Remaking my WORST Old Minecraft Videos

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today i'm going to be doing something potentially quite stupid i'm going to take my least popular videos literally the lowest viewed videos on my channel all the videos that the fewest number of people have chosen to watch and i'm going to take those videos and i'm going to put them into a new video i'm going to combine all of my least popular videos and make a new video out of them if that's not a recipe for enormous success i don't know what is that was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell now before we start i want you as the viewer to rate each one of these builds from one which is totally pants up to 10 which is totally amazing if we end up with a bunch of pants in the comment section and i've totally failed if we end up with a bunch of tens and you're all delusional let's crack on with our first redstone build and this first one is the redstone fire pit now this is i i mean i can totally understand why this wasn't popular it is utterly pointless um it doesn't i mean it looks kind of cool but i would not be surprised if nobody ever constructed this never nobody else other than me so let's try and at least make it somewhat cooler i think one thing that we do have now is we have cooler blocks that we can build this thing out of sandstone and stone slabs isn't exactly sinister looking for a fire pit today i learned that you can't place nether warts on wart blocks all right i would say we were off to a good start here nothing to do with the redstone but this definitely looks cooler oh now one thing that i haven't checked does this game mechanic still work um well this oh what a failure okay fire charges no flint and steel also no but i'm not afraid because we have campfires and campfires are pretty sweet yeah that immediately looks way cooler that actually looks really really good didn't really give myself much space to play with here it's time for some redstone so when we flick the lever for the first time that should send a redstone signal up to the top that will dispense the water putting out our campfires then when we flick the lever here that will activate our flint and steel and don't worry this piston won't be activated because i'm going to be making use of the greatest block in the game the target block it's also worth mentioning that my original fire pit made use of fire charges which is totally ridiculously expensive whereas this one makes use of flint and steels i would say that immediately upgrades it from a pants oh i know nothing about minecraft clearly thankfully all hope has not been lost because campfires can be extinguished by being hit with a splash water bottle i'm just hoping that none of them miss well that was unbelievably cool okay this this is this is actually this is annoyingly really cool like i kind of want one of these in my base can you imagine if you had a bunch of them man and it's consistent as well those splash water bottles they are not missing i'm just i'm picturing like a bunch of these things lined up on either side of a walkway and then they just gradually ignite going down the oh that looks so cool well build number one was an unexpected success build number two is the simple minecart catcher not exactly the most exciting title for a video i've ever come up with but the idea is is that the minecart is constantly cycling around until you hop into it and then it allows you to travel off which sounds quite noisy to be honest with you it also seems like it would be quite difficult to get into as you've got to chase the minecart around and if you come into it from the other direction then you're gonna have to be quick to jump out because if not you're gonna bounce off the back wall and then just go back the way you came i can also totally understand why this video was not popular it's pants so let's try and make a new and improved slightly fancier version i want to maintain the hands-free element which is why we're making use of string but i also want it to have automatic player ejection and also automatic minecart breaking and redispensing which all sounds really complicated but it really isn't in fact if i haven't overlooked something completely major this should be everything of course i have a look something major so this is the new and improved design and it is working absolutely perfectly and looking incredibly fancy while doing it and if for whatever reason i was concerned about runaway minecarts where the minecart has escaped without me in it not that that would really happen with a system like this but still it could be a concern that's all was the point of the original video solving a problem that essentially nobody has then i could construct one of these things now this is a minecart catcher so if i hop in this minecart here and then hop out of it you can see the minecart has been captured by the system now if i eventually come along and want to ride in this minecart i can just hop inside and move away but if i'm inside of the minecart then i shouldn't be captured by the system so that looks strange but it worked cool i would say we have executed both elements of the original design far better than i did previously let's move on to unpopular build number three and that is my fancy dynamic fire lighting now funny story this was actually uploaded two days after my simple minecart catcher so clearly i wasn't having a good week on youtube but the idea is simple it converts a flash regular minecraft wall into a wall with fire in it pretty fancy but not fancy enough for me first plan of action to make this thing look cooler is to make use of stairs and also double the height of the opening because when it was just it was like this one by one gap and then a fire in it i mean that that just looks a little bit pants doesn't it i've said pants a lot today and that is not an issue so stage one of the process is now all complete we have got the retraction and already this is looking pretty fancy i always love the transforming stairs trick it's one of those things that has been around since i think around about 2012 2013 but it is just it's fantastic the final part was to connect up our flintland steel dispenser to the rest of the circuitry so that would fire so we actually would get a fire and that did involve me changing up the double piston extender circuit just to make life easier but there's still this is not new technology you know this was around when i did the original