r/IDontWorkHereLady | THUG LYFE

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your host that misplaced his Burt's Bees captain Zach and today subreddit is our /i don't work your lady as well as a couple still wait no actually just I don't work your lady this time don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story is called lady students don't have to follow the student dress code backstory I'm a high school senior at a magnet Technical School meaning it's filled with smart kids who don't want to try I got a position as an intern at the school's IT department for over the summer and for the last hour and a half of each school day that counted as technical credits I needed six of them to graduate gotta love work based learning also three years ago almost all of our administrators got fired for embezzlement this will be important this happened on Thursday and I thought this would fit here story time I was doing my job installing new printer cartridges and color printers in classrooms in the 400 saw commonly known as the science hallway and was having a chat with my chemistry teacher from last year who happened to have a planning period and wanted to know about the events I was looking into for this year's Science Olympiad my team is one County for the last four years running very proud it's also important to note that I am not dressed like teachers are supposed to be the teachers dress code meant no sweats no tank tops no jeans except on Fridays basically just dress generally put together my boss in the IT office was wearing clothes and shoes that warrant open-toed the clothes part could probably have been negotiated love my boss this particular Thursday I was wearing joggers and a flannel over a tank top the only thing I had going for me in the category of looking like a teacher was my ID badge a student ID in the school issued plastic sleeve on a retractable lanyard the same that are issued to teachers that I only got because the box them lives in one of the full-time IT guys desk drawer and he gave all four and turns them when we first started in June and my badge while it had NFC in it to let me in and out of the school the IT office server rooms etc is obviously different from teacher IDs on a first glance I also had a radio clipped on to my pants waistband note the only people who have radio are admins department heads and maintenance people not teachers while I was talking to my old chem teacher an older looking lady walked past us she didn't say anything at the time but clearly was giving us the side-eye I didn't think much of her since she was obviously sub my school has only a little over a thousand students so not that big and while I don't know all the substitutes you tend to catch on to the regulars and she didn't say anything when she walked past I didn't think anything of it I finished my conversation and started to head back to the office I get a call over the radio from another intern asking me to pick up a spare monitor from one of the storage rooms casually known as idfc not my idea because my direct boss stabbed another monitor with a knife long story probably will post a story to Tales from tech support one of these days but I literally just made a reddit account but the door to idfc was clearly labeled authorized personnel only and needed a valid keycard not physical keys in order to get in my ID has clearance for the store regular teachers ID cards won't let you win I'm about to let myself in texting the other intern to get her to send me a picture of the stabbed monitor so I know what type I need to pick up then suddenly here comes a substitute teacher around the corner spotting me with my phone in one hand and ID in the other she comes storming over to me from here on out me will be me I know except the two will be annoying substitute chill boss will be my new boss favorite administrator will be favorite administrator intern friend will be my intern friend why do you think you're doing what that door clearly states that teachers aren't allowed why would you think that you could go into off-limits room when you look like that me physically confused look I don't know what your problem is I'm just doing my job is there something I can help you with and start by not dressing like a gang member what sort of influence are you being to impressionable children you should be five-yard I don't understand I'm just trying to work nothing I'm wearing is against dress code I'm assuming she might have seen a slip of shoulder if my flannel had slipped a little I will report you to the principal what do you think you are doing wearing sweat pants what sort of teacher are you I'm finally understanding oh wait I'm not a teacher I'm an intern we don't have a dress code other than the school dress code don't lie to me you're just trying to not get fired give me that walkie-talkie I need to call the principal nope I don't need this please let me do my job teachers aren't allowed to use radio unless it's an emergency give me that annoying sub grabs the radio out of my hand and hits the call button the radio is pre tuned to channel 3 the IT channel admins are on channel 11 for xxxx there's a teacher trying to break into my room over the radio my boss responds confused what Opie what's going on I managed to wrestle back the radio and call for my boss chill boss can you come down to idfc I need a hand really soon please at this point annoying sub throws my radio across the hallway and because the intern radios are always the crappiest ones available the battery pops out so I have no way of knowing if help is coming and annoying substitute is still screaming in my face unfortunately I'm three feet down from the door that only I will be able to get into and annoying sub is still forcing me farther away screeching at me it seems hopeless until here comes favorite administrator turning the corner attracted by the yelling a note about favorite administrator after an embezzlement scandal made here that led to only like two admins still standing a science teacher just so happened to have another degree that qualified him for the admin job this man was a fabulous teacher and