Hermitcraft Season 8 - Hyper Speed Transportation #9

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This might be the first thing Doc has ever built that I could recreate as a complete pleb.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Fisted_By_Vishnu 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] well well i guess it's the thing these days on the hermitcraft show server on the hermitcraft shulker that people built giant charcoal boxes this one looks really cool too and yeah thank you guys for the great feedback on the last episode you like the design wait this then oh there is actually and in the chest wait a minute so you like the design a lot and big shout out uh to miles of course you know he helped me a lot with this design it's like like i always say right the goat is a hive mind i have countless people helping me um so again for this episode where i can show you two amazing designs that are really gonna blow your mind again because you know the cleverness of it is just epic and yeah to start the journey for today's episode we are over here at igevin's shop where a guy said oh my god you know big competition shulker boxes one diamond for three boxes at the moment you know there is still full supply talk to javindo if he maybe is interested in a reseller deal or something and he said nah don't worry i plan to switch out the deals in my shop all the time and chalker was just one of them so let's hope you know those boxes get sold out quickly right and then eventually people will turn to our market supply at the moment there is still some rendo shulker boxes in circulation that are not produced by our farm so hopefully eventually you know the the need for them will grow so but there's another cool deal javin has at the moment he is actually selling beacons um 18 diamonds per beacon huge time saver definitely worth any penny so um yeah we should do some biorony here's my wallet we can also have a look at my kind of semi personal diamond stash in total i have eight blocks of diamond at the moment not massive but something so to buy two beacons that'll cost us two uh four blocks of diamonds right two times eighteen so we need two for the start and the beginning um that's my new thing for the start and the beginning right i said that in the last episode i'm glad you guys enjoyed the episode from the start to the beginning well from the start to the end all right let's head over to our area and let's do some things shall we [Applause] well the first thing i want to show you is a really really really useful add-on to all kinds of mob grinders it has all kinds of advantages i'll explain while we build it and the second thing we want to do today is we want to build a hyper speed transportation system that makes it possible for the player to travel with 140 blocks per seconds so that is really really fast but yeah first things first why do we even you know do this now what is our problem as you remember here in the octo chunk when i'm afking and there is in the long long sessions i did another one and just now yes you can see 194 levels at the moment i was at 380 already and then i died um so yeah lots of afk going on because of the beautiful shiny copper right that is right there let's grab it and rent needed a lot but and everybody needs a lot all the time so you need super reliable um af cable setups and yeah the problem was with the thorns on the mobs you know over time i would take damage and then eventually hunger would be used up from the regen the damage right from regening the damage and the beacon i have got going on cannot hold forever and compete that and eventually if you're unlucky and get a few mobs with thorns um you can die which happened to me once already here at the farm i had a hopper here that sucked up most of the important items they had on me um luckily but yeah i want to improve that so as i often said and once again in the beginning of the video the goat is a hive mind and a lot of people in the tech community which i'm extremely grateful for and support me with their ideas if i have some problems i can always reach out and they will help me with cool ideas and this time cubic meter reached out to me contacted me and said um doc are you familiar with the concept of minecart sweeping edge mop grinding it's like vaguely fill me in and yeah i'll show you the concept guys so here normally you know we would hang out right here right and we would swing away at the mobs and kill him that way but we can also make sure we have an indirect direct hit on them and that has a few advantages so let's say we have a little setup like this dropper right a dispenser facing over and yeah i have enough minecarts on me then we just need a hopper pretty much pointing into here fairly simple and then we use normal minecart tracks that is the best way to do it here put it on there and then we take two minecarts we put one here that is loading the system now and we put another one in here we need a detection system but you know we luckily have a few mobs in there and now around this minecart there is a three by three area that is affected by sweeping edge so if i hit this minecart now listen for the mob sounds oh oh they died we could kill them by hitting the minecart so passive damage pretty much the minecart is now in there so now we just need a simple detection system that recycles the minecarts and then we have some huge advantages first of all the advantages by doing this we avoid thorns but what is the other advantages to talk about dog well let me tell you another one your sword will not take damage breaking minecarts so i'm lucky you know i got mending not everybody has mending but this makes it possible to afk on a farm like that forever without having to worry you know your armor breaking from thorns with if you don't have mending your sword taking any damage the only thing you need is a sweeping edge three that's pretty much it and then you can run this so what