rent for one bedroom as that was all she could afford on her salary we had to share a bedroom until my second year of high school all the while there was one spare unused bedroom available at all times my aunt needed this for guests when they stayed over not one guest stayed there in the entire 10 years i was under that roof finally the church we attended told my aunt to give up the spare bedroom so my sister can have her own room as it was unhealthy for two teenagers to share a room together like that that infuriated my aunt because someone told her what to do in her own household my sister and i got the brunt of her wrath as my mom's salary was tapped out my sister and i had to do extra chores like mowing the lawn trimming the shrubs cleaning the pool which we could no longer use without her being outside watching us my aunt's behavior was becoming more and more outrageous and disconnected from society for example she had always snapped her fingers when she wanted to get someone's attention but it was getting far more frequent and she would blow up into a tirade if either my sister or i didn't obey her own kids tried repeatedly to tell her that the crap she was doing was wrong but she wouldn't listen eventually they wanted nothing to do with her outside of the home she was a tyrant there and repeated intervention to get her to see the folly of her ways would fall on deaf ears i snapped all through high school i had no confidence as a person i was weak willed and growing ever distant from friends and society i say this in all truthfulness and fear but had circumstances continued the way they had been going i could very well have done something horrible i was that bad off i had just graduated high school and started my first semester of community college i'm two weeks into my classes attending from home when my aunt drops a bomb on me you owe me money for this month's rent the same amount for next month's rent as well it is the 27th after all you're an adult now you're out of high school and working now so you need to pay rent the heck i blew a gasket as i yelled back you can't just suddenly decide to charge me rent just because you feel like it i need 30 days of notice i have rights my aunt yelled at me some bs excuse that she had discussed this with my mother and it was decided that i needed to pay my own rent now in some miraculous backbone move of which i still have no idea how i stood up to her i yelled right back at her if i'm an adult then treat me like one and talk to me about my rental agreements i'll start paying you rent in 30 days starting the first i turned my back to her and walked away with my fists bald tight i was furious with anger but i walked away my aunt saw my fists from behind and screamed that i was going to attack her no i wasn't she snapped her fingers at me repeatedly on my tail to get my attention but i didn't turn around i needed to cool off and clear my head as i turned the corner she grabbed my wrist yelling i'm not finished talking to you i threw my still balled up fist forward keeping with my stride to break her grip as i hadn't stopped my momentum this caused her grabbing arm to slam hard into the corner of the wall that i had just turned into she screamed but i left the house and took off the aftermath of that incident was that my aunt called the cops on me in an attempt to press charges she was taken to the hospital and suffered a fractured wrist and she was put in a cast slash sling i don't know as i never saw it and never inquired further her story changed every time she told the cops what happened while my story was spot on every time i can still recall that moment down to the smell in the house where i was facing the working and non-working light bulbs etc forever ingrained in me i was kicked out of the house and i couldn't visit my sister or my mom there at the house again fine by me as i didn't want to see my jerk aunt ever again i was happy to meet my mother and sister at the local diner or outlet we could be ourselves there and not hostages in our own home years later my mom wised up and got out of that horrible relationship with her sister and moved out on her own she got a temporary nice place invested wisely and with the help from the church got help getting a place of her own in 2009 after the housing crisis she bought her own place that she could never have afforded on her own prior to the market crash but some good came out of it she wept knowing that my sister and her family and myself can come visit anytime and stay over the years i've been able to forgive my aunt not forget forgive i've let go of a lot of my anger and hatred towards her that she put me through but she has no leverage or control over us she's a somewhat decent person for being a total jerk of a person my cousins have calmed down heard my sight of what happened those years ago and know what kind of a person i am compared to what kind of a person their mother is they chose to believe me and know that i didn't hurt her like she continues to claim the revenge while i have been able to forgive my aunt for what she has done to me i cannot forgive her for what she did to my mother kept her in financial hardship for a decade while she sat on a bank account full of cash and assets or what she did to my sister forced her to pay damages because the water heater burst while my aunt and mother were away one weekend leaving my sister at home she didn't discover the flooded room for hours my aunt's reasoning it was her responsibility to wash the house not the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain slash replace the water heater before it goes let's leave that up front 5 000 financial burden before the flood insurance kicks in on a 16 year old i've had little to no contact with my aunt since i was kicked out of the house nearly two decades ago but i do keep in constant contact with my cousins while i'm not going to divulge what i do for a living i can say that i work with and for the government i've worked my butt off getting to where i am today i'm known for being truthful wise and giving good advice when needed because of this i often talk financially with my cousins all of whom are money smart and are doing well for themselves they often then relay this information to their scheming mother who has no mind for business and investments all that money she got from her house sale her divorce settlement her previous investments is pretty much gone i spent years planning on the perfect trap and it took a long time to prepare everything to make sure everything appeared right i am not a lawyer and i don't pretend to know the law but i do know the regulations and laws pertaining to insider information this is not that 100 certain of it and if i ever go to court i know my lawyer has a solid case in my defense but is this a gray area most definitely i let it slip to my cousins about some future real estate plans near my aunt's new area of living it may be worth a lot more because of future development taking place in that area all of that was true and backed up by what was in the newspaper and new construction signs that newly appeared on google maps at the time the rest was fabricated by myself backed up by actual information i looked up on real estate websites and on projects i was working on through my work the telephone game takes place and a few weeks later i presume my aunt starts making phone calls to real estate agents trying to buy lots of land in the undeveloped crappy area of her new house over the course of a few months to a half a year she spends 300 000 of her last remaining savings on land hoping it