r/EntitledPeople Karen MOTHER follows me into the MEN'S RESTROOM!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents karen follows me into the men's restroom a few weeks ago i was visiting my local big box bookstore looking for some good clearance items before the store closed permanently the dead mall it was attached to is being demolished the store has no dress code but the employees do wear lanyards and i wasn't so i was browsing around my preferred sci-fi section when i realized i needed to use the nearby restroom so i headed in that direction which happened to also be next to the mid-store customer service counter karen noticed me positions herself directly in front of me and blocking my path to my urinary destination i don't know why you don't keep that desk staffed but i really need your help finding my book are you going to help me or not not i say remembering the urgency of my business and i step around her with a variation of i don't work here continuing to my destination thinking that will be the end of the encounter it's not to be i hear her voice rising in pitch and volume on its way to full karen banshee as she literally follows me into the men's room and i'm convinced she was about to grab my arm and pull me around to face her being conscious of social norms about public exposure i made it into a stall and locked the door for privacy that didn't stop her from knocking on the door and threatening to get me fired before she heard the really solid stream hit the water and i'm convinced realized for the first time what it was that she had done i heard her embarrassed sounding squeak slash huff and she hightailed it out of there i finished my thing and washed my hands and came out to witness her being escorted out of the store by a properly lanyarded employee i only caught the tail end of the conversation where karen stated she was never coming here again and the employee had a classic response neither am i we're closing entitled mom uses my things for college for her advantage my family friend i'll call her my teacher is an ex-cosmetologist and expectation teacher and now owns several highly rated salons slash spas hair coloring cutting styling manicures pedicures and makeup she knew i wanted to also do those things but i am currently going to college to become a music teacher she decided since she has a salon near my college she would teach me her old lessons slash what was required to be taught on weekends after the shop closed my days off and afternoons in exchange for working reception and as her assistant booking appointments greeting checking people in grabbing things and doing errands if needed she also said when i got my license she would hire me there so i can work during the last years of my college five-year degree my dad gave me a loan to buy the things i would need to be able to do it once he found out over one thousand dollars and i could take out more if needed for only this and make payments whenever no interest charged my teacher gave me her old makeup kit no makeup just something for transporting it easily in that only was dirty and didn't have locks on it and my dad painted it white and painted cherry blossoms with my name and big neon pink letters on it for an easter gift to me i leave my kit in my room in the corner behind my dresses for my musical performances for college now my stepmom is just getting interested in makeup i give her tips and a list of what products would be good for her skin i even told her i'd give her a discount if she wanted me to do her makeup the price of products used only her response was why can't you do it for free we are family my entitled mom alarms were going off i told her i need to pay back the loans i have and left when she started getting mad i already didn't like her nor respect her at this time if i leave for a night i lock my bedroom door and bring the only key to my bedroom in the house with me i went to a family barbecue for memorial day weekend two aunts two uncles my grandfather my teacher her best friend my mom myself and my two cousins one who's six and one who's four and stayed two nights when i came back my bedroom door was unlocked which was a red flag since it's a force of habit to lock it i looked and saw my kit in the middle of the room open that was a red flag factory i just broke down and cried my dad saw me and saw what was in my room he knew that it was all wrong my stepmom comes down wearing the makeup from the kid and wondered what was wrong my dad asked her what she had done and my stepmom told him well i made a copy of her key and borrowed your stuff makeup is cheap you can replace it i almost punched her my dad took her into the garage and tore her a new one she cried said he was overreacting and drove off to her son's slash daughter slash brother's house i calculated how much it would cost for me to sanitize clean and replace the things that couldn't be sanitized eyeliners mascaras broken brushes broken powder products whole pallets that had been completely destroyed etc and shipping for all of it it came out to over 750 one of my pallets was 44 alone no shipping and was a personal favorite brand of mine shout out to glamlight my dad sold one of her sewing machines returned the build-it-yourself dollhouse that he had bought her and sold things of hers until he got over 900 all in cash he used some of that money to replace my locks only one key was made and transferred the rest of the money to my account which i used to get what i needed to replace everything using my code that all beauticians have to get a small discount with certain brands i ended up having about 100 left over and used it to buy my dad's father's day gift and use the rest of the leftover money as loan payment when my stepmom came back she freaked out at my dad and i for destroying her hopes and dreams all i said was you break it you buy it she screamed at both of us said she deserved all of the things she paid for i was petty enough to have left her all the broken and unusable makeup and brushes where her sewing machine used to be with the cost of each product plus shipping taped to it she refuses to look talk or even be in the same room as me now and my dad said that she has one more chance before he kicks her out for good so happy ending but the entitled mom slash my stepmom is still as entitled as before i always lock my room now and keep my personal makeup in my room quick add-on my dad always told me something don't upset or mess with people who handle your food or money and money and time are two things you should never waste so when my stepmom had done that and messed with technically my money he was furious that she was wasting my money so he made sure in the end she only wasted her money and not mine update my dad loves all the comments you guys have made about him he thought he was being a jerk to her and this has made him know that he was in the right update holy my stepmom out of childishness poured and splashed water all over the fridge it froze overnight and now it's having to force things out of the freezer to get it out my dad sent out a group message that something had split and everything was stuck and my stepmom replied you're getting a taste of your own medicine you ruined my life so i'll ruin yours lal my dad might kick her out now update again i fell asleep and when i woke up my stepmom wasn't home yet i asked my dad who's up making guitar amplifiers out of old speakers his side job dm me if you want a custom-made guitar amp and asked where she is he said not looking up from his work she won't be here for a little while i'm going to let her rethink her choices then decide while she's gone if it's better or worse for me while she's away i feel like he's nicely saying that he kicked her out but it also might just be a break also he saved the freezer a big thank you i'm crying you guys are so amazing the ones who offer support are such a happy welcome in my life of being alone and the ones who donate their spare makeup that they don't need anymore thank you so much i love all of you for helping me in this crisis i posted this thinking i'd get verbal support to help my dad realize he needs to leave her in the comments but instead for a support system of kind and caring strangers thank you so much all of you have you ever had a parent or a step parent take your stuff without asking if so how did it make you feel please let us know i take my kid's stuff whenever i want i deserve it entitled dad ignores his kid they get hurt so he tries to sue starbucks starbucks mid-2000s summer afternoon paraphrased for short reading outside of my old starbucks is a small garden with some trees some flowers and a three foot tall rock wall perimeter the three foot tall rock wall has been neglected over the years and several rocks are prone to uncontrollable shifting whenever too much weight is applied it is a decoration wall not a jogging wall most parents advise their kids not to run along the wall until today a girl is running laps along the unstable garden wall while her entitled dad is on his cell phone and ignoring her knowing that our garden wall is unstable i ask her to stop she ignores me so i advise her dad of the possible danger me sir could you ask her to stop running laps along the unstable garden wall entitled dad why me the garden wall is unstable she could easily hurt herself entitled dad are you in charge here me no entitled dad and don't tell me what to do i relay the necessary information to the shift supervisor who is presently in charge supervisor sir could you please ask her to stop running laps along the unstable garden wall the garden wall is unstable and she could easily hurt herself entitled dad are you in charge here yes i am i don't tell you how to make coffee don't tell me how to raise my kid minutes later a rock in the garden wall collapsed beneath her feet she lost her footing falls three feet and broke her arm the shift supervisor and i witnessed the whole thing fortunately a third member of the staff is an ex-reservist who knows first aid upon learning what has happened he grabs the first aid and rushes to the scene ex-reservist hello i know first aid may i help you she nods her head crying too hard to speak while the ex-reservist is applying ice and a splint to her arm the entitled dad ignores them both choosing instead to yell at the shift supervisor entitled dad screaming where is your manager i'd like to know why you didn't maintain your garden wall in actuality the garden wall is the responsibility of our landlord and none of the starbucks coffee company none of this information is making the girl feel better entitled dad threatens us with a lawsuit for the next 15 minutes repeating the same phrases ad nauseum where is your manager why didn't you maintain your garden wall after he has satisfied himself with his yelling he acknowledges his daughter and drives her to the hospital barely thanking the ex-reservist for tending to her injury and her pain the following day entitled dad returns with his daughter and a lawyer the lawyer takes statements from the ex-reservist the shift supervisor and myself and title dad wanted to sue starbucks for five figures but in the end a lawsuit never materialized to the best of my knowledge the girl has made a full recovery do you think entitled dad had any right to sue the starbucks and if so why or why not please let us know he had every right to sue them it was their fault she got hurt the time karen thought we messed with her food was managing on this busy evening a group of eight had walked in and were quoted 30 to 45 minutes it was about 35 minutes in that two tables opened up that we could push together but apparently the leader of the pack wanted to speak with me hi we were quoted 30 minutes it's already 10 past i'm really upset and i want to know what you're going to do for me we're by the host stand so i peer over my host shoulder and ask her to point out where they are on the list sure enough amanda 8 30 to 45 minutes i double check with my host yes i absolutely verbalize the quoted time every time i'd be stupid not to this is one of those hosts who's actually too good at her job that they fear promoting her there's no doubt in mind i turn back my host tells me she quoted you 30 to 45 minutes and we're still in that time frame and your tables ready as soon as we get place settings on there so please hang tight she's not satisfied i didn't hear no 45 minutes i heard 30. now what are you going to do for me click uh oh i feel it a dormant dragon the inner rage i recall what one of my favorite veterans passed on to me if anyone is ever rude to you or trying to get under your skin kill them with kindness it's the jiu jitsu of mind games it'll completely disarm them and what are they going to do complain that you were being too nice unclick you know you're absolutely right i must be mistaken the host must be mistaken and we're gonna do everything we can to rectify this let's go ahead and get you set and i'm gonna buy the table a couple appetizers on the house i'm also going to make sure to set you up with our best server it was already the server section i just threw that last part in karen is taking it back uh okay i find the server and catch her up on the situation a wild karen couple free apps kill him with kindness we're all family at this restaurant so of course she's gonna take joy in this too she hams it up we bring them a couple calamari i walk by the table and stop at karen so how's everyone this evening good certainly a lot more demure she doesn't seem to want to make eye contact other than the side eyes she was throwing my way as i was walking around the restaurant having a ball with staff and regulars my management style is one of high spirits excellent well let me know if you all need anything else she ended up not ordering anything and the calamari on her end was untouched the rest of her party seemed to be having a blast but she sat there looking uncomfortable the whole meal karen learned a lesson that day about entitlement have you ever tried killing him with kindness and if so has it ever worked for you please let us know kindness i don't know what that word means you're making me uncomfortable revenge at last so to start off i used to work at a big warehouse store chain let's call it cjs i worked there for nearly five years finally got fed up and had to leave i now work at an amazing factory job and i love it been there a little over 8 months which makes this story even more fascinating in a way yesterday i was at cj's getting groceries and talking to a couple of my old friends that still work there i'm wearing my factory uniform clearly not wearing the red and blue that the workers at cj's wear my factory uniform is black in walks an older woman that we all know of let's call her karen she was what you might call a problem customer nothing was ever what she liked all the employees were idiots etc but she had a real hatred for the male employees why who knows but she treated me and the other male stock clerks horribly karen spots me talking to my friends and karen never liked me even though i had on a mask and again was wearing my factory uniform she comes right on over tells us all we're lazy workers and that we don't get paid to stand around and talk she then orders me to help her lift some cat litter into her cart me no i don't work here anymore get someone else to do it karen excuse me you do too work here you've helped me in the past now help me get some cat litter me i haven't worked here in eight months i'm not doing anything one of these guys will help you indeed the two guys i was talking to were literally standing right there but that didn't please karen karen are you refusing to help a paying customer i'll get you fired at that point i was rather fed up i just smiled at her and said okay go ahead get me fired from here you jerk that went as well as you'd expect and she immediately went to the service desk minutes later karen came back with one of the managers and who was the manager she got the one i got along extremely well with when i worked there as soon as they reached me i hear her say that's the one fire him for insulting me and not helping me he just walked over and asked me how my new job was going karen's look priceless so i ruined someone with a stolen checks day quick flashback to saturday i'm making a cash pickup from the tills and there's a check in the till drawn on a bank that closed 15 years ago after being bought out by another bank i showed it to the cashiers and told them about it our store director went to high school with the person the checks belonged to and confirmed they were stolen back to monday there's a customer with a couple of large buggies she pulls out one of the exact same sets of checks and starts riding it out for 380 one of the cashiers i had shown the check to comes running to the office with a check ma'am i can't take this check why not well to start with superior federal has been closed since 2005. this check isn't any good it's my daughter's check there's a superior federal still in el dorado no ma'am the superior bank in el dorado wasn't a part of this chain when it was open and it's actually a credit union this check clearly says federal bank in malvern also it's not your daughter's check this check is stolen i know the person these belong to i had an account with superior federal when it was open they were a really good bank so i know a bit more than a normal person would well i never it doesn't matter i cannot and will not take this check for this purchase at this point the lady storms out and she and the woman with her head for different vehicles i can't quite get a tag number on them but i get a good description and call the police department upon reviewing the cameras we discovered that the lady had an ankle monitor on 15 minutes later they come back pull into the parking lot of the law office next door and go in i run out get a tag number and call the police who show up and make an arrest i am not a bouncer and i didn't steal your money hi all i've had the misfortune to experience a lot of things in