Unprecedented Heart Connection w/ Lana Vawser

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[Music] i am liz wright welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour welcome to this week's episode of live your best life with me liz wright and i am so excited for today's conversation when i was praying for you all and praying for today's show i saw jesus so clearly in the spirit reaching out and wrapping his arms around every single one of you and literally just pulling you into my into his heart and so i'm very excited this is not just going to be something you observe today you're going to actually go into an experience with jesus experiencing his love at a whole new level so joining me for today's conversation my very special guest is she's an international prophet he recognized and loved international prophet she's an author she's a teacher she's a mom she's a wife but most importantly of all she is a friend of jesus and she loves him with all of her heart and it's so obvious when she speaks she reveals the heart of god so i want to welcome into today's conversation with me lana vorsa lana welcome to the show hi liz thank you so much for having me it's such a joy to be with you it's an honor to have you on i'm so excited about what jesus is going to just pour through as we as we talk with each other so i wanted to just begin lana by asking you to share some of the um the words that you've been getting sort of since the beginning of this year really that is really um an invitation from the heart of jesus you know to just like i was seeing when i was praying today he's just drawing us deeper into himself so would you can we start there will you just share some of what he's been showing you yeah um since i guess since the start of 2020 actually i was feeling really strongly that the lord was inviting us as his people back into the garden place and for me the garden really represents that place of deep intimacy that place of walking with the lord you know in the cool of the day being a friend of god listening to his heart and as i've journeyed with the lord since then i've had numerous encounters where i have just been so overwhelmed by the heart of jesus and the heart of god to draw us as his people into this place of hearing his voice in a way that we never have before and encountering him and being in this place of first love and i'm sure we all have our stories of how you know the last couple of years have been really crazy and there's been a lot of stuff going on but in this place i have felt an invitation into the heart of jesus like i have never felt before i have heard the lord um the the longing heart of god um drawing his people into this place where we are locked eye to eye with jesus the one whose eyes burn with like the flames of fire and there is no other distraction but this place where i am completely consumed by who he is and as i live from that place you know i'm living overflowing in life and in peace and enjoy not dependent on my circumstances but actually rooted in the one who never changes and i have just been so overwhelmed by his absolute passionate love you know we hear so often yeah jesus loves me and i'm sure we all you know heard the little uh sunday school song jesus loves me this i know but i feel in this hour that god is raising up a remnant who are burning with first love fire they're burning with adoration for who he is and and they they just won't change the subject you know he who he is and he is good um and so from that place i feel like we're in a time where we're in a yes it's it's revival coming like nations and and global but personal revival in your intimate place with the lord in mind that god is wanting to set our hearts on fire like never before oh my goodness yes that's such a deep witness to everything you're saying it reminds me um i had an encounter recently where i was sort of taking in a vision in the spirit and i saw us all as the bride just walking steadily we turned into pillars of fire we were solid and steady and step by step just just continued on and everywhere we went everything was being touched by the purity and the holiness of his presence that had consumed us holy whoa and the fire we felt like um two sides of the same coin love and authority unprecedented like you've just said love where we are so consumed with love for him and his love for us and then what was coming off our life was purity and holiness and power and it was transforming everything it's what you just said it just reminded me of that that experience and as i was watching i could feel it and again this um this level like you said this level of unprecedented holy whoa unprecedented intimacy with him yeah and you know i love that one thing that i i felt such a deep stirring is um the privilege that it is the awakening to the privilege that it is to walk with him you know the more i grow in my revelation of who jesus is right the more i recognize who i am in him and who he is in me it changes everything and so i walk in this place of deep intimacy and everywhere i go is an opportunity right everywhere i go you know i am i'm walking not affected by my circumstances but i'm actually walking fortified with my roots deep in the one who never changes so i'm actually walking in a place of victory i'm walking in a place of authority and i'm walking in a place where the only well that i'm drinking from is the living water that that he is and so i i love that i think that we are in such an era of the awakening to the holiness of god the majesty of god being in awe and wonder of who he is and purity my goodness me i i truly believe this is the hour where god is raising up those burning ones that are walking with the purine heart and is the pure in heart the perfect ones no they're not when it's not perfection it's those that are looking for god everywhere you know i just yeah i love it it's beautiful it's amazing isn't it because obviously like you say you know they've been