r/EntitledParents - I'm Going BLIND... YOU'RE MY SLAVE!!!

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this entitled dad claims he is going blind so that he can get his family to be his slaves but there is one request that the daughter won't let him get away with happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show the background back in 1999 i moved back with my parents i had a bout of ill health and my mum asked me to come back for six months to sort myself out i was hesitant because i always swore i'd never go back when i left but my mum who had only started to have a proper relationship with begged me to come home so she could look after me mum was a brick she really helped me regain my physical and mental strength whilst battling my father who didn't like the fact that he was not the center of her attention by the start of 2000 i was much stronger and changed roles at work and was thinking of moving out again but my father started to lose his eyesight so i stayed to help my mother deal with his increasingly strange behavior my mum is also going through health issues and has a number of hospital appointments the story september 2000 and the uk is experiencing a fuel protest no one has any fuel all essential travel has been stopped i'm working from home and my lovely new state-of-the-art broadband making calls to my people and keeping updated with them online and on msn messenger remember that i have just enough fuel in my car to do the few trips to the hospital appointments that my mum needs my father announces at breakfast one day that he has bought a bench drill now this is something that you bolt to a workbench is two foot high and used to drill holes in things remember he is going blind i ask if this is a wise decision iron promptly shouted at about his rights to buy things that keep him happy because after all he is losing his eyesight mom and i just shut up and make busy eating our cereal after about 10 minutes my father starts again so we're going to pick up the drill at 10 am i ignore him because i think he's talking about this with my mum after all i'm working and have no interest in getting a bench drill dad shouting at me and to me when i talk to ulb me looks up in surprise uh okay so you and mom are getting the bench drill at 10 am no you and i are getting the bench drill at 10 am um i'm working you can take the morning off no i can't i have to work but you are home and i've been working from home for the past two weeks because of the fuel shortage i'm not using my car because i can't get fuel and have been told to work from home by work well you are taking me to get the bench drill no i'm not it's my house and you will do what i tell you i'm 34. that doesn't work anymore dad's screaming at the top of his voice you are taking me no at which point i walk out all i can hear is him shouting and shouting and my poor mum trying to quiet him down mom comes up a little while later and knocks on my door could you take him later in the week not really mum i only have enough fuel to do your three hospital visits if i do this then i won't have enough i can take the bus now bearing in mind the hospital mum had to go to was two bus rides away and she was having procedures on all three of the visits you can't he is being an idiot can't he get it delivered he'll cost me 15 pounds of fuel and he isn't going to pay please for me and of course i can't refuse my mum the next thursday i've taken the morning off to take him to get the drill turns out the shop he's chosen you can't park outside so we have to park a 15 minute walk away he had managed to not bring any money for the parking so i end up paying we get to the shop and the box is huge about four foot square i can't lift it i'm not sure it's going to fit into my 21 year old ford fiesta i just look at my father and say what the frick dad just turns to the guy in the shops and says i'm going blind so my daughter will take this to the car what the bloody freaking heck and frick the nice guy in the shop turns to me as i've gone a whiter shade of pale at the sight of this box sweetie are you parked in the cattle market car park yes i've got a big trolley and two big strapping guys who'll take it there for you and you can be the manager of getting them into the car me still whimpering thank you i'm blind you know i can't help sir we like to make sales but if you are blind should you be buying this for yourself health and safety and all that oh i'm going to get my wife to use it me and the sk just look at him like he's an idiot anyway the two big strapping guys were politeness embodied and very carefully brought the box to my car helped me lower the back seats and carefully put it into the car my father was already in the car seat belt on ready to go home and play with his new toy the two guys both patted me on the shoulder and wished me good luck i waited for them to leave then turn to my father that is never happening again you are a selfish ungrateful brat and made me give up my leave and took away a trip to the hospital for mom by car who needs that far more than you need a piece of equipment i'm going to take you home i will get this thing out of my car and then you can work out how you are getting it to your shed mom is not helping you she is seriously ill and cannot lift anything i'm blocked at which i told him to get lost the outcome two weeks later at breakfast dad announces that he is going to buy another piece of equipment mum and i both turn to him and unanimously shout no and the hospital appointments luckily a week later the fuel protest stopped and i was able to buy a full tank of fuel and take mom to her appointments on her own if someone's blind or going blind of course that puts you in an unfortunate situation and you would like others to help you if they could but that doesn't give you an excuse to be a jerk to all of them and be entitled to every single thing that you want in the world you know most people would have sensitivities to it they'd feel uncomfortable always needing other people's help to do things that they normally could have done themselves