100 Days, But There Are Custom Dimensions...

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minecraft it's it's a game that needs more dimensions so i added a bunch of different ones with new bosses new areas to explore and lots of challenges oh and i also added a dimension that contains herobrine which um turned out to be a very very bad idea it's gone day time now my game has just crashed again so i'm going to attempt to survive 100 days with brand new dimensions the first thing i'm going to do is get some wood now let's make a few tools grab some flint and let's try and track down some iron the dimensions i'll be visiting are going to be very very dangerous so i'm going to need some decent armor before i dare go there let's make a furnace cook some iron with that i can make an iron pickaxe whilst i would love to explore this entire cave because it looks amazing i think that would be a bad idea and i've got to do something else first and that's something else is to make a flint and steal and get myself some cook food i have to say as far as exploration goes i'm not really in the place i want to be and it's starting to get dark which is slightly worrying thank goodness some sheep now i could uh take you out and get your wool or i could be a lot nicer waste some iron on shears and let you all live sometimes i'm just a sheep's best friend anyway let's get some sleep there are more pigs here but that looks like a happy family so i'm i'm not going to get involved you all know the hand are a lone pig that's going to get eaten got 13 pork chops that should be enough i think we explore this cave well i am right here let's set up a furnace smelt some of this and do some crafting i'm making a second furnace for good measuring to speed things up and creating some of that very precious armor i think it's also going to be a good idea to grab more wood before i go down caving since trees are a bit more scarce down there i'm now looking pretty good let's see where this cave goes you know there's more iron right here no shame that this cave's a dead end but tell you what loads and loads of iron everything i'm going to need for the rest of the day i'm sorted look at that fully suited and booted and full iron tools now then let's see if this direction of the cave is any better well it certainly goes down a lot deeper and then hits another dead end right we're just digging down look at that dug down straight into a cave we've reached lava level now the search is on for diamonds diamonds are going to be needed to travel across dimensions and also to get the best armor in the game no sign of them yet but we have got an enderman which is good sadly no pearl gold is also necessary to go to another dimension quite handy to find some water down here which can make this dangerous lava much much safer now i feel like i only have one choice nice to do some dive mining finally i have found some diamonds i took way longer than i was expecting four that's a pretty good amount and there is a mineshaft over here which i'd like to check out there's a chest here with sharpness three which could be useful and i kind of feel like i've explored all of the caves time to find the next thing i need which is a village and i think my best chance to find one is to get out of this forest whilst of course getting food on the way and possibly accidentally burning a forest down in the process okay i'm i'm just gonna walk away finally a plane's biome this makes it much easier to get food mission accomplished there's a village up ahead quite a big village there's lots of hay bales and i think right here is the perfect place for me to build a bit of a base i also have a ridiculous amount of cobblestone so i'm going to shove it all in that chest then do a bit of deforestation to make some space project destroy all the trees in the area is complete next it's time to remove a layer of dirt just spotted a pillager over here yeah just a random one on his own wait is this a patrol i hear another one i think he's underground yeah through here oh hang on we could do a raid here it's gonna block this up you guys stay in there not exactly what i had planned but this is a perfect opportunity perfect opportunity to get some totems let's put you in a boat so you don't despawn and then i can use him whenever i want and i can peacefully continue mining dirt and that is mission accomplished to flatten the area trees can be replanted all around here now let's use this wood to make a nice house oh my goodness another pillager patrol why am i getting so many of them looks like this captain is going in the boat as well kind of feel like i've gone a bit overboard and building this house yeah it's a two-story thing i wanted to be a really nice one although to build this giant house i've got to chop down more trees somehow i got a little bit carried away with building up here is an attic where i'll stormy chest this is gonna be my bedroom this is another random floor and then down here is where i'm going to have all the portals to different dimensions i think i've done enough building for now though i do need to kind of finish a few things here and there but more importantly i first want to trade with some villagers hello good sir how would you like to be scammed out of a load of emeralds looks like his answer to that proposition is no instead he's just admiring my house yeah that's right you guys are all peasant villagers i've got the best house around here meanwhile here's a load of wheat i can instead make you a fletcher i'll buy a bunch of arrows sell you some sticks and get hold of a bow next i've got to do something very important build a protective wall around them so the raiders can't hurt them and now there's only one thing left to do begin the raid a new axe and a new shield may also be a good idea let's go get them okay raiders remaining wait hold on a second looks like you are interfering with my plan so you're gonna have to get out of here this is when things start to get a bit more dangerous when the ravages turn up that's exactly why i got the bows now that ravages with riders on them are here yeah things are getting even worse um your eyes are not okay if he manages to get a pit he's no way he gets all the way up here that's right i built an entire fortress for this battle got rid of the rider another wave down there's one thing i didn't want it was to do a raid in a thunderstorm thankfully i can sleep through it this is where i have to be really careful because yeah vexes are very powerful although not powerful enough totem number one has been achieved now we get the double ravager one i believe this is the last wave and also definitely the hardest oh we already used the totem that's kind of annoying thankfully i can get another one right here look at this i've trapped him in my house that's how it's done also another totem due to vexes there's about 60 million mobs down there if i shoot enough arrows eventually i'll get rid of them all and let's finally get rid of this guy got plenty more emeralds from that and most importantly two totems i think we're far enough into this video now to go to another dimension it's a little bit risky because i mean i'm struggling to live in this dimension but i'm sure that i'll be fine also to signify my victory i'm gonna put their banners on the front of my house this is how we're gonna create the first portal we're gonna put a bit of water and get some more and the only other thing i need is a diamond let's place that there flowers around the outside and here we go the portal to the twilight forest has been created also suddenly one of the flowers was destroyed that is that is a bit of a sad moment and before i go through guys i'm trying to hit 3 million subscribers this year so if you're new you enjoy my videos please could you make sure to click the subscribe button without further ado to the new dimension and this is it yes not like back home for a start it's always night time here and everything is a lot more dangerous too found a lapis block above an obsidian pillar i believe that's where you find ravens you're not raven you're some sort of chipmunk here we go and i think if i take these out i