very difficult circumstances for many others all over the world for the last year or two that when you look at life from heaven's perspective the season has changed it is all about this isn't it it's so different to the narrative that's being spoken in the world circumstances right now there's this invitation like you've heard you know and i've been hearing to go deeper than we ever thought possible in him and to be so consumed with him like it's just his perfect love casting out all fear knowing knowing the expressions on his face even it was like that just reminded me again um of the word that you had about mary of bethany you know that we will be will you just share a little bit about that oh my goodness uh yeah so i had it i had a dream i'm a very big dreamer uh when i first got saved i said to the lord anyway the bible says that you speak i want it all if i can have it i want it and so uh part of my journey is i'm very much a dreamer and in my dream a couple oh gosh maybe three or four months ago now i heard the lord's voice all night long and he kept saying this meditate on what it would have been like for mary to sit at my feet and he just kept saying it like over and over and over again and as i looked i in my dream i saw the face of mary looking up at the lord and the the awe and wonder that was in her eyes is like nothing i actually can't i struggle to find english words to describe what i saw there was this beautiful place of just absolute wonder before the lord and and pouring out my life in this place like choosing and recognizing that this is the this is the greatest place like this is the the greatest place that i've been invited into it's not you know to have you know to strive to have the biggest platform or whatever my greatest treasure is is the place of sitting at his feet so every day of my life i get to get up in the morning and i get to sit at his feet and look into his eyes and and to listen to what the king of kings is dreaming about to listen to what is on the mind of god what is on the heart of god to live in that place of matthew 4 4. you know man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that flows out of the mouth of god and so i think you know as we even approach our day in a in a practical sense as soon as my feet touch the ground i'm instantly in a in a place where i can connect with what's on the heart of god i can walk in the heartbeat of the rhythm of his heart i can hear his voice and then begin to you know decree his voice into every area of my life and into the nations it's just it's stunning yeah yeah i mean honestly i've been reading your new book it's just fantastic absolutely let me see i've got a copy of it somewhere i'll just show you all i so recommend you get this it's there we go i'm gonna put it up there yeah it's just it's called i hear the lord say new era and honestly page after page after page is just hope isn't it you are just releasing the heart of god eradicating fear showing us a future that is authored by god you know the invitation of what we can participate in what we can co-reign with him in would you share a little bit about it and i know you've just done a new um e-course that goes with it as well to help people go deeper into this invitation into what's on offer right now would you share a little bit about it yeah so um really um this book you know is an invitation it's an invitation into the heart of god for this new era and um it's just it's a series of um encounters that i had to really um put wheels on uh the revelation the lord's releasing so if we're in a new era what does it look like how do i partner with it um and so one thing that i just struck me as i was writing this book and you you said it exactly you know that pages of hope because i i really believe you know right now that god is wanting to fortify us as his people um in hope and in who he is and one of the things i talk about in the book actually is the ferocious focus of faith you know that as we we sit at his feet and as we're in relationship with him and as i look into the eyes of the lord with a ferocious focus like you even think of those words like ferocious doesn't paint a picture of just gentle or you know or or like light or you know fluffy ferocious is you know it's intense it's it's going after and it's it's just it's a violent kind of word and um and and i really felt like you know right now if we even talk about mary you know sitting at the feet of jesus we talk about the invitation into his heart the more i look at jesus and the more i see him every day the more i cannot help but be ferociously focused in faith because as i see him then i recognize every word that comes out of his mouth goes forth to accomplish that to which he sent it every time i see him and and i see the revelation of his nature the more i am i'm awoken to um he is he's not a man that he should lie that i have the power of the word of god to you know overcome and to change circumstances and it brings me into this place where i'm i'm awoken to my seat that i'm actually not this person that's running around on the ground affected by all of my circumstances like a chicken but i'm actually called to live like an eagle you know above above the circumstances and i'm living from my seat like i'm living from that place of ephesians 2 6 you know that that is has been purchased for me in christ and you know i just i have been meditating so much lately on that very reality that yes i live on earth yes i can touch my table and i've got you know my senses and i can feel and smell but my reality is actually where i'm seated with him so if i'm living from that place then i'm engaging in the conversation of heaven what what is what's going on in heaven what what's the father speaking what's happening in the trinity what are they talking about and i get to listen and i get to i have access to the secrets of his heart and then from that place i govern on earth that from that place i'm ferociously focused