will pay out when the area around it gets developed in the upcoming years only hud slash government slash city doesn't have any plans to develop in those immediate areas in fact analysis showed that building in those areas was poor planning and would cost the taxpayers twice to three times as much as the land was not environmentally sound it was best to build six miles away this post was long overdue because it's been over two years since my aunt purchased land that is basically worthless see she won't sell the land unless she gets at least the same price she paid for it because she's the owner of that land can't tell her what to do on her own land sweet karma strikes in a way i couldn't possibly have foreseen my cousin informed me that the value of the land has decreased significantly because it's not environmentally sound to build anything commercial there but it's zoned for commercial use currently three out of the four blocks of land she purchased are just farms next to eyesore abandoned buildings or industrial complexes nobody can build on it and nor does anyone want to buy it sucks to be her best part is my cousins have absolutely no idea that i set them up for their mother to take the fall these environmental results are relatively new and the perfect cover to say why the project changed locations six miles away have you ever had an aunt or an uncle be a jerk to you if so what were they doing please let us know i want to meet their aunt she sounds like my kind of gal teacher hates senior skip day and tries to ruin fun group of troublemakers obey her instructions my dad and i were talking about our respective days in high school and he shared how he and his buddies got back at their grouchy old math teacher mrs shaffer according to dad mrs shaffer was the best teacher he had ever had and he and his buddies gave her endless grief including using the phone in the classroom to pull a prank on another one of their pals however she took things way too seriously she was stern strict and was the kind of person who could never take a joke everything had to be done exactly right of course dad and his buddies being teenagers saw her as someone who could use livening up and gained reputation as class clowns he told me that mrs schaefer probably thought he and his friends were going to be criminal masterminds or something every year at this high school they'd have senior skip day with every senior looking forward to because hey it's a day away from school mrs schaefer and her grouchiness detested senior skip day and decided to ruin everyone's fun during my dad's senior year to this day dad swears that she picked that year because of the shenanigans he and his pals got into she announced that there would be a test on this day not only that but anyone who skipped the test because of senior skip day would get a zero which would affect their grade average dad who had a scholarship lined up at his dream school was mad if he missed the test his grade average would be affected risking his scholarship however he had been waiting every day for four years for senior skip day so he and his buddies came up with a plan and give mrs schaefer the most grief she had ever had in her entire life senior skip day rolls around dad and his buddies went to play golf early in the day as their test was scheduled in the afternoon once they finished their game they hurried to the school not even bothering to change out of their golfing clothes however this became a big problem one dad admitted he and his friends didn't think of for those who don't know anything about golf golf shoes have little cleats spikes on the soles to help grip on rough terrain however wearing them and walking on tile floors is a bad idea one of them was smart and took off as cleats but the rest of them were stubborn and insisted on trying to get to mrs shaffer's room in their cleats which was on the second floor and on the other side of the building they were slipping sliding around grabbing the walls and laughing so hard everyone poked their heads out of the classrooms and were confused at the sight of these four guys trying to walk to the classroom in their golf cleats somehow they managed to get down the hallway and up the stairs without breaking their necks and made it to mrs schaefer's room there was now a new problem while the hallways had tiles the classrooms themselves had wood floors which resulted in the cleats getting stuck they were clomping around making a racket trying to get to their desks everyone else in the classroom looked up and laughed so hard everyone that is except mrs schaefer she was beat red and looking like she was going to drop dead of a heart attack at the sight of these four idiots as my dad put it clomping into the room dressed for a round of golf and laughing as if they heard the best joke in the world mrs schaefer yelled what are you doing and pointed to the once perfect wooden floor which now had holes in them dad who had calmed down enough shrugged his shoulders and said we had time between rounds of golf to take the test so here we are mrs shaffer realizing that they did show up to take the test as she had told them and that her own ploy to get back at them had backfired calmly told them to take their seats and gave their tests to them glowing at them the whole time when they were done they clomped back out before slipping and sliding around to catch their next tea time at least mrs shaffer was fair dad passed the test and kept his scholarship to this day those holes are still in the wooden floors have you ever had a teacher who couldn't take a joke if so what did you do about it please let us know they're lucky i wasn't the teacher a brief encounter with a karen at the ikea restaurant so today my husband took me shopping at ikea for some random items we needed but were unable to get due to previous public gathering restrictions we decided to make a day out of it and grab some lunch at the ikea restaurant while we're at it now for clarification due to what's going on there's certain rules and procedures to be followed in ikea meaning that now you stand in queue first to get your table number then move forward to order and go take your designated seed and one of the server wheels your food to you all fine and dandy we stand in line to get our table number though the queue is kind of long and we're considering scrapping this idea and just go eat elsewhere right next to the window is a giant menu with items offered in the ikea restaurant the usual meatballs salmon salads and the like in front of us stands a karen with a kid in a stroller which looked to be around four karen stares at the menu and looks over at the restaurant employee handing out table numbers karen do you have any chicken mcnuggets silence the employee is staring at her we're staring at her god and evolution are arguing in the background about whose fault this brain fart is given that they are usually not served here at all and the giant picture menu is quite clear on that subject not to mention that mcnuggets are kind of a different restaurant chain's gig employee no no we don't i'm sorry karen you don't what kind of a kid unfriendly restaurant is this my kid doesn't want to eat anything on your menu employee i'm sorry madam the menu you see to your left is all that is offered karen huffs grabs the table number and moves forward the employee glances over at us gives us a table number and goes oh pardon me madam is pregnant you don't wait please just step here to the side and follow my colleague he'll take you to the register so you can order karen head whips around so fast i thought it