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how dare you upgrade his seat to first-class just because he's a soldier I demand you give those seats to my daughter and i /nt our first story we'll be reading today entitled mom demands my first class upgrade from Muser the goodest dude after that entitled mom asked me to trick my sister from user read nerd after that entitled roommate treats our place like a dump and gets me very sick from user purple wolf 2000 and then we'll be wrapping up with tiny little sister is a big bully and mother and father do nothing about it from user yard saleing thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled mom demands my first class upgrade this all happened back in 2013 and i just came across this subreddit yesterday we've got me just a 20 year old punk we've got entitled mom and we've got the really chill flight attendant i had just got back from afghanistan about a week ago and was heading home on my post deployment leave to surprise my father he did not know I was back when I got to the check-in counter the lady told me that the flight was delayed due to mechanical issues and that they were trying to find a new plane for the flight this is important later four hours later I am boarding my flight now the original plane did not have a first-class row but the new plane did and no one was seated in them as a veteran they allowed me and a few others to board the flight first once seated I put my headphones in and awaited for the flight to depart after the flight was loaded the flight attendant came on the speaker to tell everyone that the flight had the entire first class section open and that they would select seats at random to give people free upgrades for the flight this is where everyone started to ask for the upgrade some even getting belligerent demanding an upgrade I didn't mind my seat and honestly did not expect to get selected for the upgrade but as the lady was going around listening to people bugging her for an upgrade she came up to me excuse me sir would you like to be upgraded to first class really that would be great I've never said in first class before well it's your lucky day grab your carry-on and I'll show you to your new seat as I'm collecting my belongings but passenger behind my seat went hysterical what makes him so special that you gave him the upper grade ma'am the selection was random and his seat was selected that's BS he already got too into the plane before me and my daughter even though I was zone a how much more does he need ma'am I'm sorry it was random I tell the attendant it's okay I can sit in my normal seat and she can have the upgrade my daughter needs an upgrade to VIN just give her a random upgrade too ma'am the seats have already been selected I can't remove someone else for your daughter you'll have to stay in your seat at this point the flight attendant took me to the first-class seat and I sat down she asked me if I wanted anything to drink and that everything was complimentary so I ordered a beer and a bag of chips and put my headphones in to enjoy my one and only time in first class fast-forward to being in the air an hour has gone by and I'm asleep when I feel someone tapping me on the shoulder I wake up and it's the crazy passenger from before I'll take your seat now um well I'm already settled and the flight attendant already told you no okay how about you get out of the seat right now I'm a mother so give it to me I'm a jeté today at this point with all due respect no I'm just going to stay here after that entitled mom leaves and I put my headphones back in a few minutes later and title of mom returns and pulls my headphones out of my head you're going to give me that seat she then collects my phone and Kindle off the tray and stands up now I'm furious because she just yanked my headphones off and took my belongings so I get the flight attendants attention and explained what's going on ma'am please return to your seat I don't want this to escalate any further this is ridiculous just cause he's a soldier doesn't mean he should get special treatment by everyone I'm a Marine by the way entitled mom then through my belongings on my lap pretty hard and I just sit there quietly until she went back to her seat I apologized to the flight attendant for all the trouble and she told me situations like this is why they never really give free upgrades during a flight the rest of the flight went normal and I was able to surprise my dad edit my cousin actually recorded me surprising my dad one of the few times I've ever seen him cry next we've got entitled mom asked me to trick my sister it was a family tradition we're nephews and niece would visit their aunt and uncle to receive gifts during Christmas morning our parents would leave us here with my aunt together with our little cousins we were around four to six and I was the oldest during the day the parents would go out and fetch things they would need to celebrate for the little reunion they would do tonight our aunt gave us our presents me and the boys each got a toy that shoots out rubber corks it was a time before gadgets existed so we were quite excited to play with them immediately so we ran outside my sister and my other girl cousin the entitled kid received a doll as a gift same size same design the only difference was my sister's had a Red Hat entitled kids has blue my sister loved the doll immediately but entitled kid hated hers entitled kid made sure that everyone in the room knew this she screamed and whined and cried and kept calling her mom the entitled mom entitled mom did not join the other parents for preparing but instead stayed with us together with her entitled kid entitled mom was really embarrassed by entitled kids behavior entitled mom immediately apologized to my aunt and she picked up entitled kid and left the room to calm her down after playing around for a bit my aunt called us to eat we continued to have a feast with her delicious home-cooked meals and desserts in the dining room after everyone finished with our food we came back by the fireplace where we left all of our toys my sister can no longer find hers instead the blue doll is sitting where she left hers she panicked she thought she