we do now is comparator here we detect if a minecart gets in there when it gets broken and then we just loop through um yeah we can we can do it like this this is a bit better here and then we need to go upwards put a loop a little bit of redstone here right and then we just loop back into the dispenser setup like this and we use a repeater here and no delay and now look what happens you have to stand relatively close right so you're also relatively close to mobs something like that break the minecart gets cycled through and gets yeah placed in front of you again so this way now you can have you know random click speed every two three seconds you know and then peacefully um kill your mobs you get the you know special loot from him as well of course because the sweeping edge effect um hit them therefore they will also drop you know copper and the rare loot in this stuff and um yeah therefore the system is really really cool it's relatively compact and yeah we wanna add a little bit of an extra twist to it which is now another cool advantage of a system like that so if we dig down here around here a little bit yeah there it is we can see our piston right this is the main switch piston and before i just had a lever there where we were standing um you know activating the mop farm well with a little bit of pulse extension here we can make it so that the farm will automatically realize hey a player is here and we are farming turn on all the machinery because well we can detect a minecart is coming through here we get a redstone signal we can easily hook a pulse extender to that and then keep the farm running while we do this if we step away the farm automatically realizes we are gone and boom switches off again i i think that is really really cool i mean to me when i when i realized you know all the advantages it has wow really cool another way you can do this um is you could use armor stands right and passively hit them that would have the same effect if you with the sweeping edge though it disadvantages eventually you thought you know sword will take damage hitting the armor stance doesn't happen though while hitting the minecarts so let me quickly throw in the pulse extender and try to fiddle it through down here without flooding everything a bit dangerous here with the water and um yeah but i should have some space here to squeeze it in it's not big we just need to somehow squeeze in four comparators yeah easy peasy we got enough space here and we can fit that in all right i squeezed it in here it's not pretty because there are space limitations but we just grabbed the pulse from this block here right that detects if there is a minecart in and then we send it in a pulse extender here and that that stays lit and via this repeater we connect to our main piston that activates the whole system so let's give it a hit here gets detected right and signal stays on and yeah now the farm is running really cool and yeah pretty much what you do is just hang out here you know set your auto clicking to a decent speed every few seconds you just walk away it's also nice because you know then you never have like 20 mobs or something building up that is the disadvantage as well if you you know do slower hitting and make to make sure to avoid thorn damage much and yeah as you can see you're right i'm i'm hidden away and our sword is not taking any damage right it stays fully fixed so there's only one thing right now i see where is the xp going is it going into this little hole in front here we need to check you know and maybe make sure the xp can flow properly to us yeah at the moment it's storing up in here still so we need to give it away out um our way to find um the its way to the player maybe we can have a little hole down here and then just let the xp kind of flow through like this then yeah and just have it open and then can always grab the xp we can probably stand on half slabs here and xp should still be able to come through i'll experiment with it a little bit and dress things up here a little bit of course we want to hide the redstone there also need to have a look how it looks from below because probably a little bit of the redstone might be visible yeah up there in this corner i could also replace these glass blocks actually with full blocks that would hide things a little bit better and also you know be a smooth transition to over here yeah let me do some uh minor cosmetics here all righty now the system is perfected so if you walk up and do the killing you know machine starts running and as you can see we have indicator lights below us that show us hey we are active at the moment mob processing is you know happening and we also have a lever here if you want to you know activate override and now the farm is continuously running in case we don't want to go for the rare drops and we just want to farm bones you know then entity kremen will take care of the mob killing here and stuff is still transported away we also have an additional indicator light here on the side his guest comes over and uh wonders what is doc doing oh okay light is on he's afk we don't really need it over there but i squeeze it in because i could yeah and um pretty much when um you know the override is on and you still hit the minecarts they might the minecarts will just end up down here will be uh you know not lost or you know despawn or anything then you can pick him pick him up again let me put some of that stuff away here right and yeah fire the system back up again put one in here another one there now system is deactivated right but we hit indicator lights go on that means you know system is running again xp is nicely flowing over to us i just raised it here by one block as you can see there right and now the xp just flows over the tracks right towards the player a little bit more simple than having it come down below or whatever so yeah pretty pleased with this setup now that will make it possible for us to afk this thing