A Revival of Marriage - Wesley & Liz Wright

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I am Liz right welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour welcome family welcome to this very special episode thank you so much for being with us as we start today's very special show we're going to do something a little bit different as well as having my incredible husband Wesley Wright joining me he's actually been talked into joining me on this show today we also have joining us this side of the camera the producer of the show the amazing Holly Bronson who is actually going to step in today on behalf of you guides and start to ask where's a nice in question things that many people have wanted to have answers to so we just praise we start that you will enjoy the conversation that you'll get a little bit more insight into who we actually are the real us behind the scenes and that you'll get treasures and nuggets from what we share for your own life so so as we begin over to you Holly here we go we go no it's I'm everyone I'm really excited to get to be with you today and I've known Liz for about two years now and it's such a fun thing for me because I feel like I have gotten to see an experience a really good and big guy and Liz continuously tells me stories and I just feel like I sit there and like okay God is bigger than I thought so I love how she challenges who I think God is and it is I'm continuously getting challenged into understanding him to be way bigger than I realized and so I was like what is it like to be married to you and I wanted what did it look like for you and Wes to get to get together in that process so i was like i'm i purposely haven't asked a lot of questions because i want to get to hear it with everyone else as well kind of for the first time so liz i know you've told me just a little bit about when you were you were out in california and you felt like the Lord started to talk to you a little bit about a transition in life so can you kind of just start there in the story and and let people know what was going on yeah absolutely yeah and lots of people have asked me this question so I shared little bits before but and obviously well jump in and share his side of the story but yeah I was living in Hollywood and I was working with Sean balls and the team porks that's now expression 58 and I was helping to develop the community and lay a prophetic foundation really praying for the establishing of a kingdom work in the midst of the Hollywood gate and during the end of my time there all the prophets who are not allowed to do this and would grab hold of me before every every time we would do a service or a conference they would grab hold of me and stop prophesying that I was about to meet my husband which as everybody knows out there you are not allowed to do but they did and to the point where and you know who you are and you do listening stop it you make a me weird but oh but I did start to listen because it was not one or two times there's lots and lots of times and then I started got prophetic words that I was being called by the Lord to go back to England to meet my husband because it was going to be a move of the Spirit in England and the Lord was repositioning me my heart had been so invested in Hollywood that I thought I was gonna be living there you know for the rest of my life but the Lord had other plans and so long story cut very short and I got the blessing of the leadership there the Lord had already spoken to Sean and the team that I was being called back to England and so I did so I came back in the August of 2011 I think it was isn't it and just really know what the Lord wanted me to do you know next but I just knew I had to be came back in the August and then a dear friend of mine contacted me and said I was being invited to go to a prayer meeting in Oxford University which was to do with praying for it was like reading repenting for what had been spread out internationally through the education sphere from Oxford University under the Empire model and to pray for the establishing of Kingdom so the values of God heart God's heart would be exported out from the education gate of Oxford University so I was in this prayer meeting was very serious we were you know really feeling the Lord's heart of the matter it's obviously it's a huge subject for a whole of the show and in the middle of me being under the power of the the of the anointing and just flowing in the revelation of God's heart concerning this in warped words meeting well helping through the meet in yeah that's right so I was actually being presented by the Father very well thank you shining and glowing in the anointing but then I got really distracted as this guy walked in right away he stood out to you and he yeah so yes I mean I I tried not to be distracted but I was and that was how we initially met my mum is your first impression of her when you so she was speaking at the event when you walked in well that wasn't my first impression because I've actually seen those yeah yeah I didn't see where's at this meeting that he something yeah so I I had a conversation with the Lord and for five months price bath and it was a probably not a faith-filled conversation where I was saying I'm this old and I'm not married and I'm not that bad of a catch no I'm okay like the back end of a bus one reasonably no reason me yeah okay and and he said to me within the next six months look out for a lady who looks like this and listed a number of qualities physical qualities and also professional qualities and characteristics so funny enough when I went