misplaced hers and asked me to help her find the doll so me and the other boys searched around the room but we couldn't find it so we decided to ask my aunt if she had seen the doll my sister says aunty I lost my doll I can't find it have you seen it my aunt wait let me ask your aunt the entitled mom I believe she knows where it was she went to call entitled mom from the room I took a peek and saw them arguing quietly before entitled mom came out hi sweetie I heard you are looking for your doll and entitled mom have you seen Caroline she already named it the moment she got a hold of it she names all her toys oh yes she's just right here sitting on the sofa and titled mom picked up the blue doll and showed it to my sister we looked at her with confusion I didn't pay much attention when they opened their gifts a few hours ago but I do trust my sister my sister knew by heart it's her doll she did not speak what's the matter don't you like it aren't you glad you have a pretty doll but she's not a Caroline but she is you should be grateful for whatever your aunt gave you come on take it sister was quiet she didn't take it she hid behind my back and tugged my shirt aunt entitled mom I think there must be a mistake maybe entitled kid accidentally took the wrong doll and titled mom pulled me away and whispered to me come on son help me out here try to convince your sister it was her door entitled kid wants the other doll and she'll be causing me a lot of trouble tonight if I take her home without the one she liked you know her right she will not stop bawling her eyes out but you want me to lie to my sister it's not lying think of it as doing a good deed for your art will you do it for me please your big boy now and you should know how to handle you only do sister she should know that you're in charge I stay quiet I don't know what to do next mom and dad were not here to help us out I walk away and take my sister with me she was really quiet and I clearly felt her trying hard not to cry aunt entitled mom said you can't have your doll entitled kid won't let her go what should I do we can't leave Caroline with her we decided to tell our end about what entitled mom did my aunt says what she's always like that since we were kids entitled mom always gets what she wants among us siblings and Grandma always favored her because she's the oldest me and your mom never got what we wanted I'm gonna go ask her to stop this and got angry and went to entitled mom they're having a heated discussion so they asked entitled get to leave the room entitled kid got out very annoyed stomping her way to the living room I was with my sister and she's currently holding the blue doll she's very sad and caressing in terror slowly my sister I'm sorry you had to see this your mom doesn't mean what she said about you she's just angry and confused right now she seems to be comforting the doll as if it was a baby I feel very sad for her but I'm just a kid a Wimpy Kid we grew up accepting the fact that adults were our final and unappealable we can't fight against entitled mom this was when titled kid shows up and began screaming what are you doing with my dog get your filthy hands off an entitled kid grab the doll's hair and pulled it away my sister won't let go stop you're hurting her the other boy saw what was happening and they began to cheer fight fight fight I say stop it stop it or I'm gonna hit you no you're not you're not supposed to hit you go the other boys grabbed and stopped me cousin won hey she's right you know how scary her mom is cousin - she's gonna punish all of us if she finds out entitled kid laughs and calls us wimps I don't know what to do anymore so I just ran to get the adults but I can hear the screaming inside the room - and an entitled mom are in the middle of an argument I knocked and an entitled mom go away you're not supposed to interrupt a dote talk entitled kid she's in trouble what entitled mom opens the door and shook me what happened tell me my aunt let's go check it out they ran I was left at the room I was still grasping what's happening I stayed in the room for a minute before I get out then I was shocked to see entitled kid on the floor crying an entitled mom pulling the hair of my sister everyone else is in panic stupid little brat what on earth has gotten in you're rotten brain to that you think that it's okay to hurt my kid and pushed away entitled mom my aunt what are you doing stop it she's just a kid who the heck do you think you are you don't have kids and you can't have them so you tried to fill that void by borrowing our kids but no matter what you do you will never know what it feels like to be a mom and slap entitled mom in the face really hard everyone stopped even entitled kid my aunt leave I never want to see you again entitled mom dragged entitled kid away entitled kid does not want to stand so she just let her body sweep along the floor her limbs are still flailing in tantrums and crying out unrecognizable words and titled mom grabbed their things from the room and went out without saying a word aunt was pretty silent too as she let these guests out and closed the door behind she slid down and slumped as she covered her face with her hands she was crying everyone came and hugged her it was a very crushing moment and everyone was crying my sister says I'm sorry it's my fault my aunt no baby don't worry I saw what happened it's not your fault she stood up and wiped her tears okay everyone let's stop crying don't you worry about your aunt she's a strong woman and she can take it how about we just all have ice cream everyone cheered kids even with tears still flowing out of our eyes our faces brighten up every time we hear ice cream just give me a minute I go to the dining table to wait for me okay we went to the dining room and waited for our aunt she must have continued crying in the bathroom because it took a while though no one else seemed to notice the time since they're all very busy telling me what I had missed the boys even reenacted everything I didn't see what happened but from the stories my sister all my cousins told me I got the gist entitled kid was bullying the dolls hair and my sister was telling her to stop entitled kid threatened to pull