get their feather then if i pop underground and grab one of these which is a torchberry i can then combine them in a crafting table and all i need is paper to create a map and what do we got over there sugarcane we need eight in total there's also some more across the river what do we got here it's a reindeer finally more sugarcane let's craft a load of paper and surround this feather and we've got the blank map now i'm going to carry that back to my portal and then let's open the map and it will see show me all the different structures in the area and that one with the green head looks kind of dangerous so that's where we're going what on earth is this place okay something called the naga oh my goodness it's a giant snake that's a snake head and it looks like it's coming right for me okay i hope he can't escape i don't think he can although he did break a load of blocks which really worries me that thing was terrifying am i ready for the twilight forest you know what i'd say probably not just yet i think getting some better armor would definitely be a wise move before i go back there in order to get that better equipment i'm gonna need to make some books and then i can trade with a villager and get some good upgrades i've got the books i need let's go ahead and also craft a lectern and it's time to do business with a villager not exactly what i was going for but i've got mending which is pretty hard to get so worth grabbing finally i've got what i wanted a protection book with a bit more trading i can afford some more then it's time for a mining expedition to get a load of diamonds i also need another aim for an anvil and there seems to be enough down here i'm pretty confident i can actually find diamonds here we're at a good level for it as long as i don't get blown back oh look at that what did i say guys what did i say two more diamonds a great start i also have all the iron that i need i also live above a mine shaft with look at that gold apple could be useful and a name tag that's nice i've got everything i need for this next phase and to get all the armor i need i'm going to use clay to find diamonds digging down here should be the ideal place i do hear lava though so i've got to be a little bit careful yeah look at that would have dug straight into him not today there is a little bit of noise it stops me getting the diamonds out of there make a diamond pickaxe to speed things up and collect some more diamonds and even more now i've got 18 and now i've got 30 diamonds and now with 38 diamonds i've yeah i've definitely got enough now let's discard this ruined armor and everything else basically you know what it's all getting burnt very careful not to burn me out down there and we replace this with full diamond armor and an axle shovel is going to be useful also if i get some gold i can make what's known as a scarab and daddy's going to allow me to travel to another dimension we'll also craft an anvil and then we can start getting good stuff on this chestnut look at that a prop 4 chest plate already yeah we're going to be much safer let's harvest all the sugarcane now let's buy three more protection books and add all of it to my armor and i can also apply mending to my chest plate i'll get it on all of them eventually and the sharpness 3 sword is going to be useful i think it's time that i built the next portal to another dimension and for this i'm going to need to collect quite a bit of sand that should be all the sun that i need but i'm gonna be turning it into sandstone i'll also buy three more mending books and add those to the rest of my armor and let's begin digging and build a room opposite the twilight forest portal so to build this we're gonna get a five by five of sandstone on the floor they're more around the edge which is going to hold water feel like i'm forever refilling my water buckets in this world then two pieces of sandstone in each corner and when i throw this scarab in if i've done everything correctly a portal is created i can't believe it worked now it's really annoying that these rooms aren't symmetrical this one's three wide this one's too wide so i'm going to make this one bigger there's literally no reason for this it's just my ocd now then we're breaking this break the portal it will and hey we got the water back if i build a bigger circle of dirt around and plant even more flowers around then chucking a diamond in should create a new bottle i thought for a second it didn't work look at that a much bigger one it just looks much better down here i also seem to have caught a dog and a cat in a boat which i don't know how that happened will you tame you know i'm getting you more bones and that is mission accomplished here we go good boy you're uh you know you can be released from the boat although the cat will escape i kind of want to tame the cat as well looks like we're doing a spot of fishing in that case all right kitty cat if seven fish isn't enough then nothing ever will be is that it one fish i think so right that's it let's let's let's release them man let's uh there we go we've got two new pets the dog couldn't be called doggo and i wanna do a little experiment okay can he go to the twilight forest we're gonna we're gonna send him through oh there right he's gone okay it worked no it didn't work oh wait you're here let's do another experiment then and see okay i i think they went through actually maybe not i can still hear them looks like that cat is going to be trapped in a portal for the rest of his life let's buy a few more arrows tame this dog because it keeps hanging around the house i feel like you want to be tamed oh you couldn't find that all right come with me you guard this door nobody in except for me okay now let's finish making this place look a bit better oops i accidentally walked through the portal there that was not intentional but hey we've uh we've entered the desert dimension it's actually called the atom and as you can see visibility isn't great we can actually get some gear that makes it better for us to see who on earth are you um friend or foe oh man there's a whole cavern okay foes you know what i'm out of here all right do not come through this portal i don't know why i ran away i have prop four diamond armor they're not like to beat me but i'm still building this okay i'm sorry about this cat you know what i've got to get you out of it okay i just feel bad for you you can't live forever in there you can sit right there i will use another diamond on this what a waste of uh of me diamonds not only diamonds but three gold as well so it's a good thing that diamonds are so easy to find chuck that in there lit again okay i want to put torches on top of each of these pillars and with that i think i'm ready i think i'm ready to see what the item has in store so first of all these guys all right are you are you all like annoying okay well you guys don't do much damage okay i am way more powerful than you all you should have come in peace how many of them there is there's absolutely loads there everywhere i have i have started a war that i cannot finish hello camel let's get out of it okay we can't ride you can i eat you that's that's my logic if you can't ride it can you eat it this is camel's everywhere although that's got a baby so we won't touch that i don't want to finish this battle one guy against 50 of them it's got to be a win for me what this ruins is i don't know i don't know what that spawned but let's uh let's get rid of that i don't know what this block is i i just break anything i say you just want to see whatever oh it's a chest i mean it didn't really have anything particularly useful oh it's a crate oh i say dirty coin washing water to reveal wait can i can i place water in this dimension i can okay let's go ahead and uh push it in water where are we getting coins golden coins that's pretty cool more of you guys you're just useless it's like another ruin a pyramid explorer map well i'm the kind of guy that would like to explore a pyramid looks like we're not far at all in this direction of course you guys are in the way good thing they're absolutely no threat whatsoever so here we are already okay let's just get rid