forever never worry about taking damage our sword will never take damage plus all the xp we get will not be wasted on repairing the sword and demanding it will go straight to the player so and it's automatic now boy i do love this oh yeah i actually don't know if i took you guys ever down here in a video um i don't think so but yeah this is our storage room we are working on nothing fancy um we might upgrade even more in the future um but for now that was a good upgrade from our janky uh setup we had over there under the chicken farm and yeah we have bulk storage here um you know for sand and the typical blocks that are often used in bulk here also redstone and black stone for example um and yeah there is an auto solder for all the bulk storage stuff going around up here obviously that's not dressed up yet and so on we were just playing around with ideas and it's a four-sided one so you can walk up to from all sides here and just you know dump your items in and that are supposed to go into bulk storage and then you know they just go up and get sorted in over here we have all kinds of different items um and those are not automatically sorted at the moment which you know often can be overkilled to fully automate it automatically automatically sort everything but you know for us this does the trick here and yeah over here you know more redstone related stuff i will build probably somewhere over there a proper redstone crafting station because you know here we have redstone stone relatively close and i can you know kind of flush everything back there and maybe um you know have a nice station to craft redstone components that would be cool we'll see i'll figure something out but yeah why are we down here um i was just grabbing my crocs and a book soul speed went to the nether the other day did some bartering eventually got the soul speed 3 book and that's what we need in total have three of them i want to gift one to ren because he'll need it to use our new epic transport system we gonna cleverly stack a whole lot of effects on top of each other and then in a very simple and cost efficient way reach a speed of 140 blocks per second and we will use that to travel back in force between shulker farm and the main area here because you know layout wise over there you can see this pillar poking out this is where randog is already working just behind that slightly out of render distance is a gigantic mega build he's working on and for the logs and over there will also be octagon you probably have a connecting bridge or other way to get back and forth here but um if i managed to come out somewhere around here with our speed tube that would be perfect then we can zoom you know zoom over to the shulker farm they try and turn on the chicken farm again it's happening again my inventory is getting spammed with eggs and then we have a straight shot pretty much you know shulker farm in back not so successful flying with the bow in inventory did another afk session to get some more um copper also i'm reading through the comments which i always do is super fun for me reading the comments and there was really good suggestions about the terraforming here by the way which made me think you know not everything i come up with is then set in stone so i already spent a lot of time doing some underwater terraforming here so we can merge up some islands where the walker would be standing on now a lot of uh suggestions were hey doc why don't you you know law way wise would also make sense say that this thing is equipped with frost walker and where the feet pretty much touch the water you know you form some ice islands and i really really like that idea and thinking about it still and i'm gonna prototype a bit in my test world and see how it looks but yeah i generally already like the idea a lot so what we want to do is now we want to first build a line of soul soil all the way back to where to our start pretty much and this will be a simple two-way system so you can go back and forth with super high speed 140 blocks per second i think this is the fastest you can go in minecraft all right i have my sole soil laid out all the way back here to tesla coil and you know future octagon island um perfect and i installed something really neat to show us the speed progression we're making so here uh top left that is mini hud and it can also be used to show you your speed at the moment zero meters per second and in case you don't know but one block in minecraft is considered a meter so this is pretty much blocks per second we see up there and yeah our normal walking speed without sprinting on soul soil with the soul speed 3 is 6.9 blocks per second now if we sprint we can bring that up to 9 blocks per second which is pretty good traveling speed but nowhere close to you know saving us really time getting back and forth here and if almost saving up on rockets because the constant flying back and forth here you know eat through my rocket stacks over the course of a day and a playing session so yeah nine point four nine or nine meters per second pretty much nine blocks per second pretty fast but definitely not fast enough so we need to stack effects so yeah next cool effect we can use is of course dolphins grace and soul speed and dolphins grace can actually stack on top of each other and yeah that's what we're gonna do now that will require a lot of work because yeah we need to frame this all in in create a cool glass tube and then we gotta have some dolphins trapped and all kinds of shenanigans so yeah first of all yeah first order this is exactly five stacks of soul sand so 320 blocks long and yeah we need huge amounts of glass and other stuff to make this thing look cool and yeah let's get to it and let's get into some grinding placing countless stairs sideways happens with 1.2 blocks per second oh boy that's gonna take some time all right there was a bit of a grind especially the half slabs and we are far from done making this