might fall off her face is a pitcher of shock at the unjust treatment she glares at my eight-month pregnant belly then at the employee and screeches i have a child as well the employee now with another one on toe stares at her blankly and goes yes but your madame here is pregnant i can sense him struggling not to say well you pushed yours out a while ago didn't you as we leave with the other server i can still hear her in the background arguing that she has a kid and should be given the same treatment as a pregnant woman while the ikea employee is still patiently trying to explain to her that it's company policy that disabled people and pregnant women have the right to cut cue and unless she or her son is disabled or she herself is pregnant she can't cut in 20 minutes later we're done with our food and we stand up to leave i spot karen still in queue third in line from the register glaring at us i resist the urge to wave and just pat my belly happily then waddle away with my husband i have no doubts that ikea is getting a bad review on yelp or something due to not serving mcnuggets and not letting her entitled self cut in line even though she played the kid card fairly early on do you like going to ikea or can you not stand the place please let us know oh i love ikea i want you to get me a gift card soon mr reddit entitled parent tries to claim my stuff for her kid backstory back in 2013 my stepsister entitled mom 30 had an accident and couldn't care for herself for a while so her and her son entitled kid 10 came to live with us i did not live at the house most of the time so i offered them my bedroom so they would be more comfortable the room had a tv and a playstation 3 that i had saved up for and bought with my own money plus a variety of games i also bought i had saved a long time for it and did not normally let my little cousins or others play it to avoid them breaking anything there are a lot of other things that have happened but this stands out to me over the course of entitled mom living with us and my old room entitled kid has slowly decided to claim the items of my room as his things like old nerf guns i had electronics and all sorts of other things i had in there most of the time when entitled kid is using something i don't want him to i go and ask him nicely to stop this is immediately met with entitled mom intervening and allowing entitled kid to claim whatever item usually i'm too exhausted to dispute it and i know they will move out eventually so i just let them have it for now however some items are worth fighting for a while after they both moved in we had a small family get together and one of my nephews came to stay the night to hang out with me an entitled kid who was his cousin usually when my nephews stayed over i would let them play on the ps3 later in the evening when things have wound down and this is what happened this evening since the ps3 wasn't entitled kids room my old room still i let entitled kid and my nephew play in there without me bothering them soon i heard my nephew getting upset and since he is younger plus entitled kid tends to bully him sometimes i decided to peek and see what was happening i watched for a short time and noticed that entitled kid was not allowing my nephew to play the ps3 this annoyed me for several reasons one entitled kid has lived in that room for months now and only plays it when others are over because he hates sharing if he actually wanted to play he would do it on his own too 2. my nephew does not have any consoles at home so he does not have many opportunities to play 3. he would only play single-player games i had when i had several two-player games they could play back to the first reason of him not wanting to share i went in and told entitled kid to either give my nephew a turn to play or put in a two-player game entitled kid relented after a bit and gave my nephew the controller so i left after telling them to take turns then while standing in the doorway i hear a thud and look back an entitled kid has ripped the controller out of nephew's hands this upset me because of reason two above and what i had just asked them to do so i go in and make him give nephew the controller back and i sit down with them and joke with them a bit to lighten the mood they are taking turns and all seems good as new so i get up to leave again again as soon as i'm out of the room entitled kit rips the controller from nephew now i'm mad and tell him he needs to shut off the ps3 or leave the room so nephew can play in peace entitled kid refuses both and says he doesn't have to listen to me so i walk over and shut off the ps3 for him and offer my nephew to come swimming with me instead this is when entitled mom comes in entitled mom heard me basically tell her kid no which is fighting words for her she rushes into the room and says i can't tell her son what to do and he doesn't have to share the ps3 since it's his she then tells me i need to leave her son's room and stop bothering him i wheeled around and snapped at her and told her that everything in there is mine that i bought with my money and if i have to i'll take the tv and the ps3 and set them up in my new room which was the den and my bed was the couch and nephew and i will play while entitled kid won't be allowed to bother us i also said that if i did that i wouldn't bring them back an entitled kid would not be allowed to play it again while he lived there she fought with me on this for several minutes until my dad whose house we were in had to step in once my dad stepped in and sided with me but more assertively entitled mom is forced to admit defeat and slinks away nephew is upset so to make him feel better we go night swimming and then had some ice cream so he was still able to have a fun visit thanks for reading would you ever let an entitled sister-in-law and her brat stay with you and if so why or why not please let us know she was right if her son was staying in that room he gets to decide who plays the ps3 you're a bad influence so i'm gonna ruin your wedding we've got evil mother-in-law we've got fiance and we've got me some history me and my fiance have been together since we were 13 and when we were kids we made mistakes together note how i say that we would mess around make a mess and all over be little butts now i have bipolar depression so my moods tend to go haywire and at this time i was recently diagnosed and had absolutely no control along with the wrong medicine so me and him got in a bit more trouble when we were 14. now i will admit sometimes it was my fault and sometimes it was his fault though mostly it was us combined but to his mother i was the bane of her existence i was taking her son down the wrong path i was a horrible human being and me being around him would cause him to get mental and yadda yadda you get the picture when we were 16 we broke up because she forced him i only found out about this recently but apparently she threatened to kick him out if he didn't break up with me when we were 18 we rekindled and started dating again now she had calmed down a bit but was still psycho on my 20th birthday he proposed to me and obviously i said yes now that everything has caught up on to why i am posting this and why the title is as it is me and him are set to get married in the winter of next year her way of finding out we were engaged was her rsvp because we didn't tell her and waited to post it on facebook till after she got that for fear she would try to do something once we post it on facebook and let everyone know she comments i do not approve okay fine we don't care i posted a few pictures of