of that and you as well diamond camel armor so they are ridable we've got dates okay wait can i eat dates oh look at that i mean in the the produce of the land it's a day it's the only day i got today another pyramid explorer map is that is that just to the same paper oh we haven't even made it to the pro video you think that i know what a pyramid looks like but uh apparently not i've come to realize that this place it probably isn't worth looting i think we've got another one of them here another you know what though let's just check out these chests more of the same rubbish i want loads of emeralds that's the dream that way i can trade them all to villages now then x marks the spot right here i don't i don't see a pyramid although i guess this kind of looks like a pyramid on the map and uh you'd have to say it is a pyramid it sounds like there's a lot of scary things inside okay is this is this the entrance way how do we are they target blocks you know let's let's stand back if we're gonna be if we're gonna be hitting target blocks you know we got to be uh a little bit careful apparently i can't hit the bullseye turns out that they're not target blocks at all okay take two let's uh we can't break in though apparently i need two nebu torches to open the door i have come across them in crates before so i'm going to start searching there we go i found one of the torches and another one right here found a third one was this a golden date is this like a really powerful one i just want to see what it does is it oh my goodness it's like a notch apple i just i just wasted it wow oh well that's that's great forget not chapels it's not dates that matter now so we can get a golden date you think we can get a notch one maybe you know i'd probably need a bastion to test that out though that's a pretty good shovel what is this is it a desert village you guys look at you living here in this barren world all i'm bothered about is is there any loot that i could steal course this stuff like can i just plunk that off yeah look at that i don't think i'm going to use that too much though it's just taking up space is there anything here i really want but what is that a useless scroll can i trade with them you want to trade guys can i do anything i'll give you gold yeah no well if you're not gonna play ball then i'll steal your bed and sleep in it and on that note i shall head back to the pyramid oh my goodness what is this a sandstorm um hopefully this doesn't affect me you just never know what's gonna happen next in this world what would you look at this i've stumbled across the very rare oasis although i'm not really going to use it for anything another notch date i tell you what those are so useful they're not as rare as you'd think either and here we are back at the pyramid let's add two torches yeah it opens up let's get rid of these spawners we can also light these torches so we can see so far the treasurer isn't that great and there's traps here look at that okay this you can see them on the wall so i've got to be very careful of them this really is a very annoying maze but i found a way down it looks like we found the exit we've got crates near more traps so just gotta be careful but look at a bit of gold another spawner to break all this way for some rubbish treasure although i seem to have found the real treasure right here although it seems to be guarded by a pharaoh thankfully there's nothing i can't handle since i've got my special date that's gonna really help me the nausea is annoying but i'm just too powerful there we go defeated and the treasure vault was pretty rubbish that might just be the world's biggest scam now it's out of the pyramid we go and back through my portal hello kitty cat i'm home and these new torches can be added to the front of my house next to sort out this house i want to add a doorway right you know let's have one here now realize that this is the perfect place for the door and there we go my house is complete got a nice door on the side here nice interior nothing too fancy and i've added pressure plates around a little area here where i can grow some crops let's gather up seeds to do that and also harvest all of this sugarcane and there we go next i wish to dye this bed to instead be orange just looks a lot better next i go out and search your food let's set this meat off cooking buy more arrows and next i'd like to mine up some obsidian there's quite a bit down here that's worth grabbing 14 pieces should be enough and then right here i can build a portal that will let me hunt down something very important and here's what i'm looking for these mushrooms and i've also found the other kind that i want and now if i mine this bed and combine it with these two mushrooms we get a strange bed yeah it looks uh very strange indeed but it's what happens when i sleep in it that things get very scary okay we we had a nightmare but we didn't have a nightmare we had a dream of rainbows and unicorns yeah sleeping in this bed can either give you a nightmare or you can give an ice stream in this case we've we've found the good land so yeah we've got unicorns very nice and i'm more bothered about what's underground is this a candle yeah look at that we get kinda wait can we eat the candy that would be so cool there's also a rainbow one which just seems to give you a random thing every time which is kind of cool i think to find the good stuff we're gonna have to go deeper i hear lava i see lava and this appears to be actual rainbow or what is this is it okay is it just more candy there is a much better oil to be found down here i've just got to find it is that it i also have a time limit in this dimension until i wake up okay yes we have got the positive gem it can't even be better than diamond that so it's worth trying to find more come to another cave in to this entire ravine now is that coal and lapis i don't know why they're randomly in this dimension still no sign of positive look at that i have found somewhere i kind of just went straight past it without even realizing i was mining out there this looks like a prime place to find even more look at this we got the little candy creepers i believe yeah they do no damage they're just little baby creepers in there they're just adorable more than anything see what we've got more in the short time i've been here i found quite a lot more than i expected although i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be whisked out of this dream pretty soon even more and finally a little bit more now i don't know why i haven't been sent back yet it must be pretty close to being 20 minutes since i've been here but i believe if i just sleep in any bed yeah we've gone back home anyway it's night time again now we had that place that was pretty good i think we make some new armor actually i just realized there's no point doing that yet because i wouldn't have protection on it now if i can quickly sleep again before it fully becomes day can i go to the yes we have gone to the nightmare dimension i was hoping to share a sheep so i could make another bed to get back home but um i can't instead i'm gonna have to take out spiders now this dimension has every single hostile mob in the game very terrifyingly that also includes herobrine so yeah needless to say it's not going to be quite as peaceful as the last dimension what have we got here it's some sort of necrom i don't know what that is perfect i found a cave which is what i was hoping for it's a perfect the only thing is here that i can't place water so i have to be very careful if i come across lava right here we have zitrite ore which is pretty good but it's not quite the best one the very best door in this dimension is negative which is even more powerful than the positive i just got lava discovered so we're in the right area probably in the right area to face herobrine too since my diamond pickaxe is soon gonna break let's go ahead and make a positive pickaxe which is pretty much just as good actually i believe they're exactly the same by using trapdoors i can still do some dive mining finally i have found some tight this for sure is the really good stuff i even found more over here that's