The 7 Spirits of God w/ Brian Guerin

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I am Liz right welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour [Music] welcome to live I am Liz Wright thank you so much for joining me for today's show I am super excited about today's show I am going to be having a conversation with one of my favorite people in the world he is an international prophet he is the founder of the bridal of glory Ministries International also bridal glory Academy which is a phenomenal online training school that's about to launch he is an author of a number of phenomenal prophetic books all of these things his fruitful fruitful life is as a result of his deep real authentic walk with Jesus and that's what I love about him the most I mean I honor the ministry that he has but actually he's one of the most humble pure-hearted men that I've ever had the privilege of knowing so all of that to really to same just honor my very special guest today mr. Brian Goering welcome to the show Brian thank you for having me Liz honor you big-time and just so grateful to be here thank you it's so good that you've been able to squeeze it into your schedule because I know your secret Brian I wanted to just dive in and ask you to share if you would some of the encounters that I know that you've been happening with Jesus about the seven spirits of God because I know that this is a largely misunderstood subject in the body of Christ or little-understood subject in the body of Christ but Jesus is really speaking about it and it's so important in this hour because of the awakening that started and what's actually happening in the nation's to the bride and what's happening in the nations is we're starting to see the first shoots really of this awakening this global awakening that's starting this spiritual awakening so would you share with us and what the Lord had shown you yeah would be be honored to and first off though just want to let the people know how much I love and honor you dearly and that we met some time ago and and just just a sense your spirit what you carry is so dynamic and needed in the body of Christ were super honored I believe to have you with the Academy teaching our student body just yeah amazing to see powerful leaders like you and women of God that the Lord's raising up to just shake the nation's raise up the bride and I love that our heart beats so similar in that it's all rooted in deep intimacy with Jesus so just love a pretty big time but yeah and on the seven spirits of God I'm glad you brought that up you know we're gonna be teaching on that as well around the corner and I believe it's very very prominent topic on the heart of God then you see it really all in scripture almost almost seven times on us in Revelation a few times in the book Zechariah Isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 because I know you well know as the mascot passage for the seven spirits of God of one of my favorites as of late I've been seeing from an experience where Jesus came with this awakened type encounter like he says to the Church of Sardis in certain versions he says wake up to the church he says you have a reputation of being alive but you are dead and how he comes to them to awaken them he says I am the one who holds the seven spirits of God it's really amazing because you know as we know in Revelation Jesus comes with the depiction or the remedy of what the church needs in that hour and the I believe the awakening for that bride is deeply connected to the seven spirits of God because he describes himself as the one who was the only time of all seven churches or he described himself as he who holds the seven spirits of God or has the seven spirits of God and how this started was back in 2006 I was in prayer and it just so happened to be the forty year anniversary sorry hundred year that's right 1906 the 100 year anniversary for the Azusa Street revival and everybody's holding conferences and really pressing in for an awakening and outpouring rightfully so and think it's amazing and I'll even had a Susan now baby comforters and things like this well just around that time April almost to the day that the Azusa Street revival birthed I go under this profound dream where I see William Seymour and I had studied a little bit known of him and John G Lake and Smith Wigglesworth are all these generals that I respect deeply so I knew him right when I saw him with a dream I was just blown away never said a word I'm just like jaw to the ground like this is helium Seymour he's like any counter form in a dream and so I never said where I'm just looking at him and yeah I know we had discussed this briefly before cuz your encounter if you could share two just blew me away because we've never talked before on how they submerge these encounters but again the significance of the seven spirits of God the people walking in the fullness of it so he looks at me and I can see in this dream he's very distraught he's very unsatisfied and just yeah just as strong so that's what I could put it and he looks at me and says two phrases very specifically that were the key the two keys of the dream tide and the seven spirits of God I later found out by the Holy Spirit he said had I only known he was shaking his head very just a straw he said had I only known first phrase then he immediately switched and said I was just confused and then he turns right in front of him was this antique