while I never had him intern friend and I knew him well by association with intern friend even before I got the job during the summer he was one of the admins that was there pretty consistently and since he's always been pretty friendly to me so favorite admin turns the corner like an avenging angel and sees me obviously trying to do my job and this annoying sub losing her mind in front of me he immediately comes over and tries to see what is wrong and because she's an actual employee he goes to the annoying sub first what is going on here this teacher is acting inappropriately in front of impressionable students she's trying to break into and steal things from this off-limits room Opie what do you try to do No thank God mr. favorite admin I'm just trying to get a monitor for chill boss out of idfc the idfc did literal eyes level IT guy in the district who works in the same office says chill boss intern friend in me come up with that never died the Doig sub aren't you supposed to be at a class right now Opie is just doing her job she's an intern here it's not like she's skipping class or anything annoying sub suddenly gets calm and collected trying to explain to favorite administrator that I was a disgrace of a teacher which I'm not and I was a bad influence debatable and I should be fired I would like to go home all the time and was totally down for this show boss an intern friend only just now around the corner onto the scene just in time to watch me get down on my hands and knees and put the radio back together while annoying sub tries to defend herself to favorite administrator ends her and friend makes sure I'm okay and then gets the monitor to actually finish the ticket we were working on she'll boss helps me fix my radio and starts defending me to The Annoying sub I was a little shaken up and don't remember that much about the following conversation but the gist of it was annoying sub was upset that I was exempt from the dress code rules for teachers and employees and that I had access to rooms that she didn't have but then a security guard comes around the corner apparently annoying sub had left her classroom of freshman to go to the bathroom and when a student had an emergency dismissal and the classroom was called they realized she had left unattended students hella not allowed the security guard had gone down to the classroom to investigate found a teacher list and had checked the security cameras the results annoying sub ended up getting fire favorite admin apologized to me on her behalf my chill boss gave me some Jolly Ranchers and let me chill for the rest of the workday because I was pretty shaken up and then let me stab the broken monitor I haven't seen that sub since and I am glad what it sounds like to me is that the little miniscule amount of power annoying sub had went to her head and she got jealous that that an intern student thing had more power than her ah that's funny that's funny I swear there are some teachers that are only teachers because they love the power they have oh but don't get me wrong I love every single one of the teachers I've ever had substitutes included they were all amazing all very nice and I think they should get more love and you know more pay obviously this story's called contractor lost a deal because he doesn't believe that I don't work here this happened a long time ago and my dad likes to bring it up as a teaching tool on why you should always be polite no matter how the other person is dressed anyways my dad is also CEO of a construction company here's the cast dad contractor who I think I'll christen as Chad receptionist Kim regular office worker Walt and me maligned spun Sethi my dad's company's reception area little background I had an internship that was near my dad's office but growing up I never stopped by my dad's office ever so his colleagues know that he has a kid but doesn't know how I look so here goes my internship ended way earlier than expected and I called my dad to see if he would like to grab lunch with me before I head home he said yes but let me know that he's in a meeting it might take a while I was fine said I'll wait in the lobby till he's done queue me stepping into the reception area and telling the receptionist that I'm here waiting on someone okay do you want me to call whoever you're waiting on so they know you're here no thank you he already knows I'm waiting so I settle down on one of the nice couches and pull out a folder for my internship and read I then spy the nice coffee maker and decided to make myself some coffee then in comes Chad basically storming into the place like he owns it Kim hey I'm here call Walt and let him know I need to go over some stuff with him before presentation the receptionist was polite and got on the phone quickly to call Walt's I presume and you make me a coffee I take it black since I was a dumb booty and again I don't work here I didn't realize he was speaking to me you miss I look up yes you make me a cup of coffee black uh no thank you I'm just waiting on someone I have no idea why he thinks I work there as I'm dressed way too casually to be working there at all all the ladies wear business suits and I'm there in jeans and a casual top what do you mean no Do You Know Who I am I have a contract with this company I will tell your boss you are rude and you won't have a job at all the poor receptionist looked horrified and tried to defuse the situation Chad I just called Walton he's on his way down why don't you take a seat I don't believe this is she gestures at me here for an interview she's not gonna get the job now that's the problem with people just starting out no respect red red red red oh and some racial slurs here and there I just ignored him and sat down sipping my coffee just then Walt shows up hearing the tirade what's going on this girl gestures to me sipping coffee again is rude and disrespectful I told her to make me a coffee and she refuses Walt she said he waves off Kim now I'll take care of this don't worry about it now miss looks me while I stared him with my eyebrows raised slightly I probably look like a bench cuz I was getting annoyed as hell Chad