to conference in August and I halfway through the meeting Liz came in with to two friends and I turned around and I saw her and obviously she's attracted ladies why I noticed her um but it was a very strange feeling because when I noticed her I I knew that I was attracted to her but there was an underlying knowing which was extremely strange when I've been attracted to other ladies in the past but I've never experienced a knowingly I felt like I knew her before I'd even met her it was it was really very strange and and it really sort of it was quite a marked experience for me that point yeah I had the same thing actually didn't you reminded me when I looked at wears I mean I was immediately attracted to but I I remember thinking he was really really familiar which was again it was just very different and then just adding a little bit there on our wedding day we will jump back to the beginning of story again in a second but on our wedding day where's readout of his journal the list that were the attributes of the wife that he wanted and in detail and he'd never shown it to me until our wedding day and literally in my new detail it was a description of me I just I nearly fell oberg and leave it so yeah it was a it was a how you call it a not a type of list but it was it was a list of qualities that might shatter to the law over a number of years and and we came to this know this list of things that both physical both spiritual that were included and so it was it was a list that I've made with a lot only another thing I think that's really important and you know hopefully for their family out there this will be a blessing to any of you that are trusting the Lord for a wife her husband both Wes and I have realized that we were both following Jesus as direction for our lives we were both in in the ministry that he was calling both of us two ways in the marketplace which will go a little bit into more detail on and on me in full-time ministry you know at that time in Hollywood but we were literally following him step by step by step men at the exactly a perfect time the Lord caused our lives to intersect and we met and we realized that you know we realized and then within so we met on the 1st of October 2011 at that prayer meeting lots of University did you have a conversation then well that was an interesting very interesting time because getting to that prayer meeting was quite difficult for me I think the enemy had other plans so I I plan to pick up my um my spiritual mentors son from Heathrow Airport and then come back round through Oxford and stop off at the prayer meeting and on the way to the prayer meeting sort on the way to pick up James who's my mentors son I was in a in a cute he said backed up in the states and backed up in this queue was behind a big truck and I had to look in my mirror and I saw this truck coming up behind me and I thought he's not going to stop and so I made a quick evasive action and went up the grass verge on the left and and the truck caught me in the back and smashed the back in and he screeched to a halt and screeched to a halt about foot away from the other truck and so when I looked at it and looked at the damage to the car I thought my goodness and my parents were in the back of the car I was in the front of the car and as I thank you Lord and but the amazing thing was guys in one of the one of the offices there they ran out they saw what had happened and they who bit out on my car with the glass they put a plastic window in the back and they all helped me and did everything for me and taped it all up and and I was right right to go off to the ponytail I didn't think I was going to make it they'll actually make it halfway through so it was amazing to get there and then the next lovely part was that literally within a couple of weeks after his meeting I was scheduled to be with another friend of mine out of Bethel in Redding California I was like scheduled to be there for a few weeks where support and ministry and what have you and Wes had also prearranged to go to come out for leaders advanced training conference and so we ended up being in Redding at the same time so we actually had our first unofficial date in Hebrews coffee shops in Becker for me about the unofficial first date I want to hear the details I played hard to get only I actually played hard to get I want to hear about it I've thought as she liked me and you know as a man trying to sort of pick up those optically very good at picking up signals from women unless they're really you know overt signals plus he'd been told that I don't date which I hadn't for 12 years nation up to that point so I was expecting to feel a bit of connection and you know just to sort of get a few little hints that she likes me and what she actually played a little bit cold Oh which that's a bit surprised I actually went back to friend of mine he was we both came at it together and he says I had I didn't go I said I don't think she likes me strange so I was a bit perplexed yeah when did you know she liked you when did that become apparent uh that wasn't until I got back to the UK and and she sent me a text and it was something like on your face is is really really nice or really good-looking and I thought well that's a good sign you wouldn't say someone's been looking like someone's face and they're such people like their face so that was a good clue that is a good clue that's a good so so when did um now that you kind of know she likes your face you're just starting to and what did the dating because I mean like we've got like a reformer and a mystic and combination to