in this place that says doesn't matter what it looks like i know who he is i know what he said i know he is faithful i know he's not a man that he should lie and so i decree and i govern from that place and for me that was one of the most transformatory moments in the birthing of of that book wow you know that's something that the lord has taught me over and over down the years and i've been on different assignments and doing different ministry activities is coming back to that place of really reconnecting into the reality of our union with jesus the oneness that we now have with him that that you said before that privileged position of being able to walk with him to know the heart of god every moment his perspective in every situation and that that when we are reconnected internally into that reality and we are sure again of who we are we've got that security inside then the what we speak is we decree from that place and we have his mind on a matter and we're connected on the inside we know that we know who he is his majesty and who we are in him and that oneness holy oh i felt the holy spirit then just go whoosh when we decree something that that that is what releases authority that's where his word goes forth and begins to transform situations and the redemptive power of god begins to move you know it's just amazing isn't it to be able to walk like this this is who we are yeah yeah and you know it reminds me of i had this encounter with the lord a number of years ago and he's brought me back to it in the last couple of months but i was taken to this room with jesus and it looked like a large library and i said lord where are we and he said lana this is the library of heaven he said and in this library he said the blueprints he said the the secrets of my heart he said the revelatory things that i want to release to my people and my eyes are roaming the earth looking for those who are looking for me and they're looking to connect with my heart not to gain a revelation you know to parade it everywhere but out of purity lord i want to truly know your heart because i love you i recognize god that you know better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere and as we approach him in that place of you know the fear of the lord that there's this glorious invitation to walk the the hallways of the library of heaven with the lord every day and to hear what god has written in the books and the scrolls of heaven for your nation for your marriage for your children you know and to be in that place where we are entrusted with the heart of god like to me i've been personally undone by that revelation that every like we're not talking about the guy who makes my coffee right my local barista we're talking about the king of law of glory you know the one who created the heavens and the earth he he looks at you today and says i want to i want to release to you the secrets of my heart will you draw close and that to me is just every day it's life-changing yeah yeah do you know that's been the single um most life-changing part of of how jesus has been speaking to me since the beginning of the year it's it's what you just said it's feeling um his desire for us that he he wants to share jesus god wants to share his heart with us he wants to trust himself to us and that's been on doing me actually one of the experiences i had he came to me quite recently and he said i want to shag covenant with you and we we know this but it was like another level you know i could feel his vulnerability his his desire for us which i mean it's obviously it's a strange thing isn't it to use the word vulnerability with the lord regarding the lord but it was actually it felt like that it was the the um the words are inadequate aren't they to explain some of these revelations but i felt like i was experiencing the deepest desire of jesus heart that his his absolute passion to have a relationship where there's a covenant relationship with us that would that we are the most precious thing to him and that he absolutely wants to trust himself to us and that yeah above on and in that experience i was purified i was humbled i felt the holy aura of god i felt you know his this invitation right now is extraordinary for us all but it's also extremely holy because he's now saying to us you are you are the desire of my heart i want you to understand what it feels like in my heart to be with you what this is all about you know and so and that's it's such a holy entrustment to be trusted with the heart of god and so yeah i i and when i've been listening and reading words that you've been getting i've just been it's been such a treasure because they're so confirming you know it's just it's the same it's the same thing it's about now stepping into an era a new era where we are like you've said so consumed with him knowing his heart part partnering with him but it's not about the great the miracles and the pa signs and wonders and the power that we'll emit from our life as we partner with him but it's it's about being his partner being with him in this depth it's beautiful isn't it what we're stepping into now holy and beautiful yeah it's stunning and i love what you said because i've had so many encounters with the lord where he said to me you know lana there are going to be amazing signs wonders and miracles like you've never seen unprecedented like he just kept using this word unprecedented unprecedented he said but lana he said you know what he said revival isn't the focus he said in the signs wonders and miracles they're amazing he said but it's about it's about connecting and living in relationship with the one who is revival you know the great revival and i i feel that so strongly like the lord i think is bringing a that he's been bringing a realignment like there is a baptism of fire that god has been pouring out and will continue in this new era and it's been i think quite uh confronting as well like where the lord is beginning to expose areas of