slot machine like you would see whether you pull the lever and the numbers and the fruit begin to spend in three rows and I knew as an antique of his old wooden parts and I knew it's from his day a hundred years ago it was like an antique so he says had I only known I was just confused then he turns pulls the lever and I began to watch the fruit and the numbers spin and they were just slowing down about to stop on all three sevens I knew like I knew my name by the spirit that they were gonna stop on all three sevens and right before they stopped I came out of the dream in that same emotion that he had was superimposed on me by the spirit of supernatural I could feel it now from him and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that the three sevens three is often prophetic for the number of the Spirit was the seven spirits of God from revelation sorry Isaiah 11:2 and the Holy Spirit said you were looking into his day that's wrong the machine was perfect from his day and they almost saw the fullness of the seven spirits of God come into fruition upon a people in the body of Christ but they were lacking two out of the seven in those two were had I only known was the lack of the spirit of knowledge if you don't know you like the spirit of knowledge and I was just confused which is the lack of spirit of understanding when you're confused you don't understand which honestly back in 2006 I was more bent on like the power of the supernatural still am I love everything Jesus yeah and but it was very interesting because these are more revelatory by nature knowledge and then you really start looking at the seven spirits of God most of them are revelatory wisdom understanding knowledge you know counsel might the reverential fear of the Lord the Holy Spirit Himself and I love in revelation you even see where these seventy same setting burning spirits the seven spirits of God are burning before the throne meaning God makes no even decisions without government governing through them they're not they're the lens by what she sees it governs through and so the Holy Spirit spoke to me that you were looking into their day and that's why the revival came and when it lifted because there was a couple of weeks linked there's links there sorry in the seven spirits but he said your generation will see the seven spirits of God completely resigning opponent generation the people in when the spirit spoke that that distraught feeling he had instantly lifted and joy in this gratification fulfillment came it was all by the spirit which you know how that happens in so it kind of started me on this journey where I knew there was a great significance in the heart of God that there would be of people like Jesus that we know was the perfect embodiment he walked in the fullness of the seven spirits of God and that a last generation and I believe when you see a company fully yielded to the spirit as such were the seven spirits of God are in full measure and residing upon people you'll see a move that will have no end it'll sustain until the Lord's return and so I love that I just thought it was really powerful and just think it's something really to dig into as a people I am so stunned because I've not heard anybody else have this kind of revelation just to give you a synopsis and everybody listening right now this is I just believe this is a very special moment for all of us as we share what the Lord's been giving us with this regard this there's an activation happening obviously the seven spirits of God or a description each one are carrying that shoes when this is years ago I was trying to remember when you said 2006 I was trying to remember when I had the first encounter and with Jesus and I had no theological grit on you Isaiah 11 just you know I've just always been Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and more Jesus you know so I was worshiping just to keep it brief I was worshipping with two friends of mine and I suddenly was just taken in the spirit and I found myself fully immersed in heaven and I saw Jesus there were the seven spirits of God mm-hmm and they were before the throne and Jesus was behind them and he was looking at me and I immediately knew that he was looking at me and as he was looking at me he was looking at the bride all of those and he handed me the second one from the left as I was looking at them the second spirit from the left and I immediately knew like infused knowledge you know that comes into us from the script God immediately knew it was the spirit of knowledge mmm why when you just said it was the spirit of knowledge that they knew that they lacked mm-hmm and so but it was it was very specific the spirit of knowledge was being given to the bride I came out of that experience completely undone there was more to it but I'll share another time that completely undone I knew had I had received that spirit Wow and then I began to move in ministry in an in an exponential revelatory gifts supernatural you know like we both know it's not ants we yield you know we yield and let go and it's the spirit of Jesus moving through us that produces the fruit and so then moving on quickly I then had another two encounters over the years again to do with the Spirit of God the next one that the seven spirits of God the next one was I was in worship again one day with a friend of mine went boom straight up spirit realm opened and I was in an experiential vision in an encounter and Jesus