failed wedding dresses on facebook and she commented wow you're fat why is my son marrying you at fiance call off the wedding on my post like jerk i see that anyway two days ago i posted how we picked a venue and are so excited and then she commented and tagged her three sisters let's go dress shopping with a picture of a bridal store she's so unbelievably petty i show my fiance all this and he calls his mom and tells her off she's on speaker entitled mom i should be allowed to wear what i want fiance no mom this is my wedding and you can't wear white or a wedding dress oh it doesn't matter it's not like this will last i know it will just be a party and nothing more fiance mom i'm marrying opie and if you plan to come in white you're not invited entitled mom you can't not invite me you're my son and i can wear whatever i want tell that jerk because i know she's behind this she's forcing you isn't she no she's not forcing me you're not coming now note this is an exact word since the convo was seriously long but it's a summary of the convo my fiance then hangs up and she tries calling again and again spamming his phone with text messages he's been ignoring her and i'm hurt i don't know how to handle this we are adults but she still feels entitled to him in his life i need help as well as needing to share her entitledness entitled kid tries to take sentimental toy entitled mom accuses me of attacking him we've got entitled mom we've got my mom we've got friend we've got friends younger brother and me some sad backstory for this my grandpa passed when i was three when he was in the hospital me and my parents used to see him every sunday after church usually he'd give me sweets when we were there but one day he gave me a little white toy f1 car a race car for those who don't know what f1 is he passed away not long after he gave me that toy i didn't really understand or know what happened being so young all i noticed was we stopped going to the hospital after church as i grew up a little i realized that that toy car was the only thing i really had to remember him by sorry if this bit made you sad but it's needed for the main part when i was around 10 or 11 a new kid came into our sunday school we'll call him friend obviously not his real name and he was about a year younger than me friend and i instantly bonded over our love of cars and our shared first name friend's mom is the entitled mom of our story after a while our moms decided to invite friend round to my house one day after church entitled mom then insisted that friends siblings also be invited which we said was fine friend has three younger brothers and two younger sisters when they were about to leave our house i saw friend's younger brother age two at the time clutching a toy in his hands it was the toy car my grandpa gave me i instantly went over to him and took the toy from him being two years old friend's younger brother started crying when i took the toy entitled mom turns around and comes over to us what did you do to friend's younger brother why is he crying me he tried to steal a toy from us and i took it back that's all entitled mom looking at the toy in my hand you're too old for that now give it back to friend's younger brother me normally i would but my grandpa gave me this toy before he passed away and it's all i have to remember him it's too sentimental to give away entitled mom you're too young to know what sentimental means give him that toy i said no it's my toy at this point my mom comes over my mom entitled mom what's going on op stole a toy from friend's younger brother and he's trying to claim it's his my mom looks concerned and looks at the toy in my hand is that grandpa's toy car i nod my mom i'm sorry but this is ops his grandpa gave it to him in the hospital not long before he passed away and since op was three at the time it's really the only thing he has to remember him by entitled mom went from frustration to pure anger friend's young brother needs it more than op i'm a full-time single mother so i can't afford to buy toys for all my children at this point she had a brand new nine-seater minibus and smoked at least a pack of cigarettes a day the irony man the irony my mom i'm sorry i'm sure o.p wouldn't mind giving you some of his old toys he doesn't play with anymore i actually wouldn't have either entitled mom went from angry to wbc level angry as in stupidly angry over nothing no you are the rudest most selfish people i've ever met you probably broke his wrist when you took the toy from him you selfish little jerk he had stopped crying by this point if i had broken his wrist he'd still be balling i didn't even touch him i just took the toy from his hands entitled mom got her kids in the car the older two friend and his older sister went with their heads in their hands and sped away me and my mother spent the rest of the day confused as to how someone can be so entitled for the next few years friends still came along to sunday school and we still chatted entitled mom would always shoot me and my parents death glares whenever she saw us in church and she'd always take her kids out of sunday school as soon as the service ended sunday school often ran on 10 or so minutes after the service ended so that i couldn't chat to friend any more than she could help they moved to the united states not long after friend turned 13. hey karen can you read us our new review we just got on itunes garrett im says great to fall asleep to and great to enjoy doing work thanks garrett we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes the time and entitled mom tried to cover me in sauce so r slash ask reddit has a thread about the tackiest thing you've ever seen at a wedding and i was reminded of this fun incident from the three months i worked catering worst of all my food service jobs by the way cast we've got me we've got entitled mom entitled dad entitled brat we've got my boss we've got the bride and the groom so campus catering rarely did weddings and honestly the food we made was so bad and so poorly handled i'd think you'd want to avoid it but the father of the groom was a big name on campus so it was held on campus and we had to cater it i'm managing the entrees serving up terrible chicken and a thick congealed sauce and vegetarian pasta that's basically just a crappy pasta primavera with cheap nasty oil on it seriously i love me some primavera and wouldn't touch this garbage with a 10-foot pole we're winding down the last of the food is out in a few minutes we will put the main course away and set out the dessert course suddenly entitled brad appears he's about 10 so he absolutely knows better than to do this he decides that it's going to be the funniest thing in the entire world to yank the tablecloth away seriously he was giggling the whole time so i knew something was up when i caught him with the edge of the tablecloth i moved fast me kid don't even think about it it's going to end very badly entitled brat giggles more and starts pulling so i walk over take the tablecloth out of his hand and tell him to scram i go back behind the table smooth my apron and continue my awful job and that's when things went badly entitled mom why did you chase my baby he wasn't doing anything wrong me ma'am your kid was about to pull the tablecloth down and it's my job to stop him if i don't i could be fired yes this happened to be a colleague we are paying for this wedding don't you know who i am that's when i realized this was the mother of the bride me ma'am i understand but there are lit and that was when she jumped across the table grabbed my head and tried