thing look cool but now i want to take care of a little bit of functionality let's fly up come on i wanna make a exit and entry station for these super speed tubes so obviously this needs to be a bi-directional system so here is going to be the bubble column that brings us up into the system right there and then you know we can have a frame here then we gonna have another block of water then here we're gonna have the drop shoot right if you come back you will simply overshoot here and then drop down to the dead hole and quickly get out of the system and last but not least back here we're gonna have a dolphin let's get um where is our so here so sand yeah we have a dolphin sitting right here in a minecart and this way you know it will never die and never can you can never escape in all of the good stuff and stays there and then you know we just come back like this and here to make sure the dolphin stays in we can simply use a half slab like this and still the dolphin will see us when we swim up here and hit us with dolphins grace immediately if everything goes as planned i hope but yeah also this half slab will then be used when we are coming speeding back here we just hit it you know and then drop down so this is pretty much all we need to do and now we just need to build down a little bit and create a platform downstairs and um yeah then i need the same thing on the other side dolphins in and then we can soon do some testing all right time for us to catch a booster dolphin let's go and i saw one over there just now i made some name tags oh yeah just got dolphins grace there we go oh okay this seems to be a willing subject to your name shall be booster come here come here yeah okay gotta move the lead okay let's see i've never done much with minecarts underwater but that should be able to catch the guy right let's see um let's try to bring him somewhat close to here oh that was close maybe i can stack up a bit to drag him close to the minecart yeah cool caught him oh that boost should be fine how fast do you actually go just with dolphins grace okay let's see if you can catch it give me dolphins grace i don't know if you probably see caesars all right here we go so it's ah 30 meters per second on top i think so 30 blocks per second all right i have everything prepared here a little bit dolphin is in there we can now grab him and bring him up here and then we need to drop him down into this setup here then we need to get the glass block in to cover the whole thing on top that is important and then we need to move the raise the floor by one so he sits in there perfectly maybe there's a better way to do it but you know kind of improvising here a little bit so [Music] yeah quick quick quick quick quick quick quick all right dolphin is in there bouncing in water hopefully everything is fine can we get the glass block in yes we could okay um i think best i can do this from here actually should not be a problem yeah you just don't want to mount the minecart okay can we get another water bucket in there yeah okay so that is good now and now last thing i want to do let's quickly get up we want to replace this water bubble there with sauce and to make it a little bit more compact all right but that should do the trick yeah the dolphin is in there just fine and it will survive in there forever as well as it's in the bubble column in kind of half in air half in water like it's supposed to be so yeah this guy is safe in there and will give us dolphins grace and when we come up here and we should be able to speed out all right it's getting dark i'm going to extend the water here but first actually the glass first i need to do the water and then we can give it a test run with the current setup all righty the glass cover is on all the way and now we can do our first test no boots just uh checking if so you know dolphins grace catches us right away and it does and yeah now you know scraping along with nine meters per second and then dolphins grace runs out yeah not really doing much well let's put on our shoes though here already ah okay neat now let's try the combination dolphins grace plus soul sand shoes or soul speed shoes right and now touch the floor okay we ran out of dolphins grace shortly before we made it all the way to the end so that means we need to go even faster but you could see we reached top speeds of over 90 blocks per second so the effects are starting to stack up we are going really fast and yeah the last and final boost we can give ourselves here is speed 2 via beacon and yeah we bought them from igevin so i'm gonna set up a beacon here for testing purposes i guess i put it just right there clean up here a little bit and yeah then we give it a whirl and see how fast we can go with maximum minecraft speed got the beacon in now down there under the setup and a black beam coming through the whole thing and yeah through the entrance here it's going to be cool too also you'll be able to yeah purchasing from all three sides and um yeah i want to think into the future already you know um if you want to get a booster line to over there we need to be able to also take off towards this direction right but for now let's test what happens oh yep 140 blocks per second we were really close like like 135 something so yeah wow so all these effects are stacking on top of each other the speed boost the dolphins grace the soul sand speed and uh yeah that combines an insane speed to an insane speed of 140 blocks per second if i oh yeah if this would be a little bit longer we would reach it we would definitely reach 140 blocks per second so yeah this is in theory under five seconds probably we need about three seconds uh roughly to bridge the the distance now and that's gonna save us a ton a ton of uh rockets okay let's try again it's very reliable we always hit it oh baby this is epic super fast transport yeah all right so pretty much i need to put an arrival station on the other side there as well you