came and he brought a lady from the cloud of witnesses that I knew in my spirit was a lady called Frances Metcalf I didn't know who she was at the time I've since researched her met people met her her gran as a spiritual son James Maloney you know and fiction so she led the golden candlestick ministry in Idlewild in California so they had decades of extraordinary prayer meetings a full run as the bride Jesus brought her and herb she was wearing a bridal garment which she then laid over me I felt out under the power of God in His presence she laid over me again I was representative of was corporately the bride and you know as I received this bridal garment that they had four runners a small little community that had broken through into a phenomenal supernatural capacity all those years back that went on for decades and then and then as soon as that the garment was placed over me the seven spirits of God came around me and moved into me and I came out the experience understanding that there was going to be the receiving office corporately of the seven spirits of God and then in our generation we would begin to radiate mm-hmm an unmanifest all that they represent and it's to do with the fullness us moving into the fullness of radiating God in this hour and I mean I want we're obviously saying enormous things and only God can do this but this is what he's being having the experience for years and so therefore come in agreement with and then the third one was again I was in worship we were I was I think I was at a conference and we were in worship and again boom up in heaven saw the seven spirits of God they came around me again immersed into me and then I was given this huge scepter which represented unprecedented levels of authority that we as the bride or even in this hour and then the seven spirits yes and it was all to do with the administration of the fullness of the expression of the seven spirits of God that would come through is that we would literally radiate Christ in his fullness and ours we come into a time of awakening that will never stop that we never stop and it's not look like anything in the past and so I've been living this for years and then the final one that I'll show and then I want to dive back and focus on you Brian because I just feel like for everybody watching right now you know the Lord is doing something he's doing something profound and it's this is for all of us so the last one is I again Jesus started to bring you know our precedent ISM is the Mount of Transfiguration as we know Elijah and Moses came from the cloud of witnesses to talk with Jesus just to give people some help from this is all over scripture you know these people are very much alive in heavens Brian and I both know you know but um by the Lord's grace so Jesus brought the Apostle Paul to me a number of times and the time that I wanted her to share with you as he he put his head against my head this was there he put his forehead against mine and there was an infusion like an impartation of knowledge and literally I felt myself change and again this was to do with the bride Jesus was imparting something that we saw in part Paul's life we sit through the scriptures but it's to do with the end of the age and I don't know how long that's going to be new none of us do but we're in the most extraordinary time there's pressure every room people's lives but actually if you look at things from Heaven's perspective right now we're in the most amazing time I fell I literally shifted on the inside and ice turned into a crazy wild evangelist I literally felt this shift in a school corporately that we wouldn't we were going to move into a time where it wouldn't just be an office of responsibilities in the fight for ministry but we would all become evangelists but it wouldn't look like it has in the past and everything's been very valuable but it would actually look like as all radiating Christ and that that was connected to the awakening which was connected to the harvest has been prepared and it's connected to the Ministry of the seven spirits of God so so that's my part in it I mean so oh my goodness me so I'm so excited and so encouraged by what you're sharing Brian because I feel like we've both received two sides of the same coin really to just be in agreement for this to be released exponentially across the body of Christ in this time where the bride's being prepared really like no other time in history I think I just like you had never heard anybody with these SEC revelations of blows me away were you in the UK when you had this stuff in America and yeah so what it what are you seeing Brian for now I mean to you do you see the connection with I mean obviously you've got faith in your spirit now that the the ministry of the seven spirits of God is being added to us for this huge awakening that we're all starting to see what do you see yeah I believe 100% like you said and even back from that revelation that they I wouldn't have correlated like you from Scripture to even tie in the completion of the seven spirits to an awakening that would be all system you know I just don't think like that and what the revelation was just like you said that's what's so wild that you heard it the same but I believe amid so much more of course that the Lord's doing awakening his bride calling a company that like that the root foundation of all that they are is deep infatuation with Jesus you know the mud bumps and the motive