An Infection From Rejection

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okay First Samuel chapter 16 verse 10 says this Jesse had seven of his sons passed before Samuel but Samuel said to him the Lord has not chosen these so he asked Jesse are these all the sons you have they are still the youngest Jesse answer he is tending to sheep samuel said send for him we will not sit down until he arrives this is the reading of God's Word the Word of God for the people of God thanks be to God I want to talk from this subject in our time together an infection from rejection an infection from rejection change church I want to interrupt your regularly scheduled worship gathering with this breaking news announcement there is an epidemic that has invaded the environment of everyone seated in this sacred space and watching me in the digital space it is an epidemic that is often undetected undiagnosed and underestimated it is an infection from rejection for those of you who may not agree I want to contend that rejection is universal it is ubiquitous and it is unavoidable no matter who you are how much you have accomplished you will ultimately and inevitably have to deal with the reality of rejection I can say this with confidence because the most perfect person who ever walked the face of this earth dealt with rejection this person I'm referring to is the is Jesus of Nazareth he always felt what should be felt always did what should be done always saying what should be said and always treated people the way they should be treated and people still rejected him that the Scriptures put it this way they say the stone that the builders rejected has become the chief Cornerstone so if people rejected a perfect Jesus it is unrealistic and illogical of us to expect people not to reject us everybody let me contemporize it everybody has dealt with rejection if you were denied the job that's rejection if you were denied the promotion that's rejection if you were broken up with that's rejection if you are not picked for the squad that's rejection if you are not selected for the sorority that's rejection if you did not make the team that's rejection if you did not receive the scholarship that's rejection if you slid in the DDMS and she sent you right back out I'm sorry [Applause] that's rejection everyone in every space has to deal with the reality of rejection and it is lady in ladies and gentleman rejection is a refusal on the part of someone else to accept and appreciate you for who you are and for who you're not see some people will accept you for who you are but reject you for who you're not and etymologically the word rejection has a Latin roots and it means to throw backwards because that's how the enemy our adversary wants to use rejection he wants to use rejection to inhibit our advancement to block our blessings to stop our progress he wants to use it to throw us backwards because rejection is a weapon that the enemy uses to wound the soul and the soul wound is a different kind of wound it's it's a wound that bleeds internally so when there is internal bleeding you can be hemorrhaging and not know it did you hear what I just said we can be hemorrhaging and not know it and so when we are unaware of these kinds of wounds or when we underestimate these kinds of wounds we don't properly tend to them and this is one of the critiques that God had of the church in the Old Testament so he gives a word to a prophet named Jeremiah and says to Jeremiah this prophetic Proclamation is not for the people this one is for the leaders don't talk to the pews this time Jeremiah talked to the pulpit don't talk to the people talk to the Proclaimers of truth and he said you tell people you tell the the leaders this they dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious piece piece they say when there is no peace he says he get he offers this prophetic polemic and he says to the leaders stop playing with people people are wounded and they're broken and they're bruised and you're teaching them mary had a little lamb fleece was white as snow everywhere that mary went the lamb was sure to go he says don't play with people that are bleeding he says you are putting bandages on something at least stitches he says you're telling them peace peace where there is no peace since you have unaddressed wounds and this is the danger of an unaddressed rooms it becomes subject to infection the cut might not kill you but the infection will an infection from rejection and an infection from rejection then show up in the form of pus it shows up in the form of personalities did you hear what I just said that kind of infection and show up in the form of pus it shows up in the form of personalities meaning that some infections are reflected in our identity people will call an infection their identity see that bad attitude that's not an identity that's an infection that callousness and hard-heartedness and dismissiveness that cold-heartedness that in ability to connect emotionally with someone that refusal to allow anyone to connect emotionally with you that is not identity that's infection that people-pleasing tendency that sacrifices your purpose on the altar of someone else's pleasure that is not identity that is infection that messianic complex where I have to become a messiah and swoop in and save the day for every single person and overcome it and overextend myself and help people that don't even want to help themselves two weeks from now I'm teaching you a message called five types of people you can't help but somebody say that one's for you that's not for me that's for you yeah but but swooping in and swooping in and saving people and overextending yourself and crumbling under the pressure and demands of overextending yourself that's not identity that that's infection that timidity and apprehensiveness that will not allow you to make full use of your gifts and your talents and your skill that part of you that allows you to stand on the sidelines and wait for somebody to call on you instead of stepping on the court and saying I got next that is not identity that's infection we should not attach dysfunction to our identity just because that's the way I am doesn't mean that's the way I have to be just because the things in my past shaped me into this doesn't mean God doesn't want to reshape me into that one of the images that the Bible uses to describe God is a potter we are the clay so life may have shaped you in one way but once you got in the Potters hands and you came to the potter's house the Potter wants to put you back together again the Potter wants to reach you and Remo you into who he