my 30-odd years that redditors may enjoy i'll start with one that made me laugh when my friend reminded me about it last night and can add more if there is some interest been watching a few of these groups for a little while and occasionally they remind me of my own experiences i should probably introduce myself i'm a male from the uk late thirties now and i'm quite tall at six foot four which seems to make me stand out enough that i'm either a target or just the person who catches the eye of lunatics quite a lot cast for this tale we've got me we've got phil my friend who reminded me about this story we've got girls one through six they had made a small mistake but couldn't get past it we've got the bouncer big fella not too bright though and we've got the manager nice bloke that sorts it all out here we go the language is as best as i remember but i had been drinking so exact words are going to be a stretch a few years ago i was hanging around drinking outside a bar in manchester with my friend phil my friend smokes but i don't you mostly need to go outside to designated smoking areas to smoke in the uk as i'm stood there talking to my friend admittedly quite near the door to the bar a small group of drunk girls gathers in front of me i don't really notice for a few moments as i'm talking but after a short while i pick up that there is a little crowd stumbling about in front of me and they're looking a bit agitated lots of huffing and tutting i looked over them briefly and noticed they were all carbon copy blondes all with the same haircut not a care and cut sadly mid-30s similar black outfits all quite overweight no judgment just an observation and all drunk like it was their first time out on the town the only thing separating them was the level of fake tan that they had gone for it ranged from orange to a kind of mahogany color i'm oblivious to why they're standing there or who they might think i am at this point but i assume i'm in the way a little bit so i move to the side away from the door and they start to enter the bar with a few slurred variations of finally and useless it seems obvious now that they thought i was the bouncer slash doorman who had let them in but at the time i just thought i must have been in their way a bit there didn't seem to be a bouncer as it was a quiet night so an easy mistake to make i should also mention it was cold and rainy in manchester it usually is so i was wearing a big coat it was dark in color but wasn't the usual bouncer uniform of black coat with sia identification on the sleeves sia is security industry authority if memory serves i actually did work door security for a couple of years at student bars and clubs in the past so i know a little bit of this but that was years ago most bouncers tend to be quite big boys as it's a physical job when craft goes down with fighting and such and i'm in that category because of my height and build a few minutes pass and four of the girls stumble out of the bar again and make a b line right for me i wasn't as close to the door anymore but i was still outside with my friend the leader of this gaggle was massively drunk and had obviously been elected as that night spoke person she will be girl one she did most of the speaking and the rest mostly just said supportive things to back her up girl one you need to come in and save my friends me sorry what come on they're in trouble grabs my arm which surprised me a bit me still oblivious who's in trouble i also pull my arm away which seems to annoy her come with me now my friends are being attacked grabs my arm again phil you better go it sounds important he was laughing as he had figured out the problem already me okay confused as i still don't get it but i was just drunk enough to think they might be trying to be funny or pick me up or something girl one finally quick girls two three and four yeah hurry she leads me into the bar and up to a sort of dance floor area where the other two girls are dancing and kissing two guys i'm still a bit confused why i'm here and now notice that girls one through four are staring at me expectantly me still confused so what am i doing here girl one shouting over the music kick those guys out of here they're attacking my friends me seems like they're okay to me why did you drag me here girl one we're on a girl's night and these guys aren't even with us girls one through four yeah we don't even know them me okay but why would i need to be involved girl one upping the drama a bit they're being assaulted and you just wanna watch me uh no i don't really care i'm going to go back outside now i turn to walk out girl one shrieks something at me and tries to slap me in the face she misses spins and hits the floor i'm walking away and out now and when i turn having taken the few steps to get to the back door girl one is stumbling to her feet and struggling a bit i walk outside and hope that's all the weirdness i'll have tonight i find phil who's laughing at me having watched the drama from the door phil you're not free yet i think you're in trouble now motions towards the door the four girls have found a real bouncer who must have been inside and are pointing me out looking furious they come over and they're halfway through their version of the story to the real bouncer girl one that's the one that's the bouncer who refused to help us and then knocked me over he needs to be fired bouncer this guy pointing to me me things suddenly clicking in my brain wait bouncer do you think i'm a bouncer girl one yes you of course you let us in bouncer he doesn't work here girl one yes he does don't you even know each other me no i don't work here i'm stood here with a pint in my hands why do you think i work here you're dressed as a bouncer and you let us in by wearing a dark jacket i didn't let you in i just moved out of your way when you went in girl one you came inside with us to sort out those guys why would you do that if you don't work here you didn't give me much time to think before i knew it you'd grabbed me and pulled me inside bouncer hang on i'm a bit lost me look he's the bouncer blue jacket security information on his sleeve and he's got the radio and all that look at me i'm just stood here with a beer in my hand girl one forget this i don't care what you are but you pushed me to the ground and took my money doubling down a little now as i presume she thought this would help her me i never touched you i left after you pointed out some people kissing and you tried to slap me missed and fell over what money are you talking about thought the mention of money was a bit random girl one we paid you to get in they obviously didn't it wasn't even a bar you paid to get in bouncer looks very lost but seems to be getting an idea that he better react soon so you hit her and took money off her me no none of this happened i think this lot are a bit drunk girls one through four all chime in with various yes he did and he stole her purse again another fun little addition bouncer right give the purse back me what purse i don't have a purse this is all bs bouncer speaks into the radio and another bouncer has now shown off he says he's going to look at the cameras and see what's what i'm lucky it was a relatively quiet night as normally i think i'd have just been kicked out of the place just to stop the drama and save time but as it was slow they decided to investigate the girls have all started getting a bit hysterical now they have the real bouncers and the story has been embellished to include me taking money off of them at the door to let them in which they want back of course the fact i apparently gave one of them a bit of a kicking and i was supporting the guys who were trying to hurt them it takes a few minutes but just as they're whipping themselves up into a frenzy the bar manager comes out and asks me if i'll go inside to speak to him i just want to go home now but as it will get me away from the screeching i agree i instantly regret it as i get shepherded into the back of the bar to the little room the security guys use i assume i'm going to get a kicking but the manager gets the second bouncer to show me the two clips on the security screen the first one shows me vaguely moving out of the way when they go in the bar definitely not taking any money and the second shows me inside the bar talking briefly to girl one her going to slap me and tripping herself up we have a little laugh and they say i'm fine i say i'm going to go but they suggest if she calls the police it might be better if i hang around so it can be sorted out with this evidence apparently it's quite common for people to lose things like purses and try to blame others in pubs i ask what they're going to do with a group of girls and they say they're going to be asked to leave we go back outside and the girls are still going on about what i apparently did when the manager asks them to leave they get really mad for a few seconds protesting manager i've looked at the cctv and this guy didn't do anything you actually tried to attack him girl one i never he slapped me and stole my purse i'm calling the police manager well feel free but as i said i've got the footage so you will make yourself look a bit silly girl one no i won't i bet you do this all the time rob people and share the money bouncer you've been asked to leave so please go i'm not going until he gives me my purse back me i don't have it are you sure you didn't drop it when you fell over i did a smirk a bit here which may have been an error girl one you little jerk she launched herself at me but the bouncer with reflexes like a cheetah manages to catch her in midair and hold her there this was no mean feat as she was a pretty large girl she starts kicking and screaming but it doesn't seem to trouble him too much he holds her there for a few seconds as she runs out of steam girls two through four slowly seemed to realize it isn't going to work and quiet down and seem to sink back a bit to get away as girl 1 catches our breath the two girls 5 and 6 who had been inside and really hadn't been involved at this point come out of the bar and arm with the two guys girl five hi karen not her real name of course it was actually chantelle or something we've bumped into our fellas so we're heading home have a good night oh by the way here's the purse you asked me to hold they hand over the purse which she takes very sheepishly and girls five and six leave with the guys the remaining girls have all but disappeared now and it appears the show is over bouncer releases girl one and again asks them to leave they seem a bit defeated and slink away apart from girl one who is hanging back a bit she turns to me and looks at me for a second i was expecting an apology for the misunderstanding or a final forget you but she actually says to me will we get in next week me sorry what do you mean we aren't barred are we bouncer and manager look at each other and shake their heads a little bit not quite sure why she still thinks i work there me seizing an opportunity you are i'm afraid your friends can come back anytime though manager deciding it's easier to go with me on this one now yes that's right i'm afraid we can't have people assaulting the staff if you leave now we won't call the police she then joins the rest of her troop and they dejectedly walk away and leave the smoking area and the bar with a bit of muttering bouncer looking a bit confused so hang on do you work here or not me no sorry mate i just stood in the wrong place at the wrong time i was just taking the steam out of her at the end bouncer okay so how come she's barred manager don't worry about it just get a picture of the video and put her on the wall of shame i presume this was how they tracked the troublemakers right all sorted talking to me now can i get you a drink for all the trouble me better not boss not while i'm working cue a wry smile from the manager and a little bit of laughter from the few people who had gathered around and had picked up on what was going on sadly everyone didn't stop and clap but it was enough for me phil and i got a free round of drinks out of it and i still go to that bar every now and then to this day karen thinks my sons are yard workers we are a mostly hispanic family that lives in a modest middle class neighborhood our teenage sons maintain our lawn and also help our neighbors lawn she is a single mom and er nurse and appreciates the help cast we've got karen we've got my older son who's 19 we've got my younger son who's 17 we've got me my husband and bonus characters at the end my sons had noticed a few times that there is a woman in a silver lexus that rolls past our house a few times when they've been out there she basically just pulls up in front of the house and idles in the middle of the street staring finally one evening she worked up the nerve to roll down the window and speak with them the first time karen hello i saw you boys doing the yards and wondered if you could do mine too older son possibly where do you live karen i live in three miles away much more expensive neighborhood older son i'm sorry ma'am we don't have a truck and the lawn equipment won't fit in my car okay thank you no problem bye a couple of weeks later karen rolls up again hello i saw you boys doing the yards and wondered if you could do mine too older son i'm sorry ma'am like we told you last time we don't have a way to transport our lawn equipment also this isn't really a business we just do it in our spare time to help out karen well how did you get it all here younger son we live here and we do our neighbor's yard as a favor you live here let me speak to your master older son you mean our parents no your owner boss whatever younger son comes inside to get me and relays what's happening i'm still a little disbelieving and think he's surely misunderstood older son just ignores her while she waits and he resumes yard work me hello ma'am how can i help you karen i need to talk to their owner point at my sons me i'm their mother what is the issue who is their owner i want to speak with them me they don't work here lady this isn't a business they are my sons karen still doesn't seem to understand that i am the mistress of the house also referred to in 2020 as the homeowner at this point my husband who is caucasian comes out of the house to see what's happening karen to my husband sir hi i was wondering if you would allow your workers to come to my yard husband who has not been apprised of what the heck is actually happening but realizes something is definitely not right hi ma'am these are my sons they live here is something wrong karen seems to finally realize what is happening and mumble something of an apology to my husband only and gets back into her car and leaves but wait there's more about an hour later two police officers two separate squad suvs show up at our door lights flashing and weirdly parked blocking the street my husband answers the door and the officer explains to him that they got a complaint that there was a burglary in progress my older son provided them with her vehicle description and license plate he was smart enough to note sensing she would be trouble the officers explained that they have gotten several neighborhood watch calls about her apparently she often drives around the neighborhood trying to hire handyman and lawn workers for cheap do any of you guys cut your own lawn and if so do you enjoy doing it or do you hate it please let us know she did nothing wrong she was trying to give them a job entitled boss demands babysitting so this is a story from a few years ago i had just graduated from college and had just landed a degree in my field of study one side note i was the youngest employee at the company by about two years 26 male and although i didn't know it at the time i was secretly being paid less than the people i graduated with i left college two years early story time we've got entitled boss we've got entitled kids one and two and we've got me so i had gotten the job about a week earlier and was just starting i was single at the start of this and taken at the end it was about 4 pm when my boss walked up to me as i returned from the printer entitled boss hey lp i have an emergency my babysitter just cancelled could you maybe cover now i listed that i was a babysitter through college to make cash so that combined with me being the youngest probably made him come to me me uh sure i had just worked there for a week and didn't want to upset my new boss so he drove me back to his place and i met his kids they were seven and five they hadn't had dinner yet and they said they would be home in five hours now i have babysat many many kids in my life but these kids were in the bottom ten percent fighting yelling making a mess everything really they didn't respect me as an authority figure which is important when looking after kids my boss came home didn't offer to drive me home and didn't pay me immediately saying it'll be on your paycheck i went home this would happen frequently over the next month i probably babysat about two nights a week it was choking my social life then i saw my paycheck nothing no raise no extra cash just the money i got in my contract about 3 500. my coworkers were making 4 000. i walked into my boss's office for this conversation me hey boss you said that i'll get extra cash for babysitting on my paycheck entitled boss oh uh well you're the youngest worker here so we really helped you out by hiring you that's the gift next month though then i'll help you out me okay fine but i better get the money i was a scared young employee who didn't want to get fired so the next month went by and again probably about eight hours a week of sitting and i had a nine to five five days a week job which meant i was basically doing a free shift a week i got a girlfriend and it was tough managing everything but i was looking forward to that paycheck but guess what happened me hey entitled boss where's the money entitled boss what money the babysitting money we discussed this last month the reward is working here me no we didn't now give me the money entitled