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Hello friends it's your favorite French YouTuber coming at you with another video today I feel like something's missing on my face there we go as you can see I have upgraded but anyways I've been meaning to do this video for a very long time why did it take so long okay most of the time I was too lazy in the past few weeks I don't know what's wrong with me I've been really tired like when I'm supposed to sit down and do a video I am really tired and I just spend the whole night playing fortnite or OverWatch or something but today we're gonna do it I'm gonna be recreating some of my favorite tick tocks there's a lot of them I honestly don't know where to begin so we are going to go through my favorites right now I'm gonna show you what I like so the thing is with Tick Tock videos a lot of them get copyrighted I kid you not there is somebody that is specifically hired from each company to like watch every single video to make sure it doesn't even have one second of copyrighted music in it okay so the first one we're gonna do is the choose your character [Music] Brenda the single Pringle belly the Lost Boy Betsy the dancing granny which will you choose so this looks pretty good I like this one it's one of the first tick tocks I did but it was really bad and I didn't really know how to make a tick tock so let's try this again we're gonna do this [Music] I love these ones so your girl looked all over Tick Tock to find this filter because everybody was doing it I'm like what is this filter and how do you find and then I have to pull up a Google Search and it's called Shrinky Dink and then I'm like wait how do you search for filters on Tick Tock and then I had to watch a nine-year-old girl's YouTube video tutorial and she taught me how to do it it's actually on Snapchat you can search for filters and that's all we're gonna do today but first I need some pudding all right I'm hoping Snapchat has a hands-free because otherwise how do you do this I gotta record myself okay I just figured out how to use it I'll make a professional Tic Tac that will go viral all you need is yogurt you must open the yogurt oh that is good yogurt I'm Gonna Save the rest of this for later that's actually delicious oh my God it's gonna message on it it says smart it looks good on you thanks take that haters Shrinky Dink okay so I'm gonna set my phone right in front of me oh there we go there we have it ew how come some people look cute when they do this I just look straight up ugly so we got a yoga God we got our spoon the goal is to eat this as quickly as possible I'm going to mix it up I just bought new leggings and I'm gonna be very upset if I get yogurt on them oh my God we're having technical difficulties yogurt I did it I think I did it okay for the sound you have to make an alien noise okay ladies and gentlemen we did it okay this next one is a prank that people have been doing to like their boyfriends girlfriends parents and I wanted to try it so basically they have no idea what they're about to do let's watch okay touch your toes or try to at least no no you gotta like bend over and touch your toes okay no you gotta stay down there oh Now spell run are you at we'll see it again are you and [Music] what's happening Ah that's dirty like if you get it I'm about to try it out though don't think just just do it okay because I know you think I know you question things just what do I do just do what I say without thinking about it I don't want to do it just do what I say without thinking about it okay touch your toes uh spell run r-u-n say it again run no spell it again r-u-n louder r-u-n what I don't get it I don't get it Bella it slowly say slowly and it's because I'm making an n on the floor when I touch my toes like what I I don't get it you're bending over and you're saying are you in oh are you in in r-u-n spell IHOP IHOP say Nest Nest yeah all right so this next one I don't know where this came from or anything about it but I like it and I wanted to do it laughs I just want to excuse to scream at four in the morning it's not like I don't do that already okay so we gonna have to put another box on our box and make a double tripod really weird story I got candle wax inside my other camera lens which is a wide lens and I cleaned it out and it's still blurry and yeah I don't know what to do now so I'm stuck using this lens where I have to get a good table angle going eat that out of the way gotta get a pencil and paper you know we gotta put effort into this make it look like ow pull out quality content you know we got we got props here I'm gonna make mine a little more realistic you know I actually put something down on the paper because you know we had no small Channel anymore this is a 13 million subscriber Channel we gotta act like it this is so Overexposed you can't even see this does this even focus what I need that I'm gonna use that voiceover am I supposed to be recording this on my phone at the same time that's gonna be hard you know what maybe we're gonna cheat a little because I swear people on Tick Tock do this too but they just record their Tick Tock with a regular camera and then just like edit it after now I'm gonna do another take just in case my acting wasn't good enough [Music] I need a shoe I want to throw a shoe because growing up we didn't throw pens we did the bones we throw shoes I only get hit by balenciagas I hope I did that okay all right so we did all those parts now we're gonna do the other part see this is like the whole making of a tick tock making of a video I kind of like this so basically I'm just gonna squeal and then edit all this later baby are you here can you throw a shoe at me those are heavy shoes they're gonna hurt just do it like like very lightly hit the back of my head hit my headset off I'm scared no that's gonna hurt why did I pick these shoes look at the other shoe get my Toms they're soft I found this on my floor Greta you messy if you're