D**k Coworker Thinks He Knows Better! | r/ProRevenge | #327

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hey everybody Rob here it's time for another story from the pro revenge archives coworker thinks he knows better than me but forgets policy let's jump right in thank you for subscribing and if you haven't yet hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories backstory I worked for a large private training company who also owned three other small sister companies this meant that while the three sister companies still traded as themselves they were owned and operated higher up by my company and would eventually become a part of our company as they were disintegrated as a training consultant I look after our largest client I took care of all inductions formal training and accredited training of the students from this client and because of my strong relationship with our client they didn't like anyone else dealing with them I was also quite new to the training industry but not new to the field I was teaching hospitality I had been working in hospitality for years prior to landing this job so I had years of relevant on-the-job experience from almost every level and when I started working for the training company I quickly in one year completed my accredited training to be able to teach so all of the knowledge I had learned in terms of compliance along with my employee contract and handbook were still fresh in my mind this will be relevant later because the client I looked after served alcohol all of the staff working for them needed to have their certificate to be able to serve alcohol in the restaurant while our company itself weren't accredited to be able to provide this qualification one of our sister companies was I had 22 students needing to either complete or update their qual and as mine was due to expire soon my manager wanted me to attend the session also it was on a Saturday my day off but it was a free qualification I would get to do it alongside my students and my manager said I could have the Monday off to make up for my time I was more than happy to attend important to add one of the restaurants I trained in had a eating room upstairs I had only been up there about three times because I always held my one-on-one sessions in the restaurant seating as it was easier to observe students and they were also able to quickly jump back into work if it were busy not one person from my company or the sister company had asked me about the room upstairs as a trainer it is our job to inspect any site that we will be holding a training session in at least one day no more than one week prior to ensure that a venue is appropriate and adheres to safety standards if we deem it unsafe we have to report it and cannot hold a session unless the safety concerns can be rectified or we can gain approval for a different venue this is not only legally part of our job but it is written into our contracts all 23 of us turn up at the store at 8:45 a.m. as the session was due to start at 9:00 I made sure that everyone knew to be prompt as the session was due to run until 4:00 p.m. and a lot of people had shifts to start after the course and I had a two hour drive home the trainer comes downstairs and I introduced myself he then starts ranting about how the room upstairs isn't safe to hold the session in the first thing I asked was didn't you come and do a safety check of the venue prior to today like you're supposed to he says no he didn't have time and now he's annoyed because he has to cancel the session I explained that this is extremely unacceptable and that I am not happy with him at all because he knows he is supposed to do a check before the day of the session and that not only have I traveled two hours on my day off for this but I had 22 students all from different stores I should add who had to have their shifts and rosters made to work around this session I explained to him why this was extremely unprofessional on his part and he scoffed at me now telling me off because he's been doing this job longer than I've been alive and I know nothing I decided to do a check of the room before calling my manager to explain all of this to her while the trainer was copping an ear full from the restaurant manager after completing my safety check I also deemed the room to be unsafe to hold a session I came downstairs and spoke to the RM and gave him my reports on the hazards and what needed to be fixed before any of my students meaning his entire staff could be in that room I then went to call my manager to explain the situation when the [ __ ] trainer who I will refer to as D H from now on came running in saying he had found another room available at a hotel down the road he told us where to go and to give him 15 minutes to set up the room it was already 9:30 a.m. by this stage so I knew by the time we started we would be running one hour behind I explained the time issue to the D H but he assured me he would move through content faster so we wouldn't run late he left to go and set up the room and I called my boss to explain it all she was fuming especially because he hadn't bothered to contact her about any of the issues or to get authorization to book another room but told me to call her after the session because after all the fuss she wasn't going to pull the pin on the client and ruin the day more the session started at 10:15 a.m. and it was horrible the D H was so out of touch I couldn't believe he had been doing this job for so long he took so long to talk about anything refused to take questions try to relate personal stories to the content that made no sense on three separate occasions told the room he was smarter than will ever be and that we might think we know more than him but we don't he told a thirty minute story about a car