r/EntitledParents | Karen invites HERSELF to BBQ

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you never know when and where you'll meet an entitled parent that's why you need to be prepared because an encounter could happen when you least expect it how fan submitted story it's never fun when you meet an entitled parent but what about growing up with one this woman has to put up with her mother for years until she finally decides she's had enough attack of another Karen this time it happens in a lovely neighborhood where a man and his family already have plans that don't include Karen how does she try to weasel her way into their plans a woman is enjoying playing her 3ds on a bus she's approached by an entitled mother who makes demands of her but the surprising thing is the reason the mother gives for making those demands what is her reason you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents this fan submitted story was called my entitled parent wants in my kid's life after damaging mine my mom is a very nasty lazy selfish entitled woman who not only expected to get her way with strangers but expected it from her kids - not to mention really lazy I say this again because as soon as me and my little sister were able to be relatively independent she expected us to completely take over almost all of the household chores and expected us me mainly to look after our severely autistic brother because she couldn't be bothered if we ever tried to say no we would be screamed at threatened or struck keep in mind we were still kids being forced to do an adults job this crap went on for years with her taking it out on me mainly body shaming me despite me being underweight already screaming down my ear for being too terrified to understand what she wanted me to do while making small mistakes that didn't need her overreaction I myself am autistic and have learning disabilities which made it much harder now every now and then on Christmas my aunt would give us expensive presents or a lot of money but eventually she stopped it due to it always going to my brother because my mum could be bothered dealing with his tantrums every time he broke his so she replaced his with ours the final straw was when my aunt gave me three hundred pounds for my birthday because over a period of time my mom manipulated me into giving her some money promising she'd pay me back she never did I had 80 pounds left from that money and decided to use it to buy a ticket for a school trip to France as it was to learn about the history of France as soon as she found out what I had done she went ballistic I remember some of what followed because she screamed to the don rooftops M can I use your money I needed to pay for I can't even remember what it was I can't I just spent it on a ticket to go to France in a month's time here what I spent my money and how do you expect to afford food and clothes during a the school provides food so it's not like I'd be starving I'm only going to learn not to buy junk I was absolutely terrified and also annoyed because if she actually paid me back like she promised I'd have the freaking money to afford that in the first place here we are back to school right now and get that frickin money back as the relatively obedient child I was I went back and asked my teacher for the money due to my parents not wanting me to go up on hearing that she just gave it back to me confused with her are you sure clearly seeing how visibly upset I was and replied yes I didn't get to go and for that full week I was stuck in class with the one other pupil doing absolutely nothing fast forward a few years I've graduated high school and finally in my first proper relationship at 18 my mother is now jumping down my throat about how I'm a fat lazy slob who hasn't bothered to get a dawn job despite the fact that I was assessed already for having severe anxiety and depression basically I'm not fit for work last time I tried getting a job at a hairdressers and ended up having a panic attack during the interview reason she wanted me to have a job was because she'd expected to still pilfer through my wages to pay for useless crap and when my claim for benefits was a success she did exactly that so not only she getting money for my severely disabled little brothers benefits she is now getting money off me by making me pay rent sixty pounds to be exact incomes my boyfriend who I invite over to my house which I can't tell if it was a big mistake or an angel sent from heaven because he was the only one who stood up to her compared to my whole family at first she was extremely nice to him like she did every other person to glaze over the horrible person she really was but it all changed after my partner stood up against her after he watched her scream at me me and tears because my mom's boyfriend's mutt ripped up the trash for the second time after I cleaned it he warned my mom that if she ever laid a finger on me again he'd personally buy me a plane ticket and get me out of the hellhole we called home and took me upstairs trying to comfort me while when mom is screaming threats and other profanities from in the kitchen at him and me from then on when he wasn't looking during the whole week of his stay she would complain to me about the pettiest things like how he didn't wash that day or how he didn't do this or that but the main thing she tried worming into my brain is how he would cheat on me the one that hurt the most was that she said you know if you two have a kid it's gonna grow up freaking what a nerd all of this because she wanted me to break up with him it failed and like he promised I got the first plane out of my home after an argument