is being shaken off a lot of people that will allow the Lord to do it the jockeying for position the status you know all that stuff that that you see creep in as well and I understand it but I see a lot of that that where people are allowing the Lord to yield them well they yield and mold them into what he's called him into that allow that's being shaken off it's coming down to just pure intimacy doing what he told them to do you know but yeah the seven spirits of God I believe her a big big part the integral part again from the revelation revelation of O six and like you just said the ones you had I believe you're gonna need a company operating in the fullness of all of them because Italy not only like you said well it you know exemplify the fullness of God but also I believe and I'm not a very dark focused person on the enemy or yet we know it's it's very real in Scripture but I do believe when we were missing some of the fullness of the seven spirits of God it by default leaves a door way open if you will or a weak link in the chain where the enemy can capitalize on it I believe that's what you can see at times and kind of what I believe happened in Azusa so I believe it just you know exemplifies the fullness of God like you said but also makes us hard to stop if you will because it's it's like Jesus walked and the fullness of the seven spirits completely agree with what you're saying so amazing it's not an amazing time isn't it so and obviously that's you know your passion is to see the bride rise hence the bridal academy you know you're putting together now when you share a little bit more about that for isn't for obviously people who are watching you a desperate to know more and to grow in Jesus in this hour you know I think everybody would agree with you gone are the days of the political spirit and jostling for position and by the grace of God we're just I think we're walking in the level of humility right now we in realization of our desperation for Jesus our hunger yeah absolutely need him you know he is our fulfillment these are everything yeah so good not years where were helpless without him and like you said he's literally everything yeah the Academy so we've been doing these schools these online schools kind of quarterly you know that have really grown since 2015 and we're in every continent of the world now not Antarctica yet but but and we didn't know that it just came out of waiting on the Lord and just seeing the blueprint from from from God and so since then though around three years ago I felt God speak about this Academy format it's just the the wind on it the timing wasn't there and now it's it's here and it's funny um it's like I didn't know either about this whole thing that's gonna hit the earth just like you did with these shows you just for hear things and then stuff happens it's like oh my guess the timing just like God how ironic and but yeah it's that's the sole purpose you know we want to be full teaching train make disciples we go of the gospel the Great Commission minister to widows orphans women raise people up to live out the full Bible all of Jesus but simply put mainly you know the main foundation they're always like you said to raise up a bride with a lamps full of oil the five versions with extra oil and so I loved so much about you it you know we mean you can go off and revelations and we love the Lord and miracles and the supernatural we were ministering together in California the meetings were just I want you in the glory but like you don't mind us always come back to that that main thing just loving him and trying to come one with him and spirit you know and so that's what it really is and and we're seeing a lot of Attraction already Rolly announced it a few weeks ago there's people all over the world coming so we're excited just try to love Jesus better and teach others to do the same stuff yeah yeah helping people know how to go into him in a sustained way live in the new creation reality in the bridal walk intimacy where we just yeah all of our needs man in him right I'll never forget that when we were when we were speaking together in California literally I mean I think that was when it was one of the most powerful events I've ever been in actually where you you were on the platform you know and you were sharing and but you can see you you could see your whole heart and I think that's the difference isn't it when when the Lord undoes you and he's just stripped you of everything else that's an other priority in your heart you know he gets first place and you just fall in love with him I can see that about you you had your you have so truly authentically fallen in love with God with Jesus and as he your whole set of countenance was towards him like your whole being was towards him and as you spoke I'll never forget it I think I told you at the time Holy Spirit came in the room and honestly family out there listening it was just so holy and the whole place has erupted and none of us who do anything God be God and there is holy chaos people bodies flying everywhere many healed and crutches like no longer needed and you meet just God being God like this is the gospel is just amazing yeah it's so true yeah he'll show up I'm so glad to get out of the way cuz he's he's the whole reason we're there anyway to be honest with you I can talk and just preach or teach everything we need to but if you'll show up it's like no use you know easier Aloha can