r/Entitledparents Karen Demands to be Called Doctor, I Refuse to!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today am i the jerk for not wanting to call my second grader's teacher dr smith after that that's not your car lady and after that the things my mother has done to ruin my relationship with my girlfriend now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen loses her credit card that's okay i'll just use yours so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day am i the jerk for not wanting to call my second grader's teacher dr smith i have a son in second grade who's in a public school in the u.s that is fully remote during the first week of school i listened in on class my son's teacher whom had signed the only email we had from her as dr sarah smith told the kids my name is dr sarah smith but you don't need to call me doctor because i know that can be confusing because i'm not a medical doctor so you can just call me sarah miss sarah or miss smith our school's norm is calling teachers and staff by their first name i filed this info away from my own self and went on with my day a few days later all the teachers met with families to get to know each other my son's teacher came into the call and introduced herself as dr sarah smith she was quite the talker and spent a lot of time talking about her background and credentials but seemed pleasant and excited about her job near the end i asked miss sarah can we still access the school library and she said actually it's dr smith i was taken aback because i had recalled her telling my son's class they could call her miss sarah i couldn't figure out how to respond and felt rushed so i quickly apologized for getting her name wrong and we signed off meanwhile as i've been helping my son with his work i've been noticing how she signs her messages to students with miss sarah and dr sarah smith with the parents in the classes the students were calling her both sarah and miss sarah i was confused fast forward to this week when we had our second parent-teacher meeting once again my son's teacher jumped headlong into our meeting without much greeting and spent most of the time talking when i finally had a chance to speak i once again addressed her as miss sarah and she once again corrected me saying actually it's dr smith so i said i'm glad this came up because i've overheard you say to the students they can call you miss sarah and my son refers to you as that at home so that's where my confusion is coming from she replied with parents i prefer to be called dr smith and then she steamrolled on until it was time to go now i feel certain she's just power tripping here i don't want to feed her ego nor continue creating confusion in our house when my kid talks about his teacher miss sarah and i'm talking to him about dr smith yes i'm a jerk for thinking is the doctor really warranted here we are just dealing with teaching a bunch of eight-year-olds how to capitalize proper nouns and what division is but i get there was likely more to her degree than that and i can put that all aside when it comes to being respectful and honoring people's wishes however all of this had made me feel like just referring to her generally from here on out so folks am i missing out on some cultural norm here am i the jerk here for not wanting to call her dr smith and feeling like she's being egotistical well who do you agree with o.p or dr smith please let us know if i were that teacher i wouldn't make the children's parents call me doctor i'd like to think i'd show a little more humility but at the same time if she'd like to be called doctor i would have no problem addressing her that way that's not your car lady so this happened around 2008 my buddy brock had gotten out of the military after 10 years it started in the marines but transitioned into the army for the last four years before buying a house in texas when he got out he did a variety of jobs before landing a gig with a repo service he worked there for a year and had a lot of wild stories but this one sticks out the most as he helped the fellow soldier get revenge on an evil ex brock was at the office speaking with his manager whom i'll refer to as karen now this particular karen had a lot of karen like qualities but it was a force for good if you can believe that while they were talking they see a young man enter the office they immediately noticed he had two black eyes and an arm was in a sling the young man whose name i unfortunately never learned but i'll call him ben asked how hard it would be for them to help repossess his car karen called her daughter in karen jr and had her poor bin a cup of coffee karen then asked ben to tell her a story ben began with telling her that he had just returned from a deployment he had been dating a local girl that lived outside of the famous fort hood not a good idea by the way before the deployment thanks to a previous deployment he had managed to get himself a used black dodge charger which was his baby he further explained that shortly after buying the car he had met the local girl who for the sake of the story i'll call morgan morgan was always asking to drive his car but he would always decline when he was getting ready for his deployment morgan repeatedly asked if she could borrow the car but he kept saying no after much needling he relented but on the condition that she take care of his apartment until he comes back from rest and relaxation leave she agreed ben left for his deployment while morgan took care of his place when ben came back for leave he found his apartment immaculate he pulled his car from storage drove to morgan's he spent a few days with her before handing her the keys and heading to his home state to visit family before returning to his deployment he returned again from his deployment and found nothing but trouble when he walked into his apartment he found a layer of