E X P A N D I N G to Space in Factorio

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NodaNe8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CIAoperator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

/u/auddbot what is the name of the song at 8:06?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dr_Fu_Man_Chu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FACEPALMBOY420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

very nice

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Commercial-Chemist69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It just isn’t

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Affectionate-Eye3733 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

u/auddbot what is the name of the song at 16:13?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Affectionate-Eye3733 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is the song at 16:13?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Affectionate-Eye3733 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

/u/auddbot what's the song name at 4:06

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Peeuu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
good evening [Music] in this video we fly to space in factorio that's right boyos we've installed the space exploration mod which allows us to build a rocket strap in and launch ourselves into the great beyond to explore expand and conquer gentlemen our subjugation will be vast and our profits will be faster for us to win we don't just launch a single satellite like vanilla factory no disgusting far too easy to win we must build an interstellar spaceship and fly it at the speed of light will we achieve this lofty goal will we synergistically motivate client oriented initiatives will it be overrun by the hordes of angry environmentalists or will our gross incompetence cost us everything joining us on this journey are my slate i mean employees ben and tristan so let us begin [Music] day one our journey began right here which is precisely where our little spaceship had crash landed in the distance with each from here it was up to us and our entrepreneurial spirit so we began work we built some drills to minor furnaces to smelt the ore into plates and plates into more drills to mine more oil into more plates the factory had begun we then drilled some copper coal and stone built some power infrastructure and before we knew it red science had been fully automated next expansion copper mining expanded copper melting expanded iron smelting expanded main bus built bus green science automated red science dragon city installed on your phone for free gentlemen do you like dragons do you like cities you're not gonna believe this boys but this video is sponsored by dragon city a free-to-play rpg pvp dragon collection game available for ios android windows phone [Music] and jet collect yourself over 1 000 different dragons each and every dragon will flood your break with both mean and make you truly feel alive look at this one look at this one look at this one dragon dragon dragon dragon that's a lot of dragons guys breathe your dragon lay an egg have said something that feed him look at him he is your son train him put him through the ringer in dragon ball training by smacking this little wood fighter against other dragons place them into a legal pvp [ __ ] by the green and claim ultimate victory still unconvinced if you don't download this game you will regret it there are several events each week and a battle party for truly unlimited intense gaming i still don't think you are convinced you better download this game i am living in your walls look at these youtubers my favorite minecrafters mr yeast george is still unable to be located andrea wow there he is my favorite youtuber drew in dragon 4. if you download the game for the link in the description i might get enough bargaining power to convince the devs to add a frog so download it with the link in the description and get a free reward of 15 000 food 30 000 gold and some very rare space being dragon that isn't a frog but it's okay maybe i'll get there one day they'll be all i want is frog please what are you waiting for boys if it's good enough for dreary it's good enough for you so download it i'm waiting and over research completed we had researched the belt balancer from the mod belt balances a cool little gadget that would cause us no problems whatsoever in our future in vanilla factorio if i want these eight belts to go into seven belts equally i need to build this horrible with belt balancers all we need to build is this [Music] wonderful following this we had our very first complaint from the local environmentalists so we murdered them on the spot these small bean-shaped attackers weren't yet an issue and like any good corporation we stopped the problem under the rug and pretended it didn't happen to absolutely no one's surprise this didn't work our factory fire cloud had reached them and they weren't going to stop oh look new research water fill if landfill lets you fill in water with land water fill lets you fill in land with water it's very useful and has no exploits whatsoever the protesters were back and in bigger numbers tristan and i ran out of the building we were working in and violently apprehended the suspects gentlemen the problem was growing we had three options all of which involved violence we could do nothing and get repeatedly mulled to death by the increasingly stronger biters we could hunker down more and construct turrets and walls to defend our assets or we could take the fight to them with our new weaponry we chose option three to help us ben contacted our local arms dealers and bought an army of chain guns which have big tracks autonomous driving and uh water cannons for dispersing craft so we sent them in and dispersed some crap [Music] [Applause] day two things were going great the factory was growing the environmentalist menace had been kept at bay and we were starting to use words like disseminate and synergy while tristan