r/EntitledParents | SHE WANTED WINE

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your Ren fest attending host captain Zack and today subreddit is our slashing tidal parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called drunk entitled mother pulls a knife on a cashier before I starts I'll explain a few things I'm a 16 year old male not particularly strong but I do Krav Maga to a decent standard Krav Maga is a hybrid self-defense style that focuses on ending fights quickly and efficiently here's our cast nice kid drunk mother sweet cashier and me so this happened a couple of weeks ago and I only thought to put it on reddit now basically my mom hasn't been feeling so great so I've taken up shopping duties for the time being I was buying some milk in the local supermarkets and had just arrived at the tills when I saw a kid on his own in front of me with a pretty big haul of shopping as it turned out he was for micro magog class because my teacher likes me I typically help out with training the younger students and this kid was one to whom I was a close mentor I said hello and we talked a little his mom had left him next the shopping to pick up something she had forgotten we all know the feeling of approaching the cashier without a parent nearby which gave us time to chat about training and stuff nothing too in-depth but when we came to the cashier his mother still hadn't arrived meaning I had to apologize to the young cashier for the wait I heard a small commotion behind me and turned around just in time for my face to be directly in front of that of a seemingly half-drunk woman short hair looked about a hundred kilos and her breath was rancid don't tell me that's his mother I thought but unfortunately my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the recognition between the mother and son I greeted her and told her about my mentoring of her son but she didn't listen instead she made a noise and turned to the cashier before producing a wad of coupons and pushing them towards the poor lady at the tills with a sigh she rifled through them looking up at the half-drunk beast in front of her and sweetly told her that they were invalid I don't remember the exact confrontation but the words were something to this effect step off check again sweet cashier was rifling through them again sorry they're all expired or for a different store now look this one this one says expires on the 20th of December being a bit of a nosy person I listened in it was starting to click with me that this woman between her previous demeanor and her slightly slurred speech must have been at least half drunk I'm sorry madam that's the 20th December last year last year my bode entitled mother then proceeded to reach into her purse and retrieved a small number of credit cards trying them one by one they failed again and again I couldn't help but feel sorry for her considering her seemingly bad financial position until I noticed a sudden change in tone the frick DME none of them work I used them yesterday they worked just fine I guess you ran out of credit or something do you have any other means to pay just give them to me I'll take them as compensation for your poor customer service I'm afraid I can't do that ma'am you'll have to pay or I can get someone to help you take these items back there was a moment of silence before entitled mother began clumsily rooting around in her handbag nice kids seemed worried which probably should have foreshadowed the upcoming scenario the poor cashiers eyes widened as entitled mother finally tracked her hand out of the bag to reveal a knife now before we go any further you should understand something about UK knife loss whilst it is legal to carry most knives on your person as long as the blade is under three inches there are a few types that you cannot carry regardless of length a good guide to this can be found here but the knife used by entitled mother here was a switchblade for those of you who don't know this is essentially a knife that has a button in the hilt that causes the blade to extend from it illegal to carry in the UK but I guess titled mother didn't really care on with a story entitled mother flicked the blade out and pointed it in the general direction of sweet cashier she muttered something about this respect as she moved closer and grabbed a bottle of wine from the till I will admit I was crapping myself here but I knew that I should have done something so I stupidly put a hand on entitled mother's shoulder to try and stop her this earned me a small Nick on my cheek and it became clear to me that entitled mother didn't really know what she was doing she swung again and I caught her arm and removed the knife from her hand kicking it away surprisingly she didn't try to reach for the knife so we stared at each other for a while in a sort of awkward tango position until we heard the police arrive fortunately they handled the situation and arrested entitled mother taking statements from sweet cashier nice kid and me before they left with entitled mother and nice kid Intel I don't really know what she got charged with but nice kid is living with his aunt now so she must have lost custody I haven't seen sweet cashier in the local supermarket recently so I assume she got some time off to recover I'm personally glad that no one got properly injured and I guess it makes a good story for me to tell during last week's Krav Maga training I got talking to nice kid Terrence out his parents had been going through a messy divorce for a few months no one could agree on anything and it dragged out causing entitled mother to turn to alcohol I'm super glad nice kid got out of that situation and he seems much happier now that he's living with his aunt anyway I hope you enjoyed my story hey good on our editor here for stopping a knife assaults in progress potentially but yeah that's really