two more so after that it's back to mining oh we're back okay we've been we've been taken back home and we got seven pieces of negative which is a pretty good amount with that i'm gonna make some leggings they are pretty nice i've got plus nine on those only plus six on those it's also smelt all the zeitrai could be useful i actually think the positive is either worse than diamond or the same with all the instances so there's no point crafting any armor from that would consider i already have good diamond armor but i would like to mine up lots of wood to prepare for my next endeavor there you go good sir lots of sticks for you with that i can buy mending and sell even more sticks and then give them to you let's add it to this negative leggings and look at me now i've got some red pants on i'm also going to get an extra mending and then apply it to my saw just in case let's grab this meat get some sleep and then head back to the twilight forest hello doggo how are you can i get you out of there there we go i put my map in here so let's go and have a little where are we where are we headed and i want to see what the big fuss is about this giant snake i mean sure he looks a little bit scary but i've got way better armor now do i just can i hit him that's it get him all right doggo sit stay out of this one okay he's he's pretty uh he's pretty powerful but nothing i can't handle i don't know where my dog's gone but i can hear him so that's the main thing seems to be that you have to kind of go for its tail or something man you are just going straight with my doggies let's get out of it guy may be fast but he ain't powerful enough to face me could definitely do with a better bow it would make life way easier he's down to half health but now he is moving so so fast it's over for him he doesn't stand a chance in fact i'm so confident i'm gonna have a little sleep mid-battle maybe this was a bad idea yeah i just got bunked out bed right that's it nobody wakes me up oh he's gone shorter and shorter hasn't it he's so close there we go defeated i don't know what we've got here nagas scales and a naga trophy well that's a good night's sleep well earned if you ask me now for the much more important question is me dog all right how on earth are you completely fine destroyed every block around you but the one you're stuck on is sat on not a problem chuckle boxes would be very useful right about now i'm i could have run out of inventory space a lot in this video now then we're next on this map so up ahead we have a lovely snowy biome okay this takes blizzarding to the next level i also have the frosted three effect that that's not good either how are you doing boyd it's very cold here yeah it seems like you know i'm not allowed in here i don't think there's a progression system in this dimension so you have to beat the easy bosses to get to the hard ones and if you ask me that definitely looks like something difficult now then what have we got up ahead here some old abandoned buildings get rid of the spawner and some pretty nice loot in here of which i'm only gonna take one thing from what i can gather i need to find a hedge maze and also a hollow hill and this to me looks like the hedge maze i just mine in okay i can't do that all right doggo you stay here i'm going in kind of ruins the illusion of the maze if you do this hey it's spider thing okay i think i actually need something to spawn so you take them out oh it it's born all right let's just get it whoa he's a little fella there we go we got the bug stomper what is this okay these dogs are angry oh my goodness where's me where's my dog to help me anything good no no nothing just angry dogs everywhere poor things there's a lot of chests is there anything here that i've been looking for there's a firefly now apparently i'm pretty sure i can wear the firefly on my head or something hey look at that i've got a firefly on my end it's like a it's like a built-in torch i think that's about it for that maze um nothing too beautiful now then i think those are the hollow hills it's got these spiders again they're everywhere well let's have a little explore it's a pretty cool place to navigate actually with a diamond hey tell you what this is pretty cool i think that's enough for me time to leave it seems to be something way way bigger in this dimension now my first question how do i get in i don't think there's an entrance way but remember this is minecraft so we'll just mine in i don't know what that is it's some book creature um it's two of them oh i can just take them out they just drop paper you know what you guys are so tough well despite that i'm just going to try and get to the top of the stairs oh my goodness why is this place burning really it's a design floor if i built this i seem to be a bit trapped so i'm going to come up here look at this the top of the towers that was a pretty successful exploration let's unset you old boy now that i've explored that i believe i can go to new places such as this very dark and gloomy looking forest i'm not sure if i really want to be here but it's some sort of i don't know underground place wait here i have this trophy do i place it there hold on i have no idea where i am but there's a spawner in here i need to defeat the foes in here mission accomplished and there's a chest there's some good stuff here i think i should upgrade my diamond tools i don't think the arm is much better but um yeah that's that's that's pretty good so i'm guessing that's all there is to offer down here or maybe not i'm not really sure what i'm looking for it's a pretty crazy place very convenient there's an anvil here so i can combine these i don't know for you some giant bug i've made it out now where's my dog have i come out of a different place good job i've got a map for things like this come on fella we're getting out of here now then what is this place oh it's absolutely massive all these gas i think i know about this place so i think to get in yeah i can right click and go in like this okay it's pretty cool i guess where's my dog you're not coming here you get home safely it's going to be a miracle certainly a very eerie place look at that baby gusts what are those gollums okay i don't look at them okay there's creepers everything you know what we just got to be a little bit more careful here i have to stop admiring the baby gas and just get out of here chest that's really useful all i hear is a lot of blades and now i found them actually i could use this opportunity to get a load of blaze rods what a brilliant idea could take me ages to find a fortress but now i've got 13 we can move on to the next place this is locked how do i unlock it maybe i have to go the other way first oh my goodness i've gone so high and yet i've still got so so far to go another of these rooms does this heart give me an extra heart or anything apparently it just works like a second totem of undying which is going to be helpful only for this one you only have to have it in your inventory probably work out how to get past this door so i'm just going to mine around piece of cake i can gather going that way wasn't useful anyway unless i went up the wrong staircase and now to deal with these big golems pretty easy let's be honest and i don't know what this even does i'm broken i don't know okay wait what wait is this like a game of snake i guess i just use it to get from area to area and make that jump i could make it that time it went in a completely different way it's cool and all but if i can just place blocks like you know what's what's the point of let me just place blocks here i can just do this oh my goodness the block's broke that's why made it pretty high up here i don't know what this block does but we're just going to stand on it can i go up here before those blocks break oh look at that made it up another level pretty sure i can just swim through this anyway yeah like look at that i'm getting pretty close to the top now just got to mine around another one of these doors now then it seems to be some redstone thing i've got to do here i'm gonna flick that oh my goodness that's a pretty good transformation but i can't mine it why not what's going