away the rest of the head of the doll if she didn't let go entitled kids said if she can't have it no one should this was when sister immediately let go because she didn't want the doll to get hurt entitled kid fell down she was pulling so hard that when my sister let go she was taken aback everyone watching began laughing so hard she must have been humiliated by what happened so she started crying that was one entitled mom and aunt came inside entitled mom ran to her kid and asked her what had happened entitled kid was wailing and pointing her finger to my sister entitled mom immediately pulled my sister's hair and that was when I came in now my aunt had come back with a gallon of our favorite pistachio ice cream and everyone excitedly took a bowl and waited for her to fill it up as we dug in our treat she began to tell us her story for the first time she had had a miscarriage a long time ago what should have been her firstborn after the operation the doctor said she won't be able to have kids anymore but she loves kids so she just pours her love for her nephews and nieces she was teary-eyed as she was telling this story cousin one says don't worry aunty we can be your kids cousin too yeah we don't like our mom you should be our mom cousin three and we can have ice cream every day everyone laughed but my sister was still quiet my aunt hey baby what's wrong I'm worried about Caroline I say wait I suddenly remembered what I did a while ago when I was at the room an entitled mom and aunt rushed to go see the commotion outside I saw the dolls hair sticking out of entitled kids backpack so I took the doll and hid it under the bed before I went out I don't know why I did that I just felt like I had to I and back to the room and took the doll under the bed I showed it to my sister is this her Caroline cousin one you found it cousin - nice one cousin three where was it we looked for it everywhere but we couldn't find it I saw it an entitled kids bag my aunt began laughing well she found her way back to where she belongs my cousin's parents came shortly after they were really excited to tell them what had just happened my parents came by a little later - together with the rest of our relatives we all had a nice family reunion even if we were missing one family that year next we've got entitled roommate treats our place like a dump and gets me very sick first things first I would like to apologize for any formatting issues as I wrote this on mobile but in posting on computer also this happened over a long period of time so there isn't much dialogue sorry I'm going to try and link an image with a story - if I can figure it out my roommate may see more inconsiderate than entitled but she definitely was entitled as she often told me that her doing night shifts meant that she shouldn't be expected to clean up after herself also I'm on mobile so sorry if there are formatting issues too long didn't read at the bottom so a little backstory my former roommate and I used to be really close friends and were since grade 10 four years before we moved in together but I had known her since we were in grade 9 now this friend grew up very poor and her house was always a mess and I'm talking mold fill the crock pots on the table and sticky floors kind of messy when we decided to share an apartment together she told me that she wanted to get away from the lifestyle she grew up in and changed her bad habits so I agreed after all how bad could it be here is our cast we have entitled the roommate we have me PS I have asthma that can be triggered by allergies the cold and exercise important for the story on to this story so when my friend moved in things started off okay she had a few habits that bothered me like going through a 24 pack of water bottles a week leaving lights on not locking the front door but I didn't make a big deal about it figured that as she was here and they would go away things were going okay for the most part then she started night shifts once she started night shifts she stopped cleaning up after herself and said I don't have time to clean I need to sleep if I brought it up I ain't it up doing 90% of the chores and housework i salted the walkways swept wash dishes put dishes away vacuumed etc anytime I asked her to help she would give attitude and say I worked night shifts I need to sleep I shouldn't have to clean if I pointed out she was just watching TV or on her phone she would tell me to stop nagging her one time in the winter she ordered food and the guy fell I hadn't been able to salt the walkways yet not that it's my job I just do it because if I don't it won't get done as I had just woken up and was making breakfast for myself they scold at her for not having it salted and she turned to me and snapped her fingers and said salt the walkway in a demanding tone I was taken aback and coldly told her to do it as I always do it she stated that's not my job I don't do that I told her that today it is and she said she would do it later she never did she started cooking less and less and ordered takeout a lot more but wouldn't throw it out for weeks see the attached image if I can get it up here she used our living room as her area and would throw and leave her garbage in the ground and couch with her ordering so much takeout it was hard to keep track with the garbage and recycling as we shared with the landlord's upstairs and so things would pile up and started to mold I told her that this was a big issue as I have severe allergies to mold as well as severe asthma and I needed her to deal with her garbage this is how that went down hey could you please take the bag of your food garbage to the dumpster at the church across the street it's starting to mold and I don't want it to affect my lungs you know I'm allergic and could have an asthma attack due to it yeah I'm allergic to so I'll just get my mom to take it later okay well please get her to do it soon I can't go into the storage room where she left the bags without my lungs getting irritated well she never threw it out so my dad ended up coming and taking it this happened a few more times and each time I had asthmatic allergic reactions and lung infection that made it hard to breathe and I had to use a nebulizer