to force my face into the tray of sauce for the chicken a very hot tray heated by a lit sternal underneath i of course started hitting and screaming the father of the groom came running over entitled dad comes running over the bride and groom come running my boss comes running entitled dad suddenly decides to try helping his wife try to shove my face into the sauce i start clawing at him too while the groom and his dad try to pry these people off me the bride screamed something like you promised you promised i'm not entirely sure here it was chaos my boss is standing off to one side like a potato all the while entitled brad is sitting off to the side laughing like this is the funniest thing he's ever seen in the end the table went over and caught on fire from the sternals a fire extinguisher was employed and the wedding was basically ruined my boss pulled me aside while i prepared to file a police report boss you can't talk to the police me actually i can boss if you talk to the police i'll fire you me that's illegal you can't do that boss your choice i filed the police report and told them what my boss said he didn't fire me entitled mom an entitled dad pled guilty the bride handed me a huge slice of cake because she was pretty sure my boss would steal my tips he did speaking of sauce what's your favorite sauce of all time please let us know i'm more of a sichuan girl myself my entitled mom uses her birthday as an excuse to bully my nephew my mother has always been an entitled little jerk but plays it off as passive aggressive for the most part she talks to everyone like a good christian grandma and talks to her kids like a karen from heck i always just brushed it off when i was younger and soldiered through with a thought of when i'm 18 i'm moving so far away from you now i'm 29 and living 1 000 miles away from her and life is sweet the only thing that i regret about living this far away from her is that my three sisters and two nephews are all still down south with her my oldest and youngest sister both live a few hours away from her but the second youngest sister recently went through a divorce and now she and her two boys live with my mom and stepdad because my sister works long hours at a small chain retail store my parents are usually left babysitting my nephews i have a few stories of my mom being entitled over the years but this particular one happened just this past thanksgiving when i moved north my mom asked that i make it home for thanksgiving it's my birthday that week too and it would mean so much to me if you could come down to see me alright yeah that's somewhat doable i didn't have much money after spending it all on the move but i could scrape together enough to go visit for a few days i drove down and spent three days with the family with plans to drive back the day after my mom's birthday the first day i was expecting my mom to be the one giddy and showering me in affection for coming to visit but instead it was my nephews they're six and three and were over the moon happy to have someone other than the grandparents to play with my mom didn't even come to say hi to me just waved over her shoulder at me as she walked into my step-dad's office then closed the door my step-dad was already in there and i could tell they were waiting for me to arrive so i could babysit and they could have some quiet time i get that i'm 100 okay with spending time with nephews because they're sweet boys and i love them but what the heck i'm here to visit you too and you don't even bother greeting me or looking at me that whole day was with my nephews and my younger sister she drove down after me we spent the whole day playing and watching movies and had a great time i barely saw my mom the entire time it wasn't until the boys were going to bed that my mom finally did come out to talk to me but by this point she was three or four drinks in and wearing her nightgown ready to go to bed she mumbled something along the lines of being happy to have me home missed me so much etc etc but by morning she had no recollection of it and just made excuses for not speaking to me the whole day as she was just so tired from dealing with work and the boys and church all the time i needed a break whatever day two she did talk to me she barked at me to take my nephews outside while she shampooed the rugs and carpets of every room in the house so i complied and my nephews and i played outside for a long time it wasn't hot but the sun was out and bright we were out there for a few hours running around and goofing off eventually the boys got hungry and i was exhausted from chasing them around so i opened the door to see if it was okay to come back in and my mom immediately started barking at us to stay outside until the floors were clean okay well the boys and i are hungry and i'm tired so if we can't come in then at least let me get my keys i'll take them to get lunch in town my mom immediately changed her tune she didn't want us to leave the house without her on her birthday it's her day she wants to spend it with her babies etc so she said we could come in but to stay out of their bedroom and playroom as those were fully carpeted and still wet the boys being six and three weren't listening and charged into the playroom to grab some toys to have a picnic with outside my mom started fuming at me for it the boys realized they got me in trouble and the six-year-old apologized while the three-year-old shrugged it off i told them it was okay and we went and had our picnic on the front porch in the shade with their toys later that evening my mom starts announcing that we need to get dressed and ready to go out but hasn't told us where we're going i asked her and she replied absolutely giddy it's my birthday we're going out to eat i've been wanting to go to this chinese buffet in town for ages i personally didn't care i had been dieting for months leading up to my visit and my mom's cooking heavily saturated in grease and butter had me feeling nauseous so i wasn't planning on eating much of anything i start to help the boys get ready and the six-year-old starts whining that he wants pizza not chinese my mom starts snapping at him that it's my birthday not yours you want pizza eat it on your birthday this has my nephew angry and not wanting to get ready which his little brother now doesn't see the point in wearing shoes and a jacket if big brother isn't i talk to the six-year-old and tell him that there may be pizza there most chinese buffets down south have pizza for the kids and start listing all the other yummy foods they have and he agrees to get ready but isn't happy about it i get them dressed we all load into the car and as we're driving there the nephew starts asking me about the pizza again my mom again snaps at him this time telling him to stop fussing or whining you're ruining my birthday if you want pizza then we'll eat it on your birthday but today is my day and we're doing what i want nephew says his birthday is months away he's taking my mom's argument to think that he can't eat pizza for months this makes him start to sob my mom then snaps at me that it's my fault for getting his hopes up and that she has heard me lie to him about there being pizza at the restaurant i then snapped back at her that i said the word maybe and called her out for acting like a spoiled kid and talking down to a six-year-old when she's nearly 10 times his age and refuses to act like it on her day my mom got huffy and finally snapped my stepdad tried to throw in his two cents by saying we all need to calm down and that no one is right that just got my mom mumbling