I be naughty and ask if we can get inside your relationship which is because obviously you know I'm sharing here honoring the fruit of your life but it really is either profound revelations you have all that you're walking in the signs and wonders and miracles and but it is all truly and truly because of your simple relationship with Jesus where you do you live a life of devotion so what the people here are maybe struggling right now you're watching that whatever is going on in in their lives what would you advise people to do right now how do you maintain your connection with Jesus yeah that's a great question and love it even if we have time for you to expand because I think the same of you and I'd love to hear but um you know it's funny as I've been in ministry for running them over years now I travel quite a bit as you do and you start to see a lot of different walks in life and you realize a lot of different people are different places just a plethora of depth and spirituality and so I've become more kind of casting the net hopefully hit them all and because I'm at a place now and you're always growing and wanting to learn more you can never exhaust the fullness of Jesus and that's what I love every day he's fresh manna that you've never quite tasted like that before the life is on his presence and voice you know the fragrance there's something about him and uh he just messes you up but for people abroad to answer that question you know I remember when I was in Bible College my early days I didn't know a whole lot as far as posturing or how many how to connect with God if you will just simply put and so I knew it was Assemblies of God you know it was raising now nondenominational church something like praying in tongues read the Bible and like sing songs it was very simply put and I think sometimes that helps for even some that may be listening and that's all they they don't know a real connection how to connect with God and what I would say is you know if you feel the stirring which I believe you will and even listening with myself and Liz if you just begin to yield yourself to a place of being with him then wherever you you feel you're at where there's some great maturity level or not I love that God will meet you there if you go call heartily after him you know Jeremiah 29:13 says the day you seek me with all of your heart that's when you'll find me and Hebrews I love he says he's a rewarder of those who gently seek him and suck and remember early days for me it doesn't have to be this way for everybody but sometimes for me and my journey and process it was really just going for it and I didn't realize I look back now and I was working out a lot of my haven't yield my soul to the Spiritist presence was there he's the fountain of life always went ready to be dipped into and drink no drink from but it was my being able to connect in my obscurity while trying to hear him and the more you do it it's like riding a bike or bankers with money that they're around it so much that soon as counterfeit comes in they can tell and I would just encourage somebody just began to spend time with him not a legalistic thing but a holy infatuation a devoted radical love and sometimes discipline is good though you see in Scripture to do I believe all of a sudden discipline leads to delight and you want to live out of place of delight you know the bosses strive to enter into rest but sometimes I've been in this place plenty and sometimes people are here they're just busy and their soul have a lot going on and you have to sometimes apply discipline to then enter into rest and I like I like in the secret place often to a kite and sometimes when you just start to fly up kite it's it's rough at first you got to run more effort and try and get wind and you know put more focus and then once it hits the high height so those who wait upon the Lord Isaiah 40 they'll mount up on wings like eagles you begin to catch this wind of the Spirit and it takes you so high that then there's so so much less effort on your and you're just holding the string coasting in the wind of his presence and and sort of encourage people that are deeper and not this long in it to just go be with the Lord do what you know you sincere in the heart and and I he'll meet you where you're at begin to pull you into deeper places you know because for me was praying in tongues reading the Bible and then later I started finding out I had an encounter that opened up the seer realm I would start to see and wait upon the Lord to see what he would say to me and there was a Stallman's along the way but yeah in Corel O'Hare Gilmer always says just do it like just be with him you know how do I encounter the Lord like how does time with him just do it because that's normally the problem yeah when the secret place is I forget how I do words it exactly but if you'll just make a he's Jesus says I am the man of the kingdom from heaven meeting daily bread the man came not every day and if we'd make that time for to be with him he'll meet you he'll take you deeper and you'll notice his voice will come more clear and you become like that what you spend time with so you become more into his likeness and and be become consumed by him and and that's all it's sort of happened in ministry I started realizing places I was tapping into in secret we're starting to overflow in public and I was like oh you know I didn't know I sort of connected to is by accident really