she didn't seem to care not only did she leave her garbage to rot but also three times when she made minestrone she left it out on the stove for days and let it rot see the image again the first time this happened she made it and then left it out for a few days before going for the weekend to the city well things had started to smell bad before she left but I had work and asked her to try to figure out what the smell was before she left I come home later and the smell is worse and she is gone but I don't know what it is the next day I wake up for work and the smell is even worse I throw out the garbage hoping it's that and leave for work 8 hours later I come home and I can smell it before I get inside my dad is with me and we both gasp for air when we get inside it helps me look for the source and sure enough it's her soup it had turned into moldy chunks and looked disgusting my dad my hero dealt with it and poured it down the toilet and cleaned the pot with Lysol the second time was when I came home from seeing my boyfriend three hours away for the weekend she had been making soup before I left and the soup was still left on the stove when I came back I asked her to deal with it because it was starting to smell and she just glared at me and told me she had to sleep because she had work that night the next day I had work in the morning so I texted her that by the time I got home I wanted that soup to be gone or else I would throw it out pot and all thankfully she dealt with it but she gave me attitude for the rest of the day and every time she had food would ask me oh are you going to make me throw this out too I tried to have reasonable talks with her about the garbage and mold and how I wasn't trying to be mean about it but that it was a huge health issue for me she would just say that I was being dramatic and complained to her twin and friends about me saying I was mean to her and unreasonable she started telling people my personal things and trying to turn people against me by saying that I've learned things about Opie that don't sit well with me she did a lot of petty and rude things and continued to leave her garbage everywhere and not care if her big like ways affected my health we had a one-year lease agreement so when the time came for her to leave I was so happy I had extended my lease for an extra month without telling her and she was angry that I didn't talk to her about it so she could stay longer but I wanted her gone so come the end of her lease she left however she did leave me a bunch of her garbage and a plate of mold that I think used to be chili after she moved out I ended up getting one last asthmatic allergic lung infection and was out of commission for three days hardly able to brulee Terr sent a text to my best friend saying she needs a break from me and that I'm not a good person and that she learned the truth about me and it doesn't sit well with her whatever I'm so relieved to be done with her hasta LaVista entitled cow and here's the picture of what Opie was having to deal with I tell you what my friend I'm glad you no longer have that roommate and our final story of the day tiny little sister is a big bully and mother and father do nothing about it hello mr. reddit and the RER me I haven't been watching your channel for very long but I love every story I often listen to you while drawing and painting and playing my games I'm on my laptop and English is my first language I suck at spelling so roast away anyways let's get into the cast we've got big bullies sister we've got entitled mom my somewhat entitled mother we've got lazy dad and me this only happened yesterday and I figured it would be a good story a little background before we begin my cousin passed down her old laptop to my sisters and I since she had gotten a really nice one as a graduation gift she told us that we all had to share I was completely fine with this as I hadn't had a computer or laptop I could have access to for years fast forward to present day I had to go to my grandmother's house to help with anything that she needed she recently had surgery to correct ligaments and nerves in her foot while my grandfather was at some auctions when I came home sister was on the laptop I didn't mind since I had it for about 30 minutes earlier that morning entitled mom had me run to the grocery store and get some things for her I got back home and made my lunch and of course sister is still on the laptop I finish eating and continue my painting I had started the day before fast forward to about five ish she is still on the laptop I asked entitled mom to have a turn and surprisingly she said yes sister flipped out and started throwing a fit entitled mom just set there on her phone while I had to deal with my sister lazy dad was home at the time and also didn't do a thing my sister insert the famous rehear you always hog the computer when I never get a turn that's not true I only get it in the mornings I would like it just once wait I know this is probably rude but I took the laptop from her I plugged it in where I sit in my family room and went to the bathroom when I walk out sister is sitting in my chair watching her dumb YouTube family vlogs I try being as nice as I could sister it's my turn will you please get off no you always have it sister you've had it all day I only want to turn no you are such a jerk sister went on to hit me and lazy dad still sits on the couch and doesn't do anything entitled mom gets mad at me for upsetting my sister because sister is the youngest she gets spoiled and she has turned into an entitled kid I am easily upset when I get yelled at for seemingly nothing it happens a lot but I've learned to hide it in the end lazy dad finally takes sister to her room after dinner with a tablet I finally got a turn on the laptop after waiting all day getting yelled at and being bullied by my sister and congrats to our Regenerist of the day mr. Dexter Hayley semi potato and me lewb become tomorrow's regionals by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 153,284
Rating: 4.8616557 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: A5np2IXfVYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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