boss either the money or the job me fine give me the money the boss tried to backpedal i don't think he saw me quitting but i had enough of him i got the money and got a new job don't know what happened to the boss or the entitled kids i moved across the country a few months later thanks for reading have you ever had a boss that tried to take advantage of you please let us know oh i just love taking advantage of people karen throws small wine rack on the ground because i ordered it a little context first every year on the second sunday of june it's father's day for father's day i ordered and paid for a small wine rack with six wines in it online so on to the story names are changed obviously characters we've got karen 40 year old woman without karen haircut we've got josh a male employee in the store we've got sarah female employee in the store and a friend of mine we've got good guy brian he's the store owner and we've got me the store i ordered it at and has a regular line and a reserved line the regular line the usual you get in after you took your stuff off the shelves the reserved line is for people who ordered something online this is so they can get their stuff without having to wait in line so the regular line was pretty long seven people but the reserved line was free so having ordered and paid online i set myself in the reserved line this did not sit well with karen karen sir you have to wait in the back of the line me no i don't i've karen cuts me off yes you do it's against the law me oh no here we go ma'am i've ordered online and she cuts me off again i don't care what you did or who you are you have to wait in the back of the line like everyone else looking around for support no one was with her by this time josh saw what was happening and tried to explain to karen what was happening didn't really pay attention to the conversation but she was off my back so i give sarah my order number she goes to the back comes back with my package and i go home happy i wish that happened but this would not be a good one if it did though so here is what actually happened during the time that i gave my order and she got back with my package the other employee was done explaining things to karen i don't know if he gave up or if karen brushed him off in the end but i get my package turn around and see karen storming to me takes my package out of my hands i was a bit surprised how strong she was and throws it on the ground the wine rack foot was bent and four of the six bottles were broken karen there now you have to get a new one and stand in the back of the line like everyone else me dumbfounded sarah what the heck takes phone yeah brian can you come to the counter we have a situation karen well what are you waiting for go get your stuff and get in the back of the line starts to go back to her place me what is wrong with you lady karen what is wrong with you young man you cannot cut in line it's against the law meanwhile brian arrives brian separates us both and gets our statements apparently according to her i cut in line and when she was stopping me i threw the wine rack at her then brian goes away for a second to check the camera footage no change in karen's face though comes back and the following conversation goes like this brian ma'am i'm going to have to ask you to leave the store karen why i didn't break the law he did pointing at me why should i leave i haven't even paid for my stuff brian please leave the store or police will be called call them they will say i'm in my right brian size takes out his cell phone and dials the police a few moments pass by and the police come take statements from me karen and brian karen lies again about me throwing the wine rack police go to the back of the room for the camera footage come back and escort her in cuffs to the police car the whole time she was yelling this is against the law i was in my right you can't do this what about him one of the police officers comes over and technically what she did is assault do you want to press charges me heck yes then lets me sign a paper with my statement and wishes me a happy day further the owner of the store replaced the wine rack with another one they still had in the store but this one was with more expensive wine mine was 80 euro in total this one was 95 euro but didn't charge me for the extra 15 year old speaking of lines what was the last line that you had to stand in mine was at walmart she was right he should have just gone to the back karen tries to use my mother to get free breakfast cast we've got karen awful entitled nosy woman we've got karen's daughter not entitled at all we've got my mom we've got my dad we've got me we've got the manager and we've got the waitress me and my parents like to go out to have breakfast every sunday and on this particular day we were in one of our favorite restaurants located in a mall without suspecting what was going to happen my mom ordered a club sandwich and just before she took the first bite she noticed something was out of place among the salad was a blue wire the kind that is wrapped in plastic and used in bread bags to keep them closed she quickly called our waitress and explained the situation in a very discreet way the waitress apologized took the plate away offered to bring her a free courtesy dish and said she would talk to the manager thinking back maybe the word free was what made karen notice us right next to our table was a woman karen and her daughter when the waitress went away karen suddenly began to talk to us karen that was awful they should have been more careful you could have choked if you had eaten that mom joking good thing i noticed before i started eating yes maybe the cooking staff should have paid more attention while serving but we weren't particularly angry about it mistakes happen and sunday morning is always a busy time at that place and as my mother said no one got hurt so we just let it slide karen on the other hand proceeded to complain as if the wire had been on her plate instead of my mom's she told us about this time someone she knew friend sister i don't remember found a nail in their plate at another restaurant and sued the place doubt it was true i felt like she was trying to impress us my parents were acting polite just playing along probably thinking karen was just a concerned woman i was silent for the most part of it wishing she would just shut up while i noticed that her daughter was silent as well and that she had this expression of absolute misery on her face now that i think about it it was a signal that karen usually displayed that behavior quite often the manager finally came and because of the fuss karen was making thought she was the one who had the problem and apologized to her the waitress corrected him and then he talked to my mother manager we are very sorry please feel free to order whatever you want free of cost mom i'd like to have another club sandwich please karen no you should order something more expensive they committed a mistake you deserve it karen's daughter quietly mom please stop mom getting mad at karen a club sandwich is fine thanks the waitress and the manager retired we thought that was all but we were wrong karen still complained about what had happened and in a not so quiet or discreet manner basically said that my mother was stupid for not taking an opportunity when provided karen if it had been me i would have sued this place for endangering my life karen's daughter slightly raising her voice mom please just stop that didn't even happen to you eventually the waitress came back with my mom's sandwich and at that point my dad and i were angry and wanted to tell karen to stop with her complaining and bat-mouthing but my mom insisted we ignore her and tried to enjoy our breakfast the best we could karen and her daughter finished eating and finally went away we sighed with relief thought that this was over and we would have some peace but no again we were wrong waitress to my father shyly excuse me sir could you come with me please dad is there something wrong we just need to clear a misunderstanding dad if this is because of my wife's incident there's no problem from our part we understand it was an accident do not worry waitress looking extremely embarrassed yes it is because of that there's this woman at the cashier claiming to be her sister and requesting a null bill for herself and your behalf my dad practically stormed out my mom asked me to follow him and so i did just in time to see karen yelling at the cashier a young woman and the manager trying to calm the situation karen my sister and i have agreed to sue this place because of your irresponsibility you put a piece of wire in her plate and still want me to pay for my meal dad that's enough you've been disrespectful to my wife and the ladies the waitress and the cashier you are the worst kind of person and are in no way related to us stop lying and pay your bill already my dad is the kind of person who rarely gets angry and when he does he gets extremely serious so i was really surprised to see him like that i want to clarify that he isn't a violent person but i had never seen him yelling at someone like that before i also noticed that karen's daughter was crying right behind karen talking on her cell phone and i couldn't help but feel sorry for her because honestly she did nothing wrong and her only fault was having karen as a mother something that she couldn't have chosen looking back i wish i had approached to tell her i knew none of this was her fault that i noticed she tried to calm her mother and we didn't blame her for anything meanwhile another waiter arrived with the mall security they made sure karen paid her bill then escorted her outside with her poor daughter following from afar the manager apologized again and because of the incident with karen cancelled our bill despite this my parents and i agreed to leave half of our total bill as a tip because the staff was in no way responsible for our bad experience and they suffered from it too still i doubt we will return to the same restaurant out of embarrassment have you ever found anything strange in your food if so what did you do about it please let us know anytime i find something in my food i sue the place even if i'm the one who put it there you can't name your kid after my dog my brother 39 male recently had his first kid with sister-in-law this is the story of why my sister 37 female stopped talking to everyone for over a year all over a name no this takes place between the summer and winter of 2018. a few weeks after the gender reveal my brother and sister-in-law decided to release the name of their unborn child bella changed for privacy my sister immediately went ballistic because she has a dog named bella and said it was completely despicable that my brother was going to name his kid after her dog now she does have a habit of being extremely dramatic so our family initially just ignored the drama unfortunately my sister also has a reputation of being a very persistent drama queen she started calling everyone in our family to restate how awful our brother and sister-in-law were for naming their kid after her dog etc family trying to avoid the drama gave non-committal comments and grunts as responses but my grandmother agreed wholeheartedly and nasty comments followed eventually i was asked to comment and i told her that she was being completely ridiculous no one was naming their kid after her dog they just happened to have a similar name no the actual names were slightly different but were shortened to the same nickname but how are we going to tell the difference if i call my dog i don't want my niece coming along i told her the dog was extremely old and the problem wouldn't last forever yes i know that was rude of me but i was entirely over this bs and she just went off the deep end she ended up messaging my pregnant sister-in-law the following conversation took place sister you need to change the name you are being so shellfish just change the name sister-in-law look sister-in-law i am letting your brother name our kid he has had this name picked out for years i personally really like the name i don't mind our kid having the same name as your dog it's not that big of a deal to me we can call our daughter by her full name when your dog is around sister so are you going to tell your daughter you named her after my dog sister-in-law she isn't being named after your dog she just has a similar name sister this is ridiculous if you don't change the name i want nothing to do with you and my brother moving forward note this comment so time moves on this name thing became a funny joke between my mom and i eventually my sister got a second dog and named her jane so i made a joke post on social media saying i am so excited for my new niece bella jane to join the family my sister flipped and ants told me i was being mean i just laughed am i the jerk anyway the day arrives my sister-in-law is being induced i happened to be in town at the time so my mom and i went to the hospital to bring sister-in-law and brother some goodies and spend a bit of time with them before she entered active labor i was excited i posted a picture of me laying on my mom's lap and said come on bella we're waiting i didn't really think it through my sister-in-law and brother didn't mind me posting it but my sister immediately started calling everyone saying that she can't believe she wasn't told why wasn't she invited to the delivery etc i called her i told her we weren't there for the delivery we just stopped by they didn't want a bunch of people there it turned into my sister texting my sister-in-law who was in labor about how she is disgusted that she wasn't invited etc my sister-in-law commented that it is just her and my brother for the delivery and that we were leaving soon she also reminded her that she had said she wanted nothing to do with them if they didn't change the name and they didn't change the name anyway my sister ended up blocking everyone on social media and posted i'm tired of finding stuff out on facebook i'm unfollowing everyone and for over a year she refused to talk to anyone except for my grandmother i ignored all calls and texts and refused to come to family functions in fact she's only recently started talking to me again because of what's going on and me being a healthcare worker she still doesn't acknowledge her niece so that's my entitled sister have you ever had an entitled sister or an entitled brother please let us know my sister susan can be a real handful sometimes karen demands i give her a motor cart i'm bringing to my disabled mother cast we've got me we've got my mother and we've got karen doesn't have the care and haircut unfortunately but definitely the attitude a bit of backstory i was 28 at the time of this story me and my mother live together because i take care of her when i'm not working as she is disabled and walks with a cane with difficulty me and my mother went to the mart of walls i was wearing a red shirt that says do me a favor and stop talking on it my mother looked at the area for the motor carts and saw none there so we tried to troop on with just a card i could see she was hurting as we walked and knew she couldn't make it all the way through our shopping on foot me mom stop i will go see if a cart has been put back mom okay son mom just leaned against a wall as i dashed back to the entrance right as i got there an older man was getting out of a motor cart and i was relieved i asked how the charge on it was and he said he had only been on it for a little bit and it was still pretty full when he got off and left i hopped on and started the drive to where mom was right as i was about to pass the entrance bay area so i hadn't gotten far i heard a voice in comes the karen not bashing but this woman was well big i'm not a small guy either a bit on the chubby side but i wouldn't say i was fat fat karen oh thank god an employee bringing a motor cart back please note i am leaving the cart area and i am wearing a shirt that's the exact opposite of this store's colors i looked back with a raised eyebrow she then snaps her fingers and points at the ground in front of her her gaggle of kids around her like a herd of sheep seriously there were like eight kids around her me um ma'am i don't work here i'm wearing a red shirt and why are you in a motorcard those are for disabled people she glares at me as she folds her arms in front of her i roll my eyes at her and give her the stink eye me first off you don't know whether i have a disability or not second i'm getting this from my disabled mother karen forget your mother i need it i am fat me being fat isn't a disability and neither is being stupid with that i motored away as she stomped her foot like a toddler and was yelling at me i ignored her at this point and brought the card to my mom i didn't tell her about the karen as i didn't want to think about it as we shopped though i noticed that karen was apparently stalking us through the aisles no motor card but i would occasionally see her peeking around a corner glaring at me when we left i made sure an older lady got the card no arrests no assaults but we were stalked through the store by this lady i felt like a penguin being followed by an orca edit for anyone thinking that she didn't say she was fat as weird as it is she actually did i was a bit surprised she actually admitted it was only because she was fat that she wanted it would you have given the cart to karen or taking it to your mom please let us know he should have given it to karen she deserved it no more per diem no more cheap lunches years ago i worked for a company that was acquired merged with a much larger company there were of course management changes and policy changes that's to be expected we were told that pretty much everything would stay the same for us though health benefits mileage reimbursements travel expenses etc well almost everything made the cut except for the per diem per diem was easy with the old company if you spent the night in a city accounting looked up the gsa per diem rate for that city