dating I'm going to get into that like for you guys to start to date and just to get you know each other well I think I'd also just justly just like to show another little story actually being in Bethel and the Lord had that orders and basically said to me about leads to pursue and I remember struggling with that and going what do you mean how does that work and so I spoke to Tom pastor Tom who's my mentor know how I go about pursuing and doesn't really mean this and there's room in that and we just pray just see what the Lord says because he's really good here Lord so he went away he came back and he said done yeah yeah where's the Lord spoke to me and he said something very clear very concise he said what part of the word pursue do not understand so that was another clue as to okay why I need to actually do something I think to pursue so what a pursuit look like that well I'm actually in the October 1st October meeting they weren't pursue meant to sit at the end of the meeting and not move and wait for Liz to come to me because that's what the Lord said that she would do and that's exactly what happened she came over and then she prayed and oxide so for that part it meant waiting but then at a different stage it actually meant taking some sort of lead and then trying to you know as a man can we think we just started texting more and more and having more and more conversations and I'm obviously in being in reading together we were both out of our normal worlds and so we had time you know and I was able to we're just able to spend time getting to know each other and starting to share our God's stories and I'll test on isn't it was that was a really yeah that was something that we did quite a bit for you yeah we would shed from God stories and then when lizard share a story I got an encounter with the Lord even though I'm a reformer I you know I've had encounters and when you do what you do because of a yeah well they don't you I do want to do in I am Who I am because I'm and so it was fun to share different perspectives and different experiences countess and what they meant and how they'd shaped each other and how it shaped my character how it shaped my values and that was fun it was amazing and we as we got to know each other iced I could see that weather is absolutely integrity you know like he's a reformer through and through I always laugh and say it's like literally living in William Wilberforce like there's no off button and there just isn't you know he just carries the justice heart of God all the time but and there's such a strength you know of who the the compassion of God is expressed through words in a way of wanting to see justice you know established across the world really and so I started to see the qualities of God in him and I loved that I mean I was just attracted to who he is as a whole package as this you know a supernaturally natural man and who has a really deep relationship with the father and he's doing everything he's done he and he does because of that relationship and one of the you know one of the things that I really fell in love with and you know and has continued over the years really is the fact that wisest of medians to follow the Lord's direction in his life has been very costly you know like obviously years ago Wes was a multi-millionaire property developer amongst many other accomplishments and when the Lord started to call him out into his you know primary calling in life that required was to literally so everything well that had been preceded by years of relationship because you don't just do that amuse I mean you have to be undergirded by a very deep relationship with God and a profound love for God and security and to be able to let go of millions of pounds you know of your security and your accomplishments particularly the man well for me that was so attractive because it meant there were it was total integrity and complete courage and security in God to be able to do something like that so there were as we began to get to know each other I started you know this is a remissed akin reformer these are the things that attracted me with that kind of worldview but I started he was the most amazing man because he'd given up everything to follow God you know to some people that might seem like craziness you know without the backstory it probably would but when you know the relationship that was has and the qualities of God's nature that are anyways that was like that was it for me the tight game over DD now it was a pretty it was a dating between engagement when did you when did you how long was that well we officially started to date at the end of November 2011 because I kissed once so it was official very easy to pick up for a man and then it was the first week in January of 2012 about a man that's it was about five weeks yeah it wasn't a month it was five weeks one time but it was actually I think it was five weeks to the day I was to marry me yeah yeah well we had a deeply proceeded friendship and then a very fast courtship sure sure what happened when we got engaged yeah oh yeah yeah I'll jump in I want people to hear you okay okay so so yeah I felt it was right I mean you you hear a lot of good counsel which is you know don't don't jump in fast and you know wait for two years and you know we weren't you know physically we weren't young so and also directed by the Lord and it was very supernatural and I knew absolutely want to descend that Liz was my wife so I asked to marry me and this amazing kisser we just she said yes and then we managed it quick hug me I want you get the proposal tell me how you propose