had led to me finally trying to stand up to her I had a slightly swollen red cheek by the time I managed to contact him and I could tell if he lived near me he probably would have made my mom pick on someone who can actually fight back and wasn't terrified of her a few years later I'm now with child just a week later from coming out of the hospital after giving birth still in agony due to needing stitches so I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone's BS I get a text from my mom on my sister's account congratulating me on the delivery and how much she missed me how much she misses our relationship blah blah blah basically her trying to kiss my butt here are some messages from what I remember since I did delete them not wanting her in my life anymore than she was Oh hand congratulations on the delivery I hope it went okay she looked absolutely beautiful just like her mom I was not replying but just leaving her messages on read because I know how much that ticked her off I really miss you Han norther days gone by where I haven't missed you please let me back into your life don't do this to York and she shouldn't grow up without knowing her gran it wouldn't be fair on her I know I messed up I'm not perfect but no mother is please give me another chance babe for your daughter's sake it would just be selfish not to come on hand don't do this to me these were some of the things I remember her sending me and yes she involved my week-old baby into this just to try and guilt-trip me again there were more post like this where she continuously begged me how much she loved me and even got her own boyfriend into this as well as a friend of has to convince me into letting her be involved she wasn't even wanting to repair our broken relationship she was just interested in worming her way into my kid's life I gave her a chance a year beforehand and again she proved me right to not give her another chance I have the messages to these pretty much called me a name for not being over nearly ten plus years of mistreatment how I will never change to which I blocked her on her account and now she is using my sister's account to contact me after years of silence not even putting in the effort to prove she is trustworthy to be part of my family my boyfriend at the time had enough of her because he saw I was clearly upset by all of her texts trying to twist into how I needed her a part of the family for the sake of my kid he replied with his simple sentence please stop texting my wife he did this to spite her because she despised him and it was his own way of getting petty revenge she stopped talking immediately and we haven't heard for her since she damaged a good portion of my life so I took the opportunity of seeing her grandchild away completely missed out on the news of being able to support me throughout my pregnancy the baby scan recordings and witnesses of the birth and much more if you mess with my life don't expect me to let you mess up my kids as much as it upset me that she tried pulling this crap again after so many years it still satisfied me that I got to see her beg me and me having the courage to put my foot down once and for all unfortunately she hasn't learned her lesson and I still hear the horrible thing she's done to the rest of my family and unfortunately drove all of them away my whole family want nothing to do with her it's crazy how an entitled person can completely mistreat other people family friends co-workers and then still expect to be involved in their lives why would somebody invite you into their life if they're just going to be toxic and mistreat them if you have someone in your life that's toxic and mistreating you and you feel like you should distance yourself they are going to make you look like the bad guy they might even lie about you to their friends and say that you were the horrible person for putting distance in the relationship so just consider very carefully the relationships you have and the relationships you want to distance yourself from and the consequences of both and try and seek advice from wise people around you sometimes the way you go about an action can be more important than the action itself this story was called the time Karen and her crotch fruit invited themselves to a barbecue and insisted I helped them move in so you folks have asked for more Karen stories and Who am I to deny you let's go back one year ago to the gated master-planned community I live in most of the neighbors in the tract of the community I live in had moved in my wife and I decided why not throw a barbecue meet the neighbors the day of the barbecue a moving van pulled up and out came Karen wearing her lularoe leggings her hair in the classics speak to the manager cut and a Starbucks coffee in hand she got out and marched over seeing me in my garage her you I'm a single mother just got divorced I need you to help move some of my heavier things q deer-in-the-headlight I'm getting ready to host a barbecue but I guess I can help lift some of the heavier things Oh barbecue lovely we love barbecue what time should we be there uh well I was trying to think of the nicest way to tell her no it's been planned for a while and we kind of already got the food we needed oh no worries my kids do not eat much and my father and I will eat anything she started pulling me over while I silently will my wife to come out of the house so are you Mary she had a hopeful look in her eyes yes very happily she frowned well there's bound to be lots of single men at your party right no everyone as a couple save a few older women and one older man so this heavy stuff oh here my dad comes with the u-haul so he pulls over