r/EntitledParents | MOST EPIC WAITER!

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another are slash entitled parents don't forget voice II veterans to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story was called given your size ma'am I'm sure you're still hungry the waiter to my entitled adoptive mother so this took place on one of the biggest advantage of my life my graduation day no this did not happen recently so you can rest assured that she no longer has any hold of me or any ties with me pretext I graduated early but was earning not so much as my entitled adoptive mother the moment I was getting paychecks and helping out around the house and giving my money who wait to the family she would pretend to be sick so she'd take a week or two off without pay she would just lie around the house and not do anything I asked her about this and she told me she was allowed to do so and not needed to work since I was giving her money and earning an income okay here's the story on my graduation day it was hot and boring for those who are not going to receive any qualifications or any degree the relatives and friends who came to attend the ceremony would act as a standby for these graduates to go in and come out they would be there as a personal staff I guess to help out carrying all the things that our graduation gowns could not it was hot and these graduates were the only people with black gowns so son blaming plus black gowns equals certain people would have passed out for sure anyway that was not the point of the story so while we were waiting for to be my Faculty's turn to go into the auditorium my family my adoptive mother plus father my grandmother my aunt my cousin the photographer were complaining that they were hungry including the photographer I proposed to them an idea that would pay for everyone's lunch because they were all there for me I graduated early so I could work a little but I was not earning much since I was only three months into the job I would be earning about $500 per month and give the rest of the family about 66 dollars on this day I was left with 236 dollars therefore everyone suggested a cheap restaurant nearby so he wouldn't have to travel far or do we have to waste any money not my adoptive mother obviously she had a brilliant idea yeah took me once to this one exotic restaurant it has the local food too everyone gets to eat anything they like I did not objects I couldn't think of a proper place to wait so whatever she said plus the heat I just went whatever with it so she took us to this Israeli place that would often go with my friends and my cousin my family went in and they were weirded out at first given the prices of the food but it was okay with me they were there for me and this at least was the thing I could do as a thank-you to them it might not have been the best idea to eat there given the prices but since it was a thank-you gesture I just let them decide what to eat once we sat down the waiter was super familiar with me and came with the menu everyone looked through and just ordered one dish per person that was fine with me everyone seemed to order what they liked and I was pleased with that even the photographer said thank you he was a family friend so basically I considered him an uncle anyway everyone seemed to be pleased with everything except my adoptive mother well this is great at all but it's an experience we should order more are you gonna order more and be able to finish them of course I would it's your day we should celebrate sure so she asked the waiter for the menu again you know with the snappy fingers she looked through the menu and ordered most things that were exotic and pricey the photographer / uncle just looked at me and asked if I could afford it I told him not to worry as long as everything gets eaten I would be happy regardless since that was a blatant lie I wanted to hit my adoptive mother with a plate the orders finally came they were a bunch of food my other family members wouldn't eat they usually eat the local food but this was on my adoptive mother's plate literally she had to eat all of them but of course not she knew me and my cousin were the only people who liked the exotic food so did she finish them heck no oh my gosh I'm so stuffed do you plan to finish the rest no but you can eat the rest you know yeah I am full with just my plate why did you order more if you knew you wouldn't finish them come on be the good host we're here for you spoil it for everyone are you serious she knew I couldn't eat the rest because I'd have to be waiting in the auditorium for about five hours without bathroom breaks the uniform I had on was with a belt that had to be on tight otherwise my skirt would fall off if I ate a lot I wouldn't be able to breathe and she knew all of this but still suggested that I should eat everything up anyway so I asked the waiter to pack up the food for us he asked if the food was up to everyone's satisfaction everybody else said yes except my adoptive mother yeah the food today with no dad great try harder next time you're smart enough for someone from your village his pies went to livid I swear the dude knew me because I often went there and he would always treat me with kindness he looked at me and back at her I had to apologize for this woman's behavior and he said I cannot believe you didn't finish everything ma'am no need to be modest I judge from your size and I'm sure you're still hungry my cousin heard that and choked on her water my grandmother heard her and pretended not to my uncle just giggled my artist looked at the waiter in disbelief my adoptive father noted an agreement to the waiter and my adoptive mother was just in shock hey congratulations to the new graduate here I'll give you a discount today the way to said and I was so grateful for that not only because one the discount saved my butt because it was about one hundred and fifty dollars for our plates but he deducted the price down to $90 and to the waiter went savage on my adoptive mother and I could not be any more grateful for that we left there afterwards and everyone was full I had more food to take home and she instructed that I carried them since she ordered them for me but I paid for them my cousin's soared and told me not to worry she helped out with the rest the rest of the day went okay my entitled adoptive mother complained about anything she could complain about everyone else congratulated me once the ceremony was done can we just go home now my feet hurt I feel sick that waiter totally ruined my day