r/EntitledParents - LET ME INTO YOUR HOUSE...

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this entitled mother-in-law is trying to get her son-in-law arrested why just because he won't let her into his own house but the reason he refused to let her in will leave you shocked happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show this happened a long time ago but after reading some posts on here reminded me of this when my daughter was little before she started preschool she is now 36 she would have difficulty breathing after visiting my mother-in-law's house or any place that allowed smoking this was back in the mid-1980s when you could still smoke in restaurants and such my wife now ex-wife and i do not smoke finally after one such occasion that my daughter was having problems breathing while at home it was bad enough that we took her to the clinic after examining my daughter the doctor asked if we smoked after telling him no he asked if anyone in our house or extended family did at that time mother-in-law was a heavy smoker and she was the only person that would smoke inside our house we had friends that smoked come visit but they didn't smoke in our house the doctor explained that my daughter was showing signs of a mild allergic reaction to secondhand smoke it was mild enough that treatment wasn't necessary but we needed to limit or avoid exposing her to people that smoked mother-in-law and i had never been on good terms but it got much worse after i posted no smoking signs inside our house she saw them but said it didn't apply to her because she was grandma she usually avoided visiting when i was home and my ex wouldn't stand up to her finally mother-in-law came to visit while i was home she came strolling in puffing away after i asked her politely to put the cigarette out she refused saying that she had the right to visit her grandchild however she wanted i then asked her politely to leave and she pretty much ignored me now i need to add something here i was raised to be polite and to respect others and that was reinforced by my marine corps training there are some exceptions to me being a nice guy such as putting my children or wife in danger as mother-in-law soon found out since she wouldn't take me seriously and refused to leave i physically picked her up and took her outside at that time she was much heavier than me but she had finally pushed me over my limits i set her down on the driveway next to her car and told her to go home i went back inside and locked the door behind me my wife didn't say a word but she was smiling because she knew i could get away with treating her mother like that of course that wasn't the end of that fight our neighbors had been old drinking buddies with my wife's parents so mother-in-law stormed over to their house and called the cops on me claiming assault it's a small town and i know a lot of the cops but the two that show up i've never met since mother-in-law called them and she met them in my driveway by the time they started knocking on my door they were planning to arrest me however i'm not dumb enough to open the door after they hear my side and the fact that mother-in-law didn't look roughed up their attitude quickly changed after showing my id with the address given to them by mother-in-law they stepped back from the door to talk a bit a few minutes later one cop comes up to the steps to talk with me while the other one went to talk to her his next question actually surprised me i've had a few not so nice meetings with police he asked if i wanted to press charges breaking and entering trespassing and assault against mother-in-law tempting but no my ex is an only child and i'm not going to forbid grandma from seeing any of my four kids as long as it's on my terms that is to say no smoking instead i said i just wanted her off my property and that she will have to call before coming over side note after this incident she no longer talked directly to me unless i answered the phone so that was a small victory for me relations with mother-in-law were pretty much gone i rarely saw her even though she also lived in that small town but that's a whole different story entitled grandma trained her daughter well because after 19 years i finally had enough of x's entitled attitude and i divorced her neither ex or ex-mother-in-law no longer talk to me no hurt feelings on my part they don't talk to each other even something i had wished for back when my children were little can you imagine the audacity of this mother-in-law to think that she can smoke around this kid who has an allergy like it's bad enough if you're around people who don't want you smoking near them because of secondhand smoke but this is your granddaughter and you don't even care that it has a negative health effect for her you claim to say you have a right to see your granddaughter and yet you don't care about her health last year my parents asked me to manage their personal finances i'm a finance manager my aunt my mum's sister is a bookkeeper and used to manage their personal finances and when i took over it was a mess spreadsheets didn't balance wrong exchange rates wrong formulas missing information all these mistakes cost my parents thousands my aunt was also the bookkeeper for my dad's business at the beginning of this year my dad asked me to do an internal due diligence before he took his company to market i was unemployed and pregnant so i had the time and was meant to not be stressful i was assured that whilst he hadn't seen accounts since 2018 they were in order within seconds of opening up the accounting system i spotted a fraudulent transaction what was meant to be an overview 15 page report turned into a 220 page of gross misconduct financial mismanagement negligence and fraud fast forward six months later and the virus hits my dad has had to lay off 70 of his staff my aunt was finally fired too i have come in to sort