Most Satisfying things in Minecraft 1.17!

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minecraft is a very satisfying game not only is it incredibly satisfying to play but it's also incredibly satisfying in general like it's full of satisfying moments for example this sunset i mean that's mildly satisfying at least but with the recent minecraft 1.17 update the number of satisfying things in minecraft has dramatically increased so today we're going to be taking a look at a bunch of them skulk sensor waves so here we have a large area of skulk sensors and on top of those skulk sensors we have trap doors now obviously trap doors make noises that skulk sensors can pick up and if we send a noise into this system then that sound travels through all the skulk sensors but then all the trapdoors start activating the skulk sensors again and we end up with these crazy patterns that you never know what they're going to do and you just you get wild stuff going on i mean this is it's all it's almost like a form of art like look you can see we've got like spirals happening and now it's almost going fireworky and it's going off into the corners but then it's going to start chasing itself around i mean this is this is the sort of thing that i could genuinely watch all day long but now there's things moving from left to right it's crazy i might have to put up like a 10 hour version of this because it's just wild to me i tell you it isn't quite satisfying though the sound the sound that this makes is horrible a world of spore blossoms spore blossoms have this crazy particle effect and if you create an entire world of them then that is just amplified tenfold honestly i feel like i'm in some kind of instagram filter and that's quite it's quite cute it sort of suits me am i vibing i feel like i might be vibing the spyglass i just want to quickly apologize for the absolute slideshow that is my frame rate i'm loading a lot of chunks at this point in time but obviously it goes without saying that the spy glass is satisfying i mean look we can see a decent distance but if i couple the spyglass with an optifine zoom then we can see a very impressive distance however if we go completely insane and set the field of view to 30 then do an optifine zoom with the spy glass enabled as well we can see just absolutely ridiculous numbers of blocks away i mean this thing's impossible to control but look our little fella over there is filling a decent amount of the screen just look how far away that is walking on amethyst blocks i mean this is pretty cool isn't it i would i would describe this as a satisfying sound but what if i give myself speed two all right that's pretty satisfying we can definitely go further what about speed 255 what does that sound like hey i'm going invisible which is pretty insane but b it sounds like a corrupted mp3 gripstone removal ever since i constructed this thing i've been excited to see what will happen when i activate this observer right here oh man okay well that was fun while it lasted that was very satisfying while it lasted now it looks like it's just raining doritos which honestly that's actually pretty satisfying of itself i think my computer's about to catch fire but it was so worth it okay let's try this again i've now installed a command block that will automatically remove items as soon as they appear so that should hopefully help with our lag situation oh man i'm so glad that i did that that is the coolest thing i've ever seen well that was incredible i loved every second of that a world of copper but this isn't a regular copper world this is a copper world where the random tick speed has been increased to 30 000 which means that random tick events happen at 10 000 times the rate of a regular minecraft world so you can see oxidization is already starting to take place and what i find really interesting about the oxidization is you can see it happens in points so we get this spread of oxidization it starts from a single point source and then eventually we get these big areas of it that kind of spread out and then suddenly the whole area is filled look at this it reaches this critical mass and then suddenly everything is partially oxidized and the same thing goes for this stage of the oxidization it spreads out from a point and then suddenly we reach critical mass and everything just goes green all of a sudden it will happen look there we go boom green green everywhere everything is essentially green surrounding us and then here we have the final stage of the oxidization and of course it's the same thing once again what i find cool about this is this is like grass spread which is already incredibly interesting and satisfying but it's like a four stage grass spread and then was absolutely wild is on the edge of the loaded chunks obviously we have this kind of area of oxidization spread that is making its way into the regular copper and honestly this is a little bit scary grid of jumping goats this goat seems to be stuck in an endless state of ramming and is traveling at light speed off into the distance and i don't know what to do where on earth are you going what are you doing honestly i think that was a lot more satisfying than what i'm about to show you phoenix sc found a command that forces goats to jump and i thought they would all jump in synchronization but they're all slightly out of time and i would say it's actually incredibly unsatisfying coordinate yourselves glow squid pillars only good things can come from spawning in large numbers of entities and spawning in large numbers of glow squid honestly might be one of my favorite things i think it's the legs and also the sound as they fly past i mean that is i thought that's beautiful it's like the best waterfall ever wonder if i can add some pulses into the mix ah beautiful removing ugly blocks with moss the way that moss gets spread using bone mill is already incredibly satisfying and the look of moss is just it's fantastic there is definitely an extra layer of satisfaction when you're removing very very ugly blocks with it i mean look at this i want to see i'm a tiny bit disappointed though that it's not taking out all the ugly blocks give me a second i've devised a solution and of course it involves many flying machines and i would argue those