to him about how her day is being ruined i held my nephew's hand and whispered to both of them that if they didn't like the food at the restaurant then we could stay up late and i'd make us a pizza to share when their mom came home from work that got the older one to cheer up a little but when we arrived at the restaurant the older nephew didn't want to get out of the car he was fighting tears saying he was scared of my mom and that he didn't want to have her yell at him again knowing my mom would never let her care and attitude slip in public i told him that i would sit with him and his brother so he didn't have to sit by her he agreed to come in after that each time the boys went to get food i was the one to go with them i was fine with this because again i was too nauseous to eat my mom noticed i didn't have a plate of my own and asked why i wasn't eating i told her i wasn't feeling well and didn't want to eat to risk further upset she didn't respond i took the younger nephew to the restroom after that and when we came back the older nephew was coming back from the buffet with an empty plate i asked him if he wanted more food and he just shook his head and fought back tears again i asked if he was okay and he told me that while i took his brother to the bathroom my mom told him that it was his fault that i wasn't eating that he and his brother were being such little piggies that i was too disgusted to eat so he was getting another plate so that he could get me some food and he wasn't going to eat any more of his i was even more upset with my mom at this point told my nephew that i was okay and that i was going to talk to my mom about this we went back to the table together and i told her to her face just loud enough for a few others to hear that it was her cooking that made me sick that she coats everything in butter and cheese when i'm lactose intolerant and she knows that then i've been dieting to lose weight because i'm morbidly obese and that after months of clean and healthy eating one day with her food has me ready to vomit but none of that is my nephew's faults and there is no excuse on the planet for shaming a six-year-old for eating she turned her nose up at me and said she didn't know what i was talking about then she pretended that others didn't hear what i said when it was obvious that they did i promised my nephew i'd get a plate of things with him and would only eat if he ate it with me me him and his brother all went to the dessert aisle and loaded that thing down with cakes and pudding i snuck a few pieces of sushi to the side and ate those while the boys loaded up on the sweets so my mom decided to make herself feel better by taking me to her favorite store and showing me around we looked at a bunch of different things and the boys were starting to get sluggish and tired they had played all day without a nap and their sugar rush from the dessert bar was causing them to crash fast i rushed our trip through so we could get them home but my mom kept nagging that she wanted to stop at other stores while they were still open this caused her to eventually complain that the boys were clinging to me too much i reluctantly agreed to go to walmart after this the plan was for my step dad to stay in the car while the boys slept but my stepdad changed his mind and wanted to check out the gardening section and since i had to shop with my mom then the boys did too they crawled into the cart and my mom and step dad started to walk off with them i went to the restroom and then when i left i couldn't find them and my phone had died so i couldn't call them so i wound up waiting at the car for at least 30 minutes when they came back my parents seemed annoyed and the boys were quiet still looking sleepy i loaded them into the car and just a few minutes down the road the older one started making a noise i was sitting driver's side back seat he was passenger side back seat his little brother was between us it was dark so i couldn't quite see his face but eventually i heard him sniffle as we passed under a street lamp and i could see tears on his cheeks i reached over to wipe one away and asked him what was wrong he told me he was sad that i was leaving in the morning and that he didn't want me to go he started begging for me to call my job and ask if i could stay for a few more days this broke my heart i couldn't even think of words to say i felt tears in my eyes too before i could say or do anything his little brother reached forward and wrapped his arms around mine and laid his head on me and softly said please stay tears fell so hard at that point i missed these boys so much and the time spent with them was the best i'd had in months i didn't want to leave but knew that i couldn't stay before i was able to respond my mom starts in again this time saying stop your crying don't waste what little time she has left being upset you're ruining it for everyone my nephew cringed and tried to pull his hands away from mine i just gripped his hands tighter and bit my tongue i was so ready to scream at my mother but didn't want to do that in front of the boys especially since all she had done was tear them down and make them feel bad because of me if i showed that i was angry and started to argue with my mom then they'd think it was their fault too i told my nephew that i want to stay but explained that i have friends and responsibilities that i have to get back to but promise to come back and visit as soon as i can and to call more often so we can play and talk more the older nephew leaned on his brother who continued to lean on me and we remained like that the whole ride home they fell asleep on my arm and my arm fell asleep under them but it was worth it i didn't even speak to my mom for the remainder of my stay she didn't seem bothered by it i told my sister what all had happened while we were out to dinner and how disappointed i was that our mom had been acting like this to her precious grandbabies my sister told me that our mom has actually done worse that she doesn't have proof of it or she would have done something by now but she believes our mom has been drinking when she's supposed to be watching the boys they don't have bruises or marks from her but my sister has seen a few red whelps that they won't tell her where they came from but they look suspiciously like our stepdad's hand i begged my sister to get the boys and get out even offered to help them move up north with me she said she didn't want to go that far north because she doesn't want to take the boys too far away from their father and his family just because of our parents being jerks she did tell me that our older sister was making arrangements for them to move in with her in the coming months the sooner the better it's now the end of june 2020 and my younger sister and her boys are finally moving in with our older sister it's been hard for me to get in contact with my younger sister because of our insane work schedules and everything going on right now but i've been keeping good to my word and chatting with my nephews often they've gotten so spoiled with chatting with me on the phone that while i was typing this they've called me five times so thank you for reading this far have a great day i have to go entertain kiddos now have you ever had a family member act like this towards you and if so what did you do about it we would love to hear from you but it was her birthday she did nothing wrong crazy ladies screamed at a cashier so i screamed right back i had just resigned for my extremely stressful retail job to pursue a career in real estate i had been sworn at threatened