and i had been exploring the military science ben had been busying himself with learning trains an obsession that would lead to some truly beautiful things to build the train network we'd need lots of clear space so ben said to work water filling the nearby cliffs when he water filled under his feet and was instantly killed ah [ __ ] things had been peaceful for a while too peaceful as ben was finishing up his squeaky clean environmental coal mine he was jumped by a large group of fighters making horrible demands for higher wages and equal pay i ran up to assist and was probably mauled to death by an angry mob uh-oh twice i just killed me again [ __ ] i called justin over to help in the crowd dispersing and built a car how do you shoot all right we linked up with ben in the north with a small army of chain gunners and sent the boys in to deliver retaliatory lawsuits in enormous volume once the dust on the battle had settled it was obvious that the biters were in complete financial ruin but they would be back what we needed to do was build a wall with our selection of mods there were many options to choose from stone walls concrete walls spiked walls but really these all suck instead we can build a tiny boat out of water fill and it'll create a totally impervious barrier so just made a bunch of water fill and sectioned off the north end for good after the wall had been built the attacks cooled down for a while allowing us to expand our business to the next ray frontier the water after a little boat stuff tristan and i experimented with our latest innovative innovation supersonic trains as you can probably guess these are trains that can travel really really fast if you've got anxious crossing train tracks with these pathetic 300 kilometer on our trains they get ready to be flattened so fast that the train only appears on your screen for one frame these trains would not only give our network speed and efficiency but also an element of extreme danger i was almost ah well i'd been upgrading the trains tristan had been driving his boat and driving his boat and driving his boat i might i might die i died oh no tristan's death at sea had ripped a sense of purpose away from him he became a shell of the former man we all knew and repeatedly tried to run me down in a hit-and-run poor guy the factory was growing and the biters didn't like it for the next hour we were subjected to non-stop raids by increasingly violent environmentalists what we needed to do was go on the attack ben had been building a squad of flame tumblers high-speed cars armed with flamethrowers he sent them in only to realize that some of the biters were immune to fire damage oh wait what there's a biter that's invincible it doesn't take fire damage [ __ ] and they all died [ __ ] unfortunately for us we couldn't just water fill them off now because they were cut off lots of valuable resources first we needed to push them back and then water them bennett built himself a flame tumbler and was zooming around the battlefield at breakneck speeds he went so fast in fact that he drove straight into a rock got stuck and died we recovered ben's body brought out the waterfall and sealed off the southern flank to the base next the west the biggest chain gun army yet had been purchased from our friends at lockheed mart we took this army and set them all to the southwest flank [Music] justice was swift and the resources were claimed we finished up the wall and sealed ourselves away from the outside world the war was over and the factory building could continue on a much larger scale day three i suggested to tristan a devilish plant he would go after ben and waterfall under his feet [Laughter] i was doing some more boat stuff when another alert came over the radios somehow the biters had snuck into the factory once again what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what how the [ __ ] i drove over my flame tumbler and burnt those little shits to death the next question on my mind was how clearly the wall wasn't enough i took another quick tour of our beautiful moat and discovered literally thousands of bugs in very close proximity have i got close enough to them i could even hear them say horrible things like tax the rich clearly what we needed was to expand the gap this meant expanding water fill production so i built a rudimentary water fill factory collected a bunch of water fill and began widening the moat when this happened i collected my stuff and finished the moat widening but still unsurprisingly felt very much in danger i could tickle the nest all i wanted with my shitty sniper rifle but really i'd need some more firepower so naturally i forgot about it and it's about boat stuff we made some basic construction borders built some train stuff made use of balancer parts got planned by a train did some more boat stuff and finally after two and a half hours the biters were back in our base wait there's [ __ ] biters in our base this time somehow they managed to make a nest right smack in the middle of our territory how rude we got rid of that nest but this nest wasn't the issue the fact that they could just appear on our base now that was the issue it was time to develop a new weapon a weapon more powerful than anything we had tried before we knew that waterfield could kill tristan had used it recently to brutally murder ben in cold blood so could it work against our environmentalist friends [ __ ] you come here come here big boys come here yes yes it could it could even destroy their nests and hence a new meme was born [ __ ] you water fills your house this strategy used a lot of water filled all right [ __ ] you [ __ ] you water filling your house so ben said to work optimizing a line for full scale wartime production while then was doing that tristan joined again hopped in a flame tumbler and repeatedly drove it at high speed into our own buildings thank you tristan once ben had finished the monstrous waterfall facility we met there to discuss our game plan and a waterfall tristan our current strategy was primitive once an