r/EntitledParents | Somebody STOP Her!

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your host captain Zack in today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode alright this story's called entitled mother puts her children's lives in danger this will be a long one a backstory I'm a volunteer firefighter in a small town with a population of around 18,000 people my home town is located near one of the biggest cities in my country we have an artificial ice rink where the ice is created by an ammonia cooling system for anyone who doesn't know ammonia is pretty bad stuff and can cause tracheal burns bronchial and alveolar edema and airway destruction if inhaled so since we knew about this we often had training sessions with our fire departments on this sports facilities practicing on how to deal with a worst case scenario so this happened last summer we received the alarm with the text strong odor in sports facilities at location at around 7 p.m. to be honest everyone that received this alarm knew exactly that a huge pile of poo just hit the fan since we're all volunteer firefighters we weren't at our fire station but had to drive there first it took me about four minutes to put my shoes on rushed to my car and drive to the station to gear up we arrived at the location shortly after and we could all smell the ammonia as soon as we left our truck it was a bad stench that hurt your nose and immediately made you tear up we all knew this was bad and we were fully exposed to this hazardous stuff before we even got the order from our team leader we geared up with respiratory protection devices those things weigh at around 33 pounds and since it was around 90 degrees Fahrenheit it was pretty warm we realized pretty fast that we were way understaffed because it was in the middle of the week and around five junior football soccer teams were currently training on these sports facilities somewhere around 200 kids in a few of their coaches so we received orders from our fire chief guy in charge squaw 100 p in charge sit the perimeter for in a danger area and decontamination they include a bird's-eye view of the whole facility I guess but anyways they go on to describe it's sort of the green area was the location of our mobile HQ also the waiting area for all the firefighters that hadn't received a task yet the yellow area was the outer danger area where no civilian was allowed in the red area was the inner danger area where no one was allowed to enter without proper gear nor leave that area without decontamination it becomes important later the black area was the direct surroundings of the cooling system facilities where the ammonia was leaking so this was the area where only the specialists were allowed in and those full-body hazard suits you all know from the movies and TV shows the blue was the decontamination area where we put up our decontamination tent including mobile showers and all the gear we needed like extra clothing and stuff the red and black area ended under an overpass at the freeway freeway was still open because way above us also I put the decontamination zone under this overpass so I've sent a few guys to put up barriers and to send people out of the yellow zone since we are a voluntary fire brigade we didn't have the proper gear for this kind of event so we had to wait until the real deals the professional firefighters would show up just to say even as a voluntary fire brigade we aren't looked upon as such from the pros sure for them it's daily business and those guys are trained like beasts but they never let us feel less important ignore inexperienced so my job was basically to stand on my decontamination zone and wait still in full gear with the breathing device on my back I put the mask on once in a while when a wave of stench was blown into my direction by the wind after a few minutes the pros arrived and I helped them prepare their gear two of them suited up in those fancy full-body hazard suits and after a short briefing by the guy in charge they walk away towards the cooling facility a few minutes pass and then this enter entitled mother with two of her kids this absolute and complete Caryn haircut clothing and attitude walk towards me inside the black zone on her left hand her six-year-old boy still in his football gear coughing his lungs out and carried by her on her right arm a toddler at around 2 or 3 years old whimpering excuse me lady what are you doing how long would this little training of yours tank I'll have to bring my babies back home for dinner are you out of your mind you're in a contaminated area get over here now how dare you speak to me like that I need you to open the silly barrier your buddies put up so I can drive my car out lady this isn't a training exercise you're putting yourself and your kids in danger so get your ass over here right now toddler on her arm starts crying and the boy says to entitled mother mommy my throat hurts see you made my baby cry now move the barrier out of my way you're just standing there and doing nothing it can't be that bad I wanted to run in to the zone to grab the kids but I couldn't risk it if I would have jumped over the barrier she would maybe try to run away directly towards the cooling facility also she could have dropped the child because I definitely would have tackled her luckily for us the two guys that entered the facility earlier were on their way back out they saw entitled mother and storm towards her grab the kids and entitled mother and tracked him towards the decontamination zone she tried to resist but these Pro dudes are merciless one guy took the kids in the other grabbed entitled mother by her neck and pulled her towards me she screamed and tried to kick the dude but he was pretty unimpressed guy in charge came running because he heard her screams what the hell is going on here oh entitled mother walked past the upper barrier and wanted to drive her car out are you out of your freaking mind you're putting your kids lives in danger because of your stupid car entitled mother was screeching at the top of her lungs Oh open the barrier and then the other got you salted me that's kidnapping and I well so yo all right go ahead I'll get the police for you guy in charge turns around and walks towards our trucks only to return a couple of minutes later with two cops in the meantime we gave the boy and toddler a breathing mask and EMTs were checking them entitled mother was furious and even tried to kick one of the EMTs lady shut your mouth and get over here I saw my chance and had to speak up I'm sorry I I can't let her out of the zone she needs to be decontaminated she gasped in her face turn from deep red into panic white what does that mean decontaminate it am