are the best kind of solutions this ah there we go that's what i'm talking about that is what i'm talking about this this is this is beautiful to watch this might just be the most powerful block in the game it is a command block and inside of it is stored a rather hilarious command this is a command block that constantly spawns screaming ghosts and honestly i don't know if this is satisfying or horrific but i'm gonna lean towards satisfying this is hilarious are you not satisfied by this i'm very satisfied by this drip leaf parkour with this configuration right here it takes the perfect length of time to do a full loop and by the time you return back to the beginning your original drip leaf pops back up and then it's kind of a race to not fall through and you can do it forever unless you're a complete like me and forget the order that you're meant to be jumping on the drip leaves in more skulk sensor stuff look i'm well aware of the fact that it's a little bit cheaty me doing the same thing twice but come on you're telling me you don't want to see it in cube form look at this look at it ah it's so cool it is so cool i honestly don't know which one i prefer do i prefer the flat 2d version or do i prefer the 3d version i just i don't know all i know is it's wicked and i want one of these things on my desk giant lava collectors everyone knows i'm a massive fan of piston feed tapes i think they're the most satisfying redstone circuit so having an entire farm that is based solely around piston feed tapes well that just gets me incredibly excited couple of fact that you have lava and then drip stone and drip stone dropping lava into cauldrons i mean this might just be one of the coolest redstone farms i can think of in terms of its looks i'm sure someone will fight me on that down in the comments section i can't wait for it hitting a shot that you weren't expecting to hit which for me is basically every single shot that i take but i'm going to do something very special for you today and i'm going to go back to my call of duty days i've got my target over there and we're going to go yes that was wicked and no matter what anyone says that was totally my first try i don't know if faze clan is still doing trick shots but if they are just hit me up killing things with drip stone and what do i think is most deserving of death well of course it is this cylinder of wandering traders i mean that that was oh my goodness oh it's morphing clearly we need to surround this situation before it takes over the world and ah that was bliss honestly i feel i feel better now on the topic of blissful killing we've got another one on the way and this time it involves punching this guy into the void this guy being a screaming goat it does seem a little bit sad because he seems very trusting of me but [Music] that's not the scream that i was expecting but it was still funny but come on we all know what scream i'm looking for here also not the screw i was looking for but still satisfying in a slightly sadistic way breaking amethyst blocks we run on them now it's time to do some punching on them i mean that that already feels pretty good but just like the speed potions we can take it up a notch let me just warm up my clicking finger a little bit okay get a little bit faster and now i think i'm going to get there we go that's what i'm talking about i've been practicing all week for this that is i mean that is something i don't even see myself i don't know if this is satisfying or is that my brain look at me go though god haters will say that i've been using macros but remember they're just haters jump boosting a goat now honestly i fully expected these guys to be absolutely launching themselves into the stratosphere all the time but it seems like i actually don't do it that often but when they do they really do enter the stratosphere and just for peak entertainment i've also given them a slow falling potion which is hilarious oh and of course they're all screaming goats as well because you know they have to be screaming goats to me there really is only one type of goat let's see you'll know when one launches because there'll just be a flash on the screen oh one just went one just went did it go so high that it's just completely disappeared another one just went where are these things disappearing to oh my goodness they're flying past oh my word this is like the strangest power regiment that has ever existed i don't know about you but i am definitely feeling satisfied so now it's time for a bit of a throwback in my previous satisfying things in minecraft video i said that i was going to punch these end crystals and then i never actually punched the end crystals if i just leave this running for a little while longer i would say we have reached a pretty good level of end crystal there that is that is definitely something and now i guess we see what happens i'm kind of concerned three two one yeah that's sort of what i was concerned about that is a distinctly unsatisfying way to end this incredibly satisfying minecraft video anyway i hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next one see ya oh and please let me know down in the comment section what you think was the most satisfying thing in this video i personally am leaning towards the skulk senses i mean come on i feel like that's going to be pretty much everyone's because there's just it's mesmerizing it's impossible not to look away it really is it's like there someone needs to turn that into a physical product that you can put on your wall or your desk i would buy that immediately
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,750,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Most Satisfying things in Minecraft 1.17, Most Satisfying things in Minecraft, Minecraft 1.17, Satisfying things in Minecraft, Satisfying, Most Satisfying things, 1.17, Mumbo Minecraft, Minecraft is satisfying, very satisfying moments in Minecraft, satisfying moments in Minecraft, Minecraft 1.17: the caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs update, incredibly satisfying moments in Minecraft, satisfying moments, sculk sensor, copper oxidising, spyglass + optifine + FOV30
Id: wxGRGpBaaAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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