dust on just about every surface it was almost like no one had been there in months when he checked his bedroom he found his room had been torn apart all of his drawers had been searched and upturned he tried to call morgan but never received an answer he located his safe which was hidden and found it hadn't been touched he then grabbed his spare key from the safe called a buddy of his and they went to morgan's as they pulled up to morgan's he saw a car there that he initially didn't recognize but as they got closer he realized it was his baby morgan had the car painted hot pink and put 24 inch spinners on it he tried spinners he tried the key just to make sure and the lights flickered as it unlocked while his buddy laughed ben went to the front door and morgan answered he asked what happened to his car and she responded it's my car now ben walked away and hopped in his hot pink mess as he started it four large dudes come out of morgan's house one with a baseball bat and they yanked ben out of the car they proceeded to knock him out in the driveway before his friend intervened he then took ben to the hospital i'm honestly not sure if the cops were called on this i'd assume yes but even then ben said his friend drove by morgan's house a handful of times while he was in the hospital at random times and the car was never there karen stared at ben for a bit before asking for the paperwork ben handed it to her and karen had a smile form on her face she then asked ben for morgan's phone number ben gave it but wasn't aware of what was about to happen karen handed the phone to karen jr who then dialed the number karen jr then began speaking to morgan telling her that they had met at one of the local clubs and wanted to know if she was down to party that night apparently morgan agreed and the plan was said brock parked his tow truck at the club and waited sure enough morgan showed up with the hot pink monster parked it and went inside with some girlfriends brock gave them five minutes before he stealthily drove up to the car and hooked it up as he was pulling out with the pink monster morgan walked out of the club she saw her car in the tow truck and began trying to flag brock down but he was already out of there the next day it was business as usual at the office when morgan called she was furious that her car was stolen by them and wanted it back karen using her best customer service voice told her if she had the registration she could come pick it up morgan began screaming louder that she was gonna call the cops at which point karen sarcastically told her please do then hung up on her as this phone call was going on brock happened to look out the window and saw morgan standing next to a car in a vacant lot throwing what appeared to be a temper tantrum after karen hung up brock watched her get in the car on the passenger side karen then looked out the window and had brock verify it was her she then began to smirk karen then proceeded to call the owner of the property morgan and her friend were occupying she told the owner about the car and asked if he wanted it towed the owner okayed it brock then drove his truck over to the ladies in the car and introduced himself they tried to explain that they were waiting for morgan's boyfriend but brock insisted they weren't allowed to park there they argued and called him every name in the book brock then hooked up their car and lifted it partially off the ground forcing the two to exit the vehicle they tore into him until he showed them the toe order while this back and forth was going on ben arrived at the office and morgan saw him walk in she ran to the office door and brock proceeded to lower the car when brock went back to the office all heck had broken loose morgan apparently tried to snag the keys back from ben but he had pocketed them she began to hit him in his her arm and warned ben that she'd call her friends to finish the job if she didn't get her keys back karen jr had already called the cops at this point and brock got in between ben and morgan even telling morgan to try hitting him to find out what would happen morgan then tried to play the pity card and said she only wanted the keys to get her laptop out for school karen asked ben to hand the keys over to brock so he could grab the laptop brock retrieved the laptop from the car and as he was handing it over she rushed to aggressively grab it but knocked it from brock's hands completely furious at this point morgan accused brock of dropping the computer on purpose and threatened to sue at this point the cops arrived morgan began her sob story again this time telling the police that they stole her car the police questioned karen and karen gave her usual smirk while asking if they wanted to see the security videos the police watched and listened as morgan punched ben several times and heard the threats she made about sending her friends after him the police then turned to morgan who had turned ghost white at this point she then tried to make her way to the door but the police stopped her they proceeded to ask her about the car ben's injuries and who she planned on sending after him she initially denied everything but they already had the video evidence she was arrested and ben got his car back after the cops left ben admitted he didn't want to be seen in a car that looked like it was advertising pepto-bismol and planned on trading it in for a gto we later heard through the grapevine that the four guys who'd beat him up were later arrested morgan had ratted them out brock had a few more stories but none of them were nearly as good as this one have you ever had someone take something that belonged to you if so are you able to get it back please let us know the things my mother has done to ruin my relationship with my girlfriend i've posted several stories about my mother behaving like crap towards my relationship and my girlfriend eva