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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled parent tries to take my school bag ends up going to jail after that you can't park there okay you can but it will cost you and after that husband goes full drill sergeant on a cairn now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen goes to jail never so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled parent tries to take my school bag ends up going to jail characters we've got me we've got entitled parent we've got mates one two and three we've got the bystander and the train driver innocent kid didn't really do much just listen to his mom i go to a reasonably expensive school in my home city not named for obvious reasons and the uniform is pretty distinctive to get to it i usually get a train for around 20 minutes to and from plus 15 minute walk to the train station for most of this i am accompanied by a few mates who live in the same general area looking at us you wouldn't think much three to four relatively skinny teenagers who go to a good school however out of the usual squad two of them do self-defense and other martial arts both have done it for over six years and are relatively high up in skill levels this was a couple of years back so some of the details may be a bit rusty now on to the story my mates and i were waiting at the train station after school one day and were talking about the usual things that we talk about video games school and the like we are the nerds of the school we see the train rock up to the platform and we get on for once there are more than 10 empty seats and my mates sit down in a set of four while i stand we put our bags on the ground outside the way of the walkway and continue our conversation a few minutes pass and then the mother of a small kid no more than about five or six comes onto the train by this point most of the other seats were filled up so my mates offered to move for them and she accepted we picked up our bags and moved down the carriage a bit to an open area where we could stand without disrupting anyone two stations later the mother gets up leaving her kids still sitting down and starts asking us questions about our school how is your school i hear that it is very good and gets consistently high results mate one it is very nice thank you we really enjoy going there the general theme of question goes on for a few minutes and she asks us about the teachers the administration how we feel about going there etc after a few more questions she turns to her kid and says you will go to school here it sounds like a great place she turns back to myself and my mates and says would one of you please mind giving your uniform to my son it looks expensive and i think you would be able to afford it better than i will we all deny her and make to leave the carriage she sees us leaving and reaches down to try and take my bag and run she does so but doesn't get far as mates 1 and 2 both run after her and tackle her to the ground while this is happening mate 3 goes up to the emergency intercom and tells the train driver to call the police and stop at the next station when the police arrive at the next station the entitled parent is taken into custody after the statements from myself my three friends and a random person who saw it all happen all of this coupled with the security tapes from the carriage meant that she was found guilty of attempted robbery she was charged a few fines costing over two thousand dollars one of these was for the fact that the train had to wait for a while for the police to arrive she had to pay the cost of this effect so karen have you ever tried taking something that didn't belong to you of course i have mr reddit it's how i've gotten most of my favorite things i own and you don't feel bad about taking people's stuff why should i let me tell you something about the world we live in when you want something you have to go out and get it even if that means taking it from others well how would you feel if someone just took something that belonged to you take something that belongs to me i wouldn't stand for it what kind of monster would do something like that you can't park there okay you can but it will cost you my parents had this problem with a guy parking a tractor trailer on their land he lives right across from one of their pecan groves the grove has well-spaced trees all in neat rows the is mowed super short the ground is really flat it looks like an ideal place to pull your rig if you don't know better the ground is so flat because they use mechanical harvesting bumps and grooves can cause the machines to leave pecans laying on the ground a two inch deep grove from a big truck like that can hold thousands of dollars of pecans and will until it is fixed oh and you have to get them up by hand it's a big deal when someone messes with your livelihood like that so the guy parks there one time they get it he probably doesn't understand he's causing so much trouble dad goes down explains the damage he has done tells him the grove is private property and not to do it again dude we'll call him dude agrees apologizes dad goes home fixes damage midweek next friday there is the truck again same spot dad not about to put up with this calls the sheriff's department cop comes truck moves dad fixes damage midweek next week no truck one week later truck is back repeat complaint for trespassing to sheriff dude claims he forgot he drives over the road and his home depot where his car is parked