to her I would spend a little bit of that story it wasn't it wasn't you know I've got this all planned out and I've got a sudden ask her father because her dad's an amazing man to respect and honor him and we were just sat on the couch in my in my house then and and the most of now oh I have an in practice task to do and say and so it kind of fun a lot did you have I didn't even have a ring at the time no no I had it planned but it just came up you know no so anyway I did I was by a sneeze and then we managed to get a hug and a very quick kiss before we then absolutely were in roars of laughter and we just got what did you say after an engagement it felt like you know a seal of approval yeah and it was such a joyous occasion such a joyous oh yes and it's so beautiful you know dating each other with Jesus in the middle of your relationship you know where you're being spirit-led and obviously they're the people we make ourselves accountable to our own true relationships in our life for all all they all got it in the spirit you know it was very clear for everybody so and we knew you know like always said you know we're not twenty and so we do have a little bit of life experience to be able to discern character and there was saying and so yeah it was amazing and then it won't like I said it was the seal of approval we could feel the celebration going on in heaven it was so amazing what's so amazing and then two days later did you want to show you you share this really was a gal sharing than words can jump in but two days later we've been to some dear friends of ours daughter's christening because wisest the Godfather and we'd we were on we'd come back and I was just about to leave and to go back to my house in the north of England and and West came in and he said to me I just feel like I'm supposed to apologize to you for what you went through in your first marriage all those years ago and and I I just spent 12 years with the Lord it's completely set apart flying in ministry taking care of my daughter you know happy woman working through all my staff and I thought I was healed and I was very largely but there was a part that the Lord wanted to bring through was and so he as well as walked towards mean he he he said to me I'm so sorry for what happened to you and he said if I could have I would have stopped I would have stopped it obviously I went through a little abuse you know in my previous marriage and as way said that he moved towards me to put his arms around just gently touched my head he was releasing the 19 beginning to pray for me and the power of God to his head me I felt down on the floor into a ball on the floor this pain that was in the literary of elegance in the core of meters came out and I began to sob and just wail and west came on down on the floor put his arms round we just began to rock me Newsday I'm so sorry I'm so sorry and then as he did both of us suddenly were catapulted into a joint accounts together we found ourselves together experiencing the whole thing before the Father and supernaturally we began to speak our wedding vows to each other supernaturally just pouring out our commitment to each other what we wanted is our life together in our marriage union and it was all before the father literally as a like overflowing supernaturally and then our spirits became intertwined it looked like a DNA strand in it and you and then father came in the middle of us it was a three strand like a DNA cord of our spirits dancing and moving and turning and we knew we then came out of the experience completely stunned and we knew we'd be married in heaven yeah supernaturally and then we just it was we were crying and they fell with joy and completely blown away and didn't really have any understanding of what just happened to his other than it had happened and we were supernaturally married but to honor each other you know because of the speed of the process of our relationship we felt to just wait you know so we actually got married in April in 2012 so this happened January 2012 and so we just waited it's we spent more time getting to know each other on an emotional level just you know getting to know it was close analogies and then eventually married in the April so we did everything correctly because we wanted to have a blessed marriage and to do things you know according to God's wisdom because wealth had waited you know and I had been set apart for 12 years and totally put back together by the Lord from all the pain in the devastation the stuff of my life so we got that far so and then because we chose to do that there was a grace to behave ourselves you know like that the Lord caught on so that we would get everything be blessed because we wanted the fullness of a kingdom marriage you know it's like literally what is your dollar each other as well we did yes just respect and actually acting love really well yeah yeah and I felt incredibly safe in where's honor of that and of him you know really wanting those boundaries to be in place and so you know we were wildly attracted to each other you know in just the intensity in the you know so in love and so you know that's not an easy walk being show you real and honest and vulnerable as people know but it's much yeah and so and I think the years that followed you know have not been easy because of principally what was is called to do which is Reformation in the marketplace and the financial sector and the marketplace to bring in an economy that's no different economic offerings that are full of the love of God well of the values of God's heart and so that's been an interesting