area had been water filled it was impossible for the biters but also impossible for us this problem was solved by ben with a very simple solution getting into the water with a boat we water filled so much area that we completely separated our base and it constructed an island safety had finally been achieved day four of our recording binge began with this ominous message in 24 hours the sun would do a little trolling ben was still at it water filling houses and has successfully sectioned off an entire gigantic island in the north that contained lots and lots of resources he then went to work trying to clear out the island and got mauled to death once again oh [ __ ] i'm dead meanwhile i began automating yellow science the last type of science pack before we had to launch anything into space two hours later i managed to hook everything up to the building and at a slow but steady stream of piss science holy [ __ ] i'm pogging out of my mind excellent we could now research many more things so we started some research and realized that our production lines were running like [ __ ] it turned out we had a lot of bottlenecks firstly i noticed that our sulfur production was lacking petroleum they checked our oil refineries they were working but then they would stop working i checked the oil train station and there was no oil which means no petroleum which means no sulfur which means no science not good i checked our oil drilling and had been tapped almost completely dry so we needed more oil well [Music] there was some oil down here a little bit past our big canal this was an excellent opportunity made a water fill some more houses so ben and i and our combined house flooding efforts managed to then separate off a few islands with oil and iron problem was these islands were still covered in biters and we couldn't just water fill them because that would remove the resources what we needed was a way to clear them out lucky for us we had researched light artillery and it was actually very effective once the oil island had been cleared i built a train station and hooked up the oil to our network this gave the science production enough of a boost to finish researching heavy artillery which we would be needing for the much larger and more dangerous north island so we built some artillery train wagons and gave it a go we had worked hard today and played factorio for 13 hours so naturally we engaged in a little rocket launcher tomfoolery i then show tristan our latest innovation supersonic trains two i'll show you which he used to suddenly and abruptly reverse directly into our artillery train tristan idiot so i ran him over just a few times oh [ __ ] once the tomfoolery session was over then went and built us some power armor mk3 which we filled with leg day five began tristan joined the server said [ __ ] ui and left thanks tristan ben and i started the day off by flying our first little satellite into space i built some rudimentary rocket bar production built up the rocket parts chucked the satellite inside and launched [Music] that's not the finish of the game i'll i'll tell you that so we just finished the game nice no we we didn't we didn't tristan we didn't finish the tristan we didn't finish the game and there we go boys we'd done it our very first object sent into the great beyond in celebration we then used the satellite to reveal a huge area of the map and a brand new planet alas we took a quick look at the surface to discover it was very volcanic and generally not nice the satellite had also revealed all the locations of the biders on our northern island so ben and i decided it was time for some expansion we called in the artillery train and laid waste to our enemies [Applause] [Music] i see you target are the orange ones your targets no tristan the children are my targets next in the agenda was making big boy smelter arrays for our brand new freshly claimed resources while i was constructing them ben came by with a brand new invention the thrust suit which he had outfitted with a jet pack pretty cool i then finished up the compass melting array by adding the train stations for these train stations i'd come up with an interesting design all it needed was about 60 balancer parts placed like this items would flow into the top and evenly distribute themselves into each chest this design was compact convenient and quite fast so of course we used it wherever we could day six began as any good day should a quick artillery barrage onto an enormous patch of biters a few minutes later we were reminded of our impending doom the coronal mass ejection it was going to happen in two minutes uh-oh we had no idea what to expect other than those big lasers from the very start of the game would be back we'd built an umbrella defense which said it could deflect coronal mass ejections and energy beams with up to 500 gigawatts of attacking power so we should be fine right the time came the coronal mass ejection began and the umbrella defense activated oh [ __ ] look at it [ __ ] oh there we go so far all was going well but then i checked the power consumption 700 megawatts 800 megawatts 900 megawatts one gigawatt 1.2 1.3 1.4 all the machines around us stopped the factory came to a halt and suddenly holy [ __ ] 19 giant death rays touched down on the factory this was very bad all the power was off and the radio was going nuts with alerts the damage seemed to be concentrated in one spot on the north island uh oh [ __ ] it's destroying your [ __ ] i'm running i'm sprinting up there i'm sprinting at a [ __ ] high velocity ben and i sprinted up to investigate and found this dude it's [ __ ] just barbecuing oh [ __ ] this particular death ray had decided to barbecue a section of rail but that was it the other 18 rays had missed completely wait a minute what's this we've gotten very lucky look at the fight there's [ __ ] roasting dividers alive boys have got it the boys have got it and none of the beams had hit anything important but what if one of them hit the main base i can confidently say it would not have been fun