on it doesn't look too good to me i'm just gonna stand back great it turned into a load of these baby gusts another one am i just gonna have to keep doing this what if i try and mine it did that did that work i don't i don't really understand okay now we have the real gust thing i brought a bow and arrow to this and the thunder lightning has really come what on earth is this i don't know what it does okay i don't know at this time it's doing something i'll try activating them all okay i think i made him mad i don't know i don't know what i'm doing but he looks very angry okay he's pulling it down okay so these are the traps that will bring it down and then i can actually hit the gust i don't know exactly what triggers it but i think you just have to go into the right place you can see all the part i've turned particles on now so we kind of see things a little bit better will this pull in okay i think everything just kind of broke there there we go come on pull him in not quite can i pull him in now yes we're pulling all of them in perfect but lots of hits in there we go pull it in again it's a little bit complicated one to get your head round but now we've defeated it i don't know if it dropped any items or if they just fell oh hold on there's a chest now we got another trophy and all this carmen knight but i don't really know what that is i think what the karma is and i'm just going to keep stalling as i fall but i think it's just the item that's used for all those doors and yeah i totally landed that emoji come on there goes a totem anyway hello doggo we're we're going exploring again it looks like i'm now able to enter the icy lair and i'm not completely covered by a blizzard i really know what this place is do i want to go in you know we'll just pop in quickly you wait here oh my goodness yeti came out of nowhere i didn't know what to expect well after what i've just dealt with i'm sure i can handle it all right he tends to like throwing up in the air quite a lot he's he's got snow everywhere sometimes the bow is the way that's it sit down i've already got him pretty weak this might even finish him off there we go all right don't go on back made it back to the portal let's take a look in fact can i take these home with me i think you deserve to leave this dimension doggo and you can live right there my asset could be my trophy room so the trophies just kind of sit yeah they're pretty nice that one's even animated really cool i definitely need a better bow and maybe this guy will sell me one okay look at that power one i could get a few of them but more importantly than that i want the elytra so that i can explore the dimensions much easier let's sell more sticks to you and buy one bow we'll save those to get another one later and since i need ender pearls i'm gonna go hunting for enderman here we have the first enderman and with looting two it's a lot better another enderman and after a pretty successful night let's go maximize vendor and see which way the stronghold is that way according to my calculations i'm very close i was i did that perfectly before i go down i'm gonna build a giant tower and then track down more enderman enderman spotted this enderman drops me at least two pearls i should have enough he did as well so we now have 12 eyes of ender here's the place let's dig straight down and track down the portal room i also wish to take some bookcases if i craft an anvil i can apply depth strider to my boots as well as having a power 3 boat and i found the other bookcase room this one's great i can put fire aspect on here as well anything good in this chest not really this just has got diamonds in though very nice and i've found the portal room let's place all the eyes and defeat the dragon one tower down now make that two and these ones along here are all really really easy ones which just leaves this one up here there we go all done and now the dragon comes to perch for some reason my my melee attacks are working which is really strange can i i don't know what's going on i reloaded the world and they're working fine now it's getting super super weak it should be mission accomplished and now to go search for the real prize the elytra i spotted a small end city over there but i don't think it's gonna be a good one probably not even worth going in there because it it's probably empty now that one does look more promising it's a pretty big end city what a shame there's no winship by the way shulker shells will be useful let's see what the chests have got to offer plenty of gold and diamonds and here's some free obsidian i think i've checked out everywhere that's worth exploring so the search continues finally an entity with an n ship i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna try and float over it's a weird entity in the sense that this building comes all the way across let's now deal with the guardian of the elytra and we can get them there we go sky is the limit your two right game and i'm also gonna combine these helmets because that's a pretty good one and i think this pickaxe is probably better than that one so see you later fancy pickaxe we're going back to the diamonds and now to keep looting the area nothing really useful in that chest wasn't a bit of gold and i think that's the entire place explored this is much better now that i can fly i've just got to find a gateway portal although while searching i've randomly stumbled across another end city which does have a little bit more loot at the top enough to upgrade this helmet from respiration to now to respiration three all right time to continue finding an end gateway certainly nice to be back let's grab the egg and then place it on here i think that uh that looks nice it's very handy now that i can make a few shulker boxes if i grab flowers i can make a red one and a yellow one now the only issue i face is i only have eight gunpowder and i probably like a lot more for all my fireworks so let's go on a little journey and see what we can find although before i do that i've just had an idea i'm gonna make a lecture and then if i find a village i can get an unbreaking book from a librarian i'll also grab some mending before i go all right world let's see what you've got to offer i was hoping to find a desert but i've had no joy in that well i say i have had no joy i have that joy now i just need a desert pyramid to collect loads of gunpowder and there we have one looting three very nice gunpowder golden apple and more gunpowder and look at that riptide and efficiency four very good that means i can get efficiency five and i can also get looting three whilst it's some of the night left let's take out some creepers to be honest taking out creepers is a much better method than searching for temples especially when you've got looting and now that i'm right by a village i can use my other plan to get myself on breaking three and you sir are gonna be the one that brings it to me very conveniently it was really quick to get the unbreaking three if i wasn't in such a barren place i might get more emeralds and get more of them but let's shove that on the electra there we go and i think we're ready to return to new dimensions and now thanks this sword i can also get food extremely fast if i go to one let's grab a few more arrows and let's head back to the twilight forest i do still plan to face herobrine later on but i don't think we're quite ready for that just yet exploring this place is definitely much easier now oh my goodness what on earth is that penguins there are penguins in minecraft look at this brilliant hello guys how are you doing which we get a picture together there we go this is me and my my penguin friends now to work out what on earth this place is and what on earth you are you're some sort of snow creature this really is a strange place i mean it's the top but there's nothing up here tunnel through it looks like i made to the top of the wrong tower now then anything good sharpness 4 well that is an upgrade and another sharpness 4. i'll need 20 levels to apply that she's a pretty crazy maze everywhere i go i just can't work it out that ice sword actually looks like it could be a really powerful one oh