Entering God's Rest w/ Tom Zintgraff

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[Music] i am liz wright welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour hi everybody all around the world welcome to this week's episode of live your best life with me liz wright and this is a very special show today i get to have the treat of hosting alongside my amazing husband wesley wright so and we also get the pleasure of being able to introduce to all of you one of the most um special people most important people in our life he's a very very dear friend and a mentor to wears and a very very supportive friend to us as a family and so i'm going to hand over to wes to introduce our guest today to you thank you liz and i just want to say thank you to my wife for um in inviting um pastor tom along and also having me co-host which is uh very good it's a new thing so here we go so yes i want to introduce my special dear friend who is a mentor to me more than that he's a very very good friend i've known him for about 11 12 years we speak regularly every other week and he is a leader of leaders and has been for many years he um is a man of integrity he is full of passion for jesus and and and kingdom uh he's a man of grace and generosity power presence and love and so it's my distinct honor and privilege to introduce to you today pastor tom of harvest church temple texas welcome pastor tom it's such a joy to have you on with us i don't know if i can live up to all that stuff know i don't do the big head stuff very good but thank you thank you y'all are a blessing it is a pleasure to be here okay good well uh it was several years ago and um um one thing the lord had spoken to me that he needed me to learn how to rest and that i did not know how and uh and he was right i was a workaholic actually and uh worked all the time and um and so when he told me that he wanted me to learn to rest um i thought well this is good uh i can do this in a couple of days and we'll be done with that part yeah didn't work that way like usual i was starting the church here in temple harvest church and i never started a church before but uh he told me so we didn't have no members okay it was me and my wife and my kids that that was it and um he told me to set up an office and in one of our rooms in our house and uh to he wanted me to dress like i was going to church to the church and um meet with him eight hours a day meeting with him eight hours uh i thought this is gonna be good you know well about the third day i was hanging from the ceiling uh you know i was about to lose it because i wasn't doing anything and at first i was studying studying studying and then he told me to stop stop and one thing that i have done all my life is i've sought to hear his voice and i can hear his voice very well so one day he came his presence got so strong in the room that um i could not stand and then i could not stay on my knees and put me to the floor and and it wasn't bad it was actually good you know but i couldn't breathe i couldn't get my breath because the command glory was so strong that it was pushing me to the floor so hard that i was struggling to get a breath or all i could say was more i want more i want more and every time i said more it got heavier i said lord nothing could stand to this nothing he said is that true and i said i don't know yeah and about this time and i know i know you you know if you wasn't there you probably won't believe it but the chair the top of the chair and the lamp and the table all bowed to the floor physically bowed to floor and went back up and stood up straight wow and that's impressive he said see tom the atoms that hold your body and together and hold everything solid are nothing to me and it started computing in me so i have a hard time with this one you know um it started computing in me that well when he tells me to lay my hands on people that they might be healed why would i think that they wouldn't be yeah when he said is look at this and he made a chair and a table you see this disc that i'm sitting at is only hard because he said it would be yeah that's all yeah but if he said it wouldn't be it would run out in on the floor like water yeah how does jesus walk on the water yeah the water's hard when he wants it to be yeah and it's liquid when he wants it to be yeah or it could vaporize if he wanted to you know he he holds all things together by the words power yes i feel the heavy weighty cabood presence of the lord while you're speaking and actually i can feel the spirit of the fear of the lord the holiness of what happened to you obviously to say it changed your life isn't probably an understatement i mean i can feel something of the impact now to be honest i want to just worship the lord right now and you know what you just said the fact that he upholds all things by the power of his word we forget don't we he is the alpha and omega he is the creator and i love what you said that why would we doubt when he has us lay hands on people and his very spirit is our breath as our life within us why would we doubt for a moment that he that the creator's not going to reorganize the atoms in the one in front of us who he loves to just put them back into that correct state it's just beautiful every day um for one year i read numerous times a day hebrews 4 which is the chapter on rest and the first thing he says in their fear fear that you do not enter this rest you know now he's not talking about being afraid like a boogie man he's talking about a referential respect but when you said you sense the fear of the lord that that's what the rest is yeah it's a supernatural trust and you love him and trust him so much that you fear that you'll disappoint him wow it's like um i can feel it i can feel him this way while you're speaking can you it's like the the i'm being uh it's the aura of god it's just the ore of who he is and and his ability and so that's that's amazing so rest is when we get this perspective right we enter into rest because we recognize his sovereignty and capability and wow and and he also