intended you to be not into who life has made you to be [Applause] because the infection from rejection will shape you in ways that are not good for your spirituality or your success and an example of what I'm articulating is in our foundational takes here text here at First Samuel chapter number 16 this this story is a revelation that's replete with rejection rejection is all in here see in the first samuel 16 is called first samuel because this book teaches us about the activity of a prophet named Samuel and God tells Samuel okay I want you to select Israel's new king I want you to go to a house that's led by a man named Jesse cuz in that house I selected my next king so Samuel walks up to Jesse's house turns walks up rings the doorbell digs the scene with the Prophet laying woot-woot and says to Samuel says to Samuel says to Jesse there's a king in your house you don't even know it royalty walking all up and down here you don't even know it greatness is in here and you don't even see it you don't even have a glimpse or a clue of the value of what is right underneath your nose I'm not gonna bother that cuz I could couldn't I because there's some of us that can relate to that that sometimes the people that know you the best value you the lease those that's just because they see you a lot doesn't mean they see you right so Jessie says y'all got sons so he called we read it together for seven sons did he not seven sus so the first son walks out his name is Ilya he's well put together and the Bible says that Samuel who's a prophet in other word the Bible uses for prophet is seer seer a person who sees it says he walks out he sees him and he says surely this is the Lord's anointed and God's like you're a seer and you can't see he says you're looking at the wrong thing you're looking at the way they look not the way they are man looks at the outward appearance God looks at the heart we gotta pause right there because we cannot sanitize this part of the story Ilya just got rejected did he not he just got rejected this is a messed up part about it y'all ready for this this messed up he gets rejected regarding an opportunity he didn't even ask for right he's minding his business he was not pursuing a promotion to the palace and all of a sudden his dad comes to him and says you might be the key he say really and so now he gets excited about an opportunity he wouldn't have even been excited about had he not got exposed to it so the letdown is a different kind of let down because I was content until you let me see this was a possibility now I got my hopes up for it and I feel like you teasing me because I would have been better off and you just left me alone but now you you caused me to want something that you did not me and when I saw this I thought about it and I could not logically come up with any rationale and IIIi don't assume that God owes me an explanation but I really went to the Holy Spirit and say can you help me make some kind of sense of this this seems kind of cruel and the thought that came to my mind is this what if this wasn't a test what if it was training what if I'm preparing Illya for how to walk away preparing Illya with the skills he needs to walk away from what he wants maybe I'm training him to see everything you won't you can't have maybe I'm getting him ready for in this season something he's gonna have to deal with for the rest of his life cuz if God's gonna blow you up an increase in any area means an increase of options and the more options you have the more wrong doors there are for you to walk through and so your degree of discernment has to increase because you have to know that everything that looks like elevation in my assignment you have to know that you are a king without the crown that the crown that make me a king the King makes the crown did you hear what I just said [Applause] because if you're going to live on purpose you're gonna have to walk away from some doors you want to walk through and say even though that's elevation that's not my assignment I don't know who this is for but maybe God's getting you ready for a season in your life where you gonna have more opportunities that you can receive maybe God is getting you ready because you're gonna step into a season where every time you turn around there's gonna be a new opportunity and the new door that God's gonna swing open for you maybe God's getting ready to throw you into a season where you got so many options you don't even know what to do with these options and maybe he's not teasing you maybe he's training you so that you can walk away from things in the future he's got to take away from you now because you don't have enough discernment to see what's not yours so six more of Jesse's sons come before Samuel and the Lord has not chosen any of them so Samuel is confused now cuz he's probably saying now Lord I thought you told me to come down here right have you ever felt like you were sure God told you a thing when you started but then you got confused when you got there now Lord I thought you told me to do this now I'm not so sure check this out this is interesting so Samuel says are these all your sons he says no I got one more he's the youngest but he's out there tending she listened to what Samuel said send for him don't miss it we will not sit down until he arrives come on I want you to hear me in this room hear me in the overflow don't miss this he says he says we will not sit down until he arrives meaning because God told me there's a king here and if we only have one son left it means it's got to be him so we are not going to sit because you don't sit when the King walks in when a king walks in you stand let me pause for a minute and encourage someone could it be possible that the people that are looking over you and looking down on you in one season are gonna have to stand up for you in the next that the people who rejected you in one season are going to have to recognize the king in you in another season what if I told you God is getting ready to make some people stand up for you [Applause] I'm almost done but listen to this let's not sanitize the story when David walks up he's got to feel some kind of way seeing my own daddy didn't think enough of me to call me Dad you couldn't even call me you you ain't think enough of me to even call me I don't care what Samuel think of me I care what you think of me coz rejection hurts the worse when it comes from people you value the most we don't care where everybody think right something some people giving the opinion I'd like you have no idea oh you think you're being important to me I don't even think you're smart