I in danger guy in charge knew exactly what I was on to and turned to the officer correct we can't let anyone out of the danger zone without decontamination Oh get some female firefighters to help with her and he again walked away what what does that mean for me well since you've been exposed to a dangerous and hazardous material we need you to completely untrust Epping to the decontamination will help you wash down all the potentially dangerous substances you might be exposed to note this is in fact the process we had to follow in such a scenario everyone including our personnel had to go through this strip down but close into Hazzard bag step into the shower and wash for a couple of minutes the water in the shower comes directly from a fire hydrant and is freezing cold and that's the reason why almost only dudes are usually inside the danger zone there is no separate shower booth for women or no special treatment and for time-saving reasons we don't put up privacy protection one of the guys cool dude who had the hazard suit on started to undress himself in granddad entitled mother well I can wash down your back if you want entitled mother was speechless and in pure shock you can't do that I have rights sorry lady can't help you that's the procedure you put this all on yourself entitled mother was shaking and in tears she suddenly lost balance in almost fainted cool dude catches her so she would fall to the ground guy in charge comes back after a short time sorry lady bhai knows all female firefighters are currently taken by Allah tasks she stared at guy in charge and almost hyperventilated she couldn't say a single word we all saw how bad this was and guy in charge broke our charade ah good news we resolved a situation and you're no longer in danger but the EMTs will take your kids to a hospital just to be sure I jumped over the barrier and helped entitled mother back up cool dude and me escorted her to the police officers since they wanted to chat with her cool dude didn't press charges even if she kicked in multiple times neither did the EMTs a few weeks later I saw one of the police officers again at another emergency and we had a small chat he told me that they pressed charges because of her endangering her kids I don't know what the outcome was but usually this leads to a huge fine and some visits from child services unfortunately we have to deal with that kind of people way too often so if you ever see a firefighter or EMT at work show them the respect they deserve hoped you liked my little story and thanks for reading okay for a second there I thought they were being serious when cool guy was like I could wash your back for you I was a bit iffy because yeah she did do something stupid but I feel like it was out of ignorance as opposed to just being you know a jerk and so they like really made her uncomfortable there for a minute so that was kind of weak however this guy's cool volunteer firefighters are cool firefighters are cool what you see on the internet a lot is a lot of hostility towards police officers and definitely some have done bad things and abuse their power but in my experience aside from being in New York oh my gosh I gotta go on a rant about the police in New York okay so I didn't know where I was I just came out of this this station that's right by Canal Street and I asked them where Canal Street was and the police officers just like was just at the other side of this block and so I said okay cool thank you and my cousin was with me and he was like you know that cop just like hardcore rolled his eyes and called you an idiot when you walked away and I was like wow I was just freaking asking a police officer for directions it's not like a freaking said something stupid and then another time okay I was just curious as to jaywalking laws and so at the crosswalk there's the the little light signal that either says stop or to go and so there were a couple police officers right next to me so I asked them is it technically jaywalking if there are no cars but I go when the thing is red and they're like yes they had the most annoyed look on their faces and all I was doing was being a responsible citizen and learning the law of the oh my gosh but anyways they like acted like I just frickin insulted their mothers it was ridiculous anyways um I was saying most police officers I've met have been really cool and willing to help you and all that crap and it's not corrupt I guess however I have never seen anyone bashing fire departments or firefighters as a whole because firefighters are cool and really badass and yeah they do deserve your respect and I would think it'd be really bad as to be a firefighter and I think I might do that for a couple years eventually maybe I don't know this story's called for once the daughter is actually an angel at a mall weird I know hey guys Art's here I was kind of hoping I would never have to post here but alas here we are oh and by the way I'm up easy so I apologize for any spelling mistakes enjoy my misery I guess here's the cast entitled Martha me a 14 year old with many problems a lot of problems sweet girl security Jake an actual legend anyway he's on with the story so this happened on Sunday February 23rd 2020 and it got me very very very annoyed it's actually the day I flew back here I went to a mall that's near my house with my friend who will call Jake and he is an actual legend he's always been there for me no matter what he's amazing anyway days I was wearing a Colorado Rams hoodie which is extremely warm important later and a Volcom t-shirt with a pair of ripped jeans a beanie and fingerless gloves and a ring that extends over my finger not top so Jake and I ride ripstix a ton and we decided to ride them there and when we got there is when the fun starts yay we ride up to the doors and jump off picking up our rip sticks and walking inside when a little girl sweet girl comes up to us and looks at our boards and says I nodded and hopped on mine to show her and she with delight which got the attention of her mother mama bear excuse me oh man I hate that voice it's like metal silverware on China all right this entitled mother comes storming over and I jump off my board quickly picking it up as I see her going to grab it ma'am this is my board and you cannot take it that's theft I say well you aren't even supposed to ride into us anyway much less have one of those you were obviously trying to get my daughter to get on it so you could steal huh which is a stupid accusation because well I'll link a photo of one to show you there's absolutely no space whatsoever for two people and in case you don't know what a rip stick is like it's basically a skateboard but instead of a board it's like two little foot