my goodness a glass sword that it's got 40 attack damage i've got kind of lost now so i'm gonna do the old uh traditional thing of flying to the top from up here hopefully i can work out what this place is snow queen okay oh you're there i think first i have to break all of the ice yeah i think i broke something i can't seem to do damage to her now and whoa the the one hit wonder i wouldn't say it was a one hit one oh my glass sword's gone well it was nice while it lasted but i guess it was um a sword that powerful could never really last forever could it say what the fire aspect very effective and the snow queen is defeated usually there's a chest with a trophy in it bye can't find one oh the trophy's right there that was certainly a very different experience oh my goodness i don't have my electron okay well that's a totem gone isn't it i really should have been paying more attention there anyway let's go and see what else we can find now that is this a place that i've already been to yeah i've definitely been here before it's got those book monsters but i haven't been to this area ahead in fact i'm qualified to go to it because of um yeah there's loads of things stopping me what have we got in this direction again this is stopping me because it's damaging me i need to get out of it i think for me to progress to areas like that i first need to find and defeat the hydra i've done some research and apparently the hydra lives in that red area on the map but to enter that area without getting burnt i need to first defeat the minus room which apparently lives in these swampy areas maybe that's the entrance that looks like something let's go for it it also contains these crazy guys what on earth is that you look kind of crazy okay i don't know why i even want to get near you you're like some weird bug oh my gosh you've caught me get off me put me down i do not like this one bit i found treasure although in reality and maybe i wouldn't call that treasure and that one sort of tnt but did have a golden apple is that just gonna blow up what a mess i found a way down to a lower level this really is the minotaur's maze isn't it found mushroom blocks that must mean i'm on the right track what on earth are you yeah another book or you shoot fire well two of us could play that game i think i found it there it is it's in there apparently this guy's pretty tough but uh well i've heard of that before well then tough guy can you charge through the fences i've heard you can okay we can't do anything you're useless oh come on yeah rubbish you can't defeat me i just defeated him just like that i didn't even have to go in the room oh well that was uh that was easy apparently this is worth eating and i don't know does it give me like permanent fire resistance or something no this loot really appeals to me either now it's time for the real challenge the hydra also trying to remember how to get out of this place let's also put our trophies into that sugar box this to me looks like a potential way out yeah it is and so now things are starting to get serious the air no longer damages me which is nice and the bus bar is showing up where does the hydra drop okay that's where you live hey you look pretty angry hey i thought you'd be happier to see me let me uh send you a little welcome okay well what arrows don't work looks like i've got to get up close and personal then you think shooting fire's a problem i i'm i think i'm immune to fight look at that straight in there straight into the mix this guy's pretty powerful because he's not taking much damage at all apparently my arrows do work now and my health has just been shredded note to self do not stand directly in line of the fire instead just stand inside him i'm just gonna pop a golden apple this is a great way to do damage though i should have brought strength or something he has so much health it takes ages oh apparently going for the heads is more powerful makes sense i guess didn't thought work out something similar seems that the correct head to hit keeps changing over and over and the arrows only work on the body they don't work on their heads feel like it's time to step its game up now it's just blowing everything up it's now super super weak look at that come on yes we have defeated it talk about a cloud of smoke that's uh that's quite a finish let's add that to the shulker box and apparently if i just do a bit of crafting and combine these look at this i can get some fiery boots i thought i could do the same for the helmet but i can't but those those are gonna look pretty cool yeah look at those whilst i'm here i'm gonna grab a load of wood then i can collect a load more emeralds and then i can buy mending place these trophies up here and i've just realized that i left some very valuable loot in the twilight forest it was at the place where i defeated the ghast here we are at the place it's much easier when i can fly all the way up here because up here i can get the fiery tears which are very useful whilst i'm in the neighborhood i'm gonna see if i can find that room with the blaze mission accomplished on finding the place and eight blaze rods is enough enough for me to craft a fiery sword which when combined with sharpness four is much more powerful than this one let's also make a fiery helmet and also a pickaxe too so my boots have everything they need on them but the helmet i'm gonna have to get way more emeralds for those you know what i might as well just chop a load of trees to do it there you go good sir with that i'm well equipped enough to wear it wow that looks way cooler the diamond chest plate will be replaced eventually but it's time to go to the highlands which i believe is a bit of a crazy place oh my goodness what on earth is up here it's me well i have to battle myself now this is a little risky but i'm going to remove that so i have my chest plate on i feel so tiny what is it why do i feel so small because there's a giant version of me up there okay well you don't really hurt me you're just an impostor you okay you're not an imposter though you'd have thought that i'd have to battle myself to defeat this area i gotta say for sure but i think more keeps spawning you know giant pickaxes breaks giant blocks wait we need to find a giant block is that a giant block okay that is a giant block that's mine in let's see what happens you guys are too big to get in here what is even in here okay you're not too big to get any more i'd uh better get out of it i was gonna have a nightmare this is exactly how it would look i've got the cloud9 achievement though so i'm guessing i'm ready for this place or not apparently i'm not ready for it according to this i need to return to the troll caves and get a lamp that lamp will let me burn away all of that apparently these caves that i seek are somewhere in this biome maybe down here if this cave entrance is better not really so instead i'm going to dig straight down you know what this does look like the kind of place i'm looking for i don't know what this obsidian box is but i'm just gonna box myself in and from reading the wiki you have to use a giant pickaxe to get this special lamp whether or not this is the right place to mine i don't know to be honest it's gonna take me forever with that pickaxe let's just see what it is with this one okay we've got it got chester see it's just luke i'm glad i didn't waste all that time there's not magic beans i wonder if those are to make a beanstalk to go to the cloud i don't know if that's how it's supposed to be this one looks a lot bigger if i mine that okay just mines that around yeah i'm gonna have to just mine the actual obsidian all right this could take a while and it's it's stone on obsidian but we're going to do it oh we got in okay i i didn't expect it to combine that fast i just did f3 tnt method and there it is the lamp of cinders and i guess i can get out the way i came in now then lamp of cinders i don't know how exactly to use you but i'm just gonna go for it do i right click and then can i oh and then i can get in okay that's how you do it or i could just fly over the whole thing you know that that's an alternative and i'm no longer getting damaged