today this is definitely ended in my and eva's favor my mother won't bother us anymore my mother is a very rude insensitive arrogant obtuse person she never liked eva nor initially the idea of me dating at all but it reached new heights when we moved in together moreover into the house she thought she would inherit one day it's my grandparents old house and they couldn't take care of it anymore so they moved out my mother doesn't like her for several reasons eva is a foreign descent she also has a skin condition and commits a serious crime because of it vitiligo by being happy and proud of herself for it and being very straightforward with what she thinks about something slash someone while this might come off as flaunting it eva is easily the most beautiful most amazing and kindest person i have ever met and i love her more than anything and anyone else i don't even know if i deserve her anyway ever since my mother somehow came to terms with me dating she was commenting all the time about how i deserve better how she is not the right one for you how she's with you only because you're the only one desperate enough to like her and how you'll break up anyways as teenage love doesn't last well that was more than two years ago and it doesn't seem like it's anywhere near ending one time she berated me for breaking my wrist when i took the shortest route to provide first aid to eva now not to brag but basically saving her life after some accident when we were out in a forest together and then called me a drama queen when the accident actually traumatized me another problem with my mother came almost one year ago she was becoming a couch potato i had an insane workload on my back she didn't do anything to help but always complained about me being lazy when i found the free time to spend time with eva or just play some games this has led me to the thought of moving out further on all the way until last week is documented by several stories i've written about her in the past months in short insulting eva always complaining dropping chocolate topped cookies in front of eva's dog and insulting it after eva asked her to be careful trying to hook me up with someone else making a scene at a family dinner insulting eva's family background now on to this week my family members have gotten the wind of something happening between my parents and apparently my mother told them that i accused her of something only to cause problems between my parents which is bs because the only one waving accusations around is my mother most of my family really likes eva so some either don't trust my mother or are gullible because they know of something my mother has already done my phone was flooded with messages from my family members asking what happened and how could i accuse her of something like that my mother told them that i accused her of insulting eva's heritage and attacking her which my mother has actually done so i just straight out sent screenshots to the ones who believed that i accused my mother this spread very fast and to my knowledge most of my family has blocked her and so finally did i my father is about to file for divorce not going to lie if he gets custody of my brother and he's most likely to it's only good for him as my mother is a very crappy burden lazy manager reneges on a request after i describe what they want this malicious compliance comes from my girlfriend jessica not a real name for background my girlfriend is a software test engineer at a computer science related company she has a lot of jobs there but one of them involves the review of bugs in the application which she sees in the form of a ticket for background when jessica started working at this company her manager bob would force every new hire to attend meetings every day going over the ticketing system and excruciating detail even though all of the new hires stated that they had used them before and didn't need another tutorial this finally culminated in her managers stating in front of the whole team that the new hires couldn't attend a meeting as they had to go over the ticketing software and all of the new hires resoundingly stating they didn't need any more tutorials and would be able to attend which they did these tickets got sent to various people test engineer managers or developers etc and in order for them to be closed the bug needs to be reproduced by the person who wants to close it and a fix to prevent the bug needs to be added to the code of the product here is where the malicious compliance takes place jessica is reviewing a ticket documenting a bug in the product and she consults her manager the ticket gets sent to her manager who is tasked with reproducing it in order to develop a patch for said bug instead of this her manager asks her to close the ticket herself as he can't reproduce the bug this is clearly not how the ticket reporting works as the whole point is that open tickets have not been fixed yet jessica would just close it since her manager bob told her to and she only has worked there for a few months the only problem with this is that the ticket reporting software requires a reason for closing the ticket to be documented so people know who to talk to should issues occur since jessica is new people would expect her to make mistakes and it wouldn't be the end of the world if she incorrectly closed a ticket but she wasn't down to take the fall for something she had no control over since jessica needs to add a reason for closing the ticket and doesn't want to go against the request of her manager she writes back to him sorry you can't reproduce it what should i do manager go ahead and close the ticket can't reproduce the bug jessica sure since you mentioned in the tutorial on the ticketing software that all tickets require a reason for closing i'll close it and add a reason bob can't reproduce the bug and i was advised by bob to close it her manager