out the finances so a few months ago i had to say mum you are broke and it's because of your sister the hundreds of thousands they thought they had is gone the company is worthless and you have nothing left one paycheck away from being bankrupt i'm now trying to get the company back on track as a parting gift my aunt deleted 12 plus years of emails bank statements contracts documents financials data etc i'm starting from fraudulent inaccurate opening balances and i have no staff to help data loss has a less jail sentence than fraud so i pay all the business and personal accounts my dad's company gives my mom a manager's salary to oversee my aunt's work but my mom hasn't done anything for the business since 2015. all my mum's accounts are paid even though her salary doesn't cover it i leave my mum with a reasonable balance in her account each week and top it up if she needs this is an entertainment play allowance my parents rent a flat from my father-in-law when they come see me i live six hours away from my parents and sisters i sublet the flat when they are not here my mom wants to spend a couple of thousand for scatter cushions yes thousands are you kidding me i'm struggling to pay their bills this month and she wants to spend a small fortune on scatter cushions not even functional real cushions but ones you throw aside to get to the real ones she's only in the flat for two days a month and the tenant couldn't care less i told her there is no money for scatter cushions and it's not essential she goes off like a firecracker screaming swearing and shouting saying she has nothing in her life and scatter cushions is the only thing that will make her happy i asked her if not having all her daughters and three grandchildren all in one place at one time is good enough she said no she wants the scatter cushions she said if there is money for my dad to buy wine then there is money for scatter cushions my dad works from 4 am to 4 pm while she sleeps on the couch all day he should be allowed to spend his hard-earned money on a bottle of wine or two a few days later my mum has a proper go at me and my sister defends me all heck breaks loose and my mum calls my sister the biggest disappointment of her life my sister looked after my mum full time for six months when my mom was sick until my mum recovered my sister runs around after my mum like her personal slave compared to my thieving art wow my childhood has lots of memories of my mum's nasty temper tantrums it was very traumatic i swore i would never be like her my husband grabs my two and a half year old makes a dash for the bedroom i grab my newborn and run outside so my mum is now angry at me and refuses to talk to me because i didn't defend her against my sister i'm sorry my newborn was woken by her screaming and started to cry my baby comes first my mom then goes off at my dad threatens to clear out his bank account take every cent she has done it before i have all these supplies to pay and literally just enough money my dad tells me to change the banking password and i do it a week later my mom gets a call from a leech asking for money she tries to get into the accounts and she's blocked out she goes beyond mad i'm on the phone to my dad and i can hear her screaming like a crazy person swearing and calling me every name under the sun says i don't have any right to change it and this person wants money now my dad tells me not to pay this random leech and not to give her the password the leech would have been paid for my dad's account my dad told me to get hold of the bank and separate his account from hers on internet banking she can then have access to her account but not his she says she deserves his money and i'm getting in between their marriage she goes crazy she sends me on the family group a hate message she's so angry with all of us that she didn't even care my nephew's other granny died she didn't even send my sister or my nephew at condolences or anything when the hospital called her to tell her granny c had passed she told them she doesn't care and to call my sister so she knew the first message my sister would have got after hearing the news was her hate message my mum called me dishonest and a criminal she's going to sell her jewelry to hire a lawyer and going to get me arrested the reality is she can't no money is gone in fact there is more in their accounts than there was when i first took over my dad is a second signatory and i have authorization from him yes i'm the criminal but not her thieving sister for those wondering my parents have decided not to press charges against my mum's sister she literally got away with it i have an eight-week-old baby and a year old toddler my mom has taken herself off a family group where we post mainly family pictures she told her friend she doesn't want to see pictures of her grandchildren yes my mother wants me arrested when i have a baby and toddler my mother is also aware if she does have me arrested my career is over too welcome to the crazy man that is some soap opera level drama there i don't think i can handle that have you ever had a friend who starts telling you all their family's crap and you're just like i don't know if you're supposed to be telling me this stuff you just feel like one day you're going to be ending up in court as some sort of witness or something and you're just like your honor i don't know what i'm doing here and i don't think i should be in the middle of this so for context i'm a 16 year old male living with my mother father sister 15 uncle and grandma we live in a house not an apartment in a very small place so we usually leave the door open also we have stairs outside the building on which we usually sit and talk or play etc in the house just below us is a family they're the grandma her daughter and her two sons who have their own children a 17 year old girl and a 15 year old and i'm friends with both a 12 year old girl