by the rain which is a good sign now what on earth is this why is it just it's never peaceful what are you looking at i feel bad it wasn't really hurting me these doors are very very cool as well cooler than the gas ones and what is this room i'm going down so fast here okay whoa where are we just doesn't make any sense well i have to say it looks very very cool let's try this door here see what it does does it go yeah we got stairs see a name tag final boss here you win i mean you say i win but i gotta defeat it first do i just go in are we prepared i guess i'm ready as i'll ever be so what do we do do we mine it apparently it's currently unfinished so you just win by physically getting up there well that's a letdown good job i've still got a date with herobrine and i've just jumped up okay that imagine if i'd have died there i got all the way to day 76 just remember to put your electron before you jump off these giant castles before i'm ready for here brian i think i need to get some ancient debris and then this is no longer a diamond chest plate but another right one i'm finding that means doing a lot of digging and there we go i found one piece three more to go another one perfect finally i found another one in fact i found two and that's all i'm gonna need so i've got four let's make the smithing table create the ingot and then okay don't need a crafting table you do it right here there we go and now i have myself another right chest plate i'm certainly looking a lot more powerful but this helmet's nearly broken it needs to get someone breaking on it and mending would be handy too so i need to get a load of villagers a load of wood load of emeralds and just get traded i've already managed to get quite a lot of emeralds so let's go and buy a mending book from you and then add it to the helmet next let's get a few more emeralds and then head to that village in the desert as it turns out i have absolutely no idea where that desert village is on my travels i've randomly found a mesa i wonder if i can find anything good in these minecart chests you just never know but unfortunately nothing was found i'm pretty sure i'm in a completely different desert you just never know when you're searching these chests you just might find a notch apple found another one and the gunpowder at least is going to be useful so plan b is to instead make some lecterns and then head to this nearby village and get the trades that i want i actually get one of the things that i want and that is feather falling four so i'm going to apply that now with an anvil now i can jump off cliffs and be much safer look at you good sir you're already made librarian and you sell on breaking three automatically but 18 emeralds that's i mean it couldn't have worked out any better only problem is now i need more xp in selling this to this guy i got one emerald short well there's more wheat to steal up there there we go good sir next we buy that and head back home next in order for me to get all the xp i'm gonna go and mine up quartz and there's lots of it right here let's start applying things and there is a bastion really near to my portal i'm gonna take all this gold and test something although i'll have to wait until i get back home to test the theory i'm breaking is it now on all of my armor next let's head into the atom dimension and i want to try and find some dates this dimension is definitely a lot easier when you can fly as well this looks like the kind of place to have loads of dates there we go we've got one let's go back through the portal and will it work can i put gold blocks around oh my goodness i can in that case i'm going to gather up all the gold that i have and turn it into blocks and then i'll take every single block of gold from this bastion i like that i won't look at that a load of ancient debris as well all this cold is mine and now to get out of here look at that a fourth piece that means i can upgrade i guess the pickaxe there's also gold in this side that i didn't get and i think this should be the last one except for this one up here as well if i can gather up a load more gold ore that's all the gold i need i just need a bunch of dates so it's like the kind of place to find them got one and there's a second one and i've discovered another village and we've got the third one you guys look a little different to previous ones can you trade no and there we go let's get these crafted perfect look at that five of them his home sweet home let's smelt the ancient debris craft the ingot and then upgrade the pickaxe i think i'm now ready to go and search for herobrine we hop in the bed and we are in the nightmare dimension i'm glad i didn't have a good dream that would have been boring now i've just got to track him down what do we got here a load of pumpkins are generated and now this kind of thing is well not that but this is a sign of herobrine he does also remove leaves from trees so keep your eyes peeled unfortunately i have only got 20 minutes to find him otherwise i'll have to wait till tomorrow night oh my goodness is up he's looking at me okay i didn't actually want this to happen just the way he could see me from so far away i did not like that one bit let's get prepared i'm gonna get some blocks just in case i can't tell if he sees me or if he just okay he's looking away for once that's this magic oh he's looking back i think if if i show up oh my gosh creeper this is a bad time oh my goodness he's blowing my cover he's definitely looking now he's moving i think he said i don't know what to do guys disappeared over the hill now we are we are in pursuit of him let's not forget that but he could just be oh he's just the top how do you see me you don't see me do not come over here go away creeper stop it i don't really know what to do he just he's just moving around a lot do i send a warning shot oh my goodness that was a bad move so apparently arrows are useless i think we just pop one of these and we we're going with the sword we just face here bro where did he go right here brian you might always watch me but i'm i'm just gonna do this all right where did he go he's come behind me i think he's angry now okay he's very angry he's really angry guys wait i defeated him no he can't have been that easy to defeat this there's no way wait what i've woken up and you've made a mistake what does that mean the game clearly said that i defeated herobrine but you can't defeat him that easy maybe there's slightly more to this than i realized wait what on earth is that why on earth is there a random bed in the sky okay well this is this is a great start isn't it i don't really know what to do at this point but i do know one thing i've got to build a wall i've got to build some sort of protection around me house very weirdly by the way the bed has now completely disappeared i just hope i can go to sleep everything seems okay let's continue building i should at least make things a little bit safer the entrance can be made from iron doors and now i'm not really sure what to do next i guess now i wait i'm just gonna kind of sit watch and see what happens there's still no sign of him i think i can safely go to bed i can slept with no problems and i'll do a little scout of the perimeter to see if i can spot anything what is that over there i can't even see now there it is wait he just disappeared i'm gonna eat one of these carefully check out the area i only guess he's disappeared because i i can't see him anywhere so i don't know where he's oh dear oh dear oh dear i've kind of been a little risky here but what on earth is he doing on my roof where there what on earth is his goal here he just keeps disappearing every time i come up i've literally completely cursed my minecraft now i don't know why i thought it was a good idea can i leave the dimension by any chance oh my god i didn't want to come here though although having said that if herobrine's in my world then he's not going to be here which gives me a good chance to try and find some of that title i'm gonna need the most powerful gear i can get if i'm to survive on a pretty good looking cave look at that complete with more tight mind up how many we've got it looks