immediately replies back as he apparently just realized what the description of his job was and tells her not to close the ticket and that he will work immediately to reproduce the issue so it can be documented since this her manager has appropriately documented every ticket she sent without any inane comments have you ever had a lazy manager who tried to make you take the fall for them please let us know you mean to tell me i can't even trust the managers anymore you said any character background the summer before i entered high school the ministry of education decided to change the standardized testing they used for entry to universities it had happened in the past and usually it took a year to implement changes but this plan was really complicated and needed two years to implement laymen like you and me can't comprehend it's called throw everything at the wall and see what sticks guess which class got to be the lab rats yep mine we started school with only a vague idea of what the changes will be until mid-october then we learned that the first changes will be implemented on the midterms the midterms used to be two weeks and provided forty percent of the final grade but the new plan was a full month and count for only twenty percent towards the final grade also a major player for the malicious compliance was our literature teacher let's call her karen now i have to admit she was good at her subject the problems in her teaching came from prejudice and preconceptions on a 25 people class she used to work with four or five of them to be specific kids from upper class families or the best part of town the rest of us were just background for her a few of the parents had complained but due to reasons we learned later she was always engaging during inspections and kept her job the malicious compliance midterms time it's one of the new tests it's creative writing now as i said this is one of the new tests the ministry had said general instructions for the tests but left the specifics to each school so for this one karen set the specifics the general instructions for this one asked from the teacher to pick a book from the syllabus and the pupil to write at least 800 words from the point of view of one of the characters karen just loved epics so she chose the iliad expecting everyone to pick a hero everybody did except three of us jk indy and myself i don't know if we wanted to rebel against the system or against karen but the three of us didn't follow the norm now jk was a really good student but he had the usual trouble in karen's class she chose andromache the wife of hector she described the last day of hector from andromedy's point of view my friend andy is a mythology buff he became an archaeologist that's why indy and absolutely hated karen's teachings of the material he picked zeus he basically wrote zeus's point of view me i chose cassandra she had the gift of prophecy but the curse of never being believed i went the whole point of view being we're all doomed and never believed the results came out and we are the only failed 8 7 and 7 out of 20 because we according to karen completely missed the point of the test but the aftermath unbeknownst to everybody except the principal the ministry had sent instructions to grade the tests independently of the teachers they published their grades and three particular tests have huge grade discrepancies so one misty morning the three of us are called into the meeting room inside is our principal a clearly fuming karen and three people we don't know they introduce themselves as part of the ministry of education they want us to explain why did we choose these characters we all said it said any character so we chose one we liked every time we said that they glanced at karen they thanked us told us that their grade will go towards our final grade karen had inspectors drop in on her unexpectedly as i said in the beginning she had passed the local ones because of something she did she was having an affair with the assistant director of the local education department and he always notified her before the inspection now they came directly from the ministry and she was always unprepared she was allowed to finish the year and then she was dismissed the ministry took a year and a half to figure out the system we were the first class to officially take the new standardized test creative writing was part of the literature exam jk became a journalist and a writer indy became an archaeologist as for me i'm in here have you ever had a teacher who graded you unfairly if so what did you do about it please let us know when i was in second grade i had a teacher who made my mother call her doctor when they spoke am i the jerk for telling our new neighbor my son doesn't work for her and her daughter this has been going on for two long months now we had a new neighbor who's a single mother in her late 40s and her teenage daughter they're both lovely and she told me that she got divorced not too long ago her family lives in another town and she's beginning her life as a single mother my son 16 has been helping them since day one he has helped them move their stuff into their new house and even unpack boxes she would have him go to the grocery store with a list of things she and her daughter needed she'd ask him to fix a door handle or take away the garbage fix her car move stuff to the backyard clean the garden and so on she wouldn't stop asking favors here and there she'd knock on my door and borrow him for a few hours then he comes back in almost six hours and still has to study and has barely taken care of his own mess he has a math exam this week and he started concentrating on it which is difficult and it takes time our neighbor called me to send him to her house so he could help her move furniture and carpets she has huge carpets that are so heavy to lift i told her he was busy studying for his exam but after 