is 30 miles away it is convenient for dude to forget because he saves his gas and time by driving his employer's rig and parking it on my parents land also he doesn't get nailed if his cab isn't clean no other driver gets assigned his truck there are plain motivations dude clearly does not forget every time he is home but this is what he claims to the deputies sent out on the complaints after seven times the sheriff's department is called he finally gets a trespassing citation no fine is levied drives his car two weeks in a row following week truck is back at this point my dad has fixed this damage so often he is keeping a tractor and blade on the property so it gets done faster and easier calls the sheriff yet again the sheriff himself comes out this time truck leaves sheriff comes to see my dad says the enforcement problem is that it is hard to explain to a court the harm when pitchers hardly show any damage and dude always apologizes and moves the truck when deputies come says getting dude for trespassing under those circumstances is going to be tough but he is on this and will see it through for my parents but his office is 30 miles away not that many deputies to be out patrolling etc and then the sheriff bless his little elected heart says but if there were something different like a theft of services going on the next day signs go up on 80 trees in a row 8 000 feet they are 100 feet apart semi-parking 500 per hour pre-pay violators will be towed dude doesn't pay the signs any mind dude does however pay the tow truck and deputies quite a bit of mind comes running and screaming waving his arms as they are hooking up well before my dad called to have him towed everything was documented including having the sheriff himself drive by and take several pictures of the truck parked with the clearly visible signs everything is put on hold while dude's employer who owns the truck drives out after three hours dude's boss gives up and writes a check for 7 800 to cover parking and tow truck fees that actually covered the tow truck all the repairs printing the signs and beer for about a year from my dad's tuesday poker gathering salud dude who still lives there does not park in the pecan grove his boss payroll deducted his checks for two years yes my dad is awesome serves him right for parking there over and over no he wasn't doing anything wrong let the man park his truck there and stop being such a baby but the truck was damaging the ground and affecting their business excuses excuses i would have just kept talking there and if he had called the sheriff on me i would have sued him would you really be able to sue someone for calling the cops on you oh mr reddit you can sue someone for just about anything nowadays well can i sue my viewers if they don't smash that thumbs up smooth mr reddit real smooth husband goes full drill sergeant on a karen before i start this story i have to tell you about my husband i'm french and we met while he was on vacation in europe one thing led to another and now i live in ohio with him he is a hard-working gentleman an army veteran of two conflicts and though he has a very serious and almost hostile demeanor think resting jerkface but angrier and on a guy he is a big teddy bear quick to make a joke or pull a prank and easy to laugh he is also very protective of me since i'm not here to gush on him i'll go on we were out getting groceries last week as we were checking out i was bagging up all our stuff because the store now requires that you bag your own goods if you bring your own bags no big deal he pays and i stay to help a very elderly lady behind him bag her groceries and put them in her cart he had helped her unload them and we offered to help her put them in her car she shuffles away from the register and i move to follow as i turn away i hear behind me where the heck do you think you're going i turned to see a very angry looking woman glaring at me i told her politely that i didn't work at the store and i had just helped the elderly lady to be polite and that i was now leaving with my husband to go home i had never met an american karen before so i thought this would be the end of it i turned to walk away and feel a vice grip on my arm don't be lazy just do your job and help back my groceries i didn't even have time to respond she had barely finished speaking when my husband wrenched her hand off me and was yelling in her face this was the first time in the 10 years we've been together that i saw the old soldier come out his nose might have been three inches from hers and his voice was loud and frightening who the heck do you think you are how dare you put your hands on my wife she told you she doesn't work here are you too stupid to understand simple english go bag your own groceries and don't you dare utter another sound the silence after that was intense a store full of people could hear a pin drop the look on her face wasn't even angry it was pure terror she shuffled back to her aisle and waited for the cashier my husband went to the old lady and said i am so sorry you had to hear all that ma'am i apologize i hope you will still allow us to help you load your groceries into your car it was surreal like he had just flipped on a switch and flipped it back off also we got chased down by the store manager who suggested we could be banned because of the yelling husband just shrugged and said they had better ban the karen too for assaulting me and that there are other grocery stores in town we just go to this one because it's close