on my part I just loved him like I do today very simple II minded you know start you know as you know I would start to get involved enveloped by realms of his presence and they get on you it's the anointing you're painted with certain aspects of him and then you just go out in public to love people like he tells you and that same aspect starts dumping out and it's the whole abide in me that my words are biting you and then you'll bear fruit and so you know what encourage people abide in him daily bread and just go for it enjoy the journey yeah I love your language Brian I love the fact that you make him so accessible you know because you're it and I love what you say that it's it's authenticity it's your authentic searching for him just the eyes of your heart just seeking after him yes so good even that tiny little bit of hunger it's so it translates into his heart is our authentic love our tiny little weak attempts to reach out to that's real that's love and just sitting there in the simplicity of the moment just wanting to reach to him you know I don't really like Brian said I encourage you family just sit down find somewhere quiet for 10 minutes even in the midst of you know your life in the mornings and to have that as a discipline give it to him like a date you know give it to ya calm and just as you turn the eyes of your affection it's so good to him the attention of your heart to him even I mean one of the ways I go in is through the word I love the Bible but yeah just sitting there using the Word of God as a doorway you know but like you just with that really law childlike simplicity apart it's not it's for children isn't it the kingdom of God can be received as children it's not it's complicated it's not that physical two steps to being intergalactically enlightened it's just a simple posture of the heart I need you Jesus completely it's so good we were created for him and when we taste him there's no comparison we're ruined for everything else mmm so good yeah and I love like you're saying to to leave it and I've learned this just over the years and to leave it brought enough to because I believe like you're saying it's it's authentic and real to each individual and they're even there their posture and connectivity to God I've learned is very different from person to person and that that's what I think's the beauty of it it's very relational very custom to each individual and so while yet I may have some certain what but the door of the word for sure lately it's been awesome I'll use my morning time is more presents and just being with him whether it's praying in tongues waiting in silence soaking just pursuing and worship whatever it might be you know I'll drop back a second part of the day and get in just the word and there's juice is stronger presence though in the word like you said it's a doorway 100% you know and I'll sit there and just camp out and sometimes it's going through a good bit of content or sometimes it's just I'll get stuck on one verse no I can't get past just chewing orange Jesus and go through it and and but what I love is is yet to encourage people it's funny like even my my daughter is 18 year old daughter and my son Judah 16 and they're so different on how they're they're wired and their makeup and even their approach to God and as a father I had to learn that even raising them from from young and I think it's awesome to let people be them even because that's how God created them to how they would relationally connecting with God you know and so I think I love that you you point that out but you know we feel the need sometimes to leave it broad enough so people can be them because that's like you said it's holy and pure it's it's real and that's what he connects to versus trying to copy your oh they're doing this I need to do this you know what sometimes you can get down trails that there's really not wind on for you because it's not authentica who you are and how you would connect with God you know so yeah absolutely the other thing that I loved what I loved when you just said there was such a little weight on it as you spoke was literally how we become what we behold yeah on us you know and really strong Wow you know that it's a supernatural dynamic isn't it of our relationship with him and just I mean so many of you out there will know this but just encourage you right now everything that Brian and I've been speaking about you know the seven spirits of God the awakening this whole time where we where the entire Bride of Christ globally is going to shine Jesus we're going to radiate Jesus and though the world is awaking up right now you know that's why so there's so many different spiritual conversations going on you know all over the world and and people are searching for truth and we have the privilege of radiating him you know being with him in the secret place and like you said you know you go in and what you're living in the secret place in your relationship with him that heart our communion and what he's infusing you with of himself then comes out in public you know and Ansem you know and he just looks so awesome doesn't evil we know it's nothing to do with us it's him it's so funny when you sometimes when we're sharing at conferences and you know you come off the platform people come over and talk with you and you've been shining and they talked in you can see they're slightly underwhelming yeah I mean I think that's one of them beautiful things