of hearts where if there are any other any other idols or lovers like this is the hour where god is consuming his people with his fire and his goodness he's not standing beside his people going i'm really upset with you he's like this is the hour where i'm consuming you with who i am and i'm awakening you to those areas of your heart where maybe your affection has been given to another and it's this beautiful place of repentance where i i fall at his feet if if i find those areas of my heart and i go jesus like overtake those areas and and the the burning up the purifying the refiners fire and you know i one of my favorite books of the bible is the song of songs and i go through it so many times i go in it and then i come out and the lord takes me back in and i love like you just have to look through that book and the schuler might you know she has areas of fear in her heart and compromise there's foxes that are raiding her vineyard but what picture of of the beloved is painted it's not one that's standing on the sideline going well when you decide to get it together and you do everything right then i'll come in no no it says he peered through the window of her soul like into the window of her soul in the midst of the compromise and all of the things going on within her and he loved her you know and you read scriptures like you know i remember the day i read the scripture in the song of psalms where it says let me see your heart of worship i thought it was her talking to the lord and then i realized no no no this is god actually speaking to the storm like he wants to to hear your worship he wants to see your lovely face like he's so drawn to you and when we do see those places where the foxes radar our vineyard of intimacy what does he say he says be willing to do it be willing to catch them and when you're willing hey let's do it together and so this this time god is i believe he's reintroducing us as his people to his power and his majesty but also to his love like do we really realize every day that that the father sent his one and only son to die for us you know that place that while i was yet a sinner christ died for me while i was in my mess he loved me so much the father loved me so so relentlessly so passionately that he sent his one and only son wow like what an awakening yeah ah i love everything that you said oh my goodness and it's it's true isn't it our holy spirit is waking us up our hearts are by his grace finally coming awake and realizing what we have the treasure that we have in him and what this is all about and uh and oh my goodness yeah anyway we're gonna have to stop i could talk to you for hours or every time you speak i get a whole other level of revelation flowing i'm like oh my goodness where what an hour in in just in finishing could i ask you would you pray for everybody like watching all over the world yes whatever your spirit yeah i would love to father we just give you glory today lord i thank you i thank you for the invitation that's upon us in this new era lord to come deeper than we've ever been lord i pray for every person that'll be watching and listening lord god i pray for that fresh baptism of fire upon them lord the first love fire lord i pray for unprecedented levels of encounter with you lord in this new era god i pray that your refreshment would fall upon their hearts lord that you would wash away weariness god that you would fill hearts with hope lord i pray that even in the next month lord may they have encounters with you that is that just are so transformatory lord that bring them into that deeper place of intimacy lord i pray for a deeper awakening lord to the privilege that it is to hear your voice lord to to hear the secrets of your heart lord and to lean our ear upon your chest lord to hear what you're what what is on your heart so lord i pray for just that deep place of intimate intimate beautiful refreshing encounter with you lord may your word come alive in ways that it hasn't before to them as they read lord i i prophesied this to be the hour of personal revival lord and i prophesied this to be the hour of i just see restoration that restoration the lord is bringing restoration to the heart he's bringing restoration in areas of lives restoration to homes lord i thank you i thank you for your power i thank you for your heart lord to bring restoration to your people and i bless them today with deeper encounters with you in jesus name amen amen we agree we agree uh when you were when you were speaking then when you were praying i could i could see many of you being reset realigned in your relationship with jesus and i saw so many of you literally just turning around turning around and seeing jesus literally turning around on the inside that christ in us right jesus is inside of us turning around and looking straight into the eyes of jesus eyes to eyes face to face breath to breath and jesus just his love pouring out of his eyes straight into you filling your heart flooding in your heart with a fresh experience of how much he loves you how precious you are to him oh wow wow so we agree we agree thank you so much for being with us today for showing you your precious time i just love who you are thank you very much that's such a gift it was such a joy to be with you i could talk to you all day this is and thank you all for joining us today and giving us your precious time and we do we agree more encounters than you've ever had a deeper walk of intimacy with jesus and experiential and even for those of you who have never experienced his presence that you would be sensitized even now even today you would be sensitized you to be able to experience jesus like you never have and so have an amazing week look forward to being with you again next week god bless
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 11,199
Rating: 4.9557195 out of 5
Id: ufsCd4AZ-hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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