and you got reimbursed automatically all you had to do was present a copy of your hotel receipt which you had anyway for expense purposes per diem was meals incidentals and entertainment normally works out of 45 to 55 dollars a day which is supposed to cover pretty much everything except car rental fuel and major project expenses i like to eat well when i travel so 55 doesn't always cover my meal expenses but it's better than nothing and i can afford it of course some of the guys would spend like five dollars a day on canned fruit and sandwiches and pocket the rest more power to them during the meeting where they announced the merger they mentioned that per diem is ending and that all expenses will now be reimbursed directly meaning that we have to submit receipts for everything that we want to be reimbursed for this is a huge hassle especially on long projects with a lot of expenses it irritated me enough that i asked one of the vps about it during lunch me so what's with the change in per diem it's a lot easier to deal with and no one has to keep track of dozens of receipts vp i bet you guys like making a few extra bucks from per diem don't you me uh not really it doesn't always cover the full expenses but it's easier to keep track of vp well in order to keep expenses under control we will only reimburse exactly what is needed this struck me as condescending and stupid the guys disaffected were making 75 000 to a hundred twenty five thousand dollars a year so it's not like we were seriously padding our paychecks with an extra twenty to forty dollars a day for per diem it also meant expenses took an extra hour per week because of dealing with receipts of course i put that hour on my timesheet as overhead as part of this stupid policy change they didn't ask for itemized receipts just the signed copy and the limit for meals was quite high 15 for breakfast 25 dollars for lunch 45 for dinner looks like i'm about to start eating really well i normally skip breakfast because it upsets my stomach if i ate early but not anymore if there wasn't a restaurant where i could blow 15 on a healthy meal i would at least pick up a couple energy drinks and a box of breakfast bars even if i wasn't going to consume them right away no more whataburger or wendy's for lunch unless i was in a hurry now i'm going to chili's fridays or any other place where i can spend close to 25 for a decent lunch same for dinner 45 pays for a decent steak and a beer at a texas roadhouse or outback or i could just sit at the bar order chips and salsa then drink 35 dollars of drinks they didn't ask for itemized receipts so they would never know now they're paying out close to 85 a day just for meals plus dry cleaning and whatever else i had to buy while traveling not to mention the hour or two i have to waste submitting receipts every week speaking of restaurants what's your favorite restaurant to eat at please let us know i could go for some panera bread right now entitled mom completely loses it on a starbucks employee cast we've got me and we've got my mom unfortunately she's a karen and we've got the nice coffee lady i'm still so sorry so some background my mom has always treated service workers really poorly it's to the point where i won't go to sit down restaurants with her anymore and neither will my sister she especially is unkind to women however she's been having self-esteem issues because her new husband used to be married to a younger super attractive girl and i don't think she feels good enough for him she's constantly bringing up his ex-wife but also gets upset when anyone else brings this woman's name up it's bizarre point being i've noticed she's been extra rude to young attractive female service workers now y'all know how it is at starbucks they're really really friendly and happy go lucky workers at least in my area i've never met a rude starbucks barista so i'm visiting town and my mom wants to get her daily coffee and we go to her starbucks she won't go elsewhere by the way the lady at the front counter is really beautiful and i just know this isn't going to go well worker hi welcome to starbucks what can i get started for you my mom i want a grande pike place with cold soy and cream and a strawberry refresher worker a pike place with cold soy and cream it's a strange order so i don't blame her for wanting to clarify my mom that's what i said yes can you understand worker okay i'm sorry i just wanted to make sure i was getting your order right coming right up have an awesome day my mom in a mocking tone have an awesome day jerk at this point i start to apologize for my mom because i'm so embarrassed and that poor lady did not deserve any of that the manager has overheard everything and my mom is told to leave and not come back sitting in the car me what the heck is wrong with you my mom that lady had a fake tone i hate when service workers are purposely overly nice and fake just like be a real person me they have to be overly nice mom it's part of their job if you don't like it go elsewhere mom well i'll just have to train them to be normal according to my sister my mom has attempted to go back twice and was told the police would be called if she goes again speaking of starbucks what's your favorite thing to get at starbucks please let us know i could go for a coconut frappuccino right now entitled stepdad makes me destroy my turntable and has me sent to a psychiatric facility hey everyone here's a bit of backstory this story happened when i was 16 about two years after my mom married my stepdad we'll call him michael however there's some essential stuff that is important to this story i have several minor mental conditions depression anxiety and a few others but for the most part i'm okay however the one condition i do have that sort of makes things a bit difficult is i have high functioning autism which michael didn't believe was a real thing for some reason this becomes important later my mom and michael got married after only two months and without me even knowing until about a month after it happened when my grandma told me this guy was a textbook definition of a narcissist and a manipulator my mom had been divorced many years before she met him so he used her fear of being alone to force her to stay with his sorry butt he didn't even have a job due to being disabled from a stroke which he extorted for every ounce of pity he could there are many stories i could have posted about that unfortunately he never made much of an effort to get closer with me or my older brother who was about to move out at that time his philosophy was basically this is my house now so stay out of my way however with that he loved to control how everything was done what i did and when i wasn't allowed to leave the apartment complex i lived in or hang out slash go out with friends because you have no reason to so drop it and dating was a major no-go something about me that he despised was my love of rock and metal music anything from zeppelin to pantera he was devoutly religious and believed that kind of music was evil however my mom managed to convince him to let me continue listening to it the turntable that i had in my room was a gift from my grandma a few years prior and was basically my prized possession he was livid at the fact that i was able to play that phil and what he thought was his house eventually things came to a head when i lied to him about sneaking out to meet a friend at the 7-eleven about a block from my apartment complex he was completely livid probably the most angry i had seen him up until that point he told me to grab my baseball bat out of my closet and to put the turntables and all my records about 40 in total on the floor he then made me destroy the turntable and all of my records with the bad i tried protesting this but he told me if i didn't he would punish me even worse so i eventually caved and did as he said he then took the turntable speakers for god knows what purpose and made me sweep up the broken pieces of vinyl and plastic after that i became far more spiteful towards him as well as spiraling mentally we had several heated arguments about things i had done to try and get around his strict rules usually ending up with him egging me on to hit him if i was man enough he was a really big dude and rather threatening despite not being able to use his left arm being a scrawny 16 year old i obviously didn't have a chance so i backed down every time to his delight he would occasionally throw a punch to scare me but luckily he only got me a few times my mom would try and stop him but he would always find some way to talk her down she didn't have much of a choice in the matter in her mind eventually we got in a heated argument during dinner one night i'm not sure about what anymore and i threatened him looking back i see how stupid of an idea that was but being a stupid kid i didn't have that foresight he of course called the police and had me admitted into a psychiatric behavior facility very shortly after because he thought i was an unstable kid who needed to learn proper respect i stayed in that facility for a total of seven months and i don't know if you've ever had experience with a place like that but i can say to avoid it at all costs michael had all contact with family cut so i had no one to talk to for seven months except for the staff who didn't give a crap and the other residents who weren't the best people to be around in general eventually it was decided that going back with them wasn't an option so my mom eventually gave up custody of me and had me placed into foster care after i was discharged luckily the home i was put in was with a very caring family who helped me get past a lot of those lingering issues that came from the whole ordeal and since then i've been able to make my own for myself and i'm currently in university thanks to help from my foster family however my mom and stepdad are still married and according to my grandma he's still just as much of a jerk hopefully mom will get some sense and leave him but for now it seems like she's unwilling have you or anyone you know ever had a step parent treat you horribly if so what did you do about it please let us know this isn't your pizza ma'am in our area there are no zoning laws so we have a homeowners association that way a bar can't be built next door to your dream house you pay an annual fee and there are amenities like maybe a park and a pool the homeowners association contracts with the company for lifeguarding and pool cleaning to avoid liability cast we've got lg my daughter the lifeguard we've got the other lifeguards working that day we've got karen she's lived here forever and is getting you fired we've got karen's husband we've got junior karen's four-year-old son and we've got the innocent family setting it's a beautiful summer morning in pool wonderland kids are laughing and splashing and several lifeguards including my daughter sitting on her throne of peace and tranquility pool wonderland has some new rules this summer 1. no going down the water slide with anyone in your lap and two no non-swimwear in the pool if you happen to require a head covering of any kind it must be swimwear material this is an important detail for later scene one karen hubby take junior down the water slide karen's husband sure thing lifeguard atop the slide sorry sir no kids riding in your lap we do apologize it's a new rule this year karen's husband hey no problem junior disappointed but not an unruly little thing karen what the heck that's rude junior begins to cry as i assume this tone signals to junior that once again mommy is gonna lose it karen's husband it's no big deal karen now a dressing lifeguard why can't my son go down the water slide with his dad lifeguard explains the rules and karen doesn't like it but complies in a huff scene two innocent family shows up and orders pizza they have a small family birthday party which was scheduled in advance with tables reserved many of the women are wearing what i understand to be muslim swimwear appropriate fabric for the pool and covers much of them including a hijab please don't jump on me if anything i said was ignorant or incorrect about the religion or the names i used i'm merely trying to paint a picture i mean no offense and hope none is taken but polite corrections and constructive comments are always welcome innocent family decides to get in the pool karen also gets in the pool wearing a t-shirt and some shorts lifeguard ma'am i'm sorry but you will have to get out of the pool you can't wear that in the water karen excuse me i pay for the privilege to swim here and you cannot tell me what to wear lifeguard it's a new rule this year we can't allow people to wear cotton fibers in the water because it messes up the plumbing karen what about them she says disgustedly referring to the ladies in the innocent family if i have to get out so do they lifeguard now realizing what kind of person she's dealing with ma'am they are wearing swimwear you are not we'll see about that at this point karen is now being told by the lifeguard supervisor on duty the same thing nice try karen scene three pizza arrives there are four and drinks and breadsticks karen gets up and takes the pizza which was paid for already i imagine is no money changed in hands not even for a tip karen juggles all this to her table and sticks her legs in the water and the side of the pool another pizza arrives and the innocent family is approached by a lifeguard as they were expecting a delivery innocent family says no that isn't ours we ordered four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks from not that pizza place lifeguard looks around and sees four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks on karen's table lifeguard tells innocent family i bet i know who this belongs to let me help you she's thrilled after karen has been such a nasty jerk she didn't even say anything lifeguard walked to the table set the pizza down and helped the innocent family carry the four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks karen excuse me where do you think you're going with our food lifeguard this pizza isn't your pizza ma'am she has the order on her phone matching the pizza place and this order your pizza was delivered a moment ago and on your table karen glances back in confusion covering her embarrassment it wasn't even the same delivery place with pure rage now yelling at lifeguard and demanding the police be called lifeguard why would you call the police you have been harassing me all day and i know you've been staring at us i have lived here for years and i'm going to the hoa board to have you fired lifeguard laughs nervously and turns and walks back to her stand my daughter has bad anxiety and for years she's perfected a stonewall exterior where you think she doesn't care but she will cry later because i mean she's human karen trailing behind her and yelling now karen proceeds to use her phone camera to video my daughter hoping to catch her doing what i don't even know i mean she's literally paid to watch and scan patrons of the pool that's most of your dang job as a lifeguard by the end of the day the police have been called because karen insisted the staff was out of line karen's disruptive behavior has actually bothered other patrons mostly the innocent family as ugly comments about swimwear were overheard and made them uncomfortable it was following guards and taking cell phone video that actually got karen and her family kicked out not to mention it's ludicrous to be distracting a first responder from their job karen did not return to the pool for the remainder of the summer not because she was banned hopefully she went home and looked in the mirror and was too embarrassed by her behavior speaking of pools have you been swimming yet and if not are you planning on going soon please let us know the best thing about pools is that you don't have to get out to use the bathroom is complaintament a word i manage a running specialty store our return policy is pretty standard within 30 days unworn all sale items final sale but i basically always give store credit to customers who want to return a sale item even though strictly speaking that's against the rules that's still not good enough for some people this particular lady will call her pa short for police adjacent for reasons that will become clear comes in one day and demands to speak with the manager always a good sign she tells me that the last pair of shoes we sold her were way too big and completely wrong for her feet that my staff member lied to her and that she wants a full refund she's carrying neither shoes nor a receipt i ask pa if she has a receipt with her and she says of course not as she bought them several months ago and has long since thrown out the receipt i explained that our return policy is 30 days she says we have injured her with our poor advice and we should refund her or we should replace the shoes with something better i ask what model she purchased and when she tells me i think well geez that's a regular price shoe that we will stock so if they're unworn i'll do an exchange and or give her store credit just to get rid of her note that we make clear to customers that unworn actually means no visible wear so it's totally fine to wear them around your house for a bit to make sure they're good i asked her if she's worn the shoes outside and she looks at me like i'm an idiot of course she's worn them outside how else would she know if they work for her i explain again our return policy and say that i'm sorry but as it's been more than 30 days and she's warned them outside there's nothing i can do her anger has been simmering since she walked in the store and now it's begun a cascading nuclear meltdown she starts yelling at me first telling me that my staff member lied to her that a particular model of shoe didn't come in a specific variant we carry that model but not the variant so i explain with a straight of face as i can muster that while my staff are experts in the shoes we carry that they can't possibly know everything about every shoe on the