didn't get banned now that's how you put it karen in her place oh shut up mr reddit what do you know about putting a karen in her place i know i put you in yours right across from me and you've been sitting there ever since steal my design and get all the credits enjoy getting kicked off so my friend over in korea studies fashion design she sometimes sends me over the sketches of the designs and they all look amazing then again i'm not into fashion she is particularly interested in designing handbags and purses she told me a story about how she shut down one of the most entitled self-centered lazy students on campus cast we've got grace our main character girl we've got jane the evil one we've got the professor the instructor of the course story at first grace and jane got along just fine they were both interested in similar stuff and quickly became bffs grace decided to show jane her sketches and designs for handbags and purses and jane was so impressed by it because the sketches were in incredible detail including all of the patterns and sew lines coupled with figurative measurements even professor was impressed by it and it was no surprise that grace got a high mark on their first major exam jane didn't do so well and practically followed grace everywhere to get pointers on how to do better so grace decided to help her out unfortunately jane turned out to be one of the most entitled lazy and selfish people that grace has ever met things that jane did to upset grace included but are not limited to not paying attention being late on their study session never showing appreciation didn't pay for coffee or snacks complaining unknowingly about how hard it was to draw something grace pretty much gave up on her after a week refusing to meet jane outside of her class time went by and for their midterm everyone in the class had to do a presentation on the stuff they had designed when it was jane's turn grace was shocked to see jane had stolen one of her designs thankfully grace had multiple designs going on so there were no conflicts when it was her turn to present but she was seething with rage grace had a meeting with the professor afterwards and the professor knew what was going on but couldn't really do anything with jane because it turns out she was the daughter of the chairman or one of the major investors grace said she can't recall the chairman apparently blackmailed the professor into giving jane the best grades the revenge professor did however help grace devise a plan to humiliate and expose jane for the finals the professor announced to the class they would do another presentation but it would be three designs and advised they had to bring their a-games because professionals from industries would be grading their work now the head of the department and the chairman would be there as well so you know how grace had a bunch of sketches for the class well grace also had a separate sketchbook that had designs from major brands mk coach you name it she never used these directly for class assignments but rather as inspirations for her designs grace pretended to be all friendly with jane again and brought the other sketchbook on their meetings still putting up with all the problems mentioned above grace secretly worked tirelessly on her new design and did her best to keep it a secret from jane so the day of the final presentation arrives and grace and professor are grinning because they know what is about to happen grace went first and she got a lot of praise from the judges after a few more presentations the last one to go was jane jane's presentation turned out to be another copycat copying designs of not one not two but three different companies after the presentation this was how it all went down at least according to grace judge one so you are saying you designed all of these by yourself right jane that's right judge and you swear that it really was your design and you didn't copy off from anything else right jane i swear judge you are aware your designs are from these brands huh are you aware that these are on the market right now and some of the most popular designs wait hold on judge two yeah i was going to bring this up if you had worked for any brands you would have probably been fired or worse case sued jane but judge 2 please i am not done yet did you honestly think this would work we the judges have been in the industry for over 10 years we know a copycat when we see it but these aren't even my designs they are from grace judge 3 to grace is this true grace yes but i never use them for major projects nor call them my work i just use sketches of them as inspiration for my own designs judge three well that was clear from your presentation turning back to jane now miss jane this is a clear case of plagiarism and i do hope your school is merciful on this matter after the presentation was over the chairman screamed at the professor in front of everyone not realizing he just revealed all the blackmailing and the secret grade deal jane tried to call out grace on how she did her over but it really didn't matter no one listened to jane's attempt and slander and she was kicked out of the school chairman pretty much lost all support and had to resign and was replaced by a far more honorable and competent one nothing better than a cheater getting busted oh she didn't even do anything wrong karen she stole her designs and used them for a graded class project no that's fine i did that all throughout my high school career and look how i turned out entitled family