The Power of His Blood w/ Gary Beaton

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[Music] i am liz wright welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour [Music] hi welcome to live your best life with me liz wright thank you so much for joining us today today's show is going to be very empowering so fasten your seat belts you are probably going to be stretched in what you hear but the person that's going to be sharing with me today joining me for today's conversation is a father of the prophetic movement internationally he is respected and a father to many many a mental to many many leaders around the world he really is very dear to myself and my husband wesley we have known him for a long time now and trust him and the integrity of his life the fruit is evident and he very much is a friend of jesus so with all of that said i just want to honor and welcome my guest my friend really on to today's show gary beaton good to have you with us gary oh thank you liz it is a joy it's such a great joy to be with you uh great honor my goodness i appreciate it very much thank you and we love you gary and we so honor your voice particularly in this hour in such serious times what you carry not only of your rich long history with jesus but the constant current revelation that you have as you share your life with him you know and right now it's so needed the prophetic perspective is so needed so what i wanted to start with today gary really was to ask you about some of the revelation that you carry with regards to the blood the authority and the power of the blood of jesus because i know you've had lots of experiences and prayer journeys very significant prayer journeys down the years where the lord has taught you through encounter and experience and from the word of god some of these profound principles that have played out through these different assignments that you've been on so it obviously right now to empower the family worldwide you know it's so important we understand the blood the authority of the believer because of the authority of the blood of jesus and what he's done for us so could we jump in and can i just ask you to start there would you share with us what the lord has shown you sure liz um many years ago the lord had me begin at the same time he had me begin to search the word for every scripture on the blood life is in the blood uh at the same time he had me start taking communion every single day this is back in the 90s um and and so that over time that revolutionized my life and it was to equip me so i could equip others but it was to take me on these journeys it would take me on german journeys of redemption um actually the blood holds the greatest power of the universe it it is absolutely the finished work of the cross uh not only uh gave us life and gave us redemption salvation but it paved the way for everything else that god was going to do in the earth you know it says in revelation 12 11 it says and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death the blood holds the greatest power it is the love of god it is the love of god that he would lay down his life willingly he'd lay down his life that was the greatest expression of god's love was the cross so um it's fantastic he began teaching me principles he i began having encounters he began teaching me principles of the blood and how to apply it how to activate it you know um and so i i would encourage people if if you're not taking communion because it always takes me back to the cross you know i still take it most every day and i sup with him that's the way i see it he stands at the door knocking wanting to come in and sup with us and that's the way i see it is getting to take time to sup with him um and drink him in it's a way of actually drinking in the very power of the cross honestly something tangible takes place when we uh that helps to transform us i believe from glory to glory as as we do this um along with the principles of redemption he taught me uh about the power of losing the blood he's especially as an intercessor as a warrior you know i'm a prayer warrior from the beginning i came to the lord in the early 70s and and i was always an intercessor he raised me up to to war and um to stand in the gap and believe um this is for healing of course it is by stripes were healed um it is for healing it's for a number of things it's it has the power to redeem time to alter time literally to buy back and to change the course of history [Music] he taught me in loosing the blood and this is something fierce something and you can feel the authority in it you know he says resist the devil and he will flee from you um so when a man it's on i tell him this is the word of god i resist you satan you must flee that's just simple the word of god he watches over it the enemy cannot stay if you're in warfare you're getting beat up you're under torment you can take authority over the spirits of torment but this is simply is saying i resist you satan you have to flee and he will flee just that simple he flees but what's even more powerful is losing the blood i loose the blood against you satan i mean he's tormented he's terrified when they even hear about the blood demons shriek and scream and run i mean it's it's all about war um and it's probably our greatest weapon people haven't thought of the blood as a weapon and i believe the lord really wants us to understand that it is it is the greatest power against the enemy um as well as anything else has the power to heal it is actually the very thing that raised christ from the dead in hebrews 11 um in hebrews 13 20. it's it's a benediction but it says that that the great shepherd of the sheep um was raised