market then repeatedly saying that her sister is a cop and she's going to be telling said sister about her treatment by our store i think this was supposed to be a threat but it was such a complete non-sequitur that i again had to struggle not to laugh somewhere in this process i look up her purchase in the computer and find not only did she buy these shoes five months ago not the one or two she claimed they are not the current models she claimed and were in fact last year's which were on sale she bought them during one of our bi-annual blowout sales which are the only times we enforce the all sale items our final sale rule we put signs up and mention it to all customers before they pay she still hasn't actually produced the shoes she wants to return we have exactly one till in the store and at this point i have other customers wanting to pay i offer to have my area manager give her a call but she refuses to leave her contact information and instead wants his sorry ma'am we don't give that information out was apparently the incorrect answer she mentions her sister is the cop again the waiting customers are getting fidgety and uncomfortable completely reasonable and the staff member will call her sm for store mom who had helped them it's just us two working that day comes over to see what's going on store mom is in her fifties has been working here longer than anyone else and is very protective of those of us who are on the younger side i'm in my early thirties me being her manager has no bearing on these facts pacstormom immediately assumes she's more in charge ignores me completely and begins her complaint from the beginning by the way in case you were wondering her sister is a cop while disparaging me and my atrocious customer service store mom has big mom vibes and is usually extremely patient and kind but i can see that pa is bringing out her mama bear side i quickly let her know that i can handle it and send her away i tell pa again that i unfortunately cannot return her as yet unseen shoes and that if she'd like to leave her information our area manager will give her a call she completely ignores me and restarts her complaint cycle i interrupt her ma'am i understand you're upset but there's nothing i can do if you don't want to leave your information you can also try calling customer service i can write the number down for you if you'd like right now though i'm going to have to ask you to move away from the counter as i have other customers waiting to pay she leaves yelling and grumbling cut to a week later and my area manager calls me out of the blue to tell me that a customer has called customer service to complain about me to my great delight customer service was closed when she called so she had to leave a voicemail my area manager plays it for me in short pa has the same baseless complaints as she did in our store her sister is still a cop and will still hear about this and she received horrible customer service from the apparent manager who was like 18 years old and will never be shopping at any of our stores again unless they fix this problem for her the manager was like 18 years old i'm in my early 30s i'd like to thank my good jeans and my skincare routine for this great honor anyways we didn't do the return she never came back to our store and when i'm feeling down about how i look i stand in front of the mirror and quote her and it never fails to give me a confidence boost oh yeah and did i mention her sister is a police officer have you ever tried to return something but found out you couldn't if so what did you do about it please let us know i've been through this too many times to count and i've reported more managers to corporate than i can remember karen i'm stressed and can't help you with your photos we've got karen we've got me and we've got my girlfriend everything started with my girlfriend and me rushing into a decoration store and afterwards to a famous store known for mostly hygienic stuff shampoo lotion etc to get a little present for a friend as a side note everything takes place in germany because of what's going on we're only allowed to go into the market with masks so we went inside the hygienic store after waiting 10 minutes to get a card and went straight to the photo printer of course all three of them were occupied after again 10 minutes and running short on time we had around 15 minutes left we could print our photos sadly the first machine had some kind of problem with the photos so we changed to another one which had the same problem so third time's the charm and the last machine was good my girlfriend and me stood there and minded our own business to get everything settled fast until one family stood near us with a kid who was about four to six strapped with some kind of blanket to the back of the mother the kid was screaming so loud and the parents just ignored it but everyone around them was visibly annoyed girlfriend started to get a headache because of it girlfriend i can't wait here my ears are gonna explode soon can i go away and get some tights me sure i'm gonna handle all the photos here this was probably some kind of signal for karen as soon as girlfriend went to get her stuff she started to whisper something karen what kind of photos where is it how she was standing alone there and talking to herself nothing that special i do the same thing sometimes then she started to talk louder and me doing my stuff and clearly not minding her was the trigger she stepped forward to me and said i know you heard me help me here me i'm sorry could you wait a bit how long should i wait i just want to print out my photos and i can't connect my phone to that stupid machine me looking at her machine seeing that she hasn't even pressed the button and was still on the home screen me you have to press here and then on photos and afterward just click on mobile and connect it through cable after that i went back to my machine and started to print some of my photos karen started to get visibly angry at me and started to talk to me like i didn't understand her i want to connect my phone do it at this point i'm getting annoyed i'm looking at her screen again and she didn't do anything again there was just a window with two options android and apple i looked at her phone pressed on android and the only thing she had to do were some clicks on her phone and connect the cable girlfriend returned girlfriend i have everything are the photos done me no this lady asked for help and i'm trying to girlfriend starts to talk in another language to me girlfriend i think you didn't see it but she didn't do anything she only wants you to do all her stuff i told karen politely that i have to do my things now and that i'm in a hurry she started to get furious looked back at me and her machine for about three minutes then she left the machine with some big steps and visibly very angry afterwards i checked the machine and she did nothing again so girlfriend was totally right we finished our photos and went to the checkout lesson of the story don't be a karen and don't let other people do your stuff because of your laziness has anyone ever tried to force you to do something for them please let us know sometimes we just need help pizza delivery to a rude nasty rich lady while i was eight months pregnant i worked at pizza place with a red hat logo as a driver while i was very very pregnant i had ordered a new work shirt as i had gotten way too big in the belly to have my shirt cover my belly bump my watermelon style belly was getting rather round due to all the frozen pizza i was getting from my managers that wanted to help me grow a baby better well i was allowed to wear a plain black t-shirt as long as i had my name tag and hat on until a new shirt arrived the next day i had gotten a delivery run in the very rich area of a town called feather sound at first i was really happy because this area was known for its great tips and when you are a driver you want all the tips you can get because you are not reimbursed for your fuel costs except a dollar a run minimum and this was during a time where gas prices were the worst we had seen in like eight years these people had ordered a huge amount of food 15 boxes of medium pizzas all together they had a sale on medium pizzas at the time i walked up to the door first with no pizza to make sure i got the right address and to see if anyone would want to help grab so many boxes as i was rather obviously fat with a baby i get to the door and the almost typical karen woman minus the blonde hair and instead had black dorothy day-like hair answering it almost yells at me before i can speak who are you who invited you to the party very rudely i hesitate for a split second and a bit of shock and say sorry ma'am i had to order a new work shirt but i'm your delivery driver liz for your pizza order she states to me rudely but not as bad but where is the pizza then and why are you pregnant she said that last word was some disgust in her voice i said as nicely as i could at first ma'am i'm so sorry for any confusion but since it was such a large order i wanted to check to see if this was the right door and to see if possibly someone could help me carry the 15 boxes up to your lovely home it was a mcmansion with a long walk from the curb to the front and i had a small oil leak in my car and didn't want to even dare ask to use her pristine drive and i am pregnant because well it happens when you get married i said the last sentence a tiny bit condescending as she was scowling at me she then started to go on a long diatribe of how she was not going to help me or have anyone help me as pregnant or not it is your job to serve me and how nothing better be eaten or i will call and get you fired i got really sick of her attitude and my feet were hurting from being on them all day in my current condition so i just said no problem and walked to her car while she was still talking i know she was technically in the right but it doesn't hurt to see if someone doesn't have a heart or possibly a spare kid to land for a few minutes to get everything taken care of faster i decided to be a bit of a jerk and stack all 15 pizzas and walked carefully to the door so i could get away from her as fast as i could she was standing there realizing i had enough of her with her arms crossed and stood away from the doorway and said put them on the table inside now i realized that she was just being a jerk as i saw many kids about 12 to 15 that could have helped out or at least gotten them from the door to the table as there was a policy that we were to never enter a home due to risks of getting mugged or attacked i didn't want to fight her at this point and wanted away from her so as i passed her into the home i said ma'am it is policy that we don't enter the house but since this is just too many to try to take out of my arms i will quickly do it this turned out to be the best thing because as i got to the table her sweet husband saw me from the kitchen and he realized what was going on as his wife had started complaining again about poor service and stating again that your pregnant cells better not have eaten any of my kids food once i gave her the receipt and the total when i got back to the door her husband got really red in the face and as she started to hand me a check which i could see that she had left me literally five cents as a tip he grabbed it from her quietly read the amount and gave her a face that said shut up karen he then proceeded to hand me in cash the cost of the food and a 50 tip she was silent as this happened and kept her head low and one of the kids then said wow that is so much pizza mommy why did you have her take it all up we could have helped like last time we had a party and we helped that old man this statement got her really bugged out eyes as i just smiled and thanked them both for ordering with our pizza place as the door shut you could see that her husband was glaring at her and her eyes were the size of dinner plates as i got to the car i could hear the faint stern voice of the husband which sounded like he was laying into her when i got back to the restaurant apparently the husband had called to apologize to the nice pregnant woman for his horrible wife's treatment as she always gets nasty to pregnant women as she had to adopt all of her kids what a nice husband dude i hope she learns not to be such a jerk to ladies just because they are with child and she is unable to birth a child i do respect her for adopting at least more than one kid not to mention adopting even one i got some much needed baby items with that fifty dollars just despite her rudeness speaking of pizza what's your favorite place to get pizza from please let us know i could go for some little seasons right now karen is sick and tired of eating takeout karen gets arrested this happened about five to six weeks ago but i just heard the story firsthand yesterday a fellow restaurant owner in my area was doing take out slash delivery right now when restaurants in our state were told we could open up for dine in at 25 he decided as did i and many others to not open as it just wasn't worth it all orders at his place be it a delivery service or customer picking up a takeout order was done outside nobody except employees were allowed inside orders were taken outside to the parking lot by an employee this happened a few days after the 25 percent was announced enter karen and her not karen friend they drive up and get out of the car employee is delivering a take-out order and sees karen and karen's friend tells them the restaurant is not open for dine in karen is not happy proceeds to scream how sick and tired she is of eating takeout and they will serve her and her friend now employee tells her that that is not going to happen karen kicks him in the leg employee manages to still get in front of her so she can't get in the door karen doubles down and stomps on his foot the owner witnessed the initial kick and subsequent stomp tells an employee to call 911 while he runs out to help the employee karen not knowing the police are already being called screams to her friend to call the cops karen's friend has done nothing she is frozen in place in the middle of the parking lot not believing what she's witnessing from karen karen is still trying to get in the door but can't as the employee she assaulted has fallen in front of the door this would have been a good time for karen and her friend to leave cop shows up and karen thinks he is there to order the owner to let her and her friend eat in oh delusional karen cop tells her he's there for a reported assault cop calls for an ambulance as a second cop shows up karen starts screaming that the employee is faking his injury as a third cop rolls up karen screams that she was the one assaulted by everyone within a quarter mile radius typical care and crap ambulance shows up and starts treating employee owner invites one of the officers inside meanwhile outside karen demands to leave nope not happening she has to stay while this is being investigated owner has cameras inside and outside karen's tirade is all on camera including the person who is getting his food delivered by the employee he had his camera rolling and got audio of karen in all her glory when told she could not leave and was going to be arrested karen reacts by screaming and pinching the cop on the arm so hard he had a bruise karen's friend never moved during all of this owners said her eyes looked like tennis balls bugging out of her head she was allowed to leave as she did nothing wrong employee had two broken toes yep raging karen stomped that hard karen was handcuffed put in a police car and taken to jail screaming all the way how she would have everyone's badge again typical karen kraft all of this because she was sick and tired of eating takeout one of the cops came by the restaurant the next day to ask about the employee he told the owner how in the last month or so there was an uptick in people getting arrested banned from businesses trespass orders who have never been in trouble with the law and the age group of approximately 55 to 70 years old yep karen 58 years old had never been arrested no problems at all will likely serve some time in jail as well as being sued by the employee their reasoning they are frustrated over what's been going on speaking of take out what's your favorite place to get takeout from please let us know she did nothing wrong i'm sick of eating takeout too entitled mom an entitled kid put everyone in danger for a video hiya so this happened exactly five hours ago from the time of this post this was while we were on a hiking trip in my country usual moral of the story comes at the end but this is genuinely important so i will say it in the beginning always always follow instructions on a hike especially when crossing difficult terrain background hikes are usually divided into tears based on a person's endurance speed and capabilities however this hike had one level due to a shortage of people and guides so my best friend and i were asked to assist given we are regulars and advanced hikers now we were walking quite a distance on a narrow path that forced everyone into a single line the path is dirt and leaves with rocks scattered and it was generally downwards with scattered streams of water making certain sections of the trail muddy and slippery not a big issue for most of us but we had two unruly new people with us entitled mom an entitled kid they complained about the mud plants insects and just about everything we were tolerant but that changed pretty quick we reached a rather flimsy spot where the dirt is very slippery slipping off would result in a painful trip to the or for sure so me my best friend and the guide situated ourselves at the beginning middle and end of the drop respectively to help people step across mostly allowing them to stand on our feet or foothills we made with our feet story cast we've got entitled mom entitled kid guide best friend girl hiker 1 girl hiker 2 and me ok girl hiker 1 stand on my right foot and then grab my best friend's hand best friend and guide