watching this you gotta clean up leave it trash on my floor one of those has to be fine okay whoa what happened to the lighting all I did was move my camera what's going on here anyways the next one we are doing is probably one of my favorites Mia Khalifa as the hit or miss song which is the Mia Khalifa diss track I should probably change for this look at me I'm so good at cosplay literally slap my wig on I don't know if I should do pigtails or you know like maybe we'll do like those havesies oof gotta make this as accurate as possible okay gotta practice my twirl I think we should wear glasses because you know it's about Mia Khalifa instead of the black casting capture got the black casting chair get out of here this is family friendly alright so it starts off one two and then I must come into the frame spinning and which way does she spin clockwise or counterclockwise these are things you need to know so she starts out like this and then it's like hit or miss let's do another take wash my miles this time hit or miss intermitt there's too much hair her hair is short I'm calling my manager I'm gonna have to speed this up I'm gonna do it slow and then I'm gonna speed it up accordingly I didn't say hit or miss Hit or Miss whatever part one finished this is easy I guess they never miss huh you know cute smile and everything I guess they never miss huh we gotta eat my real hair back this is my real hair now okay this is gonna be difficult walk seductively towards camera you got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss ya too much booty you got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss you he go find another girl he will miss you he go find another girl he will miss y'all what are these movements she does like is that it I gotta make sure my dad is on point he gonna start and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa step one look worried he goes he goes there's a whole damn workout and then a slow-mo it looks like she's starting to do the orange Justice dance okay I think we got it [Music] me I just finished watching that and I think it came out pretty decent but it doesn't matter what I think comment below let me know if I did it okay I think the last part came out a little janky but what can I do oh my God I literally said to look at the camera and smile Hello friends it's me and today we're going to be recreating some tick tocks you know I really want to be more active on Tick Tock I do I have a couple million followers I don't post nothing and when I do it's definitely not quality I live here on YouTube so there's this hack on Tick Tock where you could just like rub something any object up on your wall and it will stick it will stay no glue no tape no adhesive necessary I have not tried this I don't get the logic behind it what makes it stick so the logic behind this is friction basically even though this looks like a smooth surface molecules are in fact not smooth so come on I know you wanna I'm gonna make me break my phone for this okay we're gonna try it with a lighter object I would even try but like y'all saw that you all saw that it's there no glue magic not really though it's science it's like stuck y'all can't fake this again you want to take the object and then go hard and fast in an upward motion and basically it's gonna like there's well nothing nothing here nice magic whoa abandoned Delgado oh heaviest one yet what else I got here iPad too heavy so this does actually work but with certain objects people been making Tick Tock putting their dogs on a diet so they take like one Yogi kibble put it in the bowl and the dogs like are you serious I feel like my dogs are very humble they'll take what I give them and they'll be grateful you guys hungry you guys hungry you're hungry aren't you you guys are hungry aren't you what and as you guys are hungry are you gonna eat it I gave you food it's right there oh they took one you're gonna eat it and you're gonna be grateful there's something you want she's like I'm good where's the food because I'm feeling extra generous today I will spare you two more [Music] there's more food hey okay okay okay mommy's been messing around there's gotta be one of my favorite new filters on Tick Tock and then I looked everywhere and I'm like I see this all over Tick Tock but it's not on Tick Tock so there's actually an Instagram filter it's called the time warp so you're gonna go on Instagram click on any filter and type in time war and then what bam you got a handful of these that's how you find it I thought this one was really cool so it's basically just like holding her by her head like a dang sack of potatoes and then she gonna make a dead face and then when he say drop she gonna drop yeah let's just hit balls in her head okay I think I can do this we're gonna drop no who is that in the corner ma'am oh look I moved and then you see the bags under my eyes I look terrifying oh no I did it wrong [Music] babe yeah we did it I think we did it did we do it we we might have done it maybe there is a slight possibility no we didn't do it perfectly no you just let go why do I have to let go because I need to release myself from my hair to go down do we do it yeah it got your shoulders oh no that means you didn't do it no so I went down as soon as I hit my mouth and it was like it's not good enough it was like it's glitchy you look very proud of your prize literal beheading okay this one's for the boys but like boys y'all gonna give me permission to try this please because I was intrigued by his Ziploc bag and he could just keep stabbing it with pencils and it's not leaking not a drop nope we don't waste water in this household and he just keeps going at it what is the science behind this grandpa be doing magic tricks so I have this Neato little Waterside y'all ever buy a goldfish and they put it in here so the only thing I have is sharp as a pencil are colored pencils which believe it or not are not as sharp as regular pencils so it might not