sad but yeah it's a good thing that the nice kid got out of that situation before it got too extreme and yes i 100% could understand what the dude was talking about there has been so many times where my parents have left me in line at the at the grocery store and we're getting closer to the cashier and I'm like oh no then my parents are like not there and I'm like this story's called pre Gant lady tries to fight me is my first post here and I have quite a few entitled bench stories from my time in New Mexico for this story I shall take us back to 2010 my classes just let out from New Mexico State University and I decided to get some Chinese food for my grandparents and I before heading home ordering and receiving my food was easy enough and I was driving out of the parking lot I see a red carpet it's your first lights on as I'm driving by they literally just came on and if I stopped I would have blocked her in so I kept going the woman led foots the gas and Rams right into my driver's side she hit my car so hard it almost flipped over my car was almost completely sideways before it drops back down I had to kick open my door in order to get out and look at the rest of the damage as I'm looking at this lady's car waiting for her to get out I realize she has a child in the passenger seat who she actually made to get out first this kid comes up to me and says accidents happen as her mother is slowly getting out of the car and stands behind her now I'm at this bench is trying to use her child as a shield and I was not going to have it why don't you have your kid wait in the car while I called the police she looks absolutely terrified her daughter looked embarrassed but at least the lady agreed and let her kid listen to music the cops would not come out because the restaurant is private property and unless the owner called I had to handle this myself the darn dispatch lady even said the street I was on did not exist the stupidity in that town still amazes me to this day so I grabbed my insurance and asked for the ladies she turns red and admits she has insurance but her sister was renewing it today and would have to have her bring it to her I told her to call her sister and get the insurance because I wouldn't be going anywhere until I have all her information it took 45 minutes in a town where it only takes 20 to get across the whole town I am beyond angry but putting my best foot forward to be kind and just get this over with when her sister finally gets to the restaurant she out of her car and immediately starts screaming at me that she was an engineering student and judging by the damage her sister couldn't have done this damage to my car this is our heavily pregnant entitled bench like watermelon under her shirt pregnant now our arguments went along these lines my sister didn't do this you're just trying to get a new car I can ask the restaurant for their camera footage if you like I did not just spend an hour in the Sun for nothing give me your insurance so I can get out of here already I don't bother arguing over the fact I wasn't lying I did not want to feed her more this bimbo glared at me and got within inches of my face I'm not giving a lying POS like you anything how can you prove my sister hit you you're just looking to upgrade from this piece of Dookie this is where she starts that darn finger jabbing the air by my face thing I hate that and in my experience those actions hallways lead to a fight so I got an idea to squash this before it got physical look lady if you want to fight you have to realize your stomach will be fair game her jaw drops and she just blinks at me as I smirk at her her sister is just watching all this go down and won't intervene and now finally I'm assuming her man gets out of her car and comes over he hands me the insurance so I can copy down while he makes his woman move towards the car the whole time I'm copying down information I can see and hear her still screaming about how her sister is not responsible for crashing into me as he tries to push her into the car I handed the paper back to the actual lady that hit my car and suggested that her sister learned some control before someone teaches her a lesson and to be grateful I did not call the police on her for her threatening behavior joke's on all of them their insurance totaled out my car and gave me three times what my car was worth and my new one was a black Chevy Malibu with all the bells and whistles thanks baseball pitcher post scriptum for any of those triggered by my threat to a pregnant woman she was a threat to me and I had to shut her down before it became physical if she actually did tried to hit me I would not have gone for her stomach but she didn't need to know that you know what you gotta admire this dude's threat okay like as he said Dyke I knew he wouldn't go for the stomach but definitely shut her up God that was genius dude I love it also is that police thing real there I feel like if you call a police they should be able to go anywhere you call them too because what's the point of an emergency line if you can't even use it if you can clarify let us know in the comments below if that's an actual thing this story's called McDonald's does not serve Richard heads I would hope not because that would be prostitution so a few weeks ago at the McDonald's where at work I got a very annoying request from an entitled mother I was working up the front where the customers are serviced and I'm a kitchen person and was still learning how to work the front when a mother walks up to the counter while holding her son's hand he was maybe five or six the mother ordered a happy meal for her son luckily very simple for me to accept while she ordered something very challenging she ordered a wrap that was discontinued a year ago and I told her that myself but she was adamant on getting what she wanted regardless of how