know same thing we have here and then i have a cool design i want to add to it obviously we're not going to leave it like that this thing looks to look epic like some high magnetic tesla coil accelerated madness yeah i guess that describes it well okay so both stations are completed got a dolphin in on the other side got the beacon set up we should be good for a full test back and forth all right let's go full speed all right aim downwards right away maximum acceleration there we are and then you know we can just walk into here way back oh yeah epic all right now i just need to make this thing look good a little bit a little bit much more for that we need tons of copper and i've been afking with the new system i installed overnight that went really well but while we're here um i told you i was on this mission right we had that ultimate flex going and i think we can actually turn off the shulker farm now for real because i think we're already over let's go check let's go check um okay is it empty oh it is oh yeah it is completed my friends a large chest or double chest full of shulker boxes full of shulker shells pretty epic and i think we should have probably yeah almost filled up everything over here as well again all right we're doing good oh i can take out the speed meter yep that way okay cool mission accomplished maximum flex aging copper that's the new meta i think that's what a lot of hermits are spending time with this season if you look at the tesla coil tower it's still not fully oxidized and i'm out here around death junk octo junk where i was farming more copper and you know in the meantime had laid out my copper supplies here to oxidize ideally you know you want to have this perfect pattern to have maximum speed but you know just randomly spreading them out roughly having 3-4 blocks distance also does the trick speed things up considerably but still takes a long time what also took a long time is trying to dress up our super tube our dolphin to powder we call it you know we need a good name for this transportation system there are so many blocks i need to grab still but i still need a lot of copper but hey let's have a look at how things have turned out so up in front there i made kind of a starting setup and the idea is it has some gigantic coils around it right tesla style again acceleration let's have a look right here looks pretty cool i think you know a lot of copper there again and then you can just walk in here or here or here and then get into the elevator and shoot over also you know we could um expand the super highways to over there if you want to should be able to add another direction there as long as it's cardinal and yeah you do this right get in mega speed and we are over at the shulker farm and then we can come through here and yeah if you look here's the beacon at the moment that probably will be moved to a better place i looked if i can put it inside the farm somewhere on top but there's just no space and we're arriving here and yeah over there and pretty much same thing here you can exit and enter the thing from all directions and pretty cool and similar design here you know those coils and connected it up to the farm and yeah direct way in now looks really really cool but you know what's the most tedious thing and like lightning rods look at that naturally they place it like this who plays them like this you want to always place him like that right this is the foundation and then it goes up you know and here like facing out is same you know if you want to place him pointing out it gets super annoying so for every individual lightning rod on the build i had to do this like place two place one on top and then if i want to make it point out you know up you know i need to come down here and point there and then do this you know place from below so it's the the right way around that slows you down significantly but yeah i think this design turned out really well and last thing i need to do let's use this to get back bro that's three seconds not even i obviously cannot let the whole you know pipe or tube hang like that so that's why i measured out and marked out already a little bit here on top every 32 blocks we're gonna have some pillars like with braces going around like that and you know mark them out here all the way it's 10 of them every 32 blocks and then the thing should you know not just hang there but look like that it's held up by some pillars and you can see them marked out all the way so yeah that's what i need to do now um i think slowly but surely we should be getting enough copper let me quickly check to have already more in here trying to consolidate yeah that's that's what i have copper wise at the moment i need a bunch more to complete the design and then um we're good i didn't use time lapse this time around because you know i felt you don't have to use time lapse all the time right i mean sometimes you can do a good old-fashioned progress report like we just did if you constantly do time lapse i guess it loses its significance a little bit and you guys get bored by them so you know don't overdo your time lapses right alrighty i have the whole tube completed now all the pillars are in perfect oh yeah looking cool with some light as well wanted to check out how it looks during night times pretty epic and of course works really nice here a little bit of terraforming making things look a little bit better right blending things in and here we go now you get a better feel for the speed as well with the you know pillars there giving you a bit of orientation and i also have installed um hay bales here in these two blocks then when you drop down you don't take fall damage anymore which is pretty cool pretty cool can't wait to show remdus insane okay so yeah we are about to meet with ren he is on that he's he's ready soon i'm looking forward to that and i wanna you know meet him with a few surprises first of all i have soul speed for him so you can use