and generally treated like crap because customer service i had to go back to a store that was a different branch to the one i worked at but still the same company some background information in our country electricity is prepaid and in certain cases a free voucher is issued in the first few days of the month along with your prepaid voucher if you are elderly or received government assistance this is wholly issued by the government and the cashiers have zero control over whether or not your free ticket will be issued so i'm standing in line behind an elderly lady and she asks the cashier for an electricity voucher cashier rings up the voucher takes the cash and gives the elderly lady her voucher elderly lady looks at the voucher and says this isn't right where the heck is my free voucher so by now i'm steaming i hate when cashiers are treated like dirt cashier explains to the lady that she doesn't control the electricity vouchers and advises the elderly lady to contact her local electricity department this is 100 percent the correct answer as per the company protocol old lady now screams at the cashier manager comes along and explains the same thing they didn't control the vouchers and she needs to contact the electricity department there's literally nothing else they can do cashier is in tears by now and this lady is calling her all kinds of names the poor kid is shaking and then i realized that i no longer work there so i don't need to appease this screaming banshee and i do something i have never ever done before i said the cashier has explained this to you the manager has explained this to you now i'm going to explain it to you these people can't help you you're a sad miserable jerk who doesn't you're a sad miserable jerk who doesn't deserve the courtesy this nice girl has given you buzz off the old lady literally couldn't believe someone else called her out on her bad behavior and left she mumbled something about how she better not see me outside and i laughed i said she's welcome to do whatever she wants but so am i i'm not proud of how i spoke to this old lady but no way will i stand by and watch someone being unjustly treated by the time i finished my transaction both the manager and cashier were smiling i know they probably were very glad that someone could voice exactly what they were thinking have any of you ever called out a customer on their behavior if so how did they take it please let us know i dare you to call me out on my behavior no you don't work here lady i've never been mistaken for an employee at a place i don't work at but i did have to tell a karen that she doesn't work at my store i work at a 7-eleven and i've been there for about six years now i used to work night shift boy do i have some stories from those days but one that really stands out for this subreddit is the time i had to tell a lady she doesn't work at my store it was late one night or perhaps early in the morning and my cover had gone home for the night so i was running the store by myself i had an older woman come in with a younger woman late 40s and early 20s so i'm assuming mother and daughter mom just so happens to have that karen vibe tour she walks up to my counter while i'm taking care of some tasks karen can i use your bathroom now we don't have a public bathroom at my store we have a staff bathroom but it's behind a locked door that needs a code to get in naturally we aren't supposed to let customers use it me sorry we don't have a bathroom karen well where do you guys go to the bathroom then me we have a staff bathroom but it's for staff only well i'm staff so you have to let me use your bathroom me i don't think you work here yes i do i worked for 7-eleven 20 years ago so you have to let me use your bathroom again it's a bathroom for staff only we'll make an exception for employees that left recently but even if this lady is telling the truth she left the company before i was even born me i'm sorry i can't let you use our bathroom well i want to speak to your manager it's about three in the morning right now so our manager is asleep i'm kind of losing my mind here because this is my first interaction with a karen in the wild i'm still relatively new to the company too so i can't think of any other option right now me okay i'll give her a call i call my manager and she's very not pleased i explain the situation and she tells me the best thing to do is ask her to leave i head back out from the back making sure to close the door behind me no promised land for her when i get back to the counter she has that impatient karen trademark look about her me i called my manager and she says you can't use our bathroom karen yeah right passive aggressive eye roll me my manager also said you have to leave whatever if i pee myself it's all your fault thankfully she didn't rage a huge think about it but wow i can't think of another time i've had to tell a customer that they don't work at my store usually if they do they know the code already and can just walk into the back to talk to the boss so that's my horror story from the days of endless night shift i hope you enjoyed reading it a lot more than i enjoyed living it speaking of 7-eleven do you have a favorite convenience store to shop at please let us know bucky's for the win an eventful end to my shift this guy came in to return a lawnmower except that he's clearly drunk so drunk that he could barely walk me and a co-worker went out to his car to help him unload it and when he opened his trunk an empty beer bottle fell out the man had a bag full of them so i'm surprised only one fell out i went to help him move the lawnmower to a cart and caught a whiff of the alcohol on his breath he reeked of it my mask didn't protect me from it unfortunately after helping him i told my team lead then went and told the manager who was in charge at the time and then i punched out because my shift was over i stuck around though because i wanted to see what happened managers showed up and took over the guy's return there were some issues the computer said the mower had already been returned and dude started getting agitated i turned around for a second and he up and disappeared while manager was trying to figure it out as this was happening some customers came to the service desk and told us that another guy on the other side of the store seemed lost bewildered and it appeared that he had went to the bathroom on himself now i would have paid more attention to the second guy initially if not for the first guy reappearing going to town on a leaf blower box trying to open it wanting to test it out i guess he couldn't return the mower and instead bought a leaf blower and some wood at one point he was laying down on top of the wood on top of a cart manager headed over to deal with guy number two as he's heading to the other side of the store i asked manager if he called the cops on drunk guy he said he hadn't as he wanted to see what the guy would do first so i told him at some point this guy was going to get back behind the wheel something i wasn't comfortable with whatsoever and he had left his dog in his car did i mention he left his dog in the car that convinced my manager to call the police as he headed over to see what was going on with the second guy i headed back to see if trunk guy had left yet he hadn't and the cops showed up while he's still figuring out how to keep the wood on top of his truck cops talked to him for a bit headed off to the other side of the store turned out manager called the cops on both the drunk guy and bewildered guy i went to tell the manager that the cops had arrived and i