give similar instructions and we were in a position where entitled kid is next i am supporting girl hiker 2 girl hiker 1 is with the guide while guy hiker was helping them entitled kid mom take a video of me doing this i will sprint across me no you won't you'll stand on my right foot and reach to best friend and take his hand entitled mom you cannot tell my kid what to do go on chief translated from my native language it's a term that is similar to man of men or that he is a strong man me no man if you do this and he slips we will all be in danger and i might not even be able to catch him get the heck back entitled kid runs a bit upwards and away from my reach and within his third step he loses his footing and slips he's now between me and my best friend while slipping he grabs girl hiker two's leg pulling her down my best friend grabs her arm and i grab her second one me you jerk entitled mom my baby you jerks better not let my baby get hurt pull him up best friend jerk he caused this entitled mom you swine my baby is more important than all of you get him back to me me shut up you entitled donkey girl hiker too are you okay sounds more insulting in my language girl hiker too i'm okay but he's holding on to my leg and kicking and i cannot get a foothold by now the entire group is looking in horror and the mother is screaming like a banshee while the guide grabbed a rope and tossed it to the kid kid would not let go of her leg forcing me and best friend to start losing our footholds best friend you idiot grab the rope or we will all go down entitled mom don't you dare scream at him this is all your fault you and this trail only a swine like you is an idiot me will you shut up already girl hiker two i need to grab you by the shirt is that okay girl hiker two yes yes just get me out of here i reached down and grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her up enough for my best friend to grab her back and pull up with me we felt the dirt beneath us giving way the dirt was slipping into the kid's eyes as it was tumbling down onto him he began to flail and scream causing the mother to start screaming as well entitled mom do not worry baby hold on you idiots are hurting him me can you put a lid on it entitled mom how dare a jerk like you and the swine next to you talk to me and my baby like that the guide had moved himself a bit below my friend and i and had a strong foothold the moment we pulled back up enough he grabbed the entitled kid and pulled him off allowing us to pull the girl hiker 2 out and back onto my best friend i lost a lot of my footing and had to dig my hands into the dirt and spider move myself onto a different position the entitled mom ran to the kid to check on him while yelling at all of us calling us idiots and irresponsible she kept threatening to sue calling my friend swine in other words now what she forgot and did not account for is that both me and my best friend's mom are with us and they saw all of this go down best friend's sister even recorded everything surprise cast we've got mom and best friend's mom mom our kids saved your spoiled bread so one more word out of you and it would best friend's mom shoves entitled mom into a tree trunk best friend's mom how dare you call my kid swine after he saved your kid's life you jerk i have half a mind to throw you off this ledge say one more word about my kid i dare you entitled mom an entitled kid visibly shrank as the entire group gathered around them yelling and blaming her and her kid for what they did i and my best friend got to cleaning our boots and clothing from the dirt we had slipped in we brushed it off and continued the trail hiker girl 2 stuck around my best friend they joked and he got her number as well entitled mom and entitled kid were noticeably silent and the guide issued them a ban from our group and other groups we usually collaborate with there you have it reddit my brush with a possible or admission due to an entitled kid also did i mention that entitled kid was 29 my best friend and i are 22 and 23 respectively thought this would be a juicy last piece of info for y'all edit i will respond to a few questions and comments as they have been expressed by a majority of people where are you from and what language was this conversation in lebanon and lebanese arabic dialect this is why you can see a group of comments about guessing my location and dialect correctly as those insults are pretty unique to lebanon and palestine how can he be 29 and still live with his mom this is not uncommon in lebanon due to the financial situation and the role mothers play in the lebanese society a lot of people have never grown out of their mother's circle yet i have to admit he was one of the worst cases i have ever encountered speaking of hiking do you enjoy hiking or camping do you like the outdoors or do you prefer to stay inside please let us know she did nothing wrong she was just trying to take care of her baby entitled mom tries to take a chocolate shake for which i paid cast we've got neighbor r we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got entitled kid we've got convenience store clerk and we've got cashier my neighbor r and his wife had a big birthday party today for their daughter he even went and got a huge blow up water slide for the kids when he went with his wife and daughters to return the slide to the person they rented it from their car broke down i got a message from them asking if i could pick them up since i drive an suv and could accommodate all of them including two car seats i said sure no problem and headed out on the way home i asked them if they needed to stop anywhere to pick up anything i needed six so i told them it wouldn't be an issue if they needed me to stop off somewhere r said he needed six too i stopped at the local convenience store when we were getting out the oldest daughter asked if she could get a milkshake her mom told her no they didn't have the extra money for that right now what with having to pay to have their car towed home when we got inside i asked are what kind of milkshakes they liked that i was going to get them as a treat for being good after having to deal with the car breaking down and all he said i didn't have to do that i told him it wasn't a big deal it was just a milkshake and i wanted to do it we walked over to the order screen and he ordered two chocolate shakes one with whipped cream one without i got my order slips and headed to the cashier now at this store you place the order pay for the order then pick up your food slash beverage neighbor had already bought his sigs so he waited there for the shakes while i went to pay i chatted with the clerk paid for my stuff and turned back to the counter to get the shakes and then it got weird neighbor hey what were those order numbers again me 106 and 108. neighbor i thought so hey that is my shake this was directed to a kid who would grab the chocolate shake off the counter entitled kid my mom said i could have a chocolate shake and this one is just sitting here it's mine now me um that's not how it works kid give me the shake you didn't pay for it entitled kid louder my mom said entitled mom what are you doing why are you yelling at my son me i paid for that shake you didn't i have the order slip he can't just walk up and grab something off the counter like it's his entitled mom well i haven't ordered his yet so just let him have that one you can order another one for yourself muttering like you really needed now peeps i am a bit curvy but i am in no way shape or form obese and even if i was you don't take someone's shake neighbor oh crap me excuse me what the heck did you say clerk here is your second shake wait where is the first one is something wrong this was said as she saw me staring down entitled mom me lady i have already paid for both of those shakes and not that it is your business but neither are for me therefore his pointing at my neighbor daughters so your son can put that shake down and you can both walk away from me or you are going to see what a chocolate shake enema feels like entitled mom looking at the clerk she just threatened me you need to call the cops i can't believe she is trying to take away my son's shake clerk lady she ordered and paid for them not you and i didn't hear a thread did you looks at the cashier cashier nope entitled kid i want my shake entitled mom i'm going to call the cops on you for threatening me me go ahead and i am sure these awesome workers will also call them on you for theft of a milkshake last chance lady either your kid puts the shake back on the counter or you will be leaking chocolate syrup for days entitled mom grabs the shake from her son slams it on the counter so hard it exploded all over the clerk and the counter when she realized what she had done she grabbed her son's arm and yanked him out of the door running for her car the poor clerk was covered in chocolate shake the cashier went behind the counter to make a new shake and the clerk left for the back to try and clean herself off i felt so bad for the clerk but the cashier said her shift was ending in less than 30 minutes so she was going home shortly and could get a shower i thanked them both for the shakes and for sticking up for me and neighbor and i went out to the car he told his wife the story and she laughed so hard i thought she would fall out of the car she had seen entitled mom an entitled kid running out of the store speaking of shakes what's your favorite shake of all time please let us know hurry up and finish mr reddit so we can go get some frosties from wendy's and dip the fries in them entitled mom tries to get me fired from a place i don't work this is kind of an old story but i still think about it from time to time i was about 17 at the time and a friend of mine mark was helping to cater some renewal of vows thing for whatever reason the catering service just could not find people to work this mark was worried that he was going to have to do it on his own he was only 16 at the time and had just started working this really stressful job well mark and my sister janice were best friends so mark hit her up and asked if we would be willing to help him out neither of us had any idea what we were doing but he seemed stressed so we agreed we showed up wearing nice enough clothing and got a fast run down of how it was going to work it seemed simple enough but we realized pretty quickly that there was tension in the air the little hour-long gig that they had been hired for was not little at all there were way more people than the caterers had been notified of and there was not enough food not only that but the caterers had only been hired to prepare the food and switch it out whenever the buffet dishes were getting empty the caterers were not aware that they would be responsible for collecting and cleaning all of the dishes when they were done part of the reason mark asked my sister and i to help was because he wanted to make the night easy now we were barely able to keep up janice was giving out wine mark was switching out food trays and i got the unfortunate job of collecting all of the dishes because mark and janice were pretty busy with the guests i wound up dealing with the angry guests one of these was an entitled mom that made it her mission to ruin my night my memory is pretty fuzzy here but it went a little something like this entitled mom excuse me there's no mac and cheese left for my boys me they might have run out what how can that be who the heck takes all the mac and cheese before the kids can get any don't you have any more me no i'm afraid not then make more now i didn't technically work for this catering company but i did know that they made most everything from scratch the mac and cheese wasn't just a few boxes of craft tossed in a pod i didn't want to make the bride and groom look bad by saying that they didn't order enough food so i kind of just shrugged and said it's not that simple sorry i started walking away with my big card of dirty dishes i was trying to clear off all of the dinner plates before dessert was served but the entitled mom grabbed the front of my cart to stop me entitled mom where's your boss i've had it with your unprofessional behavior most people who know me know i have a very short fuse i normally try to stay out of conflict because of it me ma'am i'm volunteering my time to help the catering company with this gig you can try to get me in trouble or whatever but it doesn't really matter to me she did one of those pearl clutching offended style gasps and i again tried to move my cart past her well since she couldn't stop me she decided to try and push my cart over you know the one filled with several porcelain and glass dishes i don't know how but by the grace of god i was able to jump around the cart and grab the falling side a few dishes slipped past me and broke on the ground but ultimately i had saved the majority my heart was pounding in my ears but this entitled mom just kept yelling about how her sweet son was going to starve because we didn't have any mac and cheese i was mortified when i looked around and saw how much attention we had drawn eventually the bride made her way over and instead of listening to what i had to say berated me further apparently entitled mom was her sister mark and janice weren't having much luck keeping the peace either and after the bride was finished yelling mark pulled me aside and informed me that we had been catering this event for three hours which was way longer than we had been hired for he decided to call his boss who was upset and told us to get the heck out of there we dropped everything and decided to leave at that point the bride chased us down and threatened to withhold payment but mark pretty much told her to pound sand in the end the catering company got their money from a mortified groom and my sister and i were both given 20 bucks for our patients last i heard the bride in the groom had gotten a divorce good for him speaking of mac and cheese do you like mac and cheese have you ever put hot sauce or bacon on it please let us know my baby loves mac and cheese of course i really do work here look how i'm dressed took my octognarian mother shopping walked away from her for less than a minute met a 30ish year old karen and her spawn so i took my mom to get some groceries and stuff at mr walton's department store this just happened yesterday saturday being really nice out i'm wearing an old and faded black t-shirt with denim coveralls that i cut the legs off for summer mom is in her 80s and has a rollator walker so i push her card and she walks beside me i try to do the food items last so the cold stuff stays cold but mom insisted on starting on that side okay i gave in and off we went after the groceries were in the cart mom heads us over to electronics because i was telling her that hubby and i are debating buying all the avengers movies versus getting a streaming service mom wanted to see the cost of the dvds this is where we met karen and her spawn i'm explaining dvd versus blu-ray to mom when karen walks up and tells me that she needs my help next mom is sitting on her walker while we are talking i politely told her i don't work here i'm a customer then i point out an employee in a blue vest karen ah no you are obviously helping this old lady to buy a dvd player i'm just telling you i am next me sorry but i really don't work here i'm shopping with my parent karen listen here missy i know you work here now as soon as you are done with this old lady i am next one thing i forgot to mention i have blue hair right now and had my hair up and two ponytails i know i don't look like a kid but i definitely don't look 50 either i hate being called missy especially when the carbon-based life form is younger than me if any of you have read other shopping trips i have posted you know my mom is a very feisty italian mom listen lady open your ears my daughter doesn't work here look how she's dressed karen ma'am please i'm just asking this girl to serve me next spawn mom she really doesn't work here look at her clothes and hair karen just be quiet you wanted a switch we're going to get you a switch if this girl doesn't show more respect i'll make sure we get a discount by this point my mom is done in italian she starts insulting this woman my mom does not like being the center of attention but man if you annoy her duck and run just duck and run sales staff finally makes it over to us since mom is getting louder the longer you let her go karen sees the employee and starts in on how rude i am and what a horrid employee i am and i need to be disciplined for my attitude towards her the employee looks at me my mother and karen and politely an italian asks mom what happened mom calmly explains and refers to karen as a mean name i'm dying trying not to laugh karen has her say and finally it's my turn and i turn to karen me look i don't know who your parents are but sweetie i could be your mother you teaching your kid to act like this is unacceptable especially right now with everything going on and places going out of business i'm pretty sure you knew all along that i don't work here and we're hoping to cause enough of a scene to get the acting manager to give you a massive discount i'm here to tell you that that ain't happening today not here not in this store you think that just because i'm dressed in old frayed clothing you can pull a stunt like this then tell staff that i accosted you and i caused all the drama guess again child on top of your bad behavior towards me you have caused my mother to get upset i'm so tempted right now to call the cops and have you charged with harassment karen left mom and i finished shopping and left in the car mom says i guess you're a little stressed today huh oh my god that was the understatement of the year edit just saw a comment pop up then disappear yes some people do post and make up stories in order to get karma points i do not i don't post much and i'm not doing this for karma points high school was over 30 years ago i don't need to be part of the popular crowd so if you're