the super tubes and also i wanted to go and check and see if he made any sales maybe and i can surprise him with a bit of profits wait how old is rendering in the i thought it was empty ah nobody bought anything here yeah here the supply of of the shacks is still on all right number one nothing let's make our way over to joe and um look check the other all one here we are let's see if we had some sales here uh doesn't look too promising either yeah the market is still saturated let's see where's the payment chest oh did i leave this crafting table up here maybe if not if somebody else left it here not part of the shop okay we sold one shulker box that's something okay our last hope now is boating people that is the shop i have the most hopes for because we all know scar loves his chest monsters so you know all the people over there hopefully hopefully buy all right our last hope here oh oh this is looking promising yes okay you can always rely on disgust chest monsters i guess oh yeah okay there was some sales definitely worth some sales and yes oh my god nice oh [Music] dark m77 my main man i gotta say i got to say dude i never in a bazillion years believed that the octa-chunk i mean the shulker spoiler thing would end up looking like this i mean wow you mean like with a beach on top this yeah no this is a little addition that i've added a little top hat to your amazing shulker build okay thematic add-on fits perfectly it really does listen this thing is terrifying i thought we'd add a little bit of comedy to it you know spice it up a bit i love it a bit relaxing on the beach man it's all good yeah it's it's been a while man we've been so busy bro you've been super busy this is what barbecue four or five i don't know one of them yeah yeah i thought we changed location last bbq was in the sewer a couple of the viewers were like dude can't barbecue in a sewer bad ventilation steaks taste a bit like poop yeah nah you know there was a health risk we changed but here it might be dangerous too i'm glad you didn't remove any buttons like when you said hey come over to the shulker farm we have the meeting there i panicked a little bit but i think oh steak i think we're good i think we're good now we get so listen last bbq we had a bunch of things the laundry list we finished them all except one we got a couple more entries into our laundry list up here doc okay i know you've been busy you've been working really hard this week let's take a break take a look at what we still got to do over the next few weeks okay my dude yeah first of all check it out yep go on i got a present for you okay but go no no no go on wait no dude you can't you can't drop that bomb on me you can't be i got a present for you and then not give it to me all right all right but it fits well with the first you know point here on our shopping on our list pretty much rendog shopping empire yeah oh we've been talking haven't we we finally figured out a name for our shop the octagon oh god bro i commissioned your brother to make us an epic song oh john is gonna make us an octagon track nice dude it's gonna be glorious all right but yeah talking about shopping empire look at that yoink oh no what what happened wait what yoink what what oh here oh ooh ooh 48 chinese nice um that's from our shulker pop-up stores i oh wow i built three all over the server and yeah that's the first sales so that's officially first octagon profits man amazing so profits are already rolling in you like i mean you love to see it have you got a crafting table real quick muddy wait uh yeah indeed oh it blocks you mean yeah here you go all right so rendok shopping empire already starting to kick in um not quite ready yet though because obviously we're going to build the octagon when the octagon's done then this can get taken off next on the list derp coin dude have you got any derpcoin yes how you doing good as he was over there i actually bought 64 here oh nice well i got two premiums oh oh you got some too yeah all right dude have you seen the fundamentals on these coins i mean these coins going to the moon i'm just saying like we need to fomo in i'm i'm slightly skeptical but i'm okay with investing some of our profits into uh derp quake if you want to can i recommend that that the re the octagon shopping empire will hold the most amount of derp coin in season eight let's make it a mission okay on the laundry list we will have the most derp coin one one way or the other doc all right i'm down probably we should accept dirt point then as a way to pay yeah yeah that's what i'm thinking so we can figure that out when octagon starts coming up beautiful last on the list dude a couple weeks ago we set up that giant lightning machine thing we got some coordinates oh yeah and we got a message in this book we finally figured out what it all means what we think we have anyway right coordinates that was pretty clear and then the new may save the old with a spelling error in there which is also kind of yeah the new my save the old the new my weird yes anyways the new are obviously gemini in pearl right yep the old are definitely you and i i mean we're hella old you didn't have to say that we could have stuck with you know the new and yeah but we're the old you're right yeah i think that the new definitely refers to the the one i don't have a definitely refers to the new hermits but it makes sense also we haven't really hung out with them yet this season so maybe we we just you know next episode let's take pearl and jam over to these coordinates you know last time we went to coordinates there was some fun to be had so you know last time we took a zuma this time let's take the girls it's going to be sweet dude i think yeah i mean you know last time there was profits to be made right there was netherlands and stuff accidental so maybe there's some some prizes for the new guys in there too so yeah i think we got a straight plan um octagon will be epic and by the way um