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welcome to our slash entitled parents where an entitled mother tries to murder her own child our next reddit post is from cranky throwaway this isn't my story but a friend's story they don't use reddit but they said i could share it i started working at the age of 13 to pay bills because my mom thought that cutting off the power and having no food in the house was a good form of punishment since i had to work so much i bought a car at the age of 16 so i no longer had to walk two miles to school four miles to work and then five and a half miles home every day i bought the car from my then boyfriend's dad and he kept it in his name so that way my mom could never take it when i turned 18 the title got switched over to my name so this car was never hers one day in january i was in the kitchen gathering my lunch to go to work for the day when my mom came in this was highly unusual because she was never up before noon i just ignored her presents where are you going this early work don't be rude to me i want you to go and get me a coffee before you go to work no sorry i don't have the time or money to get you a coffee and bring it back before i go to work excuse me what did you just say to me i don't have the time right now i'm gonna be late fine in that case you lose the car privileges for three weeks she lunges for the keys that were in my hands what no i have to get to work no you do not disrespect me in my own house and think you can run around all willy-nilly you're not going anywhere with that she begins to claw in my arms as i was holding the keys above her head she kicked screamed punched and gouged at me she grabbed me by my shoulders and threw our combined 300 pounds backwards causing her to go flying into the kitchen table she got quite a few bumps and bruises but nothing substantial happened she stood up and screamed do you see what you did to me how could you do this to your own mother i've done everything for you but that isn't enough is it i noticed that she dropped the keys so i scrambled to try to pick them up i got them and my next goal was to get out of there as quickly as possible my mom saw me trying to leave and in her last effort to show me that she was in charge she grabbed a steak knife from the cutlery drawer and stabbed me in my side i just laid there in shock she got up brushed herself off and went to sit in the living room after a moment of utter shock i crawled to a phone and called the police to summarize the outcome the police came and i was immediately rushed to the hospital where i had to have surgery my mom was charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon among other things she got 19 years in prison and has been denied parole multiple times oh my gosh op that went from zero to felony manslaughter real quick also in an edit op clarified that his mom tried to claim self-defense in court and when that didn't work she tried to plead insanity our next reddit post is from ghetto duck i had an eventful christmas between toxic family members in this situation lord knows i'm ready for 2021 so after an incredibly toxic family dinner my wife and i decided to take our dogs on a walk i have two dogs and both of them are rescues the first one named miles is a chunk meister supreme he's super patient and super kind the other dog samson is an anxious mess he was abused and he barks at random strangers he's a sweet boy but we've been working on leash aggression anyway we begin our walk around our neighborhood when my wife realized she forgot something she had sampson and she quickly ran inside to grab it i believe she forgot her gloves it was cold outside but don't quote me on that as i'm waiting in our driveway an entitled mother and entitled brat walk by it starts off as a normal neighborly talk and then we wish each other a merry christmas the entitled brat stoop down to pet miles which is completely fine with me miles likes attention and he's a sweet dog who can handle it the entitled mother continues talking when i hear a bart come from our front door i turn and see my wife is standing by the doorway she sees entitled mother unentitled brad and goes back in the house and waits for them to leave that's always our routine with samson because he needs a minute to get used to being on his leash the entitled brat saw my other dog and ran over to the glass door to look at him samson is losing his mind behind the glass and i quickly went over and tried to explain that he had a bad owner before we adopted him so he's scared the kid didn't care he wanted to see samson and he demanded to see him now he put his hand on the doorknob to try and open the door but i lightly pushed his hand off of it the entitled mother ran over and i expected her to explain to her kid why he couldn't just open some random person's door especially during a pandemic but instead she yells at me for pushing his hand off the door i was taken aback but apologized nonetheless i just wanted them to get away from the door the little boy kept screaming that he wanted to see samson and i was trying to explain to the mom why that wasn't possible when she crossed her arms and frowned if he's so violent maybe i should just call animal control at this point my mood is terrible i look at the woman and tell her she can get off my property now and have a merry christmas she rolls her eyes and takes her in title brat by the hand and walks to the street she stands right off my driveway and crosses her arms and tells me that if i bring that dog out and it barks she's going to call animal control the entitled brat is still screaming for the dog i just look at my wife to feed it i feel like she's the type of woman who would follow us on the walk just to be petty so i walked back into the house took my dogs off the harnesses and my wife and i went on our walk alone that was fine when we got back however i saw my grandfather screaming at someone my wife and i run over to see our back gate open the entitled brad and apparently the entitled brat's older brother who was about 14 were standing at the gate of our backyard with my grandpa standing between them they had a super soaker and they said they wanted to spray our dogs for being mean dogs i took their super soaker from them and broke it then i tossed into the street i was probably over dramatic but if samson was back there when they were sneaking back there this could have gone really wrong they ran off crying and then the entitled mother came waddling back to our house we wouldn't answer the door so she stayed on our porch for 30 minutes and demanded that we buy a new super soaker for our kids when she finally left she threatened to crack our gate open in the middle of the night so the dogs would get out thankfully my wife had the right mind to record this so if anything happens we can bring it to the authorities also i have this to say please just listen to people when they're working with a reactive dog op if i were you i would also install security cameras because this doesn't seem like the type of family to just let it drop our next reddit post is from sasha i'd gone out to see my psychologist on monday and had a great session on my way back home i decided to wander the cbd for a bit i find it fun and we have virtually zero risk of the virus here so i can be safe while doing it too i was wandering through target and was coming up near the register when i heard the sound of a feminine voice starting to rise me being the nosy b word that i am hung around to listen to the drama the conversation starts with karen but you have to have it in stock your website says that you do the poor worker she was talking to responded the website isn't always accurate it's better to call the store but i need that item where else can i get it you could probably get it another store i don't want to go to another store