like four and i've already spent quite a bit of time in this damage and i think i'm gonna head home i mean i've searched a long time it's annoying to find them we're back home and i'm very happy to say the sun is rising the thing i'm not so happy to say is why is there two trees there with no leaves on no sign of anything else just a tree no leaves i don't think it was like that before then another one here which is exactly the same i've no idea what's going on but what i do know is i've got to get out of here unfortunately i do have one last dimension up my sleeve but we're gonna need a load more gold blocks to get there and i've found a bastion that i need so let's grab all of the gold and i think there's some more up here oh my god did you guys just see that i'm gonna play that back in slow motion herobrine just showed up on screen for a split second and you did it again okay can i can i not just not take out any mob then could be wrong but it's possible that no dimension is safe well whilst i'm on my way back i could do with a little bit more gold 14's definitely enough i'm very glad to be back here now i don't want to waste any time i just need to get some flint there we go we got one then if i make nuggets i can go ahead and craft a ring we can then make a flintam ring i'm not going to bother building it downstairs i'm just going to build it right here there's the portal let's light it alrighty we're getting out of here i hope herobrine can't follow here we are studiopolis that's it well this is a great place look portal's gone here brian can't get in you think the music playing in the background is the music i normally have in the videos but no no this is from the actual game isn't that a cool old popcorn machine is that where the springs work oh my goodness i'm literally sonic the hedgehog all of a sudden all my worries about here brian are gone and look at these loads of rings can i do this look at this i got some ears some tails ears these bumpers work guys you all know how much i love sonic so this is like a dream world to me we've got two other areas is that chemical plant and the underwater is labyrinth will the bubbles work do they give me air or anything okay don't break the bubbles there's more aquatic room rather than labyrinthine but yeah look at this oh a bit of casino what look at this brilliant i love the way like the biomes are different levels what does this do wait wait they just oh my goodness it's like playing the game i've played sonic mods before but this is the best one ever look there a little little sonic pusher oh you can come home with me hey a nice notch date and uh what have we got here is it scrap brain next door look at this let's go and see what we've got inside whoa okay wait do they turn okay this is actually like a 3d version level okay i love the springs i love this um hello good sir that's just like the level like the person who made this mod he's almost as big of a sonic fan as me oh i get to battle eggman mate you don't even know what you're well i should put some armor on actually i i just realized okay did you just blow yourself up what's going on i don't know what's going on but oh look at this eggman i have the most powerful sword in the game well not quite but come on let's see if you've got anything else up your sleeve before i finish your job looks like the fire's gonna finish him off anyway yeah he's he doesn't understand the chance let's do it there we go how do he goes he just flies away just like sonic is that it do i not get some special prize for defeating him well it was still very very cool now we're in spring yard now i've just realized i've come here without a bed now is there any way for me to find some wall and are these guys like enemies like are you going to hurt me wow you are actually in it yeah oh my goodness i'm in heaven honestly this is the best day of my life and green hill zone the real question on everyone's mind can i do it no no you gotta do loop-de-loops i ain't sonic well today i'm having a wheel of a time i'm gonna build a portal oh what's that a special stage key i can okay right click your gold plate with this key my gold plate i don't know what gold plate is but i'm gonna head back and honestly everything just seems so much more boring but now that i'm back i want to find a village so i can get a bed or uh maybe some sheep all right let's take you out no sign of herobrine maybe maybe we've lost him i can dream can i anyway that's the third piece of wool let's make the bed and get some sleep what was that i just got into the bed it ejected me out and i heard a noise okay i'm just gonna try and sleep now what on earth was that i saw him you know what let's take the bed and go back to the sonic dimension let's fly far away from here so we can't follow see you later world let's break the portal everything seems so much safer over here now then what have we got over here right there's a tiny little starlight area and then we've got marble zone as well and there's capsules can i can i really no seriously and there's animals in here oh my goodness there's a penguin i don't get why the water's red though surely they just make it lava like it isn't a game although it is possible they didn't want to be too mean starlight seems like a nice area and i can go into these buildings we've got chess we've got well there's of course i'll find a bed now i went oh i have to find herobrine before i can do that normally what we got here a little little arcade machine very nice indeed so we're back in aquatic room which is where all the water comes from this is press garden which is from site mania and quite a nice area can you collect rings oh you can as well look at me go so they're going into main retreat yeah they are look at that i'm pretty sure there is more enemies or bosses in this thing so i'm gonna try and track them down as you understand metal sonic is in it somewhere seems to get to the most dangerous place i have to try and discover dr eggman's magnet and then that will let me access the death egg zone oh my goodness i just i'm just trying to sleep like a normal person and hear a brian again woke me up which means my fears are true that herobrine has managed to follow me into this dimension it's hard to say but i've now run out of firework rockets which means i'm gonna be walking so guys i've been exploring that i don't really know what to say but there's there's herobrine's everywhere there's not just one the place is absolutely crawling with why is there so many i've got to end this now once and for all you get out of here and what on earth is going on why did you the robot come out of nowhere can i even do anything oh my goodness he's actually hurt me a little bit there i don't know what i've done to deserve this i seem to have permanent blindness now just everywhere maybe just maybe if i can sleep i can save myself my game crashed let's see if the world will load back up seems to have taken me back to a slightly earlier point in time i'm gonna try and sleep again i really need to get this done there we go it's gone day time now my game has just crashed again i'm gonna try and turn my render distance down to two and see if that stops it time to find out anyway and so far so good there's a hero brian over there i just don't know what to do hold on uh i think it's crashed guys herobrine has completely corrupted my world i can't continue there's only one thing that i can do right now and i should delete the world i'd never want to see that world ever ever again thanks for watching leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new and uh yeah hopefully my pc will be okay
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,749,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, custom dimensions, 100 days custom dimensions, modded dimensions, modded bosses, boss mod, dimensions mod, custom dimension mod, hardcore dimension, hardcore boss, minecraft dimension mod, twilight forest, good nights sleep, herobrine, herobrine mod, atum, atum 2, soniccraft, sonic dimension, herobrine dimension
Id: 6KZi3PviIbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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