dude remember start of the season we talked about those futurama speed tubes right uh yeah can you hand me over your boots real quick wait a minute well these okay hold on yeah yeah all right taking machines do they have oh yeah def strider three okay i'm just putting a little enchantment on there here we go they got soul speed three now oh will you follow me please downstairs dear dude i was about to have some tasty fried chicken up here man i was about to relax after all of this meeting action no no no no we're not done yet all right come on we're not done okay here we go all right let's let's let's go down here i want you to this is some futurama action going on here dude the giant shulker tongue that's what this thing is i want you to feel the the rush all right so put on your shoes okay you walk in there and then you just you know make sure you swim right away so you hold space you hold sprint and forward and look down all right oh geez it's quite a lot of instructions okay just look down hold space yeah hold sprint all the dogs going crazy hold forward oh here we go dude oh my goodness oh my goodness that was insane yep 140 blocks per second okay that's nuts dude your shocker tongue literally made my dog lose his mind all right so that was nuts yeah so it takes us right here and yeah that's where you've been building right oh yeah yeah yeah come check it out you haven't had a look at the latest uh design yet i've been working on the log shop bro i flew over it bro yeah listen dude i also i also put uh the goat banner up here okay we have claimed this island for the octagon i saw yeah yeah what so sorry to any of the bottoms who wanted this island it now belongs to the octagon uh so yeah it's a tank dude it's it's driven by tr logs by biometric uh energy cells um listen doc it's difficult to explain all right um i i basically i said to myself if i was 10 years old and i had a bunch of lego and i needed to make a log shop what would i make i was like tank check crane check um glass with stuff inside of a check that's that's that's all i've got dude okay it's a giant tank that sells logs that's that's it it's pretty epic um i hope we have enough space to book the headquarters here because that's the building side of octa condo too right somewhere around you well listen we need protection for your octagon too okay so the tank's going to protect octagon from the goat from the boats people or whatever you've got to be 10 years old dude okay to understand this you have to be ten in this so close as well look it's my goodness yeah well i hope pearl doesn't mind we're building here yeah we've taken the item for the octagon i still have a bunch of copper to change to green though before i can finish it but that's gonna take a while that way in here well this is where the octagon goes my dude octagon island has been claimaged for the octagon empire ren dock gonna be taken over season eight all the dirt coin all the diamonds that's what i'm talking about man glorious plan glorious plan i'm on board yeah let's do it like next time we start octagon that's gonna be a serious grind we gonna put a lot of copper in it videos you know on the server if you got copper you're the whopper sorry man that jokes you know what can i do nice well we are the old so you know it's all good doc all right i'm gonna finish the tank i'll see you later brother yep and i'm just gonna speed back and forth in my my tubes i guess you're cheap see you later man see you bro ah what an episode again holy moly we're doing so much progress in each episode you know this might not look like an insane build but believe me this included a lot of copper and this took longer for me than to accomplish a shulker build because you know there was a lot of scaffolding up and down and then obviously going down all the way into the water make sure we have proper pillars everywhere you know we're not slacking we're pulling through and yeah by now it looks really really amazing i discovered one flaw in the system though and we'll shall see how it goes design choice here was the lightning rods right um but now thinking about it one lightning rod is pretty much sitting right over our booster dolphin there and if lightning strikes that thing i'm fairly confident the dolphin might not survive that so maybe if there's too much lightning strike happening we might have to change out the top lightning rod i think those here on the sides should maybe be safe we'll find out at the moment it's still there it's very rare a very rare occasion that it actually actually rains here on the hermitcraft server or you know a real thunderstorm happens so yeah um maybe if one happens we gotta you know make sure we switch on the tesla coil so it catches all the lightning and nothing else can be hit or we have to change our design but you know we'll see all right guys with that said i say next episode shall be crazy we go explore the crazy chunk i have a few more other ideas might have a cool design for a villager gift farm that is completely overpowered i'm talking 15 000 redstone per hour [Music] we'll see all right all right guys see you see you very soon in the next episode thank you so much for watching make sure to like subscribe to all the good stuff that is required bye guys [Music] you
Channel: docm77
Views: 901,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shulker farm, shulker farm 1.17, boatempole, Hermatrix, hidden code, hermitcraft arg, hermatrix arg, minecraft arg, hermitcraft 8, hermitcraft eight, hermitcraft s8, season eight, season 8, new hermitcraft season, hermitcraft 1.17, minecraft, minecraft 1.17, hermitcraft first episode, first episode, new hermitcraft episode, caves and cliffs, docm77, docm, goat, rendog, hermitcraft new members, hermitcraft, hermitcraft docm77, hermitcraft season 8, copper farm, tegg, mega base, mega
Id: nNm5mOeH4pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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