the manager hears this and walks over hi can i help you i need this item but this worker says you don't have it in stock unfortunately it's a very popular item and we sold out quite quickly well where else can i get one you might be able to find one in another store i don't want to go to another store i want it at this store we could order it in for you how long will that take right now about two weeks that is not going to work i need this effing item for my kids for christmas please keep your voice to reasonable levels f you i'll yell if i want to you're being stupid a security guard was already enroute but he hurried over with this the security guard said i'm rescinding your right to shop here please leave the store no i want my item leave now karen goes quiet for a moment and then spins on her heel and storms away quickly she looks back and says i'm going to call corporate i know a high up manager there i swear to god i'll bang karen didn't see that the door was slowly opening and promptly walked into it multiple people started to laugh at this point including the security guard the poor employee she had been harassing was hiding her face the manager was going through a titanic struggle to keep his composure karen then made the decision to turn around and start swearing at the people who were laughing shut up shut up all of you i'm going to sue this store you're all going to be jobless by christmas day she turns to walk out the door not realizing that by this point she was behind the sensor range so she walked into the closed door again she lets out a scream of rage and starts pounding on the door no one could hold back this time seeing someone storm into a closed door twice in a row was beyond hilarious everyone who was watching was howling with laughter open open you effing grunt open the security guard walks forward and waves to the sensor making the door open karen lets out another scream and storms out our next reddit post is from no clue what to use her name no this was pre-quarantine where i live back in february 2020 to be precise some backstory i work in a reserved gift shop i'm one of the workers that runs our magic scavenger hunt game it's a lot of fun and i really do love my job i get to walk the fours of the game help people playing it explain the game to everyone and dress up in costumes it's a lot of fun around the hallways of our resort we have chess which you use wands to open they use sensors and stuff but a lot of the time kids like to force open chests with their hands when they don't open for whatever reason we always have to tell kids not to do that because when the chests are forced open they break and they tend to slam shut on fingers i've gotten my fingers caught in them before because i tend to stick my hand in there to stop them from slamming on kid's hand and let me tell you it effing hurts one day i was four walking and helping people out with the game the usual when i see a little girl maybe two to three years old forcing a chest open now the chest slamming shut on my adult hands hurts like hell so i can't even imagine what it would do to a little toddler's hands like i imagine broken fingers maybe at the very least it would be very painful and possibly ruin their vacation at the resort so as per usual i hurry over and hook my hand under the lid of the chest to keep it from slamming shut i say no no we shouldn't do that i wouldn't want you to get hurt i say this as gently as possible she was a toddler after all the little girl nodded and started walking towards her mom who definitely wasn't an entitled parent it was the dad who came storming over i had just finished closing the chest lid and turned around when he's inches from my face he literally had me corner between the side of the chest and the wall don't you dare tell my daughter what to do you scared her i didn't by the way she was perfectly fine until her dad started yelling then she started to cry and hide behind her mom side note this man was very tall like six feet tall and i'm not a tall person so a tall man who has me trapped against the wall is very scary to me i say but sir she could have gotten hurt that's for me to tell her not you you are not her parent by this point the other families in the hallway were watching and i was close to crying not that it's hard to make me cry then the girl's mom says honey leave him alone let's just go to our room the entitled dad says to me mind your own damn business and leave the parenting to the actual parents we will tell her what she can and can't do at this point i'm terrified and trembling and trying to keep from crying i'm sorry he stormed off down the hall and i was left there shaking and trying not to cry i could see other families gather near the entrance of the hallway watching trying to put on a brave base as i started walking their way so i could head downstairs to the gift shop the families near the entrance were super nice telling me that i was just doing my job and that he was being a jerk i think the mullen put on fake smiles but i went downstairs and ended up crying in the back room until one of my managers found me and made me sit down to tell him what happened it was not a good day they ended up sending me home a bit early and i was just glad i wasn't working the next day i did not want to run into that guy again entitled parents like this are so obnoxious it's like dude if you actually did your job of parenting then maybe other people wouldn't have to do it for you our next reddit post is from rokan oh boy i finally get a chance to show off my parents entitlement this one was so fun to find out about a little necessary background i'm currently no contact with my parents and siblings and have been for over a year i'm okay with my extended family and i spend a lot of time with them i currently live with my boyfriend which my entire family is aware of but doesn't know much about we're also desi indian and my boyfriend is white for christmas i visited my aunt and cousins to drop off presents it was a socially just in exchange but i stayed a while to chat about things whenever i see my aunt she tends to give me important updates about my parents and immediate family for example i knew that my mom broke her arm and that my brother and his wife moved closer to home things like that so my aunt had a little tidbit she wanted to share with me before i headed out so your mom passed a proposal for you apparently a family friend had reached out to my mother not knowing about her no contact situation and thought that her son would have been a perfect match for me i literally know nothing about this guy but my mother apparently rushed to hit agreeing with this friend she sent my photo and information and that friend loved me apparently my mother then called my aunt sent her the guy's photo and information and cried saying that she didn't know how to get in contact with me to share the good news and would she reach out to me to show me the photo my mother kept stressing that he's a good boy from a good family and how our families are closed and how would be a great match also he lives in chicago so i could be under my sister's nose while married and uh wouldn't that be so wonderful my aunt responded with okay yeah sure and just didn't really give my mother an opinion while speaking to my aunt about this i was incredulous she's all for many my relationship with my family but understands and respects my space my aunt is well aware that my boyfriend and i lived together so she took what my mother said with a grain of salt but oh my god i'm just appalled by my mother and what she thinks is okay to say about me to other people that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 737,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BagkSfvdz9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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