but apparently not for this entitled parent so i've led a weird life i was educated up till sixth grade and then pulled out to be homeschooled by my mum for the rest of my school days homeschooling was certainly an interesting option it came with good and bad stuff such as i have a high school equivalent education which is good but i also had very little interaction with others my age during my formative years which made me an awkward teenager this story takes place when i was around 14 or 15 and was enrolled in a group called chef which is an anagram for christian home educators of my hometown something that i learned while i was enrolled here is that the homeschooling populace in my county was surprisingly full of down-home southern cairns and their delightfully entitled hexporn which i have plenty of stories of favoritism and other such garbage that happened while my family was part of chef this one however is the story of what ultimately ended my family's relationship with chef all over some pretty entitled bull crap see you had to pay a yearly fee to be part of chef something to the tune of 100 per kid per year and in return you got to come to the classes every tuesday receive a decent all-day education of the semester's subject and occasionally go on field trips to local landmarks also socializing with people my own age was definitely nice even if it was just one day a week the problems arise when you realize that a lot of the kids were products of their southern church moms and on top of that my family wasn't a rich family and the church kids were all the products of rich families bmw to celebrate getting your learners permit rich anyway with that in mind we move on to the last chef class i would go to my mum dropped my younger sister and i off at the class and went to check us in and took the karen teacher lady as we played on the swing set before the class started i saw my mum coming back over with this angry death glare on her face she walked up to us and told us that instead of doing the regular end-of-year celebration that we were supposed to be doing the teachers that year had decided that the older classes would do a food collection drive outside one of our local grocery stores for the church's food bank 200 was a lot to my family growing up and this was supposed to be the big party that let us spend time with our friends or few friends in my case in a barely supervised environment just having fun and in my mom's eyes they were wasting our time and squandering the money my mom had paid them especially since we were not members of this church and all the other students were my sister and i would take an opportunity to socialize so we told her we were fine with doing this food drive thing although we were disappointed because last year they had rented an inflatable slide that we got to play on all day still it was better than nothing so we go through this whole day and collect maybe a total of seven or eight pounds of food in various cans and non-perishable bags while having to represent god with our attitudes which means no fun or yelling or any of that kind of thing standing outside in the hot sun for six hours nothing would have been better when we got back we told mom that it sucked and she told priestess karen that when we come back next year i don't want my kids begging for your fake butt food bank my mom started a food bank for our church and knew what went into making it legal at the beginning of the next semester my mom paid the dues and sent in all the proper application forms with a couple of weeks to spare everything was going great until the first day we made it to the class and karen was the first to greet us with a crap-eating grin i will never forget my mum told us to go play while she talked to karen for a bit before the class started about 20 minutes later she corralled us up and took us home we were upset and confused but we rode in silence till we got home and my mum exploded turns out karen was responsible for the jews and application for chef and had conveniently lost my sister and eyes until just after the deadline for sign ups and decided to keep the jews as a donation to the church so now no chef no socializing no getting out of the house and my mum is on a war path like i said my family wasn't rich so we couldn't hire a lawyer and my parents are super libertarians so they don't want to go to the police either and in their eyes it wasn't worth it for 200 but my mum got a decent amount of vengeance for us first step was telling her other local homeschool mum friends what karen had done which caused a lot of moms to pull their kids out of the chef class without 12 or so of the 20 some odd kids that were in the class fuelling the funds the class had to shut down the next step was calling the federal trade commission and getting their fake food bank shut down which was definitely weird from her considering how anti-government she is but hey play the system karen was charged with something i forgot what but it was minor enough that she got away with a fine she lost a lot of standing in her church but there was nothing as dramatic as an excommunication or anything just some petty revenge on an entitled church mum that didn't like my family was a blemish in her christian home educators group you know how ridiculous is it that for some of these entitled mums that there might be this one thing that's really important to some kid this one group where they get to socialize and just do fun things but no they can't let them have that they have to ruin it what kind of sad life do you live where that's so important to you to destroy that for someone else it's 3 25 am this morning i woke up suddenly without my cpap on which is a big no-no and discovered i had fallen asleep in my recliner in the family room with nothing ready i proceeded to take care of things around me i even picked up a plate and trash on it my mum left beside her chair i am currently sleeping in my recliner as it's easier for me to get out of it after having surgery on my shoulder last thursday but i'm going to be back on my bed even if it hurts me after