places where you put your feet in two wheels that wobble back and forth as you ride in that you know that motion causes it to go forward and it's it's pretty fun to ride takes a little bit to learn but once you do it's a ton of fun I recommend trying one out anyways there's just no space for two people that's all you got to take away from this Jake and I just both started laughing and I said yeah like that would even work entitled mother said you need to get out of this mall because I am the I'm the manager sure Jake said Karen turned manager what have we come to we both laughed again and walked off with a fuming entitled mother watching us go oh you thought the story ends here so did I we were both wrong later on Jake and I were buying ourselves vans from a place we'll call soomi's I was buying the rainbow vans aka the gay vans and Jake was buying a pair that were like mine just black and white and I taken off my hoodie because I was sweating and guess who walks up behind us in line mama bear and sweet girl entitled mother notices my vans and makes a disgusted noise and says to sweet girl J's Odyssey says they should be killed oh no she didn't know she freaking did not I turned around right after Jake did to see Jake getting in her face and saying very quietly don't you dare say that ever I will personally beat the everliving crap out of you bench leave us the hell alone as I said Jake legend I give her the middle finger and turn back around when I hear young man cover up yes cos I will not have to show those two my innocent baby as I said earlier I have some serious problems and I cut myself a lot sad to say but it's true and I have some seriously gnarly scars lining my arm at this point we had had enough and so had the cashier and the cashier said ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave for harassing these two customers entitled mother literally threw a fit like a three-year-old and sat down on the floor arms crossed red-faced wailing like a banshee the cashier unclipped a walkie-talkie and spoke into it and said hey can we get security to soomi's Thanks about a minute later two security officers arrived and walked straight up to the cashier and they talked for a second after they turn around pick up entitled mother and literally carry her out the door sweet girl turning to us saying a quick sorry and leaving after a mother after that we just walked around for a bit and left happy ending I guess thanks for reading my anger also if you have any negative comments about gays or anything keep them to yourself please I don't want or need that oh yeah something negative to say that involves gays or gay people don't say gays that's weird um the stigma that some people have towards them that's bad and negative you see what I did there that's the old switcheroo you thought I'd say something that would get me cancelled or something but I said something that everyone can agree with unless you're stupid this story's called entitled mother thinks she can swap her children's father as easy as she can her boyfriend sorry if there are any formats issues on local my story begins eight years ago when I started seeing my now ex entitled mother she has a daughter that we will call Sally when entitled mother and I got together it seemed perfect except for one thing Sally's dad seemed to never want to see his daughter me being the caring person I am that was raised by step parents gladly stepped up and became daddy time went on we had a son more time went on and I started to see how manipulative she is and all-around crazy I decided to break it off with her one month later she tells me she's pregnant and being the logical person that I am know that babies don't save relationships but was there for her every step of the way during pregnancy and gladly have both of my sons every other weekend in holidays as well as for weeks during the summer and sir her new boyfriend I noticed my now two-year-old son calling her boyfriend daddy and after talking to her about this and trying to reason with her that she's confusing our youngest son it clicks in my head and I'm overcome with guilt as I now realize I was used to push her daughter's father out of the picture and she is now trying to do the same to myself luckily he wasn't hard to track down I spoke with him on the phone about everything that happened and apologized over and over again for being blind enough to be able to be used like that and I'm now letting him see his daughter after seven years because I was smart enough to get a parent plan and his daughter comes over to my house with my son's entitled mother doesn't know yet but we are both taking her to courts in doing whatever we can to get our children away well update if people want and will respond to any questions and comments that I can and he basically says thanks for the encouragement and he'll updates as he can but it goes slow because that's court I will definitely update when I get the two of them together multitudes of father everyday are living the hell that this man has I can't even claim to know how he feels because I am fortunate enough to still be able to see my children and his this one is for you guys there is hope for a father's justice yeah I've heard about this mostly on I funny because that's where everyone likes to complain about being a man it's fun to laugh at those people but anyways you see a lot of people saying like oh men never get custody of their kids and I don't know enough about this to confirm or deny it but people say that women definitely gets a bit of an advantage when it comes to children's custody which is unfortunate it should be you know whoever is the more responsible financially and in terms of parenting that should be the one who gets custody or at least majority custody it's a messy situation to figure that out but I mean in an ideal world divorce wouldn't exist families would be happy and children would you know all grow up as smart and as strong as they could possibly be but divorce happens and it could be for something as simple as you know they just lost feelings for each other but they still you know they still care about each other and there's no hard feelings really or it could be someone cheated on another person there's someone it's just a horrible person and they just reveal it after getting married there's just so many causes for divorce which is unfortunate because it makes deciding who gets custody of who for how long for what days all the more difficult don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 50,198
Rating: 4.8966346 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: aSttdtwD3uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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