from the dead by the eternal blood of the covenant this is a wild concept that's why the lamb was slain outside of time before the foundation of the world the lamb was slain outside of time so that the eternal covenant could be set in place so that when um the precise moment when christ was in the tomb that eternal covenant would would hearken his the need for him to be raised from the dead it was actually the blood that was shed outside of time that hearkened his body to to resurrect um that is phenomenal that's the power of redemption that's why he was slain outside of time so the death couldn't hold him in the ground in this natural realm it could not hold him because the covenant was already set in place it's it's wild wow gary that's profound oh my goodness i am gonna meditate on that and go inside that word you know when you're speaking holy spirits just reminded me of an encounter i had a while back quite a while back now it was about what you're talking about it's about the message of the blood and i was i was in the kitchen cooking i was not actually it was not having a very holy moment and i literally i was just cooking and then suddenly the realm opened up and jesus was standing in front of me and he told me there were lots of things in the encounter but the pertinent part for right now is he um he pulled me up and i found myself high above in the throne room and there were just countless numbers you know of people that surround the throne and in one accord over and over and over they were all saying together it is finished it is finished and they said it three times and it boom through my spirit and i could feel it going out where the spirit of god is in all of us millions and millions of us all around billions of us all around the world i i felt the sound of it is finished booming out through because of the spirit of god through into everybody's spirit around the world and in that moment the infused knowledge from god was that the message of the blood is coming back center stage in our generation in our time now and we are going to understand revelation is going to click it's going to drop that we are we're going to understand the blood what the blood has done and it's the message that satan fears the most like you said because we overcome because of the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony and that so this is the message that he fears the most because this is us then moving in unprecedented authority to remove darkness to literally shut it down break the the earth free from its bondage to decay co-reign with christ literally to finish up the redemption of all things as he invites us to partner with him in that so when you were speaking i thought oh my goodness and i've this is that this is the message you're carrying with regards to the blood is part of that understanding that's being released to the bride right now which is so important and obviously you've been showing this for a while but it's so important right now because it activates the authority that we need to move in where we do not entertain the realm of darkness we just evict it and continue to move on in extending the kingdom with our eyes on the firmly fixed on the face of jesus so i loved what you said the phraseology that you use then of of you you you don't just please the blood you can release the blood what was the actual phrase that you used to lose the blood use the blood to lose the blood so how can you give us an example of how we do that well it's it it goes back to the the um the principle of binding and loosing jesus told him i give you the keys of the kingdom whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven whatsoever you loose on earth this loosed in heaven we bind all kinds of things mostly to demonic but we what do we ever lose we don't ever lose much of anything and that's when he began to teach me i want you to lose the power of the blood with authority and as you meditate on that um he gives he will give you all kinds of situations where uh you can put a demand on it in fact you're losing the demand uh on it the leverage it has leveraged the power to leverage situations um and so it it will break the back of situations [Music] honestly it it will in prayer in intercession to use it it will the lord will quicken it by the holy spirit when to use it and i don't say this lightly i mean this is the fear of the lord i i handle the communion i handle the blood i handle the finished work with the fear of the lord with holiness and trembling so i don't just go around loosing the blood this is not something just to to do carelessly or foolishly this is this is frightening to handle it and misappropriate it the way he taught me is that we're royal priests we're priests these are eternal things as the as as a royal priesthood um [Music] powerful gary like um one of the things jesus has spoken to me about is that he's restoring the aura of god to us i've been feeling the spirit of the fear of the lord's presence helping us and um to enable us to steward power which is what you're talking about we're talking about handling the most precious gift of all which was the sacrifice of jesus and then being entrusted with tremendous power absolute power that comes through the application of the blood and so like you say not to do that lightly you know not to handle the greatest treasure of all lightly and he's helping us right now and i really believe that because of what he's been showing me that we're being graced with the ability to operate in humility wieldedness surrender increased capacity to trust him and to see him as king and to operate in the aura of god again that's to to couple together with the intimacy that we know