forces me to babysit for entire weekend makes me miss my mother's birthday so let us start i am ghanaian and if anyone knows anything about west africa you will know that ghanaians and nigerians share a lot in common and often find themselves in the same communities so the entitled family cast we've got entitled mother entitled father entitled kids one and two this is a nigerian family that had moved into our little town and naturally entered my parents circles and therefore became family friends this started the process of them becoming a thorn in our family sides the event i'll mention is what severed ties between our families so after a couple of years living in our town they had moved to the nearby city where entitled father got a nice job as a consultant doctor and cardiology good for them but when they moved they put entitled kids in private school and became integrated into the high society and my city is a very affluent city in the uk if their entitlement was a six they were 12 now once in a while when they wanted to go to their high society parties i would be asked to babysit their entitled kids for the night i didn't mind i got on with the kids as i established that i am not one to mess with if they obeyed rules they were rewarded but i had no qualms punishing them and held firm to my boundaries once they understood they were mostly well behaved in fact i got way better at parenting their kids than them when i gave instructions they obeyed they didn't even obey their parents instructions anyway i have a busy life juggling a masters with a job so usually when i babysat the night i usually had plans for the day after but as time went on the entitled parents kept ignoring my plans and finding ways to make me stay the rest of the day like forcing me to go to church with them and conveniently going shopping in the mall for hours when they were meant to drive me home i lived a 40-minute drive from them no matter how much i protested they kept finding ways anyway the event i was asked to babysit whilst they went for dinner on a friday night my mother's birthday was on saturday so i made it abundantly clear that i had to leave in the morning to spend the day with my mom they said they will drop me home by 9 a.m on saturday i agreed they went to their party around 2 am the entitled parents have still not arrived and i went to sleep i woke up around 7 am and realized they were not home i rang them to find where they were this was the phone call me auntie african custom to call older females and whether they are related or not pleased where are you you said you would drop me home today entitled mom oh oop the party ran late are the kids okay is something wrong me the kids are okay we were wondering where you are and when you're coming home entitled mom oh we are in our hotel room we have a meeting all day today and we'll be back sunday they had lied and gone to london for the weekend me auntie i can't stay the weekend i have to go to mom's for her birthday i am sure your mother will understand if you miss it as you are busy with the kids me no she won't my mother is dramatic and you promised me maybe i can take them home with me no no there is no way you should take them on public transport i don't want them sitting in the dirty train me but i have to go home no no stay stay with the kids and don't take them anywhere do you hear me it's not like i left you with nothing you should be grateful i cooked for you small things i ask of you and you are being disrespectful where are your manners didn't your mother raise you to respect your elders one weekend with kids and you're throwing a tantrum i feel sorry for your future children she hung up and refused to pick up my calls i ring my mother and tell her the situation i'm upset she is upset and the best way to fight an entitled parent is to send another entitled parent to battle with them my mother has been a mother longer than her and has mastered her dramatic manipulation technique so my mother rings her and lays into her my mother rings again and tells me to take care of the kids for the weekend but this will be the last time i will ever babysit for the family so i stayed for the weekend and dealt with entitled kid shenanigans my parents arrive on sunday to pick me up and together we wait for entitled parents now bear in mind i don't know it went down in the phone call between the two sets of parents but when entitled parents arrive they look shook the minute they see my mother they are scared they don't even say anything to me the entitled father just pushed 150 pounds into my hands and my mother drags me into the car the entitled parents lock the door in a hurry and my parents are fuming in silence on the way home i have never seen such animosity anyway that was the last time i ever saw that family ever again update i rang my mom and asked so bear in mind that both parties believe in african superstitions so obviously during this phone call between the mothers my mom is upset she's screaming and started calling them out since they became well off how they have changed and have grown horns and now my mom is going to make it her personal mission to remove the horns since their parents don't love them enough to do so she is doing it as a caring concerned christian woman she threatened to ring the hospital oh fun fact they work in the same hospital my mom is a nurse and make them aware of the nspcc allegations she's about to make and let all his colleagues know then remember i said both are christian this is