so if you like me I would be concerned okay that's no I'm not the same kind of person listen Samuel pours - all on David's head as a sign in a symbol that he's being anointed to be king listen it is so he's Olly and still injured the allbeing a metaphor for the anointing he's got oil but he's still injured cuz your anointing is not your healing just because somebody has oil doesn't mean they are not injured and when you don't get this you won't understand how some people can be so annoying it and defective and gifted and then on the other side be so dysfunctional and competitive and jealous and manipulative it's because they have confused their anointing with their healing so he's anointed and he's promoted he goes from shepherd to king but his position doesn't change his condition I'm done y'all I got four minutes I'm letting you out on time today listen no y'all everybody's complaining it don't have your kids sitting in here with you I got I feel you Pappy be looking out for the parents today I got you yeah they trusted us so we're gonna honor that listen this pattern plays out in Davis life so David ends up working as a musician for the current king that he's going to replace the Bible says the King hired him as a musician but when he comes before him Saul says to the to the Texas that saw the king loved David greatly and made him his armor-bearer that was until David start exceeding Saul's expectations sounds like I don't expect you to do this good and other people start noticing David and celebrating David singing songs about David Saul has slain his thousands David has slain his tens of thousands so the Bible says an evil spirit came upon Saul and one day while David was playing for Saul Saul had a spear in his hand and he said to himself I'm going to pin David against the wall and the Bible says he threw the spear at David but David put it on the screens please David eluded him twice somebody got it twice see somebody looking at me you said oh yeah that's not me right there I already see that's not me twice that's not me you get once I don't know why this is the real side of the rosette he said oh oh no you did you you throw something oh no I'm trying to help you you throw something at me you get one time you don't get two times listen family butts all loved him greatly so Saul gave him what Jesse didn't so even though you're trying to kill me I'll stick with you cuz you make me feel something daddy didn't so I subject myself to abusive situations and I tolerate the abuse because I'll because I don't want to live without the love yeah if you don't like me then don't talk to me go ahead them free yourself yeah you don't want me then they'll talk to me all you have to do is send me away don't kill me yeah don't use my services and then try to kill me if you don't want me just let me go [Applause] but when Jesse didn't give you love and sawdust you'll confuse love for being you'll confuse value for being used [Music] don't judge Dave because some people have been used to there was another instance where David son absalom was destroying the whole kingdom David was so passive so timid David's friend Joey I've had to come to him and say David what's up he says you treat those they love you like they hate you you treat those that hate you like they love you he says you treat people the worst who treat you the best what's up with that Oh y'all y'all hear me I'm not making sense [Applause] it's sad y'all David's infection showed up in a personality trait I'm calling selective conflict avoidance he will kill Goliath but he'll let some people kill him have you ever seen anybody that has a blind spot it's like cuz even though they trying to kill me I get to feel something with them I didn't feel from Jesse Epsilon trying to kill me now I kill her lying in a bed with my bare hands but I won't bother epsilon cuz I won't have salon to reject me I won't Saul to reject me so I have selective conflict avoidance because I don't realize that rejection is not my responsibility that rejection says more about them than it does about me what do you mean pass Adair's because most biblical historians or many biblical historians suggest that one of the reasons david treated jesse treated david so differently because it's because there's there's the potential that David was a result of Jesse's involvement with another woman so it could be that David reminded Jesse of his mistake and some of those commentators suggest that it is possible that David was not just speaking metaphorically but he was speaking literally in Psalms when he says in sin did my mother conceive me so David was taking that rejection personally he was completely missing the point because rejection number two can be a result of people's vision not your value nothing wrong with you something wrong with the eyes that they can't see that's not it's not you as them and then finally rejection can be a result of your success exposing their failure sometimes there's nothing wrong with you except you a mirror for what didn't happen for them [Music] God didn't make mistakes when he made you and I believe this series is a series that God's gonna use to heal us from the hurt or rejection do you believe that may the light of the gospel shine bright on us and expose the areas where there is infection from rejection everybody repeat after me confess this I'm not perfect but I'm enough [Music] I'm enough I'm God's he is mine now father I pray now in Jesus name that the light of the gospel was shine bright on every dark place where rejection has infected us and we are unaware lies that the enemy has told us we're not good enough we're not pretty enough without strong enough we're not smart enough you've ruined your life nobody likes you I pray that you cancel out those lies with your truth may your truth set us free break down strongholds the Great Physician the balm in Gilead heal the wounded souls stop the bleeding set us free and to who you've called us to be in Jesus name Amen clap your hands if you receive this word everybody
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 285,689
Rating: 4.8965435 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, chris durso, chad veach, carl lentz, rich wilkerson jr, pastor matthew stevenson, michan carter, toure roberts, tony gaskins, levi lusko, pastor ron carpenter, bill hybels, henry cloud, john maxwell, dave ramsey, devon franklin, pastor mike todd, criag groeschel, erwin mcmanus, pastor chris hodges, pastor stephen chandler, pastor robert madu
Id: r3QLKnkX-1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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