going to make comments to that effect please go look for the truly obvious fake stories edit two spanish and italian are both latin based languages and unless you want to go tell my mother that you think her italian is incorrect please don't bother trying to correct mine in this post as i am repeating her choice of words speaking of walmart do you enjoy shopping at walmart or do you hate it please let us know i love walmart and i love harassing the people there entitled father demands i let his kids play with my extremely dangerous dog so a little context i used to walk dogs for people now my friend had a dog but she was extremely aggressive to just about everything and so they never walked her for example she used to be a guard dog for a farm but she attacked over 50 chickens and badly injured a horse and the other four guard dogs so they re-homed it to my friend's parents in their care she has so far attacked puppies it's a messy situation but they love her anyway her hips were getting pretty bad because she wasn't getting any exercise due to her behavior she was shut away in a single room a lot of the time so i put my big boy boots on and asked if i could try and train her after she trusted me and listened to me some i asked if i could start walking her they agreed so we've got me my friend daisy the dog entitled father and his three kids all under 10 youngest was the only male and my friend's dad bill fast forward six months now she wears a bright red harness that says dangerous dog and a muzzle she's a very pretty dog large white and fluffy kids often try and come near her but when she starts snarling and lunging they tend to back off i try and walk in deserted areas but you know they live in the middle of a busy town it's sort of impossible so this day we were walking the path i hear from behind me something along the lines of look a puppy so i'm already pretty upset because i don't want to deal with angry parents we start speeding up but so do the kids one of the girls runs straight at us and grabs her tail she goes ballistic completely jumping off the ground plunging snarling barking bearing her teeth the whole lot now this father walks up smiling this dog is trying to rip her face off and he's laughing about it i'm trying to control daisy so my friend takes control mostly i was busy but the gist of it was my friend asked the man to continue walking with his kids so the situation could be handled and he was sorry for her behavior pretty simple right the father for whatever reason starts asking questions about her directed at me stupid things like what's her breed how old is she what's her name etc then he has the nerve to ask if she's good with kids i was getting angry myself which was a bad idea because then daisy was getting further riled up i'm going to add that all three of his kids were laughing at daisy which she hated they kept trying to pet her it was insane i grabbed her collar and dragged her away note never do this with aggressive dogs i was using it as a last resort and only because she was muzzled the family then follows us one of the kids chased after us again i yelled seriously will you buzz off kid stops dead in his tracks and starts bawling father storms up to us and starts sort of yell whispering at us you know what i mean you have no right to yell at my kids they just want to play you're clearly hurting this dog etc he then goes let her off the leash and let her play with my kids take that disgraceful harness off of her and that thing on her face and after that we'll leave you alone at this point i was so close to saying okay but it would have ended badly for daisy and that's the only reason i didn't the father sort of stands there like well and i'm just standing there gobsmacked my friend was on the phone with his dad who had offered to come and defuse the situation my friend's dad is a huge bsr but he's so good at it luckily he was only about 10 minutes away so we all stood there the father often trying to grab the leash from me luckily just as he actually managed to grab it my friend's dad comes running around the corner to the back of entitled father he yells excuse me at the top of his lungs and the father drops the leash i grab it and start running with a dog towards bill with my friend bill continues towards entitled father yelling about being an officer he's not they yelled for a few minutes but one thing that really stuck out in my mind was i've got friends in all the right places boy i could get you locked up for a very long time try and steal my dog or mess with my kids again and your kids will never see you again he promptly walked back towards us and asked if we wanted to grab some ice cream on the way home it was a really scary situation and we both cried once we got home but it could have gone so much worse also i'm sorry if this is written weird or if i'm missing some information i have problems with spelling and also my memory is pretty bad speaking of dogs what's your favorite dog breed of all time please let us know boodles for the win hey karen read us that new review that we got on the podcast today it's me mario says awesome and super funny just don't listen to it in public you will get weird looks from people around you because you're laughing so hard thanks mario so glad you're enjoying the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes wash your hands please it seems that the cafe i work at attracts the crazy ones for backstory i work at a cafe that's doing take out only and having employees wear masks in compliance with city and provincial orders right now and for the most part we're doing pretty well we've even got to the point of where we hired one new employee to deal with the upcoming summary increase that we think is coming the person we hired though was a huge mistake we live in an area where it's just where the wealthier and normal areas of the city meet so we see a lot of both kinds of people in here it just so turns out that this 16 year old new employee fell within the wealthier side as usual we've got entitled kid entitled mom me and we've got the manager we start our story off on entitled kids first day in after his telephone interview i'm in the front getting ready to work and ready to train him when entitled kid comes out into the front espresso bar rather quick and wearing his mask improperly with his nose not covered and his upper lip basically hanging out me first you need to fix your mask and second did you wash your hands entitled kid checking his phone i washed my hands at home me okay the rules here even if this wasn't going on right now are that you need to wash your hands before starting work and put your phone away no phones while you're up front entitled kid looking up from his phone huh me go wash your hands and fix your mask entitled kid giving me the evil eye no i washed my hands at home what do you think i'm sick me pointing to the health authority sign just wash your hands please entitled kid i washed them at home why am i gonna do it again me cleaning parts of an espresso machine entitled kid you need to wash your hands and wear your mask properly over your mouth and nose at that point entitled kid grumbles and trudges over to the hand wash sink out of the corner of my eye i see him just wet his hands shake them dry and come back managers seem to see much more than that manager speaking in her patented mom voice wash your hands properly please water and soap for 20 seconds entitled kid forget you manager dropping all politeness you're fired entitled kid wide-eyed and shocked what manager you're fired return your apron please and kid out entitled kid now angry what cause i won't waste soap and water manager frustrated herself because you're being disrespectful not only to me but to other employees i'm not going to tolerate entitled kid seriously you're gonna be that guy manager yes i am now get out entitled kid threw his apron on the ground and stormed out but not before giving everyone the finger and yelling at the manager and promising we'd be hearing from him later that day we got an angry phone call from his mother i was lucky enough to be in the office when the call came in and manager was nice enough to put it on speakerphone it starts midway through the call below entitled mom so you better have a good reason for firing entitled kid without giving him a reason manager i did did he tell you entitled mom yes he did but i don't accept it manager uh-huh entitled mom silent for a few seconds before speaking well manager what did he tell you that you fired him for not washing his hands manager he was also highly disrespectful towards me and the barista trying to train him and he called me a name on the way out in front of a group of customers so what i am not about to tolerate that kind of thing in my cafe if someone else hires him fine by me but i'm going to be warning the other business owners in the area about him entitled mom that's libel manager then sue me but i'm pretty sure no one will want him if he acts like that with them entitled mom getting a higher pitched in tone you're gonna regret that manager uh-huh entitled mom my son is in culinary sciences at school manager he's already a culinary prodigy he's gonna get hired at another cafe not after they hear and that cafe is gonna drive you out of business manager okay entitled mom silent for a few seconds why aren't you scared i know how hard things are right now i bet you're gonna go bankrupt in the next few days manager this conversation is over what my decision is final your son is fired no i'll be alerting all businesses about your son no you will not you at that point manager reached over and just hung up without saying anything else we disconnected the phone for the rest of the day and while we haven't heard anything directly from entitled mom or entitled kid other businesses have been alerted and we've already heard that entitled kid has tried to apply at other places and none of them have hired him on manager's advice have you ever been fired from a job or have you ever quit a job on the spot please let us know firing people is one of my favorite pastimes must find the reservation okay last week me and my friend went out to eat for the first time in three months there was a short line before being seated just one other couple before us the man insisted that he had a reservation but the waitress couldn't find his name in her tablet and immediately got loud and angry the waitress suggested that maybe the man had called the wrong number because there's another restaurant 50 kilometers from here with the same name and sometimes people mix up the two of them when doing a google search she was very polite and calm about it but the man got even angrier and accused her of trying to shift the blame said she couldn't do her job blah blah the waitress tried to say that they still had some open tables and if he could wait a moment she would go and check but the man kept speaking loudly over her and saying that she must find his reservation so eventually the waitress called the owner and the owner took the man and his companion to one side so they wouldn't block the line while she tried to figure out what was going on now me and my friend didn't have a reservation either because i'm a total scatterbrain and i forget to call ahead i told the waitress as much and asked if there was any chance they'd be able to fit us in she told me not to worry there were still tables available and we were seated within a minute our table was not near the entrance so we didn't see what happened next but the same waitress brought us our coffees at the end of dinner so we asked her if everything was okay me and my friend had been talking about it and we were appalled at the man's behavior the waitress told us not to worry that the owner had let him stew for a bit and then she had called the other restaurant with the same name the manager of that other restaurant had confirmed they had a reservation under his name the man was very annoyed at being proved wrong and asked to be seated since they had been waiting a long time the owner said that unfortunately all tables were full man but earlier you had empty tables i saw it owner yes but you told the staff you didn't want to be seated you wanted us to find your reservation we have found your reservation it's for a restaurant in another city in the meantime other people have come in and all the tables are full we have no seats left the man didn't take it well but the bartender a huge giant of a man was standing nearby so he scampered off in rage yelling he was never coming back i think everyone in that restaurant will be happy if he keeps that promise once all of the restaurants start opening back up do you have one that you know you're going to be going to first and if so which one is it please let us know and i want some chipotle mr reddit it's been too long mess up my cousin's test scores i'll mess up your life so me and my cousin go to the same public school or rather went to before all this stuff started he was a grade below me so we didn't see each other that much so it had been the day of this huge test for our school my cousin who we'll call joe finished first in his class then he made the mistake of not turning it in before asking to use the restroom he left and somehow the bully who we'll call mitch and class got his paper and messed up his answers he was the type that would go for anyone he knew would be an easy target then wimp out whenever someone bigger challenges him a ton of people saw but no one spoke up because snitches get stitches so my cousin turns it in and then it unfolds after school ends we're out in the parking lot and one of the kids from joe's class comes up to me kid hey dude me hey kid mitch got joe's test and messed it up me what do you mean messed it up kid like he got the paper and erased the answers and put in the wrong ones at this point i was piecing it together me why didn't you tell the teacher kid i don't know i hate that you didn't know i didn't know if they were messing with me like they've done before so i waited a week sure enough my straight a cousin failed horribly i knew it was true now plus i asked more students and sure enough a lot of them confirmed it was true honestly pretty much all of them except for the ones that didn't see anything i was ready to ruin his life now first he lives down the street so i knew his address then thanks to an idea from a youtuber i signed him up for strange news outlets scientology weird websites etc all with his full name filled in i would wait patiently for the mail to come at his house one day me and my friends were skateboarding the mail came the dad came out got the mail greeted us went back in mitch erupted from the house it was the loudest human noise i've ever heard i felt bad but didn't all as we heard him getting yelled at by his dad my friends just stood there with no idea what i had just caused slowly they got more and more letters but i wasn't done yet i had one more plan that was very risky i had renamed my phone mitch's iphone i planned to airdrop some crazy pictures to the family yes i spared the four-year-old in his little ipad where he probably watches baby shark on loop i wasn't sure how i would do it i kind of slid across the gate to get to that side of the house i'm trying to figure out what to do but thank god thank you lord they had the worst thing ever no wi-fi password the rest is history monday he comes to school saying someone sent crazy stuff to his family and they all think it's him the kids from his class got two more brain cells and told the teacher what mitch did my cousin got to redo the test or something mitch got an f on his report card and lost a lot of friends after his other brother told everyone what happened the only one that knows what went down is my cousin and boy does he owe me one on a scale of 1 to 10 what would you rate this revenge please let us know he did a great job looks like i won't even have to speak to his manager entitled mom wants full refund and replacement order reading some of these stories has brought back so many memories of when i managed an ice cream shop in a very popular very busy tourist destination and a coastal city in texas there were lots of restaurants souvenir shops etc all with a nice view of the bay anyway i'll get to the story setting july in texas very hot outside at a very crowded tourist destination at the ice cream shop cast we've got entitled mom we've got me i was also the general manager and we've got the cashier it's july our busiest season at the tourist destination so busy that i have an employee giving numbers to people as they enter and they have to wait for their number to be called to be served it's hot and there's a line out the door and around the corner cue the entitled mom cashier calls out a number let's just say 97. keep in mind we're extremely crowded so we're basically screaming the numbers no response cashier calls 97 three more times with no response i tell him to move on we don't have time for that as soon as cashier calls for 98 guess who shows up entitled mom comes to the counter already mad entitled mom you skipped my number i've been waiting forever cashier looks at me and i come by to explain that we call a number three to four times and if we don't get a response we have to move on she didn't like that entitled mom to me that's a load of bs let me talk to your manager no one called my number i was listening me there's no need for that i'd be happy to serve you what can i get y'all i send cash here to help 98 instead and take over entitled mom well i don't know tell me all the flavors me ma'am all the flavors are labeled and you can sample any you like entitled mom takes her time looking through all the flavors while giving me dirty looks and mumbling stuff to her husband and kids after probably a dozen samples the family orders and i explain the sizing the cones bowls mix-ins etc they all order cones with ice cream that has several mix-ins this is important because the more stuff you add the softer the ice cream gets so entitled mom pays complaining the entire