all that happened after dumping the crumbs and paper towel that was on my mom's plate into the garbage i turned around to take it to the sink where i lost grip of the plate and it dropped to the floor and skipped across the tiles with a very loud clattering crash surprisingly it didn't break of course it worked my mum and her little blind and diabetic dog too i proceeded to profusely apologize to her explained what happened was an accident and i thought all was okay she seemed to have calmed down from being startled boy was i grossly mistaken my mum after not getting much sleep decided to be vindictive and woke me up at 5am when she got up to feed the dogs simply because i was right there she thought what i did with the plates was on purpose as i was angry or frustrated all day yesterday especially after a horrible dental experience as soon as i told her what she did waking me up was vindictive and immature she immediately became defensive and attempted to justify her actions she did eventually concede and said she agreed with me that what she did was wrong and passively apologized i really didn't believe her apology as she does have a vindictive streak i've seen her be vindictive and cynical towards others many many times we then proceeded to have a blown up yelling match i gave her specific examples of it such as her waking me up just because she either says something to justify her actions and or what she said she even said i know you got mad enough that you wanted to hurt me during our fight just to get under my skin i told her yes i was that angry but i know that hitting others is never justified my mum even when provided with direct examples refused to acknowledge that what she said or had done was wrong and that it was just your perspective she hates it when my brother does that to her and i told her he got that trait from her and she even wonders why i don't talk to her about my personal feelings and issues i explained to my mum a bit she had a very bad father he stopped having anything to do with her from the age of 5 to 15 all because she said something to the group of men her father was speaking to when she was 5 years old her father died from a stroke when she was 16. she says she doesn't have any daddy issues and that she got past his neglect without any residual issues right she absolutely refuses to speak to a counselor and even this morning told me if you want to see one or talk to one go ahead i've got the tools to deal with my own problems yeah she has an associate's degree in social work and never worked in that field she denies that she is resentful that i had surgery last week to fix the arm i had a plate and metal screws put in for my proximal humerus fracture but her action and words tell me otherwise she also did admit something to me she is indeed very resentful and even spiteful over me seeing all these doctors even necessary visits with specialists and having regular doctors appointments she even said a lot of your problems could be handled by your primary if at all i told her fine i'll stop seeing the nephrologist as my kidneys are fine and have been for a while and the urologist too the urologist i was referred to for my kidney stones or whatever the pain on my left side is was an arrogant and condescending jerk who talked down to me whatever the pain is that flares up on my left side i'll just live with it if it kills me oh well my mom tried to make me feel guilty by saying she has been holding off on getting things taken care of like her knee or back i pointed out to her that she can always make an appointment with the doctor and there are plenty of open days on the calendar her not seeing a doctor isn't my problem it is her choice she even acted envious that i am getting my colonoscopy first she was also upset when i told her i couldn't take her or pick her up from her colonoscopy i haven't been cleared to drive due to my surgery i was going to schedule it but once you've been cleared that's not what she said when she was talking about getting one i may let her have my appointment just so she gets a colonoscopy i'm young enough that i can live another year without one even with all my health problems also to add icing to the cake i had a horrible dentist experience yesterday i've had a couple of teeth on the lower left that lost their fillings and tooth material a while back i've just kept them clean as possible to prevent an infection it wasn't until my left arm was put back together last week that i started to have tooth pain in one or both teeth so i thinking i was being proactive decided to schedule an appointment with a dentist asap after i'd scheduled the appointment and even up to an hour before the appointment my mum was criticizing my decision to see a dentist when i said i would cancel the appointment my passive-aggressive mother would tell me no don't let's see what the dentist has to say well there wasn't enough on one tooth so the dentist tried to pull it he was unsuccessful so now i'm on antibiotics to prevent an infection i have a sore jaw and half a tooth in my mouth i guess you can say i speak in half tooths i at least got a referral to see an oral surgeon so he can get what's left out but i can't see him until september so now i painfully wait for the oral surgeon with half a tooth left in my jaw with the nerve exposed oh well my life is a storm it may be a cramp storm with mudslides but it's a storm you know people can be jealous over a lot of things but i've never heard of somebody jealous over other people's surgeries before i suppose if it's just in your nature to be jealous about things and that's the thing that's going on then it makes sense maybe but it's pretty petty considering you're saying oh i wish you didn't have that health thing so i could have it instead especially for your own family members that's pretty bad submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community at our slash voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 15,112
Rating: 4.9441862 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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