then we went home and she's still complained anyway the and I feel really bad for people that have these kinds of entitled parents they just feel embarrassed every time they have to go out with them maybe to eat or some sort of celebration some sort of party in a sense it's unpredictable what they might do but you can always predict they're gonna get themselves into trouble it was pretty brave of that way to say what he said I think I would have been afraid that I was gonna lose my job or something I'm surprised we didn't hear the whole I'm gonna get you fired for that title parents love that spiel this story was called entitled parent has no courtesy this is not the typical outrageous entitled parent story if that's what you're looking for today you'll get to know a different kind of entitled parent so the entitle parent of my story is the worst kind of them all it's the kind you can't get away from because it's my mother today we went over to my Gran's apartment for lunch a thing to note is that in my country it's common to have maids but my grandparents and my family until recently don't have any this is important for later into that story my grandmother is very active in the church so there was an event today and no one else wanted to go so I went instead before heading to the event I ordered pizza for the family because no one wanted to cook the event lasted for about one and a half hours mostly just waiting around for the priests to show up and chatting with my grandmother's friends once it finished we packed up and headed back to her place since we took so long everyone else ate already and it was just me and her left eating at the table after we finished she was the only one cleaning I tried to help but she insisted I didn't mean while my mom was sitting at the sofa not moving mind you they left a bit of mess as well now this is where the no maids comes into play for a good nine months we only had a cleaning lady come on weekends at first I was the one cleaning the house and the dishes and we would have the laundry done in the weekends I soon got tired of this because my mom was a mess it would come to a point where she would leave plates cups and utensils in the sink bedside table dining table anywhere she could put them really all unwashed for days sometimes weeks her laundered clothes would be stacked on chairs and the side of her bed she would never sweep her room will wipe any of the surfaces she had dogs that she just left would let that poop accumulate in the backyard my juice she would never walk the dogs at all and one of them is a lab that was wildly untrained and out of control she even bit my dog but that's a story for another time and these dogs managed to go from fat and fluffy to skinny little things because she forgot to feed them basically she was operating as if we still had people to pick up after her whenever I would lecture her about it she would say those aren't mine I didn't use those or when she couldn't use that excuse don't worry I'll get to it we got into a huge argument because she didn't want to even look for a new maid and she stated well we can just clean the house ourselves the point was she couldn't even clean after herself I realized that during the time we didn't have maids she would spend more and more time at my grandmother's house all those times my mother didn't come home while we were made less this is what she was doing to her she was leaving her 65 year old mom to clean by herself while she relaxed at the sofa watching TV she basically had a free maid to cook and clean after her this was probably going on for the longest time and I couldn't feather how someone could just leave their mother to do all the work it was one thing to be lazy in your own home but in someone else's my grandmother afterwards started folding clothes so I started helping her out meanwhile my mom is still relaxing on the couch when he got really late like 12:00 my sister wanted to leave as she was the one driving my mom took forever to get up my Cisco so ticked she left so what does my mom do she then asks my gran for a glass of water when she was literally five steps away from the kitchen after a while I told my mom to hurry up because Cissy was waiting for her and it looked to me like she was taking her sweet time then she snapped with her yeah wait my foot is worked when she was done she was still looking around not caring about how long she was taking when we finally left the condo 15 minutes later we went down and had to walk and look for my sis a bit because she had moved they when we got in my mom threw my sissy's bag out of her way so she could sit my sister's laptop was in the backpack and of course my sister is ticked and says what the heck don't throw my things my laptops in there hand me my laptop now mom is huffing and shoves the bag to my sis my sister hadn't put the car on neutral so I tell her to give it to me so I can check it while she drives after I make sure it's okay my mum asks for the laptop and she shoves it back into my sister's bag she still ticked for no reason I can tell because of the way the laptop thuds when it's tossed into the bag and I can hear her zip the bag roughly she doesn't even apologize and Huff's and puffs in the backseat I proceeded to drown her out with rap music this is the other untitled parent that I think receives little attention and exposure the kind that believes they don't need to have basic courtesy because we're family and when you live with someone it's obvious you'll see them at their worst her words it's the kind that chips away at you everyday in the small things they do because they can't empathize with anyone but themselves I guess they've got a really good point it's really easy to notice the entitle parents that do the really big things you know the stuff you see in movies and you like they can't really be people like that can there yes they can and then there's the other type of entitle person the one that does it in all the little and subtle ways every single day and it might just start by not being courteous this story was called probably the saddest ap story you will see today get your tissues ready y'all this is going to be an emotional ride back when I was in primary school fourth grade there was this girl let's call her Sally who would go to any extent to make my life a living hell I don't know why she did it because I never gave her a reason but then again she had started the minute I stepped into the classroom on my first day I was new there by the way I wasn't the only person she hated