mentioned trust as well that trust is a component to rest yes yes trust is rest you know it does not come by wishing it'll come it does not come by sitting back in your easy chair propping your feet up that's not rest rest is relational rest comes by being in his presence i when you sit in god's presence you exchange with him and you know especially when you start having encounters with him that whatever he says i do and and um at the first of the year he spoke to me and he said tom um listen and do what i say immediately when your relationship with him is right he speaks in your way you know i i absolutely love the way that um as you talk you just talk you know about the lord and hearing his voice and and so often you say the lord spoke the lord said the lord showed me and and that's one of the things i really love about you is that your whole being is about communicating with god and you communicate with him all the time throughout the day now for the for the people who are watching the show that may struggle to hear god's voice how would you say that you know that it's god's voice and how would you say well how would you encourage people to what would you say to them to help them to hear god's voice years ago when i was a very young man i went to my pastor and uh i said uh you know i'm reading in the word where it says that jesus said his sheep would know his voice and he said well tom um yeah but you see that's uh that's just a figure of speech but i kept reading it because it kept being there when i accepted christ i was driving i was in the navy and i was driving around and i kept going i i need something and i feel it right here i'm i'm empty and i need something and i saw this little baptist church and i saw this house right next to it and the lights were on and i pulled up in front of it and got out and walked up to the door knocked on the door and this guy opens the door in his robe and he goes can i help you and i said i don't know and i said are you part of that church and he said i'm the pastor of that church and i said well i need something and i don't know what it is and he said come on in here you need jesus christ your personal savior and i said i think i do so he said well neil walked down right there and repeat after me and i did and accepted christ as my savior right there when i realized that i could hear his voice i i did not quit until i heard it and i would come home you can ask my wife brenda whenever i i would come home from work and i'd say i'm going to my room and and i'll be out a little wall and i'd go in there and sit and i'd say lord you said that your sheep will hear your voice and i i think i'm your sheep and uh i need to hear your voice one day i um i went in there and i sat for about an hour and a half and i didn't see nothing i just listened and when i got finished i got up and i walked to the door and i reached for the handle and i said lord i'll be back tomorrow same time same station and he said i love you tom and i just fell to my knees and he hadn't stopped talking to me since and when i need to hear him i just thumb and he speaks and i know that i know and the thing of it is if you have people around you that are solid mature christians and if you're a christian and you're in a good bible believing body then you do have people around you and you find them and you find the one that can hear you find the one that is the worshiper you find the one that has the presence of god on them and you grab on to them you say i want what you got you help me will you help me and um and run this stuff past i think i heard god he said this what do you get what the body's for such wisdom such wisdom tom thank you for sharing such treasures from your life just in finishing we've got a couple of minutes left could we ask you tom would you just for those of the family around the world who might be struggling right now to hear clearly because there's a lot of noise in the world as we all know at the moment there's a lot of confusion there's a lot of fear and obviously you have such a beautiful relationship with jesus would you could would you pray for everybody who might be struggling or even if you're not struggling family to just go deeper in your ability to really hear the lord at this time particularly could we ask you to pray for that for people tom sure father the thing about relationship is when i come to you i know you hear me and so father i'm asking that every person within the sound of this broadcast father i'm asking you to touch him right now right now in the name of jesus father i don't care if they just accepted christ or if they're 50 years in the kingdom father i'm asking you for more more of you and more of them father god every one of us could use more of you and i trust you lord and i speak to that person that's having a problem with their eyesight right now in the name of jesus be healed by jesus stripes yes just put your hands over your eyes be healed in jesus name and that person that's just struggling right now with that migraine that's right i think trying to back your head and it's almost paralyzing and i just say no more in jesus name no more yes we cover that with the blood of jesus never to return again in jesus name we ask you to invade the homes of the people here in jesus name i thank you lord amen we agree we agree thank you so much for being with us tom it's such an honor to have you on with us and thank you and thank you very much thank you wesley for being on with me today and thank you all for giving us your precious time and we agree we agree that you would experience the peace the prince of peace who crushes satan under our feet invading every part of your heart every part of your family every part of your life and your home this coming week and so bless you have an amazing amazing week look forward to being with you again next monday god bless [Music] you
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 3,219
Rating: 4.9844961 out of 5
Id: iOk7t2WfVJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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