work with these because they're not as sharp as can be so I'm probably gonna use kebab skewers and we're just gonna go at it here no leaks three two one no you've lied to me I thought anything was gonna happen except that look at me the fool who brought the whole pack thinking I was gonna stab all of them in there I guess this one is truly for the boys I saw what you were talking about did you show it to me or did I yeah he did it with a pencil but I don't think it matters if it's a pencil or a toothpick or I have a toothpick you guys are fortunate I have my toothpicks on standby so with a little water we have left I'm gonna use toothpick oh the toothpick worked would you look at that the toothpick went through flawlessly both sides through the water no leaks okay well that's a lie there's a leak it's dripping slowly but this worked I filled it up again we're gonna do a round two with a pencil this time here we go oh you see that there is a little drizzle stop it please oh oh oh look look look look look very cool very cool look science wow two holes water comes out both sides if you know me big fan of flowers but like expensive looking flower arrangements go for like hundreds of dollars so she took a big bowl put a little bowl in it taped it up into a grid formation pop the flowers in so they sit like they look like thick that's a voluptuous bouquet okay this is the kind of flower arrangement I want for less than twenty dollars foreign so I got all my flowers today I managed to get the same ones that she got in the video I got the hydrangea hydrangea hydrangea and some white roses I spent like 20 bucks on these the only big pot that I could find was this one it's a Halloween one but it's perfect for right now and then I have a hidden jar inside here and I filled it up with water I'm gonna put some plant food in there so they can eat good while decorating my house and we're gonna take tape and tape across here in a grid formation wow look at us doing a heck the proper way I'm gonna put that in so these are too long so I just cut the stems shorter so hopefully it'll work better and I'm just going to I guess pop these in each hole is it as simple as that I have some rocks in the hidden secret jar just so they like kind of stay better I mean I had it before I was just too lazy to take them out I'm just gonna pop these all in one in each hole okay we don't have enough for that this isn't as plush as I thought it would be I brought three packs I thought it'd be enough I have some roses though I'm gonna pop them in hopefully it'll save me maybe I should put some more in the middle yeah I should be putting these all in the middle okay now it's coming along and put them in the middle and then I'm gonna put the rose on the outer sides no I think most of them should just go in the middle ow y'all are thorny okay you know what we are making a mighty fine flower arrangement here I think it's coming out no okay I think I'm gonna stick to putting them in the middle okay I have to make sure everything is going in the water and going in the holes coming out really nice okay here we go what do you think look out on camera because it kind of looks sorry in real life it looks nice beautiful yeah I feel like I needed more flowers so this is a big old pot if I move things around a little more it would have looked nicer more put together but it's definitely way nicer and more Lush than if I would have just shoved everything in there it is Hello friends it's me and today we're going to be recreating some of my favorite Tick Tock if there are any tick tocks you guys want to see me recreate comment them below let me know I don't know if this is a challenge or what but it was intriguing to me what this dude oh oh when I saw him hit that can I was like oh no you know he talking about how this was so easy to eat a can with your booty cheek okay phone you see that's that's probably fine oh I feel like I'm gonna be very badly bruised if I do this wrong but let's see what we can do I'm not really sure what this challenge is called I might just call it the booty eat we're gonna be doing this Corona Edition so I'm gonna walk in the frame food I'm pretty sure I did that wrong oh you poor bottle of antibacterial soap gonna show it to you aloe vera toilet paper can't be wasting this kitchen towel bag of whey ow oh I'm gonna pull me a muscle it didn't go ooh like I wanted it to [Music] foreign [Music] okay you know that started out great and I was like I want to do this just not the end unfortunately I don't have the luxury of stairs in my house we're gonna have to make do I'm gonna hold the snacks in your hand don't eat all of them okay that works make it smaller even smaller but it has to go in my mouth that's what she said I don't like this if I come to wait wait wait don't put it down yet oh wow it has to be straight oh my teeth all right we have to do this flawlessly I have to shut up and take wait wait wait wait I'm not ready for the next Eminem [Music] cracked on the floor our stick is not straight either [Music] oh it worked I love the taste of metal and chocolate you ready for the next one yeah hold it we can't do that because we don't have stairs why'd you let go okay that's enough for the sake of copyright I can't play the song but this dance is so cute [Music] okay I got it this one's gonna be really hard I have absolutely no dancing skill whatsoever so we're gonna do this really slow on Tick Tock I have only practiced this in my head several times all day today we're just gonna go for it I'm too freaking slow even at the slowest speed Bam Bam wham bam yes ma'am I did that wrong is that it oh my God awkward moment at the end oh my God she's singing at the same time it's like level two I don't know the words except didn't even notice okay you know what I'm not gonna talk during this one I'm gonna smile I'm gonna try not to look awkward God I'm sweating yeah no I did the wrong hand gonna record in my screen so you see how stupid I look