time about how expensive it was and how i was overcharging them blah blah blah whatever i finally get them done and i move on five to ten minutes later i hear yelling and cashier waving at me to come over i ask someone to take over my current customers and i go to cashier entitled mom i want my money back me i'm so sorry ma'am can you explain what the problem is entitled mom we started walking around outside and this overpriced ice cream started melting all down our hands and got all over my kids clothes me well ma'am it's about 102 degrees outside today so unfortunately ice cream will inevitably melt that's not an excuse i paid good money for this ice cream and i want it all refunded and replaced at this point i'm in awe of the audacity of this lady i'm wasting my time dealing with this complaint while over a hundred people are waiting to be served me ma'am i'd be happy to give all of you cups and you can turn your cones upside down into them that'll stop it from getting everywhere and make it easier to eat entitled mom get your manager now me i am the manager ma'am and unfortunately i cannot refund or replace your ice cream because of the heat outside entitled mom starts screaming calling me names and asking for the owner's phone number obviously i'm not giving my boss's number i gave her the number for corporate and told her to enjoy the rest of her day she continued to call me names and tell me i'll be fired because of this i continued calling numbers and helping other guests eventually she starts bothering my other customers and they basically tell her to shut up and get out corporate called me the next day asking if this was a real complaint they apparently thought it was fake because it was in all caps in one long sentence we laughed about it and moved on with our lives speaking of ice cream what's your favorite flavor ice cream of all time please let us know i could go for some rocky road midterm project several years ago i worked as a german teacher at a local middle school i was hired as a long-term sub for a single year teaching an intro class which lasted three and a half months around the halfway point of each trimester the students were supposed to be given some sort of midterm but because i didn't like giving paper tests i instead had them do a project look up one item in a german dictionary for each of the 12 colors we had just finished learning in class and make a small picture book with 12 pages and i even went out of my way to cut paper and staple it together to make books for everyone i had kids drawing their own pictures printing them out from google handing them in early because they did them so quickly and even competing to see who could come up with the weirdest objects it was a fun assignment an easy a and very informative for the kids the perfect school project however one girl didn't hand her assignment in i asked her about it and she swore she handed it in but i didn't have it in my inbox i searched everywhere but couldn't find it so i knew i didn't misplace it her mother emails me the next day and demands to know where the project is i explained to her that i never received it and therefore couldn't give her a grade until i received it i explained the grading policy was to lose 10 percent for every class day that the assignment wasn't handed in class met every other day and that she could hand it in late if she wanted to the mother insisted i was lying and went to my principal about it the principal asked me to explain the assignment to him then rolled his eyes and apologized saying the girl's mother pulled the same thing with a project the previous year and another class and that the kid was never held accountable for anything i explained the grading policy to him as established by my department and he tells me to just keep reminding the girl of the assignment and eventually call the mother and told her once again that this is our grading policy and that we can't make an exception her response but my daughter worked hard on the project she works hard in class she deserves an a i had to laugh to myself i had almost two dozen kids in that class who deserved a's they deserved a's because they earned a's for handing in a level work it's been a few weeks and i still don't have the book in my hands and now i'm more or less forced to give the girl a zero between when the project was assigned and the next incident i gave the girl at least three blank books none of which were handed in the very same day i enter the zero in the grade book though i get called back into the principal's office because apparently the mother had called the superintendent he said just so she stops wasting the superintendent's time can you just make an exception to the grading policy i sigh and agree to do so and he responds when she hands in the assignment give her whatever grade you think she really deserves other than a zero i nod and leave the office i send the mother an email with our ultimatum she has until the last day of class to hand in the assignment if it's 100 correct i'll give her full credit which is obviously more than fair considering we're a good 15 class meetings past the project due date on the very last day of school i get the project it's only half done i enter a grade of 50 in the grade book and within seconds i get an angry email from the mother that is cc'ed to the principal the superintendent and several other people whose names i don't even recognize i responded with a screenshot of the previous email i sent her with our terms shut down my laptop and handed it in to the it office on my way out the door the principal actually thanks me for everything i did and says she's going to try to get you fired for this you know we share a laugh and i leave the building for the last time you can't get someone fired who doesn't work there after all how do you feel about the principal caving to the karen do you think it was right that because she called the superintendent he gave her what she wanted please let us know when a karen makes enough phone calls we can get anything we want motorcycle cowboys finally experienced my own entitled mom and entitled kids in the wild honestly before this i always thought the stories here might be a little bit made up i mean no offense to any ops i just couldn't fathom people actually acting the way that they're portrayed here so i was deeply involved in a home improvement project one that required me to turn both the power and the water off i'm laid off right now due to what's going on but my wife is still working the plan was that i would accomplish my task when she was at work and have everything buttoned back up by the time she got home things are going good until i realized i needed a few odds and sods and a run to the local hardware store 20 minutes from my house was in order as the required items were small and it was a sunny day i rode my motorcycle got there got my stuff came out to leave found a mother and presumably twin boys standing next to my bike i think they were twins same size same shape matching outfits dressed like cowboys hats and holsters right down to little mini cowboy boots i suppressed a smirk at their outfits i've been riding for about 35 years so i know motorcycles often garner attention often from kids and as an avid enthusiast i promote the sport after all it was a similar interaction when i was little that fueled my lifelong passion for writing that being said i have minimal patience for small carbon-based life forms under the age of say 35 the one kid is yelling motorbike the other kid is making vroom room sounds entitled mom says that her sons like motorcycles i politely acknowledge this put my purchases in my saddlebags and start putting my helmet on sensing that i'm leaving they start saying they want to sit on it and both start trying to climb on it coming dangerously close to the header and exhaust pipes which i know will be very hot i step closer and say whoa whoa whoa entitled mom goes zero to a hundred in a nanosecond and screams at me for talking to her kids that way no one talks to her kids like that no one says no to them obviously i literally said just those three words you'd think a cowboy would understand whoa entitled mom says that he just wants to sit on it and lifts one of them up to hoist him aboard he doesn't know what to do with his feet and he kicks his hard souled cowboy boots onto my gas tank once aboard the other one screams he wants to ride too an entitled mom hefts him aboard he also does a tap dance on my paint job now if you are not part of the motorcycle community you may not understand but there is etiquette that you don't sit on someone else's motorcycle without their permission it's sort of like if you were in a parking lot and you like someone's car and you want to sit in the front seat you wouldn't do that without asking but i'm willing to let that go because we have two excited kids on our hands so both cowboys are now on my bike and they are twisting things and kicking things and just being little jerks however i'm on a schedule remember my house is sitting there with no power and no water and my wife is due home in two hours so after a suitably generous time letting these two little jerks play around i tell entitled mom that i have to leave both cowboys immediately pitch a fit saying they want to go for a ride entitled mom tells me to take them for a little ride around the parking lot two problems my motorcycle only really has one seat although it does have a luggage rack behind the seat that i suppose could carry a small human in a pinch i also only have my own helmet so thrill rides are definitely out i tell entitled mom this and she says oh it'll be okay just do it right now i refuse and ask her to remove her kids immediately she threatens to get the manager of the hardware store i say go ahead what the heck is he going to do i reiterate the fact that i want her to remove her kids from my motorcycle immediately now she threatens to call the cops to which i think go ahead what the heck are they going to do seeing no immediate action from her i stepped forward and grabbed the first little cowboy meaning to lift him off of my bike entitled mom simply shrieks at me to unhand her kid she actually used the word unhand made me laugh out loud i said fine but take them off immediately as i have to leave she finally did so and i hopped on and started the engine which i admit is quite loud both little cowboys immediately covered their ears and started crying these little jerks wanted to go for a ride and don't like loud pipes i took off came home finished my project getting the power and water on literally five minutes before my wife arrived when she came home i was telling her of my story about this incident when my phone rang and it was the local police service entitled mom had actually reported me to the police via my plate number and said that i was operating a motorcycle in a reckless manner endangering her kids the cops said because they didn't respond to the scene that i wouldn't receive a citation but it was more of a courtesy call i explained the whole situation back to him including the part about her wanting me to take the kids on a ride and his tone immediately changed he said that things made a lot more sense now hearing my side he thought the whole story sounded a little bit fishy nothing more would come of it from this day forward i will never again doubt anything i read in this sub entitled moms are out there people be careful do you like motorcycles have you ever been on one or would you like to ride on one please let us know he should have let them go for a ride i just don't know what his problem was i guess the grocery store employs dog trainers now this was a while back when i worked at a pet retail chain as the lead dog trainer where i worked was a short walk to the grocery store and i often would go there on my lunch break to grab something to eat i got confused for an employee many times but this one took the cake cast we've got me we've got karen and karen's three friends it was a pretty nice summer day and i was feeling pretty great as i had crushed it in dog training sales earlier that day and the sun was shining i was still wearing my gray athletic shirt with the huge white letters on the front and back that said dog trainer as well as having a large blue bait bag pouch for holding dog treats another kid on my belt i was kneeling grabbing a box of plastic spoons when i heard karen karen hey excuse me look at me me glances over and looks away as i'm sure they mean someone else karen guffaws at her friends no wonder these people don't make a living wage i can't believe how rude employees are these days hey you look at me when i'm talking to you me taken aback by the gall of this lady i stand up and turn around finally you were in your own little world there huh next time you need to ask the customer if they want any assistance before they have to try to get your attention it's very incredibly rude turns to the gaggle of karen's behind her for pat's and reassurance we need you to get us x brand of bread and why brand of ice cream oh and show us where the chips are we're in a hurry me i'm sorry i actually don't work here but gesturing to an employee nearby they do and can probably help you i start turning to walk away karen um excuse me you are right here you should help stop trying to make other people do your job now find our stuff before we get your manager karen's friends start exchanging looks and definitely notice my shirt me ma'am i don't work here i'm on my break trying to grab a few things myself i'm sorry but i can't help you karen even if you're on break you still need to help customers that's your job karen's friends try to gently get her attention whispering that they don't think the grocery store employs dog trainers karen completely ignores them and continues her tirade i can't believe how disrespectful you are you can't even do your job i bet you didn't even graduate high school with this attitude me lady for the last time i do not work here if you try to read the two words on my shirt you'd notice that it says i'm a dog trainer dealing with dogs is my job so unless you're going to start paying me i have better things to do i walk away and overhear karen's fringe trying to calm her down and also holding back laughs because they tried to warn her i finished grabbing my items and hightailed it back to work never saw that karen again and i'm still waiting for another rude interaction so i can use that line again all because i asked for id so this happened yesterday i work the tills at a diy store in the uk and there are a few items that our government has deemed dangerous for under 18s to purchase some are reasonable but there are a few that you wouldn't think you'd need to be 18 for in the uk we have a challenge 25 rule if the customer looks under 25 you have to id them for certain items to make sure they're over 18. it's to ensure the customer is definitely over 18 and if you don't the till operator selling the item could face some jail time and get fined not worth it so this lovely gentleman comes to my till with some wallpaper and adhesive the latter item being the challenge 25 item so i scan the item and it pops up on my till to ask for id i look at the customer who looks young but not sure if 25 or not so i ask for id well i might as well have told him that i hurt his dog or something he just gradually gets angrier and angrier he yells all sorts i'm 28 i'm just trying to do my house up this is stupid etc he even calls someone and screams down the phone that he needs them to come by the adhesive i was amazed i was looking at the other till operators like what the heck and even the other customers were stunned really wasn't helping his cause to look like a reasonable adult when he's throwing his dummy out the pram and having a tantrum he doesn't have id so he buys no challenge 25 items and storms off shouting amazing but wait there's more as he leaves he throws his items and motorbike helmet to the floor outside and storms off to his moped again not helping his cause you only need to be 16 to ride one of them in the uk and come stomping back to the door he comes raging in and now he's gotten himself so enraged he's pacing around threatening to hit something okay buddy he says he's got his license which is a provincial again only need to be 16 to have one so i ask to see his id to check the birth date he continues to pace saying he doesn't want me to serve him so i pass the item to the girl on the till behind me and ask her to sell this gentleman this adhesive please unfortunately she was in the middle of a transaction with another customer so he had to wait nope he throws his id on her desk and puts his card on the card reader for contactless payment never mind she had rung up the other customers items and he was going to pay for them and i still had the adhesive so i raised my voice slightly and told him to wait at the side until she was ready once she had finished with her customer she checked his id slowly sold the adhesive and he was on his way throwing a fit still leaving the store myself and the other checkout girls just looked at each other like what the heck just happened all because i asked for id which he had in the first place you may be 28 mate but you got a lot of growing up to do as my dad always says you don't have to be a cannibal to get fed up with people hey karen will you read to us our new reviews on itunes certainly robert potato says i'm such a big fan i love all your videos thank you for your work and i don't know if this works or not says these stories are great to listen to when doing just about anything i love listening while drawing thanks for the reviews you guys we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not alright guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 89,403
Rating: 4.8593326 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: Oxx2JTE9X9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 37sec (9037 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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