accident his daughter had two years ago and rambled for so damn long that by the lunch break at 12:30 we had gotten through four pages of content out of 230 my students were freaking out about the timing and were clearly frustrated by the D H I was so frustrated myself and embarrassed that this guy was representing my company I went back to the room early to ask him to move along faster with the content so we could get to the test on time he told me the test would take an hour so I told him it would need to be taken no later than 3 p.m. and that he would need to keep his content relevant to the test so we could all get out on time he obliged well by 2:45 p.m. I was more pissed than ever I demanded that he let us have 15 minutes of reading time before we started the test because we were only up to page 34 in the book and we didn't have time to listen to his stories he argued with me telling me that he would fail me if I kept speaking back to him I tried explaining respectfully over and over what the issues were but he wouldn't have a bar of it he told me he would fail me no matter what my score on the test was because of my attitude I walked out and my student sat in silence I called my boss explained everything to her and she told me to put him on the phone immediately I walked back in gave him the phone and tried to calm my students while he went outside on the phone he came back in 5 minutes later and told us it was time to take the test I don't know what was said on the phone most of us that were just doing a refresher answered very quickly the rest took a little longer but everyone was done within 40 minutes when it was time to hand them in all of the students started panicking that they wouldn't pass because D H was a jerk he wanted them to hand him their test while he graded it in front of them this was not allowed after too many people had the same concerns I told D H that I wanted him to mark the test now while we waited and I collected everyone's papers and put them in a pile for him to mark because he wasn't familiar with anyone's names he now couldn't be biased when marking when the day was over everyone left feeling pretty flat and disappointed in how the day had gone I was so embarrassed for my company and to be honest I was fuming at this ignorant idiot I told my students I would handle it and to enjoy their weekends I knew D had violated a lot of policies but one thing stuck in my mind he didn't get approval for the room hire and I knew what that meant and I had been holding on to that information the whole day I didn't remind him of the policy because he was a dick and from the moment he booked the room I thought to myself I might not be able to fire him or reprimand him personally but I can sure make sure he pays literally I got in my car and called my boss I explained everything to her and she requested I sent her a detailed email when I get home I got home wrote the email in great detail with references to policies in our contract and handbook that had been violated and sent it off I come in on Monday and have a meeting with my training manager state manager and the GM of our company was conferenced in as was the state manager for the client I was praised for how I handled the situation how I supported my students and followed policy and I was given a bonus of the cash kind for my efforts and dedication to the company as for d-h well not only was he reamed for his behaviors his unprofessionalism and for not following policy in regards to room checking he also forgot one little thing when booking that hotel room for the session he forgot something I didn't forget and something that was detailed in my email to my manager something that states in our employee contracts a contract that he has signed I'm paraphrasing here I can't remember word-for-word if a consultant books a room of a value greater than $300 for training purposes it must be approved in writing by the training manager or the state manager in her absence before booking confirmation can occur failure to gain written approval will result in the employee not being reimbursed for the room well unlucky for d-h that room cost 550 dollars because of the last-minute booking and it was a nice hotel I might add that was 500 fifty dollars out of his pocket that he was not reimbursed for because he didn't gain even verbal approval from management to book the room not to mention he needed it in writing anyway our client also requested that d.h never be allowed to be involved with their business again because th had done so many things wrong both ethically and professionally like refusing me a grade even if I passed in front of 22 witnesses trying to grade tests in front of the student who completed it not completing a safety check prior to the session booking a room without approval and the terrible student and client feedback he was also let go from the company so after a terrible day D H not only no longer had a job but was 550 dollars out of pocket goes to show that just because you've been doing a job longer than someone doesn't mean you're doing it right I've been a manager in a few places now and each one of them it's just been general knowledge that if you need to spend over a certain amount of money you need to have approval and there's no way around that if you can't get the approval you just don't do it apparently D H didn't learn that lesson I want to thank ou P for posting their story to the pro revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upvote once again this is Rob from karma comment chameleons saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 45,472
Rating: 4.9283748 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge
Id: UhhA4uGduk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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