many times I told her she was getting madder and madder at me for something I had no control of eventually she asked if she could talk to my manager which I hesitantly did my manager walks over and listens to what she has to say he told her the same thing as me but she wanted that darn wrap by now the happy meal was ready and was given to my manager and I to serve so we sent it out with just the happy meal and nothing else my manager patted me on the back and said and I won't make you work front again all right a short little sweet story I liked it because the manager was like you know hey I get it people suck that's why you can stay in the kitchen this story's called my mother freaks out when my spouse leaves me and I could no longer pay her bills for as long as I can remember my mother has worked several jobs to pay her bills as an adults I got married and our find income was pretty good so we decided we could help take some financial stress off of her so we started paying her phone bill and her utilities and bringing bags of groceries by once a week or so then one day her car died and we decided to surprise her with a new one we picked out a new smaller silver Toyota mid range not all the bells and whistles but still a nice car when we gave it to her she seemed very appreciative and happy we told her we'd pay the monthly payment the registration and insurance the rest was up to her she still worked full-time but I had no idea where her money went the plan was for her to take all those bills on again one day we just never set a time for it to happen fast forward two years later and out of the blue my wife cheated and took off leaving me with a ton of debt the house I couldn't afford on my own and a broken heart I called my mom in sobs over the phone to her about how terrible I felt she was sympathetic until I told her I wouldn't be able to pay her bills anymore in fact she became totally silent are you there did you just say I have to start paying my bills again like my car payment and insurance yeah I can't afford it anymore with just my salary plus I'm gonna lose my house I can't afford to start paying these bells mom I had no idea this was gonna happen I literally have no control over this I didn't even want this guy hate Silva you gave me silver knowing how much I prefer white vehicles and now you're telling me I have no choice but to pay for an ugly Silva Cod and want plus all the other things like insurance you're the one who gave me those bills why should I pay them I'm speechless at her response and then she shrieks how could you do this to me it's one sentence from her I'll never forget or forgive her for my sadness turned to anger in a split second how could I do this to you my wife left me I'm alone and feel like crap I'm going to lose my house and my credit is going to be screwed I barely make enough for my own bills and you're going on about you I've been paying your bills for over five years did you never once think that one day they'd be your bill again did you ever plan to pay things yourself again or were you just assuming I'd keep paying everything until you died you are the crappiest mother on the planet I'm here heartbroken lost and depressed and the only thing you can think about is yourself I hung up on her and cried even more maybe fifteen minutes later my phone rings and it's my sister figuring she'd just gotten off the phone with our mother I answer okay you talked to mom what do you want she's very upset so what about me is it that nobody cares what I'm going through right now my life is in shambles and I'm devastated well you can't really blame mom you bought her that car she didn't ask for it and she does only own white cars she didn't have a car at all if I hadn't gotten her that one she'd have had to get a new one anyway she's been driving it for over two years besides she said at some point she'd be taking those bills back on when was that gonna happen you may just have to work something out with her just pay a little to help her get back on her feet you can't just totally stop helping her yes I can I ran the numbers I literally do not have a penny to give her anymore and you know what even if I did I wouldn't I've been doing this for her for years in the way she acted today she doesn't deserve it if she needs money from here on out it's on you this is the one time I need my family for support and clearly I'm not gonna get it she tried to defend the way my mother acted but I just hung up on her too I put my phone on silent and sat with my dogs in the dark thinking about how I had nobody to lean on since my mother and sister were such entitled selfish human beings after that first phone call my mother did not reach out to me again to see how I was doing I learned the hard way who my real friends and family were during that time and spoiler alerts it wasn't my mother okay that is incredibly sad that is not a good mother okay a few videos ago there was a story about this woman whose mother expected her to take on her debts and all that stuff and I was saying that if you want your kids to take care of you in your old age you gotta love him and make sure they love you enough to do that voluntarily like this guy did this do took care of his mother insanely well okay way way more than most of us will with our parents or do currently and then she just crapped on him hardcore that's horribly sad to read actually it's hard giving someone you know everything you can and believing that they'll you know they'll be there for you when the time comes you know when you need it and the dude's own mother don't sweat it man I'll be your mom don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 39,838
Rating: 4.902575 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 168
Id: LMM9FoaroQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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