journey of itself and I think the way that the Lord married is in heaven heard amongst many other things you know that will one day fully understand but it was such a phenomenal grace but it gave as a protection didn't it in our relationship because there was such a one there such a togetherness that you could feel unbreakable you need them when we didn't agree and you know very quickly after we both got married we both realize really different and we had to learn and we're always learning how to to understand each other because we with where we're opposite spectrums really aren't we but we're we're two completely different facets of the revelation of a lot of likewise is all about just it and I'm all about birds yeah right in fairness and I'm all about compassion and and love you know and and they're two sides of the same coin but they're very different in expressions and so we had to understand each other's language and and so that's going to journey so the Lord's been these put a real protection on our relationship is supernatural but I also believe that it's for everyone you know when one of us is experience something it's the testimony of Jesus right which is the spirit of prophecy so it provides an invitation for other people to enter into that and we have actually had times where we've those letters to release that in public and people just get blast and you know in their marriage relationships and you know so same Holy Spirit I'm curious with I just I know like I want to get to hear more about like they blatantly and another episode hearing about how you guys brought your lives together having you know really led very distinctive and powerful lives and get to hear that but I would you guys feel comfortable just because like your heart for marriage and what you said the Lord has given us that ability to release that over people before that grace is that something that you would kind of want to just pray over and and release over the people who are listening today yeah yeah yeah I would love to do that do you want to do that yeah I mean I think even just sharing the testimony of Jesus you know what he's done in our life is good I know that lots of you out there family are going to be feeling the presence of Holy Spirit and what we're saying you know and it will give you hope that there is more there's more and Jesus you know for those of us that are maybe not so aware that he absolutely wants to be in the center of our relationships absolutely you know he created marriage as his idea right and so he wants to be in the center of it he wants to release His grace he wants the culture of our marriage to reflect the values of his heart so so yeah let's do that in closing let's do that do you want to be friends do you want me why don't you lead okay okay okay so Holy Spirit yeah she can't leave wow I can feel the presence of Jesus so we just come in agreement right now thank you and we're so thankful for what you did for us is so thankful that that protection that incredible experience that you gave us all these years ago and we come in agreement right now for the same grace holy Wow that same experience to be felt by everyone listening yes Lord we we thank you for a revival of marriages we thank you the the intention of your heart the dream that you have in your heart for every single married person listening and even we agree this for those that are not yet married that would love to be married that they would experience Kingdom marriage the way that you intended they would live but I just I have such faith that you are bringing our relationships our marriage relationships to a whole new level in this hour and and so we agree we agree with you for this to be the experience of every single person watching or listen to this show right now that they would step into this as they turn their heart towards you that you will take them in that you will restore their marriages you will deepen their marriages you will show them how to walk with you in the context of the marriage you will begin to breathe into them the vision that you have that you had for them for their marriage union from before the foundation of the earth that they would live in it in four months you know just a little mm-hmm father thank you for thank you for my wife it was amazing and thank you for our marriage and father I ask for a blessing on all those that are watching on their marriages blessing of peace and love connection understanding deep connection with each child and for those that are watching that are yet to marry or who have been married a lot merit now I pray a Grace and deep grace over their hearts and a steadying of their emotions and assist them Lord to keep their eyes on you and to follow your purpose in your plan as when I followed your purpose in your plan in your time I met my wife so I pray a blessing on the order in the name of Jesus we agree we agree on them so Holly thank you so much it's a lot of fun we'll have to do this again I don't come anymore questions I want to know what it's like so well we'll definitely do more of this and I just a huge thank you to my amazing husband even agreeing to come this side of the camera cuz you never talk very rarely very very very and thank you all for listening and just know that I'm carrying you we are carrying you in our hearts every day and praying for you and look forward to being with you again next week [Music]
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 12,404
Rating: 4.9323306 out of 5
Id: h3-Js6vVUoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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