the kids get out the younger ones screeching the older one exclaiming the house looked like crap this point I'm wondering if I should try to run for it the father notices me and exclaims thank goodness no way I can carry half this stuff I ended up helping for an hour then thankfully my wife who is now up she works nights was looking for me I gleefully ran home thankful I never told her the time of the party Q to seven and we were all lightly buzzed food consumed hanging by the pool when the doorbell rings it's Karen the kids who were fighting and her poor father who looked like this was the last place he wanted to be I hope you'll have lots of food we are starving well I explained to you we only had enough for those we invited what you couldn't save us for hot dogs my kids are hungry come on I will take us for pizza yay Pizza way to make my family feel welcomed then she turns and walks off how can you invite yourself to someone else's party without feeling awkward I'll say hello to somebody they'll say hi and then I'll say good thanks without them asking how am I going I'll feel awkward at that let alone inviting myself rocking up at someone's house expecting to be welcomed in we're entitled people just like raised by wild possums or something this story was called you're going to have a child you don't need video games for a little bit of backstory this happened just today and the circumstances of its occurrence should have screamed that something was going to happen my wife and I are students at the University in the town in which we live and we have a house from which we commute to school every day today however her car happened to be in the shop for routine maintenance and my older sister was borrowing my truck to pick up her kids from their dad lastly my wife is currently in the last stages of pregnancy which meant that walking or biking like we sometimes do on nice days was out of the question that left us with our final option the bus luck was on our side in the fact that there was a bus stop only a couple blocks away from our house so we didn't have to walk too far the bus came within a few minutes of us waiting so before long we found ourselves seated and moving typically when we head off to our classes she brings her three DS with her to play while she waits for her next class it's an original model 3d s that I got for her on our second Christmas together and she's always taken very good care of it today she brought ocarina of time to play and she was fighting one of the bosses as young link and that is when the villain of our story enters the scene the bus driver brought the bus to a stop and the doors swung open to give entry to a woman probably in her mid to late 30s and her kid a boy probably seven or eight maybe nine at the most the bus isn't crowded but nonetheless as we're closer to the front the mum decided they're going to sit down with us the kid sits between my wife and his mum and occasionally we catch him staring at the game my wife is playing after a little while she smiles and positions herself so that he can watch a bit better and then a little later hands it over and lets him stop playing for his credit the kid was actually really nice very polite and not at all entitled which made me feel even sorrier for him when all was said and done I'll stop finally arrived and as he saw me stand and help my wife up the kid closed the DS and made to hand it back to us my wife thanked him and reached out to take it but then his mum snatched it right out of her kids hands the ensuing conversation went something closely to what follows oh excuse me but that's mine who who was having so much fun can't you just play a little longer I'm sorry but this is our stop and I really need it back I don't want to hold up the bus any more than we have to aren't you a bit old for video games I think giving him up could do YouTube good and she said that she patted her own stomach did she really think my wife is just fat my wife looked at me and raised her eyebrows like is this be serious then said I'm pregnant ma'am and what was probably the least enthusiastic turn of voice I heard her say it in C you won't be needing it anyway so he can have it right not unless you want to go out and buy one for him this one is very special to us and we'd like it back mom just give it back the entitled mom rounding on her kid be quiet we've got this turns back to us you're going to have a baby you wouldn't have turned for video games so you surely won't miss this the exchange went back and forth for a bit before the bus driver got out of his seat in came over unlike many mums in her position this particular entitled mum relented when faced with someone with some amount of authority and reluctantly relinquished the 3ds the kid looked clearly ashamed of his mum we got off said goodbye to the kid and thanked the bus driver for coming to our rescue in between classes she beat the inside of King jabu jabu's belly you know it's pretty sad when the kid is more reasonable than the parent you got to feel bad for those kids but at the same time you kind of feel like maybe there's a bit of hope there that they won't grow up completely messed up if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit pause / Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more alright I'll see you in the next one here we are back to school right now and get that freakin money back
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 570,115
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, r/EntitledParents 41, funny reddit posts
Id: bc4ooh8ZWnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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