30 minutes i saw her daughter at our door asking for my son to come and hang out with her my son said it was okay since he said he'd be gone for an hour next thing i know he got back at 9pm that's five hours later looking wet and extremely tired and worn out he told me our neighbor had him clean up furniture and carpets about five to six heavy carpets and cleaned the entire living room after i was so mad my son couldn't even finish studying he took a bath and went to sleep instantly i called my neighbor and raised my voice because i was really mad at her for making my son exhausted and costing him his math exam the next day i told her that my son doesn't work for her and her daughter and to stop calling him and sending her daughter to our house and i hung up my husband spoke with her and he was furious said that i have no respect for our neighbor and that i shouldn't berate her for just needing some help and that i have no right to not let her daughter into our house my husband said i shouldn't say anything since our son is okay with it he's not although he said nothing he's not the type that would talk about what bothers him and instead just do what others ask of him well who do you agree with op or her husband please let us know op's right husband's an idiot next am i the jerk for not checking the house i 30 female live on a ranch with multiple horses a few barn cats and my service dog because of an accident when i was a teen i am legally deaf and have very limited hearing normally but do alright with a hearing aid unless you're shouting next to me if i don't have my hearing aid in i can't hear you because of spikes in my country most major metro areas went into lockdown my brother 32 male and his wife 30 female were afraid to be in the city with their new baby six months old and my brother asks if they could stay with me in the countryside i agreed as long as they cleaned up after themselves and respected my animal space me and my sister-in-law get along okay but we've never been close she doesn't know much sign language so i have to rely on lip reading when we talk i really only use my hearing aid when i go out but i've gotten used to not wearing it at home which is where the problem is my brother had to go into the city over the weekend for work leaving me sister-in-law and the baby alone for the weekend on saturday i get up and while making breakfast i see that both my brother's car and sister-in-law's car are gone i think nothing of it and begin my morning routine by noon my sister-in-law's car comes back and i'm training a cult a bit later the cult spooks bad and starts pulling away from me i try to calm him but a hand gripping my shoulder and spinning me around forces me to let go sister-in-law was screaming at me i was only getting every other word and struggling to read her lips because she was talking so fast apparently the night before at some point she had told me she was going into town to shop but didn't want to take the baby so she asked if i could watch her to her i answered and she took it as a yes so this morning she went shopping and left the baby for three hours i told her i never heard her request and had i known i would have absolutely watched the baby she called me a negligent monster for not checking the house and just assuming she took the baby i told her that that was unreasonable and asked why she didn't make sure i understood before she left she called me a plethora of insults and stormed upstairs i feel awful the baby had cried all morning and i had no idea it makes me sad and sick thinking about it i tried to reconcile with my sister-in-law but she won't talk or look at me my brother came back late sunday and agreed with his wife that i should have checked the house before going out to take care of the animals and that his daughter comes first i told them their baby is their responsibility and my animals are mine and that sister-in-law should have really made sure i understood her request before leaving we fought and now things are tense i don't feel like i'm the jerk because i'm opening my home to them i'm not a babysitter and if sister-in-law had a request i feel she should have made it clear but on the other hand my poor niece was left for three hours and now even my parents are calling me negligent am i wrong for not checking the house to see if anyone was home well who do you agree with op or her sister-in-law please let us know she needs to kick them out asap their entitlement gives mine to run for its money the most blatant shoplifting i've ever seen okay so i work at a certain store that sells things for five dollars or less and i've seen kids try to stuff chips in their big coat pockets take a quick snack from the tencent candy when they think nobody's looking all that fun stuff but today was just the dumbest attempt at shoplifting that i have ever seen so it's just me and my manager so while she's cleaning i'm keeping watch over the register and doing inventory in between sales eventually this lady comes up to my register with her kid in a stroller looking absolutely dead to the world and places a few items on the counter i'm ringing her up like normal until i notice a peppa pig play pack sticking out of the stroller it's not hidden or anything so i figured her kid was holding it and that she just forgot about it so i pointed it out and asked if she was buying it customer oh no that's hers you see she brought it from home ah okay sure your unconscious three-year-old brought along an unopened play pack on her and mom's trip to the store i'm already ready to call this woman out on it but benefit of the doubt right she could have brought it from home and then fell asleep but then this woman kept talking wow you guys sell this here i've never seen it in your store she readjusts it in the stroller hold on to it and don't lose it now as she's readjusting it i almost burst into laughter then