an 8 year old boy and a 2 year old boy they're all fine except the 12 and the 2 year old they're so freaking spoiled and i can't even begin to tell you i truly can't stand them as i said our house isn't really locked and here it's freaking hot so we don't want to lock it and the 12 year old usually comes to us and either sits on the stairs waiting for someone to come out and then proceeds to torment them into playing with her she does this at any freaking time of the day or even worse she comes in our house at any time everywhere while we eat while we sleep or just mind our business so freaking rude i can't stand her my closest family all think like i do about it because it really is annoying but my uncle seems to see nothing wrong with it and one time even managed to wake me up while i was taking a nap to go to the sea with a girl not only this she is also very inappropriate asked very personal questions like to my sister why don't you shave your legs she does she just didn't have the time to do it or to me why do you dress like this i dress pretty normal just maybe a little feminine sometimes do you like boys or girls rude the thing is her sister is not like this she's actually nice and behaves like a normal person in fact i'm friends with her then comes their two-year-old the cousin of the twelve see he happens to have the same name as me for this particular reason when the mother was pregnant they would always talk about me spending a lot of time with him to teach him everything i know help him make him strong i always thought they were talking about in a normal way we lived 10 meters from one another of course we were going to see each other a lot and i wouldn't have minded to teach him stuff or play with him since i like kids but what they expected me to do was way more than this after two or three weeks from his birth they started giving him to me he would cry his lungs out while in my arms and i'd always end up giving him to his half-sister 17-year-old this went on all the way till now when he is two i hated how they'd expect me to actually take care of him when they wanted me to but never said anything too rude just made excuses not to do it plus his sister would hold him 90 of the time then the kid started walking he has some behavioral issues might be autistic still doesn't talk only screams 100 of the time he would come over to us like the cousin scream and eat our food my uncle would always give him one biscuit but the kid eats whatever's on the table runs around places everything in his mouth screams he is a little kid so he doesn't pay attention to stuff and they often fall to the ground and i have to collect them all and clean up afterwards not only this but my grandmother is very old and fragile he doesn't pay attention to her either and we don't freaking buy stuff for him to eat at all when he decides he wants a cookie but i know he is not guilty it's his parents i already was wondering where the frick they were looking at for not seeing how rude their 12 year old is but this time i know for sure they can't not see it they're looking right at him the mother sometimes follows him to our house enters with him watches him eat whatever the frick he wants laughs and then leaves not even a thank you or sorry just freaking laughs the demon yesterday put in his mouth five cookies all at once there was one left i put the last one away i tell the mother to please not let him eat every cookie because my grandmother likes these cookies too she looks at me weirdly and leaves as always without a word the same day i'm sitting outside of my house with my grandmother they are two sitting outside of theirs the twelve-year-old sees me in waves starts coming to me the grandmother and mother of the two-year-old point me to him and tell him go go to him and play with him who the frick told you i want to play with them they come the kid rushes to the kitchen i take away everything left on the table and he screams he does not cry he freaking screams the 12 year old follows who told you you could do it i never entered their house without being explicitly invited in i take the kid in my arms and order the 12 year old to follow i take them back to the parents and still politely but was very angry tell them that i'm not a babysitter my grandmother is fragile and it's dangerous to have them always around better if they don't come anymore they looked shocked but i leave before they start screaming i run back and this time i lock the house when my mother came home they talked to her she was on my side of course what the frick did they think she was gonna tell them she said i'm right grandma is old and with kids so young you never know what could happen so they told her how offended they were by what i said about me not being a babysitter and my mother laughed and said that if they want me to look after the child they can pay me and i'll do it all the time they were so offended they aren't talking to me since yesterday not even the girls i am was friends with fine i'm hanging out with others they're incredibly entitled happy i don't have to listen to their bull crap anymore not only should they be paying him for basically being a babysitter that's what he's doing but they're also eating their food food does cost money even if it's just a cookie here or there for some people like that's their one treat that they buy for themselves you know so for this little kid to just like shove five of them in their mouth it's like oh thanks well if i want more i need to go buy some more at the store now but like they said it's not entirely the kid's fault it's largely the parents fault for letting the kid think that this is acceptable behavior submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 17,828
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: bOL6rGn4t_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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