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What the fuck is this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
Adam can I borrow your phone to check my email what's wrong with yours or better yet Jason's laptop use a laptop to check my email what is this 2011 now I need to use yours because mine died which brings me to my next question can I borrow your phone charger what happened to your phone you died ah I'd rather not get into it okay fine but I am expecting a very emphasis important phone call so if it rings get me immediately and do not emphasis again answer it sounds like somebody's expecting a call from someone else yeah who is female is what I just don't answer it all right speak of the she-devil don't answer it oh I emphasis won't oh hello this is our gal McCulloch uh yes I'm sorry I think I may have dialed the wrong number there's not an Adam there by any chance I'm calling about his application application to what now Harvard Law School Oh oh sweet mercy uh you're looking for adam aria well he's predisposed helping old people now what are you do I have to make him sound good her Argyle McCulloch may put a big fat Scottish black mark on his record well I still need to contact a few of his references anyway Oh references you say well oh it just so happens that we're having a graduation party for Adam right now yes so everyone you need to talk to is probably here well the first one is his sister his sister all here she is here you go just say something good about him Beast hello this is Adam sister why is she British why are you gonna talk in an accent hello I'm sorry Adams application mentioned he had three sisters Ashleigh Jenny and Hannah which one am i speaking to his second one but you said well hi Jenny what can you tell me about your brother oh well my brother is um he is very smart he's a smart man and he um he kids to all the people that he sees and um here's a attractive he is attractive to those who are not related to him Thank You Jenny you've been very helpful is there anyone else that you would like to talk to well the next one is a father Flaherty but I'm sure he isn't around oh he is around actually I will get him for you father Felicity okay you can stop talking like her wait father yeah what religion is Adam I don't know yes Lou this is father Flaherty Adams ecclesiastical leader oh my goodness I'm surprised you're their father Adams application said you live in Oklahoma yes Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains I'm just in town on religious business well Adam says you've known him since he was a boy yes that is accurate I remember even as a lad he was a boy Oh a boy of strong moral fibers and virtues he used to read often from ah our faiths religious texts keepers very insightful thank you Father please there's no need to be so formal you may call me actually we'd better stick with father yes thank you and by any chances is there a Tristan Brown there oh yes Kristen yes yes here you go Kristen Brown Tristan is that a man or a woman oh I don't know I'll check Facebook try and sound as androgynous as possible hello hello is this Tristan mm-hmm well it says here that you were Adams economics professor hmm ha how was he in class BAM Kristen Brown I still can't tell I'm just gonna go for it yes this is dr. Brown Adam was a fine student him in fact there was ten occasions where he single-handedly saved the life of every one of our students I would recommend him highly Thank You mr. Brown Oh in your face you're weird-looking man well please thank everyone at the party for their time and between the two of us I feel confident that based on all I've heard today Adam will be receiving an acceptance letter very soon Oh actually Adam just a rose in the room why don't you talk to him febrile aw what hello hi is this Adam Jones uh no this is Adam Berg oh my goodness I must have the wrong number what are the odds that you would be at Adam Jones's party oh well while I have you on the phone Adam I may as well inform you that we literally just filled our last spot we'll put you on the waiting list though have a good day Adam hey speechless
Channel: Studio C
Views: 2,875,905
Rating: 4.9547439 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, Studio C, Harvard, Law, School, admissions, references, college, roommates, funny, comedy, sketch, hilarious, #studioc, divine, divine comedy, BYU DC, DC, Matt Meese, Mallory Everton, Jason Gray, Whitney Call, sketch comedy
Id: FMgbvytM7rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2012
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