and there me ma'am may i see the playpack now it took a bit of arguing but i guess she decided she can convince me it was hers so as i'm holding on to it i start questioning her me so you say that your daughter brought this unopened play pack from home correct yes she did and you say you've never seen it in our store before correct yes you don't sell them here i haven't seen them once and i don't appreciate being talked to like this at this i flip the package over and point to the bright yellow sticker that clearly says store name five dollars her face goes pretty red so i offered to let her add it to her transaction or leave it here because it was most definitely not her daughter's in the end she left it at the store after walking out saying many words that should not have been said in front of her kid thankfully she was still asleep it honestly sucks because people think they can get away with all kinds of crap at our location because we don't have security just observing cashiers i was actually told during my training to not confront shoplifters which makes me so angry there's nothing i hate more than dishonesty and it makes me wonder how many people i've sent off with a smile had stolen items in their pockets fire because of karen lies when i was about 18 i was working for x home improvement i won't be giving out their name because i don't want it to backfire on me i had been a cashier there for about a year and was top dog in terms of extended protection plans and mda donations mda's muscular dystrophy association this isn't all that important to the story but feeds into why i still hold a grudge against the store for it i had been homeless for most of the time i maintained this job i was 19 at the time but i finally had gotten a home because my grandparents moved close to my work and offered to let me stay with them to save up money and i took that offer i had gone to work on a day like just about any other and was my normal goofy self i would sing along with songs that played overhead jokingly dance and goof around with my co-workers i see a lady coming toward the registers so i flag her down to let her know i'm open and she enters my lane this is the karen by the way not knowing she was a kieran i decided to try and joke around a little bit i was standing there holding my scale gun in a james bond pose pretending to sweep the area with it not actually pressing the button but just like a spy would when clearing a room and then i hear it excuse me why the heck are you pointing that thing at me me i'm sorry why are you threatening me with that ma'am i'm not intending anything as a threat i apologize if you mistook my actions but i was just goofing around with some of my co-workers while i was waiting for you to pull up to my register well don't ever do that again i apologized to her and went about scanning her items just a few odds and ends and a rug i carried on with my day and she seemed fine she walked out of the door with a huge smile on her face and i thought i had done a good job i get a call from my manager telling me to report to the hr office immediately i'm a little concerned asking myself if it could be about the lady i didn't know what was going on but i maintained a positive attitude my dad always says think positive and positive things will come your way i get there and the door cracked open i push it lightly and see the store manager and the assistant manager as well as the hr lady sitting there store manager op please have a seat assistant manager would you please read him the complaint assistant manager just kind of glares at me before reading the paper he had in his hand well we had a lady call up here about 20 minutes ago absolutely bawling her eyes out saying that you threatened her she said you pointed the scanner at her she stated when you were asked to stop that you glared at her and threatened her calling her really mean names and saying that you were going to track her down after you got off of work i was in utter shock my heart sank to my stomach and tears began to well up in my eyes i could not believe somebody would lie to someone about me like this they made me seem like i belong in some hillbilly horror movie i knew what was coming and i tried to reason with them but i couldn't convince them to be on my side they are hard believers in the karen mantra the customer is always right store manager op i understand that you're upset right now but you cannot say these things to a customer now i'm sorry but we're going to have to let you go leave your name tag and your vest here with us you have 10 minutes to collect your things after you leave here today you are banned from the premises for 15 months i ripped my name tag and vest off and just threw it on the ground trying to get out of there before they started i walked down to the nearest grocery store parking lot and sat on a natural hill for hours crying because i had been so harshly blindsided i wouldn't even get to tell my side of the story they fired me on a class a violation which means i am not hireable by any ex-improvement store in the country i wound up getting a job at walmart which was also ended because of an entitled karen i'll post it later if you guys want they didn't even review the footage because i know if they had they wouldn't have fired me sadly there isn't a satisfying end to this one it's just a tale of getting done over by a karen i hope you all enjoyed the read come watch this video next you will love it and if you join as a channel member today we'll give you a special shout out to our next video and to have us record any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pin in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 67,697
Rating: 4.909688 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: qkBT4kkYzfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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