though she hated almost everyone save for a few of her friends and parents now I had tried to be a friend several times but she just teased me and pushed me away I gave up after several tries she would often make up stories about me and tell them to teachers our school works on see didn't see it happen which was dumb but that has saved me from detention countless times anyways I had tried my best that year and by two months I had already climbed the popularity ladder and guess who was at the top of it that's right Sally she knew I would destroy her one day so she would do anything in her power to get a good grade on her tests going as far as bribing the teacher but that's a story for another day Tuesday September 12 2009 it was the day of the big test our first midterm I worked hard for this so that I can finally prove myself that I wasn't exactly dumb like I made myself to think but that never happened why well basically there is this rule of my school which states no matter what happened a student has to complete their exam within the allotted three hours while I was writing my exam I heard Sally ask permission to go fill her bottle while going back to her seat she took a detour and walked behind my seat next thing I know Sally spilled water on my paper that's right we had almost an hour left to submit and she spilled water on my gosh darn paper she had the nerve to say oops sorry and go back to her seat like nothing happened I looked at the teacher and she shrugged I'm sorry I can't do anything about it you know you'll have to submit the paper within 45 minutes I'll try to consider this while grading your paper but I can't promise anything else my teacher had said everyone in the classroom knew I was screwed what happened next was completely obvious I waited for the paper to dry but it didn't and then I had to submit my paper incomplete up till now I never told my parents about Sally because I knew if I did my mom would definitely pay my teacher a visit and cause problems and I didn't want that but that day Sally took it too far and I told my mom everything the next day my dad complained to the principal she called in Sally's dad and here is how the conversation went MD is my dad st Sally's dad s is Sally and pay principal my daughter had told us yesterday that Sally here has been giving her trouble since day one what she did yesterday was unacceptable I want you to allow my daughter to retake the test or anything that will help her grades I'm sorry but we can't do that once the test is done no one is allowed to retake it not even to do something for extra credits that we will think about what about Sally here isn't she going to be punished where she mad daughter be punished didn't do anything wrong she spilled water on my daughter's test paper that's called sabotaging someone I'm sorry did you just say my daughter sabotage your daughter she doesn't have a need to do that she's better at everything that your daughter that's true Kat here could never beat me that's going to be proved from our exam results mrs. P I saw her spilling it purposefully you could check the cameras for proof at the mention of cameras Sally and her dad both shuddered visibly well do that some other day because we don't have time right now come on Sally let's leave and that was the end of that our principal promised my dad she would look into the matter and look at camera footage but we knew that wouldn't happen later that day my mum decided to go pay Sally's house a visit Sally lives very close to us it was a minute away from us when we rang her doorbell Sally's dad open the door yeah hi I'm Kats mum I want to talk to you about your daughter there is nothing to talk about leave right then a voice called out from inside asking us to come in we walked in and the first thing we noticed was a woman who looked deathly sick her head was shaved and she looked like she would drop to the floor at any moment but she still had a sweet smile on her face hey I'm Dee Sally's mother what did you want to talk about my daughter my mum hesitated at first no no tell me whatever it is and then my mum told her everything after hearing the whole story Sally's mum called both her husband and daughter and made them apologize to us she told us she had a brain tumor and we talked for a long time both the mothers hit it off immediately and while they were talking Sally's dad called me hey I'm sorry for acting this way it's just that I know Sally is going to lose her mum sooner I didn't want her to feel like I was a bad parent so I had to support her no matter what I know that's not an excuse and I hope you forgive us of course that wasn't a good excuse I understood even at the tender age of nine I knew losing a mother could potentially turn you into a jerk Sally then apologized to me saying the only reason she did all that was to seem tough because if she didn't she would have broken down in class almost every day after that day we were best her friends I would always go to her house to visit her and we would hang out all the time I moved the next year but we still had contact with each other for months then we both got new friends and we drifted apart in seventh grade Sally called me to inform me her mum had died that day I had to comfort her through the phone for an hour the reason why I'm writing this story is because last week I went to visit her as it was her mum's death anniversary and I met with Sally and her dad they were the sweetest I then realized while most tepees are just plain jerks some are only entitled because of circumstances I know they're saying don't judge a book by its cover is kind of overplayed but it definitely seems to fit in this situation no their behavior is definitely not excused because of their unfortunate situation but sometimes you just don't know what people are going through and it doesn't give them a license to be a jerk but when you know what they are going through you can sort of understand why they might be acting the way they are I definitely don't think this is the case for every entitle parent in fact it's probably only for a small minority of them but it is something that's good to keep in mind sometimes some people treat you badly it's because they're hurting themselves post your stories memes and fair not at all slash boy see here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 57,516
Rating: 4.9171462 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 191
Id: sjoKn810A1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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