I did the wrong hand again she renegaded an eye when I failed [Music] okay you know that's better that's better but we can do better I'm worried that I'm gonna reshoot this and it's gonna be the best I can possibly get I've never smiled so much in my life one more time it's not gonna get better than that that looks as good as it's gonna get you know what roast me I don't care that's as good as it's gonna get oh the good old mirror reflection I always wanted to make one of these I'm gonna have to figure this because I know it's a reflection I know you take it like your finger and then it spawns and then you pick it up and then you eat it this next one is the mirror reflection I have not used this one either I mean do I look like someone that uses Tick Tock I feel like I only make tick tocks for these videos okay that's that's a symmetrical as we're gonna get can I press the record without messing up my avatar nose foreign oh my God I had three boobies for a sec okay okay and I wanted to eat more but it just stopped it I'm gonna put a countdown since Tick Tock wanna be so impatient let me let me align my boobies together [Music] what's up I think I think we're doing good we ate the finger okay you know what that's fine that's fine that's fine I don't even know what this effect is called delay you see your girl she old I am probably double the age of the average tick tocker you know I always wonder what I look like punching myself in the face so I can get a taste for what that poor like button feels this is my first time using the delay filter okay so you have to wait for it so I'm I'm backing up hahaha [Music] no it looks like I'm punching myself I have to punch and then turn around real quick [Music] no okay no it still looks like I'm punching myself punching them oh that was good that was good can I get a round of applause for all my minions y'all whole class looking at you like laughs okay at this point I'm just messing with this okay butt would be right here whoa whoa so hard okay you know what this is really hard I'm just gonna try to do the punch okay maybe I'll do a kick [Music] it's like punch oh yeah I have to wait and I have to punch more directly all right foreign [Music] I can't get this one to work wait did I actually do it this is so stupid Oh my God but it kind of works it kind of works okay just when I had given up I think I got one that I'm mildly impressed with at least with my skill it takes two to horse so basically assume your position okay guys let's stop horsing around and try this out I always wondered what my hair would look like as a horse butt okay okay you you you start like this and then hop up and down wait I don't think that looked like a horsey I think it looked like a human no it doesn't look like a horsey it just looks stupid you be the horsey you'll be the horses you probably make a better butt than me look because your hair goes like that you don't even have to put in a ponytail you just put it like this oh what a mess okay and then just nod your head okay you're gonna be a great butt oh look at that that's a great butt [Music] that is one thick horsey butt I mean I look back at it you could do this perfectly no no put your hair down he already put his hair back up nod your head mostly down something on the show that's a thick horse I got one two three four one two three thank you [Music] good enough smash like if you would ride our horse think of something random okay okay all right nothing about me did it do anything nope well I don't love you oh wow I think this is really cool so basically go to your man's and Flash him in the face make sure you could see his eyes and ask him to think about you so when you think of something you love your pupils are supposed to dilate and get bigger I'm gonna suck for you because I'm gonna flash you the bad kind of flash I need your eye I have to record your eye for this okay why so just like look somewhere else you don't have to look directly at it now open your eyes open your eyes baby I need a good view of your eye okay so you're gonna have to suffer for this open your eyes come on it is open no it's not okay there that's that's an okay angle babe no you need to deal with it for like a minute what are you in a minute long think of something you like what you should give me a good angle is this really that hard why don't we try it on you you won't do it on me okay there we go come on think of something you like nothing of me think of something you know you guys got a hell of a big one I know exactly they shrunk man these people ain't going nowhere I got some doo doo brown eyes you can't see anything take a look at this watch as the artist shows a simple easy way to draw a hand in just 15 seconds the artist creates a pretty remarkable image of a hand and it looks pretty simple right we're gonna wow me when I try to draw a hand I love drawing but the thing I struggle most with are hands like why you built like that but can we talk about how long this lead is you picked that pencil off the paper the whole cylinder of lead gonna pop right out I really want this to work this is supposed to be a simple way to draw a hand okay we don't have any paper in this household oh my God they're going so fast whoa slow down there fam wait where's the thumb okay um I don't know about this one let's try that again it's all in the nines skirt skirt finger pinky Palm why does it come out like that why is the shape like that why is the Palm built like that there's two parts in every Palm bro this ain't it two three four I'm actually pretty good at drawing and this is see if I did it myself I would draw this just kidding I can't draw hands okay this is the position I would do okay see that's much better see that's how I do it this oh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 2,119,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: XqzpI06wLpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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