so what actually happened well the umbrella defense took so much power that are left none for anything else in the factory this included the offshore pumps that brought water to the nuclear reactors no water means no steam and no steam means no electricity so as soon as they shut down the factory died holy [ __ ] not good we'd gotten very lucky that the damage was so minimal so to prepare for future cmes forgot about it next we launched another satellite and discovered a new planet called nostos this one even had biters on it six minutes later we launched another one and discovered panna a teeny weeny planet covered in oil oil we launched another satellite and discovered ah accusyrind an rgb planet rich in vulcanite and finally we launched a satellite and discovered prabhava which had this very interesting structure poking out of the sand on its surface now how would we actually get to these planets so far all we've done was launch some satellites which are easy to make and can't take you up into space what we really needed was a cargo rocket so we built a cargo rocket silo and then forgot about it day seven began with ben demonstrating the power of filling your power armor mk4 with a hundred leg what you doing [Music] well i've been hard at work doing stuff then it also been hard at work doing stuff particularly in the north island where he managed to link up every single resource to our beautiful train network to celebrate this ben took out his high explosive rocket launcher our design philosophy had shifted heavily to favor trains the miners would mine ore and place them into chess trains would come by and get filled by those chests the train would take the oil to a smell to array the smells probably would smell the oils into plates and put them back on the train that train would go to another facility and deliver the place which would be combined if this system would work properly we would need to build many separate facilities that produced everything we needed i built a green circuit facility a plastic facility a red circuit facility a brick smelter a blue circuit facility a copper melted array a module production facility you get the idea lots of facilities lots of trains oh my god and lots of production the factory was expanding faster than ever so fast oh [ __ ] our power had increased so much that we could almost run as fast as the supersonic trains okay here it comes you ready bye speaking of supersonic trains we'd researched the final tier of speed supersonic trains oh three oh then built one and put the most powerful fuel possible inside it ready now this was fast but it was actually supposed to go faster when going at full tilt it could travel at 7 386.3 kilometers an hour but really it should have been going well over 50 000 kilometers an hour or about two times escape velocity my theory is that 7 386.3 kilometers an hour is the hard limit set by the game that nothing can exceed which is unfortunate because i would have liked to go at twice escape velocity day 8 was kind of [ __ ] oh my god at this point i'd grown accustomed to building with belt balances lots and lots of belt balances the game had been lagging a lot recently i opened up the debug menu and checked show time usage to get a better idea of what was eating up all my computer's resources each update in factorio can at maximum take 16.6 milliseconds to process before the game starts slowing down our update time was hovering a little over that with this debug menu we could see exactly what was taking up our precious milliseconds entities were taking around 2.5 the electricity network was taking round one and lots of other regular game processors took another combined four milliseconds what was causing us problems was script update this is where all the mods are the factory buildings were costing us nearly one millisecond endgame combat was costing us half a millisecond and finally belt balances they were costing us eight milliseconds oh no every single thing in the factory and all the biters combined produce less lag than these little yellow boxes so this left us with one option replace every single belt balancer with an actual balancer made of actual belts every train loader every unloader and many many production facilities [Music] in total we had placed 2 82 balancer parts and every single one of them needed to be removed five hours later we'd finished and built a whole bunch of beautiful belt-based belt balancers day nine was preparation day what were we preparing for space a quick trip into orbit to see what's up and then straight back down first off we needed to make the rocket and fuel it i built this liquid rocket fuel production facility turned it on and hooked it up to the cargo rocket silo next was cargo rocket part production this bastard of an item took what felt like 800 different resources to build it took around four hours and once it was done we turned it on here comes the train holy [ __ ] that's so cool day 10 today was the day after ironing out bugs in the system for another two hours the rocket parts were finally unbelt heading over to the silo i think we should we might just have to manually whoa big boy meet jesus christ look at that that's a [ __ ] that's a big boy ben gave me a thrust suit and a bunch of life support canisters to survive in the vacuum of space we made a list of all the items we would need loaded them into the silo and built the rocket a big boy the rocket was built the fuel was in and all that remained was us i'm gonna hit it three two one go [Music] [Music] once again thank you to dragon city you can download it from the link in the description i'm still living in your walls [Music] you
Channel: martincitopants
Views: 2,416,911
Rating: 4.9659114 out of 5
Keywords: martincitopants, martin, from the depths, factorio, KSP, kerbal, arma, arma 3, Battlefield 4, Tier list, Battlefield 6, just cause, minecraft, elon musk, gaming, dream, speedrun, space, Universe
Id: 2ZcqJb5qHrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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