where the weird irony my mom's relative is a juju voodoolike priest in ghana my mother told the entitled parents that she was going to make me go into their bathroom to collect personal stuff and have it sent to the juju priest to cast black magic on them she said she was going to rain down curses and make sure they never prosper if they didn't want that to happen they better make my time worthwhile and it better be able to buy her an awesome gift hence the 150 pounds before that i was babysitting for free because i liked their kids after my parents and i went to a great restaurant to celebrate the birthday why do some people think you should babysit for them for free oh i never pay my babysitters they're just lucky i let them watch my angels karen you really don't pay your babysitters well initially i tell them i'm going to pay them but i just never do it saves me a lot of money and they continue to babysit for you after you stiff them like that that's the only problem for some reason they refused to babysit again after that and i just can't seem to figure out why kid asks for plush mom immediately insults me because i didn't give it to him right after he asked this was on my little brother's birthday april 17th me and my mom were at walmart picking up a cake for everyone to have then a small personal one for him to eat to himself after grabbing things like groceries the cake and a box of diapers me and my mom decided to grab him this robotic dinosaur toy as another birthday present because his dad who was deported out of our country had managed to send my mom some money and said to buy him something from his dad as we're going through the aisles i stopped because i wanted to grab a pack of trading cards for myself when i see a bulbasaur plush last one sitting beside two squirtles and a pikachu i was paying for my own stuff so i didn't ask my mom if i could have them or not going back to join her we grab the dino toy and a few more quick things from the pharmacy we go to self-checkout and i decide to go to one and buy my stuff quickly so i can help my mom out with the heavier stuff in the cart i scanned the bulbasaur first and put him in my bag before scanning the cards a drink and some candy i'm about to put my money into pay when i notice a small kid is looking into my bag i don't know if it was just that he happened to be really pale or if he was sick but i wasn't going to take my chances since i'm higher risk only there because my mom jacked up her shoulder and can't lift heavy things i swipe my bag away from him and shove my 20 into the machine asking him very nicely to go back to his parent he looks at me and says you got the bulbasaur they only had picchu and the turtle in the aisle could we please trade i already got the turtles but i don't like pichu much i didn't even get to speak because as soon as he stopped speaking his mother started just give him the dang toy you're like 12. you don't need a plushie he asked now give i look at her before speaking an entire tone ma'am i am 17 years old and i do not think you should be speaking to me like that you should learn some manners and be a better role model for your kid he had asked me already to trade the plushie i get cut off oh shut up already and give my baby the toy i don't care how old you are i'm an adult and you're just a kid my mom looks upset i send her a quick text in my hoodie pocket that thanks to autocorrect said let key handle it turning to the kid i ignored his mom for a minute as i talked to him sorry kiddo but i want to keep the bulbasaur how about i give you some candy for asking nicely instead of trying to take it i handed him a bag of m ms i had planned to eat on the car ride home and he seemed content telling his mom he wanted to go as i turned and walked to my mom and grabbed the heavy stuff for her then entitled mom comes over barely says excuse me and my mom whips around nearly hitting them with her long braid rapunzel looking hair she's been growing out since she was a kid and says you better be over here to apologize for my son for being a jerk and not be trying to take something he bought with his own money now i can't remember the argument as i tuned it out pretty sure the kid did too because he was happily eating m m's but it ended quickly as i just finished scanning everything and put myself between the two and said i get the adults are almost screaming at each other but can you at least pay so i can put everything in the car the ice cream's going to start melting and you left your youngest two with your sister reluctantly on my mother's end me and my mom started to leave and the kid comes up and happily chirps thank you i'ma tell daddy i was a good boy and asked nicely and i'll make sure he knows mummy was a meanie on the car ride home my mom yelled up a storm about that woman and i chugged some coca-cola and wondered how the dad was gonna react to his wife being a meanie according to his son my little brother shoved his face into his cake and more so demolished it instead of ate it hey karen did you ever watch pokemon oh no but i know what it is my kids have so much pokemon stuff it's ridiculous nice you know i've heard that stuff can be pretty expensive oh i wouldn't know we never buy it we just take it from people when we see something we like you mean like stealing oh heavens though do you think we are some sort of criminals so what's the difference between you taking people's stuff and criminals stealing it how dare you the difference is i'm not a criminal i helped my