we are his beloved but also that he's sovereign king and that is coming back so we can steward the blood you know liz probably the greatest example in loosing the blood is on my journeys on my prayer journeys the assignments he sent me around the world to do um is he has me go to certain place geographic locations where something took place he has the power to redeem breaches where sin cause breaches in time he can heal the fabric of time with the blood and overturn it and ripple it forward to the future but it it happens um on bended knee it happens on on my knees with communion in my hands repenting for something that took place so it's in the place of the greatest humility with tears in that identification repentance um taking it upon ourselves weeping between the porch and the altar with the blood applying the blood that way through tears that releases the greatest force in the universe to actually unseat principalities i'm not out swinging my sword i'm not out making declarations in fact the greatest declarations are released in brokenness and and um that humble place of repentance with the blood um my goodness that releases um the greatest power uh i've ever seen i have countless examples of of the lord altering time altering situations bringing refreshing refreshing and redemption in that restoration of all things i believe that it is it is through that brokenness of what he paid for it's entering in to that place of his sufferings that releases that power wow gary it's very holy and it it's it's the key isn't it it's literally like sitting at his feet acknowledging that he is god and we are not we are grace to be carriers of his presence but actually apart from him we can do nothing but reconnected and yielded like you say to where you're in humility on your knees worshiping the king of glory and then his power cascades it's not us his power cascades worship him in the beauty of holiness it's the thing isn't it it's um displacing principalities and powers in humility out of our love for him he does he does as we just agree with him as his revelation flows so can you give us a can you give us a snapshot of an example of of one of the times where one of the i know you've got many many many experiences that you've had with him on the prayer journeys where you've seen the fruit of when you felt the shift you know you've just come out of that experience and you know 100 the lord has just intervened in in history um you know sir he um in 2007 he began asking me he he said um he began asking me what year it was what time is it and i said you know it's 2007. he said how many years has it been since luther nailed the thesis on the door and i calculated back it had been 490 years um since he had nailed the thesis on the door in germany um and he said i want you to go to wittenberg i want you to go to repent for luther and i didn't know what he's talking about um and so i had to it always involves research you know he's always asked me you know whenever he's going to send me somewhere i have to do my work um to apply myself to understand what he's saying they're mysteries so it turns out in 15 15 three years before he died martin luther wrote a pamphlet called the jews and their lies and it was the biggest mistake of his life he wrote a little pamphlet an anti-semitic pamphlet called the jews and their lies this is the true story and um and what it ended up doing is causing the expulsion of the jews throughout europe and honestly it caused the expulsion of all the jews throughout europe and then ultimately hitler used it in the holocaust the night of the broken glass actually happened on luther's birthday in 1938 and they held up this pamphlet to the jews in in the concentration camp uh camps to say look what your luther did look what your god did you believe in jesus and i'd never do any of this and the lord and it broke my heart the lord said i want you to go and to stand in the gap i want you to go to wittenberg on the 49th anniversary to the day 24-hour period i want you to go to that door i want you to go and and stand in the gap and repent for luther and undo what he did i want it's needful and so i did um i i actually made it within the 24 hour period and again it takes um it it's that brokenness it's standing in the gap weeping between the fortune the ultra um as though i was luther i took it on like jesus took it upon um and people say well you can't repent for someone else's sins well the lord jesus said um i give you the power to remit sin so um i did i i went in that time period and uh bowed down i mean the tears the the weeping um sometimes it's uncontrollable you know the at the grief of what took place and the power to put the blood on it and redeem that and turn it back and it's rising up out of that making the decrees that it can heal that breach in time as though it never happened and it can wash that away and cleanse that out and i i believe well there's it would take too much time but there's been a series of things that have happened through the year since 2007 that are remarkable um to go back to that turning point and what took place in the redemption um uh it's it's stunning it's that's just one example but it's stunning um and i received a message from someone that um um that they had had a dream out of the blue that luther had come up to me and was weeping he had come up to me from the great cloud and he was weeping and he was so thankful that i had had overturned that in uh and what he had done in his lifetime the grief when he found out later what he had done um just to think hitler had done that so that's um there's so many more but but it's sweet just to think the blood can do that the blood can it's done