build in fact this might be the same double prison extender i used it is the same double piston extender i used i'm not entirely sure that's a good thing but let's move on from that because this this this is pretty fancy isn't it this is very fancy i am a fan i am an enormous fan of this i don't know if it's because i haven't done any form of fire lighting essentially since 2013 so it feels new and fresh to me but i just love the way that this looks and i'm hoping that because of the way that i've done the redstone we should be able to have a bunch of them next to one another and they should have an inbuilt sequence to them oh my goodness it actually works well this is epic this is epic i mean look at that i want that i want that in my base and in my house right now i think it's safe to say that i'm jumped a bit with that one anyway now it is time to take a look at my fourth most unpopular redstone video this one being my cauldron storage system which is the most pointless thing i've ever had in my entire life and fun fact about this one is it was uploaded the day before my fire pit my least popular redstone video so i really this was not a good week for me but that being said although this build was utterly pointless in 2013 i mean why would you need to store a bunch of filled cauldrons nobody needs that in 2021 it actually is quite useful because of drip stones so we can have these cauldrons automatically fill up but only have one of them visible on the outside which is that's actually quite nice i was an innovator i was eight years ahead of my time so the first thing has been completed which is the cauldron retraction through the wall so that retracts it back puts it in the piston feed tape and then that allows it to rotate round that oh that could be an issue but after a little bit of expansion it wasn't and now all of the wiring for the piston feed tape is in place so we essentially have a standard observer based piston feed tape this piston over here is activated when this double piston extender fully retracts so that will push this one out and that will start the cycle of the piston feed tape the only slight piece of fancy redstone that i've had to do is add a little bit of wiring for this piston over here because we don't have room to fit the observers in this wall so i've actually had to connect those into the circuit but other than that this is super super simple and as far as i can tell it all seems to be working so let's get this filled in this is taking a little bit too long for my liking so i think we should speed things up just a little bit there we go that's a little bit more like it and now this utterly pointless utterly utterly pointless build that i constructed back in 2013 now actually has a purpose and it's actually pretty cool like this is a really neat way to store a large quantity of lava without having it visible okay okay i know i know i've said this a bunch in this redstone video i know i say a lot in my redstone videos but i kind of want this in my base i like this i'd like i'd like to have it i think this means that it can't possibly be rated as a pants and i'm happy with that because the original definitely was firmly pants and on that note let's move on to the next and this one is known as the surfing safe drop now this is an anomaly in this video because i generally think this thing is awesome i still think this thing is awesome and i remember recording the video and thinking it was awesome and i can't i can't for the life of me understand why it didn't it wasn't popular so let's bring it back now my only goal for this is to make sure that the little thing that i surf on is as thin as possible i want the smallest amount of water i would also like to make it fully automatic if i can that has not gone well it would help if i actually put a water bucket in my dispenser now just to be very clear this is not going to cut off the blades but it does dispense it in time perfect okay i think with this set up here we could be onto a winner what all right with this set up here i think we could be on to a winner goodness me please yes that is perfect it's a little bit more water than i was hoping for but i can't seem to be able to get that water blade any smaller anyway if i walk up to this thing and just drop through you can see that i look epic i look like a weird kind of superhero do i actually need to hold any buttons like do i need to hold the space bar i was holding the space bar then it actually doesn't seem like i have to this is wicked i mean sure it's not the fastest way of traveling vertically but it's definitely one of the most cool and now that it is fully automatic there's no fiddling around with buttons and things i honestly and i'm gonna say it i kind of want one of these in my base why do i want everything in my base you know what i was expecting this video to be a total failure but it hasn't been a total failure even if nobody watches it and it becomes my new most unpopular video it's been a lot of fun i've really enjoyed revisiting these old pants redstone contraptions and trying to make them better i hope you've enjoyed it as well and if you want to see more of this sort of thing then please let me know down in the comment section along with your ratings for all of the new and improved builds i can't wait to read them but anyway i hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next video see you and just as a completely unrelated update at the end of this video for those who don't know i am cycling 1 000 kilometers in october for the cycling projects charity and i'm currently at 225 kilometers covered which means i'm a little bit behind but i'm feeling good i'm feeling strong i'm making good progress and the donations page is ridiculous so thank you all for your generosity
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,555,588
Rating: 4.9819164 out of 5
Keywords: Remaking my WORST Old Minecraft Videos, Remaking my Worst Minecraft videos, Remaking my old Minecraft videos, Remaking my old Minecraft builds, Old Minecraft Videos, Old Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft 2012, Minecraft 2013, redstone, Reacting to my old Minecraft videos, Minecrafters react, Reacting to, Reaction video, Reaction, Reacting, reacting to my old Minecraft builds, old Minecraft builds, reacting to my old Minecraft, old school Minecraft redstone, Minecraft 1.17
Id: VY40QfRZn-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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