asked him what was the deal with the second guy bewildered guy said he wanted to use the bathroom but it was locked it wasn't he then refused to leave and straight up fell asleep slash passed out in a chair more cops showed up an ambulance was called and bewildered guy was taken to the hospital the cops told drunk guy the second he decided to get in his car and drive they'd arrest him so what did he decide to do headed back into the store returned the wood he had just bought and bought something else instead the parking lot had like seven cop cars in it by this point so drunk guy was clearly spooked so he grabbed his dog and wandered off at that point i'd seen all i needed to see so i went home 90 minutes after my shift ended what's the craziest thing that's ever happened at your job please let us know mess with the marching band march yourself home i went to a very large secondary school middle plus high school in the united states with a population of over 4 000 students because of the school size and excellent funding the marching band had its own percussion equipment wheeled carts and golf carts to pull them which were stored in cargo containers in the back parking lot buy some classroom trailers i was on the equipment crew for the marching band and by the time my senior year rolled around the containers were about 30 years old and one had started leaking the band director let's call him mr connex finally was able to get them replaced after begging the administration for several years the new ones would be arriving on a friday and a different company would be hauling away the old ones on wednesday of the next week so for a few days the old containers were going to be taking up a section of the parking lot this wasn't a problem because the night before after rehearsal mr connex had us measure out an extensively large section of the back parking lot and cone it off so the crew would have plenty of room to work the next day we filled up the band hall with all the equipment and had the containers empty so the crew could move them put the new ones in their place with minimal effort the next day this is the part i only heard about because i was in class when it happened the assistant band director was running the band classes for the first part of the day and mr connex was outside making sure everything would be just so when all of a sudden a lady drives up narrowly threads the gap between two cones and parks right in the middle of where the old containers are going to be stored until next week let's call her mrs seekin mrs seekin had an important meeting with her daughter's guidance counselor mr connex walks over and politely informs her that she will need to park somewhere else because the forklift crew would be arriving soon and in return she went off on him complaining that because they had coned off so much of the back parking lot the nearest parking was off campus and she'd need to walk about a quarter mile to get to the main building from there mr connex told her one more time that she was parked in the middle of the space that the workmen needed and she told him in no uncertain terms to buzz off before heading around towards the front of the building at this point mr connex called the principal doctor intermodal and informed him of the situation unfortunately with the number of buildings on campus and how many guidance counselors there are in a school with over 4 000 students it would take the better part of an hour to actually figure out where on the campus she had gone and which guidance counselor she was meeting our school had over 20. the school resource officer could probably write them a ticket but that was about all he could do calling a tow truck would probably be faster but even then it would take about 30 minutes at least to get the car out of the way and the work crew would be arriving in 10 and any delay would be an unexpected expense for the school then mr connex had an idea he ran it by dr intermodal and the principal ratified it so he set his plan into motion when the work crew arrived several semi trucks carrying the newer containers and a forklift mr conex gave them very specific instructions for how to arrange the old containers when they moved them out of the way for the other company to pick up a perfect box around mrs seekins car with barely enough room for a person to step through between the corners her suv was going to spend hard time in car jail until wednesday then the new containers were unloaded where the old ones had been in the work crew left about an hour later was my band class period and since being in marching band was a requirement for the symphonic band everyone in the room was part of the band so everyone got conscripted to move the equipment back out into the new containers some of us noticed the car in the middle of the old containers but nobody had a chance to ask the director about it until about halfway through the process when mrs seeking returned and shouted these legendary words which i shall never forget until the day i die what the heck where is my car i can only imagine the sheer terror she felt upon rounding the corner and finding the place where she had parked her car replaced with a giant steel box to this mr connex simply calmly responded exactly where i told you not to park it at this point literally everyone had stopped working and the few of us who had noticed the trapped car surmised what had happened and were basically dying of laughter mrs seekin ran over to the containers and looked through the gap and screamed when she saw there was literally no way for her to get the car out you should fix this right now you should fix this right now she demanded storming towards mr connex he simply shrugged and told her that the containers were getting towed away on wednesday next week she could easily retrieve her car then this only seemed to make her more mad and at this point me and some of the other larger dudes moved between her and the band director because she looked about ready to bite his head off at this point the director essentially delivered the ultimatum that if she had no further business on school grounds she should leave or he'd call the srl school resource officer a police officer stationed at the school her response was something along the lines of call him call him show him what you did to my car that's a crime i don't know what crime she thought the band director committed but long story short the sro arrived laughed his butt off then instructed her to leave school grounds and come back for her car on wednesday she screamed at him a bit about how she couldn't walk four miles home oh poor you and the srl after a few minutes was done with her crap and told her if she didn't leave school grounds immediately she'd be cited for trespassing at which point she left the cherry on top over the weekend someone stole the wheels off the car so even after the containers were moved she couldn't get her car until one of those portable service companies came and put new wheels on it at some point friday afternoon huge shout out to royalty 2018 who just left us a review on itunes it took me forever to find this and i'm super happy this is the best thing to fall asleep to thanks mr reddit hearts thanks royalty we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel seventy percent if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 190,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 5IqWneZss9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 56sec (9416 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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