in my own family it um he took me on a trip to scotland um with my own ancestors that were burned at the stake um there's countless examples where tangible things happen because god sent me to a place to apply the blood um with weeping asking forgiveness for what took place um and seeing the blood redeem and put it back right and it can ripple into the forward and into the future it's that back to the future principle where it goes ripples back to the future um um to make it functional where he'd been dysfunctional so it's just amazing it's amazing isn't it the absolute power of the blood of jesus like you say you know with with luther that grievous mistake that he made he he brought forth something that transformed church history but yet he was also completely blinded in another area and the mercy and grace of jesus to do that and began and begin restoration for all of the families that were devastated all that happened as a result of that like you said how hitler used that document and committed atrocities you know the enemy just used it for evil but then how we in these incredible journeys we'll only know in heaven the fullness of me but i think that's amazing that the lord then had somebody else bring a dream to confirm to you what was going on in heaven is my understanding of that dream you know that literally was going on you know in the spirit realm that's so amazing gary thank you for sharing that i know these are treasures of your life and they are holy before the lord and i think these kind of stories right now well they're they're the testimony of jesus aren't they you know it's this is what goes on in our lives and it's what he like he invites us into and um i think it's it's so important for all of us at the moment to see the sovereignty of god get a little glimpse you know more of the sovereignty of god that he really is the alpha and omega he is lord of history he is lord of time he he is creator god like you said you know he can change time where the enemies come in and destroyed and aborted the purposes of god and brought destruction when there was supposed to be blessing um you know but it and god he wraps up human history in accordance with you know like i've said before with the council of his will so gary thank you in just in closing could i ask you to just pray that people will really begin to embrace the blood the message of the blood yes father i just thank you for these moments these precious moments with liz i thank you for the anointing right now father god um and and i just released it father i thank you uh for the understanding of these eternal principles of the blood the finished work of the cross father there will be more uh the more released in understanding in the last days about the blood than uh ever in history and i thank you father it has the power to heal the power to to bring hope and redemption in families and personal situations i'm asking father for uh the revelation of communion just personally that would draw uh everyone listening to a deeper place with you one-on-one every single day that they their lives would be dramatically changed and impacted as they begin doing this often with you not out of legalism but out of a heart to want to be near you to want to be transformed to want to be changed to be made into your image it's all about you so i praise you for a fragrance i pray you'd send salvation you'd spend send the reign of righteousness and raise up salvation in lives of all listening the restoration of all things father god it is your heart you're the redeemer and you want us to be redeemers i thank you jesus i release that blessing the redeemer's blessing the father's blessing on everyone listening i pray to empower them to stand stronger than ever in these times under the canopy of the blood in the power to loose the authority of it in jesus name we agree we agree and that you will know with every fiber of your being family that it is finished and that you will go forth from golgotha not moving towards it begging but for things to happen which is understandable when we're feeling weak but actually that fresh faith as gary has been sharing i know that fresh faith has been powering up inside of you you know this is who our god is and he invites us into the most incredible journeys with him as many of us know there's always more and so i i thank you jesus for every single one watching or listening right now the family of god worldwide would move in to a place of a fresh level of faith in you of trust in who you are of understanding of the power of the blood that's available to us all the time the sovereignty of who our god is we do not need to fear as gary was speaking i could feel and i felt before we began the show actually that the lord wants to break the impact of the spirit of fear of us and to understand with fresh eyes who our god is and that he is for us he's not against us and there is no battle going on between satan and god god is god satan and all of his cohorts are defeated created beings and when we see who we are it's games that match the battle's over identity so i thank you jesus for everybody securing who they are today and who you are the supreme court so thank you for joining us today gary thank you so much for giving us your precious time and for releasing the treasure that's in you we really honor you we just thank you so much for being who you are bless you and bless you all for listening look forward to being with you again next week have an amazing [Music]
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 12,805
Rating: 4.9558825 out of 5
Id: sXZSt42ngfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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