here is a very important person at this company are you here for an interview go get him the coffee and I'll talk to HR about this okay I don't work here nor do I want to I'm waiting for someone Walt asks Kim who she waiting for before Kim could answer probably her boyfriend probably one of the new guys poor dude now miss you're making things difficult for your friend he said it in a condescending tone when you're rude to his bosses at work your boyfriend could be fired for this at this point my eyebrows just rose higher and higher thankfully my dad walked into the lobby with a colleague of his that I've known since I was a kid uncle M boss going to lunch now yes he sees me getting berated by two guys what happened nothing boss just some new guy's girlfriend who's rude to Chad I'll talk to him and get it sorted and Chad and I will have the presentation ready after lunch Oh boyfriend daddy he referring to Chad got angry when I said I'm not making him coffee because I don't work here he kept going on and on and waltz here thinks I'm somebody's girlfriend and said he's gonna get him fired because I don't wanna make coffee yeah I know I did the whole daddy spoiled girl thing when I'm mad and frankly I'm really annoyed at those idiots condescending attitudes both Chad and Walt's faces went ghost white when they realized I'm waiting for their CEO who happens to be my dad uncle and says to Kim buzz is it true I heard some shouting Jim nods her head Opie are you here for lunch with your dad I nod my head okay so why don't you both go and I'll take care of this Walt Chad my office now my dad left and I had to spend the whole lunch explaining what had happened my dad didn't say much but I can tell he's not happy he told me not to worry and he'll get to the bottom of it his way of saying he'll light a fire under both Chad and Walt's booties later that night when my dad got home my mom got the whole story and told me while my dad and I were out to lunch uncle M got the whole story from the receptionist and Chad's contract was promptly cancelled due to unprofessional behavior and Walt was basically in the doghouse with his immediate supervisor who reports to my dad and Oakland from what I understand he quit the company about six months later and had to go into a different field is it just me or could that dude or those dudes behaviors behavior behaviors kind of go into sexist territory you know just assuming that this girl in the reception area was meant to get them coffee I don't know either way that's a good story glad that gal was coming to him this story's called I'm mistaken for the school custodian by a substitute teacher while trying to drop off paperwork so before we get into the story I will admit that I do work for the school district but as a paraeducator not a custodian a few weeks ago I had taken a day off work to go to different appointments my first appointment was early in the morning and since I had some time around lunch I went to work for a few minutes to drop off my time sheets to my supervisor on my way I walked by the cafeteria to see a substitute teacher shouting at a pair of boy sweat started roughhousing and ended up spilling their packed lunch trays all over the hallway I figured I'd just let them get the scolding they were troublemakers anyway and could probably use it until the substitute turned around and saw me and immediately started yelling at me well aren't you gonna clean this up I confused as hell just shrugged it wasn't my job now I didn't have a radio to call the actual custodian and I didn't have much time until I accidentally made myself late that's obviously was not the right answer as she starts demanding why I'm not cleaning it up and seriously what was she expecting for me to just get down on my knees and clean up the pile of spaghetti pizza peaches green beans and milk with my hands so I do the only thing I can think of and tell her that it's not my job that was even worse as she starts screaming don't you walk yeah yeah but then do ya job it was then that I realized as a substitute she's never actually seen the custodian and she was assuming that since I had a lot of keys that I had to be the custodian which no I am NOT so the substitute keeps shouting at me like she had to stay it's not letting me talk until the main secretary walks by and she just flips her Dookie she storms up and starts demanding to know what's going on when the substitute tries to answer the secretary shuts her down and asked me why I was here when I had the day off I told her that I had to come by to drop off my timesheets before my second appointment and how the substitute had started yelling at me without letting me talk and boy was the secretary not happy she got a radio called the actual custodian and sent me off to deliver my timesheets I found out this morning that the Secretary had reprimanded the substitute for her treatment of students and fellow staff and when the teachers found out they ended up blacklisting her from subbing in their classrooms I feel kind of bad but also not since I had only met her that one time and she had been awful okay I get this she mistook the the teacher for the custodian what's really upsetting me here is that she would talk to the custodian like that but I don't know about you guys but I've only ever met very kind custodians like at least in my school they're always super friendly super willing to help you with whatever problem you might come to them with in my experience at least and I've made genuine friends with them okay so this is very upsetting because custodians work really hard like you might not think about this but those disgusting high school bathrooms that have feces smeared on the walls they have to clean that up so respect them be nice to them not like this evil woman geez don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 25,677
Rating: 4.8941398 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, idontworkherelady /start, idontworkherelady dark fluff, idontworkherelady rslash, r/idontworkherelady 41
Id: zvUS_juXIFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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