grandma so i must work here so this happened to me about september last year i was wearing a light blue button-up shirt jeans and formal black slip-on shoes and i was with my grandma amazing old lady would do anything for anyone and never want anything in return other than for the person to pay it forward i've grown up my whole life following those words so i'm at the local supermarket with my elderly grandma doing some shopping walking through the store just grabbing bits and bats anything we need obviously talking to her through the store helping put things into the cart grabbing stuff from the tops of shelves that she can't reach you know the kind of thing anyone would do and it was at this point heck would drop a karen right in front of me grandma oh i was thinking about doing some cookies for us to share and enjoy would you like that i should note my grandma is very well aware of everything she has full motor skills and is actually a very good baker even now you'll never see her not doing something like gardening baking sewing knitting grandma-like things i guess me uh yeah sure we can do that just tell me what you need i'll quickly grab it while you wait here so grandma lists off everything i need to grab and stands at the end of the aisle waiting i run off grabbing a few items showing her from down the aisle to confirm the brand or the type she wants when the clearing of the throat sounded behind me i turned around slightly having a quick glance it was nobody just someone actually clearing their throat i was safe then the ill-fated tap on my shoulder i turned around hoping it's not what i think it is karen excuse me when you're done waving them items around in the air can you give me them me uh sorry no i'm buying these for myself and my grandma but i can quickly grab you some from the top if you can't reach them yourself karen you you're buying them yourself that's very selfish of you buying items while on the clock so unprofessional and from a manager no less she looks me up and down seeing my claws me i i'm not a man she cuts me off snatching a box out of my hand shut up and give me them now i'm going to call your corporate office for this she pauses looking at the box i don't want this brand give me the other me lady i don't even work here give me that back i'm buying it myself like i told you my grandma at this point has walked away and found an actual employee pointing karen out while she continues on her rampage of calling corporate and getting me written up even fired when store employee walks up store employee ma'am what seems to be the problem here your manager is buying items while on the clock i want corporate's number you deserve better than him young man me lady listen to what i've told you a dozen times already i don't work here karen just screeches shut up she hits me with the box bursting it open making the produce fall out onto the floor i grabbed the karen's wrist me what the heck lady store employee radios in the incident to security employee yeah we've got a crazy lady hitting another customer with items from the shelves karen i'm not crazy you jerk and unhand me you monster let me go you're hurting me she swings at me again catching me on the cheek that's when my grandma comes over you don't mess with grandma's grandson i let karen go and then smack grandma listen here you ungrateful stuck up jerk you do not do that to my grandson ever karen goes to swing at my grandma screaming her head off so loud you could actually hear dogs howling from miles away when i grab her arm along with a security guard who had made her way over who told me to let go took the karen's other arm and pinned her down the store employee took me and my grandma away from it all taking us to the front of the store constantly apologizing while laughing and joking with us about the slap from my grandma police arrived and questioned us about what had happened once it was all cleared up the actual manager appeared not only got his staff to grab everything for us both but allowed us to have it for free an amazing guy we refused several times but he wouldn't allow us to actually pay not 10 minutes later karen was dragged out of the store in handcuffs there was a bunch of little conversations that happened but i don't remember what was said too well so i left it out i went back to the store two days later and found the same store employee asked him what actually happened with her as far as he knows she was an apparent re-offender of the same thing and to his knowledge she was still in a prison cell well sounds like that karen definitely learned her lesson she did nothing wrong she just wanted help yeah she actually reminded me of you a lot maybe you guys are related or something possibly almost sounds like she could have been my cousin carol or my aunt jackie oh my well as interesting as the karen family tree is don't you have a special announcement for us karen i sure do huge shout out to amanda our newest official channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a member today and i'll give you a special shout out in our next video and if you'd like me to make a special video for you or a loved one come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below and shout outs to our re-generals of the day meeloop mini hazawa and nino
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 85,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: F1QJw_NdNDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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