in it the more we're able to be with him and commune with him and have him meet our every need and be everything that we we need him to be for us you know he expands his nature inside of us and his presence alters and fills us and before we know it our nature in his nature has become so comprehensively fused together shining the Lord's you know feel him and experience the fragrance of Christ in you from my life and that's so obvious in your life right and I know you would necessarily say that about yourself because you're so humbled but it's so obvious when you're you know when we're around each other you just you can see you're a man who just sits quietly with the Lord who prioritizes his presence and then lives runs in the nations from that from the secret place actually and you and you can see that as well you print you can net you protect the connection with God in your interior life I'm it's like I see that in you that you go slow on the inside even in the midst of your busyness you're aware yes Oh true that there will first off thank you thank you so much it means more than you know it's super encouraging but that's a while you're real accurate all right now you can see it you know yeah so but that's the most important thing is now and it really is like you know just be encouraged everybody watching and listening this is this is the way we were created to live you know and it's not complicated it's accessible it's for all of us it's not just for a few of visits this is our this is the secret life and the fruit of it you know and the most important thing is that we protect our connection with him in ways like you are sharing you know just spending time with him every day being authentic real yeah amazing it's amazing life isn't it we Rev alleged and it's I am so passionate told you turned into a crazy evangelist you're like a hybrid you're you're like you're everything against oh really you're you're a mix of all everything it's so awesome I'm seeing that more and more on if you are a bit like these Swiss Army knife holy ghost that they got every blade there is you know evangelist prophet than you know and it's I think it's beautiful yeah I see you flowing in so much it's incredible we did we do I think his Jesus did me and I think getting out the way and just loving him and letting him take over and be God through us his body well well we're seeing that send you I'm seeing it all over the place in finishing can would you pray for everybody listening by him would you just go into your beautiful communion with Jesus of course be honored to do whatever he says whatever you want to speak I know you just you speak his heart so whatever you want to share please wonderful because I know this is a life-changing conversation for a lot of people yeah for everybody right awesome yeah so each and everyone listening if you could just begin to see the Lord you know David wrote I set the Lord always before me and he is the gateway to all of life nobody who comes to the Father but through Jesus so you begin to see him now we'll pray Lord we love you thank you for you come Holy Spirit pray even now each and every one in your homes and your cars wherever you're at receive right now be filled with the Holy Spirit thank you for what my self and lives were talking about the seven spirits of God but a fullness of all of who you are Lord Jesus possess your people awaken your bride call us higher to be a supernatural awakening deep within their spirit it could be a union with you like never before those that are joined to you or one in spirit I pray for intimacy which is at the top would pop off of that whole paradigm be deep deep intimacy encounters like never before the Word of God I pray come alive and just pull people into Encounters of who you are and just see people weeping weeping from being overwhelmed with your intimate presence sustained pockets and windows and days and hours of remaining in your glory and people weeping by intimacy and going out like Liz as light bearers in the earth like bears and it's like swords of light why that is with swords of light in the earth from sustained glory in intimacy with you and even now God I thank you for Liz amazing in time Brian around mouthpiece ambassador of crisis to speak a blessing over her her ministry X exponential grace favour abundance I never before thank you and we love you Jesus be glorified in Jesus name oh my goodness Brian there's so many revelations flowing through my spirit right now we could talk about ours please come back and have another conversation any time I didn't hear all of the seven spirits ones I can tell you just sharing like four out of 40 I said my one from like 2006 just incredible Wow so so rich I'm like this is for everybody just so be encouraged same Jesus same holy spirit in all of this every single one of us was supposed to be a living epistle right carrying the revelation of Jesus so well can remember who they are me Brian thank you so much it's really really precious time together of course that's an honor thank you having god bless you bye and thank you so so much everybody thank you for joining us today really really special episodes down you is going to be and have an amazing week and look for to be with you again next week [Music]
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 18,023
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Id: 8R91M24Bn9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.